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Do healers get the respect they deserve?

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Do healers get the respect they deserve?
I wish
Girls are weird.
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>tfw your tank thanks you after a fight
just cause it says clit doesn't mean it was a girl...
Only girls have clits

no, they continue to be treated politely
boys can have clits too!
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gives gookrune links. then using the supposed title search of "ANG스토리 english" gives garbage results.

>Play Cleric
>Doing 2v2 arena with mounted swordie who has the most pvp-cancer swordie build
>Keeps leroying straight to his death
>All his "kills" are actually enemy damage bounced off of him thanks to one of my buffs
>At one point, he just parks himself in an enemy deployment spell and never fucking leaves
>"you're such a shitty healer, don't play this ever again"
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if they DPS
>sorry, master. i promise i'll do better.
angstory chapter 1 and 2
Its just a fucking game
I know it's just a fag thread but

>when you're the quiet priest who keeps everyone topped off and they compliment your healing even though it's their fault for eating aoe shit

I had tanked and pvp'd to high warlord on my warrior and played a mage for a bit so by early WoTLK I had to change it up, and priests were powerful as fuck back then.
Healers have a super overinflated sense of self-worth in mmos since instead of decreasing enemy hp they increase ally hp, endgame raiding usually requires all of your chucklefucker dps to not fuck up while healers typically have decent wiggle room since any halfway decent tank can manage their cooldowns, but instead they view it as the whole raid hinging on them and they should be put on some kind of pedestal
tfw tank main but a slut, and healer main friend who knows it and shenanagins happen
>TFW oldfag healer from back in the day
>People used to suck my cock to keep me around
>Entire server knew my name
>Fast forward to 2017
>This fucking 'heal slut' meme going around.

Why do you do this to yourselves?
They get none, just like the beta fags who play them, and that's exactly the amount they deserve. So yes.
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healers are all subs
eventually people figured this out and gave healers a new role
real healers are sluts
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Reminder that healsluts is now a normie meme popular among female redditors.
Bitches ain't shit. A real healslut comes over to you after a round and offers up his boypussy for punishment.
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>tfw you will never be a healslut to a loving, busty, dominant redditor mommy gf who wants you to shut up, suck her cock, and take Cleric Stance off your hotbar
>tfw women don't realize the entire thing is about sissies and degrading women
I can explain the phenomenon.

>video games more mainstream
>females begin playing mmos
>females play healers
>the chance of running into a healer that'll listen to your demands increases because women DO do what they're told
>faggots catch on
>heal sluts

>No example
Prove it, faggot
Fucking heal sluts are ruining our name, why cant they have some self-respect?
>why cant they have some self-respect?
Because nobody with self respect plays a healer.
With the amount of redditors that come here, is it really that hard to believe?
my master taught me that sluts should only respect there superiors
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Healslut are sub-human
>picking a role on purpose
>expecting people to thank you for it

Healing isn't a chore, so if you're going to do it, stop asking for attention.
Is this the thread where I pick up a femboyfriend?
>tfw no healslut to dominate and bully when he makes a mistake
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>be healer in pvp
>Single handedly win entire games just by knowing where to be and letting retards zerg off into death
>Anyone time a zergling calls you out you can just reply "I can leave the match if you want" and watch as everyone jumps in to shut him the fuck down

Not sure how people play MMOs for the pve
>be a healer in PVP
>everyone gangbangs you while your party just leaves the other healers alone
>wtf shitty healer
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Lmao before the nerf fighter chow was our groups healer
Healers are that one player who doesn't want to take responsibility for anything going wrong but wants to be able to criticise anyone they want.

So they pick a class who buff and heal teammates so they can pretend that they're not shit at the game despite doing nothing but playing whack a mole.
Yes, because you specifically said "female." Sounds like you're just a little bitch trying to make your faggot role seem less dominated by homosexual males. Provide an example of a normal girl who enjoys healsluts. Just one.
>Play healer in almost everything
>Always heal the worst players above the best because they're the ones who need the most help

Its amazing how salty this makes people
>Putting yourself in a position where you're going to get gang banged

Bad healer IMO
>I will not go by your ridiculous pace. slow down or die
most. worthless. piece. of. trash. ever.
Fucking god damn fucking hell. A good tank pulls as fast as he can without dying. That means a good thank see's the output potential of a healer, measures it against his own survivability and then goes fucking ham with that for as long as the healer can sustain his fucking mana.
Nothing worse than these worthless god damn cunts who pull one group, wait for it all to die. then sit around, staring into the air for a minute before pulling the next group. The fuck do they think this is? A fucking leisure cruise? Do you want to sit in [insert fucking worthless dungeon name] for a full fucking hour of your life when a decent tank will push you trough the fucking thing in 25minutes? I'm not slowing down because you want to jerk off and watch How I met your Mother while you heal. Fuck off. We're going fast or you're going home.
And if DPS players start pulling that usually means that:
A: The Tank is a slow pulling mouth breathing shitter in which case fucking deal with it and heal him so you can be done with this shit or:
B: The DPS is a non-attention paying mouth breathing shitter who accidentally body pulled in which case fucking deal with it and heal him so you can be done with this shit.
We're not adding 5 minutes extra on player deaths because you targeted the Tank at the beginning of the run and refuse to now heal anything else ever again. Suck it up you useless fucking fuck.

God damn fucking healer and their god damn sense of "I'm the king because I keep you fucking alive" IT'S YOUR FUCKING JOB YOU BARGAIN BIN BUTT BLASTED BELLEND you don't see tanks suddenly letting YOU die because they feel like they're not topped off on HP enough, you don't see DPS players just refusing to deal damage to something because you ran your retarded ass into some enemies "lol you pulled deal with it yourself" that's just YOU fucking worthless cunt healers.
>not wanting to get gang banged
fucking faggot IMO
childhood is thinking in platitudes

adulthood is realizing anyone can excel at a role and not befall any stereotype like the bitchy priest, the arrogant tank or the incompetent dps.
>expecting people to thank you for it
DPS are the worst offenders of this, though. Nothing beats the shit-eating smugness of whoever's at the top of the damage ranking after a boss, despite the fact that it takes a whole team behind their ass for them to actually be able to do anything.
mods delete this thread now.
It's spreading gender dysphoria
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stop posting this guy just because he has the shirt, he looks way too masculine
To be fair. sometimes some faggot does like 70% of the damage and I think a little cheeky "you're welcome" is quite funny then.
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I main healer, but healer players can be the biggest subhumans in online games.
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he looks pretty feminine desu
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The healslut threads on 4chan, healslut subreddits, and healslut discords are all some of the most embarrassing shit I have ever witnessed online.

Serious levels of autism.
Tulslaeh sounds like a good name t b h
>Serious levels of autism.

Said the frog poster.
this thread made me realise that I need a role change
this tbf

healers are usually the most conceited pieces of shit
>some healerfags refuse outright to heal if the damaged player isn't nice with a "thank you healer"
>or if they don't come running for the healer
>or if they don't move back half into their base because they're afraid to be killed
>of if they die twice to some sniper shit or whatever because "omg useless not protecting me, gg"
Healers are cunts man. Specially since they're usually shit and need to realize "don't just stand behind the big faggot you're healing, fucking move so that the big faggot is between you and the enemy faggot"
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Ironically, it's not proper autism but rather females being female.
And """males""" being female.
A good tank doesn't pull faster than his healer can heal.
how long to get to lvl 50?
>And males being """female""".


Yeah because clamoring about how much you want to suck big daddy's cock publicly under the guise of a vidya related situation isn't autistic.
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>Le healslut meme
>When irl medics are tougher than nails and are more worried about carrying your ass out of danger than a thank you.
Why would you specifically want to get to level 50?
They deserve none.
thats not autistic its lewd
A good healer heals as fast as his tank can pull.
>Check subreddit
>90% of it is just Overwatch porn featuring Mercy
I feel like the actual meaning got lost somewhere

I mean the actual meaning is just prison gays acting out their latent homosexuality. Not exactly much better.
This, the really good players who take the role as healers see it this way. They are doing it because it is their job as part of the team with those skills and were chosen because they had what it takes.
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>tfw ywn play a healer because of this meme
Gear doesn't always permit this. A good tank pulls the first few mobs, pays attention to how fast his DPS can DPS and how fast his healer goes OOM then compensates his speed based on this.

Not every character is in max gear at all times. And frankly? Sometimes your tank ass is simply too squishy to even try that
Bitch what I say?
>A good tank pulls as fast as he can without dying.
If he pulls fast but isn't dying that obviously means he is NOT pulling faster than his healer can heal.
Like I fucking said: A good tank KNOWS how much damage he can take, will see how much his healer can put out and then go fucking ham as long as his healer can sustain his fucking mana.
As long as you know you're not getting flattened in seconds, and you know that your healer won't reach 0% Mana, You fucking pull.
This of course goes for your run of the mill fuckboy dungeon that don't have enemies that will fuck you up in larger groups for other reasons. (no reason to theoretically pull 6 groups with healers/stunners if you can't interrupt them enough to make 6group pull faster than 2 x 3 group pulls and such)
Healsluts aren't real badass medics tho
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>every guy I've ever met who plays games has their own preference of roles in games, including some who play support because they just find it enjoyable
>every girl I've ever met who plays games either plays nothing but support because "the support characters are the cutest" or tries way too hard to be "one of the guys" with shit like Reaper or something

Why? Why is it like this?
True, but he wouldn't be able to do any of that damage without 10+ people supporting his ass and basically doing everything else for him, though they often like to act like that's not the case.
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>back before dungeon finder was a thing
>Just want to be an enhancement shaman
>Keep getting forced into being the healer.
>Or worse, healer leaves mid dungeon and now im the healer
>Spend no less than 200 gold (Which was a lot more back then) swapping specs around
>Eventually reach cap and no raid groups will take me unless I'm healing
>Now I just play healer in everything because I've been conditioned to do it.

Do not make fun of heal sluts. We are victims of the system
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Because girls are trash and submissive by nature, and only live to get acknowledged by men.
>we're the victims
That's why we make fun of you, fag
I mean, they're over there playing MOBAs where you have no real attachment to the characters and can switch any time. Just literal sluts that can restore health. A real healslut in an MMO is making their own character from scratch and putting hundreds of hours into a persona whose only purpose is supporting those stronger than her. You don't have any other choice, that is who you are in that game.
Depends on the game I guess. In Warcraft that certainly used to be the case, but is not any more. Now someone who does that much more tends to be just a better player since they removed all the support shit.
And as much as I actually like support shit, not many players want to be the "You are just allowed to tag along because we need your buffs, the rest of your class is garbage" class.
That's not what a healslut is.
>Now I just play healer in everything because I've been conditioned to do it.

This sounds like a really, really good doujin
Can I see yours?
This looks like fpov.
it's the same for me. I usually main healer because I can't trust in that task to other people, which 90% of the time, can't do a proper job
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>tfw tank in game and meeting random girls on Tinder who also play the game and they are all usually healsluts so I bring them back to my place to do some RP
Now i really need the manly healer pasta
Street cred sure.

Respect? What for?
That's a pretty dangerous move kemosabe.

I don't think the healer will be able to put your mind back together
>TFW this will never be finished.
And then they enjoy a good dicking afterwards.
No, and neither do tanks. That's why they have to pay respects to each other while DPS sit in the cuck shed.
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>tfw you want to be a healslut or even just a pocket bitch for a nice boy but everyone treats you with respect in game
Degrade me you losers. Lock my boyclit up in a cage and force me to heal you for even a chance at release. Force me to take female hormones so I can serve you better. Violate my boypussy for your personal satisfaction and throw me to the ground when you cum.
Or just say gg, thanks, and fuck off. Whatever. Fags.
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This is your healer for tonight
No you fucking degenerate, that's not how it works. If anything you'll be so thankful you'll be sucking their dick. But they won't let you because they have a job to do.
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You should go out with me
Post dick
Looks like we're going to wipe.
And it will be the actually competent people who will take the blame.
Then the guild will fall apart due to internal drama.
You can healslut me. I'm not a redditor and I don't have tiddy implants yet but you can suck my feminine tank cock.
So what if someone likes to play the main healing class of the game as a very angry tank?
Don't be so insecure.
Men make both the best healers, the best sluts, so it's natural they're the best healsluts.
I don't think you know who I just posted
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unfortunately not
>Implying our only problem is the tank
>Implying the same mechanics that apply to dps dont apply to us
I'm not one to put healing on a pedestal but it's far from being easier than other roles.
I'm having triuble getting people to offspec heal because when they try in an actual raid with proper difficulty they ditch it because "its too stressfull" and go back to eating shit as dps.
Having tried all roles in high end raiding melee dps is by far the easiest.
Fuck off. Saving lives is a noble profession, not a perversion for your sick fantasies.
I have a dick for you to save~
nice one. never gave you an example
Sorry, I can't reattach your manhood if you spent several years without it, loser.
>Regular looking dude wearing a
>Oh wow guys, so

You fags have no standards.
>tfw becoming a sugar daddy for some healslut
it's beyond saving
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No reattaching needed, just some CPR, I'm sure you'll manage
>mmorpgs babbies caring so much about PVP
>tfw you will never pass as well as kalindra-chan does
This is the best mentally, get in, help everyone, revive a couple of dudes provide cover while others are healing, get out
Rinse and repeat
it's okay, hit me up anyway
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>girls have it so easy that even guys who just act like girls can get set for life

It's just not fair
>giveing a shit about pvp in general
How about I shove a urinary catheter up your pisshole. Then you'll be the one crying like a slut.
I remember the days of vanilla wow raiding when your average priest would beg to do shadow but then the guild forced him to install healbot and be truly healcucked every single time
Is Lucio from Overwatch the only healer that's fun to play as?

No shit. She uses heavy makeup, fake breasts, then photo shops it to looks real. Her tits aren't even implants. It's just a bra, padding, makeup covering it up, and then photoshop to get rid of the remaining imperfections.

Why do you think all her pictures are so blurry and poorly lit?
How's that working out for you. I sometimes wish I too could have a cute healslut to take care of but I'm not sure I could commit to that.
Nah, no stupid toys. Use your tongue, sissy.
Where is anyone here even talking about PvP? It's the MOBA and Overwatch players of Reddit that care about that. Most of the posts in this thread have been about mob pulls and raid bosses.
no because some people still give them respect
>being bad at pvp and acting like its not worth caring about it thus making it more fun instead of gitting good
trannies are reviled by literally everyone across the globe
>not Ana or Zenyatta

Wallriding is overrated as fuck, Ana is the most engaging healer in the game and Zenyatta's way of healing his team is kill the opponent.
No toys? Well shit I guess we got to throw you out of the equation, dickless.
No. Ana is way more fun.

Lucio is more boring than the other healers aswell.
Nobody mentioned trannies, friend. I'm not sure where you got that from.
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More than enough proof that these people are delusional
But how will I understand understand the concept of love?
zenyatta main here
Respect is earned, not deserved
That's just a niche audience online that worship trannies. Most people IRL hate their guts. There's a reason most of them kill themselves eventually.
Lucio is just boring to me, he literally plays himself and wallriding and bumping people off can only sustain your entertainment for so long. Ana and Zenyatta are the most fun healers in the game. I love cockblocking Mei ults with Transcendence so fucking much.

Go to bed
how do i earn respect
With your mouth, slut.
be respectful
Desperation is a turn off.
I probably should soon.
I feel like you're the same guy that posts that in all these threads, based on the filename.
And as if on cue, the Overwatch shitters show up and start talking about Overwatch instead.
Be sure to finish your drawings first.
M-my dick

None, which is what they deserve, you CHOSE that role, you were not forced into it, stop being so entitled, if you can't deal fuck off.
>he doesn't like hurting other people
get a load of this moralfag
You nailed it.
I'll try.
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It's fun as fuck. The optimal tankdom/healslut relationship is reciprocal through. You gift them/they gift you, with lots of sexual shit in-between.
>MMO autist mad that there are healers in other games aswell
He is pretty boring to play but he works so well with most teams, that's why I changed to Zen
Doesn't that feel kind of empty to you though? His affection is based around gifts, not an actual longing for you, at least I assume.
I think maybe just the image isn't getting your message across.
>healers are as important as anyone else in the group but they need special stars of participation because they are healing you
Can this meme for attentiongrabbing grills stop?
How did those interviews go?
Suggestions then?
Let's not talk about more personal stuff publicly.
We made the it clear not to take it to a sensual relationship. He's just a healslut for me to top score and in return I spoil him.
You're the girl in this relationship, though.
Sure, sorry about that.
I dunno, get more specific or something. I think all you're advertising is "I'm a guy" and that's only implied really.
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>fishnet gloves

More like

>females play healer
> It is now "feminine" to play healer
> Closet sub fag and trannies crave for this feminine vibe
> They projet their fetish on the game
> Healslut
I see, well if it works for you then more power to you man.
I like this healslut meme because cute feminine boys turn me on.
It's okay, I still love you.
I'm sleepy, spell it out for me.
Any tanks in MMO anime?
Now where's that one anon that posts white mages.
They always seem to have pieces I can't find on pixiv.
I'm not sure what to spell out. All I'm saying is, if I suddenly replied to your post and said "hey I volunteer," it could turn out I'm completely unsuited for the job.
So then people don't volunteer because they don't know.
I think that's the general idea, yeah
Too bad, most healsluts nowadays are axewound americans.
Says who? You? Please dude, my left testicle is more manly than your entire body. That's why you're over compensating with all that armor Mr. Small dick tank.
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So I should post something like "wtb kind, caring bf who will hold me and pet my head while I fall asleep in his arms"?
>healslut top
No, this is against the rules
I will not submit to this mistreatment
That might work better yes.
HA! That's pretty cute! You think you have a choice! I wasn't asking for your permission.
I actually had that done to me some time ago, and it gave me a boner. The nurse being hot and having really gentle hands helped as well. I was surprised at how she was able to carry on as if nothing happened, without so much as a blush. Kinda disappointed too, as I had hoped that could be the start of something interesting.
I'd really like to play a MMO as a healslut to try it out but all MMOs are shit today.
That sounds like a mouthful though. The image is quicker and more succinct.
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>this entire thread
well i mean a drawing like

but ill check out log horizon
I have more hp, see? My masculinity is unquestionable!
She's probably desensitized to dicks anon.
>you will never aggro too many enemies and cause your guild to wipe
it really sucks. I never played WoW, Everquest or Guild wars. Only runescape.
I never got to enjoy raids
That's cute.
Well you can attach the image too, but maybe shorten down the post to something like "tfw no caring, masculine bf" I dunno.
It might have something to do with the fact that their role involves monitoring the whole party, which means they see every goddamn fuckup they do.
I kinda play TERA but it feels kind of empty for some reason.

It sucks, I'd love to play a game where I can be a sexy little elven healslut
You too!
tfw makes me think of frogposters nowadays though. And I don't want to be associated with them.
tera is a pretty shit game though. I couldn't enjoy it. Didn't even last 5 hours
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I enjoyed this post then I realized both posters were just gay ERPing
That HP won't last 10 seconds against a mob, not without me carrying your manchild ass. Just like you would in bed.
I don't think you're in a position to put yourself above frogposters, anon.
hello new friend
I know, I just always had a slight nurse fetish, and in the back of my mind hoped that I would finally be able to live it out with an actual nurse. Damn shame my dick didn't make any impression on her.
That just makes it even better.
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you need this.jpg
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Thank goodness.

I hear FFXIV isn't that bad, kind of a shame we don't have DDO in the West.
Tell me some online games where healers are highly requested and important
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Maybe not, but I like to hope I am.
There's plenty of fish anon, don't be too down on yourself about it.

I'm trying to put this bitch in place, but he's about as persistent as a fucking dog. Im defending the honor of all healers and medics. Because it's a matter of honor.
Any Battlefield
>healer thread
>ctr+f slut
>40 results
I bet right now she's thinking to herself "wow, I can't believe that one guy. I didn't know a man could have a dick that curved, yet still small. Like a really bendy macaroni."
Homosexuality is a mental illness.
Enjoy your brief freedom of sexuality
Yeah, which is why I don't know what to play. FFXIV is meh but FUCK sub2play.

Is BDO good?
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Only straight men/women can reply to my posts, faggot
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welcome to 4chan mr reddit
You are on the wrong side of history and losing the culture war.
Enjoy witnessing your outdated views die.
You can't tell me what to do faggot, I'm 6'5 250 and you DONT wanna SEE me.
Healers and medics will never be the tops for as long as women are among them.
Enjoy being dragged down into servile roles.
>falling for the vagina jew
enjoy having to pay alimony when your wife divorces you
>tfw no diapered healbot gf that gets easily stressed/scared in dungeons and pees herself
>tfw will never pat her head and tell her she's a good girl for healing while changing her soaked diapers
A nurse is not equal to a combat medic, anon.
I'm not so sure. That's cute though, I wish you luck in your gay quest.
Every fetish is a mental illness
See >>375622482 for an example
>take a good fetish like loving submission
>ruin it with diapers

Gas all ABDL fags.

I'm not a /pol/fag though.

This open homosexuality is bad however. It doesn't belong outside the closet.
True, but it's not often that life brings you that close to something you've fantasized about for years, only to blueball you in the end.

At least I had a hot nurse hold my erect cock in her hands for a moment. When's the last time someone else put their hands on your dick, anon? I mean besides your mother when she washed you as a baby.
I'm not particularly serious about it anyway. I live with my kinda sorta abusive ex who is actually factually crazy about me, things wouldn't work out well regardless. This is just about all the human interaction I get though.
>This open homosexuality is bad however.
Not gay but explain what you mean
As a healer my we don't deserve any more or less respect than any other classes just for doing our job right.
Everyone is portraying homosexuality like it's normal all humans secretly want it. That's wrong
For example every "heal slut" in this thread is a follower of this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46h-LfNWPn8
>Tanks wanting to show off how "alpha" they are by chain pulling shit, because "that's so important".
>Healer just wants to drink occasionally to have a safety buffer and not have to waste cooldowns/potions.
>Healer is conceited and has overinflated ego.
>Tank dindu

Typical tanks. The biggest egotrippers there are, and if you dare to ask for even a little consideration, then you're the one with the inflated ego.

How dare you healers! Bow to the king, you conceited servants!
I don't think you get to be cocky about your medical insurance paying a woman to put a tube in your dick.
Sometimes I wish I had a cute boy to love and put cute skirts on..
am gay

he means people being proud or open about being gay is, in his mind, a bad thing. most likely because of some bullshit cultural marxism claim or "muh degeneracy".
Don't taunt us prison gays like this, it's cruel.
I want to suck a dick
What do
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Motherly tanks > Motherly healers > female tanks >female healers > the trash >> "traps" > healsluts >>>>>>>>> gays >>>>>>>> trannies > lawnmover
Suck your own, idiot
Don't worry about it anyway, I'm an incredibly boring person once you get past the parts where I look like a girl, like it in the butt and like to dress up cutely.
Wish I had a handsome man to put skirts on me desu
Hmmm interesting list anon, now tell me, how to become motherly female?
Not the same thing
that doesn't sound very healthy
I just want someone to share my love with man, I don't want to hurt anyone.
It's not. I'm working on it.
No, I'm serious. I had someone dump me for being too dull before once he got past the initial feelings.
>how to become motherly female?
Be born with a vagina and be a caring person, attentionwhoring traps can never pretend to be a "motherly" figure because mothers listen and give people attention, trapfags are desperate for an ear to listen to them and give them all the attention on earth.
You're still taunting me.
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>playing holy pala
>doing my job by assisting the warriors and making sure they get freedom and heals
>these mouthbreathing keyturners literally can't get a kill even if their life depended on it
>literally waiting for the healer to go in first

At that point I said fuck it and equipped my Unstoppable Force and starting recking, singlehandedly turned a WSG around and made us win the game.
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Generally speaking, yes.

But we say "thank your healers" because it lets the healers know that they're being accounted for in a combat situation. If you suddenly push forward, are you going to be as suicidal as if you didn't have a medibeam on you, or are you going to cover your Medic and find your own cover periodically, so that you can both proceed at full health? Are you expecting to work together, or for the team doctor to just tag along for a while? And are you aware of the needs of your teammates enough to know that, sometime during a push, a white mage'll probably duck out to heal everyone else, including themselves?
I made a log horizon this morning, if you catch my drift.
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>Motherly tanks
I'm sorry, I don't mean to. When someone dumps you in less than a week because you're incredibly dull to be around, it's not very inspiring for the future.
wow heal main here, this dude is right

the only time i get annoyed at tanks who pull like crazy is if they dont hold the aggro. especially cause its so easy to do these days. im always ready pull hard in a dungeon, even using expensive consumables if needed. because thats what it means to kick ass
You'll find someone, just don't give up.
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but most trannies are seen as just weird and out of place by people irl. a small minority on the internet just have a loud voice.
Was it a good shit?
Have you tried putting out more? I'm kidding mostly
ever since discord came out, trapfags desperate to get attention have been making these shitty threads because only on /v/ could you find someone desperate enough to give attention to someone who couldn't write a fucking sentence without overusing cliches and writing like a fucking mong.
>Do healers get the respect they deserve?
I never got this meme, you chose a role to fulfill and you expect to get headpats for choosing that role instead of playing that role well?
At this point, I don't even give a fuck about the reasons or circumstances. The fact is that a hot nurse held my manhood in her soft, supple hands, and that's a memory I'll have for the rest of my life. Besides, would it be any better if I had paid a prostitute to dress up as a nurse and stick a tube up my dick with indifference?

Also, I was hospitalized because a car hit me, and broke/cracked most of the bones in my body. I think I deserve to have at least one positive thing come out of all that.
the only reason i play healers in mmos is becuase i dont have enough faith that the average mmo player isnt going to fuck up and let us all die
Motherly tank + healslut healer best combo
homos get out
It wasn't a matter of that, I promise you.
more like

if a healer plays flawlessly and makes the group not wipe, theres no dps meter comparing them to their peers to show it

most people dont keep track of how much healing is required for a given encounter, and even if they do, DPS/tanks that mitigate well merely make it look like healers are able to slack

thanking a healer means that you can see past the lack of quantitative metrics for healing performance and appreciate a job well done

i do the same thing for tanks who pull well and have great mitigation
yea i had a weird run in well we all did on the elysium discord. Some Gay furry dude came on the discord just randomly asking people what he thought of furries, Asking men woman it got the point where people in the discord were getting annoyed with him. Stuff like that you mean?
Underrated post.
>The biggest egotrippers there are, and if you dare to ask for even a little consideration, then you're the one with the inflated ego.
that's men in general.
Find someone equally boring.
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>theres no dps meter comparing them to their peers to show it
That's just shitty game design. What's the point of counting one arbitrary number and not counting the rest? Either don't show stats at all, or show how good/bad everyone was doing. DPS, damage tanked, HP healed, everything.
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Will do! Anon, will you go out with me?
Kind of why I play Ana in Overwatch if I have to play Healer. I don't trust your average player to have the situational awareness to not let us all die. Then of course is my favorite of the dude who runs off to try and 1v6 the enemy team then blames the Healer for not healing him. That's probably why Lucio is so popular, he literally plays himself in the role of a Healer.
mean and rude desu, are you on your period?
right but if you have one healer, theres no side-by-side comparison. DPS is the same every time, and you have at least 2 samples for a given instance in every game ive seen. most mmos heavily feature a 1-healer dungeon setting, and in that setting, even tracking healing wouldnt give you a side-by-side comparison of your dedicated healer with others
Gotta have faith, man. The right person will come along, just don't settle for someone who doesn't appreciate you.
>you will never be a cute shota healer
>you will never get molested by a motherly tank
>all that hours of Mercy
>not a single point of damage

This mercy sucks. Her pistol is great
You seem really nice but the chances of us living anywhere close to each other are nearly 0.
You could still show just how much work the healer put in, maybe with percentages of HP healed for each of the other chars or something. So you'd have something like 1000% for the tank, showing that he would've died ten times over if not for you.
I know not to make that mistake again. Also don't get involved with guys into crime, they can be scary.
Yeah, that's the other problem.
Mercy was a mistake
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fucking degenerate healsluts, you will never suck my dick you disgusting whores
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"Healsluts" are garbage healers who can't even take their jobs seriously. Do some DPS when there's downtime instead of lazily casting cure every few seconds you cunts.
Oh man yeah, you don't want to get involved with those kind of people regardless. It's not worth the trouble.
Damn, that roo is fucking swole. Fucker must be roiding like crazy.
it can't be helped since the gooks in jail
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I didn't know beforehand, but it was an interesting experience.
>this entire thread

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? This "healslut" meme is just some post meta irony right?
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no they're unironically gay, criminally insane, used goods
We need to electrify them for great justice.
Not even if I ask nicely?
It started ironically but I don't even know anymore.
It was at first, but like with all things the fags ruined it
I bet you've got aids
>right but if you have one healer
any relevant content has several healers
>used goods
i wish ;-;
Underwater pipe welding is much harder than dry welding, anon. You're creating a huge burden.
>used goods

I'm a virgin. Big shocker.
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Having your submissive, effeminate friend under your desk lapping up your cum is truly the pinnacle of gaming.
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>the only reason I play healer is because I'm sick and tired of seeing retarded no-dps healers in dungeons that don't even know what anything in their kit but their basic heal spell does
>still get lumped in with faggy healslut memes simply because I play the same role as them

I just want to get through dungeons without taking a fucking hour, stop projecting your faggotry at me.
Any examples?
I've never heard of or seen a female healslut. I thought it was exclusively a twink thing.
nice try FAGgots
Explain this guy>>375625416
You can still be used goods mentally
I mained healers for maybe a decade over multiple MMOs because I love healing/utility spells and they usually also have some damage spells which makes them broken in PvP. I'm also a faggot.
He's not a REAL gay.
I do not represent all fags, nor was I implying anything sexual happened between the two of us.
He also thought dating criminals was a good idea. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
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I said I didn't know he was into crime before we started dating, no bully! He popped it onto me a few weeks in.
>Implying when you date somebody they're going to be wearing a ski mask and holding a bag with a $ sign on it

t. Healer
You saying you wouldn't go out with a handsome man in a balaclava with a big bag of cash?
I'm glad you got out of it then.
>tfw Tank with a thick cock
On your knees sluts.
>Healer fumbling
>Tank dies because of it
Hate when this happens, a tank is only as good as his healer, that's just a fact.
#not all gays
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>Playing Healer.
>At boss in raid.
>Tank taking an anal pounding from the boss like a good little slut.
>Suddenly mobs spawn.
>Tank bursts into tears "its too much" he sobs pitifully "they will split me in half" as tears and snot runs down his face.
>His tears arouse me, i flip a copper into the crowd of gibbering DPS peons.
>They start to squabble and scramble to grab the copper, like a flock of pigeons fighting over breadcrumbs.
>One plucky DPS finally emerges, clutching his newfound wealth, he knows what to do.
>I unzip my huge manhood, at first i see a glimmer of fear in his eyes but he quickly gets to work, sucking as if his life depends on it (it does)
>"Enough" my majestic voice booms like thunder.
>With a single movement of my hand I push the DPS filth to the ground face first and aim my now throbbing erection towards the Tank who is hardy conscious by this point.
>"Let there be light" The sheer grandeur of my voice causes the Boss to momentarily pause.
>I shoot my Divine Healing Cum all over the face of the tank.
>"T-t-t-t-t-thank you Master" the Tank whimpers as he slurps and gobbles up my life giving jizz
>He popped it into me
prove it
what a slut
yeah lemme just put on some lip gloss
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That's not what I said, that's not what I meant. Please do not bully me. I might cry.
On to.
Me too, he was rather violent.
are you a bot
what is the best kind of healsluts?
does his job, has a few laughs, but doesn't get too lewd and degenerate, the entire group should be able to make jokes but realize it's simply a joke and nothing more, to help keep the group relaxed in high focus situations and not get over-stressed
tfw haven't done this with BF yet
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You're saying that like you'd actually know how that's like tell me more
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Y-Yes master
one that's actually a girl
i wasn't bullying
and rip hope you are you doing better now
that's not who i think it is, is it
>tfw wow itself cement priests as healsluts for paladins
>tfw the priest class hall is a womb
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found the personababby
My group figured it out.

Healers are powered by Ego. The more they think they are the one true gods of the game, the only ones doing any real work, the more powerful they are. In OP image, the bottom healer is a fantastic hero due to his ire and belief he is the contributing member.

Tanks are powered by indifference. The best tanks see the healers and dps as basically an aura around him. The names and classes don't matter. Wipes don't matter. A good tank is silent and just doesn't care. The second you see a tank bitch out at a team member or communicate in any way other than sheer tactical data. He is knocked down several pegs.

DPS is powered by sexual frustration. Pretty self explanatory. Whoever is most frustrated thirsts most for those big dick bars.
it is safe to cum inside an healer boipucci?
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>tfw the tank tells you what to transmog
that liveleak watermark scared me desu

yeah use mine
That's the only place you should cum.
>tfw the tank compliment your slutmog
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how do you cuteguys feel about body hair and beards
what do you mean? sorry i am inexperienced
body hair is fine in general unless its like super super thick
and beards are nice when maintained
>Not grabbing a thick hairy butt while you choke on dick
yeah that's because healsluts aren't battle medics you retard. do you think we are talking about shooters or something?
yes please
it's kind of gross? it sort of depends on the circumstances. body hair is okay if it's under control, facial hair is okay if it's fairly short. long facial hair is disgusting.
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>tfw not dominant enough to get qt healslut bf
i still can't grow a beard so i shave whatever there is like 3-4 times a week
Same principle shit for brains
>I will not go at your pace
Hahah thats the mark of a shit tier healer
Should've tried to date her
nobody mentioned trannies. you can pretend to be a girl online without people knowing you are a guy
No lie, they don't deserve any respect. They have the same job as DPS, except it's easier.
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>Play supports/healers in most games because I like it.
>One day in X MMO some fag from 4chins calls me a healslut and tries to meme it up by spouting memes every 3 seconds.
>Invite him to the discord so we can have better communication.
>He refuses
>Neglect him all hunt and he gets pissed off and talks smack about me.
>Leader kicks him out for being overall annoying

That's exactly the kind of people who force the healslut meme, cock loving memespouting faggots who won't even get on voice chat.
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>tfw the tank says its not slutty enough
Nah, see, I've been an MMO healer since Dark Age of Camelot, and normies didn't join until WoW got big, so I predate the influx of healer girlfriends.
I've been a degenerate subfag the whole time.
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We get shittons of healslut meme, but what about cute DPS?
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>tfw doing it with bf literally right now
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You think your pretty tough?
no, healing requires lots of management and clutch moves, but people only notice when you fuck up.

dps is like the opposite, you just attack whatever the thing is and remember your rotation, and sometimes step out of the fire and people pat you on the back.

whereas in reality the tank and the healer and the team and dps is just a way of including more people. or it's like that now, there used to be lots of times where a mage tanked, or a hunter kited or a rogue evasion tanked if the tank needed to stop taking damage for a bit, but they took all that out.
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>call someone a cumslut
>theyre now my boyfriend
It's a risk you gotta take dude, but faggots who can't use voice chat need to neck themselves, only healsluts are allowed to do that, but they should just be muted and not completely missing.
jelly af lemme join
That's hot.
>tfw you own that doujin
>you friend keeps offering to buy it from you
It's MINE.
why are you here then? you've got a nice hard dick to attend to.
>sissy white boy general
That's just /v/ healers
Is this the new Mantis-X video?
yeah basically got a problem with that take it out on my asspussy fag

ngl that's hilarious
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Why are you LARPING on 4chan?
If I completely shave my beard off it's back within two weeks. I've accepted I"m just a hairy man, thank god no back hair though.
It feels good, doesn't it? To feel your man throb from your attentions despite him focusing on the game itself. I wonder how long he'd last
Can you post the artist name?
nigga I aint the sissy
For the sweet (you)s
It's like a drug for attention whores.
exactly, best threads on /v/.
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delet this
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I love every single one of these kind of edits thank you whomever made it
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this is correct
at this point i'm pretty sure i could cums handfree if i got enough (you)'s
thank you
>90 pound scrawny white boy comes up and talks about overwatch
>he mains mercy

Gee golly who would have fucking guessed
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>Enjoy healing and support roles because it lets other people play at their best
>Dumb faggots who can't stop thinking about cocks play healers to sate domination fetish

It's only going to get worse since the normies have discovered it.
Anyone who has been playing healer both in casual and serous content start to lose any level of chill they had back when they started.

The fucking bullshit you have to deal with sometimes is just mind blowing.
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you guys are homo as heck
i should come here more often
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I love you Anon.

Do tell, anon
we do this all the time :^)
ty bro
>being this assmad

supporting would be cool if it was like a ton of CC and some minor buffs here and there. Just being a buffbot is lame though.
I'm only assmad when he doesn't use lube and forces it in
>stutter posting bitch boys
Fuck off. Have some self respect.
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oh great
What happened?
they caught him for being gay
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>tfw its been several months since you last had a sissy fuccboi sucking on your cock
>tfw you really don't wanna have to redownload Grindr to fish for hookups again
The problem with non-healing support roles is that they sit in this precarious place where it's either essential to take them or they can be easily replaced by another DPS, I think.
Download Discord because it's where all these bitches animepost all day long, go find one closeby
Heal slut healers ruin it for others. Battle medic type shit is where its at nigga
do you want me to post a pic of him under my desk?
>tfw never had one

Count yourself blessed my man.
This is what drove me to play healer. I try to make my character old man mode so i havent been bothered with erp shit.
how do i find a server for that?
korean laws are weird
Go for it make me jelly of him
He's lying you thirsty fucks.
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>be healer
>get blamed when things go wrong
I don't like playing healer anymore.
/lgbt/ femgen, gaygen, 8ch cuteboys, etc

I could probably invite you since they're pretty relaxed

Yeah but it's a no loss option to ask for it
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Mainly speaking based on FFXIV but

>Usually do my normal healing behavior (aka put shield on the tank, get on DPS stance and trow dots)
>Tank doesn't use any defensive cooldown and even get in DPS stance while he have 6+ mobs on his ass
>Tank die
>It's somehow my fault
>Try to explain to him what the did wrong and why he died as calmly as I can
>He get completely outraged and start to tell me how I have nothing to tell him since he wear the mentor crown (it's basically a system that put a little crown near your name and give you access to a special chat where you can help out new players, basically meaning that he knows what he's doing) then start to tell me that I shouldn't DPS and heal only because I play healer and should only do that
>I call him a fucking idiot and I get vote kick

Another one
>Do Zurvan Extreme (basically a fairly hard fight)
>The first phase is basically a DPS rush where everyone has to deal as much damage as possible
>I have a parser out so I can see how everyone is doing
>My fucking face when I out DPS both of the tank and the BRD (bard) as a fucking healer
>Of course we don't meet the DPS checks and wipes
>They start to blame each others
>Said BRD earlier try to say that I'm doing literally nothing at all and I'm to blame too
>I can't call it completely on his shit because using parsers is against the chart on FFXIV but tolerated unless you use them to call someone shit

And all the basic shits like
>DPS/Tank do something fucking stupid like standing on multiple AOEs or don't use their defensive cooldown against Tank busters
>The first one they blame is always the healers
but what if he isn't?
>tfw you will never be under anons desk
why not?
Scholars can match the dps of a tank. Bard has no excuse.
>playing healer in 2007
>highest pvp ranked player on my realm
>when I show up I am focused on by enemy players
>my team is thanking me for keeping them alive while being chased by 5 enemies constantly
>people all around show great respect because they know my duty is always important and I never leave anybody behind in combat, even if we have personal misunterstandings

>playing healer in 2015
>my teammates are all reasonable and live through really tough shit since we work as a team
>get a whisper "you follow and heal me"
>I am not following
>since I wasn't following the warrior he dies I get another whisper
>you stupid fucking slut you should follow me you little bitch

What the fuck happened?

You must hold a very optimistic view of what it means to be a human being. That will certainly change.
>tfw no exoskeleton
>tfw you will never fuck wearing exoskeletons
I was playing AST during Zurvan Ex, and there's no excuse for a MT WAR and a DRK OT to be out DPS by an AST on the first phase ZEX.
No, tanks don't get as much love as they should. They're taking a beating for the team and will probably have their gear stolen by a hunter.
>you will never suck Anon's exo-plated hypercock
>he will never crush your skull against his gigagroin as he shoots his load down your throat
>he'll never pick you up with his godlike strength and snap your spine over his knee before tossing your cum-slathered body to the side, your purpose fulfilled
Why even go on...
Barely play mmos, but still want a cute femboy healslut.

What do.
Play just to spend time with me of course.
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>tfw lucio
>spend 60% of my time treefrogging around, bullying the other team and being an infuriating sack of shit

There is no damage in the first phase, what the fuck are you even doing?
>Two tanks
>MT is War
You're a shitter for even joining this party too
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too lewd anon
i was thinking of having the skeleton have remote access so you could use it as bondage too. like getting locked into doggy position
Tanks decided you work for them, rather than the other way around.
play overwatch or something
>There is no damage in the first phase, what the fuck are you even doing?
What the fuck are you talking about? When did I talk about getting damaged?

And that was at the release of ZEX when I was farming for weapons, tokens for my other jobs, "skip soar or disband"/1 tank 1 healer rest DPS only became popular a few days after that.
>Anon will never lock you in your exosuit because you were a bad boy today
>It gets tighter and tighter until the pressure is overbearing
>Slowly you're crushed into a paste that hardly resembles what you once were
>Anon cleans it out and wears if as he goes through his daily allotment of single use government provided sissy fuckbois, smashing and breaking every last one
I think I'm going to cry... I was born too soon...
>tfw super hairy, seems to grow back too quickly to manage
>tfw instantly out of the running for a cute bf
Feels bad man
jeez don't make me think lewd things about being thrown away
why would you think super hairy would be a problem?
post tummy
Post hairy manly chest.
There is no damage in the first phase, can you even read? What does the time frame even matter? Day one and two people were farming it with one tank, though I don't use shitty party finder. There is absolutely no damage going out during the first phase, you have no reason to not be near tank DPS unless you're playing with retards that are getting hit by the AOEs. Even then, this only applies if you're the main healer/solo healing.
>Getting this mad when you should be doing that much DPS anyways
Fucking healers
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ok gonna enjoy my ban now
Presumably its illegal to draw porn in South Korea
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Nah I like not being banned
Or that much of a faggot
Also I think it puts me out of the running because most of the cuteboys I see just want to date other cuteboys
Link it elsewhere. Pretty please? I would love to see.
There's not even any dicksucking 0/10

Why would you get banned for a worksafe photo
already done with the dick
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What the actual fuck. What have I done. I guess this healslut meme is really going on.

Am I the only healer who is muscular dominant 6'4 guy with a hot gf and just enjoys playing pvp and deciding the importance of his teammates?

Tank in pvp? Tanks, but no tanks.
how did you find him? and why the fuck do they want to be treated like dogs
wow nice
how many times a day do you feed him?
Get waxed. If you do it right, you can get waxed while gagged, bound, plugged, and given a slow, teasing, edging handjob.
I only heal because I don't trust that others can keep me alive.
>why the fuck do they want to be treated like dogs
cause they are sub/masos
Last two posts you quoted, I was trying hard not to laugh at my own dumb jokes while typing it up for the first one.
We don't all want to be treated poorly, I promise.
>implying anyone would do that to me anyway
Did I forget to mention I'm fat? I think I did.
Also you're a fucking faggot
>We don't all want to be treated poorly, I promise.
says the guy who wants to be fucked to death by a exoskeleton
Must be great for you to always play with competent people for your own FC clicks or static.
I don't have such a thing and had to use PF, where you have to deal with fuckers who stand in the huge orange aoes or even fucking fell down from the stage cleaves and other retards who want to tank no matter what even if the other tank is more geared.
I already got warned multiple times by GMs for "insulting" retards, so I can't afford to do it anymore.

And no, 1 tank/1 healer only became popular 1 week after the release, skip soar and disband was a bit more soon tho, at least on my server.
Nice timestamp. Larpr
>I was only pretending
4chan desu
Healing is a joke role in today's mmo's. You're basically a dps-lite who occasionally heals. No respect is needed for that.
the hair isn't bad at all, the fat is pretty high though.
some boys are into getting degraded by fatties but thats only temporary
>tank I will not go by your ridiculous pace, slow down or die
Fucking rushers
ye ye (ye)
I was trying hard not to laugh, promise. I want to be loved, cuddled and smooched.
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Why are NEETsexuals healers
lmao u think thats hairy you fat fuck? hit the gym buddy you don't need to worry about your snail trail

ding ding ding
its just wishful thinking and desperate grabbing for attention
uhuh sure
well thanks for the lewd greentexts anyway tied in nicely with my love for cock vore and being discarded

speaking of exoskeletons though, i wanna try that new exoskeleton fighting game
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lmao i'm hairier and more beta
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Thanks man, real motivational stuff there
It's not my fault if you took "hypercock" and "gigagroin" seriously.
you shouldn't need motivation to not be a disgusting human being :^)
Where would you go for this sort of thing, anyway?
hypercock is common though
its like the second best hyper, the best is hyperballs
Anon, hyper is a bad fetish. I realize everyone has their own preferences and tastes, but it's just plain not good. I don't want to sound rude or anything, but it can be scientifically proven.
b-but how else is a cock meant to crush me?
It's not. You're meant to metaphorically crush your bf with your love.
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and thats when he discards me for being so crushingly lovey dovey right?
>meet someone that wants to be my bf on 4chan
>plan to meet over the summer since he lives a few states away
You guys are just making me mad I can't see him sooner
Wrong again. That's when the two of you embrace and exchange feelings with one another. Afterwards while you still have that light fluttery feeling in your chest, you cuddle with him and fall asleep in his arms.
>talk to someone
>he lives on another continent
>every time
They don't deserve more than anyone else on the team. They're doing their fucking job. If they don't they're next on the opposition's shit list with no one to protect them.

Got any contact info?
>talk to someone
>on the opposite side of the country

Fucking hell.
Anon stop I'm already sad I don't have a bf
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Sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I am too.
at least it's the same country senpai, same language

Sauce on image?
Make posts on /soc/ saying you're looking for a bf. Start talking to people and you will find somebody
Do you realize people used to literally straight up kill your kind some 25 years ago?
>Keep getting forced
>conditioned to do it.

like the bitch you are heal slut
Good thing it isn't 25 years ago
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This whole thread is a temptation into a spiral of degeneracy that I'm fighting desperately.
I'm going to die alone and having never had any sexual contact and I won't let the lure of boi pucci stop me.
No clue, saved it from /v/
Eeeehh /soc/ seems like grindr lite
I'd kiss you and make you feel loved Anon, we'd never have to be apart.
It isn't, but people still make fun of you. I hope you and your fat neckbeard "boyfriend" get intimate in public and some little kid comes up and yells HEY EVERYONE LOOK THESE TWO FAG, HAIRY GAY GUYS ARE KISSING AAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA"
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Being alone isn't worth it anon
You'll just end up spending every day wishing for death and generally feeling like shit. The few times you might start talking with a friend you'll be holding back tears trying not to let them catch you cry from the fact that you feel so dreadful and so alone that the lightest amount of contact with a friend makes reminds you of how lonely you are.
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Christ-chan reminds you that homosexuality is a sin, but even if it wasn't, you still shouldn't do it because it's degenerate.
>spending every day wishing for death and generally feeling like shit
i'm doing this right now tbqh, i shouldn't come into these threads
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>Males on /v/ are now openly being sad about not having a boyfriend

I guess tumblr won in the end
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And I hope that you one day find something better to do than make fun of people attracted by the idea of love.
And I hope that me and my bf live happily together as long as we can.
I'll try and do better, Christ-chan.
Fuck off pedophile
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Go away, sinner.
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