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>You're so stupid Ryuji >Skull, that was pathetic

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>You're so stupid Ryuji
>Skull, that was pathetic
>Ryuji, think before you speak
>x100 thoughout the game
This is fine.

>Haha Mona is kind of useless, huh guys?
I want to fuck morganas cute cat butt
why is it a boy cat
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Yeah that arc was dumb and forced.

This series will never reach the heights of Persona 3 or 2's character drama again.

What, in the past two games, achieved even half the tension and intrigue of Amada confronting Shinji? The satisfaction from Junpei's redemption arc? Akihiko's funeral scene? I'd go on but I think that's enough to prove that these games, from a narrative standpoint, are dead
Post the one with his balls
>tfw no romance option
>dumb and forced
It really was, did they do it just so Ryuji could actually do something? Because I can't remember him doing anything after Makoto joins.
P5 would have been infinitely better had it retained the backpacking across the world motif
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They give each other shit the entire game though. Ryuji doesn't just sit there and take it he insults him back.

It's also shit to go from "ha, you're an idiot m8" to "your entire existence is pointless. Why do you even hang around with us?"
He saved the team while they were escaping Shido's palace.
Reminder that half of the problem came from Ryuji's loud mouth
/v/ doesn't understand interpersonal contact, what else is new
Morgana's a Magician Arcana, what did you expect?
If you think anything in the persona games is how real relationships work then you're beyond saving.
Fucking this.

Thanks fucking christ he wasn't the one to run off into Mementos, though. I would've hated another Stupei. Ryuji atleast carried himself through.
Ryuji is the plot moving retard, no shit.
At least he isn't the plot moving and cockblocking traitor asshole. Cats suck anyways.
If there's one thing I'm proud about nu 4chan it's that it moved past the cat lovers phase.
>proud of being part of nu4chan

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Dumb fucking cat
You mean 2 and 4. 3 was a pretty nasty valley for the characters.
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>everyone on the team berates ryuji for being kind of a blockhead, morgana and joker especially
>ryuji usually takes it like the friendly banter it is
>morgana starts having some pretty heavy personal issues over his lack of knowledge about who he is
>everyone tries to stay mostly comforting around him, being respectful of these issues
>except ryuji
>ryuji starts calling him completely useless, calling him a cat when he's already made it clear he doesn't hate that, it's clearly getting to morgana much more than any friendly banter
>rather than reading the mood and realizing that maybe it's not a good idea to keep doing this, ryuji keeps crossing the line and doing it
>everyone tries to fix this and apologize to morgana
>dude shittalks tou all day every day
>take it without any issue, he is your friend after all
>do the same thing back to him once or twice
>he flips out and leaves claiming you hate him
>you are now the bad guy
No, fuck you.
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>i don't understand the difference between friendly shittalking and crossing an obvious line
Stop posting, Ryuji.
>ryuji is the designated "bro" character
>yusuke outbros him completely
All Ryuji ever does is open his mouth when he shouldn't. That's the extent of his character.
>/v/ is too autistic to understand that different people react differently to the same thing
Ryuji didn't question why Morgana hangs out with them.
He said Morgana was useless in Futaba's Palace, which is 100% objective fact.
And he said it to make Futaba feel better.
Because let's face it, Futaba at that point was a lot more fucked up than Morgana ever was.
>Ryuji doesn't just sit there and take it he insults him back
Not even nearly to the same volume Morgana shits on Ryuji.
>LITERALLY any other character misses
>oh lol, better luck next time
>Ryuji misses
>lmao, you'se useless, kill yourself
Doig a NG+ right now. Ruji is CONSTANTLY insulting Mona too and even call him a cat constantly despite Morgana ABSOLUTELY hating it, and he knows it. the two are exactly thesame, fuck off with your meme or replay the game, they troll each other constantly.
>which is 100% objective fact.
He fucking carried the healing for me, I don't know about you.
Hey he can run fast
I have no sympathy for morgana
Ryuuji only stated the obvious
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This is breddy gud desu
>they troll each other constantly.

because nu-/v/ can't see the cliche miles away
All I want in Crimson is the ability to tell Ryuji to shut his dumb fucking face before Morgana runs off.
Or better, the ability to
>try and comfort morgana before shit gets fucky
>clock ryuji when he keeps opening his mouth about either morgana being useless or "HE EVERYONE HOPE YOU DON'T FIND OUT WE'RE THE PHANTOM THIEVES"
>Morgana was just shittalking like a friend
>but Ryuji totally wasn't, especially because Morgana was such a pussy he couldn't even tell the group he was having an existential problem
If we get the option to tell Ryuji to shut the fuck up, I hope we get the option to make a hat out of that useless fucking cat after Futaba's Palace.
when did /v/ go from
>feelings are the bearer's responsibility, no one has to change the way they are just to coddle your shit feelings
>wow don't be an asshole by reciprocating asshole words to an asshole
tumblr really has invaded this place
The Phantom Thieves entering the metaverse in public in broad daylight bothers me a whole lot more than Ryuji being a loudmouth.
Morgana is literally the most useless party member,practically a mediarama dispenser and nothing more

No, lucky punch is not a good skill
>Doesn't know Morgana is all prideful and full of himself from the language he use, especially to address himself

That's what you get for playing it dubbed
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I know right.
She constantly shits on Ryuji for the entire game and ONE time he shoots one back she has a breakdown.
This confirms that Mona is indeed a girl, and not a boy like she wants to believe.
Because Ryuji and Morgana aren't talking shit on 4chan anonymously. When you're friends with someone IRL, you have to consider their feelings before you start throwing insults at them.
>see Prometheus for the first time
>Kinda creepy looking, it's weird
>Actually use it
>Mfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsbOOPkmEGw
I know he's prideful, doesn't mean he didn't pussy out when trying to talk to JOKER OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD ABOUT HIS PROBLEM.
It's such a fucking insult to Joker that Morgana felt he couldn't talk to him.
Morgana was at fault for the whole shitshow.
Anon, he didn't really need to tell the group. Joker was pretty fucking obviously picking up on the fact that something was wrong, and if Ryuji watched for two seconds to see how Morgana reacted to Ryuji calling him useless then Ryuji would've gotten the hint really fucking quickly. Even if Morgana never outright said anything, the fact that he was having issues was BLISTERINGLY obvious. The difference between the "Ryuji, you're a dumbass." banter and "Morgana, you're dead weight." banter is that Ryuji never really reacted that badly to being called a dunce. Morgana, however, had glaringly obvious issues with being called useless/a cat, and almost everyone besides Ryuji seemed to try and avoid doing this because they know it's crossing a line.
I mean, same, but the game just sorta handwaves it. It's not like Ryuji's bullshit, where the game acknowledges how fucking stupid he's being for saying "MAN I'M SURE GLAD WE WERE ABLE TO BUY THIS SUSHI BY BEING THE PHANTOM THIEVES" in a crowded restaurant.
>Feels the most competent and most experienced member of the Phantom Thieves
>Doesn't want to show he has flaws

It's drama for drama's sake
>abloo bloo, Mona's fee fees get hurt from banter
Should just stay as a car 24/7.
Ryuji is alpha and Morgana is literally a pussy. Ryuji knows it's all friendly banter and that he can buttfuck all his allies with his melee moves
>Doesn't want to show he has flaws
>to the one person who the entire game up to that point has had his back and generally shown to be a trustworthy guy who understands the problems of a diverse cast of people perfectly, and the leader of the Phantom Thieves who Morgana knows wouldn't think any less of Morgana if he just confided in him
I don't disagree that it's drama for drama's sake, but the cat is a useless fucking retard.

>he doesnt use high luck stat into miracle punch

A move that can even fuck over reaper
There's a reason why his Confidant link goes up during that story line. Pay attention on how other Confidant rank goes up, they start to trust the protag more.
Mona didn't when he started shit talking Ryuji immediately when they met.
>they start to trust the protag more.
No fucking kidding.
You're dumber than Ryuji, anon.
>h-h-haha, it was just banter when Morgana started talking shit to Ryuji the moment they met, g-g-get with the times
>How dare Ryuji shittalk to Morgana, REEEEEEEEE
Apparently giving info on how to get the treasure to materialize in a palace, and saving them after the palace gets completed is useless. You can hate morgana that's 100% okay but he isn't useless.
Furfags were a mistake.
He is 100% useless the minute you get out of Kamoshida's Palace.
>explaining something to a dumbass

I know you are but what am I
I don't understand how anyone can like or sympathise with Morgana. He's literally the most irritating character in the entire game by far.

>Has an inflated idea of his own prowess
>Fawning over everyone except Ryuji
>Reacts with hostility to every attempt throughout the game of even jokingly mocking him

The issue with Morgana is his incredibly inflated sense or pride.

Ryujis issue is that he has difficulty seeing Morgana as one of the lads, and consistently mistreats him because he can't really see him as a person. Ryuji is at fault for this here, but holy shit Morgana is a much worse person than him when it comes to day to day life, and needs to stop taking himself so fucking seriously.
Holy shit! I didn't know mementos was completed during kamoshida's palace!
It's even worse when a main plot point used in the game is that anyone in the range of the app, that is of a good 10m, gets sucked in the metaverse and yet they somehow still manage to not pull in anyone when they use it in the busiest place in the game to get access to mementos.

Also, how the fuck did Haru manage to get to her father's palace to save Morgana in the first place? Morgana doesn't pull anyone in when he switches to the metaverse since he doesn't use the app.
>a car
It's not like they can't just walk
>b-b-b-but the Reaper!
Are you stupid? If anybody misses he berates them? The only character he gives a pass to is Ann
I think it's implied that Haru got the app, anon.
What the fuck are you talking about. She gets him half-dead in the street in the real world.
>he berates them
Not nearly to the same effect the does Ryuji.
Everyone else is in the ballpark of
>that's okay, do better next time
With Ryuji it's LITERALLY
>Come on, Skull, you're useless.
Bu-but Makoto is better so you just don't know how to play
He tells them about it in the first place, and without that car they would be dead after completing a palace.
>She gets him half-dead in the street in the real world.
I must have missed the robots in the real world, I could have sworn the trashcan robots were only in Okumura's Palace.
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>muh feelings idiots think that "hey, you gotta be more careful" is the same as "seriously, skull? God you are so fucking stupid!"
Morganna regularly directly insulted the guy for no reason. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
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What we need is actual proof of quotes instead of using quotes that fit our arguments
>I think it's implied that Haru got the app, anon.
Well, it's kinda shitty, it means that she instinctively knew how to use it and knew the shape of the palace (and knew it would be different from reality). It's weird they didn't really touch upon that.

You see her shadow appear over Morgana in the palace right after the robots decide to not kill the pussy.
Morgana is "that guy" in any friendship group that dishes out the banter but can't handle it himself.
The only quote you really need as proof of Ryuji being fucking stupid is the aattempted """"apology"""".
Yeah, they certainly had no issues in Okumura's palace, did they?
>how the fuck did Haru manage to get to her father's palace to save Morgana in the first place?
Pretty sure Igor at the beginning of the game explains that people with the potential can get the app
maybe we're not talking about the same scene then, but I clearly remind her meeting Morgana in the real world after a severe beating
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>Not just buying a few 200 party heals from takemi and running Makoto,Ryuji,Yusuke for that sweet damage

kys morganafag
he learns salvation, so... No, no he is not useless.
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>Can't date Ann's rival in her Slink
That's after confronting Morgana and Haru in Mementos when Haru's fiance kicks Morgana.
They'd already met long before that.
there was shadows and he was in his biped form when he took the beating.
this explains that then, thanks
Morgana by end game is completely and utterly outclassed by literally everyone.
Honestly Morgana was being a giant fucking bitch about it all.
Why do people keep saying this when they both did it to each other throughout the entire game?
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Morgana was LITERALLY a crit machine faggot and the best healer. Shut the fuck up and go to bed.
Yeah the worst party member by end game, why not Haru?
You have to babysit his ass made of paper though and fuck that noise, I'd rather exploit magic instead of having to waste turns to rely on luck.
>make a Shiki-Ouji with Lucky Punch and Apt Pupil
Wow, it's almost like anything Morgana has, Joker can do better.
>b-b-b-b-b-but you can do x with Morgana so you can do y with Joker!
>best healer
You don't need healing when everything you encounter dies in 3 turns.
It looks like they don't remember it. Just like the fact that "Ryuji didn't like Morgana" when they were pretty close to each other and respected each other when it wasn't banter time or when Ryuji wasn't particularly stupid/ Ryuji wasn't busy trolling Morgana "you're a cat!"

selective memory
The difference between Ryuji and Morgana was that Ryuji could dish it out and take it, Morgana could only dish it out.
>Wow, it's almost like anything Morgana has, Joker can do better.

Now that's the most stupid "argument" I've even seen about this entire game.
>joker can do better
But isn't that the same for everyone?
Go fuck your cat hoping he's Morgana, furfag.
Real talk, was Morgana originally planned to be a female?
>Protagonist with access to any Persona does better job than character with one Persona
Well colour me fucking surprised.
>Muh bu-but Joker can do it too!

Joker can do pretty much anything better than any party member with the right setup, dumbass, what are you trying to prove here?
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No, but he did have a much weirder design before.
Anon, I think you're confused here.
It's time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and REALLY put thought into anon's post.
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I think I could've liked this design if it was animated like a fucked up mix of a kingdom hearts enemy and a disney cartoon.
>that full body shining latex suit
We really don't need any more fuel for the furfags.
Now I'm not saying that's a sexy cat but that is a very sexy cat.
Salvation is an extremely shitty spell on a character that cannot use multiple persona, because it locks a slot for a spell that has a beyond huge SP sink (from what I remember the cost is higher than the sum of the cost of the team full heal spell + Amirita Shower for the same effect) and is a spell that you'll only want half of the effect most of the time since enemy spells either inflict a ton of damage or low damage with status effects.

If you want his SP to survive without drinking coffee or eating carrots like an addict you'll have to keep his regular only full heal spell, eating two spell slots to end up with a status removal that costs like 50sp, you better off keeping the regular party full heal and have Haru with Amirita Shower especially since Haru isn't really SP intensive if you go guns with her.
>any more
Wait, is there any fuel in the first place? I don't remember any when I played. Unless you count Morgana, but he seems too cartoony for that.
Yeah, I'm not big on the latex either. I would've personally made it just solid black aside from the scarf, eyes, and mouth, and had it so lighting didn't effect it at all for the same of adding a bit of weirdness to its appearance. Like a hole in reality in the shape of a cat or something.
Well no one should be being a cunt if they can't take shit back.
Fuck Morgana, useless besides healslut
fuck i dont want to start ng+
Nothing is too cartoony for degenerates.
This is really creepy and unsettling. I'm glad we got the cuter morgana. This shit would've given me nightmares.
I find the best team is just have joker use yoshitsune with debilitate, and have ryuji, makoto, and yusuke for healing and buffing.
Using Morgana after Futaba's Palace is the absolute worst.
>Bona Fide Monafied
>not abusing morgana with miracle punch and luck build
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>morgana manages to stay in his palace/mementos form in the real world somehow
>you wake up and see that thing standing over your bed in the middle of the night
>"Joker, can you make me some food?
And then you realise magilous voice actor is the same as futaba
Why the fuck would I want to hear Futaba say that ever again?
>Wow, it's almost like anything Morgana has, Joker can do better.
Morgana gets completely blown the fuck out by Makoto for everything in end game since she gets her own huge crit up as a weapon on top of all of her other tools but that argument is extremely shitty anon, you can say the same with every character:
>Waoh, Ryuji is shit because Joker can Charge Hassou Tobi!
>Waoh, Ann is shit because Joker can Concentrate Morning Star!
>Waoh, Makoto leaks shit because Joker ravaged her ass yesterday!
And so on.
I don't think you played the game.
>tfw ryuji is literally me
This is just as bad as /v/'s

>Theme of the game is fuck Adults!
>There are adults in the game that are good people

More than half the time /v/ criticizes something it seems like what they're criticizing is a non-issue or just wrong, I don't get it.
Morgana fucking sucks and I wish there was an option to just throw the fucking cat in under a train. Seriously the lamest, most annoying fucking character in the game.

Feels like such a lazy character. Hurr guys you remember Teddie? Well this time we have a dumb fucking cat who won't stop bitching about I'M A HUMAN, I JUST KNOW IT BY THE WAY GO TO BED and none of the charm Teddie originally had.

Teddie is based. Morgana is a piece of shit.
Oh someone edited the original, that's really funny
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This is the fault of Persona 5 for wasting the players time for a full week doing plot exposition. People would criticize the game for this if Morgana wasn't the one telling you to go to the sleep and it was just the player doing it, which makes me wonder if Atlus did that on purpose.
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At least he is no Mishima
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Morgana never left my party and I don't give a fuck.
>there are people in this world who unironically would want Mishima as a party member
morganafags literally just want to fuck the cat and they hate Ryuji for talking back.
>It's Ryuji's fault for not being able to gauge the situation and know that Morgana wasn't feeling well after all the time of verbally assaulting and murdering Ryuji
Like the other anon said, Ryuji was trying to make Futaba feel better about herself while going outside and after dealing with her Palace. But oh no, Morgana had to make it all about himself again. Let's reiterate what he does and what he can do

>Implies that he's one of the best of the phantom thieves
>Just gets caught in the first and easiest palace
>If it weren't for Joker and Ryuji he would ahve gotten catraped and killed
>Turns into a car
Why not just write it out and have it be hallways again to appease all the P4 and P3fags. There's nothing really different, although I appreciate the banter while in the car.
>Serves as exposition-bot for the first palace, after which he knows literally jack-all about anything
>He didn't know about being able to change people's hearts without triggering mental shutdowns
>He can't even analyze the battlefield well outside of spouting "keen" observations
>Thinks he can do anything on his own when all he did was walk down the stairs of mementos and jacked off in the first floor
>Puts Haru in danger by going into the Metaverse while she was nearby without her knowing

Sure, he saved them during the pyramid explosion part, but that can't really redeem how trash he was throughout the game.
Prove me wrong, Morganafags.
You forgot that he tried to ran the party over in Mementos when he was going apeshit.
Well, he's a cat, they'd all be huge passive aggressive and overly emotional assholes if they could speak.
Swapping Morgana for Futaba is one of the greatest things in Persona history.
>never meet morgana
>never cross the bridge, get caught and eventually die
>Implying the MC is that stupid
>Bridge is up and needs to be lowered
>Only one statue on the side near the bridge
Really makes you think, huh?
Morgana is a girls name
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>Being this mad Morgana is the most liked mascot in Atlus history
>Now making shit up
Then he crosses the bridge and dies because he literally can't handle three or four enemies at that point without one more
I don't know if it's just me but I thought the whole thing with them figuring out Akechi was a traitor was pretty stupid. I'm not even just talking about the pancakes thing. I'm just talking about how it seemed everything conveniently fell in to place and that the entire thing was an act when the group didn't show anywhere near this much intelligence at any other point in the game, instead all of them acted like dumb kids. If I'm supposed to believe Makoto thought of it, well, before joining the party she ran in to a mafia boss' lair without thinking of the consequences. I'm supposed to believe she thought of something this intricate?

I also laughed later when they were trying to figure out what Shido's Palace resembled.

>I'm going to "steer" this country.
>Oh, it's a boat
>Literally goes straight ahead without even caring that Joker and others are in the way. And he is better than Teddie, I won't deny that, but he went full retard during that whole arc.

They're both terrible. The autistic poorfag ended up being less obnoxious than those two.
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Ryuji is definitely a bro though.
>because the player is unable to handle three or four enemies at once, Joker the character is unable to do so
Alright, anon. You got me.
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>most liked mascot in Atlus

Not that anon, but come on, now. Jack Frost has way more recognition from Atlus than Morg. He's not Teddie, I'll give him that, but you're really overestimating how good he is.
>enemies ahead
>make Morgana defend himself while Joker takes down the enemies
Morgana is shit.
On a related note, what the fuck am I doing wrong to not get Futaba's 250 dialog count trophy

Did as much as I could while Akechi was in my party
Why is this trophy even a thing in the first place?
Shame that Jack Frost and his other variations are the only personas with distinct personalities in talks
>yusuke outbros him completely
In what way, at being more obvious that he wants to suck Joker's cock?

Ryuji is the designed bro character and plays his part at it, he has the most number of enouncters, default and optional, if you aren't making Joker pin for a girl.

Personality wise he is always got Joker's back, handling all the bantz aimed at him.
I think the problem is that Ryuji's a total bro in everything BUT the main story events. It's fucking nuts how big of a disconnect there is. SLink/Car Conversations Ryuji is a great guy, but then you get back to the main story and it's just constant "MAN I SURE LOVE BEING A PHANTOM THIEF DUDE WE SHOULD GO HIT ON THOSE GIRLS AND TELL THEM WE'RE PHANTOM THIEVES TO GET LAID FUCK YOU MORGANA YOU STUPID CAT LOL HOW DO APOLOGIES WORK".
Crimson had better fix this shit.
fuck off he was the most usefull party member high heal and magic and also that miracle punch no fuck you
No clue, but it's annoying.
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>there are people who don't run Ann, Mona, and Makoto
>Two healers and a mage
>in a game where physical is broken.
That's oversimplifying and you know it.
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>tfw didn't really use anyone other than Ryuji, Ann and Morgana
and Makoto like two times I guess, rest just felt mighty inferior from your starting load out
Well technically speaking, all the personas are just demons in SMT, so their dialogue and personalities should presumably be imported in the Persona franchise.
Quick /v/ what's the best party set up?
Is it bad that i want to lick Ryuji Sakamotos ass and balls after he had a long day on the field? just as a prank between bros of course :) he would totaly laugh when he cums in my mouth and tell me how gay iam haha
>There are people who used Morgana for anything after Yusuke's introduction save for the Okumura boss fight.
>There are people who used post Makoto/Pre concentrate Ann.
Mona was a fucking shit and that whole section was so forced. You could see it coming a mile away, and it wasn't even related to anything but the obvious bullshit after Futaba's palace.
I didn't get the trophy until the final boss. There are a bunch of lines unique to that boss fight for various reasons so just keep trucking for now
had it before i finished the last dungeon didnt even notice when

Starting loadout is pretty much the best setup until Makoto learns her heal-alls.
>there are people who didnt just use the full party and switched whenever they liked

made the game too easy though
The sad thing is it's loads easier to get than the one for Rise in P4G, probably because switching between party members is heavily encouraged this time around.
Ryuji, Ann/Haru, Makoto
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>unstable man thinks hes a woman
>/v/ hates this
>unstable cat thinks hes human
>/v/ thinks this is ok
I beat the game on Merciless pretty easily with the all-boys team.

The AI seems to like to target Morgana, so I just had him act as a sort of tank by guarding a lot.
I didn't need Marakukaja thanks to Debilitate.

Don't lump us in with that dumbfuck, thanks.
She has like 16 lines that are exclusive to the status effects of the last boss, I got it during that fight despite not really farming for it, I had almost none of Futaba's lines when Ann is a party member and never made my team get statuses on purpose.
literally 30 cases in real life where mentally unstable cats asked for and got surgery to become humans

You've got 10 minutes.
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>Morgana runs away
>Takes Haru with him, they become Beauty Thieves

>Sensei realizes that everybody is upset in the hallway, and unwittingly follows them into Mementos, she gets a Persona and joins the party as your token wind magic/healer
>Hifumi's curiosity towards the Phantom Thieves leads her to join the party, and she, curiously enough, decides to become the party combat strategist, using Psychic/Reflect/Gun abilities to tackle many lesser-used strategic weakpoints on most enemies
>By some twist of fate, the power of the wild card falls into another's hands, who earnestly wishes to join the Phantom Thieves in order to change the world for the better, and the one who had the power to see themselves was Mishima

ITT: People who can't handle the bants

You don't get to pick and choose what's okay and get pissed when somebody triggers you after you've been roasting them the entire time you've known them. Morgana literally introduced himself insulting Ryuji. At that point it's all fair game. You know what insecure people shouldn't do? Shit on other people's flaws.
Mishima can fuck off.
Deadly Fury versus Vorpal Blade. I need answers now.
Fuck off Mishima
Being incapable of discerning what's cool or not in a social environment is a sign of autism.
Get out now
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Greatest main party rivalry ever

Calling someone stupid and useless in your first meeting because they're not familiar with a paranormal world is autism.
Diarama is superior to media
How do you type with paws you fucking faggot cat?
>Ryuji, "the forehead", Joker, Morgana
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She doesn't learn Media, she directly learns Mediarama.
>Not Ann, Makoto and Haru
Go full harem or go home.
Ahh, they might be listening
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what would be Hifumi mask anyway ?
I tried drawing an Oni mask for her last night but it looked like shit, so I tried using the real assets, to see if it was my shitty drawing skills that made it look awful.
It turned out an Oni mask is shit for a cute girl.
It's ugly too without the nose
Best teammates to use with the NEET
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What of it?
>Makoto and Ann get affected by Lust
>Eagerly wait the turn when they'll jump on my cock in a sex craze
>Morgana harisens Haru who in turn harisens Ann
I swear to god, fucking shitty cat.
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Update :
it MIGHT look good
The same way I fuck your mother you blond faggot.
>at shido's dungeon
>maxed out every social link possible except mishima
>done all the requests (I think)
>mishima wont show up despite him being rank 8
what am I doing wrong?
Finish the dungeon. After sending the calling card, for story reasons, he'll be a bit less busy and have more time to meet up with you.

>Source: Just had the same conundrum except at rank 9
Yusuke is more like the scrapped gay option than the bro.
phew alright then thanks pal
do you know where to find a complete list of books btw? I tried looking it up but can't find a full list anywhere
I was genuinely considering dropping the game if I couldn't max him out before the game ended
I thought she'd fit more of a Noh play mask.
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>Get affinity reading from Chihaya
>Holy shit I'm ranking people up like fist of the north star
>At this pace I'm gonna max everyone with a month to spa-
>Lv5 stat blocks start hitting
>by end game
And he said in Futaba's palace, by which point Haru hasn't yet joined. And he still dishes out good damage with Baton Pass even in the late game. He's great for regular encounters. You just trade him out for bosses.
I'd use the trophy guide on gamefaqs, for the books.
Lol, I kinda liked that quote, I know it's cancer, but I feel It's better than the rest of the shit he has to say.
that's what you get for being bad at the game
i'll check it out thanks
I thought so at first, but the nose kills it and the eyes are way too narrrow to make something and still call it a Noh mask.
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>3 more enemies with wind weakness
Except doing that came back to bite them later. Goro literally took pictures of them disappearing into thin air to blackmail them with because they weren't careful. And he actually does enter with them when they activate the app.
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Ok, except for Mishima.

Morgana is a condescending cunt. Hate the character not because he robs you of your freedom but because of how try hard and childish he is. Obnoxious Personality.
Ann, Ryuji, Morgana
Ann, Ryuji, Morgana
Ryuji, Morgana, Makoto
Ryuji, Morgana, Makoto
Ryuji, Makoto, Haru
Ryuji, Makoto, Akechi
Ryuji, Makoto, Haru
>final boss
Ryuji, Makoto, Haru
You know what's up anon, but this comment will die in the depths of morganas Cat hole that is seeped in furfag semen.
Repel Phys.
>not giving Ryuji the bro tier options when talking to him.
I haven't played persona 3, but isn't the mascot a non talking dog? Sounds good to me
P3's mascot is a talking toaster
Morgana swooced right into the metaverse and Haru immediately followed him. Don't think about it too hard.
Ann, Ryuji, Morgana
Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke
Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
Ann/Ryuji, Makoto, Haru
Haru, Makoto, Akechi
Ryuji, Makoto, Haru
>final boss
Haven't reached it yet, but probably going with Ryuji, Makoto, and Haru.

benched that nigger cat as soon as I can.
I agree with all of this except using forehead.
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>Morgana: JOKER NO


Futaba is even worse. "Joker...no!.....JOKER!"

Haru is one of the best party members because of how much gun damage she doles out per turn. It's actually pretty nuts and she only falls short of Ryuji in terms of physical damage, and that's because he has Charge.
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>Ann, Ryuji, Morgana
>Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke
>Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
>Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
>Ryuji, Morgana, Yusuke robots weak to wind
>Ryuji, Ann, Makoto
>Ryuji, Ann (replaced by Yusuke when out of SP) , Makoto
>>final boss
>Ryuji, Ann, Makoto

Haru doesn't learn Riot Gun, she is shit.
>not using Yusuke for Phys until late game, then switching him out for Ryuji
>not using Haru for Gun skills
>not using Makoto for Dia skills
Why would you even use Morgana in combat when he's better at being benched healer ?
Riot Gun+Cripple would make her insanely broken. She's not "shit" just because she isn't broken.
Fuck that stupid cat

>>Calls Ryuji an idiot and stupid since literally day 1
>>Causes things to fuckup himself (grabbing the treasure that imprisons you, etc)


>>Gets insulted and goes into an existential crisis mode
>>What's wrong Mona? What's Wrong?

n-nothing, j-just forget about it!

>>You sure?

Y-yes! Forget it! I'm great!
some time later

>>You guys don't care about me! Maybe it's better if I take things into my own hands!

>>I start fucking Ann


haha fucking bitch
Because in Futaba's palace he's useful for Anubis and Kaneshiro's palace is so early in the game it's basically a question of if you want to cover Wind, Fire, or Ice
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>Charge + God Hand / Agneyastra
>Concentrate + Blazing Hell
When you see how Ryuji, Ann and Makoto are clearly better than her, you can say she is "shit".
That doesn't make her shit though, and her damage will out do Ryuji/Ann if you don't have time to Charge/Concentrate. Haru needs less setup than either of them to do insane damage. Very few enemies have resistance to gun either.
Kept swift strike since it seemed less rng and cost less, did I do a bad?

Dunno but I never let go of swift strike either. It was just too good.
The problem is that during "normal" encounters, MC instantly blows everything up.
And for bosses, you always have time for charge.
My swift strike missed everytime, maybe I was cursed but I changed as soon as I could and agneygastra never failed me.
>says Makoto is better
>without explaining why
I never had trouble with Anubis and party members recovered with 1HP after the matches anyway. Yusuke and Haru did more crit than anyone during my first gameplay.
In Kaneshiro's palace and basically everything else until the final boss I just rolled with Ryuji/Yusuke/Makoto. Did I play the game wrong ?
>not having maxed hifumi to swap people out for buffs
>not using morgana for okumura
>Using twice as many meme arrows
This doesn't make the post twice as memey.
Although I agree, eff that stupid cat. He was only good until I made my own Apt Pupil + Miracle Punch user. Then I swapped him out for Yusuke for Rising slash shenanigans.

Now I have Cripple + Trigger Happy + One-shot kill. Feels great to be a gunfag.
She gets Marakukaja.
That's the only reason.

It's not a necessary buff to beat the game even on Hard but it's nice to have.
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>crit like a madman with Cybele weapon
>+10 all stats revolver
>defense boost
>tiptop tier Nuclear skill
>better ass
>forehead not the size of an iPad
This should be enough.
>Get Matador in Makoto's palace
>access to basically every element
>stays in my lineup until right near the end
It almost kinda sucks getting a super convenient Persona because whatever they can fuse into may be shittier but you don't want some Lv 40 bitch in you final group of Persona
I did the reaper flu season cheese and now I'm having trouble with getting money from shadows. How do I fix this?
I tried swapping people but I never liked it. People call it FFX but it isn't. In FFX you didn't lose a turn on a swap. I could see it being useful for SP conservation but that ship sailed with adhesive access.
>tfw keeped my Leanan Sidhe until lvl 60
This bitch was my bread and butter weakness machine.
Then I got lvl 10 strength and fused monsters.

But not being a fucking pleb who cheats the game
Inferior to Ann in every way. Once you get Makoto there's no reason to use any member but Ryuji, Ann and her.
How to beat any enemy in the early game:
>use ann to sleep it
>have ryuji or haru buff joker
>have joker use charge and a high phys move

You wont get any sasuga jokkas either since itll die in one hit
>early game
It's on NG+ dude. The cheating started the moment I got the compendium
Better than Ann or Ryuji until they get Charge/Concentrate. Gun is also a useful damage type because few things resist it.
>early game
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>Early game
Even worse
>early game
>have Haru buff
I beat the game without Haru ever learning Heat Riser
Grinding treasure chests in Mementos
So does akechi not have an ultimate persona like the other party members? Also what is his best in slot equipment from itemization?
Sounds like your bad at the game then
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>early game
>high phys
Why don't you play the game ?
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>benching anyone
>when based Mishima exists
I did, im on ng+ trying to maximize things because i have autism, wasnt sure
Teddie > Morgana

Prove me wrong.
I'm pretty sure it would be Loki
>based Mishima
I know the benefits are great, but he a shit
So you know that you can't have Akechi can't have Loki when he is a phantom thief ?
Either way, I think the gun you get in the Casino is the best you can have for him.
Where can I find Morgana doujins.

I tried.
Same for me. I also beat Goro before that fucker's persona ever had a chance to learn Debilitate.

I think he meant that he beat the final boss before Haru's persona could learn Charge.
Everything before reaper farming is considered early game
I honestly liked Mishima a lot. He was a loser, but a lovable one to me.
*Heat Riser.
Damn Ryuji and his based skill.
>not the objective party of ryuji makoto and yusuke/mona for trash mobs
>not switching yusuke for haru and her shields after throwing out a sukukaja during bosses
lilith with miracle punch and mara with charge cripple snipe and one shit kill is all I needed.
It would loom better with the full mouth piece
like pic related but red
Ann and I'm pretty sure Ryuji has higher stats MAG/STR than her.
same except I switch ann during mandarame with yusuke and akechi with yusuke during sae
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forgot pic
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>fighting in mementos
>find the enemies and bosses too easy in normal difficulty
>decide to crank it up on hard before fighting the chihaya side quest boss
>I get completely bodied by him, dealing next to little or no damage
>easily one shots my teamates and me
>attempt again on normal
>steal get cheesed to death because he keeps brainwashing my entire party
Of fucking course the first boss I try fighting on hard just so happens to be the first real challenge in mementos. Can't I ever catch a fucking break with these games?
>all this morgana damage control

The eff? When did /v/ become a bunch of furfags
Am i not able to do team slinks anymore after getting to the treasure of the last palace?
wouldnt it have been great if your mentor had been a human this time around?
Imagine getting sucked into mementos and finding hifumi had alread been there fucking up shadows
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did a quick try
I'll try with yours soon.
It's fucking ridiculous that he gets upset that he's less useful than Futuba. Futuba's like a fucking savant or something. She's wired in ways that make her extremely good in certain areas but leave her with crippling inabilities in others. It's like becoming upset that a suicidal, anti-social, manic-depressive artist is better is better at creating tragic and emotional works than you are.
Sounds like I'm great, I beat it without needing to grind
>playing on easy
That had nothing to do with his arc though? He just kinda...did it. It wasn't even like a thing that occurred from you helping him rehabilitate his leg injury. It just happens no matter what.
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You don't need to grind in any SMT game even on harder difficulties if you are smart about fusions.
>not pushing the security level into the red and carefully balancing on the brink of getting kicked out of a palace for them treasure demons
If you can't take being shitalked with then don't shitalk other people. It's pretty fucking simple you dipshit.
Idk anon, i didnt really grind either but i had it during the last palace on hard
4 does not have good characters. They're pathetically one note. And that aside I'm pretty certain that anon was talking about their interactions more than anything. 4 really didn't have anything like 3's development from the cast interacting. all it had was social links.
female edit when
But I beat it on hard.
Rider, Broji and Forehead is objectively best
Thanks, I needed something exciting to do in NG+
At least she doesn't show up until half-way through the game and doesn't fucking talk ALL THE TIME.
It's really not. It's exactly what happens in the game. Have you even played it?
Yeah i dont get all the praise for the p4 characters, theyre extremely one dimensional, i enjoyed p5s characters more overall, thats not to say that they were all good though
This right here is best combi!
Ryuji, Makoto and Haru is the best team.
Saving mona as the healer for after fights, and then switching in yuuske and ann if you wanna rush a palace down
When people say 4's cast is good, it's their dynamic and interaction is what makes them memorable.
Is it possible to do a solo joker run thru the entire game on merciless?
Forehead for shields, amrita shower, Psy + Gun damage
Rider for Nuking & Heals
Broji for Charge + Phys
doubtable, need at least one person to remove ill effects
The difference is that Mona was right and Skull was wrong.
I just wanted to get out of palaces ASAP in as few days as possible. I was already shit at allocating my time because I didn't know about Chihaya until late in the game. So I basically never grinded.
What if you were autistic enough to equip the proper status immunity accessories beforehand?
Makoto, Ryuji, and Ann is the dream team.
Sounds like u didnt enjoy the game
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>someone stands up to the team asshole, like Ryuji and Morgana in this case
>Someone is a pathetic bully victim and never speaks out (Like yousoke and chie)
Chie is fucking ohya tier
I went with Yusuke, Mona, and Ryuji. Fuck everyone, the bro team is always the best. Haru is alright, though

>using Mona
>using Makoto

What are you, some kind of turbo faggot ?
Shields? Amrita Shower? I mean if you are loaded with shield & recovery items I guess you could switch Haru for just about anyone.
Reserve members get XP and you can swap your party out in battle, why the fuck would "run" anyone instead of using whoever best suits the situation?
Star slink lmao
Rise and Yukiko are ohya tier t b h
What are you? Some kind of healslut? Or just some drug addict?
>Good at anything

Morgana does everything she does but better and he has Miracle Punch. Haru is better for the same reason. If you don't need a specific weakness you should be going for guaranteed crits to down them.

I loved Makoto's look so I tried to use her early on but she falls off so hard because she's just not good at anything. Yusuke, Ann and Ryuji can nuke shit and Morgana/Haru offer crits.

Nuke is rarely a useful element either. So inferior physicals, inferior magic, inferior healing. Why use her?
That's fair. The game really goes out of it's way to make it easy to do it as an afterthought while progressing through palaces. Managing negotiations, party health and sp, hunting for treasure demons, filling out the strength confidant, trying to fuse the best personas possible and using confidant abilities for maximum efficiency was enough to make grinding fun for me. I just hope merciless is more demanding, because so far on hard half of that shit for me has been unnecessary to cream bosses.
Ok guys which one ?
She doesn't die whenever a stiff wind blows unlike mona
Shield are useless, and enemy's barely afflict status de-buffs. Makoto's Rarukaja is useful, and Ann and Ryuji are powerhouses.
Morganna gets treated even more shitty than Ryuji. Aside from the stupid jokes and jabs Ryuji is respected by his friends.

Morganna gets ignored, bossed around, smacked around, and lambasted by everyone. He's compensating by trying to mock Ryuji. Ryuji, being the bigger man, mostly ignored him.

Nobody really respected Morganna and even Joker gets the option to constantly shit on him with every dialogue option including constantly suggesting he really is just a stupid fucking cat.
tankier than morgana and not a lot throws her natural weakness her way. Also she has high speed and often has first turn. Flashbang isn't much on damage but it's often a cheap source of dizzy, setting Ryuji/Joker/Yusuke up for sick tech damage
>enemy's barely afflict status de-buffs
I guess we had extremely different game expierences.
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Morgana groom.gif
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Don't bully the kitty.
>faggot cat can dish it out but can't take it

I wish I didn't have to go find that stupid cat. Glad I'm fucking Ann just to spite him.
The most ridiculous argument they always give is "lol tankier (I don't know how they manage to make Morgana die every 3 minutes, but it looks like they do) and, more seriously, party defense boost, which IS a good argument.

He lives with you, he goes literally everywhere with you, he constantly bosses you around, he never fucking shuts the fuck up.
I fucking hate Morgana, worst character in fucking existence.
>hen you're friends with someone IR
Some friend hiding his butt hurt feelings until taking off like a faggot
Beat the final boss. Holy fuck this epilogue is like three hours long.
People that shit on people when they first meet is autism. People that constantly shit on people then getting mad when they fire back is autism.
4 characters worked when they were alone handling their characters arc. But once they together they did nothing but bicker and spit at each other, it seemed they were only together because of Yu.

The Hot Spring is one of the worst example of stupid anime bullshit in a JRPG I ever seen,
I like using Makoto because she's my waifu although it really should have been Haru,
it was just too late by the time she appears
but I'm finding it harder to justify her place in my party. I mostly just use her to Marakukaja and then Mediarama for heals in boss fights, after that she isn't able to do that much damage.
>Higher STR than MAG
>Doesn't learn any good Phys moves
Who okayed this?
>beat the final boss
Would you have prefered that ?
>Muh Meme Punch

Its a fucking shit move, that you have no business using once you get OSK.
>it seemed they were only together because of Yu.

How are people this retarded?
>these queers die in Persona games

Stats are barely relevant in SMT/Persona games because of how strong buffs and rebuffs are. Half the time I could throw evasion on and debuff accuracy and my team was untouchable for entire boss fights. Anything else and you shouldn't even be getting touched because like I said Morgana/Joker/Haru crits or weaknesses from Joker/Yusuke/Ann/Ryuji
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>Morgana starts giving Ryuji, who while somewhat dense was still under duress and in a bizarre and dangerous situation, shit for not immediately understanding the metaverse
>Later, Morgana treats a similarly clueless "Lady Anne" with patience and understanding because he wanted to get his barbed feline dick wet
Shit was hilarious. It's not like the cat's despicable or not entertaining but he's really not worthy of significant respect.
What? Are you playing on normal or something?
>morgana's annoyed sigh
Did this really irritate anyone else? Made me want to strangle the damn cat.

Always been the stupidest fucking argument to me.

Chie Yukiko and Yosuke were already friends before Yu. How the fuck are they "only together because of Yu"

It also ignores the fact that one of the main points of the MCs power is bringing characters together. That's literally what links are described as. People being drawn to your purpose.

And then Rise and Naoto were unavoidable because a pop idol and a famous teenage detective coming to a hick town is going to garner attention no matter what.

It's like saying Akechi running into Potter is bullshit and forced.

Anyone who wasn't already a friend appeared on the TV (Kanji, Naoto, Rise) so the argument literally makes no sense.
Whoever I romanced should have run up to me in the ruins of Shibuya, and we should fuck in the demolished streets. Then fade to black.
>he thinks triple damage criticals doesn't make the game even EASIER
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>mfw my harem jumps on me

Don't forget that when anyone picked up on concepts Morgana would go WOW RYUJI IS A DUMBASS LOOK HOW FAST YOU PICKED IT UP but then Ryuji points out damn Futaba knows this stuff even better than you Morgana loses his shit
To be fair it's fuking annoying not to be able to recruit anything because you one-shot them instead
Part of me wants Ryuji to have sex with Ann just so he can look Morgana in the eye and say "Yeah... my future kids died on her face..."
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I turned on english voices for my second run and morgana's voice is godawful.
NYAHAHA triggers me like nothing else.
cat or not, male think with their dick anon. always have been, always will be

That's why I could never date Ann. She's clearly meant for best bro
One wanted to leave him rotting in a jail cell, it's easy to see why he gave him shit. He was kind to everyone else regarding the metaverse, but they also tended to pick up on it faster. (Excluding haru, but he was nice to her because he viewed her as a student)
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You're Kamoshida-sensei? Then please teach me well. I'll be in your care.
>Morgana hits in Ann with every breath
>Ryuji gets a boner
>wraps her arm around him and asks if he likes what he sees

Hahaha get cucked you stupid fucking cat
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Not me my man.
I respect women and will never ever show any sign of sexual interest toward them.
I respect them for their intelect.
Besides, my mom always told me I'm very elegant.
That was Haru, morgana can't drive himself.
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>someone saved the edit I did.
Does everyone really hate Morgana? He was one of the most entertaining parts of the game for me.
>t. Mona

He's more tolerable in JP and from a lot of P5 threads it seems a good portion of /v/ played in English

Morgana still fucking sucked though. Give me back teddie
Low key but also high key sauce?
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I don't hate him in JP dub but he earns the hate himself.
You mean Morgana the obnoxious cat that might as well be glued to the protagonist?
Yeah, I'd much rather have Teddie, and Teddie was dogshit.
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>preferring Teddie to Mona
Even if Mona was a cunt, he was a good character and was actually likable towards the end.
I stopped using morgana after I got makoto, but I brought him back for the final boss. It just felt right, like having joker land the final hit on Shido.
>Retarded dubposters
True, but he's smug at the same time without actually being better than anyone else. I'd be fine with him thinking with his dick if he wasn't so pretentious at the same time.
He's a spooky, mysterious talking cat in a spooky, mysterious magical castle. I would've wanted to leave him there too. For all I had known he could have turned into a spooky shape-shifting tiger demon and ate me alive the moment I let him out.
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Absolutely based.

Also, does anyone have the pasta of Makoto being heavily bullied?
it's followed bbbby countles "stupid cat" not so long afterward though. It's really just them both being fucking tsundere.
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>having Joker last hitting Shido with a single gun shot
It was so satisfying.
He was one of my favorite characters, I was really happy when he walks back into leblanc after disappearing and decides to stay with you. I don't think most people here can empathize with Mona's existential crisis of not knowing exactly what you are and why you even exist, so they just write off his character as being whiny.
that's the only reason to use morgana after getting futaba though

I didn't like how up your ass Morgana was and Teddie was more entertaining.

Teddie was this weird fun meta figure whereas Morgana just existed to shit on Ryuji. I also think a creepy Japanese style mascot suit existing as a shadow in the other world is more fitting than LOL CAT BURGLAR GET IT. Igor deciding yeah I'm gonna make a cat just makes no sense.
I must have missed the 'dere' part. If I give them guns I'm sure they would rather shoot each other than fucking shadows,

His message would be more sympathetic if he wasn't a cunt. Ryuji had his own insecurities and issues with not feeling like he belongs. Doesn't stop Morgana from being a dick. And also from a game perspective he turns players off because he's the vehicle for artificial limitation
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Why the fuck is Atlus so scared of killing off party members?

>Ryuji saves team and gets blown up

>Morgana ceases to exist

It just removes any potential emotional effect from having spent many hours with said characters
> Igor deciding yeah I'm gonna make a cat just makes no sense.
It makes some sense because Jap media often portray cats as mystical beings or MC's best friends. Plus cats are elusive creatures, which is fitting for the Thieves. Heck we even have in-game references like catbus or Doraemon.
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Look at Shinjiro
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No one does this anon, shut the fuck up.
That's what I mean. It was a really effective moment, and it's very obvious how a lot of people were affected by doing so, considering how many people hate Ken

Because Persona became low stakes quirky teen mystery waifu sim after the first three
lol yeah man, like when we're chilling at the beef bowl place and there's like sweat dripping down ryuji's face and then I kiss him on the lips

like sorry bro my face slipped haha just a prank bro and then we spend the night at my place stroking each others dicks and kissing each other to prove whos gayer lol its def him thooo
Akechi's gone until spinoff milkin.
But nominee liked him anyway.
doesn't count as a party member
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>was obvious he was blown away and not rekt
>was obvious it was a cat from the beginning
That said, it shouldn't have talked after that but whatever.
>needing people to die to feel emotional
That edge is way too sharp for me.
They were both dicks to each other, it added to the group dynamic and was pretty humors most of time. Ryuji was the comedic dumb character though, which is why the other characters would call him out on his idiocy. Morgana on the other hand much more useful to the group and not "useless" like Ryuji would call him. Neither character was right in attacking the others insecurities so I don't get why Morgana gets all the blame for it when Ryuji was also in the wrong.
It's not NEEDED, but it is much, much more effective
100% if Ryuji had died people all over the internet would be crowning him as the king of bros rather than shitting on him constantly
>Ann, Morgana, Makoto, Joker, and Haru in the party at the same time
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Maybe, but that's cheap.
And I was really happy seeing them all going on a "roadtrip" together at the end.
That's the problem, people understand the true value of things only when they're gone, that's why making a character die is ultra effective.
>Shinjiro temporarily joins and then leaves
>Akechi temporarily joins and then leaves
>Doesn't count
>And I was really happy seeing them all going on a "roadtrip" together at the end.
It was alright, but we already had that kind of ending, in 4, sort of.
>Akechi is actually the villain and him joining was just a ruse
>Shinji is not the villain and was joining you for real
Under(You)ed post

>Ann, Ryuji, Morgana
>Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke
>Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
>Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
>Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
>Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
>Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
>>final boss
>Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto
Don't talk shit if you can't handle it

Because Morgana started it and was more persistent? Ryuji rarely ever went HAHAH STUPID CAT out of nowhere.
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It helped me not being as devastated as with the P3 ending.
That would have been too much.
I loved his justice point of view, but near the end I couldn't manage to use him unfortunately.

I don't know why nobody gets this. There is no "off limits" when your entire interaction with someone is telling them how stupid they are how useless they are and what a drag on the team they are.

But oh no he called me a cat and said Futaba is better at being navigator!
both statements being facts
>NYAHAHA triggers me like nothing else.
Gas yourself faggot
>They made the mascot character even more annoying in persona 5
Guess I'm waiting for a price cut, no way in hell I'm dealing with all that shit
it's a false statement

Teddie is worse by far
5's ending is 4's ending done without being dumb

>PTs gets bummed out that Joker's going home but they recognize that they can visit him, he can visit them, and they can all keep in contact with their phones anyways
>Send him off on a high note with a road trip

>IT act like they'll never be able to see Yu again
>Sappy run with the train scene
>Entire ending looks even more ridiculous in retrospect given all the spinoffs where he comes back to visit anyways
Teddie is only shoehorned into every single event towards the 2nd half of the game, once he becomes the bishi boy.
Morgana is shoehorned into everything and glued to you from the VERY START.
How the fuck can I find her so endearing in one, but so fucking godawful in another?

Futuba joining the part MADE me switch to Jap audio. But Berseria's dub was actually pretty decent, I don't get it.
>not liking dubs
If 1-9, you need to kill yourself from erotic asphyxiation watching Django Unchained
Constantly insulting someone just because they aren't reacting to something still isn't cool or acceptable. There's banter and there's just constantly shitting on someone. If you can't take it back don't do it, especially because you don't know how the person is feeling internally even if they say "it's ok"
>playing the game as it wasn't intended
>with a terrible fucking translation at thatt
>they all agree that they should have a unanimous decision before picking a target
>not everyone wants to go after Burger King ( which is a trap )
>runs away for a week, wasting all of our time and then tries to run the entire party over because he's such a bitch

nah fuck morgana. I don't even like Ryuji but fuck Morgana.
>Futuba joining the part MADE me switch to Jap audio
But Futaba in the jap audio made me mute the game

Didn't know you got that perk with Hifumi, ran out of time :/

Even without the swap buff, I still used it sometimes. Shido's long as fight had me swapping healers for example.
>starts drama
>raises party tension
>manages to fuck up on the first heist despite "knowing everything"
>manages to talk even more than Teddie somehow
>only acts as a healer end-game, not even a good one at that
>Better off being replaced

If these threads and the game are anything to go by, Morgana is an insufferable cunt with a victim complex.
Makoto is actually a better healer once she gets mediaraham. She has a better crit weapon, more SP, and doesn't die from a stray breeze.

The best end game party is probably like Ryuji/Ann/Makoto

Ryuji best boy
I will never understand why people act like Morgana shitting on Ryuji was that big of a deal. Literally every other party member shits on him, and just about half of your dialog options when talking to him always seem to be digs at him.
>If it isn't the exact original it's shit!!!
>Just ignore the countless films, plays, and tv shows in which disproves my faggotry
>3 grammatically incorrect sentences ruin a game
Again, erotic asphyxiation watching Django
>Not being a bro to ryuji
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Morgana is as useless as Ken was in Persona 3, prove me wrong

Same senpai

As soon as I heard her middle aged woman dub voice I went JP

Stinky NEET archetype just doesn't work in English it's not as cute and comes off more cringe
Kamoshida would be even more despicable if there was a FemC route
>After Shiho attempts suicide and Ryuji confronts Kamoshida in the office, Kamoshida will probably make several suggestive remarks towards FemC to goad Ryuji into hitting him.
Morgana doesn't have a weakness to instakill, that already makes him ten times better

It's literally only Ann who does and she still has warm interactions with him. Morganas only interaction with a Ryuji is to shit on him
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>not bullying the shit out of him after that "apology"
I can understand being on his side after Morgana initially fucked off, but I had no sympathy for Ryuji after that.
Besides, taking the asshole dialog options in funnier anyways.
only one horn and not in the middle
It's the fact that he can dish it out but not take it back, along with him wasting a week because of the temper tantrum. While this allowed you to meet Haru, it was also poorly written over-all because there could have been other scenarios where you met her.

Also, Ryuji's the kind of guy who got your back even knowing you were a criminal. You guys almost died trying to save each other, and he even almost gave his life to save the team.

Meanwhile the cat was running them over because waaaaaaah why isn't everything about me am i not a human waaaaaaah
And Ryuji getting back at him is a big deal how? Only because Morgana makes a big deal out of it. Ryuji, despite having his fair share of insecurities isn't that much of a candy-ass.
Morgana would have left eventually anyways, this just sped things up.
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Morgana didnt really mean it when calling Ryuji names.
They were just the type of friends to pick on each other.
And to be honest Ryuji should have also felt like useless when more party members came around, cuz he didnt have any unique traits.
It just never affected him because he was such a dumbass.
>Morgana didnt really mean it when calling Ryuji names.

You're a fucking gigantic piece of shit, consider suicide you fucking waste of human life and space, you have no redeeming qualities and a pile of refuse has more worth than you do.
lol jk xD xD xD

Maybe it gets translated

>didn't really mean it

How did Raimi get away with this?

Memes aside, there were little reasons for Morgana to insult Ryuji when he did.
Ryuji just gives his opinions or remarks that he's not as smart as everyone else, then Morgana pounces on him calling him retarded whenever he can.
>I love being a dick to my party members
>Ryuji isn't allowed to be a dick to Morgana

Fuck off Mona
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>cuz he didnt have any unique traits

>god hand
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>it was poorly written
No, him leaving was written well. There was adequate build up and there were signs all over that something was going to happen. Morgana is character with literally fucking nothing besides the phantom thieves and the hope that maybe one day that he'll become human. The latter is called into question by his frequent nightmares and the former is essentially taken away from him when Makoto and Futaba not only do his job, but "better". You could make an argument that he at least has the Phantom Thieves still, but he feels that because he's not human that he doesn't even belong with them. He wants to be a Phantom Thief but legitimately believes that he has no right to be with them. In his mind he doesn't belong with them and he doesn't contribute, so he leaves to prove that he can at least be useful to them.

Because Ann, Yusuke, Haru and Makoto contributed anything? Lmao

Futaba and Akechi basically carried great plot
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>"Ryuji doesn't really react to me calling him an idiot"
>"I guess that means it's totally okay!"
the cat is just a jealous beta towards him because he's fucking Ann
His unique trait was being physically fit compared to the auschwitz prisoners that made up the rest of the team. Ryuji could bust everyone's heads open with his actual fucking sledgehammer but takes it because he knows that a real bro never loses his cool.

Morgana meanwhile is an overly aggressive shit-disturber that can't take a bit of bantz. Fucking faggot shouldn't talk shit if he can't take the counter attack, and Ryuji is honestly a pretty nice guy for only blowing up at him once.
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I'm the faggot that posted that pic. Here's another pic, saved quite a lot from this artist.

It's a stupid argument in the first place considering Ryuji gets pissed every time vocally. It's never haha yeah man.

He's just not autistic enough to fuck over the team and hold a grudge.
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Guess Ryuji really charged up the banter
>stupidest looking costume
>stupidest looking persona
>annoying as fuck from the beginning to the end of the game
>contributes nothing to the team
>involved in the most frustrating facet of the game (le go to sleep cat)
>insufferable, whiny and jealous bitch

game would be better without this stupid fucking cat in every single way
Crimson needs to add an option to let you completely ditch Morgana at the start of the game and play the game without an awful mascot character popping up on the screen every 10 seconds. That is, to tell him to fuck off when he offers you a pact to explore the other side and leave his useless ass. Joker and the others can find Mementos on their own or something.
>was a cat from the beginning
Wasn't he created by Igor as a shadow or something?
>explores mementos
>takes significantly longer
>tries to escape kenshiro's palace with large gold bars
Not a shadow. He's an attendant like Lavenza, just meant to go outside the room and looks like a cat, for some reason.
If that means I get three months of Persona 5 without Morgana I'd be fine with it. Those 4 days he ran away and MC was on his own were the peak of the game.
It's really sad how the devs even tried to make me like him by giving him the best healing skills and his confidant being plot-related.
>IT act like they'll never be able to see Yu again
Because at the time of release the player wouldn't have seen the cast again. You act like Atlus isn't going to ruin the cast like they did to the previous games.
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>Writers have to fucking force Ryuji to be a dipshit to create a complication that leads to the countdown timer of "OH NO WE HAVE TO STEAL THIS GUY'S HEART OR WE'LL BE ARRESTED"
>Even though the game is told in flashback and could have just benefited from Sae telling you when the person admits to their crimes on a specific date and so that's when you have to steal their heart by or create a paradox
>Playing Japanese """"""""RPG""""""""""
>Ryuji barely even apologizes when the time comes
>Morgana just forgets about it because he knows Ryuji is a fucking retard for real

Best catbro
>everyone trying to apologize to Morgana and get him to come back
>Ryuji fucks it up in the most retarded way possible
>implying i'm not going to bully the fuck out of him after that
Stop posting, Ryuji. You should be studying.
Eat shit, cat
Ultimately Makoto get all stat + 10 and High critical ratio with the normal attack, so there is zero reason to use morgana in the end game.
>coddling the pos

I bet you're the kind of beta who tells girls yours so gorgeous and skinny any guy would be lucky to have you! Any time they're self depreciating
No most people love morgana but people on the internet love to jump on the meme wagon of LMAO SLEEP, he is good, likable character, and cute cat.
The mystery angle of the game is completely negligible.
>not knowing the mythology of Pollux and Castor
Ryuji, Morgana
Ryuji, Morgana
Yusuke, Ryuji, Morgana
Yusuke, Ryuji, Morgana
Yusuke, Ryuji, Morgana
Yusuke, Ryuji, Morgana
Yusuke, Ryuji, Morgana
>final boss
Yusuke, Ryuji, Morgana

I don't let whores in my party.

4/5 kinda sucked at this but man P3 was so spot on with their mythology in reference to the main cast
>morgana gets assraped and btfo in Okumura's palace and crawls back begging for help. You deny and tell him to fuck off. The cat dies forgotten and alone.
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>Can up the entire team's attack
>Charge+God hand doing over 1000 damage on bosses
>B-b-but Morgana can use the same worthless heals as half your persona list so he's better
He shouldn't have apologised at all.
>not having nothing but whores in your party
The game is easy enough that you can almost just run whatever too
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Honestly both Morgana and Ryuji were huge pieces of shit to each other. I can see the reason Morgana left. A combination of a fear that Ryuji was right and the fact the phantom thieves were really losing their way at that point. They should have patched it up on both ends with both Ryuji and Morgana apologizing for being pieces of shit to each other.

This isn't BotW
You raise a good point, but explaining the consequences of the paradox would either be contrived or involve spoiling the situation the MC is in and why he 'had' to be arrested to get the best ending. Also, having a deadline that causes a paradox if broken is not as immediately threatening as being expelled, made to pose nude, being exposed, etc
the only whores playable are MC and ann
I literally can't because, for starters, Yosuke's the one who has to deal with Teddie's shit most of the time. Do you think Teddie tells Yosuke to go to sleep?
Morgana doesn't make cat puns.
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This is your childs mom.
>don't be such a pussy, joker
wasted opportunities
Pretty sure you can't get pregnant in the butt, anon.
Spoiler free tip please.

I'm just making a first visit to Sae's palace. How many months do I have left to goof around until the game ends?
They're called "Asterix and Obelix" you goof
Game ends in mid-December. You have one more palace.
Game ends in late December.
Game ends in early December.
Can someone post the comic where he says GO TO SLEEP
>secret December palace
>Santa's Workshop
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>achieved even half the tension and intrigue of Amada confronting Shinji?
You mean that incredibly rushed poorly written garbage? The movies actually improved on it by developing them and not following the same setup because it was that bad in game.
>The satisfaction from Junpei's redemption arc
What sanctification? Oh his waifu died so he becomes a better person? Boohoo
>Akihiko's funeral scene
A character nobody cares about beyond memes is sad. What impact.

>/pg/ still spouting memes after all these years
Why do you fags hate P4 so much? Especially when its become apparent that the P5 cast are considerably duller and less interesting in comparison. Is it really because it was milked to death which has radioactively spoiled P4 for you or are you fags really just incredibly contrarian?
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>My dad is a smug, snarky guy who runs a cafe that all the kids at school find cool
>My mom is a police commissioner, quite strict most of the time but likes to show her love
>Sometimes when she nags that I should be studying a little more, dad makes fun of her for needing help on how to study love back in high school
I think everyone knows a person like this
If you can't eat it, don't dish it out
>apologizing to an obnoxious piece of shit with inflated ego who can't take the bantz and throws hissy fits, endangering a girl's life for his own gain
get shat on, cat
Ann, Ryuji, Morgana
Yusuke, Ann, Ryuji
Yusuke, Ann, Makoto
Yusuke, Ann, Makoto
Haru, Yusuke, Ann
So far.
P3 cast is shit and melodramatic to the max with one or two exceptions.
P4 cast is miles ahead.
>replying to your own post
The game never end, it auto generate content and palace based on the collective subconscious.
You need to go back.
>phoneposter has shit taste

What a fucking surprise. I think /v/ is too hard on 4 for sure but 3's cast is still miles above them. 3 had real development that made the characters 3 dimensional. 4 was better at slice of life and feeling like "friends."
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back where?
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