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Genuinely Scary Games

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Thread replies: 192
Thread images: 36

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I'll start.
>Condemned: Criminal Origins
>Resident Evil 7
Go ahead
RE7 only has real atmosphere from the main house section and the ship
>Silent Hill 2
>Resident Evil 1 and REmake
>Outlast 2

Just off the top of my head.
what am i supposed to be seeing here
>Outlast 2
I heard it wasn't as good as the previous game.
pic unrelated, that looks absolutely blissful
Why are you starting by listing off topic games? This thread is legitimately creeping me out.
White Day : a maze called why gooks anhero rate is so high
Foggy forest?
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>mentioning amnesia but not penumbra
are you 14?
Mass Effect: Andromeda

It's genuinely scary that shit like that passes quality assurance standards and testing in an AAA studio.

You're going to hear a lot of things, senpai.

I don't want to spoil anything but his past is much scarier than what he's experiencing in the present; once it starts bleeding over, it's pretty scary/disturbing/unsettling.

But I'll let you decide for yourself.
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I wish.

>TFW when 31.

Also, Cryostasis.
Talking of RE7, I chose to save Zoe. Do you get a different gameplay section if you save Mia or is it still the same one you get with Zoe on the ship?
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I legitimately can't finish the Penumbra and the Amnesia games because I get too scared when I have to solve fucking riddles while a monster is chasing me. I just can't do it man, anyone else?
Shit anon, thanks. I guess I could give the game a chance.
I didn't get to play much of the first, should I go back or will I be fine?
that's not scary.

if you want to start a scary games thread, start by making the op pic scary; make it something that people have to look for, but dont make it a "screamer". if the op image was something scary with something in it to look for, i'd be like "huh, thats a good image, i will contribute to this scary games thread". but you didn't, so i wont contribute.

at least you know for next time
Are you serious?

Condemned had one of the best jump scares I've seen in gaming, I'll give you that.

That's one moment in an 8 hour campaign of rinse and repeat gameplay. What else is there? The mannequins? Ooooh some dude cut my finger off at the end how edgy... Come on my dude, it was an illegal homeless fight club simulator, it wasn't scary at all.

Resident Evil 7 was retarded from start to finish. Which one of the 50+ grey blobs was it that scared you, or was it the ridiculous hillbilly tropes?

Why don't you list some actually scary games you fucking braindead faggot. Allow me to start since you're clearly too stupid to participate in your own thread:

Silent Hill PT
Dead Space
Yup, there's a different ending.

Cry of Fear
It's the same section. It makes even less sense now because Mia is just there at the ship. I have to question why they even give you the choice in the first place.

You'll be fine; different stories in the same universe but you'll get the gist of it.

Also, don't pay full price. Wait for it to go on sale in about a month.


Buy the Trilogy for the PS4, I think it's $40.
So you won't contribute because of the OP image? Fuck off you cunt.

I don't play much horror games anon, those were the only ones I could think of from the top of my head.

Should I? I'll probably buy it, if I enjoy it.
Penumbra Something... is amiss
Silent Hill series (especially 3 for me)
Betrayer (scary in a kind of unsettling way, as if the world is just wrong)
The first FEAR, due to so little of the game being scary that when the game tries to scare you it succeeds
SCP: Containment Breach (and the other SCP game is alright)
I've played it a few times but never finished it. That first bit with the alarm is really stressful. After that it seems like you just go to different classrooms and read about dumb rumours with the occasional ghost jumpscare.
>when you see it

brix were shat
So it is just a different ending. I though you might of got a different gameplay section for Mia. Oh well, can't wait for Not a Hero DLC.
If I were to go with my personal fears, being deep water and just a general unknown feel, probably subnautica, probably soma too but then again, I don't buy many newer games
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>Which one of the 50+ grey blobs was it that scared you, or was it the ridiculous hillbilly tropes?
The enemies aren't the only thing that make the game creepy. You should know that since PT since PT is one of your favorite horror games. The sound design in the game is what carries it and makes it fantastic. The part where you go to Marguerite's part of the property, it actually fucking sounds like you're being swarmed by bugs when being attacked by them if you're wearing headphones.

You can't complain about enemy variety if you also think Dead Space is great. Every necromorph looks like the same jumble of sharp arms and meat. I don't remember there being that many enemy types either. Dope ass game nonetheless.
I can definitely see how. At times it really could.
Five Nights at Freddy's 1.

The designs of the animatronics were perfect. Not too immediately scary (like trashy generic horror scary), but also not too cute. They were just the right design to really drive the anxiety in you as they got closer and closer to your office.The Jumpscares aren't what sell the fear, it's the anxiety from how uncanny valley the animatronics themselves are.

The Second game is a mess, and the 4th game killed the designs to be more like what you'd expect from a "Slender meets Chuck E Cheese" like generic horror indie game. The only ones that are on the same level of the first one are FNAF3 and Sister Location.

If it's a legit torrent then do it faggot.
I think it's nicelymade and has a good atmosphere... until you come to the end of the game.
There it destroys every horror aspect it had going for it by becoming annoying.
Last part of the game is a pixel perfect sneaking part with 5 club wielding janitors per squere foot
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>Five Nights at Freddy's 1
It is legit, downloading right now.
Which one? Or just the whole series in general?

Are you serious?

PT had one of the best jump scares I've seen in gaming, I'll give you that.

That's one moment in an 2 hour campaign of rinse and repeat gameplay. What else is there? The fridge? Ooooh some dude killed his family how edgy... Come on my dude, it was a dirty hallway walking simulator, it wasn't scary at all.

Dead Space was retarded from start to finish. Which one of the 50+ limb monsters was it that scared you, or was it the ridiculous Alien tropes?

Why don't you list some actually scary games you fucking braindead faggot. Allow me to start since you're clearly too stupid to participate in your own thread:

You sound like a faggot
I hope this was copypasta
Not in the jumpscares you tard. It does a good job driving up the anxiety before the jump. There are genuinely creepy moments, especially with Bonnie.
Five Nights at Freddy's

Memes aside, the game sets an excellent atmosphere of oppression and plays masterfully with your expectations. Such a shame for the rest of the franchise.

>the first time you see Foxy run towards your room
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Alien: Isolation

There are a few lame jumpscares, but most of the horror feels very natural.
Pls go.

Mah nigga!

Just remember, don't run through the game like a bitch. Explore and take time to record the important events and pickup/read every note.

You can examine all the notes in your camera with clean text since a lot of them aren't legible.

I won't let you go and you don't let me go.

Enjoy, senpai.
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>Don't get scared at all by any entertainment anymore
>People make fun of me as if I'm trying to act tough
>I'm really just dead inside

Are there any games for spook cynics like me?

You actually have to be 18+ to post here
>Every necromorph looks like the same jumble of sharp arms and meat
You must be off your nut on crystal meth if you think Dead Space has less/equal enemy variety than RE7 big lad.
Will do anon! I'll take my time, I want to enjoy it. Horror games aren't normally my thing (mostly because i'm a pussy) but I am definitely going to try and have some good times with this one. Cheers.
How about Siren and maybe Rule of Rose?
Whatever, man, I'll enjoy what I think it's worth my time, and the first Five Nights at Freddy's deserves a shot.

Not him but I'm 31 and have a hard time playing the games.

Just watching the cameras, learning their movement patterns and then 3 with Springtrap was even worse since he would fuck with you.

Not scary just kinda creepy.
The original halo's first flood level, seeing shadows running through the swamp and covenant fleeing from something you couldn't see properly genuinely scared me when I played it for the first time, then they showed up and the game turns to shit.
I've played it before, it's literally a game for children.
That's not what I said though. I said that enemy variety aren't the things that make those particular games good.
Is Afraid of Monsters scarier? I heard it has lack of enemy variety but has the atmosphere to mske up for it
system shock 2 on impossible, no respawn chambers, and having headphones on

Less action but just as scary.
that was a weird game, good atmosphere but a little bit boring. But the gfx were really good at the time for a no name slav thing.
>PT: 20-25 minutes to blow your load on a jump scare
>Condemned: 8 hours for the same thing
Yeah it's definitely the same thing.

>Dead Space: a dozen or more unique enemies
>RE7: blobs and 4 bosses
Yeah you sound like a fucking windowlicking waste of oxygen. Are you really this stupid, anon? Were you born this way or is it the result of some terrible accident?
cheeki breeki on ice
Yeah nothing makes RE7 good
>their face when when 31
hows being retarded at 31 anon
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Fatal Frame 1 and 2. Can't comment on 3. 5 wasn't that scary but it did have me on edge a lit of the time.
Good call, the jumpscares weren't that effective but when I'd hear the alien running towards me and there was nowhere to hide that would really freak me out
The first Dead Space was genuinely scary

It had a lot of jumpscares yes, but it did them fucking right. They gave you jumscares when you thought you were completely safe, they constantly forced you to go places you really didn't want to go, they did giant cosmic horror really well with the leviathan, they genuinely made you feel very lonely and afraid the whole game. If you weren't playing on easy line a twat, the constant feeling that you needed to reserve your ammunition and make your shots count also made the game very tense
Also the environments were great. The Ishimura felt like a real ship.
AvP 1 and 2 marine campaign
Fatal Frame series
Some parts of System Shock 2
1 part in FEAR 2

are the only things that stand out for me
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Darkwood is pretty terrifying. It's been in alpha for like a year and a half, but for what it has it's incredibly bug free and full of content.

This is either really left field and exceptional bait or you should kill yourself
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Baiting kids is awesome.

It keeps me young feeling and looking.
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I haven't played RE7 I just wanted to shit on you because you post like a retard, that's all :)
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I hear you man, do you generally watch a shitload of horror movies too? I'm in the same boat, but have recently been reading about and having the urge to try some of the more far-out horror games, like Yume Nikki and other dream type games, and there was another strange Slav horror shooter I forget the name of..

Have you played the first few Silent Hill games? I remember Haunting Ground being decent. Siren is decent on PS2 too. I've recently been having a blast on Dead Space 1 and 2 which are both great on a good screen, low lights and loud volume.

It's hardly a game but I remember spending weeks on Worlds3D years ago.. That was fucking trippy. There was a guy called Nexialist on there I used to speak with a lot, he showed me some shit that holiday. ah, memories..
Yeah. Brilliantly made. Every part of it made sense. I also like that they really made you feel that you were an Engineer and not a trained soldier, and that both your weapons and your main objectives of fixing parts of the ship were things that made sense for an Engineer
Came to post this. Haven't even finished the game it makes me so freaking tense. No other game has ever made me so anxious and sweaty. The alien itself isn't even that scary, its the creaking of the ship, the emotionless androids lurking, the glimpses of endless space outside knowing you're helplessly trapped, and the feeling you're constantly being followed. I actually said to myself next time I boot it up I'm going to turn the music off because that is just an unfair anxiety causer. Whoever did the score is a madman. Such amazing attention to detail though. I'd give anything to have the same people make a Jurassic park game in the same style with the same intricate details and atmosphere.
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>Aspergers: the post
i've only played overture
I just finished REmake a few days ago and it's one of the best games I've ever played, what other ones are worth playing?
I played it on my GameCube.
Hurry up and go play Black Plague m8
>Have you played the first few Silent Hill games? I remember Haunting Ground being decent.

I played all of them but since I'm not frightened I just try to enjoy the controls, atmosphere and puzzles. The mannequin with the flashlight on it in SH2 is the last time I was genuinely spooked in a game.

>do you generally watch a shitload of horror movies too?

I like horror movies but haven't been big on them since age I started getting numb to media recently
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Give Dead Space a go if you haven't mate (though I assume most people have played 1 and 2).

Numb to media? You sound a little distant, what's up? If you're truly numb to media try some down-time away from screens bro. And if you're a fan of horror but get bored by movies and games, try reading. I recommend House of Leaves.

Hope you're good mate
Are the other ones worth a shit?
Stop saying mate m8

Which one is better?
>So you won't contribute because of the OP image? Fuck off you cunt.

There are dozens of thread on /v/ right now vying for my attention. Why should I put in the effort to contribute to this shitty thread when you haven't even put in the effort to make this thread even the slightest bit marketable with an interesting OP image? This is an image board, darling; shockingly, images are important here.
Litteral, unadulterated autism
I would've have finished cryostasis but it ran extremely slow on my comp back then. just that game at the time since I played after beating metro 2033.
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Opinion discarded.
dude holy shit either you're trolling or you should go bless the other threads with your presence then. Whatever it is just go away.
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the other what, Dead Space games? I heard 3 was shit and I'm kinda content on my experience of 1 and 2.

Saying that, I never see DOOM 3 get mentioned here, I always loved the atmosphere in that game and the effects of dissolving enemies, though it's been a few years since I last played it.

All right sorry don't make me self conscious ya bitch
its hard to understand but its good.
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Still spookiest game along with fatal frame. Shibitos are goat monsters.
Doom 3 was a good game but a pretty mediocre horror
Yea I was referring to the Dead Space games, I played a bit of 3 and didn't like it much. I guess I'll pickup 1 and 2!
Doom 3 can be scary at times for sure, much more then the newest Doom, which isn't at all.
GameCube version is fucking goat.
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I was just playing babe you say whatever pet name you like as much as you like
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Is this sufficient then Anon?
What a shame that it'll never come out :(
I remember when this happen, feel bad for those in that situation.
I think the only other difference is if you save Zoe you have to fight Mia on the ship once you regain control of Ethan
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He's right. It was pretty well designed for what it is, the atmosphere and ambiance was great.
I enjoyed it. Nothing like a backwoods Christian cult to get me spooked.
Alien Vs Predator
Oh shoot.
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For me, FFAF started off great, but became one of those games that you enjoy and keep to yourseld about, because the fanbase is not something you want to be associated with.

Just like Minecraft. Enjoyed the hell out of it from /indev/ to around the time the Survival update came out, but disassociated myself from the fanbase because it was all retards and kids.
I feel like the dev really tried to appeal to that crowd, they made like 5 other games within a short amount of time.
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>mfw(my feel when) when reading this post
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>Silent Hill 2
>Outlast 1

Honorable mention to Super Metroid for creeping me out and making me feel isolated as a kid. That was one of the first games to make me feel uneasy and it genuinely creeped me out. It's probably the only E rated game with dead bodies on the title screen.

>survival update

I hate how tedious and unfun that update made the game. Never mind xp and all the unfinished features, spread-out-as-all-fucking-FUCK dungeons and strongholds, and the weak ass "conclusion" to an open ended game that was the Nether, but the fact that Hunger decreases at such a consistently frustrating rate that it constantly does more to frustrate you than to immerse you.

The fact that they've never updated it to decrease at a slower rate annoys the shit out of me as well. Thought I have heard that minecraft's code is like a bowl of spaghetti thrown down on the floor because notch organized his code like an asshole.
Me too senpai. All that running back and forth while I know a monster is looking for me is killing me. I really want to play Alien: Isolation, but I'm afraid I will just quit it early.
> Ctrl + F
> The suffering
>no results
Fuck you guys. It hasn't aged well but damn this game was spoopy.
Game was also fucking good.

From a business standpoint, it makes sense, and in reality, is what you should do.

When you make a successful product that draws in a fan base, you don't decide to go in the opposite direction to spite them. It's retarded.

You can't choose your customers.
/v/ is too underage now
>Hunger decreases at such a consistently frustrating rate that it constantly does more to frustrate you than to immerse you
This. Enemies also seem to be much fucking harder.

Yea but I feel like they milked it. There weren't many changes.
>Fatal Frame 1-3
>Siren series
>Resident evil

cry of fear was pretty good
I don't remember ever being scared by a videogame, movie or anything really since I was older than 8, 20 years ago
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It's pretty scary if your favorite Youtuber is a morbidly obese gay guy who sticks bananas up his ass and pours hot chocolate down his ass crack.

Normal human beings need not apply. It's behind an 8 year old CoD game right now on Twitch.
Looks good mate, I really fucking need a PS2 or at least emulate. I am missing out on a lot of games.
Going to second this.

Waiting for the remake to come out now

Archer tracking was improved to the point where you could no longer juke their arrows. I wasn't sure if I just got bad, or if it was the game, until I went and played around in my old /indev/ folder and discovered I was capable of easily juking arrows again.

Zombies were also given more HP, and creepers range of detection increased.

Enemy spawns were also jacked WAY the fuck up. in /indev/ you'd find maybe a few monsters lurking around for maybe every 100 blocks. In live, you go outside at night, and there's a god damn Woodstock concert going on in front of you.


If you can ignore the incredibly cringe and 5th grade tier dialogue, it's a genuinely unsettling and creepy game.

I might actually replay it. Haven't played it since it came out.

>that first chainsaw face chase
>that second chainsaw face chase in the woods after you grab the door knob
>checking prison cameras
>oh hey, it's the room I'm in
>what the hell is that behind me!
>get out of cameras and nothings there
> panic and have an existential crisis for the next 5 minutes.
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Suprised nobody mentioned the first Postal.

I got in on sale after having a fun time with 2 and thought it would be a similar game in tone.

>mfw the main menu

It's not really scary or creepy like most games with a "horror" theme, but I found it really fucking disturbing the more I thought of it.
You really get the feeling that the MC is legitimately fucking insane , and it's heavily implied that some mental issue manifesting in his demonic voice is making him mass murder everyone thinking to himself that he's cleansing the world of a disease.

Also the "music" between levels is pretty goddamn chilling.

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And it wasn't even predictable.
Yea man, it's overwhelming. Skeletons are always fucking me up, they're incredibly annoying.
Eh although I could probably ignore all of that, it's still fun with friends. I really wish I had some people to play it with...

Postal 2 is pretty fucking funny, I really need to beat it.
Never thought the first game could be disturbing, I assumed it had the same dark humor.
It's also free, so no reason not to give it a shot!
First and second one, but they're scary in different ways. First lets you fight your enemies, which personally made it way scarier for me, because of the stress of deciding whether or not to fight. In the second there's no combat, so it's scary in that you feel helpless, and the second has more disturbing enemies. Third one is just a puzzle game that I never bothered to finish, not scary at all.

It's quite the messed up game. Do finish Postal 2 and Paradise Lost. Really great timewaster
Gonna pick it up soon, I can get all three on G2A for like $2.69! Should I do the first then second?

Sure will bud, loading times can get annoying, but I'll just put it on my SSD. Gonna get the first one whenever it's on sale.
I've realized that I really enjoy horror and stealth, for me, they go hand in hand. I love it, it gets my body going. Are they any good horror games with large emphasis on stealth? Now just because I like stealth in my horror doesn't mean I want to completely be hiding all the time. I want to also choose when to retaliate, fight or flight ya' know? So any games like that? So far I have Forbidden Siren and Lone Survivor. I'm pretty sure Alien Isolation is one of those types of games.
peter jackson's king kong the game was scary
I literally cannot play scary games. I tried Spooky's House of Jumpscares until floor 100 and then fearquit. My muscles were actually sore from being tensed up for so long. I'm fine with Dead Space and RE4 though. What's a good gateway horror game for a lil' bitch like me?
Doom 3
yeah, first then second is the order the story goes in, so there's no reason to reverse the order. have fun!
Haunting Ground focuses mostly on hiding from enemies I believe. Certain sections of RE7 are stealthy. The Outlast and Penumbra series focus heavily on hiding from enemies as well.
I've heard about it and seen people here talk about it, I'll give it a look. Thanks, Senpai.
Same here anon. I have noped out of a bunch of horror games. I really fucking want to get into them though.

Thanks bud! Cheers!

No problem my dude.
Here's a torrent in case that you don't want to purchase it.
You're not as much of a bitch as you think you are, I play tons of horror games, watch tons of horror movies, read horror books and creepypastas, and Spooky's House of Jumpscares has definitely been the scariest thing I've experienced in years.
> And if you're a fan of horror but get bored by movies and games, try reading. I recommend House of Leaves.
>House of Leaves
>le this book will le make you afraid of le dark

Wasn't scary only interesting part was the weird shaped text at the end
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The book is a lot better if you just skip the frame story about the loser tattoo artist and his sexual adventures.
Don't have a PS2 anymore, so I can't play Haunting Ground. Which is a shame because I always wanted to play it, just thought it looked really interesting back in the day. Someone's going to buy RE7, so I'll have that soon. Which Outlast would you consider to be best? I only plan on buying the best one. Don't think I have anything that could play Penumbra which sucks.
Is this how we determine what games are good now? /v/ must love LoL now
Outlast 1 & dlc is better
I've only ever played the first Outlast, and not the DLC, so I can't really give any recommendations. The first is in a mental hospital, and the second is in the woods with deformed hillbillies, so just go with whichever setting is more interesting to you I guess. Do you not at least have a shitty laptop? Penumbra doesn't require much, I played it on a netbook a long time ago. Funnily enough, Haunting Ground is more expensive than the PS2 at this point I believe.
Alright, I'll put that on the list of shit I need to buy.
I posted a torrent for the second one. >>375651882

You could also find one for the first one.
>No suffering
>No fatal frame

Nobody on this board likes horror
Fuck the long armed child in the grandfather clock

>those blinded ritual victims
Where could I find the suffering for PC?
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I don't know if scary's the word but in Outlast 2 when it's your turn to run away from the tree people that had me panicking. There's a really wide variety of visual prompts for room transitions and if you miss one or you can't figure it out fast enough you get your shit slapped.

Also I never got grabbed in SOMA because I was so scared of the light head guy that I did a perfect stealth run.
Ps2 Emulator. Also another good recommendation for PC Horror is "The Thing"
>desolate snow wasteland
>creepy music
>literally finding survivors that will shoot themselves if they get too scared
>blood tests.
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I do have a shitty laptop/tablet hybrid. Not to sure if it can play it though.

Aw shit, nice m8
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>tfw you lose the camera
>silent hills
He said GAMES you ignorant fuck.
>Dead Space
A fucking shoot em up scared you? Wtf?
Gonna try and look for an ISO.

>The Thing
Just checked, and it's not on Steam.
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It came out? What was it like?
But it did come out, they just removed it from PSN.
That was just a short demo, not the full game.
Alright, well there's some torrents for Penumbra on rarbg if you want to check, but they don't have many seeders.
I heard the situation was mishandled gravely. How so?
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Good shit, my man. Thanks.
I don't remember much to be honest, but the fires spread quickly afaik. Don't know what they could have done.
I'd argue Little Nightmares. That shit was pretty spooky.
On Amazon it's 5 dollars for PC hope that helps
Still my favorite series to this day. Going to replay the second one because of this thread
Shoot, thanks man! Could I install it to my machine or would I have to use the DVD?
The remake is out for mobile but controls are so fucking shit. The remake does look so much better though, shame it didn't sell well because it wasn't on the front page when it released.
Not him, but is Siren 2 on PSN too? I hear it's more slightly improved.
Fatal Frame 1-3
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Because most people think theyre playing a simple hack and slasher, then the game gets pretty fucking grim, everybody's an asshole, the gods are trying to wipe out everything and before you know it there's god-babies devouring your party in gory detail.
Postal 1 was literally mass shooter simulator 1997.
Siren 2 is significantly more better than Siren 1 in terms of controls and crouch walking is actually tolerable. It's not in the PSN store, at least not for Americans. IIRC the game only released in Japan and Europe.
The only time the game goes full on terror mode is when the babies show up.
How about that ending where furiea's corpse gets absorbed by a seed? Shit was terrifying.
I fuck I forgotten about that, then she does that autistic shriek.
>>Kojima has made it clear that “P.T.” and “Silent Hills” are not related. “P.T.” is a one-shot that allowed him to try to scare gamers in new ways while utilizing the Fox Engine. The idea to make it playable — “P.T.” stands for “Playable Teaser” — was born out of a desire to deliver the ?rst-ever interactive teaser in lieu of the normal route of releasing a few pictures or videos.

>>Hideo Kojima: Not sure yet. Development is cycling between either allowing players to choose to play the whole game in first person or third person, or keeping it fixed third person and having some areas be first person only. Either way we want to do something with first person. The game will not be out more than likely until 2016, lots of time left.

>>Kojima also fielded a question regarding whether the game would be linear, or more open-world: "All I can say is Fox Engine is meant for open world. I cannot discuss more on the game design itself in detail yet."
>open world
Maybe it was a good thing they stopped.
I'm tired of open world, that shit doesn't work.
Is there any hope that it will come in the future?
I have hope that Konami still working on a Silent Hill project. But knowing how retarded they're lately, my hopes are slowly starting to sail away.
Seeing how barren MGSV is. We can imagine how Silent Hills would be as well.
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>No silent hill 3
nigga wat? that fucking worm penis shit in the mall creeped me the fuck out.
Honestly, the emptiness of mgs5 did suck, but it could probably work in a Silent Hill game, since it would hammer home the feeling of isolation and separation from the normal world that Silent Hill has.
>Should I do the first then second?
You should also play Requiem, it's the actual ending of the series but you have to finish it to understand what's actually happening because everything is surreal
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