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who else /ambition/ here?

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who else /ambition/ here?
Cao Cao deserved better. Friendly reminder that Liu Bei is an hypocrite communist that talk about benevolence while abandoning his own family and his people to the harms of foreign forces
I like Gihren's Greed. Does it count?
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Im /might/.

Wu fags need not apply.
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>Im /might/.

Yeah, okay.
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Best taoist reporting in.
>lu bu does nothing all game
>follows slut Diao Chan
>gets captured and cries

>captured by Cao Cao
>ready to die with dignity
>Cao Cao sees greatness in me
>serve best leader
>utterly shit on Wu
>wreck Guan Poo and Pedo Fei
Yeah nah senpai.
>haha whoops they were just preparing to kill a pig haha
>haha whoops my sword just slipped into my uncle haha
>haha I'd rather betray the world than have the world betray me haha
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You can't disagree with this.
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We must fight Guan Yu
What do you lads think about shacks?
Cao Ren needs more moments
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stay in the >>174734186 where you belong
Cao Mengde dindu nuffin it was all Gongtai's fault.
Mengde is a good boy
Oh no!
When he put those little shrubs over the body my sides exploded
forgot a meme arrow to the general

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Who /wu/ here?
Only if you stay in the shack lingqi
What are your favorite musou attacks?
>zhenjis sexy dance
>Deng Ais arm break
>Sima Shis smirk
>Guo Hai coughing
Lu Bu shooting pure power out of his ass
>tfw Sima Yi unironically had one of the better and more passionate voice actors in DW3 but this meme scene has forever tainted him
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It's just a fucking death ray. Kinda hard to top that.
I love Yinping more than my irl girlfriend


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Sima Yi. I started having wet dreams about him laughing after I beat the Jin campaign.
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Best dadudu and best feels coming through.
DW9 when?
I want that hat.
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I'm so sorry anon, but it's true she only loves the BNC
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>be the fiercest warrior in the land
>wanted by one of the greatest general minds to ever exist
>not afraid to burn every single bridge you've ever come across
>eventually back stab enough people that you finally get your own piece of land
>give it all up to be a whiteknight for some memeslut with daddy issues

What the fuck was his problem?
That's it, let all the anger out...
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Post shaccs~
Zhang liao is the fiercest.
he used CHA and INT/WIS as dump stats

>tfw this kind of voice acting will never return

>only games I've played are WO3 and DW8:E
t-they were fun though
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You are all disgusting heathens. Benevolence will show you the true way some day.
History or Novel? Because in History dude never hide to anyone that he's ambitious and will do anything to make himself on top, pretty much like Cao Cao.
I liked DW4. The voices were cheesy but not that bad.
>Cow Cow will penetrate enemy lines from the east
>while Soon Jian attacks from the west
>the volunteer forces will break through the middle and join the other two forces!
>>Sima Shis smirk
I hate this guy, he's just a poor man Sima Yi.
Fuck off Jiang Wei.
>Wow this character is like his dad!!!
Fuck, that made me nostalgic.

"Cow Cow" just makes me laugh these days, though.
NO, he's an insult to his daddy, Sima Yi FTW.
I never got how a 3rd century Chinese interregnum of warlords got so popular, spawning tv shows, movies and videogames. Why not the Srping/Autumn and Warrins States period, or the 5th century or the 10th?
tfw correct pronunciation is Tsao Tsao.

I liked DW3's Hu lao Gate:

>Soon Jian, go straight ahead. Cow Cow, go to the top of Fan Shui Gate.

>Yuan Shu, you attack from the rear. Liu Bei, go around and keep an eye on the Hu Lao Gate.

And once you meet Lu Bu the now eternal:

>Don't pursue Lu Bu!

It's popular because a medieval wrote a goat novel about it. thats it
what do the runes mean?
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Anyone else playing Dynasty Warriors Unleashed? On-Screen controls but not too bad for a quick musou fix
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It fucking blew my mind when I finally found out.
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When you're such a great leader that Shu propaganda has to resort to slapstick villainy to make you seem evil.

I do. Already got my waifu line up of Lingqi, Wang Yi and Yinping. Grinding to 5 stars is a fucking chore though
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>pragmatism beats flowery ideals
As it should be.
This is the 2010 Three Kingdoms series right? Is it consistently good?

I only ever saw the Red Cliffs films.
Should i get Dynasty warriors 8XL? played sengoku basara 4 and it had alot of combos and quality compared to koei's musou games
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I fight in the name of /justice/
I usually just train them with the warriors I get free from scrolls.
I was surprised to see jiggle physics. I wonder if that will be added in DW9
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>Xiahou Ba
pretty good

Basara is better gameplay wise, but I'd wager the characters are much better written.
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Not really, but it's still worth it most of the time. Just skip everything that has Diaochan in it.

Yeah. It's not great but consistently solid with some really fun moments. Lu Bu steals the show also.

There was already in DW8, but holy shit Wang Yi's just flop around at any slight movement.
>Guo Jia better than Xu Huang
Fuck off, especially WO3 Xu Huang.
>Han Dan worse than Gan Ning.
>Jia Chong better than Wei Yan

Needs Huang Gai's suplexes, and Lu Bu's curling

I meant Yuanji.
The horseback battles are fucking trash, but the rest of it is really ood, until Zhuge Liang's cottage, where it starts to get padded out a bit, and then they do overdo the Tom and Jerry-esque section between Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang.

Huan Gai's boob-peeking suplex grab.



glorious voice actors
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tfw the soldiers dialogue on Jin sai liu Shan is a real idiot

tfw Liu Shan was literally mentally retarded

tfw Liu Shan does indeed act like an idiot if you play jin hypothetical campaign.
I want to put my wiener in Lu Lingqi's perfect vagooner
>some day
Maybe, but not while you're around.
>tfw to smart too win
That's a pretty standard opinion to have of her.
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My Wei or the highway.
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basically correct

This is the true hero of the 3 Kingdoms Era though, killing gods and actually taking land that doesn't get immediately taken back.
Xu Huang has no personality in DW man. At least Guo Jia has scenes. Thats why.
Han Dang is better than Gan HEH IM A HOTHEAD Ning.
Wei Yan is better than Jia Chong but again, DW8 forced him in every fucking Jin shit.
Oh, are we're going by in-game personality, rather than real-life/tv show, and gameplay?
That would explain Xu Huang, but Gan Ning is trash in all regards
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>tfw Lingqi is not very popular in Japan so she will probably get shafted again in the campaign in DW9
>instead we get more guan yinping brain damage antics

Why do japs have such shit taste?
>Guan Yu
He's fucking OP from 8 til now, What make him so terrible?
but Yinping is good
Yeah in game I assume which is why Cao Ren isnt that good. He and Taishi Ci/Xu Huang were badasses but do nothing in game.
Let's be real here Wu and Shu are fucked he moment they break up. Thy basically guarantee a win for Wei/Jin.
Arrogant piece of shit
Shitty kids
Does nothing except kill Hua Xiong for every game
Eh. Everyone important dies when Jin has power.
>>tfw Lingqi is not very popular in Japan so she will probably get shafted again in the campaign in DW9
Isn't she like no.6 in term of popularity?
Ping and Yinping are decent in game

Also he doesn't even kill Hua Xiong historically
yes, but he actually succeeded in taking land definitively, unlike any other general of the era until the end.
Something about special feelings
Sorry, unless you've got a BNC it ain't happening
So, Uh, you talk about history then?

which poll was that? Last I remember, she wasnt even ranked.
I know. Im talking in game. Sun Jian did all that shit.
Yinping is inoffensive.
A land that doomed their chance to win the war, not really worth it, honestly. Anyways, Lu Meng is great, too bad he died too soon.
In game.
>Heh. I hate Guan Yu. Such a tsundere.
this is true, it basically sped up the end but Guan Yu was a cunt who needed to die and Liu Bei was a treacherous pussy.
Still can't top "muh benevolence" and he's actually top tier game play wise.
What's funny is that when you think about it, the hyped up warriors like Lu Bu and Guan Yu didn't actually do much in their military careers except for one particular moment that every romantist blows out of proportion. In Lu Bu's case, Hulao gate didnt even exist.
Id take benevolence over MUH BROTHERS.
Man, I didn't really care for Zhuge Dan in 7, but his moveset in 8 is SO baller.

>fucking AI keeps blocking all the time
>command grab them into oblivion

His C attacks looks cool as fuck. Also, his musou where he calls some bros and they bow before him after attacking is so fucking good, goddamnit.
Lu Xun was fine as a successor, but having Lu Meng might have saved Wu from the successor disputes once Sun Quan was close to death.

Well at least she got that neat extra stage in DW8XL where its implied she stopped all of Wei at Xiapi on her own while helping Lu Bu escape.

Shu and Wu should have never gone to war if they ever wanted to stand a chance against Wei.
>Guan Yu was a cunt who needed to die
True, but his death really cause a downfall to both nation, he's that one cunt you better let an enemy killed the guy rather than killed him yourself.

>Liu Bei was a treacherous pussy.
That pretty much every warlord in war state, anon. They're all traitorous and greedy bastard.
Zhuge Dan did nothing wrong.
>if they ever wanted to stand a chance against Wei.
It's either die trying or wait your nation to collapse, anon.
I wholeheartedly agree

What's ironic is that none of them actually lived to see a unified china. And while Sima Zhao did achieve that, it would lead to another succession crisis and civil unrest 16 years later.
Good thing is none them live long enough to see their nation collapse by a shitty successor.
If DW 9 doesn't have an english dub I'm going to choke a bitch.

They better not pull that shit like they did with Samurai Warriors 4. I need to hear Michael McConnohie again!
Man what would have happened if these guys didnt die too early

>Sun Jian
>Guo Jia
>Lu Meng
>Sima Yi
>Zhuge Liang
Is musou all-stars very good? What about DW Unleashed? I need something to tide me over until DW9

Well better convince your friends to buy the game then anon. Musou games arent as popular as they were 10 years ago.

Zhuge Liang hardly died early, the real Shu hypothetical would be what if he put somebody competent in charge instead of Jiang Wei.

As for Sun Jian, Wu didn't engage in huge scale fights until Chibi, however if he lived when they repelled Jing's attack, there's a good chance they'd go for revenge and claim Jing before Cao Cao managed to.
I'd say its mostly consistently good up until the last 10% or so. Once the original leaders all start dying off it just turns into Sima Yi getting his shit pushed in.
I want you fucking assholes to delete all shack comments and all comments disparaging my pure, sweet, innocent wife, Lingqi.
What are the shacks meant to represent here anyway?

Isn't Musous stars not coming out here until September, but wouldn't mind a second opinion, since most of the characters I'm interested in are all in WO3U, but looking at the gameplay it seems far more in the style of Hyrule Warriors rather than a regular Musou
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/v/'s a /family/ board.

rape shacks
Shacks = dumb non canonical meme
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You keep sending them! I'll keep knocking them down!
Lu Lingqi ended up in a shack after Xiapi...
truly the most exquisite meme
Do not call the lovely house that my wife, our children and I live in "a shack"
>just started reading ROTK for the first time
>the description of the armor he wears is identical to how he is portrayed in the games

How many other of these niggas was koei accurate with?
t. stockholm syndrome
more like shackholm syndrome
>Zhuge Liang
He did not died too early though...and I think he wish to died early considered a disaster Liu Bei and Guan Yu left for him.
Warriors All Stars doesn't come out until the Summer. DWU should tide you over and there are a lot of characters to choose from (you can have 3 on your team), but it will kill your phone battery.
>Wei: muh ambition
>Shu: muh benevolence
>Lu Bu: muh power
>Wu: ??? muh fire attack and bishies?
muh deadly arrows
Muh lord?
Wu is obviously muh Dabbudu ;_;
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muh family
Literally wu?
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How's Godseekers?
Haven't bought it yet as 60 bucks for a download only game is way too much.
Who is best girl
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Wang Yi
Yue Ying
>had a chance to redeem herself in WO3
>actually made some friends among the humans
>Da Ji goes back to her usual evil business and Himiko goes right along with it again

How can one person be so dense?
>If only I had Guo Jia
At that point Cao Cao had intelligent people like Xun Yu serving him. If they couldn't get him to see that something was up at the Wu base and new 'defector' Huang Gai then I doubt Guo Jia would have actually made much difference.
>tfw Adou (Liu Shan kiddy name) is still being used to insult incompetent people that fail at doing anything even after having brillant subordinates.

Is Liu Shan the most cucked person in the history of humanity?
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>all three states fall in less than a 100 years (well i guess wei doesn't technically fall, just get's usurped)

Muh ambition sure was worth it
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>Previously, Wei Yan invented a defense mechanism to hinder and repel invading forces by setting up "covering camps" on the outskirt and exits of trails leading to Hanzhong. Even after Wei Yan's death, Shu had been following his arrangement, and succeeded in driving out Wei forces every time. However, Jiang Wei argued Wei Yan's design "could only repel the enemy but not reap big profits." To anticipate a Wei attack, Jiang Wei proposed to abandon the camps set up by Wei Yan and vacate all the passes in the Qinling Mountains so the Wei forces would go deep into the Hanzhong plain, where the worn-out expedition force would be vulnerable to a Shu counterattack upon retreat. Jiang Wei assured the Shu emperor Liu Shan that was how to achieve a decisive victory previously unattained when they had just defended along the Qinling Mountains.[3] This strategy, however, proved to be flawed when Wei had mobilized forces in a way Jiang Wei had never imagined, as the later course of events would show
That's what you get for being a literall retard.
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who else /benevolence/ here?
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There is nothing wrong with being evil.
Family or tigers.
It wasn't like he could actually 'win' at any point by the time he became emperor due to Wei being too big and Wu reduced to infighting amongst themselves. Having a self serving eunach advising you to do one thing while having Jiang Wei drain your country's resources on futile attacks on the neighboring kingdom left him in a bad spot by the time Wei got sick of Shu's shit and went on the full offensive.

Guess people weren't satisfied that he decided to save lives by surrendering instead of having everybody die in a blaze of futile glory.
Wait, Was it Liu Shan Liu Bei throw to the ground?
That explains fucking everything.
>tfw you are benevolent that you cuck your son out of benevolence.
I felt bad for Tamomomomomomo/Kyubi as the story neared it's end

>can only survive by causing pain and misery
>doesn't even understand the concept of 'friends' and 'loved ones'
>her plans unravel and she starts having panic attacks due to not wanting to be sealed again
>final stages against her were basically everybody bullying her as she couldn't do much besides rely on illusions that people already figured out

Fluffy Tails had a hard life.
I do find it disappointing that Da Ji, Tamamo, and Kyubi had exactly the same sort of personality though
>Tamomo is Kyubi, of course they would have the same personality.
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Is this list game or historical?
>Zhang He
>Not best girl
Nah, people weren't satisfy that he's such a failure of a leader, it's right there in his bio, he's a lazy horny dude, honestly. Jiang Wei being a disaster just nail it for Shu.
They could have been slightly different to Da Ji though, which they also did with Cia, except she's also proper frothing for Link
On another note:
Did Yukimura have a chance?

>Cao Ren
>Not as good
>Ma Chao
>Legit Boss
He was fucked from the get-go as he kept picking the losing side.

>SW5 still won't update everybody's movesets
>most characters's movesets are more than 13 years old and aren't built to handle the gobs of enemies the games produce now
>Shingen, Okuni and Kunoichi will forever be shit

At least they actually upgraded Magoichi into being useable in 4.
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>but when he winning he lost in the end
Cao Ren does shit in game. Its not historical.
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I have two sides. Nicest guy you'll ever meet...
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China will grow larger.
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Did I ever tell you guys how I reunited the Three (Schools) Kingdoms with the power of music
>heart between Diaochan and Guan Yu

I guess bisecting counts as love?
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>Guan Yu
>when he has that beard
Poor guy. It's not his fault that his daddy threw him when he was a baby.
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Thread images: 54

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