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This is just something I want to know, why does the Switch

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This is just something I want to know, why does the Switch make people so upset?
Same reason as the PS4.
Same reason as the PC
its popular
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Because it's successful.
Its popular and marketed to normies
Butt blasted wii u owners.
the only thing that annoys me about it is that it has demonstrably less to offer than a Wii U and 3DS separately, but people are treating it like some mindblowing revolutionary device because it's a gamepad that can go outside. like stop the fuckin presses

high early sales are because of NES mini shortages scaring people into buying early, also the retards Amazon made 1-Click Buy button for (Zelda Switch sold more copies than physical Switch consoles somehow, and some even admitted they bought the switch copy in a hurry not even noticing it wasn;t the wii u version they actually wanted because they are so quick to put money on the table)
Console warriors are idiots and can't handle when another game company is doing well.
can't speak for everyone else, but for me
>32GB internal storage
into the fucking trash
>j-just buy microSD anon!!!
Because it's not tortanic
what is the closest any of the Big 3 have gotten to financial troubles?

i mean pre wii U nintendo was bragging that they had enough money "in the vault" to run the entire company for another 50 years or something
in recent memory? i think sony getting demoted to junk status by moody's. i'm probably forgetting something, though.
One or more of the following

>they can't find one
>they hate Nintendo games
>they're pissed that people are going batshit crazy over Nintendo's version of a Vita with an HDMI Out that currently has nothing to play on it except Wii U ports, small name multiplats, and indie games (honestly, the only real reason to hate the Switch right now)
The same reason the PS4 made people upset three years ago.
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The reason it makes ME upset is that Nintendo still can't come up with console whose library doesn't consist of a library of middling-at-best games.

Come back when the console doesn't have cinematic experiences like Xenoblade or tumblr feminist tripe where characters cry at the drop of a hat such as Bayonetta
the only thing that annoys me about it is that it has demonstrably less to offer than a Wii U and 3DS separately, but people are treating it like some mindblowing revolutionary device because it's a gamepad that can go outside. like stop the fuckin presses
That's all I wanted from the WiiU. Instead the gamepad was completely useless.

I like my Switch but I feel that the sales are more of a testament of how bad WiiU was than how great Switch is.
Because people have an inferiority complex and they can't admit that their competition's console is doing well. They foolishly lock themselves into only one brand, most likely out of poverty, and refuse to acknowledge there are great games for consoles other than theirs.
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>cinematic experience

Nigga, what the fuck?

>tumblr feminis tripe

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>mk8 deluxe


maybe if your faggot. now arms on the other hand its complete trash.
The bottom text should say "I also feel bad for you".
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it's too expensive and convoluted for what it wants to be.

the very concept of it professes anti-consumerism in the same tier as Apple hardware or newer Microsoft OS's.
games aren't 80 gigs like ps4 games
you'd have to have seen mad men to get it
Upset because I still cannot buy one. Fuck you Nintendo up your production to meet demand.
Because Nintendo keeps treating it like a home console instead of a handheld. I'll wait until 2019 when it finally becomes a 3DS successor.
Hey anon, apparently they're stocking up at Target, your best bet is to find your local Target's truck stocking day and get it then.
What's so convoluted about it?
Everything about it seems straightforward even its faults (no games,lack of features)
How can someone be this wrong
Thanks anon I'll try them
Just do what he wants and report him.
Success breeds contempt on one side and past failures on the other.

Sales are nice and all but until they fix a mediocre release schedule, subpar hardware, and paid online, bragging will only get you ridiculed. Look at the PS4 and ask yourself if that's the business model you really want to emulate next time you post a picture of one with dust covering it.
Because this place is populated by autistic manbabbies.
the detachable controllers and the dock. The controllers especially since if it were just a normal handheld with built in controls, there would be a lot of cost reduction from the unnecessary redundant features built into them, inherently meaning cheaper and more likely someone else would have one, usurping the idea of the controllers somehow acting as a worthwhile attempt at multiplayer, especially when splitscreen multiplayer on such a small screen isn't appealing in the first place. 3 wireless radios per switch is just asking for wireless interference and dropped inputs, especially considering it already had the problem day-1 just in how weak the radios are - but even if that weren't already an issue, would cause bigger problems when multiple switches are attempting local multiplayer; doubtful if their advertised "8 switches wirelessly connected" feature will even work as intended.

even without this cost effective measure, the switch should still cost no more than an Nvidia Shield given the Nvidia Shield costs a $100 less while also having a larger screen, higher resolution screen, larger battery, a camera and a microphone.

Switch should seriously cost $199, and a better designed iteration with controls built in could easily go for $129.
>Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)23:49:27 No.376
Expensive, sure, But convoluted? it's not a fucking arcane tome. You put it in the dock to play on the tv and you take it out to play it on the go. What;s hard to understand.
connect controllers to system to play handheld. Put switch in dock to play on TV

man, i just cant get my head around it
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it's winning the 9th gen

>tumblr feminist

You wot?
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The people on this board seem to have so much unchecked, irrational hatred for Nintendo that it borders on psychosis.

I've no idea why a fucking video game forum would have this kind of unrelenting hatred for a company and revered as Nintendo. But I do that their success and resilience continues to baffle and perplex most of the kiddes here.
I can't speak for shitposters, but I'm upset that they went the pay for online route, really turned me off getting one.
I'm just so tired of the constant shitty console wars from all sides. At what point did "discuss vidya games" become uninteresting? Why does it seem like no one actually likes games here?
yeah reading comprehension was never my strong suit either. It's perfectly fine to be this retarded.
Because there are still people nowadays stupid enough to have brand loyalties.
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It's easy to hate on things, making posts with real substance takes effort and often results in less (You)s.
>The people on this board seem to have so much unchecked, irrational Nintendicksuckery for Nintendo that it borders on psychosis.

Check your mental illness, Nintendownie.
Because I love nintendo and I can't stand to see them making a fool of themselves by making shit consoles.
Then how are you still alive after the Gamecube?
I'm not
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>selling less than a wii u means its successful
It's not
mk8d sold less than wii u version, its dead
overly complex mechanics for the fact that it is just a handheld. They could have further cut costs by utilizing the Tegra K1 rather than the X1 since they aren't even using half of what the X1 can churn out, meaning that it is considerably less effective than an off-the-shelf K1, but that's set-in-stone and an architectural fuck-up that they can't undo with a simple "new" or mini version of the console.

What is so hard to understand for Nintendo about docking the entire console+built in controls and picking up from a standard gamepad? It's overly designed to a flaw to solely serve what can best be described as a fucking meme sound. All the switch marketing and reveal fluff was that "finger snap" and "click" shit of disconnecting and reconnecting the joycons like it's targeted towards people with obsessive compulsive disorder or that Nintendo would think the sound of a plastic chink is what people really look for in expensive consumer electronic devices.

It's convoluted. Everything about it, if you actually try to comprehend or reason why they did what they did, is an absolute fucking headache to attempt to understand.
you realize this image is retarded?
>switch available for 67 days
in reality it sold even less

why do nintendfriends keep on insisting that this "toy" is a success
>literally every unit made sells out instantly even two months after launch despite nintendo already having doubled production, far exceeding their expectations
>somehow it's not a success

only on /v/
why do you keep posting this dumb shit
2.74m is what the switch sold in just march
how the fuck can it have been available for 87 days, those numbers are based on 29 days, march 3 to 31st including

nothing in that chart makes any sense
>Snake Pass
>Above Average

That tier list is obviously garbage anon
These are actual sales figures from their financial quarter earnings report.

And you, Mr. ultra moron, realize those numbers are just for March?
You realize the Switch was not available for 87 days?
Good job ignoring >>376161106 where you got BTFO
nah tldr, you read it for me, did it sell better or not than a wii u in the time time frame?
Can you not read? Do you not know what "on aggregate" means?
It sold better than wii u in 87 aggregate days.
top meme dude
so far we only know that the switch sold 2.74m in march
that's literally ALL we know, we have zero official figures for april
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aggregate aka your imaginary world
It means combined. So 29 days times 3 regions (NA, JP, Other) = 87 aggregate days.
thats fucking retarded
Are you guys pretending to be retarded or is /v/ this dense when it comes to financials?
You guys keep posting like there's gonna be a massive dip for April numbers, let alone May ones. Its not gonna happen.
Someone posted a table showing JP sales through the weeks and the Switch did a lot better (no dropping in sight) than all others.

Didn't save it unfortunately, but tl;dr the Switch is still selling out every unit made there every week

Because Nintendo actually makes good stuff and it pisses people off that others enjoy that stuff. For some reason half of /v/ hates actually enjoying things and desperately wants others to not enjoy themselves as much as they do.
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This one?

If you actually like games you wouldn't come to this board, it's psychological to put it simple. People see this boards prominent mood is negative, thus given there are no repercussion they do what any person does when there is no consequence to action. You put no thought into your decisions, they replicate what they see. "Following the leader"

In short get away from this board, it's bad for you.
Oh yeah I think that was it.
Look at how good the Switch is doing a few weeks in still, where others have had sharp drops
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>that downward trend
gee boy oh golly oh my, this sure inspires confidence that the Switch won't flop at all.
>maybe if I keep samefagging my retarded bait image people will think it means something
artificially lowering the amount of product you are producing just so you can brag to the press how you are constantly "sold out" is not being successful
>not knowing that it took the Wii U 8 weeks to reach it's first million
>Switch sold almost 3 million in just 4 weeks
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>implying absolutely everyone loves the switch and literally only 1 guy on /v/ doesn't like it
None of the games in Below Average are Below Average except Super Bomberman and possibly Yooka Laylee. Also Hollow Knight isn't that good. I also think you're just a contrarian because nobody legitimately thinks Mario Kart 8 is trash or even below average for its genre, ARMS isn't out and Xenoblade is amazing
The takeaway I get from /v/'s pessimism"towards the Switch is that it's a weak console disguised as a powerful but not so portable handheld and Nintendo is being rewarded for selling games that are already available on it's previous console.
yeah bro, totally artificially lowering it
why even bother posting?
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Shitposting + console wars = /v/ upset about any console doing well.
because people need to realize the truth?
>product made in China
>takes weeks to export them over the Pacific on boat
>they're spending extra to fly some over instead
It's a great plan to waste money.
In all honestly, Nintendo gets strong opinions (both hate and love) no matter what. Successful Nintendo seems to bring it to a whole new level though imo
Dont respond to ACfag
What truth? That you are a shitposting moron sitting in your basement?

Would a company pay extra to have more factories produce Switches, doubling production and go out of its way to FLY switches in to countries instead of doing it the cheap way via containers on ships if their goal was to create some artificial scarcity?

You're a fucking parrot who can't think for himself.

Any of you other Sony-niggers want to stop pretending to be /biz/fags and prove this anon wrong?

Oh wait, you fucking can't.
>insults me while believing jewish lies
I keked
I actually like Nintendo games but I don't want to pay just to play online.
Neither do I, but face it, there is no way around it anymore, everyone does it.
Sony made an ass ton of money on PS+ alone, same with Xbox and Xbox gold. Nintendo wants some of that easy revenue. It sucks but it's understandable.
go back to /pol/
The Switch is basically if the Xbox One S and Playstation 4 Pro weren't backwards compatible with the Xbox One and Playstation 4 respectively, like if they used cartridges instead of discs.

Like, technically speaking that is what it is. Reality is Nintendo cancelled the Wii U and won't be developing any more Wii U games so anyone who was in that Wii U boat now has to abandon the sinking ship and climb into the next sinking ship just to stay afloat.

It's unreal to expect the Switch to play discs, or even expect that they could have miniaturized Wii U architecture to the size of the Switch in just 5 years, but by all technicalities the Switch only performs a hair better than the Wii U and it's initial games so far have been either Wii U or indie-dev PS3/PS4 ports, meaning the initial view of it right now as it stands is that it's difference over the Wii U equates to the difference between a PS4Pro to a PS4 if also the PS4Pro was retarded and couldn't play standard PS4 games, or if the Pro enabled games required a second repurchase of a new "Pro" version to see any benefits.
Nothing you say makes sense, how in the world is the Switch like a PS4 Pro that can't play PS4 games?

The Switch and WiiU don't even use the same architecture. One is a home console, the other is a fucking handheld.
Are you out of your mind?
Why does any console or pc make anyone upset?
Short answer: Autism
I understand it, but it's still bullshit. Depending on how you look at it, a PS4 would be a $550 investment without even adding games into the equation, a Switch is $400 if you want five years. I just don't like the way things are going, and I wonder how else they plan to squeeze more money from people.
No it isn't, it's if the Vita was able to play Wii U games without an internet connection, and if it wasn't a colossal failure.
Well, for what it's worth it seems like the price might be anywhere from like 20 to 30 bucks tops, so at least it's a bit cheaper, but it's still shit I agree.

I hope when they announce the full features of the paid online, VC and other stuff they'll have taken comments and feedback to heart and overthought their offers. I could well see them going with "you get to keep your games" now
nah just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's autism, it's just simply tribe mentality and buyer justification. Stop using autism as a buzzword or it will become normie
Get off King Kai's computer.
Nintenbros confirmed for reading at a 5th grade level.
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Great ideas manifesting in a console run by a company that hates the shit out of its adult customer base.

The retards at NoA have done nothing to win over kids, which are growing up on phone games.
Wait. You don't want it to become "normie" to call things autism as an insult?

You LIKE have autism around here as a swearword?
Please explain why you think it has less to offer. The 3DS has a 3D effect that most people turn off. The Wii U could function as a DS-like touch screen and offer asymmetrical gaming but almost no game uses these (two switches can do asymmetrical gaming in theory and the switch has a touchscreen). It's a portable that can be played on the TV as a console. You can even use a console controller with it. The HD rumble is a better novelty than whatever the Wii U or 3DS have to offer.

Both the Wii U and 3DS are highly disappointing consoles with awful hardware that happened to have some high quality games. The 3DS was okay I guess but it's hard to go back
to after switch. Screen is too small, resolution is terrible, and it is uncomfortable to hold. Nobody bought a Wii U. The best thing I can say about it, besides from the games which will all probably get switch ports, is that it's a legit HDMI Wii (and GameCube with Nintendont)
Where did you mention the Switches mobility? Also you said that the Switch is like the PS4 Pro to the PS4 but if it couldn't play PS4 games which shows that you cannot or will not read because you previously said that even though marginally the Switch is more powerful than the Wii U so it would be able to run Wii U games if you meant formatting then you had the answer to your complaint earlier when you said that it would be unfeasible for Nintendo to shrink the Wii U's architecture in 5 years. A far more realistic comparison would be a PS3 to a PS4 because this console launch is like every other console launch. I think you either don't know how to build an argument or are just ignorant.
Did you mean "having"? Also i just don't want to give the people in this community an excuse to say that this sites culture is deprecating. And I kinda like having autism be a swear word.
Technically speaking, the Switch has awful hardware too.

Vulkan has done the brunt of the work in making the Switch possible. Not Nintendo or Nvidia or the engineers involved in developing it. Similarly specced vulkan ready gpu's can do what the Switch does at a fraction of the price for a fraction of the hardware that is predominantly going unused in the Switch.

The switch has redundancies that drive up price all over the fucking thing. redundant wireless radios, redundant batteries, redundant PCBs, redundant rumble motors, redundant CPUs, and a modern high-quality GPU underdclocked by about 60% to reduce any benefit over cheaper 1 or 2 year old GPU's.

The Switch isn't any different than the Wii U or 3DS in this aspect.
>but by all technicalities the Switch only performs a hair better than the Wii U
All Wii U games on switch (Zelda, MK8, LEGO City) perform better than on Wii U in portable mode alone. It's more than a hair better. You're a fucking retard, it has twice the RAM and another CPU core with an objectively better overall CPU with real SIMD and the GPU is DX12+ in terms of feature set. It has higher RAM bandwidth. It has more shader cores. Nvidia makes AMD its bitch. Yes even a Tegra X1 at switch clocks (compared to the 2009 R700 series DX10 feature set potato GPU in the Wii). The CPU has real SIMD like I said and not PPC 2000 paired singles. Docked mode is at or near twice as good as portable mode.

A hair better my ass. Portable mode is at least 1.5x better than a Wii U and docked mode is at least 3x better than a Wii U. I realize we aren't seeing this with Zelda but Zelda was ported in less than a year and by Nintendo's own admission is not optimized. They already did some optimization in a patch to improve performance once. Mario Kart 8 and LEGO City are much better examples
*Switch in portable mode
>Also you said that the Switch is like the PS4 Pro to the PS4 but if it couldn't play PS4 games which shows that you cannot or will not read because you previously said that even though marginally the Switch is more powerful than the Wii U so it would be able to run Wii U games if you meant formatting then you had the answer to your complaint earlier when you said that it would be unfeasible for Nintendo to shrink the Wii U's architecture in 5 years.

Nice run on sentence man. no idea what point you were trying to make.
How are the rumble motors redundant? They didn't put double in each joycon and the Switch itself doesn't have rumble motors.
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most people can only afford one platform, when some people see that another platform is doing well, or really, just exists, they get angry and try to do everything to justify their purchase and re-assure themselves that they did the right choice, a symptom of lack of confidence in their decisions. This is how brand loyalty is born.
I'll translate :
> it's(Switch) difference over the Wii U equates to the difference between a PS4Pro to a PS4 if also the PS4Pro was retarded and couldn't play standard PS4 games
You answered(if you meant the formatting) this part of your complaint earlier when you said it was unfeasible to shrink the architecture of the Wii U.

If you didn't mean the formatting then YOU can't read because you previously admitted the Switch was more powerful than the Wii U.

And then I went on to say that a proper comparison would be the PS3 to PS4 because the Switch's console launch was and is normal, besides the fact that it didn't launch in the holiday and was still successful
Docked mode is literally just upressing. the extra processing ability while docked is not adding beneficial visuals or otherwise increasing computation ability to fuck a game up. Games are designed with Undocked as the upper limit, and docking serves to bump the resolution up.

Zelda and MK8 perform amicably similar on the Switch as the Wii U, not "1.5x better". Even splitscreen multiplayer in MK8D on the Switch is still hampered by the frame limiting that was present in the Wii U version. The version of Lego City that runs on the Switch is a different version entirely, the better optimized PS4 and Xbox One version - and even then looks considerably worse than either of those versions with reduced graphical effects all over the place, so it's truthfully not even a proper port of the Wii U version to know any better in the aspect.

All the benefits of the Switch hardware are undone by the shit cpu and gpu clocks that require, REQUIRE Vulkan optimization to achieve similar or slightly better Wii U performance. You can see where this lack of optimization has hampered other games like I Am Setsuna or Dragon Quest Heroes, which run on par or worse than the Vita versions.

It's a hair better, friend. Hardware alone and if Vulkan didn't exist, it would perform about 25% worse than a PS3.

Nintendo is just another entry in a long list of companies that created great products at one time, got popular, and then contented themselves to just milk their fans for nostalgia-bux.

The Switch doesn't do anything well and is just another shitty Nintendo offering where they fail to deliver a competent console and rely on gimmicks instead.

That's not why people are mad about the Switch. People are mad about the Switch because Nintendo has a slavishly devoted fan base that continues to eat the shit sandwich that Nintendo puts in front of them.

Nintendo is a fucking shit company and has been for many years. They continue to get away with it. THATS why people are upset about the Switch.
>I have never touched nor played a Nintendo Switch
yeah i never really considered it but the thing that makes me mad about the switch is the shiteating nintentards who the feel the need to constantly post about it here trying to shove cherry picked sales figures down everyone's throat.

I can handle the Switch being a piece of overpriced shit, I can't handle having to say the Switch is an overpriced piece of shit 5 times a day every fuckin day though. It's annoying as fuck. Truthfully we'd all be better off hiding the threads.
>it would perform about 25% worse than a PS3.
Sure it would, Champ, sure it would.
PS3 has 230 working theoretical GFLOPs

Switch has like 192 or something.

do the math.
It's not anti-consumer, you weirdo. You buy the thing, you buy the games, you play the games.
>Truthfully we'd all be better off hiding the threads.
Why the fuck don't you just do that in the first place? Why would you enter a thread full of content you don't like? Why would you waste your time like that? It's incredibly easy to filter content on 4chan, if it bothers you, and it does. You sound even stupider than the 'shiteating nintentards' you describe in your post.
You really are trying to be persuasive in this argument, kek
I don't care about it. I just wonder why people are saying it is a hand held console. It also has one game for it
The reduced graphical effects in the Switch version of Lego City are rather minor. The only really significant difference in performance is that indoor sections run at 60fps on PS4 while 30fps on Switch. Outdoor parts are 30fps on all three versions.
Simply because they have nothing else to do, they don't have lives, usually I just leave threads like this and go on with my day but today is slow so whatever.
>buy wii u
>"haha wii u is old we're done with it, if you want more nintendo games you gotta get the switch now"
>almost literally just a Wii U but doesn't read discs so it's not inherently backwards compatible
>release a bunch of Wii U ports to rub it in that the only 'worthwhile' games available for it right now are games you probably already bought on the Wii U
>I just wonder why people are saying it is a hand held console
It's only marginally better plugged into a tv, and even then it loses most of what makes it good as a console in the first place
yea but that's because you bought a Wii U which most people didn't, which is also why they are porting games from the Wii U to the Switch which they expect to be more successful. Otherwise their efforts with creating Mario Kart 8 and Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild would be wasted with the Wii U's low player-base.
So is this yet another gimmicky console from Nintendo that's cool at parties and that's it

weak hardware. too expensive for weak hardware.
thats how gflops works, bro. It's a theoretical upper limit. Theoretical cause it's arguable whether any piece of software will actually reach it.

That's just the terminology used for the shit.

Think of it kinda like a speedometer on your car and how it probably goes up to 140mph but you'd never know if it actually can reach that speed cause you only go up to 65 - or even if it could go that fast, you'd rarely if ever have a reason or the ability to do so; so theoretically, your car can go 140mph. The corrected idea would be comparing race cars that race on tracks and do actually push the vehicles to their limits.
No it's a good system that can be both handheld and console based, I didn't buy the fucking console for upscaling increments when plugged into the base I bought it because I can walk around outside with it and then go inside and play it on a larger screen. It plays games well enough but its unique because it can SWITCH between the modes seamlessly.
It's the dankest handheld ever that has a multiplayer gimmick that could be cool for a few minutes if you were really stoned. And it plugs into a tv which is better for some games, but most are great in portable mode.

>A rerelease sold less than the initial release

>Install base is 30% of WiiU at that time

You are awful at spinning.
This especially bad for Nintendo, because Nintendo's first party lineup makes their console libraries a lot differenter that than Xbox vs. PS
I will get upset when those things are still sold out by the time I get my next paycheck.

Didnt think the situation would get that silly here in europe.
just build a pc
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mk8d sold like shit, you are the one spinning things around to make nintendo look good, but its ok, i understand some people are paid to make good impression for the company that neer did anything good for them
The Vita cost 249$ on release and it couldn't even be plugged into the TV nor did it come with any accessories. The Switch is only 50$ more, it's not over priced, if it was 400$ then yes it would be overpriced.
I have a PC.
Why wouldnt I have a PC?
Stop being retarded.
It's supposed to be competing with the PS4 and Xbone which also were very underpowered and were below expectations when they were announced.
Games wise, it still looks better than the Xbone but it doesn't have the third party support that both consoles have.
That whole "but it's Nintendo, it's what they do!" mentality that I see everywhere is complete bullshit and only hurts the company and consumers.
It sold really well considering that only 3 million people own Switches
Dude I know, the point I was making is that "theoretical" leaves him open to respond with "those GFLOPS are only theoretical and therefore bullshit because that's the absolute limit" my comment really only applies if you want him to shut the fuck up as opposed to just being right.
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The Vita failed cause it was expensive versus the competitor, and it was $50 cheaper than the Switch.

Reasoning things leads one to believe the Switch will be undone by all the same issues as the Vita.
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no so good considering more people own a wii u than a switch
The Vita was more like $300 because a memory card was essential for even being able to play some physical games.
Lol, he won't, he'll probably bring up CEMU without realizing that CEMU is a Wii U emulator and that buying a new console is an investment.
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>have $400
>can get a switch and a game
>or a PS4 and a game
why the fuck would I get the switch.
The Wii U has been out for like 6 years. The Switch has been out for like two months
So it's a gimmicky console
The vita was also filled with hidden cost traps.
You literally cant use the vita without a memory card.
16gb was like 60$ at launch?
Of course they crashed and burned with that.

Also no games.
No the 3DS was 249.99 on release, the Vita failed because the games were unappealing to most consumers and it wasn't even called a PSP which could have increased sales because of Brand Recognition.
download CEMU if you want Zelda so bad
It's a handheld with some really nice features and a few other ones.
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and its already selling worse than a wii u in the same tiime frame, i dont think you know what are you getting into taking this conversation the way you want it to go, it wont end well for you
I played Zelda already.
Well if you say so but the gimmick is actually worth an additional 50$ compared to another handheld console while the Wii U's "gimmick" was pretty shitty as it never fulfilled its purpose.
microsoft had to merge the xbox division with some other division to make it look like it wasn't losing money
I mean if you take into account the impending global economic and environmental collapse, it's not doing that bad.
so you want to buy a console for a game you already played?

>it's worth an extra 50 bucks to play outside
Do you have any source for this claim boy?
I suppose the lack of games and incredibly expensive sd cards in addition to the handhelds high cost had nothing to do with the vitas downfall

The Switch is also getting pushed as a console you can take with you rather than a pure handheld, so its harder to make a straight comparison to the vita despite them being somewhat similar.
No. Man you're an idiot.
I'm going to sleep.
Yes actually and I don't need an internet connection for it either.

But you don't go outside so it doesn't matter don't buy it.
later, dude. have a good night
Nigger, a gaming console is an investment, he most likely wants some of the multiple exclusives coming to the Switch
it all doesnt matter, its doing worse than a wii u, fucking wii u, the worst console that existed, it was the worst but its not more, switch took its

no, we only have a march report, and thats because nintendo was so scared of shit numbers that they will never report any numbers for april
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see >>376153817

Just console warring faggots.

Anon I'm outside about 15 hours a day unless the weather is horrible. I don't want to play games outside though and not many other people do either
>exclusives coming to the Switch

Mario, another Zelda game, fire emblem and something else
>I'm spewing shit out of my ass so let's just say Nintendo is scared.

Let's not take into account that the Switch took a shorter amount of time to sell a million when compared to the Wii U and also came out in March.
Nintendo has already released data stating the Switch is successful why release more saying the same thing?
>another Zelda
Everybody is losing. Divide and conquer.

In 5 to 6 years
Because I bought a Wii U and as far as I'm concerned this is an exact repeat of that fiasco. Nothing so far about the Switch convinces me otherwise.
because some people think that its shit and its popularity is hurting the industry
I don't think you understand, we have reached peak oil and destroyed our entire source of life beyond repair. The economy has been cooling in response to it for years. This is the last time you'll get videogames before the food riots.
Iunno about everyone else but it made breath of the wild a worse game by taking out obvious dual screen features. So there's that.

Other than that, there's not much to do yet. So far it's been getting ports, if I wanted a port machine I'd get a Vita.
3ds price dropped by $80 after like 3 months, meanwhile the Vita never dropped it's price by more than $60.

Only monumental retards bought the 3DS when it was brand spanking new, nevermind the 3DS was on the market for an entire year before the Vita.

When the Vita came out, it was $179 vs $249
ARMS, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, and Pokemon.
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>lets not take into account the numbers, it sold oud in a week but limited supply had no meaning behind this
The Switch has outsold the Wii U in the same timeframe.
Even though I personally think ARMS is shovelware shit looking garbage you named a Wii U port and a game that hasn't even been announced in your list.
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just like blizzard saying it has over 10m created accounts means they have over 10m active players
>If I don't do it then nobody else does.

Why do you think people are buying the system then Anon?

Because they like Nintendo or are party game casuals
do you know what successful means for nintendo?
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The Switch is a fucking disaster. I've checked Target, Gamestop, Best Buy, not a single store near me had any Switches on the shelves.

The Switch has been out for less than three months and nobody is carrying it anymore.
Well since I'm not poor I didn't make the decision on which system I would buy based on a 20$ difference (I would however wait for discount because why not).
Its okay to be dumb
The Switch outsold the WiiU in the same time frame. The Switch outsold the Wii in the same timeframe.

Putting your fingers in your ears and screaming doesn't change that fact.
Everything you said makes sense, but I'm not gonna rush out to buy a system and games that are almost identical to the wii u
I know. Think about how many people actually bought switches.
i realize you miss quoted, its Sophie Arvebrink
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Ok that is funny.
For not seeing the the very evident sucess of the switch.
you are fucking dumb
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over 80% of /v/ is comprised of sonybros

the Switch doesn't make any ACTUAL people upset
I will never buy a Wii U so Mario Kart 8 is an exclusive to me.
Pokemon was confirmed to be coming to the console.
ARMS looks interesting to me.
These are reasons I bought the system and are probably reasons he's buying the system.
friend got a switch the other day for botw
main complaint he has is he plays portable and says it looks amazing on the small screen, which is how he prefers to play it.
Unfortunately once the battery runs out you have to plug it in to the charger which covers the screen and are forced to play it on a television while it charges, which he says looks like ass, no way to play in portable mode while charging.
>getting almost no fucking games
>happy for year old ports from "third party" support before it dries up
I don't care how successful the system is sperglord. It's still fucking shit and doesn't seem to be changing anytime this year.

>Pokemon was confirmed to be coming to the console

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BotW took them so long to develop and is such a large step away from previous Zelda's that it's likely they'll pull a Majora's Mask.
Its 2 months old faggot
Its first year of exclusives are going to be the best of any console as well
Until it's announced don't include it in your exclusives list, alongside a port.

It makes me upset, mainly because it proves that you can release consoles with literally zero games and still get rich (something I should have already known from the ps4)
Has anyone been to/seen any parties where everyone is gathered around playing the switch?
Also hype as fuck for the Splatoon world championships
All it's getting between now and the end of the year is Splatoon and Mario. I didn't like the first splatoon so I won't count that on my list. Even if I did it's getting the same amount of games per year as the Wii U did. 3-4. Which is fucking terrible.
hardcore fanboy
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its you again, how long have it been since you posted your image? 0 minutes? or more like 0 seconds? do you feel ok? monitoring every nintendo thread sure is exhausting, should i call for aa ambiance?
Reusing stuff from the game that cost them way too many years to make (OoT 1998) in order to quickly release another game (MM 2000)
>Ishihara sat down with Japanese business and technology website Toyokeizai Online to discuss the future of Pokémon, including Pokémon Go, and new games on the Switch. When asked how The Pokémon Company was looking to get involved with Nintendo’s new console, Ishihara suggested that the way the company approaches designing its main title games — like Pokémon Sun and Moon — would have to change if the new console was incorporated.

“Pokemon has been about being portable, but now there is the Switch, which is a portable home console, so it has a bigger screen and higher specs than we’re used to,” Ishihara said, as translated by NeoGAF user StreetsAhead. “Apart from main games, we make stuff like Pokkén [Tournament] and [Pokémon Mystery] Dungeon, so I am thinking we should make games that suit the Switch, but at this time I cannot confirm any projects.”


I consider this a confirmation of an eventual Switch game but you may not.
If it gets a bunch of fun niche games and sells a bunch, I'll be happy. Wii actually had a nice game selection, despite what /v/ loves bitching about, so I wouldn't mind seeing another one.
>Wii actually had a nice game selection
Jesus Christ I can't believe I actually wasted my time responding to you.
Its does not matter what's on your list exclusives count period.
Fe warriors
Xenoblade chronicles
Splatoon 2
mario odyssey

And we haven't even got to e3 there will be more
This is already the best exclusive first year lines of any console
well we know a Pokemon game is coming to Switch and we also know Pokemon is not coming to Xbox or Playstation
>no way to play in portable mode while charging.
Your friend is dumb.
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>Technically speaking, the Switch has awful hardware too.
So what. Video games have barely advanced a inch in the last, what, 6 years now? What was the last revolutionary game that actually needed new hardware rather than adding in poly counts for kudos?
GTA V? Whoops multiplat. Ran on 2006 console hardware.
Witcher 3? Nice, but evolutionary over Witcher 2. CD Project could have considered backporting it to 7th gen if they were strapped for cash.
What PC title out there needs more than a 1050 to run (a budget card)?
What Switch game couldn't have been done on the Wii U?
What Ps4 game wouldn't run on a 6 year old toaster? What's the point of a half cycle upgrade if they're not going to use it?
Is anyone even still playing the One? People hardly even shitpost about it. And is the Switch even 9th gen? The fuck?!

We are FOUR YEARS into a console generation that nobody asked for, and so far as I can see, that no-one really needs. So who gives a rats ass about hardware? Half the games we talk about are over ten years old.

It's Nintendo
It probably will, but most will be digital only.
>call for aa ambiance
I would

So if they do make a pokemon game for the switch it'd be a spin off.
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Because it's getting BTFO by a 4 year old console

So when the 3DS support is dropped in 2 years, where exactly do you think the next Pokemon game will be?
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so you took the grammarnazi way, good for you considering you literally had nothing else to reply to, your welcome
Jesus imagine counting fucking Mushou games and shovelware as a reason to buy a console. What does Nintendo feed you guys to ride their dick this hard? They must cum chocolate or something.
please translate I can't read austismo
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>It has been 0 seconds since /v/ cried about BotW

>how long have it been since you posted your image? 0 minutes? or more like 0 seconds?


Get me a source that it sold 3 million in 4 weeks.

On the next console that's actually and hand held and not a party gimmick home console
sunless and hype are just about the same things nowadays sadly :/

it'd be a success if it wasnt just a rehash of the wii u
>no game line up
>everything else that went wrong with the wii u but even worse
"The Switch will be saved once we get Pokemon" cries the drone some 2 years after the console goes the way of the Wii U in 2014.

Be honest, how many of you guys just pretend to be console war teenagers?
Next DS
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not my fault you are esl
he's not the brightest but a good person, also he's going back to 2005 to get the cord to charge it with
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>he thinks paid reviews means anything
So, what exactly makes you think that there will be another handheld?

When did I say that

Also, Gamefreak is currently hiring for this position


>We’ll have you work on the production an RPG game that is popular on a global scale.
>Platform will be console.
>It’s a title that just about anyone knows, a proposal that could be your future career.

Also, Gamefreak is hiring a 3DCG artist who is on the level of VIta and Wii U
I never counted it as a reason to buy a console on its own. This is cumulative faggot.
You approval does not make it any less exclusive
Why would there be another DS?
>Switch will be $250 by then
>N3DSXL will be $150
>expecting another handheld between those prices
A Boy and His Blob
Fragile Dreams
Rune Factory Frontier
Trauma Team
Xenoblade Chronicles
Wario Land Shake It

Like I said, /v/ loves bitching about the system just because other people liked it. But if it has a good third party selection, along with BotW and a decent Metroid instead of M:OM and Skyward Sword, then the system looks promising.
Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
Mario Kart Wii
Super Smash Bros
Twilight Princess
Lego Batman
Every GC game

Cmon man..
>N3DSXL will be $150
It's gonna be dead.
Portable consoles are fucking stupid.

Sessioned gaming needs to fucking end and it was getting there until Nintendo came along and fucked it up again.

So here we are, game designers being allows to chop games up so shitheads that have no business playing video games can get their 15 minute gaming sessions in.

Fuck off.

I believe that this the switch is just another gimmick console from nintendo.
>A Boy and His Blob
>Fragile Dreams
>Lego Batman
>Every GC game
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you dont know what esl even is, do you?
What does that have to do with the next Pokemon being on the Switch?
I mean I suppose that's what he said, but I don't think that the 3DS will last that much longer so they will have to move main line Pokemon games to the Switch
Why is any game that isn't on a Sony console or any console that isn't a Sony console trigger the sonygers so much?

That nintendo will come out with a new hand held
They're gonna release it on the 3DS successor that the CEO talked about after they convince enough of you retards to buy their Wii U 2.
Who are you replying to?
They're not going to kill it as soon as the next one starts being sold. This is of course under the assumption that the Switch is not its replacement.
your whore mother
for u
Yea, but while you believe something as baseless as that there is no actual DS successor coming.
It's literally not the Wii U at all, shit the Wii U is more like the DS than the Switch.
nintendo sure is good with names, i bet marketing this shit was easy as fuck
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Thanks for highlighting some of the better games and features which most people would probably just forget. It's good to see someone else who appreciated A Boy And His Blob on the Wii.
its essentially just a Wii U with a different name and a different housing.

If I owned a Wii U I'd be pretty upset.
>Fastest selling MK so far
>Sold like shit
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it sold less than a wii u version, do you have anything to defend it with?
Underrated post
Pretty much how I see it. And I am upset.
I was alright with it at first then i started messing with it and just becomes a deep money sink.
>Do you have adult hands or want a dpad? Buy a controller
>Do you want for the system not to scratch itself by the simple motion of docking and undocking? Buy a screen protector (also glued some foam in there)
>Do you want to repurchase games you like just to have it on the switch so you can play it on the go? Pay more than the average price on any other system.
Pretty much just makes it so i'll only ever touch it when the big releases come around.
>Pretty much just makes it so i'll only ever touch it when the big releases come around.
Personally I'm waiting for it to become hacked. Hopefully like the 3ds so I can download free shit directly from Nintendo's servers as an extra fuck you.
I own a PS4 and WiiU. I unironically always pick Nintendo's side in console wars.
Sonic Colors
Metroid Prime 3
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Radiant Dawn
Red Steel 2
Skyward Sword

Wii's library was literally fine
>he's going back to 2005 to get the cord to charge it with
What does this even mean? It uses USB-C.
>Pay more than the average price on any other system
Where the fuck do you live? All major new games retail for like $60 in Murrica, regardless of console
The noose at the end always gets me.
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Why is Nintendo winning against the cynical jaded gaming community?

The switch is very successful. What's more impressive is that it was scrutinize before AND after its launch.

How does Nintendo do it?
OP is a fag
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