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>G2A rep roasted by developers during live Q&A https

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>G2A rep roasted by developers during live Q&A

Basically G2A has a "gray sector" business, selling stolen keys.
They offered to developers that if they can prove keys are stolen, the devs will get 10% of the money earned from those stolen keys.
Developers were not happy that they are only getting 10% back from stuff stolen from them, and only after they themselves work to prove its stolen.

G2A has 750 employees, apparently mostly engaged in security, and can't spare any to work on identifying stolen keys themselves, even for 90% of the profit.

What are your thoughts on G2A handling this, and on their business in general?
pls respond
who cares, if your gonna accuse a company of stealing keys then you gotta provide the burden of proof, if you don't like take your business elsewhere
>can't spare any to work on identifying stolen keys themselves

How the fuck would that even work? If it was possible to check if the credit card was legit the original store actually making the sale would have done so.
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What the fuck is with these bitches like OP complaining about G2A. Where is all of this shit coming from? First piracy is bad now these fuckers are coming over with their moralfaggotry and complaining about G2A
Piracy is better option than buying from G2A for all parties involved
>stop being so harsh on them selling illegitimate keys because 40% of their 750 employees are women

Nothing they're doing is illegal.

These are just big crybaby developer tears.
>hey if you prove we stole this shit, we'll give 10% of it back
fucking genius
Is eBay responsible for making sure people aren't selling stolen goods?

G2A doesn't provide the stolen keys, they just give people a platform to sell them
I honestly dont give two fucks where the keys come from, all i care is the price.

Pretty much. As grey as it might be and as much as devs bitch about it, the truth of the matter is they're not doing anything illegal.

Morally though? Who the fuck cares, it's always about money.
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>He thinks we can pirate online games like BF1
Unlike your average pirate G2A profits from actual crime. There's a point to be made against them but I don't expect some chucklefuck on twitter to present a good argument so this thread is pointless.
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Explain to me how G2A is any worse than used copies.
Why would you want to play BF1 anyway
>if your gonna accuse a company of stealing keys then you gotta provide the burden of proof
they pretty much confirmed that the shit is stolen
why would they say 10% if they werent expecting to get busted
if they werent stolen they would have said 100%, not 10
>Is eBay responsible for making sure people aren't selling stolen goods?

Actually, yes.
Actually.... the Napster case set the precedent. If illegal shit is going down on your platform, and you are hosting that crime, you are responsible.
G2A can get sued in the USA.
How exactly is anyone "stealing" keys from these guys?
So eBay investigates every item put up for sale if its stolen?

Or do they just take action if someone can prove to eBay that it was stolen?
>How exactly is anyone "stealing" keys from these guys?
They pretend to be eCelebs and get free keys
are these threads made by dirt poor south americans like the cemu ones?
Stop trying to change the subject. You know what I mean.

You can't get cheaper prices on online games other than G2A. I'm not spending fucking $60 for a game that came out a year ago.

Why do people have guides to avoid it then? Shouldn't eBay make sure no bikes are stolen?
>Is eBay responsible for making sure people aren't selling stolen goods?

Yes, they are. They get sued in the USA all the time.
Read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%26M_Records,_Inc._v._Napster,_Inc.
I can't
only poorfags and retards buy on G2A

I mean, even pirates are more respectable than G2A customers, at least they don't actively screw developers, G2A has caused some devs to shutdown already
When chargebacks occur due to stolen credit cards getting revoked, the developer from who the game key was obtained from is charged both the amount the key was bought for and an additional fee, which means that the developer is losing more than just the value of the game
Literally who cares
eBay has to demonstrate in court that it takes every measure possible to reduce fraud on their service.
If it is found they aren't taking some possible measure to cut costs, they will get sued.
Buying keys with stolen credit card information, which might end up with the actual card owner doing a chargeback and fucking the store out of the money, social engineering schemes like >>374454120 etc.
>that video
>some britcuck being rude for no reason
The latter.
They are doing nothing illegal.
All the people bitching about it can come up with "well it's immoral" Fuck your morals bitch. Money is what counts. Morals don't put food on the table, if you can screw someone do it they would have 0 fucks given if they did it to you.

Kill yourself, redditor fuck.
>you are a developer selling a $30 game
>guy used stolen credit card to buy 1000 keys on G2A
>the stolen card owner charges back to get his money
>you pay back all the money, and $30 per chargeback
>instead of making $30000, you just lost $30000

This isn't counting taxes and fees.
A mass stolen credit card purchase from G2A can bankrupt a smaller developer.
Humble Bundle actually nearly shut down because of that early on.
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>I paid $5 for this $60 game in turn over new leave!
They can't take their business elsewhere because many of them aren't in business with them at all, but people steal credit cards to buy codes to resell on G2A and then do a chargeback on the credit card so now not only is someone else making money off the dev's game, the dev is being charged for the privilege. Any developer with a brain would rather you just pirate the game instead of buying it on G2A because at least then they aren't eating the cost.
The store gets hit by a chargeback. That's why Valve takes a 30% cut on every sale, because they carry all the overhead and risk. Are you telling me indie devs are retarded enough to host a completely insecure storefront from their mom's basement and then complain about getting scammed?
I only buy PSN cards on G2A, who give a fuck about devs?
>so what DO you guys pay your employees to do?!
>uh, marketing, and...
>biggest market in the world
>who cares lol
>Buying keys with stolen credit card information
This isn't anybody's problem

>which might end up with the actual card owner doing a chargeback and fucking the store out of the money
What's to stop literally anyone from doing this, buying through G2A or not?

>social engineering schemes like >>374454120
That's just plain old stupidity.
>G2A has caused some devs to shutdown already
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
People who like to play video games.
Who is G2A and why is their name being shilled everywhere since last week nonstop
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they're all powerless anyway so who cares
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>$40 for a VN
its like eBay for steam keys pretty much

people in russia buy up keys for cheap since everything costs less over there, and then they sell them to americans for less than america would normally pay, but still enough to make a profit in Russia
They partnered with gearbox for something and totalbuttbong made a video shitting on them.
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big companies will squeeze a buck out of me if they can, so i don't feel bad for buying games as cheap as i can. capitalism faggot.

also stolen keys on G2A are blown way out of proportion, if it was really as wide scale as people say, no-one would be using G2A. and if you think about it, the people who want to get rid of stolen keys the most is G2A themselves, because it's bad for their reputation.

friendly reminder that steam tried to make you pay for mods, and that every major dev will squeeze as much money out of you as they can
Maybe people should stop getting their credit cards stolen, hmmmm?
Burden or proof
see >>374454642

G2A is a marketplace where you can sell unused game keys.
Ideally, you sell a key you got in a bundle that you don't need.
Practically, you use stolen credit cards to buy keys, then sell them there, and when the chargeback comes you aren't hit with it.
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>Shovel Knight keeps prices at $15. Only lowering the price by $5 during sales.

>They raise the price instead of decreasing it for sales

>Find codes for Shovel Knight for $5

Much better deal, fuck them and their jewsih tactics of raising the price.

>B-but the devs!

Who cares? I'm here to save a couple bucks. Not pay full price for a 2 year old game.

The more these devs try to Jew us the more we're going to just buy from G2A
>I'm not spending fucking $60 for a game that came out a year ago.
>october 2016
>a year ago

That's actually pretty standard pricing for VNs now.
I would have sympathy if it was not just "indie" devs producing a 2D "retro" zelda clone. and calling it $30 content. These are the people who moan about G2A. Call me when EA or any other big name starts bitching.

No fucking walking simulator is worth $30 fucking $5 at best. Over pricing your shitty "games" about Gender fluid black spacemen walking about is what gave rise to this.

move those goalposts more buddy
And then they want to blame consumers for going under. What a bunch of clowns.
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>penny pinching
>buying stolen good
>calling others jews
Oh, so that's where all the butthurt is coming from. Devs are mad that their regional pricing scams are falling apart. It's really bullshit that Steam will literally ban you for buying games with other currencies to benefit from their pricing.
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>What are your thoughts on G2A handling this, and on their business in general?

Developers are not my friends, and their profits are not my concern (just as the state of my finances, and my ability to buy games at full price, is not their concern). As long as G2A sells keys at competitive prices, I don't see a reason to not use their service (I actually go to Kinguin more often anyways).

I'm honestly wondering just how far publishers and developers are going to take this.

>don't pirate games, even though they're free
>don't buy used games, even though they're cheaper
>don't go to keyseller sites, even though they're cheaper

At what point are they going to start telling us that the only way to support them is to preorder at full price, and get the season pass while we're at it?
Isn't it on the stores to make sure CC arn't stolen and that orders are legit?

Or are these publishers cutting the middle men and selling their own keys and bitching that they assume the risk?
>40% of their workers are women

Most of them probably aren't doing shit as well lol
Why were they selling games through an insecure storefront? You know why they were hit by chargeback keys? They took stolen money and allowed fraud to happen, they are not the victims here.
How is that a good thing?
An old game is an old game.
>Isn't it on the stores to make sure CC arn't stolen and that orders are legit?
Yes, and the issue is that G2A doesn't do that. This is the whole drama right now.
On G2A some keys being sold were purchased with stolen credit cards or from other forms of fraud. During a chargeback situation, the dev and/or the shop runner like Steam not only looses the money of the product but also any additional fees levied from the bank.

For used games, the devs already got their money when the game was first purchased. That is assuming the game wasn't physically stolen or ill-gotten via some other means initially. If there was a credit fraud situation the shop owner takes the hit rather than the dev.
I don't really give a shit, some devs like Rockstar are jews and never put their games on sale at a reasonable price.
>At what point are they going to start telling us that the only way to support them is to preorder at full price, and get the season pass while we're at it?
Arent they already doing that?
It's not moving goalposts if it is true. Do you see any dev of a reputable company bitching about this? and no some asshole hipster moaning on twatter about it is not reputable.
>for a game that is still referenced and praised regularly years after launch

Nah m8 you're just broke af
They don't even see a credit card, how is that supposed to work? If I tried to sell you something how would you check if I bought it with stolen money?
No sympathy, I want cheap keys and I don't want to support the increasing price of games.
>buy dozens of g2a games
>all the keys have worked fine for years

It's pretty hard convincing people keys are stolen when they clearly work fine. If they were stolen why haven't the developers revoked them?
I personally haven't seen any hard proof that the games I've bought from G2A are stolen. Why should I care? Should I boycott Craigslist as well?
Pretty much, G2A and GreenManGaming have been around forever, I think people just realized this gets more (you)s than the "Why do you pirate?" threads now that everyone is fucking sick of that bait
The developer doesn't sell their own games on G2A.
Random brazilian hackers steal credit card information with email spam or whatever, use the credit card to buy 100 games on Steam, and sell the keys on G2A.
Then when the person wants their money back, the bank hits Steam, Steam hit the developer. As the developer, you can't exactly tell Steam to fuck off.

So the developer doesn't do business with G2A at any point.
Just stop letting your keys be stolen if it's so bad for you :^)
Whatever you say dev shill , shouldn't have raised the price.
>>buy dozens of g2a games
>>all the keys have worked fine for years

Ubisoft kills copies of Far Cry 4 sold through third parties.

Over 7,000 Sniper Elite 3 stolen keys revoked.

1,341 Natural Selection 2 keys stolen, costs developer $30K in fees.

30,000 Blackwell Deception keys revoked after giveaway exploit.

Devolver Digital actively cancels games purchased through reseller.

All links to different websites, in case you call me a shill.
Pretty much this.

Insuring that devs and mostly publishers make their profit is neither my fucking problem nor responsibility, it is theirs.
I will buy used goods and I will buy from online marketplaces as long as I can save a few bucks.
And not only will I not feel any guilt whatsoever, I will actually be happy with the savings I've made. Corporate shills can cry all they want.
What does "grey" mean? Anything that's on the user marketplace? If so, an extra 10% from keys that people literally already bought from the fucking devs does sound like a pretty good deal. How jewish are these people?
I don't give a fuck about G2A, if they sell cheap keys I hope they stay selling them for ages, fuck off
>revoke stolen keys for Game: Origins
>fans mad, you lose favor
>Game 2: The Sequel doesn't sell as well
>you are known as that publisher who cancels keys
Can you name at least 3 devs shutdown ? I'm just curious
Haha, this just proves my point. Developers do revoke game keys. Yet none of mine have been revoked, meaning all my keys are legit.
Chargebacks are a fine the banks give you to punish shit security. They are charged to the store, not the developer. Can you imagine Gamestop billing Nintendo the chargeback if I buy Zelda with a stolen credit card from them?

Indie shits are lying to you to make it seem like this is a problem they couldn't have avoided. They tried to run a webstore and got burned for it.
Literally every time i've heard of keys being stolen it's either been pre-orders for AAA games or new release AAA games, so why is it always indie devs that complain?
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holy crap mate, try and educate yourself on a subject before you start whining about it, i get that it's an anonymous imageboard, but you need to stop enabling your mental retardation
>What does "grey" mean?

They aren't committing a crime, but they are allowing crime to be committed and benefit from it financially.

Like Valve and the CS:GO gambling websites last year.
Valve knew, and they made money off of it, but they weren't directly involved not committing crime or hiding gambling or avoiding tax.
I'm willing to bet that this stolen key shit is completely blown out of proportion (muh 6 gorillion chargebacks, is there any actual statistics on how many chargebacks originate from G2A sales and how they compare to other outlets? Because I haven't seen any) and they're just mad that their games are being devalued.
>What does "grey" mean?

A grey market is one that follows neither the dark or light side of the force.
Complaining about G2A when it's the bank that is the problem with issuing chargebacks
But the stolen credit card is used to buy on Steam, and the stolen Steam key sold on G2A.
So the chargeback goes to Steam, and they call the developer to split it or straight up pass it to them.

G2A is a place where you resell STEAM keys, that you bought on STEAM with your stolen credit card.
They can't be hit, since they aren't involved in the fraudulent transaction in any way. They just enable it to be profitable.
>fans mad

What fans? The ones who bought off g2a and gave the developers zero dollars? This is fantasy. That's like saying you're scared to charge back for illicit charges on your credit card because you're scared stores won't accept it any more.
My sides, it was about time that people started to abuse in non subtle ways the "we are womyn, you cant complain or else". These fucking numales wont know how to react.

Gg well played g2a
"Grey" means some aspects of that market isn't legit. Expect someone to get into legal trouble if they make a wrong move.
It just proves big devs can get away with it, see >>374455348
As a small developer you can't risk being branded as someone who cancels keys. It will end you.
So then let Steam take care of it.

>Devolver Digital actively cancels games purchased through reseller.

Is that supposed to help your case? Hotline Miami is 75% off every month, why wouldn't G2A be full of cheap keys? If anything this proves that Devolver is butthurt about reselling in general, not stolen keys.
Steam takes care of it by asking devs to pay the money, or they won't be on Steam anymore.
Lol you are in denial. Let me hit you with some truth.

Not even sewer rats who live in the gutters of rio have to think twice about a 15 USD purchase. You're the poorest man on earth and your bloodline is hysterical.
Fuck these whiny cunts, I'll take 10% of a million as lifetime fucking sales. Fucking faggots.
>The offer expired yesterday and was removed from their store, however, the direct links continued to function unintentionally. This led to roughly 30,000 keys disappearing overnight
I just checked the blackwell link randomly, and what does this have to do with G2A? It just seems like the devs/publishers fucked up big time.
So why aren't devs also calling out Valve in this situation?
This is false. People who buy stolen stuff aren't going to hurt your sales. This is like saying niggers who can't sell locked iPhones are going to hurt apple's sales.
>indiedevs again

who gives a shit
Mate you can tell a key is purchased with a stolen credit card when the BANK ASKS YOU TO PAY BACK THE MONEY. Its not hard science to see which keys need canceling. You cancel the ones that you just lost money over.
Steam takes the cut for a reason. To provide good security for keys and the games they have on their store.

The problem is them not the devs or G2A, if the keys could be tracked or changed with an extra layer of security none of this would've happened.
>Basically G2A has a "gray sector" business, selling stolen keys

Thats not what grey means you stupid fuck jesus christ /v/
The store gets charged back not the developer, you retard.

Unless the developer is the only place to purchase the game. Only Minecraft comes to mind. Your just drumming up controversy.
It isn't, I just googled for revoking keys. Ignore this one.
Developers actually get first sale so it's better. Also this charge back meme is overblown. Almost all sales through G2A are legitimate, or they couldn't do business in America or the EU. No one has demonstrated these bullshit claims.
>Devolver Digital games purchased on @G2A_com are not legitimate, not guaranteed, and not supported. We are actively canceling those keys.

Can you read? They're saying they're cancelling all of them because the very act of reselling a key is an affront to them. CC fraud has nothing to do with it.
Sounds like they should take it up with Steam then. What is Steam going to do, stop making money selling other peoples' games? Lol.

Going after G2A accomplishes nothing. They're not going to shut down their entire marketplace because they don't know the context behind every transaction. Ebay and Craigslist are no different.
That 10% is most likely much smaller than the chargeback costs associated with keys sold on G2A.

Shouldn't you be bitching about bank/payment system fees then?
Wow your example is so undeniable and concrete.
Nigga the key is secure when its on Steam's end.

Lets follow the road a key travels:
>1. developer issues legit key
>2. Steam sells legit key for stolen credit card dollars
>3. hacker sells his legit key on G2A with a discount
>4. customer buys discounted key
>5. bank charges back the money paid with stolen card in step 2
>6. Steam has to pay back money, they forward to developer
>7. Developer pays back money they got for the game
>8. (Optional) developers revoke the key

Our of this, there are only 2 winners - G2A and the hacker who had the stolen credit card.

*blocks all trump supporters*
*downvotes an opinion that doesn't mirror my own*
*gifts gold for an hella epic comment*
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Ok moralfags explain to me why I should give a fuck about profits not going to devs with G2A.

>m-muh chargebacks

Don't give a fuck, if anything shitty devs going under is just good.
Easy reddiors always want to have to moral high ground. Ignore any anti-G2A posts, because there is a 100% chance the person is from reddit.
>Sounds like they should take it up with Steam then.

they would have to pay for that. instead, they make a shitty online store, some 14 year old nopnik hacks it and they cry on twitter.

its always, only fucking indiedevs. but not even decent indiedevs. where are terraria, dwarf fortress, stardew valley, factorio crying? why is that every time i see someone bitching about g2a i literally have to google his name
fuck off
Why are you buying the shitty devs game?
Scroll down a bit and read the whole conversation, nut just the first line.
Devolver Digital made test purchases themselves, and didnt even get keys in the end.
How do you 'steal' game keys?
I understand that sometimes they sell keys bought with stolen cards (which is a problem of course since the owner of the card may cancel the transaction) but how do you steal keys?
I've used G2A extensively and never had a key revoked. You know why? They weren't stolen.
Aren't these the same fags that constantly complain about fair refund policies on storefronts? Go die somewhere, you worthless fucks.

and this is that muzzie apologist shit. fuck him too.
last game i bought full price on steam was dark souls 2
its been keys non stop since then
never had a key revoked or anything
litterally 50% off on day one why the fuck would you waste your hard earned neetbux
Never used g2a btw
theres like a gorillion other sites good luck shutting all of them down moralfagcucks
keysellers and g2a reps in this thread trying to damage control. hilarious

1. You get paid $30000for selling 1000 of an infinitely reproducable digital product
2. They charge back $30000+fees (not taxes you cunt)
3. You lost some chump change
And the part you are missing
4. 1000 keys get revoked, 1000 consumers are outraged and go rage at G2A first and foremost, ruining both the sellers reputation and G2A's

See - step 4 doesn't seem to happen at all, why? Because stolen CC keys are a neglible part of G2A's business, and the fee losses incurred are a tiny compared to the tiny amount of stolen CC keys compared to the legit keys sold on the site.

/v/irgins like you should go back to school.
>Shitty devs
>Desire their products
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>What does "grey" mean?

The term "grey" market is used to denote markets controlled in part or entirely by extraterrestrial beings, and as usual everyone is being whiny, xenophobic cunts expecting greys to adhere to our antiquated and backwards business practices.
>chargebacks from some niche vendor website
>significant whatsoever
My sides. It's the downloadcaust all over again.
you like jew dick gayboy???

i bet your got boypussy got wet when steam announced that you have to pay for mods, you little slut
Most of my extensive steam library is made of kinguin, g2a and humble bundle games. Never had a single issue.

And btw you can refund games on g2a if they dont work even without the Shield protection. The only difference is that it takes a few days instead of being instant.

I wouldnt even pirate indie shit.
Hello r.ddit. You're literally too stupid to pirate, so you rely on chinks stealing keys for you.
indie devs do nothing but whine and complain. remember chinese room and steam refunds? lmao things that make indie cucks whine is ok with me.

I sure will believe the people making "test purchases" that nobody else seems to experience but proves their own point.
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Incorrect, the person can do a charge back on g2a too and get their money back.
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Piracy is actually preferred over G2A "purchases" so go fuck yourself shil.
keysellers and g2a reps in this thread
yeah, im pretty sure every gopnik is a secret russian hacker who hacks those credit cards on a daily basis.
lets completely ignore the fact that you need sms verification to buy something for a long time now
its the fucking russian hackers again
How can the person make a chargeback on G2A when their stolen credit card was used only for the Steam purchase and nowhere else?

The stolen credit card is only used in step 2.

You can buy plenty of non-Steam games there.
You can't even buy keys from Steam, and gifts are only half the steam things on the site.
>Shills coming out of the woodwork to defend G2A

I'm not from reddit and I say fuck G2A. When you turn 18 you realize the money that finances the games you play has to come from somewhere.
Lots of other key sites are not free marketplaces like G2A is.
The keys are received either directly from publishers or from 'authorised' sources in communication with the management of the key site. There's a reason why G2A is being constantly singled out.
butthurt keysellers and g2a reps tryna damage control
Why not? They're really cheap.

I'm pretty sure this is just shilling, hoping 4chan elevates their petty squabbles.
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just a satisfied customer who's tired of the same weak arguments used against g2a every time
>from the corporation's standpoint

again, i dont give a shit. deal with it or keep getting angry
>redditors and normalfags pirate tv series, music etc
>g2a fucks over some indie devs and gearbox
>this is too much bruh I have the higher moral ground
lmao fuck off redditcucks.
wouldn't selling stolen goods make them a black market sector?
Have you never owned a credit card? You can make a charge back for the seller refusing to give a refund.
>Shills coming out of the woodwork to defend G2A

Same reasons shills are coming out of the woodwork to attack G2A.

Money to be made.
Developers don't sell the keys themselves, Steam does. Those cost have nothing g to do with them. If Valve is retarded enough to let people mass purchase that's there problem.
Do you know what roasted means you fucking ballsack?
Yeah. There are reputable 3rd party sites that are just as cheap that aren't named G2A and aren't a fucking fence for stolen goods. How much do they pay you to shill?
Because the people fighting G2A are indie developers.
And indie developers are associated with SJWs thanks to the GamerGate shit.
And /pol/ is all over the website, very quickly abandoning what the board is about to make it about politics.
babies dont know how or are too scared to pirate games i guess
this. if anything, this board is full of neet's with their shitty rpgmaker game who are afraid of not being able to buy a la ferrari in the future
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are you just going to post the same message the entire time??

could you leave maybe??
fuck off g2a reps and keysellers

not that shilling here can do anything, your shitty site's gonna get fucked
>eceleb makes a video
>/v/ has a dramatic shift in opinion
How do you even steal keys? Rob a game store in Siberia?
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Just pointing out you're a fag nothing more happening, no need to get so butt flustered my homosexual compatriot.
Actually its the shills who are against g2a. G2a is small time compare to the big videogame publishers.
Notice how normafags were ok with g2a but the moment some redditor faggot like TB makes a vid they go apeshit. Despite the fact that TB is a giant blizzard shill.
The seller is Steam in this case, you imbecile. Have YOU never used a credit card? You can't make a chargeback to someone who never deal with your credit card.

The stolen credit card is used to purchase Steam keys on Steam, and not at all on G2A.
how about you just stop people from """""Stealing""""" your keys instead
oh no how im gonna sleep tonight some anon on a korean basket waving forum called me fag
what is that meme comic?
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lmao watch me give a shit
lmao there are like hundreds of resellers plus piracy exists. Get fuck redditor cuck.
Yeah. So many 3rd party sites on the net, somehow g2a is the only hated one. Sure is a coincidence you fucking shill.
Actually G2A had a video conference talking to 30 developers recently, thus the thread.
Stop trying to fit your favorite youtuber into everything.
t. key seller

get fucked retard

keep shilling g2as gonna get fuckd
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It is strange how learning new information could shift someone's opinion. I think we should study this phenomenon.

No need to be upset anon, just making sure everything is in order.
holy shit I want a job as a basket waver, that sounds amazing
>literally worse for devs than piracy
>weak argument

also, sticking "m-muh" to a word and then saying it in stutterpost does not make it an invalid argument
>buy game on g2a
>activate key
>key revoked
>initiate a charge back on G2A if they refuse to do a refund

I've gotten refunds on g2a before, like when the division was supposed to include English language as said on their site but it didn't. I got to keep the game too, so g2a bit the costs.
/v/ is mostly underage b&s who make minimum wage at best. These fags happen to favor any activity that allows them to afford video games, but go into full blown denial when someone questions the morality of said activity.
g2a reps and keysellers shilling g2a in this thread ignore them
>stop people from using stolen credit cards to buy your keys on Steam and resell them

Fucking how?
this. key reselling is based and makes cucks cry. Got my deus ex md for like 40$ on launch back in the day from a top seller. Too bad the game is meh.
i would pirate them if the online mode was accessible to pirates too. If devs really prefer that, then unlock the online. Most of the sales from these websites are by retarded poorbuyfags that don't want to pirate and actually think they are supporting the devs anyway.
before g2a there were thousands of different forums in every language. now there are hundreds of these reseller sites
stopping g2a wont do anything you underaged dumb shit
Holy fuck that site is cheap as fuck, just bought Shadow of mordor for £3
It is the original stolen credit card owner who initiates chargebacks in this case.

>find our my card was stolen
>apparently someone purchased 100 video games with it
>chargeback that shit
>game developer has to pay 100 games plus fines back
show me proof that a large percent of the keys on the website are stolen, i refuse to believe your jew information.
Its pretty great, I generally always check G2A and GreenManGaming to see what the games are going for there before I even consider steam.

As a FUCKING LEAF I can't afford to spend $92 on a new game after tax
But there are other sites that are as cheap as G2A that aren't despicable as fuck. Yet shills defend G2A. You don't see people hating on GMG or Gamesplant or Humble Bundle or CDKeys. Despite all being 3rd party sites.
g2a reps and butthurt keysellers shilling g2a in this thread
posts like this are incredibly fishy in the nature they are posted

so many g2a astroturfers, just look at the way they are attacking arguments.
Whoa, what a coincidence that redditors hate the website that the reddit asscancer activist got up in arms about. Thanks for activating my neurons, reddit.
there is a phenomenon called being a cuck who shills for a giant corporation while pretending to be "standing up for a small guy". Now tell me whats the name for it?
If stolen keys were as rampant as you're all implying, prices of every game would be $1-2.

What usually happens is that the keys are bought in markets that are a bit cheaper than the other primary markets (US and EU) and then resold for a couple dollars profit. Stolen keys wouldn't have to account for profit margins, since it would be 100% profit, so why would they price above cost? Competition would naturally drive prices down if the entire market is comprised of stolen keys.
Wow. I got Shadow of Mordor for free on piratebay. Nice try shill.
yes, but the companies are responsible to notify wrongdoings, i don't think on a case to case basis but they have to offer guidelines at least. For example, when i sold my hacked 3ds on ebay, i was banned based on a complaint from Nintendo. Too bad i already had the money on my paypal account, too little too late Jewtendo.
It's a well known fact that redditors will always blindly follow their E-celebs, no matter what they say. For example: see this >>374456435
g2a reps and butthurt keysellers shilling g2a in this thread

ignore them
Why even buy games on launch day? I'm not saying anything G2A, it's amazing for games where the jews refuse to drop the price
But why not just wait for the user reviews to come in so you at least know if a game is shit before you buy it? Not like you have nothing else to play
We're the shills?

We're not the ones who are sucking devs cock .

All I care about is cheap prices for games that are older than a year. When GTA is STILL $60 it's bullshit

Why the sudden influx of moralfags? I swear to God we're being raided because we were having faggots complaining about EMULATORS last month with Cemu and then complaining about PIRACY
I handle charge backs at a small business and we don't get fined...just the money is returned.
>learning new information
we've known this since forever. it only fucks over sellers with shitty security. which is why only the indie clique cares
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Video games are overpriced anyway. Why should I care if the devs are being robbed if they a robbing far more people regularly?
>Reddit hates it
>So I must defend it
Really jogs your nog
Just so you know, GMG keys are publisher sourced, they will always be legitimate.
nice. based anon btfo cucks and jewtendo.
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I just pirate everything and use the money saved on better hardware. Just ordered a 1080 Ti the other day, fuck you devs and publishers.
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thanks for the warning, i didnt see it the first 10 times you posted this exact same message.
Educating himself is exactly what he's trying to do

>I am ignorant, so I ask a question
i always buy from the cheapest one. those sites are only great if there is a discount, key resellers are great 100% of the time because they users dictate the price
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>muh stolen keys

yeah I'm sure the guys with tens of thousands of immaculate reviews are all selling stolen keys, mm hmmm

so if a nigger sells a stolen phone on craigslist, it's CL's fault, and we should ban craigslist?

you corporate cock smokers are hilarious. I'll keep using g2a and getting my games cheap as dirt.
what is G2A?
g2a reps and butthurt keysellers shilling g2a in this thread

g2a reps and butthurt keysellers shilling g2a in this thread
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dont care

g2a is economic and why should i pay more for games that came out years ago

remember when games used to go down in price depending on age? thats what developers don't want

they want you to pay £39.99 for dishonered 2 nd not £19.99 from cdkeys.com

I say fuck that shit
Do you sell on Steam? If not, I believe you when you say that Steam doesn't fine you for chargebacks.
I agree with you
I will never bow down to corporations
eBay for steam keys

However, you need to stop being a fucking faggot and read threads before you post in them. Thats just bad form m8
>Fuck you devs and publishers
>Literally the people keeping the industry going
And don't try to use the 'well they're shitty devs with shitty games' argument because you just spent a nice amount of money on a video card to play those shitty games.
why are there so many retards on /v/ that buy keys from resellers instead of just pirating the game?
Why would you every buy from g2a when cdkeys and similar sites offer the same or better deals with no risk of getting your key revoked
>We are not shills
>Buys from G2A
>Instead of Nuuvem which has it cheaper

Really makes you think
>your average pirate G2A profits from actual crime.

lmao like owners of pirate websites don't profit massivelyfrom hosting links to cracked games
>Why the sudden influx of moralfags?
they were here since like 2009 or smth. redditor cucks actually hate piracy lmao and shill for youtubers lmao
>protecting your precious multi million dollar companies and rich youtubers on a ANONIMOOSE mongolian cartoon board
>for free
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If advising piracy over G2A makes someone a shill that's one way of looking at it I guess. I think you should go shitpost about the feminist conspiracy taking down G2A over at r/incel now cuccboi.

>Notice how normafags were ok with g2a but the moment some redditor faggot like TB makes a vid they go apeshit. Despite the fact that TB is a giant blizzard shill.

>we've known this since forever.

So you're a normalfag? The plot thickens!
Rami Ismail is an enormous bitch and I remember /v/ absolutely despising him.
>What are your thoughts on G2A handling this, and on their business in general?
They're selling steam keys so fundamentally they drive steam's profits in the long run, and are therefore cancer.
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>these morons seriously acting indignant that 4chan of all fucking places isn't backing the morality crusade against someone selling cheap games
Oh no, the Gearbox devs are mildly inconvenienced! Everyone knows /v/ would absolutely not stand for something bad happening to Gearbox!
Because of online, fuck face.
>you corporate cock smokers are hilarious
>defends the g2a corp in their battle with indie devs
just extremely butthurt keysellers and g2a reps shilling this entire thread
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Why would anyone even buy anything from G2A? Why not just pirate at that point, it's not like you have any intentions of supporting the dev anyways when you buy potentially stolen keys.
>but m-m-muh multiplayaah geimu
they're shit
>All these G2A shill talking about how great the service is
>When they don't even always have the best deals

Cdkeys and isthereanydeal.com for life
So steam, who has full control of the payment system, fines developers who have no input in the sale, for charge backs?

Sounds like some made up bullshit to stir up sympathy.

Some of them are great games, definitely worth the money. I'm just an entirely self-serving asshole, I 've no moral qualms whatsoever about it.
please keep buying from Steam ,if everyone would buy all their games on G2A it would become a real problem.

please enjoy corporate penis and buy expensive games for my sins
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Fuck off you nigger, if I was shilling I would be posting screenshots of their amazing low prices.

Like this.

they don't even have to ship physical releases anymore due to the rise of digital distribution

how can you support a dev that keeps games full price years after release
I miss the times when nobody knew what G2A and Kinguin were and they still had great prices

Might as well buy everything on Steam again
What game are you so desperate to play that you are willing to buy stolen keys and risk it getting revoked? What game is worth it. Tell me anon. Tell me why are you paying for these games.
Real question is why people keep using G2A when Kinguin is superior in every way
>eBay for steam keys
What the fuck? Are US people really so greedy and can't buy game with their 6000$ salaries? Why someone need this shit?
>suddenly piracy is good
wow you normafaggots switch believes very quick.
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>tfw literally don't care because I pirate everything
Why would I ever pay for something when I can get it for free? There's chumps like OP who buy it for me.
>redditor cucks lmao shill lmao ANONIMOOSE mongolian for free lmao

This is an actual post. Someone wrote that to contribute to the thread.

no, you just proved it, you are a fucking retard

try reading the fucking OP and it literally gives you enough information where you can google for more or form enough of an opinion off of the OP

kill yourself, retard
Why are you responding to reddit newshits
>buy from g2a
>haha anon youre so dumb indie de-
>i dont care

jesus christ the amount of aspergers in this thread
>Early access trash
>Random key :^)
>Free on piratebay
>10 random key :^)
>Early access trash
>Free on piratebay
>Early access trash

>this thread is worth contributing
redditors never change.

Well to be fair $2000 of that goes to cheeseburgers every month.
>Calling people shills for the game corporations
>While defending an even shittier corporate entity



Notice how people are only shitting on G2A and not any of the other players in the grey market? It's G2A who's shitty

What risk? What could I possibly lose?

>key works
>save money


>key doesn't work
>get refund from g2a

Tell me the risks. I'm waiting.
where is proof of any of this stolen CC shit
Why would you think its only people from the US that use it?

I use G2A and GMG all the time and I'm Canadian. Games are fucking expensive, so its nice when you can save $20-30 off the price
I made a convert out of you, you're welcome faggot!
I dont buy commodities to support creators you utter moron

I buy games to entertain myself

do you buy milk to support farmers or to simply drink it and enjoy it?

G2A gets me legit steam games for sales prices
>Buys game
For a minute I thought I was on reddit.
it's basically craigslist/ebay for game keys, it's a grey market where you buy keys from people that bought physical disks or bought cheap humble bundle shit when it was on sale and kept it to resell at a later date

devs hate it because they aren't getting full shekels, totalcancer started talking shit about it and /v/ hates it because they're redditors that love game developer cock- the reason? Some people sell stolen keys on the site, even though that's independent of g2a themselves, sort of like a stolen phone or car on craigslist. So they start getting livid at g2a because they're the biggest key middleman.

If it wasn't g2a it would be kinguin, and then cdkeys, then another site. Devs want to nickle and dime.

I mostly play multiplayer online games though, can't do that with a pirated copy
>wanna play a game
>look where its the cheapest
>buy it

>willing to buy stolen keys and risk it getting revoked?

ive been using these sites for almost a decade without a single problem. i dont worry about it
How much does G2A pay you hourly marketers? There's probably at least 4 of you here
>Notice how people are only shitting on G2A and not any of the other players in the grey market? It's G2A who's shitty
THIS. obvious TB cuck redditors. There like hundreds of russian/huehue reseller sites. I GUESS TB WILL HAVE TO MAKE A VID ON EACH OF THEM HUH NORMALFAGS?
Some guy with bitchtits said so.
ok so what s the difference between g2a and other keysellers??
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Some kind of pathetic way to stick it to the man by giving money to criminals. It doesn't make much sense.

Never made a claim piracy was good or bad but I pirate all the time. Don't see how this is somehow conflicting with not wanting to give money to G2A who cost developers money through credit card fraud. Seems you don't have much to argue on but self-invented hypocrisies.
You lose money by paying for shit games that are probably free. Shills gonna shill.

>Get refund from g2a
Only if you buy g2a shield like a good goyim
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it's 2017 shitlord, we should stop debating with facts and start debating with feelings.
>cheeseburgers in my town have 250-300$ salaries
>our prices are EU
>console games costs in euro

Consider suicide

>Give your credit card details to a shady as fuck Chinese website
>Do a charge back

Sounds like a smart idea. Literally asking to have your credit card details sold.
They need to stop posting here and go lick that lump out of his asshole.
dude you are defending shitty indie devs for free lmao. do they pay you in reddit upvotes?
wew well, better stop buying from g2a then and start a hate campaign against them.

also, if any of this is even remotely true, there's still hundreds of sites exactly like g2a.
>Only if you buy g2a shield like a good goyim
it's 1 euro per month
Reminder that if you buy from G2A you are funding Russian and Chinese crime syndicates.

There's nothing wrong with getting cheap keys, but at least try to not buy them from criminals. If you buy stolen goods, they can be repossessed by the police at any time.
Why not just get those games free then if you don't want to support devs? Why even spend that money in the first place? Or do you need to buy a game to enjoy it?
Even if they aren't stolen, they are resold. Resold keys don't benefit the developer.
So yeah, why buy from G2A instead of pirate? Same bottom of the pit moral stance, except you don't loose two dollars.
>g2a has been huge for almost 5 years
>tb makes a video about it
>suddenly hate threads every day and name-calling

really activates my cortex
What is your salary?
Which indie dev company am I defending out of how many of them? Fuck off g2a shill

G2A acts as a middleman and largely doesn't give a shit with who goes through their service to sell games (and actually benefit from scams being a thing because of their Shield service along with taking all money from accounts they ban)

All the other grey market sites are distributors of the keys themselves
G2A is by far the biggest player in the reseller market, as soon as they disappear Kinguin becomes the ebil boogieman.
not a penny.

I am economic with my money and use whichever key service before buying on steam

please tell me why I should pay full price for a game released a year ago?

it's as simple as shopping around for the best price for your money. You need to enter reality and go do some actual retail shopping for a change you fucking neckbeard
things like this are what is stopping me to actually spend money to wrap up my game and start selling it(it's ready, but i would have to spend money for ost, artworks and promotion). I don't mind pirates, i don't expect that everyone has to pay for my game, and hell i would even be ok if my game was enjoyed even if i didn't make any profit for it, as i have a decent day job, but having to pay chargeback fees would basically put me in the streets. In the end it is like it is tho', the pc as a gaming platform can't survive if games are sold at full prices, so there's nothing that can be really done about it.
Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with a certain faggot youtuber and his dick sucking followers singling out G2A.
Than maybe devs shouldn't be fucking faggots about trying to block piracy then. You can't have both you double nigger.
How much do they pay you to shill anon?
Nope, never bought g2a shield and have gotten 1 refund.
It's not that crazy. They have One Way Heroics for $1.23 but I've bought it on sale from Steam for like 50 cents.
why you even care how he spends his money? are you this lonely?

People have been shitting on G2A for fucking years
I fucking wish I got paid to call people retarded on the internet, where do I sign up?
g2a reps and butthurt keysellers shilling in this thread

don't take the bait
Kek, only in your mind is this scenario plausible.

>those random key packs

I've never bought one of these, are they actually completely random? Like you have a chance to get 10 $60 games (as unlikely as that would be), or is it actually guaranteed that you'll get 10 cheap shitty games, but the "random" part is which cheap shitty games they actually are.
stop false flagging
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I get paid $200 a day from G2A.COM to argue with you, how mad does this make you feel pussyboy?

U can't even make money for shitposting LOL
this is literally the same strategy devs use since they started shitting on their consumers
"we made game! we made over 5000% revenue! U prove us u didn't do anything wrong or u have to pay us more!"
People should mass charge back G2A.

I mean, what is the worst that will happen? G2A literally have no power over the keys that are stolen, they cannot revoke them. They lose money and get hit with charge back fees and they basically have no way to retaliate against it.
No, I don't just get people who buy keys from G2A instead of just straight up pirating. Waste money all you want but it just seems fucking stupid to me.
Yes. Trust the shill. There is no need to buy the shield. We refund for free says the shill. Then what is the shield for shill?
One just wants to sell us cheap keys. The other is mad at them for selling me cheap keys. Gee, I wonder who I should side with?
>Actually defending that with 'it's just x amount a month anon'

This recent "uproar" is purely TB cocksucking faggotry.

G2A isn't American, is it?
triggered eh? lmao g2a will go, hundreds will appear anew. Those key resellers ARENT GOING ANYWHERE LMAO.
Can I sell ps4 keys on g2a? I got sent one from amazon like a year or two ago and never used it.
If you pay for games I bet you would pay me to fuck your wife as well you fucking cuck
This wouldn't even be an issue is Steam didn't issue keys and just sold the games directly.
By selling what are essentially download vouchers, they're creating the situation.
whats with this hate-boner against G2A?

if you dont buy games there and have never been scammed why do you even care lol
There is nothing wrong with buying keys at low prices. Just use ITAD and legit sites instead of these chink shysters.
If you don't care about the devs, why you don't just pirate? You would save all of your bucks. But i agree with the sentiment of fucking the devs over.

>but M-MUH indie devs
most of them are social justice warriors that wouldn't think twice over getting you fired for a stupid tweet, so they get what they deserve.
>G2A being faggots for years
>TB finally calls them out for being faggots
>G2A shills coming out of the woodwork to defend their shit company

I don't care though. I've shit on them for years as have other people. More people joining in doesn't make this a new thing
I pay them for cheap games
>This recent "uproar" is purely TB cocksucking faggotry.
this. TB redditor subs should fuck off or attack pewdieshit or other jewtubers then. He did shill for g2a too.
I can purchase goods without fucking pledging allegiance to a fucking developer

I want to own the game, and regardless of what you think, you can own a game from G2A as much as buying it from steam
Why do you hate Chyna so much? Fucking racist.
>he thinks the money is gone forever if the you hit the pay button

Proof that the people on here bitching about g2a are underage fags who haven't even gotten their first CC.
Shield gets your shit sorted without opening a dispute, and you get cashback and all that nonsense. You could just look at the website instead of mindlessly listening to totalbiscuit.

I would literally never enter my credit card details in any website run by a Chinese business (or Russian, or any 3rd world shit hole).

Credit card fraud is huge as fuck in China, and the Chinks have no morals at all. You think they wouldn't harvest and sell credit card details if you piss them off?
>all that fanboyism
and this is how you spot redditors
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What is this three dollar amount for?
why do you care about racism so much, normalfag?
What cheap games that you can't get for free on piratebay?
>I can purchase goods without fucking pledging allegiance to a fucking developer

But you're pledging allegiance to a different corporate entity that's largely fucking useless. Just pirate the games you faggot
>whats with this hate-boner against G2A?
Total Biscuit or whatever his name is said it was bad, so all the kids on /v/ that get their opinions from eCelebs hate G2A now. Any time you see a random influx in an opinion that didn't seem to exist before, I've learned that its always because some eCeleb made a video and millions of kids started to parrot him to try and sound smart

every benefit steam gives. i can see how many hours i wasted, multiplayer, achievements, auto-patch, updates, less space since i dont need to keep the iso file

>inb4 those arent worth it
then i would pirate. these worth it for me already
Multiplayer games you fucking retard, how many times does it need to be said for your thick fucking skull to read the words posted in this fucking thread
>chink scammers

really, last 10 purchases from g2a have been from poles

and guess what, they have all worked perfectly fine
>Stolen keys are immediately revoked
Shill more faggot
Insurance against buying stolen goods, nothing wrong here my friend don't question it ;^)
these g2a threads have been popping up long before totalcancer made a video on it though.

lurk moar
>>G2A being faggots for years
>>TB finally calls them out for being faggots
>on a fucking gearbox game
>fucking gearbox made his fat tumor ass to make a vid
>his redditor cucks ate that up.
>lets go shit on g2a but ignore other sites
>shitting on g2a will somehow make KEYRESELLERS go away
lmao normafaggots are retarded.
Its pretty much like a warranty

The shield makes sure that if the seller is a scammer you get a key anyway. don't pay for the shield, its a fucking scam. I've bought hundreds of games from G2A and never once gotten a fake key
Solution - stop seling keys

When you have marketplaces like steam, origin, and uplay, there's literally no reason to use a key system anymore.
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How could the average gamer actually get angry about G2A. Honest question?

I get it, they're scummy, but why actually get personally emotionally invested in it? It's the devs and publishers problem - not the gamers.

Anon we've been saying key resellers are shady as fuck for a long time. I can remember people saying this shit like 2-3 years ago.
More Dragon Ball pictures?
Looks like it's G2A shield, if you leave it checked.
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>Any time you see a random influx in an opinion that didn't seem to exist before,

But this opinion's existed for a while. Also
>Muh hivemind
nope I am not

get out more you ingrate

>hur dur pirating games hurt devs less than G2A!
Oi goyim please buy our shield. None of our goods are stolen but we can't promise otherwise. Wink Wink.
But someone said its $1 per month, with a free first month.
So is it $2-$3 with each purchase instead? Thats way nastier, its over 10% of the game cost.
this anon is right.
an occasional person saying "I think thats wrong" is not the same as a massive wave of shitposting threads and people all agreeing that this one particular website is awful

I'm sure its just a coincidence that this is the website TotalBiscuit bitched about though
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i really don't get it
Not only does he have flabby tits but they aren't even even, 1/10
>g2a shill failing this hard at being discreet
Next time atleast only have 2 of you in 1 thread.
>Forgets about G2A shield
>Forgets about Witcher 3 keys
>Forgets about the entire incident with stolen keys
>Forgets about them revoking other people account

Sure it is the gearbox only shill
But other key resellers are okay for some reason just because TB didn't call them out, right? Neck yourself ya dumb faggot.

That's cool bro. I like buying from whoever offers me the best price.
>face of anti-grey market is a muslim communist piece of trash

Who is we in this hivemind you stupid fucking retard, because it's been redditors like you complaining ever since I remember. Keep sucking gabe and tbs big fat fucking cock you greasy bastard
why should i care about some developer? Because I want to play their game, I "owe" them?
That's the argument?
not at this frequency. which proves that TB cucks come here to cry and make threads.
no, g2a threads have been popping up at the same rate for months now. maybe a little bit more now because of the youtube faggotry

source: i have no life

This. If Steam no longer used keys but another method of gifting games, these key seller websites would vanish within a month.
You think that is nasty. Wait till you try to unsubscribe from G2A shield.
Then use PayPal, which sucks the buyer's dick way harder than banks.

Do you even think about your theory crafting before you post? If someone does a charge back on the original key purchase, then how is the purchase of the resold key outside the charge back window?
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>refuse to use bitcoin in which chargebacks are impossible
>cry about chargebacks

Why are game developers so retarded?
perhaps they are taking a course in video games at college or some shit and somehow think it will effect them in their industry (good luck)
yeah why should I? :^)
Other key resellers aren't a fucking fence for stolen keys you moron. Go neck yourself shill.
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It's just TB drones, ignore them. They can't even shitpost right.
ya they're being whiny, but g2a is also fucking dumb for going to an indie dev conference. What fucking good would come out of talking to people who hate you?

Like going to a a ghetto neighborhood and preaching why blacks are dumb.
>being this desperate and emotionally attached to defend something

shills are always obvious and dumb.
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yup and apparently you should just pirate the game if you are not willing to pay 100% price

stupid /v/ as usual
They want to change people's opinions about them before it blows up on them like the shills in this very thread
Maybe people aren't mad about G2A, they are instead mad about G2A drones.
Since threads always start slow and easy, and get heated when shilling starts.
Stolen goods have no charge back window you moron. Depending on when the person discovers his card has been stolen, it can take 2-3 weeks before the money is returned to the rightful owner and then will your key be revoked. At which you could already be billed moron.
hey are that unity engine dev? I got a refund on steam lmao your game is shit.
Please show me where the stats comparing different key resellers and the amount of stolen vs genuine keys being sold, showing that g2a is worse than any other.
Do you have the same irrational hate for craigslist too, you dumb fuck? Or because TB didn't mention it that's okay too.
I guarantee you all this totalbiscuit bullshit has gained them a ton of new customers.
>following a fat arab with ISIS loyalty issues

Nukethrone is shit.
Pretty sure you can get most games cheaper from a legit place like greenmangaming. Not that I care if some dunce buys stolen copies of bf1. It's not a game or studio that deserves sequels.
g2a shills aren't even subtle with their shilling
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I dont develop games nor do i care about indie devs, but nice try g2a shill.
>defend g2a
>get called a shill

oh sorry, is this a g2a hate only thread?
>i dont care ive been using it for a long time

calling people shill won't change their opinion, just like calling people racist wont change their opinion. the only thing we learn about history is that no one fucking learn from it
or maybe people hate TB and his redditor cucks, and his whining wont make ALL key resellers go away neither it will make KEY RESELLERS aka actual people go away. So TB's and his redditors can fuck off to his subreddit.
Different key sellers take their keys from legitimate source, not every slav off the street with a stolen credit card you moron. What is your irrational love for shilling for G2A?
>You can't get cheaper prices on online games other than G2A
most keyresellers are cheaper
There's literally no proof to the allegations against G2A, nor TB's claims. The lack of proof posted in this thread despite the number of shills only makes that more obvious, especially Reddit using their usual "gotcha" rhetoric of willfully interpreting the opposition's behavior in a way that shows guilt. TB sold his ethics and became an attack dog for developers who have more money than game-development skill because he's going to die and needs to leave something to his family.
Like I said, you've never owned a credit card and have no clue how they work. You can do charge backs months after the initial purchase.

Now go back to your favorite YouTube celebrity's channel and read the rules here next time before posting underage.
People are growing up, kid, and starting to understand that working on shit takes time and money. When you work, you start to understand to treat the work of others better, by buying legit stuff.

Enjoy your NEET nigger life of stealing shit.
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The example he is provided, which I based my reply to you on


An example I am providing, using myself as the framework.

This is hard for you isn't it
You overpayed for that garbage heap.

They're chinks, they're not exactly subtle about anything. They know they can do it because the Chinese government is protecting them from foreign businesses.
2016 was last year dude
thats only retarded indie devs who literally sell keys from diy storefronts they manage. selling on any distribution platform you as the developer never get a charge back.
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bought chivalry medieval warfare for 2 bucks for a friend the other day

can someone show me stats/proof of the amount of stolen keys on G2A??

i dont think it would be financially viable for them to sell stolen keys. i bet they are working hard against it, because it is in their best interest to get rid of stolen keys.
>3 dollars for Watch Dog
3 dollars too much
We call key sellers from a legitimate source retailers. Reseller marketplaces are a completely different thing.
I mean you're either a shill or an immoral sociopath if you unironically support people selling stolen goods. This isnt pirating where the company doesnt lose anything from it, selling stolen keys literally loses them millions on chargeback fees
A key never being revoked does not guarantee that it wasn't stolen.
>People who tell other's to pirate games are now deemed shills for game publishers

Fuck off G2A
>garbage heap
Who's mommy are you?
>People are growing up, kid, and starting to understand that working on shit takes time and money.
more like adult people have have rent/mortgage/gas/kids and they realise that bunch of 0s and 1s dont deserve 60$ and current video game industry is fucked up. so how about fuck off to reddit le epic old fag.
Legitimate source just means they are verified not to sell fake goods. Not source retailers retard.
>So the chargeback goes to Steam, and they call the developer to split it or straight up pass it to them.

no they don't. you 100% just made that shit up.
I don't hate Chyna. I thought she was a good wrestler.

G2A is based in China so people can't go after them. I don't mean the sellers.
>Paying for Watch Dogs

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why is it always g2a and not any other key site?
>loses them

who though?? can you show me some examples?

the stolen key thing is blown way out of proportion in my opinion.
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>people in this board literally want to pay more for games and everyone who wants to pay less are shilling
Oh yeah sites like Kinguin don't exist right? It's just G2A, jesus how retarded can one be.
And again do you have the same irrational hatred for craigslist and ebay too, or because TB didn't mention them you're fine?
>normafags switch morals whenever its convenient for them
>redditor realises he cant downvote people with different opinion here so just calls them a shill instead
cause g2a is the most popular.

But who's saying to buy directly from Steam? Just don't support shit like G2A. There's loads of other grey market sites out there
>stolen goods
>buy from members who have 10,000 feedback

yeah shut up, you haven't even used g2a you prick
>Implying Kinguin and G2A aren't the same site
>Both companies happen to be located in the exact same city

Oy vey. Just a coincidence goyim.

The other key resellers are actual distributors of the keys themselves
>why is it always g2a and not any other key site?
because TB made a video about them.
>Fuck the jew marketplace charging so much
>B-But I still want to pay for the game
just pirate it you sad fuck.
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>hating watch dogs is a mom thing now
now you aren't even refuting the fact that you're a retard and now just trying to point at someone else over something that doesn't matter in the conversation

way to go
>dont use this grey market site
>use another grey market site

man, you redditors are retarded
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>not just pirating games for free
I pirate my internet using stolen keys from credit cards and then G2A gives me 10%.

look at the comments here and the amount of shilling in this thread alone


Well G2A is inherently different in how it functions to most of the other ones, so yeah
The easy fix to this is for developers to request Valve change how Steam keys work so they cannot be resold.

Ignore G2A, they're just exploiting a shitty system. Go after Valve and get the system changed.
>There is no difference between the sites! We are not a fence for stolen goods!

t. shill
>can you show me some examples?
i can show you examples of thousands and thousands of stolen keys being revoked. Anyone with half a brain will know the only way they can know which keys were stolen is if a person legitimately tried to use it and it had already been used. Then they get a chargeback on their creditcard or whatever and the publisher is out more money than the game is worth.

Like are you being serious right now?
ok how do they deal with stolen keys differently, which seem to be the main argument
>pirating online games
Yeah ignore G2A, they din du nuffin

At least be subtle about it come on, what's with the obvious shills in this thread?
But for some reason only one is ever brought up.
Hmm it couldn't be because faggot youtube celeb only focused on one and his followers can't help but lap up any turd nugget that slides out his ass, right?

And you forgot to answer
>do you have the same irrational hatred for craigslist and ebay too, or because TB didn't mention them you're fine?
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Who you calling a nigger you kike?
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>buying games on g2a for peanuts
>instead of having to deal with RUS repacks and public trackers
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>Pirate a game
>Hey maybe I'll buy it if I like it

>Buy stolen key from G2A
not at all. People confuse primary market key sites with secondary market key sites. All secondary market key sites operate the same way as G2A. Primary market key sites never have a lower price than what you can buy it for from some normal store.
I like to own the game

piracy is shit these days
free market will fix this, if its an issue
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i'll just take your word for it, thanks for showing me the many great examples where companies '' lose millions ''

>, you haven't even used g2a you prick
I used to befor i realized they were selling stolen keys. How the fuck do you goys think they are able to sell games for such rediculously low prices?
>muh currency rates for different countries
is not even close to enough to account for their RIDICULOUSLY low prices
EU would fuck them up if they tried that.
I'd rather support people who made the games than some fucking rusky making money on a stolen card and the fucks enabling them. And it's not like you're fighting the man with this, EA can afford chargeback hits and I'm sure they're more equipped to prevent it in the first place than Big Jons 10 guy indie studio. If you want to fight AAA studios there are far better ways to do it than by supporting demand for their games.
so you think the keys are cheap because they are all stolen? lol
Also dont jews at EA, ubisoft etc are super salty about hard copy reselling? Like my friends who own ps4 do nothing but buy second hand copies for like 30$. How about that you filthy jews? 100% legal.
>muh online games
literally the only excuse G2A shills have

A place like cdkeys is the actual distributor of the keys, abusing regional pricing to get their prices as low as they are. G2A just acts as a pointless middleman with no assurance of how the keys are acquired
i dont need an excuse to do something you dumb shit







Do you want more?
Developers want keys to be resold. Its just a small minority of retarded devs who don't know how to manage their own online merchant accounts who are complaining about this.

Any merchant who accepts credit cards takes on the risk of having to end up paying about $2.40 for every $1 spent in a chargeback fraud case.
>try to shit on g2a
>actually advertise for them on /v/

Well done faggots.
It's the only reason I'd even consider buying a game, on G2A or elsewhere. Moron.
steam sales and humble bundles

ever notice how a game will drop in price on g2a when a sale is put on?

stockpiling sale keys is perfectly legal
>nothing but western trash and ubisoft garbage
Yes and the fact you are too unintelligent to realize that is pretty sad desu.

Nigga please this is common fucking sense. You don't need to worry about key resellers if the system is changed in such a way that prevents key reselling.
If Valve for example just removed steam keys entirely, there would be no more keys to be sold.


There is no law in the EU that states Valve have to give out keys. Besides they could just change the gifting system so you can still gift games but it doesn't use easy to distribute keys.
riot only banned g2a because they sold champions or some shit

dont know about the rest but this seems far from millions.
Learn to speak english properly, my little chinese shill.
Why aren't you dead yet? Have some pity on your poor wife.


>Developers want keys to be resold

Gonna need a source on that.
are you retarded my man??
What retarded logic.
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> bunch of 0s and 1s dont deserve 60$

The pathetic sack of molecules that form your body is inconsequential and the world would not change for a second if I blasted it with a shotgun.

There, I made a nihilistic comment. Am I hip and cool, too?
>not an argument: the post
Its almost like all the indie weebshit you play inst popular enough for them to steal keys for. And just because they werent caught doing it doesnt mean it didnt happen. Its extremely likely japanese publishers just arent smart enough to realize when their keys have been stolen
no they don't

console developers want used games to be a thing of the past
G2A is already full of Steam gifts, how would that change anything?
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also: implying the companies you listed dont utilise shady business practices
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Zero of my keys have been stolen. Sounds like this "G2A is a stolen good reseller" is a made up myth.

Not him but if you think a digital game is the same as a human life you got to reevaluate your life
if keys cannot be resold. you cannot do any review copies, giveaways, special promotions, or bundles.
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>shills getting this desperate
>n-n-n-o dont listen to him we dont have stolen keys goyim
>no just keep buying our underpriced keys theres nothing shady going on your keys will never get revoked we didnt steal anything
>yes thats right, good goyim. The people who put all the hard work into making the games you play are your enemies. We are your freinds
Companies pay thousands to advertise here.

You do it for free.
If you can't pirate BF1, then how do they generate BF1 keys?
you seem pretty desperate tb-kun
I bought Skyrim and 6 months later my game is invalid, their support is fucking shitty and doesn't respond fuck off shill
>he actually pays 60$ for bunch of 0s and 1s
>his pathetic molecular body cares enough to defends bunch of 0s and 1s
>implying you manlet tears can handle shotgun recoil
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i bet your boypussy got wet when steam wanted to charge you for mods.

oh these poor poor hard working companies!!!

Not him, but you're seriously a thick motherfucker if you didn't get the point.
Do a charge back then.
I actually hate total cancer and would never support him after his temper tantrum when trump won. Nice try tho g2a
you are dead wrong redditor cuck. I dont even play modern games. Go buy for honor packs lmao.
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>I don't want to give money to these kikes, so instead I'll give a slightly smaller amount of money to these bigger kikes

Make it so gifts cannot be added to your inventory and have to be directly sent to another persons steam account.


Review copies do not need to use the same system of distribution the general public uses. A developer of a game should be able to issue access to play this game to accounts without having to send them a key through the same system we all use.

The rest is no big loss.
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Just bought the entire Hitman Season 1 for 20 bucks
does not matter what buzzwords you use, i will keep using the site. take your adhd meds you sperg, this is the first time in your life when someone does something you dont like?
>boypussy got we
How did you know i was a trap?
>when steam wanted to charge for mods
You know i was one of the first people to make a thread about that on /v/ right? Like that is probably the most amount of time i have ever spent raging about steam at any point in my life

Nice try tho g2a shill
>im not a shill!
Oh my bad i didnt realize you did it for free.
it was cracked long time ago. although you need online for unlockables.

I can get that game for nearly the same price on cdkeys Mr. G2A
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buying games that are on sale is damaging to deveopers

I trust that nobody on /v/ buys games during steam summer sale this year
I don't get why steam isn't paying the chargeback fee, can someone explain?

Steam handles the cards, so they should be checking them
i wish i got paid for this, that would be great.

my point is that every big company will fuck you over for more money if they can, and their shitty business practices back this up.
What does ebay do when stolen shit is sold on their platform? Cause G2A could just do that and no one can really complain
How sad
Fine keep using the site idc. Its only going to be a matter of time until your keys get revoked and your money is all wasted. And at that point im going to laff EXTREMELY hard. Especially when G2A is finally taken down, they are forced to hand over all their data and then they will have your credit card information.

But you just keep trusting them like the good goy you are.
>buying 2nd hand copies is damaging devs
>pirating is damaging them too
>not buying their shit is damaging them
>refunding their games is damaging them
lmao, mean words on their twitter account damage them too.
Obligatory reminder that the figures at the center of this shitstorm are Gearbox.
Obligatory that Gearbox are SJW professional victim faggots
Obligatory reminder that this shitstorm coincides with the release of their shitty cash grab remake, which is also part of this
Obligatory reminder that Total Biscuit did a review of Gearbox's shitty cash grab remake game that nobody would have given a fuck about at release
Obligatory reminder that this is just SJW professional victims making a publicity stunt about being victimized
I guess I'm suppose to care, but I don't.

Kinguin is better anyways.
Do you think a HUGE keyseller could survive on solely selling stolen keys?
>i dont care
>keep sperging out

pure aspergers

There isn't really anyway of checking whether a credit card is or isn't stolen on the internet unless the owner of the credit card enables something like two step authentication.
>admitting he does it for free
Wew lad.
>i dont like this company so im entitled to still play their game and cost them money on chargeback fees
Look out we got us an entitled and spoiled millenial out here
>everything is about me me me me me
they don't *need* to but they do. it would also be a waste of time having to wait for responses on 100's of emails to get the steam account info of the actual reviewer and then having to manually put in yourself.
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Do you seriously think that there's going to be a day where EVERY SINGLE KEY bought through g2a is going to get magically revoked?

The mental gymnastics you guys pull to not buy cheap games is astounding
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Would I be wrong in assuming people that use the term 'redditor cucks' are faggots that came here in 2012 at the earliest and are still trying really fucking hard to fit in?
>g2a is taken down
>other sites exist
you just have to wait till TB makes a vid on all of them. lmao.

When something stolen or illegal is sold on Ebay, Ebay need to report it to the appropriate authorities. The account in question will also be banned and likely any bank/credit cards attached to this account will also be blacklisted.

G2A doesn't do this though and doesn't need to since they operate out of China where laws on this shit are basically none existent.
>laughing at you is sperging out
You know you should probably project your autism just a little bit less hun. I know you have trouble understanding other peoples emotions and feelings or any kind of social interaction but im laughing at you and have been all thread.
so they do some shady shit and squeeze as much money out of me as they can, and it's all good.

but i save 50% by buying on a keyseller website, and i'm evil?

hows your indie game coming along btw
>you just have to wait till TB makes a vid on all of them.

Why would he? They might abuse regional pricing to get lower prices for the keys, but they're legitimate keys every single time
>I don't get why steam isn't paying the chargeback fee, can someone explain?

That person is lying out there ass. The MERCHANT always pays, not the producer of the product.
>indie devs
so it all come to this ?
first stea mrefund and now G2A, all because of those hipster trash and their bullshit ?

you should probable tell them to make video GAMES instead of walking simulators and not charge a fuck tons for some fucking pixels he did in his spare time
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>getting charged a fee after reporting stolen credit cards that keep refunding the charges on your products
what in the everliving fuck

That's basically what happens now, except instead of the developer entering the reviewers account into a list, they just email them a key.

Worst comes to the fucking worse, the general publish uses a keyless system that prevents games from being stockpiled then sold while developers have access to keys for review copy purposes.
because devs whine about key reselling/piracy/second-hand market etc. Hes a fucking shill, always was, even before his health condition.
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You don't understand how Steam functions for developers anon. Steam can generate as many keys for a dev as they want if they wish to sell off of their own site. The only requirement is that the game has to be on Valve's own storefront as well. When a developer sells keys from their own shop on their site and someone issues a chargeback Steam isn't involved in any way whatsoever with that transaction
Not all but its only a matter of time before the site is taken down and then all the keys they sold will be public knowledge and why wouldnt companies revoke those keys.

G2A isnt invincible, what they are doing is illegal and they will get caught eventually.

Im sure other sites do exist but when they are taken down most of the keys they sold will become public or atleast the knowledg of the companies they stole from and then all the money you spent will be wasted.

And then we will have probably 5 threads a day about people crying about their keys being gone, calling us bootlickers for laughing at you, etc etc.
Nobody's actually directly using their credit card to buy shit on G2A. I use em all the time and I never got a key revoked.

Reality is, mate, I get my games cheap and reliably and you're a salty fuck living in your fantasy land where somehow karma exists. You and your redditbros wont have enough of an effect, nor will all the whiny indie devs with their one man crusades.
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>nigger keeps breaking into your house and stealing your shit
>get a good sight of him one time, even get a photo of him
>file police report
>you are now financially responsible for funding the salaries of the investigators
>while they continue to get salaries from the police department
>where somehow karma exists
You know you can just come out and say you are a greedy sociopath right? Like its ok you are anonymous.
YEAH DUMBASS THATS WHAT BEING A MERCHANT IS. Stop selling keys on your shitty ass homemade storefront and you wont have issues. If you want to sell a DRM free version just sell that, don't bundle a fucking steam key with it.
>Obligatory reminder that Total Biscuit did a review of Gearbox's shitty cash grab remake game that nobody would have given a fuck about at release
He didn't. He did a port report. Not a review. And he said you shouldn't buy it at full price on his Steam Curator.

>G2A isnt invincible

They may as well be from a legal stand point. They operate out of China so taking any kind of legal action against them is basically impossible.

The only way to kill G2A is to change the business model so they cannot exploit it anymore. Which would require Valve change how Steam and keys work.
Oh yeah, sociopathy for buying cheap keys. You're so obsessed with morality redditbro, you forget to live your actual life.
does not have this problem
>Which would require Valve change how Steam and keys work.

no it requires retarded indiedevs to stop selling STEAM KEYS @ mycoolindiegame.com

Wait first you said you were lying. Now you're changing the argument entirely
valve wont do shit. hell, gaben probably wants some piece of g2a action. I mean origin,gog still exist.

TB's newest crusade.

All the PC fats on /v/ follow him religiously.
>Which would require Valve change how Steam and keys work.
This I'm honestly a little afraid of. All these moralfags keep wincing and whining all the goddamn time, they don't give a shit about getting keys on the cheap. Even from legit resellers, and if Steam seriously cracks down those legit resellers will be gone as well. Thus practically doubling PC game prices.

I know the average liberal elitist has daddies money to spend, but what about the rest of us normal folk? The good news is this would at least knock the majority of those indie fucks out of the market.
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>Not all but its only a matter of time before the site is taken down and then all the keys they sold will be public knowledge and why wouldnt companies revoke those keys.

Which would be close to impossible to track down, you're assuming that every key sold also gets put on a list for no reason whatsoever, not to mention the fact that G2A is home to re-sellers from all over the globe.

Another reason why such a scenario won't happen is due to public backlash, Valve benefit nothing by revoking literally thousands upon thousands of keys.
>following someone who pushes consumer rights

The horror
>sociopathy for knowingly buying stolen goods
Yes actually thats pretty much the definition. You have no empathy for others.

>implying being in china makes you invincible
>no chinese sites have ever been taken down ever
Oh god im talking to a bunch of children

Then blame the people who are exploiting the system. With people like that around none of us get to have nice things.

You don't shit where you eat anon.
>stolen goods
citation needed.

dev rights, not consumer rights. You're confusing the two.
your phone was assembled by underage chinks who cant even kill themselves because there is a safety net in case they try to jump out
fuck off moralfag
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Why would I blame the people who are exploiting the system? I blame the people who are unnecessarily throwing a hissyfit over a couple of keys getting stolen here and there. Retards are seriously pretending like the vast majority of G2A keys are not legit.
He himself admitted it's a bad port, and he didn't admit but the game being ported is bad as well. It's something that literally nobody would have heard of or given the time of day if not for him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though and assume he just wanted another hoorah as the unofficial ethics critic of the vidya industry and became a useful idiot for Gearbox in the process.

> I didn't care about this until TB got on his soapbox

Thanks for proving my point

Taking a site down isn't the same as taking a business down. You literally have no idea how businesses operate in China do you? Maybe go do a bit of research because I could be here for a week explaining it to you.

By the way, those sites that were taken down, reopened within an hour under a different name/business.
you are right. if you need to make your own special snowflake game store only accept bitcoin and this whole problem disappears.
>consumer rights
>defended mass effect andromeda
>actually refused to play bloodbourne because muh 60 fps and watched lestplay instead
He's against devs putting out shitty products and was for Steam refunds.
>he doesn't like the games I like therefore he is anti-consumer
What exactly does this have to do with consumer rights? If I want to buy cheap keys then that is a consumer right, is it not?
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>pushes consumer rights
>I really loved the multiplayer in ME3!
Devs putting up shitty products affects indie devs, not consumers. I don't give a hoot about the Steam marketplace being flooded by shit games. If anything it drives the cost of your average indie game down, so it's good for consumers if it gets flooded even more.

>was for Steam refunds
Not like he could be against it considering Valve had to legally comply in some fashion.
>defended mass effect andromeda and therefore EA
>despite shitting on disc dlcs with mass effect 3
>pro consumer
>watching a let's play instead of playing the game yourself because you can't deal with the fact that it's locked at 30FPS

he probably gets triggered by the never ever golden guy posting as well
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