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Post your game ideas here. It's not like you're ever

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Post your game ideas here. It's not like you're ever gonna make them.

>stuck in empty town with 5 people
>every Friday night monsters appear and the player and the rest of the 5 people have to survive and/or kill the monsters
>have a week to prepare for each night and scavenge items
>after each week a new part of the town is revealed revealing new items and weapons needed to take down down or fight against stronger monsters
>you can magically understand NPCs but you can't speak their language back
>collect runes and gauge NPC reactions to them to divine their meanings
>keep a record of your best guesses at rune meanings by updating the text field below each rune in your library
>use your runes in dialogue trees and word puzzles to progress
I have wanted to make a game set in the future about almost everyone being technologically augmented with the exception of very old folk for their lack of understanding in tech and stubbornness to change themselves. one day everyone basically has their systems go rogue with the only exceptions being the old folk who have to gear up and fight through the generations of augmented people using shit like their canes, walkers, and even service dogs as their weapons. I thought it could be cool to have the final boss be a old friend of theirs who is on heavy life support and medical augmentations making him a powerhouse of technology.
Post-apocalyptic Recettear where you hire people to scavenge for scraps so you can slowly rebuild society by reconstructing old technologies and making profit in the process.
>16bit, top down
>Be skeleton
>Attack travelers and stranded folk
>More skeleton
>Controls adapt to moving the pack of skeleton
>Attack village
>More skeleton
>Attack larger village
>Game ends when your computer can't handle your skeleton horde on-screen anymore
I would play this
you're a kid who finds a dinosaur egg and you have to hatch it/raise it while keeping it a secret

You get a different ending depending on how well you do
>early acess
>open world
>Medieval RPG with 5 party members, 3 active and 2 on standby
>Party members are Fighter, Tank, Archer, Mage and Troubador
>Each character can be specced into different builds (For example the fighter can go for all out offense, off tank damage dealer or mixed magic/melee)
>Characters on standby can be respecced during battle to be better suit for the current situation
>Active characters have the option to switch with standby character during their turn
>Depending on the passive of the active character (based on their current build) they give different bonuses to the characters switching in (Tank gives defense bonus or blocks the next attack for the incoming party member)
And to appease /v/ the archer can act as a dodge tank with a DEX build.
Holy shit, why hasn't anyone tried this?
>In a narrow set of corridors filled with doors
>Only way to kill your opponent is to slam him with an opening door
>Use traps, dummies, distractions and fake noisemakers to deceive your opponent and play mind games
>If time starts to run out, the doors will come after you
>The name of the game would be Tactical Egress
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X-Com with Giant Robots.
>You use your resources to build one powerful super robot, or a team of less powerful robots.
>Kaiju attacks can happen anywhere on the planet.
>You use the resources you gain from salvaging Kaiju corpses to upgrade your mechs or build new bases and mechs.
>Game plays like War of the Monsters when you enter the battlefield.
>Game built similar to Savage 1 and 2
>One player is a "commander" and all other players are just individual units
>Except it's not a team vs team fight
>Instead the commander plays the game like a 4x space sim, commanding fleets and colonizing planets while fighting against AI
>All the players are then simply playing a game similar to Freelancer or the X series
>Commander can research tech that can be purchased by the players or the players can mine resources outside of the commander's territory and then sell it back to the commander for some quick cash
>AI commander can take over when the human player needs to leave and keep the empire running
>Players and the commander can either work together or be at odds

Honestly it has a lot of holes and flaws, but I really like the idea of having single players exist inside of the controlled area of another player on a far larger scale, even to such a length that they never have to directly interact yet still influence each other.
Receettear-style game focused on hunting various monsters from mythology and fantasy and hunting them for their meat.

You run a restaurant and your goal is to make the best monster-dishes you can and become a 5 star restaurant. You can customize how the meat and vegetables are cooked, resulting in various dishes.

Artwork for food is made by Vanillaware.
R8 my idea.


Basically its like a MMO dungeon crawler that uses web pages to decorate the "dungeon". I would work like this, You create a avatar then input a webpage and enter that sites museum which autopopulates the "Pictures" with articles or whatever is shown on the site. Any one viewing the site via browseum can see eachother, talk, interact, whatever. Lots of features could be added from there. Its like browsing the internet within a video game so unlimited scenery.
>huge ww2 fps thing with hundreds of players
>game has multiple huge maps in islands like crete, attu, Iwo Jima, maybe something near estonia or whatever
>defenders have time to set up fortifications and mines and what not before naval invasion
>naval invasion includes shore bombardment by ships that are controlled by players, aerial bombardments by planes controlled by players, paratrooper drops and amphibious vehicles
>defenders have to shoot down planes, take cover from bombardment and keep attackers from establishing a beach head, and taking various points on the island
>you get put into seperate national armies when you play, you could play in a British/Australian/American/Canadian unit on the allies side or a German/Romanian/Italian/Vichy France/Bulgarian/etc. unit on the other side or Japanese. Everythibg with appropiate equipment and voice acting.
>destructible environments and entire towns you could level
Basically a ww2 autism simulator.
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its simple, a mech game with a dwarf fortress health/damage system, able to loose feet, legs, destroy systems.

dont know if this is already a thing but i do want.
Check out the mechwarrior series, specifically mechwarrior 4 and its dlc's it seems like what you want
do you watch red letter media
a lot of garbage ideas in this thread, as expected from /v/
>Pretty basic RPG at the start
>generic first dungeon, quite obviously in tatters
>fight the first mini-boss, midway through it dies instantly
>all traces that there were any enemies are gone in immediate area, dungeon is much more intact now
>return home and learn that everyone believes that the dungeon was always intact
>go on a journey to find out what is going on
>places that were long since taken over by monsters and such are being turned into empty structures that have been seen as empty for as long as any can recall
>finally find a dungeon that still has monsters
>they are hiding in terror from an ancient destroyer who has been hunting all non-humans, good, neutral, evil, lawful, or chaotic, hundreds of thousands have been vanishing and memories altered
>turns out someone has been messing with time to save humanity from monsters, but now that humans no longer have a mutual enemy wars are being started to take over territory
>have to go into the past to save both monsters and humans from destruction
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The main protag is an older gentlemen whose craft was assassination. Was, because the last job was 'inadequate' to his conniving standards, even if the target was successfully brought down.
He decides to retire, but his employer doesn't think so. The first mission is you forcefully retiring his employer, in doing so, finding the next batch of recruits. A bunch of cute lolis.

He also learns, from his employers last breath, that they are a much bigger organization than he was led to believe. He will never be safe, and all of their property is tracked via satellite(somehow).

The main meat of the game will be you training your loli assassins to try and take out this company which refuses to let you retire. You can send them out on various hits alone, or to gather information. You are are in full control of them, and each have their own special skill sets they can unlock which provide unique ways in which to complete the missions.

Some additional characters are also waiting to be found in the other cells of the company you bring down.
>no collectables
>plenty of alternative outfits
>no achievements, no checklist gaming
>no number treadmills, a few combo counters maybe
>skills unlock faster and early the more the master is in direct control
>Mystery solving in a highly detailed little town.
>Play as a child
>Starts off friendly enough with tutorial giving first mystery vibes/cutesy adventure feel.
>If you pay attention to the environment (stores, newspapers, tv viewings, etc) you see questionable material that doesn't make it seem like a kids game.
>Mysteries are "stages"
>Mysteries become progressively darker. Starts off with petty missing objects and stolen goods from the bullies, to seeing kids being abused, and more.
>Use childlike items for self defense (slighshot, stinkbomb, etc) but nothing truly lethal
>Spooky extra missions that are somewhat like what if/supernatural scenarios involving zombies, vampires, aliens, monsters, etc
>Even if you are fully upgraded and have all tools, you are still just as vulnerable as you were at the start of the game.
>Gruesome/terrifying gameover scenes that have text that explains what happened afterwards depending on how far along the story you are currently at
>dark souls game set in the deep sea fighting spooky sea creatures
>no teleporting, your armor will retain cuts/broken pieces from when you die or are injured
>weapon acts similarily, with chips/pieces breaking off, can snap in half if you're not careful
>if you get hit, depending on your strength/stamina, whether you're attacking, the size of your weapon ect your weapon may go flying out of your hand
>you can only roll once, second time you try to roll you will do a sort of desperate dive flat on your belly
>from there you can roll a bit to either side or stand up
>if you get knocked back by an attack you can stick your sword into the ground to slow down and get back up faster like in the animes
>character size now scales with strength, and strength builds are revamped with new skill based mechanics to allow you to go toe to toe with bosses and not take damage if you have good skill at timing blocks and parries

>tfw you an ideas man who can't make games

>Sci-fi mecha exploration
>Planet surface mech 2 modes
>low-altitude flight mode to travel over different areas of a planet
>terrain mode to explore ruins for artifacts
>Plot is Indiana Jones/Davinci Code/Nation Treasure collect the world ending artifact before a hostile race can
>Main draw is customizing the Mothership, Low Alt Jet, and Excavation Unit with relics you find
>The mothership is a mech too for the final battle
I want a Musou game thats takes place in a modern day city where you either play as riot control or rioters

>Rioters get crazy underhanded home made weaponry like being able to breath fire or make a flame thrower from a lighter and spary can

>riot control can use pretty much any military grade weapon eventually

or a horror/ puzzle game where some big bad in a big house somewhere that can generate electricity lures you into his house and the entire house is wired with traps that allow him to electrocute you to death without leaving the room he hides in
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I just want a fast paced, high end action game where you play as a motherfucking crusader.

>DMC-esque, highly polished action combat with tons of combos, techniques, and medieval weaponry
>MC is a stoic justice knight who is here to murder evil. Only speaks on occasion, generally to shout battlecries.
>Game opens with a siege on Saracen occupied Jerusalem
>Run around the holy city, collecting magical weapons with special abilities, like a sword and board that combine to form a buster sword, or a flaming mace with an extensible chain for flail/whip attacks
>Early-ish through the game some cultist assholes open a portal to Hell, and demons start fucking everything up
>Michael comes down and tasks you with fixing it, gives you an Angel Trigger
>Last third/half of the game is your battle paladin storming Hell to personally kick the shit out of Satan
>Alt costumes are different suits of armor and crusader orders (Hospitaller, Gothic plate, etc.)
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I want these
dante's inferno?
Deus vult
The idea has been done to death, but the simple concept of it all is:
>you play from the perspective of a small warrior mouse in a palatial castlevania-esque castle.
>Can climb up drapes, rafters, swing from chains, banners, tapestries, etc.
>equipped with a grappling hook you can traverse and scale most obstacles.
>explore clandestine and forbidden labs, armories, forges and mines, kitchens, overgrown gardens, hedge mazes, extensive sewer systems, graveyards and catacombs, libraries, etc.
>Extends to grounds surrounding the castle like a forested area, meadows, small fishing hamlet, etc.
>Rideable mounts such as bats, rabbits, badgers.
>hundreds of nooks and crannies to dig in a create a dwelling area of sorts.
>clear out an area long enough and you can establish helper NPCs to settle near you and fortify the surrounding area.
>doing so will create new dynamics and challenges to an area (certain enemy types will be concentrated or attracted to that section, etc.)
>can lead attacks with a sizable cadre of troops to bring down colossal 'regular' sized enemies ala star wars episode 5 with grappling hooks and cables.
A game like The Witcher 3, set in a fictional central asian country during the Great Game.
Had an idea a while back for a MGSV dlc that would bridge the series and bring back 4 player coop
>fast forward 7-8 years after the events of MGSV
>mother base is falling apart due to the corrosive effects of the salt water and just overall ware-and-tear.
>disassembly begins as most soldiers are brought to the new base Outer Haven
>all that remains on the now stripped base is a skeleton crew to run basic functions and and a construction crew
>mist rolls in as a storm strikes leaving the already weak base in worse shape
>skulls escape and are reactivated releasing a final strain of the vocal cord parasites to almost all on the base.
>you and 4 friends play as DD members who were wearing respirators cleaning and dismantling stolen nuclear weapons (a mechanic in the base MGS game)

The idea was that you and 3 others would fight across a more explorable mother base collecting semi substantial but hard to find amounts of ammo. You would traverse across the different sectors in search of explosives, fresh filters to prolong you survival time, armor, and comminicate with outer haven to inform them of the out break. There would be multiple endings where you becoming infected and the parasite spreads, get infected but contact OH and have motherbase bombarded, leave motherbase on a boat without telling anyone of the infection, leave on a boat as the base is destoryed, do everything right but have a 30% chance that your filter is bad and in the end you are shot before leaving, and lastly you have a happy ending where you leave and give a final salute to Big boss before credits roll. I got as far as drawing up map designs, and writing dialogue. Had this crazy plan on selling it to konami
Fast arena shooter where each player can flip their gravity between 6 different directions. The leading player's gravity is the actual gravity for the map so boxes and grenades and shit fall accordingly.

I tried making this when I had no idea how to do anything and it kinda worked aside from me having no idea how to program and therefore no idea how to do networking or how to implement a decent UI for gravity flipping. Maybe one day I'll come back to it now that I actually know what the fuck I'm doing.
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Management sim in the style of Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Towns, etc. Except played from FIRST PERSON.

You spend most of the game sitting at a desk, giving orders to subordinates and drawing plans on maps. You can get up from your desk and walk around to check that your plans are actually being carried out, otherwise your only info is the (sometimes unreliable) reports from your subordinates. You can issue millitary commands from your desk or actually go out into the field and join the fight. The game ends when you die, then you are given the option to go into a ghost replay mode so you can actually view everything that happened and see where your plans were carried out correctly and where they failed.

A big part of the game would be keeping your workers in line along with all the usual trappings of management sims - managing resources, food, shelter, fending off attacks, trading, etc.
guess I have autism because I've wanted something like this for a long time.
Singleplayer FPS that is actually faithful to the design philosophies of Doom mixed with stronger puzzle and bullethell segments to act as bossfights
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>City builder where you can explore and drive around in the cities you build in a GTA style
>can explore and cause all sorts of shit in city and police forces and people will react depending on how you built your city (the police can be incredibly brutal and you can be shot on the spot or just tazed depending on how you train your police)
>can explore other players cities
I think there was a sims game that let you do this but it was really broken and only worked with sim city 2000.
streets of simcity is the game you're thinking of
>Rocket slime meets crystal chronicles.
>Instead of water drop, you find magic fruit trees/vines
>Can juice and upgrade weapons and tank in the juicer.
>enemies are golems and the world is dead, but you save it like you clean the air in crystal chronicles.
I need to check that out now.
it's not very good, it's a meh racing game that let you import maps from simcity 2000. simcopter had a similar feature but was also not very good
Pregnant carrots. That's my idea.
Cooking game where you run a fantasy medieval restaurant. You need to either buy ingredients from a local guild, hire heroes/mercenaries to go into dungeons to gather them for you, or go in yourself with a cast of side characters. Also have to maintain the restaurant, pay rent, attract new customers.

Not very original, I hope someone tells me a game like this already exists or is being made.
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>Almost every idea is X but with this setting
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A game where you build a safari for fantasy RPG monsters to inhabit so that you can study them for scientific purposes. You go out in the field to capture monsters with some like Ape Escape kind of gadgets and then you bring them to the habitat you built to be studied. A scientist guy presents you with a bunch of theories on how the monsters work and you have to test those theories by interacting with the monsters or changing their habitat environment.
As you make new discoveries you can build more cool shit in your safari like a tire swing or something. There would also be some sentient monsters like a kitsune or a dragon and you can befriend them by doing stuff for them and eventually invite them to move into your safari. The sentient monsters would be sort of like the marriage candidates in Harvest Moon games, except since you're just making friends and inviting them to your cool monster clubhouse then you can get all of them.

But most importantly you can pet everything in the game.
Zone of the Enders 3
pedos would ruin that game
literally recettear only with a restaurant instead of a store
This is already a game
I remember playing a flash game a bit like this, ages ago
Check out Adventure Bar Story, is sadly only for phones and 3DS
Holy shit that would be awesome. Not sure of its actually possible to create (i have no concept of game development) but I'd fucking play it.
Family Road Trip

You play as a middle-aged father with a heart condition going through a mid-life crisis who has to drive his entire family to Las Vegas in under 72 hours or he loses his hotel booking.

Using the Euro Truck engine, you drive first person. A heart meter on the screen depicts your current stress level, and if it goes too high you fucking die. It raises from hearing your wife nagging you, your kids screaming and being fucking idiots, etc., and you can lower it by either constantly trying to put on your favorite radio station (which everyone else hates and will try and change) or by screaming.

You can also slap your kids too, but doing that means you take your eyes off the road and you can crash and hit cars. Meaning you'll have to wait for repairmen or police which wastes precious time. If you get hurt badly enough you are sent to a hospital located roughly at the half-way point, and you can either waste a day untill you are released, or if you're really in rush try and sneak out while still in a cast and wheelchair.

Every so often you're given the chance to rest at either motels or service stations. You can either sleep for 8 hours each evening or try and drive an all-nighter, but then you have to hammer the space bar every so often to keep yourself awake, and you also trip out at night when the desert starts to get to your mind.

Bonus events to mix up gameplay includes grampa going into cardiac arrest in the back-seat and people getting left at service stations 20 miles back.
Space bounty hunting game that has ME exploratiom with the dialouge from Alpha Protocol.

That's it. I just want that.
I'll just post this again:
Ys style game about the story of a manlet knight teaming up with a kobold to free a land that's being held down by monsters n shit, dungeons would include a catacomb filled with skeletons that're partiers and drunks, a mine guarded by a dwarf you have to fist fight to gain access to, an arena where you fight monsters and eventually a warforged, a cave filled with other kobolds piloting mechsuits, and a snowy mountain stage that drops you into a cozy warm underground forest.

Combat would consist of swordplay, punching shit, throwing your sword to also punch shit, subweapons like lances and bottles of greek fire, and a grappling chain that lets you grab monsters to throw them around or suplex them.

You'd be able to get different swords and armors to alter your play style, most swords will do the same amount of damage, they just alter how you fight, like a sword with a shorter range but will damage enemies even if they block, or a long thin rapier for poking at a longer range, but it'd be easy to be disarmed of it same thing with most of the armor, less about extra defense and more about altering a play style to cater to the player.
sad thing is that this will sell to all the euro fags
>your ship is the hub
>you are part of a system with several planets, each one can be travelled to, some have established cities, some have open landscapes with villages or just camping grounds
>you are contacted from your ship and given targets, told their last location and are sent off
>contracts gradually get harder, but pay more, and with your pay you can purchase better equipment
>some contracts require you to go on a wild goose chase, and you have to interrogate goons, eavesdrop, or find some evidence of where the target has gone
>You can recruit other bounty hunters to work with you, and they can be sent on missions to take down other contracts to get you money on the side, which also grants them experience and makes them more useful
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Holy fucking shit. Make it happen people
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weeaboos are mentally ill
>non open world space game like FTL but in 3rd or 1st person
>You start of with a fully equipped, overpowered mega-space ship
>As you proceed in the story, your ship gets more and more damaged
>You lose Max HP, Shields, weapons or energy-generators (so you can shoot less)
>Enemies stay the same, gradually becoming more difficult to defeat, due to your ship becoming less powerful over time
>You have to come up with new strategies on how to defeat your enemies with less resources.
Basically: Instead of leveling up you level down.
Easy-mode: at certain points in the game you may repair 1 System/Weapon you have lost.
Sounds like one of those weird European games like My Summer Car.
>humanity's experiments with FTL have caused Earth and many nearby systems to be dragged into the Warp
>the planet is a ravaged nightmare, every human on it is dead, insane, or can no longer really be called human
>the only survivors are aboard a massive but hastily constructed Ark ship, the size of a major city, with millions of passengers and crew
>it is protected by a prototype anti-warp field that is, when in perfect order, just barely capable of keeping the horrors at bay
>long range probes have located a system outside the warp zone that contains a potential new home for the human race
>the ark is at Earth, in the center of the warp incursion, and capable of traveling at just under light speed when at full burn
>the ark was originally designed as a sublight colony ship meant to reach a system 15 light years away from earth, and has enough supplies to sustain itself at full operating capacity for 20 years, assuming that its population are normal humans
>it is not designed to deal with an increasingly large number of warp-addled psychotics or deranged mutants
>the planet is over 100 light years away
>your goal is to get there with enough survivors to repopulate
Yes please. But also add features like being able to play with friends to take down targets, startmercury small merc company/lone wolfing it, and a system where you have standing on planets, how respected you are by authorities, feared by criminals, being able to work with locals/bribe officials, things like that. And dynamic weather and day/night systems ti make hunts interesting.
>spess, the final frontier
>earth has long since been destroyed
>humanity has lived in space stations
>each space station has a role
>the stations are in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
>each station has it's role, like a building in today's world
>there are hospital stations
>housing stations
>mall stations
>also fully automated gay luxury space communism has been achieved because why not
>the game takes place in a high school station
>so you're Protagonist McProtagfac- lol you thought
>we won't be pulling that averagely average bullshit here
>you play as a teacher
>you're just going about your day doing your school shit when suddenly you hear a crash
>you look outside the window
>instead of seeing the asteroid field and the other stations there's only white and gray, like what you see when you turn on a CRT without a cable
>you're trapped in hyperspace
>everyone is panicking but you do your job as a teacher and calm them down
>like 20 minutes of gametime later you're talking to your preset love interest
>the game is really trying to make something happen between the PC and the LI
>you walk into the bathroom
>there's the body of the love interest, obviously aged
>you can see the body has been dead for like a day now
>there's a note next to it
>" They have come. don't judge a book by it's cover"
>the love interest walks in
>screams, but then stops
>starts laughing
>starts shifting too
>before anything can happen your favourite student comes from behind and smashes her head in with a space lead pipe
>aliens have infiltrated
>they're going to kill us all unless we find them
>thing is
>they can morph and look like a human
it's basically John Carpenter's "The Thing" in space also a highschool
>the humans are for some reason the ideal prey for the aliums
>but the aliums can only hunt in small enclosed spaces
>like space stations
>so they destroy the earth
>and when people go live in space stations
>they eat
>the whole hyperspace thing
>they're actually trapped in time, not in hyperspace

>time is stopped outside of the station
>the aliums hunt
>the aliums feast
>the aliums replace
>and when everyone in the station is an alium
>they unfreeze time and move on to another station
>this has happened many times before
>so many that
>yours is the last human station

>you only find this whole thing in the true ending
>you defeat the aliens
>and then you manage to go home
>and everyone's like "hey what's up my alien brother"
>then they realise you aren't aliens, and that you survived
>and they reveal their true forms
>and then they kill you
>you are the captain of a massive strip-mining spaceship
>your job is to tear apart entire planets, extracting the materials that your culture needs and moving on
>your civilization is unbelievably ancient, and has crushed or absorbed all rivals
>every new species that develops ftl and moves to another system finds that it has been picked over and anything useful taken long ago
>no other species has more than a single system
>in fact, every single uninhabited system has been completely stripped bare
>your mighty civilization begins to starve, until finally the government repeals the ban on mining planets inhabited by other intelligent life
>your culture is so advanced and has been unopposed for so long that they see no problem with sending out lone mining vessels to take on entire species advanced enough to have invented FTL and space travel
>your goal is to meet your mineral quotas, there are absolutely no restrictions on how you do so
>you are hundreds of thousands of years more advanced than your opponents, but you have a single ship, and while rugged the design is still fundamentally civilian
In a memory of supreme faggots in yesterday why rts are dead thread, i want to make a papers please style upper military command simulator.

You have reports coming in that you need to analyze and make a strategic decisions on how to proceed with tasks that supreme commander want of you, including inane shit like take this city in 30 days or be executed. You need to play headquarters politics, consider logistics and troops that are given to you , which may, or may not, be enough for the task that has been given to you. If you fuck up hard enough and get your shit pushed in you will have option to betray your country and join the other side.
This would actually make a decent VR game.
GTA but it's mostly just about heists. Instead of doing scripted setup missions though you just have to explore to world and get information on your own and can do pretty much anything right away.
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ok get this
>complete rip of zero hour
>but doesnt run like shit
>but doesnt have shit multiplayer integration
>but doesnt look like shit
>but doesnt have shitty fucking bugs outta the ass
>but doesnt have shitty net code
This is what it's actually like to be autistic, so of course I would see it here.
A tpp-shooter with a lot of puzzles where you collect powers from defeated enemies and when someone kills you you become the one that killed you but lose most of the collected stuff.
Think reverse-messiah
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i'm only reading ideas with 3 replies. better step up if you want your idea to be read
>Zombie horror FPS
>Set in HugeVille USA
>Robust melee system, guns have no reticle and you aim down them with iron sights
>No meme special infected, but the zamjimmyjangos are more cunning than the average zambimbi
>Each difficulty level actually takes you through a different campaign
>Easy has you controlling a muhreen militaryman HALOing onto a hospital
>Normal has you controlling a cop responding to a "domestic disturbance" in the ghetto minutes before shit really goes haywire
>Hard has you controlling a doctor in a downtown hospital as it's being overrun
>Insaiyan has you playing as an alcoholic deadbeat dad waking up on the street, not only do you have to deal with having shit aim and shit health/stamina but you also need to constantly find booze
>Difficulties determine what shit you get and whether or not you have anything protecting you from zamjimji bites
>Have to replace armor/clothing constantly or you lose your protection
>Getting bitten isn't a game over, when infected your movement slows, your aim goes to shit, but your melee damage increases, zombies aren't as aggressive, and your health slowly withers away
>If you get bit near the end of the storyline it's not such a big deal though you still get the infected ending
>If you get bit near the beginning you literally have to do a mini-speedrun to complete all the chapters lest you die and have to start again
>Getting bit erases your "save" for that difficulty on Hard/Insane so you can't be a total faggot and just reload, with a similar "hardcore" option for easy/normal
>No bullshit DLC
>Horde-style or co-op multiplayer
>Antagonists are two or three zombies with human-level intelligence that hate mankind with a fucking passion, no "human beebs are ba most ebil of dem all" plot twist
Fuck off faggot, you're on the wrong website.
If done correctly, holy shit it would be good
Thats the dumbest shit ive ever read
violently underrated
Honestly most of these are achievable in table top games.
Come to /tg/ and share anons!
I'm sitting at conservative ratio of 2 (You)'s. 3 is a bit much for a thread this slow.
>actually reading ideas
You're just supposed to post your idea and constantly refresh while you wait for replies.
Sugoi~ you must be a friend that's good at Game design

>Red Orchestra like set in the future
>the world is freezing over but nobody knows why (I like snowy aesthetics)
>North and South factions wage war on Central faction to get that sweet habitable land
>armor has progressed to a point where full auto weapons are no longer practical
>most guns are either single shot railguns or semi-auto with fuckhuge bullets
>once in a while a guy gets to spawn in super power armor that limits mobility but makes him nearly invulnerable to most weapons
>sniper class gets a special scope that gives optimal firing solution on power armor after a few seconds
>power armor gets notification when he's being locked on to
>regular Joe's can take down power armor with sustained fire or lucky shots
>no lasers or plasma
>North has technology, South has numbers, central has artillery/air support plus home field advantage
>North has a hard-edges techno-nazi look
>Central has smooth rounded military of the future style
>South has lightly armored heat preserving skin suit look
>honestly, it's pretty much just ro2 in the future with a few tweaks
why the fuck did you quote me

Also that game was already made. It's called Battlefield 2143 and it has that exact premise, exact weaponry and exact factions. kys
You need (you)s so that hogan-anon and others appreciate your idea
play as some kind of witch
can transform into different monster girls
each monster girl had different abilites that help with exploration and combat
so...battlefield 2142

Shantae: Half Genie Hero is exactly this.
You must have missed the part where I said Red Orchestra. No tanks, no planes, little to no automatics, no go where ever you want maps. Just linear, lethal, infantry combat. Plus there are barely any snowy games.
Space games are a dead meme. Anything you can do with space as a concept has already been done. The rest is just a palette swap of a thing you could do with a normal setting.
Also space is stupid and humans belong on earth.
>Also space is stupid and humans belong on earth.
I'm onto you, you Alien bastard, you're just trying to discourage people from finding out about your secret space club, fuck you, we're coming for you, and we're gonna fuck your alien women too
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>Metro 2033 settings
>takes place in Moscow subway because it's a fucking Metro 2033 setting
>Ruins of Moscow included but need special gear to walk on surface
>Open-world with Stalker gameplay
>all the weird anomalies from the books are present in game

I really like the setting but i hate 2033&Last Light being on-the-rail-shooters
I haven't seen that anime yet, but I guess now that I think about it that does sound unoriginal in light of it.
fuck off space jews
DMC styled combat but with a heavy emphasis on time manipulation.
Can pause and reverse time as a given but can also do some other neat tricks like fast forward to make your attacks faster and loop combos that usually wouldn't.
Other neat stuff like having clones from a different timeline that you can take control of to route and do multiple combos on different levels. Also a mechanic that's called Time Impression where a pass form of you is always present that you can use to rewind everything to your position or use it to immediately execute enemies.
All of this would be controlled by a power meter of course.

I have something else related to time-based combat but it's instead an RPG with a true RPG plot like pic-related where you can literally do and be anything, if you wanted to end the game five minutes after starting it you could.

Also have this other game idea where you use light manipulation as a form of platforming and combat problem is that I have no way of balancing it.

R8 my autism.
There was similar maps on Warcraft 3 where you took the role of a hero abd during the day you would collect items and level up on the creeps that survived the night. Meanwhile during the night dracula came out of his castle and would attempt to kill the players or feed on the townspeople. It was really fun sadly enough there wasn't that many people that thought so too. The goal for the humans wasn't just to survive though, they had to become strong enough and kill dracula.
Turn-based FPS sports game.
Prince of Persia
>you're a 26-years old japanese virgin who works as a janitor at a dance club, which is also home to a myriad of showgirls
>you're secretly in love with the place's most popular dancer, a diva donning a purple latex suit
>one night, before closing up, you find her changing room unlocked. upon thinking back to how you never saw her coming in and out of work a single time, you swooce in to collect info on the love of your life
>but all you find is her latex suit, so you rob it for the night and plan on returning it as soon as possible tomorrow
>after trying the oddly large bodysuit for a quick fap, your body begins to sparkle a bright purple and the cutscene ends
>character creator pops up, where you get to design your female alter-ego, including but not limited to height (you can be a loli,womanlanklet or anything inbetween), weight, muscles, hips, ass and tiddy including how gravity affects them
>you can even change certain parts of the purple latex suit, such as making it frilly, adding butt and boob windows or cutting parts entirely to make it more revealing
>once you're done, a degenerate hero is born
Hand it to Platinum or whatever meme studio good at character action games. If not, just make a doujin
Explain this, by 16bit do you mean SNES style visuals?
Thanks for all the free ideas. I'll be making some of these games and making millions off them.
You'll never see a penny, in fact you'll be paying me.
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