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This is Seris. Say something nice about her!

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Thread replies: 183
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This is Seris. Say something nice about her!
>when the fabric bites into the soft skin just a little bit
I'm assuming that she doesn't look like this in game
your game is not Overwatch.
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I'd let her ride my tongue.
Pip is better.
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What game
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Her rift walk if fucking awesome, and she is sexy as fuck.
It's garbage and keeps getting worse every patch. Don't bother.
>we desperately want the sfm crowd
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This is best boy. Say something nice to him.
it's called skindentation.
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>tfw not a blizzard cuck
I will not die, not yet Amigo.

HiRez cucks are not any better desu
Not yet

There's a front half to her skirt-the rest is pretty much as you see.
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Hey bb do u want me 2 help u with those "bandages" if u know what I mean.
>the modelers added skindentation for the Hell of it
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Paladins has the best characters
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They deserve a promotion.
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Bomb King needs an official name like Leoric the Skeleton King.
Anyone got a webm of this? I want to touch my dick while I look at it, if you know what I mean.
>Bomb King needs an official name like Leoric the Skeleton King.
I've the perfect name for him, it's Bomb King
Is there any porn of her?
Nobody defending them here.
In fact, most people who play hirez trash admit only to play it because they're free.
People play this game? lol I thought it was a joke. It looks like a fucking Chinese ripoff of Overwatch.

People have certainly said that, yes. But people do play it.
good goy
>Shitty Overwatch clone
have they added much to this

i dropped it when they made cards p2w

Bomb King is the sole reason I bought Paladins. He is amazing in the hands of a god.

I'm not a god
Not saying Overwatch is good, but there are people that will play an even worse clone of it.
>even worse
o, child.
>I like eating shit when it's free!
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It's not many videogames that would have discoloration around the crotch from a rampant yeast infection in the past, but it's 2017 and I applaud developers for promoting realistic female body images just like all anons on /v/ do.

They've added more bugs, more imbalances, and made essence harder to get by lowering the gold players get from quest.
Is she blind?
Iv'e been looking for fertile, blind waifus.
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desu I like Paladin's less serious tone and more consistent fantasy art style over Overwatch's bland sci-fi universe with pretentious writing and hamfisted lore. Paladins needs lore of its own though.

I want to see more maps based off the characters.
>tfw no Bomb King map yet
>tfw no mod support so we could make Bob-Omb Battlefield

The opposite of a paladin would be a Blackguard, not a necromancer.
nigga she comes from the Abyss
She just sees through other planes or something.
She's as "blind" as Lee Sin
The thing about this game is that it actually is pretty decent to play as far as a FPS/MOBA can be, no one expects the f2p knockoff to be fun, but there it is.
It's a battleborn clone not an overwatch clone
I also like how the characters can be more gritty or violent, BK is the prime example of that:

https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/paladins.gamepedia.com/2/22/BombKing_TR_Taunt_Directed_Buck_2.ogg (I shall make a bomb out of your head!)

https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/paladins.gamepedia.com/6/67/BombKing_TR_Taunt_Directed_Cassie_2.ogg (Oh look, she rolls even after death."

I love BK's character, his balance not so much.
You can like shit fine.
Trying to defend it is what's embarassing.
But that is an in-game screenshot.
what game?

Well, the devs have stated they want to work more on gameplay than lore, so it could be a good, long while before we have any actual lore updates.

That said, apparently the new map is Pip's hometown?
Nice advertisement, fag.

Paladins: Champions of the Realm. Free-to-play team-based hero shooter. Frequently described as an Overwatch knockoff. Available on Steam.
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>James howard
you degenerate
Yes, the new map is some mushroom forest where his kind developed a town in. They're apparently a very reclusive race but Pip wanted to be a special snowflake so he left.
I don't really want super deep lore since I'm not a lorefag, I just want maybe some lore that says how they ended up in the battle and then some maps/characters related to other characters. Like I'd like a melee character who's a knight in Bomb King's kingdom. Also wanted Cassie's father over faggy Sha Lin.
The fun factor varies wildly with each new balance patch/hero, but the fact that its FREE means that you can just wait out a bad patch instead of buyer's remorse yourself into enduring it.
she's useless
>Literally Reinhardt character
>Not a cheap cashgrab for poorfags too shit at life to buy a proper game

Do I dare ask for context?
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Looks like a Battleborn character.
Fernando's more fun than Rein.
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>Blizzard made a german with a magic energy shield
>like that didn't happen before

Shoo, shill, begone!
Nice Overwatch knockoff you have there mate.
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>free game


Paladins needs a lot more polish before it can be considered a competitor against Overwatch.
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Thicc thighs.
>Literally a fucking hook like Roadhog
>/v/ defends this shit because hot girls xd
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>flank class
>stealth abilities
>purple clothes
>short range rapid fire gun
>useless in game

Hi-rez got no shame!

Very true. But hey, I'll play it.
It's Okay When Blizzard Does It!â„¢
i know, how dare they use time travel technology to steal a character before it is even released.
That semen demon came out before Sombra right?

So its exactly the same shit but free? Where's the downside?
>implying Roadhog isn't just a poverty Pudge
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>playing anything made by hi-rez
that's almost as bad as playing anything made by blizz
>Blizzard invented the chainhook character
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Yeah, about a year before Sombra got her pre-release thing.

Balance is quite fucky,(Makoa, BK, Drogoz) but that's not exclusive to Paladins, and there's always two-three patches every month.

Lots of bugs, after all it's a beta goyim!

Quite unpolished, but that might just change someday.

No solo Q, so you're bound to get steamrolled by a 5-man memestack eventually.

Servers are fucking unstable.
I'll come in her abyss ya feel me?
Also, I forgot to say that Hi-Rez absolutely hates frontliners despite designing the flow of the game around them.

When OB49 hits, Makoa will probably be the only viable frontliner, and not even for his shields.

Hopefully that changes soon.

Real fuckin' soon.
don't forget essence
Furry porn artist that does a lot gay stuff with cum inflation and vore.
>Tribesfags still mad that their shit game died
Don't you dare to bring up Tribes ever again.

but it's quite the sad truth it was bound to happen, independent of what Hi-Rez did, the game never got more than 4k players, but I still loved it so much
gottagofast arena shooters are dead. hi-rez was smart to kill tribes off unless they just threw it to their community to be deveeloped by fans. dunno how bethesda intends on keeping quake champions alive.
I'll admit there are some characters that have unique abilities, but most of the shit is just actually a rip off of Overwatch. The Reinhardt shield, hook/shotgun combo, edgelord with two guns/mcree+reaper was pretty laughable.
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>james howard

How do you live with yourself?
I am a simple man. I see delicious brown, I fap.
The edgelord only has one gun and he was added to Paladins before Overwatch was even out. Also he can fly and glide, which makes him more fun than either.

Now the newer one named would be more of a Reaper ripoff since he has two big revolvers and an aimbot spin as a skill. Although that's pretty much where the similiarity stops because everything else about him's unique (his dual guns are also laser handguns rather than dual shotguns that are reloaded by throwing).
>Reinhardt shield

it's a cannon

>edgelord with two guns

the only similarities are that he's edgy, and can fan the hammer on his revolver, which you can literally do in real life.

The nitpicking is incredible.
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An attitude I can respect.
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BucKinessa confirmed? It even fits their ingame jobs, he can protect her from other flanks while she snipes.
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I like you.
Post more hips
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>an aimbot spin
Lex' In Pursuit doesn't spin, even if you try to rotate your camera to make it spin, it'll likely be over and you'll do jack shit.
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Is this game good yet? I still have it installed but I haven't played it since I first tried it out a few months ago. In nine out of ten matches, the other players were so dumb that it felt like I was playing with bots. The rest of the time I'd run into a well co-ordinated enemy team and get absolutely raped at the spawn gates for the entire match.
>girl from second rate Overwatch
>art will be terrible like >>375581916, with the rare SFM in between
Why even bother.
Did you play past Level 5?
Because you play games for the gameplay, you despaired weeaboo parasite.
You fight bots till level 5
None of these Pixar-like shooters are good.
>your opinion mattering in the grand scheme of things
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It's not an opinion.
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Hi-Rez is so good at making waifus.
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>a genre is not good because I dislike it
that's an opinion, kid
good =/= perfect.
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Delete this, right now.
I never claimed the genre wasn't good, I just said all the games in it are garbage. Because they are.
They traded the ability to make good games for it.
The marvelous logical conclusion of a 7 year old
Skiing was a mistake.
If Tribes stuck to being a combined arms game instead of adopting the friction glitch, it probably would be a popular series today, and Battlefield wouldn't be a lazy ass series with a monopoly in the particular sub-genre of shooter.
She shouldn't be classed as support. The most healing I'll ever done with he is only 30k, while the most damage I've done with her is 80k. Her damage is insane.
nigga she's the best pocket healer in the game
you're just playing an alternative playstyle.
it's almost Pip's case
Hey, I'm not the one forcing myself to play trash just because of some cartoon girls.
@375584136 (You)
could you have said that in a less faggy, underaged /b/ sort of way?
that is legit thick, not meme thicc.
>skiing was a mistake
And you're one big fat fucking mistake with bad opinions
I too don't play overwatch.
Yeah, this was past Level 5, against players. They definitely weren't all bots, because I remember using the text chat.
She's a support. Support isn't just about healing. Pip's a mediocre healer too but is still labeled as a support because of being able to apply good CC and distract/flak people.
Bellona is my waifu
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I keep wanting to go back to OW, but I just prefer the maps and characters of Paladins. It's honestly a better game for me. Makoa is life.
You're probably right, When I do play as her I usually have to good tryhard mode because the rest of the team just doesn't do anything. Never played as Pip though so I don't know about his differences.
But anon, all FPS should have gameplay that appeals only to 0.000001% of the population!
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I have reason to post this
Right, mass appeal is all that matters. Moronic Overwatch hipsters, acting high and mighty about a mediocre sub-genre.
Be a good healer for once.
>not marrying lunar tango chang'e
I actually like it that there's minimal lore, the most are just character banter. Like apparently Makoa is friends with almost everyone.
Then go enjoy your... oh wait.
People often forget that video games came from being knock offs of each other. It's like they've never existed back in the arcade era. There were so many knock offs back then but we didn't mind because they still played differently.
>He thinks he can cuck a man who shot down nine suns
Would be better off marrying skadi if you want used goods that badly.
what? thats just nemesis from smite
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mfw feetfag
huh I'm not the only one who thinks this
Yeah as much as there are characters I hate in Paladins, there are others that I also do like. For every Androxus there's Makoa and Bomb King.
>hating Androxus
He's fun to play and I like his deadpan humor. I wish he had a more interesting design, but whatever. I still play Lex more though because I like more grounded gameplay and the huge damage. Also like the low cooldown on his slide.
by character I mean design solely

granted despite his edginess he has some form of humor

Paladins has garbage ass MMR in addition to all it's other problems. If you're a good player you WILL be matched with RU/BR retards to balance your team, and be forced to carry against above average players.
Androxus is a kids scifi villian and its hilarious when you view him as such. It's like they put Zurg from Toy Story into a videogame.
He's more of an anti-hero for me, hint spawn.
he's spawn + death
Yeah, he's basically a TV-14 version of Spawn which is kind of why I like him. I just wish his gun was more than a little ethereal revolver. I feel like he should have gotten Lex's design with the fuck huge magnums and Lex should've been some flying judge or something.
>consistent artstyle
>literally all characters look taken from different Korean MMOs that nobody plays
>even the community tries it's hardest to be Overwatch
It's embarassing.
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What does that even mean?
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My liege?
Like the OW community, you all try your hardest to waifufag over ''characters'' made by cheap Deviantart artists and Tumblrinas that have no style of their own, and you try to excuse the judaism that both of your developers pull with your cheap Team Fortress 2 copycats.

Dying is the only good thing these games could ever do.
What's this Fisher Price toy.
Literally every game w/ multiple playable women dwells into that.
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You just described every multiplayer game with multiple playable characters ever.
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That's 4chan you tard. Go on /vg/ and look at 90% of the OP images, including the Paladins general.
That's why this cancerous subgenre needs to die.
It has the potential of doing more harm to the FPS genre than COD, Battlefield and paid map packs combined.
Waifufaggotry isn't even exclusive to video games. Fuck off retard.
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You need to stop posting and go play video games.
But these games provoke it.
Thus, they need to be gone.
You know something is bad when they make Call of Duty look decent in comparison.

And you need to stop supporting cancer.
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Are you retarded? Do you read? Have you ever seen fan art or discussion for anything ever?
The problem here is that they end up focusing on le ebin as fug character designs instead of gameplay, resulting in massive turds like Overwatch and Paladins.
The DLC?
Why make something meaningful gameplay wise when people are just going to eat up a couple of skins for their ebin waifus?
It needs to die off.
Hopefully, both OW and Paladins are developed by unoriginal hacks that have absolutely no idea of what to do with their games, so I doubt they'll live for long.
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>That's why this cancerous subgenre needs to die

Any day now.
I wonder why they don't mention active player numbers.
Maybe because like Paladins, which has gotten 8 million more players, the amount of active players has gone down anyway.
Except Paladin's made almost no lore because they want to finish the gameplay first.
You mean they want to introduce more ways to rip off their players, and then shit on the players for not eating it up.
Boy, you the best
Looks like Visas from Kotor except with thiccness slapped into her design
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