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How's the DLC? Is it just some bloody palace arena where

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Thread replies: 268
Thread images: 74

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How's the DLC? Is it just some bloody palace arena where you slaughter helpless robots because you're level 99?
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I-I want you to do it, 2B
like clockwork
I wanna fuck 2B
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>where you slaughter helpless robots because you're level 99
more like where you get raped by level 130 shade tank

there's also a bit of lore about machines
mega cringe
spoil it within spoilers
I know its bait, but you got me 6/10 u little shit
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just watch dlc playthrough nigga
it's really nothing important, just amazarashi video tie-in
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This outfit alone is worth it.
>the fan art will market the DLC
>the ass in-game in that outfit is actually significantly smaller than the ass in the original outfit
All according to keikaku.
It would be if it was 2B wearing it and not Kaine with 2B's head.
Not really, 2B's base outfit is sexier.
Anyone else think huge asses are disgusting?
low test
you're one step away from going full faggot
There are probably some more people, yeah
That's some high quality posting on /v/ gentlemen...
Irish pride
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hello ireland
Theres a limit to when a big ass becomes disgusting, but neither of those pics are at it.
You're just gay.

tumblr meme game
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Is it?
I like asses but that is fucking disgusting
praise the sun
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see now thats the part where it starts getting disgusting...
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>you will never have a personal android to sit on your face
If only I was born a century later
she would crush your skull
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>9S is going to kiss all over that butt after ending E
You onow she weighs 400 pounds right? Fake muscle and tissue must be made frm really fucking durable shit.
2B is shit and the worst character in the game It's like Taro said "alright we have this waifubait protagonist to sucker in the horny weeb audience, how do we make her a compelling character. I know, let's make the only interesting part about her character hidden until the ending, which doesn't even change anything other than make you feel sad."
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you can look at her interesting parts at any time
Seriously though, is the DLC any good?
It's alright
it's just fighting and fanservice

play a real action game
New outfit
New ending
Meme boss fight agaisnt square and platinum CEO.
She's got a shapely ass though, not like one of those lumpy monstrosities you usually see.
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>playing through the game again
>Pascal's village in route C
>talking to all of the machines to make sure I don't miss any side quest as it ends abruptly
>head down to Big Sister machine
>as soon as I initiate dialogue the Pascal track is swapped out for Mourning
>she says her sister was found dead in the desert
>have to talk to the rest of the machines with the overbearing mourning playing in the background while I know what's about to happen

What happened the Little Sister machine though? Why did she decide to fuck off the desert again after what happened last time?
Kys faggot, you're the reason why everyone thinks this game is weeb waifubait trash that's only good for the ass.

>like asses
>hate anal

What's wrong with me?
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oh god what
how i've missed that
it's not? sacrebleu
Nothing. Asses are nice and soft, anal is literally fucking shit
fuck you
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>not cleaning it out before anal or anything fetishy involving the ass
do you have brain damage?
Have you never heard of Bloody Palace from DMC?

Not even mad that you have no taste for a big round ass. Feel sorry for your lack of interest. You're lacking the instincts real men have.

I love asses but the first thing I think of is not fucking her asshole. If your first priority is her ass before her pussy, you most likely would fuck any gender.
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>If your first priority is her ass before her pussy, you most likely would fuck any gender.
>Big shapely tight ass
this is good
>Big dimpling sagging cheeks
this is bad
>you most likely would fuck any gender
who wouldn't?
>random letter are capitalized
What did He mean by that?
I can't be assed to play this game because it looks the only thing it has going for it is a waifu who isn't really that attractive
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It's actually really good anon
Just have her flip over and bury your face in the goods.
So is this the only DLC we can expect? If not, I can't imagine what else could be added besides more story.
It's a fore shadowing to how they are all stuck in a 'loop' she must always go out in the wild to help big sister.
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No shit its an opinion you stupid fuck maybe if more of the gameplay was shown instead of pushing some robo-bitch I would probably give it a chance.

Like I said I haven't seen the gameplay since the main focus is just a phat ass robot. Doubt seeing it would change my opinion since it sounds like she was the main focus of the entire game
what if she clenches her butt cheeks and rip your nose off? no, thanks
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more backstory
post more FEET
You play as the male character for the majority of the game.
Absolutely patrician anon. Asses are for grabbing and squeezing, maybe some playful smacking. Sticking your dick in the shitter is something completely different.
It's Square. This is all we are getting.
that and rumors abound a new restaurant is opening soon in Japan- if that's the case you better pray this stays shelf otherwise enjoy souless sequels the series.

Not that hard to look up my man.
Its just 330ish pounds.

Fat bitches sit on faces all the time. Just gotta be a bit careful.
>it's a feature
replace "your nose off" with "ass" and I'd be down
I thought was original Nier
Was literally saying this earlier, someone convinced me to try it, its good, anon.
>I haven't seen the gameplay since the main focus is just a phat ass robot
Where exactly haven't you seen it, you dipwad? Platinum combat was the focus of all the trailers.
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Ask Toobie nicely first.
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>since it sounds like she was the main focus of the entire game
What the fuck, how does an ass shot of 2B never fail to make me enter a thread?
>main focus
Lol know, she's not even the main protagonist, it's a MGS2 type of bait and switch. The real main character and by the far the most developed is actually the shota. Gameplay wise it's standard platinum fare, which is mixed with perspecitve changes (top down and side scrolling) and shmup sections. Main praise for me is due to the way the game tells its story, and its excellent music. The best parts of the game don't actually feature 2B
her software isn't adapted for facesitting, she doesn't know what she is doing
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>No shit its an opinion you stupid fuck
My, I seem to have upset your emotional balance.

Problem is, it's a shit opinion. It doesn't bring anything of value to the discussion. It's the kind of opinion you could post on twitter, non an an anonymous imageboard.
You're wrong, there have been tons of threads bitching about how you play as 9S more than 2B.

Lurk more before shitting all over a topic with no knowledge about what's going on.
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Please Miss Toobi, may I see your cute feet!!
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i dunno anon
i haven't even played the game but i can't resist the ass
braap fags must be gassed
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I mean, I thought that was the appeal with it all

Watched a few minutes of the demo. Looks like shit still, I'll leave this thread so you can go back to jerking off to a toaster.

Far from the truth my cock sucking friend
why did you even come here in the first place
>build hype for the "protagonist"
>you play as them for less than half of the game
>the rest is spent mainly playing as a white-haired fuckboy
Is Automata the MGS2 of videogames?
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Oh anon, you never cease to entertain.
At first to shitpost but then I turned around to look for legitimate discussion and it just devolved into waifufagging
>At first to shitpost but then I ended up shitposting
At least you've got consistency.
Automata is Bloodborne of Dark Souls of Nier of Metal Gear Solid 2
Boring fights. Paid 15 dollary doos for outfits, in reality. I feel somewhat ripped off by Yoko Taro now.
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that's kind of what I want
or are you just lowkey admitting you are a sick fuck like me?

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>Do colliseum fights, pretty fun
>nice outfits
>that cool flashback section with the robots
>that weird as fuck music video
I like it.
>a sick fuck like me
if by that you mean having pokemon reaction images, then no
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what anime is this>>375773443
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>he doesn't browse /vp/
She can squat and just stay in squat mode just as she comes into contact with face. Her robot stamina should just let her assume that position for fucking months without tiring, so no worry.
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dumb poltard thinks asses are instinctual like big tiddies
Vampire Hunter D
>15 bucks for 3 outfits and a Colosseum

eh, I guess western aRPGs have done the same thing.
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Do androids have sweat glands? I need to know for scientific reasons.
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I can tell we'll never be friends.
How come hardly anyone's mentioning the robot section with plato? It doesn't take long, but I thought it was a nice surprise and helps flesh out the content along with the colloseums/costumes.
I haven't even played nier because I never played the first one so there is probably shit I would be unaware of
I'd also rather not attach my main handle to weird fetish shit, so no fetish discords, I frequent the fetish threads on both of the weird boards though

I'll take that as a yes


why are there so many fartfags on /vp/, never really understood why, but it helped me loosen up about it enough to actually join in discussion on the actual fetish threads
God dammit /v/
Daily Life of High School Boys

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you mean the sweat glands? what would be the purpose, just imagine how stinky her feet would get running around in those boots all day haha
shut the fuck up and sit on my face already
Shouldn't have assposted, it attracts waifufags like moths to a flame. An A2 or 2B/9S image generally create better discussion. Also I haven't played the DLC
I cant help but think of loud farting every time I see a nice ass

Thanks a lot
why do the glands sweat
Her boots are her feet
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welcome to the club
Or minus the letters that would normally be capitalized

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Prove me wrong
Protip:you can't
does anybody else think 2B's ass is too thin and angular?
>arena for a game with boring combat
>3 costumes
>15 fucking bucks

fucking kek
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meme bullets actually work in ending E
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Thought I was hot shit until the lvl 99 machine fight and 1 hit kill fight
Also, that destructible Kaine outfit
bloody palace?
If the machine lifeforms were making an ark to fuck off the planet and were even willing to let 9S and android consciousness hitch a ride on it, then why were they such huge dicks to 9S in route C?
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Do you have the comic where 9S asks 2B to call him Onee-chan?
shut the fuck up if he keeps doing that then we get more moneys towards something else at some point.
they changed their mind in the last second
or something, don't think too hard the game doesn't make sense
t. Taro Yoko
Fuck off, Carlos.
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Children like to bully the ones they love
The machine network was tsundere for 9S.
It wasn't originally an ark, it was originally a big laser made to destroy the server on the moon, but they changed their minds after realizing androids are more than just fighting machines or some nonsense like that.
So THAT'S where that music plays:

Did they use it for the DLC?
An enclosed arena where you fight through arrangements of every enemy you've encountered in the past, and perhaps new ones.

Floor 1-19 of random mobs
Floor 20 with the first boss
Floor 21-39 with more difficult random mobs
Floor 40 with the second boss

And so on, until you get to the final fight. Survival mode. A purely gameplay-oriented game mode.
nice video game thread
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Is there an arena with an online scoreboard?
wtf, but then her face is actually cute. why
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Back to the potato fields with ye, Seamus.
>your head will never be sandwiched between those gorgeous asses
Why does that matter? What is it with gen z faggots and having multiplayer aspects in everything
>he doesn't enjoy challenges
Nu-Male detected. Don't worry, you can stay in your save zone.
>implying you need a multiplayer aspect to have a challenge
ok cuck play real games instead of your overwatch garbage
I'm sure you feel good about being compared to some medicore AI enemies.
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If I wanted multiplayer I would pick up a multiplayer game, some games aren't meant to be your little cheevo soapbox that all you gen z shitters enjoy
I bet you have a twitch or some youtube channel garbage also
Rope yourself.
>being a newfag
Kill yourself
When someone uses an @ it implies they refuse to give a "You" to someone
normally used against a person who is baiting or trolling it's been around for a while anon
>calling her asshole her lower mouth
I want the vorefags to leave
that thread from the other day was amazing though
N2 had an obsession/crazy love for him. She wanted him vulnerable enough to be infected before he got to the tower. It's in the weapon stories:

Virtuous Grief:

I see you in my sleep.

Restless sleep.

My heart flies to pieces each time I wake.

I burn to see you in the real world.

I hunt for the woman who pines for you.

The scream pleases me.

Your body and heart shall be mine.

Your heart. I long for it.

Yet it does not return my love in kind.

All you care for is your cold, dead wife.

So I must at least take your body.

Your head is mine. Beautiful head.

The eyes that scorned me are so lovely now.

Hate me if you like. Begrudge me all.

You are still mine forever.

Cruel Lament:
I take up the sword and battle for you.

My heart knows not fear,

instead burning with a love strong and pure.
I swing my sword for you,

spattered blood across my sleeve.

I smile as the chaos continues,
I brandish my sword for you.

Victims uncountable. Victims beyond measure.

Their dying wails become the song of my sleep.

I cry out "Give me your head!"

I capture you as you flee and take it.

I do all this for you. For you. For you.

...Who are you?
Also almost forgot. Simone's song is what plays when 9S first meets N2 in the tower.
It even has the mole.

Asses stink and it's where shit comes from

You're either a nigger or a closet fag if you like such
so.... how wass the DLC?
Not disgusting but I'm not that into it desu. No homo. It's just a meme at this point.
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>can't rewatch gathering keepsakes without the floodgates opening

Is it just me?
Literally the opposite of a 2D fat girl, she's cute but she looks like staypuft
Pussies stink and it's where piss comes from
You're either a nigger or a closet fag if you like such
You're the same faggit who hates titty monsters too huh
Kek, this. Also, not everyone is unhygienic as the person you replied to.
I was all set to get it before I found out that its a bodyswap of Kaine and not actually 2B's butt.
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Anyone actually manage to do this fight legitimately or do I just suck?
Is the character on the right in the game, and can I play as her?
Does it have more mechanics than the regular fight?
No. 2B dies halfway through the game btw
she has a goliath biped assist and she uses her lower mouth attacks from the start
From a different game I think.
I don't really care, I just want to know if its worth buying to stare at butts. If its not, I'll wait for the crack, thanks.
>tfw you deleted your save
Support the game if you want more butts in the future.
I'll support it when I know there are more butts in the future.
It's one long fight where you barely do damage, you get one shot even on normal, you have a time limit, even more bullet spam, boss gauntlet (pretty sure Simone has a couple extra attacks), and since it's all one fight, if you fall you have to start over from the beginning. And there's tons of mooks that will still push your shit in. I suppose it's possible to do but I'm not ashamed to admit I can't without debug mode. Shame since I like the neon white hair color
It's not, play senran or neptunia if you want fanservice.
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remember kids, if you think A2 should've won the fight, you've fucked over all three of them
is being level 99 for the dlc still pose a challenge?
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tfw you started a new game and got to experience A and B again while understanding the suffering
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mfw I backed up my save
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The commander is best grill and has best butt and cutest feet and if you disagree you are literally part of the machine network and gay.
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>does literally nothing wrong
>tries to do the right thing
>unintentionally ruins everything

Being A2 is suffering
See >>375795327
Haven't been able to do it. It's it's kind of like fighting that level 50 enemy on the quest as 2B in A. Except that's all the enemies. And it's hell. Also, Simone has a new hacking minigame.
its my fault that she can onyl really think of KILL MACHINE
Is that a fucking shade? Does the DLC have story content, or is that just part of some arcade-like feature?
thanks! can't wait to play this dlc! although i have to start a new game again.

so are all apologetic bots' elevators unlocked for this dlc? will we still get more?
post some 2b in kaine outfit
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Fucking A this game keeps teaching me more lore everytime i think i got it all.
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N2 likes 9S where did that come from
So how are people here getting a solid 60fps on pc?
I downloaded that FAR thing, but I can only get 60 on low settings (i7 4790 & gtx980). Playing at 1440p what else can I do?
There's some lore but nothing significant. The fight is one multi round gauntlet against mooks and a shade version of the tank, Simone, So-Shi, and Adam and Even. It's found in the flooded city coliseum.

All of the coliseums are unlocked. Six trials each with a bonus fight. One is what I described, the one in the desert is kill as much as you can in 5 minutes.

Haven't done the forest.

Maybe it gets explained after clearing all the coliseums but I'm assuming it was just for fans
Buy a better graphics card.
Do you know where are the doors to the arenas?

I know they were those doors with the apologetic robots, but I made them explode and now I completely forgot where the doors are.
>Playing at 1440p
There's your answer. I have a 970 and a shitty AMD cpu and at 1080p I get mostly 55-60 with some drops to 40-45 in particularly intense fighting.
Nice feet
Yummy. That's the kinda mouth I'd make out with.
Lol i get 50-60 at 4k on a 1070
Desert ruins, head to your 10 o'clock when you first enter the desert.

Behind a waterfall in the forest

And the flooded city is easy to find, be a big boy now.

Also, the forest coliseum is basically machine on machine duels
post cute 2b arts
enough lewd shit
asses can be cute
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stop being gay.
>980 @ 1440p
I get max graphics at like 90+ GPU usage with a 980 at 1080p. Good luck with 1440p.
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So why are the Amusement Park machines all fucked up now? Did I miss something? I was passing through to get some fish and then go to Pascal's village and they're all like that machine in the stamp collecting quest.
>this game is weeb waifubait trash that's only good for the ass.
That is actually true though.
Please explain the concerts and plays selling out and being hailed as absolute gold then senpai. They've done so well it may actually get NA and EU performances. You gonna try to claim it's all bout dat ass when it sells out broadway and LA venues?
2A/B/E is actually Kaine. Plays confirm.
Kaine has been rebuilt and her personality and memories chipped away at with every reiteration for 10,000 fucking years.

If you don't play Automata you are not a Taro fan. I had a feeling... But fuck man...
What the fuck how did I not see this I feel like I need to replay the whole game now. Also holy shit do NOT READ THAT SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED THE GAME
You're right I should have put more of a warning on that, it really does change how I feel about a lot of aspects of the game. Will Kaine's suffering ever end?
>you have to watch some concerts or fucking plays to understand the full story
Yeah no thanks
Nier automata strategy guide book, it had 50 questions for yoko taro so heres the translation

Q12. Please tell us about all the YoRHa types.
B -> Battler
S -> Scanner
A -> Attacker
D -> Defender
H -> Healer
E -> Executioner
By the way, G stands for Gunner. I think there’s another type as well, but I can’t quite recall…
A and G were prototype models, and were integrated into the B model for production use. Also, prototype models’ types have the numeric and alphabetical parts switched, like A2.
Q16. Why are emotions prohibited for YoRHa?
There are two reasons for that. First, during the descent operation depicted in the YoRHa stage play (that A2 participated in), A2 went into hiding after the battle due to emotions. Because of that, emotions were deemed unnecessary for combat and were subsequently banned. The YoRHa squad members only know that ‘emotions were deemed unnecessary at some point in the past’ but not any details. Another reason is that YoRHa units have black boxes. The fact that black boxes are a product of enemy technology is a subject of much shame to androids. The one who created the YoRHa forces decided that units with such a tainted origin ‘should not be allowed to act in the same way as the noble humans’, and banned emotions when YoRHa was officially established.
Furthermore, to account for having black boxes, YoRHa units were implanted with a powerful program that compels them to love humanity (this is taking into account the possibility of a unit going rogue). YoRHa units salute using their left hands instead of right because they themselves are conscious of ‘not being allowed to mimic the actions of such noble beings as humans’.
>I have no culture or taste
k broski, you live a shallow as fuck life.
Q43. Why did A2 kill the forest king right after her sudden appearance?
A2’s goal is to destroy machine lifeforms, so she decided to destroy the forest king after hearing that the ruler of the forest was a machine lifeform. Though A2’s main goal is not the destruction of YoRHa units, she will destroy them if they chase after her. A2 continues to fight due to her oath with her comrades who fought with her during the descent operation, and especially her promise with number 4, who saved her life.
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>They do not have them right after their ‘birth’. Since reproductive organs were hidden in most of the information from humans, they failed to copy those organs. However, during their learning process, they may gain body parts that serve as reproductive organs. Since they can copy anything, they can create semen, change their sex, and even mimic pregnancy to a certain extent, but since they cannot become truly organic lifeforms, they will not be able to undergo insemination or mitosis. They can only create very convincing imitations of the real thing using other materials.

>tfw Taro actually confirms toobie comes with whatever set of genitals you wish for
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Nier 3 shut down boys

Q49. Do you have any ideas for a sequel? Any offers from Square Enix so far?
>want to replay the game on harder difficulty
>remember the open world that just pads out the runtime and is incredibly bland
>remember the quest design which boils down to glorified fetch quests
>remember that the combat isn't nearly as good to carry a 30+ hour game
>remember that at the end of the day the story is pointless because nothing is truly at stake, there is no momentum and the game just throws stuff at you like "and heres THIS!"

Guess I'll just listen to the OST for years to come instead
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>all this vague stuff
>while also very specific pre and post story stuff

I hate you so much Taro
It sold a million copies and they don't have money WTF
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I'd give them all my money for a night spent
if theres a 9S included too
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>Q4. Do androids, as well as Adam and Eve, have reproductive organs? Do they use them?

>They do not have them right after their ‘birth’. Since reproductive organs were hidden in most of the information from humans, they failed to copy those organs. However, during their learning process, they may gain body parts that serve as reproductive organs. Since they can copy anything, they can create semen, change their sex, and even mimic pregnancy to a certain extent, but since they cannot become truly organic lifeforms, they will not be able to undergo insemination or mitosis. They can only create very convincing imitations of the real thing using other materials.
Nier Gestalt/Replicant remastered when?
>A2 is a sassy cunt
>2B doesn't want people checking out her ass
Being in character like that turns me on
I wish i was 9S in this situation and that 2B would fart all over my face
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im gonna need a source to that
>he doesnt like ass
thanks for that bro
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Why is Taro so /fa/?
Is it the scarf?

>permanent cargo pants

its the scarf, I wish I could buy one like it.
CPY wen
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What did he mean by this?
He needs Google god, duh.
>Pussies stink and it's where piss comes from
>You're either a nigger or a closet fag if you like such

Urine is sterile
No bacteria in a vagoo will harm you compared to what's in shit

You shouldn't be licking it anyway. It's for putting your dick in.

You can't like vagoo and be a fag.
YoRHa was actually founded by google (god).
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>when you realize YoRHa outfits are gothic lolita black because they're funeral attire
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>Liking asses

Thats gay.
Now fuck off back to /lgbt/
liking asses =//= liking anal

No go back to Dublin.
liking anal =/= gay
SHould this DLC best be played with a new save or one that's already in the end game?

I think I'm about level 80.
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>just imagine how stinky her feet would get running around in those boots all day haha.
Y-yeah, right!? It's not like I'm one of those sick individuals that would be totally turned on by something like that!
I mean... c-come on! who would ever wish to bury his face in her still moist, pantyhose clad, deliciously fragrant feet and inhale profusely?
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Weiss explains NieR to Nier.png
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>Shouldn't have assposted
>make thread with normal, SFW image
>no bait edition
>thread dies in an hour
If I made a thread but instead of 2B it's Krystal wearing same revealing clothes and told people to discuss Star Fox games, will the thread reach maximum number of posts like the other explicit anime vidya threads, or will it get deleted?
No one is allowed to have nice things in this game. Though I'd like to know too. The Machine on a break is the only one not a zombie and as far as I know, the others never attack you ever. Unless you're doing that sidequest.
Which ending is canon?
C or D ?
DLC's not worth it for the price, wait for a (big) sale.
>tfw you just know they're banking thousands off of virgin NEETs right now by selling prints
I wish I was a pretty white girl. I'd be loaded by now.
Wait a few months and then buy the novel to find out. Then buy the audio drama incase its retconned. Make sure to grab tickets to the stage play too and pick up the manga while you are there.
Timeline mentions that Ark fired away and Pascal survived.
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>Mpreg Adam/Eve can be a thing
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Q5. Why do androids have a concept of leveling up?
Because this game is an RPG.

Sasuga Taro-senpai.
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I haven't looked at Taroshit since Persona 5 came out, what did I miss?
use berserk loop
you need offensive heal chips then use beserk and spam attacks
I'm sure this will piss some people off
>Q29. Why did 9S give 2B an E-drug before the machine lifeform annihilation battle?
>“Humans on the frontlines used drugs during wars” -9S was simply putting that information into action. There’s not really any deep meaning beyond that.
>not really any deep meaning beyond that.

I know this will.
you fucked up the network after ending A and B
> Plays confirm
how so? explain
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