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the second is probably the best game and they will eventually

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the second is probably the best game and they will eventually release a sequel to it if the third sells
Too bad it flopped hard and XSEED fucked themselves over by antagonizing the vita community
>over by antagonizing the vita community

Guess you don't know but xseed is hated now
They even stopped promoting the game to the vita community because they kept getting harassed back after what they said
what'd I miss?
Just xseed talking about how happy they were ToCS3 was a PS4 exclusive and not held back by the Vita, and whomever running the twitter PR responding to Vita fans asking why ToCS3 was suddenly exclusive with variations of "get over it and get a PS4"

In their last stream they even thanked the community for the large support of their titles at it enabled them to fund the definitive version of Cold Steel to PC.

So pretty much bad pr and people overreacting
what did they say?
wow so offensive
I hate xseed now
Imagine if Bloodborne went to PC and thanked all the ps4 owners for the support that enabled them to add in PC exclusive content.
The years would be outstanding
What Vita community?
Bunch of faggots, I hope Aksys of NISA get the rights of Cold Steel III and release it with only japanese audio. The eternal asshurt would be glorious
Thats pretty infuriating desu. reminds me of gal gun's steam page saying something like PCMR or some shit
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>the anime was forgotten about during the season it aired
>literally sold ~200 bd copies
They might. They already lost Ys
The second episode was pure cancer. I usually watch anything but that was condensed shit
>Xseed thought this was going to be really popular
>they decided to give this the biggest dub cast they've done to date
>it bombed hard in Japan
I bet they're sweating bullets right now
Where have you been? The vita fanbase is like a cult that worship aa devs. Despite only selling 16m units they still end up with competitive sales to ps4.
The show really did drop the ball, but it was at least an interesting watch. The entire winter season aside from sequels and some good ones was complete ass

That's the sad part. It wasn't even interesting.
If it was I'd have kept with it, but it was just terrible.
Keep in mind I actually am up to date on the One Piece anime but despite that I couldn't sit through the Akiba's Trip cour
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I'd imagine they are.
Who publishes a JRPG anywhere near the launch window of Persona 5? That's just fucked from the get-go.
Hey man, you be you. At least you're not a Kimono Fag
Did it bomb because it's bad, or because of the CS stuff?

It bombed because they removed what made the Akiba's series fun and turned it into a serious Persona clone.
I don't think it sold more than 10k units across Vita and PS4. It didn't even chart.
I liked it
Did it at least review well?
is this like The World Ends With You?

The famitsu score was 27/40 iirc
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All I care about is CSIII and whether or not Laura is in there.

Fuck we already got delicious Aurelia cake as the principal of the Thor's branch where Rean is at.

>this is your superior
Well that's disappointing. Well here's to hoping Summon Nights 6 and Dark Rose Valkyrie are good.

>Akiba's Trip sells well worldwide
>Does well in NA specifically too
>XSEED announces they're localizing Akiba's Beat
>Start promoting how they're doing the LARGEST DUB EVER! with 190 voice roles in English exclusive to the NA version of Akiba's Beat
>PQube signs on for the EU version
>Everybody thinks it's completely retarded since nobody asked for dubs
>ToCS3 gets announced
>XSEED talks about how excited they are over it not being held back by Vita's weak hardware
>Twitter PR responds to every fan who asks about the Vita version of ToCS3 to get over it and to pick up a PS4 finally
>Gets into arguments with people saying they're not going to buy it otherwise and how it's stupid they split the fanbase
>XSEED skips Valkyrie Drive due to it being Vita-exclusive
>PQube picks it up and it sells amazingly
>XSEED gets interviewed and says Vita exclusive Net High was impossible to localize and that Vita fans shouldn't expect it
>PQube calls them amateurs and starts regularly hinting at localization after confirming it wasn't impossible
>Afterwards start promoting their BIGGEST DUB EVER again
>Game reveals to be a massive flop
>Doesn't even sell more than a handful of units in Japan
>Vita community mocks them on their twitter for it
>Too late to back out now as they invested too much too early
>They don't even promote the game anymore outside of random Tweets
>It's PQube that does the promoting for it now
This also looks great.

I'm unironically hyped for this.
I wish we got a physical version, but this will be one of the few times I go digital.
Evil vocaloids and 512 recruitable party members both sound too appealing to me, even if it is a standard RPG otherwise
So is XSEED a sinking ship now?

Probably not maybe. They were already getting flak due to their hate boner for original audio but these series of bad decisions fractured their already-shrinking fanbase. On top of Hatsuu's constant suicidal tweets and how she got tipsy on stream during an announcement and stated they garnered money for the PC port of Cold Steel + PC Cold Steels exclusive 5000 additional dubbed voicelines directly from their Vita sales, I don't see them making any more headway with the Sony community in general, much less the Vita niche. I would say they're jumping to Switch but that was Marvelous' decision with Fates and not theirs. I'm pretty sure they're just fucked since I think PQube is giving away the Japanese DLC that was released for Akiba's Beat for free while XSEED hasn't said anything about it, making it not even the best version to get should you decide to pick up the game for whatever reason anyway.
>no physical
one fucking job atlus. Still gonna buy it for the avatars though
But I want Laura in there

LRG actually declared that they've been attempting a physical collaboration for release but things got snagged and it ended up not being possible to go through with.
It sucks. When it was announced for localization, the PR guy even stated they couldn't do a physical run but still had something in the works.
I'm guessing it was the digital deluxe bundle.
What a load of shit. Atlus probably didn't want to spend too much effort on it with persona 5 on the horizon.
On the bright side the filesize is roughly 1 GB so making space for it in the memory card will be easy. Physical is better for those games bigger than 2GB.
That's what everyone assumes. Still, it appears they answered their survey with the release of all those domain names so not many vita fans are even angry over this digital only title
Why do people suddenly care about the Vita? Counter-culture was a mistake.
who cares, vita is a dead system anyway
The Vita always had its niche following in NA. In Japan, it was successful and is still supported. If you think this was sudden you probably bought into stupid /v/ memes
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Hey bud, seems like you're new to 4chan. That's fine, we'll give you some tips and tricks along the way. One of them is that you can reply to 2 or more posts at the same time by just adding/clicking their post no. Happy channing
Yeah and this game was released in Japan on Vita, so that point is moot. The Vita flopped in NA and believing anything different is delusional. So once again, I don't understand the sudden cry of games not getting Vita ports localized. It's just a small, loud group of crybabies.

Dungeon Travelers 2-2 better come over though.
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EU here
Fuck XSEED, glad PQube and NISA are taking over.
I'm not sure what you're arguing about here. Nobody is arguing about Beats since almost everybody disliked it since release due to butchering what made the series fun.
I played the Vita version of Akiba's Trip and it was hot garbage

Couldnt care less about this one
No, the new SoS sold fine, its vitagen who's butthurt about muh exclusives
I'm saying Xseed isn't wrong to not localize Vita games I guess.
People still complain about exclusives?
Vitabronies are a cult and vocal minority anyways
They bought 60% of ToCS copies and always buy ports of even shitty indie games

It's like the meme that "vita games sell bad" is stronger than the money in their hand
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There was actually an interview with a dev about vita ports and it stated they prefer vita because selling 50k units was preferable to aiming for a million. With it being super cheap to create games for they easily make money back. Even mores when they go in with a super budget title and sell 100k like Galgun did
Does this have anything to do with akibara's trip?

Asking because the names are similar although it seems like it would be weird to be the sequel.
That's because
>Vitafaggots are desperate for games
>Cold Steel is the worst Trails series, PS3 and PS4 bros have better taste and more games to play so they don't have to get down on their knees and eat whatever shit falls to the ground
CS3 will be interesting, will it bomb because PS4bros don't give a shit about it or will it convince enough Vitafags to pick up a PS4 to support it?
Do XSeed just get hammered at work and make stupid fucking decisions all day?
It makes sense why they'd be angry due to the assumed climax of a story rich trilogy suddenly being exclusive on a system that didn't have the previous two titles, but Cold Steel was never an exclusive so I still don't know what you're arguing about here
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SK not gonna get affected by this, is it?

It's the sequel to Akiba's Trip.
It removed all the stripping though and turned it into an RPG.
cuz it happens every time a game is ported

I heavily doubt that since many of the localized titles are multiplats already with PS4.
Somehow I think you're just shitposting to shitpost now though.
Akiba Strip the Animation was better than the game. What a shame GONZO only sold like 5 copies of it in Japan; Mayo, imouto and moimoi didn't deserve this suffering.
>It removed all the stripping though and

Exactly. Nobody was excited for this shit when that was revealed.
It sold so badly in Japan that it didn't even chart on Famitsu and those fucks list anything 5k+.
no, it's vitagen bullshit
>people antagonizing XSeed and glamorizing NISA
I know that XSeed sometimes likes memes in their translations, but people, It's FUCKING NISA what the fuck happenned?

I expect it not
>XSEED shill scapegoating
For a fanbase that doesn't exist they sure get blamed for a lot of things they don't do.
I'm from vitagen anon, not everyone is a fanboy

I don't know about people glamorizing NISA. Even during the announcement it was 50/50 people laughing at Hatsuu's breakdown and crying over NISA's probable fuck-ups for release
>what the fuck happenned?
Mans ability to enjoy watching something they like fail, purely to spite somebody else, is amazing, isn't it?
>implying I like xseed
I visit vitagen tho, that's why I know
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The show was the most underlooked gem of last season, it was more entertaining than it had any right being just like the games, I'm still blown away how 2 wound up being my GOTY 2014, the same year as Bayo 2
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>no its all bullshit concocted by buttblasted vitagenners
>i should know im one of them

Yeah I doubt you're telling the truth on that
>Removed the only thing it was known for

Excuse me what the fuck?

All they had to do was make a new story, improve the combat system by allowing weapon switching and different guard breaks and make the game look better. That's literally all they had to do. How do you fuck something up that bad. Jesus christ.

Just make a new series if it's not going to allow stripping.
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>implying again im buttblasted
nice try fampai, I dont give a fuck about ported games
>Did it bomb because it's bad
Akiba's Beat is possibly the worst ARPG I played on the Vita and one of the worst ARPGs I played in the last decade.
There's a reason it bombed hard even in Japan, it's simply not a good game, the sudden change of identity and loss of what made the game stand out doesn't help.
It's basically a really shitty Tales of clone, except with worse combat, way worse animations, way worse balance and so on.

That's what I've been saying though. Nobody does.

If I do get this title it'll probably be through PQube anyway since they use the money to fund more Vita titles.
It's made by the people who worked on the original Persona 1/ 2duology so I'm hype as fuck for it.
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>Xseeds localization of this and losing Ys
What is going on over there? I don't want NISA to scrap everything up.
famtisu scores are irrelevant
every game is 30+ there and the only reason they don't like Akiba's is because it's aimed at western audience
>XSEED talks about how excited they are over it not being held back by Vita's weak hardware
They aren't wrong and I love vita.
XSEED is to be praised for doing english dub.
When jap games come to the west you guys act like retards and find any reason to boycott a company. Then you spend the next 10 years complaining about lack of japanese localizations.
Of course they do, if it doesn't come from grorious nippon it's not good enough and if someone bothers to give them something they whinge like they're being fed scraps.
Why waste time dubbing a game when you know your audience would rather listen to their wall eyed waifus babble in a language they can't understand anyway?
>When jap games come to the west you guys act like retards and find any reason to boycott a company. That is unfortunate that every western retard act -- more or less -- like SJWs without noticing
>Why waste time dubbing a game when you know your audience would rather listen to their wall eyed waifus babble in a language they can't understand anyway?
if this comment is not bait go fuck yourself
>A game isn't held back by a handheld that came out over 5 years ago
>This is a bad thing
Man, I'm so happy I stopped buying Vita games after 2014.
go learn japanese you retarded weeb cunt
go fuck yourself. As long as people like you exist /v/ will never be any better than reddit. In fact you are not welcome here.
>the only reason they don't like Akiba's is because it's aimed at western audience
Stop talking out of your ass, Akiba has always been a near Kusoge game, Beat has been universally panned because it is bad, no way around it, if it bombs hard in Japan to the point of not even being registered in weekly sales, especially after two previous titles being successful, the game's bad, nobody likes it.
This isn't one of those weird situations where Famitsu fucks up by giving a subpar score to a game that is a huge commercial success or puts out another paid review, the game's that bad, period.
>XSEED is to be praised for doing english dub.
XSEED are literally the new Working Designs, they're cancer that puts out subpar localizations and should die a painful death, especially after the evident fact that they're so full of themselves they think they can't do nothing wrong. Fuck those assholes.
It's true you fucking retard
>waaaaah I only listen to the superior nip dub
>wtf the ENGLISH version has an English dub? Fucking boycotting this shit!!!!!!
>the game's bad, nobody likes it.
because people like you can't enjoy a tales of jrpg that is not emotional or mature™.
>they're cancer
You are cancer. You are worse than the typical /pol/ nihilist.
>full of themselves they think they can't do nothing wrong.
>B-but they are not nice to me, they aren't cool and they don't have hyped trans/diversity super hyper dude :}
I'm glad they are doing the english dub localization not the other way around. The people boycotting this are the ones mad they ''wasted'' time doing so.
I don't want /v/ to be better than reddit, more dumb cunts like you who are too stupid to learn another language but also too self-entitled to enjoy games they want when they're in a language they can actually understand might turn up and keep making shitty threads like this. I thank G*d every day I'm not a sad cunt weeb and can enjoy JRPGs and Anime without having to whack off of to every pair of 2D tits that appear on screen and cry if I hear a single word of spoken English in my superior folded 10 gorillion times Japanese video games.
please be bait
Why does xseed always pick the shittiest fucking games to localize? I think the last time i bought an xseed game was in the ps2 days.
Well that's fucking sad. I was already getting iffy when their translator was whining and acting like a bitch about losing Ys 8.
nice pasta
>because people like you can't enjoy a tales of jrpg that is not emotional or mature™.
No, because people like me have fucking standards and don't want to play braindead cashgrab games that have zero thought or effort put into them.
At least Tales games have some passable animations and not a completely fucking broken system with mechanics from two decades ago, Akiba's Beat is trash and it bombed precisely because it is trash AND abandoned the gimmick and gameplay that made the series popular.
>>B-but they are not nice to me, they aren't cool and they don't have hyped trans/diversity super hyper dude :}
Nobody said that and I don't care, I never bought a XSEED product because I know Japanese, they're a bunch of shitty, inept weebs who can't even translate simple phrases properly and have to put tons of quirks and stuff that isn't in the original script, so fuck off back to /pol/ with your diversity memes, failed normalfag.
> they're cancer that puts out subpar localizations and should die a painful death

>because people like me have fucking standards
>they're a bunch of shitty, inept weebs who can't even translate simple phrases properly
They're not wrong. Vitafags are one of the most cancerous faggots ever. They think everyone has to pander to them and that the handheld isn't actually holding down the games. I guess the devs could develop a Vita version, but that'd take extra work to make a seperate version just like with DQXI 3DS version.

CS1 and 2 were never Vita exclusives, yet they acted like they were and that they're entitled to CS3. The only ones hating Xseed and that the CS games are coming to PC are Vitafags and no one else.
do you have the Xseed pr screencap? I feel people are overreacting to it
Vitafags hate everyone, not just the PC crowd, they even hate PS4fags. I remember the shitstorm when Gravity Rush 2 was announced for PS4 instead of the Vita. They started shitting on GR on how it was never good and if you even tried talking about GR on /vitagen/ you get shat on instantly because Kat is a traitor to them now. They also parrot the PS4 has no gaems meme. I dunno how can one niche fanbase have so many faggots. Any time a Vita game (that's not even an exclusive sometimes) gets ported to another console, they start shitting on the game and the whole company how they're fucking traitors and shit.
No. I might try searching for it, but like I said the only ones butthurt about it are Vitafags. I even remember them saying how CS3 will flop because their whole fanbase is on the Vita and no one will buy a PS4 to play CS3. You can even check Gematsu and the comment section where the game was announced to be on PS4 only.
too bad
Some anon doesn't believe it!
Is there anyone left for decent localization?
Why do these companies get shittier the more games they release?
Vitafags even felt betrayed when Xseed refused to release a PSP game in 2017. That was another glorious shitshow. They just keep on giving. They're the most pathetic fanbase ever desu
Please tell me the guy defending the game is a shitposter.
You can't have standards so low that Beat looks appealing
The whole CS3 case is perfectly reasonable though. Every single Kiseki game is on the Vita. Of course you'll be annoyed when the finale of a 3 part game isn't on the platform you own, since hey Vitafags have been supporting the series.

They have it bad. They begged for Cyber Sleuth for years. Then Next Order got released PS4 only, they fucked around more than twice that Vita ver. was coming out giving false hope. Piratefags found evidence of an English translation on an asian copy. Not to mention how they had to deal with the ass SAO translation and didn't even get an update of the superior PS4 trans.
Which guy? Everyone's just arguing about Xseed and Vita.
You also gotta remember that xseed lied to them continuously about the whole falcom jap audio situation where they couldn't get it. They were constanly told that it was a licensing issue, so xseed promoted their dubs as the best thing ever. When aksys got tokyo xandu it gets the jap audio. Nisa picked up ys8 it gets dual audio.

So yeah vita owners feel burned from xseed.
CS3 will probably be releasing on PC in the west and I doubt that it'll require powerful hardware. I can't also imagine someone owning just a Vita and no current gen console or PC. Just because other games were ported to Vita doesn't mean that all other sequels should be ported to it as well. I mean, almost all KH games were ported to PS3, but no one's really bitching about not getting KH3 on it.

And I know they got fucked over countless times, I own a Vita myself and bought SAO with the shitty translation for it. Expected FF Type-0 but got fuck all. I still don't see the reason to be mad about CS3 and Xseed though.
Like the other anon pointed out CS1 and 2 are not Vita exclusives. Why are the people who own a PS3 not mad about this. Vitafags are just shitposting as usual.
Xseed is a small company. Smaller than Aksys and Nisa. They only got their own first member that can actually port stuff to PC not too long ago. Before that they asked others for help with the PC ports as they couldn't do it in-house. Also why are Vitafags the only ones who are mad? Why do they feel burned from xseed? PS3fags didn't get dual audio either.
Vitafags should just drown

Bunch of retards, and I even own a vita
Because neither Tokyo Xanadu or Ys8 are on PS3.
Good. Vitafags getting fucked is the best
We were talking about Cold Steel games.
You also gotta remember that Rean's Jap VA didn't even get to voice all the lines. Falcom themselves couldn't pay for it all because they got some bigshot VA for whatever retarded reason.
It was a comfy series, but who are you kidding. It's downloaded / streamed subs so there's no money going back to the studios from the West. We rely on our Japanese brethren and their taste, you'll just have to go ultra weeb and buy the BDs yourself if you don't speak the language.
Not like /v/tards understand the 3 copies rule anyways.
The majority of ps3 owners traded it for a ps4 so small user base. Also vita owners a very very vocal. Guess sony fucked them up pretty bad that have to make their voices heard to make sure everyone remembers that they exist.
Their fault for sticking with a dead system
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>'Only On PlayStation'
>*also on PC

What did sonybros mean by this?
Wrong thread and wrong meme girl.
To be fair to the Vitafags, they fought hard for SAO, Digimon and the like only to have all of them move to PS4 afterwards.

And until late 2016, pretty much the only PS4 games worth playing that wasn't Bloodborne were Vita ports.
Exactly, and they still sell more on the Vita. A lot of these games wouldn't be here without the Vita support.

Don't know why that's important, Xseed ask Falcom if they could redo the code so they could add more Rean lines but they were told to fuck off. At least PC is getting them.
>They begged for Cyber Sleuth for years
I'm pretty sure the initial petition is for Re:Digitize Decode and Cyber Sleuth is only added later.
Can I get a quick rundown on the Akiba series? Like which games are good and which to avoid and stuff
What "rundown"
There's only 3 games, 1 of them is Japan-only, and 1 of them isn't even out yet
So you get the 2nd game, because that one's pretty good and actually in English
The original two games are 3D beat-em-ups where you fight vampires by tearing their clothes off.

The original is Japanese-only on PSP. The story and presentation is somewhat more serious than 2, but no localisation. We got Akiba's Trip 2 for Vita localised, it's much goofier and light hearted than the first one. Both are really fun games.

Akiba's Beat is a Tales Of clone that Japan said is fucking awful. I've only played Trip 1 and 2, so I can't speak personally for Beat.
>that hat
>that pose
>no sword along the shoulder
Pissed off.
There's only one game that you can play. It's an okay game but on every version I've played they forgot to include the textures for one of the items.
That person deserves a promotion. I own both, but the true shame is how the PS3 was left out due to a handheld console. Now other owners know how it feels to be left in the cold.
>The PS3 was shit compared to the DS, PSP and Vita beyond a few games like VC, Dragon's Dogma and Demon Souls so the Vita should suffer for it
>Everybody thinks it's completely retarded since nobody asked for dubs
I know it sounds retarded, but it's very possible the original JP publisher asked for a dub.

>Twitter PR responds to every fan who asks about the Vita version of ToCS3 to get over it and to pick up a PS4 finally
You know this is down to Falcom not to XSEED right?

>their hate boner for original audio
This is rubbish. Corpse Party, Corpse Party Book of Shadows, Corpse Party Blood Drive, Way of the Samurai 4, Senran Kagura Burst, Senran Kagura 2, Senran Kagura SV, Senran Kagura BA, Senran Kagura EV, Nitroplus Blasterz, Fate/EXTELLA, Killer is Dead, Akiba's Trip 2, Onechanbara Z2, and soon enough Akiba's Beat all have the original audio.

> and stated they garnered money for the PC port of Cold Steel + PC Cold Steels exclusive 5000 additional dubbed voicelines directly from their Vita sales
You know this is down to Falcom not XSEED right? The voices they are adding are voices they wanted to do for the Vita and PS3 releases in the first place, but Falcom told them to fuck off because Falcom couldn't be arsed to do the extra programming needed to add those voices, and Falcom does all the programming not XSEED.
The Vita and PS3 sales allowed them to persuade Falcom to let them port the games to PC, and since they have programmers for the PC ports they can add the voices themselves without needing to go through Falcom. Also Falcom probably doesn't even have their Vita and PS3 devkits anymore so they can't patch the new voices in for them now even if they were to ask again.
Don't drink buttblasted vitagenner kool-aid, they've just been throwing an even bigger tantrum than usual since the CS1 PC announcement. "hhurrrrr vita sales directly funded extra voices" what a bunch of morons.
All I wanted from a follow-up to Akiba's Trip were responsive controls and fewer loading screens. Could've been a fine game then. I don't know what they were thinking.
Who knows. They also tried to get fans to buy it on the promise that it would go on to fund a true Akiba's Trip sequel.
One of the biggest problems is how small everything feels because of the way areas are divided. It's such an easy fix for the series that it boggles my mind that they tried to completely reinvent it.
Holy fuck the amount of triggering the Vita incited in this thread is insane.
There is literally no reason to hate a system this much. Even moreso when the system is dead.
If none if it is true none of it should even matter to you guys.
I'd rather having Akiba S2 than having another Akiba game now
Please add me on PSN, CosmicSnare
>liking Xseed after they got mad about people asking for more fanservice games

They even went on a rant about how they didn't want to be "that one company that localizes the panty quest games", and yet Senran Kagura is their number 1 money maker.
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Oh no not the Vita community god help us!
Actually I would love Japanese audio in CS3. Thing is I don't think anyone but Xseed has the ability to do the subs justice.
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>mfw the community is a tenth of what the PS4 install base is
>Still sells software at a competitive rate with multiplats
PS4 owners only care for console wars. They don't buy games. They just make giant lists.
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Was ToCS3 also a Vita game in Japan, but are only localizing the PS4 version (which seems to be the case for a startling number of Jap PS4 games)? If it's a PS4 only title, then XSEED didn't call that decision at all, they should be bitching at Falcom instead.
It's PS4 exclusive in Japan too.

People are just looking for an excuse to shit on XSEED. They should be yelling at Falcom, yes, but people want any reason to shit on them.
itt: idiots that think XSEED is a developer, instead of a publisher.

I think the problem isn't that Falcom made it a PS4 exclusive but that XSEED's PR was just poorly handled.
Something similar happened to some other titles on Vita (Siralam 2?) when the dev was complaining that the Vita was an underpowered handheld and he was sick of working on it. The game ended up flopping really badly as a result of them just not buying the game, although I don't know how many sales was needed to break even anyway since it was literally NES-tier graphics
Games with Vita ports almost always break even at around 50k units sold.
Vita exclusives are even less.

I'm expecting PQube to make their money back with 10k sales of the EU version, but XSEED is probably fucked with their dub undertaking.
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They were right, though, in the end. The Vita held back Cold Steel 1 and 2 super hard. The game literally went to single digit FPS at certain parts on Vita.

The fact that the game looks way better and presumably won't run like canned ass on PS4 is cause for celebration. Vita fans don't care about this, though.
A Vita game in 2017 is like running Windows 32 bit. The Vita had its day time to move on.
this desu. Though vitafags will argue how you're wrong.
I'm too lazy to look for it, but I'm pretty sure I've also heard that the vita storage limits limited CS2.
>I think the problem isn't that Falcom made it a PS4 exclusive but that XSEED's PR was just poorly handled.
It's not XSEED's fault that idiots can't google this info. It's not been a secret with multiple sites reporting on it. XSEED has never kept that a secret either- as they've said multiple times that the PS4 exclusivity was Falcom's decision, and that they have no control over it.

People are just being angry idiots and looking for someone that can actually understand that they're angry instead of making their complaints to the one that's actually responsible.

And to be fair, the reasons make sense. Especially because when the opportunity for it to finally come to the west happens, what will the status of the Vita be *then*? The earliest we can get it in English is 2018, and that's not very likely- but more likely 2019. You must be delusional to think a game would be viable two years from now on a platform that Sony has been clear about not supporting the west anymore *now*.
Don't forget that the reason Cold Steel 1 and 2 were split into two games was mainly development problems stemming from at least in part the inability to fit things on a single Vita cart. The vita/PS3 development workflow was a nightmare for Falcom. I'm glad the PS4 is making their vision a lot clearer and they don't have to deal with the fuckery.

You're right, it did. Originally CS1 and 2 were one game. You can tell from some of the padding in both games.
>You must be delusional to think a game would be viable two years from now on a platform that Sony has been clear about not supporting the west anymore *now*.

There's retards who are ass mad that TiTS the 3rd isn't coming to the PSP for fucks sake, clinging to the vita almost seems sane in comparison.

i played nitro plus with xseed when it came out early last year and during the stream they were talking about how much fun they had bringing it over and while i do love senran kagura i can't really fault them for not wanting to be known as "that company that only brings over panty flash games"
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>people are literally getting mad that another platform is getting a game they also are getting

I'd understand if it was a rare case of a game getting cancelled like that one Aksys game that was originally for PS4 and PC and then went PC only, but literally what do they have to lose if a game goes to PC or to the Xbone or to the Switch? I'd understand if the game was developed for lesser hardware like the Switch, but if it's ported later then there'd be few legitimate issues.

I want the Japs to stop their console tribalism and make games for everything (or at least PC) and see /v/ fucking collapse.
I heard CS1 got fucked over by budget constraints, and that's why the Ymir chapter got glossed over. Ymir was even in the game files and was only slightly rearranged for CS2.
Oh really? Bought almost every JRPG and VN that came out on 360 and PS3 and my PS4 collection is steadily growing. Believe me or not IDGAF.

I just think it's time to put the Vita to sleep. I'm not a graphics whore but Vita hardware is ancient and holding games back.

That makes less sense than people saying XSEED is the devil.
Why not just make it a digital title instead then?
There are some large digital downloads that sold really well, so it sounds like their fault for attempting to cull for a physical copy
Kondo has said that they actually ran into serious development issues with CS1, and that they almost had to delay the game, which would've been financially devastating for them, since it came out at the very end of their fiscal year. --which would've meant that year did not get a game at all. Even on their twitter account, they said that they went gold at the very last possible date to get it published on time.

As a result, the game had major issues, especially regarding load times, that had to be patched within a couple of days of its release.

I believe that Kondo, at one point, even said that they needed assistance from Sony to help with things on it. So I assume that it wasn't entirely budget, but technical issues that caused these issues.

That's their job to love it. At least PQube rolls with it.
>Why not just make it a digital title instead then?
Are you too stupid to see why Falcom might not want to release a mainline entry in their flagship series as a digital only title in Japan, a market of obsessive collectors that still barely knows what Steam is?
>Why not just make it a digital title instead then?
I don't think I've ever seen Falcom do a digital only release. Even their PC copy of Zero no Kiseki- which is basically a CD in a sleeve in a box- isn't DL only.

If the Vita was the main platform then they should have built around it first instead of making a story and cutting out sections then.
It seems like it was less Vita's fault and moreso just poor planning
either way i can't fault them for wanting to do more than just bring over panty quest games
It wasn't the main platform. Kondo's also confirmed that they built for PS3, then scaled down to the Vita, since it's more efficient to scale down than scale up.

I'm saying do it with a smile. As of late they're not even promoting SK. Marvelous EU announced the newest game first even though Xseed is the one localizing it. Heck, Marv EU even do daily stuff for SK.
nah, they only care about bloodborne, it's literally the only game they've ever played
What in the world is it holding back, VNs? Fanservice shit? If anything the 3DS was holding games back like fucking Monster Hunter.
It's not holding back if the devs are happy with the platform.
Well yeah, they're not promoting SK because they have Akiba's Beat and TiTS The 3rd coming out, so they're, *gasp*, promoting those right now.

Also, XSEED just kinda sucks about promoting and getting the word out on their shit in general, it really doesn't have anything to do with hate SK.
I played Cold Steel on ps3 so all this means nothing to me.
Then again 3 looks like a game that could run on a triple with no problems.

SK PBS is coming out too, and yet they're not promoting it.
>The Vita was holding it back, you guys!
>CS 3 looks the fucking same as the PS3 games

What the fuck, Falcom.
>This X game looks like it could run on a previous gen console
Why are people always saying this about every game? Either way, Japs are incompetent and most of their games look like shit. What did you expect?
It doesn't even have a NA release date, just "Summer", whereas the other two are coming out in the immediate future. Once Akiba's Beat is out they'll probably start winding up their SK PBS/CS PC "hype" train.
>every game

Even some japanese last gen games look better. Is it really that hard for Falcom to try? I was expecting them to at least bump the visuals a bit after making such a big deal about going PS4 exclusive and it looks like the exact same game.
They're really cheap about marketing, and their vice president mentioned on DualShockers how this hurt recent games like Xanadu Next (more than Nitro+ Blasterz somehow). I'm not happy about it and they need to live up to their word by marketing better, at least with better streams and YouTube attention. And I'll forgive them if they make Zwei!! II sell better than it did at Japanese release.

It all comes down to Falcom biting off more than they could chew with Cold Steel in the first place, but also not being able to use everything they'd worked hard on because of Vita physical cart limits (and no, digital-only releases wouldn't have happened, it would have tanked). Designing around Vita would have limited the scope of the game they wanted to make, and they already had to compromise in areas like story to make sure it could launch well in a younger market.

Sen no Kiseki really pushed them to the limits since they'd just released two games on PSP/Vita the year before, and Ao no Kiseki came out in 2011. I hope they can hire a bunch of new recruits and keep them.

Textures are clearly higher-res, along with geometry, and character faces are finally becoming distinct/not copy-paste. And I bet the game will have a much larger filesize than the previous two, on top of new areas designed with PS4 in mind. The art-style looks much better because of this.
>it looks like the exact same game.
I'd suggest getting your eyes checked.
I've never played the games, but the anime was definitely underdog of the last season. Gonzo was on a shoestring budget and just went crazy with it. It reminded me a lot of Panty and Stocking.
Is there anyone worse than the Vita fanbase?
Why did XSEED think Akiba's Beat was worth making a dub and shilling it so hard? They should just have done a JP audio only release. Akiba's Strip 2's dub was shit.
It's just a bunch of shitposters, the Vita was and still is an amazing handheld in terms of capabilities and specs considering it's almost six years old, problem is Falcom doesn't have the money and expertise in developing for it and wanted to bite more than they could chew with it, they messed up.

If you want to make RPGs for a handheld you either must be really fucking good at developing for it or willing to cut corners in some areas for making a better experience all around, Oreshika 2 and Scarlet Grace are amazing RPGs, but both knew where to cut corners and play on a handheld's strength, Falcom fucked up with CS by wanting to cram too much stuff(a lot of which would have been better off) for the sake of making a home console product.
Then again, they did sell so it all worked out, its understandable they want to put CS on consoles given it's a story focused series, Vita wil get other stuff more suited for it like Tokyo Xanadu.
The people shitting on NISA moved on to shitting on XSEED right around when NISA announced they were doing YS8 which coincidentally coincides with when the whole "Xseed is shitting on Vita fans" thing started, even though CS3 was announced PS4 only back in December but they're bringing it up now for some reason and they still refuse to give direct links to said shitting on Vita fans so it's most likely just shitposters shitposting.
I wouldn't be surprised if NISAfag is in this thread. He's a notorious shitposter that shits on xseed, samefags and defends NISA. I don't even know why, but probably has autism just like XV-kun, UMR-10 and other autists.
Developed by the SAO guys and has one of the craziest fucking skill trees I've ever seen. The lag put me off until I realized that this was going to be high school SAO MMO type gameplay, will be getting day 1
I heard this game bombed, mainly due to removing the whole clothing-stripping mechanic from the first game. Either point accurate?

Eh. I'd be more upset if they were planning on keeping it PS4 exclusive, rather than porting stuff to PC. I can certainly see why people would be upset that they started the series on Vita and it wasn't published on there anymore, although Vita support will eventually end.
I'm guessing they thought they had another Akiba's Trip on their hands and went "let's just go all out hoho!" and then it turned out the game was shit since they started voice recording so early. Marvelous probably also stuck their dicks all up in XSEED's shit, too.
Only heard mixed stuff about it. Watched a couple of reviews and it looks ok, but both reviewers were unimpressed. Have a friend that imported it, said it was kinda meh. Has cool ideas but executes them poorly. And dear god that framerate.
Really? That's cool. The later Persona games brought better gameplay mechanics, but went way overboard with the length of the story. I really like P1's simple story as it allowed it to delve much deeper into the psychological themes than the later entries.
Can all you guys read japanese or something to be playing all these jap games?
If what they were saying was actually true they'd have screencaps of it and direct links to it that they'd be posting ad nauseam to get people to join them in their crusade. The fact they don't means they're just overblowing things and have no legs to stand on.
Won't stop the shitposters from shitposting though. Every other thread about xseed or Kiseki series is now full of these people for the past few months.
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And CS3 to compare to that shot of CS2. Look at the super high quality models and textures in comparison.
What if Akiba's Trip 3 is a continuation of the anime
>Can all you guys read japanese or something to be playing all these jap games?
I swear, Atlus USA, if we get this kusoge and somehow Etrian Odyssey V stays in Asia... I fucking swear
Go fuck yourself PS4fag. This could run on Vita no problem if Falcom just tried.
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I wish
Atlus USA will likely start making announcements for the second half of the year pretty shortly since I don't think they have anything for after May outside of Mask of truth.
>t. Xseed employees

Everyone has seen their tweets how they shat on Vita fans, if you didn't then you're just newfags. So shut the fuck up and keep sucking that Xseed cock, you faggots.
>being this assblasted over the vita

some things just aren't worth it, bro.
Don't these games have carry over bonuses? That's disappointing if you put 100 hours into it and can't transfer anything.
>>t. Xseed employees
The sad thing is that we literally had a XSEED employee tripfagging attentionwhore here on /v/ and /vg/.
Falcom said they were looking into it, but I feel like they not going to do import bonuses for CS3.
>Everyone has seen their tweets

I haven't
Yeah, like your Shitstation 4 because it has no games, just ports.
That was a dumb bitch. I'm glad /jrpgg/ is dead for good.
Then you're a newfag. The only ones defending Xseed are newfags and Shitstation 4 owners.
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>dumb bitch
You take that back, fucker. Hatsuu is for milking.
It's not like the carryovers were that big of a deal anyways.
I've been here since 2006
She was dumb to market herself here. How she still has her job must be behind her tits.

She's really ugly now, on top of the insane behavior.
The only thing she milked is anons' wallets with her shilling.
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>Guess you don't know but xseed is hated now
Gamers have been some the biggest crybabies ever. Who they going to turn to?
Enjoy your cutscene butchery
CE will be GREAT BRITANIA ONRY. Half the game will be poorly translated with typos everywhere. CE materials will be untranslated jap packins.
Been Sega's cockpillow since Index corp cooked the books and went under.

Looks like you faggots better start learning nip.
>Thread during the 3rd stream
>Everyone's pretty chill
>Some anons drooling over Hatsuu's tits
>This thread
>Everyone hates Xseed
>Don't provide any sources on where they shat on their fans
>Hatsuu is hated
What went wrong?

>Digital only


Will wait for PC release or LRG copy that will never happen.
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Here. This will surely solve everything.

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I haven't been paying attention, so I still like Hatsuu's tits.
>LRG copy
It's likely seeing how they did it for Ray Gigant
The twist is that the game will only get 2000 copies maximum and LRG will fuck over everyone involved
>All these xseed shills voting
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>Xseed spent all that money dubbing it.
>The dub is bad
Can they even recover or is Akiba's beat going to kill them?
I've had a Vita since it released and loved it but god am I happy CS3 won't be stuck on a handheld. This cancerous idea that every RPG other than Skyrim has to be stuck on a shitty handheld so you can play it on the toilet needs to die.
OP what? A second? A third?
What games are you talking about?
Why the fuck did XSEED dub it? Spend all that cash for a terrible dub when all they do is complain about money, and how "muh digital" and PC = amazing profit? This company is a fucking mess. And they aren't even doing ys 8 or tokyo xanadu.

Dude ICGAS if there's only 2000 copies I will either pay the 30 for it at launch or 100 from reseller scumbags - as long as a hard copy exists I'd be happy.
>go to vitagen
>somebody asked them about the situation with xseed
>majority of vitafags are shitting on them and defending NISA
Jesus Christ.
>And they aren't even doing ys 8
They wanted to but NISA grabbed it before they could.
Is this game dub only?

Why would they do that?
It's dual audio.

Actually NISA offered to do the job for less AND do a simultaneous PC release. That's the reason why Xseed lost it.
Reminder that the majority of the Falcom shills in /v/ threads come from the god awful Falcom Discord.
I was excited for a moment for the new recorded lines then i found out they were only made for the english track.
Money well spent
Since game purchases are tied to the PS account they could easily give a carry over from owning the previous two games.
Thank goodness
Exactly the same as here then
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>do the job for less
Then why fund a French dub? That's going to add up more than what XSEED would have done, and even the Celceta LE wasn't as crazy as this. NISA ponied up and even contracted a port team for PC, and XSEED's responding with Cold Steel on PC (either because they were already doing it or as a direct reaction).

Meanwhile Tokyo Xanadu's localization might actually be good since XSEED's former editor-in-chief (Jessica) is working on it, which is fortunate.
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>Tom was so assblasted about the article that he replied
>The dub is good, u guise! Strip too!

Strip's dub was unbereable and the little sister sounded like she was 40. Beat will be the same shit.
>vita is still getting the inferior version
>former xseed employee working on it
Eat shit faggot.
>best dub we've ever recorded
It's not like that bar is set very high to begin with.
>Vita General
Don't they talk exclusively about Etrian Odyssey-style dungeon crawlers? I mean, the Akiba's games are apparently shit anyways, but VitaGen remarking on quality is like the Neptunia General giving recommendations on good JRPGs.
I dunno, I barely visit the place anymore. They barely talked about the games when I frequented the place. It's mostly just drama, shitposting and posting anime girls.
>Then why fund a French dub

There's no French dub, only text. And who knows how decent the French localisation will be

>and even the Celceta LE wasn't as crazy as this

At least XSEED's LE didn't include a shitty 15 music track selection
>There's no French dub
That is disappointing to hear. It would have been neat to have another language option to hear.
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Who /preorder/ here? Gotta support Aksys so they localize Zero/Ao Evolution too, as that task is clearly beyond xseed ability.
So is the only reason why xseed is a "shitty company" now when last year they were being praised that they said the PS4 is stronger than a handheld which sony considers legacy hardware?
>Buying the inferior version
>Wanting 2 different companies to localize the same franchise
Not retarded, so no.
Pretty much. Though they didn't even say that. Falcom did.

pre-ordered the ps4 version!
With how they usually turn out you're not really missing much.
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How do we make up with vitagen?
>with less toxicity and mainly nice people
Why doesn't he just use a different website if he wants to e-socialize
You don't. They're still getting mad and are shitposting about /v/ and xseed. Just like in this thread.
Because /vg/ is full of circlejerks.
I love most of xseed games but i hate xseed
what do?
Discord was a mistake
wait until they grow out of their infatuation with a dead handheld in about ten years
>that cover

When the fuck is TWEWY2 coming?!
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When will this meme end honestly? Where are those tweets everyone keeps talking about? /vitagen/ is just brushing it off.
now they're saying that the tweets were deleted and that no one screencapped them. kek
So they're literally talking out of their asses.
Based, because hes right.

The vita is a piece of shit that cant run anything without serious issues. There isnt a single game on the vita that doesnt have massive framerate issues and generally looks like shit.
There are some games that look pretty good like Uncharted, Killzone, Muramasa and a few others, but they're mainly exceptions. The majority of them look like trash.
From what I can tell all xseed said was that it was falcoms decision and people shouldn't expect it on vita. Because /vitagen/ don't have anything better to do they've started a hate campaign against xseed. Xseed never did anything to deserve the hate, they're just ass-blasted somebody pointed out how the vita is failing in the west.
>What is overclocking
they probably should've just said Falcom made this for that new console instead of a 10 year old handheld and there's nothing xseed can do about that. send complaints (in japanese) to falcom about abandoning a 10 year old handheld that Japanese developers have stopped supporting now that the Wii Switch came out which is like a vita but new.
Yeah, reading the thread and they really have no proof. Some anon has pointed out their bullshit and got mostly ignored. Only one of them said they're not autistic enough like Nintedrones to screencap so they could have some proof. Yet they're buttblasted ever since and keep shitting up threads about Kiseki and other Xseed games that they're publishing.
>which is like a vita but new.
No, it's even better. It's like a tablet- in fact, it uses the same shit as google's new tablet- and a tablet is like a phone, and us slanty-eyed yellow folk love our phones.
Don't get me wrong I own a vita and think it's a good system but to act like it's not holding falcom back is delusional. If Sen I and II weren't on vita they probably would have been a lot better on ps3.
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You know you lost when your only counterargument consists of "these 2 movies and this one TWO DIMENSIONAL SPRITE GAME WITH TWEENED ANIMATES run "well" "
I also own a Vita, but ain't bitching about it either. Got both CS games on PS3 though as I heard there were framerate issues on the Vita. Will get them again on PC. Staying loyal to one platform and acting like you're the good guy while shitting on everyone else is beyond retarded.
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Now this is pure concentrated autism.
They still keep saying how the tweets were deleted.
Nobody hates Vita owners.
Everybody hates dramawhore faggots.
Stop being a dramawhore faggot, and just enjoy the games on the Vita.
/vitagen/ always make a big deal out of nothing. Like I get trying to defend the vita when people shit on it for no reason but when your only argument is to make shit up and try to demonize xseed for something they didn't do you're just retarded.
Until I see proof of these so called tweets, I'll continue to believe all of /vitagen is just retarded.
Just look at the shit they keep posting.
>Anyways XSeeD just handled it poorly, all they needed to do was thank the fanbase and apologize that it would be ps4 only and say it was out of their hands as they do not develop the game.
>thank the fanbase
How fucking entitled can they get?
>it was out of their hands as they do not develop the game
You clearly know that and don't need to be told. All they do is pretend to be victims of something that NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED.
XSeed did LITERALLY nothing wrong
XSeed doesn't even have ToCS3. They literally don't have the license for it.
There is no evidence that XSeed skipped Valkyrie Drive due to it being a Vita exclusive. This is a lie
>hate boner for original audio
This is also a lie
There's no point in arguing with retards. They keep saying how it was deleted and how 60% of their whole fanbase is pissed at them. You'd imagine if more than half of the fanbase would be pissed at them there'd be screencaps and more people shitting on them.
>Atlus USA can release Persona 5, with JP audio, on the PS3, physically, on fucking 2017
>XSeed abandoned the Vita already

I thought Atlus USA were supposed to be the bad guys, what the fuck went so wrong?
>...part 3 part game isn't on the platform you own...
Squeenix really pissed me off with their Kingdom Hearts releases. So much so that I have no interest in the series after KH2.
Their P5 translation is kind of shitty, and the PS3 is STILL more popular than the Vita is.
>XSeed abandoned the Vita already
What the fuck is this then?
Obviously fake because xseed told the Vita fans to fuck off and we're the victims here.
I just wanted Akiba Strip 3 on PS4 with actual good gameplay, it started fine as a handheld game but the second one could have had more improvements.
Thats literally every sonybro. They all have a massive victim complex.

They shitpost in every thread then go "who does everyone hate us we dindunuffink"
I haven't even seen one screencap and whenever anyone asks for one they avoid the question. They're just pulling shit out their asses.
>That's literally every fanbase
FTFY. Anyone that thinks they're part of some fanbase and stays loyal to one platform is an idiot. Same with PCMR, Nintendo, Xbox and Sony of course.
I've got 0 problems with P5 localization, the guy that made personaproblems.com or whatever it's just nitpicking, wow, maybe 4 or 5 grammar errors on a 100 hours game

also Akibas Beat is a piece of shit so who cares, I already played the PS4 demo and the combat is a literal carbon copy of the one in Tales of Graces, also dungeons are just floating mazes with no substance
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Didnt see this reply coming.
>n n no, everyone does that

I dont see Xboners or nintendo making constant shitpost consolewar threads like "NEVER EVER" or "how can they keep getting away with it" or "how do we stop them" or just shitpost sales threads every time something sells well, but dont make them for 90% of the other times when they sell like shit
And no, they never told you to fuck off and have even stated that games being only on the Vita would not prevent them from bringing them over
But what you're basically saying is
>Vita support doesn't count when its a game I don't like
Alright, so you hate Sony and will do anything to shit on them. If you truly believe this then I don't really have anything else to say to you. Just keep lurking and you'll see that every fanbase is as cancerous as your hated Sony is. Though if you are a fan of some platform yourself then I guess this won't really help as you just have a hateboner for Sony.

I was being sarcastic
Why does anyone care about that the vita fanbase says? When have they ever mattered?
I can't believe he was soo blinded with rage that he could not see that. No wonder /v/ is so shit.
it doesn't matters if X game gets localized if X game is already shit to begin with
I don't care about any corp.

I'm not your typical chan fag. I just want Japanese audio and an accurate TL without memes.

Do you hate it when the original game had japanese memes?
Hey, whats a good weapon to /obliterate/ in Toukiden kiwami?

I remember the good ol' times of Greatsword in MH 2ndG, that was the shit.

Im interested in the sword/shield, but i don't know how strong it is.
Japanese is pure and isn't corrupted by memes.
>post facts
>y-y-y-you just hate sony

see? theres that infamous victim complex.
I'll allow it. I did like SG.
i have never played Y s but i am curious about what happened with them losing it
Falcom gives their games to whoever offers them more money/better deals. So NISA offered them more money and got it instead of xseed. Some people are happy, others aren't. Some say it's good that we're getting Jap audio, but knowing the track record of NISA and how they fuck up their games, it isn't really something to be happy about it.
ah, sounds like i kinda dodged a bullet on that one then. how good is the series otherwise
could be bad, apparently NISA have some dangerously incompetent people working for them. Apparently one of their Disgaea releases actually caused people's consoles to fry thanks to some shit code NISA added
Ys games are fucking great, I would recommend starting with ys I & II chronicles, then procced with origins, oath of felghana and ark of napishtim.
Ys 8 isn't out yet, so we don't know how they'll fuck it up this time. The series is more gameplay/action oriented when you compare it to other RPGs and especially the Trails series. Though Ys 8 has more story and dialogue than previous games. The games are pretty hard, unless you play on easier difficulties of course. Just look up some videos. Most of the games are on PC (if not all of them). Celceta (previous entry that came out before 8) has a Chinese PC port but it also has an English translation, so you can try them all out.
We don't know if NISA's going to to do a good or bad job localizing Ys VIII. It's a relatively standalone entry in terms of story, but it's also got the most story of any Ys game yet (which makes sense given it's by far the largest in content for the series). I'm mostly worried about a bad PC port job.

Regardless, there's a variety of Ys titles on Steam/GOG and Vita/PSP. The PC games have a more old-school style while the handheld entries add two extra party members to combat (who stay out of your way) among other things. Expect fast-paced combat, generally well-designed and unique boss fights, lots of places to explore, and fun stories/characters and music.

The Chinese PC port's damn useful just for 1080p/60 FPS on toasters, but it's a pain to set-up (my config file ended up in AppData in a hard place to find) and still has defects (missing VFX, have to use the mouse at warp points, etc). Still, it's the best option for playing Celceta for now.
Yup. Same shit with Witch and the Hundred Knight. The game melted some PS3s and this problem was only thanks due to NISA's incompetence. It wasn't in the Japanese release. It also had a bug during the final boss which broke the game. Then there's other countless games where they had more bugs than the Japanese versions, censoring, cut content, botched translations and so on.
thanks guys ill give them a try and people say /v/ isnt helpful
Threads about niche games are alright. Anything that's popular though is kinda eh.
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