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Friendly reminder: Repliforce did nothing wrong.

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Friendly reminder: Repliforce did nothing wrong.
>Jet Stingray
Reminder Repliforce did everything wrong.

Reminder that even before the story starts they were considered ineffective and detrimental counter to what they are supposed to be.
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Repliforce did ONE thing wrong.
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I know you're behind this post, Colonel. Nice try.
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How do you make a game that good with a story, dialogue and acting that bad?
what the fuck even was repliforce? Benched Maverick hunters?
Something like that. They were supposed to assist Maverick hunters on a wider scale. Of course. They didn't do a very good job at it.
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Robot Nazis. They literally sieg heiled and everything.
Maverick Hunters were special forces, Repliforce was an army.

Also, IIRC the Final Weapon was actually something developed in case Sigma made a giant "fuck you" that was only able to be nuked from orbit, so of course Sigma takes control of it. I don't think Repliforce ever intended to actually use it, just keep it as a deterrent in the rebellion, like how nukes were in the cold war.
>Repliforce: Respect our rights our we'll fire this giant laser cannon at the earth
I don't think they thought that though very well. Even without Sigma hijacking the thing.
>X: Hey guys, you were spotted at the sight of this city bombing, just drop your weapons and come in for questioning, ok? It's just standard protocol.
Who's more retarded, Repliforce, or the humans who thought building Repliforce was a good idea?
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iris a shit
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>thinking anything through period
If they were capable of that then the entire plot would have never happened.
That is true. I admit.
Well, they made Iris.

And she's hot.
At some point why didn't humanity just give up on making reploids?
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What the hell is the point of making robots with free will? Seriously, what's the point of building that?
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Repliforce did one thing right
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Pic related is the only X character who was never an idiot throughout his entire career.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.
Friendly reminder: X4 was the first bad X game and every PS1 X game was terrible.

Made them more like people.

Because playing God is fun, apparently.
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>X4 worse than X3
Late-90s Capcom was good at that.
>Don't shoot, I'm a human!
He deferred to X a bit too much in X7. I get respecting X. But at the end of the day he calls the shots. But otherwise. You're right.
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>established as the replacement for X4 Colonel
>has obvious presence in X5
>is delegated to cameos for the next three games in the series
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Maybe Reploids were making other Reploids at this point. They have free will, DNA, and ability to love, so maybe there's robot baby-making involved.

Right, but why would you make that? It's got to be expensive. If you wanted manual labor, a mindless drone is probably a better investment than something that can get pissed-off, quit and go on a killing spree.
Did Alia really do anything wrong other than being annoying in X5 because of a game mechanic?

Because Dr Light just wanted to see if he could, and no one had the balls to tell the world's greatest robotics genius (sorry Wily) no?
She thought dating Gate was a good idea.
Also her advice is a total waste of time to read, but I suppose that's the games fault more than hers.
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The rest of the world, apparently, considering Dr. Light died in complete obscurity to the point that they needed an archeologist to randomly stumble upon the ruins of his laboratory and find X.
>established as the replacement for X4 Colonel
Pretty sure he was meant to replace Dr. Cain, who stopped appearing after X3. Maybe Sky Lagoon fell on him or something.

But why wasn't one enough? Why did people keep making anthropomorphic animal robots with free will and built-in deadly weapons?
>implying Protoman wouldn't be long dead
>Did Alia really do anything wrong other than being annoying in X5 because of a game mechanic?
That should be reason enough to hate her.

The TRIED to make more of them with free will. But they fucked it up, because Cain was a fucking paleobotanist instead of someone who should ever be anywhere near robots.
The humans.
>Maverick Virus is a thing
>Maverick Hunters have suffered mass defections in the past
The only logic I can hazily see in it is that an army would be able to detect and kill defectors faster than they appear, unlike how the Maverick Hunters were small enough to be compromised almost all at once.
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Well, in their defence, Repliforce was never really compromised by the virus that is the main source of Mavericks in the setting, so in that sense it wasn't a failed experiment. Or else Sigma could just have done some Wololo nonsense on General and Colonel like he did with Dr. Doppler in the previous game.
Meanwhile her BN counterpart fell for a human.
Sides obliteration complete.
After X5 it was too late. The environment was so fucked that humans couldn't live outside of specially environmentally regulated areas.
By the time it was cleared up enough that they could stop it wasn't even an option because of how thoroughly reploids were integrated into the workforce.
In fact even before X5 this was partially a thing.
But what about things like Magma Dragoon, who went maverick because he wanted to fight X?
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Why are reapers always such good subjects of jokes?
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But Zero gets all the bitches. He got Ciel.

He has the Maverick symbol on his life bar, so Sigma might have gotten to him at some point.
>Hey why do you guys have a sudden bent against Humanity?
>Hey why do you guys have a giant space laser?

And that's why the Repliforce did everything wrong.
A quick rundown on Zero's exploits:

Even his successor Giro showed similar prowess. Too bad he died early.
After you defeat him he says Sigma contacted him to join Repliforce. He probably did it willingly since his dialogue also doesn't seem to be batshit insane like those infected with the virus.
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I thought the whole point of being a Reploid was having free will. And every character introduced in the X series after X and Zero was considered a Reploid, including the bosses.
Ferham too.
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Iris is a huge pervert who secretly wanted to hatefuck humans.
Not all of them, most of the enemies you encounter are regular mechaniloids or robots. Other than those guys, yeah, there's still a lot of Reploids and they have free will like humans. That is until they get infected with the Sigma Virus, then they are fucked.
I wonder how many Reploids ended up becoming Sex Reploids.

I mean, if Zero series is something to go about, Human x Reploid relationships existed.
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Do you ever think X and Zero did things together?
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I get X but Harpuia and Fefnir weren't gay now, were they? Seriously, were they?
And don't forget pic related.
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Like, you know, things that only friends who have been through the highest highs and the lowest lows together and have unfathomable trust in one another do with one another?
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The Repliforce were a bunch of faggots. The true redpill is that pic related did nothing wrong
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Look at their bare circuits.
No robo-benis.
No robo-bagina.
Copy X was a naive spoiled little bitch.
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Not in the first game, perhaps.
Copy X was Weil's cock sleeve
They can cuddle and hold hands. Which they totally did after X found out Zero was alive (AGAIN) around X6. Or maybe in the Elf Wars when everything was going to shit.
They're gay for each other, just accept it.
You don't need genitals to bond with someone until reaching emotional and physical climax.
Reminds me of that doujin where X and Zero remove their outer parts and lie together rubbing their frames with all their circuitry exposed.

So, what justification was Inafune going to use for the real X being the villain before he had to change it to a copy?
Oh, I found it.

Elf War PTSD too stronk
That X was going too far in destroying mavericks.

Pretty much like Copy-X but more dangerous.
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I have a thing for fanart of any sort in these games that involve exposed internal parts or the implied engineering methods behind the construction of these robots. Mega Man technobabble is probably my favorite in all of vidya.
>The virus' radiation is mutating the robots' DNA and absorbing their souls!
X got jaded from fighting from pretty much all his life and lost it.
X got tired of all bullshit and went Maverick to kill Mavericks.
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It continued after the X5 ending where X had all his memory of Zero erased. Not having a bro inevitably turned him into a huge asshole.
>It continued after the X5 ending where X had all his memory of Zero erased. Not having a bro inevitably turned him into a huge asshole.
Source: Your ass
Anyone else would be 100% fine with having to kill the original X in the Zero series? I always have a hard-on when characters have to kill off their former buddies or previous playable characters.
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What reasons do you need other than X was really into protecting humans and there weren't many left outside of Neo Arcadia after the Elf Wars? It shouldn't be that much of a jump in logic, all of X4 already firmly establishes the fact that in any disagreement between Reploids and Humans, he favors the Humans. Add to that multiple lifetimes' worth of fighting robots turning murderous for one reason or another and having to be put down, and you can see how that would lead to him turning more and more obsessed with the safety of his "charges"
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>game forces you to fight your waifu

Why did it have to be like this?
Robot internals are neat.
Wait...did people not like X6? Why?
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reminder that a fucking librarian killed X
X killed himself.

>Hmm, the Dark Elf is going out of control. What should I do?
>I know! I'll seal her inside my body and then disappear forever leaving my city in complete disarray and chaos over my disappearance! What could go wrong?
>tfw she got BLACKED in megeman hell
>X5 Alia

Boi u need X8 for that garbage
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*blocks your path*
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I think it would have made for a better series of games, although that would have made Copy X's appearance in the later Zero games after being rebuilt by Weil weird and inadequate. It's already weird having him tampering with Zero's body.
How can human compete against reploidcock?
10/10 would never pick Zero again
This was a really well designed enemy though. Both in art and gameplay.
Copy X is the best designed Megaman.
>you have to fight this chucklefuck 5 fucking times
Is Capcom staffed by aliens? Who thought this was a good idea?

I was going to say Reploids don't have souls.

But then I remembered Xtreme 2 was a thing that happened.
>make map
>spawn 600 gorillon nightmare enemies
>also make it all cluttered
>fill the rest of the stage with annoying mini-bosses
>make the actual boss piss easy
>call it game design
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>busted "UPGRADE"
>makes your charged shot weaker

For what purpose?
I was under the impression it was really just some kind of virus or program that deleted the Reploid equivalent of System32.
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>Source: Your ass
"I had honestly planned to for 'X5' to be the last title in the series, but somehow I found myself with 'X6.' I feel like I owe the fans an apology, but I have to admit the series was starting to go in a direction that was out of my control. I plan to reexamine the situation and be more careful with how I handle the Mega Man name from now on." -Keiji Inafune, Mega Man X Official Complete Works
The ending where X forgets about Zero is the only one that makes sense.

It's crap.
Was that in X4?
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No. that's the Blade armor in X6.
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Nothing beats the classics baby.
Goddamnit the smash bros trailer Megaman with the TV-screen eyes and the internal computer displaying the DWN and DRN variants was so cool.
Cybeeeeeeer Peacock
There is absolutely nothing there that backs-up your speculation.
That's blade armor from X6

Which game?

And if you mean X4, I really hope you didn't take the first upgrade you find.
>Duff McWhalen
The plot in MM games is so backstory and unexplained that I can't even tell what the hell Repliforce did, let alone whether they were wrong
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>There is absolutely nothing there that backs-up your speculation.
Except it's the only ending that makes sense. Prove me wrong faggot.
>be me
>dr. cain
>be autist
>decide to become botanist
>fuck lets just do paleontology
>oops I discovered this lab better do some archeology shit
>oh maybe I should start building robots now
>oh fuck the robots I made are going insane
>better start a military organization
What the fuck was he thinking
You can charge your other weapons with it and it does have multihit on the regular charge shot.
Can't be helped that everything has I frames for days in X6.
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The only thing I can think is that dependency on technology made future humans drooling retards.
Harpuia's dialogue when you defeat him in Zero 2:
>Ha ha ha... You are still so strong... I like it... No... I love it this way. You are the only one who can make me feel this alive... I enjoy the sensation, I love the pain... You are worthy...
It's to be expected considering all of them were spawned from X. In the end all of them except Phantom wanted to ride the Z-Saber.
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You could have just googled it.
You rang?
Makes sense<Canonity
Dr. Cain is a combo of Dr. Wily and Dr. Light
>In the end all of them except Phantom wanted to ride the Z-Saber.
To be fair. After death he wanted it.

Given the whole "Prove yourself to me as a true hero!" fight in Z3.
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By the way how much porn does Iris have? can't fap to her but still curious
It was retconned because X6 came out, so it'll never be canon anyway.

>can't fap to her

Dude, why not?
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Why Megaman Zero so hard?
mmz is Git Gud: The Series. When you inevitably re-play it later you'll understand.
The resolution is too small to see shit in the distance.
If the screen had an extra inch or two it would be a lot less hard.
Not like it would be easy, but the leap of faith shit would be gone.
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>Zero... Had a hard life. He needs some time to rest.
You have very little health, the stages are mostly designed around going fast, the ranking system fucks you over if you suck and the bosses are generally more aggressive than in the other series.
Wish i could afford that
If you try to get A rank or better on every stage on your first try, you'll fail. Getting a good rank is the only way to get EX Skills in Zero 2 and 3, so you either end up punishing yourself on the first playthrough to get everything or you enjoy the game and ignore them.
The english voice acting is bad, the JP one is fine
>He doesn't fap to Iris
What the fuck
>More Aggressive
Nigga you can stunlock 95% of bosses. You just need proper timing/upgrades. Everything else is correct though.
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I loved Copy X. His concept was just cool to think about: Giving the copy all of X's power but none of his memories. He's like Perfect Cell.

Also we will never play best boi pic related ever again.

Also last best secret power up was the dragon punch in X2
The X8 voice actor is breddy gud
just Z-Saber+Buster the entire game, boyo
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>the Four Guardians surviving the Ragnarok happening in Vile's Incident was retconned
Maverick hunters are like a paramilitary group, Repliforce was an actual military force

Basically the human governments finally realized Sigma posed a risk to the entire world and would just keep coming back and a maverick hunter force wasn't going to be enough if Sigma kept escalating his attempts at world domination. Thus the need for a larger, global force to combat him if the need arose

Of course, it was a total flop of an idea, even before their rebellion.

blowing up Final Weapon was a mistake though, because later on Sigma colony dropped Eurasia onto the planet, and they could have easilly used that weapon to shoot it down
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>the game is difficult unless you exploit it
Really made me think. Also, playing with upgrades that aren't quick charge is for queers.
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>Maverick hunters are like a paramilitary group
They're fucking robot cops.
>blowing up Final Weapon was a mistake though,
It didn't blow up though just badly damage. Hell you see it in X8 when fighting Optic sunflower in his stage.
Skill ups, whatever.
And considering that I discovered said exploits my first playthough when I was 10, I'd say its a fairly simple exploit. Except anubis's weakness to fire. That still makes no sense.
But then they reverse retconned it saying it never happened and they still died in MMZ3.
Ironically, didn't Eurasia's still functioning environmental controls end up helping the planet recover in the long term?
I need more games where the majority of the population are robots
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>using the easy mode weaknesses

>Dynamo didn't get any major role but gets one of the best themes
the absolute madmen
We were talking first playthroughs.
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>I need more games where the majority of the population are robots
That's something I can really get behind.

Yes, actually. In one of the Zero games the site of the crash was started to produce plant life for the first time in decades.
Post more FemZero and FemX
Most of Z4 is set around the area where Eurasia crashed, actually
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Here's a Fem Zero.
Rengoku 1 and 2
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Maybe Ghost in the Shell games
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That's probably my second favorite callback to a previous series in the entire franchise after the Dr. Wily flashbacks in X4
Just as a hologram, but they might have rebuilt it later on for whatever purposes.
Deus Ex has tons of augs
His prime directive was protecting humans. Decades of constant warfare because of his reploid progeny ruined the planet, killed like 90% of the human race, and all this shit eventually got to him where he said 'Enough is enough' and decided reploids had to go in order to keep humans safe.

It's a completely logical conclusion to reach. Why suffer them to live if all they cause is pain and misery from their mere existence? Hence the genocide.

In the end though, he gets changed to a copy but in this version of the tale, the only difference is that this X doesn't get the 30+ years of morality training that the real one did. He has no morals or ethics so everything he does is based on cold, hard logic with no regards to emotion or right or wrong. All that matters is the results.
60% of humans, not 90%. That was the Reploids.
I get your point, though.
Smash is the most love Mega Man has gotten in years
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>the most powerful army in history
>gets taken down by two manlet reploids
No. Copy X reasoning is fundamentally different. He thought himself as perfect because that's what he was told since day 1. You are X, you are the super best, you are our savior, you are our leader.

Copy X is the result of a spoiled child never being told "No" and letting all the power going up to his head.

>goes deathly quiet in the span of a second
To be fair, do you think any other army in human history could have taken them out?
Why didnt cyber elf X showed up to Copy X and said he was doing things wrong? Megaman Zero plot is retarded and full of plotholes
2much energy gotta chill at cyberspace.
They're very disciplined. And also robots.
Cyber elf X fucking hated his copy self. That's why. He straight up tells Zero to just destroy his copy.
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>Megaman Zero plot is retarded and full of plotholes
That's the whole series in a nutshell, friendo.
To think of all shit they went through in the X series only to die because of some retard Elf and Dr. Wily 2.0
Reminder that Ciel created Copy X at 9 and Zero Series starts when Ciel is 14.

Copy X is a literal toddler.

Zero at least died on his own terms. X got fucked over hard.
Does the X series ever spell out what happened to the original Megaman?
No. And it's better than way. Sometimes things are better left unsaid.

Classic is all about being lighthearted and fun. Showing them all dying or rusting into deactivation would kinda ruin that.

Zero kills him
>His prime directive was protecting humans.
Hell no it isn't, X's existence is Light's greatest goal, for robots/reploids to have the same freedom as humans and to live with them.

But for some fucking reason which only Inafune knows why, we never got a human villian in X games
the US manual isn't canon. that stuff wasnt in the Japanese manual


Did you even watch X4 cutscenes?
>he still hasn't watched Zero's VA let's play of X8 where he sucks on the game
>he doesn't know even he hates Axl


Obscure Mega Man lore here
>Copy X is a literal toddler.
The robots are made fully-adult.

There was nothing in the X4 cutscenes that even imply that.
X6 literally came out six months after X6 IIRC. You can only imagine what development was like. The final product pretty much speaks for itself on that one.
>The robots are made fully-adult
Tell that to Middy
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Could be worse.

>Tell that to Middy
There's a difference between being a child and a manlet.
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We do know he, alongside Dr. Light and Dr. Wily, has been forgotten by time. That's the extent of it, though
they definitely became more militarized past X3, and certainly past X5, where it became their job to save the world from sigma every week
Is there a reference in this pic or what
I would have accepted that game more if it looked like that. Unity could have easily supported that kind of artstyle.
X killed them all, Zero killed them all ;_;
They way I see it could have been worse. It could been like only three months worth of actual dev time. Like MM7.
no, but Auto's still around by X3, so who knows
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>X's base blue armor is the actual Ultimate armor
>It starts to absorb some abilities of his armors where dash becomes default in X2 and by X8 he starts to dash mid air without armor
>We will never see X gain all the armor abilities from X1-X7 in his default armor which is a part of his "limitless potential"
>We will never play X in his prime
Fucking fuck
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Yes. That was central to Zero 4's plot.

>Last functioning, self-sufficient city/government on the planet has been taken over by a cyborg madman Dr. Weil
>Anyone with guts gets the hell out of there, but the the vast majority of the planet is a barren wasteland after endless robot wars. Except the Eurasia crash site, known as Area Zero, thanks to its environmental systems still functioning.
>Weil sets out to obliterate the site so his personal North Korea is the only place humans can live in
>Distracts Zero with the eight pack of reploids on their own deforestation campaigns while building a satellite weapon
>Is poised to kill them all before his reploid #2 rebels, hijacks the weapon, and nukes the city to end human complacency and Weil's reign. This caused 20 million deaths.
>Weil survives and turns the satellite into Eurasia 2.0 out of spite, intending to kamikaze into Area Zero now that it's the ONLY inhabitable place left. Weil taunts Zero about how a hero wouldn't go maverick and actually kill a human like him
>Zero sacrifices himself for real to kill him and save humanity and nature itself, dying as the satellite explodes
are you serious about 7? I mean, that game has issues man.
No, but the dialogue on the bottom came before the line on top.
>super robot limitless potential terminator X wasn't enough to stop the elf wars
Well, shit.

>Due to "bad timing", the development team had to work under a very tight, three month schedule to complete Mega Man
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>Weil taunts Zero about how a hero wouldn't go maverick and actually kill a human like him
I like to think that during all this time the ghost of Dr. Wily was screaming from the depths of Cyberspace Hell
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Copy X was made to bear the burden of a symbol that he himself cannot hope to be for himself. He was programmed to follow X's path and his free will had him try to surpass X's accomplishments (pro-human), which practically led up to the events. I doubt he would be reasonable hearing that he's fucking up from the very person he's supposed to be based off of. Elpizo's characterization is similar as both of them suffered and fucked up due to high expectations.

The series has plot holes, like any game with a story slapped on it, but the little things in MMZ are very appreciable.
Xtreme 2 was great. My first Mega Man game.
On the other note, why is X's default armor look shit in sprites while it looks simple but awesome in artworks?
god, i want to fuck Cubit's Mutos Reploidbutt
It's a guy
>Ciel: "Hey X, check out my really cool OC i've just made!"
yeah, and?
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Humans die too easily.
except that none of that shit you just said ever happened.play x5 again,then x6.
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The artworks always look better on everything. To this day I still don't know what the fuck is going on in Slash Beast's idle sprite. I can't seem to find his face and call me autistic but that green part of the sprite near the head looks like an elephant snout or something.
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You don't know how disappointed I was in MMZ when they didn't use XvsZero in the final battle against Copy X in MMZ1
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I think Wily laughs at how Weil's greatest creation was just edits to his original designs from hundreds years past.
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That is a pattern that continues to repeat itself for the next few centuries too. All the post-X Doctors have excessively big heads for managing to accomplish very little, if anything, of actually new compared to what Wily and Light were doing back then.
This is also the reason for why I hate the world of ZX.
Yeah, I thought he had a clown nose.
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>tfw you will never be a fat weeb who cant get his CCNA
>We get to see Zero in his almost ultimate/prime form
>Gets shitted on by X
>But we never get to see X unleash something god-like even in a non-canon event
What the fuck was the "limitless potential" for?
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Real talk, who did it worse?


I've played all the main timeline games except both ZX games. From what I've read, the plot makes no sense.
oh hey, it's The Guardian from Final Fantasy Sonic X6
I didn't expect a thing from X4 from the very beginning so Dante
Jesus fuck I thought only I was retarded enough to play shit like that
thats more to do with ZX being a sequel to the Zero games and their ideas, more than the X games.

Inti-Creates are autismo about plot and timelines, so as they see it, Legends is the end point of the franchise, and everything they do is about continuity and eventually leading to Legends.

(which is why enemies in Zero/ZX have reaverbot eyes, and why E-Crystals are a thing)

ZX2's ending was basically setting up the stage for some kind of cataclysmic event that could allow for the mostly flooded Legends world to exist.

While ZX and ZX2 were about bridging the gap between Humans and Robots, setting up for Legends and it's Carbons and System units, which are basically hyperadvanced robots, but are all really close to Human
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The plot more or less can be boiled down to a Dr. Wily-wannabe stumbling onto what amounts to little more than an improved version of the original Megaman's Weapon Copy System and getting a god complex because of it.
it was pretty fun back during when Sonic RPG and Wavewarrior.EXE was a popular thing

wished all the episodes had FFSX7's battle system
A worthy replacement of Sigma but what of his fighting/battle prowess? Hail Signas!
>little more than an improved version of the original Megaman's Weapon Copy System
it's way more than that though

it's more akin to Axl's New Generation abilities, and those were pretty significant too.

Albert's ability itself too seemed to be even more advanced, thanks to cyber elf bullshittery.
Now I want to replay them. But I also really don't want to.
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>we will never get a game where we can play as Signas, or at least see him in action doing something
fuck you i remembered that shit too
>couldn't get past Rouge
>Garnet version will never be finished due to anti-sprite plebs
Speaking of which, did this ever get a sequel of some kind?

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Signas was a cool design.

Liked that they emphasized that he was super smart, with a super advanced processor or some shit.

>tfw he actually accurately predicted Zero might have Virus Antibodies close to half a century before they were actually discovered after his initial sealing
Signas had no personality, barely any dialogue and was completely useless. Why do you even care?
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you can just join the long hiatus for the next episode instead
>Shitty Nova Strike
>4 weapon variations only
>Dash is slower than the OG X dash which is already slow as shit
>Ultimate armor's charge shot is as small as Falcon armor's
Perfect copy MY ASS
they gave the mh something to do while sigma twiddled his thumbs and wily made some virus for him. weird how the filler saga churned out the best gameplay in the series
because he's got a cool as fuck design and backstory
saved us 10 minutes of cutscenes right there
He has a nice hat
judging that recommendation list, i don't think so
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>we will never get a game
>tfw he was voiced by Alucard in X7

>tfw you realize the ZXA voices are actually the X7 voice cast
best guy. inoffensive in every way which is more than can be said about any other character in the series
>because he's got a cool as fuck design and backstory
What backstory?
>No MMX sequel in 16-bit
>bad plot
>bad voice acting
>excellent gameplay
spottef the movie game babby. go back to playing uncharted of duty: the line. or whatever
the shoryuken's short horizontal reach made it ridiculous to control.
>deferring to the adam of robot people is bad
>deferring to your seniors when you seek guidance is bad
X is that one guy who would like to talk things out while his enemies go apeshit

X:Chill, we can talk this out

I loved it and will always do
dating gate WAS a good idea. his genius created a virus more powerful than sigma's
You a cheeky cunt m8
I'd say that X's story is too convoluted for Capcom to want to bother with it any further
Blame Inafune and his Zero fetish, just fuck that hack
Sigma did nothing wrong.
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So then we relive all of them in a new form
He died.
>completely gutted the increasing number of secrets and unlockables the games have been steadily adding up until that point
Inserting a code on the character select screen is no substitute for actually hunting upgrades through the levels.
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>still no Elf Wars game
Honestly, X6 and every game after it should have had Zero stay in stasis or be dead. He contributed nothing to the plot and giving X the Z-saber would have made X seem less useless.
& gate, sigma, serges, isoc
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He was also a better antagonist than Sigma.
>Light, Wily, Cain build machines stronger than their own species.
>Its the reploids fault

I say the humans did everything wrong first
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"Now that you've defeated Sigma, I suppose you're satisfied. Thanks to you, the plan has gone smoothly."
Yeah it's not like X1-3 had that with the password system or anything
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Sigma was probably getting them all paranoid. Told them that the government set them up so they could decommission Repliforce with just cause.
>Cyber Elf Dr. Light
What the crap?
>Lumine will never suck your dick
The only thing that bugs me is that Zero has Omega's color scheme with the red eyes and pink saber.
it's based on the pre-events of the coming Elf Wars
Is this the only MMX trap?
Humans did some dumb shit in Megaman but the whole Copy reploid thing was the biggest they ever shot themselves in the foot with.
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>Was getting caught part of your master plan?
He was so hard for his Zero fetish he decided to drag the X series with Zero for fuck's sake
Didn't even give X a proper development even though he was already had it better in terms of background about the continuity from OG Megaman to X

Just fuck Inafune, Good thing Mediocre 5.9 happened, no one will buy his shit anymore.
>You thought Gate was the last boss? BUT IT WAS ME, SIGMA!
Fucking hell
>Magma Dragoon
What a great game, super hard when I was a kid though
nah, x is like superman: he is a perfect bastion of everything good. capcom just has better sense for maintaining this, if nothing else
That doesn't explain why Dr. Light is a Cyber Elf that looks the way X did in the Zero series.
Can't we have non-humanoid Maverick Hunters who don't go batshit insane cause of the virus for once? Or maybe we're just following the story of X and Zero (duh) and couldn't see what other non-humanoid, non-infected Reploids in Maverick Hunter are doing.
just play as x instead
he wasnt dead tho. elpizo threw his sword and held his sword and stabbed x
Could be that the Light AI took on that form after Command Mission because he was out of Light Capsules, and it inspired X to turn himself into an Elf-powered AI to watch over the world while his body was in stasis.
Archie is not even canon the artists were just throwing shit into it probably
Shit, if we get these, it'll fill up a LOT of plotholes right? Be it for X series or Z series.

I mean, we can find out how Alia, Douglas, Signas, Axl, basically the Maverick Hunters and humanity died out.
it's archie, can't explain that shit
start a thread with this sometime
alia is perfect in 8 especially since you get to play as her
That's the thing that the X-series lacked, in which would show X's true purpose of robot-human equality by Dr.Light. This would have served as a mark and core of X's true character

This. All those cool designs, wasted to be the villains of the series. Damn!
ok capcom and also resi 6 was a good game. uh huh
The Elf Wars killed something like 75% of humanity and 90% of Reploids. Dr. Weil was VERY upset about the Reploid Wars.
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>Can't we have non-humanoid Maverick Hunters who don't go batshit insane cause of the virus for once?
Furry detected.

>Or maybe we're just following the story of X and Zero (duh) and couldn't see what other non-humanoid, non-infected Reploids in Maverick Hunter are doing.
Non-human Non-Maverick Reploids have never been shown in cutscenes. They had plenty of opportunities to do so, and chose not to. What does that tell you?

All anthros must die.
What the actual fuck. I just like robots based on animal designs. You're weird.
I wish X had a luscious hair like Megaman did.
he lived a colorful life
>you will never suck Lumine's dick
Wait the Repliforce weren't Mavericks? Everything they were doing looks like Maverick behavior to me.
she hates the humes :(
>I just like robots based on animal designs.
You're a closeted robo-furry.
Did Zero actually kill Rock and Protoman or is that just headcanon?
*hard a hard life
what did Capcom mean by this?
No but their actions imply they could be so the Maverick Hunter (was quick) to deem them Mavericks.
blurry line, nobody knows.
There are many other types of Mavericks, not just the virus one. They chose to do the whole coup thing (with Sigma's influence) but were never infected. Basically anyone that was a threat to the Hunters or humanity was deemed a Maverick at that time
X4 was when "Maverick" stopped being a term only for virus-infected or malfunctioning Reploids and began being a political term as well. Repliforce was deemed Maverick because they were so insulted and angry over being accused that they acted Maverick.

Some of the Repliforce members you fight are Maverick, however: Magma Dragoon, Split Mushroom, Cyber Peacock, and Frost Walrus.
Stop. Not everything I like which is based on animals point towards me being a furry. Holy crap this nigga.
Technically no. They weren't really infected with the virus.

BUT. They committed Maverick like actions.
Confirmed didn't happen a year or so ago.
the humans problem was that they kept making robots do all the fighting when robots were susceptible to sigma in the first place. they should have gotten off their lazy asses and done shit themselves
Only Split and Peacock have the virus. Dragoon was just a greedy asshole that joined Sigma because he was promised to be more powerful than X or Zero. Walrus saw the coup as an opportunity to just fuck shit up and took it.
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>tfw bought X4 back in 1998
>Oh hey, I played this in SNES
>" READY?"
>Sky Lagoon X theme plays
>Sudden Hype and Boner at the same time
I want to go back in time
So why do you care if all the furries are bad or not? What if they made one good one that you'll never, ever get to play as.
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The humans couldn't even stand up to a guy with a scissor on his head, the mavericks are like a million times more advanced. Humans exist only to die in the mega universe.
There's a possibility that he may have defeated Rock but Protoman would have likely died from power failure.
that and the no self diagnostics thing
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Sucks that the Mega Man comic was cancelled and the X comic never got to be made.
It would be split across two games, X9 and X10.
X9 is the hopeful prelude. The key elements are introduced. The Maverick Virus is wiped out for good.
X10 is when everything goes to hell.
>died on his own terms
which time?
I sort of hated the mega man comic after they stopped retelling the games.

>Quake Woman

Really? There weren't enough robot masters, so you had to make up your own shitty OC? Just flip a real RM's gender, they're robots, they don't care
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>the X comic never got to be made
>X is the only Megaman who doesn't have a designated bitch/thot
Blessed be his pure robot soul/AI
how did a plot that cool end up being the worst zero game
Nah, everyone knows Zero was X's bitch.
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N-Nani sore? Baka!
It was the other way around
>Rock and Roll
>Exe and Roll.Exe
>Subaru and that guitar bitch
>Zero and Ciel
>Vent/Grey and Ashe/Aile
>Volnutt and Roll(Legends)/Tron Bonne
Being X is suffering
Not everything points to pleasing me sexually, anon. If that's what you're implying.
Why did they ruin X's sprites after X3?
megaman is full of missed opportunities
Well, he does have that Suffering Circuit.
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>there will never be a Mega Man/Monster Hunter crossover

>make one of the existing canon Robot Masters the opposite gender

Like how one of the mangas made Centaur Man a woman? That's pretty dumb. And in a comic or book or other non-game media you can't simply hop straight to the next game, there needs to be resolution and buildup for it. The MM comic's non-game content and characters were, aside from Xander, really good.
dunno what ccna is but thanks for the pic
>Literally achieved his ultimate form by x5 non canon Virus Zero
>X was able to match him WITHOUT tapping his limitless potential mode
Yeah no
general limutless potential, the same as what anime humans talk about, not just fighting potential. zero, on the other hand...
Alia? She mighta been GATED in college but that's the past.
Because DUDE 32 BITS LMAO.

At least Capcom had the decency to not go full polygonal until the PS2 era, or course i'm not considering Megaman Legends.
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>Be obsessed with MM all my childhood
>Be obsessed with MH throughout my adulthood

Also flipping genders totally work, look at Honey Woman. Centaur didn't work because Centaur Man was a dumb fucking concept to begin with.

Why the fuck does he stop time? Even the guys who made power fighters realize centaurs use bows.
i wish the zx series plot was better. it just takes itself too seriously and the characters were kinda meh
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Best navigator.
How could someone so chubby and innocent looking transform into an incredibly edgy boss and pull off "lol I was a spy all along" shit? Was legitimately pissed at that turn of events
he doesn't fight, he's a stay-at-base dad
>Tfw still obsessed with MM,MH,DMC,old RE
Fucking hell, I'm Capcom's bitch
she just wanted that X dick dude
if a human kid playing the game could figure it out from the game's given context then a military commander better fucking have the brains to figure it out too
>Why the fuck does he stop time?
I think even Capcom realized it was pretty stupid for a centaur to time stop for no reason.

Even more so because every other MM6 Robot had a power that made sense considering where they were made and what areas they live in.
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>There will never be a game that properly links Original-X
>There will never be a 1999 Castlevania game
>Both franchises are dead and we killed them
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>Rock and Roll
>alia wants to help X on his missions for dicc
>accidentally ends up killing him
I bet Axl doesn't have to put up with this
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>tfw there won't be a massive Sonic & Mega Man crossover game
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Fuck no.
Too bad X-senpai was too busy with maverick business to pound that thirsty robot pussy
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And his stage is even weirder.

>hey akira what're those half horse half man called
>you mean the ones who live in upside down water
>and stop time?
>yeah that sounds about right
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what happened to him after X5?
he's shown to be a conscious program in the x series so i don't see why not
Wily invented a time machine and Rock kills himself.
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Who gives a shit?
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Fuck you, fighting Robot Masters and Mavericks as Sonic and fighting Eggman's robots and mechas as Mega Man would be awesome.
>Rock and Roll

Rock is too small for bitches and Roll is too small to be one.

>Ashe being Vent's bitch when it's clearly the opposite.
I mean, remember that one image.
That is a good thing, lest the autism of the Sonic fandom corrupts whatever good has the Megaman comunity left.
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>tfw the stories of the various Mega Man series are full of ALMOST good story ideas regarding robots, free will, humanity, society, transhumanism, and all that good shit that might be cool and interesting if they were fleshed out more or written better
>instead they either have awful writing, never go anywhere, or are handwaved away with shit like the fucking Sigma Virus
I guess in the end all I want is to jump and shoot and dash but if you're gonna put a long elaborate continuous story in your game series don't half-ass it
maybe he's in his original body, since that's what his original body is like in z3.
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Dumping the first of those is my finest memory of /v/. Every single page had +10 replies, shit was ridiculous.
He also shows up in X6 so he's probably around doing background mechanic shit. Those Rider Armors aren't going to fix themselves.
Maybe, just maybe your idea fucking sucks. Did you ever think of that?
>they're expecting one of our sigma copies in the wreckage, brother
Boomer has a great design.
Those original the characters look so fucking out of place. Also please dont tell me thats a Sonic-Bass fusion fighting Launch Octopus.
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If you could be a Reploid/Mechaniloid, off of what animal and ability would you like to have?
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>gore magala
>elder dragon
This is my fetish
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The sad thing is that they rebooted the series with MHX and the writing quality got significantly better, but it never got a sequel
At least it didn't affect the gameplay, like in Zero.

>Great bosses
>Great stages
>Great gameplay mechanics
>High speed
>Great controls
>oh but the screen is so fucking tiny that you never see anything coming

Fuck that bomb mission in Zero, every jump is a blind jump on a timer.
That's Gemerl from Sonic Advance 3.
>yfw when you heard this for the first time
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MHX's story was mostly based on the Mega Man X manga which was actually amazing. The fact that it's yet to be translated is a shame.
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What's wrong, intimidated by a Reploid with a little height to her?
Omega doesn't have the original Z-Saber, X gives it to you, and it's green.
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Worlds Collide was awesome. I remember The Ride and when we got to that everyone was loving it.
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>I'm sealing you away because humans are not ready for a robot that can think
>later play x6
>*yawn* they ain't did nothin' new
>RNG up the ass
>sudden frustration and boner at the same time
I thought X being a manlet was a meme holy fucking shit what is this even
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>What the hell is the point of making robots with free will? Seriously, what's the point of building that?

What is the point of not making robots with free will?
Mankind is destined to disappear, anyway. Being able to leave intelligent machines or some other sentient lifeform behind to continue mankind's legacy would be cool.

>doesn't know what rockman is

fucking get out
I cant read this shit with a straight face since i always see this manga's X with a permanent yaranaika face.
I know it was just an artstyle change but seeing Zero's bulky X series body emerge and try to kill you would've been a masterful fucking long con.
they could have made iron man suits or just used em waves and nukes to fuck up bots
it's the resident "gohan" (aka jobber) of the archie sonic comics, Gemerl
Something canine.

Literally invincible combination right there.
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>give the series a good collection in the form of MMX Collection
>devs want to fix up various aspects of the games, like Zero's inputs in X6
>Inafune tells them no because he'll implement them in the MHX series
>MHX's story actually realizes all the cool possibilities in the world of MMX beyond "IT'S THE SIGMA VIRUS" and "IT'S ZERO MY HERO"
>it gets cancelled because of low sales on the PSP

There is no worse feeling in the entire world. Absolutely none.
Holy shit, this thread made me realize
>Every other "Megaman" Protag of their respective series got a female support to build their char but X got none
>X's character was an excellent and one of the best idea but was fucked over because Inafune likes Zero
>X didn't get proper development because Inafune was and will always suck Zero's dick with his 2 other bitches
>Even Zero had 2 bitches
What the fuck, I'm starting to feel very sorry for X now
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Back of the line. Best Navigator right here.
*Geo and Luna
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The Ride was wonderful. The comics were wonderful. Megaman shooting a literal sun at the Skull Egg and Dr. Wily slowly resigning himself to defeat and urging Robotnik to show at least a shred of grace for once in his life while he was busy screeching like an austist was the best thing ever.
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Suits are dumb. Whatever's on the inside will just be scrambled to bits after the first hit.

Pogo sticks are the technology of the future. If you've played 8-bit DM you know how terrifying they can be
They could have adapted the X series design to fit in with Zero's series. I blame it on laziness.
>Every other "Megaman" Protag of their respective series got a female support to build their char but X got none

X got Zero for that.
capcom goes three games before taking a shit on a series
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I like the part where Mega Man goes insane. Twice. In a row.
And then Worlds Unite fucked it all up.
iff they just flipped existing characters genders on a whim then people would flip shit.
>never used outside of maverick hunter x
God dammit, there's like no porn of her either.
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They're bros, like Donkey and Donkey.

Zero's a ladies man, he lets X tap some of that shrapnel that go for sensitive guys.
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The X series is a tragedy. The potential was all there and there were signs of X growing as a character, even in the divisive X6, but Inafune couldn't stop dickriding Zero.

Going Maverick didn't even have shit to do with the Maverick Virus until Inafune started dickriding his son and came up with a new excuse for Sigma to keep coming back.
they were a perfect match fighting each other in the canon ending too. try again
Alia does want to fug X, though. He's just too busy with his Maverick Hunting business and Zero :^)
I always wondered, do they realize X is the basis for pretty much all of them?
x's story was filler since we all know zero is the main character of the x series
Don't worry, the Sonic comic is now also cancelled.
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I've thought about writing a short story, or a few short stories that address all the different robo-ethics problems each Mega Man game brings-up or makes me think about. The characters and plot would be somewhat similar to the X series, but not nearly as futuristic. Going in-depth with plot in an action-platformer is too difficult, either the gameplay or story would suffer.
I guess, Alia wanted to please her Daddy
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One of the highest points of both comics.
>Eggman throwing Dr. Light out of the airlock
That whole scene was pretty gud
>one image
??? ???
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I remember coming up with an elaborate, six-game retelling of X1-X6 that taps into the potential of the series' universe without the Zero circlejerking or reliance of the Maverick Virus.

Shame neither of us can do anything with stories unless Capcom is accepting amateur pitches.
Tell me I'm not the only one who read those boss synopses like "The Voice" in movie previews during the jingle.
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I don't think Dr. Cain ever disclosed where he got the data and the schematics for Reploids from. I'm sure X would be getting a lot more attention both from other reploids and from humans in general if he had. Probably no other Reploid but Sigma and the X-Hunters knew where X came from, and Sigma might only have found it out way too late and way too insane to actually give a damn.
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He's 5'3"
>Being this late to realizing that X could've been the greatest Megaman
Well, better now than never. Inafune deserves to suffer.

Enjoy the ride
>we nearly would have gotten a grim n gritty western video game studio FPS Megaman game where ultimately Megaman goes evil and Zero has to put him down

I bet Inafune was jerking off at the very idea
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we'll never know
I made a Mega Man RPG about that around fifteen years ago.

>Check out the old forum
>It's gone

Damn you geocites.
Oh hey, that's my height
Roll was always supposed to be "like a sister" to Rock but that just doesn't mean the same thing in Japan

The first time I played Lunar I didn't get that and was confused as fuck
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>What is the point of not making robots with free will?
So you can have little robot girl sex slaves.
>mega manlet x is jap canon confirmed
when will the ride end
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Here you go Anon, have a version in proper order
INCREDIBLY rushed. shit like this is all the evidence you need https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLay2tac_BA
you were supposed to be able to get black zero by getting 5000 souls and then fighting zero, and this is totally functional in the game, if it were not for the fact that you can't encounter zero at that point because gate stages automatically unlock after 3000 souls
now imagine that zero is your favorite megaman character and during the past couple years you realize that you were tricked into loving him by one guy who wielded too much clout in his company and ferociously protected his original hedgehog megaman character
there's a reason dark versions of the blue bombers are so popular
I swear to god I hope Inafune never finds work in the game industry ever again. At least MN9 was enough to sour his name forever.
Lets make one of the existing characters black for absolutely no raisin.
it's officially stated that that's classified info
sauce anon

>subtle psionic aura that convinces everybody around me to just leave me the fuck alone
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I just like putting thought into a possible synopsis for a game that would serve as a final link between the Classic and X series and allow the time gap to finally happen. I think everyone has done that once or twice.
Pic unrelated.
Grimdark Mega Man is best Mega Man.
cursed nip genes
staggroff can kiss my fucking ass, having a boss that goes offscreen is horseshit of the highest caliber
that bomb disposal mission can kiss my ass too
Zero was ok but I never liked him because back then I felt like all the things that developed him could've been for X for the better, guess my guts was right all along
>Shame neither of us can do anything with stories unless Capcom is accepting amateur pitches.
Thats why I wasn't going to bother with the game part. I was just going to make short stories that heavily rip-off the games, so I don't need to follow whatever dumb restrictions the games would limit me to, like having 8 Maverick bosses and all that predictable trash that sucks the fun out of a good story.
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Take your pick.
how about the mets? lol
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>tfw you will never be raped by a qt guardian of humanity
zero should have stayed dead after dying
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Oh well.
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I'm not sure how to feel being taller than the super-robot savior of humanity X. I don't think I can ever look at him the same way again.
Sauce was lost to time I'm afraid.
blazing dynamo strikes again
Based Dynamo.

>He'll never show up again
>I just like putting thought into a possible synopsis for a game that would serve as a final link between the Classic and X series and allow the time gap to finally happen. I think everyone has done that once or twice.

If Capcom ever did that, then there'd be no way to milk the classic series infinitely the way they used to.
>We will never see X become an expert in battle to the point where he mercilessly punches an enemy on the face with his buster while charging then fire it right in the face point blank
Zero dick riding was the biggest mistake
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Not with that attitude you won't
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This man had a godly theme song.

>tfw I've been listening to it 15 mins earlier
If memory serves, in the canon ending X announced his plan to create "Heaven". This clearly leads into the would-be utopia of Neo Arcadia in Zero (and then goes even further in Legends). Society doesn't just change overnight, so presumably, X would have to be fighting mavericks for decades, then take control and maintain it for another few decades. Anyone would become jaded after that period. X is a nice dude but he's not infallible.
If it consoles any, he's scaled more what you'd expect in X8, but whether you think that's him getting taller or Alia shrinking is vague.

Or it could just be different artists.
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Does he actually say that? Holy crap, I didn't realize the Mega Man series had any sense of self-awareness before 9. My mind is fucking blown.
Yes. Really. Funny enough . It's the only time where the MMX games make fun of Zero's deaths.
They had to make the heights match for the model reskins so they'd use the same bones as Axl, X and Zero, respectively.
>megumi ogata as X
>other reploids are shrunk down to so X doesn't look like a manlet
>layer is still taller than him
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Heavens, those delicious brown underboobs
Can't be worse than X4's X.
Red pill me on why got 0 personality
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Literally the only reason I remember Layer exists. The only reason I remember Palette exists is because for some reason there's an official picture of her wearing glasses. That's right, a super-advanced robot wearing glasses.

That doesn't change that her ACTING is good
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Cute. Pointless. But cute.
Ok, I fucked up.

Red pill me on why X got 0 personality
>get in the fucking capsule X
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Now that I think about it, it makes more sense than hair and robo-titties.
I really don't think Alia is interested in X
X didnt need a bitch
He's modeled after a teen boy though, right?
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>tfw no Leviathan gf
>X's seiyuu voices Harpuia
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Says his A.I. is basically that of a 14 or 15 year old's, so I guess it's safe to say his body is too.
>X didnt need a bitch
This. Love-interests don't add anything to a plot 90% of the time
Post X with Hair
X doesn't have hair. He was built with a helmet for a scalp.
because they gave it all to 0
I just realized we're over 500 posts.

Nice thread.
Final Weapon was about to fire on the Earth and they needed to at least shut it down.

The one who decided to outright blow it to kingdom come, however, was General, leader of the Repliforce.
mega """"""man"""""""
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Despite being designed with the intent to be able to blend in with humanity perfectly X is never protrayed without his helmet on.

He may very well not have hair under it, which would have been retarded on Dr. Lights part given that X wouldn't be able to fake being human very well like that, but then again Dr. Light isn't very smart about things that aren't robotics/networking.
I don't see a hand in that cannon arm, either, but we know it's there. There are layers to mechanical detailing and that schematic doesn't show everything.
Honestly, there were other factors involved with the Repliforce rebellion.

First off, despite being heavily outnumbered and outgunned by the Repliforce, the Maverick Hunters were actually consistently more effective at dealing with Maverick activity by a landslide. Humanity was overall getting fed up with the Repliforce's incompetence. So the seeds were already in place, Sigma just helped it sprout.

Doesn't change the fact that, in the end, it all boils down to the Repliforce being composed entirely of a bunch of incompetent fuck-ups.
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Classic Mega "Man" is 10. What's your point?
Nope. The hand literally transforms into a cannon. That's how busters have always worked.
The cannon arm generates a hand when not in use through special energy..
It works the same way that fist special weapons systems work for Rock.
Maybe they shouldn't have destroy a city. Or take over an air force base...or a spaceport...or a giant laser cannon.
>b-but muh honor
Has X ever been depicted with his helmet off in anything official? Has he ever been depicted without armor the way the original was? No. Light built him as a combat robot, the only thing human-looking on X is his face.
Should've been named Cuckman X since he was cucked from his own series by Zero and Zero even got another series just for him
yeah everybody wants to play a game called "cuckman x". good idea
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