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>the 'mark' starts bleeding again Why is PC gaming

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>the 'mark' starts bleeding again
Why is PC gaming so uncomfy compared to consoles?
Because you suck.
The mark of an actual 85 IQ mouth breather.
hey fuck this thread but uhh I just took an actual steaming shit. I thought people memed about that. do I have aids /v/?
Wait till you get an office job where you click through databases for 8 hours a day. Life is suffering anon and repetitive stress injury is a bitch.
>gamed on PC for 15+ years
>still no "mark"
>never had hand problems
>meanwhile, broke my skin with N64 games like Mario Party, and got severe cramps while playing PSP shit
>don't even know what RSI stands for
>claims to have it
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Get a real mousepad
I have the mark but it never gets THAT bad. I also work a desk job as a game bugtester as well as spend every waking moment at home on the PC.

How does it even get that bad?
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>being a palm grip pleb
theres even a weeb version for ya lot
Have the same mouse! I use a Yugioh mat as a mousepad. Also I've got a white Leopold FC750r to match the mouse.
nah that's common
shit, sometimes even my piss comes out steaming, but it's only noticeable in cold winter days
>Palm grip
>Never have the mark
>No mousepad or anything stopping my wrist from touching the desk
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Post mousepads

Rate mousepads
>place where I live is always cold so I always have a sweater on
>sweater sleeve is like a comfy pillow for my wrist, resting on the desk
It doesn't, unless OP is using sandpaper for his mousepad. It's a harmless callus.
>tfw work in warehouse
Everything fucking feels comfy compared to walking miles carrying heavy shit
I would unironically use this. It would be like a normie filter if I ever have anyone ever.
stop resting your wrist on your desk edge idiot.
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I've had this mark on my wrist for 5 years now and some times there's so much skin build up that I like to cut skin off using a pair of nail clippers. It hurts some times but that's only when I draw blood. The rest of the times it's pretty relaxing and I've gotten used to the pain. Other than that it doesn't hurt.

I also have a pair of tweezers for when I pull loose skin. Is that weird?
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>never get hand problems
>tfw as soon as i start doing something productive i injure myself
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Also I just realised how much excess skin is on the floor. I really need to clean that up.
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why the fuck would you post this
>almost 20 years of gaming
>no mark
i don't get it, i also have one of those shitty 1 dollar circle mouspads
I really do not know how you people get these.
I have been using mouse and keyboard for 15 years now this includes school/work and at home.
Your first day on 4chan, newfag?
pls try to be a better person
Get on my level, i have not used a mousepad for at least ~8 years. Still no "injuries" or marks.
>the 'mark' starts bleeding again
That only happens when forces of darkness want to take you into the underworld.
Your a soft pussy. Get a console
>consolecuck doesnt know what the mark is
soak it in warm water and scrape it off
Image source?
I was about to post the same. No mousepad, same desk for about 7 years straight now, game about 2 or 3 hours every day on average after work. No mark.
Why is the small finger bent?
>all these stupid fucks putting their weight on their wrist

Enjoy carpal tunnel.
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>scrape off a badge of honor that shows you are not a console casual

do you have that mark on your feet as well?
Why not mix it up? Fingertip sometimes/Palm others. Claw is laaaame.
How does a man's skin become so fragile?
get out.
this will literally ruin your wrist


How do you get this? I spend 12-14 hours a day in front of one computer or another and I've never seen a "mark". That bit of my hand is a little smoother then the rest, but it's not fucking visible.
Fingertip fag here,never had any problems.
Been using that mousepad for 7 years now and I have perfectly good wrists.

Please explain how it'll "ruin" them.
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This is shit.
Holding your hand in your tight pants for too long gives you cooler results.
the "mark" is the sign of a bad posture casual
cave dwellers that live at the computer 16 hours per day do not have this mark, because their body knew how to adapt to avoid injury

do not, under any circumstances, allow pressure to be applied to the underside of your wrist area while moving digits

"wrist rests" are literally the leading cause of CTS

unfortunately there's not a lot that can be done to avoid RSI, but CTS has clear sources
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Keep playing. Eventually you will develop impenetrable elephant skin there that can block even shurikens with ease.
Buy some real fucking man hands fag
>sliding your entire hand around rather than just pushing the mouse with your fingers

learn proper claw stance you fucking faggots
my wrist is callused there because im always at my pc like that
Actually I've met a lot of people who've had office work and changed to manual labor because they say there's nothing as soul crushing as sitting in front of a computer in a cubicle for 8 hours a day every day. I haven't had an office job, but I feel pretty good and engaged while doing my job (foodrunner) and I absolutely hate sitting down to study or do my college shit so I think I kinda get what they mean.
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>be me (who else)
>20 yo
>be pc user for the better part of my life
>spend a lot of time behind desktop
>don't even use a mousepad
>I don't even give a shit
>on the weekends can easily sit behind my pc from 9am to 12pm no sweat
>don't have the mark of the faggot

What do you do? Slam your wrist on your desk every time you lose at a game or what? I play shooters, RPGs and all that good stuff with a lot of mouse use, yet my wrist is fine.
>What do you do? Slam your wrist on your desk every time you lose at a game or what?
I am interested in knowing why.
How do you guys manage to get this? Unironically.
circle and strafe jumping
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>be me
Looks like fluid is building up in his wrist. He's probably going to die.
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>blue collar scum

>Ruining your hands

Faggot I get callouses from doing pull ups and bars, I'm not going to fuck my hands with a job
That is probably a bigger cause of the swelling than using your computer
I'm a different person but I'll explain it for him. Compressing the nerves of the wrist while you're using them fucks them up. Using padded mousepads WILL destroy your wrists but it'll take a long time if all you're doing is browsing NormieBook and crossposting on /v/.
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Post your posture
Guys I woke up with some wrist pains. Is this what they call tendentious or did I just sleep on it wrong?
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Spy is like a blue collar too, mercenary isn't a desk job technically.
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That's beyond "hard work". That's just abuse.
That's how my feet look because I walk barefoot.
How does this happen? Why is it just that one spot? Do you not rest your wrist flat against the desk? I don't even use a mousepad and I sit at the computer all day and have very sensitive skin and I've never had this.
I don't even rest my wrist on my mousepad (>>376153173), plus I actually exercise and do a martial art, so I doubt I'll actually ever have a problem
>Not using fingertip
The other two are too uncomfortable but the claw is better than palming.
>when the hardware store is always out of work gloves
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>complaining about >be me
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>tfw my right nipple constantly gets sensitive and itchy feeling out of nowhere and more I bother with it the worse it gets

I guess I should go to the dermatologist.
He picks at it constantly apparently
It's probably just like how crack addicts are covered in sores because they pick at tiny unnoticeable things until they turn into big scabs
Except there is a soft cushion on the wrist holder, so the wrist moves as freely as it wants to all while being comfortable.

If anything Id imagine it supports the wrist better because you arent using a lot of muscle to keep your hand in a comfortable position since your wrist is very relaxed and stress free with that mouse pad.

If you can post some website like that proves me wrong, go ahead.
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>User was automatically filtered for posting a banned image
You can do as many kicks down at the McDojo as you want and your wrists will still be the same amount of fucked up.
While he may be picking it constantly to be honest it's kinda obvious that he gets it from his hand being in a certain position/rubbing it "wrong". But I don't get how.
Yeah, this is a strange one. I've suffered from plenty of injuries due to overuse of the PC, but the calluses have never occurred to me and I've been gaming on PC for over 20 years.
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>my feet look
>because i walk barefoot
lol no, I do that shit and i have perfect soles, youre something retarded to get that much calluses like that
>being this much of a pussy
As a commercial electrician who is regularly straining myself and doing hard labor, man the fuck up
>not complaining about "be me"
>Hurr your da newfig
Stfu reddit
he's a retard, but if he stops carving out chunks of himself with a dirty blade, the blisted will dry up and heal, afterwards he can SAW IT OFF WITH A STERILE SCALPEL
>meta newfagging
I have it for a while after I play games on pc but it goes away
it's ok, after 10 years it doesn't hurt anymore
you fucking idiot.

you're only making your mark worse. stop that shit.

get a powerball. it worked wonders for my RSI and gave me some nice grip strength
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You sound like an angsty teenager
get out nerd

>tfw plumber
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I didn't realize how shit my phone camera was when stuff isn't 10 feet from the sun.

This has worked for me for a while. I need a new desk.
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I work in the wine field in france and everyone has hands like this in the peasant world.
Of course you're not going to build strong hand by jerking anon jr. or by typing on a computer faggot, so you don't know.

Also yes I'm a Honhon, and nique ta maman l'obèse en string qui suce des queues à tour de bras :^)
Jesus Christ millenials are soft
I don't mean in the house. I mean everywhere. I hate shoes. My feet are black at the end of every day.
You sound like a faggot
>I'm only pretending to be retarded
>Using cloth mousepad
>Using a pad
Lamented tables are better, less friction and flatter than cloth.
>buying "gaming hardware"
top normalfag
I just use a card playmat with a small cushion for my wrist.
I guarantee you are a millennial
that's a comfy desk. +1 for mythology text
>tfw my holding style is a hybrid of all three
Isn't Redragon some chinese knock off? I own a mouse from Redragon and it was like 20 bucks.
My best buddy is a plumber. It's fun to give shit to each other.

>tfw everyone else in our friend group is a pencil pushing desk jockey.
I legitimately feel bad for them. It just seems soulless
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>being a millennial means you can't bitch about other millennials
>having a job
>being on any board on 4chan
Pick one. 4chan is a NEET website, normalfag.
Just stop playing games on low sensitivities. You don't need so much friction on your wrist to move your mouse.
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The fuck are you doing you stupid ass faggots. Never in my life have I gotten such a thing on my arm and pretty much all I do is sit on a computer. No mouse pad, no cushioning whatsoever.
Does your mouse have an exhaust which spews flames or something? I can't even comprehend how you could get this.
Keyboard was like $20 and works well. The mouse is good, sorry about your bad taste.

Yeah, real nice though. Switches can be replaced and are pretty good, but they're like knockoffs of a knockoff.
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I don't have it either since I support my arm by laying it on my chair's arm support and don't drag my palm across the mouse pad.
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What the fuck, don't you vacuum weekly or something?
>RGB meme
dude I hope you stretch every now and then, sitting that long is asking for a blood clot
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Fuck all you showboats, I bet you have lights in your case.
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Fuck you, retard
Alright, the thread can end here, there's no way anyone could post a better mousepad.
Those don't look bad at all. They're just covered in dirt. I rock climb when I'm not sitting at a computer, and my calluses are way more noticeable than that.
Pffft. Whatever, "mom".
I was exaggerating a little. I do go outside and skateboard too
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>you have bad taste because you don't buy overpriced, subpar-quality """""gaming equipment""""" marketed to you by jews
It's a fruitless endeavor, though.

It's too unspecific.
How the fuck. Do you play RTS mainly? Something that requires a lot of mouse movements very rapidly for an extended period of time?

Blood clots are a meme for retards with birth defects, or mature people.

>babies think gamer 'mark' is on rough spot of wrist
>implying it's not the patch of hair on your dominant forearm
Fat and dirty?
>trying to play fighting games with the playstation dpad
i dont know how i have any thumb skin left
My mom used to drone on about it all the time. I told her blood clots only form in extreme cases of sitting down for long times like a super long flight, but no the click bait article she read online is more credible

Also what's wrong with skating?
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I hope it clogs my heart arteries. Dying unexpectedly doesn't sound that bad.
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>no one posted this yet
Do you marked idiots play with the mouse all the way at the edge of the desk? I don't use any sort of wrist rest and I've never had it.
is your table the size of a room?
Could be a fever. It can happen if your body temperature is high enough while the environment is cold enough.
Extended use of a controller fucks me up much more than extended kb/m usage. Anyone else?

Yeah, it's high blood pressure or high unhealthy cholesterol, one of the two, or both. Don't remember anymore, but it oughtn't happen to a healthy person.

As for the skating thing, makes me think you're like 16-17 tops.
>sitting from 9 am to noon

oh wow great achievement
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I'm 20. And shit at it.

You're just jealous that I'm better than you at sitting
I think it's more to do with how big your hands are, my hand fully covers my mouse which leaves my wrist dragging against the mat. I'd wager most people that have the mark either hold their mouse a particular way so their wrist is low and directly behind the mouse of their hands are so big that they have no choice but to hold it that way
put it in a pipe and smoke it.
you will never get the mark if you use claw (proper) grip
Hmm, I think it's more the other way around. I don't completely enclose my mouse with my hand and don't have the mark. I think it's because you press your wrist tightly against the back of your mouse and drag it along the table.

Also, material of the table mite have something to do with it. Mine's have always been cheap wood.
>skin cracks during the winter
>touching chemicals, soap, and sometimes water burns like a motherfucker
Yeah, no thanks.
Dude I wake up, sit in my car on the way to work, sit there for 8 hours, sit in car again then sit at home in front of the PC until I go to bed.
I'm literally a pro sitter.
Literally never had this problem in my life. Maybe stop being a troglodyte when you are sitting at your computer?
Good point, since I started using big steelseries mats my mark has gotten much softer. It used to look a lot worse when I used smaller cheaper mats
fuck off back to r_ddit normalfag
That sucks. Have you ever tried taking away the mat entirely?
>have perfect skin
>mark integrated itself so well it looks better than the unmarked hand
>that little extra silky smooth feel when touching it
Hehe it feels so good. Never really payed much attention to it until now.
my mousepad is some nsfw furry booty
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>have perfect skin
>I have no idea how mousepads work the post
jesus christ this is just embarrassing. The elevation keeps the nerves from bunching up you absolute mongoloid. It LITERALLY stops the wrist from being damaged from excessive play
Claw grip from the contact points, but from a profile view looks much more like palm grip.
Your both fucking fags

T. Steamfitter.
>Not knowing how to setup and use a controller instead of a KBaM
Got back to >>>/reddit/ you faggot, also saged.

show us your smooth skin, boy
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I've been propped up in front of a computer for most my life - using the second mousepad I've ever used for at least 6-7 years now, and I have never had that mark. Nor have I ever gotten it to callous like that.
Please do continue using your cushion wristpad. I would love for you to get an RSI within a year or two, that way you will be limited to making only a few retarded posts on 4chan daily instead of infinite amounts.
I have rgb lights in ma tempered glass case.
and this is ma mauspad
post buttcrack.
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Hardly any of the new generation is getting into skateboarding. It's to difficult and takes to long to learn. I've long quit because I'm too old now to get hurt and miss work. But me and and old skater buddy went and hit up the local skate park for nostalgia sakes.

Nothing but scooter fag, scooter fags everywhere. I was shocked. Scooters has always been around but in our day anyone who showed up with a scooter got bullies for being a pussy and not taking the time to learn how to skate. This is my blog post for the day.
What kind of lotion do you put on your skin?
fuck your skateboard scooter is more cool.
also your blog is gay
>your hand rests on a bone that's basically its heel, all is well
>you have successfully cut blood flow to your fingers

penis lotion
you typically tilt your hand a little if you claw grip the mouse and put middle finger mouse1 and index finger mouse 2 or vice versa and he probably has a normal size pad so i'm guessing the bone presses against the edge of it. maybe if you have a mouse with large side buttons it's different.
no! the special form of lord gabens manly tits is preventing this.
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>I have this wound on my wrist and sometimes it tries to heal itself so badly I have to cut it all off to make sure that doesn't happen
hopefully it gets infected and kills you
Every console controller in 2017 is natively supported by PC, how the hell do people still suffer from ergonomic problems from playing PC games?
Your the faggot who will never achieve anything great because your addicted to instant results. Why don't you strap the scooter to your feet so you can jerk off your nigger boyfriend while you causualy ride around the vert like the flight casual you are!!
but logitech said i needed their special mouse for mobas? they weren't lying to me were they?
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certainly will not achive skateboarding skills but then again skeatboarding isn't great.
you're the fag
where did they say that?
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Fuck scooters
Fuck you too
You've already doomed yourself to life of mediocorety. Fucking pathetic.
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the mouse i bought from them was supposed to be a "moba gaming mouse". how could you possibly make a gaming mouse for mobas?
dont fall for this meme
no woman or femboy would let you touch them with those hands
Unironically, how do people get this mark? I've been using computers since I was a wee lad, and my wrists are fine.
I claw grip the mouse but I don't have the problem.
I think I got why now: it's because the grip they hold on the mouse is limp and not firm.
Try to swing your wrist around while laying it flat and holding the mouse, then do the same but keep a soft grip so your whole forearm is wiggling. That way that part of the hand scrapes the mousemat/desk and the skin gets irritated.
Not while they're dirty, no. But after they're cleaned, definitely.
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I don't have the mark. Ya gotta use one of these bad boys
its more from pressing down on it than scraping it
i think op just scratches his a lot and doesn't shower much
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>the 'mark' starts bleeding again
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What is this shit?
What kind of retard do you have to be that you would hold a mouse in a way that does this to you?
what the fuck position do you take to have this happen? genuinely curious as I sit at my PC for 12 hours a day every single day and the only issue is hand muscles hurting from button mashing in MMOs
What is this suppose to be and doesn't it get solved with a wrist rest mouse pad?
My hands looked worse than that when I was 11 and played the contrabass.
post/show/918456 on you know where
polite sage
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