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Fucking fuck this palace. >in barracks >fighting the

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Fucking fuck this palace.

>in barracks
>fighting the stupid mini bosses one by one so I can get the key card
>finally got to the chief director
>he's only weak to curse attacks
>use Ann and Mona to kill the fucking little robot fucks
>all my curse attacks miss
>he keeps calling for backup
>little robot fuck does a crit
>rip party



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>It's a "want to play the game until THAT part..." Episode
that was easy, I'm not entirely sure how people have trouble with the simple puzzles in this game
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The endboss is far worse.
>clear through all the robots
>get to the final one
>charges up for some bullshit attack
>the only way to completely absorb it is if you're hungry
>if you've done any social linking whatsoever your teammates will RNG slap hunger away before the attack resolves
Just buff defense with makoto and debuff attack with ann guard you faggot
Even on hard its enough
Guard, nigga.
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Don't use curse attacks that instantly kill, use the ones that just do curse damage.
Just debuff him and guard.
Literally the only fun part in the entire shit palace.
Some of the complaints about Persona 5 I've read on on /v/ have lead me to believe a lot of anons are incredibly stupid.
I did afterward, but it caught me off guard the first time around
This. I just use Eiga.
you know that people on here genuinely had issues with the dragon claw puzzles in skyrim
>not buffing defense and lowering attack on bosses anyway
and you're playing on hard? what the fuck
How do I get Eiga? What personas do I need to fuse?
I got an Eiga card from Mementos.
the first persona in the game that you get has eiga. what have you been doing for 50-60 hours?
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None of the puzzles are hard, just tedious. Hell, I'd prefer a challenging puzzle over "run around and hit switches."
>get to Futaba's palace
>it's amazing
>awesome boss fight
>loving the game
>keep playing
>it gets steadily worse from there on out
>every palace afterward sucks except the casino
>the story goes full retard
>sees the bigger puzzle in the okumura palace
>immediately see how tedious it is and looks up the answer
if these puzzles were any kind of fun, it would have made palaces much better
Pretty sure Arsene only has Eiha.

And maybe that anon fused Arsene with Pixie for the fusion tutorial.
>tedious puzzle
>space race

The tubes?

I literally just wandered around and everything worked out fine.
how do I get through palaces without running out of MP? I almost never find soul drops
avoid enemies, and coffee from the sojiro/hierophant social link
Buy the SP recovery accessories from Tae. Make coffee and curry at Leblanc for one and done recovery. Palaces become 1 day rush throughs.

Im just starting out in the volleyball guy's gym

I cant get sojiro to give me coffee and I dont have the money for a bunch of items from the doc
>very first palace tells you when a nigga is charging something up to guard
>doesn't gaurd when a nigga is charging up a burger from space but instead relies on a debuff that gets slapped away
Did you only think that information provided to you was a one time thing?

>every dungeon before it is themed after common heist location
>spaceport is just themed after the restaurant chain
Are you saying you wouldn't rob moon rocks from the ISS?
you have to interact with the coffee machine (to the far left of the counter in front of sojiro). also if you mean the church in the palace, just take advantage of cover. enemies can't see at all if you're in cover, doesn't matter which way you're facing. move around with the left stick and go from cover to cover in open areas to avoid unnecessary fights. you can always grind later in the grind dungeon you unlock
To be fair, that fucking archangel killed me more than any other obss in the game
>you can always grind later in the grind dungeon you unlock
It's always behind the last palace in powerlevel, i never really grinded in mementos
that's because it's boring as fuck. I was just reassuring the anon that avoiding fights isn't the end of the world
I think you might just be beyond help.
While I did not have that much trouble with burger palace, it was around the time I started to get burnt out on Persona 5 and took a week off from playing it.

I thought the final palace (Boat one) was far more annoying.
Are you using curse damage or curse instakill? Because I can tell you the instakill almost never works on bosses
>burger joints are common heist locations if you are a nigga in the hood
>the story goes full retard
Why does every Persona game have to increase massively in scale in the last couple hours of gameplay? P4 and P5 started out as nice personal stories, stop bringing boring gods into all of it, Adachi and Shido were perfectly fine villains, we don't need some bland and uninspired god at the end of everything.
I fused that persona long ago and now I don't have that ability. Am I permanently fucked?
How come?
Invigorate Cards and Accessories from the Clinic. I didn't realize you could buy the Invigorate Accessories until the last palace and I checked what she sold out of sheer curiosity.
You regularly do heists at a fucking pyramid?
Do you not know how to use the compendium?
go to velvet room. last option of the three (you might only have two right now) is register personas or something. click that and go to compendium (first option). you can spend money to resummon any persona you've acquired in the game. good luck
Because at this point it's a persona thing at they feel like they have to do it
I had absolutely no idea. Thank you anons.
This will also come in handy thanks.
>use weakness to get enemies health really low
>still dont get a hold up

what am I doing wrong
In a way that works, like an old Indiana Jones kind of thing
>implying Indiana Jones and Lara Croft aren't grave robbers
Such rudeness
You only get a holdup for knocking the last one down
you have to down every shadow
I think he's talking about places that get commonly robbed. Someone always wants the Pharaoh's gold, but don't want the curses.
no problem, my dude. I can't imagine how annoying this game would be without the compendium
the last attack you use has to be against a weakness, you can't just attack and kill the one not weakened or anything. might be your issue
>the last attack you use has to be against a weakness
Or a crit, it just has to be a knockdown
>Only boss that took more than one try is Akechi
>Google it after beating him and nobody has posted anything about him being difficult
So was he tough for any one else? Especially since he is a multi phase boss fight coming right after another boss fight
My only issue was that i was out of sp and just barely managed to hold on with those sp items that debuff you
August and September are the worst months in the game.
Yeah I agree. It's really stupid and the way it escalates is so jarring. It was worse in P4, but is almost as bad in P5.
I thought the part in the velvet room was pretty good at least, even if the villain itself was nothing special
At home stretch I was doing this until he undid my buffs and attacked. Barely killed him and had about 15 seconds to beat up okumura. Absolutely the most hype moment in games for me.
I beat him on my first try with an exhausted and depleted party on Hard with levels in the early 60's, he's a lenient boss if you play it smartly. He would be the biggest cakewalk if it wasn't a surprise 4 boss gauntlet.
I got up and made something to eat and forgot the battle was on a timer.
The worst thing is how they handled the end with the beyond shitty end-game area that is Qlipoth which on top of that makes your arrest afterwards completely retarded since everyone could see that you just saved at least Tokyo.

They should've made you go to Yabadabadoo's palace after Mementos Depths to change his heart and then shoot him in the face when you realize that he was made fucked up from the start so a change of heart won't do anything for him. At least it would've given you a end game area that isn't just 3 damn straight lines and would explain why everyone completely ignores your world-saving as an argument against your detention since no one would know about it.
Who's the idiot who greenlit the flu season suicidal reaper? You can legitimately and rapidly skyrocket to level 99 starting in November and it's the most absurd thing I've ever seen. The game balance has gone FUBAR and I didn't even need to put in a cheatcode or dozens of autism hours to do it.
It has to be intentional, and honestly it is a good thing. The average player won't ever get access to the end game Persona otherwise and no one wants to sit around grinding the shitty end game dungeons. The end game of P5 is fucking terrible and the reaper flu exploit is one of the only good things
>not liking one of the few genuinely different dungeoneering segments
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>I didn't read a single fucking tutorial in the first 10 hours of the game despite being completely new to Persona

Jesus christ
Strength confidant rank 10. No need to match persona levels
>jeez, why is this game so easy if you exploit something that obviously wasn't meant to be exploited that way
Still bad game design
I think it's a good thing considering you can only do it at the very end of the game when there's nothing left to really do anyway. It's also convenient since you go back down to level 1 in NG+.
I loved it... at first. But eventually it just started to pad out long sections where there's no way to sneak past enemies, so you just have to keep fighting the same enemies over and over to get around.
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Here's an idea, if you don't want to do it, you don't have to! That was hard, wasn't it?
Still bad game design.
I chacked just to see how much it costs and I needed 50 K for a persona single level higher than me. If you've got to exploit Memento bosses instead of the reaper it doesn't change much.
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>unlock this dude
>Hassou Tobi does light damage to all enemies x8
>huh that looks pretty solid
>decide to use it on the Holy Grail boss
>charge, heat rise myself, weaken the boss's def
>pop it
>1000 damage per hit
>not even my strongest magic attacks do that much damage

Jesus fucking Christ.

Is it me or do magic attacks kinda just get shit late game in terms of raw damage and only used to exploit weaknesses? Phys attacks are broken as hell.
Not just you bro, physical attacks rule P5.
Welcome to every Megaten game ever anon.

Concentrate + Special magic attacks shit out damage though.
>giving people an option to easily grind in a game that requires grinding to complete 100%
Yeah, I'd much rather spend 10 hours fighting the same enemies over and over again getting a little bit of experience at a time. Much better game design.
Yoshitsune was OP as hell in P4 also unless the enemy nulled physical.
I'm also in the boat where I never typically get to play with the badass end-game personas, but it still feels so stupid. I went from:

>Shiido is gunna be rough, I should look into grinding a bit to get Charge on Ryujii and eek out some more damage

You can hardly even call it an exploit when your prerequisites are:
>Pick flu day
>Fight Reapers

It's just a hilariously bad idea to implement. "Just ignore it" doesn't excuse it.
Nah, magic is still really powerful. A concentrated severe spell can do around the same as a charged god's hand. Hassou tobi is more of a novelty "I Win" button.
>to complete 100%
Trophies were a mistake
It has nothing to do with trophies. You don't need to get to lvl 99 to get any of the trophies. Some people just like to max out their characters.
>Trophies were a mistake
You can always just ignore them senpai.
>tfw no Kawakami irl to do your laundry
>Call Kawakami to cook my dinner
>Go play videogames with my cat upstairs
Truly living the dream
My roommate recently replayed skyrim and was stuck on that puzzle for like 20 minutes until I told him how to do it
My friend's little brother just deleted my friend's save file because he got into a romance with Makoto and got mad about it.

Daily reminder that Makotofags are the worst.
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>Spend an hour trying to figure out that shit in the first run
>Have no idea how I managed to beat it but I did it
>Dread doing the puzzle again on NG+
>Get to the puzzle again
>Finish puzzle in 5 minutes without being able to recall the solution at all
What the fuck is going on here
I used yusuke, mona, and noir. I had Ose as my persona. It was cake for me.
It jammed me up. I didnt expect any sort of puzzle in Skyrim that wasn't something on the level of THAT CARD so I spent 15 minutes searching the cave for a book.

Honestly the claw puzzles are especially bizarre considsering they are the only puzzles in the game.
It diminishes. Only cost 200k for me to summon Satan who is level 93 or so and I'm only level 66. Not all that bad
>Not enjoying Megaten RNG combat
git gud shitter :^)
>What the fuck is going on here
You might be retarded, anon
Whenever I play persona it makes me feel like I can live my life properly and achieve things if I try, then the game ends and I want to kill myself.
I see, that's not so bad. But you still can't use it to get all or even half of the high level personas.
Of course if you just want to beat the game that's fine, but if you want to see everything it has to offer you still have to exploit one way or another.
I guess Crimson will fix that and we'll be able to reach at least 85 naturally.
Whenever I play persona I remember that I'm older than the characters and have no friends and it makes me want to die
Meant for
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>if I do this, my knowledge should increase
>doing this should increase my guts
>if I hang out with this person, my relationship with them might deepen
>instead go home and play video games
>call Kawakami to make me some lockpicks
>fuck Tae in my bed while shes there

Life is good.
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>play as a younger more successful character who manages going to school, having a social life, working part time jobs, and killing monsters
>I'm a NEET that requires 3 days to build up the energy for a dentist appointment or haircut
It would be fine if they didn't make the hallways three times as long as they should've been, just to pad out the dungeon.
almost at end of palace one final fight awaits and im positive a safe room is on the other side of my next encounter its the 3 round fight with the corporate robots.
everyone is low Sp but i figure after i kill the 5 guys i can see ill just leave for the day. it took 2 hours of basic melee and all my healing items to get through them.
shit dungeon
shit fights
shit boss
shit party member
worst part of the game
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>P5 cast was born around 2000
>by that time my life has already been on the way to the garbage can
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