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>hates persona >Loves DotA and esports >Cory in the

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>hates persona
>Loves DotA and esports
>Cory in the house memes

GBW is officially dead, let's hope the east tranny doesn't kill vinny
Where does he talk shit about persona?
Right at the beginning
>let's hope the east tranny doesn't kill vinny

What's this now?
So they hired Brad part 2? That sounds awful.
He's playing Persona 5 and really enjoying it, but he pointed out some issues and said he thinks it's "not as good as it maybe could have been"

Sonybabbies just can't handle any form of criticism
>"not as good as it maybe could have been"
This is the weakest critique because it can be used against anything ever made.

They hired Brad part 2. He's literally a copy paste addition.
Nigger I'm not going to list the things he thinks are wrong with the game I don't give a fuck about Persona
He mentions that he hates both the combat and the social links. There's nothing left after those, he literally said "if you're a persona fan you'll probably like this" which means he doesnt
>literally keeps saying how he really likes the game
>b-b-b-but he isn't sucking my favorite franchise's dick ENOUGH
get over yourself

and the part he didn't like about social links is how you need to pull out the right persona's and you don't get to initiate some links without having high enough whatever, not the actual social linking themselves
and are you really going to pretend anyone plays Persona for the boring ass dungeons?
No he didn't. He said he hates hama and the one social link you need max proficiency in order to start.
He said the instant deaths were frustrating not that he hates the combat.
Why are Persona fans so autistic?

Just fucking go outside and get real friends

>Somebody has an opinion that differs from mine

ay now my mann fukken climb ur head in das noose aite bruvv
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>watching brad play QC
>GBW is officially dead

2011 just called
Take your e-celeb shit elsewhere, please. This shit's outdated anyways. You don't need reviewers anymore. Just look up a gameplay video of a game you're interested and make a judgement call off that.
Brad but like 14 inches taller and even less assured on the microphone. At least they didn't go SJW/token "political gamer" route with either new hire.
>hates persona
>"I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to completing it"

The most boring video ive watched in a while
Okay grandpa
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Yeah, Abby seems like a total buzzkill
people are worried about her affinity for toilet humor, not her politics
Will Alex every stop ruining the Yakuza 0 playthrough? Fucking guy is CONSTANTLY trying to get Dan to do dumb side shit when Vinny and Dan want to see the story keep unraveling. I know side stuff is a big part in these games but god damn it SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU GOAT SOUNDING PIECE OF SHIT
Why did they hire this guy? He has no fucking personality and he sounds like a fucking retard.

She's super cute in some pics and a total uggo in others, it's really weird
So Brad?
Nice try, Nintendo. Industry killing fucks.
majima's sidequests are boring, kiryu's are fucking amazing and should not be missed
too bad they're too enamored with nu-Majima to play as Kiryu for any length of time
first off, dota is easily the best game out right now and better than most games released in the past 5 years

second, no one likes dating sim shit like persona except pathetic weebs (the same people who think floppy titty ninjas are the epitome of fighting games).

so there is literally nothing bad about Giant Bomb. all their opinions are objectively correct.
And Ben.
he was one of their interns in the whiskey days so he is a safe hire and probably cheaper to pay
She's a video producer, so no like it matters much. She's there so Vinny doesn't have to be on the dials and switches all the time
Exactly. They went with a guy they knew who wouldn't just shit all over the place and run off to failing vice.

This is probably also why they hired Abby as well. I'm pretty sure she just graduated college and this is her first "real job".
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>>Cory in the house memes

What fucking year is this?
>That new guy's facial hair.
He looks like that guy in high school that just barely could grow a mustache on his hairline and refused to shave it no matter how bad it looked.
>could grow a mustache on his hairline
What did he mean by this?
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>grow a mustache on his hairline
I don't know how that gibberish ended up on the screen, I meant a pencil thin hair line.
>guilty gear player

he's ok with me
There's already someone for entry level weebs trash
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>says persona is really great beyond a few general criticisms
>"hates it"
Guess I'll just go ahead and continue with my plan to never listen to the Westcast ever again.
>scoops is back

gb is kill
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You still don't make sense. You mean a pencil thin mustache?
yes. that is what I meant.
Ben looks like he has bad breath.
Let me guess, Jeff spent the entire time continuing to pretend Persona does no longer exist and Brad saw his masters reaction and tried to move on as quickly as possible?
No, they spent a rather lengthy period of time talking about it.
>Complaining about Hama
What is this, 2007?
Not really. The new guy talked about the things he did and didn't like but was mostly positive about it

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is it actually a tranny? or just ugly
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that's unfortunate

Nobody knows yet.
Yeah he had open heart surgery.
What if he dies

Will it kill GB if a second duder goes out
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Nice jawline lol
They might get someone who isn't shit.
Need a new Drew
Once everyone hears dan multiplied by two but with amy schumer vagina humor I bet GBQ will rise again as best in Giant Bomb.

In the mean time, why haven't you all migrated to better video game podcasts yet?

Ryan isnt coming back
Why does Jeff hate DotA anyway

>as soon as Brad and Ben realize they have that in common they start discussing it and the recent Kiev Major
>Jeff tried to change the subject and would interject with nonsense
There's a severe lack of video game podcasts that talk about games beyond the most casual shallow shit possible.
Trading the bombcast for eza is just trading old jaded fucks for overly optimistic bland fucks.
Jeff hates people talking about and enjoying things he don't.
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I love Dota but it's definitely its own niche. To anyone who isn't a Dota fan it's pretty much an entirely different language.

That's why I love going to The International every year. Being surrounded by hundreds of Dota fans and watching the tournament is a great experience. If I tried to talk to anybody in my small hometown they'd look at me like I was crazy.
Talk to anybody about Dota, I meant.
What are some examples?
I really need more to listen to, especially if giant Bomb stays this bad
Even as a non- fan Jeff probably would have liked EG/SG Game 3 and those Grand Finals games

Or maybe im just being optimistic
Persona is not a good game if you don't care about role playing as a Japanese High schooler or learning about the lives of some shitty teens. I like dungeon crawling and for that there are way better Atlus games
You're being optimistic. Trust me, all of that cool shit that's happening on screen means nothing to people who who don't either play the game or at the very least follow the scene.
The best Persona 4 playthrough will very likely be the best content this site will ever go down for producing. It kind of saddends me that long term Jeff/Vinny content will never happen again.

Might as well shut down the site since Ryan is still dead.
There are basically no good video game podcasts right now. If I want to listen to people talk about video games I go back and listen to old GFW radio episodes.
There needs to be a podcast with Dave Lang, Adam Boyes, and Johnny V
I played dota for years before it got a 2 added at the end and hate listening to Brad talk about the game. It's interesting hearing someone who knows their shit and can articulate it properly; Brad isn't either of those things.
>She's super cute in some pics
What pics?
No he doesn't, he just doesn't care and jokes about other people's single-minded obsessions. It's nice to like games, but dumping 1000 hours into a single game is detrimental for a games journalist/reviewer that has to bounce from one game to the next each week. For Brad, Dota is a literal pasttime unless he's making videos. Talking about Dota doesn't serve much of an audience on Giantbomb, 90% of the listeners don't play it, and fans of DOTA can get better info from sites and podcasts that are just dedicated to nothing but DOTA and mobas
None I was joking.
Now tell me how not caring about anything but this years CoD and obscure old ass games is any better. I'm done with Jeff and his opinions.
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>I would argue

stopped reading
>Complaining about Hama in the one game where they tried to fix bless/curse attacks
I put ~100 hours into P5 and I could count on one hand the amount of times an enemy in P5 actually cast hama/mudo on me and had it work. Besides, nearly every high level persona comes with null bless/curse
He has it to cover his cleft lip.
>watching Brad play anything
>literally hours of nothing happening while Brad says nothing of value, or occasionally laughing at something incredibly minor that isn't really funny
When did you realize everyone at GB is an old man with a lame dad's sense of humor
Good. He gets points for shitting on that god awful franchise. Persona games are fucking trash built like you're playing with some blood thirsty DM who makes his players min-max instead of roleplaying.
reddit and morty strikes again
Spotted the dan hater
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Has anybody ever asked Jeff about his head shakes? why is that a thing with him
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When they talked about how many hours a week (4 work days because stay at home mondays lol) they spend planning or in meetings. CBS was a mistake and shows how bigger budgets and subscriptions don't mean shit when youtubers or streamers can churn out equally well produced content at a much higher rate.
Remember when people thought Ryan was the lazy one?
QC really sucks though, seems it even runs like shit on their gear since the captures were framey. Brad played to the level I expected of him.
Fuckin Bizzaro Dave Matthews Lurch lookin mahfucka...
>Why does Jeff hate DotA anyway
Probably because he hates trash games.
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friendly reminder to breathe through your nostrils
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>his GOTY last year

GB died to me the moment Alex and Jeff started crying about 'white supremacy" during the award bullshit.
There's exponentially more black supremacy in the media and among the people than white supremacy.

But its okay.
Way more people care about CoD and old ass games. But their job is to check out whatever's rolling out each week instead of staying on DOTA forever
Not anymore. Welcome to DotA 2 Bomb. With God Eater minute and Small Quips from Jeff
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>tfw you're a giant among men, but have shit-tier facial aesthetics
God is cruel.
>I can spend hours talking about my shit but can't give Jason 5 minutes to talk about what he's been playing with his skeleton arms and I will constantly shit talk him while he's immediately put in a defensive position and has to waste his talking time just defending his right to talk about what he's been playing.
I don't even like Jason but fuck that. Let him talk about his fucking MonHun and Musou shit.
Giants will always be gross.
Small cute boys will reign supreme forever
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And Jeff refuses to do cross-coast content to any great degree even though they've shown that it's very doable. He's so stupidly stubborn about that shit, or he's just incredibly lazy. I'm not sure which.
>another premium sale
Getting pretty desperate. They get the majority of their revenue from premium sales obviously. This is like the third time in 12 months they've had a sale, before they'd do like once a year.

Also they do get money from podcast ads. It's tough to figure out listener numbers but you can look at is the YouTube views for the Bombcast. Not exactly the best metric to look at but views are noticeably down week to week.

Giant Bomb will be dead within two years.
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He's weirdly stubborn about a lot of things. It's baffling and harmful to the site.
Probably both really
They've always had sales around this time. I recently looked into their sales and this is every sale I could find.
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>manlets believe this

6'3'' plus muscles is demi-god tier. Manlets simply can't compete.
I don know I'm gay and tall men are always gross. Even if they have a big dick they usually have like a huge curve or a nasty head
Shits gross.

Give me small and tight and clean anyday
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How long until Vinny just leaves and starts a patreon of him doing shit on his own? I might actually consider paying for that. He's wasted on GB, and can actually produce funny shit on his own, unlike Jeff's unwatchable solo streams.
I would take advantage of that sale if the checkout service didn't shit the bed at every opportunity.
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You gays and your boy loving shit is ridiculous. It's like you have to live up to the stereotype.
Jeff is fucking savage, i wish i had his level of bantz.
But why? They haven't had good premium content since TNT died with Ryan
When GBWest starts producing content worth a shit or I get unbanned I'll consider resubbing.

Also, the Soul Calibur streams are awful.
Meant for

Should be fair
My bf is 6'3"
Not muscular, just fit

>Getting banned
>Participating in GB chat/comments/forums

Kill yourself.
I would help provide for Vinny's jew family as long as he produces some wood working and collection videos and he finally gets some time to play video games again.
Just have them review P5 and give it 2/5 because it's "anime garbage" and it has no gay social links.
i'll take anyone to get rorie off any content.
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I think my post count was at like 17 over the course of around 6 or 7 when I got banned so it's not like I was active. It was mostly commenting on Austin's bullshit that got me banned.
You don't like dogs?
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>Consuming Austin material

You only have yourself to blame.
And I'll take Rorie over Jason any day of the week. He annoys the shit out of me, and never has anything interesting to say. Rorie's mind may be destroyed by bath gin, but he's still a smart guy. Skeletor is just an annoying faggot.
Dogs are the niggers of the animal kingdom
Not monkeys????!
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It was the only way to get Vinny content senpai. Thank god that fucking tumblr trash went to Vice where he belongs.
I like hunter games and mosou games so Jason is cool with me
The GBE stuff is entertaining.
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They're just mad that you can't complete everything in the first run of P5 without using a guide.
oh no... oh god they actually crumbled to the pressure to hire a woman (male?)

no wonder they tricked everyone into buying a premium membership while it's on sale, holy fuck they're shooting themselves in the foot

whether they want to admit it to themselves or not, adding a woman ruins the boys having fun atmosphere at giant bomb
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Wasn't that the case with P4?
I lose all respect for all of them when it became obvious they think games should be shorter than 25 hours, just so they can finish them within a week.

They literally passive aggressively insult or don't play any game that takes them longer than 1 week to complete.
She might be a "muh vagina" type, from her twitter.

Adding 1 "muh vagina" woman to an all male cast is the same as adding Jim Norton to the fucking View.
Couldn't even hire a cute girl
100% guarantee there was a cute Asian week they could have hired
Yes. The new guy even says that social stats carry over into New Game+, making it easier to just go for confidants, but still says he's going to just watch all of the ones he missed on youtube instead.
Hama working against you is very rare, but its still fucking stupid

Well, Alex is a literal cuck and Jeff wishes he was a nigger.
Jeff would be a pretty good nigger. He lived the lifestyle. Austin wishes he was as black as Jeff.
>Quick look of a game you wanted them to play
>its not Jeff and Vinny
>tfw fucking xenoblade quick look was austin
>yo this game ia pretty DOPE!
>he never beats it
Literally every Austin QL. Glad that fucking coon is gone
ahem, he has a PhD in video games, thank you
Jason gets on my nerves with some games too
>defending DQH2 saying thats its not what people think it is
>like him more
>never played DQ before
>runs around aimlessly doing fucking nothing but killing random enemies for 20 minutes and making the game look like what he said it wasn't
none of these guys knows how to play video games so it's fitting they finally added a woman
>>xenoblade quick look was austin
>Shitty game gets shitty crew member
Apropos, I'd say.
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I hope a game you like gets Alex and the new chick
The new chick is GBE's producer, she won't be starring in content because Vinny, Dan, and Alex are the ones that do that.
>Yakuza Kiwami with Dan and girl-Dan
>nonstop wrestling references, fart jokes and complaining about the controls
Lets face it. The only GB content worth watching are hardware launches
I was just starting to like GBE content as well

soul calibur was great, now they're not going to be able to play any fighting games without this chick going on about muh strong vaginaaaaa characters
>Guy who plays games hates a game with no gameplay

wow #shocking

You can like Persona all you want, but dont kid yourself into thinking its anything but a dating sim.
E3 livestreams will be great again with Austin gone.

Alex is afraid to voice his SJW opinions unless someone else does first.
Poor Ben, has an offputting face.
He has a scratchy voice. I hope he gets that checked out.
I hope that's nerves and ends up settling nicely, but yeah, almost sounds like he has a cold.
>Not even 30
>Already had open heart surgery
This does not bode well.

He was inoffensive on the podcast, but simply put GBW needed an adrenaline shot to the heart to pull them out of the boring as shit climate they've been in for the last however many months since Drew and Dan left.

Also he doesn't hate persona, he dislikes some of it but still enjoys the game. What you should be mad about is how Brad yet again completely ignores everything about a game except for what people are saying on twitter, people who have no fucking clue what they are talking about.
Giant Bomb is clearly circling the drain, but hiring Ben seems like a decent move. Once he gets a good rapport with Jeff and Brad I could see him being pretty cool.
>paying for fake friends
Just burn your money.
West no longer has any interest in games besides Jeff and he wants to keep living in a left-trigger right-trigger universe fueled by commodore 64 games.

East at least has fun with games, Tender loving care was fucking hilarous, Beast in the East is a good time, this is the run is alright for a few episodes every time, and their random videos like the one where they played guitar hero and talked about coins was vintage wiskey media.

Really hate how they have 2 studios, their best shit is when Jeff and Vinny get together on something. Its always been the draw of the site.
>rewatch old UPF and bombcast clips on youtube
>find myself laughing out loud constantly
>redownload old UPFs
>they're all gold
>dat chemistry between Vinny, Jeff and Ryan

It's never coming back is it? They're just turning into another video game website. Jeff has said this is their best year yet for revenue/views and a large part is because of people accessing them through youtube.

Sounds like a classic case of appealing to a broader audience and lowest common denominator.

>no more 'penitentiary body' jokes from ryan
>no more hoodshit between Ryan and Jeff
>no more low key pedo or sex jokes from Vinny
Giant Bomb is simply past their peak at this point.

I really do wonder how much time the site has got left. They don't do the same numbers that the Youtube channels do, their lifeline is the premium subs, and if they continue to have garbage periods like they have for months now then I can't see how CBS doesn't step in at some point.

GB East produces the best content and that's been the case for a long time now. There's no chemistry on the West anymore. Previously Jeff had Ryan and Vinny where those guys could just bounce off each other like nobody else.

A real shame, it's still fun watching some of the Whiskey Media content. Still really entertaining stuff.
Well they keep claiming to do better every year, and Jeff recently posted about how UPF is their most watched video series, which requires premium. To that I have no real response really, its easily their worst content. I just stick around for the East stuff these days, and if that becomes worse I'm out for good.

Common opinion is though that GBW has been terrible for a long while now, even among their own forums. I doubt Ben is going to fix that, dude is pretty damn boring.
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Did GB just get a shittier female version of Klepek? Why did you let this happen?
Klepek would have never said anything remotely close to that for fear of upsetting his SJW friends. The real worry is she is an Amy Schumer type.

She won't have an agenda, she just might be a terrible fit anyway though because I don't think I've ever encountered a situation where adding a woman to an all guys club goes well.
>liking trash weeb games with no complexity and with story about edgy teenagers aka shit story
>not liking complex games like dota 2 which can give you countless hours of entertainment for free

kys you pedo weeb
No they just got Girl Dan aka Amy Schumer. RIP GBeast, you were a little okay once coon left.
oh it's been shit for a few years now

remember when Brad the prude got pissed as fuck on the podcast at Dan's "Yoshi could eat a Peach for hours" joke?
>not a pedo weeb
>Posts on 4chan
Your the one that needs to kys
haha le girl comedian!!

I make crude jokes but I'm a girl! am I just as funny as the boys now?!
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>Jason tries to talk about Guilty Gear
>Ben clearly knows more about fighting games and Guilty Gear than he does

finally we might have someone that's not shit at fighting games trying to talk about them
it's a tired excuse but it really was when Ryan died

Now I'm going to have to find irl friends since GB is going to fuck.
>le 4chan is only for pedo weebs

yeah fuck off and go back to /a/ and /lgbt/
His house burned down the day before he was hired. If he was in it or near it he could have fucked his voice for a while.
What's wrong with Jason?
There was a nice little period where it seemed like Brad was getting more and more hostile with Dan every week while Dan continued to pre tend to be stupid for attention with his retarded college stories and pretending to not know what a mortgage is.
You fuck back to gaf
Why are people thinking Abby isn't going to be in any GBE content? Pretty much everyone who has ever worked for Giant Bomb has gotten in front of the camera at some point. It seems a prerequisite for being hired there.

Also those Tender Loving Care streams were great. I was pleasantly surprised that none of the (especially Alex) sperged out about the sex or nudity stuff other than saying "Hey, maybe don't watch these if you're at work."
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>going to place where pedo weebs like you spawns

god I remember that.

That 'hurr I'm pretending to be retarded' joke was never funny. Luckily Dan is far better now. Except for his shit taste and constant defending of Nintendo because 'muh n64'.
>Dan "pretends to be retarded"
There are a lot of times where he plays up being an asshole, but him playing up his stupidity isn't a thing. He really is that dumb but he lets the persona excuse cover that. Man Brad fucking hated him for a long time though, you could see him get visibly irritated whenever Dan opened his mouth. Hell you could see it on everyone out Wests faces by the end of his tenure over there.Eventually Vinny's going to get sick of explaining literally everything to him too.
Alex has been surprisingly chill since Dan joined up.
weebs don't come from gaf, they hate Japan there
>spaghetti arms
>scratchy aids voice
>bad at video games, ESPECIALLY the one genre he claims to excell at
>aids voice
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who is this pedo?

Holy fuck.
The new GBW hire. Get used to his giant size and nu-male face!
another pathetic fat fuck. Is he 40 or something? Sweet Jesus good that Drew left.
He's one ugly fuck
>Why are people thinking Abby isn't going to be in any GBE content?
they're kidding themselves. the girl is an aspiring improv comic-actress - that's probably a big part of why she was hired.
why does it look like he's sportin a hitler stache
>zero production experience
>Improv actress
Yeah, she'll be in front of the camera a ton.
Dan 2.0 gonna mesh well with Dan but more Dan
Alex is gonna defend her every opinion
Vinny is gonna get talked over with them 3 jerking each other off
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>watching GBE

Vinny is very nice person and goofballto laugh at/with, but both Alex and Dan make me not want to watch anything from them.

And now they'll add some cuntgoblin, great.
Not like gbw is any good with only Jeff.
I miss drew so much
You can't raise a family in SF, both financially and morally.
even when Brad is playing (most of the time he is OKish) at least there's somebody like Jeff/Rorie (I like him, also he did well in that last VR thing, WAY better than weiro Alex) and most important- I'm interested in games that they cover more than GBE.

Even Jason as a background for Jeff is way better than fucking Dan and Alex.
Why did they even split into 2 studios?

I don't understand the point. They could have a cheap studio in the middle of fucking nowhere and produce the same content.

They make internet media - it can be made and consumed anywhere.
Brad STILL has no clue when to let off-topic joking slide, and when to jokingly be the serious on the rails guy.

He wasn't pissed at the Vinny joke, he was trying to be the straight man. Badly.
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Well I think the only thing I will probably watching is Unprofessional Fridays and probably Jeff solo content and Vinny solo content if there is such. Atm when I see a quick look I click on it, hear first few sec to see who is in it and 90% of the time close the vid

*same 4 people all year long
>look at how young they look
>it's a brad doesn't play the game correct episode and so criticizes its "bad mechanics"
Vinny was going to walk if they didn't make one out East. Site would have legitimately died if they didn't do it. Justified it to the higher-ups by stating that it'd allow them to cover both coasts, but that clearly hasn't happened. If they didn't have the premium system they would have gone under already.

Shame Jeff will never leave SF, the site would do multitudes better if Jeff and Vinny were under the same roof. Not to mention they wouldn't have needed to hire 2 new people if they consolidated offices.
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desu the gif I'm posting now kinda represents Giant Bomb
how do i access premium content illegally now that the google doc is dead?

Yeah I love seeing Will Smith every month and some fucking hisper nu males sit in on UPF and spout shit

How true is that?

If it is - yeah they've done nothing with the fact they're on the other side of the country (what could they do really?)
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Nice try Rorie
Dan is legitimately autistic, but he had a great father who didn't let it effect Dan that much. Dan has many autistic tendencies and most of his social skills are feigned/learned.
Very true, they've discussed it at length, its no secret that Vinny was going to have no place if they didn't make a studio. It was the supposed "new blood" studio but that didn't pan out at all as GBEast was doing bad via its numbers until Dan moved out East.
Jeff will never leave SF. Brad will never leave Jeff.

Vinny couldn't raise a family in SF.
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Well on the podcast that Vinny announced that he was moving east he straight up said that he was moving no matter what but was glad that GBeast exists now so he wouldn't be jobless. Pretty obvious that Jeff set that up just to keep Papa Vinny onboard
Its just a persona, he puts on a show
Wow this is just like that time I dressed up like Scotty 2 Hotty hahaha
I don't know what's more sad, hiding behind its a persona excuse, or that people actually believe it.
I worry this is pretty much exactly what's up with me? I can handle social situations very well and can talk to strangers at parties and stuff but I had to learn how and stuff. I have very specific interests that I pursue a lot but I know when to not talk about them because people get weirded out by it. oh god am i autistic
Look at him in college. He's high functioning autistic.

Papa Paul Ryckert should teach seminars on how to father autistic children. Just read up on how he raised Dan.
this, the guy is a sociopath, he knows exactly what he's doing
It's called aspergers. I think Dan is autistic more than sperg, because Asperger's usually manifests itself in social awkwardness. Dan is "mostly" fine socially, but has very weird habits.
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>he's gonna get married in a Taco bell
Dan is an autist who learned to self medicate with alcohol.
>having to minmax in persona
wew lad how bad at vidya are you
maybe try that easy mode buddy
Yeah, this describes me to a tee. I even have really specific food pickiness like he does. Christ, maybe I should talk to a therapist to help alleviate the stress I feel over this maybe
He's getting married, though. Has had sex with at least 5 women. Has a good job. Autist success story.
It's a win win for GB and taco Bell. Just a business agreement. Feel sad for Dan's wife having her wedding venue dictated by Dan's kob
Asperger's is pretty common. Just research it. If you're aware of it enough to take notes and improve yourself in social situations you are doing better than most.
>tfw just finished rewatching the mario party partys

what now boys?
>You cant dislike my shitty weeb games
>I even have really specific food pickiness like he does.

>mom makes me a really tasty meal
>find out it has sour cream in it
>throw it out

Fuck Dan
FMVinny content is always and always will be hilarious.
Okay so never this bad, but I definitely have a hard time ordering from restaurants and stuff because I can't stand a lot of common foods to the point of revulsion
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There was massive shilling in the GB facebook group to vote multiple times to get him to win

who would sam hyde get along with the best? jeff, vinny or dan?
4chan does the same shit. I'm fine with it. I like Dan.
sam hyde would get along best with a fucking bullet in the head kill yourself
Hoodrat Jeff? Dandily. Now Jeff? Hatred. Vinny would dislike Sam. Dan and Sam would get along until Dan got annoying to Sam.

Voting was only to get them into the final 10 couples.

Taco Bell chose the winner.
8 more years, lefty cunt ;^)

Did you also get triggered by Jeff saying that people sometimes need to be reminded that "Nazis belong at business end of a gun" when they were talking about CoD: WW2?
Contest was over before it began, he's a semi-known quantity. No joe-schmo was going to win compared to free advertising via GB fans.
Were the other contestants in the Top 10 internet famous?

It's an easy choice for T.Bell. Pick the person with the most brand exposure. Taco Bell advertising to video gamers.
How are Abby's feet?
"Nerd" girls don't take care of their feet
Only people who would have good feet are drew and rorie
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Not a fan of Dan desu I know he does his all thing for people to dislike him and all but I am not a fan. I was looking forward to some quick look that they were gonna do. I opened it, heard Dan and Alex on it closed immediately
Look I like Jeff but he was *never* a hoodrat in any sense of the word. He grew up solidly middle class, his family owned a fucking business for fuck's sake. A lot of that rep just comes form the fact that he liked a lot of bay area rap before most other white ppl, that's it.

Well that and wearing FUBU on national television.
Slightly overweight girls who stay off their feet all day have the best feet.
No Jeff is right
Do your research on where Jeff lived and how he lived in his early 20s.
Are there any pics of barefoot jeff?
Just hairy legs and meme sneakers.
they've all been sucking Zelda's dick for weeks
If it didn't have the Zelda name on it, they would put 2 hours into it and move on.
In fucking Petaluma, California. That's fucking Sonoma county, dude.
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She should have joined GB
But drew left
She'd be lost without her crush there.
And his family owned an auto repair shop or some shit, so blue collar but definitely middle class.
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Drew should have given her more attention, not just ignored her
not really savage, youre just an eceleb worshiper praising anything he shits out
he sat in on an IP based game quicklook, then bitched and moaned about that IP

like motherfucker if you hate simpsons, dont sit in a simpsons game quiicklook whining the entire fucking time or dont run that awkward ass quicklook where you ha ve rorie doing everything while you two lazily sit there and feign interest in something you obviously cant give a fuck about, entire video was nothing but awkward silence with rorie rambling
Makes sense. Most people don't want to play a 100 hour game twice

Drew is too pure for sex.

Seriously though, has he ever made any kind of reference to having a partner? I can't recall any instance.
the fact jeff did 180 after general consensus of zelda was 100% positive, and the fact they sat there praising PUBG claiming it was original and amazing for like an hour during the podcast, shows you the caliber of morals they have left at Giantbomb

and dont pretend alex didnt fucking force vinny to hire that woman solely because she was a woman and dont pretend alex wont go on another SJW fueled rant during GOTY podcasts as he puts his foot down, as the literal worst fucking member of giantbomb
I think he mentioned having a boyfriend or something very similar at one point.
Maybe not full on but definitely "with" some dude
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Does Alexis count? didnt they kiss on of the tested streams for charity and face slapped each other?
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he may be gone but that doesn't stop them from having him and topkek as guests, eventhough jeff didn't like the fact that coon used gb as a stepping stone they can't exactly burn bridges.
Yet the nigger still shows up on the beastcast once a month since quitting anyway
Well done moving those goalposts
i was really hoping they'd hire someone that brings new energy to the West coast. This guy seems alright, I don't hate him or anything but they needed somebody like Dan who can rile up Sleepy Brad and Jaded Jeff. Maybe he'll perk up a bit once he's settled in.

if nothing else it means no more Rorie dropping his spaghetti over every single video, so we have that to be thankful for

Meanwhile the East coast is having shitloads of fun with every video, I just hope this new woman doesn't upset the balance

>didnt they kiss on of the tested streams for charity
i'm guessing the answer is "no they didn't" because if they did then the picture would get posted in every giant bomb thread
is this debate class

go argue somewhere else
Ben isn't the hire they needed, he isn't horrible. But he isn't what should have happened. Austin using them as a springboard fucked the hiring process. Jeff didn't want to hire anyone but someone he could control, or new extensively.
So they hired a LOL I'M SO GOOFY I'M LIKE ONE OF THE GUYS chick and some old friend of Jeff's with broken vocal chords?
Why didn't they hire that other lanky tall fucker they have one the show sometimes? He seemed pretty good.
I'm watching the latest bombcast and I think Ben might be fine once he loosens up a bit.

At least theres no more randome shill guest seat or Rorie.

Also he didn't say he hated Persona, he was just frustrated with the time management.
Nice tantrum
Yah, we just gotta give him time to get used to the new offices.
>So they hired a LOL I'M SO GOOFY I'M LIKE ONE OF THE GUYS chick

she hasn't even been in any videos yet. She has a dumb memey twitter but it's too early to call without actually seeing how she gets on with the guys
And we're only a cuple months from E3 buddy
female klepek, jesus christ
Name a single time introducing a girl into a male oriented thing that has ever worked out positively
Klepek isn't as ugly
they absolutely had to, let's face it. It was either going to be a woman, another black person, or somebody who ticks multiple LGBLTQIA+++- boxes

hell I'm surprised they hired Ben and not just two women, or a woman and a Mexican or some combo like that
Sex, and rape roleplay
>introducing a gurl to your rape """roleplay"""

get a load of this homo

They hired Ben and Abby because they're both freshly graduated from college and this is their first "real" job, meaning they can pay them both peanuts.
Obligatory E3 is finished because Jeff said so post.
Sure, maybe I should give her the benefit of a doubt, but judging by her twitter that is exactly what she seems to be like.
I cant wait for all the pieces from journos complaining about this year since the public will be hindering their access.
Yeah, nah
Either way he's fucking wrong about it being done. Twitch and Youtube numbers keep rising every year. The brand alone is bigger than he understands
they already started bitching it about it though, the EZA people spent some time on their podcast shitting on plebs ruining their work schedules
Jeff can't think of E3 from any other perspective than game journo.

To him, as a games journalist, E3 is fucking dead.
He's not even a journalist anymore. He's a twitch streamer that doesn't stream on twitch
E3's been dead ever since the stages got too big and it's become more than a press conference. Like the whole thing is just a cringe fest that doesn't even help stock holders understand what they're doing and the only reason anyone is there is to play games early.
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you forgot

>muh kid who still can't talk properly
>muh wife
>muh kind of game (barely plays said games anyway)

this dude is one of the most boring personalities in GB and he's also the biggest poser of them
Okay real talk guys: Is game journos complaining about E3 stress the most annoying thing in the industry?
Every year, every gaming podcast I listen to complain about this shit, where they don't understand that their job is meaningless when we have official dev accounts on social media now.
>He's not even a journalist anymore.
Jeff "a threat" Gerstmann is the most respected and tenured video game journalist to ever live. He has EXTENSIVE KNOWLEDGE of all video games, even the retro era. Jeff stood up to the corrupt website GAMESPOT.com, and to further humiliate them he went back to them after being fired for his courageousness.
Yeah but not anymore
this, except unironically
Ugh, we have to actually do 12 hours of work for 5 days straight, and it's SOOO hot out even though we spend most of it in air conditioned roomed, being shown video games and asking a few questions and ending the day with our good friends and a few beers.
anybody who thinks this is what E3 is like as a journo is mistaken.
it absolutely is for giant bomb.
>Wake up
>Watch press conference with friends for about 2 hours
>Go to appointments, tightly scheduled I will admit.
>Be shown video games
>Ask a few questions.
>Do this for about 6-8 hours, 8 hours of actually running around working.
>Come back
>post all that shit(vinny and drew's job)
>shoot the shit with friends and misc SJW's over beers for a few hours

It's harder for the developers and publishers.
>plebs who think disinterested pretentious cali hipsters have personalities
bet you couldnt even fucking name 1 game any member of GBW even plays on a regular basis

last bombcasts i listened to, jason was the only one actually talking about vidya he played

until this new kid showed up, and that was only because he was unemployed and waiting a month for his new job contract to be issued
Everyone seems to like the chick at Funhaus.
dota, checkmate atheists.
half of his videos is 'yeah, I don't know man'.
"are", you fucking moron

that's because these dudes don't play anything anymore they're all dead inside
>This game is really good.
>Yeah it's really good.
>Yep, I really like it.
>Uh-huh me too.

>This game is really bad.
>Yeah, it's really bad.
>Actually, I kind of like this ga-
>Yep, I really hate it.
>Uh-huh, me too.

>Okay, guys let's talk about the industry and current events.
>Jeff sits around for hours out of the week playing old as dirt games
>No time for anything new.
>Brad flat out doesn't play anything anymore
>Jason plays an hour and then goes on and on about how awesome it is.
Only the guys out east play games or enjoy being in the games industry.
>A video-game website where only 2 people play games, one of whom does nothing but play Nintendo shit, and the other has his girlfriend play everything.
Every GOTY gets harder and harder to even pay attention to because nobody knows a god-damn thing about what they are talking about, or has the experience on which to speak for something.
bitch looks like the 70 yr old grandpa I have for a neighbor, but with a carrot top wig.
"half" is singular

half of even millions IS still just A half
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>Wow this GBE woman(?) looks pretty terrible based on twitter but maybe Ben will be cool?
>He's not

I mean he doesn't seem that bad but unfortunately I can't stand listening to someone who talks awkwardly or has a irritating voice even if the content of their words is fine.

they went with the safe choice going with lanky he's neither offensive or interesting at least it isn't another klepek or fatrick
Meh he seems alright, like a much worse Dave Snider. He would get along with Vinny but I guess GBW needed someone



>officially dead

Welcome to 2010.
I heard something about Giant Bomb hiring a tranny, and thought Ben was the tranny.

His voice sounds like someone half-assing a feminine voice, so I thought it was him.

Fuck, is he going to be in every show now?
All these ecelebshits have shit taste
I dont like how he sounds like a homosexual.
If you had to play videos while being entertaining for a living all for a community of purist SJW's who would rather hear your "hot take" on this topic rather than be funny you would hate video games and your life too oh and your best friend in the world since high school who you spend all day with including the hour long commute with died.
I know they're at least half joking about it, but if this seriously gives Brad an excuse to have a Dota Discussion Segment every podcast, that'll probably be the final push I need to finally stop listening to this podcast circle the drain
>Fucking guy is CONSTANTLY trying to get Dan to do dumb side shit when Vinny and Dan want to see the story keep unraveling

The episodes where they do all main story stuff suck. The fun stuff is in the side content


>Setup for Yakuza is just hitting the record button
>Despite that they only play 90 minutes once a week
>15 minutes of that is spent trying to remember what the fuck they were doing because they only play once a week
>Every new character introduced reminds them of a Japanese wrestler
>Dan constantly getting frustrated because he can't just spam HEAT MOVES
>Alex triggered at every bad guy MAKE HIM PAY DAN!
Giant Bomb died when Austin left.
Is that because Austin is a parasite feeding off a corpse?
>Despite that they only play 90 minutes once a week

seriously, we're looking at 40 episodes or so for Yakuza 0 alone, assuming they keep doing side content. And Dan's never going to git gud spending an entire WEEK without practicing between one or two hour play sessions

it's a shame because it's some of the best content they're putting out right now, and it's going to be dribbling out for YEARS assuming they never miss a single week or hit any roadblocks like one of them quitting or Dan finally getting Diabetes
More than 40, that game is very long and if they touch any of the business minigames that'll take a few episodes plus.
>oh my god im such a normalfag why dont you just be normal you fuckkin nerds
fuck off to /r9k/
I love Endurance Run vids and adding in quips and what not like in Persona 4, but I wish they would shut the fuck up during story cutscenes, instead of yapping about random unrelated bullshit.
Wait, did East hire a Beast (trans)?
>Don't say anything other than game relevant stuff while wandering around.
>Instant they walk up to a plot important moment
>"So my son doesn't like Pizza"
they seem confident that they're eventually going to move on to the later games but I dunno. it's going to be several years before they get to Yakuza 3 even.

Hell at the rate they're going there's probably going to be two or three new games up by the time they catch up to Y6

>Wait, did East hire a Beast (trans)?
people are speculating that she might be, based on how ugly she is. We'll have to hold judgement until we hear her voice on something
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>They will never play enough of the hostess game to get all the wacky individual girls hijinks
>Or children asking if pocket fighter is a virgin
>Or Kiryu trying to get out of banging all those old broads he picks up phone dating
>Or buying a gravure magazine for the kid
>or Kiryu/Majima thinking they are going to bang their respective Sega arcade worker
Just an ugly woman.
Their E3 coverage is the best shit around while it actually goes down, in my opinion
at least he plays it
>Their E3 coverage is the best shit around while it actually goes down, in my opinion

never forget dave lang's phone
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Dota 2 and Esports are really lame.
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Dan was already one Dan too many, god damn it
>Everytime something tangentially related to nazis comes up and someone makes a comment about "the current climate"
Did I miss something or is this just the California in them leaking out
what is brad's crowning achievement of humor besides max doesn't count?
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>West gets a decent giant that seems relatable and has decent taste in vidya
>East not only has Alex and Dan, but Amy Schumer on top of it
Eastfags blown the fuck out, as usual.
Poor Vinny
>Poor Vinny

he brought in unto himself, wasn't he the one who hired fatrick in the first place? dudes been corrupted
Trust in Vinny, he knows what he's doing.
Besides, only an Amy Shumer type has a chance of entering that office without changing the vibe too much.
San Fran
Vinny is too good-natured and would be triggered by him
Dan isn't funny and wouldn't get his shtick so he'd just try to steal the spotlight and he'd fail miserably
Jeff would also hate him, but he has that "Loves trainwrecks" nature about him. Just watch any of his on-call shows.
>It's a Brad hasn't played anything but takes the entirety of his opinions from whatever enough people on twitter tell him is good episode
>Point for point talks about P5's "translation" issues which are literally only talked about on twitter.
He's the reason Ben sounded harsh on Persona, because he "heard that the game was disappointing" and basically forced him to gripe about it.
Fuck Brad.
>So what's bad about it
>MMMMM I heard it had problems
>Ben says he likes it
>Heard it was disappointing, moving on.
Not even a persona-fag but his treatment of it was irritating.
He just takes what he reads on Neogaf as gospel. He does that for everything ever.
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>Mad because they don't like your weebshit
>I love Dota but it's definitely its own niche.
>millions and millions of players since years
Persona 4 was like 150 eps.
>>So what's good about it
>MMMMM it's japanese!
Jeff has been SF adjacent his entire life. Jeff is conservative compared to most in that town.
Their entire community and all the people they follow on twitter are neogaf incarnate. They think 4chan is where white supremacists plan hacks.
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mde season 2 when?

>expecting any of these lazy fucks to invest time into a jrpg

they didn't even have anyone in their crew do the quick look for FFXV even though the game was light as hell
A ton of those were less than 30 minutes or 30 minutes at most. BitE is at least on average an hour and a half.
I look forward to the fan response come GOTY when P5 gets best style award out of obligation rather than any of them really feeling like it was a good game.
>he thinks it's "not as good as it maybe could have been"
Damn, I didn't know Brad 2 worked at Atlus

>Just you wait!!
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>Instead of getting someone who plays different games to cover more bases they hired Brad 2.0 and Patricia Klepek
This will be the downfall of Giantbomb

He praised persona... Just said there were some things that could have made it even better.

Stop grasping at straws here. Listen to the podcast and then come back.
Your argument isn't as good as it could have been.

You are a fucking retard. He said he likes the social links, just hates how they are hidden behind skills without warning and you can potentially lock yourself out of them.
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I've been skipping GBW podcasts since Drew stopped.

Looks like I'm going to keep doing that

Vinny+Dan+Jeff is comfy and I hope this new chick doesn't ruin it

>mfw Beastcast actually covers pretty much all games coming out, whereas Bombcast only talks about the newest call of duty game or indieshit
>Jason: I played X game, and it's great, let me tell you about it
>just hates how they are hidden behind skills without warning and you can potentially lock yourself out of them.
You mean just like every previous installment
not for persona 4 babbies, its a new concept to them
Hiring a cute asian girl would have absolutely enraged the GB fanbase.
I wish I was kidding. Racist fucks.
Didn't even that have skill requirements? Like high knowledge for Yukiko or some shit
oh maybe it did, but not as extreme as like P3 where you needed max charm for yukari and max int for mitsuru
>hire Austin
>baaaaaaaah no women
>hire woman
>baaaaaaaaaaaah they're both white!
Outrage culture needs to end.
Naoto had rank 5 I want to say. Basically their argument boils down to you should never have to try to do anything in the game or have something to work towards or in an offshoot way something to look forward to in NG+. They want everything handed to them with zero effort otherwise the devs could do a better job.
Sounds like most of his nitpicks are babbys first Persona game stuff like wasting so much time on a hama/mudo enemy that they managed to hit the MC with it.
>They want everything handed to them with zero effort otherwise the devs could do a better job.
This. It's the same with his complaints about fucking Hama and Mudo spells, another mainstay in all SMT games.

Are Persona fans autistic?
Giantbomb fans are autistic
No no, I think it's Persona fans who are.
Why not both?
Wait, people still care about Persona?
>I haven't seen reviews or looked at the catalogue for a month but I'm going to try and make Persona fans sad by implying it's not something worth caring about.
>hey we're going to play this entire series
>starting with the most recent and arguably best game in the series
yeah there's no way they'll play the whole series
hopefully they'll get to 4 and finally learn why Majima got kicked out of the yakuza at least
New guy sounds like he's constantly yawning.
>Mary Kish is a literal goddess
>I want to fuck Nina Freeman
>Giant Bomb hired a grill
>Patricia Kekplex

God damnit
nina freeman is a game developer and makes Brad incredibly nervous, she was never going to join Giant Bomb
Yeah, like Suda51 or Rising Star Games...
>Dude it's hype as fuck! Look at all those "discussion" and reviews!
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Why did it all have to turn out so bad?
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Get off the computer and come help me you 4eyed bald fuck
The ball of energy keeping the group going died, the second best guy became a jaded husk, and Vinny smartly decided raising a family in SF was fucking stupid.

Oh and Patrick Klepek brought in a sycophantic community of people who don't even like video games.
>Alright, news is a little light this week
What do you think the limit on what Jeff is willing to sacrifice to have Ryan back?

His wife? Easy. Rorie? Easy? Brad? Yeah, probably. Vinny? I wonder.
>It's a Jeff talks about Pizza on the podcast episode

Best episode
He'd slaughter the entirety of GB to have Ryan back.
>giant bomb

more like giant bomb
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He's Jeff with worse teeth
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stupid fucking millennial cunt is just female dan
I don't see the joke
this is surprisingly true

Being surrounded by numale faggots in SF enabled Patrick TopKek.
If Ryan was still alive he'd rip half the guests apart.
Brad and Jeff don't even care about video games anymore
RIP, I haven't watched any of their content since GG.
I might watch some pre-death Ryan vids, those were the times.
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>hating Electronic Sports, the Hammer on Normies
>brad plays little nightmares
>has to sneak past blind monster you can't outrun that can only track you by hearing
>runs across the creaky floor and gets caught immediately
>does this 5 more times
Look, I'm not crazy about Patty's distant cousin either, but I thought people generally liked Dan? If she's so much like Dan, what's there to not like if you like Dan?

I can't stand Dan anymore personally. I liked him when he was at Game Informer, but he worked better there because they kept him on a leash.
They knew how to make shitting on him funny.
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>Dan tells his Miyamoto interview story, AGAIN
Will Dan ruin his taco bell marriage for her?
Patrick is from my homestate and area near Chicago. It makes me unproud of my location.
>Ryan isn't coming back.

I wonder if he's still banging Sarah Silverman
>Nina makes Brad nervous

To be fair I would plow her like theres no tomorrow and I'd be more nervous than him if I ever actually met her
hahaha sex
>implying you wouldn't
literally hairlip steve
>Ryan was still alive he'd rip half the guests apart.
I feel like people misremember Ryan a bit. He was more liberal than Jeff. I think Ryan would be critical of the SJW involvement in video games, but I still think he would fall on Jeff's stance of the issues. "This is not ok or should be normalized because my twitter friends told me the situation is black/white good/evil. Fuck evil, guys!"
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I liked Dan for like 3 to 6 months since he came to GB. His shtick got old and I haven't been able to stand the guy for years. Glad he's contained on East with Alex and Female-Dan.
The only good thing that came out of Dan were Mario Parties and Danposting and those are both over.
but east is pretty much the only tolerable GB content at the moment
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You are beyond pathetic
I find it the exact opposite. West occasionally has good content. East is doomed and I don't even bother clicking on any of their shit anymore.
Dan haters should all just die to be completely honest
Why did Sarah have to go insane?
Why? :(
Youre missing out seriously. Dan and Vinny go pretty well together for the most part. Alex is still Alex but at least Dan makes him more acceptable of dumb stuff without complaining about it.
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>e-celeb "nerd culture" website is kill

lost: nothing of value
I tried watching it and Dan is still as unbearable as ever. So is Alex.
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Please cum all over my face, anon-kun!
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>see your img
>gets urge to jack off to it
>remember that nyaa is dead and I can't easily download the game now
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That's what happens when you're brainwashed from birth. Jewish media turnes people into violent murderers. Prove me wrong.
It's sad because the "Murder Island" stuff has been pretty entertaining
Lol looks like gb lost a million hits a month since August 2016. What happened in august? Hmm.

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What would you call her body type anyway

She's not thicc by /v/'s standards but shes not a twig either
>tfw you will never be this happy
>What would you call her body type anyway
I could have been
>People that prefer current West over East.
I have no idea how you can find that black hole for fun enjoyable. Maybe if you have as objectively shit and shallow taste in games that they do.
I like when they apply "the science" to fighting games. But I have mostly skipped trough most of the recent UPFs. on the other side I think Beast in the East is great and Vinnyvania and Blue Bombing has both been pretty good.
I can't remember the last time they did a Ranking of Fighters. Apparently it's too much effort to do one a month or something or maybe it's triggering to Jeff to have to actually have something on a regular occasion.
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As someone who listens to their podcast weekly (long drives to work, not by choice just bored) they're absolutely shit. They shit on anything popular or just don't even acknowledge it but continuously shill Zelda over and over. It's like they spend half their podcast discussing retro bullshit no one cares about, a quarter of time on emails, and the remaining time discussing their contrarian views on "gaming news". They would be so much better if they just went to the fucking steam trending list and picked one of the top ten new games trending and discussed that for an hour but instead they just suck zeldas dick all fucking hour.
Jeff is the only reason I still follow Giant Bomb
good dude
The Beastcast is so much better than the Bombcast at this point, Dan and Alex don't drag it down because even if they're annoying they still fucking play games. And Jeff (other Jeff) is great, he's not even part of the GB crew and I like him more than most of the guys who are.
>loves DotA

The fuck you talking about? All of them hate dota.
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. Jason is the most boring person on earth who gets by, simply by pretending to have the right opninions.
>not by choice
It's not like there's an endless pool of other stuff you could listen. You're truly forced to listen to the guys you obviously do not like at all.
diz is b8
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>Ben actually knows what he's talking about with guilty gear
dude's gotta be alright
What are some better ones? I guess when I searched a long time ago it was them and some other crap but now I see IGN, gameinformer, and others
>Patricia Klepek
If you go by looks.
Judging from her twitter it's more like Daniela Ryckert.
>dan cheats on his taco bell wife with the female version of himself

can you imagine the child these two would create?
I like this storyline
Listen to audiobooks and expand your mind instead of listening to people you hate.
is brad crying? what is the context here?
Stop shilling these fags.
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but Vinny made fun of that fat guy they used to have as an intern who never bathed. He also sexualized nanako. Explain that
He became a dad
Reminder: Vinny "Cunt" Caravella doesn't even swear anymore.
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How do you go from this...
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To this.
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To this?
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