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>Japan made a "western" RPG that is better than

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>Japan made a "western" RPG that is better than any other RPG made in the west

really makes you think huh?
its a good walking simulator but i still prefer Skyrim
If Japanese people actually put their skills to use and stopped making stupid weebshit we could see a lot more games like Dragons Dogma.
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>walking simulator
how is it an rpg
It got great combat and hitboxes going for it, but that's no surprise coming from Capcom
its a rolling simulator
youre retarded if you walked when rolling is much faster
How is it not?
You mean made a pretty good action game that has nothing to do with RPGs, because it has exactly zero roleplaying due to zero alternative quest solutions being present that depend on your character build.
>clunky and repetitive standard hack n slash with climbing gimmick
>/v/ loves it because of the aesthetics an simply because its a jap game
Yes, that really makes me think
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>it has stats so it's a RPG
I hate jap games but I still loved Dragons Dogma. I don't follow your logic.
>play Warrior
>not a jump+attack simulator
Please enlighten us with your knowledge of what makes a true RPG.
Japanese westaboos > Average western dev > Average jap dev > Western weaboos
Does the game feature multiple choice dialogue? Do the quests in the game have multiple solutions? Can you make use of non-combat skills to solve quests?

Or is this a game where you do nothing but beat monsters up?
>Please enlighten us with your knowledge of what makes a true RPG.
RPGs are about playing a role you define yourself in a game that allows you to progress differently based on how you've defined your role, it's not about just "playing a role". There's a huge difference between these definitions.
An actual RPG allows you to generate and advance your character through its role playing system - the system of various statistics that describe your character in various ways. This is how you define your "role" in RPGs. However, simply defining your role is pointless, as you also must have the possibilities for staying in character while playing your role. This is why an actual RPG allows you to progress (i.e. complete quests, solve various brief encounters with NPCs and so on) in alternative ways and the availability of these alternative ways of progress depends on how you've built your character and is enforced through a system of various checks - skill, stat, perk, background, whatever.
When a game presents you with general dialogue decisions that in no way depend on your character generation and advancement choices, i.e. on the choices you've made while defining your role, it's not roleplaying, it's just that - general choices and consequences that have nothing to do with roleplaying. If general C&C could be considered roleplaying, then visual novels would be the best RPGs ever made, as they usually present the player with a superior number of actually meaningful C&C, compared to most actual computer RPGs, but that's not the case. Visual novels are not RPGs, because there is no roleplaying system involved that would allow the player to define his role himself, the player character is pre-defined and all the choices you make simply contribute to the general C&C.
It's just another action game with stats.
Some quests do, and there's even like 5 or 6 endings based on the choices you make towards the end. Quite a few of the potential endings for the more important side-characters are based on decisions as well
> Full of stupid ideas and bad mechanics
> Doesn't respect the player's time at all
> Weird leveling system that requires you to read a guide to understand and that forces you to play class you don't like in order to level up the class you want to play if you want to make a really good character.
> Designed around new game + with missable things everywere like entire quests or alternate ways to resolve them, lots of points where everything in the world changes, quests are failed and characters like merchants can disappear for the rest of the game
> Stupid save system with soft and hard saves to make your choices matter but bugs and random outcomes to some events like a PNJ you're trying to save falling to his death makes it frustrating

Yeah, no, it's a somehow a good game with all of its flaws, I played it for almost 70h but it's still a badly made jap game, certainly not better than good western RPGs.
I mean Dark Arisen is okay since all the free stones n shit, but the first thirty hours is walkin the fuck around. I think thats why they scrapped 60% of the game, woulda been walking overload.
I mean NPC not PNJ

>tfw people know you're a frenchfag
Dragon's Dogma is okay but it's a one-trick-pony. The combat is really good but the rest is just kind of there.
it's pretty funny how just having wind effects and having trees with huge dark shadows made the game feel so alive
When's this going on a good sale again? I'm going to double dip, the cycle of eternal return must continue.
>dragon's dogma
>better than Planescape: Torment

Such is the nature of weeaboos
you are just ignorant about RPGs in general
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>Sequal is a MMO that's asia exclusive
The lighting contributes a lot too. It's a game that gives me a sense of place, like being there.
The story has some really high points. First time playing it everything feels off somehow. The Duke's a prick and his men are useless. Julian is undermining the already weak efforts. Everyone's talking about the dragon but you see it exactly once before 'Deny Salvation'. Turns out none of it matters.

I love Dragon's Dogma, but it's an unfinished mess.

People on /v/ conflate their love of huge, expansive and creative gameplay with actually functional gameplay. Most of what was suppose to be Dragon's Dogma was not present in the game.
Nope.Action adventure with RPG elements is more like it.

P.S. the combat is meh 90% of the time and should've done Severance:Blade of Darkness combat but they went the arcade console babies way.
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Dragon's Dogma is an RPG more for Action game fans than it actually is for RPG fans.

It's that game for the kid in class who refused to play an RPG because it had turn-based combat.
>Dat empty world
>Dat distant characters
>Dat minimal environmental interaction
It's an alright game with a decent story, OK lore and an awesome combat system. But RPG? No. You make like, three choices in the entire game while all the rest are about HOW you play.
OP confirmed having body pillows up his ass.
>literally a beta test before MMO
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>$250,000,000 budget
>Shit game

It's good but it's not without many, many flaws. That said, most western RPG' today also have their fair share of problems while not being as good as DDDA so I guess you're right
>This is why an actual RPG allows you to progress (i.e. complete quests, solve various brief encounters with NPCs and so on) in alternative ways
You do realise that golden age era rpgs didn't have this shit and were glorified hack and slach dungeon crawlers? Are they not rpgs now?
Mount&Blade is pretty much the only good western action RPG in the past twelve fucking years.

Literally everything else is various degrees of embarrassing horseshit. The western style Japanese action RPGs shit all over everything else. Why can't they make anything good like Gothic 2 or Morrowind anymore?
Even worse.
>Can only play console version for years after it's release
>Console version runs at sub 720p resolutions at 20fps

I honestly feel bad for anyone who beat this game on console.
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Hello fellow arisens
>the only good western action RPG in the past twelve fucking years
>Path of exile
>grim dawn
>diablo 3
Dark Messiah was good, fuck you.
It has roles so it's an rpg
>It has roles so it's an rpg

Does that make Devil May Cry 3 an RPG since it has different styles?
>tank, healer, support, dps roles
More like MMO rpg.
that's not true. I disagree.

I played DD and uninstalled it recently because Skyrim for example has way more features and content than DD. DD feels barren and lackluster compared to Skyrim.

like it's not even comparable.
God that game was fucking fun to play.
What about "Witcher 3 is the best rpg ever" meme?
These could be good, I don't play these autistic lootwhore games but they're pretty much their own subgenre.

I just wish it had more than one save slot, it'd be nice to be able to try out different classes without fucking up your stats.

and I know you can backup your saves but was it really too much effort to implement it as a feature?
>doesn't mention Skyrim

it's good and you can mod some if you don't like it. want classes (why the hell would you want them anyway if it's not party-based?) mod them in. want morrowind style starting sequence? mod it in. want different leveling system. mod that.

mount and blade can barely hold a candle to Skyrim.

I know /v/ is stupid and shits on Skyrim based on shallow hearsay and gay bias.
Whatever you say, kid.
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Technically it has two slots - auto and manual.
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It would fuck up pawn sharing system. Still no reason for only one character.
That's not quite right, it's checkpoint save and manual save.
I like the game but way to show you're an underage faggot
It wouldn't really fuck it up. Pawn sharing would work the same, and you could hire your own pawns for free but you don't receive any RC from it.

Using extra pawns is a crutch anyway,
Player Character + Main Pawn for life
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>When you say STR instead of RTS and people wonder why you're talking about strength
>Shit combat
>Generally repetitive quests
>"Open world" but almost everything has to go on a loading screen
>Stupid questlines that doesn't change anything
>Buggy as fuck
>"Don't worry, mods will fix."
Game's filled with flaws, sometimes it fucks up way harder than western RPGs too
>it's only an RPG if quests have multiple solutions based on character builds
I'm falling for the bait, aren't I?
I don't live making my main pawn a healer, so I run with a party of three. Which is the optimal party size in my opinion
What do you think RPG stands for? This is a glorified action title with some stats and grinding shoved in.
Those were experiments trying to recreate the most basic aspects of tabletop RPGs back when pcs shat the bed if they tried anything more complex, there's a reason why the genre moved on.
So what IS an RPG really? Should we start a thread to settle it or what?
What's the best build to use bows? I just started and don't understand the game much.
Ranger, when you get to Gran Soren the innkeep will let you change vocation.
Don't I need to do some shit like level another class until lv100 then switch to ranger?
Nope, you just need 1k DP to change to Advanced. Which isn't a lot.
Ranger is boring as SHIT
Both Strider and Magik Archer have more interesting bow skills desu
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Dragon's Dogma is not an RPG.
It is grindy and combat lacks depth ans balance. For a single players game they could made it much better. Monster climbing is bad.
>This list
That is bait right?
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>Some action game
>Better than western RPGs
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>It is grindy
You can beat the final boss at 25, doing some sidequests before it gets you to 40. Not even counting the random encounters if you just want to explore.
>Monster climbing is bad.
Aside from the camera, it's fine. Much better than just hacking at a monsters feet or ass.
The stats you gain per level are dependent on your class. There's an argument for calculating what stats you want and then figuring out what vocations to level to get those stats. But that level of optimisation doesn't matter, unless you like that kind of thing.
I dunno why people are forcing comparisons to be made. They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong.
There is a huge difference between being able to complete the game and comfortable walkthrough to enjoy all content.
>that brainfart of a retarded genre revisionist
kys yuo're self
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There's a lot of butthurt and name calling but usually it's just a jape friend. Just a jape.
dont get me wrong, dragons dogma is quite good but it isnt the amazing thing people build it up to be.
During the ps2 era we had docens of games like this, they were budget titles but often quite good, if we didnt go the square root rule as in each new generation has the square root amount of games than the previous one dragons dogma wouldnt be much more than a hidden gem
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>tfw I buy a pawn with rift points thats doing 5000 damage a blow
>I only do around 200 damage
I just started and I feel like I'm a side character.
Are there any numbers to back up the square root rule? Or is it based on feeling?

It's a rough diamond, if you like the things it does well then it's gonna really shine for you.
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>>doesn't mention Skyrim
>It's good

Fuck off.

Skyrim and hell,possibly even the whole Elder Scrolls series is one of the biggest jokes of gaming. It's like a bad actualization of the saying "size is everything" while all else in the game is cripplingly shallow. From the combat which is never diverse enough to warrant you changing your approach,the environments that all maintain that same empty feeling because there's no depth aside from holding W through them even the fucking cities since NPCs contribute shit fuck all to making a mood or situation and the narrative is all over the place and completely unfocused.
Oblivion had it's faults. But each town had their own unique look, and the forest around the cities and areas was also unique. There was also a lot of great quests, dark brotherhood, painting world, infiltrate pirates etc.
I hold no love for skyrim though. It was oblivion without fun quest, boring places.
It's fun as fuck game name a better action RPG.
Why don't you autists just fucking play a Tabletop RPG if you're so upset no vidya fits your definition of RPG? Oh that's right you need friends to play Tabletop RPGs.
golden age era rpgs
Was nothing but shitty dungeon crawlers and h&s trash.
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