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Why is this fucking game so hard compared to P4 or even P3?

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Why is this fucking game so hard compared to P4 or even P3?
Why is this game so bullshit?

>give boss like 6 phases
>refill his health twice
>last phase can use mudoon on protag to instantly kill him

What happened to the devs in their childhood?
Nigga the very first Persona you get is strong against Mudo attacks, just summon him from the compendium or something
Thanks for telling me that after I wasted fucking 25 minutes of my life fighting him, but don't worry now a single fucking bossfight lasted me an hour. Unless you want me to look up a fucking guide before every bossfight.
because persona is written well?
>Personafag sees actual gameplay for the first time.txt

Reminds me of Persona Q.
>Make Persona 5 actually hard like mainline SMT games.
>Purse owners can't comprehend it.
Is the game's difficultly on par with SMT games?
Hello welcome to SMT.
I didn't buy SMT though, I wanted to play a good game so I went with persona.
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So why buy P5 if you didn't want smt?
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*blocks your path*
Bet you thought this would be as easy as P4, huh Son of Man?
*Makouhas you*

Isnt there a DLC just for a harder difficulty?
I was actually planning to play on that once I start the game.
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Are you playing on Hard? If you are, then what did you expect?
I'm not a "p4fag" though.
just play on easiest difficulty. those games are filled with percent/luck based shit. why would you willingly frustrate yourself with that?
yes it's the most SMT persona game, look at the final dungeon
Nocturne wasnt even hard either
Why don't you just swallow your pride and play on Safe already
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I don't know but I fucking love it.
Fuck blasting through everything in one night in P3 and P4
Because those number are meaningless if you know what you're doing
I'm playing on normal everything is constantly blue to me.

Removing the exhaustion mechanic really makes the game's difficulty dependant on your own personal time.
I played 8 megaten games and the only shit that is different r how enemies hit you for a truckload of damage this time around

Not even smt demons hit as hard
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Why do bosses in Persona have such a fucking massive HP pool? Since the combat is so slow any boss fight takes hours.
Especially when you compare it to SMTIV:A where you can beat most bosses in less than 10 turns and the animations are fast af.
You are absolutely lying to yourself if you think there is nothing wrong with the artificial difficulty in this game. The DLC difficulty results in being one-shotted, with perma-death.
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How do I get sp??
>everything is insanely expensive
>get 0 money on hard
>if Akira gets attacked first by literally anything you lose
Should I just play normal? This seems way too rng.
But you can still do that you just need to not be terrible.
I'm playing on Hard and I'm constantly facing yellow/red.

I've found it a good challenge balance so far. I've got game over maybe twice in the first palace both due to bad positioning and my own mistake while battling.
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Started on hard and just beat the first dungeon. I regret it. I can feel myself getting into an impossible situation and wasting hours on a failed PT.
oh my god im so angry hahahaha

i can't even rage anymore i'm literally kekking
Yeah, that's perfect.
It used to be way too easy
I'm not sure this is a good defense. Are you saying SMT is bad, so it's his fault for playing a bad game?
Because they all have gimmicks.
Anyone got a torrent for the ps3 version?
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Fuck off faggot. You don't pirate good games.
I'm saying the series as a distinct reputation and what he said fits it to a T.
It's fucking 40$
>Be SMTfag
>5 is my first persona
>little easy but still fun
>read this thread

I never understood the hate for personafags

now I do
And don't you dare fucking watch a stream either.
EXP and Money Rate is the same on both Normal and Hard. The difference between the two is that on Hard, you hit less hard and enemies hit more hard.
Yes, it's called Merciless.
Not all of them
Don't worry, they hate you just as much.
meh, japshit is never worth anything
>SMT titles become more Persona-like
>Persona titles become more SMT-like
I don't know how I feel about this timeline
>EXP and Money Rate is the same on both Normal and Hard

Really? Its only Merciless difficulty that cuts your exp and money? Coulda swore it was the same for all of them.
what floor will i find a guard captain that will drop the left eye to the kamoshida statue?
2nd down from the floor the statue is on.
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So you're saying 4chan isn't worth your time either.
Get the fuck back to your normalcancer shithole.
Feels like I'm broke as shit.

Good then I guess its not even worth pirating huh? Fuck off.

It's all on the same floor where you find the first one.
Can you still do that bullshit where you can fuse a fucker with victory cry and then inherit it to something else later really realllly early on?
lmao triggered weeb autists
>a distinct reputation
For being bad? I thought this was a conversation about game quality, not reputation. Instant death is an indefensible mechanic unless you can see it coming and are able to prepare for it (or, more simply, how about they stop giving game overs when the protagonist dies), and unless you think you should literally only use Personas that nul/reflect/absorb both hama and mudo, you can't prepare for it and can easily get screwed.
Get a job, hippie.
you have to go back.
>you can't prepare for it and can easily get screwed.

False. Git gud scrub.
>I'm bad at the game, therefore the game is bad.
Just buy it, you put good karma out there and are basically voting for good games to keep getting made. If you're gonna pirate go pirate older shit, really obscure shit, or AAA mass effect, CoD, Halo type shit.
>now i hate people who have trouble playing game
Nice work autismo
Genuine question, how are RPGs considered hard?

Is it just that you have to grind more? Or know things in advance? Or get lucky? None of those things are difficulty
What are you talking about? As someone who played Persona since the start which is 3, I love this guy
I'm sure the giant, multimillion dollar, faceless corporation appreciates your gallantry.
it gets better after first dungeon. I'm on third dungeon and the most bullshit unfair thing i encountered so far are those Archangels in first dungeon.

it's almost like

it's called Merciless for a reason


crazy right

Fuck you. Fucking retard. Don't play on the literal hardest difficulty if you can't handle, spoiler, the hardest difficulty.
But you can prepare yourself against instakills, by ambushing, wearing certain accessories, fusing personas with specific defenses, etc.
Good rebuttal guys.
I really wanna play P5, but, I'm really upset about something. My Take Your Heart edition was for some reason cancelled. Should I just buy it digitally?

Well what else are you gonna do? Suck off a scalper for another one?
The timelines are merging. The only possible outcome is Raidou 3
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Opinions on Morgana?
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That's a boy cat
It's really easy on normal and really hard on hard. Kinda imbalanced desu.
Yes, you can reduced the chances of it. But you can't prevent it completely until late in the games (and even then, how many personas nullify both light AND dark?), it's still a roll of the die in the end. For regular damage this is fine, for instant death this is not. Also, you can't ambush bosses.
>I'm disgruntled because I didn't get the opportunity to spend 30 extra dollars on a poorly made backpack, teddie 2.0 plush, and a castrated soundtrack and art book.
It was a lousy premium edition, anon. You'll miss out on nothing by not having it.
Would fuck
Have you tried fusing mudo/hama reflects on the persona _______git gud__?
They must've done something right if people are complaining about getting instagibbed light/dark again.
Anon. I paid for it from Gamestop's website, and then about a month before the game comes out, they cancelled my order, and I didn't get a refund. I don't know why.
A regular mob wiped my whole team from full life with one attack in the first dungeon. It can get pretty crazy. And that was with a damage move, not a KO move.
That little flag is the best part of this old as fuck design. It's so lame yet he beats your ass anyway.
>regular mob
You're supposed to grind at least a bit.
Because you're playing it blind. I think most people had some exposure to P3/P4 before playing them, like I knew the tricks to the P4 boss battles which made the game easy, plus stuff that you can do to get EZ stat upgrades. In P5 you have to discover and learn all this shit yourself unless you've played the Jap version or are using a guide.
I'm getting the game soon, might as well ask it here
Normal or Hard?
>Cancelled Refund
>No Refund
>Don't know why

Don't you think you should be talking to customer service about this issue?
Normal, you can do hard on your next playthrough if you feel like it
With a girl's name.
Nah. SMTIV is harder than this. P5 is only hard when you're slightly under-levelled. All-Out Attacks and the ridiculously simple "negotiations" make it easy.
>ps3 version

So I was checking google today and apparently theres now a way to install CFW for the PS3 using just a pendrive, is that for real?
And no I dont mean the jailbreak shit that was being sold.
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>didn't think they could make a bigger slut than Rise
>the madmen actually did it
"Hard" RPGs are generally just being prepared for whatever might come up and knowing how to exploit the game mechanics to the fullest.
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Get a job.
I wish that you had to send a picture of yourself to Hiro and if he had even an inkling of a doubt that you weren't over 18, you wouldn't be allowed to post. I genuinely believe that 90% of the people here are between the ages of 13 and 16.
He's charming I guess, but he isn't really as interesting or funny as Teddie.
Only on the second dungeon, but I certainly am not digging what may be the way you go about doing dungeons.
>Go perusing in mementos for clues.
>Takes a day.
>Get a lead, investigate
>Takes a day
>Get enough evidence to pursue the owner of the palace, but get locked out of the second half of the dungeon for arbitrary plot.
>Another day
>Finish the dungeon, place calling card.
>Another day.
>Fight boss.
>Another day.
It's been years since I've played P4 or P3, but I can't help but feel as though the investigation point prior to the dungeons opening felt more organic. Furthermore, the cat explicitly says that people with immense desires are the only ones with palaces. Why the hell are we waiting for a valid reason to investigate when the palace is reason enough to be suspicious.
>Madarame midboss
>First turn
>Ryuji does Zio, it's not weak
>Boss goes next, crits Lupin for 123 damage
>instant game over
Okay then.
Shut up
I already bought Persona 5
As long as you aren't pirating the superior PS4 version, that's fine by me.
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I can't come up with a good name for the team. Thinking about Nine Lives, since, you know, a cat is in the team and there'll be a total of 9 members
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>9 members
That's an awesome name for them.
The second heist is the one that introduces mementos, that's why they force you to go in there. The timelimit for missions after that usually only starts after you found the target and their palace.
Yes, I know about the spoiler
>Meanwhile Rise has seemingly adopted a more conservative image
Seriously that Sapphire cover is fucking beautiful.
So you got the "Take Your Cash" edition instead? No, seriously. Contact customer service and your bank.
And thanks, anon. I really can't come up with anything else. Been thinking for more than 10-15 minutes now probably.
First reason is good but why are you giving potter-kun clairvoyance?
Does Kamoshida use any status ailments that I should be aware of?
Dude, the name shows up maybe 10 times in the entire game. They usually refer to you as phantom thieves.
Teddie is the worst Persona character ever though.
Normal feels just right
If it is too easy for you, you can still change it ingame.
No. He does all physical damage though. Bring Slime for an easy fight.
How about "Phantom Thieves"
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>want to do things after school
>fuck you, bedtime

How much of a bitch does one have to be to take orders from a fucking cat?
Doesn't fit. 12 characters.
Does the game skip over Winter? Or you can play the whole year for once.
>bought the digital version
>PSN STILL downloads the game at like 1mb or something

Shit is using like 10% of my internet to download games, is there any way to change this?
How the fuck its still this bad, I havent downloaded a game for like a year now.
I have an Obariyon with Rakunda, hopefully I'm all set because so far playing on Hard and a lot of these encounters seem like complete bullshit.
Cat blowjobs at night are purrty good.

Took me 20 mins on fucking release day. Get better internet.
> harder than p4
fuck my life i give up
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Is there a benefit to having your Knowledge leveled up for exam week? Thinking about restarting from an earlier date so I can level up my Knowledge.
Tried changing DNS to google's? and If you already did this then try changing it back, it works sometimes.
I'm literally saying to pirate AAA cashgrabs like mass effect, CoD, and Halo sequels, etc. Just not shit that people actually put heart and soul into and that isn't super popular in the West.
That's why you fug the teacher

it helped in p3/4.
>Any semblance of challenge whatsoever
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How do you activate the Izanagi DLC? I assumed he'd automatically get added to my list of available personas

is he even any good in 5?
Uhg, this game!
>Investigate palace
>Get back home at the evening
>Want to do shit like study
>Morgana: No you're to tired, go sleep
>Stuck in story plot
>You need to sleep early
>We should go do this, but you're locked out of things for the whole day
This game really feels hand holdy, not only is the game about prison, but it feels like the game mechanics themselves have me imprisoned.
Please tell me it gets better.
Yeah I know but in what way? It's been so many years since I played those I don't remember.
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pls respond
So is the Sun link the best way to get money and does doing the Death link make her lower her outrageous prices? I'm only level 1 for both so I want to know if they're worth prioritizing.

He is in the compendium. he is level 20.

You can get him at level one. I can only imagine all the scrubs playing on hard or merciless using him to scrub through the first dungeon.
Game ends in December
i never got past shadow yukiko
no joke

Coffee nigga, need that sweet joe.

Speak to Sakura and be his apprentice.
>>Get back home at the evening
>>Want to do shit like study
>>Morgana: No you're to tired, go sleep
Uh when does this game get hard? Only the beginning was hard because they limit you with locked behind tutorial mechanics. The bosses so far are so easy.
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greenlight it
>Sharing detailed information about crimes and targets over a recorded text message service

These kids are retarded
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I don't see how you could beat the second boss on Hard or Merciless on the first playthrough. First boss was tough, but fair mostly. Second just absolutely wrecked me in the second phase no matter what I tried. Had to put it down to Normal, which was then too easy.
You gotta wait a certain amount of time, then check the cardboard box for him to go "oh shit Izanagi." Same thing with the P3 DLC and the skill cards.

Izanagi and the Picaro version are broken as fuck for the early game. Same with the other two in mid game.

First summon from the compendium is free.

some questions depended on your rank in knowledge so if you didn't level it up it would say "You don't understand this question at all" and then you'd get it wrong.
Pretty sure you're just bad at games then anon.
4th Palace is pretty hard imo.

Fucking mini-bosses who have Omni-Resistant Adds that can one-shot you if you're unlucky. Bring [Element] Break and Phys. Resist skills.
Wait, fuck, 5th. Meant 5th.

I like, completely forgot about Kaneshiro for a minute there...
>Voice is horrible on both languages
>Won't shut up, ever
>Telling you what to do and when do it
>People say that Teddie was annoying compared to this

I don't need to hear how fucking smart I am when I give correct answer in class or how good I studied or did what ever. This fucking cat won't shut up! Not even victory screen is safe from this piece of shit.
i guess so, but if it's shes so easy why cant anybody explain how to beat her
It helped on the final day because there wasn´t a multiple choice question it just went off your knowledge stat, so if you want top marks you need to get that stat up there.
>Their number one fan hands out their identity to anyone who asks.

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>Oni crits twice with rampage
Just wait til you get to the game's 5th Palace.

You will know true hatred for shitty kitty.
You literally just have Chie use Mabufu every turn.
You could fuse a persona that was resistant to her attacks. Been a while so I forget the details. Was still a pretty challenging fight though.

Ignore the prince and wrek her. Give the dodge fire thing you get from chest and put on Chie

also you have to grind a little.
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Why do all the characters in P5 feel less interesting than those in P4?

A lot of the female VA work is also miss-cast in the dub version, characters sounding 20+ years older.
>not having a VPN on ur phone

The NSA is laughing at your small dick
probably never went grinding enough
What Arcana would Kramer be?
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>these fucks blew almost $300
>on a fucking BUFFET
i disagree
and also
> dub

Because they aren't dancing around and doing wacky scooby too antics for you. You fucking child.
Is it just me, or when characters are asleep in battle they can recover SP?

I may be imagining that. But if that's so, that's kind of invaluable.
The sleep status causes the afflicted to get health and SP, it's always been like that as far as I know.
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Hanged man
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How can P5 waifus even compete?
having more character than HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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I wonder...
Yen are not dollars
I'm only at the first dungeon but I already like the blondies better than P4 characters. I really liked P4, but so ar it has the least interesting characters out of 3-4-5.
shiiit, I went through the whole series without knowing that


Well, I know what to do with this info, then
They spent 30k yen which roughly translates to $300 USD.

Literally all you have to do to get an approximation is move a decimal two numbers in.
30000 yen converts to around $280 buddy
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How in the fuck am I supposed to get my Kindness up so I can do Ann's social link? I read two Kindness books and that wasn't enough and I can't do the fucking flower job because my Charm isn't leveled up.
>only allowed to eat for 1 hour

Maybe rent a DVD. Also a job might help.
Work at the flower shop.
Each of them paid 8000 yen
Doh, I'm an idiot and didn't read the whole post. Go to the bath on Tuesdays and Thursdays to get your charm up.
>I can't do the fucking flower job because my Charm isn't leveled up.

No fucking kidding, I'm having this problem. I've studied 3 times on rainy days and got all the class room problems right, AND read the thief book.
>Status: Oblivious

Do you lose points if you spread out the gains? It's fucking nuts. My proficiency leveled up after making 4 lock picks, why was that so easy?
It's still a fucking buffet
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Sojiro increases your kindness
> only 200€~
> allowed to eat for 1 hour
I would
How do you get low level personas? First Pyro Jack I met I one shot so I can't even hold them up.
Just wait til you have to get it up to tier 4 or 5 (I honestly don't know since I'm still lingering at 3) to do Futaba's Link.
It's $50
Knowledge goes up slow. But I would suggest that you get guts to 3rd rank so you get temperance confidant to start when you get the opportunity. Eating challenge burgers and watching dvd gives that rank fast.
Just gonna take this opportunity to say "Makoto is best girl".

Getting to go on a date with her in Hawaii was the best.
Where is this cardboard box?
increase difficulty
or just wait until you get Ryuji to Rank 7
in your room on the bottom shelf next to the desk
Thats where you get your healing item dlc but the personas you have to go to the velvet room.
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>Persona 4 is Scooby Doo
>Persona 5 is The A-Team
Really buckles those belts
Shelf in your room near the stairs. It's the box you get at the start of the game.
Appears at Leblanc cafe
Knowledge took me like 16-17 points to level it up.
Its the hardest stat to increase.
Because this is what every persona game does.
What's P6 gonna be?
Is the game fun on Merciless or should I just stick to Hard?
What's the best way to increase guts? I want to do the doctor's link.
Welp, now I know what to name my group.

>Have knowledge at 4
>Can't get Kindness over 3
Maybe I'm just not trying hard enough.
Charlie's Angels I hope
There is a drop on hard but it's so negligible that you'll barely notice it.
Merciless/Challenge is the 40% exp. Which is still better than P4G's 25%, and the game is actually built around it so you don't have to grind for hours if you know what you're doing.

dvd, studying in the library, big bang burger when you unlock it
>EOPs still don't ever get the references
Nigga it's literally a Lupin meets Detective Conan movie with Stone Ocean motifs.

Just like Persona 4 was literally Diamond is Unbreakable only instead of Kira wants to live a normal life it was Adachi wants to live an amazing life. Only they added Doraemon.

The opening sequence is ripped straight out of the old Lupin intro and Morgana's AOT splash screen has Morgana versions of stills from Lupin's intro. Goro has shit from Detective Conan.
It's about on par with SMTIV but far easier than SJ or Nocturne
Does the library also increase knowledge?

i think im gonna deito her
Also the view of the city from the casino is actually taken straight from the 2012 Fujiko anime
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>with Stone Ocean motifs.
For the love of God i love jojo but P5 has nothing to do with stone ocen stop trying to force nonexistent references
It does.

Gives bonus Knowledge plus Guts too if you're lucky.
nevermind, doesn't look like you can inflict sleep on your allies
Were you on hard or merciless? Cause I beat the 1st at lvl 8 merciless and it was ok.
Where do I buy dvds?
They haven't gone back to there smt roots. This is still nu-persona
You don't remember Stone Ocean do you? It's okay. Most people only remember Gay Priest.
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>Persona 5 team not Order of the Black Knights

You messed up Senpai

In the part of town where the gun shop is. It is at the very start of the street where you enter on the right side.
Nocturne's difficulty is so overrated. Nocturne is only hard with you don't fuse Daisoujou. If you have Daisoujou, it's a fucking cakewalk.
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Shibuya and you rent them
>You don't remember Stone Ocean do you?
Right back at ya buddy
Shibya, central street, on the right where you spawn in.
I got it for 40
*if you don't
How well do the PS2 Persona games emulate?

I remember playing P4 a year or so ago and it ran almost flawlessly

If you aren't playing golden then you ain't having a true p4 experince son.
how so?
Forget what he said the vanilla P4 version is fine also all Persona games emulate well in PC

One word. Marie.
TONS of extra stuff, QoL improvements. etc.
A shiiiiiiit.

This however, is true. New locations, events, Personas, Skills and more.
Amazon Primes savings
>Have a comfy couch in your room.
>All you can do is sit on it and reflect.
>Have a nice table suitable for studying.
>Stupid faggot cat sits on it and tells me to go to bed so he can go downstairs and musk all over the coffee brewers or something.
God dammit, why would I stay in the library or strong arm other moons just to read when I have so many other places with fewer distractions?
Am a massive smt fan boy and persona 5 wenabove my expectations. Feels way more like a smt game mainline that is, then p4 and p3. Good job atlus

HD models gave me a hardon.
Hard is fun enough, switch if you think it's still too easy.
Maybe cause protag isn't an antisocial neet
I still remember that one anon that derailed a thread shrieking about how easy Persona 5 was
Now it's here and threads like this exist
doesnt let me up my social skills,fucking cat
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I find it nice in P5 that ine of your confidants will let you see an enemies skills very early, you know, in case they have instadeath skills
>Level confidant with punk doctor to 7.
>Sells SP+ accesories at a discount
>LMAO resource management

Don't exactly remember the prices but they're not terrible. Aside from that Sojiro's your best bet.
Adorable and perfect mascot.
You cannot hate him unless you have no soul.
Do you unlock any costumes while playing or are they all DLC?
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>jumping from corner to corner like a ninja on meth
>ambushing enemies and ripping off their masks
>staggering 3+ enemies and seeing the finisher animation

and I thought seeing Chie drop-kick someone into oblivion was the most satisfying thing ever
Just gonna go and say that, much as I like everything else, the follow-up attacks kind of pale in comparison to Chie's.
A good shop in EU.
I just beat the first boss. Now the free days are really comfy and I'm enjoying it.
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>Bubbly Hills 90210
Do some bosses have immunity to crits?

Cause I'm smacking archangel after boosting critical chance to seemingly no avail
>can only make 1 coffee a night
Can you make more as the Confidant progresses? If not, that's really not worth it and I'd rather focus on Takemi.
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>mfw another shitty mascot character ruins the game.
absolutely, no other statuses (and thus technicals) too
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>I'm not sure why, but a lot of people have the cognition of a cat transforming into a bus

I get that reference
What does covering Madarame with painting and throwing an item at Kaneshiro do? I managed to beat them without those since I was close to winning.
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>Phantom Thieves always shit talk adults
>Meanwhile my waifu is the punk rock doctor who's clearly an adult
Morgana is the first mascot I have actually liked in a while.

>cute voice (playing with JPN audio)
>actually gives useful advice
>no annoying quirk that comes up every 2 lines

Madarame becomes weak to everything, I think. Kamoshida takes more damage and kinda loses his aggressiveness.
how do beat painter?
>tfw no Kamoshida social link
They only shit talk the bad ones your waifu is off the hook
Which arcana would he represent?
>free teacher curry/coffee everyday with invigorate accessories on

learn from real life; get the fuck on the good side of your teachers and the people who will keep you fucking alive if hurt
whichever one the benis chariot monster
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Is anyone else tired of the goddamn phone messages every five seconds? It's not that bad when it offers you a teleport to the social link, but it feels like half the fucking story is padded with useless fluff text going off every time you take a step.
Can you do more than one romance at a time or is it better to do them one at a time? Any drawbacks like characters possibly knowing you have more than one romance going and fucking up the SL?
Good for you Steve.
anyone have an answer to this question? I'm also curious.
They only shit talk the shit ones.

Even Sojiro will talk about "Shitty Adults", despite being an adult himself and a perfectly decent guy.
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>my little guinea pig

doesn't the mouth absorb slash damage though?
so much for that strategy
>rush while reading this, expecting to die


No, they add more to the characters and teir interactions which is cool
You don't even know what padded means anon
Is Politician Man a bro? He looks like a cool guy
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I haven't played the game, but I stumbled upon this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsMeavnp2rs

Does anyone have anything similiar to this in this soundtrack, or in any other ost for that matter?
The mid-class ones kinda bug me.

It's like
>"Oh mid-class, am I gonna get a pop-quiz to up my knowledge?"
>"Oh wait no, it's just Ryuji texting everyone in the middle of class like a dumbass."
I'm always with Makoto when she tells him to just shut up and focus on class.
Do guns have any damage potential in upgrading or are they just solely for the damage type?
Its almost like the interactivity of phones, getting yelled at by teachers for being on phones, your shadow realm coming from a phone, beinf discovered by people coz you talked on your fucking phones, everyone on the subway staring at their phones except you reading a book and that one jap who bought a vita rubbing clothes off his oppai loli on the subway, a grill attempting commiting suduku only to have a bunch of people record it on their phones and the fickleness of people voting on theirs phones is one of the themes of the game
I don't think they start shifting gears to "Romantic" until Rank 7->8, so you should be able to get all of them up to that point to get a good idea of which girl you like best before committing to one.
Which one of the two?
The guy giving speeches in Shibuya
Wait, you have to commit to one?
>teacher confidant destroying my wallet
Finally a realistic depiction of a dating relationship in a Persona game.

They kick your ass the day after Valentine's day.
He's cool. Hit on hard times after making some mistakes in his youth, so now he's trying to get back into the political scene. You help him overcome the neurosis caused by his failures, and in return he gives you new and better skills for negotiating with Shadows.

See >>373064261 for if you decide to lead on multiple girls past that point.
Does anyone else give com allies free will? I notice when I do there's more chance of a knockout
I've maxed most links for grills and it seems to be 8->9 always where you decide. Game makes it pretty clear. There are events that can have romantic undertones even if you're like rank 5 but it is just for that event

I'm tempted to do it only because P3 was the only other Persona I played.
Is advancing his link the best way to make money?
Does that have any long lasting effect? Like inverting arcanas, people staying mad at you, not being your gf anymore etc, or is it just one funny scene for one day?
MC gets evasion if he's the last one standing. If that is what happened.

I'm tempted to, but I hate losing progress and don't trust the AI to not fuck me over at some important point.

I'll save it for NG+ when I can presumably steamroll everything in case of emergency.

>Let me out of the room, cat
>lol no, you're sleepy dude

>S-Link shit happens

Can I just play the game without some fag talking over me?
Can you max temperance and get that ability not to lose evening without romancing?
>ever letting your allies get a single turn in NG+
No that would be just doing requests in Mementos.
I've gone pure best girl this playthru and denied the maid relationship. She still gives me massages and does my curry, coffee, laundry and shit for free while i'm out with Queen
>Megidolaon every day all day
>By some chance it doesn't instakill in P4G
>Naoto's turn to use Megidolaon
>get to the Operation Maidwatch part
>Sadayo's a maid that offers "services" to customers

people still waifu her?
this just fucking happened to me 2 days ago. beat him then 15 mins ago you randomly fight it again aoe wipe. still mad
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>Want to check out the gym for HP boosting.
>Cat stops me.
>Want to check out the karaoke bar to improve guts.
>Cat stops me.
>Want to check out the porno store to gain charm.
>Cat stops me.

That furry nigger needs to go.
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shameless selfbump
>Helps you cheat in school
>Makes sure you get a good night's sleep
>Teaches you how to make things
>Is a cat

>Loyal as shit
>Is a dog
>Better than Junpei

>Not even a real bear
>Probably gay
I liked teddie but I like morgana even more. He has a lot more personality I think. Lot more helpful too. I dont mind how talkative he is either, its not any worse than anybody else and I think they're fine too. Overall a pretty awesome companion.

Im just hoping that morgana actually turns out to be a human female so I can eventually romance.

If that happens I'm bumping the rating up from 9.9/10 to 11/10. Would make up for niggors VA change
When can I explore the main city at night
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>when your maid teacher makes more cat puns then a talking cat.
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>I liked teddie
I want to impregnate a cake
play the game for more than 5 minutes aka climb the fucking tower senpai
Best Girl through and through.

Can't wait to get that figure of her they're making.
Party member, and yes better than Junpei

Party member, and not always there to give you bad puns

With you 24/7 everywhere, cockblocking you from everything.
Morgana is also a furry fucker that stops you from having fun in the evening.

Koromaru wouldn't cockblock you or stop you from going out at night.
Someone remind me how I can easily find a companion in the world?
I had to yield and bump it down to Normal after I lost an hour of dungeon crawling and grinding TWICE to those level 16 horse fuckers in the first dungeon one shotting my MC with a crit. It seems like stuff crits you way less often on Normal.
Good taste anon. I came in sure i would go with teach or the womanlet but ended up with her. Happy days.
In keeping with the preferences of purityfags everywhere, a note is maid that despite working for a company which does make such offers under the table, you are literally the only person who actually hires "Becky". Everyone else thinks she's too old.
>Go for a walk with Koromaru at night
>Get an item
>Run into a friend
Great character to be perfectly honestly.
Stop being a bitch
Don't forget her being 100% ready to take that "other, better paying" job her boss has lined up.
just do it
>can't romance Sae

They're weak to Ice. You could have negotiated for or fused a Succubus, they're level 7 and have Bufu.

I thought Caroline was a major cunt.

Then Sae started popping up more and more.
Fug all girls first playthrough to see their endings and then be faithful next one, it's like people are actually retarded
Caroline does it on purpose. She writes cutesy notes on how to present herself as an intimidating dom in Justine's clipboard.
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Funny enough, I think the saccharine sweet side of Lavenza comes more from her than it does Justine. As well as the attraction to Joker.
>get to the first day of summer
>walking around trying to find the faculty lounge to talk to Kawakami
>Makoto's following me with a book in her face

how am I supposed to pick a waifu like this
Makoto obs. 100% best girl.

Also has the best Persona Awakening.
Fuckin' Spoilers man.
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>Best Persona awakening
At this point everyone knows, there has been art of Lavenza floating around for a long time and people have a huge heart boner for her.
Whats the dungeon situation? Does the game force you into the dungeons or can you do it whenever you want? And is there a time limit on how long you can not finish the dungeons?
So far is say it is slightly easier than your standard smt. SJ is a whole nother level. Nocturne s difficulty is overrated it's really just matador then the game is standard SMT
You have like 3 weeks to complete them, you can go any time you want but it takes half a day. It's better to do them right as they become available if you're doing a min/max perfect run.
>it takes half a day
>get home
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It was pretty fucking hilarious seeing her following you around town during that time. The little touches in this game are great.
I'd make sure to turn around and talk with her whenever I spotted her.

She's so damn cute.
How do you get her to do your chores, I have the ability, but she just wants to hang when she's over
*Angel casts Hama*
>Another game over screen

And that's before you get any magatama for that. Nocturne definitely has its moments. While there's things you can do to give an easier time, you need to actually discover them or read a guide to know if something is all that valuable beforehand.
Hiro is a cuckold though.
Go to do the chore.

You'll have the option to either call her, or do it yourself after you've started.
>alright, that Ryuji slink is going smooth
>instakill? wait wasn't that in previous ga...
>oh god, Ryuji, stop. I want that dosh
This shit is worse than sewer levels.
Let me know now does Ryuji turn into a jealous bitch?

He's just kind of an oblivious cunt to Morgana.
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I'll fug you
Real dungeons
>hating on Taiga's VA
Fuck outta here


Train RNG.
so how many points until your social stats increase?

ive put like 10 into each and they're all at 1 still
Walk up to the bar in Leblanc.
Different for every stat, Knowladge takes the most points to level.
Train events
bar stool at home
Fucking awful. Feels like they don't understand why people liked Teddie.
what stats should I prep to date makoto and the teacher when the option to becomes available?
I was stuck on the first boss for 5 tries. It's pretty hard. It was pissing me off.

I didn't have the heal all ability or the reduce atk power. I started grinding but getting so little exp I just gave up.

I beat the first boss eventually but couldn't send anyone away to steal the crown. I needed 2 devoted healers.
Goro seems like a nice guy, I wonder what'll happen with him
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>people liked Teddie
Are you from metaverse or something?
How do I raise guts? I've seen people say use movies or big bang burger, but in the beginning I can't access the movies (cat says its a waste of time) and big bang burger only sells hp items and nothing else.

What am I missing?

Makoto is knowledge like Mitsuru was. Im at knowledge 3 and it just let me start the link with her
You need 3 levels in knowledge and the teacher happens during the story, but you will need to pay the bitch 5k yen for every event.
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>all those Makoto attack animations
>harder than any game, ever

make it past minotaur and medusa and you actually have to try to die the rest of the way
what the fuck are you doing anon. Bicorn starts out with Tarunda you fucking idiot. Just recruit one, fuse it onto a persona closer to your level and there you go. You don't need Media for Kamoshida.

buy books from central street or borrow books from the library. Also the death social link raises guts
Makoto requires level 3 Knowledge to start, and level 5 Charm to advance past Rank 5.
>Why is this fucking game so hard
SP Adhesive 3, you cuck. Rank up the qt docter social link.
I ranked up Tae because she's best girl, the benefits of the S. Link itself are just a bonus
Should I drop Yakuza 0 for this? I'm only 30 hours into Yakuza

No keep playing Kazuma's game
Why would you? Yakuza is a great game as well.
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>game over angel.
WUUUUUT? he's ez DOOD, just hit with zio and ask for an item, you don't even have to fight him, ack, ack, ack. Playing the fight is for casuals.
Hardest Persona of the series. I would suggest most start on easy, heck even safe. Normal is what hard normally is.
Seriously, why is it so easy to get the MC one shotted? I was fighting the enemy with the key for the scythe trap and he just one shots me with double fang from full health when he had almost no hp left
You can only go to the movies once the current palace is done. You get told about the big burger challenge later on
>Fusion of Best Girls
Too much dammit. Far, far too much.

If you think Double Fang is bad, wait for the omni-resistant robot lackies who have a triple-hit skill.
Because you can make Joker way tankier than the rest of the team. By the third palace you should have a persona with no weaknesses and some strengths/nulls, as well as better stats than your team mates.
>had to use the DLC Soma to clear the first place in a single day
I remember in P4 never having any difficulty on normal clearing dungeons in one day to do SLinks, is that not the case now?
I laughed at this for a good two minutes. Hard.
How the fuck do U get part time jobs? I just finished Futaboas dungeon and I want to work and get the politician Slink BUT I cant enter the beef bowl place to get a job.
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Seriously, dood. If you can't beat archangel in two moves you need to shoot yourself.
That face is so punchable.
>in one day
For what purpose? It's not like you won't have any free days.
I'm at the 4th palace, and so far the bosses have been way too easy.
When do they get hard?

I sold mine for a free 50k.
I dunno I haven't had any issues twenty hours in, P4 at least some of the optional bosses when you revisit dungeons had some teeth before I dropped it
But I'm playing on hard and it's been pretty simple. Just treat it like any other turn based jrpg.
Well I didn't realize at the time that the first section there was basically nothing to do at first but at least I got a solid head start on personal stats.
Happened to me too. Thankfully a save room is right by there.

Need a perfect Persona fusing guide of which ones you should have and which skills to keep.
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>decide to make a lockpick before going into the castle
>make one lockpick
>it took an entire day
>it took from morning to night to make a single lockpick
>last save was 4/23 before the miniboss in the chapel
I fucking hate this game
Are their different thief outfits for the MC to wear in palaces that aren't just all the dlc ones?
>try to level skills.
>cat says I can't do that
>try to increase social bonds
>says I don't have high enough skill stats

Either let me do the side stuff or remove it from the game!
Gets better as you do it more.
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>tfw made 3 lockpicks my first time
>Morgana says something about how he needs to turn back into a human soon before someone steals Ann
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how many days did it take to clear the first dungeon?

playing on hard, have to spend my 3rd day in the dungeon, just killed the miniboss in the chapel
Took me 3 days on hard.
Infiltration till chapter boss - treasure location - card and castle boss
About a week. I kept trying to level up stats outside but it wouldn't let me but time passed anyway.

Also kept running out of sp so had to leave to regen
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I'm right outside the throne room. How do I leave my calling card? I don't want to fight Kamoshida yet
Is there no after school extracurricular club activities in P5? I already hit June but still none.

Am I just not exploring the game more?
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was this you op?
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It took me 5 because I was stupid enough to retreat right before sending the calling card because I was totally out of SP.
>Is there no after school extracurricular club activities in P5?
The school hates you man
You leave the dungeon and then decide when to send it.
There are none. Honestly I am pretty happy about it, those were some of the worst S.Links in P4.

You will leave it automatically when you go to the treasure room. You can't fight Kamoshida yet. You have to "Secure an Inflitration route" (get to the treasure room), then send a card and then come back to get the treasure.
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>ask /v/ what difficulty I should play on
>they say to play hard mode because normal is too easy

>MC gets hit twice and dies from a normal enemy

I think I've been tricked.
2-3 days for most people to reach the treasure. can be done in 1 if you are conservative enough and treat it like MGS
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hard, one day
merciless is fun. feels like playing smt nocturne where ambuses kill you.
>Lets not do this right now
Does anyone have the persona 5 roll pic?
You can change it anytime
You don't even need to play Merciless for that, happens on Hard.
Don't sell black kogatana, btw.
You can use it later in weapon fusions.
Narukami was from Tokyo before he transferred to Inaba for that year, wasn't he?

Is he in Persona 5 somewhere?
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>Ann seducing Yusuke like a whore

he's gay anyway
Jesus. the Japanese VA is so much better.

I mean that's unsurprising, but what is surprising is that more people aren't using it.
>first boss fight choices
>Go after the crown
>Go after the Treasure
I may be retarded but isn't the crown the treasure? Both options are the same?
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Nothin like relaxing and persona 5!
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>played 3 with english dub
>played 4 with english dub
>playing 5 with english dub

fight me
It's fine if you prefer the Japanese voiced but the dub is still very good.
Same here and I've never regretted it.
How do you train with Morgana so he raises your health and stuff in your room?
Why is Ann so amazing?
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I play on easy because I suck at turn based games. Bosses and failing ambushes still give me an illusion of difficulty, but at the end of the day I don't want to feel frustrated with it.
You people fucking suck. You need to fuse and tailor your personas to play against the boss's weak points and resist against their strengths.

Everyone who bitches about difficulty is just straight bad at SMT/Persona games or has never played one.
That isn't how you spell Rise.
>most useless party member
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>pick a name for the group
But that's not Yusuke
Feeling frustrated is the only way to enjoy turn based games.

1 on merciless. Gotta sneak that shit.
I don't care how useless she is. She is best girl and therefore will never leave my side.
>Playing on "safe" mode
I'd rather kill myself than embarrass myself by playing on an easy difficulty. You should be fucking ashamed.
>Yu "I crit your shit" Suke
Anon, he's damage output is crazy.
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Keep my waifu's name out of your mouth, you nigger
>Find some intel about the mafia drug thing going on
>Yusuke asks me what we should do
>Choices are "We should call it a day" or "Let's wait til tomorrow"

I like him more than Teddie but it would be great if we just dont have a mascot character at all whenever P6 happens
She sucks at it though.

>he's gay anyway
>Wind up on a rowboat in a scenic park with him talking about love
Reminds me that in Gamesradar's 5/5 review, one of 2 nitpicky negatives they put in their pros/cons section for the sake of it was "Only Hetero Romances". Dismissed it as SJW nonsense they put there for the sake of being able to claim something as a negative, however nonsensical.

At this point, honestly wouldn't have minded it.
Good thing i have Ryuji ''I multi hit your shit also power charge'' Sakamoto with me instead of the autistic artistHe's a cool guy outside the palace though
What language is everyone playing in?
Is it just me or Baton Pass+Rising Slash is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy stronger than All-Out-Attack?
You can change it any time.

I had to switch off normal because everything was dying in two hits, it was boring as fuck.
>Everyone loves Tae
>Useful Meido Teach
>Couple people like Ann too
So like... does no one give a shit about Haru?
Personally I just finished the third dungeon so I haven't seen her or Futaba yet.
>Everything dies super easy on Normal
>Dies too slow on Hard
Eh, I just stick to normal so I can enjoy the game more. Combat difficulty is picking up around the 5th Palace too, so that's nice.
Haru is the Fuuka of this game nobody cares
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Why personafags are such a faggots? Just get good.
Big foreheads aren't really attractive imagine that shit hammering your balls hard during a reverse blowjob
Futaba's an adorable imouto.
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>Posts nu-kiko
The irony in this post is palpable
>Not loving jackhammered balls
but I want to mating press her on top of that messy bed
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Beat the game last night, thought it was a good game. I almost have every trophy so I might as well start NG+ and get the ones I'm missing.
>Wanting to mating press the imouto
That's completely fine.
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Hold your waifus close, bois. We apparently go to war with Syria in 15 minutes
best girl, but her face is way too fucking slim in the actual game engine model
Wait, what?
What # party member is Makoto? Like is she super-late game like Naoto or is she like the first person you get after Ann and Ryuji?
how do i get the maid to cook or clean my dirty gear for me, her rank is at 5 right now, that should be high enough for her to do it but when i call on days other than the days i can get her she just says to wait till those days and even then on those days she just talks or is in between leveling her rank
Second, actually.
Comes after Yusuke. You get her before you can start exploring the palace, too.
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ids habbening. Thank fuck im medically unable to serve if the ww3 meme happens

Also can we all agree that Ayane is the worst girl of P4. but who is P5's Worst girl?
>We apparently go to war with Syria in 15 minutes
So? We're fucking America. That's like saying "We will apparently need to step on a bug in 15 minutes"
lol no get fucked
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Not far enough in yet to make that call
I'm not truly concerned, but it'll be an annoyance
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>can't bring myself to start P5 until I replay P3 and 4
>don't want to wait 100+ hours to play P5
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Just play P5, they're not even connected from everything I've seen so far

The only references to previous games are Rise and what'shername's business posters hanging here and there, and Akechi off-handedly namedropping Naoto as a contemporary.
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>two nearly maxed out threads about the difficulty of this game
Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves, or not?
Kind of amazing how much of a bro Sojiro is.

You make his daughteru cry and he still saves your hide.
how the fuck do you get out of cover mode when your cursor is locked onto an enemy?

if i push back or whatever direction on the stick i just flip to a side closer to the enemy, and if i hit x which i normally use to cancel out of it ll just ambush him which is out of the question since he's one of the glowing red enemies
she is the second person.
just watch the anime you fuckin weeb
The P4 anime is garbage, the pacing is fucked because they crammed a 50+ episode story into 26, and Yu doesn't even hook up with Yukiko
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Also, off topic but I just found this cancer

if this bitch is a model why the fuck is she looking for part time work to fund the phantom heists?
P4 Golden anime was far better with max stat Yu
She gets paid in cocks for her model work
>only said that ironically because I was about to watch it before buying P5
well that sucks
>P4 Golden anime was far better
Couldnt even finish it because of Marie
The pacing is really the worst thing about it, dungeons ought to be stretched out for a couple of episodes but they always just walk right into the boss room, steamroll the boss, and leave. It really should have been longer.
She views modeling more as a hobby than a proper job.
missile addiction got too strong. we set some off too close to russia like a bunch of dirty sluts. they already told us last time was our last chance
Anyone else kind of bothered by the opening?

>Futaba, Makoto and Haru are barely in it
>Makoto and Haru don't even do anything
>Futaba just types a bit
>Akechi isn't even in it at all
The opening seems like it was made really early in development, that's why.
>Akechi isn't in opening
>is on title screen
>isn't in promotional materials
>has his own PS4 theme
>isn't shown pre-release
>is on boxart

how do I fuse Anzu?

give me a combination plz
with this *unzips*
Fucking kill yourself, Jacob
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