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Why don't voice actors for other games do fun things li

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Why don't voice actors for other games do fun things like the Overwatch voice actors?

Why aren't millenials getting real jobs?
Overwatch is big so they are cashing in while they can

Other games are not/not as much so doing so would be pointless
I want to know about the psyche of someone who watches shit like this, shit that is more boring than a normal conversation with your own friends, and thinks "wow that sure looks like fun I wish I could have a slice of that"
Thank God Soe isnt in Dota anymore
wait lucio's not actually black
Because they are not millenials

Yeah, she is pretty much the definition of a fake nerd. Attaches herself to the newest fad game like a leech, knows fucking nothing about it but feigns interest anyway.

(Hotbid interviewing Soe, asks what her main is, she says Furion)
>Hotbid: So what build do you get on Furion?
>Soe: I go midas.
>Hotbid: Do you get Dagon?
>Soe: Why would I get Dagon?
>Hotbid: It's great, you can teleport around and shoot someone with the laser. It's perfect
>Soe: Yeah, but you already have the teleport on Furion anyway...
>Hotbid: (small pause as he realizes a Dota 2 commentator doesn't know what the Dota 2 items are, and thinks Dagon is a teleportation item)
It's mostly kids.
lucio's huehuehue
Scout voice actor is a fucking attention whore. He'll do anything for people to give him attention
normiesare actually incredibly lonely and empty inside. they need SOME form of what they think is "positivity" to fill voids
>implying lucio isn't fucking both of them
It's actually amazing how many normies have no friends. Like, literally they never interact with anybody except their husband/wife. That's it.
fun? that was fucking annoying to watch...
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Wait, so they're just like us?
No, because at least they have a gf/bf and maybe kids

You have NOTHING.
the guy doing the interview is fucking hilarious
>I only started playing Dota a few months back
>and now you're at The International!? What the hell
>I know right?
>you move up really fast, I guess
guys women have it really tough
Street Fighter
Every/Anything with Sugita
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Pssh, I don't need anything besides my waifu and vidya.
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Damn she's hideous without all that make up.
>>Hotbid: (small pause as he realizes a Dota 2 commentator doesn't know what the Dota 2 items are, and thinks Dagon is a teleportation item)
you're imagining things
Just like scout!
she the voice actor for sombra?
Because it's disgusting weeb-like VA idol shit that has nothing to do with the games.
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She's a shill for Blizzard.

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>Takes fucking years for people to get to the International and be employed for it
>Soe even with her limited knowhow of the game got the job

Even Kaci took the time to learn the game, maybe not play, but she understood and that's makes her so good for interviews.

I'm just glad Valve is more harsh on it, Llama left since she felt the fans and valve were giving her a hard time and too right.
Sombra's va is so fucking cute damnit.

She's got a face you just wanna bust a nut on.
He represents scout perfectly and I love him for it.
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>My mom reacts to "The last Bastion"
>Overwatch according to my 3 year old daughter
kaci is a fucking walking void of awkwardness, why does valve even invite her? it's like bringing your mom along. esports events should be hosted by people who actually play the game, it's not like you're going to make it more accessable to normal people by bringing a normal tv person on board, normal people think esports are a joke anyway
Sombra's VA has been in softcore porn or something apparently
But they do! In Japan...
Or you're autistic and can't read emotions. He clearly does pause, repeats himself, and is confused until he realizes she doesn't know what Dagon does.
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Her latest video is of her talking to some guy's kids through skype.

Would you let your kids talk to a former softcore porn star?
Sheever was two years into her job as a DOTA 2 caster saying shit like 'Wow, he just got critical hit by that spell!' when a spell would do a lot of proportional health damage and trigger the 'mortal wound' blood droplet visual effect

None of the women in the DOTA 2 scene know anything about the game
They won't let them. The guy who did Revali was doing tons of voice requests on tumblr but he had to stop because Nintendo threatened him.
From the way you typed it, it sounds like Hotbid is the one saying that the item is a teleportation item.

I don't want to watch your video.
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Why does Nintendo hate fun?
i'd say worse. the other guy is talking about their having a significant other and they'll mostly be okay. the ones who don't are even more lonely and empty than "we" are -- and what truly makes it worse is the fact that they go out and do things like partying, going to bars, movies, etc without getting any sort of real satisfaction. usually, i feel it's because they are in search for that significant other, yet they can't find it and hang themselves over it without getting into actual interests or hobbies
they dont let sheever cast games
It makes a parallel I guess, she an experienced anchorwoman and so is the best person to really understand how much players want to win the interview.

If you had two Slacks for instance, it would get tiring before long and so you need that bit of normality to bring people back.

To count people would riff on her not knowing about the game with regular banter so it was in good fun.

I dunno though, Valve chooses how they present themselves and even then they are a lot more informal than the way say Riot or Blizzard would do things.
muh character integrity
Furion has a global teleport. It appears you also don't know anything about DOTA, so why would you reply to me?
I wouldn't, but degenerate normies looking for youtube clicks would for sure. You need to understand normies have no morals when it comes to attention.
>Revali was doing tons of voice requests on tumblr but he had to stop because Nintendo threatened him.

You mean they were within their rights to choose how they wanted to use that voice they had paid to heir and the character they own.
Like he said they were resentful over it but it's protecting their business.
I heard McCree's voce voice actor plays Overwatch and randomly says "It's High Noon" just to fuck with people
>so it was in good fun.
kaci trying to do anything funny was so unbearably embarassing I had to mute the stream
a good presenter who knows anything about dota 2 or even video games isnt that fucking hard to find
>From the way you typed it, it sounds like Hotbid is the one saying that the item is a teleportation item.
It really doesn't sound that way if you understand context. I'm not watching the video either but it's pretty apparent what he's saying
that's Hot Bid for yah
Pretty much the only person I ever talk to now is my wife, and my baby but they don't understand what I'm saying. It's pretty comfy although I wish I could play vidya with my friends from school once more.
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The Nier Automata dub VAs played the game in their voices. But yeah, I dont know. most Western voice actors dont seem to really give a shit and its just another shitty failed acting job to them.
He also streams weekly D&D game sessions with other Voice Actors.
That's why they got RedEye.
But again she's just there to be different I believe, Valve has a certain way of doing things.
cause getting married is the completion of their life goals. theres nothing beyond that.
Voice actors are like radio DJs, they are mostly average to ugly.
The main FFXV cast played their game aswell, mostly amusing for hearing Ignis' VA reading descriptions.
I think what's usually to blame for that is that most of the time they won't even know what game they're doing the voice for or even the character's name and the game can get released like a year or two after they've done the recording.
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>western voice actors go on strike cause they want to make fuck tons of cash like japanese ones
>no one cares that they went on strike
>dont even know if they still are on strike
They don't, they just hate people who don't pay them to have fun.
>most of the time they won't even know what game they're doing the voice for or even the character's name
This is not true, at least for the voice recording studio I work at and we work with a lot of games. I know this shit happened with Fire Emblem Fates (which was handled horribly) but nobody (other than Nintendo) could get away with such shitty direction
There's a vid with him and Winston's VA in a quick play game. They're talking in character and their team just assumes they're using a soundboard.
>but nobody (other than Nintendo) could get away with such shitty direction
You Nintendo hate blinds you to the real world. Every company does shit like this. Not just Nintendo.
Matt Mercer is a legit pretty cool guy. Shame that /v/ spazzes out about him routinely because he's left-leaning and a big gun control advocate.

He did a gj voicing Yusuke.
VA for a cowboy in a game built around guns, is a faggot about guns wow
because fuck work, it really doesn't have to be this way but your shit generation wont stop working over time and quiznoes for pennys a day
Define "real job".
Isn't revali voiced by based rean?
Nigga I fucking work in voice recording. Every actor knows the roles they are playing well before they step into the studio.
Wasn't he the one that did an interview with the weeb in the bathtub and then they ate chips together?
Something approved by baby boomers
Twitch streamer.
trade job

t. gen z training to become a welder
is KT fucking retarded

your standards are bad
Every single one of us would kill for such a job. You are standing in front of a micro for several hours, getting payed a big amount of money (not millions or hundred thousands, but still really good) and then you have pretty much free all the time.
I wouldn't study one single day in my life if I could get such a job.
Enjoy getting cucked by robot labor faggot, trade jobs in the 21st century are the biggest meme
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She has tats.
His voice is beyond sexy.
cause they're smart and are finding ways to subvert the system
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i got to 5k dagoning people on furion that guys a shitter, the "awkward pause" came form the fact that he is an autistic chink who cant handle a joke meme build

Fuck, now im getting crushing nostagia of when dota was a fun fucking game.
>that jaw
tempted to call tranny, but no tranny would ever have their hair that short
The ones on her leg are pretty well done at least.
Enjoy that youtube channel buddy
>they're attractive and Chads and Stacies get anything they want because of their looks

FTFY, there's a reason the only revelant fat ugly e-personality is boogie, and that's because everyone just subscribes and waits for the day he dies our of morbid curiosity.
look up Kyle McCarley on youtube or twitch
2B's VA had literally no idea on anything that happened in the story after her death
This, the more exposure of their work they have the more likely they are to be hired for more works and the more likely they are to get paid better. Although they are probably very happy with the amount they are getting from Blizzard, which supposedly pays way more than the usual in the VA market
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that aint true, im pretty sure broteam pill is a gremlin in real life
Fuck yeah I'd let my sons do it. Not my daughters though, dumb bitches would probably think porn is the way up.
Theres tons of skullgirls videos where the VAs play the game
Total bitchtits is because mustards have the lowest of standards and will listen to anyone so long as their remind them that 60fps is a godsend and to ignore anything less, even if it means supporting indie trash and ignoring masterpieces like Bloodborne
Your daughters will whore themselves on whatever replaces instagram and tinder in the future, and will take miles of BBC because they are told from middle school that is sexual empowerment.
But I'll play Bloodborne, in a few years when it's on emulator.

I played Demon's Souls on PC this morning in fact.
Nah, she had a sex scene in some shitty telemovie.

Rivali in english sounds fucking disgusting though , Nintendo practically grabbed random people to do the voices for the game, glorious latin america spanish actually grabbed veterans and it sounds so much better

I meant more in response to "the only relevant fat ugly e-personality is Boogie".
>apply for a "real" job
>get no reply

Why do you think?
>not speaking with the manager and doing a firm handshake while you look him in the eye
>meanwhile at the superior RuHub
>what are the biggest misconceptions of humanity?
>How should we solve potential overpopulation problem?

>She keeps. Fucking. Saying it.
Cuck boi.

Do you look him in the eye when you are swallowing his cock too? Fucking hell get some ambition.
>big gun control advocate.
Worked great for Britbongistan, didn't it?
>implying there won't be people who want hand made products.
t. No idea how the world works.
Because they`re not being paid to pretend to care by the company, contrary to the Overwatch ones
>not just working at your dads fortune 500 company

how can anybody be poor i just dont get it
Settle down, Tumblr. This isn't one of your gay friend-fictions.
Mate Brote or Sean is a Nova Scotian with a massive alcohol addiction. His liver is fucked.
Pretty sure the first wave of robot-hand made items will be worth more and garner more attention than anything human-hand made right now
Corporate cuck customer service at its finest. Don't forget to kiss your boss goodnight before he leaves.
The only thing from R6:S I've seen.
What are you on about? Most Americans aren't smart or fast thinking enough to use their firearms in a self defence situation. Anytime they pick up a gun it's to sperg out and kill a bunch of innocent bystanders because they feel society has let them down. When in actual fact it's the bastard genetics that Americans have that let them down. Absolute disaster of a country.
Enjoy building a robot that can replace an electrical. I'm sure it'll be able to install a power point in that 150 year old brick house.
Meanwhile in UK electricians aren't smart or fast thinking enough to not carry a screwdriver in their pocket in a store. Anytime they carryone they get tazed and arrested for unlawful possesion of a dangerous item.

The only reply you'll get from me. I will not talk with a slave.
Because for years, retarded baby boomers demanded ""experience"" and never wanted to supply said experience for more than free. Millenials, like many generations prior, couldn't live off free and went elsewhere to find money
Give it time. Look at places like Japan
>m-m-muh milenials
>a generations that just spawned out of thin air, in a sterile environment without culture of history
>Every single one of us
Not true. While I and my handful of friends I still hang out with all have real careers, I know a lot of people I went to college with that are still not working full time, and it's not because they're unable to find something. Most of them spent some time traveling right out of college, then some others just decided they didn't want to work in an office and kept whatever shitty job they'd been doing part time, but pretty much all of them are people that got student loans from the government. If you fall under a certain income level, the payment amount you are required to give is $0. Most of those people don't care that their credit scores will be totally fucked by racking up the interest, and plan to default on the loan anyway. When asked, they just say they're fine with living in shitty apartments forever because they're getting some kind of "authentic" urban experience. Of course, the ones that have this plan and then change their minds have been having rude awakenings when they have a kid, want to buy a house, then find out they have nowhere near enough money saved for a down payment, nor the credit score to get a loan, and will probably never be able to get a house in their life.
soe get out
they dont get payed to
I want to fuck Soe
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>No one posting DC Douglas

Probably because they can't due to contractual reasons.
Elias Toufexis playing Dude Sex Human Revolution was nice.
i wish i was that good looking
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Cool, I still wouldn't want them getting advice from a pornstar
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Because they're afraid of them ending up doing stupid shit like this.

reminder that millennials are starting to hit their mid 30's now
God, I remember what an uproar this caused at the time. Funny to think it was close to 20 years ago now.
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How has no one posted this?
He even says other times rather than High Noon sometimes.
Every Overwatch VA fun video is just the girls flirting with Lucio's voice actor
Yes, I think it was with Merlini
He also worked with Michael Mando on a couple interview sketches
Forgot to link the first one
Yeah. Tats are disgusting. Just means that she'd be easy to fuck.
>the 15 yr old talking bout jobs
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Looks like we found a replacement for Optimus Primes voice actor.
That's where we got the voice packs from. Beo's voice also plays in tourneys, commentates for them and makes music.
Except most deaths by gunshots are suicides. Confirmed for assblassted Europoor.
This so much
>Hurr Durr why don't you damn kids get a real job
>No, we will not hire you because you have no experiences, who cares if you just graduated!
>Damn kids exploiting the system!
All getting a job is about is who you know. Make the right friends and you'll get your break.
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>Be 21 year old NEET

>college grad
>can't even find a godamn job to save my life

>Dad is 50
>dropped out of highschool
>he's making 21/hr at his lumber job
>bought a house at age 24

>he tells me to get a job
>I tell him I've applied everywhere and they won't fucking hire me


I miss long haired Soe.
I walked right out of highschool, got a warehouse job, put myself through college and immediately got a job

you just fucking suck anon, and lets not pretend that your bitch ass would be out in the field picking berries with the illegals

t. 21 year old neet
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>t. 21 year old neet

>has a job
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>college flat out says getting a job is 99% social networking nowadays and most if not all job opportunities aren't actually posted
>25 year old shut in with zero friends, no driver's license, or social media accounts
>parents wonder why i'm a failure who can't get a job
Seriously considering suicide.
I don't have zero friends,
but i tried all my social contacts but still failed to secure a job.
it's been 10 months since i'm unemployed.
and every night i'm having vision of me hanging myself,
wondering when it will be not just a vision but reality...
150 year old brick house? cute. that shit will be torn down, materials reused or scrapped and a laser-precision high-rise will be built where it stood by the robots that can't install shit in an old house, but can build a new one 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. get cucked.
Make that vision a reality right now.
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Fucking this

>brother was the social outgoing guy who failed classes and skimmed through life

>I was the shut in who worked hard, had great grades and had high chance of being successful in life by my classmates

after college

>my brother is making 6 figures because he knew some guy running a business and got into the supply business even though he has no fucking idea how to run it

>meanwhile I'm working in mcdonalds

Just end it
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yeah dude, i can't get enough of those hand crafted cars
>entry level job paying 40k
>required: 12 years experience in Android development
>lmao no Americans can meet our requirements so we're going to hire pajeet instead
Walk into a place and ask for a job nowadays
>"Okay, here's the website where you can apply"
>Go to website
>Cumbersome ATS system means your application takes an hour
been a custodian for 5 years and had a good thing going at ups. i see my manual labor coworkers and think im fucking beautiful. some are the manly men you see in shaving commercials, but thats like 3 total. i feel like fucking elvis walking around getting my fucking hands dirty cleaning toilets just cause it paid close to 20 and hour with tons of down time. one guy punched a boss and still didnt get fired thanks to the union. this place is trash. i want out. how do i turn my looks into ~45k a year?
>how do i turn my looks into ~45k a year?
Gay porn.
dont think i wont asshole
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[i'm glad I can eventually use this gif]

>required: 12 years experience in Android development

kek. Go to Burger King and get some damn cash, fag. Use the loot to go to bars and meet people.
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Yeah because thats where people go to meet people in 2017. Fucking bars.
Because most aren't iconic enough. Many games just have generic VA's mostly.

MGS cast is really iconic, and they did tons of stuff. Do you really want videos of the people who voice COD of Duty games?
it's exaggerating but you can go to any job application website now,
search for any entry job,
and you will find most of them requiring you to have about 2-3 years of related experiences.
this is especially common in IT field,
where you are required to have server experiences
or Java experiences
or IOS development
>huge tits, nice long hair, gorgeous skin, nice shape
It is. Bars, clubs, casinos. Just go out and make friends, you faggot.
>thread about voice actors
>turns into /r9k/ faggotry
Someone already mentioned them but the Skullgirls cast also showed up to weekly tournaments. It was for charity purposes and the Evo spot but it was still nice.
You are so goddamn out of touch. If you go up and try to socialize with someone in one of those places they'll think you're a fucking creepy loser. Especially if you're too old.
>kek. Go to Burger King and get some damn cash, fag. Use the loot to go to bars and meet people.
due to some reasons, i need to work at this foreign country,
and they are only hiring locals in Burger King or starbucks or any chained fast food.
so i'm pretty much fucked right now.
Because they're waking up to Mr. Kikenstein's lies.
>they hire Pajeet with a Pajeet degree from Pajeetistan
>find out Pajeet is a terrible programmer
>fire Pajeet
>whine about low skill workers
>hire another pajeet
Confirmed for youngfag with no social skills. I met people at grocery stores. Just fucking talk to them without spilling your spaghetti.
That sucks. My Dairy Queen had a Poo own it.
Cause life is a movie apparently and you can just meet people anywhere if you're charismatic enough. Everyone isn't glued to their mobile device stuck in their own little groups or anything, everyone is so willing to be social and talk to their fellow man in 2017.
Yes, unless you live in a soviet state where nobody talks with anyone due to suspition of being a snitch.
Calm down shulk
>Confirmed for youngfag with no social skills.
i have no social skills and i don't deny it.

Fuck this world for valuing social skills over actual skills.
>and you can just meet people anywhere if you're charismatic enough.
Yes, you can. Life isn't like /r9k/ says it is. People don't blow you off if you try to say hi, usually. Just don't be a creep about shit and it's not hard. Like I said, I befriended a cute girl who was pushing carts at a SafeWay. Stop being a pussy and go talk, NEETfag.
Social skills are everything. No one wants to higher Frankenstein, anon.
You sound like a real piece of shit.
You sound like a pathetic excuse for a human being. Take the other anons advice and neck yourself to free up some space.
>Jerma talking to Scout's VA
This should cause a paradox or something.
Giving people advice that would only work with incredibly social people to begin with is fucking retarded.

>"Yeah brah just like talk to anyone brah just don't be a creep though as long as you're handsome and charismatic like me what do you have to lose?" ;^)))))))
How is getting a drink and chatting some only incredibly social people can do? I'm extremely shy, but even I can talk to people. The fact is you pussies are going to live with shit pay until you kill yourselves because you spend your time bitching about how shit life is instead of doing something about it and ignore all advice given because it's too damn hard. Pathetic really.
>I'm extremely shy
>casually chats up people in supermarkets
>I'm extremely shy, but even I can talk to people.
Girl made a comment to me while bagging my shit for me and I kept it going. She followed me out because she had to get the carts and we kept talking. I don't like to start the conversation, but I can keep it going. What do you do when someone talks to you, ignore them and walk off?
You clearly have no clue what you're talking about, spergfag.
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>Girl made a comment to me while bagging my shit for me and I kept it going.
>is clearly attractive enough to have a member of the opposite sex initiate conversation
Now imagine if you were autistic and ugly enough for nobody to bother doing this to a person their entire life. You can't just flip a switch that magically makes up for a complete and total lack of social skills.
It wasn't even 10.
>You clearly have no clue what you're talking about, spergfag.
Your dumb ass is the one that have no clue what you're talking about, retard.
You can't just say you're shy but immediately claim that you can talk to people.
It's like saying
>I'm so bad at study
>I only gets 80/100 and not 90/100 on certain subject

I'm 100% convinced you're out of touched with the world and everyone else.
You think that the world revolve around you and uses you as the basic.

If only you can grow some empathy in your retarded ass as well, that would be fucking great.
are you the soeposter from /pol/

you are one of my favorite features of that board if so
Anon, she was bagging my shit. Usually the people who service you make conversation. It's not hard to talk back. Like I said, you'll just make any excuse to avoid putting forth some effort.
>jackass has no clue what being shy is
Keep talking shit and spouting garbage while you sit on 4chan bitching about no life.
wow i havent followed dota in a while but tobi sure got tubby
He's been fat for a while yeah. Like 2 years?
have you looked at the reddit fansubs? everyone involved is underage

they don't grasp basic things of anythign and they always suck his dick
That hits too close to home...
My dad is the exact same way. He also hasn't had to look for a job in 25 years, so he assumes it'll be the exact same as when he last had to find one.
Why don't you?
>Financial Planner
>not asking your brother to help get you on where he's working

Might not be making six figures yet but I'm not making burgers either.
What is this image meant to convey?
>real job

As opposed to a fake job? Last I checked they don't get paid in fake money so it looks like they're working a real job to me.
No I'm not, but fuck every time I see Soe I think of "why aren't millenials doing x?"
I'm white so there's that.
>tfw the old folks think life still works like it did in the 1970's
I keep trying to tell them its not like that anymore but they think I can just waltz in any place and get a job the next day.
dont forget that your resume gets auto trashed just becuase it didn't have the correct Buzzword of the month.
looks better with long hair
>parents moved to the middle of fuckville, nowhere where everyone's retired and keeps to themselves.
>forced to go with them cause only a kid back then
My life was over before I even got out of fucking high school. I just want $15/hr, is that really so much to ask?
God Crispin Freeman has one of the best voices in the industry.
Part of the reason why I think voice actors who work at Blizz are actually proud and have fun with their job is because they get paid really well for it and isn't a "side job" like with most big names doing voices for videogames.
>Lucio isn't black
Because when millennials were old enough to graduate college, the fucking economy tanked and in case you haven't noticed, never really recovered.
Who else plays video games in the language they think the characters would speak here? The Evil Within in Spanish was fantastic for me
>nose piercing
Why do women ruin themselves with this? Even when you don't have the ring in, you have to have that stupid stud. It looks like a mole or something. Yours are drawn to it.

At least with septum piercings, you can take them out and not have a fucking visible stud.
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I have no problem with piercings or tatos as long as it isnt over board
could really go for some tatos right now.
Because it makes you miserable?

t. Werehouse worker
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>wanna fuck Lucio
>also want to fuck his VA
Why do I want to hear that voice moaning on my ear so much? Why do I want to hear pure sounds of bliss coming out of that mouth? Why he looks so cute? Why are is eyes so fucking cute?
Oh, I don't know.
Maybe working for free or for peanuts to get enough ''experience'' to get a ''real'' job while everyone around you either belittles you or pities you isn't the most pleasant experience.

Maybe if the people running the shitshow that is our current economy/work culture would actually hire and people and treat them fairly instead of exploiting the basically free labor that is known as outsourcing to exploit some poor fucker/s an entire world away, then maybe the younger generations would be more interested in keeping their countries afloat instead of working ''fake'' jobs and checking out of society.
No, you anon have us, other anons, people who you can share every single deep secret because you don't have to worry about being judged by society.
Silent Hill 2 voice actors do this all the time


Nobody posted Nathan Vetterlein (TF2 Scout)?
>Look up her twitter
>She's posting depressing and vague things lately
>Check her patreon
>Says she's making 1k a month for doing nothing
Does he do anything but play vidya (mostly nu-tf2) and reminisce about how he voice acts for the game?

I'm fucking jealous.
He does some voice acting on stream. heh
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