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【赤カイリお葬式】 次回のアップデートで�

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【赤カイリお葬式】 次回のアップデートで、赤カイリの死亡がほぼ確定しましたので、お葬式を開きます。 これまでお世話になった赤カイリさんに、どうか最後別れの言葉をかけてやってください。

【Red Kairi Funeral】 In the next update, since the death of red Kairi has almost been finalized, we will open the funeral. Please write down the last goodbye to Ms. Red Kairi who took care of us so far.


RIP in pieces, Red Kairi. March 28, 2002 - December 22, 2005.
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I still miss her... Fuck Square Enix.
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what is nomura gonna change her hair color or something?
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I can't believe preteen Kairi is fucking dead.
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Yeah her hair is blue now!
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KH2 took an absolutely perfect design and ruined the shit out of it. Even her personality changed. She didn't even feel like the same character.

I'm still mourning 12 years later.
Pedos need to die
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eh i see your point about her character but i like all of kairis designs
The fuck are you talking about OP? this has something to do with the mobile game?
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She was 10/10 fap material. Sexy, young, cute, likable and perfectly designed. That outfit was so colorful and nice to look at!

She's literally the only reason I abandoned the series. If she hadn't been ruined like that, I wouldn't even care about the cringy dialogue or the plot holes.

She doesn't even get porn anymore. It's all about that generic whore "Kairi" from KH2. She probably shaves her pussy too. What a disgusting slut.
Agreed, but I don't think that counts in this post.
She had a delicious hairy bush and nice tits back in the first game. What the hell are you talking about? You must be blind.
>that mario ascii art
You need to die.

I wouldn't even mind if she aged 10 years between KH1 and KH2. But they changed everything about her. She's like a completley different person now.
How about showing us some context to explain? I don't play Kingdumb Hearts so I don't even understand what's going on, and all I hear about is hair color not being red or some shit, but all the girls that look like this girl have red hair in the pic.
>She was 10/10 fap material.
What the fuck? So is this the power of the pedo? They find horrible designed ps2 child FF characters to be attractive. Really activated my almonds.
I am very confused right now. The fuck is going on?
KH1 Kairi had clearly hit puberty. If you are not attracted to her, you are literally brainwashed.
Pedo sick fucks derailing a /v/ thread. Same old.
How can you tell that she's a totally different person she has like 6 lines in the whole game
You're not welcome on my site. Remove yourself of I'll do it for you.
Nobody knows. I guess you have to "already know" to know, or you don't know. Fuck this thread.
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Remember how KH2 Sora spent the entire game fantasizing about hebe Kairi but suddenly went gay for Riku when he finally found her? He was clearly disappointed. That redesign was fucking atrocious.
You're not welcome on my planet. I'd suggest you remove your physical self from this world via buckshot sandwich.

Sora is a pedo! He should suddenly find her DISGUSTING because he's older now! But he still likes her! What a sick fuck!
It's just become a thread for sickfucks to circle jerk about how much they fantasise about fucking children in real life.
Shut the fuck up. Don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you're adding to the thread. This will be the last time I reply to you.
Actually KH1 Kairi is legal not only in Japan but in Germany too.
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The fact that Kairi's feet smell just like anyone else's is just mindblowing. She's so cute, but she has smelly feet! Lewd! Pathetic! So humiliating!
Sorry I'm not posting pictures of small children for you to jerk off too. Thank God most pedos are shut-in neets that will never be able to indulge in their sick fantasies. Like you.
>Kairi's red pubes
>Kairi's armpit stubble
>Kairi's butt cheeks
How can a PS2 model be so hot? It's fine if you find the older Kairi more attractive, but you must be a raging homo if you don't like cute girls.
This looks like it's about a KHux medal. Why would you need to discontinue a medal in a mobage?
You have a mental illness. That's how you can find ps2 era child characters attractive.
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This thread reeks of newfaggotry. Nuke this thread immediately or face the consequences, mods.
Do people seriously believe this? KH1 Kairi must have a full bush and I bet her anus is also surrounded by a bit of hair. She's fucking 14. It's natural and pretty damn lewd, actually.
Someone tell me again why should I care about this useless bitch?
That's what the puritan newfags want.
You don't, unless you're a pedophile. In which case your whole useless life surround around this type of shit.
Spanish speaking countries are full of subhumans. Kairi is godly but feet are disgusting.

Can confirm as a sufferer of this disorder that it is quite annoying. Makes it hard to go out in public.
nobody cares if you dont care about kairi
Oh wait yeah. Keep this thread up, mods, or face the consequences. Containment thread general.

Both /v/ and /tv/ need a containment thread up at all times. Keeps us all from polluting a dozen threads.
Good, people like you need the fear set into you that you'll be beaten in the streets for showing your ugly mug in public. You might as well put a barrel of a gun in your worthless mouth and empty your skull out.
is this a meme thread being perpetuated by 3 guys and their inside joke?
Talk to me like that again and youll know true fear. Your computer will look like an iron maiden when Im done with you.
Would you rather sniff her butt? She may be super cute, but her asshole stinks just as much as anybody else's. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.

Kairi is just pathetic, isn't she? She has an ass! So disgusting! Human bodies are so embarrassing! Lewd!

I've actually never committed a crime. It just makes it hard to go out because temptation is everywhere. I have a mental condition, anon, not much I can do about that.
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footfags deserve to suffer
You can get clinic help from Dr. Smith&Wesson.
>mental condition
>the temptation is everywhere
You are clearly the anti-pedo faggot replying to himself. Kill yourself.

Death is an end, not a cure.
I'm not a footfag, I'm an humiliationfag.

For instance, I'm not attracted to shit but I would love to see Kairi taking a dump. Because it's embarrassing and humiliating. The idea of such a cute girl losing her dignity and being seen doing something as pathetic as taking a shit is just fascinatingly lewd.
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>Kiddie fucker so mentally unstable he had to damage control his atrocious fucking illness.
An end is a cure for you faggots, and you know it.
>puritan nutjob spends all his free time insulting people on the internet for liking what he doesn't like
>meanwhile I'm fapping to pictures of Kairi and living the dream
I'd feel sorry for you, but scum like you deserves to suffer.

I don't want to die. So I think I'll just wait and see if an actual treatment aside from death or castration is made in my life time.
Death is pretty humiliating, why not watch her die? Because that's fucking disgusting. You should feel the same way about scat you king of degenerates.
It's weird how an ASS stops being disgusting when it belongs to an extremely cute girl.

Seriously. Why does that happen?
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Be honest, anon. Who really has the miserable life here. Me? Who likes to fuck with mentally ill fucks like you and get you triggered. Or you? Sitting in your room by yourself, jerking your pathetic micro dick to a child character from a ps2 game while getting trigger for being called mentally ill.
Good luck waiting for the impossible.
Death is only humiliating if she still exists as a ghost and can see Sora finding her disgusting rotten corpse. Otherwise there's nothing humiliating about it.

Being forced to strip naked, spank her own ass cheeks and say extremely embarrassing things is much more humiliating and can be enjoyed more than once.

Yep. Going to be a long, lonely life.
I just ordered the 1.5 and 2.5 remix for the ps4, came to this thread to see if the fanbase got any better, but i guess it is worse than ever
nope this is a thread about a guy who likes lolis and another guy who hates pedos

This is the wrong thread. Should be going to /khg/ on /vg/.
what exactly is this
I don't understand how you can be happy being a complete asshole and denying your own instincts after years of social conditioning.

There's nothing wrong with fapping to fictional stuff.
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What exactly is going on? Are they changing her design or something?
It's just 2-3 pedos and myself running the whole thread. Just go to /vg/ for KH discussion. As bad as /vg/ can get, they can't be worse than the pedoshit that gets posted on /v/ on a daily basses. Like this fucking garbage of a """human"""

Are there really two others? Thought it was just you and me, friend.
I'm going to need a quick rundown in my office by 5
Damn I'd fuck that slut soooooooo hard
You looking for friends sickfuck? Good thing you'll never even leave your house, let alone go out into public to prey on innocent children.

In order to live, I HAVE to go out in public. Do you really believe our kind is so lacking in self control that we'll grab the first kid to get in reach?
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I can't blame you. Just look at those feet.
It's only a matter of time. All of you mentally ill trash will take any opportunity given to you. The best thing that could be done to "fix" your problem, would be full blown castration for male pedos and clitoral removal for female pedophiles.

You think you know more about pedophilia than I do? You? Really? You know my limits better than me?
I could give a fuck. You're scum, human trash. You're subhuman, even. What happens to you means nothing in the grand scheme of humanity. You should all be dragged from your homes and murdered in the streets in the most brutal and violent ways possible, and humanity would be better off for it. And you know it.
What is the issue ? Hasn't Kairi's child design been out of use since KH2?
How did she die?

Hurtful. Legitimately hurtful. I'm done talking to you.
Yeah, sure. Keep sending me your (You)s you stupid, pathetic, cunt.
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>Kingdom Hearts proportions

Literally designed for children. I won't blame you for donning nostalgia goggles if you enjoyed KH as a kid, but if you're attached to it now, you're pretty much a manchild.
go away brianna wu
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>Brianna Wu
>another retard who likes childish exaggerated human proportions

oh boy you really got me
As far as I can tell Kairi's medal in the mobile game got an adjustment and is less effective than it used to be.

It's also a tweet from OVER A YEAR AGO

your posts have alot in common

>have a lot in common
>he is whining about the mechanics
>I'm talking about the shit character design

Do you not know the English language?
Thank god, I thought this sense of deja vu was just me going crazy.
what's wrong with the proportions? the only weird thing is the giant shoes on Sora and Riku.

I'm not sure if OP is baiting or not, but the original meaning of this tweet is that the shown medal of the mobile freemium game, Kingdom Hearts Unchained/Union X, is not useful anymore thanks to a bugfix that happened over a year ago.
I want xemnas to dominate me
Kairi is a big girl now
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