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China to force online games with loot boxes publicly announce

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2.6 ...Online game publishers shall promptly publicly announce information about the name, property, content, quantity, and draw/forge probability of all virtual items and services that can be drawn/forge on the official website or a dedicated draw probability webpage of the game. The information on draw probability shall be true and effective.

2.7 Online game publishers shall publicly announce the random draw results by customers on notable places of official website or in game, and keep record for government inquiry. The record must be kept for more than 90 days. When publishing the random draw results, some measures should be taken place to protect user privacy.

China actually doing more to protect its people than the US is

How times change
Fucking finally. I hope rest of the world will do the same.

Fuck loot boxes and this pseudo-gambling bullshit.

Legal intervention over in the west when?
The good news for us is that now we can figure out what the drop rates are in most games that are in the west and china.

This will seriously fuck over valve once people realize how the payout on crates is pointless.
That's actually really good.
Japan and South Korea already did this iirc
what are you, a commie? let idiots waste their money
Thank fuck, I hate this shit probability that's hidden and can be changed any time.

>companies exposed for their bullshit drop rates
This shit needs to happen.
The only good thing those slant eyed chinks have ever done

I swear to god Blizzard fucks with the boxes
I heard about this months ago
any idea when this will actually go into effect?>>375699341
>Japan did this

Source. I can't find any of the drop rates for my weeb games.
>China just passed a law that might ease our collective loot-box-induced suffering a little bit. Starting in May 2017, developers will be required to disclose the probabilities underlying infernal mystery cubes in games like Overwatch, Counter-Strike, and Hearthstone.
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So fucking what?
Do you seriously believe knowing their odds would actually stop people with gambling addiction from spending all their money on virtual loot?
If they had common sense they wouldn't be doing that in the first place.
>Deplorable bullshit clearly using gamling psychology that's targeting kids and idiots that don't know any better.

Don't you have some pyramid schemes you should be looking after jew?
>tfw they increase the drop rates for chinese servers and decrease for western servers so no one will ever know
>Do you seriously believe knowing their odds would actually stop people with gambling addiction from spending all their money on virtual loot?
It wouldn't stop people it but it would certainly decrease how much then spend. Since people don't know the drop rates, they think it is much higher than it realistically is.

A knife might have a realistic drop rate of 0.0001% but if the odds were ever released, people would lose hope in getting it.
Most people don't fucking understand probability (see: any XCOM thread), so that won't mean much in terms of lost revenue.
People who this type of "micro" transactions targeted at do not care about probability. They believe in luck.

Chinese food is good though
Wasn't this shit news like half a year ago? Haven't seen anything come out of it so far.
>there is only one type of person who buys into lotto games.

Those are lost causes, having the info out there help prevent people from sinking to that level.
>announce fake drop rates

i dont get why this matters, most of the time its sub 5% for the "jackpot", just because they reveal it doesnt mean they have to change anything else
>This Circular 2017 Nian 5 Yue 1 the effective date.
I'm assuming it only went into effect yesterday.
Good. This has no downside.
That's really how Google Translate handles a fucking date? lmao.

But yes you are correct. Year = 年, Month = 月, Day = 日
This is useless because devs can just set locked drop rates for china and leave the obscure bullshit on for other countries, or simply lie about the drop rates because it's not like the government will inspect their drop rate code to see how it actually works.
well it's good for china, I don't think china was thinking about other countries when they made the policy
China's policy could influence other countries to do the same.
its just another market gimmick/obligation to the law, the publisher can simply lies

You guys realize they're doing this to make THEIR gold farming bullshit easier right? China literally says fuck being fair when it comes to commerce, they're even using their prison population to gold farm.
>they're even using their prison population to gold farm
so you get to play games while in jail? wtf I love china now
Don't you have a bridge to buy?
I'm guessing gacha games had something to do with this
those things are highway robbery if you fall into whaling
>be chink
>commit crime
>go to prison to play vidya for free
Based chinks.

Considering the fact that actual children are involved here, yes.
Nah, they will definitely change the rates between different regions where they aren't required to show the probabilities

I'm pretty sure they do this already in asian versions because asians will whale like total retards at the drop of a hat unlike the west (though some people are getting there)
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>China more based than the West
Blame the lazy millenial parent for not keeping their kid safe from scams then.
>that quality of the article
>sources The Guardian and New York Times
You can't be serious.
You're right
Modern parents are pretty shit at educating their children on this stuff
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>Chinese are smarter than the average western
NEWS @ 11
Chinks are known for lying anon, the only way this would work is if they actually had people crunching the numbers to ensure the numbers the devs are putting out in order to comply with the law are actually true

You just fucking know the devs will put up BS numbers but have the actual probability the same 0.0000000000001% bullshit they've always had.

What would have been better is that they enforce a standard for games so that they use a standardized, plain text table format for any loot and drop tables that a game uses that the government must be able to access and audit at any time without notice, and this information must also be made available to public in its raw, unaltered form. That way there is little to no chance of falsifying tables and drop rates, and its serves the same purpose as this law does.
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>telling the truth
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>video games in prison
Gold farming is serious fucking business in China

It's a legitimate occupation there
>use a standardized, plain text table format for any loot and drop tables that a game uses that the government must be able to access and audit at any time without notice, and this information must also be made available to public in its raw, unaltered form

I don't think any government is going to care or put much effort into children's toys.
ironic that china would come up with something like this
you'd think one of the western companies would do this first but they are probably hemorrhaging monies so fucking hard they cant afford to be just any longer
>vice told me and they're honest!
Do you also believe they walk pet cabbages?
So both the workers and regular people who just play benefit from this hen. Where's the problem exactly?
>Blame the lazy millenial parent for not keeping their kid safe from scams then.

Maybe they should abolish age restriction on alcohol to teach them a lesson.
It would be a start. The masses who suffers the ethanol jew deserves it.
there's definitely ulterior motives. like other anons said, it's likely due to farmers and what not. never trust the yellow rat
>China actually doing more to protect its people than the US is
they only care because vidya hurts productivity for China's top 1%, and think that people knowing their odds of getting grindan items might make them less likely to play grindan gaems
>there's definitely ulterior motives

How the fuck?
protect? how Chinky you are

this is a typical strict enforcement CCP do as always
left to his own, chinks would divide himself into 3 or more countries in constant war.
so yes, it should be this way. i need my cheap chink shit.
This is a good thing.

Lootboxes are you essentially gambling and this needs to be curbed,
Cheap trick to gain more support for the government.

See. Where would you, the shitizens be without us protecting you.
>Lootboxes are you essentially gambling and this needs to be curbed
How about regulating vegas, commie.
If I knew that, I'd never touch premium loot boxes in games. (I don't buy them, btw.)
>China should regulate Vegas
What kind of logic is that?
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There is a spectre haunting vidya
Makes sense. Gambling wasn't allowed for 1700's negro slaves either. Why would chink allow his slave to gamble?
People do act like children sometimes.
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>Games with gacha need to have rates posted since the Granblue incident
>No one cares
>Games with loot boxes need to have rates posted due to protecting citizens from having shit credit ratings from whaling
Aren't they both the same?
I'd have no problem with that.
since when can kids go to vegas and gamble with mommys credit cards
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>commies do commie things
I'm surprised it's not standard practice all over the world. People ppay for that shit but have no way to be sure the rewards are even in the game.
Casinos have to publish their data already, no?
"curbing" gamble is a commie thing to do
they did a similar shit to some phone games where gacha crap is available.
>exploitative psychology doesn't exist
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>being a resposible adult isnt neccessary
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>Casinos have to publish their data already, no?

>tfw the big casino in my city has some bullshit "blackjack plus" rules where the dealer doesn't bust on 22
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>I need the state to think for me and hold my hand so I don't make stupid decisions
>implying adults play video games, which is a children's toy
>if I don't do drugs and he doesn't do drugs, then nobody does drugs, right?
How is that a bad thing exactly?
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Chinese players confirmed for Casuals.
WHat was the Granblue incident again, it sound vaguely familiar, was it a dataminer leaking the actual rates which conflicted with the reported ones?
>Implying adults are the only ones involved here.

You do realize these companies know full damn well they're exploiting kids right?
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>consumer rights are BAD
fucking americans
You don't seem to understand that you can design things that specifically attack certain parts of human psychology which make it very difficult to avoid doing so if you take even 1 step in that direction.

And we've only just really started to discover techniques to do this with. The amount of psychological research many developers of these kinds of games do is dangerous, it stops being about being a responsible adult at that point.
If freedom means a giant dildo in the ass then the claps will gladly spread their cheeks
>implying kids will give a broken fuck about drop rates or understand what they are
>it's ok because they are kids or teenagers and we can take advantage of them while they can't do shit :)
>Allowing your kids to be exploited because you're a parenting failure
How's that different from just handing them over to a pedophile?
>letting your kids play video games
bad parenting desu
fuck are you trying to say?
i dunno
then by your reasoning pedophiles shouldn't be prosecuted as well?
fuck off my dude
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Why they fuck are there so many bootlicking burgerclaps sucking up to the corporate jews?

>m-muh blizzard
fuck off idiot
This is all so they can open a thousand boxes and scalp the shit they get screencap this
stop a lucrative business that can create a lot of job, vegas isnt just gambling, it's tourist attraction with all the hi jinks.
gamblers will organise in secret or go to macau or singapore anyway, lower tax revenue.
some regions physically have nothing to develop: no natural resource, too sparse a population to start an industry, no significant, tourist attraction, not on a trade route, people to poor to leave. Gamble redistribute richfags money to them.

in short, as long as money stay inland, nobody should give a shit.
There was a new years rate up event featuring a new SSR character that increased the chances of SSRs, however the advertisement implied the new character had the same rates as every other SSR. People surveyed their rolls and it was concluded that she didn't have rate-up at all.
I don't give a shit. I'm not faking concern for actual gambling addicts.

I just want to know if I'm horribly unlucky or not, and I'm fucking tired of idiots having endless debates based on small samples and their own anecdotal evidence "hurr I got [rare item] from only 5 boxes it's not that rare" "fuck u man I'm 200 chests in and still don't have my [item]"
How does this even work? The average price of the things inside the boxes costs less than what you paid for.
Thanks for the clarification bro.

My knowledge with Granblue ends with "They had a Event that was Barapandering as hell once".
You know that's basically the case in most of the world and we actually have less problems with youth and alcohol than Americans?
I always find it hilarious how blasphemous American's find it.
AN 16 YEAR OLD HAVING DINNER IN A PUB WITH HIS PARENTS!?!? AND HE HAD A BEER!? ONE DROP AND HE MIGHT DIE. Meanwhile the American'd kid is getting shittered in some dudes basement doing ahot after shot with no idea how to social drink.
I have no idea what lootboxes are because I don't play garbage games. It's basically a pay-to-win scheme except you aren't even assured you're going to get the overpowered item you want? Lmao. Who buys this?
The burgerclapian exists to inhale and worship corporate cock. it has no other purpose in life.
Any cuck that falls for the blizzard meme.
If they don't post the drop rate it's a scam. Why do we need government interference? You know what they say about a fool and their money.
>Inb4 muuh think of the children
You have to be an adult to get a credit card already.
Ha, yeah fuckin nerds!
anybody who play online only games actually
so it's 2 layers of cuckery
I don't give two shits about Vegas or clapistan, this shit's about China and gambling's a shitty jew business.
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>Who buys this?
Retards do. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20748155512?page=1
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>The state going in and forcing companies to be transparent about their shitty microtransactions is now "commie"

Yes, good goyim. Buy more loot boxes, let the free market decide. There's nothing nefarious here, we've only used our top brass psychologists to provide you with maximum enjoyment. Harming children? Merely isolated cases, the result of bad parenting from people who do not have the discipline to look after their kids, they deserved it. Doesn't it feel great when you see that nice sparkling crate? All those delicious sound effects? It just feels good doesn't it?

Why don't you go and buy some right now?
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You are right. Its the childs own fault for falling for the meem
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>implying video games arent already jew in asia
Holy shit it's true. So cash shops weren't Jewy enough, Blizzard had to make it RNG as well?
Imagine going to the store to buy food, except you pay upfront and the clerk gives you a box of random groceries. Guess I'm having toothpaste and pencils for dinner tonight.
Chinks dig that I buy power shit in f2p mmo's
wf i love jews now.
They have to pay SIXTY dollars for the game and then additionally had to pay EIGHTY dollars for a small chance for a piece of content that he wanted.
>muh japanese pachinko MGS
What does this have to do with OP's topic?
If they don't post the probability it's a losing game not rocket science. Some people enjoy gambling knowing it's stacked against them. Whatever to each their own.
But if you know it's bullshit why do you need government interference? How does it effect you, as someone who already knows not to buy them?
As someone who just doesn't buy the cases, it's not like this actually helps me at all. It's just infringing on the rights of thr game creators without actually achieving anything. Gambling addicts will still be addicted. Hobbyists will still spin the wheel. Kids with negligent parents will still be kids with negligent parents. And we will still stay away. You just support shit like this so you can pat yourself on the back and feel good. Everyone knows it doesn't actually achieve everything. But the precedent it would set out west for such corporations is alarming.
>Buying cosmetics anyway
I've done P2W in MMOs. I'd never do it for some cosmetic I may or may not get after spending hundreds of dollars, but when you know you're getting your money's worth of shit in the game, and more if you're lucky, it's alright as long as you're fine with wasting money on the game.
>go to grocery store
>need to pay entry fee
>everything is in random boxes
(((rights))) are different in each countries b4 you burgers mess that up circa 1946
>if you get two of the same item you get "grocery tokens"
>you can exchange 10000 of these tokens for an item of your choice
Name a single disadvantage for the player when the drop rates are released and are visible.
>Guess I'm having toothpaste and pencils for dinner tonight.
No need for that goy, just buy another box of groceries!
Rational thought comes after desire. That's why poor people like some of you prefer to spend money on superfluous things (cigs, vidya, books ...) instead of food or shit like that.
Animals subsist, humans exist.
>chink tellign the thruth when it help them or when it doesn't oppose them
>you can work at the grocery and get some extra grocery boxes
> better work 12 hours a day for a full meal
Casino's can't obfuscate the odds of various things. You can literally google the odds of winning slot machines and you'll get told. The odds of winning at craps is well known. You realise this right?
Venezuela should do this.
There are unalienable natural rights outlined in any decent social contract theory. It's just a matter of to what level they are respected and defended in ewch country. My vocal chords give me freedom of speech not government. Etc. I acknowledge this is a pretty minuscule offence by Chinese standards but still. It also effects incentives and efficiency of companies when you start coming in with stuff like this.
there is none. But Blizzard/Valve/Riotgames etc are all people too, with rights that don't want to post them. The policy would obviously achieve nothing. So you are just ignoring their rights for whatever stupid reason, not to achieve anything for customers but simply to feel good about it or stick it to successful people or whatever.
my casino has special games that are rigged against the player. the dealer doesn't even bust on 22
In venezuela you wait up to 20 hours for a random chance at food, one girl waited 16 and got a can of milk.
>The policy would obviously achieve nothing
it would switch to more grinding and more expensive microtransaction to offset the number of (((lost))) sales in lootboxes.
The odds of craps can be determined mathematically without putting a gun to thr casinos head amd demanding spit it out. Casinos have varying degrees of regulations, but that doesn't mean it's right and they don't have to post it on thr machine pretty much anywhere.
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>But Blizzard/Valve/Riotgames etc are all people too, with rights that don't want to post them.

This bootlicking has gone too far. Fuck off shill.
Gambling addiction is a sickness and corporations that exploit sick people are scum. Loot crates are gambling disguised as gameplay, they should be treated exactly like gambling. You're making excuses for exploitative scumbags getting through legal loopholes.
There wouldn't be any.
Nobody is being misled as it is.
Do you seriously think gambling addicts just don't know the odds are against them? And they think casinos all bleed money or something?
Was it at least purple milk?
Except that they have to tell you if you make a slot machine. There is literally no reason to not tell people both the odds and the payout other than willingly attempting to exploit certain groups of people, not the least of which are children who will say "hey there's a rate up on this thing in a game I want" when the rate up could be 0.1%

and you presumably declare these rules somewhere.
No, some shitty canned milk, watch the vid.
>But Blizzard/Valve/Riotgames etc are all people too, with rights that don't want to post them. The policy would obviously achieve nothing. So you are just ignoring their rights for whatever stupid reason

The playerbase wants it. If the companies had nothing to hide they would release it since no one is against it and it "wouldn't hurt" them.
it would deter a number of non addicts from it.
well it would actually make them buy more expensive boxes instead.
Pretty sure we don't have all the maths that go into it public and each venue can modify the RTP by a few percentage points, but it is still well regulated to be around 87-91% here.

It's pretty bullshit that they can get away with this shit while the rest of the gaming industry is regulated up the asshole.
Out of curiosity where do you work that you don't work for a corporation? Where do you spend your money that you aren't dealing with corporations? I'd like rights, id like my employer to prosper and I'd like to be able to fairly trade money for goods from other people. Even if they are working with other people in a group.
Gambling addicts don't do it because they are misled. Much like alcoholics don't think vodka heals their liver and doesn't effect their mental state. This is what i mean about feel good bullshit. Nothing about this does anything to combat gambling addiction. Hell you could ban lootcrates amd find people on Caribbean casino websites instead. You are a complete braindead fucking moron if you think gambling addiction is just because people don't know the odds. Gambling addiction is not the fault of casino's, valve or anyone but those who suffer really. It's personal responsibility. Most of us can just play a few games of poker or something. My mom likes to spend $100 on slots now and again for some reason. You can't take away our fun because a few people can't handle it. Those people should seek the help they need and learn to stay away. No different than alcoholism, porn addition, tobacco addition or drug addiction. Stop trying to shift blame on people who use 0 coercion to make you use their product. Exploitation my ass. It's not exploitation when you voluntarily throw your money at people.
>Companies have the same rights as people
What the fuck am I reading?
Exactly, it's just bullshit exploitation of the fact that legislation isn't keeping pace with the way video games work.
Lootboxes are digital trading cards.
You opened the sealed package hoping to get the super special rare thingy, and then you fail and you spend more money to try again.

Showing percentages are a great thing, but I wish people would stop saying lootboxes are some sort of new evil that has never existed before.
good goy
If you don't know before you google it what a variable ration schedules are, you need to stop talking. This is not about personal responsibility, it's about predatory psychology. You have NO fucking clue how sophisticated modern methods of exploiting psychology is.
Really? Where is the dude itt that is throwing a shitfit because he totally thought they had a 90% chance of getting the skin opening the case. Nobody is truly deceived.
I never said the companies have nothing to hide. Everyone does. If you don't, why don't you email your mom your browser history?
>muuh customers want it so government should get involved.
I want a free car and a blowjob.
Why isn't the government forcing Aston Martin to drop me off a car, with Taylor swift to sort me out?
If you want the numbers out take it up with valve or whoever.
>Gambling addicts don't do it because they are misled.
You're missing the point. Gambling addicts aren't going to stop because they suddenly know the odds. The point is to prevent people from becoming addicted. If the odds are made public, it's less likely that people who aren't already addicted are going to be suckered in to becoming addicts.
Every time you sit down to play magic, you don't get bombarded with offers for new packs and a free pack which contains 14 lands and a common.

You also can actually trade magic cards unlike the digital currencies which these games if they're nice let you have. Where they set every step of the pricing and access. If you buy a magic pack and get a mythic you don't want, you can trade with someone.
>If you want the numbers out take it up with valve or whoever
>Valve: muh rights
>underestimating Asian governments this much
You realise that police raids on "illegal afterhours video gaming" are a thing, right?

>inb4 0.0001% chance for csgo knifes
That's not comparable, it's comparable for the government to force aston martin to tell you things like emission levels.

Which they do, you aren't forced to stick the numbers right on the boxes as long as the figures are available.
Do you know what companies are? They are people. Working together to make Money. No different than you or I, who also work for companies.
I'm not denying that gambling addiction exists you dumb autist.
I find it insufferable when a psychologist or ecologist or whatever thinks because they know background of an issue they habe the slightest clue what the fuck they are talking about with policy. There are tonnes of non profit and government organizations out there to help people with addition, including gambling addiction. That has nothing to do with anything anyone here is talking about. So, please take your snowflake status from having an undergrad and fuck off.
It's not valves responsibility to educate you on gambling. Take it up with the education system or nonprofits. We do an exceptional job of it here. The average American actually grossly overestimates thr health effects of smoking. Yet people bitch and moan that tobacco companies mislead, aren't doing their job to educate on the risks and blah blah blah.
Only because mobage and gacha devs have been swindling their "players" blind so badly that it's becoming an hot button issue for them.

it would be great if those lazy shits at Blizzard got to enjoy a big dose of dick for their babby-gacha games where you pay a bucketload of money rolling RNG opening up gambling boxes. Make real content for your games and charge an upfront fee instead of preying on addicts and idiots, you greedy faggots.
that already stops for the most part because they cant afford it. chinese are jews in a commie skint. They know where the shekels is. that's just token effort to placate the senior population or some rogue province officials's doing.
How is having to display the drop rates somehow in direct conflict with their rights as human beings?

You show the nutritional values of food. You tell people the stats of the fucking car you're selling. It's not supposed to be a secret.
>I'm not denying that gambling addiction exists you dumb autist.

And that's not what I'm talking about you idiot, I'm talking about the methods they use to turn you into an addict. We don't live in a world where people are just "oh lets put this here and if people start going for it neat" we live in one where people spend millions of dollars in research to figure out ways to get into the heads of different kinds of people, to push just the right buttons to send them down the path they want you to.

If anything that should be illegal as well, let alone just forcing them to publish their rates SOMEWHERE, and follow the same general restrictions the rest of the money gaming industry has to.
>It's not valves responsibility to educate you on gambling
Maybe not, but if they're actively taking advantage of people that's not good for them
>It's not valves responsibility to educate you on gambling.
But it's their responsibility to disclose the odds in their gambling software. Anyone can look up the odds of winning a hand in blackjack, not anyone can look up the odds of getting a shiny whatever from a loot crate.

>They are people. Working together to make Money. No different than you or I
I am not an exploitative scumbag. I'm done arguing with you. Kill yourself corporate cocksucker.

It sounds like you wouldn't have a problem with a certain item being advertised as "Ultra Rare" but actually having a 0% droprate. Which is what obfuscated droprate odds essentially enables.
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This is like a 6-month old news.
But there was no effect whatsoever.

how can a dumb gwailo like you know?
Odds are published for government gambling, they should be for this too.

It doesn't matter why they did it, at the end of the day this is a pro-consumer choice.
>methods they use for turning you into am addict.
Lmao that's not how any of this works.
Let's take cigarette as an example cause i better understand the industry. Is therr physical characteristics of cigarettes that make you addicted? Yes 100%. Are they put there to get people hooked. Yed 100%. So are cigarette companies exploiting me and using "methods to turn me into an addict" nope. Never once have i been forced by a cigarette company to smoke. In fact by literally never smoking a cigarette i was able to entirely avoid cigarettes. Now, gambling loot cases or alcohol are enjoyed in a non addictive manner by the bulk of consumers so addition gets messy and I'm not trying to shame people who have problems. But the cold hard truth is nobody is forcing them to gamble at gunpoint. Are they marketing. Yes. Are they trying to make the games more addictive. Of course. Are they doing anything wrong? Nope. Is addiction magically unavoidable? Nope. Gambling companies are not responsible for gambling addiction. And quite frankly we'd be fucked if they were.
They aren't. People voluntarily buy cases.
False dichotomy. Blackjack is a standard game based on common rules. Anyone can figuire out the probability with basic math. Dota is based on proprietary code.
>im not exploiting people.
Never said you were. Most corporations aren't. But you were talking about companies not being people. Despite them literally being people. What is apple? Just a bunch of empty factories and offices? False advertisement is also different than not disclosing information.
Not dichotomy. Fuck you I'm tired.
Everybody that plays a game that contains loot crates gets a certain number of free loot crates.

That would be like if every time you walked into a pub they gave you 3 free cigarettes.

You don't HAVE to open your free loot crates, but 99.999% of people WILL open their free stuff.

This system is designed to get people addicted without even realising they're being manipulated.

If companies are forced to reveal the odds of getting drops from their loot crates, it's likely that less people will become addicted to opening loot crates.

You claim comparing blackjack to lootcrates (comparing gambling to gambling) is a false dichotomy but comparing cigarettes to gambling (comparing not-gambling to gambling) isnt'.

Stop posting. Please. Stop existing too if you don't mind.
>Lmao that's not how any of this works.

Yes, it really fucking is. In your analogy the game isn't the cigarette, the loot box is. you're doing something totally innocuous and then the game forces loot boxes down your throat, blizzard literally do force you to have loot boxes for example, mobage with gatchas literally force you to roll the gatcha, knowing that this triggers parts of your brain. They do all sorts of things to make them more enticing. The only thing that not publishing rates does is make it so you can ONLY purchase on impulse, you can't think "hmm there's a 1/10 chance of getting the thing I want and there's 5 of them, so 50 should give me a reasonable chance"

They're building a game with gambling attached and built in, and then doing everything possible to get you to spend money on it.

And no, we wouldn't be fucked if gambling companies had to manage things, because they already are made to do so. Blizzard won't go out of business if they have to tell you the odds of getting that skin you want.

And here's another thing, when these tings go into games like this, children will play them, you think mummy and daddy think that Blizzard is out there actively trying to exploit their child's psychology to make them compulsively buy things? no they think "oh it's a video game and they want to buy some bells and whistles for their avatar"
only because it just came into effect.
>disguised gambling getting called out on what it really is
>that would be like of everytime you walked into a pub they gave you 3 free cigarettes.
I'm fine with that. I'd even support it if the cigarette company paid the pub to do it so it subsidizes my drinks I'd thank them. I'd still throw them out of course. And it's still not the cigarette companies fault they don't.

I kniw freedom, personal responsibility and choice are foreign concepts to you, but it's quite baffling thst someone can sit here and say "BUT WHAT IF CIGARETTES WERE FREE THEN YOUD BE FORCED INTO ADDITION" no because my marginal utility of smoking a cigarette is less than 0. In fact it's a really large negative value that you would actually have to pay me to smoke. Understand incentives. But i digress.
I understand the logic behind giving some for free. But i fail to see thr problem. Feel free to educate people. Run seminars. Suggest inclusion in school curriculums. Run it on the local news. But don't force the poor company trying to make a buck to change their way of offering you free shit because tou can't fathom personal responsibility. Nobody thinks the odds are in their favour anyway though.

Also i said you can't compare blackjack because it's not government intervention forcing them to tell you the odds. It's a matter of literally any retard you explain the game to can figuire it out. Hell some people can do it so fast on the fly they can beat the house. My cigarette comparison on the other hand was based on addiction. A characteristic they both share.
>have to
Nigger you don't even have to play videogames.
there was a situation where a guy bought a thousand gatcha packs and didnt get a 0.2% character sparking an outrage
>Nigger you don't even have to play videogames.
No, that's not a fucking argument "hurr just don't play the game" is fucking nonsense and you know it, you know you have no way to defend attaching this kind of predatory shit onto a game.

Get the fuck out corporate shill. Your astroturfing is failing and you know it.
Why do you need to get so upset?
Personal responsibility comes in here.
Life isn't fucking sunshine and rainbows. You don't stroll through it expecting everything to go your way without questioning anybody or anything. We'd have to ban almost literally everything on your logic.
I'm not denying they use this method to get people hooked. I'm pointing there is undeniably absolutely zero case of coercion. They are making an offer and you are accepting. If you struggle with addiction you shouldn't. But it's nit their fault. It's no different than free drinks in a casino. Or product placement Even.
There's no point in arguing with him dude. His argument is literally
>those poor corporations, they're just trying to make money like you or me. Don't corporations deserve rights too?
As if everything isn't already in the favour of massive corporations. Fuck him and all the others like him. Just stop giving him (You)s to be honest.
>disclosing odds is the same as banning
just FUCK OFF please

fuck dude

Out of curiosity what do you do for a living that you don't work for a corporation? And why don't you think the 5 billion people or so who do, don't deserve rights? Why should companies be forced to cater to you because taking responsibility for your actions is hard?
You are FORCING them to disclose odds.
If you want to try amd figuire them out yourself anf post it online I think you are more than welcome to. Let's not dance around and just say X doesn't deserve rights gambling addiction is unavoidable and forced on people, or that this would achieve anything but let you pat yourself on the back and signal virtue. You are just getting more upset and making non arguements.
Should credit cards be banned as well? Just curious?
You're not thinking of the children and people who actually genuinely don't understand or consider it. There are some dumb motherfuckers out there who become addicted because they're sucked in too young or dumb to realise what it is. Even my friends' parents get sucked into restocking lives in phone games, then when they cop the bill at the end of the month they're shocked and budget for it. People get sucked in because it's not labelled as a total price or statistic
>today the special needs kid learned about two-part tariffs for the first time.
So proud of you senpai.

I do think parents you let their kids do this shit should be shot though.
baffles me that people actually spend huge sums of money on lootboxes. i think buying overpriced cosmetics for games are already kind of gay. but this is a whole new level of homosexuality
triggered amerifat
>How about regulating vegas, commie.

Why not?
Cause it's fun as fuck and makes lot of money for lots of people? Why do commies hate fun?
I googl'd it
Just as with various products ranging from furniture to food, you're forced to disclose what it contains and what it's made out of. The consumer has a right to know.

You're not making any arguments yourself. You're just saying "muh rights", "b-but they should be able to do it if they want to". They're selling products. By default you're supposed to know what you're getting and as usual the fact that they're not forced to disclose the exact %s is a result of legislation lagging behind in the digital age.
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But then where are the stats n stuff
>Let's not dance around and just say X doesn't deserve rights gambling addiction is unavoidable and forced on people
Nice job! You did a great job of destroying that argument I never made. You're really good at debating. Well, you win this time I guess...
They'll just do what Yugioh does and post the "rates" on the box and leave out that the actually desirable rares are short print or some shit
>baffles me that people actually spend huge sums of money on lootboxes.

Yeah I've paid for more character slots in Guildwars 1. But I don't understand why someone would seriously pay for something they're not guaranteed to get.
>kids trying to talk politics
When will they learn? Their opinion after elementary school philosophy don't mean shit.

The free market will fix it. Don't blame money for what the weak willed do
>what it contains
For health amd various other related reasons.
This is a digital product. They have proprietary code that they have the rights to. Said code acts in deciding the outcome of a game mechanic such ad opening a case. They have no obligation to be forced to publicly share their code. Much like pepsi is required to release the ingredients of pepsi. They are not required to release the recipe. Of course this is a stupid comparison because pepsi os a physical good you can buy which could cause an allergic reaction or even kill you. Dota is literally selling pixels on a screen.
Like 50% of arguments were saying corporations weren't people, and therefore don't deserve rights. Of course it is undeniable that Gabe Newell and all his employees are people. Then the other 50% were saying they were exploiting people, which would implying coercion is involved. Which is false. Or that it was somehow not super easily avoidable which is false. You just want to ignore the possibility of people being personally responsible for their lives.
Better yet make the rates high in china, publish the Chinese numbers than make them super low in the rest of the world kek.
Price increase has always been used as a deterrent for youngsters to not start smoking you retard.
I used to do this as kid, but honestly, it was because their gloves were pretty goddamn tasty. It was spearmint-flavored
Cigarettes are heavily price inelastic.
Data shows this incredibly strongly. I support the tax because it is an efficient means of raising tax revenue. But decrease in smoking is actually more correlated to education or more accurately perception on health risks.
But i guess this doesn't matter when your goal is to feel good about yourself.
It must make a difference, at least in Blizzard's eyes, otherwise they'd have no reason not to release the data.
This isn't the lottery, you don't win money. If everyone finds out that they only have a one in a million chance of getting the hat they want, a lot of them will think twice before paying.
>Do you know what companies are?
Go look up the definition of what a company is.
>No different than you or I, who also work for companies.
Speak for yourself, jew shill. I don't work for any companies.
Also, a person doesn't have to care about a company. Just like companies don't care about customers, they're only interested in prophit.
Out of curiosity what do you think businesses are if they aren't comprised of people? Do you think gaben or jobs are robots?
You say they are interested only in profit. Interest is a inheritantly human trait. Are you implying they are run by some non human animals also capable of feeling interest.
I don't give a fuck if you care about anyone. The vast majority of the world can go blow themselves cause tou don't like their profession fine. But you have to acknowledge they are humans. And humans have rights.

I fucking hate my neighbour. Really don't care about him
He still has rights.
>China actually protecting consumers

Please directly refute any of the following statements/arguments.

Loot boxes in videogames are not currently considered gambling.

Loot boxes require a monetary investment that have a low percentage of yielding a reward worth more money than required to purchase the loot box - therefore loot boxes are analogous to gambling.

People can become addicted to gambling.

Excessive spending on gambling can have severely negative consequences on some peoples lives.

Gambling addiction is a mental illness.

Corporations exploiting mentally ill people should be illegal.

People should be given information about what they are buying before they buy it.

People should know the odds of winning and losing in any gambling situation before they spend money on it.

Some games companies willingly use psychological tactics to get people to become addicted to spending money opening loot boxes.

If people know the risks of engaging in any activity, they are less likely to be harmed by engaging in that activity.

Many games featuring loot boxes will give free loot boxes to players, they aren't forced to open these loot boxes but there are no visible downsides to doing so, so 99.9% of players will open their free loot boxes.

Free loot boxes are given in order to entice people into buying more loot boxes.

Therefore, companies should disclose the odds of obtaining any particular rewards from opening loot boxes, in order to lessen the number of people that become harmfully addicted.
>This will seriously fuck over valve once people realize how the payout on crates

Who even buys crates when you can buy pretty much any individual item on the market?
So is there anyone here who actually, unironically opposes this who isn't a Blizzard/Valve employee?
The one /pol/tard anarcho-capitalist bootlicker ITT. Other than him, no.
now if the doc was a pedo..dayum
The idiots who think the world is a gigantic transparent market where the people know all wrong doing an would collectively stop using a business if they did something wrong

>Loot boxes in videogames are not currently considered gambling.
Correct. I'd have no problem changing this but archaic/puritan bullshit laws about gambling around the world make me wonder maybe it'd be better of we considerd gambling lootcrates instead.
>Loot boxes require a monetary investment that have a low percentage of yielding a reward worth more money than required to purchase the loot box - therefore loot boxes are analogous to gambling.
Yes of course it is gambling.
>People can become addicted to gambling.
>Excessive spending on gambling can have severely negative consequences on some peoples lives.
Yeap. I whole support gambling addiction nonprofits and government agencies. People getting the help the need and education on gambling. I do not support making gambling companies do anything differently because some people have addiction problems. It's not their job.
>Gambling addiction is a mental illness.
I'm not familiar enough with the DSM to actually confirm this but for arguements sake sure.

You guys know Overwatch is dying in China right? I'm currently stuck here and its a well known fact that there was a massive player drop from Season 3 to 4. Only trolls leftover now.
>Corporations exploiting mentally ill people should be illegal.
Define exploit. This is the crux of our disagreement. If their is no coercion it is not exploitation in my books.
>People should be given information about what they are buying before they buy it.
Under no obligation no. There are some necessary exceptions, pertaining to food ingredients/ nutrition info and safety standards . No digital good applies
>People should know the odds of winning and losing in any gambling situation before they spend money on it.
>Some games companies willingly use psychological tactics to get people to become addicted to spending money opening loot boxes.
Of course they do.
>If people know the risks of engaging in any activity, they are less likely to be harmed by engaging in that activity.
Yes. Again feel free to educate people. Just don't go the lazy route of demanding companies you don't like do it for you.
>Many games featuring loot boxes will give free loot boxes to players, they aren't forced to open these loot boxes but there are no visible downsides to doing so, so 99.9% of players will open their free loot boxes.
Of course.
>Free loot boxes are given in order to entice people into buying more loot boxes.

>Therefore, companies should disclose the odds of obtaining any particular rewards from opening loot boxes, in order to lessen the number of people that become harmfully addicted.
Nope. I feel i explained it well enough above. But they have no obligation nor responsibility for your addiction. Hell they probably do it to entice non addicts mostly.
Yeah I'm such a fucking idiot for already knowing drop rates were low. Real smart people need government to force them to tell me.
Just like how they make radios look nice. They should all just have big letters saying DON'T TAKE INTO BATH TUB. This fucking freedom to mark them as they want is just evil free market capitilism electricuting people.
Oh missed one.
>People should know the odds.
I mean no? If you are gonna spend a lot of money and it's available look it up.
But if you just want to waste some money go ahead. If you need to look them up then just don't spend the money desu, It's not in your best interest.
>ey should all just have big letters saying DON'T TAKE INTO BATH TUB.
But theyre already required to mark toasters and shit about electrical hazards
That's pretty fucking sad man.
I hate that i live in world where my coffee says "caution hot" because otherwise people would fucking sue them for it.
>>People should be given information about what they are buying before they buy it.
>Under no obligation no.
So you're in support of dishonest swindling.

That's all our argument boils down to.

I think dishonesty is wrong and building your business on dishonesty should be illegal.

You think building your business on dishonesty is ok.

Do I have it right? Or you you think that obfuscating details from customers is not dishonest?
Except these are super easy simple things that help protect consumers. Sure consumers are fucking dumb, but saying we shouldn't outlaw ponzi schemes encase only dumb people fall for them is just comments made in hindsight
No you moron. They're forcing companies to reveal their rates so their own chinese knockoff can compete better against them.
It's not really dishonest. They don't falsely claim high drop rates or anything. Then they would face legal problems. I do however think they should be able to market their product however they see fit without flat out lying.
I don't understand how you could honestly oppose that

You sound like a literal child now.
lying should be illegal and all McDonalds commercials should only be information on high cholesterol!

Dishonest would be them trying to stop you sharing the facts. Not them keeping information to themselves for marketing reasons. Is Microsoft dishonest because they stopped releasing xbone sales data? Is Samsung because they didn't release PLS specs? If Microsoft overstated or understated to fuck with markets I'd have a problem. But they aren't dishonest for not telling you. I didn't tell you what i had for breakfast it's not dishonesty.
I havr zero sympathy for people that stupid. And no matter how much you coddle them, a fool and his money is soon parted. That being said scams based on literal lying and misinfo should obviously be banned.
I'm not that anon but mcdonalds can still market however the fuck they want as long as I see that fucking high cholesterol info at the fucking end. You're disagreeing with something that benefit consumers and I don't understand why? It may not be dishonesty when you hide something but giving the consumer all the info they could have should be supported.
I mean to be clear. Valve or whoever markets and tries to get you to buy the crates on a basis seperate of drop rate. Nothing dishonest. It is not their selling point, they do not sell them based on drop rate or at all mislead you on it. Your arguement was the hard numbers of the drop rates would decrease sales and make people not buy them. Hence why they don't release them, and shouldn't be obligated to. You are arguing they should be forced to market against themselves and not doing so is dishonest. But it's not. they aren't tricking anyone. They selectively release info.
Because it's not my decision to make or my data to release.
I would happily support them if they wanted to post the data. Believe it or not before super size me or whatever fast foods weren't forced to market against themselves and i still knew it was terrible for me.
>You're disagreeing with something that benefit consumers and I don't understand why?
Because corporations are people too! He's an anarcho capitalist that got brainwashed by /pol/. He's just as delusional as the communists that insist "real communism hasn't been tried yet". He's basing his arguments from the extreme end of a spectrum without any room for compromise.
>Gambling companies are not responsible for gambling addiction.
>Tabacco companies are not responsible for tabacco addiction
>Druglords are not responsible for cocaine addiction
>It's ALL the people's fault for not being smart!
Gambling IS an addiction.
If you don't force a 10yo to smoke a cigarette, but build every oportunity he has to lure him into smoking one, it IS your fault. Same if a 10yo grows with lootcrate mentality in his system, is YOUR fault if he later becames a gambler. BECAUSE GAMBLING IS AN ADDICTION. There's no debate in that. Gambling is an addiction. Gambling is a real addiction.
Are lootcrates a form of gambling? You will not answer this question, because apparently you have the capitalism so up your ass you justify companies profiting in addiction with "it's the people's fault for not knowing better"
>Out of curiosity what do you think businesses are if they aren't comprised of people?

It doesn't matter that they are comprised by people. They are part of a corporation. A corporation's goal, first and foremost is to make money. At that point the people don't matter anymore and you get a weird dissonance effect where you can blame shitty practices on the betterment of the corporation. It's why some regulations actually make sense.

Have you just completely missed the whole net neutrality issue? Corporations will do whatever they can to fuck you if it means they get more money.
Gambling addiction is a thing. I never said it was 100% peoples fault. And lootcrates are gambling. Sorry if your strawman doesn't fit.
Now excuse me while i high five all the bad parents out there. Sure they don't educate their kids about smoking, turn a blind eye and give them money for smokes. But really its Marlboro's fault for existing.

Both that, and kids aren't supposed to be playing these fucking games anyway. I hate children with a passion but if I ever have them I'm sure as fuck not letting them play any 'loot-box' games until they have a proper understanding of money.

Shame on everyone else here arguing for increased government control. This problem lies solely with individuals and what they are willing to buy. If morons want to spend all their free money on virtual pixels, then go ahead.
>I havr zero sympathy for people that stupid.
Again completely made in hindsight. It includes this notion that "if it doesn't happen to me it can't happen to anyone as smart as I think I am" which is completely erroneous as if everyone was they wouldn't exist to begin with which is clear that isn't the case today. By choosing to not protect consumers from these evils actively endorses unethical business practices, scams and other bad activities

>It doesn't matter that they are
Kinda does when yoh literally stated they weren't people.
>They are part of a corporation.
What? Some companies are incorporated some are not. They aren't "part of corporations" they are corporations or they are not. But thwt doesn't strip them of their humanity.
>A corporation's goal, first and foremost is to make money
Of course, through the voluntary exchange of money for goods and services.
> At that point the people don't matter anymore
Why not? Everyone tries to make money even you. Try to deny it all you want comrade but you are saying you don't matter anymore.
>And you get a weird dissonance effect where you can blame shitty practices on the betterment of the corporation. It's why some regulations actually make sense.
What is this fallacious logic
>some regulation makes sense therefore any regulation for any reason is justified and people don't have rights.
I think murder should be illegal. Doesn't mean you can now ban 4chan cause somr laws make sense.
>Have you just completely missed the whole net neutrality issue? Corporations will do whatever they can to fuck you if it means they get more money.
They care about the money not fucking you. In most cases, under voluntarism the two are antagonistic. The rare exceptions and market inefficiencies are what regulations are for however.
Do you seriously believe that? That it's all rng? It's like those annoying fucking local bands talking about privilege.
"hey man you could totally forgot end up like that homeless druggy, even though you made a conscious effort not to do drugs, got a good education and worked hard to get a high paying job"

This logic is insanely dangerous. It removes people from facing consequences for their actions and personal responsibility. You end up with an dystopian society shithole of lazy drugged out losers giving up all freedom to government to protect them when you remove this.
With no supply, no demand
That makes 0 sense whatsoever. Even if loot crates were a giffen good (which they are not) what the fuck does that have to do with anything.
how are parents supposed to stop their kids from gambling in overwatch when it isnt labeled on the box or included in the esrb rating.
they probably dont even know its in the game
Because children don't have credit cards the game is rated 13+ and google exists?
How am i supposed to know marijuana is bad for my children if the baggy doesn't say anything?
If you want to inform parents be my guest.
I wouldn't be adverse to classifying it to gambling if there wasn't a bunch of fucked up gambling laws around the world.
I can't think of any form of gambling in which the establishment reserves the right to obscure the fundamental odds. Even slot machines have odds and payouts listed on them, to my knowledge.

On another, possibly paranoid level, there's no reason to presume that loot boxes are actually randomized. More likely, they are distributed so that customers get something nice from time to time so that they will keep buying boxes that are empty or "worthless" by design. Would a casino play fair if it wasn't under strict legal scrutiny? They often do not anyway -- why do we assume that this form of "non-gambling" is run in good faith when there aren't even laws defining what that means for them?

Loot boxes and the MOBAs built around them are the very epitome of a scam, even if I'm wrong about the above. I'm constantly disappointed by both the companies that engage in this sort of free money mill and the literal fucking idiots who participate in a dubious process to gain access to literally worthless, valueless noncommodities that will disappear forever as soon as the game is replaced and shut down.
The whole reason incorporation came into existance was to be able to legally treat a company as a person you fucking retard.
Giving loot percentages are like additional product labels, it only tells you about the product. It can either hurt or better sales, depending how fucking jewish your loot boxes are.
M8 you are getting it handed to you here. Let me help you with an easier analogy.

I make burgers. I can't start putting crack in my burgers to make them addicted to my burgers. The consumers have rights too.
>The whole reason incorporation came into existance was to be able to legally treat a company as a person you fucking retard.
but thats wrong you fucking idiot
juridical entity isn't the same thing as a person
anything that hurts the microtransaction cancer is good. easily the worst thing to happen to vidya, next to sjws/feminists.
I never said consumers don't have rights.
This is such a stupid false comparison it's ridiculous
>consumers have rights thusfore nobody else does and every regulation is justified.
As for your stupid analogy. They aren't hiding the free lootcrates, else you know, how would you consume them? Also crack kills you. Pixels on a screen don't. You can argue it cause gambling addiction but it doesn't in 95% of cases, and gambling addiction, while shitty has nothing to do with probabilities being publicly posted. Hell gambling in general. Someone put it well in this thread, gamblers don't care about probability. Because they believe in luck.
Realistically a gambling addict would probably know drop rates better than anyone itt. You could probably find them reasonably well with a large sample size if you wanted to gather the info and share it, instead of being lazy amd forcing companies to do it against their will.
It was to hold a company liable for crimes, which stopped company workers from being held liable for crimes.

To the dipshit libertarian in this topic you're making a huge stretch of saying that a Company == Company's Workers. That is quite literally untrue both in law and in practice.
>I never said consumers don't have rights.
When did I say you said that. You are falling over yourself and strawmanning. Literally blow your brains out you dumb Kike.
Consumers don't need right. We're all perfectly informed customers and base our purchases from that. This is what the free market is, kids. I'm not paying taxes for the government to get more power by regulating things.

Besides, there's no proof that gambling is addictive if we don't count Jewish psychology (which is a scam)
Wait so what is a company if not comprised of employees? We literally talking ethics and regulations on concrete and steel? Pieces of paper? Gotta watch out for those damn warehouse buildings and offices!
To what extend and what they include is up to debate. But to day companies aren't people with rights is laughable. Otherwise you can't say theft is wrong, if it's from a chain store. Or any store really. You can't say ip theft is bad or blowing up a factory.
this, basically. in a truly free market, you wouldn't need anything like this, because the government protects big corps and gives them all sorts of unfair advantages (gotta get that campaign money)
You literally said "The consumers have rights too." implying i disagreed with thos statement. You didn't mean it as a non sequitor. I can tell by your agitated ad hominems that you aren't thst bright. But i don't think you are stupid enough to go "you should be forced to release drop rates also i like waffles"
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>muh invisible hand
>muh free market

I swear, if I see one more complaint about scamming and jewish tactics in videogames...
This is probably just so some official's manchild stops lying about how many loot crates he wants to buy and how often he gets stuff. "Boohoo dad I spent a thousand American dollars because they lied about the drop rate!" The govt really doesn't get of its ass for anyone but themselves.
how bout you join one of the hundreds of millions killed by communism and go hang yourself
Why do you hate true freedom, anon?
Oh, of course
Good goy. Keep licking boots.
says the fucking communist, lol
>tfw went to arcade as a kid
>tfw they had that ticket dispener lottery thing you put tokens in
>tfw the odds weren't written on it so i spent $10million dollars bankrupted my family. I became an alcoholic gambling addict and homeless.
Thanks for fighting the good fight internet virtue signallers! Don't let kofs end up like me. I played a gambling kids game once.
Yes bend over, Jew. Take that corporate dick you brainwashed idiot.
Not before you stop wasting your money paying for your president's golf trips, goy.
>true freedom
LMAO, the only freedom you have is to get shot or ripped off by your corporate overlords
>/v/ defending microtransactions

wtf I hate /v/ now
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Cool ignorance bro. Chinese dump unholy amounts of cash into f2p knock off games to optimize gear, young adults as well as kids.
and what does his post have to do with chinks? Fuck off idiot, micro transactions are the cancer killing gaming.

Wow really I'm sure releasing the probability to a bunch of people who probably know it better than anyone via sample size will really them voluntarily spending money on a product they enjoy after seeing that!
I didn't say it would be effective. Just that daddy demands a paper trail for rich ass bags to pay an accountant to get through so their kid can bribe the accountant not to reveal how much they were actually spending. They make all kinds of shit rules over there, but everyone agrees they were pretty much stupid to cover someone's ass and not really enforceable so they just ignore it until they want to make someone's life miserable with it.

Path of Exile will now shit itself. Pity it will be nly for chinese servers.
>Do you seriously believe that? That it's all rng?
I didn't say anything about rng

One extreme or the other, id rather be in the middle where business is given a chance to make honest money and consumers/customers are not screwed over.

Considering that businesses do actualy use research in order to screw customers over using and abusing psychology, yeah, state must protect its citizens from predation.

Logical fallacy detected.
The worst part is that microtransactions can lead to laziness and idleness and even support such people that you stated. Apparently some HL3 guy just left Valve because they're not interested in making games anymore.

So good work China I guess.
>Apparently some HL3 guy just left Valve
there is no HL3. But yeah, that's my point. It's like marc laidlaw leaving valve. He was the lead writer, but obviously he just felt no reason to stay since valve doesn't make games, they just make microtransactions (or let the community do it and reap the rewards). cash shops are cancer, no exceptions.
I feel so bad for the Chinese. All that great history and culture ravaged by shitty ass communism.

More like communism was used as means of attainment of power in order to establish a totalitarian regime.

And the problem was/is that teachings of Confucius conflict sharply with ideals of totalitarian regime and cults of personality.

Besides, communism, as "means of production are owned by workers" can be done only if its a shareholding company in which shares are given to workers only, or when Universal Constructor becomes a reality (to say that UC would be a better or more advanced 3D printer is a severe understatement).

Besides, look at China - capitalist economy. When communism is just an opposite of it.

You want to distinguish politics and economy.
The communists are just a government party there. Common people just say they're Chinese and see the communists as just another dynasty like they've had for thousands of years.
Based China about to expose freemium games as the scams that they are.
>All that great history
last time i checked chinese history was the bloodiest of any country in history by a huge marginal
Americans cant collect rainwater but they will defend Valve's "right" to scam children
File: k96OIys.jpg (18KB, 510x441px) Image search: [Google]
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Some games have declared some extremely ambiguous drop rates though

Business continues as usual
looks like chink weebs dont care much about it 3bh

they are alright, i think. as far as i see their communities on steam.
Kids don't have that kind of money.
Loot crates are designed for manchildren.
Does this also apply to nonpurchaseables, such as (for example) the exact chance that Mob #3142 drops Item#5157 ?
Or only to purchaseables (and purchaseable equivalents)?

I suppose it's not too much of a stretch to just shitpost out your this.loot.populate(args) function, and if loot.populate calls (for example) killedby.race or GetZone(this.location) to include those as well.
This isn't new, I remember that they did this for Dota some years ago and people immediately exploited it because trading those loot treasures would reroll what item you obtained.
Yes but the valve shitpost crowd only cares about the later.
Excuse me, but I do not offer pyramid schemes. I force your government to run pyramid schemes on my behalf.
Too bad blizzard is going to warp the probability for chink players
The reason its 21 here is cause it reduces DUI's, and when you live in a country where having to drive 5 miles to get to the nearest grocery store isn't uncommon, having a larger pool of idiots fucking around on the road would probably dethrone Russia as the biggest exporter of funny car crash videos.
>Imagine going to the store to buy food, except you pay upfront and the clerk gives you a box of random groceries.
You can get a random vegetable and fruit box sent to your door for $20. It's random because it's whatever was locally grown and harvested, and fucked if the company can predict that shit.
Good value, so long as you eat damn near anything.
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