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Why do so many bosses in this game have multiple phases? Seems

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Why do so many bosses in this game have multiple phases? Seems like either lazy boss design or a lack of confidence in making challenging bosses. Some of them are good, yes, but some are awful. It seems they want to focus more on combat in this game and it isn't working.
>boss have fiery power up
How many times?
Multiple phases requires more work than one moveset for the whole boss fight. How is it lazy?
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Lack of confidence indeed, it was okay the first three times, but making every boss a dragon ball character is simply bullshit

>oh look i'm dead
>lmao it's a prank bro i'm stronger
>i also brought my friends haha

the whole game is like that
>people liked the double boss fight against O&S
>Datk Souls 2 ends up full of multi boss fights
>people liked the two phase fight against Ludwig in Bloodborne
>Dark Souls 3 ends up full of two phase boss fights
It's more work crafting a boss that is worth its weight in one phase than to tack on a second phase for the purpose of difficulty. It's a lazy way of making the boss fight hard, and that is also disappointing because the multiple phases are there just to appease the 1337 hardcore crowd who think the game is about difficulty.
You faggots will spin anything as much as possible to make this game look bad.

Multuple phases was a fantastic feature and one of the reasons why the ds3 has some of the best boss fights
why would you want a boss fight to repeat the same pattern over and over

what are you a witcher 3 fan haha
Most souls bosses have more than one phase, they just don't have a cutscene between them so retards don't notice. Bosses have gotten more aggressive and used new attacks after getting to low health since DeS.
I agree that a fight like Friede is incredibly frustrating.

I think the way to do it is more like Nameless King, where the first phase is completely different, and also very non-bullshit from the second phase.

Feels better, and because the first phase doesn't have bullshit elements (if you think this you are bad), it's easier to get back to that second phase and learn his moves. Same shit with Ludwig in Bloodborne.

Essentially, fights with multiple bosses in a phase that isn't the last, often leads to bullshit moments.
au contraire, my handicapped fellow, the last phase is the true phase on most bosses, they add an easier first phase so you're not overwhelmed as soon as you start fighting the boss, and can start to get used to the fight, and then, later on, the fight reaches its climax as the boss powers up, though some fights just completely change (like Nameless King), they make sense in context

if you want an example of a 2 phase boss done poorly, it's Ornstein and Smough

>first phase is just bait Ornstein away from Smough, then destroy him
>second phase Smough alone is easy as fuck
>alternatively, go out of your way to kill Smough first, bait Ornstein then move onto Smough repeatedly, will take forever because Ornstein will likely charge at you
>lonely Ornstein is just as much of a shitter as lonely Smough
or you can just ruin the fight by casting a couple spells, getting inside the fog wall and then casting greater heavy improved soul destruction and destroying Ornstein in 3 seconds (though again, the fight isn't that good anyways)
And by bullshit moments i mean moments that are very rng. Example, in the Friede fight, you might dodge Ariandel sideways, and then immediatly get hit by the frost shit on the ground from Friede. Fuck that shit.
All that wall of text just to show how retarded you are.

Die from cancer contrarian son of a whore. DaS3 bosses are great.

BB > DAS3 > DAS > DAS2 > DES
I wouldn't consider that a phase. I'm referring to emptying the bosses health bar and then having to continue the fight.
So you think it is easier to make a boss that is fair and challenging with only one phase than to make a multi-phased boss?
Let me guess, you're one of those bandwagoners who think Souls is about difficulty and combat, right?
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>final boss is a really great mix of multiple different fighting styles that really requires you to adapt on the fly
>lol lets just make them fight Gwyn again after

Literally why
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multiple phases so that the boss has an unprecedented emotional expression, You fucking retarded.
if you're not trying to attack at a specific point in time, it is very much possible to dodge both of them without any issues, the problems arise when you try to beat them while they're up and about, and you should only start attacking when you see Ariandel start an attack that you know you don't have to worry, or he's too far away (and even then, control your camera so you can see him because he might start doing his stepping smashes, in that case, stop attacking when he's close enough and dodge)

your mother

well, I'd define it as easier, yes
>less effort because the boss won't change movesets
>less effort because the boss won't change visually
>less effort because you don't have to set up triggers to make him go phase 2
>less effort because you don't have to decide how he's going to transition (absolutely nothing? le aoe explosion meme? will I give him extra life to compensate for staying in place for a long time before transforming? or will it be instant transformation?)
I think there's no room for debate, it requires less effort to make the boss with only 1 phase
It's about making a boss that is challenging and fair. If that is the goal it is certainly easier to just tack a new boss onto the old one and call it one boss than to make a boss that is challenging and fair with one health bar.
>le so angry that I'm suddenly stronger after fighting.
Fucking japs.
All the emotion on Gael's fight was lost when he turned into Guts, so multiple phases don't always make that facet better.
Bosses where the health bar regenerates have low hp for each phase.

The only boss where a later phase moveset is totally unrelated to the previous is an optional challenge boss.
>Bosses where the health bar regenerates have low hp for each phase.
and what bosses do you think are unfair? this is too vague to discuss without a good example to be discussed

I wouldn't call it totally unrelated, the lightning cues in phase 1 give ou a good idea of how phase 2 will work

I don't find any emotion in Souls bosses except for the visuals and music at the fight itself, since all I have before fighting them is some vague mention about their name and maybe 1 or 2 things they did

Nope, but I am intelligent enough to comprehend that boss fights is one of the most important aspects of Souls games. Die from cancer DeS/DaS2 nostalgia faggot. Get cancer and die.
Fuck Sulyvhan with a rusty tire iron
>and what bosses do you think are unfair?
Did you even read my post? When did I mention bosses being unfair?
Bosses are important, fights not so much.
everytime I see a post like this
I imagine someone using shitty weapons having problems beating a boss because they take forever to kill them

like Dark Souls 1 being difficult meme never working for me because I used the Black Knight Sword, which fucking destroys everything with it's crazy DPS, great range on moves, easy to upgrade to +5, great even without any str/dex investment

>Did you even read my post? When did I mention bosses being unfair?
>it's about making bosses challenging and fair
well, if you think they're all fair, why are you even bring this stuff up?
>multiple phases
>lazy boss design
No it's just a different angle of boss design. It requires just as much work, if not more.

>>376604889 got it right. Multiple phases gives bosses more character and also makes the experience more adventurous. I actually love the boss designs in Dark Souls 3 for this reason.

What is the purpose of bosses? To fight them. Get cancer DeS/DaS2 cucks, you are mad that BB/DAS3/DAS have the best bosses. DeS and DaS2 bosses never make it in top 20s, let alone top 10s hahaha.
The truth is people are too used to cheesing with poise and hugging the crotch of large bosses.

From improved boss fights a ton from DaS1 and 2 and they start to whine.
Dark Souls 3 has the best feeling combat and the best bosses in the series. I don't know where all these fucking contrarians came from trying to shit on this game, but I wish they would take their shit taste somewhere else. Anybody who hates multiple phases hates video games in general.
that's the opposite of lazy design
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>multiple phases
>lazy design
What a fucking retard holy shit
So me saying that it is more difficult to make a challenging and fair boss than to make a challenging, fair multiple phase boss somehow means I think all the bosses are unfair? I think you have an axe to grind and you're putting words in my mouth based off that.
That's not their purpose at all. What top 10? Who is the authority on this?
>I keep dying to the boss on the second phase
>Boss is bad this is lazy design
>a souls thread that hasn't devolved into retarded "tier posting"
Screencap this one, it's rare
>I imagine someone using shitty weapons having problems beating a boss because they take forever to kill them
+8 Heavy Greatsword. Never made a str build in a souls game before and decided to try this when I got the GOTY version. Every other boss has been a piece of piss apart from Abyss Watchers.
DaSIII uses the BB strategy of rolling through attacks, actually. They didn't improve them at all from DaS1 or DeS. They just highlighted how simple and limited the combat is. They forgot that combat was not a focal point of the series.
>They forgot that combat was not a focal point of the series.
They forgot that with Dark Souls 2, I think they remembered during Bloodborne's development.
This is why nu-Souls fanbois can't take criticism. Every critique is responded to by saying a variation of the "got gud" meme. Why can't you accept that nu-Souls (DaSII and DaSIII) is poorly crafted and less realised than original Souls (DeS and DaS)?
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I don't mind the multiple phase bosses, but they could spread them out more.
They forgot it with DaSIII, too. But Bloodborne is more akin to the original Souls, yes. They should have never made the numbered games.
Stopped reading right there
I didn't know DaS3 had a missing archstone and everything past O&S.
Not that guy but while Dark Souls 3 may miss the point at times, it doesn't deserve to be placed on the same level as 2. Why people do this I'll never know.

3's environments, enemy designs, armor designs and boss designs are so much better than 2's it's not even funny. 2 is a seriously ugly turd by comparison. 3 at least had that going for it. The two handed / powerstancing element was also more fun in 3.
Even with the other games being handicapped by that they're still miles better than nu-Souls.
>two handed / powerstancing element was also more fun in 3
But it's not in DaS3.
>flashy and over the top
>the previous assets from the other games are slapped in together with everything even the monsters
ye sure buddy

>the purpose of bosses is not to fight them

So what is Dark Souls III?
A discount Bloodborne or a discount Dark Souls I?
I recommend you try the twin winged knight axes, make them Heavy, fucking great damage and speed with the dual wielding L1, only problem being if you absolutely need a shield all the time, and fighting enemies with shields because the L1 bounces right off (but I think there are still ways around that like R2ing)

I'm suggesting them because eventually you'll get to bosses where you can't have a slow weapon or you're fucked

Die a painful death contrarian son of a whore, retarded nostalgia cuck.

BB > DAS3 > DAS >>>>>>> DAS2 > DES
DS2 is better than 3 and an improvement over 1.
Bloodborne is the best Souls game.
But none of those things, except maybe environment, is really that important to the games. But the reason they're together is because they set out for the same goal, to make an action game focused on challenging combat.
You have different moves when you switch to two handed. It's not quite like powerstancing but it felt like an evolution from that. Powerstancing was convoluted and most players didn't even know it existed because its presence in the game was next to nothing.

All of the games reuse assets, there's no point in making brand new ones in all occasions. Doesn't mean the environments weren't still well crafted and a thousand times more detailed and interesting than 2's.
Discount BB with armour and shields and poor level design. Nothing much in common with DaS1 fundamentally.
>designs aren't important to the games
They are the #1 importance. It's the plebs who think the games are about combat primarily. The people who got hyped for Demon's Souls before it came out were interested in the world and setting and how it presented things to the player.
>DS2 is better than
None of them. Ugly and boring world design with only a few cool areas makes it inferior to the rest of them.
You said armour, enemy, and boss designs, not designs otherwise. Environment design is important, yes,but enemy, armour, and boss design is not high priority.
Thanks, will try that once I finish work. No shield shouldn't be an issue though I will miss the grass crest stamina regen.
t. didn't play Demon's at launch
Not as much as DS3 did though.
>Seems like either lazy boss design or a lack of confidence in making challenging bosses
Seems like you need to git gud. Different phases in bosses are fucking awesome.
All those designs constitute "world design," you can't differentiate like that.
You differentiated them in the first place.
The enviroments in DS3 are actually alot more boring and generic.Just because it was made in a more recent engine doesnt make the areas more unique.The game is pretty and vibrant which makes it boring.
it still works on your back though, but I'm not sure if it stacks with cloranthy ring

by the way, there's a cloranthy ring +3 near the end of the ringed city dlc iirc
>le got gud meme
>le combat is important
How is combat not important in a souls game? You sound violently retarded. This thread is like a tornado of diarrhea.
I placed them in equal value.
Yeah it still works on your back, I was just worried about equip load
das3 is not as bad as you people try to make it seem like and i have to say this is the freshest of stupid criticisms
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Because Japan has a fetish for final forms.
It's literally DS2 contratians teaming up with DS1 nostalgiafreinds after people have started to realize that 2 was garbage and 1 had pretty poor boss design compared to 3/BB
If the game was about combat it wouldn't have such bare bones and awful combat. Nu-Souls focuses on combat, that's why they're poor. They tried to turn a game that wasn't about combat into a game about combat.
that's on you balancing str and... vit? whatever the stat is, as well as balancing your armor versus having a shield equipped alongside your weapons

just remember to never leave an armor slot empty
But you differentiated them.
Do you have brain problems, anon?

t. Nostalgia cuck. Ludwig bossfight alone is worth more than the entire game of DeS. Get cancer cuck.
>be OP
>heard souls games are challenging
>surely a pro gamer like me won't have a single issue
>buy latest game because who cares
>find out bosses have multiple phases, giving them a diverse movesed through the encounter
>get my ass kicked every time because I can't adapt to the new moveset
>co whine on /v/ but not really whining, I just insult it pretending it's a bad and lazy game design rather than admitting that multiple phases are forcing me to learn how to counter the boss more than once per battle

It's to avoid becoming a retard like this that I browse /v/ only when I take a shit to have a laugh, otherwise I actually play games, improve my skill and have fun.
I meant differentation in their value, idiot.
So the game is good due to your nostalgia and not objective reasons that can withstand the test of time?
Normally I don't mind multi phase fights, but Friede was overkill
I actually liked this. If a boss was challenging to begin with, and you expect a second phase, it really motivates you. It also saves a bit of excitement. Learn attack patterns to beat their ass, then they switch gears which forces you to switch your approach.

>>fuck. This boss is destroying my shit and i havent even gotten to the second phase; I better step it up.

>>yes i finally did it. Oh shit, now none of my tactics are working so Ive gotta try a different approach.

Would you rather the traditional approach of working out their weakness and doing it three times to kill them?

Don't forget DeS nostalgia cucks, they ate subhumans.
I found it fine, because by the time you're supposed to fight her the bosses have like no health if you build yourself correctly. That's always been a problem in the souls games. Bosses do not have enough health.
But you said they have equal value.
You didn't play it at launch, just fucking admit it. Otherwise you wouldn't hold it in disdain like that.
t. nu-Souls kid who doesn't understand why DeS and DaS are good
Then what the fuck were they ever about if not the combat?
because you need to think about how you use your estus.

You're dumb as fuck son, how is designing a multiple phase fight less work than just doubling the health of the boss?

Everything you've stated in your analysis is the opposite of what one should rationally conclude & I feel sorry for you because you are either 13 or your IQ is subnormal.

And yes, dark souls is about combat, retard. Action RPG and all that.
When have you ever had to do one thing three times?
Trolls don't work when only you come across as the retard with no reading comprehension skills.
Having multiple phases is a lot more fun than the boss staying the exact same throughout the fight. It also makes estus management more important, because you know there is going to be a harder second phase, meaning that you have to play well and conserve estus in the first phase.
>I placed them in equal value.
That's what you said. Now you say
>I meant differentation in their value, idiot.
So which is it?
World design and exploration were and still are primary importance in dungeon crawlers. Combat is secondary and mostly there to enhance the former.
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So are there any relations between Painted world of Ariendal and Painted world of Ariamis? Did the painter girl painted the giant painting in Anor Londo?
DaSIII throws so much estus at you that it doesn't even matter.
>So are there any relations between Painted world of Ariendal and Painted world of Ariamis?
They're literally the same place. Right above where you fighting gravetender (where Dunnel invades) is where you fought Priscilla in DaS1.
Ariandel is just Ariamis, but after having gone through their own version of the cycle.
I don't think your argument doesn't make much sense. I don't understand how a boss that changes up its moveset to make the fight more challenging and keep the player on their toes is a sign of lazy design. Whereas if you had some kind of problem with that from an aesthetic standpoint, for whatever reason, that's fine, but it doesn't really have any bearing on interesting boss mechanics or difficulty.
Wow you are completely off
The world building and exploration is to give the combat a deeper meaning and the overall game a feeling of progression. It does not come first, combat with enemies and bosses does.
How fucking retarded are you? I called (You) out for differentiating them. Now fuck off.

Pointless fucking chain of responses just to curb the dialog.
I like two-phase fights when the boss has 1 health bar and they go to phase 2 at 50% or whatever of that bar, like Midir does. I do not like 2-phase fights like Friede, where you keep depleting a bar to 0 only for it to refill. My reasoning is that if you see 1 bar, you will manage your resources around that 1 bar. If you are fighting Friede and having a jolly old time trading blows in phase 2 while chugging estus, only to did you have 0 healing left at the start of phase 3, it feels unfair since you were sure that phase 2 was "the boss."

Are you retarded? What disdain? DeS is a good game, I don't hate it, I hate the nostalgia cucks who rate it higher than others. You nostalgia whores need to be killed. DeS was surpassed by every other Souls game. BB and DaS3 are of such a high quality that DeS looks terrible in comparision. I only tolerate people rating it higher than DaS2, which I disagree with, but I tolerate it. Anytime I see a retard rate it higher than BB, DAS3 or DAS I will intervene. Die from cancer.
You listed them separately, you could have said world design rather than differentiating them.
Then why is the combat so shallow?
>What disdain?
>You nostalgia whores need to be killed.
Pretty sure it's scrapped mechanics. It's why fire phases are so common.
Same reason that bonfires are every 3 feet.

It's not like the Gwyn fight in 3 is even any good.
The only attack that really sticks out at all is the long range cinematic multi-hit attack and Gundyr does that shit ten times better.

It's fairly lazy boss design for 3 though.
Making a fight good throughout is generally better and the 2 phases for every fight are pretty static in 3 since they will always kick in after you knock the health bar down enough and with few exceptions there are always two of them.
DaS2 for all of its faults had significant changes in the fight dynamic (beyond just phases) occur with more input and variance on the player's part. If DaS3 had embraced that kind of dynamic then it might have been all the better for it.

It does have a tiny amount of Anor Londo, the Profaned Doorstep, Consumed King's swamp, Archdragon Peak, Dark Firelink and third copypasted firelink of the consecutive bonfire warps.

>It's the game's fault that players don't experiment
Areas also aren't really that interesting and detailed. The area design might be lacking in a lot of cases but 2 generally had more interesting shit that stuck with me.

This would have more weight if a lot of first phases weren't pushovers.
How the fuck is it shallow?
In each game you have several different melee weapons to chose from with different categories each with different speeds, damages, size, and look. You can use shields or not, build your character to be powerful or limit yourself. Then there are spells and all that shit, and you mix all this shit with each other if you want to.
So fucking explain how the hell it's "shallow"
No feinting, universal blocking/dodging instead of directional, extremely generous timing. All this makes combat one-dimensional i.e. shallow.
Just wait for the next souls game and everyone will praise DaS3 as the misunderstood masterpiece.

Just like DaS2 now.
I said combat, as in the act of fighting. Not weaponry, which isn't that deep anyway.
But no one praises DaSII. It is fundamentally the same as III.
Only contrarian and/or delusional faggots praise DaS II.
Am I off? But roguelikes were more fun than plain dungeon crawlers back then, because they tried to create variation and a grander sense of adventure. And just try playing these games with repeated hallways now. It doesn't work.

What we want is an interesting world to explore. From is acutely aware of that and I think most fans of the Souls series outside of the small but vocal circles across internet forums are as well.
I like das3 but

>get black bug pellets before the ABYSS Watchers
>Ok let's put on my best +dark resist gear
>swings a sword at me
>surely there must be a phase 2 with abyss magics and shit
>swings a fire sword at me

fuck this
I also got analed for so many tries by Pontiff's phase 1 and cried a little when I saw the phase 2
DaS2 despite being a shit game did some great things and credit is due. People are just finally fighting back against the shitposters who think DaS2 is 0/10. You even had people saying Miyazaki disowned 2... But he ended up putting tons of references to it in 3 anyways.
I prefer multi-phase bosses desu, single phase can end up feeling anti-climactic to me. A good example would be that i recently played Wind Waker, and every boss except the final two felt like it was over before it even started due to the lack of phases.

That being said, bosses who gain new healthbars when they enter phase 2 (or 3) are bullshit. Phase 2 should start when they get to 50% HP.
And by "getting" I mean you find the black bug pellets on the ground before the boss
Which in souls games is usually a hint that you'll need it soon, like firebombs before the pus of man on the rooftops
What a garbage thread.
Not him but the mechanics arr laughably simple. You're generally constrained to one weapon type, can only roll as your primary means of evasion, and attacks largely consist of pressing r1.

Just compare it to DMC for example.
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>You're generally constrained to one weapon type

The weaponry available directly affects combat mechanics, and he addressed spellcasting as well.
>It is fundamentally the same as III.
I see you've played neither.
You don't even know the core gameplay yet you act like an expert.
DS3 probably has the highest number of gimmick bosses in the series. The first third of the game is all gimmicks, and you don't really see a proper boss fight until Pontiff. Not saying he's super hard, just that he's a clear distinction where people realize they have to actually start playing.
Stop deflecting, they're not even remotely the same game. Where's the poise in III?
I said core gameplay.

>what is blocking
>what is parrying
>what is running and moving out of the way without dodging to maximize damage output

KEK. 99% of Souls haters are anally devestated DMC subhumans. DMC franchise sucks cock, autistic spammy gameplay for virgins, I am glad the franchise is dead. It was never a good action game, ninja gaiden black, ninja gaiden 2 and bayonetta rape the cringy and shitty DMC games.
How is that not a core mechanic? Stop trying to save face and embarrassing yourself.
Bayonetta is a poor man's Devil May Cry though.
If you remove it game will still be essentially the same. Think of things that make the game what it is, and try to get away from combat. Although they focussed too heavily on combat in nu-Souls they never could make it fundamental to the game.
>because spamming feint button makes a combat system ''deep''.
>feinting=free hit

Dumbfuck, every single boss in Bloodborne had multiple phases. As evidenced by Dark Souls 3 doing the same thing, that's how they design their boss fights now. And thank god for that.
^this.DMCfags should kill themselves already.One of the most overrated franchises in the history.
I fucking feel this. People always said Gwyn was easy but for me he was always one of the hardest bosses in DS1 because one little fuck up and it's really hard to come back. And that fucking grab. One of the bosses who still makes me sweat.

When Soul of Cinder blew up and that track started playing it just pissed me off for so many reasons, mainly because it's nostalgia pandering unlike I've ever seen. It's literally Gwyn but with a 5-hit-combo that will literally kill you from full health if you're not embered. I was so salty.

Even though the first phase is a little too easy (although again you can still ge rekt if you're not careful) I would have enjoyed the ending 10x more if they hadn't tacked Gwyn on. They should have just put that 5-hit-combo in the first phase of the fight and got rid of Gwyn entirely. If they wanted to include Gwyn, they should have done it in a King Allant kind of way. It's just retarded that it's a "desperate last resort" thing that's actually much more effective than the first line of defence.
Except you can parry his attacks.

are you implying they are good because they lack dynamic bosses?

The bosses in DaS3 are hands down the best in the series, in large part due to their multiple phases.
Yeah, most bosses can be cheesed. Why would you bother beating the game if you were just going to parry-chain Gwyn?

If you fight him in a fair fight, he's pretty damn tough, probably one of the toughest in the base game. Some of his attacks are piss easy to parry, but he throws a few tricks in that makes it a bit more complicated than that.

Soul of Cinder havin Gwyn in him was godtier, kys.
Why not have all patterns at the same time?
>Fight this boss in a plain arena but when you get the boss down to a certain amount of health it always has a second phase
I'm saying you don't understand the games.
>pls re-use more DS1 content Miyazaki, i-it's my favourite

Fuck off
>not understanding the definition of "dynamic"

fuk u
But parry is very much an intended mechanic, especially for gwyn since he's the only boss that CAN be parried.
I wish they release DS4 some day so you fucking contrarian faggots will start praising DS3.
>gwyn me that your dark soul
>gwyns piano theme starts playing
>is this the blood of the dark soul?
>switches to gwyn's moveset
>summons the other bosses from ds 1
>the entire fight is a boss rush
>gwynael dies
>y-you really were the choosen undead
Why do nu-Souls fanbois think that's how it works? Is it so perplexing to you that people criticise DaSIII?

Thats the way most of you faggots work. Now theres hordes of retards praising DS2 as a fucking artwork. Back in the day everyone and their mother hated it to death.

/v/'s favorite game in a series: latest game - 1
>(of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
>constant change, activity or progress

The only thing that's constant about these bossfights is how low that particular bosses health bar has to be before the second phase starts.
I think static is the word you're looking for m8.
Both nu-Souls games are bad.
I recently played through 1 and 3 for the first time, beginning with 3. To me it seems DS3 is just a refined version of dark souls 1.

Boss fights are more challenging and engaging in DS3 by a mile, even when taking into account that I played 3 first.

Combat feels more natural and smooth.

Slight minus for 3 on leveldesign but only because the idea of shortcuts were much better executed in 1.

The thing is, I haven't had the time to become attatched to the first two games before playing the third.
You're missing the point. Combat isn't the most important part of the games, it is one of the least important things in the game.
>entire game is combat based
>it is the least important thing
lol get gud fags
To encourage Co-up and summoning I'd say.
No it's this magical property that's in peoples head that's a bit of nostalgia and shit that's usually falsely attributed to being the "atmosphere" of a game.
anons if you can't beat the abyss watchers just say that...don't say it's "lazy for a boss to be a complex and dynamic battle" - you just sound autistic
If the games were combat based they would be shit. But they aren't.
Go play the games properly.
Nobody struggled with Abyss Watchers. That's one of the easiest fights, but don't use the git gud meme to deflect a game you like from criticism.
Because it's repetitive, and because they rarely fit together.
>after people have started to realize that 2 was garbage
People have been calling Dark Souls II a piece of garbage since the first week of release, and rightfully so.
Imagine an adult man sperging out in caps lock because someone disagrees with them on /v/.
except what they or you are criticizing is bullshit - boss having several phases has been a staple of Souls games since the beginning
As opposed to the combat of dark souls 1 being static and using a shield the whole time instead of dodging attacks?
None of the bosses in that image gets angry. Ludwig does the exact opposite.
How is the missing archstone a flaw? It doesn't affect your experience in any way, you're not forced to go through rushed and unfinished levels like you do in Dark Souls or Dark Souls II.
I'm not saying you're wrong in saying combat isn't the most important quality of the DS games but that's something that can actually be compared.

The only reason I feel like DS3 is better even in terms of "atmosphere", character interaction ,voice acting, area design and all those things is probably because I played 3 first.
Not really. Only one has reviving health bars, and that is supposed to be the gatekeeper boss.
But why is it better?
All of the best bosses of DS1 all have multiple phases
Such as?
O&S, 4 Kings, Artorias
>combat feels more natural
>when you can spam rolls infinitely in heavy-ass armor
Without DLCs, 1, 2 and 3 have all around 50% of their bosses having multiple foes.
>two phases
>lazy boss design
Thats like saying making a cake without cake mix is lazier than making one with cake mix.
>4kings, artorias
babbies saying dark souls has good combat need to go play DMC or any other action game released in the last 10 years. The skill ceiling for this game is really low because the player is very limited in what they can do, I love these games as much as anyone else but you're lying to yourself if you think the combat system is deep
There doesn't have to be a cutscene for it to be a phase dumbass. Change of moveset and enemies constitutes phases
This is the easiest souls game so if you're having problems, consider a noose.
Souls is about exploration, combat is secondary.
No, resetting the health bar is a second phase. It's when you kill the boss and start a second part of the fight.
Nobody cares about "le difficulty". Stop being cancer. The difficulty isn't the appeal and they aren't even difficult.
its not deep like chess, but it requires quick decisions about how fast your enemy is and will recover to hit and not get hit
says who?
No its not. You have never played an mmoprg hav eyou
I love games like Devil May Cry, but the combat in those types are merely just flashy.
You don't know what phase means.
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The embering bosses were pretty lazy because they all did the "gets flame attack trails straight out of the Maria fight" or in the case of Aldritch became a fucking retarded arrow storm. Some phase transitions were sick though like Pontiff Sillyman summoning his shadow clone.
I too wish that bosses stayed the same for the entire duration of a fight.
When the behavior of a boss shifts due to a certain percentage of health being missing. This does not require the healthbar to refill or a cutscene to play. Any moveset or look or behavior change does it
The fact that the games completely revolve around it? Without exploration you can't make any progress. If it was a game focused on combat it would have simple levels with long and complex fights. Instead you have long and complex levels with simple fights and enemies that die in less than four hits.
You have no maps and multiple roads because the place you're exploring is supposed to be your main focus as you play.
You can lock on, directly see damage and scaling values on screen and obtain infinite upgrade materials because you're not supposed to think too much about fighting, it's just something that happens while you explore.
Aldritch could do the arrow storm at any point, actually. Not just in the second half. The second half does have them track you, though.
That's not a phase. You don't know what you're talking about.
I like boss phases, but only if it gives boss some new moves instead of making his attacks leave fire trail or something.
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>more effort put into a boss fight
you should play Dark Souls 2; only then will you understand how lazy a boss can really get
>That's not a phase.
Not him, but if its not a phase, then what is it?
This is straight from the ds3 wiki.
For the second boss bortd of the boreal valley

The best way to fight Vordt as a melee build is to stay close to him and roll through his attacks and get underneath him. A very good weapon to use is the Deep Battle Axe you can find in the room below the Lothric Wyvern, since almost every starting class can wield this weapon in two-hands effectively. The first phase is relatively easy by staying underneath and behind Vordt as much as possible. Attack after his second wide swipe attack and never stand in front of Vordt as he has a very fast lunge attack that is near impossible to dodge. If you find yourself in front of him close the gap as fast as possible while moving to his left.

When Vordt reaches his second phase (at about half health), he will start doing a charge attack back and forth. You should leave yourself with some stamina to roll if you know your sequence of attacks is going to reduce Vordt to half health. Your best option is to dodge these charges while locked on to always keep him in your sights, he will usually charge three times. After these charges, he will begin to ready his breath attack, and this is when you should close the distance and go to his left and use a charged two-handed power attack.
Bosses in older games had phases too, some were more obvious than others like the maneaters or gargoyles.
But at the very least, most did get more aggressive and some might even pull out a new move after losing enough hp.

In BB and DS3 they decided to go all out and change up the boss mid fight, making a big spectacle out of it, which I'm all for, I think it makes the bosses way more interesting.
And I would definitely not call it lazy or a lack in confidence, in a lot of the cases they pretty much have to design two different movesets for the bosses.
I think DS3 has by far the best bosses, in big part thanks to the phases.
bro dark souls 3 is the easiest game in the entire series, what the fuck are you talking about?
the second phases don't make it "harder", they make it more fun and interesting
DeS is the easiest then DS1. Everyone thinks DS3 is easy because they have played 4 souls games before playing 3 and are very good with the combat system
An adjustment.
They're not an authority on language.

Are you actually this stupid, or is this just nu-bait?
>boss has to revive from death to get new moves
Fucking retard.

Still not as bad as Phalanx.
>An adjustment.
>They're not an authority on language.
Apparently neither are you. Get the fuck out of here faggot. If you're serious, kill yourself for being so stupid. If you're not, kill yourself for being so stupid.
>he thought DaS3 was hard
>"I-It's the game's fault I'm bad!
lmao you must suck at video games doesn't mean you should blame the game
Dark souls 3 is the most casual hand-holding experience in the entire series
I'm genuinely curious, is there any video game you aren't bad at?
Dude have you literally played any other games other than Dark souls? In every single game, WoW, Everquest, hell even fps shooters like Biohsock whenever a boss changes his behavior or the fight shifts in a certain way based on a time limit or health being missing its called a phase change
Dark Souls 3 isn't that hard. It was the first game in the series for me (I played Demon's Souls quite a bit, but it was years ago) and I didn't struggled too much with any location or boss (except for Pontiff, but I came there unprepared for his 8-hit combos).
The best SoulsBorne bosses have phases which keep the bosses move-set the same, but jump up the mechanical skill required to beat it. Maria is a good example, the skills you need to learn for the first phase will work just as well in the second and third, she just has a larger attack radius so you need to be more precise to avoid being punished.
Have you ever tried to learn English?
You don't even know what phase means.
How can you be so stupid as to not know the definition of phase?
Jesus Christ why are you not in school. Its a Thursday.
Why do you think DaSIII is hard? I never said it was, but you seem to have the idea in your head.
>wahhhhh mommy I have to pay attention to more than one thing at once!
Maybe you should try having some awareness you absolute shitter
That second phase isn't even hard at all because they have a shared health pool, so you can just bait papa A into a corner and demonlish his slow lumbering ass
It sounds like you need to be if you don't know what phase means. Seriously, is English not your native language?
I didn't think I'd see people complain about multi phase bosses.

Seeing the boss get a powerup and change his style just just after we get their pattern down is the hypest shit ever, like the princes, the watchers, gaius, soul of cinder, etc...

Unless of course you're a fucking casual and struggles to even get the initial attack pattern down.
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only complete shitters and underage retards complain about "rng"
English is my first language I just didn't want to take the effort on you. But you know what fine.

I have given you evidence based on multiple sources up to this point and all you have said is I don't know what phase means and that wiki's are not an authority on language.

Straight from Merrian Webster dictionary

: an individual or subgroup distinguishably different in appearance or behavior from the norm of the group to which it belongs; also : the distinguishing peculiarity

Exactly what I have described. You are fucking retarded.
How about from a reputable dictionary, rather than your online dictionary bullshit. Here is the aoxford definition.
>A distinct period or stage in a series of events
Don't forget the whole thing fucktwat
A distinct period or stage in a series of events or a process of change or development.

Oh boy a process of change or development. I wonder what that sounds like and I wonder why you specifically decided to keep it out. Also implying Webster isn't a credible dictionary lmao
upvoted xD
If you have the attack pattern down then where is the fun in fighting the first phase again? It's pointless. It's just a way to stick together two or three poor boss fights.
Never head of that place.
you're fucking retarded
it's an action game; it's about combat
go play skyrim walking simulators if you don't like combat
Not in my dictionary. I have the Oxford dictionary here right next to me. You see, or, in a dictionary, shows a separate valid definition.
I've never heard of your dictionary before. Seems likes some retarded online only dictionary. It has no name attached to it like Oxford or Cambridge.
You say that as if that's the rule with most of the bosses when it's in fact an exception. Abyss Watchers, Soul of Cinder and Friede? In any case even if it were confined to a single health bar they would just make the health pool massive like Gaels.
what games do YOU have good combat, anon?
Agreed but watchers are shit
You ds2 babbys faggots will complain about anything Ds3 related. Kys kys kys, you worthless human trash
If it were only about combat it would be an awful game.
You spend most of your time on /v/, on the internet, and you have never heard of Webster. I look up your dictionary online and find the exact line you pulled it from and you are claiming its somehow different in the dictionary you have next to you. You sound like a very weird person and I'm done talking with you
>just remember to never leave an armor slot empty
bro I spent 3 hours crafting a beautiful face for my character, I'll be damned if I hide it under a helmet all game
You don't have to fight the boss more than once.
>anyone who criticises my soulless trash likes other soulless trash ;_;
Fuck off, retard.
>games makes you spend 90% of the time walking in mazes and looking for treasure, characters or exits and 10% of the time fighting
>hurr it's all about the fighting
It's definitely overused to the point where it doesn't feel special anymore. Bosses like Champion Gundyr and Nameless King are still awesome, but they would have been even more so had every other boss not also had a power up phase 2.
I don't care about crappy online dictionaries, why would I know of it?
I said phase. Where is the fun in fighting a phase you've already mastered, I said.
I wasn't critising you, soulless trash. Kys faggot with no taste.
What is good about DasIII, then? I'll give you a hint, nothing. It does nothing that isn't done better elsewhere.
It was the number one dictionary in America before the internet and it just so happened to take the cake on online dictionaries as well. Are you really that deluded bro
>Where is the fun in fighting a phase you've already mastered
You don't have to, the first phase only occurs at the beginning of the fight.
These threads are making /v/ babby millenials who can't even beat abyss watchers. Nuff said. Kys faggots and leave 4chan.
I laughed this off as bait but then I realize you were completely serious

0/10 bait, human trash.
The first two phases are so easy dude. Like, I don't blame you if you're having trouble with blackflame friede, but come
Oh, it's Americans why should I listen to an American on the English language? They can't even use it properly.
You do have to, actually. Try playing the game again.
>muh special game is exempt from criticism because I fell for marketing and think it's actually hard
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What is good about your miserable life, then? I'll give you a hint, nothing. It does nothing that isn't done better elsewhere.
>start boss fight out slow so the player can observe and learn
>boss naturally gets more aggressive and desperate as they're damaged
>requires adaptability and altered tactics throughout the fight
What kind of dumb shit thinks this is bad design at all?
DS3 goes a little nuts by doing it with every single boss fight but it's better than static attack patterns.
Guide to identifiying a shitposter:

it's not
Pretty much this since retards like you can't appreciate superiority of ds3. Now kys, europoor
>Try playing the game again
That would make single-phase bosses even more boring and repetitive.
It's one thing to change their tactics, but giving them a whole new moveset, reviving them, adding new enemies, or adding new bosses is retarded.
Well Britain has never made a video game. So American English wins out in any argument having to do with video games. Check and mate. Now go be a nice boy and eat a crumpet.
Dark Souls 3 sucks.
dark souls isn't a roguelike you dumbass, you can die 1000 times in dark souls and the game barely punishes you for it
DaSIII is boring and repetitive because it's basically a remaster of DaSII.
the point of that post

your head
In what way?
Cry more, scrub scum
Actually, it's America that doesn't make games. In the 80s you even crashed your game market. Americans are the worst at making games by far.

That doesn't make sense as a response.
Beat him SL1 like third try. Never got the hype. Fun boss, tho
You mean anyone who didn't play demons souls first? Makes sense to me.
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Oh look, poor thing's retarded
A combat focused Souls-like game.
Your existence doesn't make sense.
>combat focused
Git gud, scrub. Too hard for you to grasp my point? Thought so. So here's part two, Prepare to be Stumped edition. DaSIII relies heavily on combat because Miyazaki resented making it.
I think atmospherefags can agree that:

BB > DeS > DaS = DaS3 >>> DaS2

And I think combatfags can agree that:

DaS = BB = DaS2 > DaS3 > DeS

But I think only brainlets will agree that playing for combat is somehow better than playing for atmosphere
The story and lore is nothing short of Abysmal in every Souls game. The concept and atmosphere is cool in the fact with all the souls and you take them and shit but the story makes zero sense in every game. No one actually plays DS for anything except the combat.
I think DeS is higher than BB.
I will compromise and say they are about equal. I love both but since Bloodborne came later it feels just a bit more developed to me.
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>No one actually plays DS for anything except the combat.
Don't eat lead paint, kid.
None of these is even close to truth. Another shitty bait from tasteless faggot. Now kys.
you're objectively wrong
Better than your shitpost that contributes nothing.
Okay, but put DaS as greater than DaSIII. III is a shell of a Souls game.
What is dark souls without the combat?? There are like 20 lines of dialog in all the games combined and its a very shitty walking simulator since there are enemies everywhere
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>Why do so many bosses in this game have multiple phases? Seems like lazy boss design
this is the stupidest thing I've read today

Combatfags are so fucking stupid.
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imagine the redditor invading a hobby-based board and then trying to mock people who are passionate about that hobby.
It's a cheap way to make the fights longer and, therefore, more difficult. It's a lazy way of adding atmosphere to the fight.
Just a question. You play Dark souls right. What does one hour of your dark souls experience consist of if you aren't fighting things?
>III is a shell of a Souls game.

Atmospherically I thought it was just as strong. It has a well crafted setting and combines the grit of BB with DaS, with occasional tonal reference to DeS (I sensed at least).
You can be passionate without going full retard.
You have said this like 10 times already in this thread and it isn't any more true
Oh really, >>376619404
Now kys, or tell me your address. I'll rip your rotten head off with great pleasure irl.
you're objectively wrong
if the devs intended exploration as the primary focus then they would've made it a first-person walking simulator
>Best combat

PvE-wise, it has the easiest enemy AI, IMO.
It may look like it has atmosphere, but it really doesn't. It's by the numbers approach to Souls. It is clear they tried to add atmosphere, but they didn't know how. It is a Souls-like game.
>comparing the games without giving any context of metric or reason
What a contribution.
If they intended combat as the primary focus they would have made it a fighting game.
Combat is roughly 99.99% of the entire game. So either you are just trolling on purpose or you are fucking retarded. If you don't like the combat or don't care about combat then find another fucking game. TW3 does everything better than Dark souls except combat and there are so many better games with atmosphere, story, and roleplaying if you aren't worried about combat
see >>376616481
The game does all the thinking for you when it comes to combat mechanics, but it forces you to do all the thinking when it comes to world exploration.
It's also mainly a walking simulator, fighting never lasts as much as walking parts.
Play God Hand to see how a combat-focused game looks like.
Grasping at straws at this point, people will try to find any reason to hate on DS3
I never suggested the game was hard. You're the one crying about difficulty.
And magic, backstabs, poise and humanity were all way too easy to abuse.
You can't explore without combat. You also use combat when you aren't exploring. Explain to me how they intend exploring to be a bigger focus
I did it twice today. Go and search those posts you dumb twat. Fucking /v/ is full of faggots like you needs to be gassed.
DS1 fanboys sure have low standards.
But I never did. Stop shielding your game from criticism with your misconceptions.
This is the shittiest thread I've seen about this game in a very very very long time.
The best DS1 and DS3 bosses are multiphase.
Whoa man. I think DS1 was the worst in the series I was just giving examples to the guy since it seemed like he liked DS1 the most.
> people
Not really. 2.5 haters, who couldn't beat midir. Really pathetic human trash irl who has no goals in life and just wasting an air.
completely untrue; there are enemies everywhere so fighting is almost constant
Sounds bizarre to me and not what I experienced. Even at the start of the game, High Wall of Lothric is awesome all the way through. You've got the wyvern overshadowing the high wall and hollow soldiers that mutate, and then the winged knight surrounded by corpses and the Lothric knights marching along the path with leaves blowing in the wind. Light screeches and wind blowing in the background and the palette choice gave it almost a Nosgoth feel to me.

The game felt strong in this way just about the whole way through.
It's not just about exploration, it's about the experience of traversing a world. Combat is needed only to add to the atmosphere of the game. it is there to make you tense about moving forward, and intimidate you.
Fighting a regular enemy takes 5 seconds at best.
If that were true then why is the build variety so much worse and why is the game so damn linear?
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I'm convinced the BB is better than DAS3 crowd are genuinely just rubbing it in peoples faces who arent able to play it because its a PS exclusive. Im at Cainehurst castle right now and nothing Ive seen in this game compares to DAS3. The architecture is literally one color, I dont even care about the armor because it looks like shit when you try to mix and match it, severe lack of weapon choice and in effect combat style. It just feels half assed comparatively. Yeah, its fun, but I'd like to genuinely know why people think BB is better than DAS3.
I guess level design and world design means naught.
Maybe true but the main focus is still on the concept of combat and killing things. The whole point of the lore is to acquire the most amount of souls, which involves killing things. BB even tells you at the beginning to not worry too much about things, and to just go kill some beasts. I would argue more that the areas/zones/buildings are a mere vessel to keep you entertained while you mindlessly kill things over and over again
>It may look like it's atmospheric, but it actually isn't

That's what video games are supposed to do
Not that guy, and I disagree that it's the "least important thing" in the game.

But there IS something else to experience in the Souls games and that is atmosphere. Atmosphere is the culmination of the combat, exploration, design / presentation and setting. Hard battles add to the atmosphere, but so does the beautifully detailed environments, bizarrely animated and evocatively designed enemies and bosses, music, etc.

If these things don't come together in harmony then the atmosphere is fucked. People who play exclusively for the hard battles in games don't seem to be sensitive to this much. But this is why I don't like Dark Souls 2 much at all, for example. I sensed more of a focus on the challenge throughout the whole game and other aspects of the experience were left in the dust save for a few exceptional locations and bosses.
It's east for inexperienced players to think that. But the placement of enemies is way off and is designed for combat over atmosphere, the pallette doesn't suit it at all, the item placement is poorly thought out, the enemies fight in a way that adds nothing, and the shortcuts are there for the sake of themselves. And that is one of the better levels.
Yeah but the world and level design is focused around making combat encounters fun so it all ties back to combat. You can't simply explore and enjoy all the level design without cutting through hordes of enemies
>people actually arguing dark souls is about combat
holy shit
dark souls is literally about lore first and foremost and metroidvania god-tier level design second
combat is like one of the smallest focuses in the series
characters, world and lore come first
>Lore comes first

Read a book then if thats what you are after. You seem to be wasting hundreds of hours on Dark Souls combat if thats what you are after
>It may look like it has atmosphere, but it really doesn't.

I dunno, I found it atmospheric myself. And I've been recently doing a replay of both DS1 and DS3.
Books can't create a world like Dark Souls. It's only available in a medium like video games.
Combat is just a necessity, it's a game so you can't escape it, but lore is the focus.
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I prefer Bloodborne over every other game in the series because:
>I like the setting and general design better
>I like the story, lore and characters better
>I like the fast paced combat better
>each weapon has at least one unique moveset and to me they're more fun to use
>weapons are well balanced, there are no shit weapons outside of Fist of Gratia
>I love monster type bosses and enemies, Bloodborne has the best monsters
>has my favorite weapon of all time
>has my favorite boss of all time
>its soundtrack is entirely orchestral instead of computer shit
>excellent level design
>best DLC I've ever played
Fuck off with your platform war bullshit.
Placement of enemies might not be as well done as DeS or DaS but this is more of a combat oriented element. I don't see how the palette doesn't suit the tone or setting. I do agree that item placement was inconsistent, sometimes you find very little and then later on you're finding new equipment every few minutes.

On the combat level the game is not as balanced. Bonfires feel more frequent with less at stake in between them. But while this is true, there are still plenty of instances of cool fights, with a lot of miniboss-style enemies throughout the game. And the overall setting is still very good.
This is true, but if you were to take Dark Souls' combat and just throw us into arena's we wouldn't play the damn games. Most elements of the game rest on each other in order to be engaging. Nioh is inferior to all souls games because of this.
It's not about making them fun. They're part of the world and serve a purpose in building the atmosphere.
DaS 3 > DaS 1 > BB > DaS 2
So you don't disagree about DS3 being the worst in the franchise.
Nioh is inferior to all Souls games other than II.
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>boss becomes invulnerable and explodes after a few seconds
Most bosses only have one health bar even if they have multiple phases, and the ones that get a second health bar usually take more damage.
The only exception to this is Freide, which actually is way too long of a a fight.
well... you can use open headgear y'know

most look horrible though, I think
They're tied together, they don't have priority over one another. You can't simply explore and enjoy the world and level design without well designed enemies, at the same time well designed enemies are absolutely pointless without interesting world and level design. They might as well create a game that positions you in an empty room and throws waves at you instead then, which is boring and autistic shit.
Name 5 bosses that do this
You can personally like something more than others but still recognize that it is measurably worse. It's just lacking the variety in both locations and gear and the immense replay value the other games have.
If it was an arena with changing environments, checkpoints, and different enemies/bosses it would be the same shit and everyone would buy it. There doesn't need to be any story attached to dark souls at all (which there is a very limited one) and only a small percentage of people wouldn't play it
Removing builds that can perma stunlock, or nerfing magic so that they don't far outdamage physical builds even in melee, does not make the build variety worse.
And dueling these past couple of weeks in DS3, I see a tonne of different builds.

It isnt a platform war arguement, I was literally expecting alot more, atleast on par with DAS3 with the way people talk about it on here.

The combat is more dynamic, and fast paced, I'll give it that. Atmosphere eh, its there but like i said every building is the same color. Visually the game is too dark.
That's more or less what Nioh is though and it's pretty clear how it's an inferior game as a result. The arena structure eliminates the feeling of it being a world.
Sometimes the moment is just as impactful as the gameplay

Also that fucking faith build phase for SoC gives me issues every single playthrough
Wrong, Nioh's strength lies in it's combat alone. Sure it has some cool fashion and far superior character models to the souls games but the game drags on far too long and has unmemorable bosses. The basic grunts you fight in the very first level of the game are the same for every other level in the game. I platinum'd the game and can recall four boss names at best.
>but this is more of a combat oriented element.
That's one of my main issues with the game.
>with a lot of miniboss-style enemies
But the bonfires largely invalidate them. If you run past then you never have to deal with them because you can warp past them. Look at, say, the armoured boar in undead burg. Unless you kill it it will trouble you when you have to pass through to get back to the lower burg. If it were DaSIII you could just warp back to either Sunlight Altar or under the bridge. It destroys the atmosphere to have that kind of warping.
They do have priority over one another. You could have the latter of just a room with endless waves of enemies being thrown at you and it would still be somewhat fun but, the game wouldn't be fun if there was no enemies and you just walked through the world. I agree they both compliment each other but you are just deluding yourself to saying that the atmosphere is more important and that the dev team put more work into it. All of the lore/atmosphere comes from autistic people making inferences based on what they see in the environment and actually took very little thought from From
if by "variety" you mean reskinned weapons then sure.
There's absolutely no reason to try "broadsword" if you already have a fully upgraded "longsword" because they basically do the same thing, only one move is different. Bloodborne is the only game where trying them all is actually worth it.
As for replayability, Bloodborne has more because of Root dungeons. The offer the highest replay value and the highest difficulty level these games can offer.
>drags on far too long and has unmemorable bosses
Dark Souls II in a nutshell.
I will agree that parts of Nioh dragged on but there were lots of times in Nioh that I was enjoying myself so much more than in any souls game cause it was just me against the world. Nioh definitely did combat better and I don't think the mission system was bad its just it could have been implemented better
No they wouldn't, the vast majority of people enjoy the progression through the environments and between zones that create a cohesive world. Everything the games do is designed to create a dark and depressing world, an arena wouldn't satisfy anyone. The combat simply can't carry Dark Souls like it can Monster Hunter.
>it would still be somewhat fun
So would having no enemies in these games because there's still intense visuals to experience and NPCs to talk to. Both would be drastically inferior and would render the games unplayable.

>All of the lore/atmosphere comes from autistic people
Yet you're arguing that it would be fine if the game was an arena with waves. That shit is far more autistic.
>translation: I struggled with them so hard I uninstalled the game
sorry reddit, you can't downvote posts you don't like here :^)
I would kill the mission system completely and make it one seamless world. It was one of my biggest problems with the game. It was fine back when I played Tenchu but I expect more now when it comes to world building.
I agree that Bloodborne is the better game, but chalice dungeons are tedious as fuck.
DS3 has more replay value in the fact that there are a lot more different builds you can do.
I played through Bloodborne once with a str/arcane build and if I play through again, my only other options would be skill or bloodtinge based.
Dark Souls II has the decency of having actual enemy diversity and noticeably different playstyles. Even though the bosses are mostly mediocre at least I can recall each and every one of them. The bosses in Nioh don't even stand out amongst the regular enemies. In Dark Souls II you aren't fighting the same grunts in every level of the game.
Are you from Namco? Stop shilling the le difficulty meme. Your game isn't about difficulty, only casuals and combatfags think that.
it isn't. it's one of the most disappointing games in the series and vanilla BB is massively lacking in content and variety, made even worse by the fact it's from a console one gen above it's predecessors. problem is faggots buy all the DLC adding shit and then act like that is the "real game", and that excuses the shit vanilla.

add in that ever since DaS got popular this series has been plagued with rabid fans that refuse any criticism because it's their GOAT game and From can do no wrong.
t. 12 year old
The story of Nioh wouldn't have been able to do one big world just because of all the different areas that weren't next to each other. I think that is actually the biggest problem with the Dark Souls world that personally kills immersion for me is that everything is all right next to each other and you can see everything. The whole game takes place within like 3 square miles and you are seriously telling me that this is the whole world that is left?
>chalice dungeons are tedious as fuck
Story dungeons are tedious as fuck, root dungeons are the best.
>DS3 has more replay value in the fact that there are a lot more different builds you can do.
It has close to no build variety.
I have a str build (40str, 18 dex). This gives me access to at least one weapon of each weapon class except for "reaper", "katana" and "rapier".
Since every weapon shares at least 90% of its moveset with every other weapon in its class I don't see a reason why I should make a dex build or a 40/40. In Bloodborne making various builds is necessary for being able to use all the completely unique weapons. I also made a mage in Dark Souls III but in this game magic is pretty shit honestly and building for it is a pain in the ass.
Insane horsemonster becomes even more insane?
>Lady Maria and Sister Friede
Surprising, woman that explode into blood, fire & ice. Happens once a month.
lul must smash

all those different emotional expressions!
Nioh has no lore. It's shit.
>chalice dungeons are tedious as fuck
That's because they're dungeons and dungeons are shit when you have to do them at significant length without variation in between.

They could do a seamless world and just have parts where you travel a distance for the story. Kind of like how Witcher 3 is seamless but at the same time the regions are split.
Nioh has boatloads of lore it just requires you to actually look up japanese history and folk lore. Way better lore than the atrocity of holes that is the souls lore
>In Dark Souls II you aren't fighting the same grunts in every level of the game
True, you are fighting reskinned grunts with different weapons that do the exact same thing.
>Nioh has boatloads of lore it just requires you to actually look up japanese history and folk lore.
Ching chong killing ching chong because ching chong wants to be king ching chong doesn't have JACK FUCKING SHIT compared to characters like Gwyn, Seath, Frampt, Quelaag, etc. These are some of the most memorable and recognized characters in gaming.
You do that in DaSIII, but it's worse.
I do like the idea about the seamless map like in TW3 but I think that would be hard for them to implement with how Nioh was set up. The levels (for the first time you do them at least) are pretty well structured with lots of attention to detail to all the nooks and crannies and it would be hard to make it more open world. I think even Dark souls would have a trouble implementing something like this. Witcher being totally open world was very easy for them to do.
Go play Gone Home if you don't like fighting, christ.
Conflict is in almost all videogames.
Okay dude. I guess you don't like history and religious lore. I mean Gwyn is cool I guess...
>These are some of the most memorable and recognized characters in gaming.
I mean I like the lore in Souls games but this part is both laughable and extremely embarrassing.
>looking for treasure
and what does that treasure consist of?
weapons, armor, or tools to upgrade those two things.
what do we use weapons for again?
oh yeah, combat.
>Witcher being totally open world was very easy for them to do.
Mostly because a good portion of the landscape is repetitive and empty, unfortunately. Some sweet spot in the middle would have to be achieved.
In a game focused on combat weapons, skills and spells are upgraded by using them, not by walking around.
t h a n k y o u d a r k s o u l s

II isn't a souls game.
If your definition is that broad then how would that be different from any other souls game? Nioh literally has the same enemies in every level and has literal reskins. It introduced new enemy types only to default back to the grunts from the first level every time.
Other souls games have a balanced mix of humanoid enemies and monster enemies of various sizes.
That is the biggest problem with Nioh. I will say that I didn't mind it so much in Nioh compared to other games like BoTW, DS1-3, Halo5 since the combat I thought was the best since Ninja Gaiden, but it definitely would have gotten higher scores if they varied up the enemies and made the mission system a little better, maybe not reusing so many of the old maps
If you like walking from place to place to fight hoarded of enemies followed by a larger enemy.
Every souls game heavily rely on humanoid enemy types. Monster archetypes and uncommon even in Bloodborne.
if the game is primarily about exploration then why does it have boss fights?
boss fights literally block off others areas and don't allow you to explore them until you've killed the boss. From this basic fact of game design we can see how the game literally prioritizes combat over exploration, since it forces you to engage in combat before li are allowed further exploration.
I love the atmosphere and exploration in these games but it would just be factually wrong to argue that combat isn't their main focus.
Lucky the game was 70+ hours for me and I think it should have ended at 30-35. The combat stopped being challenging early on and the game didn't give me any enemies that were all that difficult to deal with. Towards the end game it just threw hordes of people into me at once. Nioh is currently my least favourite souls like game as a result, I adore Salt and Sanctuary for example.
>if the game is primarily about exploration then why does it have boss fights?
Games focused on exploration have boss fights too, see most Zelda games.
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Ds3 is the weakest entry in the series fron the railroaded world to the swamps all over the fucking place to the shitty gimping of every weapon type save broadswords. Gutting PvP for carebear crews as well killing any build variety certainty didn't help with longterm playability, not to mention how they literally lost an entire school of magic going fron 2 to 3.
You also need to engage in exploration and level design to reach those bosses. Your reasoning is highly dependant on one's perspective. I've seen people say shit like "I play with guides because I only care about the combat, the exploration means nothing to me" then there are the people who hate the bosses and difficulty who only want to explore and roam about the levels, I find both mentalities ridiculous as both aspects are necessary for the games to be interesting.

Literally kill yourself.
If those are you reason's for thinking DS3 is the weakest then surely Bloodborne should be below it?
The genre is called "Adventure games," look it up. Bosses don't contradict it and having them doesn't mean the game is focused on the combat primarily.
not an argument
You don't deserve one.
Insane horse gets more sane, actually
god hand might have better combat but they're still both combat-focused games
It's not about the quality of combat, it's about the fact that in God Hand you fight most of the time and level design is secondary.
How can anyone argue that Souls games are combat focused? How do you miss the point so badly?
At least in BB all weapons are unique as well as viable. Sawcleaver is good but it isnt the end all be all for the entire game and doest completely outshine other weps like lud's holy blade or kirkhammer.
I will admit though that play styles in BB are all rather samey with you just rushing and hack'n slashing whatever gets in your way. Even as a "caster" theirs no real exception to this rule
How can anyone argue that Souls games aren't exploration focused? How do you miss the point so badly?
Remain upset then, friend, and bask in the light of my supperior oppinion.
this is factually untrue, weapons in DaS do not upgrade from mere use. In fact, they degrade, which is the opposite. In order to upgrade weapons, you have to go find materials, and you find them through exploration.
Base game BB is probably one of the most overrated games I've ever played. Maybe I shouldn't have bought into the /v/ meme. It was a nice game and I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed every other Souls game I played but that was it. These retards going around calling it LE 20/10 GAME XDDD made no sense to me. I guess you have to be a major lovecraft autist to think it's that good.

The DLC was good and that was only because of 2 of the best bosses FROM made in Ludwig and Orphan. The actual level design itself wasn't really that great. The Hunter's Nightmare was literally just a fucking reskin/copy of an earlier area (with a literal reskin boss on top). I did really like the Research Tower though. Fishing Hamlet was so-so but that was mainly because I felt the enemy placement at times felt more annoying than fun but the actual level design itself was interesting. They did do a good job in adding some nice weapons though.

Speaking about weapons, it's probably one of my biggest complaints with BB. Certain builds are absolutely fucking shafted because FROM for some reason decided to put these weapons close to endgame for no fucking reason. You want to do a DEX or Blood build? Too fucking bad, better wait till you already beat some of the hardest bosses in the game to get it. You want to do an arcane build? You better beat Orphan, the hardest boss, in the game to get the best spell. One thing I kinda appreciate about DS3 is that I can transfer weapons from different characters so I can play with a weapon I want from the beginning instead of going to NG+.

And the bosses themselves in the base game were honestly too easy at times. Aside from certain ones like Gascoigne, Amelia, Logarius, Ebrietas, and Gehrman, they all felt too trivial.It kinda bugs me that a game about huge fucking monsters didn't have a great huge monster fight. Surprisingly, DS3 is the one Souls game that actually got a huge monster fight right.
yes but in zelda games, bosses are at the bottom of a dungeon and aren't blocking off entire areas behind them
thus, zelda is exploration-based while DaS is combat-based
I used the katana for my dex build, it wasn't hard to get considering how easy Logarius is.
Laziest final boss in he whole series. Every boss before Soul of Cinder that has two phases has a clear reason for doing so. With Soul of Cinder instead it seems to me like the designers were like "LOL SECOND PH4SE SO HARD xd". Fuck that noise .
>aren't blocking off entire areas behind them
How do you finish the games without beating the bosses?
You need to beat bosses in Zelda to progress.
dark souls isn't in the "adventure game" genre. compared to something like skyrim, you have very little room to explore in dark souls. Dark souls is an action RPG.
In the Souls games each area before a boss is like those dungeons except taking place in an overworld, which is a design choice based on the desire to have something more interesting to look at, and then the areas are linked together and you continue on your path after defeating a boss, creating a sense of a larger world.

Souls games are more exploration based than your standard Zelda game.
>it can't be an adventure game if it's not open world
Where did you get that from?
>you fight most of the time and the level design is secondary
you just described dark souls lmao

before you sperg out over how much you love the level design, know that I love it too and I understand that the devs put a lot of effort into both level and world design. I think it's a hugely important part of the game. However, it is secondary to combat, which is the primary focus.
Then why is the combat so shallow? Why do enemies take, at most, five repeated shots and die?
>you just described dark souls lmao
The average fight lasts 5 seconds in Dark Souls.
A lot more development time and resources go into crafting the world designs of Souls games which are full of lush and various environments then there were in God Hand, and you can tell this, so I tend to disagree. People being insensitive to their surroundings and just trudging through the games looking for a fight doesn't change this.
>Central plot element
>why is the combat so shallow
it's not
Average duration of combat doesn't determine whether it's combat focused or not.
I agree with everything you just said. However, the fact remains that these games are primarily combat-based
From someone who beat BB several times, I have to concur that weapon placement sucks in Bb and if we could drop weapons/items, it would remedy the issue. I'd gift myself the Burial Blade from the start or some shit and actually use the damn weapon for once.
However, I actually liked the vanilla game and thought that the DLC was lacking in terms of environment and with how many bosses it had, even if a couple of the bosses were excellent. $20 for two new areas, one reskinned area, 3 new bosses, 1 reskin of a base game boss, a half-assed apology for the Celestial Mob sucking, and a bunch of weapons/tools. Worth the money? At $15, absolutely. At $20, it's pushing it. I think From offset the cost of the 1.07 patch onto DLC buyers.
Also, Skill/Tinge rapes. 25~30 Skill, 50 BT = pure rape. Get in over your head? Go ham with the bloody katana. Feeling cocky? Parry with Evelyn for massive damage.
Bloodborne started it, since DS3 copies so much shit from bloodborne of course it'll have it.

Too many times, isn't it like 65% of the bosses use fire or some shit?
Two to three attacks, two evasion options, nothing else. How is it not shallow?
All the money is also invested in map design.
Making a Dark Souls level takes a lot of money and effort, making the moveset for a Dark Souls weapon or enemy, not so much.
The opposite can be said for games that are actually focused on combat.
Are people like op really this stupid?
First you fight a sword guy, then you fight Gwyn, then you fight a dragon! All in the one fight! What expert design!
A continuous mechanic or a temporary buff you can interrupt does not constitute a phase you fucking retard. I can't believe it's people like you who I have to discuss with about Souls games. Kys
>but don't use the git gud meme to deflect a game you like from criticism.
That's how it's worked since DaS was ported on PC.

Demon Ruins and Izalith are rushed halfassed content? Git gud, dragon butts and taurus demons are ezpz lemon squeezy please put it in my butt, dont tease me
Blighttown being 5FPS? Git gud
Pre-patched DS1 where enemies had infinite aggro range, no aggro leash and skeletons in the catacombs could legit aggro to you all the way from undead berg? Git gud, lil skelies aint hurt no body
Gwyn easily parriable? Git gud
ADP broken stat? Git gud
Shrine of Amana pre-nerf? Git gud
DaS3 is a soulless game that offers little to nothing new to the series and is nothing more than a nostalgia pandering game because the devs can't think of anything new outside a few characters here but remember Dark Souls 1?? Git gud.
>Making a Dark Souls level takes a lot of money and effort

>dude bloodborne village rip off
>dude swamps lmao
>dude generic castle / church #12563415

Are you just memeing? How is logarius easy?
What do you mean by multiple phases? Multiple HP bars? If you're talking about that then yes, I did feel certain fights had multiples phases that didn't really make the fight all that better. My biggest complaint in terms of that is the Demon Princes. Maybe my opinion is skewed because I played as a pyro when I first faced them and they absolutely annoyed the shit out of me because I had to change my entire fighting style. But the first phase of the Demon Princes fight was a slog to go through every time, especially considering how much HP they have in that phase. I didn't have a problem with the other multi-phase fights. Abyss Walkers was good because the 1st phase is easy as shit. Twin Princes and SoC both were extremely good use of a multi-phase fight that felt challenging. I'm a bit mixed on Friede. While I really enjoy her last phase, the middle phase felt kinda tacked on and was just a chore to slog through.

However, if you're talking about multiple phases just meaning the boss changing movesets after a certain health then your comment makes no sense because this was something that existed even with DS1. It's far from a lazy design since it actually requires more work to add more movesets to a boss.
Because they have to make a brand new world every time where as they only have to build on what they already had in previous dark souls games for gameplay. Obviously it takes more resources but combat is still the main focus. Exploring only gets you more items for fighting or shortcuts for faster routes to the boss or more monsters to fight. It's the chore you have to do to get more combat encounters, and for that I think the game is primarily about combat.
First phase is easy to dodge/parry, second phase you can just continuously parry him.
>Souls game
>dodge enemy attacks and press r1

I never knew why this game was so paraded by the internet as "hard"
Namco marketing tactic.
Logarius is a weird boss. I tried fighting him straight on and got rekt multiple times. Then I realized BB's parry system is broken as fuck and I literally just spammed my bullets for the entirety of the second phase and beat him in 2 tries.
I can't believe I'm replying to this bait.

Any change to a boss that activates once they reach a certain amount of HP constitutes as a new phase you mong.
>Light attacks
>Heavy attacks + wind ups
>Rolling/running/jumping/weapon arts attacks
>Kicks/rolling into enemies which staggers them
>Shield breaking
>critical hits
>Physical attacks/defense
>Elemental attacks/defense
>Status attack/defense
>Magic/miracles/pyromancy/ranged shit

Not saying it's God's gift to combat design but it's not shallow
BB in general is a weird boss, if you try to play cautiously and safe you'll get fucked up. But if you just mash R1 and dodge into them you'll win every time, it's a joke.
If the game was focused on combat they would go for compelx combat and simple level design, not the opposite.
You consider the exploration a chore but it's obvious that the developers put all their efforts into it, whereas the combat is still based on three buttons and has no real combos.


I think they fixed it to where you cant do that anymore. I dont think its because hes insanely difficult but it takes a min to get back to him.
The level design in dark souls is simple. Don't kid yourself.


One thing also, if I die and.lose all my blood echoes I have to go grind some more and replenish my blood vials, because I exhausted them in a boss fight. I think this is one of the more annoying aspects of BB, it just draws things out.
Compared to what? Certainly not its combat system.
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Only elitists try to say this game is hard. None of the games were ever designed as hard nor challenging. I'm 100% sure it's just a meme brought on by the "brebare 2 die xdd" marketing approach Namco Bandai had when they ported DS1 to PC.
Compared to other games that actually focus on exploration.
How in God's name do you have 19 Pursuers after you?
I think most of BB's difficulty comes from adapting to a new play style (especially for someone who came from Souls games). In DS1, it was more about patient and finding your openings but BB was more about being as aggressive as possible (which makes sense with the rally system) so you kill bosses and enemies as quick as possible before they start going into their long ass combos.

I actually think BB would be easier for someone who never played a Souls game.
The best way to play BB is to ignore the rally system entirely, it makes you fuck up and get greedy with hits more often than it helps
PCbro detected
None of those things, including those listed twice, make the combat deep.

Yeah cause you can do this to literally every enemy and are always able to take them on one on one.

Is the game hard. Hard is subjective. What may not be hard for one person, could be difficult for another. I actually find the euphoria warriors and the git gud elitists more cringey than the people who genuinely believe the series is hard.

I love these kinds of one up posts, implying theres droves of games out with exponentially more intricate level design than DAS. There are so many posters on here that I guarantee are "that guy" irl, the dude that has done everything you have 2x with their hands behind their back.
You seem to know a lot about that website, champ. Are you sure you don't have an account?
this, I thought that was kinda a weird place to put those, possibly in an earlier build of the game the black pug pellet could have helped in the fight.
Well it made sense for the Big 4, final boss man, and sister friede since they were all involved with The Flame which was the whole reason you were on this quest. The other guys usually had flame because they were very powerful and some bs with their inner ember
Nobody said it was deep.
Most dark souls levels are linear and you can stumble into the boss door just by killing enemies and moving forward. At worst, you have to pull a lever to move forward. There's nothing intensive about it.
Are you going to say Monster Hunter isn't a combat-focused game because you only have two to three attacks and two methods of evasion? Are you going to say Dark Messiah isn't a combat-focused game because you only have two to three attacks and two methods of evasion?
I don't even like DS3 that much but there is literally nothing wrong with multistage boss fights.

It's the gimmick shit that was the problem.
Yhorm and Ancient Wyvern are prowling Magus-tier.
Git gud
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