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>Square Enix has "withdraw from the business of IO Interactive"

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>Square Enix has "withdraw from the business of IO Interactive"

pour one out for Hitman, who knows what'll happen to it now
I guess the season 2 dream is dead.

I was expecting to see a trailer at e3.
Was Hitman™ really that much of a blunder?
The game itself was fine and I thought it sold well, but maybe the episodic format they went for really did a number on the sales... who knows.

Maybe it's just Squeenix being Squeenix.

Glad this meme died
soo what?

is IO dead or?
This is going to push FF7 riiiiiight the fuck back.
Yes, basically.
Hopefully they can find a different publisher. I don't know how much of the episodic bullshit was their idea. And hopefully any future game by them doesn't go back to how Absolution was. Either that or they sell the Hitman IP to someone who can make a good game.

Why would this affect the FF7 remake?
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Haha that'll teach those faggots to make shit episodic for no reas-

>FF7 remake is episodic

god fucking damnit. there goes the only good danish game developer
le esipodic meme
Oh yeah, I forgot the FF7 remake was going to be episodic. Wonder if they'll still go ahead with it because they're already however far into it or if it'll be changed in some way.
Is Square Enix the next THQ?
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>hitman ends up good
>sleeping dogs ends up good
>deus ex ends up good (sort of)
>tomb raider blows
>on pace for a 2nd sequel
Is the crash starting?
Most of those didn't sell well though?

Does this mean no more hitman from IO?
Does Square own the hitman copyright?
If it goes the way of Tomb Raider, Square might own the copyright. I'm not completely sure though.
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Is there seriously a more incompetent publisher? They make Capcom look like business geniuses.

Speaking of Capcom, anyone else feel current SquareEnix is very fucking similar to Capcom a few years ago? Seems to be a lot of arrogance at play here, investing millions in more niche IP's thinking they'll sell several millions.
It fucking kills me that both the new Hitman and Deus Ex were solid games despite all the bullshit SE did, and instead of learning from this to go back to making complete games they're just gonna trash and burn both franchises.
Weird that I/O is still listed as a subsidiary in their FY statement.
Kojima buys it and makes it MGS Hitman
FF7 remake will sell no matter what. They could sell each ep for $60 at 2 hours each and as long as cloud and the crew are in HD everyone will buy it.

Because fanwankery.
DeusEx was shelved because of their pre-order PR nightmare, if I remember right
steamspy says 630k+-20k in sales
ffxv is to blame, 10 fucking years and it sold like garbage
Now go and look at Absolution's sales and die a bit inside.
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>hurrr FF7 is episodic

Fucking niggers do your research, its going to be spilt into three full sized games, not released peicemeal lile Hitman.

Do you seriously get all your gaming news from /v/?
How was that augment your preorder thing any different than those games on steam that had preorder milestones. Like dead or alive or that tales game?
They do I checked
I don't care that much

IO are such assholes they spent time making TIMED CONTENT and also have always online for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME

It's literally cancer of the industry, they deserve this

They even added an offline mode but you can't do half the things when that is the case


Fucking IO
>tfw I actually enjoyed Absolution even though it was quite a bit different from the other Hitman games
Though Absolution pissed a lot of people off so of course the next game in the series isn't going to be looked upon kindly even if it's good. Not to mention the episodic release.

That's still episodic. You need to buy three games to get the full story.
But did Tomb Raider really sell any better than them?
and you still have to see that FF7 cuhrazee remake we're making!
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that's what they get for their online only shenanigans...shame about Hitman tho
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>Fucking niggers do your research, its going to be spilt into three full sized games, not released peicemeal lile Hitman.
Thats literally what episodic means.
While I'm sure it'll sell far too many copies, my only remaining hope for the FF7 remake is that it hurts me as little as possible.

>splitting a full sized game into three full sized games

That's not how it works at all.
also vgchartz states
350k PS4
130k Xbox One
>That's still episodic. You need to buy three games to get the full story.

Yea just like Uncharted is episodic right?
Fuck off
>three full sized games

I don't know if it's cute or sad that you actually believe this.


No, they're going to make 3 20-hour on-rails cliffnotes versions of each ps1 disc and call it a day.

And FF7 is my favorite game of all time, so know how much it pains me to be this cynical about it.
No because they posted a profit
The big misconception here is that FF7 is going to be released in small buts when thats simply not true.

And theyre only doing it due to the sheer scale of the project. No way in hell it can be done in one release without cutting out a ton.
Apparently squares used some dodgy accounting years ago to make FF14 look better by shifting the blame to some of their eidos games. I wonder if they're doing that again. Like how does hitman lose 40 million?
XV broke even on day one and made profit, and the financial report specifically says XV is one of the games that best contributed to their yearly profit. Fucking retard
It wasn't.

The issue stemmed from news outlets spearheading a campaign scorning the practice.
A big, well known franchise getting negative press makes for a bad time.
You know what else did this?

Starcraft 2.

Look how that ended up.
Uncharted isn't a remake of a single game.

>scale of the project
How are they getting so much content out of 1 game to split it into 3 games? I would like to know how you think this is something that should actually happen.
but Absolution sold well off Blood Money's fame
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Well, that's fucking unfortunate. Goddamn Squeenix, I think a second season really could've ironed out the issues the first one had. And I thought the sales were decent, but perhaps it's another case of the publishers having unreasonably high expectations.
But I guess this also serves as wake up call with their retarded episodic DRM format.
Hard to say, I do know for a fact sleepy dogs and he will not divide us didn't meet their sales quota.
You're only cynical because its the cool thing to do on /v/

When tou think about the sheer amount of contenr FF7 already had, it becomes very beleivable that they might have to segment things to get the most out of the remake.

The only way this can go wrong is through another corporate clusterfuck like with XV, on the base level its a solid move.
>The big misconception here is that FF7 is going to be released in small buts when thats simply not true.

The size of the bits is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is that they took a complete, finished game, and are now splitting it up into 3 chunks for no reason other than greed and lack of artistic integrity.

>And theyre only doing it due to the sheer scale of the project. No way in hell it can be done in one release without cutting out a ton.

Yes, I believe that's what Square Enix SAID. I don't believe that's actually the truth for even one second.
FF7 is actually fucking huge, have you played it recently?

It's the result of the game being delayed and remade like 3 times, but keeping all the content, unlike XV that scrapped half the shit it did.
There goes Freedom Fighters 2 dreams
earlier in it's life I could see that, but at this point, it's a mildly successful sub-based MMO. I'm sure it doesn't have anything near WoW numbers, but how the hell could it still be losing money at this point? The fuck are they doing with it all?
This, people forget how immense the older FFs actually are.

Why do you think theyre still dancing around a FF6 remake? That shit wont be easy or cheap
The game they're remaking being long doesn't excuse splitting it up into three games.
SE sure are shelving a lot of their franchises these days, huh.
I mean maybe they're doing something similar but with ff15 or another game. Not specifically cover for ff14.

I just beat persona 5 after 180 fucking hours and that was one game.

The witcher 3 absolutely dwarfs FF7 both in terms of size and density of content and that was one game.

Stop making excuses for Squeenix. There's no fucking reason it had to be done this way.
>its going to be spilt
>going to be spilt
>to be spilt
>be spilt
there, I highlighted it for you.
Knowing that a game is episodic just makes me want to buy it bundled later, though.
Square-Enix is really bad at managing budgets for their games.
P5 is literally just a bunch of separated hallways, not a whole world.
Persona 5 reuses a shitload of assets, so does TW3 with its ubisoft tier open world

FF7 takes you across an entire fucking continent with unique locales, nowhere near comparible
>Apparently squares used some dodgy accounting years ago to make FF14 look better by shifting the blame to some of their eidos games. I wonder if they're doing that again. Like how does hitman lose 40 million?

Wouldn't surprise me at all.

They bet fucking everything on FFXV and they'll do everything in their power to make the game seem like a success. In reality it most likely didn't sell well enough to justify how much money they put into it. I don't think that "10 million copies" thing was some pie in the sky, I think they legitimately were looking for those numbers.

Like holy shit the game had a complementary FULL LENGTH CGI MOVIE with fucking Sean Bean in it.
Go for it, that might be a good call.

I dont agree with people saying its bad on principle though. Theyre putting emotion over whats actually feasible.
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Hope Sony buys them
Hitman home was in PlayStation anyways
on a more serious note I can see WB obtaining them or heck even EA in worst case scenario
That's the problem, anon.
Me buying it later bundled is ultimately going to hurt their upfront sales.
Danishes never once
I highly doubt FF7R will have a 'whole world' either, until I see them actually move on an overworld.

In fact, without an overworld, entire areas of the game could be boiled down to cutscenes.
XV broke even on day 1 and has been making profit ever since. The financial report SE just posted lists XV as one of the main reasons they've been profiting.

Aniplex/Stage6 aka Sony funded the movie and anime btw.
You're just one guy, dont worry about it. Theres more than enough fanboys to cover the intial sales.
Yes I do!
What the actual fuck are you talking about? It broke even and is making profit, it was a financial success no matter how you slice it.
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Yeah TW3 is literally just copy-paste, not impressive at all. Now FF7, there's a truly breathtaking and expansive world!

Oh wait no, it's literally a field with mountains and villages peppered around.

FF7 is still a 10/10 game but you're literally talking out of your ass here.
I hope that's the case; seems it wasn't for hitman
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No, but you asked how they're getting so much content out of it, and there's your answer. This is also literally remaking it all with modern animations/graphics/voicing/etc when the original was block people with text. I think it's dumb of them to try and it's going to turn out to be shit but that much is at least understandable.

I wouldn't say most the older FF's are even half of 7's size. it's retarded fuckhuge. If we were talking main story alone it MIGHT be comparable but 7 is loaded with all kinds of mini games and side quests and optional shit.

We both know they wouldn't take a project on this huge without attempting to kike the shit out of their potential buyers. That's why it took them so long to decide to do it to begin with. If this shit never became industry standard to ruin games in order to make them cost inane amounts of money they would've never even given it consideration.

>shilling TW3

I'm not making excuses you cunt dribble, I'm offering reasonable explanations. Game's going to be trash like your two examples anyway.
at least we have capshit games to look forward to right RIGHT?
I pud fordy seven spises in da pasta...
But still it tastes like ahshes in mai mauth

I feel like this has less to do with Hitman and more to do with some dodgy accounting or handling of finances by Square
>No, but you asked how they're getting so much content out of it, and there's your answer.
My question is how are they getting 3 games worth of content out of the game when all that content was in one game originally. The answer to that actually is that they're splitting it up to jew people.
>sell it in a format that's only popular for telltale's shitty games
>wonder why no one buys it
FF7 on PS1 was 3 disks you underaged fuck
Game was good. Episodic was fucking retarded.
Also how the FUCK does Square Enix lose that much on a game that sold fairly well? Did they throw $120 million at it and expect it to self 5 million copies?
Disc count and game count are two different things, you silly person.
And? MGS1 was 2 discs but Twin Snakes didn't split it into two separate games. Do you know how small those discs were? Do you know how much of that space was taken up by prerendered cutscenes? The number of discs in the original game means absolutely nothing.
You realize decisions like that are always the publisher's?
>Square Enix
>killed Deus Ex
>killed Tomb Raider
>killed Hitman

why did even buy Eidos? just to ruin all their franchises? Actually outside of Nier has Square done anything else good recently?
And do you have any idea what FF7 is going to look like with the intended graphical quality and enhancements they have planned?

Its more than enough to justify breaking it into segments
I imagine that the bad will leftover from Absolution was more of a killer than tm. A lot of the time you won't see the damage a game or film has done until the next release.
I thought this was mostly hailed as redemption.
>There will never be Kane and Lynch 3

Why bother living?
I think most people won't even have tried it because Hitman has been in steady decline for a few games and then Absolution cemented it as dead.
FYI, that doesn't take episodes other than 1 into account.
Episodic games are statistically and factually proven, WITH NO EXCEPTIONS, to have each next episode sell WORSE than previous one.
So if there's ~630k sold of the base game (aka Episode 1) then I guarantee you each next episode bled customers hard.
No, it's not. It's blatant money grubbing. Have fun paying $180 for your full game though. If it ever comes out.
hopefully they'll sell the rights to hitman away but I doubt it

Well isn't that fucking optimistic as shit

We've barely even seen the fucking game and you're just assuming they're going to add oceans of new content and changes? You're just taking their word at face value after the absolute shitshow that was FFXV?

Better brace yourself son, you're in for a bumpy ride.
My answer was that it was LITERALLY 3 games made into one originally. It started as a late SNES title, got developed as an N64 title, and was made into a PS1 game. They spent a ton of development time on it and that was with ATB battle and shitty block people as opposed to all the shit they're doing with the remake. Their 3 "games" worth of content probably won't even cover 3/4 of the original.
Probably. Why do you think they jumped so hard on Taro's success?

SE does a much better job when they just give a dude a budget and send him out to hire good devs.
Blood Money was the apex. Hitman had been consistently evolving from the jewel encrusted shit pile of the first game until they """updated""" it on Absolution.
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Square Enix was the publisher of IO Interactive's games.
Why in the world would Square Enix get the rights to an IP owned by IO, which they only published?

How are property taxes over there in the Land of Imagination? I was thinking of moving but I'm not sure.
Square-Enix own Eidos and all the studios that used to be part of Eidos.
Let me guess, their servers are going to shut down.

>there's nothing wrong with always-online features guys!
I'm optimistic but am content to wait and see, thats infinitely better than being cynical on principle.
Having been worked on across different systems doesn't make it 3 different games they fused into one. It was one game that had multiple development stages.
Not any more, evidently.
No they're not
Don't defend IO, they're a shit dev

No one other Square game has always online for a fucking SP game
Eidos bought IO, which includes the rights to Hitman, and then Square bought Eidos.
I always thought 2 was their peak to be honest. Maybe I'm projecting my perspective of the game.
I would have said while still better than codename 47 and absolution by an enormous margin, blood money and contracts were still steps down.
Fuck IO they deserve this fate
Hopefully they just release all the timed content shit as a free DLC before they get canned. Someone should ask them about that.
>they're a shit dev
Obviously not as they made a great game.
>>Why do you think theyre still dancing around a FF6 remake?
It's worth noting that the team apparently has been pushing for FF6 remake for years and wanted to do FF6 instead of FF7, and now they're hoping they'll get to remake FF6 after FF7.
They also killed Taito.
The new hitman isn't great
It's average at best and only 3 of the episodes are like that
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How shitty must it feel when this was announced on the same day of record sales

>Good job guys, we got amazing profits this year
>Except you guys, you're out
they also killed Thief
You want to fuck white korra?
>I wouldn't say most the older FF's are even half of 7's size. it's retarded fuckhuge. If we were talking main story alone it MIGHT be comparable but 7 is loaded with all kinds of mini games and side quests and optional shit.
So is FF6.
Every single town, NPC and so on changes in World of Ruin.
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>Nier, a bad Japanese Witcher ripoff
I prefer it to witcher 3. The only thing I liked about Witcher 3 more than NieR was the Gwent minigame.
And each of those discs came in one package on release day and cost 50$.
For comparison, they will jew 3x60$ or more for this one and that's not counting obligatory extra weapons and costumes as DLC that they will INEVITABLY pull considering FF13 and FF15.
Dumb shillposter.
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Yes, who wouldn't?
>Forgetting about Taffer.
Pretty sure they only got Crystal Dynamics, Eidos and IO to destroy them.
XV was great
Game was good but it was very buggy and episodes fucked with the game flow alot.

Rip hitman
XV was a bait and switch, and a total bore that wasn't worth the hard drive space on my PS4. It could have literally been free, and I still would have been disappointed.
>early access AAA
>always online+ denuvo

serves them right
According to SE, TR 2013 didn't meet sales quota too despite selling something like 5 million. I honestly think they just have retarded as fuck targets.
No it wasn't and I doubt you even played it.
THQ Nordic buys it for a pittance and everything is daijobu.
>why did even buy Eidos? just to ruin all their franchises?
EA does it too, and everyone wants to be EA.
Except actizzard, but nobody knows on what sorcery they operate.

I wonder when blizzard will swallow activision?
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>We will never get the sniper briefcase
>Mass Effect is dead
>Hitman is dead

What next?
So what is more likely?

>Square gets another developer to continue on Hitman
>Square sits on the IP; it's as good as dead
>whoever buys IO buys the Hitman IP from Square
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