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Would you play this game, /v/?

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Would you play this game, /v/?
Shanifa's ass needs to be bigger to compensate the lack of huge tits

I'm actually kinda digging niggaroth
I hope this game gets released on the Wii
No, I don't like niggers
I would play this unironically
>white Barret has the best design of the bunch
Really makes you think.
Yeah that shit actually looks tight. Not even joking.
>I never asked for this
Looks a hell of a lot better than Nomura's fuccboi designs.
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That looks fucking great
>Black Tifa
Of course. Also
>that music saying niggaroth
Niggaroth is looking pretty dope with those hyperdreadlocks
That's Asian Barret though
>White Barret is looking at Black Tifa's ass
that sephiroth is fucking awesome
I unironically believe if it was released back in the day and they werent considering white characters, the cast would have been monkeys or some shit.

No. Make your own game, you nigger.

I don't care that the protagonists are black, but I don't want a color-swapped FFVII.
make tifa white and fix clouds hair and we have a deal
I like Niggaroth and Warret

Black tifa needs a bigger ass and black cloud needs better hair
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I actually sorta dig those, I wish white Barret's hair was a little less faggy tho.
Niggaroth gives me serious Blade vibes
what would Yuffie look like in this version?
Asians are white.
Niggaroth is a 10/10

You can change the characters to purple if you want. FF7 didn't have any themes relating to race, other than the Cetra.
sure but why does everyone have to have deadlocks? surely there's more creativity to be found instead of wha gwan rasta fantasy mon
unironically 100% better than the original

not even race baiting, just better character design overall
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Fuck off retard.
>needs a bigger ass
what. if it gets any bigger she'll just look fucking deformed
its kinda cool. But Taquifa would be better as a spic,
>everyone have to have dreadlocks

Only half of the characters in that pic have dreadlocks anon
If it weren't for shit like BLM and Straight White Male Privilege, I could've found this pretty cool.
no black barret, no game
I like it, but I think Cloud should drop the dreds since Seph does it so much fucking better.
*Jamaican chimes*
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi


sephi and barret are way better tifa and cloud originals are better
Barret isn't even different, he's just white now. Cloud, spergiroth, and titfa all look far more interesting.
im not gonna lie. those designs are cool
White Barret actually looks good.
>not Shantifa
They are yellow you fucking tard REEEEEEEEEE
No, those niggers look gay as fuck.
Pretty good. But Cloud looks like a little fag, and Barret is kinda lame too.
That Sephiroth and Tifa are great, though.

Won't like, I like those designs, tifa the least though. I like asian barret, not enough burly asians in games that dont look/dress like dock workers
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>nigger tifa

Muh dick
squall and sephiroth look like voodoo haitain stereotypes.

give white barret a flat top buzz cut

and tifa could easily be latina
>White Barrett
>not just using Dyne
I actually like everything but cloud's hair. Either make them black dreads or go full niggaboo and keep his hair exactly the same

Tifa would finally make sense so ya it might not be so bad. Are they fighting over the pieces of KFC instead of Jenova?
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>that tiny buster sword
I didn't really care for FF7, and this wouldn't make me care about it either.

Unless you give me a decent black Jessie design that isn't just fucking cornrows, afros, and dredlocks. Don't even fucking think about soul glow, either. Fuck you for even considering that.
Ugh.. I demand that reddit leaves. This is /pol/s turf. Stop disgusting me with that shithole OP

Cloud looks awful.

The rest look great.
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Niggiroth looks more menacing than the original
Looks P big to me
It's just a character design study
>Not Latifa

do you even ebonics?
>b-but Latifa is Arabic

Nah nigga, that's just them sandies tryin 2 steel our heritage.
I unironically like Niggaroth's design.
yea, alright
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>nigger Tifa

I need more of this.
In porn form preferably.
I am black and am deeply disturbed by this image.

I find it funny that now the guy with the gun is the only one the police wouldn't shoot instead of it being the other way around as it would be with the original designs.
I love the designs.
Except for clouds hair and the relatively tiny buster sword.
Would have liked a blond pseudo mohawk with blonde brades
Tifa looks hot as hell, and I wonder is she's biracial.
Would the Japanese actually be cool with the muscle being a hulking jap dude? I know they got a thing for swole dudes being gay and what not.
Black sephiroth? That's actually cool and somehow makes him more creepy then regular sephiroth.
An 8 foot tall swole black guy with 5 feet of white dreads crystal blue eyes and a 9 foot sword?
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I wish this was the real version.
I'm black and Cloud's hair needs work but the others seem okay. Frohawk instead maybe?
I voted Trump with pride and hate cucks and niggers as much as the next guy, but at the very least Niggaroth looks so much better than the original.
So you prefer the fuccboi swordsman? Original Sephiroth looked like an absolute faggot, only a weeb would actually thing his design was better than Niggaroth.
Only Tifa looks bad in that picture, the others look pretty sick.
I prefer playing as my race, yes, because I'm not a cuck.
Sephiroth isn't even white.
no one really cares because there will be porn of it
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i think cloud looks like a pussy nigga with that retarded hair

tifa is thicc at the wrong places

barett and niggaroth is ok
People in this thread are mostly reacting positively to those race-changed redesigns. That's the magic of a competent artist.
>black tifa
>tits are smaller
>focus is shifted to hips and ass
No. I'm not really an ass guy.
The only non jap or black person or animal in the main party was cait sith.
Everyone else was either full on jap or from that eurasian village of cloud and tifa's.
I actually like these a pretty good amount, they're actually pretty damn good looking.
Also I want to fuck that Tifa.
Perfect but it has to have a really distinct design.
you don't play as sephiroth
Tifa may be asian, but cloud is 100% Caucasian. You can prove me wrong by showing me a naturally blonde and blue eyed jap
Is this concept art for the new Deus Ex? Jensen looks fucking ripped compared to the last 2 games. Not sure I'm digging the side characters though. Why would you want to carry a sword when you can just have sword arms?
Barret and Sephiroth look downright amazing, not even joking.
To be fair, if it was actually designs for the remake, even as optional costumes /pol/ would sperg out
Is there any of Cid/Yuffie/Vincent/Aeris?
Cloud looks a little strange to me, but I really like the other three. This isn't that bad.
Cool. Good for you.
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honestly though why would they do this if they dont have an agenda?

smells like reddit in this thread
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Looks like rain, cause all I see are dark clouds
They all look horrible except for Niggaroth, Niggaroth looks dope as fuck.
>why would they do this if they dont have an agenda
why not?
No you globalist piece of shit, back to tumblr with your equally mentally retarded similars.
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Barret and Sephirot looks pretty neet
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I wanna fuck the black girl in the ass
Take your own advice, retard.
>N'Cloud Strifeson
>Latifa Ebonhart
>Warret Wallace

I'd play it.
>You think you know Zaubers?
I kind of appreciate these actually. Like, the artist is obviously appreciative of the original designs and decided to play around, it doesn't give me the same bad feeling all that red nose racial retooling Tumblr art does, it just feels like some fan asked themselves seriously how the characters would look as different races.
I'm probably the only one here who likes Cloud redesign the most out of the four.
its literally fanart you autistic fuck

I unironically think this is cool, reminds me of Blade
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Metal Head Barett and Sephijamal actually look pretty cool.
chink Barret and black Sephiroth are pretty neato
Niggaroth and Cracker Barret (heh Cracker Barrel, get it fags?) are honestly decent designs.
Other two are pure shit.
Final Fantasy just been BLACKED
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Its fanart you paranoid fuck.
The designs looks pretty good. White Barret looks better than the original. So far the designs are proportionate and looks good. I like how Cloud's sword is not this gigantic retarded anime sword and so is Sephiroths'. But still, niggers...
Is this thread the continuation of the thread were we pretend we are Neogaf?
these are not Asian last names

face it the only Asian in FFVII was Yuffie and everybody from Wutai

Barret and Niggaroth look absolutely bitching, Broud looks about as much of an unlikeable fuckboy as before. It's not often that you see a white guy be the brick shithouse in a party, normally they're sort of ambiguously tanned at their lightest, so it's novel.

The only real downgrade is Shanifa, but even then Tifa wasn't exactly the best character.

Overall an upgrade. Would play.
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>white barret
no it's the thread where we stop pretending to be /pol/
their hair makes more sense this way

Why Niggaroth don't have a gat?
highwind isn't even a real last name
So far the thread was going good, yet you had to come and say some retarded shit.
Am I the only one ITT that prefers regular Sephiroth to Niggaroth
These...are actually pretty cool.
it's two English words put together

Probably. Sephiroth was a weaboo - old school "uguu ^=^ i wish i was born in nippon >.>" weaboo not current /a/ - wet dream.
Why do you care about FFVII if you're afraid of being associated with anime
We are mostly european /v/ now.
>english translation of ハイウィンド is in english

gee willickers how'd you deduce that?
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Hello fellow neogaffers, how many Trump supportes did you kill today? I seriously hope none of you is a white male, that would ruin my day. I like Uncharted.
Those are some very nice words you put into my mouth.
Good fanart is good fanart.
you're a pussy
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I'm only down with black Tifa. Too much diversity and this just turns into a hood drama, with who's fucking whose bitch.

I guess I could also be interested in seeing Nigga Cloud go through the Cross-dress scene. I'm guessing it would play out more like a Madea movie though.
Did you completely miss the generation of xXxSephiroth95xXx cancer?
I usually hate this shit where they shoehorn brown people into established franchises but I guess I have to chime in as another one of the people who thinks these designs are actually pretty awesome.
Is there more?

I want Pitbull XIII and little nigga Yuffie

What would Cid look like? What about Vincent?
>What about Vincent
I'm banking on Afro Samurai meets Hot Topic.
Bartz Klauser, Klauser isn't an English word. Yuffie Kisaragi, neither is Kisaragi. IIRC Faris has some funky German last name. Just because it gets transliterated into English doesn't mean it turns into an ethnically English word, I would think this would be obvious.
sephiroth design seems made by a 14 yo kid going trough a phase.
>all these niggerlovers itt

disgusting traitors to the white race
>What about Vincent?

Of course I didn't, but I'm also not an autist that hates games because of fanbases.

Honestly not this in particular, if they were original characters, sure why not.
Anyone managed to make out the artist name at the bottom?

Barrets design is cool tho.
Because he set the trend for that type of edgy design
This is just some fanart who made the characters black, that's all. Just like there are other fanart that make black characters white. There is no SJW shit behind this type of shit.
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Why the fuck is XXX cosplaying Cloud?
Not even once.
Literally none of that has anything to do with the fact that highwind is not a last name, nor is it an english term. It's a series trope relating to airships and air travel/dragoon characters who have a characteristic ability to jump high as fuck in the air.
>implying anything can't be a legitimate last name in modern anglophone countries where names have no meaning
>Niggerization of already established white character
No, you and all the 80 posters in this thread should literally kill themselves for liking it and supporting the SJW shit that is spreading like cancer.
The party members look bad but Blackiroth is great, huge improvement on the original.
Black Seph looks better than OG Seph. The rerst are eh.
It's two English words stuck together. It's just as English as Shoemaker or any other English surname made up of two English words.
>Skywalker is an English name
>There is no sjw propaganda behind this
Yes! Yes! Stop worrying and let us take control!
Tifa and Barret are good, Cloud and Sephiroth are terrible tumblr garbage.
Yes it is.
We just like the designs which are proportionate, not saying we would play it you dumbfuck. Everyone is already sick of the entertainment industry shoving black guys/diversity everywhere. Calm your tits.
This isnt a hive mind like reddit, I will think however I please
>Pitbull XIII
What kind of dogs do blacks like?
So what youre telling me is dreadlocks trigger your tender alt-right sensibilities?
What a pussy faggot.
i think they all look shit
Only if Sephiroth is voiced by Phil Lamarr.
>turns into a hood drama, with who's fucking whose bitch.

That's litterally half of the fucking plot of FF7 already you faggot. I mean goddamn. And the only thing you do seem to remember is the thing that everyone else wants to forget or ignores completely, the cross dressing.
get rid of that ridiculous AFRIKKA lion motif bullshit and I'm all about it, my dude
Except shoemaker and a majority of anglo names are derived from a profession

Taking two random as words and slapping them together doesn't give the name any value when trying to cherrypick nations of different surnames

That's like me making a character called Mreek Faggotlion and somebody translating it to afrikaans as Mreek Pousleeu

Is Pousleeu suddenly a South African name? It's
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Do you like my Aeris? I think it's cool and promotes diversity too!
Dude, the shills who're pushing their retarded agenda are out in force tonight.
Just ignore them and hide their posts.
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Fuck me these designs are kinda cool
from experience

pits, rottweilers, german shepards, anything big and intimidating looking. That's mostly for teens though.

Older blacks like labs and little shit dogs like shitzus, maltese terriers and pomeranians
But you're thinking wrongly. Are you also an atheist?
if you're going to go full edge at least be creative about it
You do realize that those lion designs are part of FF7 right?
I thought the paw pad just meant that Brown-Cloud was a furry.
It actually sounds like a litteral translation of a native american name.
Looks dope.
Just how many black folks do we have on /v/?
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It legitimately hurts the brain to attempt to comprehend how you could possibly have an opinion that terrible.
Well for one thing,
>It's a series trope relating to airships and air travel/dragoon characters who have a characteristic ability to jump high as fuck in the air.
and this is instantly recognizable to people who speak English because that's the type of vibe a word like "Highwind" gives off

but also, no. Surnames don't imply professions anymore. They're just surnames.

I'm honestly surprised I'm on my third or fourth reply here. Just admit you're wrong already. It's literally two English words stapled together to give off the vibe that you were literally describing, I really don't see how this could be more obvious
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The pauldron lion reminds me more of one of these guys.
Dude, the people who're flooding this thread and poisoning it with cheap race bait have more then likely never played an FF game in their entire fucking lives.
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Calm down, guy. It's just a mediocre game.
>Taking two random as words and slapping them together doesn't give the name any value when trying to cherrypick nations of different surnames
First names are already meaningless in anglo countries so I don't know why you're so worked up over one surname having no value. What good does it matter if 150 years ago one of your ancestors was a shoe maker? None, because it's literally used as nothing more than an official identifier to differentiate you from all the other people who share the same first name.
>can't like character designs without being a shill
You need to get off /pol/.
Does it really bother you that Asian characters became black? Yes they are Asian to begin with.
Nah they aren't. There's a very mild wolf motif, but lions aren't a thing except for the Nanaki-race.

>implying I couldn't go change my name to Highwind right fucking now

all my future children would then have a lit af last name.

Just shut up dude
>Not saying we would play it, you dumbfuck!
they were Asian to begin with.
How about you eat several dicks and fuck off.

If you shave that monkey...what color would it end up being.
>Sephiroth is a dark brotha
Of course they made the protagonists light-skinned niggas. Colorist-ass game.

you are now aware that every new FF game has a lion motif somewhere in it
The people who're dragging half thought out racist ideolgy into the thread and have obviously never picked up an FF game in their entire lives are the shills.

Everyone else is simply saying what they think. I mean, it's very easy to tell who's who.
She'd be a white girl with blonde hair
>they made the protagonists light-skinned niggas

that is nowhere near high-yellow, my friend. They're mid-tone at best
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>Does it really bother you that they became black?

Seeing as western media is dead set on changing every other white male character to black or female instead of just creating new content yeah I'm sort of fucking annoyed at this shit popping up every where I go anon. It's everywhere and I'm tired of it.

>he doesn't know that Nomura imagined his characters as a multi-racial cast

You're wrong that they're asian btw. Only asian ones in the world are Yuffie's clan. You probably think Luffy is japanese too don't you? Fun Fact: Oda imagined him as a Brazilian.

You guys are always so quick to pull the logic out that since its a japanese character of origin it must be asian by default and that is funny to me.
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Whoops! I posted the wrong image! Here she is? Doesn't she express diversity from every inch of her face?
You're not wrong, but you can't deny these designs aren't good.
>native american name
That's how all names work though. It's just that we've been using Greek and Hebrew names for so long that people forgot that. James/Jacob means Supplanter/He who grabs the heel, but people would give you dirty looks if you told them your name was Supplanter Jones.
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When are we getting more brown girls in video games?
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...the sad thing is I could see this working.
It's weird right? In western anglo countries they just pull names out of a hat and label their kids with no real thought behind it. And when someone does give their kids unique thoughtful names they're shit on.

Names have power, the effort put into naming their child is something that meant something and show love and consideration.

The fuck is up with them?
ACTUALLY yuffie's clan is supposed to be chinese in particular, not just asian so any number of the original cast can be asian besides Yuffie. They just can't be chinese
I like barret and Tifa

Asain Cloud would neat.

Maybe Egyptian Sephiroth?
Depends, does Barrett still say nigger?
I've already decided I'm naming my kid Buttface McSephiroth
show me the ps1 versions and not the shitty advent children redesigns and I'll be able to make up my mind.

>They're good designs

I can admit that the artist is competent enough but the fact that they're race-swapped versions of existing characters means they are instantly trash. Sorry anon. Truth hurts. Also, that buster sword is weak.

>"High wind" is typical of wind speeds that place a seven on the Beaufort scale. When wind travels this fast (approximately 32 to 38 miles per hour), the sea heaps up. Streaks of foam from breaking waves are blown in the direction the wind is traveling, and there are moderate amounts of airborne spray. On land, high wind moves entire trees, and effort is required to walk against it.

Its literally the name of an occuring force of nature that is just a translation of the japanese word for the weather pattern. Not just two random english words stapled together. It has no bearing on english names and if you decide to name your kid Highwind that doesn't randomly make it an english name, it's just a fucking name. If I name my kid Takaka Takakakeadonao he's not fucking suddenly japanese, because I made the goddamn name up.

Aeris Gainsborough can be considered English cause it's a real goddamn last name in England.
Vincent Valentine can be considered Italian cause it's a real goddamn last name in Italy.


Eat fucking shit all of you. I win. You're all wrong. Kill yourselves you faggots. Fuck you all.
you don't give your kid a last name dipshit
>Egyptian Sephiroth
>give him a giant fucking khopesh
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>Seeing as western media is dead set on changing every other white male character to black or female instead of just creating new content
I have a feeling that you're one of those people who screech when a new black character shows up or one does anything at all
There are no legal obligations to name your child the same last name as yourself

If I want to name my kid Phuc Yu even though my real last name is Clark, I will fucking do it.
>Enemy encounters are white people
>instead of potions chicken wings
>the final boss is donald trump
Light skinned middle eastern girl who's a sort of a female aladdin.
Aerith might be the blonde haired blue eyed girl and Zack would probably be straight up no bullshit non anime Japanese.
I like to think it'd switch to a thick cockney accent.

"Oi cunt we're gunna blow up the eco reactah."
Keep posting
Nigga Sephiroth looks better than the original.
>instead of one winged angel choir you hear a pavarotti style tenor sing niii-ggaaa-roooo niggaro-niggaro-niggaro-niggaro niiigaroooo
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Only their eye colours and hair are white characteristics.
Their face structure and nose are clearly central Asian, though I will give you their chins being something non Asian more like half European descent.

Even if Nomura says humes aren't a race like Asian the facial characteristics clearly says otherwise.

It a decent design, it's not tumblrised with red noses or some shit.

I also hate randomly put in diversity characters, like the black guy in mordor.
But you're letting go your hate, cloud your judgement. (no pun intended)
>Its literally the name of an occuring force of nature that is just a translation of the japanese word for the weather pattern. Not just two random english words stapled together.
Uhh it seems to be the complete opposite to me over here. I'm pretty sure Japanese doesn't just call a weather pattern "high wind", but you just defined an English term that does.
There is no profession where you walk on sky or high any winds.

Sky walker seems like a straight up native american name.
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>this thread
It's not really a high standard, FFVII is easily Nomura at his Nomurest.
Asian here.

You wish you fucking gaijin.
The only Asian party member is Yuffie.
What about designs where black characters are made white? Ala Dragon Age: Inquisition and Mass Effect? I do agree that Diversity has gone off rail, if they want to make black shows they should make it, period. Look at the show Power, all black casts. They gotta stop doing that shit in white shows.
I wasn't the one claiming that they're clearly supposed to be one type of Asian
Weren't we against SJWs in videogames yesterday? Whay happened in the meantime? I this thread entirely about falseflagging?
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Keep posting
Because it's translated to english to sell to a different market since no one but japanese people read japanese holy fucking shit how hard of a concept is this to grasp



Hardly. I still love Spawn after all these years and Luke Cage was always a favorite. Miles Morales was great too. New characters are fine but the problem is very apparent in western media and if you aren't paying attention it isn't my fault.
What I don't get about blacks is that they always scream how white people are stealing their culture, and then they proceed to insert themselves in any other culture, and want popular non black character to be black.
Black Dynamite is really popular with white people.
The designs are inconsistent

Cloud & Tifa especially, Cloud is Asian in AC but some White guy on meth in FF7R
Tifa was a White cowgirl with red eyes in FF7 but very Japanese in AC
The artist that did this went on a huge rant while posting this on facebook.
Good art > raceswapping
The problem is most race swaps are for tumblr browny points.
Niggaroth should get his own game but the others are meh.
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Please stay on topic.
Spawn should have been a white man

The logic still applies

If Marvel decided to make Black Panther some French asshole I'd be pissed.
ハイウィンド is how the Japanese say "High Wind" you retard. Your argument is like saying Tsunami is an English word because it's a name for a weather pattern.
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you know I kinda like these designs to be honest
would play if you ask me, they stick with the spirit of the characters
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It's because for over a thousand years now we've all been named after people from the Bible. You end up being named in honour of Saint John or Peter or James, but because those are Hebrew and Greek names the meaning is lost. Peter is Greek for "rock" and so people are named after Simon Peter, which would mean Simon the Rock. It sounds weird when you say it like that, yet we've got vidya characters named like that (Havel the Rock - Dark Souls) and even famous people today, but we just don't take it seriously.
>Implying black guys can't be that edgy

Incorrect. Leave Spawn alone.
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Why are people legitimately upset about people liking these designs? There's only so much baiting you can do before your opinion bleeds into them. The best baits have heart in them
>all other white characters are turned black and the black character becomes Asian
>Aerith remains white
>Zack becomes Asian
Explain your reasoning
That was very bad.
Like I said. The only white people in the cast are Cid and Cait Sith.
The majority of the planet are eurasians like cloud and tifa and shinra and marlene with caucasions, blacks, japanese and talking animal people being secondary.
Zack is already pretty asian, and Aeris is a white alien person or whatever she is
Shouldn't you be on /pol/ screaming about the "dindu nuffins" and pretending to be black and saying "FUCK TRUMP" friendo?

>people calling others retarded for their terrible opinions means they're upset

Dude I'm eating dinner, watching Gamecenter and telling you fags that you have bad taste for enjoying race-swapped characters. I think you underestimate how not-mad I can be while telling you to kill yourself for your shit taste.
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What did I say nigga
>Oui, Je suis ze Noir Panthre, oh hon hon!
A story about the nobility descendant of French colonialists defending his homeland of people that don't look like him in territory wars?
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You challenged my argument fairly without outright countering it. At the end of the day the designs are inconsistent.

Also, I don't really hate anyone. I just really dislike it when people change characters I like.
It's still not a fucking last name so you can't derive a nation from it

Tsunami is an english word
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Hey I can understand the passion ITT. I think we can all agree this is the best RPG party ever created.



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That's some good baiting senpai.
Chrono Trigger's party is better.
Why? Because of your made up rule? It's two English words together in a cast where most of the cast have Anglo last names. It's an Anglo last name.
Whatever you say shitskin
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I would normally be irritated with such basic race pandering, but Tifweesha thicc af
I only disapprove nig Tifa.
But I can box her and use BlueXIII instead.
Glad to see my fellow northern brothers here. I knew it was a good idea to tip you off about this sjw agenda thread. Let's take back /v/
Why do people in this thread think Barrett is white now?
He's clearly Asian.
Have you never seen an Asian gang member?
He even has a funking asian bun, beard and moustache.
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I like my least favorite FFVII party member more than my favorite CT party member
sorry didn't mean to quote
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>cool looking mc
>QT eyecandy
>Guy with Gun for arm
>Dreadlock samurai

He looks a lot like Batou and Adam Jensen had a bad ass baby.
Many last and first names are older then the bible anon. The cultures and their impact on their regions are ancient and are far older then the bible and it's impact.
Yes many names will be supplanted by ones from one of the abrahamic religions. But many names will be older and influenced by cultures that are older then you can imagine.
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Hi Neogaf
Of course you like them, they're well designed. If only triple A developers understood that PoC characters need to be well designed too and not just "I'm black"
>cool looking mc
Only if he changed that fucking hair.
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I like samus's ass
I like it. The hair colors are a bit odd, but that's obviously just because they're still using the original hair colors.

Definitely prefer the original though, mostly due to Barrett.
Post the link

You know the one
Aerith was some weird ancient race that could be influenced by anything from forgotten groups from japan, to atlantean myths.
Her being a simble blonde hair blue eyed chick would be kind of intriguing.

Zack is basically a generic anime guy.
Making him a full on no bullshit westernized(physically larger and more muscular)Jap dude would be fairly interesting and refreshing to be honest.
it helps that the characters the artist plagiarized took inspiration from were well designed
Because Final Fantasy a shit.

But real talk that Sephiroth redesign looks fucking awesome.
I'm not saying we take our names exclusively from the Bible, just that the most common names are.
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You're the one making up some rule that if you use two words of a certain language it suddenly means the person is from that region.

I'm making a movie with all dark brown pooinloo indians as the cast

Rajesh Visionforce
Pajeet Mirrortwo
Vishna Puppyterrace
Kramjinan Breakblood

All of them are now anglos because I took two random ass english words and put them as their last name.

You could've used the fact that Cid talks like a grizzly American, can't stop smacking down cigs while working on machinery, blond hair blue eyes, but no, you choose the most retarded ass point to try and prove he's white. Cid is the whitest out of all the characters, but not in any way by reason of his last name.

You can't use last names as a basis for a fucking made up land to pick and choose the nationality of people fictional characters anyway. Where is Wutai on the globe exactly? Where's all the flags of different modern nations? Nowhere, cause they're on the fictional Final Fantasy planet of Gaia, not Earth.

I'm done with this argument. I'm right, you're wrong. You're a dumb cunt, go fuck yourself. Good night.

no no these are better than the original anon

never saw squall from that angle before anon
Are all the people who pretend they like OP the same one neogaf user?
I wonder what would possess a man to be this mad?
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>long kinky hair
>pear shaped
>phat ass in a tight miniskirt
10/10 would play
Fuck niggers, I fucking loathe them, if anyone made this game I would have them lynched on a tree like the dirty degenerate nigger they are.
>The opposite of Asian is black
>the opposite of black is white

what did they mean by this?
>You could've used the fact that Cid talks like a grizzly American, can't stop smacking down cigs while working on machinery, blond hair blue eyes, but no, you choose the most retarded ass point to try and prove he's white. Cid is the whitest out of all the characters, but not in any way by reason of his last name.
It's not even about the whiteness anymore, it's about how crazy your opinion is that nothing can ever be an English last name unless it's used irl, even if it's made up of English words. You even admitted that Highwind was put together to invoke a feeling of airships or dragoons, both things associated with Cid Highwind. People who don't know anything about the English language won't get that because you'd only get that association if you know what those words mean.

I mean you must be ESL or something if the concept of combined words in a last name is so foreign for you.
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I wonder what would possess such a fucking faggot to samefag 120 times that he likes SJW shit?

You're trying so hard in your attempts to false flag that I wouldn't be surprised if you typing these mean things out would give you a sleepless night.

I mean, these designs are terrible, but really your post is meaningless.
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I would prefer male gigolo Tifa
I don't see anyone doing that here.
>Likes Miles Morales

NOBODY LIKES MILES. Not even Black people. How do I know? I'm Black. So your opinion on anything is rendered invalid on the pretense of SHIT TASTE via liking MILES MOTHERFUCKING MORALES
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nobody said this,
they made the asian characters black and the black characters asian.

>C-Cloud isn't asian
They look Asian, the only thing is the hair and eyes being white and most anime make their Japanese characters have different coloured hair and eyes even blue hair and purple eyes.
Shouldn't Barry be a stereotypical white guy instead?
Brown Recluse works better in team dynamics where interesting characters do dumb shit and he just has to go along with it.
I like Miles

T. Caribbean American

Seriously I like him I just wish Benis would stop writing him at all and Someone else takes the job that he failed to do

False flag? What?

Dude I just like Miles. I like his suit and I liked his interactions with Peter. I don't give a shit if you're black, you're still a retard.

How does anything you say prove that characters shouldn't be race-swapped?
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NOW we're cookin with bacon grease
Stop posting

Keep posting
I would fuck this Cloud so hard.
I prefer a more afro hair trought.
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Make me
I'm already brown
Ok the non nigger is still the best

you're a racist and a nazi
That's not even a character. Straight man with crazy people is a shtick. He has nothing going for him as long as he remains a Spider-Man.

So you acknowledge that the man that created him does a shit job at developing the character he developed? That means the character is nothing but a sum of it parts as BLACK spider child. I say give him to G. Willow Wilson to be a side character in a Ms. Marvel run and then MAYBE we'd have something to work with.
You do know that other people have written him right?

Whenever Benis the Writer, yes, the writer. Isn't writing Miles he's good when he is he's barely a character.
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>ywn that autistic

Feels good
>being this mad about asians being black
How do we make Benis like when he was writing Daredevil instead of unlimited shark jumping of decompression and lolShield?

You're missing the point I brought up Miles to begin with. He's not great in the same way Peter is but at least he's not a race-swapped Peter.

There should have never been a Black Spider Man in the first place. There will never be a White Static Shock so why the fuck is there this pandering for a (insert minority here) version of other characters? Fuck that. Make a new hero and stop fudging with characters.
Give him less power
Get better editors
Slap him in the back of the head

There I saved Mahvel
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Niggeroth looks lit af senpai
>/v/ worships niggers

What is wrong with you people?
>I'm done with this argument. I'm right, you're wrong. You're a dumb cunt, go fuck yourself. Good night.
Because talk like that will really convince him of your points, regardless of whether you're right or not.
>Make a new hero
But you won't buy them
No one does

Brands sell
Superheroes and their names are brands and IPs in their own right and in this day and age if you don't have a brand then who the fuck are you nigga?

And I'm an optimist so I highly doubt that they solely wanted to create a Black SpiderMan(tm) just for pandering sake

You really aren't allowed to take risks with any character these days because people almost unilaterally will hate it legacy characters are a loop hole to that
>/v/ likes good art that just happens to be of black people
Hot damn, I would.
Yes, actually.
They made the asian characters black but then made the one black character a white dude
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Why are you doing this?
>There should have never been a Black Spider Man in the first place.
So, I will agree that Miles origin and the circumstances around it were HORRIBLE but I don't agree that there should NEVER be a black Spider-Man. Nothing about Spider-Man is central to being white.

There could be a white Static but not a white Vergil Hawkins. The same with Peter Parker. Their mantles on the other hand are up for the taking by anyone, race notwithstanding.

>he considers this art "good"

Shit taste. Swords in particular are bad. Everything else is bad by default because its race-swapped rehashed trash.

Get a clue, anon.
he's not white look at his hair
Ignore him anon he's retarded
>Everything else is bad by default because its race-swapped rehashed trash.
Not an argument.
Cloud's buster sword should be bigger but Niggaroth's katana is fine.
The shading on Niggaroth and Bloud is AMAZING, if this guy were the art director for a game I'd totally be down to play it
Absolutely because literally all those designs beat the original.
Yeah. I really don't like Sephiroth's actual design. And the others look good too
>you will never be so triggered by a drawing of a black person that you save a folder full of pics of human shit and use it to bomb threads
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Yeah ignore him, let's stay here away from the evil cishet white people
I unironically love Cloud as a Black guy, that's pretty fucking good.

>Nothing about Spider-Man is central to being white.
>what is the original character

I mean I get where you're coming from and mostly agree but at the end of the day these characters can never be the original so what is the fucking point? When people think Spiderman they will always default to Peter. Always and Forever.

Just make a new hero or reinvent ones like Black Panther. IDK man but they've been experimenting with race and gender swaps and passing the roles onto minorities altogether without any of that swapping involved and it almost never works out well.
The only one I dislike is Niggacloud.

But I already dislike white Cloud anyway.
Niggaroth looks fucking sick
They could do more with Cloud's Busta Sword.
This is a ridiculous lack of self-awareness.

>niggeroth's katana is fine

Did you even play FF7? Kingdom Hearts?

I'd probably be less harsh about the race swapping shit if the swords were right.
I would.
You realise cloud, and sephiroth and tifa aren't white right?
They are Asian or mixed.
finally a sane anon
he art is trash to begin with
it gets points further deducted for "x but raceswapped"
>he art
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>Cloud's Busta Sword
Barret looks cool as fuck and Sephiroth looks a hell of a lot better than his original
Why do you save pictures of poop? That's weird, dude.
I suppose my "t" didn't come out
big whoop
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Whatever you say, senpai, whatever activates your almonds. You do you.

Gotta admit I like the white dreadlocks.
I'm convinced that Op is samefagging. There is no way this many people like this trash.
IP count: 162
>Someone got SO TRIGGERED by this that is trying to bomb the thread with images of shit.
>Someone has a whole folder of shit images to bomb threads that trigger him

I've seen it before but it never ceases to amaze how autistic people can get.
Poor fucking loser, lmfao.
Nigger Cloud looks cool.
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>There's no way this many people could like good art!

The art isn't good. You people have immensely shit taste.
Barret and Tifa look pretty cool, the rest can go. Blackiroth especially, he's a mess.
What is the problem with that? Bar Cloud and maybe Tifa if you don't like negresses, the other two are fucking outright superior to their original counterparts. Jap Barret looks far more rugged by comparison, and not just a rebel because lmao he's black, and Sephiroth's dreads have far more presence, along with the loose thread sprigs all over his attire. They are outright superior to their originals, though they needed originals to exist to be conceived of in the first place.

I'd say that Cloud looks like shit, but that's because they half-assed it and gave him those awful mini-dreads, rather than either giving him a fluffy blonde mane, or giving him spiky hair anyways.
The Masamune was utterly ridiculous in the actual games. Toning it down a bit is fine. It's still a nodachi being held onehanded like it's a butter knife.
Legacy Characters have existed since the beginning of comics. Why do you have an issue if the legacy is a different race than the previous person?

I notice that these threads are a lot different if the OP proposes a sex swap and keeps the races the same.
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>I've seen it before but it never ceases to amaze how autistic people can get.

You mean like drawing race-swapped versions of characters from a 20 year old Japanese Lite Role Playing Game? Yeah man I agree never ceases to amaze me how autistic people can get.

Also, the swords are fucked up
>I speak for all of /v/, I am /v/'s voice!

I wonder where into the spectrum this is placed.
>blacking propoganda
>Some random race-swapped fanart
>One that's actually well-designed, rather than being hideous shit like Ask Humantale or the like

Imagine being this /pol/
nope. sjw go home
>drawing fan art is more autistic than saving a folder of toilets filled with shit and dumping them in threads you don't like
it's decent art calm your tits
Asians turn black, blacks turn Asian it's simple.
Sophie other looks great and so does Barrett the other two not as much.

Not everything is a liberal movement.
>saves images of literal shit to his hard drive
>thinks he's better than anyone else
Same as genderbent versions? I don't get it, it's fanart. And it's not bad at all.

Yeah, the swords are tiny, that's a flaw.

>Drawing fanart is more autistic than finding a thread on an anime video games website, spotting that it has those AWFUL EVIL NIGGERS in it, and then saving a massive folder full of images of shit, to ineffectually spam the thread in order to get across some personal message that blacks=shit, and thus feel enlightened that you have expressed your distaste

*sephiroth and Barrett look great, the others not so much.

>Toning it down a bit is fine

Okay now you're just being a fucking retarded apologist for this shitty art anon.

Sephiroth without his long ass ridic blade may as well not be the same fucking character. If I'm getting a Niggeroth I better get a 50ft long blade that would never work IRL.
Fairly impressive. Not the best, but enough to make it to the next round. I even like how it makes it to dry land. Eat some more Taco Bell and White Castle, but then cut it with some Panera Bread to bind it and give it some girth. Otherwise, you'll just get diarrhea. Let me know if you need any additional advice.

Source: World-class shitter
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>In this thread: we are progressives
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The swords are the only flaw. Is this the only criticism you can come up with?
Has potential, but is shit (pun intended).

Source: World-class shitter
Only if black Aerith had an afro
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>Black Tifa
I just realized Barret literally looks like a Yakuza character
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>reasoning with autism.

anon pls

I wonder if black Teedus would be as unlikeable as normal Teedus or would end up lik some sort of prince of Bel Air?

>the swords are the only flaw

Yeah those feet are perfect anon.

The art is really bad and you should feel bad for thinking this shit is good.
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I'm not seeing the issue here. It's good art. I'm sorry black people trigger you this hard.

actually i'm just calling it like I see it. you people dont know good art or good fan art.

why stop here? Where is Ginger Cloud?
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>It's another "pretentious hipsters pretend to be ideologically opposed to other pretentious hipsters about something they aren't even invested in while the world passes them by" episode
So you are only mad because they're black

I mean that's a weird thing to get mad about but Ok
So what's your idea of good fanart?
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I have two problems with this:
Black Tifa
Wigger Barrett

I'm Black and I like Asian/White girls more than Ghetto queens
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>I'm not seeing the issue here. It's good art. I'm sorry black people trigger you this hard.

It's bad art. If he drew cloud as an Irishmen I'd call it bad art. Try again with better logic next time.

The guy can't draw feet or weapons for shit and chooses which lines to connect indiscriminately. He fucking sucks and you all have awful taste in fanart.
>anons triggered over literal shitposting
4chan has become weak
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I'm not even mad I'm just saying its bad art.

Answer the question. Where is Ginger Cloud?
It doesn't have to be a 10/10 masterpiece to be good you fucking autist.
You can draw him
I like the art but im mad about white barret and black tifa the most
Good, thanks for the opinion.
>no massive bulge
Why bother posting then?
>anons triggered over literal drawings of a black person

Not an argument


I didn't say that it does but it is still awful art.
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> W H I T E B A R R E T T
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Who knows.
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I was like you until I saw this instagram model with a sailor moon tattoo and realized how someone looks doesn't tell you everything about them.
Final boss theme : One Winged Nigger
He's Asian you ducks

Keep posting
dat Latifa looks noice
also best Nigeroth design
Nah sorry f.a.m, I don't like black girls. My momma is black
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>this thread
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Fair enough. Preference is preference.
Damn, Barkley 2 is looking hot
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>Diamond dust
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I'd eat that ass in a heartbeat
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>When are we getting more brown girls in video games?
when we kill all the racist liberals who complain about having too many white males in games, and getting mad at everything that isn't a white male in games.
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>ass bigger than the football
They look really great. I'll probably fap to that Tifa.
smells like sad frog alt right teen angst in your post
Seph looks cool at shit desu

The rest are trash
Gotta admit, that's pretty fucking slick.

A few costume tweaks, and I'd wanna see that motherfucker in a future game.

Read this and grow up or remain a mental child forever
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Cloud is terrible.

Rest are pretty ok.

Niggaroth is probably worst. Just not digging dreds.
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>Black Sephiroth

I never knew I wanted this. Holy shit that design look amazing. Reminds me of Afro Samurai.
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That's an asian.
A really bronze, tight bodied, oily asian.
Entire Midgar section would be about killing alt right kiddies :>)
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Liberals really did more to destroy race relations than anyone else, even those who are openly racists.
You used to see blacks, whites, asians, and latinos living together in movies, cartoons, etc. and nobody had a problem.
Then after 2007 everything started steadily falling apart, mostly because too much emphasis was put on "diversity."
Now you can't even have blacks and whites together without it seeming forced, shame.
I'm sorry for what happened to you, I truly am. I hope you mind peace in this life
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That White Barret looks hella dope
multi-culturalism was literally the default when i was a kid. even in school teachers encouraged us to share our religions and holidays, and partake in them together. it was the multi-cultural utopia these freaks actually wanted, but done naturally. everyone loved it, we even got everyone else's holidays off. now i get shit comments walking down the street with my black girlfriend that we never even imagined happened. i've been with her since high school, and we were best friends in grade school. not one fucking word about us by anyone, ever. we both voted for trump, and we don't even follow politics, we just chose the guy that pissed these people off the most.
jesus christ that's arousing
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Sephiroth actually looks dope as fuck
Those designs are fucking great, who did this ?
Fuck you for misreplying, I want my (You) dammit, it's rightfully mine!
Because artists like to draw stuff. They probably had a conversation with a friend that somehow lead to "What if the characters in FF VII were different races?" and thought it could make for a cool fanart idea.
>black people automatically come from the ghetto

sure you are
Weird how Barret is still the coolest. They really fucking nailed his design for a cyberpunk-lite world.
>go to his basement
>he serves you pancakes
How deluded are you that you don't realize liberals are the reason we had multicultural programming like that in the past. Modern liberals are super fucking stupid and are ruining everything but don't try to rewrite history and say that liberals never did anything right.
we're literally talking about modern liberals.
No, but I'd dry my hands on the black chicks' hair.
>Modern liberals
You mean the .5% of progressives today?
I love how people think that the internet is real life.

if most people think something is good and a small minority of people don't it pretty just stands in favour of the majority.

That said since you aren't providing any examples of good art you are pretty much talking out your ass and baiting.
People are far more willing to speak what they think, uncensored, when they don't have to do so face-to-face. Especially if they can do so by writing it out.

Or by being drunk. Same difference.
It's the same deal as Islam. The bad ones have the megaphone. They're losing the culture war hard.
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I'm imagining Sephiroth's voice as a deeper and raspier version of the dude who plays King Ezekiel on the Walking Dead and it's giving me a raging boner

>I-It's bad art
>I don't draw and I'm not gonna post examples of good art, and but trust me I think this is bad.
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The world really would be a better place without people like that.
Terrible, rotten people that project their own insecurities and hate onto everyone else in the world.
I'd even argue that they're worse than the KKK and neo-nazis, at least they have the balls to be honest and make their real feelings known, these people hide their deep seated racism and hate behind a facade of tolerance and acceptance, when all they're really doing is virtue signalling to follow the crowd and make themselves look better.
I'd prefer being stabbed in the front than the back, always.
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>trying to bait people into a /pol/ thread
>real /v/ doesnt mind
>niggeroth looks based
Im proud of this board for once
>When Barret transcends race
I don't understand

Why did they make the ACTUAL black guy white?

Also yes
yo niggaroth looks like blade if he was a grandmaster and grew dreads.
fuck now i want to play this.
Because it's just a funny little raceswap to see what the designs look like.
That Sephiroth is literally the most based character redesign I've ever seen



Cloud looks wrong to me but everyone else is looking great.
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This actually looks nice.

Most raceswap pics are drawn by shitty tumblr bitches, but this looks like a proper character artist attempted a race swap.
Kuro Sephiroth is pretty cool, weirdly.
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>Not having a conquistador mindset
Black Cloud looks pretty fucking dumb. Mostly the hair, rest is acceptable.

Black Tifa looks better than I expected.

White Barret is pretty cool looking.

Blackiroth looks fucking badass as shit.

Would play overall.
>Black Cloud looks pretty fucking dumb. Mostly the hair,
unlike his usual hair?
What do niggers have against straight hair? Otherwise the designs look fine.
It's a lose-lose situation.
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>that Sephiroth
I like niggaroth and Tifasha,
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Is there a source on this artist? I cant read that tiny signature.

The artstyle is cool, I wonder if they did anything else.
Nothing against, our hair just isn't naturally straight for the most part.
I'd take a black girl with her natural, kinky hair over one who straightens it any day of the week though, shit just doesn't look right, and a girl who straightens looks 10x better when they don't.
But that's just my own personal bias.

Holy shit. Yes, please.
>being so disconnected that you think they have a grudge against straight hair
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Uploading by itself for image search
>Best guess for this image: Black


found source
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WTF is this?
Look at the size of the eyes, the oddly shaped head, dat hook nose.
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Someone should throw it in FaceApp and see if he's at least a qt girl
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I need to step my art game up.
oh sweet fuck
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