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Who is your favourite TF2 class and why? How would you fix the

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Who is your favourite TF2 class and why?

How would you fix the classes you don't like?
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I main solly and sniper, recently gotten into scout but I find it a bit too easy (no offenses to scouts mains)

I believe every class to be very fun in it's own way and I couldn't pick one to be the best.

Pyro is a bit obnoxious but fun still.
>Favorite Class
Demo. Highest DPS class, two primary weapons, can effectively attack or defend on a dime and an all around fun Carry Class. His role is to basically just do as much damage as possible and be the main damage output. That plus his funny personality and quotable lines and he's just become my all round favorite.
>Least Favorite
Pyro. Has no defined role. Isn't as good at close combat as Scout. Isn't as good with flanking as Spy. Is as good at defense as Heavy. Isn't as good for support as Engie or Medic. He does a little bit of everything, but he does it all worse.

To fix him is to change the character entirely and give him a more defined and unique role from the other classes.
Scout, currently maining Sniper and Demo, need to git gud
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Scout. I like the options you have. Every time I die, I know how I messed up and what I needed to get better at. Sometimes I die on purpose like suiciding to get a medic. I dislike the sniper class. I don't know how to fix it other than to remove it. They are not fun to play against. I don't find it fun to play. You're picking off people who are actually playing the game. When a sniper is really good, there's nothing you can do. You're just going to die. Against a good solder, demo, heavy, scout, you got a chance. But against a sniper, can't do shit. When they're bad, it's a waste of a slot. I'd rather ten shitty players of any other class on my team than ten shit snipers.
how about fixing the casual matchmaking system, it's irredeemable garbage

just scrap it and bring back old valve pubs
No, it's alright, but bring back pubs please.
>highest DPS

Demo may shit damage, but only heavy hits 500 DPS.
I'm awful, but I'm best with Soldier.

Worst with Spy. I'm just so fucking bad at the Spy.
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scout can be extremelly "simple", but its frustrating as fuck against good scouts
demo and soldier are the most fun imo, demo for the weapons and soldier for the movement
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Spy, although he used to be more fun a couple of years ago. I'm still as good with him, but the playstyle is completely different.

Least favorite is probably Sniper, but he doesn't need "fixing" I think, or if he does, I'm not qualified to give any advice since I don't like his core mechanic.
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>being bad at spy
just ACT like the enemy, stop acting like an obvious spy.
or go battle spy and use pistol fulltime, it actually does kill people !
I'm a pyro main

Fucking deal with it
favorite tf2 class is sadly the pyro (I never do puff and sting bullshit, and switch between using homewrecker and powerjack. If I phlog I get the mannmelter so I can at least still extinguish teammates) but I main soldier and demo just about equally, with a side of Heavy for when I want to feel like I'm contributing.

I wouldn't even fix any of the classes that I don't like, I play just about everything eitherway since they're all so fun but pyro has some fucked up shit going on with his speed and flame thrower particles that needs to be dealt with.
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its sad that pyro mains have to go full defeensive like this
the class is perfectly balanced and is one of the few that has ALL the weapons allowed in comp

In my opinion "acting like the enemy" hasn't worked in over 5 years. Disguise kit is mostly now used just not to be instantly noticed.

I still think that Spy should be given an ability to fake the fire animation of the person he's disguised as, e.g. being able to shoot fake soldier rockets. To stop confusion you could make them invisible to your own team.
Engie and Medic. I think I love them because it's easy to carry a game with them if you know what you're doing. Plus, I like being able to help teammates. I used to play a more defensive engie but it's hard to do that when your team is a bunch of idiots, so I've been going offensive mini-sentry engie so I can focus more on dispensers and teleporters and not be constantly worrying about a sentry I have to keep up.

But because of this Spys are my worst fucking nightmare. If you're on a team with braindead teammates and no pyros, spys are the fucking worst. It doesn't help that 99% of them use the fucking dead ringer, which I think is the most annoying and broken item in the whole game. It should have never been added, it isn't hard to deal with, just annoying as all fucking hell.
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>500 DPS
maybe in point blank, but in a real match 4 pipes is 400 damage and any slightly decent demo can easily deal with a heavy
the skill level of the heavy doesnt really matter much, a heavy cant rocket jump or do anything remotely high in the skill ceiling
heavy is high reward for low skill, even moreso than pyro
you dumb fuck I said I main soldier and demo, pyro is just one of the classes I can have fun with the easiest
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show me a video of you playing spy
i bet when you think you are "acting like the enemy" you are just staring right at them
eitherway, spy is a bit of a gimmick class, sometimes your best bet is just to not be seen at all, uncloak in a noisy place where they cant hear you proper and be behind them
>heavy is high reward for low skill

This is absolutely true, especially if you unzip the huolong ammoeater and you capitalize on all the shitter scorchshot pyros on your team
I like soldier
How 2 fix pyro: fix his flamethrower particles so that they actually go forward and don't curve, remove airblast
How 2 fix demo: stickies shoot slower or explode slower to prevent sticky spam, make grenade launcher shoot a little faster
In general: fix headshot boxes
I play Spy pretty much like that guy plays spy. Acting like the enemy has changed definition since I started playing in 2009.
Soldier is my favorite character. He has the best movements in the game and I find other class to be kinda shallow compared to him.

I would make the afterburn damage decreased by half and add .5 second delay to airblast, but pyro's flamethrower's hitbox would be a big long rod instead of individual particles.
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>Nerf pyro
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>mfw accidentally share uber with enemy spy
I'd say having a consistent hitbox for the flamethrower would be a biggest buff pyro could get in all these years.
the movement system and rocket jumps are one of the bests thingss about TF2. its almost like the stars aligned, and out of sheer chance TF2 got a rocketjump system way beetter than even Quake 3 (wich feels stiff in comparison)
ive been getting into jump maps recently and its so much fun once you get the hang of it

just make it short rangee raytracing instead of the retardedly inconsistent "fire particles" system.

Nerf the Dead Ringer to back how it was a few years ago. It takes all the thought out of Spy now.
Scout. I like to go fast
Scout because of the mobility and the Sandman
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It may be braindead as all hell but seeing that killfeed lightup the moment a semi-competent allied pyro appears is great.
spy because it's fairly original. remove DR though, no fags allowed


increase self-damage I guess


make stickies a defensive area denial weapon


delete sniper
>most broken scout weapons
soda popper, critacola, atomizer
remove extra jumps from sodapopper, make critacola only enable meele weapons while active, make atomizer only grant 3rd jump while active and give 30% damage vulnerability

>most broken medic weapons
quick-fix, vita-saw
nerf quick-fix to 110% heal rate (current 140%)
vita-saw as a concept is flawed and shouldn't really exist
all the rest of the game is rather balanced
gang garrison was amazing.
>remove extra jumps from sodapopper, make critacola only enable meele weapons while active, make atomizer only grant 3rd jump while active and give 30% damage vulnerability

these are the worst ideas I have seen.
do you work at valve?
Scout. The meet the cout vid got me into him, really. Still the best meet the video in my opinion, rivaled only by meet the soldier. Plus his lines are great.

>here's a schematic for ya: my ass
I like them all. Great game.

All the classes are well-designed, they're all situationally useful, have good personalities, and good designs.
>situationally useful
how many ESEA or ETF2L seasons have you played
critacola is straight up retarded, just a quick bonk reskin that gives mini-crits
atomizer 3rd jump is extremelly powerful
its already hard to hit a scout as demo or soldier and hee has a 3rd jump that costs a mere 10hp
soda popper gives like 6 extra jumps
>balance the game around comp
>make all the useful items into straight up joke weapons

If they don't like it just remove it from comp picks jesus.
Alright so what if medic had a weapon called the slow fix where it healed at the same rate as the stock but in chunks

Solly and Scout are my favorites mainly cause playing aggressive and having high mobility

Heavy and Engi mostly fill the same niche and Pyro's role is mish mash of nothing that important I honestly have no idea what to do with these classes, Pyro LG seems interesting but seems hard to implement.

90% of all unlockables need to be removed, most especially killsteak weapons like Eyelander or anything that punishes you for your teammates mistakes or vice versa or otherwise reward kills or damage are inherently badly balanced.
if you balance the game around the lowest skill you end up with medieval mode
you are supposed to balance the items around what the best players are capable of doing with them
also by useful items you mean straight upgrades
there was a item where scout didnt have straight upgrades like free crits and a 3rd jump
the downgrades of critacola and atomizer are a complete joke
heres an idea for a pyro secondary.

on shoot all enemies get sucked towards a single point.

It would compliment his airblast pretty well and it plays well with his ability to deal damage to multiple people at once.
That and it compliments the rest of the team pretty well too. Imagine pulling medics out of cover for a sniper to headshot them or something in a comp game.
>if you balance the game around the lowest skill you end up with medieval mode
>you are supposed to balance the items around what the best players are capable of doing with them
you balance around the general populace.
If you balance the high end you get characters like genji where only the most skillful players can fully unlock his toolset and be mildly useful.

>also by useful items you mean straight upgrades
soda popper is a straight upgrade?
critacola is a straight upgrade?
Maybe in your pick the medics and do nothing else game mode sure but for normal play the stock is much more well rounded.
I don't think a black hole bomb suits pyro very well
His only redeeming value is his ability to do large amounts of damage to multiple players in close quarters.

it's honestly the only theoretical strength of his that's not horrible to play against
>you balance around the general populace.
this is why we are at the stage where a lot of unlocks are poorly balanced.
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Is she the final boss of TF2?
most of the unlocks that are poorly balanced are the ones that aren't useful at all.

the "OP" ones are shit like the razor back.
The fucking razorback, something people unanimously considered the worst weapon in the game until highlander rolled along.

So yeah I don't want to balance around some stupid meta shit. if it's OP don't let the players use it.
Anyone remember Monday Night Combat and Super Monday Night Combat?

I had a lot of fun with those games. Shame no one played them, though.
here's an idea for a pyro primary

it's a flamethrower, but it can actually hit moving targets
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>be a pyro main
>get constantly shat on for using literally any loadout possible in the game
pyro is the shit dud, pulling out some sick ass combos gets me hard. least fav class has got to be heavy. not much to do with him. heavy should've won desu. there is no meta rn.
theres literally nothing better in the secondary slot for scout than the crit-a-cola
how naive can you be
theres literally not a better secondary in the game, besides maybe reserve shooter wich also gives free crits for nothing

it's a hitscan
it does small bursts of damage at close range
maybe 2 or 3 shots? should kill a medic.
and it can even do minor damage at long range.

I'd say give it 6 shots maybe before having to load it.
>have a short range weapon
>people are running away from your short range weapon
>you are running toward them because you have short range
>you also are firing your weapon so it does damage

>besides maybe reserve shooter wich also gives free crits for nothing

do you actually understand the difference between crits and mini crits?
not only that the reserve shooter is trash.

it's one upside is rare and is outclassed drastically by it's down sides.
I was implying that they should make all the flamers hitscan so they aren't trash
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sounds like a boring short range minigun that you can run with.
Sniper is the worst class, but that's because snipers suck the fuck out of every game they're in.
Moving them closer to the fight is the best option, which is what the huntsman was supposed to do but it was just even more bullshit.
Take the scope off the rifle and leave it as is, forcing snipers to actually have to get closer and opening them up for more attacks
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>"crit-a-cola is okay because people miss a lot of shots in pubs anyway XD"
>"Reserve shooter is trash"
5 8 1
>enabling literal 360 noscope headshots

could also reduce their damage from being the highest in the game to the lowest in the game, since they are the longest range
>Have a weapon with a large cone of fire
>Have a continuous firing weapon
>Have a clipless weapon with a large ammo reserve
>Have autistic fits when people point out how skillless this weapon is to use.
Sniper's fine. It just makes the enemy team avoid long corridors and equal the enemy number of snipers with their own.
Imagine a world where bullet ricochet was added to tf2.
The incredible versatility of the air blast makes the flamethrower the best designed weapon in the game imho.
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Soldier is fun... FUN
my autistic fits are not what we're talking about

>this guy with short range I'm running away from, why is he running toward me what a scrub
>want to have fun as scout
>mini sentries everywhere
>pro direct hits everywhere
>pro loch n loads everywhere
>sniper it is then
>do 10x better than if I would have as scout anyway
why do all servers come down to ending up playing as sniper just to get revenge?
airstrike is so much fucking fun
>unzip fortified compound darwin's danger shield sniper
>achieve 140 ping nirvana
>walk out towards payload and fire four arrows with eyes closed
>4 headshots

Literally the god class

"Remove the scope" as in the zoom only. They should still have to charge their shots for the full damage, and their area denial is still important since a full charge can ohko bodyshot half the classes, but instead of being completely untouchable by everyone but another sniper, they more closer to the fighting and actually join the match
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>people that switch to sniper/spy when they are bad
dont blame servers blame shitters
I switch to spy only for the sake of taking out engineer shit and then switch back after I successfully get a sentry down, at the very least. Is that okay spy gameplay? I'll maybe get 1 backstab in the process of this.
thats already a gun and it's awful

if you remove any restrictions on it the gun would be broken.

not going to happen.
>people that never leave their spawn because they don't know how to avoid being killed instantly by a sniper/spy
don't hate the player hate the game
give the short circuit to the pyro.
revert it to when it was stupid useful at destroying projectiles.

there fixed pyro
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you can perfectly take out sentry nests as generalist classes like soldier or demo thanks to splash damage
LVL 2 and LVL3 sentries take 3 rockets at mid-range, unless the faggot engineer is using wrangler or repairing from the distance with rescuee ranger
wrong reply
Favorite outright would be Heavy simply for being able to take a hit and keep going. That and being a natural Medic magnet due to the stigma means constant backup in those rare pubs a decent Medic exists.

As for least favorite, Pyro. Not for any reason other than a lack of identity. He fills no real position better than anyone. Heavy has more range even with the falloff and still slaughters up close, where Pyro needs to be. Scout is more naturally mobile, and removing fire is already incredibly easy.

It's sad really, the class just lacks a true purpose besides praying they're dumb enough to let you get into close range.
They need to buff the other wrenches.
sentries and dispensers die so fast that it's rediculous to use anything other than the jag.

I don't think I'll ever go back to normal wrenches and if they nerf the jag I'll probably never play engy.
Airblast removes the ability to dodge, if you miss against an airblasted opponent you'd have to be pretty bad. And the way reflected projectiles aim assist works makes the actual aiming people think it takes actually be much less.

Airblast is versatile, and more skillful than W + M1, but still pretty skilless
>being killed instantly by a spy
you have to be really bad for this to happen
>being killed instantly by a sniper
try not walking in a straight line
maybe go soldier and jump the sniper if you know how to rocket jump
if everything else fails you can go medic and build uber in spawn, wich usually takes around 50 seconds
ubered players are invincible
honestly how is w + m1 unskilled compared to anything thats not headshots.

>its continous
so is the minigun
>it's got a big hit box
so do explosives
>you just point at people
yes thats how weapons work
>>being killed instantly by a sniper
>try not walking in a straight line

oh man you are so fucking naive it's laughable.
Nothing counters good snipers. you need to rely on them fucking up to win.
any good sniper will be able to hit you when you rocket jump or strafe.
you are absolutely fucked man.
>nerf quick-fix to 110% heal rate (current 140%)
jesus fuck what has to go wrong in a man's brain to think that the QUICK FIX is worth a single fuck, let alone to make him think it's actually overpowered and needs to be nerfed?
But only as Fat Scout. Regular Scout is too finicky for me, he either one shots everything or does a whopping 6 damage.
I wouldn't fix anything, the game's fucked up enough with balance changes as is.
he probably wants to nerf vaccinator to.
No, not when the best players are playing shitty formats with either half sized teams or smaller teams where no one is allowed to offclass and each class must be filled at all times, that's fucking ridiculous
>damage from being the highest in the game to the lowest in the game
Literally all the other classes have higher dps than an aimbot sniper at point blank
Aimbot sniper is 100 dps, even the syringe gun technically does more
movement is important. more than just clicking people. TF2 isnt Counter-strike. Thank god for that

you can just be a bot and press W and run into 5 people and die, or you can play smart
flamethrower does considerable more damage if you strafe and aim ahead of players movement.
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>mfw pyro can sort-of be fun but only once every millennium
I wish the backburner + detonator was the de-facto way to play pyro
>actually dying to w+m1 pyros
how bad can you possibly be?
A lot of weapons have one of three leeway for inaccuracy
>continuous fire like an LG
>area of effect like a rocket
>spread like a shotgun

The flamethrower has a weird combination of all 3

He takes less strategic skills too like clip management or the Heavy's need to time his minigun revving
I do this but with heavy, it takes a while for me to get there but damn if it isn't effective
because you're shit

you can tell because of the things you just said and because you play sniper
>when you extinguish a teammate with the mannmelter and then use the crit to scare the fuck out of some mlg sniper

that nigga guarunteed to fuck off for at least 6 seconds, 90 damage + 60 afterburn is no joke and its retardedly easy to hit because of how fast the particle travels
>"a straight upgrade isn't OP because... uhh.... COMP IS IRRELEVANT"
>"comp players should just play without classlimits in 24 player servers"
please dont
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In terms of actual play, I really like the "attack" classes.

I ain't too proud to not play support, I've got quite the amount of time playing the humble roles of Medic and Engineer.

But there was never really anything quite as thrilling as rampaging through the enemy team as Soldier, Demo or Heavy. The visceral thrills of landing rockets or grenade hits and juggling enemies out of the fray, a well-positioned sticky trap, or just swinging around a narrow corridor with the minigun spooled up and watching enemies' aim twitch as they go into fight or flight mode as my minigun tears through them at close range.

Of course, the hit-and-run antics of Scout are also appealing.

Even with all the years I spent in more fast-paced arena FPS like Quake 3, there was never really anything quite so enjoyable as duels and brawls with enemies in TF2, whether it's the vicious slugfests of Soldier v Soldier, or frantically denying a Scout territory as a Demoman with stickies, funneling him for a decisive grenade launcher shot.

Honestly, the three classes I don't like playing, it's more just I don't like sniping. And the mind games you play with Spy pretty much only work once against an enemy team with any sense of coordination or situational awareness. Once they know you're in play, it pretty much never works outside of a sneaky cap.

And of course, pyro leaves much to be desired.
Direct hit soldier or a demoman would do it better and faster, spy is for killing teleporters and distracting everyone by making them paranoid so it takes them longer to get to the front line and they are less focused on your teammates.
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>when the other team of veterans goes full tryhard with 3 medics and demos and soldiers
i would kill for the man melter to have the flare projectile.
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>compfags allow all pyro, demo and spy weapons
wtf i love comp now
my idiot friends told me they banned all weapons for some reason

>straight upgrade
>the uber healing is brought down to standard levels by a single particle flames touching them because for some reason it reduces healing by 66% or something
Just go kritz or sniper and hardcounter them
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>using the word tryhard
do you happen to sympathise with friendlies and kick people that attempt to play the game
I meant there are situations where they are all useful, not that they are all situational, sorry.
>it reduces healing by 66%
it feels like 80%
you have no idea how much 40% more heals is
you just dont realize it, you just think of the actual ubers, wich sure, the quick-fix isnt thee best uber by far
but 90% of the time you dont have uber, 90% of the time the quick-fix is better than all the other mediguns.
in a midfight where one team has stock and the other has quick-fix, the team with stock will have to do OVER 140 damage for each 100 the quick-fix team does, in order to beat them.
anyone that plays soldier scout or demo seriously should stop.
Not the guy you replied to. I wouldn't call it tryhard, but i would call i team stacking. Every time i played against a team that obviously had a group of friends coordinating together, the game was a complete roll. It's not fun for the enemy team, and i can't see how it's fun for them.
>compfags allow dead ringer
How can anyone take these people remotely seriously?
>maybe go soldier and jump the sniper if you know how to rocket jump

This makes you as easy to snipe as walking in a straight line you shitter.

The only thing that counters a good Sniper is disadvantageous terrain.
you also forget that normal mediguns have 25% of the teams health total boosted comparitively
no I'm anti-gewp but I ease up on new players and try to help them out
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>mfw just playing a scout and killing everyone get me called tryhard every time

I have no sympathy for friendlies either, but I don't kill them so they keep being a burden to the enemy team
is dead ringer even useful against communication?
theres unironically more balanced teams in any comp match than in most pubs in TF2
the bad thing is that theres a big gap from beeing a pub baby to a low-tier comp player
TL;DR play with your friends aswell, or switch to medic
1/6 players as medic is the perfect ratio, more is overkill but could work too
>is effective immunity to pyros and substantially increased effective health plus movement speed faster than a scout even useful against communication?
I mean it's a spy so communication makes them nearly worthless to begin with so that's not really a fair question.
>GRU banned
>not eviction notice

>piss rifle banned
>razorback allowed

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dont call me a shitter and learn to strafe kiddo
>pencil jumping in 2017
i bet you cant even c-tap
>thinks the dead ringer is good enough to see use

hows pubbin?
>switch to medic
I do. It's not enough

>play with your friends aswell
What are your tryhard/rage loadouts?

I go widowmaker + gunslinger engie when I really want someone dead.
>compfags allow DR spycicle never die playstyle
That shit won't work against competent players, you're welcome to try

Probably best you stuck to pubbin it tho
if you see a scoped sniper as spy, you can kill him in 3 shots with stock, in 2 shots with amby
>GRU banned
people dont like the archetype slow tank class getting to the fight zone faster than a walking soldier. i wouldnt mind seeeing how GRU plays but heavy in general is very boring to play against.
>eviction notice
doesnt let you go as fast as GRU
keep in mind this is the 2nd most open TF2 whitelist we ever had
the previous one had Rescue Ranger enabled wich was very annoying due to engies repairing their sentries from spawn with unlimited metal.
if compfags know you are on spy, you already failed at your job as spy. this is why the DR is allowed
GRU easily gets you to mids. Eviction notice only really gets you to a defensive position faster.

Piss rifle is OBSCENELY powerful on koth maps, for a fraction of the effort of the sniper rifle.

Razorback doesn't mean shit outside of highlander where the shitty game mode forces spies, snipers, and stalemates.
Medic because I love to juggle healing and chimp out if I have to, but I haven't played in years and fear of what the game's become.
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Sniper seems like a pretty democratized class at the competitive level.

He can't do everything fast enough to be devastating even with top-tier talent on him, and of course, most maps can mediate how much effect he can have.

He's utilized often enough in professional play that it's not too weird compared to some of the other less-used classes, but is it really comparatively less effective than the usual assault of soldiers, scouts and the lone demo?
widowmaker on gunslinger feels like a good idea but its better to just use the shotgun.

you rarely need more than 6 shots and if you do just go to pistol.

That and the widowmaker becomes this awkward *should I or should I not*. and you can never mess around with engies secondaries either.

I also rage gunslinger
>doesnt let you go as fast as GRU
its literally half the speed bost as fast with them out, and AS fast if you hit an enemy
AND 10%(15%? i forget) less dmg vuln

i think theres only a 50 HU/sec difference without the hit tho
75-70 apparently

both quickfix and medigun healing is actually not that relevant in a firefight, especially if you are fighting more than 1 person at a time.
Overheal is straight up better than pure healing numbers in battle, and if you are out of it you just get crit heals and full people up almost instantly.
If i wanted to battle people 1v1 and have a shit overheal i would use the vaccinator, which does this job much better
Sniper is very strong if you have the raw aim to compensate for the fact that you're slow. Many top teams will heavily utilize it. It's just much easier and more consistent to do comparable/better on scout/soldier
Force them to charge their shoots instead of 150 damage quickscope
I just wish GRU would lower your health to 200 permanently until you switch to a different gun but the health doesn't return.

You could remove the negatives to it too.I just hate the idea of minicrits that people can never take advantage of unless the heavy makes a mistake and walks in early.
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>Who is your favourite TF2 class and why?
They are all fantastic.

>How would you fix the classes you don't like?

Make TF3 honestly.
An overhaul with new concepts and ideas in a new game with a new engine would be lovely. It's obvious Valve isn't contributing much to TF2 anymore, so a new project would be for the best.
>if you hit an enemy
not gonna happen
theres very few people bad enough to get hit by meele comp. it does happen, but its too rare to be worth the risk of being that close

also WTF i thought pubbers were against banning unlocks, i love pubbers now
you are the only pub player i know that actually agrees more items should be banned lol
but then that makes headshots useless.
you'd have full charge for bodyshots and unless it's a higher health class you don't even bother.

Not only that, waiting for full charge is a pain in the ass.
>75-70 apparently
its supposed to reduce healing BY 25%
it reduces healing TO 25%

its fucking annoying
why the fuck does melee prioritize hitting teammates over enemies?
>Overheal is straight up better than pure healing numbers in battle
the other way around
negligible in a big fight
im not even gonna argue, just check the logs from the ESEA season where quick-fix was allowed
you either used it, or lost to it
thats the definition of overpowered

eviction notice is so strong tho

>half as fast as GRU
>as fast if you love tap someone most likely spy
>10% less dmg vul while out
>no mark for death on swap

its literally a worse version of the old old GRU
>half as fast as GRU

you don't seem to understand how big a difference gru is to eviction.

That and minicrits are basically what 35% damage bonus?

that's not as big as you think.
Soldiers still take 3 shots to kill you, same with demos and scouts.
My favorite class is the one from the game that isn't dead.
>people are unironically talking about DPS in tf2 characters

I fucking hate what overwatch has done to first person shooters
>as fast if you love tap someone most likely spy
i tell you, not gonna happen
that stat is 100% irrelevant in comp (real comp not that shit button on the main menu)
the other is completely true
DPS in tf2 is in chunks and that matters a lot.

if you go over the chunk even slightly you can do things like insta gib scouts or two shot heavies.
I only hear that term in 4chan

a term thats actually decent and applies to pubs aswell is "combo" (the medic and the player being healed by him)
also "choke" and "flank", concepts that dont really exist in overwatch because the maps only have chokes and map design is utter garbage
So that's why the old quickfix with no overheal at all was so prevalent huh?
tf2 is all about health thresholds, in a game where the average dps is well above 100 for most classes 24 or 33 hp/s it's not obscene.
The fact that on average it takes 50% to 70% of the number of shots to kill someone is more significant
>he upgrades his shit past level 2

it's dumb how level 3s are negligible except for maybe teleporters but that's only 2 seconds compared to the 10 to 5 second change.
Not a full charge but at least a couple of seconds of charge to do 150 damage. Fixing hitboxes would improve the game in general too, spies can get away with a lot of bullshit.
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the 3 ingame categories for classes are so fucking dumb
actual categories should be
>generalists (overall decent in all situations)
Scout, Soldier, Demo
>situational - defence
heavy, engineer, pyro
>situational - assassination / pick
sniper, spy
>medic is it's own category because why the fuck not
it's dumb how open the maps are in overwatch.

They don't seem to get that tight corridors and cover to break line of sight is stupid important.
and they seem to think they need to give everyone with mobility complete control over the entire map.

Like original maps mobility let you get ontop of shit and skip a maze of corridors.
In overwatch mobility lets you get the high ground constantly and be anywhere.
the difference between eviction and GRU is 25 HU/sec to match GRU which is not much

with hitting someone you move 71HU/sec faster with eviction which is faster than a demo/sully
oh its this fag again
let me spell it out for you
if you have teams of the same number of players, with the same classes, and 1 medic per team, the team that carries the quick-fix wins
its been proven over and over
the only way of pushing against quick-fix is killing the med
>if you hit someone your faster

kind of an irrelevent point, they only gave it that because you couldn't even catch up to people to hit them.

That doesn't mean jack when you're relocating or moving to point.
will playing tf2 make me better at overwatch? most very good overwatch players i meet seem to have a tf2 background
>>the only way of pushing against quick-fix is killing the med
seems reasonable
playing any shooter will make you better at shooters
if you like organized matches dont play pub shitfests and go straight to tf2center.com or maybe even faceit, but the quality of faceit matches can be pretty bad
idea for a weapon: minigun that does 600% more damage
the heavy using it can still die so its balanced
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>move 34 units faster than normal
>25 units slower than GRU
>71 units faster if you manage to hit something
>10% less dmg taken from all sources
>NOT marked for minicrits 3 seconds after
>Normal switch time

GRU's banned
this is fine
Refining anything more than the most rudimentary talents won't really help.

TF2 characters move faster than Overwatch, and indeed the speed gap between a Scout, mid-tier, and slow classes is much more significant than OW's, so it'll help your aiming and maneuvering, but more advanced maneuvers like rocket jumping won't really help since the equivalent maneuvers are pretty much automated(e.g. Soldier has to coordinate aiming, jumping and moving into a single instinctual maneuver, compared to Pharah who simply has to activate her jetpack with a push of the button, and can hover for a generous amount of time).

Top level OW talent translated from TF2 well mostly because more passive skills like situational awareness and coordinating/counter-compositions were already fairly refined.
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Do you think they'll ever incorporate the older TFC mercs into TF2 proper? There are some lookalike cosmetics like Heavy, granted.

Classic Engy is still alive. Do you think they'll have him interact with TF2 Engy? Jury's still out on whether they want them to be related or not.
dont forget positioning
positioning is crucial
top scout HarryHook, one of the best scouts in Europe for years, went on to play on EnvyUS
Epsilon Players like Knoxx and numlocked dominated european TF2 for years before moving on to overwatch
theres a whole thread of people who transitioned HERE: https://www.over.gg/3140/
Is he? I thought they killed him on the way to kill Classic Sniper, and the Medic is the one still alive.
Didn't he die with the Classic Spy by the Pyro?
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Medic is MIA, hence why they hired TF2 Medic.

They killed Pyro, Demo and Spy during the breakout. TF2!Pyro takes out Classic Soldier and Scout. Sniper kills Classic Sniper. And Classic Heavy is the last one to die. Engineer pretty much appears just to ask about the immortality machine and then disappears in the chaos.
What is with people using ! to denote a different form of a character?
See: TF2!Pyro, Fem!Scout, etc.
>Soldier holding the umbrella
RIP Civilian ;_;
It's got something to do with coding or some shit IIRC
why is scout OP
My favorite class is Pyro. And I would fix the classes I don't like by removing them all.
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I main pyro, people say he is OP an all that jazz, but honestly if you don't have good game sense you are going to die all the same. People complaining about pyros doing the ol' w+m1 are usually as bad as the pyro doing it. To be effective, a pyro must get close to you, if you let him it's usually your fault. I would give him a slight health buff to be honest, so he can survive longer, and also a slight speed increase, so he can work as a flank class.
Rate my pyro
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People say that man, you wouldn't believe how many people say that.
because pyro got nerfed

Because I couldn't aim and it was fun helping out the team
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It started as a coding thing that eventually just translated into generic fandom slang for when you have to talk about different incarnations of a particular entity.
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any bets on the timeframe for the last comic? I'm guessing January.
It's a little sad that that's getting to be a more and more reasonable date for releases.
The orange box released in October of '07.

I enjoy trying most classes. But as a "Main" I am a Pyro loving sub human.

I just love making people so made with a class that has so many handicaps.

If people would A Not panic and B position properly every Pyro would be a non issue
Pyro was the literal joke call before the implementation of Airblast. It had zero use as a class

Learn not to panic and learn to just position your self away from the slow moving, average health, low ranged gimp suit wearing manic and you will do fine
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I just want it to come out this year, since it would fit in perfectly with the game's 10th anniversary, but I know it's not going to happen

Fuck Valve for always slacking so far behind, no matter how good their products turn out in the end
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I want AMS to pound my boipucci
>It's 5 months left to a 10-year Anniversary
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There's a special place in hell for you buddy.
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Friez 3 legacy.webm
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>record gameplay
>pick 9 seconds worth of good shots out of 193519305810934104983109525 shots you took
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just you wait, bitch
the good old days are coming back
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>6s player calls other formats shit
how's 5cp going for ya champ?
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Highlander was a mistake.jpg
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>playing spamlander
doesnt 12v12 already exist
Every class except demo. I've never liked how his sticky launcher "felt" to use. Even the Sco. Res. felt way more controllable and intuitive. I'm not counting demoknight as a class, though it's fun to charge around and melee things I prefer using other classes for that nonsense. I don't know how I would "fix" demoman though because I don't play him enough to really define why I dislike using his secondary weapons.
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this makes me happy
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Am I the only one who really likes using the Quick Fix as a medic?

People die too fucking quickly otherwise.
It's best when there are 3-5 people at half health, but you'll get shit on no matter what.
Who is this dumb loli and why should I care?
>spy because
>remove collision based explosions from grenade launchers and prevent stickies that have existed for less than two seconds from detonating
It's good if there's nobody seriously worth ubering, which is most pubs.
why don't you just remove pyro while you're at it
i have almost nothing against pyro
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How do I sticky spam like a pro?

I keep mashing the fire button and the thing fires really slowly.
lmb rmb lmb rmb
He isn't if you play modes other than 5cp.
He sucks in big games where there's rockets and stickies being spammed EVERYWHERE.

Enjoy trying to not get gibbed in 5 seconds.
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>Taunt because you think hitting an airshot is something amazing
>Get killed cause of not playing the game at the moment
>Lose the match because of it

Happened to me more than once. Stop taunting, it's for degenerates.
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TF2 Directs with the original.webm
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i was gonna stand still for an arrow anyway, otherwise i would not taunted
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What the fuck is that aim
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