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>doesn't develop games anymore >you legally don't

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Thread replies: 135
Thread images: 30

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>doesn't develop games anymore
>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them
>only focuses on cosmetics and skins
>only sells other peoples' games
>obnoxious DRM that is against offline play (you can just play in le offilne mode xD)
>terrible community full of furries and bronies
>never listens to fan feedback
>locks FOV in games to low levels etc
>hasn't made a truly great game since HL1
>ruined tf2
>terrible anti-consumer practices
>buggy steampipe update singlehandedly killed every single goldsrc mod and the master servers of every goldsrc game, as well as fucking up an insane number of HL2 mods, some of which will never be fixed as the modders moved on
>constantly trying to reintroduce paid mods
>gabe is a billionaire yet wants more more more for his cash cow, no matter how much he fucks over the customer

Remind me why valve is considered a good company again and gabestein is considered LE GOD OF LE PC MASTER RACE XD?
They aren't

That shit stopped forever ago
They have like 3 games in production
nah the redditors still fucking love valve as well as a ton of pcbros on /v/

I used to get BANNED on here back in 2012 by pcbro mods for making anti-valve threads once they started fucking over everyone
why does valvedron(e) get filtered to pcbro now
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>invented digital distribution
>invented sales
>helps talented indie devs make a living
>created the best multiplayer FPS
>created the best singleplayer FPS
>allows users to create and add their own content to games
>brought PC gaming to the living room
>doesn't charge us online fees
>trying to make a viable Linux gaming platform
>gives us free trading card and items that can be sold for games

>people still hate him
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>created the best multiplayer FPS

valve created quake? I didn't even know... whoa... gabe is so based...
Guaranteed you have an anime girl profile pic and 500+ games on steam
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valve ruined pc gaming and if you defend this piece of shit company you weren't around for the true glory age of pc gaming, which was 2000-2005, playing shit like starcraft and quake with mature, skilled gamers without any obnoxious DRM and 15yo furries with anime pictures
>paying for games
top fucking kek m8
>invented digital distribution
Digital distribution was a thing before Steam. Steam's DRM is immoral and should be rejected.
>invented sales
People have been selling things for millennia, what are you talking about?
>helps talented indie devs make a living
Oh wow, they can host and advertise their games, not like they could do that without Steam right? Oh wait.
>created the best multiplayer FPS
They did not create F.E.A.R.
>created the best singleplayer FPS
See above.
>allows users to create and add their own content to games
Users of every software should have all four of the essential software freedoms, and the publishers shouldn't be lauded for respecting the user's freedoms, but rather punished and shunned for taking away these freedoms. Valve does the latter by not releasing their software under a free (as in freedom, not gratis "free" beer) software license.
>brought PC gaming to the living room
People have had PCs in their living rooms for ages. You being a millennial shit and your first video game being HL2 that you played on your mother's husband's PC does not mean Valve innovated anything.
>doesn't charge us online fees
The fact that their software is gratis does not redeem their disrespect for the user's freedom. Valve create evil spyware that steals the user's data and sell it to the highest bidder.
>trying to make a viable Linux gaming platform
If they truly tried, they would instead lobby for wider adoption of GPU APIs in video games that are supported on GNU/Linux systems. Literally all they do is take the games that use an engine that can interface with preexisting libraries available on GNU/Linux and compile it. That is something the user could do themselves, if the game's publishers released it under a free as in freedom license.
>gives us free trading card and items that can be sold for games
So if you use their spyware they "reward" you with coupons for their own shop so you can use their spyware more.
>don't legally own games

this is such a meme though. Even if they do have the rights to the digital game, once you install it it's not like they can remove it from your computer
>this is such a meme though. Even if Amazon had the rights to a digital book, once you download it it's not like they can remove it from your Kindle
>you legally don't even own your games
this is and always was true for all games you ever bought, all you own is a license to play the game
>>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them
Where are my proofs?
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>this is and always was true for all games you ever bought

you can't be serious.
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>doesn't develop games anymore


add me up losers
read any instruction manual, he's right
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I agree with him except about best fpses and here's my profile pic, also I have less than 100 games.
>>helps talented indie devs make a living
>Oh wow, they can host and advertise their games, not like they could do that without Steam right? Oh wait.

im an inide dev and make about 20x more money on steam compared to other places. same goes for most of the devs I know. You sound clueless
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nobody cares about your cancerous pixelshit making more gabeshekels than before when you should have just gotten a real job

we're talking about how valve ruined PC gaming, not how they let losers like you publish no quality control garbage like your unity pixel platformer that you can beat in 2 hrs
>evil spyware
Such as?
The only thing STEAM is good for is sending Bad Rats to people you hate.
The Steam Launcher. You should really look up what that actually does.
you are so triggered, especially since you were proved wrong.
keep crying as me and gaben will keep making money
lmao they fucking filtered

Wasn't this supposed to be 4chan? A place where you can say anything.
Damn this place has fallen
Dude your 12 years old. Stop the fucking lies. Your making me cringe.
>making money
Funny you say that because you probably live like chattel unless you're one of the top pixelshit developers like the undertale furry guy
It launches steam

Blame console war niggers
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>doesn't develop games anymore
Destinations came out last year. You're wrong and retarded.
>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them
You don't legally own any game, even physical ones. "rent" is the wrong word to use, more like "Liscence."
>only focuses on cosmetics and skins
People want what they want. It's easy money and companies want to make money.
>only sells other peoples' games
Why is this a problem?
>obnoxious DRM that is against offline play (you can just play in le offilne mode xD)
YOu can play offline though. And when id being offline a problem unless you're in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere or are a laptop-nigger?
>terrible community full of furries and bronies
This is true of literally every community ever.
>never listens to fan feedback
Except they do.
>locks FOV in games to low levels etc
Objectively untrue.
>hasn't made a truly great game since HL1
Pure opinion.
>ruined tf2
TF2 balance and gameplay-wise is in one of the, if not the best spots ever.
>terrible anti-consumer practices
Name some.
>buggy steampipe update singlehandedly killed every single goldsrc mod and the master servers of every goldsrc game, as well as fucking up an insane number of HL2 mods, some of which will never be fixed as the modders moved on
This is something that pissed me off, but you're overstating it. EVery mod that mattered got fixed.
>constantly trying to reintroduce paid mods
Constantly? Bethesda convinced them to do it once and they tried it, nnever since. You're retarded. Paid Mods for Skyrim was wholly Bethesda's idea. When Valve told them to fuck off, they made their own goddamn platform/launcher to use in the future.
>gabe is a billionaire yet wants more more more for his cash cow, no matter how much he fucks over the customer
How have they fucked over customers?
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>literally the only option for PC games
No one is saying Valve is great, but there is no serious alternative.
>muh GOG
>muh piracy
I actually like to support developers and am not a poorfag, and GOG is a joke compared to Steam.
When will Gabe realize his no leader meme structure is ruining valve

a company with no hierarchies and only incentive based bonuses - employees are going to only focus on the most low effort lucrative shit like cosmetics etc

it's probably largely why valve is so fucked now
>>only focuses on cosmetics and skins
>People want what they want. It's easy money and companies want to make money.


"hitler only wants what we wants. Killing jews is easy and the nazis want to kill jews"

nice argument, they like doing it so it's ok
>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them

Literally every game you buy, digital or not.
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Oh no, Valve knows I browse 4chan, what will I ever do!!! Not like Google or any ISP or phone manufacturer has your information already.
>companies installing spyware that logs your internet history is fine because jewgle does it!!

good goy of the century award goes to you
why dont you post proof instead of telling us to look it up
Making cosmetics doesnt include malicious intent towards any living being so your point is pretty retarded
it's redundant, retard, it doesn't matter that Valve does it because your information is literally not private anymore no matter what you do. I would rather have a video game company know every single thing I do on my computer because they are a video game company who's only interest is marketing video games to you, meanwhile your ISP will hand over all of your information to the FBI or google at the drop of a hat. The government isn't going to go to Valve to spy on you when they could go to 10 other better sources(Unless you are running windows XP in Brazil you are fucked).
>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them
This is all games. You think you own any of your games? The disc doesn't entitle you to anything.
Because nintendo got shit on so hard the mods had to filter anything bad said about "nintenbros". Then after looking like biased faggots doing damage control they extended it to everyone else.
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>I would rather have a video game company know every single thing I do on my computer because they are a video game company who's only interest is marketing video games to you
>"I want people to know all my internet history against my will so they can sell more useless shit to me"

Are you for real?

VALVe was a good company until about 2011. They haven't made anything good since Portal 2.
>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them
This applies to literally all software.
It's nonfree, or proprietary software. There is no telling what it does and doesn't do, therefore, one must assume the worst.
so much wrong in one post is mind boggling
>Bethesda convinced them to do it once and they tried it, nnever since. You're retarded. Paid Mods for Skyrim was wholly Bethesda's idea.
You really believe that don't you? You goddamn retard.
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>there are people who still think Half Life 3 will ever be released
>Paid mods introduced with Skyrim, not a Valve game
>Massive Backlash
>Valve tells Bethesda to fuck off
>Bethesda immediately after makes their own launcher so that they can make people pay for their mods in the future

It was almost all Bethesda. Gabe has talked about paid mods, but he doesn't mean like that. He just wants a way for mod makers to be incentivized and patronized for making goood stuff, like the way that DotA and TF2 modders get proceeds on their shit.
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>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them
It's like you faggots want to be laughed out of the room. You're away that you've _NEVER_ owned a piece of software you haven't made yourself, right?
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YOU go away
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>>doesn't charge us online fees
wait until that changes

the jew lord gaben will have it so by the year 2022
>Wii Play tier hardware demo trash
You're right but almost everyone on /v/ is a contrarian edgelord who pretends they were a hardcore gamer during the pre-Steam era even though the average age here is only 16-21.
Are you a simpleton? It's like a VR psuedo-MMO with intense modding support. The closest thing you could compare it to is Garry's Mod or something. Calling it a hardware demo is retarded.
>It was almost all Bethesda. Gabe has talked about paid mods, but he doesn't mean like that. He just wants a way for mod makers to be incentivized and patronized for making goood stuff, like the way that DotA and TF2 modders get proceeds on their shit.

Gabe even said if it weren't for skyrim they'd try to introduce it on another game.

Gabestein wants modders to be 'paid' like a third of the profit, so he can take the rest and spend it on more MLP figurines and a bigger golden toilet seat for his fat ass, you think he gives a fuck about the modders? He wants others to develop for valve for pennies while they take the lions' share.
Gabe literally said this February gone by that they're going to be reintroducing paid mods in the near future.
Don't you know that the original Quake was a mod for Team Fortress ?
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No? They get paid 60%, valve takes 30%, just like they take 30% from 3rd game sales.

The split on the Skyrim mods was something like 16% modder, 16% Valve, 68% Bethesda. That was another reason it failed, the money to be made was so low. Again, this was almost all Bethesda's doing.


And again, it's been like 2 years since the paid mods debacle, if it really was Valve, don't you think they would've brought it back with DotA or something already?

You still haven't addressed the fact that Bethesda made their own launcher just so they could do this in the future either.
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>don't need to pay for online
>don't need to pay for avatars
>have 50% discounts in my country so I spend $30 for games instead of $60

Steam is okay.
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i blame valve 100%
>16% modder, 16% Valve, 68% Bethesda. That was another reason it failed, the money to be made was so low. Again, this was almost all Bethesda's doing.

Stop blaming bethesda.

16% to the modder lmao, gabe would make it 0.0002% if he could, he wants more shekels, he needs more shekels
I still play half life 2 deathmatch time to time...

i miss old valve.
>""In a sense you want to have really good signal to noise ratios in how the gaming community signals to developers 'Yeah, do more of that.' Or, 'No, please, don't release any more of those ever.' And [modders] create a lot of value, and we think that … absolutely they need to be compensated, they're creating value and the degree to which they're not being accurately compensated is a bug in the system, right? It's just inserting noise into it," said Newell. "You want to have efficient ways so that the people who are actually creating value are the people that money is flowing to.""

He's just saying modders need to be compensated in the same way that DotA and TF2 item makers get compensated.
How about modders stop being greedy little bitches and accept the fact that modding games should be a hobby, i.e. something being done for its own sake or for its entertainment value, not for some monetary compensation.
Then why do contributors to Valve's games get 60%? Stop being a retard.
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>>created the best multiplayer FPS
>>created the best singleplayer FPS

Not created but hired the author of the best MOBA which is, unlike dumbed down clones, absolutely free to play and doesn't force people to waste extra money on unlocking heroes.
Mechanically superior to any other MOBAs and is also looking the best.

Stopped playing it in 2016 but for 5 good years I enjoyed the game.
It's good that modders toil away for hours just so that thankful people like you can enjoy their content.
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Noooo! We need to fairly compensate modders! 3% of every sale... Anything more would be a shoah... Everything is about money, not a community/hobby, we must monetize everything for the goyim slaves, my golden rainbow dash statue won't pay for itself
Again, stop shit-posting retard. Workshop contributors get a majority of the proceeds. Fuck off.
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>invented sales
Sales is the real price of the game without the box, without the big old manual book, without the CD, without the distribution, without intermediaries,etc...

>Steam sales = Steam game with his real price
buying the game is paying a lease on the data on the disc/cartridge.
technically you do own the plastic disc the shiny part is printed on.
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>free to play
Please avoid that term in the future as it evokes other terms like "freedom". Instead you should say "gratis".
A game being gratis to play is still an unethical game if it was released under a nonfree license, as it takes away some of its user's essential freedoms and restricts and oppresses them. Therefore we should disregard the unimportant detail of whether or not playing a certain game requires payment, and focus instead on insisting that games be made free software. Free software is that which grants its users the four essential freedoms:
0. to run the program as the user wishes
1. to study the program's source code and modify it so it does what the user wants
2. to help your neighbor by sharing exact copies with him
3. to improve the program by modifying it and making those modified versions available publicly, preferably under a free license that grants the same freedoms to users of your derivative work.
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Who cares?

play video games how you want
enjoy them
dont play the ones you dont like
live life
wait do they really filter pcbro?
Wow that's pathetic. If they're going to do something about console wars, why not just ban all the shitposting? It's like cleaning one corner of a dusty room and calling it good.
chef said it, arguing about this subjective vacuous bullshit is useless

Play video games how you want
Enjoy them
Share them
Modify them
Share your modified copies

If the software license on the game does not permit you to do all of those things, either disregard the license, push for publishers to release their games under a license that does, or do not play the game.
If the game is nonfree software and through your playing you tempt others to use this nonfree program, you should cease using it in order to not lure other people into the manipulative scheme of the publisher.
Don't play proprietary games.
Yes but...
Imagine that steam enters in bankruptcy or some shit and web is down. You can't play your games. You can play Cd games or games from GOG
Valve has said they have a plan for this and that you wouldn't get fucked were it to happen, you'd be able to access your games.

>steam enters in bankruptcy
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>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them
Literally every fucking video game is like that. No it doesn't matter if it's a license, they have the right to disable your ability to play any game at any time because FUCK YOU, that's why.
>only focuses on cosmetics and skins
Oh you mean like any other fucking business would because it makes them billions?
>only sells other people's games
Okay, you try making a multi-billion dollar gaming platform used by hundreds of millions every month. Go ahead, I'll wait.
>obnoxious DRM (you can just play in le offline mode xD)
But you can.
>terrible community
Not Valve's fault
>never listens to fan feedback
Because consumers are retarded and don't know what they want
>Locks FOVs in games to low levels
I play TF2 at 110 FOV all the fucking time, get good
>Hasn't made a truly great
your opinion
your opinion
>terrible anti-consumer practices

I don't even fucking like Valve and your I still find that wall of shit you posted retarded.
Hello there! You seem to have used the term "open source".
The term "open source" was created by a group of people that did not want to be associated with the free software movement. When I say "free" software (which is one of the alternatives preferable to "open source"). It's not about price; in that case I would say "gratis", or "free as in free beer". It's about "freedom"! This is what the free software movement is fighting for.
So what is "free" software? Free software is any software that guarantees the user the four essential software freedoms:
> 0. Run the program as you wish.
> 1. Study the source code and change it so it does what you wish.
> 2. Redistribute exact copies of the program.
> 3. Distribute your modified version of the program.
Some people decided that they wanted to restrict the user; but being able to study and modify the "open source" code is not enough! This is directly hurting the cause of the free software movement because it takes away the sociological "freedom" aspect of free software and turns it into a technological one.
So for those reasons I ask that in the future you use the terms "free", "free/libre" or, if necessary "FLOSS" (short for "free/libre and open source"), though the latter should still be avoided.
>for free
Like I said, free software does not address the matter of price. You can sell your program and make a profit off of it, in fact, you are invited to do so! However, you should not restrict the user in ways that are unethical in order to force him to give you payment. Maybe consider asking politely instead, or making your program so good that people give you money of their own free will. History has shown that this approach works.
this fucking leaf
>Fall of the Western Roman Empire
but Steam will be forever and ever?

>you'd be able to access your games
Steam is not going to fall in the next 20 or 50 years (who knows) but that sounds like the typical "big companies lies" they say when the thing is working well
>Fall of the Western Roman Empire
Are you actually autistic?

>team is not going to fall in the next 20 or 50 years (who knows) but that sounds like the typical "big companies lies" they say when the thing is working well
Are you really going to care about your TF2 inventory and your steam copies of Hyper Dimension Neptunia and F.E.A.R. when you're fucking 80? If anything I trust steam more than physical shit because it can never break or be defective.

Also, why would Valve lie about that? What would they gain from fucking you over and not letting you access your games were they to go out of business or something?

Fucking cynical retard.
Why are those "four freedoms" essential, and how come they're unique to computing?

Unless other fields of creativity have similar concepts? In which case I'm just unaware of them
Have you never used a Kindle? It's just local storage. You add and remove files the same you would a flash drive.
They're a company trying to make money like everyone else. It sucks but what can you do other than not support them? That is going to be really hard if you're a PC user.

There's not a single dev that I loved growing up that's still good today. All I can do is hope they eventually release something that's enjoyable to play.
>why would Valve lie
Why companies lie? Why? why?
Keep calm, was just a "Work hypothesis" but the "access to the games is a total lie.
Lord Gabe will escape with all the money to a third world country or a tax haven place.
>doesn't charge us online fees
For now.
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Well considering how literally the entire viability of the current PC marketplace is 100% thanks to Steam, I think I'll give them a pass.
it isn't


this is what valve drones tell themselves, when pc gaming was actually better before steam

oh boo hoo you wouldn't have gotten call of duty on PC, like anyone with actual taste cares
Please refer to fsf.org, stallman.org and gnu.org for further reading. You can find talks and lectures about free software and its implications concerning other media on the internet, for example on https://audio-video.gnu.org/

Okay anon, I guess you would be the expert here.
pcbro sonybro

>when pc gaming was actually better before steam

>hasn't made a truly great game since HL1

stopped there. you almost got it, but you tried too hard.
Dota 2 and CS:GO are the best games currently on PC. Not sure what this thread is trying to prove.
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>Dota 2 and CS:GO are the best games currently on PC

you cannot be fucking serious

if you are gas yourself
Top played games on Steam. Your move bitch.
Do you even understand just how much money steam makes them?

They have zero reason to make games, they get 20-30% of every game sale on steam.
sonygge(r) sonybro
valvedron(e) pcbro
nintendron(e) nintenbro
xbo(t) xbot
xbone(r) xboner
pcfa(t) pcbro
>>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them

No you own a licence/Key to the game which extends even beyond Steams service. If it was really a rental service they'd keep the key, let you have access to the game but only through their service.

Beause they give you the CD Key/License you can transfer your copy to a competing service such as EAs Origin or have them listed on both. So long as the key is valid, its not tied exclusively to steam.
>Gaming development

>Not a real job.

The fuck you're on about, anon?
>you legally don't even own your games, just rent them

This is the case with every platform, service, and video game though.

Copyright laws are fucked m8, look into them
So popularity equals quality?

Harry Potter is better than Proust and Milton
Drake and Chainsmokers are better than scriabin and amon duul ii

is that what you're saying
>This is the case with every platform, service, and video game though.
you own the license to the game. do people seriously not understand this shit


this is why I'd rather play most of my shit on console
>b-but muh better gramphix
you gotta be a fucking idiot to put up with all of this shit for more pixels on your screen
what shit? consoles are even worse and you have to pay for it.
f-fucking peasant you will never experience assfaggots 2 and cs goyim offensive in 4k...
if you get banned you lose access
if the game is removed from steam because of legal shit you lose access
if steam ceases to exist you lose access
>Episode 2 was 10 YEARS AGO
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>is worried about steam and not google, facebook and the like
lel my lad just lel
I don't use jewbook and what makes you think I support google?
It's the only major PC platform.
Never heard the valve drone before. I wonder which other words trigger the filter. Testing.
baka desu senpai
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