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>Vita launches with tons of great games including exclusives,ports

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>Vita launches with tons of great games including exclusives,ports of proper console games,backwards compability and free online

>Switch releases with ports,indy shit,paid online and the most expensive games of all current gen

Can someone explain this shit to me please?
Is it just the it's a console but also a handheld gimmick?
Lmao viturd still upset Vita flopped.

Switch has sold 1/6th of the Vitas total sales in a month. KEK.
>ports of proper console games
Pay full price for the shitty version of some AAA garbage!
>backwards compatibility
AKA you can buy all your PSP games again! Double the fun!
>free online
Would be great if it had games

Why'd you leave out memory cards, OP? Or the fact that the launch vita hadn't no onboard storage?
>its ok when nintendo does it
>Vita launches with tons of great games
Like Ridge Racer and, uh...

>>Vita launches with tons of great games including exclusives,ports of proper console games,
Basically the only Vita game worth playing at launch was Wipeout.
To date, it's still one of the only games worth playing on this turd.
>backwards compability
Oh boy, now I can pay again to be able to play my PSP and PS1 games!
>free online
Was also on the 3DS.

The Switch is way shittier but don't pretend the Vita was anything special.
The game library only increased when the PSP Japanese panty quest games were forced to Vita after the PSP was discontinued. Why is it we're talking about Dungeon Travelers 2 and not To Heart: Dungeon Travelers?
Switch right now at launch has an immensely larger library of games than the Vita ever will.
not shipping with at least 16gb internal was unforgivable when the psp go had it.
if you were upgrading from a disk based psp, you were fucked, and if you upgraded from the go, you were fucked again

basically you were paying a hi-res tax on this, when history has now shown that res didnt matter to the competition

DT1 never got translated.
Botw is better than any game on Vita.
Name 1(ONE) game
Why was that? Why start with the second game?
I've never seen a library so unappealing as the Vita's. What a bunch of garbage.

Because it was shit and we wouldn't buy it.
Vitafags have no choice but to buy shit like that and learn to like it.
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I would have bought a Vita if it had an SD slot.

I believe that the Vita would have done much better if it wasn't for these proprietary memory cards.
>being this insecure
I'm begging ya to PLEASE have sex
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Yes do it!!!
newfag pls leave

like seriously just kys
Super Bomberman R
Proprietary memory cards, no advertisement, no western appeal, a pointless 3G model, and a useless gimmick like the back touchpad. Even with all those issues, it was Sony's lack of support for the thing that ruined any chance it had. I think one year they went to E3 and announced like one game for it, and it was a shitty Assassin's Creed spinoff or something.

You can say what you want about the Switch's gimmicks, but they're surprisingly really useful. The portability and joycons are amazing and work really well. I like the Vita, and enjoy mine, but I think I would have been upset if I bought it on launch, instead of $80 off eBay a few months before Henkaku became a thing.

The only thing responsible for the Vita's shitty reception is Sony. The PSP was amazing before it, they had no excuse to fuck it up that bad.
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You need to know Japanese to enjoy the vita. Playing on my vita tv right now.
Pinhead seething that I called his virgin ass out lmao
>no western appeal
Oh no, it got a lot of western shovelware, the kind the average PS4 dipshit owner loves. Problem is these dipshits don't play handhelds. Meanwhile the things people who own handhelds actually play, japanese games, pended too heavily to the kusoge side. It was doomed to fail.
The problem with those launch Vita games is that they were watered down console games instead of portable games. No one bought them because of this, and instead of fixing the problem Sony just gave up and stopped supporting the thing. I can count on one hand the exclusive Vita games worth playing. Don't get me wrong, Switch is just as bad with it's 0 launch games. At least they still have a chance to turn it around like they did with 3DS though.

>Oh no, it got a lot of western shovelware, the kind the average PS4 dipshit owner loves.
Only in the first year, and not much more than the PSP.
>switch is more dead than the Vita
>Still sold 3 mil
How? People just like the gimmicky tablet console or something?
this, which is why the switch will flop when it comes to third party ports, but at least nintendo will keep it alive.
there is a new market for handhelds.
It's getting games people want.
>ship with ONE gb memory
>make most games digital
>make proprietary memory card
>charge $60 for the equivalent of a $10 SD card
>block America from most ps1 titles
>publicly announce you're dropping support 2 years in

Not surprised this thing flopped.
It's best selling game of all time is Minecraft.

To be fair, it is pretty good at that.
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Mario Odyssey and a Mario Kart if you were smart enough not to get a Wii U. I wasn't. Bottom line is what good are 20 something upcoming games for the year when none of them but Ys are any good?
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2017 upcoming Vita releases:

Akiba's Beat
Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Fault Milestone One
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period: Cube ? Shackles of Amadeus
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
God Wars: Future Past
Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
Fallen Legion
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
Valkyria Revolution
Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Tokyo Tattoo Girls
Warriors All-Stars
Drive Girls
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows

Guaranteed Replies

Alot of people just didn't like it and Sony lost a lot of customers with the exclusive proprietary sd cards and launched it too early

said no one ever.
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Literally not what happened at all, you fucking retard.

It was more like
>Wow, this thing is fucking expensive. A great value for what it offers, but still fucking expensive.
>A lot of the games are digital only
>Looks like I'll have to buy a memory card

You either have to be rich or exclusively game on a Vita, because the fucking proprietary memory cards cost more than the Vita it fucking self, and most Vitas only came with a 2 Gig or 8 Gig memory card.

Even when they released the slim version that was only $200, you still had to pay another $200 just for 32 gigs of memory. Fuck that. The price and the proprietary memory cards are what murdered the Vita, everybody WANTED to play its games but couldn't justify buying one, so most companies started porting their games to the PS3. And once the exclusives were on the PS3, no one had a reason to buy a Vita any more.
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>My side is never wrong, unlike the other side!
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Vita always wins baby.

>Tfw too smart for Nintendo shit
Not a SINGLE fucking game that interests me.

What the fuck is this literally who anime shit? Do YOU even know what half these games are? You just compile copy paste lists. But do you even know the games?

Why did I buy a fucking Vita?
It had Zelda and hardly anyone owned a wii u to play it on.
This, vita was more expensive than an xbox 360 and only slightly cheeper than a ps3.
overpriced proprietary microsd cards is why the vita was dead on arrival
Fuck off normie get back to Fifa and Fallout fag.
The bad stigma from the psp days made many western companies weary of the vita. The problem with the psp was piracy. So rampart that no company could make money in the west, so companies largely stopped making games or localizing games for the psp.

Many companies didn't want to fall into the same trap of making games for something like the psp and it won't sell. Marketing department only analyse sales, they don't take piracy into account for why they had low sales. They strictly look at shitty psp sales and determine it's not worth making games for the vita. This is why many western companies shy away from the vita.

Only a handful of companies realize that sale is possible on the vita since piracy is largely eliminated for new releases. Basically indies and weeb companies. And indies are actually rewarded decently from most accounts. Lots of them praise vita sales. Weeb companies like Xseed actually see enough sales to keep localizing games every year. There's profit in the vita, just not many know.
muh western support

No one bought a psp for gta
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Here's some weasel wisdom never try to argue with Nintendobabies.
Actually millions did. What a terrible example. The psp gtas did very well.
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>Vita launches with tons of great games including exclusives
Unless it's Japanese or an indie game, for the most part they got ported later on
>ports of proper console games
That mostly ran like ass
>backwards compability
Limited bc unless hacked. At least you can stream PS1 games from PS3 either digital or physical
>and free online
I guess you forgot about the whole season pass debacle for used games on the device at the time.

You're also forgetting a couple of things, mainly Memory Cards and Sony not marketing the damn thing right in the West.
Doesn't help that they launch the Vita TV instead of making that video cable proposed for the fat model. Probably would have fared somewhat better if it did.

Switch is getting off on the right foot in terms of marketing, but the games aren't there yet.

Why did the Vita sell so bad? Try coming up with an answer that doesn't say 'muh nintendo'. We already know the 3ds fucked the Vita in the ass and still does today. Is there any other reason?
Why is the Vitascene so fucking dead
In my eyes, the Switch is just Vita 2.0 but with less software features and swap the properietary memory card with a proprietary dock.
>Is there any other reason?

Are you illiterate or just retarded in general?
It sold bad in the west because smartphones are dominant and Sony has no hard hitting killer titles.

It's kinda the opposite in Japan. Walk into a game store and you see Vita stuff everywhere with every model color under the rainbow.

This delusion.
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>Can someone explain this shit to me please?
This shit still baffles my god damn mind
At least I can pirate whatever the fuck I want now. Using the shitty 16gb card I have because I sure as shit ain't spending money on a 32 let alone importing a 64
Fuck Sony
Mobile games and Sony being retarded.
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PS4 fags believe the Vita is holding back games.
Nintendo fags hate the Vita because it's Sony.

So pretty much, the Vita was at the forefront of multiple autism attacks by various fanbases. Despite devs moving to it over the years and preferring the Vita over other portable consoles, it was meme'd back and forth in NA as having no games and retards legitimately believed in it.

>mfw I own a Vita and have 218 games playable on it
>Excited with all the rumors of Sony preparing to introduce a new portable console at E3 this year
>Waaaahhh waaaahh it only has superior Japanese games!

Is this suppose to upset me?
Advertising, lack of IP power, and phones. pretty much it.

Reminder that the 3DS is the worst selling Nintendo handheld despite having the most iterations, and has the least amount of exclusives [most of its library is ports and remasters, the exclusive stuff is budget kiddie shit].

Its all about brand power, and im sure that price drop helped.
Games that were unappealing to normie eyes (either watered down PS3/4 ports or ultra-weeb games), plus the proprietary memory cards. That's what killed it in the West. Meanwhile, mobile gaming slowly but steadily pushed it aside in Japan. The 3DS only barely avoided the same fate because of Pokémon and Monster Hunter.
Why is the 3DS scene full of pedophiles? Freeshop guy got arrested for CP, the dude behind one of the 11.x hacks got vanned for admitting to having sex with a underaged teenager, and some other guy quit the scene because someone figured out and leaked that he hoards anime porn.
1.) vita was too ahead of its time, to develop a game on it would require the same costs as developing a full blown console rendition for the PS3 or XB.

2.) The memory cards were always, and still to this day, too expensive.

3.) No games were worth buying on the console unless you're a weeb. Anyone with a PSP or Vita got their money's worth by playing roms.

4.) Online store was shit along with the games that were made available via PS+.

5.) Sony themselves gave up on it.
Vita is -The- weebmachine
Unless you like jrpgs it's kinda shite
>to develop a game on it would require the same costs as developing a full blown console rendition for the PS3 or XB

An average Vita title only needs ~5k units to break even on costs.
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>Why is the 3DS scene full of pedophiles?
>Why is this thing targeted to children full of people who like children?
The 8GB isn't $40.
That being said, proprietary pricing happens in literally all electronics.

No one said anything when the Wii U deluxe model charge $100 extra for 24GB and a fucking plastic stand. It's just double standards.

Now people are content to pay online with the Switch with less features than a VIta, that had Skype, chatrooms, and built in voice chat on launch.
>Why did the Vita sell so bad?
That's because the SoA tried to flank the thing at every turn for some goddamn reason by downplaying it and even got in trouble with false advertisement that pretty much killed advertisement for it altogether, coupled with being pretty costly and having next to no brand name software attached to it, it ultimately failed to reach its potential, despite having a pretty strong community, in the east, well, it lost MH, it's still the third most successful console in the JP market though, it became a haven for niche series and small devs.

tl;dr: Sony shot themselves in the foot like always, a shame because both the console and library are great, but japanese is pretty much mandatory, which also hurts its sales.
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Anyone like Valkyrie Profile 4?
Except it had exclusives. People were calling its exclusives ports, however, seems it was a victim of misinformation out the gate.
>The 8GB isn't $40.

You're right, it isn't.
Isn't that the exact same situation for the 3DS? But the 3DS gets even less Western games, so I'm wondering what you mean by this.
The 3ds, on the other hand lets you whichever card you want.

An average Vita game nowadays is a cheap VN POS so I'm not surprised. Making something like Gravity Rush, Wipeout or Killzone is a very different prospect.

I only play JRPGs and VNs. I have no interest in the rest of the games industry anymore but I am well aware that I'm a minority.
>That being said, proprietary pricing happens in literally all electronics.
I can't think of a recent console or consumer electronics device that uses proprietary memory cards.
They all accept some sort of generic flash storage solution like USB or SD.
It's just Sony being jews.
> No one said anything when the Wii U deluxe model charge $100 extra for 24GB and a fucking plastic stand. It's just double standards.
You could always buy the cheaper white version. The internal memory was shit anyways and you could plug a USB and get more memory for cheaper.
>No one said anything when the Wii U deluxe model charge $100 extra for 24GB and a fucking plastic stand. It's just double standards.

Are you fucking stupid

Everyone, EVERYONE, even normies were losing their shit when the premium Wii U only had 32 Gigs especially when 6 of that went to the OS. 32 Gigs was pathetic even in 2005, let alone 2012.

Anyone who even heard of the Wii U due to Nintendo's retarded marketing was turned off by it due to its shit hardware. Literally only the most dedicated Nintendo fanboys bought a Wii U.
yeah not anymore. now it's 25-30
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Whatever man, I don't care about the 3DS.
I want to play 3.61 games. There's no exploit for that yet?

Killzone maybe, but Gravity Rush needed ~20k units to break even which is still incredibly cheap.
kind of retarded to day vita didnt sell because if the 3ds when the ds and psp co-existed. Vita is a massive failure because the price of entry, poor marketing and lack of first party support.
This might be news to you, but in the world outside of /v/ console wars, people generally don't gave a rat's ass about "exclusives" unless a company aggressively advertises them as such. They want the shiniest box with the most appealing brand and the most games. If "exclusivity" was all that mattered, Nintendo's Wii U wouldn't have done nearly as badly as it did.
>I can't think of a recent console or consumer electronics device that uses proprietary memory cards.

I honestly think the last one to do it was the original Xbox in 2001, and even then, it was easy peasy to swap out the internal harddrive for a bigger one, the memory cards were pointless.
>An average Vita game nowadays is a cheap VN POS
It really isn't the case, but whatever you say.
>Vita launches with a port of Ninja Gaiden, debatebly the greatest action of all time
>Switch launches with a port of Breath of the Wild, an average Zelda game
>Switch wins
Soon brother, soon...
You mean like all phones? Laptops?
They have built in storage that you cannot modify.

>You could always buy the cheaper white version. The internal memory was shit anyways and you could plug a USB and get more memory for cheaper.
Oh that would help that digital games it released? Or the fact that tons of games required installs to load properly like Xenoblade X?

You basically just said "its okay you could just buy an external harddrive for a larger price to fix it" That's the same fucking thing. Most drives didnt even work, and even then, you had to format the drive EXCLUSIVELY to the Wii U since its extremely picking on the format.

You are a fuckwad.
>There's no exploit for that yet?

There probably won't be any.
The only reason why any progress was made at all was due to getting handed the keys to 3.60 and below titles. In doing so, the group disbanded too as the one who released it jumped the gun and caused Sony to prevent any future titles from being pirated.
Delusion the post
And the Vita outsold and outlived the Wii U. Your point?
Its the same for the Switch.
My vita literally only has vns installed on it. Not even the guy you replied to. Even the game I own have massive vn aspects, like atelier and uta2.
> You mean like all phones? Laptops?
> They have built in storage that you cannot modify.
What the fuck are you even talking about. Phones support Micro SD or no memory slot at all. There's no proprietary memory
Also any laptop worth its salt will have easily swappable HDDs. Only macfag tier shit have soldered flash memory but you're a retard if you buy that crap.

>The only reason why any progress was made at all was due to getting handed the keys to 3.60 and below titles.
That's not how it worked at all
Stop talking about shit you don't understand
One thing nintendo has done right is create loved characters and series. Sony always drop shit right as it get popular. They need more in house studios.

So you have to waste money on a piece of shit that dies with the console.

>or no memory slot at all.
That's the same concept you fucking moron. The premium comes from space. Lots of laptops still do it outside of Apple.
>That's not how it worked at all

Except it literally did.
Except external HDDs aren't extremely expensive nor 90% of Wii U games are digital only. Leave it to Vitards to attempt to rationalize the memory card.

They all went bankrupt during the PS3 era.
Being kept alive by thirsty weebs and use as an overpriced PS4 controller isn't much of a life. The Wii U at least is now much more desirable after being discontinued and having its price reduced dramatically.
>My vita literally only has vns installed on it
Sucks to be you.
>Even the game I own have massive vn aspects, like atelier and uta2.
Let me guess, VN aspects is having busts during dialogues for you, right?
Not like 3.61+ games are worth playing anyways. It's mostly trash. The biggest 2017 vita titles released were a VN sequel, a Valkyrie spinoff, and some low budget digimon game.
Piracy didn't happen until after the system was pulled from western shelves. Then the majority of owners are diehard fans and may have even been promoting 3ds piracy
Vita filled a niche that needed filling, literally no one wanted the Wiiu.

I'm updating once 13 Sentinels releases.
Fuck waiting for that.
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>No new Patapon
>No new Parappa
>No new Ape Escape
You had good mascots, Sony. Why the fuck won't you do anything with them.
>crappy port of a game everyone that cares already played 5 years before on a console that matters
>full version of a brand new high profile sequel

really grinds the grey matter
>That's the same concept you fucking moron.
No it isn't. Proprietary memory cards are not the same as no memory slot at all.
Besides, I can't think if a recent Android phone that doesn't have an SD slot. Last model I can think of is the moto g1 but that's a phone from four years ago.
You seem to be using Apple as a company to prove your point but only retards buy shit from Apple. Are you trying to imply the Vita is for retards as well?
>Colourful games on the edgy cool modern Sony

Buy the last of us and God of war you cuck
>Not like 3.61+ games are worth playing anyways
You gotta be kidding me.
I know you piratefags are trying really hard to cope with the fact that you're locked out of games, but this is just sad.
Except they cost just as much if you want to ensure that compatibility won't be an issue. You are literally spouting double standards.

Fatal Frame 5 was digital only, as were a few of the more niche titles and VC titles. Xenoblade X required an install to not run like shit. Most of the library is actually eshop exclusive.

Say it with me: DOUBLE STANDARDS.
Google Pixel doesn't have an SD card slot
Name five 3.61+ Games worth playing that's available in English.

Protip: you can't

>Not owning two Vitas so you can pirate pre 3.60 titles and purchase 3.61+ titles

If you bought and enjoyed the titles on Vita, you're going to love the newest titles coming out.
And it's a shit phone

>No it isn't. Proprietary memory cards are not the same as no memory slot at all

Explain. How is paying for more memory on a Surface Pro 4 different from buying an exclusive memory card for the Surface Pro 4.

What are you paying for in the end? You're a fucking moron.

Google does it too, literally tons of phone companies do, you inept motherfucker. Funny you mention Apple, when Nintendo is basically the Apple of gaming.
None of those games would sell well anyways.
>They cost just as much to ensure compatibility won't be an issue

What is this ridiculous fucking meme
You just buy almost any USB hard drive and plug it in with a Y cable
Fuck off. Any modern drive will not work.
It doesnt even support USB 3.0 drives.

You Nintendo fucks seriously need to get brain surgery.
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>Having a Vita
>Not knowing japanese
So your argument is that because you're a dumb fucking EOP moron there's no games worth playing?
You're still not Antony Burch anon, but dammit if you aren't trying.
>Except they cost just as much
Absolutely false.

Or just buy a dirt cheap enclosure and turn any 3.5 or 2.5 HDD into an external with its own power feed.
See, I told you can't list games. Because there are none. Get fucked.
>It doesn't support USB 3
USB 3 is backwards compatible, it just goes at 2.0 speeds

Do you even know anything about what you're talking about
In the first case you're paying for a device with locked memory and no expandable storage. Soldered flash storage is much faster and more expensive than external solution.
In the second case you're paying more for external flash storage because Sony got too greedy.
There's your difference
Funny, as I'm using a 3.0 one right now.
It's literally okay when Nintendo does it.
I thought we already said this half a decade ago.
It CANNOT power USB drives. The power supply is TOO SHIT for anything relatively modern.
This is embarrassing. You need to stop.
>It CANNOT power USB drives.
you are wrong about pretty much everything you said

>You mean like all phones? Laptops?
>They have built in storage that you cannot modify.
1. not what the post you were replying to was talking about
2. you can modify/replace laptops internal storage
3. laptops can use any generic usb/SD card storage
4. launch vitas didn't even have internal storage or an included memory card

>games required installs to load properly like Xenoblade X
flat out untrue

get a drive with an external power source? the wii u is plugged into the wall anyway

>So you have to waste money on a piece of shit that dies with the console
doesn't even make sense

plus the fact that you didn't have to buy special Wii U brand memory cards that were 10 times the price of normal memory. which was the entire point of the discussion
No one advertised the vita and it wasn't lauded as a console like the switch is

Also the vita in retro is actually a decent handheld better than the ds

Only reason I got a ds though was for animal crossing with friends and Zelda games

Only thing I want on vita is digimon
use the Y cable it came with

If your drive requires that much power it should have came with an AC adapter anyways
So ultimately you're saying its the same thing except "speeds" as if that matters to something you're never going to read and write too very often?

You fucking serious? So ultimately, you get more choice and potential storage with a card that you can remove and reallocate.
I can list quite a few, but most of them aren't localized, doesn't make them magically not exist just because you're an inept motherfucker who wastes money on a console you can't even use at its fullest.
You use a y cable which uses both usb ports to supply power dude. I have a 1TB Seagate plugged into mine right now.
The only reason non-nintenbros want a WiiU is because it's hackable now. But with CEMU making huge progress thanks to shillbucks on Patreon, that won't last long.
>Need a fucking Y cable
Fuck off.

You guys are hopeless, seriously. Nintendo still charged $100 for <20GB storage. You are merely making excuses. On top of the Basic model being removed from shelves, you morons are still defending it with the cost of another fucking addon that may or may not work.
Vita can't compete against Pokémon, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest, and Yokai Watch in Japan. Kids outnumber young adults.
Nobody liked the Wii U either, retard
Meanwhile Switch and 3DS let you plug in whatever microsd you have on hand
As a Vita owner their memory practices are fucking reprehensible and they deserve every ounce of loathing they get for how they handled it
Nobody cares about panstu quest 4 "exclusives"
>moving goalposts this hard

Fact is WiiU can use usbs and external HDD, 3DS has SD cards and the Vita uses insanely overpriced proprietary memory.

Just take the loss on this dude.
Wii U: an option that may or may not work (it will)
Vita: literally no option whatsoever

that's the difference
>Yokai Watch
Yokai Watch is rapidly tanking with each iteration though, it was just a fad.
One is genuinely more expensive than the other. In one case you pay a premium for a better product, in the other you pay more literally because jews.
Keep in mind any device without expandable memory via generic SD card is shit, like the anything Apple or the Pixel.
BotW is also an WiiU and subsequently PC.
>His hard drive didn't come with a Y cable
>Even if it didn't they're like 2$
>Something about the Basic model anyways
>Most 3.61+ vita games are visual novels
>said visual novels are Japanese only
>can't play if you can't read a Japanese novel

This is what you sound like
And what?
So it's not a Switch exclusive, people buying a Switch just for BotW are braindead.
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Yeah they should buy the dead WiiU to play it instead right? Idiot.
>Nintendo still charged $100 for <20GB storage

the deluxe was only $50 more than the basic and it came with a game. you can't even get basic facts right.
> Literally fetish games for lonely otaku
muh exclusives
Any other system including PS4
>Who plays western AAA shit? It's trash. Nobody likes uncharted or the last of us.
>Where's the western AAA shit? I won't buy it without western AAA shit. We need more games like uncharted or the last of us.
And the Switch costs $350 dollars, has expensive accessories, a $90 dock, and paid online.

They still did the very same fucking thing though. Just you had no choice once they removed basic models.

Wait, so someone is required to both pay for the deluxe model and search for a compatible, old HD for the sake of buying online games. Somehow their MUCH higher premium for the deluxe model is okay just to attain the console, but a Vita card for $40 for 32GB is somehow that much worse?

$100 + $50 is somehow equivalent to $40?
A refurbished Wii U from nintendo is $200. Add in the fact that every Wii U model can do piracy easily and generations of virtual console, yes you are a fool for buying a $300(possibly more due to scalpers) for a Switch.
Well, the WiiU actually has a few games, not many, but a few. That's better than the one that the Switch has, which the WiiU also has.

But no, they should just emulate it on PC. NoA doesn't deserve money.
oh and it was 24GB more storage. so pretty much every part of that sentence was wrong
>pay a premium for a better product
That's not true at all, the only difference is storage.
When the choice is either building a high end PC or get a scalped dead system with about 4 games worth a shit instead of a new, alive system that costs the same? Sure, build quality is shit and early adopters are suckers, but going for the Wii U is even more stupid.
The problem with these lists is that they try to show vita library by quantity and not quality.

I can assure you that if I compare it with 3DS, PS3, WiiU, PSP, etc. Most of the vita exclusives would fall short. In addition, a lot of the games on Vita are also on PS4 or steam.
> Soldered memory with faster transfer speeds is not a premium
u wot
>Vita launches with tons of great games

Name one
"Buy a Wii U 2.0 instead of a Wii U"
Okay. The Switch will have less games than the Wii U since all its support is ports.
>>Most 3.61+ vita games are visual novels
Need a source on that friendo.
Yeah, you're missing out on quite a few nice games like Macross Delta Scramble, the new Damascus Gears, Cladun Sengoku or SaGa Scarlet Grace, without even considering all those nifty ports like Salt&Sanctuary and upcoming games like God Wars, the Romancing SaGa 3 remaster, Aegis Rim and so on.
So yeah, you're missing out, no matter how you look at it.
Ok. But anyone who's going to buy a new console to play games is going to get the new one that will get new games for the next 5 years over the old dead one.
The price gaps are just as large between the same soldered drives. Your mind is stuck in the past with Nintendo's expired tech.
>Wait, so someone is required to both pay for the deluxe model and search for a compatible, old HD for the sake of buying online games. Somehow their MUCH higher premium for the deluxe model is okay just to attain the console

1. none of this is true
2. even if it was they could also buy a standard 32 gb sd card for 10 bucks
>high end PC
>A Ryzen 1600 and a 1060 is high end

And regardless, you can still buy a WiiU for like $200, hack it, and then play all the WiiU games you want, even removing the shitty censoring that NoA did.
>This delusion
I'm not even talking about Nintendo. I'm thinking more about smartphones and tablets.
Nintendo flash memory is probably shit anyways.
Wipeout 2048
>30fps wipeout.

>2. even if it was they could also buy a standard 32 gb sd card for 10 bucks
>Wii U
>SD cards

Sure thing shill.
>get new ones
Yeah, like all the games that the WIiU got?

inb4 "B-but all these third party publishers and devs are partnering with Nintendo for the Switch"
Yeah, like they all did with the WiiU too, right?
switch has zelda

one of the most popular video game franchises
You never even played it. It didn't hinder how it played.
>the only* difference is storage.
*and a pack-in game, and a sensor bar so you could use old wii controllers
Nintendo only survives on brand name. Just like Disney.
The Switch has ONE (1) exclusive for this holiday season. Everything else is shovelware or ports that have been on everything else for a while.

Its funny because even as a port machine, it runs most games like shit.
>now I can pay again to be able to play my PSP and PS1 games!
CFW exists, you know
Oh boy, shovelware and a bar that can be replicated with 2 candles.
The vita doesn't even have 1/10 of the PSP library available on psn
>works with candles
While this is technically true, because the flames move and flicker it works like crap.
>best AMD offering and the third best card on the market
That's pretty high end, yes.

>you can still buy a WiiU for like $200
Alright, you're still paying $200 to play W101, Bayo 2, DKCTF, BOTW and figure out everythng else was a meme and Wii U owners deserve to be beheaded.
>Wii U owners deserve to be beheaded.
>Shitch fags think their console won't be another Wii U.
>The Switch has ONE (1) exclusive for this holiday season
2 actually.

>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2

And likely 1 more game unannounced that will be at E3.
Vita hardware and OS shat on 3DS but Sony had to screw up the system with their marketing and storage memory.

Literally every commercial I saw for Vita only showed the device as a remote play machine for PS3/PS4. Not once did they stop to talk about their latest game releases for Vita.
Splatoon 2 is supposed to be this summer. and maybe arms but i haven't kept up with it
Just wait, they will turn on the Switch in 2 years when it stops getting games because Nintendo development times are too slow, and third parties already abandoned it.


Another Xenoblade X trash experience.
The Wii U actually has a library, is hackable, is backwards compatible with Wii (and Gamecube if you hack it).

The Switch is worthless until either one of the following two things happens:
It gets at least seven worthwhile exclusives (true exclusives, not just enhanced ports)
It gets hacked.
Yeah but he specifically emtnioned holiday season.

Get better taste in RPGs my man.
>best AMD offering
>third best card on the market
You have to be baiting, you can't be this retarded. The RX 480, Fury, Fury X, RX 580, GTX 1070, 1080, 1080ti, Titan X, and Titan Xp, all beat out the 1060.

>You are still paying $200
As opposed to paying $350 for ONE game? With the promise of third party support that historically hasn't paid off and a very slow trickle of exclusives for the foreseeable future?

Neck yourself.
Depends, the JP PSN has quite the selection, despite missing some core titles for some reason, like any PSP AC game outside of Formula Front for some reason.
Yes let's all wait 5 years after every system to release before getting one.

No poorfag. I like to play new games when they come out.
>Yeah but he specifically emtnioned holiday season

oh i figured it meant anything releasing before the holiday season, since it would be available
Vita has great exclusive titles, such as ___________
It does if you hack it and install Adrenaline. :^)
Actually selling my henkaku vita to get a switch tomorrow.
>Get better taste in RPGs my man.
Coming from someone who owns a Switch. Personally, I would be the last and only person to suggest I have good taste if I was in your shoes.
No one bought it because it was a $300 handheld on launch
Tales of Hearts R
How do you know if I own a Switch or not?

Are you assuming because I know general information that I own the hardware?

You made a mistake and now you should own up to it.

What RPGs are you a fan of?
Well, excuse me if I don't keep up with their trash CPUs. Also, Titan is a meme. Ti is pretty much the same shit.

There's also Odyssey if you have any taste. And SMT. Thing is, as bad as the first model is, the Switch is already shaping up to have more worthwhile games than the Wii U. The Wii U is done. Anyone getting a Wii U right now is a retard and deserves the disappointment.
Same with the Switch but people bought it anyways for Zelda.

I did the opposite, sold my Switch after beating Zelda for $400. Ended up upgrading my PC and getting a cheap PSTV.
>having this permanently in your clipboard ready to paste in case a Vita thread pops up
>pretends to have knowledge about what he's talking about and then gets assblasted when he's proven wrong.
You can't make this shit up, it's golden.

>it's shit, but it's not as shit so pls buy good goy
Anyone getting a WiiU right now is getting it because it costs $200 less than a Switch (if you buy a game with the Switch and don't just buy the console) and can be hacked to play its entire library. Yes, there's only a handful of games you can play that are worthwhile, but that's still more than the Switch has and at a much lower entry cost.

But again, my point isn't to defend the WiiU, it's to point out how shit the Switch is. If you have any sense, the pecking order goes CEMU>WiiU>A bullet>Switch.
Sony fanboys feel that threatened by the Switch huh?
Wanna hop on voice chat?
>by a platform that gets no games, has zero E3 presence, and only autistic kids and hipster talk of

Oh boy, I'm missing out on so many uninteresting games. Not even a Sony fanboy, but no one gives a shit about the Switch, its a secondary commodity.
lmao I can smell the fear
>it takes 5 years to get 7 good exclusives
Not really helping your case there, champ
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Caligula, out soon in the west.
And as someone who has a Wii U I'm telling you you're retarded for suggesting it. It's a 4 games system. That's barely worth $100.
Soul Sacrifice Delta

>You need to know Japanese to enjoy the vita

I should be good then

I learned a lot of Japanese from watching anime
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>Accel World VS. Sword Art Online
How embarrassing.
It's good, fixed everything wrong with Lost Song and LS was a good game. Not even a sao fag. Best part is you don't have to play as kirifag.
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Oreshika 2
SaGa Scarlet Grace
Tales of Hearts R
Cladun Sengoku
Macross Delta Scramble
Summon Night 6
Damascus Gears Saikyou Exodus
And some other stuff.

It's also full of remastered stuff exclusive to it like Shiren5+.
VD has a great smash clone mini game but it's bot for everyone.

DT2-2, Luminous Arc was good, and lots of exclusive vns as well as the best versions of 6 atelier games.
I'm not suggesting it though, stop moving the goalposts. I'm saying that the Switch is shit, and anyone with half a brain would just emulate BotW and MK8 anyways. Further, I'm saying that the Switch is a WORSE option than buying a WiiU. And as you said, buying a WiiU isn't a smart option being that it has a handful of games that can, again, be emulated.
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The most popular game right now is a fucking weeb game

American are really enormous retards
>Switch is shit

library is shit right now and the hardware is weird, I don't think it's shit. It's not worth it unless you love nintendo games.
It's better to space things out than blow your load in February and wait until June for Gravity Rush, then maybe something else in November.
People bought it in Febraury, saw nothing upcoming in March/April then got rid of it or put it in a drawer and didn't touch it again. That made demand for the thing drop like a rock after a month.
>It's not worth it unless you love nintendo games
In other words, it's a portable Wii U.
>it's not worth it unless you love nintendo games
Of which precisely zero are exclusive to it. And no, 1-2 Switch isn't an excuse.
Wh are vita users so assblasted by the switch?

Will this really be good though? It looks like a Persona clone and the japs didn't seem to like it.
Waiting the Rabi-Ribi.
Any new infos?
Why are Nintendofags so bootyblasted over Sony?
>I'm saying that the Switch is a WORSE option than buying a WiiU
If you're gonna spend money for BOTW, there's no point getting a Wii U. Period.

The Vita has no quality japanese games.
It looks like a persona clone because it's written by the old persona writer.
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>It looks like a Persona clone
It's written by the same person that wrote person 1-2. Has social links that unlock skills, anyone you can social link with can become your party member, over 500 NPCs. Character events based on friendship, a shared skill point pool making choices pretty hard, the combat is one of the best I've ever played. I'm trying to find out what everyone's tauama is. I think Mifue might be anorexic/bulimic irl, she hates fat people and her transformation covers her mouth.
If a person is only interested in BoTW, they have three options
1) Spend $350 on a Switch and $60 on the game
2) Spend $200 on a WiiU and $60 on the game (unless you hack the WiiU and pirate the game)
3) Spend no money on a system or game and emulate it on CEMU

This being the case, Switch is OBJECTIVELY the worst option. You're paying an extra $150+ for 900p docked and the ability to play it portably for an hour and a half. Of course, if you emulate it you can run at any resolution you want so that point is null.
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This combat system might be the best I've ever played. I can't wait to figure out how to break it and min max. Already able to kill mobs 2x my level buy juggling and dodging, think still 1 shot me if I fuck up. Which happens when I miss my knock up or if it gets blocked.
>Will this really be good though?
It's okay, I'm not really into weeb games but it's basically Persona meets Matrix, if you like the average Persona cast and story chances are you'll enjoy Caligula, it doesn't have Kaneko's pokemons though.
I personally think Caligula has a better overall theme than P5 too, considering it's all about thinking for yourself and being yourself and not letting trends or peer pressure and conformism get to you, but that's just my opinion, the writing isn't anything special either although the theme is pretty interesting.

The gameplay isn't all that hot, especially compared to other turn based JRPGs on the system like Oreshika 2 or SaGa Scarlet, but it's not bad either, it's an okay game with some neat things and some meh things, I really like how there's no battle transitions and you play on the same map you move around in, that's an interesting touch that you don't see in many RPGs.
Sounds interesting. Too bad I can't play games past 3.60, and I'm not willing to drop money on a second Vita or a PSTV
>g for yourself and being yourself and not letting trends or peer pressure and conformism get to you, but that's just my opinion, the writing isn't anything special either although the theme is pretty interesting.

Agreed, although I think the word play is really nice. like the use of 帰宅部 and 卒業. I hope it translates well. The writing is far from bad I would even say it's good, just not amazing.
>implying I cant like both devices
Fuck you retard.
>The gameplay isn't all that hot, especially compared to other turn based JRPGs on the system like Oreshika 2 or SaGa Scarlet,

Have you played the game? Or even read the reviews? The game play is why people were calling it kamige in Japan. It's far better than oreshitka.
>I hope it translates well.
Who's going to localize it again?

I just hope they don't fill the script with made up bullshit or change names for no reason like they did with Soul Sacrifice and really all the other release I took a sneak peek at, even the recent remaster for Romancing SaGa 2 has been butchered at parts, especially for simple wordplays.
It's a game with a nice theme and I'd really hate it to be butchered by some localization.

I really should get back to it too and explore the system further, but I've been playing so many other games and RPGs on Vita, Scarlet Grace alone took 400 hours of my life already and I'm still far from being done with it, and Caligula has an even bigger cast, reminds me a bit of Gunparade March now that I think about it.
This place is reddit central mixed in with nintendo kiddies, 2009 was almost a decade ago, this place went down the drain pretty fast. The vita is an excellent handheld but don't expect the casuals and nintendo fanboys of /v/ to agree with you. Fuck this place.
Fuck off to neogaf then.
Thats the place for your kind.
Nintendo is paying the cops to put these guys behind bars to stop people from pirating on their platforms. Don't you think it's convenient all of this happened after the switch was released?
>The game play is why people were calling it kamige in Japan.
Who cares what the japanese think? They might call it kamige all they like but they still buy entry level garbage like DQ or FF and hail it like the second coming of christ, same thing happened with P5 which simply recycled old SMT and Persona mechanics without adding much.

As I said, It's an alright system but it really doesn't stand out for me despite being a neat elaboration of the action/turn based hybrid model from Valkyrie Profile, especially when it came out so close to Exist Archive, which was basically VP4, it's cool and much better than the average turn based game around, but it doesn't have some neat quirks like Oreshika's generational system or Scarlet's timeline/reserve system.

I'm actually pretty impressed FuRyu managed to come up with something like this, it's a huge jump in quality from their previous games, in literally everything, waiting for The Alliance Alive to come out too.
Fate Extella
Atelier Shallie Plus
Gundam G Generation
Shallie Plus has a partial english patch already, hopefully someone will fix it in the future if 3.61+ never becomes available. Caligula has a dumped japanese version so an english patch is inevitable. SRW V and Gundam G I'm not sure about but Fate Extella is the only one we can't play whatsoever.
Got rated somewhere in EU and devs on twitter said they're still working on it so it should be out soon.
The 3 best design decisions for Caligula are, full HP/SP after every fight, No items, and real time timing spacing combat.

Giving the player full SP/HP after every fight ensures that the game will never become an endurance match between the player and the game, and every fight can be designed to be potentially deadly and serious. Enemies can be glass cannons and fights are over quickly. The SP issue is particularly helpful, we have all played that jrpg where having enough mp restoring items determine if you use skills or not. In caligula there are no "regular attacks" all attacks take up SP and you will soon find yourself without SP. However the solution to that is a skill that restores your MP. The catch is you need to stand still for a "turn". This gives the feeling of characters being exhausted after huge combos of attacks and leave you open to enemy counter attacks. The whole way on how SP regeneration is soo linked with timing and spacing is amazing. Run out of mp in the wrong place or at the wrong time and you are fucking dead, it can really punish over extending. This is amplified by the lack of items. You have to decided if you want one character to just be a passive waste and only use sp to heal. There are no "healers" everyone does hard damage, so you lose 1/4th of your damage if you go turtle mode.

Spacing and timing in this game is amazing, selected an attack that has a charge up? The enemy can move or be pushed by one of your other abilities, making you miss. You need to think not only in what order you are going to do things, but what timing as well. The game lets you see how your attacks MIGHT end up with a short preview before you select your attacks. Learning timing in this game is hard, if you miss time an attack and don't give yourself enough time to move out of the way of an incoming attack you can get splatting.

It feels a bit like baldur's gate 2, yes everything can be done in turns, but they play out in "real time" the game just pauses.
>Oreshika's generational system

Oreshika had really bad gameplay, the generational system was awful.
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Atelier Firis
Salt and Sanctuary (like a 2d side scrolling dark souls)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception/Truth (later this month)
Summon Night 6 (later this month)
>It's an alright system but it really doesn't stand out for me

It's one of the most unique fighting systems in any jrpg...
>Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Not really a great title

>Atelier Firis
This makes me really sad

>Salt and Sanctuary (like a 2d side scrolling dark souls)
Just play on PC

>Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception/Truth (later this month)
>Summon Night 6 (later this month)
These have japanese versions available on 3.60 and could get english patched just like the other titles.
Really? That's nice.



>500 NPCs

This sounds terrible. Any time you see inflated party member numbers like this, it means RNG characters that have no substance.
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>Vita launches with [...] games
Let me stop you right there, junior.
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Don't know about that game but Suikoden 2 had over 100 characters and they all had their own storylines and were all really well done. But that's from back when video games were still good.
It's so Nintendo can repackage Wii U games and people will celebrate over it because it is now portable.
All have their own short and unvoiced story, they also unlock skills and quests. They have fears and traumas you need to help them overcome.
Wipeout XL was 30 fps and it is the best one.
>it means RNG characters that have no substance.
Granted that it isn't true, I'd rather have a character with no "substance" that I happen to like than a terribly written character with "substance" I'm forced to play through the game with.
Caligula's characters are simple and are all tied to a certain phobia, and there's so many of them you're bound to find someone you like, even if only for their design, for me it's much better than being forced to play with a party of six or less characters with terrible storylines or """""characterization"""""", see your average Tales of or FF, at least I'm given a choice here, and I have happened to care much more about generics or semigenerics that I could choose or create than the vast majority of premade characters, you don't need a sob story or walls of text to make a character good.
This, Caligulas' side characters are simple, they give you little hints as to what their phobia/trauma is as you get friendly, it's like a little detective story. It's fun to speculate before the game spells it out. No you don't get huge text trees with dialogue options but you get a curt story, a skill or an item and a quest. Caligula is like therapy for me, NPCs ask about your fears and try to cheer you up.

It also humanizes the enemies, they are your classmates, they are the people you ignore. As they become more depressed they give in to peer pressure and get brain washed by the masses until they become degiheads. When you walk around and see a person with their stress meter high, talk to them, cheer them up. They literally would do the same for you.
Caligula is a good game you wont understand why just by looking at youtube videos in a language you don't understand.
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>Vita launches with tons of great games
I love both consoles but nintendo has an advantage in the handheld space because they actually make good first party gamea and are garunteed to continue to support it.

Vita has a great library but it's very niche weeb games and none of the good games are made by sony.
Meanwhile switch launched with one of the greatest games of the decade. And it is accessible and appealing to almost everybody.

All of the launch games other than Uncharted were niche and Sony jewed us on memory cards.
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I think it mystifies me even more that hackers for the Vita haven't found a way to play 3.61+ games on 3.60 when they managed it for the PSP with Version spoofing. Heck you could you modify the iso for the psp games if you had a lower firmware and make it work via that.
Decryption keys are not known for 3.61. Also no one cares so no epeen to be gained.
Because is okay when Nintendo does it.

Not even saying this unironically, Nintenbros eat their shit up like there is no tomorrow. The only reason WiiU sold badly was because nobody knew it was a new console and thought it was an accesory to the Wii.
Sony needs to release more special editions and release inferior hardware then "upgrade" it by design. It's crazy how many 3ds varients people own. New 2ds is going to be my second.
Pretty much, that's why I liked the theme of the game, and I'm not really the kind of guys who cares about themes or writing, but it's pretty human and has a good message at the end of the day, you might not like the writing, setting or characters(like I do), but the message of the game is good, just be yourself and try to relate to others, it's good for everybody.
A shame it will be overlooked by being on Vita and being overshadowed by P5.

Not really surprising when you consider your retard opinion is vastly different than the average person's opinion.
PS4 launched with just Knack and it's the breakout winner this gen.
>A shame it will be overlooked by being on Vita and being overshadowed by P5.

pretty much everyone even the worst of vita fanboys agree that caligula was held back by being a vita exclusive. I hope it gets a steam port at least.
It wasn't available at launch which is what this thread is about.
It turns out releasing a brand new Zelda game with a console launch is a good idea. It also helps that the Zelda game was seen as good in many players eyes.
This was a good thread for a console war thread.
I don't hink it's held back outside of the western market really, Vita is pretty successful in Japanland and I don't see the title somehow selling better on other platforms, especially because it's done by FuRyu, who doesn't have that much of a reputation.
I'm pretty impressed by how much stuff they crammed in for a Vita game though.
you are over estimating the vita base in Japan. Also, it's a highly rated vita game but nothing else. If it were on the ps4 with improved textures it could have been a bigger hit. You have a point about Furyu. What is he working on now, the game must have extended him some credit.

A ps4 game can go viral like nioh or nier, a vita game has no chance.
>PS4 launches with no games and everyone and their mothers buys one

There's no way to explain it. People are retarded.
>If it were on the ps4 with improved textures it could have been a bigger hit.
I don't know about that, on PS4 it would have had to compete with P5, FFXV and Nier, it would have been slaughtered by the simple pygmalion effect of those other series as far as I see it, it was appreciated on Vita and that will surely help FuRyu build some much needed reputation, which I hope will increase with the release of The Alliance Alive.
Given its success there's also hope for an eventual port, or even the beginning of a franchise that might lead people to go back to the roots anyway, let's look at the long term possibilities.
>A ps4 game can go viral like nioh or nier
Nioh went viral because of Le Dark Soul clone and Nier had Squenix' name and 2B's ass, Caligula has nothing that can catch people's attention outside of the fact that it was made by some of the people behind P1/2, and again, FuRyu doesn't have a good reputation.
Im sure they would not have released in the same month of nier and p5. Also, my point is on the vita the is ZERO chance of going viral. On the ps4/major console at lease you have a chance. Look at demon souls.
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