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Thoughts on ARMS?

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Thread replies: 513
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Thoughts on ARMS?
On what?
I'd put my penis in mimin

Game looks mediocre otherwise
Looks like a lot of fun.
Looks cool. Polished, inventive. Slick designs.
im sold on it. waifus are too damn good.
I was never interested in it until we got 4 player mode. Seems alright, but it needs a lot of content to justify its price.
I really hope that Biff isn't in the actual game. That fuck was obnoxious as hell.
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What? A waifu can't just be someone you think is pretty. You gotta have that emotional connection, otherwise, you could just say anyone is your waifu. I doubt that a Nintendo fighting game will provide you with character development, let alone the traits required for a really good waifu.
Do fighting games ever justify a $69 price tag unless your really into that stuff to begin with?
Content. :^)
Looks dumb
Should've called the game HANDS: Catch em'
im sure he is but he did say hes usually quite. so i image hes an npc of some form.
You're clearly not a true nintendo fan.
people waifu princes peach sooooo...
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looks pretty fun. also looks technical enough to be competitive

Looks like gimmicky shit.
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Glorified minigame
Seems fun but I'll get it on sale
I like the concept, the design but the last gameplay we got seems slow, slower than Pokken (and Pokken matches takes a lot of time, even with a timer)
It looks cool and interesting, however:
1. Not worth paying for internet to play online.
2. Nintendo already has a fighting game, its called Smash, and I honestly prefer it.
3. They didn't go far enough with customization.

You know what would have been better? Anybody here play Custom Robo on the Gamecube? Those robots had tons of features you could customize, from the bombs, to legs, to arms, to torso, to guns, to wings. It made every fight its own unique experience. If ARMS had gone that far, besides just two arms, and character special, I would have been all for it.

I'm sorry, but to me, it still feels like a tech demo fighting game, when I'd rather just play Smash, Melee or 4, either is fine. Splatoon felt this way as well at first, this is true, however Nintendo had literally no third person shooters at the time, so Splatoon even as a tech demo at first, felt appealing, nothing to compare it to, and fun, with free online. I could go on and on, but I will just end my post here.
Looks light on content, but I'm more interested now that there's 2v2s.
2v2 sold me on it. I'm a bit skeptical on how fun it will be using a normal controller but I'm excited for it none the less.
It looks like another tech demo, like 1-2 switch, and I thought it was going to be bundled with the switch.
Turning out more cool than I thought.
>fighting game

stopped reading right there
smash is a party game
Mechanica is not for lewd.
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New characters hidden in the menu.
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for about a year now thats has not been the xase with pokken
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Plus these two.
Looks like one of the many Nintendo exclusives that seems really retarded at first but is actually ridiculously fun.
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I love the newest character.
Looks neat, but the 1v1 makes it a fighting game, so I dunno how well that'll go. However, the 2v2 makes it exciting. Still, I'd like a demo or something. I'll be waiting to see how reviews go since I'll be busy in June with Stormblood.
My main concern at the reveal was that every attack looked too slow and reactable.

It seemed faster this time, so maybe it'll work out.
Looks fun. I'll probably get it.
My normie friend watched the direct with me and he's excited to play it.
>Two more robots
>after Mechanica
The white mask guy(?) looks kinda cool though.
Isn't it just one robot? The green guy looks like jello.
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Finally! A fighting game for the pussies who always throw ranged attacks and stand at the corner of the fighting ring!
It's got no legs to stand on.
Oh shit, you're right.
Not jello though, look at that white stripe on his chin.
He looks like a watermelon with pink lips and some kind of visor stuck into it.

Maybe he's a plant fighter with vine arms.
Really awful name. Horizon-tier name. I feel like if anything is going to get in the way of this game doing well is it's name not really grabbing normies. It needs something like "Splatoon" to really stand out. ARMS is very generic, namewise.
Looks fun, but I don't think it's worth the 6 Alexanders
A cybernetic plant person seems like exactly something this game would do.
Looks like 100% shovelware.
Yet some fags are hyped for it.
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>technical enough to be competitive

Jesus Christ, it looks good but unless we've only seen 10% of the features the game is not that great. Don't get me wrong, I'm still holding out that this is just the tip of the iceberg, but this has the amount of features, depth and content as a Kickstarter game right now.

I trust in Nintendo that a bigger game has yet to be fully shown. Same thing with Splatoon. There has to be more than just Horde mode waiting to be revealed.
Uh, not for Wii U. Game was so slow last EVO it ended up taking 2 hours longer pushing Killer Instinct to pretty late throughout the night.
Looks like a Kikestarer pitch and less like a feature-complete full-priced video game.
it looks fun and deceptively deep. It looks like it could get old fast though that doesn't stop other fighting games from being popular. Team matches was interesting and unexpected, I wonder what else they are hiding.
Honestly the constant references to "LOOK HOW DEEP IT IS GAIZ, CUSTOMIZATION GAIZ, GAIZ THIS IS A SERIOUS FIGHTER" from the announcer really turned me off to the game. Looks like just another one of those games that will be popular for a few months then dropped like a rock by everyone but the most autistic.

Giving me some real For Honor vibes.
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Well it's not like one of Japan's most popular fighting game series has that too.

Though ARMS is much closer to Virtual On than EXVS.
It looks okay, I hope there's some bigger stuff they're going to reveal before release though. Not sure why alot of Nintendo fan sites and the Nintendo posters on /v/ are setting this up as the NEXT SPLATOON, and saying anyone who doesn't think it's going to be amazing and sell millions of copies better prepare another bag of dicks because it's a new IP and Splatoon was a new IP so that means it's guaranteed to do as good as Splatoon.
Dumb frogposter, if you actually paid attention you'd see that there is a ton of technical shit going on here. Almost all of the hands-on impressions have talked about how surprisingly complex the game can actually be.
Looks like some PS2 minigame
why do i remember seeing people playing it with motion controls?

is it motion control mandatory?
>on the right
All of the showcases have had motion controls, but they've said you can play it with only buttons.
No, you can play with traditional controls.

thank goodness. appreciate the info.
I'm expecting a 6-7/10 metacritic score and low sales numbers since people don't know what it is.
It looks like shovelware that Nintendo is trying to pass off as a new IP mainstay
>fighting game

its like you put on floaties in the pool at 20 anon
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>Spring Man powers up the more you mess up his hair
They actually did it. The absolute madmen.
is this the new "Splatoon will never break 500k"?
Can you not be mean to me right now? I'm having a bad day.
Everyone knew what Splatoon was and offered. The success was easy to predict. ARMS is the exact opposite. Even going by this thread, there are still plenty people who know next to nothing about this game.
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O sorry. Play a nice vidya.
That's because there hasn't been a testfire or memetic ad yet
I knew that shit reminded me of something.
Is that why so many people predicted it would sell like shit?
You mean you extrapolated the falseflagging by a few anons to the majority of people instead of actually going to other sites and seeing how preorders were through the roof and people were excited about the gameplay that was clear from the first trailer?
belongs on espn2 and evo desu

Has more depth than street fighter.
Looks really shit imo ill be passing on it.
It looks simple, sure, but I don't think it's that shallow.
is this the new" every new IP by Nintendo is the next Splatoon"?
> its price
how much is it?
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>technical enough to be competitive
standard price. /v/ is just poor
Everything new from Nintendo that looks fun is going to be called the new Splatoon. Unless it has an anime art style which will just cause a whole bunch of shit flinging about Fire Emblem. If it doesn't look fun it's either shovelware or the next Codename S.T.E.A.M..
>most people who have actually tried the game have said this
>developers have said giving it technical depth was a focus
Why does this trigger people so much?
Meh, at least porn's comin' out of it.
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You have 10 seconds to make a "blind" mechanic in a multiplayer 1v1 game that isn't trash.
Im excited for it. Looks like a lot of fun. Can't wait to start throwing punches with my joycons while ducking and weaving in my living room in front of my TV like an idiot.
the Blooper, just like in Mario Kart.
The guy on the right is some slime monster I bet. You can kind of see his goggles sinking into the green of his mass.

A lot of people have been saying the fighters except Mechanica are all creations. Maybe slime-guy is a failed creation?
You don't need motion controls.
I'm actually concerned by the elemental effects because they sound like there are repeating effects. The shock, Ice, and stun all sound like they do the same thing.
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I cant wait to bring it to work and challenge my boss
>in a multiplayer 1v1 game
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Mario Kart's a multiplayer game too.

we won't know how it works until we see it.
ARMS has 2v2
You could do 1v1 with Mario Kart DS, though.
>nintendo, known for creating the most baby games in charge of giving a game multyplayer depth
>most people who played (the press) the same people that give games less score for being to hard, that cant play doom on consoles, that theyr deepest analysis of a fighting game is "woah that fatality is cool! The super moves are too hard tho, make them like smash".
That people say the game is deep? Ok im sold
You're not wrong, but you should drop the trip. People will not listen to you with it on.
>most people who played (the press)
Except for all of the people who played it at those events they did in a bunch of cities where anyone could try out various Switch games, including ARMS. There are those all over who have played it.

But I shouldn't be surprised at a tripfag being dumb.
ice is a slow not a disable.
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>playing in public with the sound on
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>the bra just vanishes into thin air under her shirt
Not only do you not need motion controls, you don't need to waggle around like a retard. The devs said they were surprised at people swinging wildly when a flick of the wrist will do, and attributed it to what is likely habits leftover from playing Wii games.
>that isn't trash.
ARMS was only available at the press one, the public ones only had Breath of the Wild. nice try retarded nintenigger
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Nintendo can do cute girls
>spats rip
>nothing she can do about it
My dick can only get so hard Anon.
fucking retard, all the demos were available at the events
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I wish they would just port pokken instead

Harada said their team is no longer involved with the project when last asked about it.....
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wait GUYS I just noticed. Everyone has spiral eyes except Mechanica...

is that a jojo reference?
This is what discerns me.

A Switch port of Pokken would absolutely make sense, shouldn't be too hard to make, and would likely print money.

Not only that, but there are characters in the arcade version that console gamers outside of Japan are never going to be able to play. It'd be extremely odd and fucked up if Nintendo never made a Switch port.
It could be good, if it wasn't for the shitty motion controlls.
1 2 switch looks funnier
Motion controls are optional
He said, more specifically that "it was out of his hands" and implied they already did the work to get the patches working with the console game.

So that could mean they don't want to bother, or it could mean
What flavoring does MinMins pussy juice taste like?
I mean, that shit had better happen. Pokken still has a pretty thriving community. They'd be wise to take advantage of that with an updated re-release.

Maybe they're waiting until they're absolutely finished with the arcade version?
Looks like a fun casual fighter
I wouldn't pay 60 buckaroos for it though
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That was due to shit organisation more than anything desu
Pokken matches are definitely not slow
Not that it's relevant in the ARMS thread but eh
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Looks like shit but I'm still willing to try a demo
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That's because the game was only 2 months old at EVO and the meta hadn't devolped and nobody knew how to counter zoners, so everybody used keepaway characters.

People thought suicuine was the best character in the game then and Machamp was the worst.

The meta is way different now.
Ice slows. Maybe stun is the one that temporarily disables their arms?
>brown blonde girl looking smug
>7 pokemon in S tier
I'm not sure that's how tier lists work.
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Something about the style is putting me off. Otherwise, the gameplay looks pretty mediocre. I expect it'll become the Switch's Pokken Tournament. It'll die fast but have an autistically obsessive fanbase that only talks about waifus, never gameplay.
I think she have White hair.
The game is just that balanced.
I think you mixed up pokken with skullgirls, anon
>tfw I main Sceptile
first time in any game that my main is in top 8

I feel better about it, compared to before. Curious to see the next fighters and content in general.
Looks like a tech demo.

Splatoon at least tried to have content.
someone didn't play Splatoon at launch.
Honestly looks like something that's made to win back the Wii cancer babies.
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Coily DLC when?
Where's the fucking depth

>look how many different characters/arms there are!!
complexity =/= depth
It looks really solid to me.

A lot of depth to it, fun gameplay, great characters and arms, it's something new. Fun game modes.

Honestly I just want to see even more of it. I'm excited for this game and can't wait for it to release.
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Ribbon Girl is the best Nintendo Girl.

All others can just go in the trash.
you can say that with Smash :^)
Maybe you should have actually watched ARMS gameplay videos, then you would have seen the depth you pleb
Arms is even less of a fighting game than Smash is
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Peach, Rosalina, Daisy, some Zeldas, and Minmin are pretty good too.
>hot and sweaty after a good fight
>uncomfortable in her steamy spats
>keeps jumping around, keeping her out of breath
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+ :
Gameplay looks fun
Great characters

- :
Ooga booga where da content at
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>You can't escape her, no matter how far you run
>content in a fighting/party game
Story mode or what?
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Couldn't they have picked a better name? This is the main thing that's bugging me.
I don't get why everyone is so up in arms about the name, I think its fine
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Oh, gee. Another motion control game. My favorite.
it has alternative regular control scheme
You can play without them, thank God they didn't take the Star Fox Zero route.
there is also an alternative way to use your dick, yet you will never get to use it.
Hah. I unironically chuckled at this picture. Thanks anon.

What do all of these do?

leaves a burn on the enemy that ticks for a bit of damage?
chance for critical hits?
slows the enemy down a bit
just extra damage I guess?
briefly stuns one of their arms? I doubt it stuns the whole character, would be flat out better than ice
hopefully it kind of works like bloopers from mario kart
>that lip on the right
looks like a fembot to me

plz be true
Not him but that's hardly a comparable situation, tilting the controller to aim is quicker than an analog stick but swinging your arms isn't faster than pressing a button
She's not an android amputee like the others.
That's racist as fuck. First they make Minmin the Chinese girl with ramen noodle arms, now they make Watermelon Face that slaps enemies with chickens?
Can someone explain the trend of an almost all blonde cast? The same shit happened in SFV and it was annoying as hell.
>knew the success of splatoon
>no one gave a fuck about it when it was announced (much like Mario maker)
>launched with little content

>ended up selling a bunch of wii us and copies, and was a pretty good game.
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The girls are cute. CUTE!
But you can guide your arms after punching with the motion controls, you would actually have less control playing on a traditional controller.
Like in Splatoon, all the top players will be using the motion controls.
I bet Spring Man, Ribbon Girl and Minmin will be picked by tryhards.

I'll just play the based fat mummy with giant naval mine arms.
I won't be playing this shit if that's true, motion controls are fucking cancer.

Electric stops but ice slows, I'm guessing stun affects attacks.

Wind pushes back opponents.
>I'll just play the based fat mummy with giant naval mine arms.
Big guys are always the best guys
You might lose 90% of the time to tierwhores that abuse shit and lame you out, but god damn if it isn't satisfying as fuck when you dunk the shit out of them that other 10% of the time
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>you could just say anyone is your waifu
But you can, anon.
>mfw you are now my waifu
Nintendo did a good job with them in Splatoon
Given reactions by people who tried it so far, no reason to believe they won't do it again with ARMS. The motion controls seem lightyears ahead of what we knew from the Wii, seem really tight and proper.
Literally what is wrong with moving your hands left, right, and forward. You don't even have to get up you fat fuck.
>I won't be using faster and more precise controls because of nostalgia
Get with the times grandpa
ARMs will fail, it has no fanbase, the FGC rejected it, the Smash community rejected it, there will be a couple of casual users who buy it but it has no community that wants to adopt it.
The only reason you think motion controls are good is because you're an underage cancer child who grew up playing the Wii.
Arms will be the next Splatoon in terms of being a hit, I can already tell.
3d fighting games are a pretty stale genre right now so I'll give it a shot.
It's like how people call everything "weeb" when it's pretty much code for
>It's eccentric and Japan in a way I can't project myself to being cool for liking like duh Jojos and Metal Gear "Hahaha, the box joke!" Solid.
When that's the same blatant naivety people complain about weeaboos in the first place.
Arms is not a fighting game.
Splatoon already had a massive following due to a fun looking concept and lolis, this following has failed to materialise for ARMS
Wii motion controls sucked ass, but splatoon ones were so good, almost like using a 360° spherical precision mouse.

They just need to be done right.
Oh it's you again.
Every single day. Every ARMS thread.

Do you ever get tired?
>but it has no community that wants to adopt it.
New IPs tend to have their own community. Its not as if Splatoon relied on an existing community adopting it, it grew its own community by being fun
This isn't even comparable to splatoon. Gyro aiming is nothing like swinging your fists for an input.
All the designs lack originality
Just wait for the inevitable loli character, this is a game made in Japan after all.
You need some sort of community to latch onto the IP with fighting games, otherwise the game just dies out.
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If you think this game is going to be anything more than a Flavor of the Week piece of shit you are living in a fucking fantasy world

This game has ZERO lasting appeal and will be as forgettable as Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.
I know right, just like Splatoon
>But you can guide your arms after punching with the motion controls, you would actually have less control playing on a traditional controller.
Show me proof you can't do that on a real controller.
you could easily do that with a control stick you stupid fuck
Have they even mentioned online multiplayer yet?
Holy shit mario is in this?
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>tights under spats
>I bet Spring Man, Ribbon Girl and Minmin will be picked by tryhards.
>Not Ninjara
What. He is literally 'cant touch this' character
>and will be as forgettable as Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.
That game was a lot of fun and its a damn shame it'll never get a sequel, the only bad thing about it was not being able ot speed up/skip enemy turns
Looks like shovelware
Codename steam is completely forgettable in every way, literally only praised by contrarians.
No one can point it out either because no one has played it.
That may give it a boost, but I can't see any lasting appeal, how fighting games prosper is through the games being picked up at locals and existing communities diving into it and the game gaining traction among those communities. If people felt indifferent towards the game I would agree it has a chance, but we have seen an outright rejection from the existing fighting communities, this will not be played to a level where it can actually gain traction.

This is different from Splatoon, something which can survive and thrive on online MP, fighting games have a different way of surviving.

No I don't think so, but I think it will still have it.
>You fight in an arena, doing mainly full contact pugilist combat, 1v1, rounds based on extended knockdown, with characters and abilities balanced and polished on even competitive combat.

There's not even items you can pretend to have a point about.
>we have seen an outright rejection from the existing fighting communities
The game isn't even out yet, what are you talking about?
Go to Smash community forums, or FGC forums, try and find things about ARMS, people are rejecting it and refusing to even look at footage of it, it is being put down and rejected before it's even out.
>Given reactions by people who tried it so far, no reason to believe they won't do it again with ARMS.
Are you kidding me? The people who've been playing are normalfags who loved wii sports and journalists who love baby games with motion controls. Of course they'd praise it.
If you say so it must be true.
Oh no the autists don't like it? It must be a shit game!
>MUH MELEEEEEE autists aren't hyping it up

snap, it's all over now!
>Other people like it so it's bad
By that flawless logic I bet your favourite games are E.T. and Superman 64, faggot
the few smashers I occasionally look at on twitter said it looks fun
No they don't count.

The community out there is rejecting and refusing it.
I didn't say that retard, its just no reason to believe the motion controls will offer any significant depth. Its just Nintendo being paranoid about emulation again
A game for amputees
Explain your position.
Every person in the game is either a robot, or has something to do with a robot. Mechanica is the only human
>Nintendo makes games with motion controls to counter piracy
>someone believes this
I think that the haircut of Spring Man looks like a turd.
See >>373693618
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Say "rejecting and refusing" one more time motherfucker
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No motion controls needed.
Honestly im getting tired of people using the "ITS A WAGGLAN GAYME" argument when you are clearly not forced to use them
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t. pic related
"Hey miyamoto, i guess now all our systems have ARM CPUs now"
"ARMS eh?"
>15 minutes later the game was already completely designed, but took the nintendo team 4 weeks to remove all the extremely silly miyamoto stuff and make it not painfully casual
>3. They didn't go far enough with customization.

this desu
>arguing what a waifu can and cant be
God you are disgusting
We all know there will be
>an arm that is literally a sticky hand
>an arm that is like a vine whip
>an arm that is like some kind of cables or rope

Don't reply to him. He's in every single ARMS thread ever on /v/ and always says the exact same things. He would reply to you with "but not using motion controls will put you at a disadvantage" now but probably won't because I've mentioned it now.

When you see that "motion controls are shit / wii kids" guy in an arms thread, just ignore him
That's literally the reason they shove so many gimmicks in their games.
If you could follow the comment chain like a non-retard, someone else claimed that motion controls are more accurate.
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hmmm a lot of these comments seem familiar
>characters I thought the best were the best
>told people zoners would fall off
>basically play the ken and ryu of this game

wew lad
>2. Nintendo already has a fighting game, its called Smash, and I honestly prefer it.
>3. They didn't go far enough with customization.
Have you played the full game? How do you know these things?
then go fuck yourself
>That's literally the reason they shove so many gimmicks in their games.
I fucking love that I'm not completely outclassed since I main Machamp.
There's no other explanation for the mundane shit they add to games that adds nothing to overall experience, for example the touch screen segments in Mario 3D World
>it's another shitposter derails a thread via samefagging/baiting
Looks like Wii Sports Boxing 2. Probably fun but I'm not paying full price for it
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>What is taking advantange of the system's features
Ah so it's just your baseless assumption.
There is.

They make hardware with lots of gimmicks in hope of other developers picking them up and innovating, but they have to lead with their own examples.
>Master Mummy will never be picked because no game on the planet seems to be able to make a fast character who isn't a cheap shit

Just like Smash Ganondorf
But it doesn't add to the gameplay, its a pointless gimmick.
Well when the only uses they can come up with it are braindead stupid and would be better served by a button then I don't blame others for not making games for them

The name is so generic and boring.
Using physical based rendering?
Switch absolutely loves this shit unlike the WiiU and could use some nice dose of PBR.
Just for once, I wish we got a fighting game where the power, grappler characters were top-tier.
Maybe there is hope for him because of his ability to recharge health.
He could slowly whittle down enemies by using fire powerup arms and heal himself bit by bit inbetween?
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>Games arent allowed to be fun
Nintendo is advertising it as a competitive game
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>competitive games arent allowed to be fun
>competitive games can't be fun
It's both.
You'll be able to enjoy ARMS in the chaotic 2v2 mode with your friends and just have a good time.

You'll also be able to tryhard it out in online ranked matches 1v1.

You autist.
competitive games is the best meme of the decade
What does not being fun have to do with anything? Why did you pull that out of your ass?
>didn't even mention the word "fun" in >>373720153

Good job dodging the point though. I guess you know you just got exposed.
I don't see how Wii Sports boxing is competitive but okay.
What does ARMS lack to make it competitive?
Good controls
>1. Not worth paying for internet to play online.
it's like 20$ a year, fuck off poorfag
Lel, here's your (You)
At least you finally admit to being btfo
Who is best fucking girl and please provide scientific visual presentation to prove this girl is superior
But I thought it lacked depth? Now it's the controls that decide if the game i competitive?
Cry some more.
Motion controls can't have depth so it goes together
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Im not even going to ask why because im sure your response will be "MATIAN CONTRULS REEEEE" so ill just give a (you) so you can be happy and fuck off
Custom Robo is great, but it was horribly, horribly imbalanced. Like to unfixable degrees.
It can actually have more depth than a controller

See: gyro. It actually comes close to a mouse and keyboard. Also traditional controls are avaliable, and if you can't git gud at that you would just have to admit motion controls are superior
I like Punch out so I'll probably like this. Don't think I'll be playing online since it'll be full of joyless tryhards
>Don't think I'll be playing online since it'll be full of joyless tryhards
I guess you don't play any games online then?
but anon, the tryhards will be using the joycons :^)
sodium and MSG
Asian spice ramen soup.
that art is pretty good for 12 hours after minmin's reveal
wagglan shit
I play turf war in Splatoon but that's it
>anon died of dick crow poisoning before he could see Splatoon 2
You clearly weren't around here when Splatoon was announced.
Who here /boomerang/ arm?
Gonna curve the shit out of them left and right, people won't know what's hitting them
I'm /boomerangdragon/ so far. Ultimate ranged fuckery
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>tfw you can use the boomerang to send them to the direction you want and then hit them with a heavy arm or fully charged dragon arm of Minmin
The mindgames will be great
have (you) played monster girl gamu yet?
Roast beef.
>cover picture is man getting punched in the face by female character

Ah, Nintendo, this is why I pirate your games
>triggered by lack of diversity
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I definitely see the potential in this game. It's not just throwing punches. It's timing them, curving them, jumping, dashing, blocking, countering, grabbing, comboing, using your ults right, using the stage (pillars, trampolines etc), doing all of that at once while managing two different arms to play mindgames, lead your opponent and anticipate their actions.

It's all there really. I have no doubt that there will be some top players that are far better than I could hope to be, especially when it comes to shit like the tiny invincibility frames granted by Ninjara's teleport dash, cancelling out hits with Minmin or things like that.
no items, fox only, final destination.
Because you are ascared of girls?
What a beta orbiter.
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If this hasnt been posted already, here are new characters
So 10 characters? And 10 stages assuming each character gets their own.
So we're already at 10 playable characters, I wonder if the final roster will have even more. I can see like 12, with additions over time through free DLC
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Are you ready for "are arms fighters EVOLVED ALIENS???"
You know that won't happen.
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>trust Nintendo

You brave fool.
legal way to beat up your kid.
*Splatoon says hi*
Nope, I love punching females
Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros say hi
I'm ready for something like. "The secret evil behind ARMS"
Splatoon launched with barely enough content to be considered a game, and wasn't even sold at full price outside of NA. And all of the content up until the August update was on the disc.

i want to bang that chinese ramen robot.
Very creative and charming game.

But i feel like that for a fighting game is way too slow, the attacks looks sluggish and they showed the possibilities of doing some sort of simple combos on trailers but when an actual fight started there was no combos at all. Also, no sign of special moves as well. Gameplay looks mediocre or maybe even awful.
Nintendo i s never good at show casing fast combat. Iv seen better can faster gameplay or arms on YouTube by literal who's.
It looks interesting but I don't have faith in it actually being good and most people only seem to like it because they have noodle arm fetish
>noodle arm fetish
huh that exists?
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>tfw got a boner from this part
>most people only seem to like it because they have noodle arm fetish
The only arm related fetish I've seen talked about here is amputee.
The final boss is an experiment gone horribly wrong and they accidentally gave him spring legs.
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ctrl+f "farewell"
>phrase not found

ctrl+f "keep and bear"
>phrase not found
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Before Splatoon's release there was an anon who said that it wouldn't sell more than 30k and that if it did he would eat a bag of crows and dicks. We don't know how he reacted to it passing 1 million.
What we need is more hardware for photorealism.
Not creativity. Gaming should be based only in pushing buttons.
Hell, that's the exact reason I rate VR: it uses motion control.
i'll be contrarian and main master mummy just because when dexfags get shat on they become extra salty
Looks somewhat cool, but I wouldn't pay more than 20-25 bucks tops for it.
This is abysmal taste.
I'm not into Arms.

I'm more of a feet man.
dead on arrival
also that square puzzle game is a fucking newgrounds flash game that they are gonna ask for many shekels
This game is probably going to have a really fucked up back story.
As someone who played the game it's faster in motion and there's a lot of hidden potential with the mechanics
>What we need is more hardware for photorealism.
>Not creativity. Gaming should be based only in pushing buttons.
Is this bait?
If it were the other way around, there would be boycotts. Don't even try to deny it.
Looks like a fun concept, but I don't think the competitive scene will have legs.
looks bretty fun

definitely needs more content to justify purchase though, a solid singleplayer mode especially
who needs legs when you have arms?!
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Getting more interested with every trailer. It's a neat idea with interesting character designs. Will pick it up if I get a switch.
The girls are top tier as well.
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No Lanky Kong, no buy
How did art this good get done so fast? Fuck.
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>that slurping noodle could very well be her tounge
So if we currently have
>Machine Coils

Then what are these guys?

Move over mechanica, minmin is best girl now
Min Min is literally delicious.
I wasn't really into it. But the footage from this direct made it look pretty interesting.
There needs to be a demo though. Please Nintendo.
Fire doesn't burn if I remember right, all it does is guarantee that you'll knock your opponent down.
I didn't get this. It annoyed me that so many people hated arms after the first reveal. It always looked good to me. not even trying to be hipster but people kept saying the game was so barebones even when we had no info
Can't wait until they reveal the egyptian girl
Min Min > Mechanica > Shit >>>>>> Ribbon Girl
Might be fun

Not buying a switch solely for it though
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It looks neat. I won't be getting a Switch for a while though, so I probably won't get a chance to play it any time soon.
I've found several games I'm excited for on the switch. Still waiting a couple months but I'm excited for

>fast rmx
>mario odyssey
egyptian girl will btfo minmin, anon. accept it
My impression from before was essentially that it looked like a less intense Pokken.
I like Pokken mind you, but still. But the gameplay we saw now was actually pretty intriguing.
>surprisingly complex
complex for a nintendo tards, not for general users
That's what I don't get. The gameplay we just saw was exactly the same. The only new gameplay we saw was a small clip of 2 v 2 stuff.
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Granted that Min Min's spats+shorts combination is absolutely magnificent so her spot at the top is well deserved. But with spats like Ribbon Girl's you don't place last.
sauce me up pls
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This game would need a one-handed control scheme.
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>bravoman ripoff
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Finally sobbered the fuck up
Promised some MinMin last night
nice, anon.
It's official.
Based Boris.
They said it would have online yes
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>STILL no slinky character
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wouldn't that technically be spring man?
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Game will be pretty good.
Robot is ultra hand, green guy is tentacles/goo, and Mr. White there looks like he might be wearing earphones, so maybe something music-related.

Dunno about the lady.
I don't know about that. But in regards to fucked up back stories. I still get the occasional chuckle from remembering that Splatoon is a post apocalyptic setting.
kek how did I miss that thread?
Why would a fox main want to ditto on FD?
>both sides of the face are Jojo
>both sides of the hair are toothpaste

I love it
It was back in January when they had the big announcement of all the 2017 games for Switch.
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Am I the only one for whom the facts that they're robots is kind of unnerving? Sure, they seem cute, but kind of lifeless -specially Min Min, but Ribbon Girl doesn't look too lively either...
I absolutely adore robutts. So I can't say I share your sentiment.
it's been 18 hours anon.
They're not all robots. The lab stage shows they have DNA and that there's a history of these elongated limbs in this s world. And Ribbon Girl's shown emotion, so she's clearly not lifeless.
you have the mosaics for the other games?
Minmin's chinese, did you expect her to not be lifeless
There will probably be cutscenes in which the characters will show more..well character
The only ones done since that time are Breath of the Wild (garbage), Mario Kart 8 Rerelease (decent), 1,2, switch (meh), and pic related.
You can find them all here: http://vidya-mosaic.booru.org/
shit, you're right. that zelda one is awful
I might host that one again sometime just so we have a decent one. Still better than Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate tho.
This actually triggered me. How could they fuck up monhun that badly
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They were more interested in making a memey clusterfuck.
By having wildly varying ideas, actually putting some effort into almost every tile if not a lot, then have 0 quality control or color continuity. Each tile has a lot more done to it overall than most modern /v/ Mosaic, being all hand-redrawn, but yeah.
>those shy girl tits
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How could I have been so blind to the mario porn all these years?
You've been missing out if you really didn't know about Shygals until now.
Where do I start, mate? I need more. any specific artists?
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Minus8, mostly. Also OuttaSync for thicc Shy Bob-omb.
I think it looks charming.
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She's quite the bombshell.
My biggest concern was that they'd shown all the content, so seeing more characters is welcome. Looks like it could be fun.
They still have 4 more characters, several, modes, and arenas to show
So she's a slut?
What gave you that impression?
No, she's a bomb with a bombastic body that all the dudes hit on.
>grabs tits when everyone's hitting on her.
I dunno am I mixing up confidence with sluttyness?
>grabs tits when people are joking about her tits
>stares at ass when people are joking about her ass
does it matter if she's a slut? she's fictional. Besides, tons of girls are slutty nowadays
They were joking?
Sluts arent my fetish. But no it really don't matter all that much.
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Yes, that was the joke of the image, she's heard them all before. The point is, just look at her ass and don't think about it too much.
what is your fetish, anon? Loyal girls are rare.
Oh hey, I got busy and didn't do those sketches. Starting on this one in a bit. Got the others saved. :^)
Oh nice, I was wondering what happened.
Clinical-grade depression and oodles of College homework. Sorry for the delay,, my man.
wii boxing 2.0
they added random mspaint drawings that didn't even fit their respective tiles
that's like saying forza is mariokart 2.0
Pure and loving loyalty gives me the hardest boner I could get desu. To bad its the most unrealistic of my fetishes. Especially when I love giantess and futa as well.
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No worries, I understand. I'll just keep posting Shygals in an ARMS thread.
Why do people say this?
You don't even control the gloves in a similar way.
You could draw an ARM-gal while you wait. :^)
I may just do that, actually. I've been meaning to give Ribbon Girl a try.
Where are girls the most loyal? I feel like I have to move to another country
Shy Gal amputee getting fitted for ARMS fighting.
I could do a Shygal Ribbon Girl, I'm not really into the amputee headcanon some people have though.

Actualy we had never gotten an official video explaning all mechanics and movements until now. Before this. if you weren't actively following people streaming it from demo nevents, it just looked like Wii Boxing with effecs.
actually we did. a couple weeks ago they posted detailed gameplay videos
yea you gotta punch the air really strategically this time. the gameplay is so deep.
Git gud
>you gotta press the button really strategically. Gameplay is sooo deep.
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Mechanica isn't mechanic.
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Minmin a cute.
>punch the air
You do that and see how far you get.
The old gameplay didn't have neat maneuvers that happened while the arms were still out and flying and doing stuff.

We saw footage of them moving around while the arms were moving, sure. But nothing fancy.
Here we had Min Min despatching her dragon arm, shooting charging a laser to the left. Ushering the opponent to move right. So that Min Min could dodge the opponent's counter attack and counter from the right as predicted.

Basically. We may have seen the same kind of gameplay as before. But it never looked particularly tight. This time it kind of did.
>you have to play the game to play the game?gross
kek are you crazy? yes it did? there were two entire videos dedicated to it.
the good think is that she doesn't look like a 16 years old and more 22
They didn't look as good. Despite making a big deal out guards and counters and stuff.
Its not a matter of being poor. Paying $69 for a game that lasts 2 hours isn't value.
If you think it looked better this time, that's fine. It's just annoying when people say we saw different gameplay this time around. All we saw was a new char and a new arena
It looks like it will be fun for 45 minutes
just like your mom
Biff lewds when?

are you high
A Testfire would be great
You could say that about any fighting game.
You don't play fighting games huh?
no you have to punch AND twist
fighting games are like racing games. If you don't like the core gameplay, you don't buy the game because both rely heavily on gameplay.
Retarded child of Punch-Out and Tekken
>what is Potemkin
>what is the grappler from UNiEL whose name escapes me
>what is Tamaki in Aquapazza
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>Game comes out on the last day of E3

I can %100 gurantee Treehouse Livestream is going to have an Arms tournament
I feel like they're trying too hard to recapture the Splatoon magic. Splatoon took a genre Nintendo hasn't really tapped before and applied a really clever idea and some cool designs. ARMS is trying to do that with fighting games, but their designs aren't really doing it for me and the twist doesn't really feel like it has much going for it in terms of making me want to try cool things.
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smash end.webm
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I hope so
I don't think you're seeing the difference Arms is making. It takes the fighting genre(which has primarily been known for twitch reaction gameplay) and makes it so the twitch play is lessened and players rely more on strategy and planning attacks ahead of time
I don't think you're seeing how little people care about that. In a typical fighting game, you usually spread out your characters for several playstyles. There are setup and planning characters and then there's reactionary characters. Old fighting games had both. I fear this game will have neither.
That's what I'm saying the game does have both but every character will play with a mixture of reaction and planning
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Yeeeeeaaaah, not seeing it. All I'm seeing is a very slow boring fighting game where your setup does more than your in game play.

Most fighting games have a better developed roster and entertainment factor.
This should very similar to thing people said about splatoon.
>blocking and dodging
both of those are quick actions and can be done in reaction to an attack

>pretty much all attacks
attacks happen much slower
Still working on my RB doodle. The hype is too real. This game has the Splatoon-levels of potential.
Oh boy 2 hour story mode. Goodie.
And most fighting game have been around for 10 years to have a good roster.
and arms doesn't? looks fun as fuck. what do other fighting games have that is better?
>Slow and boring
>Posts splatoon

What did he mean by this?
Get out of here /pol/
wow that is actually fucking impressive, anon. Might want to bring in the left cheek though.
>Tries to commit suicide with a gun
Because mechanica doesn't actually have spring arms like the rest of the cast, she controls a robot that has them

That's pretty cool actually
T-thats a doodle?
dont get a switch?
this made me kek
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Nah. I saw what Splatoon was capable of right outta the trailer. Most people did sept the sour grapes crowd. I see nothing but ways this game can crash and burn in terms of monotonous shallow gameplay and complete lack of variety. Not to mention all the ways they're probably going to completely flop the balance. I give it 3 days tops before everyone is using the same loadout and strategy.

But hey, I would love to be proven wrong. I would love for them to be successful in making the Splatoon of fighting games. I'm just not seeing anything click the way Splatoon did.
seriously., imagine a game like this would come out on any platform other than nintendo.
nobody would even care.
absolutlely nobody!
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Interest died there.
You don't want a waifu which just shuts the fuck up, cooks and takes the cock at the end of the day?

It has a roster of what, 10 characters? Even a fighting game demo has a broader roster. That won't get stale fast. Not at all.
Yeah cuz on any other platform the art style would be garbage and the waifus would look like men.
Thanks. I'll fix it after work.
Considering weapon load outs are a thing as well ur argument does not hold much ground.
>Implying more characters won't be added later
>implying we even need more than 10-12
look at overwatch. they started adding too many characters and now the characters are starting to be very similar
Most fighting games that are the first in their series have around 10 characters, m8.
if it was about the art style. this shit looks like totaly generic trash.
if you look at games like paladins vs overwatch the artstyle is nothing better its just the blizzard.
just be honest how much brand loyalty about nintendo plays into this?
I don't think that's really comperable to a fighting game. A MOBA tends to balance that way because too much is happening with too many characters. They find the easiest way to balance is to just slowly many everyone's drastically different powers the the same, just a little bit at a time until they've lost what made them special. Fighting games tend to just bounce between extremes.
total garbage
ppl only buy it because nintendo
its a switch exclusive therefore its good.
pleb mentality
The art style stands out much more than either of those games. It's very Tezuka-ish.
thats motion control indie game level trash. why do you even talk about it?
oh yes it says nintendo
What I'm saying is there is a point when adding characters just to add characters will harm the game
totaly forgetable. if it wasnt on the switch but some indie developer made it on gog nobody would even care
>same style of writing and fanboy bitching
>just over a minute apart
You're not even trying.
sry you are wrong.
it only sells because nintendo muh
>brand loyalty
Fuck off you memeing faggot I own a switch and a ps4
so its literally a game for casuals? kek

Well I hope you anons enjoy Arms when it comes out, and have a great deal of fun with it. Just isn't for me, and personally would get stale very quickly.
Meh, people would care. Every game no matter how small has a following. Arms looks incredibly polished and has a lot of flare. Lots of people are interested
basicaly proving my point.
its bullshit living of the nintendo license
Fair enough. not every game is for everybody. Kirby has a huge following but not everyone likes kirby games. It's like that
just prove that you suck.
switch plus ps4
srsly kill yourself imidiatly

not even everyone likes souls games and those have a large following on /v/

You guys use this excuse every single Fucking time



Try a different excuse
>Talking to cute Asian wok shop girl
>she's really shy and adorable
>suddenly she tenses up
>I ask her what's wrong
>Spaghetti flies out of her socket
>Clocks me in the jaw
>Wake up in hospital
try actualy debating that.
if it wasnt for stupid brandnames you wouldn't care because its objectively not good enough games to competewith the rest.
its just true
Exactly. While it doesn't appeal to me, I appreciate the diversity it offers to the market, and the possibility that I may like other titles of that nature.
I guess if you go like Mortal Kombat Armageddon or Naruto Ultimate Ninja route where they set out to make EVERYONE and in the end only had like 4 templates everyone was modeled after. But that's 50 some characters, we're far from that point. Overwatch doesn't start with characters who are exactly the same, they only get turned the same after 4 or 5 balance patches.
dont like them so much either but they have good quality they are challenging and have good gameplay
nintendos new stuff is just trash using ppls nostalgia
good old nintendo days are over
does it matter if they start out the same or are made the same? The point is they're the same because there are too many chars
>It's wrong for a Nintendo fan to be interested in a new Nintendo IP Cuz they like Nintendo games.
Did you eat the Dicks and crows yet
No, that's what my original post was about. Overwatch becomes the same because they're trying to balance a game with too many unique characters on the field at once and find the only way to do that is to overtime make them all fill the same role. They're afraid of their own characters uniqueness because there's too much happening in a match for them to properly even it all out. A 1 on 1 fighting game does not have this problem at all. If anything balance in a fighting game tends to just slingshot between extremes.
If ARMS was an indie game, I'd still be really interested. Then again, I really like indie games.
>super cheap
>great quality if you know where to look
>regular free updates

I guess you're saying ARMS doesn't look impressive. I'm not sure what you're expecting. It looks great to me. Sound design is good. Visuals look flashy and catch the eye. Gameplay looks fun and if you're playing against a good player, it could be really great. What more do you want?
lying or shit taste or both?
I get your point now but how many extremes could there be?
>most durable

then what?
>shit taste
so you're basically saying
>i don't like what you like so you suck nah nah nah
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