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The Switch just has no point in existing

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Here's the thing, on the one hand, I can sort of understand why you'd want a Switch. Aside from the fact that it's a Nintendo console and will obviously come with the promise of Nintendo games that will appeal to many, the concept is nifty in a gimmicky sort of way. The joycons are colorful and cool looking, and being able to remove them and use them independently is interesting. It's nifty in the same way that little flashing gizmos and gadgets are always nifty, despite how useful or necessary they may or may not be.

But here's the thing. When you take away the "oh, neat!" factor, and you see the console for what it really is, ask yourself: what is the actual reason for owning this console? The NES revolutionized gaming, the SNES added detailed graphics, the N64 added analog and 3D, the GameCube added disc-based media and dual analog, the Wii added motion controls, and the WiiU added the tablet concept. What does the Switch add? What does it do that makes it so revolutionary or interesting? What does it bring to the table that makes it a significantly better choice for your gaming needs than any other platform?

It really doesn't add anything. It isn't as powerful as a console, it isn't as portable as a handheld. Many will argue, "yeah, but it does both". Okay, but that's a shitty argument for the quality of this device, because it doesn't do any single thing "the best", it just does multiple things "pretty well".

If you want graphics and multiplatform games, you're going to get a PC or a console. If you want portability and convenience, you'll buy a handheld. If you want both, you'll buy both. This console only appeals to a select group of people who don't have the income for both, and cost efficiency is a terrible argument for why something should exist. If you want to have a debate about cost efficiency, the Switch wins easily. But if you want to have a debate about what is the best design for a gaming system, the Switch just has no reason to exist.
>what is the actual reason for owning this console?

For another console Monster Hunter to exist while taking away the necessity of porting costs.

Don't you dare try to fucking take this away from me.
Agreed they should just make a successor to the 3DS.
Why are you making this thread again man? It's not like you're accomplishing anything by doing so
It's a good middle ground for developers who make high budget games and low budget games.

It also comes with multiplayer support right out of the box, something all other consoles don't have.

It also doubles as a handheld and can be taken with you much easier than the competition and previous Nintendo console's bulkiness.

I'd argue that it has alot of convenience for only $300, even if the UI is barebones and some QoL features (netflix, web browser, other streaming apps) are missing because those things will eventually be patched in like previous Nintendo hardware.
PS4 is better
I really want to like the Switch.

I like the concept. Console games at home or on the go, sounds great.

But I already played MK8 and BotW on my Wii U. I get that most people didn't have one, but then again, "most people" don't have a dedicated video game device at all, so is that really an argument? What I'd really like is just a couple good games that interest me that I can only play on the Switch, or hell, even an exciting multiplat that I can play on the Switch.

As of yet, Switch just doesn't have any of that. I've already played the good indie games it has, and it's not getting any 3rd party support. ARMS doesn't look that interesting and I was never into Splatoon to begin with.

It won't be until Odyssey, Xeno 2 and Project Octopath that the system gets actual "Nintendo Switch" games and not just ports. And who knows when those games will actually release.
I have no idea, it's just an overpriced handheld with Wii U ports.
What did the PS2 and PS3 and PS4 revolutionise
this. not reading your essay, OP. Majority of /v/ has a switch. You're the vocal minority and all that
nice copy pasta my man
>Majority of /v/ has a switch
Are you really this delusional or just shitposting
By this logic ps4 and xbone have even less reason to exist. They are alao underpowered as shit and not the best at anything. They don't even have gimmicks on top of that. Curious how you can justify this under the same logic? At least i can honestly eay switch does stuff pc doesn't.

Though i would argue it does handheld the best. I prefer this form factor over that of 3ds/vita. And it is insanely more powerful. I just wish there was a more portable dock.
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>The Switch just has no point in existing
>sales keep trending up after 2 months and hype still hasn't died down
consoles shouldn't exist you fucking plebs
>sales keep trending up after 2 months and hype still hasn't died down
Go check out your local Target, Best Buy and Walmart and you'll probably see stock sitting around. The shortage is largely over, and demand is definitely much lower than it was at launch.

Granted this is completely normal. But you're making it sound like demand is increasing when this isn't the case.
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They restocked Friday for Mario Kart and were gone within hours.

First of all, that article was made BEFORE MK8's launch: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2017/04/27/gamestop-nintendo-switch-selling-out-in-hours-not-days/#117fba1be525

And yeah, before that Nintendo was trickling 0-1 units to each fucking store. Of course they sold out in a few hours, they only had to sell 1 unit if they got that many.

This Friday was the first real supply the console has had since it launched. And it's not selling out.
Funny. I can't find a single one still in my city or any of the surrounding cities. Why don't you go buy one and scalp it if it's just lining store shelves in your area?
how delusional are you? Switch is the new official console of /v/
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there's was literally a poll few weeks back.

PC was the first, PS4 was the second while switch was the third. total votes was 209
>it's not selling out.

except it is sweetie.
>total cotes was 209
out of date my man
Why do people come here and write thesis statements thinking people are gonna read it?
>Funny. I can't find a single one still in my city or any of the surrounding cities.
Bad luck or bullshitting.

>Why don't you go buy one and scalp it if it's just lining store shelves in your area?
Have you checked eBay prices any time in the last 2 weeks? They're going for $360-$375. There is NO PROFIT to be made at these prices. Scalpers are just dumping them at this point probably because they missed the return window, which is only 15 days at most stores.

Let me break this down for you:
Sales tax: Typically around 8%
Ebay fee: 10%
Paypal fee: around 2%
Shipping: Around $10 for something like the Switch

Let's say I manage to sell one for $375.
Ebay takes $37.50 off the top
Paypal takes $7.50
$10 shipping
$24 in taxes on a $300 item

Total expenses: $79
Total markup: $75
Net gain: -$4

I've lost $4.

And scalpers are selling at absurdly low prices because demand is that low.

Go fuck yourself, marketer.
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make a new poll then. i'll look forward to your faces when you see the results
it's just one guy with his illogical hatred for it
It's a handheld.
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There's no point to anything video game related if you really want to go in that direction. Thankfully we're coming out of that period where every game was a brown/grey FPS or something similar but I still see very little reason to own modern consoles. Good graphics are cool but that's not really enough to sell a console to me. I'm more sold on gameplay or unique/fun concepts. I'm not disparaging those who always buy AAA big ticket games by any means. If that's what you have fun with then go ahead, that's what games are about. It's just not for me. I've always been more of a handheld person myself and that's part of the reason why I was sold on the switch, but the other part was the games. I don't buy a console unless there's a handful of games I can justify buying it for, and the switch did that easily. I like colourful and cute games and it's a bit harder to get those on other systems. Not impossible, just harder. I'd love to have a PS4 but I have enough games as it is and I can live without it.

I guess the bottom line is that it just might not be for you, and that's fine. The switch might not be the most innovative console ever but if you're into certain games then you can't go wrong with it.
Online retailers are always the last to get consistent supply. Just go to any store and chances are they'll have at least a few units just sitting there.

Or you could just scroll down on that VERY SITE YOU'RE ON and see all the reports of people saying they are finding tons in stock.
it's not a scientific poll, moron

handheld console

I went to 5 different stores over the weekend all sold out, hun.
Ok sweetie

BTW, Bidders pay extra for shipping, and most stores put it high enough so that it cancels out the ebay fees.
>Or you could just scroll down on that VERY SITE YOU'RE ON and see all the reports of people saying they are finding tons in stock.

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no refute just lalal i cant hear you lalala im not reading it! go back to your BOTW shill threads drones
You have no idea how far shills go. Its always one fucking person too. I swear they're either paid or just autistic.
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>this amount of delusion

Keep going please
Don't worry, we'll keep playing the switch and laughing at you.
>get BTFO

Could you get me a Switch? I really want one but can't find it anywhere.
Got an email? I refuse to pay scalpers
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I like it
I stopped playing ps4 since i got it
>Go to work
>Put switch in bag get on bus
>Play some mario kart on the commute there and back
>Get home
>Do some more shrines in zelda

First time I haven't hated working weekends in a while
And because my commute is only an 30 mins each way and its always docked at home ive never had an issue with battery
>BTW, Bidders pay extra for shipping
Most are free shipping if you just look at the listing.
And if you would actually look at those listings, most of the grays are indeed selling for $375.

It's only the neons that are going higher than that. Even then, there's very little profit to be made. I'm not risking being scammed on a $300 item to make $10.
How I know you're a marketer: no one with 2 brain cells would negotiate a trade deal on /v/
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>Most are free shipping if you just look at the listing
What did he mean by this?
>i know you're a marketer because ur trying to buy it

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Damn... I never thought about it that way. The switch is just pointless, wow... Quick OP, you have to email your essay to Nintendo, they'll definitely be convinced to just stop making new products because you personally don't like then. Your viewpoint is completely novel and, in my humble opinion, revolutionary. More people need to know about this. Everyone, remember to share this on your social media platforms, post it to Reddit, print it and put copies in your neighbors' mailboxes! Make phone calls to everyone you can, buy TV and radio ads, rent planes to write about it in the sky! Everyone needs to know about OP's incredible discovery RIGHT NOW!
Honest question.
Why people just don't play games and stop giving a shit if PS4 or the Switch are selling well?, why don't they just play games instead of discussing which company has the bigger dick?
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Nice cherry picking.
>'it's not selling out'
>it actually is

what is the point of this autistic thread?
>isn't as powerful as a console
Most powerful Nintendo hardware to date, just because they're behind the other competitors (and have been for a decade now) doesn't mean it's weaker than a console. It's a weak console, not "so weak it can't even be called a console".

>isn't as portable as a handheld
objectively false. The switch case is less than 40% larger than the 3dsXL case, it's just as portable. Nobody carries their 3ds system in their pocket, they get a case to carry it and their games/charger, etc.

>It doesn't add anything
>except this ability to take your home console with you anywhere, removing the hardware barrier between handheld and home systems
>buy ps4, because muh grafix is totally adding value to the market and not leading it to stagnation.
Because shitposting about console wars is more fun than video games.
>What does the Switch add?

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This is so boring

yes, neon set is rare so it's higher priced. I never said I saw neons on store shelves, I might have bought one if I did
you too bud
The free shipping ones are higher priced you dunce
Oh sorry, I didn't realize it was only ok for you to do it

No, the Switch is totally out of stock everywhere, people aren't finding it at all
The average is around the same. The 469 one you posted is not only a neon but it has mario kart 8 included for fuck's sake.

Grays are going for around $375 after shipping, whether free shipping is included or not. It of course varies with seller rating.
obviously your anecdotal evidence is all we need to absolutely prove tons of switches are sitting on shelves unsold everywhere.

You already made this thread a week ago

And Mario kart 8 is breaking records
You think scalpers only post on eBay?
Already stale pasta.
It's not sitting on shelves *everywhere*
But it's safe to say the shortage is definitely on its tail end. Demand isn't ramping up. I'm not saying it's doomed. I'm saying we're seeing the very normal tail end of launch demand. It wasn't going to last forever if they actually want to sell units, they need to supply enough to actually not sell out.


Listen, the point is you suggested to me that I go scalp the units I see sitting around. I'm explaining to you why that's not feasible. If I could sell the unit for $380 I'd make no money. It's not worth it. Even if I could sell for $400 I'd run the risk of getting scammed, all for a profit of less than $20.
>isnt as portablr as a handheld

I mostly play it away from home. Vita and 3DS weren't super portable either
You do realize that you don't pay tax on items you sell right? Also ebay fee is 5%, not 10%
>You do realize that you don't pay tax on items you sell right? Also ebay fee is 5%, not 10%
You pay a tax when you buy it. Unless you're lucky enough to live in a state with no sales tax (I'm not), you are not paying $300 for a Switch, you're paying $325 or so.

And Ebay fee is definitely 10%. I've been selling on there for over a decade and can quote their fee schedule if you want me to. Only idiots right now are buying a switch thinking they can scalp it and make $80, probably because they're too stupid to realize all the fees kill it.
>implying that video games in general need to exist
Switch is $250 you dumb nigger

Portable and TV console that plays all of Nintendo games and has great mobility with indie games. Also the easiest console to date to get 4 controllers going for some great multiplayer.
Post Yes if you own a switch.
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