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How does it feel knowing that after hours of arguing and trying

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How does it feel knowing that after hours of arguing and trying to convince everyone who disagreed, your efforts were for nothing and DaS2 will be considered the best Soulsborne game decades from now?
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>Polygon shilling this homo
Good because deep down I know Demon's Souls is the best
It's already unanimously considered the worst in the series.
>among obese, unemployed, unimportant /v/ users

wow anon
I think the worst thing about online "journalism" is how fucking smug they sound in everything they say.
Nah, it will be remembered as the slightly flawed and uninspired sequel that had the most content in the series. A good game that just doesn't quite reach the level that others in the series managed to reach.
wow almost as if the people who dedicate the most time to the hobby know what they're talking about, amazing
SotFS is my favorite souls game hands down, and I could easily go into detail as to why.

But that article looks like obnoxious fucking clickbait. Holding your opinion on which sidegrade of the series you like as fact and telling the "Haters" to suck it is fucking stupid.

"Here's why I like Dark Souls II!" Is a much better setup then "Heh, stupid kids, I have mathematically formulated why Dark Souls II is the best souls game and why you are also dumb and gay".
Why would I care what stupid people and (((journalists))) think? I'll just keep playing Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1 content in the knowledge that I'm right.
>knowing shit about vidya
Polygon only says DS2 is the best because it's the easiest game in the series. Didn't they want an Easy Mode for DS3 and a "skip gameplay" button for games in general?
I acknowledge all the flaws each Souls game has and still enjoy all of them
It's not the best since Dark Souls 1 and Demon's exist, but I did have a lot more fun with it than I had with Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne
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>being surprised that polygon is endorsing an SJW
It's the minority of neckbeards on the board that criticize the game, the ones who spent the most time with it. Face it, your board is infested with normies with no taste.
Anyone wanna pastebin that?
DeS = DaS > BB >>> DaS3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS2
>Post a video and say "Suck it homos!"
Great journalism right there. I mean it's not that different to what /v/ does, but when you've stooped to /v/ levels of shitposting you're hardly a news source.

DSII is a great game though. A lot of the problem lies in the fact that it plays extremely differently from the first, almost feeling like a sequel to Demon's more than anything which led to a lot of people turning up their noses without giving it a fair shake.
One presidential election "won" with memes and now all left extremists have jumped hard into the meme wagon.

It's pretty funny watching them adopt the "winning" strategy and not realise the election was just a shitpost off and the memes were just parts of it.
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In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
nobody wants to discuss souls anymore fag it's just an open invitation to shit post
>Make a video complaining about people parroting a single video
>Video get's parroted everywhere
Honestly, I thought the level design of the entire game was brilliant. Every single area was super memorable and was packed with neat stuff.

I can remember almost every single part of that game. I don't fucking remember shit about DS3 besides cathedrals and shanty-towns. It all just blurred together while DS2 stuck with me vividly.
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I don't think this game is that good

>Fuck you! Here's an hour long analysis of why it actually is good!

That's great but I'm still not really a fan of it

>Faggot! Just git gud! You're just bad at it!

Souls fags are THE most epic fanbase
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>yfw 3 of the top 14 rated games on Metacritic are Dark Souls 2
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

Despite the fact that the idea of a "build" is completely thrown out the window with the introduction of soul memory?

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you

But eating lifegems doesn't.

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

Despite this the ice rapier is still high in the meta for PVP.

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

Only if you got to play the game obscenely late into it's life, after they patched back-step parry.

The shit I didn't touch on is true, but for every step forward the game took it took 10 back.
>But eating lifegems doesn't.
they take a long time to eat and they take a long time to heal you. They are meant to be healing items used between enemies to make up for the fact you only start with 1 estus and have to work for more.
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I'll just leave this here.
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I got one word.
Everything connected to this flaming head dude is far more deep than anything in DS3. The lore implications of the possibilites opened by the Leave the Throne ending were staggering.

And Dark Souls 3 promptly ignored it.
>come to /v/
>Dark Souls causes big assburgers

This means it's a good series, right?
>the idea of a "build" is completely thrown out the window with the introduction of soul memory

What the fuck are you even talking about?
the fact that you have to defend dark souls 2 so hard, means how bad dark souls 2 is

it will always be terrible to casual people, it will always be terrible to hardcore people

the only ones that think otherwise are the people that try to shill this video
Should i get Dark Souls 3 w/o DLC or Nier:Automata?
I'm poor
Ok so this is probably a noob question but like what is aldia when you meet him? Like obviously he and Vendrick were experimenting with trying to stop the curse and they were mostly unsucessful, then when you meet him hes somehow become this demigod type thing. What is he and what exactly happened for him to become like that.
Fuck you, literally no one with a brain would defend the clusterfuck that is gargle cum 2. Das1,3 and des surpassed it in every way.
>the fact that you have to defend non-whites so hard, means how bad non-whites are
There's no reason to not keep leveling up with how soul memory works.
I liked that video but the guy who made it is a smug condescending cunt and a moron.

I kinda consider Dark Souls II the continuation from DS1's Dark Lord ending and III taking place after linking the flame.
>Best reviewed of 2014
I wonder why Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1 and 3 or Bloodborne aren't there.
Not an argument.
aka Shitaku

DS3 has very little original content.

Souls vet here, this is my take on things as someone who has obsessively played the shit out of DeS and DaS1 since their respective launches on PS3.


>New Firelink Shrine (DaS3) == The Nexus (DeS)
The resemblance is fucking stunning if you've ever played DeS. Lord Thrones are in the exact same alignment that the archstones are, surrounding where you spawn in, with multiple levels of height within the area accessible by curved staircases.

>Lothric Castle (DaS3) == Boletaria Castle (DeS)
You start the game here, and the climax of the game is here (fighting twin princes/false king allant).

>Karla (DaS3) == Yuria the Witch (DeS)
Karla teaches forbidden hex magic/miracles/pyromancies that channel the power and rage of the abyss, Yuria the Witch teaches forbidden magic that channel the power and rage of demon souls.

> Stormruler (DaS3) == Storm Ruler (DeS)
Used to take down mighty foes with a legendary sword found in the corresponding boss arenas. Yhorm and the Storm King are basically the same type of "puzzle boss" until you find the sword.


> FP (DaS3) == MP (DeS)
Literally the same exact shit.

> Rolling
Functions the same exact way as DeS, because med rolling was buffed so fucking hard that the difference between fast roling and med rolling is so small that staying right under the fat roll minimum is required for every build.

Case-in-point, DaS3 is super fucking stale for veterans who have been with the series since DeS in 2009/2010. It's literally because the game is around 50% recycled DaS content, 30% recycled DeS content, 10% recycled bloodborne content, and 10% original content.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, faggot
>t. ds1 shitter who got his ass wrecked by running head first into rooms, pulling 6 mobs and then came to cry about it on /v/
>Soul memory meme
Agape ring nigga.
>Life gem meme
This is fair, I would remove the life gems from the shop at least.
>ice rapier meme
roll side wise.
No, the video isn't by kotaku itself, its some guy on youtube
I like hour-long overanalysis videos so I watched it whole, but the guy is both an unlikeable cunt and pretty dumb aswell. He was reaching hard with a lot of his arguments, and you could totally hear how much he enjoyed being contrarian, and thats coming from someone who enjoyed DaS2
he has fair points, but i still found the game unenjoyable
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Highlights of Dark Souls 2:

>That moment when you reach the forest zone and realize the game has PS2 graphics because the darkness mechanic was scrapped at the last second
>That moment at the bottom of the first forest zone where you try to run through a quickly closing door where a salamander shoots fireballs only to realize there is an invisible wall where the door it.
>Pre-Patch Shrine of Amana forcing you to pick up a ranged weapon.
>Elevator to the magical sky volcano.
>Life gems exist for reasons no one will ever know.
>That room that has 10 too many enemies in it
>The next 90% of the rooms in the game also having 10 too many enemies in it
>The bonfire above the Batiste where NPCs actually attack you while you are sitting at a bonfire.
>NG+ just adding in mobs to boss fights because thats what true challenge is
>Utterly shitting the bed with story.
>Cracked orbs only
>Covenants that flat out dont work.
>The rat covenant in general.
>pants on head retarded weapon upgrade system

Power stancing was kinda cool I guess tho'
>What is he and what exactly happened for him to become like that.
No one knows. No item description saying anything about it and he doesn't talk about his new form except that he failed to break the cycle.

It just looks like a similar situation with the bed of chaos where it's life gone rampant. Hence the roots.
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>Game """"""journalists"""""" can't even write their own shitty clickbait articles and now they just put other people's videos into their articles and they still think they wrote an original article
The development team seems to have fallen for its own marketing and become creatively dried out. Half of DS3 was "muh prepare to die hardcore" and "check out this epic reference to a previous game", and it totally drowned out whatever else 3 had to offer.
Also I still can't forgive them re-using the DaS 1 skeleton and animations, it looks terrible
In Polygon's case it's also just straight-up leeching. "Let's put ourselves between our dipshit readers and this content we were too stoopid to make."
keke holy shit is this the new EBgames meme
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I started writing a multi-paragraph post on why this post is silly but I ended up deleting it and I think I'm just going to call you gay instead
>Click bait site
>Relevant opinion
I'd take anything said on /v/ more seriously than the leeches at a click bait 'gaming' sites.
That video was actually terrible, probably his worst game analysis.
why are you putting those words in quotes when they're true
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Well it is the best souls game so nothing wrong there. Most of its problems like soul memory are not directly affecting the gameplay whilst it's gameplay is the best in the series
What happened to muh darkness though?
soul memory is fixed with the agape ring anyways.
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>Elevator to the magical sky volcano.

Hello, I like to refute this idiotic statement whenever someone as stupid as yourself makes it. Please take a moment to think about how badly you have just been BTFO.
I never ever had a problem with soul memory in SotFS when using the ring. I was able to play reliably with my friends the entire way through.


Also, i want someone to give me an honest answer as to why they dropped EVERYTHING to do with Aldia in 3? Because fuck em for that.
Ds3 and BB were worse.
DS2 is unarguably the best co-op souls though.
Best is either Dark1 or Demons
Yeah I can see the giant mountain in the picture, earthen peak is built RIGHT into it.
I liked DS2 a lot but it was definitely the low point of the series in terms of encounter design and world cohesion.
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the only reasonable person here

-Build variety, even with Adaptability you could make a random build that's viable.
Notice how other Soulsfags don't make defense videos about the games they think are the best.
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>no mountains in the background
>iron keep elevator is completely submerged in lava

How the fuck does that work?
>>375767121Ds3 is better than DDS2 in every way but PvP, DS2 PvP depth still hasn't been beat.
The problem with 3 is that every single thing in it is derivative as fuck and nothing is interesting.
introduced everything about the series and was an incredibly original, unique game
improved on DeS combat, had much more content and introduced an amazing, interconnected world with rich, interesting new lore. Had much better boss fights than DeS. Expanded on multiplayer mechanics and generally just feels more fleshed out.
>DaS 2
went backwards and made a lot of missteps, especially with art direction, lore, and gameplay but it still introduced new mechanics that should have come back in 3. Powerstancing and proper dual wielding are amazing and exponentially increase the amount of builds. Has a large variety of cool armor sets, and generally a fucking staggering amount of content, especially with all DLC. Has a more high-fantasy vibe than the others, which is sometimes interesting and sometimes cheesy. It has the best PvP in the series.
Changed combat drastically, introducing a new dodge mechanic and transforming weaponry. Every weapon is very interesting and totally viable. The game has a completely new setting and theme with a very interesting twist. Decently connected world with great individual level design
>DaS 3
Introduced weapon arts, a staggeringly underwhelming mechanic that is barely ever used in an interesting fashion. No areas or bosses are very memorable at all and like 80% of the game is DaS 1 callbacks. Actively stripped stat complexity and combat complexity from previous titles.
>BB was worse
Come the fuck on man.
Des = DaS = Bloodborne > DaS3 >>>> DaS2

True patrician taste, anyone who thinks otherwise is not a real OG. If you didn't play all the games on release your opinion is irrelevant and probably shit.
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That's retarded, it's not even close to the masterpiece that is the original. It's better than 3 though.

Yes it is, fite me irl phagit.
Yeah it didn't innovate much, but "More of the same" was superior to 2's changes in the vast majority of cases. Also you're taking the piss if you think there are 0 memorable areas in 3, even though the game IS incredibly derivative.
just trust that other people wont be faggots like you and cap at level 120-130 you dumbass
DeS isn't as good as you think it is. It was a proof of concept that was later refined well.
>DS2 is unarguably the best co-op souls though
I played all games on release and I can still say that I liked Scholar the most. I've ended up dumping more hours in it than any other souls game.

God, 3 was just so fucking boring. I remember playing it and going "On paper, this game is amazing, I should be blown away, so why do I just feel bored?"

I love big spooky cathedrals as much as the next guy but man that game is honestly just a chore. I can go back and play Scholar now and love every minute of it.
ummmmm town, cathedral, cathedral, swamp, cathedral, castle, dark area
did i miss anything?
Frankly lmaonoinvasions is better than 3's invasions, period. I only invade because I like being at a massive disadvantage in fights and going 3 and 4v1
I get the feeling that people defend DaS2 just because it is the unpopular thing to do. Honestly, I can't even fathom how someone would even like that pile of shit. Sorry Tanimura, you tried your best to salvage the abortion that the game would have been but it's still a piece of shit, uninteresting game.
What I hate about Ds2 is that it immediately puts you through the old "collect 4 souls" shtick once you hit drangelic.

I thought a lot of people complained about that, why the fuck did they bring it back? At least in 1, by the time you were tired of it, you were already at the end.
Yeah, you missed the part where you smelled your own farts because you managed to oversimplify areas.
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>Joeseph "Aryan-Man" Anderson spends an hour an half meticulously analyzing DaS2 and explains in autistic detail why it's not that bad over a year ago.
>Fucking nothing

>Some literally who SJW copypastes his video and throws in some condescension and shit talking Matthewmatosis for good measure.
>Coverage out the ass and shilled by Super Best Friends

Really tickles my whistles.
best of a terrible series is a worthless title
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>harshly criticizes Fallout 3 and its fanbase
>literally uses the same headcanon-based argumentation and excuses that Bethesdapologists use to justify their tastes in his "defense" of DS2
Really nods the nodes.
The fact that now "DaS2 is a good game" jumps straight into "DaS2 is the best game" shows me everything.

Contrarianism, it's deep in DaS2fags's blood.
I'd consider 3 better than 2 simply because everything multiplayer related that isn't dueling (dueling too to an extent) isn't fucked beyond repair.

DaS3 invaders are depressing though. I wouldn't be surprised if another Souls/like game was ever made that invaders would just be removed completely considering how much From clearly doesn't like them.
>Anon wrongly accuses journalists of being smug and that's a good thing
His points aren't even GOOD, that's the worst bit.
>bringing back collectable consumables was good because nobody enjoyed running out of estus!
>Guard break that actually works and prevents turtling

>Rolls no matter how much ADP you got, have a lengthy recovery, forcing you to time your rolls or face the consequences

>Stamina recovery has a cooldown after you take an action that consumes stamina, making stamina management an actual thing

>Spamming r1 is a horrible idea because fast spammy weapons have shit tracking, something which was completely lost in ds3 and contributed to the death of PvP

>Small soapstone coop and invasions being always possible, even on areas you revisit
LADS, I keep getting my shit fucking recd on DeS against the Maneaters. How the fuck do I beat them without cheesing magic or arrows.
Why isn't it as good as I think it is? Because you went in it trying to be a hip guy that played the original and you were disappointed when you found out you couldn't jump? On release, Demon's Souls was a breath of fresh air, unique and absolutely incredible. What the fuck do you mean it's not as good as I "think" it is.
No, I'm pretty sure it is.
I just think its the last 2 souls games were so bad that it makes ds2 look great in retrospect.
>on release
That's the magic word. DeS has been surpassed by its successors but you rate it alongside them.
Hardcore DS2 defender here: That video is fucking garbage and hbomber is a massive faggot
I wouldn't call it equal to DS1 or BB. It's a great game but it got improved upon.
Guardbreak is absolute garbage because it removes the kick, which is completely unacceptable.

It would be great if it had both, but it doesn't, so it isn't.
>No bonfire and no death challenge
That means absolutely nothing, the incentive for doing those types of runs in Dark Souls 1 were for the thrill and test of skill. Not two useless rings.

>Non-linear first half
Which was pretty fucking moot as DaS2 meta was the most restrictive trash out there thanks to Soul Memory. You either kept up with the Jonses and forced through areas or got emoted on

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you and stamina management
Made moot by DaS3's up in mobility in every aspect. Don't go throwing out "it's different therefore it's better" to defend 2 while using "it's different therefore it's shit" to attack 3

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant
That's true

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus
That's something they should've kept. But they should've made it to where the only invaders who can estus chug would be those summoned for PVP by the host

>Can only perform 4 rolls
That pretty much goes against having an RPG mechanic for the sake of equity among players. However in DaS2 defence, the slower gameplay did benefit from this. Roll spam in DaS3 is a problem for early on players who don't know how to contain their enemies.

>Can only perform 5 attacks
See above

What you mentioned is post like 3 or 4 patchs.

This was great for DaS2 (until you got to the mentioned trash meta). But wouldn't have worked with DaS3, hence the weapon arts

>Weapon hands
This I miss even though it did make certain items useless as giant weapons could have the same parry window as a buckler. But with refinement it would have been even better

>Bell Tower
pick one

>Bonfire ascetics
>Coverage out the ass and shilled by Super Best Friends
you mean pat the fucking retard who parrots shit he finds on neogaf
hey asshole!

don't forget about the rail thin, nasally, poindexters!

or is THAT the stereotype?
Even Woolie told him that it was a shit video. How will he ever recover now?

Allow me to sum up Dark Souls 3 for you:

>Member Artorias? here's abysswatchers!
>Member Oolacile and blightown? Here they are in one area!
>Member Pinwheel? Here he is as a sage, twice!
>Member congregation? Here it is even worse!
>Member Bloodborne? Here's a entire village with copy-pasted bloodborne assets.
>Member the catacombs? Here's some more catacombs
>Member Izalith? Here it is with some of the exact same enemies
>Member Black Knights?
>Member Silver Knights?
>Member AnorLondo?
>Member Darkmoon invasions? Haha just kidding, theres no BEO
>Member Gwyndolin? here he is.
>Member Priscilla? Heres a QT 3.14 version of her.
>Member Yuria the witch? Here's a copy of her.
>Member Tower of Latria? Here's the same level
>Member Giant Lord and Storm King? Here a fight with both of them!
>Member the Hellfire Drake? Here's two drakes!
>Member Ornstein?
>Member the Astral Clocktower from TOH?
>Member Kiln of the First FLame?
DaS3 felt like "Souls Greatest Hits" to me. There weren't any areas that felt bad or overly punishing, and there's a lot of different variety, but the whole thing was recycled and nothing stood out. I'd gladly take the uneven brilliance of DeS or DaS1 over DaS3 any day.
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>it's a "/v/ basement dwellers think they know better than large playerbases, game critics, and the entire industry" episode
I've had enough of these re-runs.
Dark Souls 2 was good for From to experiment and make errors to evolve the masterstroke that was BB.
DeS and DaS1 are basically the same game combat wise with a few adjusted mechanics (with DaS1 making the error of poise).
DaS2 was a complete departure that was hit-and-miss with various mechanics and changes.
BB was the masterpiece.
DaS3 was too scared to forge it's own identity due to Namco clamping down on the departures that DaS2 made.
Of course polygon of all sites would shill this awful video. This writer probably knows Hbomberguy personally for fucks sake.

This shit game is 3 fucking years old, when is it finally going to go the fuck away?
You wouldn't, but I would.

Souls series needs more gimmick bosses.
DaS1 was as much of a masterpiece as Bloodborne.
Kick has comedy value, they could have stuck with the kick animation for that reason I guess.
/v/ isnt a board for logic or reason.
Nice copypasta. I like how you instantly go shitting on 3 when we're discussing the faults in common praises given to 2, as if that's not suspicious.

Besides, Dark Souls 2 has all of that in spades. Hell, the item descriptions are all "this belonged to someone who may have been in Dark Souls 1....or was it?".
>Member Tower of Latria? Here's the same level
I fucking wish.

Still #1.
It's also the number one way of dealing with hackers.
>or was it
looking back, it really wasn't that bad of a game.

I think it ended up getting a bad rap because the game turned out hideous and they completely scrapped the lighting mechanics.
if its the greatest hits the series must be shit.
Agreed 2bh.

Sure it didn't fit together coherently at all, the world design was pretty shit but at least the zones themselves were cool. And if gave you branching paths instead of the linear slog that was DaS3.
>Reddit spacing
How am I supposed to be convinced by a guy who's hour long video can be summed up by "Look at MatthewMatosis fucking up in the gameplay, that totally means his criticisms are invalid". Why the fuck is a "journalist" taking a hard stance and acting like what one faggots opinions lobbied against another faggots opinions is inherently correct?

Jesus christ, these people need to google Yellow Journalism and then look at their own content
Very few people actually canned it as the worst game ever when it came out, it was just almost universally considered worse than 1.
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Stop falling for clickbait you retards. Also that guy is a faggot contrarian that makes /v/ look like normies.
As much as I've hated that Matthewmatosis video for all this time this new one is far worse.
Oh yes, ambiguity that's as graceful as someone screaming "NO ONE'S HIDING OVER HERE" while playing hide and go seek. Real clever there B-Team.
Ds2 had the widest set of viable weapons in the game, including the fucking handmaiden's ladle. Idk what the fuck you're smoking if you think any of the other games came even close to this.

Even with ds3's greater mobility punishing chugs is impossible because you can't out-trade the instant heal with a running attack, and that's assuming the other person doesn't simply spam rolls until you guess wrong and get a free full HP. When someone went for the chug in ds2 it was a guaranteed backstab, not a running attack which fyi were nerfed in damage in ds3
>Using proper paragraph spacing to segment thoughts and statement is reddit

You'd hold your breath if you found out reddit breathes air
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I liked 2 the most. It started consistently good while 1 tapered off and 3 was all around mediocre.

It also has my favorite and most atmospheric boss fights.
The series is over. Why would you debate this any longer? Just let it rest.
Well it's not as good as the others(haven't played completely through 3 yet) but 2 has a really compelling story and has a lot of lore.
>DaS2 had the widest variety
And a good majority were throw away weapons that were not realistically viable outside of purposefully making the game more difficult on you as the player. That's not really a pro, but it's not a con either.

>wahhh roll spam
What are throwing knives? What is frostbite? What is bleed? What is keeping pressure up and staying on their ass wearing light armor so you can roll farther than they can? What is weapon arts?

>chugging in DaS2 was a guaranteed backstab
I distinctively remember most people baiting others into chugging for dark magic funtime but whatever floats your boat.
>Agape ring nigga.
>unless someone breaks your weapons and rings with corrosive urns or acid surge
>or if you want any ammo for your crossbow or bow
>or if you want to buy or upgrade anything at all
It's a band-aid fix at best and introduces more problems than it fixes at worse.
>all the comments pointing out hbomber's fucked logic
>scarecrow's matthewmatosis's video and points to make his look better
>hbomber is a filthy SJW
wow you really got me OP
>filthy SJW
Who also has a successful hobby, is popular, and has a social life. Unlike /pol/.
>And a good majority were throw away weapons
I will never forgive From for what they did to the BKUGS in DaS2

>Have a fun and unique weapon
>Give it the generic ultra greatsword moveset because fuck you
>Joseph "Aryan-Man" Anderson BTFO's Matthew "The Potato Nigger Trigger" Kektosis and is now rapidly overtaking him in subs

is he actually /ourguy/?
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They're all amazing games
I was thinking that DaS2 is superior to DaS3 until I've dicovered MEMESWORD OF FARRON
Holy shit niggers this is one of my favorite swords EVER and you can unleash its SICK combo with just one trigger!
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Considering his recent Zelda review btfo of Nintendogaf we could hope.
Having all those weapons be viable especially in PvP made the game amazing to play. No other souls game is even close to having the joy of beating a Havel RIT/CB/ice rapier faggot with a ladle while spamming 'no way' all the way through.

Your iframes in rolls in 3 negate the damage from statuses like bleed and frostbite, even though they can be built through iframes rendering them useless. Weapon arts got recovery so if you commit to one and they roll it's a free chug. Even the god of all pressure weapons, the washing pole, can't out trade a chug. Knives deal even less damage and all 40 of them won't outdamage a single chug.

Depends on whether you want something new or not

DS3 is competent and polished but it's just more of the same.

Nier is great and very unique but with some rough edges
>unironically believes Cancer Souls III is a ((((((good))))))) game
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This! Arguing on which one is better is like forcing me to choose between mama and papa.
Die DS2 fag
>lore implications

There are non. Aldia straight up tells you there's no solution to the light and dark shit, so your character just walks off like a depressed, faggot. The ending is just acceptance because throughout the whole game you WANT to know the solution.
lord kek says git gud scrubs and play demon souls
People can be wrong.

Also, Call of Duty sells.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my huge weapon variety. But hey, I'm are sure your straight swords are good too
>has a social life
SJW's are social failures and trump winning only proves that everyone is tired of their shit and wants them gone
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>More than two colors and environments
>DeS & DaS

Don't know how to fit Bloodborne into this but it was far better than 2/3 but the bosses were kinda lame and it's short as hell
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I like Dark Souls 2 but that video in OP is a piece of trash in response to another piece of trash.

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2 had by far the worst bosses, levels and atmosphere, the only good things about it were the pursuer, bonefire ascetics or DLC
if you rate 2 highly for it's PVP you're playing the wrong game series
What the hell are you talking about? Walking away from the Kiln is essentially the Dark ending. But with the addition that you broke the curse for yourself by harnessing the three crowns.
The character in SotFS is still undead, but can no longer hollow.
>pumps cheese stats and heavily upgrades his weapons
>doesn't even bother with the DLCs
>"muh bad bosses"
>secretly let's his gf cuck him
Well that really kindled my bonfire
haha yeah, its only /v/ who had mixed feelings on dark souls 2 buddy. go back to your reddit echochamber.
hell with that logic you could argue that /pol/ is more successful that him
Feeling pretty good. I've been saying this shit for years.

DaS2 > DaS > BB > DaS3 > DeS
>unironically thinks binary code some Japanese pervert wrote should emulate real life perfectly
I'm the exact opposite, I can remember pretty distinctly nearly every level of Dark Souls 3, and I can barely remember anything for most of 2

And I played DS2 only a few months before DS3 came out
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what are you even trying to say with this post, subhuman
DAS2 bosses are suddenly amazing if you don't level up or upgrade weapons?
typical DAS2 fan
>I can remember pretty distinctly nearly every level of Dark Souls 3
You mean all the forests, all the undead burgs and even the bloodborne village? whoah
>he picked Bandit
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More like:
DaS2 > DaS1 = DaS3 > DeS = BB
On a scale from 5.0 to 6.0
I never said it was any different than the dark lord ending. Your character just walks away in acceptance, but it's still the dark lord ending.
OK. I'll get Nier and wait for DS3 to go on sale. Thanks anon.
I love how Dylan fits in there so perfectly
This is the greatest image ever made
>Calling people "haters" then say you will convince them

That asian-y guy in the middle doesn't look old enough to be on the internet unaccompanied.
You'll criticize any boss if you can steamroll them, and that's what you faggots do
To bad he's buttraped in prison right now.
You're a piece of shit and no one loves you ya ugly CUNT, now listen to this video that will convince you I'm not an asshole.
For the last fucking time, DS2 can not be the best, the progression curve stagnates right after the first area, nothing improves after that. Not the boss fights, not the story, not the characters, not the level design, it's such a flat, boring experience.

Not to forget Soul Memory was a pain and the Agape Ring is such a tedious workaround.

The level design is what matters, and DS3 level design destroys DaS2. Even in variety, the Dragon area was more atmospheric than any DS2 area. The only environmental concept I felt was properly executed was the Shrine of Amana.
>This RPG is good if you don't play it like an RPG and ignore half the mechanics
It's so easy to become overpowered in this game. My first playthrough I thought I must've done something 'wrong' when I was suddenly demolishing every boss even though I never did any grinding.
Turns out the balance is just broken.
/v/ is hivemind with this shit for whatever reason. I liked Dark Souls 2 better than Dark Souls 3, however Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne are both significantly better.
From the perspective of somebody that doesn't lock on to enemies 99% of the time, the gameplay is the worst in the series by such a huge margin that my particular playstyle isn't even playable.

>lol deadzones
>lol can't turn a swing more than 90 degrees
>lol beyblade enemies
>lol shockwaves

absolute dogshit entry polluting a great series
I could beat every boss in DAS2 naked with a +0 caestus it doesn't make them good
If you think Dragonriders(s), Covetous Demon, Flexile Sentry, Last Giant, Congregation, Freja, The Rotten, Old Iron King, Throne Watchers or Nashandra are good then you're the biggest faggot in this thread
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>he thinks memes caused Trump
>Aldia straight up tells you there's no solution to the light and dark shit, so your character just walks off like a depressed
No he doesn't. He says that whatever answer is out there can't be found with the old methods so a new path has to be forged.

Your character doesn't walk away in depression. He literally shakes his hand in determination and walks out into the unknown.
>literally posting a YouTube video as a job

I wish I could land one of these cushy vidya journo jobs
No but I do unironically think people going to such lengths to defend what is just a shitty level transition are retards.

Nier's pretty great, hope you like it.

Might be worth your while to watch a Nier Replicant breakdown video so you know the prior story going in. It's not essential to the plot of Automata but expect some missing details in your understanding of the world without it
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>No, seriously, Dark Souls 2 is the best souls game

Why do they write titles this way? It makes them sound like actual idiots.

>I never said it was any different than the dark lord ending. Your character just walks away in acceptance, but it's still the dark lord ending.
The dark lord ending isn't the leave ending. The Dark Lord ending for DS2 is the same one as the Link ending. The Herald tells you that no matter what happens, you hold the options on what you want to do with the fire. Those are the same two options DS1 gave you. Years later and i'm still surprised how people get this wrong.
what the fucks is wrong with that guys neck?
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DaS - One of the greatest games I've ever played

DaS II - DaS but with pastels, on LSD, with a waifu and pirates.

DaS III - No idea. I fell asleep.
Dark Souls 3 had level design that made me actually want to explore every area to find new, hidden shortcuts and items, for DS2, the pure amount of levels and relative brevity of a lot of them made me just want to power through them as fast as possible (exceptions being the two main forest levels and Lost Bastille)
>Even the god of all pressure weapons, the washing pole, can't out trade a chug

The washing pole isn't the god of all pressure weapons, that title belongs to curved swords.

Don't do running attacks when people go to chug, stay near by and when they decide to drink up walk up to them and hit them with two r1s (wont work with the washing pole) . Pretty much every weapon in the game can easily out damage an estus or at the very least negate it
nice try Tomohiro
>DaS - One of the greatest games I've ever played
woah... so this.... is the power...... of nu-/v/.......
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>being this cucked
Not to mention the fact taht you have to kill a bare minimum of three bosses, and blow a branch on straid to get at it.

People who say the agape ring did anything are simply people who never pvp'd alot, or never did co op playthroughs with friends.
Not true. Curved swords are the best all-around weapons because they're dagger speed with GS damage but they don't have thrust counters or reacg, making them worse for pressure. Avelyn and wp are the pressure kings.

Yes you can outdamage estus if the opponent does not even try to run away to chug. If they know what sprinting and rolling are you're fucked m8 and they're gonna end up with more health than they started with
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Sorry, I haven't gotten the updated list of games you can mention on /g/ without being called a faggot.

Hold up. Just came in. Here it is:
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Played all games. r8 my taste -

> BB>>>>DaS1 First Half=DeS>DaS2>DaS3>>>>>>>DaS1 second half

DaS1 second half is a terrible, terrible mess, and i was so fucking dissapointed at it

DaS3 was honestly fun, but god i hate how they decided to listen to that stupid meme of "das2 is shit" and ignore anything from it.

Bloodborne is the best game in the series. and i wished it was on PC, fuck PS4 even if have a one.

DeS is actually the hardest one, and also a very good fucking game that would have been placed higher if i played it with not dead online (europe)

DaS2 with the DLC is a fine game. sure, some levels were off, and the downgrade was depressing, but the game is memorable for me as bloodborne/DeS, unlike DaS3 and the HORRIBLE second half of DaS1

the amount of builds, coop everywhere, amazing pvp, good covenants (some of them are PVE and GOOD in that regard).
I will never forget putting HOURS on release on bellfagging and Ratfagging, because it was THAT fun.

this is PVE wise ranking. PVP?

> DaS2>>>>>>BB>DaS1>>>>>>>DaS3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DeS (the very least i managed to get was horrifying with scrapping spear and all the other nightmares)
Wow they're just posting someone elses video on their website.What absolute shit.
>the SotFS is a different game from DS2 because it has slightly different enemy placement meme
Shut the fuck up retard
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nu-"insert dumb thought" is a meme now.

I grew up in the 90's. I don't need this nu-shit twice in my life. Korn was enough.
>soul memory means you can't infinitely co-op at a certain boss without getting knocked out of the co-op range for it
absolutely criminal, I loved spending hours in undead burg and parish on new playthroughs
The last 4 areas of DS1 aren't half of the game, and half of that """""""half"""""" isn't bad
The contrarianism of this board has leaked out to the public.
DS2 is the worst DS. It's only saving grace is the Scholar re-release
I legitimately don't understand this meme that the second half of DS1 is bad, the only area that's actually bad is the entirety of the areas behind Blighttown, and even that's not that bad
Its used to mock people if that helps
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gr8 reaction images :)

jk kys
Lost Izalith is terrible but TOG, Dukes and New Londo weren't that bad, aside from the crystal caves stretch and having to die to Seath
New Londo is actually pretty good for allowing an experienced player to dive into a fucking hard area right off the bat
those aren't even the bad bosses.
Lets fucking talk about the royal rats, ruin sentinals, velsdadt, or the 3rd boss in any of the DLC's.
>But anon, just use the ring that prevents you from gaining any souls at all. It's not like you need souls for anything anyways
Dark Souls 2 is the gift that just keeps on giving.

Because it's evidence that this shittastic board can only think in extremes.

There are things it does better than DS1 and there are things it does worse.

Now fuck off or suck my dick.
hi /pol/yp
please do not refer to s4s
you are not welcome
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>reaction images
>You can get paid to post someone else's video instead of making your own arguments

Ruin Sentinels and Velstadt are okay, the former feels like a co-op fight and the latter is way too slow
But holy jesus FUCK the royal rats I had blanked them out of my mind over how bad they were
Dark Souls 2 did many things right. And certainly could have been the best. And it's still a good or arguably great game.
But it also did many things wrong right along side every thing it did right.

To this day I almost can't believe the game honestly punishes you for amassing souls. Even if you lose or don't even spend them.
>Now fuck off or suck my dick.
...h-how about you fuck my gf and I suck you clean afterwards, tough guy?
>I want clickbait views
>post clickbait video
wow it's like western people would never fall for this bait
Bring your dick over here white boy.
There are alot of things DaS2 does worse than the other games and they happen to be the important parts.
>post anor londo
>not half of the game
Are you a retard?

they were horrible, and each time i played DaS1 post anor londo i wanted to die a little.
God, even the DLC. compare it to any DaS2 dlc or BB or even DaS3 for fuck sake. i get it, DaS1 was your first fucking souls game (was mine DeS), but your goggles do nothing beside blinding you with nostalgia for a very good first half and the shittiest second half in the series
Old Hunters > Sunken King > Ringed City > Artorias of the Abyss > Ivory King > Ashes of Ariandel > Old Iron King

And the things it does better does not make up for the things it does worse.

A lot of the positives of DaS2 are directly ruined by its flaws.
Your obnoxious.Of course DS2 has some shit that it does better.Its mainly really minor quality of life shit though.
Old Hunters>Old Iron King>Artorias of the Abyss>Ivory King>Ringed City=Sunken King> Map packs> AoA

Fuck Ashes in all of its holes.
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>tfw people in these threads actually argue, post opinions, and talk about the games
Souls and Smash Bros are the only things /v/ is passionate about anymore
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>Ringed City that high.
Your opinion is shit.
OH > AotA > RC > IK > OIK > AA > SK
>>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
You know. I am not too fond of this. Because had I known it from the start I would have done it for sure. But I never really felt like replaying the game a third time specifically for this challenge. While said challenge at the same time basically invalidates the validity of my previous playthroughs.
>DS2 tries something different by giving entirely optional co-op challenge zones intended for 2-3 players
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>implying the Church Spears aren't fun as fuck
>of 2014

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>faggot giving the game a backhanded complement
>pretends like he isn't posting wearing a fedora right now
DaS2 is way harder than both DeS and DaS.

Even with the best weapon in the game, Mace, which you can start with, there is nothing that will make you able to breeze through the entire first 2/3rds of the game. Dark Souls 1 has at least 5 different ways for that.

What? I legitimately like Dark Souls 2 a lot. While it at the same time is probably one of if not my least liked Souls game. But I still really like the game.
Both of this can be true. What are you even implying?
It's the Dark Lord ending in that you walk away just like in the first game and the fire will eventually fade. There's no difference except some dumb serpents calling you a dark lord.
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Fixed that for you.
I can't fucking believe there are people on this planet who actually defend Frozen Wastes and the lava tunnel. I've played them co op, they're just as terrible with friends and without.


You did it again with the "but I like it but it's the worst". Fuck back off the retarddit please

Old hunters > Sunken King > Old iron King >ivory King >Ringed City > Ashes of Ariandel > Artorias of the Abyss

The only good part about AOTA is the boss fights and Sif.
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Mechanically, DaS2 is vastly better that DaS1.
While mechanics are of huge importance to a souls game, atmosphere and story are of equal importance.
DaS2 took a giant shit on DaS1's story. It retroactively made it worse. It is completely fucking egregious in this regard.
Now fuck off with this bullshit. None of these faggoty videos actually offer up any new information.
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>Defend DS2
>Always feel like the negative reaction towards it was caused largely by the matthewmatosis video being regurgitated into an echo chamber (plus some backlash against the downgrade)
>Try not to bring it up because accusing people of being mindless sheep unable to form their own opinions is a pretty arrogant thing to think
>This happens

God fucking damn it.

well, fuck.
I personally liked 2 the best. I have not played like any blooborne and only like halfway into 3 but other than that I have beaten all other souls games. fuk that DLC for 2 though I never played any of that.
But I do like it even though it's my least favourite.
Out of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla ice cream. Strawberry is my least favourite. But I still love ice cream and really like all the flavours.
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>Spears of the Church on launch
>Like the Old Monk but better in every way, fun as fuck, can even revive the boss if you want to do it again.

>SotC now
>4 player gank squads that do nothing but spam magic while the host runs away like a faggot

Dried finger was a mistake.
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>ivory king this low

Except the enemies, IK is 10/10
funnily enough when mathewmatosis did his autism review it was criticized for regurgitating opinions that were common on /v/ for a long time.
>you have to waste like 20 to 40 levels before your character can roll better than boulder
No. Its mechanics still leaves lots to be desired.

You got that completely backwards friendo.
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Except that DaS2 has a clearer allegorical core that drives it. Every area is strongly influenced by its core themes, while DaS1 tended to be a bit all over the place in that regard. Story wise the only thing DS1 did better was creating a more cohesive lore (because it was all one setting) and have a better finale.
I've never cared about the story in any of these games, only gay autists care about that shit.

DaS2 in terms of the actual game is decent, if not mostly uninspired. At least it's still an action RPG like the first two, and not just a bad action game like DaS3.
Are you fucking kidding lmao
DaS2 is only hard because the devs have no fucking clue how to place enemies, if you think it is hard it is because you are terrible at crowd control.

The game is easy as fuck, it is completely trivialized by shit like the life gems.
>he says while tipping 4 separate fedora on his head for being a "pro" dark souls player
Even in terms of just the bosses it's way harder than DaS1, and most of DeS as well.

you can literally start DaS as a sorcerer and pick up the Zweihander WHICH IS IN THE FIRST 4 MINUTES OF THE GAME and have not only a giant fuckhuge sword and murders every enemy but also infinite spammable homing missiles that also murder every enemy. DaS1 is only hard if you're doing a self-imposed challenge.
They're just putting it in line with all the other antagonistic roles.

Playing any role that opposes the host is an act of masochism in DaS3.
DaS2 felt like a video game whereas DaS felt like an actual world.
abysswatchers are fine because it's a very unique fight that fits in the lore

every souls since Demons has had a swamp place fuck off

crystal sage is closer to big hat logan

did you forget the church fight in ds2

bloodborne village is an asset reuse sure

again, catacombs in every game including DS2

same reason as anor londo, proves you are in the same place as ds1 which is fine

next 3 points all follow the same reason


gwyndolin is pandering but makes aldritch seem more intimidating

priscilla clone is straight pandering no question

they've remade the same crestfallen fuck every game too what is your point

there is no tower of latria clone

pandering shit tier fight

drakes again in every game including ds2

again, also pandered in ds2 as an actual boss fight


kiln and final boss exist to tie the world to a closing, you're a liar if you didn't tear up when the gwyn theme faded in.
both of them felt like video games. so did Demon's Souls, and Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3.
A sequel shouldn't introduce stupid themes that aren't in the original. So yes, it is shitting on the story, but it's also directed by a different person so whatever.
No you faggot, DaS2 is only hard if you can't crowd control properly. The enemies are as braindead as DaS1 but generally not as inspired in any facet, and the devs just put a lot of them into every area.

I never said DaS was harder, but it generally has better thought out enemies IMO

Ps magic is for fags lmao
When are they going to remake DaS3 but as an actual action RPG like the other games and not just a straightforward action game?
DaS2 is far worse about it
They both felt like video games. Nothing about DaS1 is even close to realistic or fully fleshed out. What it does feel like is a fully fleshed out area that you're scrounging around in. You're a fly on a rotting corpse, and that's cool, but the journey through less fleshed out, more varied areas is just different, not bad.

The themes are very similar though, they're both about the impermanence of life, and the futility of denying it's limited nature.
>Nothing about DaS1 is even close to realistic or fully fleshed out. What it does feel like is a fully fleshed out
Herp derp, I'm retarded please fuck my face. I meant to say it's not realistic or fully realized, but is fleshed out.
>starts bringing up his "skills"
>"you know I'm a pro at crowd control anon"
>about 40 fedoras fall of his head and hit his keyboard, correctly typing in his account name and password for his re (tar)ddit account
>turns my face when into mfw
>starts every greentext with be me
>change my face when into my reaction when
What is their fucking problem?
They dumb it down so more people can understand.
And DaS2 is? The areas in DaS2 are far shittier, is worse about checking off stereotypical levels than DaS

>never even talk about my skills
>then you make up a quote
Are you okay my man?
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>Mechanically, DaS2 is vastly better that DaS1.

what the fuck is this meme

no seriously

why the fuck do people say this?

There's literally 1 thing that 2 does better than 1 mechanically and that's dual wielding

everything else is the same or worse (LETS TIE IFRAMES TO A STAT)
The areas are realistic in that they're actual cities/towns that functionally work. Just compare Drangleic castle to Anor Londo and you'd see.
That's not how you spell Bloodborne
Dark Souls 2 is the best game in the souls series
DIABLO 2 = Dark Souls

D2LOD= Dark Souls Prepare to Die

Diablo 3 = Dark Souls 2

Path of Exile = Dark Souls 3
doesn't work, that would imply Path of Exile is complete dogshit nobody would ever want to play
That's a fine opinion anon but it isn't correct, DaS2 is objectively the shittiest in most aspects of game design, art style and writing

Got pretty fun pvp after a million patches though, unlike DaS3
Bonfire Aesthetics
Unarmed combat
Can teleport to any bonfire
Weight load percentage
Estus is improved
Teleporting unlocked from the start
Poise is improved
4 ring slots

Just off the top of my head
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Jesus Christ all these fucking plebs rating DaS2's trash DLC above AotA.
You are all literally fucking retarded.
Name a single boss in ANY DaS2 DLC that's better than Artorias. Oh that's right, you can't. Because there isn't one.
Infact, there isn't a single boss in the entirety of DaS2.
Faggots of no consequence, and utterly irrelevant compared to Artorias.

You mongoloids only started bandwagoning on this shit after "APOLOGIZE [attached DaS2.jpg]" became a fucking meme.
That's right. This shit is all a meme, and you're all fucking brain damaged.
No more retarded Poise tanking
Endurance no longer the best stat with zero competition
Parrying is actually difficult and a high risk/high reward option, rather than piss easy free damage
Back stabs require proper timing and fast reactions, rather than being free infinite damage
Sorcery doesn't suck
Broken shit like Chaos and Lightning weapons don't turn low level PvP into a gank fest
Fewer bosses are "a big dude that does big slow sweeps in front of it, that you beat by attacking it from just behind it's front legs"
More varied weapons
everytime i see this image i look for dylan and everytime i look he's there
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Wow if Polygoy says it it must be true
>left hand movesets in general not just the powerstancing thing
>separating stamina from equip load
>casting speed tied to attunement and visible as a stat
>being able to use multiple items
>left stick jumping is inarguably mechanically superior, you don't accidentally jump when you want to roll any more
>weight system isn't just "lel you actually have a quarter of what the number says, you can technically have more but you never ever will"
>4 rings, 2 was nowhere near enough for the utility they provide
>being able to two hand your left handed weapon
>aiming spells
Artorias isn't that great of a boss. His sweep comes out fast and his somersault can break your lock, he has nothing else in repertoire. Christ, if you're going to blindly suck someone's dick to try and prove your point, at least suck the right one, since Manus is probably the best fight in the series.
Sorry, it's not worth forking over extra money to explore Darkroot with a brown filter.

DS2 desperate faggots apologists still trying to defend this piece of shit


>worst level design in Souls game
>worst art design in a Souls game
>worst animations in a Souls game
>worst bosses in a Souls game
>worst hitboxes in a Souls game

no matter how much you shitpost about it, DS2 will always be the worst.

>can teleport to any bonfire
Objectively a garbage decision wtf this rruined the level design.

>Estus is improved
You can't conceivably believe that. I can't come up with any reasonable defense of that shit.

>Teleporting unlocked from the start
Also just a horrible decision.

>4 ring slots
This is incredibly tenuous, and I'm betting the only reason you're saying it's better is because it's a higher number.
But it also overcomplicates rings as a mechanic and means rings have to be a lot shittier to compensate for how many you can wear.
I don't think you can at all argue this is an objective improvement and I'm liable to call it a bad decision.
>Unlike /pol/.
Did you get lost or something? This is /v/ bro.
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I wonder if teleporting anywhere anytime was implemented because they realized how shitty their level design was or if that was the plan from the start
animation cancel alone made it the best for me
>You can't conceivably believe that. I can't come up with any reasonable defense of that shit.
chugbaby detected
Well 2 is.
>they stopped chugging but filled the game with gems that work way faster and completely trivialize the game
>Literally a sludge head
who cares.
Where did all these people suddenly come from with their extreme dedication in defending DaSII? Are they really that insecure?
>Best souls

>No, seriously
Gayming journalism everyone.
They don't work faster at all. They're still slower than estus in any other game in the series and the recharge rate is very slow.

You basically are going to die anyway if you pop these at low hp in the middle of a fight. All they do is let you go into more fights with full hp.
They have always been insecure about how much they slobber over DaS2's cock, but now they feel more convicted because autistic youtubers are making videos about how DaS2 is akshully the best becuz muh pvp
>Objectively a garbage decision wtf this rruined the level design.
No, not being able to warp is a result of DaS1's level design philosophy. To include it in DaS2 which uses a different philosophy, would be fucking retarded.

>You can't conceivably believe that. I can't come up with any reasonable defense of that shit.
Limiting near full heals that are meant to be used in combat is definitely a good thing. Life Stones should take longer to use, but the Estus change itself is definitely a good change.

>This is incredibly tenuous, and I'm betting the only reason you're saying it's better is because it's a higher number.
>But it also overcomplicates rings as a mechanic and means rings have to be a lot shittier to compensate for how many you can wear.
>I don't think you can at all argue this is an objective improvement and I'm liable to call it a bad decision.
Tell me what rings you have EVER used in DaS1, because I can pretty much guarantee you are going to give me a list with no more than 5 rings on it. 4 weaker rings means that you aren't limited to only the most META rings available, and instead focus on each on providing some level of utility instead of massive, broad reaching buff.
>No more retarded Poise tanking
Replaced by mashing lifegems into literal immortality

>Endurance no longer the best stat with zero competition
The only stat that gives it competition is adaptability and they're both required stats for any single build. Coupled with lower soft caps and stat balance has seen VERY little change from game to game.

>Parrying is actually difficult and a high risk/high reward option, rather than piss easy free damage
Or you get a monastary scimitar and it because a no risk free kill.

>Back stabs require proper timing and fast reactions, rather than being free infinite damage
This makes no sense because you have no control over the back stab animation. Bloodborne is the only game that got backstabbing right because you have the choice of actually commiting to the backstab/visceral or just continuing to attack like normal instead of potentially being forced into a slow, inconsistent animation with a 50/50 chance of just not working.

>Sorcery doesn't suck
Sorcery has never sucked except for in DaS3, its been getting progressively weaker since DeS.

>Broken shit like Chaos and Lightning weapons don't turn low level PvP into a gank fest
Because there is no low level pvp.

>Fewer bosses are "a big dude that does big slow sweeps in front of it, that you beat by attacking it from just behind it's front legs"
Instead they are all >Big Armored dude that does 3 hit combo and an overhead.

>More varied weapons
This is true.
>teleporting ruined level design
No it didn't, it's a good mechanic. Bloodborne allowed you to teleport anywhere from the start and that game had great level design.

>having 20 estus from the start is fine lol
It's not. It's also made much slower so you actually have to take risks when sipping.

And having more rings is also good. They could have made them a lot shittier for compensation, but they didn't. There's also no reason not to use the Ring of Favor in DS1 anyway so you basically only had 1 interchangeable ring.
Slow healing is a shitty mechanic that makes you MORE capable of tanking through hits.
In 1 if you get slammed while chugging, that chug is negated.
In 2 if you get slammed while chugging and live, it continues to go through, as do any life gems you've taken.

Once again making it seem like B-team intended for you to just poise through hits rather than block and evade.
Where the fuck does insecurity play a part in this? Not being able to talk about one of your favorite videogames on a board for videogames will piss anyone off.
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Play the fucking game for once holy shit. You'd have to be deaf to never hear any ambient sounds in DaS2.
>this mad that his shit taste is being called out
DaS2 has fucking shit atmosphere, especially compared to literally every other souls game
>sounds are all that matter
DaS2 has no lore
and I'm saying you're literally deaf. There's plenty of shit DaS2 does wrong and that's just not one of them.
It also has a terrible world
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Literally the only good NPC in DS2 besides Cr8ton

fite me
Are you retarded dude? Do you think sound design is the only contributed to atmosphere?

>favorite boss fights
No wonder, you've got awful taste, unless you specifically mean Sir Alonne
I mean there are ambiant sounds you can hear in places like earthen peak but they're really not that impressive. And they're certainly not good enough to carry the lackluster lore and ruined lighting.

Shrine of Amana is comfy tho
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Bloodborne allowed you to teleport anywhere from the start and that game had great level design.

Yes, because it was the Demon's Souls approach to level design where shit didn't really have to interconnect. Dark Souls 2 tried interconnecting things and failed miserably, so then they just gave up.
But the result is that you only ever go back to Majula for level ups and weapon upgrades, meaning that its purpose as a comfortable home base is completely trashed because it's basically just a grocery store.

I will always believe that B-team made a shitty game and then decided "oh fuck this world design is terrible, we need to give the player the ability to teleport to mitigate how hard we fucked up."

>20 estus
You never, ever had to go above five estus other than like the two bonfires that are automatically at 10. The kindling system is a difficulty select, there's no issue whatsoever with allowing 20 estus so long as it's not a requirement.
As to the slow healing, see >>375779045. It doesn't at all work the way they intended, having to stay back for an extra like two seconds does NOT counterbalance chugging and the slow healing just makes you MORE tanky.

You still need to give me any reason that more rings is objectively better. That was the whole fucking point of Favor and Protection, you're giving away an incredibly valuable ring slot in exchange for a really powerful effect.
But nah let's take that out because people don't like having to make hard decisions, or being a dumbass like DSP and just taking it off without reading the prompt.
i liked vengarl
good taste
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Dark souls 2 has destroyed /v/. Merely mentioning the game nets you 500 replies and walls of text, what a joke.
What's wrong with maldron?
>Bonfire Aesthetics

these are okay though they just make it so you don't have to do a real ng+ now that there's actual unique shit in it (also farming)


part of improved dual wielding

>Unarmed combat

this is an actual improvement (though I never bothered with it in either game so I don't know how much of an improvment)

>Can teleport to any bonfire

to compensate for shit level design and the great idea that you should teleport to the hub every time you needed to level up or upgrade/repair gear, which alone should disqualify 2 from begin the best sorru

>Weight load percentage

I forgot what this means so maybe

>Estus is improved


>Teleporting unlocked from the start


>Poise is improved

By making it useless, thanks b team

>4 ring slots

and rings that are half as good!
>No more retarded Poise tanking

now nobody gets poise!

>Endurance no longer the best stat with zero competition

It still is but now you gotta dump some points into that weight one and THE IFRAME STAT FUCK YOU

>Parrying is actually difficult and a high risk/high reward option, rather than piss easy free damage

is it really?

>Back stabs require proper timing and fast reactions, rather than being free infinite damage

and now you get fucked if you do get a backstab thanks to the glorious from netcode but aren't in a 1on1

>Sorcery doesn't suck

magic is for fags

>Broken shit like Chaos and Lightning weapons don't turn low level PvP into a gank fest

if only soul memory didn't remove low level pvp

>bosses are "a big dude that does big slow sweeps in front of it, that you beat by attacking it from just behind it's front legs"

instead you get a giant men who track you with their magnet powers

>More varied weapons

I guess?

oh wait I'm outta space, but most of your post is the same as these other two fags or part of improved dual wielding
why cant libcucks make good memes?
Pick one but he's awesome either way.
it's the freshest meme my boy
Maldron is a meme
I actually don't mind him, but his only personality is
>lmao trolled u
Of course that's better than most of the shitty NPCs in 2
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>To include it in DaS2 which uses a different philosophy, would be fucking retarded.

Hence why DaS2's level design philosophy is garbage and doesn't comprehend at all why 1 was the way it was. I have all of Lordran memorized in my head because they made me run through that world so many times. like an old Resident Evil game.
Sorry but I think making a game that's memorable and feels interconnected and real is more important than catering to that guy who goes "ugh I have to REMEMBER where I'm GOING?"

>Life Stones should take longer to use, but the Estus change itself is definitely a good change.
Once again I ask you to see >>375779045. Slow healing barely does shit to mitigate chugging and in ways makes it worse.
Maybe in PvP it matters but I don't care about PvP and neither should you.

>Tell me what rings you have EVER used in DaS1
That has quite a lot more to do with my choice in build. But I didn't say rings in DaS1 were balanced. Far from it.
Giving you more ring slots does not balance that out. They still easily could have just made rings a weaker presence overall, something to supplement your build rather than define it, without complicating the concept to such a degree.
I never gave a fuck what rings I was wearing in 2 and it never really mattered, but it certainly made me feel OCD about remembering to take off the name engraved ring once my friend was summoned.
>Jester Thomas
>Maldron the Asshole

There are bits of quality in DaS2. Bits.
I feel like Lucatiel would have been a much more interesting character if the amnesia part of the story hadn't ironically been forgotten about.
feels good
Straid is a pretty cool guy. Even though does fuckall the entire game.
>Hey I am a failed Journalist and here is my totally not clickbait article of why my opinion is better than yours written in the most passive-aggressive tone I can churn up.
>People still actually care enough about their own opinions to try and force them on others

No seriously. Have people not just determined their own personal favorite? You really have to waste your time trying to convince others your OPINION is the correct one??? No matter how much you tell someone Souls 2 is the best, they're never going to just be like "oh yeah you're right, I suddenly just magically enjoyed ds2 more than the others, damn you got me"
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>People say DS2 sucks.
>Yeah worst game in the series fucking garbage 0/10 fucking B team.
>Years later.
>Someone makes a video that DS2 is good.
>Yeah I always agreed, best game of the series, you're all just haters, I'm totally not a bandwagoning fucking clown.

Good job.
because some fags literally only understand "winning" and "losing" and cant get their head around the fact that not everything is about competition
basically, they're stupid
none of the npc's in dark souls 2 do anything. Some move around but you don't ever see them traveling on their own. You don't see them in the process of it, you just happen to find them in another location. I wish that we would randomly find Straid in the undead crypt, gone hollow and we have to fight him and he would only use dark magic because I don't see him as someone who uses regular sorcery. All the npc's seem too happy and have nothing bad happen to them. It's depressing how boring the npc's in das2 are.
>muh prepare to die hardcore"

That's actually DaS2 though
I never thought it sucked but it was pretty clear to most people who played DeS and DaS that DaS2 was mostly a step back in quality, outside of multiplayer. It seems like a lot of people who will vehemently defend DaS2 played that game first, which has better qol in because of warping
Or you could fit gud and to.e your rolls. Hell, all the bosses are doable without blocking, healing or rolling if you got gud enough
I love how he BTFOs sargon and other fucking alt righties and so on
Showed sargon to be the dribbling man baby he actually is that's for sure at least.
And his gameplay related stuff is entertaining, sonic video was hilarious and he made some super solid points about dark souls 2, I think there was just a meme hate culture built around it when it first came out, that's for sure, after seeing the end areas of dark souls 1 and so on I can't fucking believe people actually had the gall to shit on 2 so much but suck dark souls 1s dick.
>b-but lifegems makes things too easy...

Why the fuck are there so many retarded fucks constantly bitching about this?

If you think lifegems make your game too fucking easy, then dont fucking use them. End of story.

I've seen Matt's video and he's a fucking retard. He complains how shit's too tedious in certain cases, but when it comes to running out of estus and going all the way back to the bonfire and killing everything again, its not tedious anymore.

But here we have all these idiots still whining and bitching. If they didn't use lifegems they have nothing to complain about, unless they're that fucking autistic that they're upset on how other people play the game. In the end of it all those hypocrites ended up using the lifegems because nobody gives a fuck about "difficulty through playing perfectly" and prioritized not going through the entire level again.

If you tryhards want it that fucking badly then you can go for the no death no bonfire runs. But considering you can't control yourself from not using gems, you probably can't set a fucking challenge for yourself either.
I just finished Ds2 a week ago. How was I supposed to form opinions years ago?
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>If Dark Souls 2 is so good why does it need a video defending it in exact response to another video that said it's wasn't so good? Shouldn't it just stand on it's own?
Straid's VA is off the hook.

I wish he said more.
>over an hour of verbal shitposting and objectively wrong opinions
I'm not wasting an hour of my life watching that, and I shudder to think of how much time he wasted making it
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>Turn on the game
>Huntsman's Copse
>area has dim moon lighting
>hear crickets and blowing grass
>enter a cave and sounds actually bounce off walls

>brushing waves and howling wind
>calming music
>pretty golden colors and rising sun in the distance

What am I supposed to be expecting here? What is missing from the atmosphere that you wanted and clearly didn't get?

Did you want over the top anime noises and shit?
>Gone Home is horrible! I just need to force my opinions down everyone's throats about how terrible the game is even though most people loved it!
Did dark souls 2 even use the same engine as the other games? It felt so much different from the others.
>even though most people loved it!
[citation needed]
>wah the stats are more complicated and that makes it bad
back to kindergarten kiddo
All Souls games except for 3 are on a different engine
>Iron Keep
>ear shattering noises of lava everywhere
None of the Souls games have lore. A few lines of mostly irrelevant flavour text for in-game items does not constitute lore.

If you want lore, try the TES games, or 40k. Quality of said lore notwithstanding.
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Being able to warp from the beginning also felt like a cheap excuse to make shitty designs (eg that one bonfire)
i'm not the guy you're replying to but I have to respond. For me at least the problem is that dark souls 2 doesn't have a grim dark vibe. I loved that shit in das1. Majula is a great central hub but the areas in das2 that are supposed to be these dark, murky, spooky places aren't spooky at all. There's no atmosphere in dark souls 2 that gives me goosebumps. Not even Dragon Aerie or Shrine of Amana. There's not enough unique enemies to make me feel in awe. Also almost no areas have music accompanying it (think Ash Lake from das1). Shrine of Amana has those singing milfanitos but i think theyre annoying as shit and barely help the atmosphere of Shrine of Amana.
TES games actually have decent lore though, in fact it is the only decent part of any of the games
I guess so. I just can't believe it's gone on for this long. Do they not ever stop in the middle of writing their essays and think "hey, maybe video games are subjective? Maybe I'll never be able to convince someone their favorite isn't actually their favorite?" Like it's fun to debate a bit and compare pros and cons on a game. But people like different shit, I figured that was obvious.

People constantly tell me I'm "wrong" for liking 3 the best. But like, I don't really mind the linearity and railroading when the bosses and combat are arguably the best in the series.
Yeah no, the game is balanced around lifegems. It's MADE for you to use them all the time, that's why you get ONE estus at the start.
Challenge runs that you put on yourself do not constitute allowing the designers to just do whatever the hell they want.
If you seriously look at how perfectly lifegems counterbalance Smelter's DoT and tell me "yeah no the designers definitely didn't intend you to be spamming lifegems" you're an idiot.

Leaving it up to the player to fix the game that you fucked up does not excuse anything.
I concur with this anon
for real, i actually like 2 the best because it was where the pvp was most fun for me. people can tell me all kinds of flaws that ds2 had and they'll probably even be right, but it's not going to change my mind about it
>hurr stop using these items/mechanics the devs put in the game
I will never understand these fags
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Where's wrong?
Being a Souls game is like being in the NFL of vidya...Being the worst Souls game is like being the worst NFL player. You're still better than everyone else.
Don't pretend like the lighting and sound design in the game was anything to write home about. Lighting was flat for entire areas (except the three lights off areas), in huntsmans copse for instance, how much of a difference in visibility do you have when you're in the main, unlit forest area and when you're next to the bonfire of corpses outside the skeleton cave?
If DaS2 was so good, why did DaS3 roll back all the engine changes, fixes and updates, like cancellable interactions and better animation meshing?

Check and mate, DaS2theists.

All they had to do was put a bird nest (or gargoyle equivalent) at the top of the fucking earthern keep, that flew you into the volcano in the background (to the right from memory)

You can't say a bird doesn't make sense, since it makes more sense than the one that takes you to the bastille.
>listening to (((reviewers)))
user score is the only one that matters and even that is bullshit
DS2 is objectively broken garbage by any metric
Dragon's Sanctum and Vendrick's chamber come to my mind
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>A dozen reviews with high scores means that, out of the thousands that played it, the majority liked it
[citation still needed]
Nah, it's not. DS3 is the worst.
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>Played Demon's Souls
>Liked it
>Played Dark Souls
>Some things were different in a good way than from Demon's Souls, some things were different in a bad way from Demon's Souls
>Liked it
>Played Dark Souls 2
>Some things were different in a good way than from Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, some things were different in a bad way from Demon's Souls and Dark Souls
>Liked it
>Played Dark Souls 3
>Some things were different in a good way than from Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2, some things were different in a bad way from Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2
>Liked it
>Played Bloodborne
>Some things were different in a good way than from Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3, some things were different in a bad way from Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3
>Liked it
>Only wish I had gotten into the King's Field games when they were fresh back in the day, but I went with Armored Core instead

In short, anime tiddies.
Because autists can't be funny.
It's not designed for you to use them as anything but training wheels. Sure you can play the game by having 2 summons out at all times while turtling and spamming healing but that's not how the game was designed to be played, it's literally just an easy mode setting for those that want to get through the game without having to play it. If that's your jam, fine, just don't complain that it was too easy when you refused to pick the higher difficulty setting and only ever tried very easy.
>Don't pretend like the lighting and sound design in the game was anything to write home about

I'm not. It's just definitely not as bad as I've been told.
The volcano is only there in the bonfire art, which explains a lot for some reason they decided to not put it in the lazily made skybox
Ds3 is shit as a result
on behalf of all of /V/:

dark souls two, i am sorry
DS3 = DaS > DeS > BB (silky smooth 24 fps lol) >>>> DS2
I did get good at rolling. And I did beat the bosses without blocking.
But your character's ability to roll without investing heavily in it, is still absolute shit. Even if you can compensate for your character moving a stone.
Here's a better story:
>played something
>it was like something
>some things happened
Did you like it? It was quite something!
>It's just definitely not as bad as I've been told.

Most things you'll be told about won't be as bad as you're told on /v/ in my experience.
2 had good level design all around and I personally liked the plethora of weapons and armor even if some are just reskins or useless.

But the weak bosses, atmosphere, and the fact that it somehow looks uglier than dark souls 1 makes it my least favorite personally.
Yeah the "you're just bad at video games" argument, beautiful. Beautiful that you didn't address anything I actually said.
You're seriously going to tell me you think B-team put in lifegems as "training wheels." You're really going to tell me that dropping them in every fucking area from half the enemies in the game makes them "training wheels."

Yeah they're "training wheels" because they increase in size and healing as the game goes on to perfectly fit your health bar and counterbalance the many, many poisons and DoTs in the game. From definitely just included those items for weak babies and not as a core mechanic.

You're definitely not ridiculously far up your own ass.
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>B-but all those top reviewers don't count! I can speak for everyone else because of my political stance!
Rated 75/100 on the Steam library, where people actually play their games.

Not even GamerGate and their "0/10 unplayable" patrol could dent it.
What the fuck is /V/?
There's literally 2 types of people in these threads, not counting shitposters and paid shills.

People that have played the game and hated it.

People that have played the game and didn't.

This creates what is known as 'discussion' in some lands.
>this post
dragon's sanctum is just slightly ethereal women vocalizing. thats not that interesting, exotic, or spooky. Vendrick's chamber has a great OST and does give me serious goosebumps. As someone in the comments on a youtube video of Vendrick's OST, "it's the 'If you're not the enemy...then who is..." soundtrack".

But that's just a small room with only three purposes (get the king ring, go into Vendrick's memory, fight vendrick).
Are you seriously trying to discuss "design" in a game where the devs couldn't even figure out how to keep NPCs from walking off of map edges?
>2 had good level design
>good level design
What the fuck did he mean by this?

I thought there was one mountain that showed signs of activity, or at least looked like it had a caved in volcano on the top of it in the background/skybox.

It's been a long ass time since I played and I don't care to spend the 20 minutes on a new character to get there.
I for one liked giving the player the opportunity to challenge themselves and not having a super-roll as the baseline. If there's something to fix its the lack of clear information about agility breakpoints. It took fucking years for the community to figure out the exact way agi affects iframes
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Well I thought it was extremely atmospheric.
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Not bad, but sticking with anime tiddies.
>people give Dark Souls 2 shit for bad hitboxes
>Meanwhile Bloodborne, supposedly Miyazaki's greatest piece of work, is filled with enemies who flail around wildly, auto track out the ass, along with shit hitboxes

For you.
>I can speak for everyone else because of my political stance!
The fact you can't see the irony in this is quite sad
Bad design is still design.
Bloodborne is an exclusive, so it's automatically the best thing ever made.

Just like Demon's and DaS1 before the PC port.
Nope, as far as I know the volcano isn't anywhere to be seen in the actual game world.

If I'm wrong, that's cool, but I'm very sure that I am not
>supposedly Miyazaki's greatest piece of work
sonybros are desperate to justify their purchase
All Souls games have shit hitboxes. DS3 is the only exception because they changed the way the game handles hitboxes, inadvertently making it so that you can roll through AoE attacks which is just silly.
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>Are you seriously trying to discuss "design" in a game where the devs couldn't even figure out how to keep NPCs from walking off of map edges?

To be fair that is true for a lot of games, including other Souls games.
Honestly. It just doesn't feel good unless you upgrade it. Even disregarding combat.

Making the game more difficult by messing with the player's movement is really quite disgusting in comparison to making the game more difficult by actually making the game more difficult. And your character's ability.
Knowing From's legendary competence, it was more likely to be an accident.
It's definitely better than DaS2 and 3
>Passive-aggressive sarcasm -the post
Quality argumentation. With your logic ds1 is too easy because you can keep farming the first few hollows until max level and the game is too easy as a result. >Hurr durr I don't understand that these games let you pick your own difficulty dynamically
This is basically you
I love Bloodborne. It's a great game. But the fact remains that if it was multiplat and on PC it would get shitposted to no end.
Okay well that's what they did in Dark Souls 3. They gave you mega rolling and made the enemies take your whole stamina bar to kill.
>It's MADE for you to use them all the time, that's why you get ONE estus at the start.
says who? you're the one bitching about how its made the game so fucking easy. Maybe you should git gud and get through the fucking tutorial with your one estus.

>Leaving it up to the player to fix the game
Are you mentally retarded? New players are clearly going to have a hard time, which is why they're ok with gems. You're the one bitching about the gems, you clearly dont fucking like them cause they're ruining your tryhard experience. How are you so fucking stupid that you stop yourself from using them?
To be fair, even shitshows like Darksiders didn't have enemies, including bosses, blithely walking off of cliffs to their deaths.
>better than 3 with silky smooth 24 fps
top kek
anything is better than DS2
You didn't address any of his shit in your post and now you're trying to obfuscate the argument, nice one you giant faggot.
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BB > DS2 > DeS > DS3 > DaS

>level design
DaS > DS2 >> BB > DeS > DS3

BB > DS2 >> DaS > DeS > DS3

DS2 > DaS > DeS >> BB > DS3

DS2 > DeS >>> Shit = DaS = DS3 > BB

literally the best
Hello hbomberguy.
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>fps is the only thing matters in a game
Yeah obviously it sucks when it dips but that happens in literally every souls game
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Bet he put all of his points into ADP.
They made rolling in Dark Souls 3 quite strong indeed. Even in comparison to before. And it might not have been necessary to that extent though that's its own debate.

But yeah they did. And generally speaking, that's a design principle I much prefer.
Holy shit this is some really, really fucking bad taste. Why do you hate quality?
The only correct opinion on here is pvp, sort of
DaS3 is a shitty Bloodborne cash-in and this is instantly noticeable if you played them in order.
Yeah DaS3 is really uninspired compared to BB and DaS, it's funny though because I still think it's better made than DaS2 in most aspects
I never had trouble with ds2 movement, it's just a different beast to the other souls games. If it didn't say dark souls on the title people would praise it for improving on souls games mechanics
BB is a great game with a lot of technical flaws
the framerate is consistently shitty, you have to own a PS4 and pay for online if you want to actually summon people
i was actually considering buying a used PS4 just to play it till I remember about PS+
I meant it had good level design. The enemy placements were pretty good. The areas themselves were fun to explore and we're expansive without being to labrinyth like. The areas were fairly diverse in themes and mechanics. And you were generally free to backtrack often enough and do the areas in whatever order you wanted (even if it wasnt optimal, or required)

Maybe not the best in the series, although to me it was. But certainly really good level design regardless.
Having to own a PS4 and get cucked by Sony isn't a technical flaw with BB

It's worth it for me because there quite a few other games I got for it. Buying a console for one game is really dumb
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You complain that lifegems are op and make the game too easy without understanding that using them is optional, just like using summons, farming mobs to overlevel, killing every mob from a mile away with a bow etc.

Every souls game has ways of making the gameplay trivially easy, why are you so stuck on lifegems and can't stop using them or why aren't you complaining about the other training wheel mechanics?
People would still shit on the rolls. They would.
I might even agree that they did other movement related things better. But the rolls are worse. They are.
I really disagree, most levels in DaS2 are extremely boring and many of them are just checking boxes. The levels aren't bad at all when compared with most games, but my expectations were sorely missed by the game after playing DeS and DaS
Ay yo hol up.
Is there an actual article to go with that video or did they just post a video? How lazy can you get?
>le you're just bad git gud hahah lel argument

I hardly fucking ever used lifegems in my first playthrough. I forgot about them and didn't want to use them because I thought they were dumb. Doesn't mean I can't still call them shitty.
Think about why life gems and a tiny estus would be included at all.

Because life gems are easy to get a shitload of and estus is not, so start the game with the player relying on items that are easy to farm and have them transition to estus later once it's upgraded.
This is also so that when you're making runs to boss door, you don't have to use your limited estus before getting to the door.

This IN THEORY works, but they also included multiple levels of scaling lifegem.
They fucking obviously meant for you to use those, and they could have easily made it so you can't use lifegems during bosses but they didn't.

Le choose ur difficulty works when you're allowed to choose how much you kindle. It does not work when the game is throwing these items at you left and right off of bodies and random items around the world, very clearly intending you to use them.
Get your head out of your ass and stop thinking you're better than everyone else, because you're not. Not using lifegems does not make you so amazing and hardcore, fucking everyoen who played DaS1 probably ignored lifegems most of the time.

To summon phantoms, the ACTUAL training wheels in each game, you have to put yourself at risk of invasion.
Oh except in DaS2 where you can be invaded at any time, haha yeah dude this game just has training wheels just throw them off dude.
They're definitely just not incompetent fuckwads who had no idea what they were doing and constantly destroyed carefully-balanced systems they didn't understand.
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>tfw I picked bandit leveled ADP to 10 and have literally never had a problem with the shock-wave meme
They should of straight up told you in the help section of the menu that ADP increase i-frames. Would of saved them a heaps of totally justified anger.
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The shining is trash because it says nothing of value.
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>23 fps
Lifegems were not in DaS1, I assume you meant 2
It's the only game in the series where you actually need to time rolls no matter how much you invest in making them strong. Especially after ds3 I've come to appreciate how tight you had to roll in ds2
Post discarded. Good night.
>had gone through a few NG+s before they did the patch that added him in
>go to light the first bonefire he pops up in
Fucker about gave me a heartattack
bullshit, sargon is a man who doesn't get upset he just has strong opinions get fucked hater,
No, I meant 1. I forgot about lifegems all the time because I had played 1 and never thought about lifegems.
I'm saying that anyone who played 1 and is experienced with the series wouldn't use lifegems much.
Eh I didn't find it anymore difficult than in 1, it's just shitty they tied iframes to a stat when it should've stayed consistent.
Really enjoyed rolling around in he desert slut outfit with a BKUGS yhough
I'd rather have rolls with 0 i-frames but actually good movement desu.
Being able to time rolls to roll through attacks when you still roll like a pathetic boulder, still isn't all that interesting. It feels wrong every time even if you succeed.
Uhhh, you're just a cuck.
>Boo hoo I don't like invasions they make the game too hard
>I still think it's too easy because lifegems
>Lifegems are totally different to using humanity/effigies to summon training wheels because reasons
Just no.
Makes sense. Yeah I didn't use them first couple of times through DaS2 (I still didn't find it very difficult, just more unfair in many cases) and eventually after I hit NG+3 I started spamming them all the time, it was often easier than chugging
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>To summon phantoms, the ACTUAL training wheels in each game, you have to put yourself at risk of invasion.
Very moot point considering people just popped humanity at fog gates.

Even more of a moot point once you remember invasions were neutered anyways.
I agree that more high fidelity movement and no iframes would be cool in a game but it's not the souls series if you change such a core gameplay element
It's not that hard to time dodges. But you will make a ton more mistakes than in the other games.
And it has less to do with having fewer I-Frames. And much more to do with how the game doesn't have a consistent value for I-Frames.

You'll have shit or great I-Frames and having to repeatedly re-asses your characters level of I-Frames as you progress through the game, works against you ever falling into a good groove from having grown acutely accustomed your character's movement over a long period of time.
If I put together an hour long analysis and why my shit actually smells good, would people believe it too?
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>It's the only game in the series where you actually need to time rolls no matter how much you invest in making them strong. Especially after ds3 I've come to appreciate how tight you had to roll in ds2
The Souls games should have had more qt elfs.
Invasions are way worse in DaS2 than in DaS1 and the trend continued into DaS3 where invasions are absolute shit
DaS1 invasions favored the invader a bit too much but from started sucking Abby cock in 2
I leveled my agi to 105 and stuck to that for all subsequent playthroughs and PvP characters. I agree that the change of such invisible stat is bad in practice, but I blame that on the lack of communication on how many iframes you get or even that ADP gives you iframes in the first place
Jesus christ you're obsessed with thinking you're better than other people.
The invasions are stupid because they make no sense, the entire point of invasions was to create a counterbalance around going human.
That's why it works that way in every fucking game except 2, because the idea is that being human is a huge boost in your options but also puts you at risk.

Allowing you to be invaded at any time just means that randomly some asshole will show up and fight you. That's it. It's no longer an intricate way of making the player choose between risk and reward, it's just generic PvP.
And I never fucking said anything about the game being too easy, not one single time. YOU said that. What I said is that they throw off the way healing is meant to work and make the designers put in retarded shit like Smelter AOE and Harvest Valley.
They're a completely worthless addition that could ONLY have done harm and it's a shock it didn't turn out even worse, and the only reason they didn't is because B-team had the sense to learn SOMETHING from DeS and not making life gems instant.

That's fucking why healing isn't instant in 2, because they threw in so many healing items that they HAD to make healing slow, and when your game design comes down to "we have to make something less enjoyable so that it doesn't break the game" then you've fucked up.
It's the exact same reason you can teleport from the start, because they made a shitty world and patched it up awith a bandaid.
>being human is a huge boost in your options but also puts you at risk.
There are literally no downsides to playing as beef jerky in DaS1.
Ds2 is perfectly fine invasion wise and since the PvP is actually balanced it's miles better than ds1 in every aspect. Sure it sucks to not have an uncracked red orb but you also gotta remember you are always vulnerable to invasions, hollow or not.
WAIT wait
Did somebody at Polygon actually play the game through? Meaning with their hands controlling the character?

I thought they just walk into walls and shit on anything that doesn't play itself.
To be fair DaS2 had a very tumultuous dev cycle that really helps explain a lot of the bizarre decisions
summoning, fuckwit
I don't think I'm better than other people. I'm just calling you out for your double standard
Which would've been okay with a few changes, the biggest of which being SM, which literally fucks everything. Sure, the ring was a nice addition but it came way late.
Remember when lightning wasn't worthless?
Yeah I know. I remember when it was ridiculously powerful. But do you remember when it wasn't worthless?

What a time that was. Nerfed to fucking shit and then never good in DaS3 ever. Meaning that the nerf in DaS2 was what killed lightning forever.

Why does From Software hate lightning?
>Wahhh mommy people aren't playing the way I want them to!

Seriously, can you read your shit before posting? How fucking retarded are you?

>It does not work when the game is throwing these items
>I hardly fucking ever used lifegems in my first playthrough
clearly it worked on you considering you said you were able to control yourself from using them, now you're just bitching about how others play the game

>This is also so that when you're making runs to boss door, you don't have to use your limited estus before getting to the door.
Literally in DS1 you can pretty much run past almost every single enemy to the boss door. Miracles do your work for ya as well.

>Not using lifegems does not make you so amazing and hardcore
Yet you're still fucking upset when other people use them. Seriously, you enjoy getting pissed over nothing?

>They fucking obviously meant for you to use those
Yet you didnt use them. Seriously I doubt many people use all those consumables.

>phantoms are permitted as training wheels but lifegems aren't


>muh poisons
Do you consider farming rats or vine men gamebreaking as well?
As I said, no downsides.
>b-b-but boo hoo, muh saving Onionbro, muh feels! ;___;
I don't care.
How the fuck does it play like demons?
Demons souls plays like Das1 with SLOWER enemies and bosses.

Seriously how the FUCKING fuck do you think das2 plays anything like demon's souls?

And if you mean just central hub area and warping, FUCK you.
Literally everyone can play through the series with summons and cheese.

>playing games

not fuckin' likely.
Not an argument.
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A Shitty Souls Game, I'm sure
>The Tales of Miracles: Utility/Support
As most of you all know, miracles are a power that can be utilized for combat and healing purposes through the caster's faith in a certain god. The power of these miracles are granted to casters by reading tales that bring about revelation.

Also some of the item descriptions give away the origin of the miracles which happened in fact through prayers but with the help of the gods:

Miracles are fruit of the study of divine tales, a blessing received from the gods, through acts of prayer.

>Sunlight Spear

"Miracle born from the fading soul of Gwyn. Hurl sunlight spear.
In the war that marked the dawn of the Age of Fire, Gwyn wielded these rays of sunlight, which remains fierce even as they fade."
"A miracle that launches a spear of sunlight.
Powered with immense wondrous souls.
One of the ancient original miracles, said to have existed from infancy of the very world."
"Miracle of Gwyn, the First Lord. Hurls a sunlight spear.
The tales of Gwyn's Archdragon hunts describe the inception of the Age of Fire."
Alright lads, post your (You)s for this thread.

23 here, I love trolling DS2 fuckwits.
>implying anybody who will vehemently defend DaS2 has played Demons
You know what? Yes. That is the biggest problem with that system in that game. Summoning is a big deal but there's nothing preventing you from running to the boss door as fast as possible, summoning there, and running in the door.
This is something that's always been an issue, but Demon's Souls did it the best. You had half health, and if you wanted to mitigate that somewhat, you needed to use up a valuable ring slot.

Clearly they wanted to change the system from DeS because what ended up happening was everyone was just running around with the Cling Ring on.
They definitely overcompensated for it though and made summoning the only reward for being human.

DaS2's slowly reducing health was a really cool idea but just doesn't goddamn work because you can still be invaded at any time.

DaS3 going back to the DeS system, albeit nerfed and with no Cling Ring, is probably the best compensation.
But then they went full retard and made it so that the only way to be invaded is if you have phantoms, so basically now there's no downside to NOT being human.
Fuck, you can just ember right in front of the boss door, it's even worse than 1's situation.

I don't know how From manages to come so close to fixing problems every single game and then falls right back down the stairs.
I don't think anyone defends soul memory. Personally I just finished a character and copied the save on low SM to reload from to avoid the issue. Same thing in ds3 with limited respecs, though that game died so fast and the PvP was so shit I never played much of it.
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Okay, I watched first 10 minutes of that video and he just complaining about how casual he is and can't play without 99 lifegems. The rest of it probably about Soul Memory and how good world can be without invaders. I'm not wasting my life on this.
7 :(
DaS2 apostles like to ignore shit like SM when they bring up the positives of the game though.
Every step forward in DaS2 normally came with a couple steps back
>Sure, the ring was a nice addition but it came way late.
The ring didn't stop me from dropping the game.
I levelled my character to the level I wanted. And my soul memory was at a great level relative to my soul level. So I figured it was time to equip the ring.

And all of a sudden the game sucked
>-1 ring slot for the remainder of the game
>no more souls ever
>nothing more to shop ever
>unable to collect armours or special weapons since they cost souls

Like seriously. The ring fixes jack shit. It's literally the point the game completely and utterly fucks itself.
You basically have to choose between either having Soul Memory slowly fuck your game more and more until the poison reaches critical mass and kills your save. Or having the ring kill the game for you.

The agape ring kills progression. And basically takes the joy out of most other accomplishments of the game.
I played like one boss or two after putting on the ring. And then I just quit the game. Haven't picked it up since.
Sounds like the From MO to be honest.
>Personally I just finished a character and copied the save on low SM to reload from to avoid the issue
Shadow bans are real bro.
Let's face it, you probably dropped the game because you couldn't beat Pursuer
I would argue that DaS expanded positively on DeS in most aspects, whereas DaS2 and DaS3 had mostly negatives
I agree wholeheartedly. I was hoping for ds3 to bring the good of ds2 without the shit and add it to ds1 pve with bb graphics so I wouldn't have to say that ds2 is my favourite game in the series. Oh how wrong I was, and ds2 despite all it's flaws still remains as the one with most redeeming qualities for me
__________________GIT GUD__________________
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>Those 2009 graphics
>copy paste Boss and NPC
I was soul level 150 or 175 or whatever it was. I honestly can't remember the soul levels and soul memory tiers of the game.
But the pursuer is a ridiculously early game fight.

Did you think I equipped the ring at soul level 20 or something?
>watching Joseph Anderson videos
>baby noises in the background
That was pretty cute
>muh balance
You dont fucking get to decide that. Bitch as much as you want, but all that's in the gray area as what may make it better or worse.

>And I never fucking said anything about the game being too easy,

thats literally the entire fucking basis of your lifegem bitching. Explain why you hate lifegems again without "balance" cause clearly you dont get to fucking decide that.
when the fuck
>I levelled my character to the level I wanted. And my soul memory was at a great level relative to my soul level.
You do realise this only happens if you keep dying without picking up your souls repeatedly. I hope you understand what this implies
>You do realise this only happens if you keep dying without picking up your souls repeatedly. I hope you understand what this implies
What? By great I meant good. As in desirable. Relative to my soul level. Meaning that I had a low soul memory relative to my soul level.

My character was a success. I only failed to pick up souls twice. And one of the times I barely lost any souls from it. I do remember how I lost a huge sum of souls on the other fuck up though, but all things considered. It was good.
>make a faith build in DS3
>only decent scaling spell is lightning blade
>buffs are decent
>miracles cost more FP than spells or pryomancy, do similar or less damage than pyro spells on same chracter
>extra damage in melee range
>almost always not worth trading, R1's with lightning blade are safer and more reliable
To be fair, the buffs are fantastic for PvE and fighting invaders, heal miracles do ridiculous healing at high levels, and you can cheese bosses with pyromancy, but it would be nice if offensive miracles weren't mostly useless, or at least a lot cheaper
I hope they rework spells into tomes that got an entire moveset of spells to them. Only have the ranged/powerful ones consume mana like weapon arts
mite b neat, but i'd also take more stuff like the aquamarine dagger, or just interesting weapons for int builds besides slapping buffs on a low requirement weapon
I'm ok with soul memory. In the end of it all you reach the end soul memory levels and you still find people to pvp with on the iron bridge. After that you can keep collecting souls forever, continue to level up forever and try out all sorts of new shit.

I liked this more than ds1 because purposely taking pvp into consideration, you have to carefully select shit for builds. I made a lv 100 sorcerer build, did a bunch of pvp and quit afterwards because it felt stale after a while. The souls you collect goes to nothing, and if you were to level up more, you would not find pvp anymore.
The dlc weapons were what I expected all the weapons in ds3 to be like. I hope their next game is not rushed and actually goes into that much depth
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he's fuck ugly
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