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Final Fantasy XV

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Thread replies: 564
Thread images: 67

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What went wrong?
Literally everything.
pandering to yaoi fangirls
Nothing went right.
He is literally the worst part about this game. Everything else borders from bad to plain boring.

XV-kun is a cunt.

All correct.
>Hating on this game in 2017

This game was comfy as fuck, it was one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played.
>Story is presented and told terribly
>Major events happen off screen
>"""Open world""" is littered with arbitrary invisible walls that discourage exploration
>Sidequests are MMO tier in the worst way possible
>Side characters get zero development and they try to make Jared's death seem tragic when I'm sitting here wondering who the fuck that is in the first place
>Combat is a mess and dying is literally impossible outside of crashing the airship
>Magic is terrible
>The car is a glorified on rails loading screen
>Chapter 13 is the worst segment of any Final Fantasy game
Did I miss anything?
it's a squad of emos going on a suicide mission, pretty depressing shit. looks amazing though.
still willing to show my tits if he agrees to never post on here again. But i need to make sure its actually him who agrees to it so it can be screen capped and then spammed at him every time he ever tries to post again that he agreed not to.
This. I thought the game was a solid and enjoyable 7/10 but seeing that autistic lunatic sperg out in every single thread for it has left a horrible taste in my mouth.
You OP, for constantly making bait threads for that imbecile to respond to. Fuck off. There's literally nothing else to even discuss about this shit.

you need to play more games

there were many half-assed games last year and this is one of them
The open world is so empty that there's little reason to actually explore it
Chocobos are fun, but exploring the world means you're constantly hopping on and off, breaking the flow of the music and the ride.

Sounds like we need to get him to timestamp his tits first.
Nothing, it's the best game in the franchise.
I had fun, but they should've finished the game before releasing it, fuck.
A decade in development and it's still incomplete and trying to force you into paying for story dlc.
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>XV is bad meme
>you spit it out
Completely ruined the moment, Gladio.
13 was better by leaps and miles.

Is this hammy shit supposed to change my opinion?
Nothing other than the end portion being rushed.

But faggots that post this >>372897023
Are what went wrong
quite a few things, like "what the fuck are we even doing" development hell

It's still an okay-ish game, but that's not enough for FF.
No it wasn't.

Just no.
>Every villain and the whole empire disappear offscreen right before chap 13
>The second half is more linear than a fucking movie
>Hunting sidequests are boring as fuck and you can't take more than one
>Can't explore the World or Ruin 2.0
>Combat consists of holding two buttons
It's the best delivered video game of all time from what will be remembered as one of the best story's told in the medium.
Gladio is an asshole post chapter 13.
>Ignis being blind
>You walk 5-10 steps ahead max of the group
>You're right next to Ignis
>Gladio is somewhere halfway across the dungeon in the back
Fuck you.
This is going to be one hell of a thread.
yes it literally was, 13 is a masterpiece
15 is a steaming heap of shit
>from december 2016
>CoD, BF and sports cancer are all hand-in-hand with your bae game
Outdated and proven to be a normie-ass game

Only proves low sales

>proof they only barely skimmed by at 6m
>original hopes of 10m
AND you've gone and flip-flopped on your metacritic opinion again! Noooope!

Garbage, garbage, and more garbage. Please grasp at more sand.
Welp it looks like hes too much of a pussy to agree to it right now that he probably realized hes made a fool of himself calling everyone who disagrees with him matt.

Its like 3:28 am and i need to go to bed but if he ever agrees to do it i will post them in the next thread. And then get a 3 day ban T_T

But then atleast we can talk about these games in peace.
>Wooohoooo, look mommy, XV-kun took my bait again. Can't wait to have 500 replies with the same shit over and over again.
Congrats on making this board your personal chatroom. Fuck off. You and that XV-autist can GTFO.
I agree to your terms Matt. Do it.

Scene was just awkward, especially with the loud music after it.
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Every fucking thread.
Not an argument.
Say something only XV kun would say.
>Not an argument
I was just responding in kind.

You mean the guy who made this thread?
>XV has bad comba-
Do it Matt you faggot.
It's very very fucking mediocre.
Thats good combat?Lol no
Stop hiding. We know it's you.
I agreed with you before talking to XV-kun. That dude got me to reexamine the game and realize just how bad it is.

it's fucking stoopid. they should have fought some 400 foot tall eldritch abomination that came from a different universe, beat him, saved the world, and noctis should have gone balls deep in promptos ass.
I would have been more accepting of all that if we didn't already get a big emotional lecture from Gladio during the Titan business. Gladio's way of dealing with Noctis basically boils down to angry yelling.

It's only character development if the characters actually change and grow. As it is, it's just domestic abuse.
Iv never seen XV kun call someone a faggot before idk i need some kind of assurance otherwise m just posting my tits for nothing and he will keep posting.
>If I use exploits it means the combat is bad!
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god tier spoilers m8
>Turn based combat
Why don't you just play in Wait mode.
It's not turn based no, but I guess it's more towards what you're looking for.

Turn based is a nostalgia faggot meme
Not like the combat is good without then.
Hey they wouldn't have included those exploits if they had actually finished the game. It's the developer's fault, not ours for using the exploits.

Not an exploit. Combat is just stupid.
The combat is worse in every measurable way to just about every ARPG, including Kingdom Hearts 2, which was nothing special when it released 11 years before FFXV.
>XV has bad combat
What did he mean by this?
That video in particular was something they added with the recent patch. The devs are that stupid.
Wait mode's a band-aid. You have to be constantly running around like a 6 year old to keep the flow going and to actually make fights end.
what just got deleted?
I found out you actually can enable it so it pauses every time your thumbsticks are inactive in combat. It's called wait mode. While I still thought the game was overall a heaping pile of garbage, that made the combat a lot more tolerable for me.
It does yes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8IO-29B2nk
>released 1 year before FFXV development started

So that's where this fag trend came from.
>What did he mean by this?
That the game has bad combat.
Newfag trying to do spoilers.

| spoiler] Turn based combat would be better [/spoiler]
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Must've finally been rekt enough to BTFO
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>81 metascore for a mainline FF game
>Completely unfinished story
>One of the most incohesive settings in any JRPG
>Game so unfinished they are fundamentally changing aspects of it and adding in new story scenes half a year from release
>Needs a movie and anime series just to understand what the fuck is going on, and even then they flash these scenes at you in the middle of the game
>Major steps backward in gameplay from action RPGs from the same company made over a decade ago
>Characters look like they just walked out of a gay bar

It's a abysmal. It's how not to make a game.
>Spatial awareness
>Optimization of party members
>Quick reflexes
>Good combo understanding
I don't see how it's bad, the best the series has ever had.
To be fair, that's, like, the most cinematic fight in the game and is mostly jsut there to make you hype.
Highlight your text and press Ctrl s
>Optimization of party members
Barely a thing. Noctis does most of the work, with an occasional Tech here and there.
Every boss fight in the game is a joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfR06KrKWDU
>To be fair, that's, like, the most cinematic fight in the game and is mostly jsut there to make you hype.
Pretty sure that's the Leviathan battle.
Speaking of boss fights can we all agree that the Leviathan fight is one of the worst bosses ever in a JRPG?
>3rd person
>like every other final fantasy, can customize party member's gear
>no turn base
>like 3 combos to cycle through

It's run of the mill hack n slash. I may as well go play prototype 2, at least the story AND combat was good in that game.
No but we can agree that you're a scumfuck shitposter, anti-kun.
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Yeah those 5 million sales. Squenix must be on verge of killing themselves.
>not turn based
>not on pc
/v/ has been shitting on it since the day it got announced

>pandering to yaoi fangirls
thats the only thing that really bothered me the lack of waifus
yea there's cid but you can't even add her to you team

This shit was exactly what I thought it'd be. 4th best FF to date, and my 3rd favorite. Solid entry to the series, and honestly restored my faith that JRPGs can actually be fun and not just weebshit.
Awww you made me sad. Now I miss Prototype and Prototype 2....
Pretty much this, the Leviathan fight was great and the scenes that followed were amazing.
Leviathan could have been good for the spectacle alone if it weren't for the fact that it goes on twice as long as it should.
Yes we totally can. It's something XVkun wouldn't even begin to be able to defend. Not that he's successfully defended anything, even once.
I will say he tried.
It's barely a fight. I legitimately believe that the Mantis Ant from Secret of Mana is more of a boss fight, and its the first boss in the game, and you can't possibly lose to it.

Stop replying to yourself.
Aranea was fun to have around, taking selfies and bantering while being literally unkillable.
Gladio's sister was cute.
Deadwife was also pretty, when she decided to show up.
Cidney was the worst because her accent is the most disgusting way a human being can talk.
K so it was really hard to make the timestamp big enough to read so i just wrote XV kun is that ok? Are you still going to honor our deal and never post again XV kun?
Kill yourself Antikun you lying scum fuck.
This guy gets it.

Begin fight. You cannot die, and you're omnipotent. Begin firing machine gun and spamming one button on highlighted targets.

I had a harder time making my fucking bagel this morning.
>lvl 1
>boss dead in less than 5s
If you agree to my offer il link the pic rn XV kun
Yes I already agreed to it. Stop wasting my time Matt.
13 is the worst FF yet while XV is the best.
k here you go. And like i said its maddie not matt

Had to take screenshot from facetime because i dont know how to scrub exif data and dont wanna get doxxed
Barry absolutely BTFO.
>tfw she actually posted it
>tfw xv kun will never keep his promise
Oh well atleast we got something out of it
I think they are both garbage, albeit for entirely different reasons.

Are you fucking retarded? Are you incapable of counting? December 2016 covers the month in which XV had just been out for a month, which is the period where the majority of sales are for all FF games because they are all front loaded.

Not only do you have no idea how NPD even works but you don't know how monthly sales even work.

ZhugeEX link literlaly proves that it has sold 6m already which after 3 months is faster to 6m than any other FF, while also showing that XV is still selling which you're in denial about.

>original hopes of 10m
Except it isn't which if you actually fucking read the GDC article you'd know you're a fucking retard.



Not only did you literally just prove yourself wrong but you can't even fucking read.
I want to worship your nipples
Fuck off Matt.

Fuck off SBK91.
>breaking world news
>poor autistic preteen bullied on imageboard
>to the point of shooting 40 fellow students
>poor murderer, bullies are bad
>sob story about how he's lived a metaphorical life of noctis
>uses the time to talk about how good he thinks the game was
>jury leaves
>gets pardoned
>gets beaten within an inch of his life as soon as he steps out the courtroom
>continues to go right back to shitposting the "FFXV is a good game!" meme
Maddie please just be my girlfriend already jesus christ
So why are you still posting. You agreed you would stop if i posted and i did.

b-b-b-b-but thats lewd.
I guess this is my reward for putting up with XV-kun's bullshit for the last year.
>incapable of counting
unaware that december was 5 months ago? Catch on up kiddo.
>still can't comprehend that fastest selling =/= best selling
Can't help you there kiddo.
>keeps clutching to a single article
At least I'm researching, and know that you aren't. Because the 10m thing is legit and you are wrong.

I read it all right, and what I said still has yet to be argued. Do you have a single argument in that wall of cancer?

Fuck off XV-kun.
This scene is one of the best scenes I've seen in FF. The delivery was fucking great and the expressions sold it.

That's cool too.
>only reply can't refute a damn word

This guy knows.
>the last year.
Hes been doing this for a year? Jesus christ i was fed up with him after only 2 threads. Anyways lets hope he honors our deal.

Also im probably gonna get b&
but im a trap
But you can beat Adamantoise in under 5 minutes through regular combat means.

If you even clicked the video of the guy using the ring you'd see that the guy said it took him 7 minutes until Alterna even cast, which he says in the video description.
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This game had tons of awesome landscapes shown in the trailers
it turns out they were literal skyboxes you could drive or ride past on a train, and you could never visit them
or an island you can't go to
or an entire continent cut

instead the game was just:
>1/3 boy band road trip simulator
>1/3 train riding simulator
>1/3 linear corridor walking simulator

this game was a disgrace, a 5/10 at best
that's even better ... i love you maddie. post skype pls
I doubt it. You posted a link, not the actual image.
Underage? Knew maddie sounded like a thot name. Ya got the tiny tit to prove it!

Of course, /v/.... Of course
He was first brought to my attention when the Platinum Demo first came out and that was almost exactly a year ago. He's probably been at it for much longer.
w-w-w-what no this is all too sudden i dont even know you. What are your hobbies and intersts? How much money do you make? What are your favorite vidya?
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Is he gone?
You think I give a shit? We're dating now.
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It's more of an interactive cutscene than a boss fight and that is just there for the spectacle.

Except I've never said it was a good boss fight.
Even more pathetic of XVkun to have defended.
>game bio from the back of the box
>what do you make?
Zhe wants you for the money
>You posted a link, not the actual image.
but if i pst the actual image il get banned for sure.

>Ya got the tiny tit to prove it!
im like B cup because im a trap.

Holy shit im sorry you had to deal with him for so long
You are officially myfavorite person of the year. Thank you.
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What kind of thread is this
Not him, but:
>What are your hobbies and interests?
Woodworking, piano, vidya, and reading
>How much money do you make?
>What are your favorite vidya?
NieR (Automata is pretty good, too), Silent Hill 2, Secret of Mana, and Zelda LttP.

Not interested in dating you, just curious how attractive a trap would find me based on this info.
>Zhe wants you for the money
No its just that i already have a bf and wouldnt ever leave him unless it was for a lot of money.

Tell me your first name then.
Not underage, just a trap.

This was a "collectively shut down XVkun yet again" thread, but I think he's gone now.
Uh, Robert.
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You know that wasn't me right? Stop pretending like every faggot posting about XV is me.

Why'd you reset your IP Matt?

You literally have no fucking argument, what's wrong with you?
You have cool hobbies thats a shit ton of money and your taste in vidya is pretty patrictian senpai.

Like you make my tastes look casual in comparison
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>i already have a bf and wouldnt ever leave him unless it was for a lot of money.

Please for the love of god get a trip so this shit stops happening.
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So you're gonna be that much of a faggot and pretend like it wasnt you when everyone here knows very well it was you and you 100% lost the agrement? Man you have absolutely no class XV kun. i literally showed you my breast
How so?
I would not hesitate to strangle the life out of you if we met in person.
>feigns ignorance to his own retardation
signs of autism
>no fucking argument what is wrong with you

I'm not arguing anything, I'm stating facts.
Shitty battle system killed it for me. They've been ruining it since XII and now it's finally a complete garbage. I was actually excited about the setting, the world and other stuff, but the battle system made me stop halfway. Also, I was hoping for buyable costumes, was very disappointed when I realized there aren't any.
I hated that boardwalk so fucking much. It simply takes something that should be a 5 second walk into a 60 second sprint.
>>i already have a bf and wouldnt ever leave him unless it was for a lot of money.
I was joking i actually only date girls and other traps now. I dont think id ever leave my current gf but somestimes its hard because neither of us make any money and im always worried about the future.
>unaware that december was 5 months ago? Catch on up kiddo.
What does being 5 months ago have to do with anything? You know XV would have sold more since then right?

You still can't fucking comprehend that no other FF sold 6 million in the same time span that XV did. Are you fucking stupid? Do you seriously think that comparison a game over the time span of 20 years to one only out for 5 months is even applicable? No, you compare the 5 months for both games, and for the US NPD sales it has confirmed that XV had the highest opening sales month out of any FF in the entire franchise in the US. Do you not know what opening sales are? Do you not know anything? You have literally not done any research, you're literlaly denying fucking hard numbers.

10m was never legit, it was specifically stated to be just a personal goal while 5m was their actual financial goal and it was confirmed that the game broke even at 5m and is not at over 6m worldwide.

this gay ass pier was such bullshit. you have to get out of your car and run for a solid 5 minutes to do dagos stupid fetch quests. if this was breath of the wild or any other open world game you could just fly there or drive a moped or tons of other things that make it feel like you're playing a game. this is the real reason this game sucks. artificial immersion.
Don't do that, anon. Use a common firearm, like a S&W shield, with frangible bullets, like terminal shock. Turn his brain to mush using a common caliber. Much less difficult to trace than leaving DNA evidence on his corpse.
These are my top played steam games
I'm gay married, and if money is seriously a breaking point for your relationship, don't date til you're stable. You're coming off to me as very materialistic. Trust me when I say you'll both have to deal with money difficulties forever, no matter who you end up with. More money is just more responsibilities.
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Matt why are you still fucking posting videos from the outdated japan only demo build from before the game was even out?
This is a guy retard
>not a slave to buff, hot men
This doesn't make sense. All those doujins can't be wrong, right?
more responsibility is more money. you don't have to throw it away. I see this all the time with rich people, literally blowing hundreds of dollars on clothes, food they won't eat, extremely expensive vacuum cleaners etc.
>tfw people pretend XVkun/antiKun actually exist
>tfw that girl just wanted to post her tits since nothing else is going on in this shit thread

do continue
>off to me as very materialistic.
Im going to have to take out huge loans sometime in the future to pay for my gf's eye cataracs surgeries so she doesnt go blind and for her heart surgery so she doesnt die. Pls dont talk like you know people. I only care about money because i dont want to lose the person i love more than anything.
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seriously though how does this game have SSR in 2017 when even the nintendo tablet has dynamic reflections
Get a trip yourself.

So you're going to be like that much of a faggot and pretend like it was me just so you can shitpost in future threads? Like how fucking desperate are you that you will literally believe random bullshit just because it's convenient for your shitposting narrative?

Good for you faggot.

More like you pretend everyone is me just because it's convenient for you to shitpost it about that.
XVkun why are you posting biased videos that you took yourself, only to bolster the faux-points you've alluded to?
How new are you?
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>well gee if I run around at night time when theres no reflections at all, they can't see the shitty SSR
really makes you think
Here's the skinny, XV-kun

You are SO autistic, in such an iconic, memorable fashion, that you cannot now, or ever, convince us that "that wasn't you."

We know how you type, we know what you talk about. That little "Anonymous" on your post is just a formality.

So long as you continue your crusade to protect FFXV from any and all anonymous shitposting on a Laotian basket-weaving forum, we will know that it's you.
Every thread. Every post. Every day.

So you can stop telling us "that wasn't you."

Absolutely amazing, this is the best and only good thing that XV-kun has ever contributed to.
I haven't played most of those, and I'm a filthy console peasant (graphics don't mean much to me, and I'm willing to pay for convenience). The games I have played are enjoyable, though.

That said, you really committed to Skyrim. I doubt I have a tenth of your hours. Also, not sure why you think my taste is patrician when you know how good all the games I mentioned are.

I can't say I understand the trap mentality, and I understand that those hormones can't be stopped once started, but you should work at accepting yourself for who you are, whatever that may be. Its easier than trying to conform to the expectations of others, and you'll be happier in the long run, too.
Seriously Matt why are you still posting outdated clips from before the game was even out?


That clip is literally from fucking August, months before the game was out. I just posted a clip from the final game in the previous thread that I just recorded and that isn't happening at all.
>like it was me
Everyone knows it was you XV kun idk why you are bothering to lie.

You never ONCE said "no thats not me i dont agree to this" until AFTER i proved just how wrong you were.

And i gave you plenty of chances too. Like i asked over and over if you still agreed and you never ONCE said no i dont that wasnt me. Because of that everyone here knows you're a low class lying autistic faggot. Im burning the piece of paper that i wrote your name on.
new enough to know the circlejerk around XVkun is complete idiocy

you'll have this exact thread tomorrow and the day after
The only good thing about XV is the ability to drive listening to your favourite FF sountracks. It feels like a requiem for the whole series.
XV-kun is it true that you were so hurt by Kagari turning you down that you swore to never date a woman again? And that was the basis for your attraction to men and thus the homo erotic cast of XV?
It's incredible how bad this game was. I put almost 100 hours into it, and yet only a few months later I already don't remember the vast majority of it

First thing that springs to mind is "turn the rod towards the fish" and the absurd cup noodles advertising
How is it biased when it's showing the actual final game in an unbiased way? Why are you acting as if someone posting prerelease material of bugs isn't shitposting but someone posting actual post release stuff of the final game somehow doesn't count?

Either get a trip or stop getting pissy when people confuse you for other anons.
Never acted like I knew you, please don't assume. I could give a shit about your gf's physical health, she's not my husband. Loans are a terrible idea, js. I don't want to lose the one I love, so I work hard to earn good money to pay for insurance, which will make all those medical costs (most) nearly disappear.
top fucking kek.
yeah problem
look at how 'old' this webm is:
Fuck off Matt I know that's you.
Except that wasn't me and you have no proof it was me, you are literally just shitposting so you can try and make a "gotcha" shitpost thread because you are so fucking retarded and devoid of any actual arguments. Prove it was me or fuck off.
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God I hate you newfags.
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It's biased because you took it, and are using it for your "point." Biased as fuck.
At least the other guy proved that it was an unfinished mess on release. You're just proving to be an incessant bitch.
literally anyone can do a bullshit timestamp
>I work hard to earn good money to pay for insurance
I wish i could. Iv dropped out of college twice now because of insane anxiety i cant control because of a biological conditin i dont want to talk about. But lets just say theres a part of my nervous system that deals with stress thats just missing and it makes it really hard to hold a job or go to school.

Which means im poor and have to watch my gf go blind.
Yes from the old December build before they introduced multiple patches, are you fucking retarded?

See >>372900097 I just recorded that during the previous thread and uploaded it here, so fuck off.
Fuck off, nigger.

Seriously lurk more.
anon pls
if ur gonna viewsame, look for the images/webms you don't see being spammed by him
who posts this one other than me
>Prove it was me or fuck off.
Why didnt you say it wasnt you until after the titty picture was shown? she gave you lots of chances to back out and you never once said no thats not me i dont agree.
No, you fucks are just going to keep pretending it's me because it's convenient to your shitpost. I was never even part of that fucking conversation to begin with and only noticed after all you fucks started responding a lot to that one post and I looked up to see what the fuck was happening, and it was some faggot trying to pretend to be me so that you could fucking go ahead with your shitposts with your little "gotcha" bullshit.

Fuck off.
I dropped out of college because my learning disability clashes with public schooling formats.

You could probably get SSI or disability to help. Also unemployment and other forms of welfare. Victimization isn't the endgame.
Was my GOTY last year. Plenty of flaws but I can't put my finger why it's so comfy and fun
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XV-kun is fucking insane, search both /v/ archives to see him have posted these names thousands of times.
That's not how biased works, it's unbiased because it's the actual fucking final game. You are literally in denial.
Alternatively, you could not go to college and join a trade.
>and only noticed after all you fucks started
But i had asked you in 2 differnt threads for over 30 minutes when we had already been talking back and forth. Who do you think you are fooling?

You replied to posts AFTER mine asking about the deal. And you never once said you don agree.

Today XV kun you proved to everyone just what kind of person you are.
I don't even get the denial
the game has screen space reflections and they didn't get magically patched into real reflections, no amount of shilling can change it
Are you... supposed to be known? Been on 4chan since the beginning, I've long since passed lurking.
You use twitter, so I can assume you're the newfag.
Man you're a fucking retard.

I wasn't even part of the conversation so I didn't even know that was happening which is why I didn't even fucking notice it until after a million people started responding to that persons post, then I followed the chain post and see it's faggots pretending to be me so they can shitpost.

Seriously what fucking proof do you even have it was me you dumb fucking retard?
>implying you don't autistically read each and every post in these threads to make sure no one insults your gamefu
Hey look who it is.

>Victimization isn't t
>comparing a learning disability to someone physically missing part of their sympathetic nervous system because it had to be removed when they took out a brain tumor.

I dont like being a victim. I want to work and be sucessful and provide for my gf. But every time i go outside i just start freaking out and have 100 voices in my head go off.

If XV kun admits he knew about the deal and let it go ahead anyway il go look for more jobs tommorow.
Do you even know what you are arguing about?
>bi·as: prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
Again, I have to teach you simple vocab? Your footage is just that, some useless game footage. Your mistake is trying to use it to prove... SOME point. Whatever that point (you've never once specified in any thread) may be, the footage you're trying to use is a direct bias to the footage you're trying to criticize.

Just because YOUR copy runs fine, doesn't mean that EVERYONE's copy runs perfectly. I know that's a doozy for your poor noodle, but just give it time. Baby steps, XVkun.
My plan to deal with that would be desensitization.
>I wasn't even part of the conversation
Yes you were. In the other thread you were talking to me for hours and hours calling me matt. And eventually ihad enough and decided to prove you wrong.

Once again, i dont know who you think you are fooliing. We can literally go back to the other archived thread and see you talking to me. And yes,it was you.
You didn't ask me anything. You were probably responding to some random fucking person who was pretending to be me because they knew that some shit like this would happen, I was busy responding to other people in that thread and didn't even notice this shit until you just posted some shit in this thread that everyone was responding to.

You have literally no fucking proof it was even me because I never fucking said shit to you in the first place.

Seriously do you not see how fucking stupid you are? You literally did this

>xv-kun if i post my tits you will never post again
>some random person claims to be xv-kun and says yes
>you do it

Wow are you fucking serious? Are you braindead? God damn you're a fucking retard.
What the fuck is going on
What do you mean by desensitization?
Do you?
I don't know why you even bother responding to him. I got more enjoyment with the whopping 2 posts I've had with you than anything XV-kun has ever stated.

Talking to him is like trying to get angry.
Set goals to do something out in public, and then do it. For example, spend an hour playing a shitty recorder on a street corner. Something like that would make ANYONE'S voices go off all at once, especially if you don't know how to play. It would make whatever you did next tame by comparison.
So is this thread about the game or about the meltdown of a shitposter?
So why are you ignoring this >>372900097 which proves you wrong?

How is it useless when it literlaly proves your bullshit side wrong? It literally fucking goes against the very thing you faggots are trying to argue and then you pretend like "t-that doesn't count but the old outdated footage from last year does!", You are so fucking insanesly deseperate to shit on the game you still can't even do it in a valid way. The footage I posted was something literally just recorded from the actual final game, it proves you and your side wrong, you are in denial about that.
XV-kun are you denying that this was you? >>372896609

>Sure thing Matt.
These threads keep getting more and more bizarre.
We talked about the game for a bit until the shitposter showed up. That's how FFXV threads always go.
A little of both?
The shitposter is trying to say it's a perfect game.
Everyone who disagrees is objectively wrong.

Literally the ITT for the past few threads. What do YOU think of the game?
I was calling Matt as Matt because it fucking was him, I don't know who or what the fuck you are talking about or why you are pretending to be Matt or even having anything to do with what I was saying in the previous thread.
Every XV thread is a meltdown of a shitposter.
If it wasn't you, why are you so quick to always say "that's not me" when """someone""" gets proven wrong in an argument that you started?

You know, you're the initial claimant.
Why should I believe that it wasn't you?
>You didn't ask me anything.

Here is your post talking to me
And here is my reply right after
Then we can see LOTS of your replies to other people later in the thread meaning you couldnt have missed my offer

Like why bother lying? Archived threads dont go away that fast. Everyone can see you saw my offer and didnt refuse it until after you were completely destroyed.
It literally proves nothing. You're just replying to someone experiencing issues with "HEY LOOK AT MINE ITS FINE YOURS ISNT ERRORING YOURE JUST WRONG"
Stop being in denial and claiming we are.
No that was me
read this

>Been on 4chan since the beginning
>doesn't know that XV-kun is real

That Twitter account IS XV-kun, as has been established for probably close to a year now, if not longer.

>gets proven wrong
>haha can't prove it was me
>I just sound the same as the last 50 threads
>tfw the tale of XV kun and the trap maddie is more interesting than the FF XV
>series that only japanese and weeboos like
>tries to appeal to western audiences by copying god of war / DMC / KH hack and slash gameplay, QTE's, etc
>tries to create western themes like americana, road trips, deserts, gunfights, tanks, trains, etc instead of previous japanese thematics
>manages to completely alienate western fans by having effeminate boy band protagonists on a sausage party trip and women who are preposterously dressed like cheap hookers instead of just appropriately sexed up like other games
>manages to alienate the home islands by doing all this western shit

he's right
Maddie made this post >>372895361

You responded with this post >>372896223

Maddie denies that she is Matt >>372896363

You say "Sure thing Matt" (clearly you because of the other responses in the same post) >>372896609

Then Maddie post her tits to prove that she isn't Matt
>implying this autistic wreck of a human being deserves any fame

Kill yourself.
The fact this needed to even be posted just shows how autistic he is desu.
Goes to show how shitty the story was in XV.
>So why are you ignoring this >>372900097 which proves you wrong?

are you criminally retarded?
the webms are showing the REFLECTION IN THE WATER not the fish and player
you posted a webm that doesn't even have water in it

look at>>372900029

the game has screen space reflections
it can't reflect the area behind the fish in the water, because it never rendered it
>when a game is so shit the threads about it turn into /soc/ backwash
I never implied he deserves it.

No, in fact, I really, genuinely want him to kill himself. I have never loathed a human being this much in my entire life, and I really do want him to die.

Doesn't change that fact that we DO know him. He has made an identity for himself on this board, like it or not.

You would know that if you lurked a little bit more.
>xv kun has better antagonists and a better story than the game he spends all his time shilling
Someone needs to compile all of the XV-kun lore in a pastebin so we can quickly catch up the newfags.
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Mainly the combat, not being able to take the car off roads, awful end-game dungeons and the lack of end game achievements so that the Plat is really common. They had a chance to make an FF game with solid action based combat and they fucked it up, the combat wasn't bad but it wasn't exactly thrilling.

Also it was far far too easy, they only had two difficulty modes and the higher of which was a cake walk. On the occasional time you got into trouble you could just pop a potion, which were in abundance because if you did any side quests you got so much money. I think I died 5 times total, but that was always quickly fixed with a Phoenix Down. I never once got the game over screen until after I beat the game and tried to land the car off road. The final boss fights were also very disappointing. Literally no skill required to win, which defeats the purpose of action based combat imo.

The plot was pretty trash also, none of the characters were good outside of the main four protags.
The fact he was btfo by a trap would count as lore right?
Alternatively, you could just post that bingo chart that was made last thread.
No one is saying he deserves to be famous. He's saying that XV-kun is a real person and everyone that posts in these threads is very aware of that and you are proving that you don't know jack shit about it by saying that he isn't.
He's consistently blown out by his own arguments. The fact that a trap was one of many people to shine a light on this is rather irrelevant.
How doesn't this just trigger him right back off the boards?
This is starting to feel like CWC 2.0
It's not fame. It's Infamy.
nono, I accepted there is a single individual that goes by XV-kun. He's quite the nutcase, and extremely fun to troll.
Please, find me where I said he's not real.
Take a hike, Matt.
Who the fucks jared?
Take a hike barry you cant post on /v/ anymore.
What he deserves is to be murdered for his stupidity.
DESU all i want is for to admit he is wrong, ,even once. The fact that even in the face of overwhelming evidence and being caught red handed he still just plugs his ears and pretends otherwise.

Is there like a medical term for whats wrong with him?
I don't get it?
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Here is a screencap of that thread.

That was my post then I you responded to me, then I didnt't say anything to you in response, someone else said they were XV-kun then you started responding to them while I was busy talking to other people.

Here is the actual chain of posts. I called the faggot trying to push the narrative that no one talks about XV anymore Matt, you then responded saying "i'm maddison not matt who is this boogeyman". I said sure thing Matt, you then said something about posting your tits if I stop posting then someone else started fucking talking to you saying they were XV-kun, and you being the dumb cunt you are believed them.

I wasn't even following that chain of posts after you responded to me after I said "sure thing Matt", you were talking to someone else and now you are acting as if that was me just because that person said they were "XV-kun" and made a thread with "what went wrong" with XV in the OP, like are you fucking stupid?

>tfw people pretend XVkun/antiKun actually exist
>Is there like a medical term for whats wrong with him?
Pathological narcissism and stubbornness
>that skintone
Leave, please.
The old man that gets killed off screen because the little kid ratted him out on accident.
Except I was too preoccupied by responding to them and I didn't even notice or even read your fucking post after you replied to the post where I said "sure thing matt".

So not only are you a fucking idiot but you literally thought that someone who made a thread with "what went wrong" for XV in the picture was me too.


>then I didnt't say anything to you in response, someone else said
IT doesnt matter if they were other people. What matters is that you did see my reply and even when i asked over and over and over you never ONCE said no until after i showed the picture.

>I wasn't even following that chain of posts
Yes you were faggot you literally replied to me in your own picture right there.
>xvkun's face when he can pretend he didn't exist and hide his shame
Maddie BTFO
Frames are over rated in combat anyway.
Thanks for putting me in the screencap, XV-kun.
isn't XV-Kun
No it proves that it isn't happening which you claimed it was while you are literally fucking defending someone posting outdated clips from last year including things from prerelease, are you fucking done being retarded?

No, your old webms are showing a reflection bug where the reflection of the fish shows up right under and cancels out a shadow from a bug in the reflections in that old footage. I posted footage that literlaly shows him pulling the fish out of the water at the vesperpool, like you can literally fucking see the water there and you are proving you are a retard and don't even know what the fuck you are talking about while you are still clinging to webms from fucking last year.
Bad story, Empty open world, poor combat with no strategy, shitty characters, lots of bugs and glitches, bad design and worse graphics
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>too preoccupied
>somehow managed to reply to posts after mine
>but somehow didnt read mine that were right below and abov the ones he was posting too

1. You are admitting you have terrible reading comprehension to the point where you are probably legally retarded
2. You're just lying because you're embarssed at being destroyed in front of everyone by a degenerate attention whore.
this. jesus
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1truth/ galv is that FF12 nigger that antikun tried to pretend was me.
I finally got it. The reason XV-kun doesn't name fag. He NEEDS to be anonymous, not because he fears filtering, but because he fears accountability. It's always someone else who conveniently responds and looks like an idiot. If he was actually correct in that it was always someone else, he would namefag with a tripcode so that he could definitively say that those "other posters" are the idiots, not him.

But, since he actually IS the person making all these responses that he needs to distance himself from, he remains anonymous and always claims its someone else.
Well with your same logic, his webm proves that it is happening. On his computer. I'm hardly defending, just dismantling you specifically.
Calling someone a retard who isn't even insulting you really speaks volumes about your own intellect.
>taking this long to make an ms paint crop when you could have easily just taken out the you's for the posts replying to maddie
>even in your own crop you quite obviously saw her offer
See >>372901627
Only people here are getting BTFO by me.

I didn't even read your reply to me after I said "sure thing matt" because I was too busy responding to other people, stop acting as if the world revolves around you you hysterical cunt. You didn't ask me anything, you then responded to a random fucking person who LITERALLY posted a link to this thread with "what went wrong" and XV in the op pic while claming he was me. Are you fucking retarded? Are you seriously that fucking retarded? Can you not even fucking see the (You)s?

Except I didn't because I was busy responding to other people. I didn't even see it until I went back and looked at that thread after you faggots started sperging out.
more pls
>But, since he actually IS the person making all these responses that he needs to distance himself from, he remains anonymous and always claims its someone else.
That actually makes a lot of sense. It really shows just how emotionally immauture he is too. Iv never met someone who went through such lengths just because they couldnt ever admit they were wrong about anything. Hes like someone from a parody.
Scientific evidence of just how much of a sham XV-kun really is. He's been BTFO repeatedly, literally hasn't been right about 1 damn thing.

Due to this one accountability inferiority he still boasts confidence because he can just say
>nyehh haha wasn't me can't prove it looooool
>responding to other people
Other people that had comments after mine. How could you possibly miss my frequent posts directed at you when the you's show up in the thread? Like you arent fooling anyone. You were responsonding to people AFTER me, so you had to purposely have skipped over mine after seeing it.
Oh yeah, I forgot he even existed. Why were either him or the kid in the game? Literally would have let the army kill him in front of me for a couple of gil.
>Only people here are getting BTFO by me.
Then tripfag and clear up the confusion.
>XV-kun honestly thinks he has ever BTFO'd anyone in his life
Oh, to be so naive
but im a trap
Yeah can you not read? I was responding to people actually talking about things pertaining to the game while I didn't even notice your post after I said "sure thing matt"

And even in your own fucking chain of posts you say "say something only XV-kun would say" and then the person links to this thread with "what went wrong" with FFXV in the opening picture, so not only are you double fucking retarded but you actually thought that I was the OP of this thread, how the fuck could those have even been me anyway when I was busy posting to other people and and the post times prevent the person responding to you after I had said "sure thing matt" to even be me?
This is why we need thread ID
Ditto. It's just one more useless thing in a game that is obviously half finished.
Because it's been scientifically proven he's just too immature to come out of denial about being wrong about anything. You probably bested his points, don't waste your intellect on this kid.
I would vote in favor of thread IDs JUST to spite XV-kun
>by me

Me too, thanks!
Nobody is buying what you're selling. Tripfag from here on out, or we are gonna take it as an admission that every stupid post that chains off of your responses that COULD be you actually IS you.
>I didn't even notice your post after I said "sure thing matt"
How could you not see my post when it literally gives you a giant you's on your screen, especially when you had been talking to me directly for the last hour. Like literally i had been talking to you for most of the thread. And you replied each and every single time.

And then as soon as it becomes inconvenient for you , you just pretend it wasnt you.

You are not fooling anyone. Everyone is laughing at you.
post dick
but thats gay anon why do you want to see my penis.
I would much rather play Final Fantasy 1 on an NES than XV.

I would rather play VIII on Steam.

I would take XV over XIII or II(jp), but I would take almost any game over those.
>trap dick is gay
this meme needs to die
>prove me wrong or I'm right
We already did many a time. Are you almost ready to come to terms with your denial? Or tripcode up and time to flaunt your stanky nuts?
Do you want erect or flaccid. iv already got a flaccid pic but no hard ones on here.
Dick is dick. Whether it comes from a trap is irrelevant.
If you have a dick, and want to see a dick, it's a gay thought. Not a meme, just gay. Only homophobes think it's a bad thing.
>tfw discussing trap dick is more interesting than FF XV
flaccid sounds cute

don't make me fight you
>but because he fears accountability
Why don't you namefag then? Is it because you fear filtering? Because you fear accountability?

It's always you fucks who desperately try to discredit me by trying to impersonate me so you can shitpost more against me.

Seriously just check the fucking post times

My post saying "sure thing matt" was the last response I made to this "maddie" that I called Matt.

My post >>372896609 at 19:12:27
"Maddie" posts >>372896674 at 19:13:35
Random person claiming to be "XV-kun" responds to "Maddie" here >>372896787 at 19:15:49
Then "Maddie" posts >>372896916 at 19:17:42 asking for proof it's "XV-kun"
Then this random person claiming to be XV-kun posts a link to this thread here >>372896984 at 19:18:55
I was busy responding to another person here >>372897021 at 19:19:36

So it couldn't have even been me who posted the link to this thread, let alone why would I even make a thread asking "what went wrong" with XV in the OP pic?

You people are fucking idiots.
>tfw watching paint dry is more interesting than that garbage video game
>Don't make me fight you.
Just accept who you are. There's nothing wrong with being gay or bisexual.
Fite me faggot.
Fuck off retard.
No, the webm proves it was there in old as fuck builds from last year, which I'm pointing out are fucking oudated.

But it's you faggots that have been getting BTFO this entire thread while I've been right about everything the entire time. Even now you're on full fucking damage control because your little shitpost against me got BTFO.
>Why don't you namefag then? Is it because you fear filtering? Because you fear accountability?
I have no problem tripfagging.
Your turn.

k pls no bully my dick doesnt look that feminine when its cold and shriveled and its always cold in canada

>you faggots that have been getting BTFO this entire thread
Not true.
Fuck, used an eclamation point instead of a #.

Ok, now you can trip fag.
nobody gives a shit if you didn't honor your deal you made with maddie. You're into traps so what welcome to /v/. Your game is trash and so is your taste, welcome to /v/.

You're a pussy who can't argue and won't take any accountability, please commit suicide.
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Except you were responding to different person to me after I had said "sure thing matt", after that someone else responded to you then you started responding to them. Are you fucking new to /v/?

Not an argument. I already proved it couldn't have been me and even by "Maddies" own fucking logic why would I make this thread when it's something I wouldn't post?

Because for the millionth fucking time I was busy responding to other fucking people and had multiple people giving me (You)s that I didn't even notice your post because I was busy responding to people talking about the game. See>>372902762

Who is we? You didn't do any such thing and in fact are being BTFO as we speak.
I care. I wanted him to quit the site.
>haha I THINK that I'VE been right and that YOU have been BTFO
>literally no u

get rekt XV-kun.
>Not an argument. I already proved it
Stopped reading there. Without a trip, you proved nothing.
No problems tripfagging here my dude

Why can't you?
Thanks, Maddie.

his autism has reached even greater heights
And you were BTFO.

You forgot your trip.

Oh now you put it on, do you want to get filtered?
Literally everything you think you're right about. It's just that, you're only thinking it. None of it holds true in reality, and we've dismantled and proven every single point wrong.

Prove me wrong.
Are we all tripfagging now? its been a while i kinda forget how so this might come out wierd
It wasn't me as I have just proven and I made no such deal. You're a pussy who is literally incapable of following a chain of posts and you are so devoid of any actual logic or common sense you actually believed someone claiming to be "XV-kun" would make a thread with "what went wrong" with XV in the OP pic, like how fucking stupid can you be?
I don't fear filtering. I haven't really been responding to you. My initial claim wasn't even in response to you, just marveling at how you use anonymity to dodge accountability. You thrive on being able to say your stupid posts belong to someone else.
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XV-kun is a delusional faggot
>It wasn't me
then tripfag from now on
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Don't bother. We all know he won't. He fears accountability. After all, if he feared filtering like he claimed, then he could just delete/change the trip if people didn't respond to him.
But you are BTFO as I have proven in the previous posts I've made, and now you're in denial and grasping onto shit like "w-who cares if it wasn't you t-that doesn't count!?"

A trip would prove literally nothing, it's not going to retroactively make the anonymous posts into tripcode posts. Nice job being a dumb fuck tripfag.
>That backstreet boys pic
Quick whats your favorite song by them

mines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M6samPEMpM
>forgot your trip
Hypocritical as usual

No trip, nothing proven. It's not my responsibility for you to take your own accountability for your own username. Maybe you should have handled said "chain of posts" a little better so you wouldn't have to damage control so hard.

Could be as easy as a tripcode.
>A trip would prove literally nothing, it's not going to retroactively make the anonymous posts into tripcode posts. Nice job being a dumb fuck tripfag.
Never said it would. It would just clear up future "misconceptions."
oops meant to reply to >>372903223
You haven't proven shit. I can prove
What would xv-kun look like.

I imagine some fat dude with a tiny head big ears and a fedora on top. Usually sitting in his underwear posting his shit
Look in a mirror.
>proves literally nothing
>and can't even reiterate

Alright, kiddo. Stay in denial.
Never got into them. Right now I'm listening to the NieR Automata OST.

Got it up on mega if anyone is interested (along with everything else I could find regarding NieR and Drakengard).

how original
>Got it up on mega if anyone is interested
Yes pls
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Versus XIII was so fucking perfect
>tfw too poor to buy it on pc because its 80 bucks in canada
just rape my shit up
And prove what exactly? All you're going to do is shitpost and memepost even more, you don't even think these things through, do you?

And yet you faggots have all been BTFO.

No I've already proven I was right multiple times in this thread, while you are there being a dumb fuck thinking you're clever for putting a name on, you havn't dismanteled anything, I literally just linked to all the posts that disprove this entire fucking chain of posts you keep sperging out about and posted a screencap of it too, you were fucking wrong along with everyone else.

Fuck off antikun.

What's marvelous is how you think that using a trip is somehow going to change anything when anyone can change the trip at any time, and I have no reason to use a trip. You literally thrive on your dogpiling shitposts because hey look he's defending thing he likes and standing up for himself better shitpost and spout lies while sperging the fuck out about shit, right? Nice trip faggot. Are you faggots even going to keep those trips on forever or you are going to drop them as soon as this thread is over, so much for accountability right?
Rushed development to meet a 2016 deadline for a game that was clearly not finished after throwing out years of work and only having concept trailers for its rebranding. That and a very strong demonstration that beyond the core road trip concept, the developers didn't capitalize on the open world they so heavily emphasized.

FFXV isn't terrible, and it isn't Square-Enix's Sonic '06, but it is pretty boring and after beating the story at level 64 within a week from launch, I haven't gone back since.
Imagine having a brain this broken.
>I've already proven I'm right
No, you just keep saying that. Everyone says you're wrong, and that you didn't.

Enjoy still being wrong, denial-kun
Am I the only one that prays tripfagging becomes a thing that everyone does whenever XV-kun posts?

He would be the only person with an anonymous name, desperately trying to deny his own posts were his.

>And prove what exactly?
Prove that it really "wasn't you."

The fact you are so scared of tripfagging just proves that not only was it you replying to me but also that you dont want trip because you samfag yourself all the time and never want to be held accountable for what you have said.

You are literally too emotionally insecure to ever admit you are wrong.

Like seriously, when is the last time you just said "oh i was wrong woops". I bet you've probably never admitted it once becuse your fragile ego cant handle it
The answer is: FF 14, FF 13, FF 12, FF 11, FF 10, and FF 8
>What's marvelous is how you think that using a trip is somehow going to change anything when anyone can change the trip at any time, and I have no reason to use a trip.
Ok. Just know that I don't believe you at all whenever you say a post isn't yours.
You are too kind.
fuck you don't talk shit about FF11 or 12
Okay, I get that not everyone likes Tidus, and the linearity may peeve some off (though FF games are inherently linear, XIII just existed as the excessive example others are compared to), but nuts to you man.
I cucked you with Kagari. Deal with it you piece of shit
>prays tripfagging becomes a thing
ITs not going to be a thing. Trip fagging is usually poor form on /v/


I mean obviously in this case the trip makes sense so we can get XV kun to stop being a faggot, but in general its not needed.

No. Maybe you can just not be a fucking retard in the future.

I'm making note of all the trips used in this thread by the way, if you faggots aren't going to keep your trips forever long past this thread and even well into the next year and more then you're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites,

Good job responding to yourself.
Sorry the format is all random. I take what I can get, you know?
Nah he wouldn't look handsome
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Then why was it inferior to XV?
>Good job responding to yourse
I guess its a good thing in the very next post i corrected myself and admitted i was wrong.

Thats the difference between you and me, Im not so much of a beta faggot that im terrified of ever being wrong
Guys, I've been away from XV threads for a while? Can someone give me a quick rundown on this "maddie" and "matt" people you guys are talking about? I don't remember them the last time I was here.
>No. Maybe you can just not be a fucking retard in the future.
That projection. Also, I doubt I'll even remember this trip past another 10 minutes (when I get off work). On the offchance I do, I'll have no problem using it to show how paranoid you are all the time.

Nobody ever said you needed to use the same trip for time immemorial, but keeping track of what you actually say in a thread would be useful.
10 was great fuck off
>stop being a faggot
not possible with him

Good job reading.
You haven't even started using a trip yet, so shut your whore mouth or get on our level.
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The truth is that the character design of Regis and Clarus changed because Nomura presented the Lucis Family as a Yakuza family and their designs were that of Yakuza leaders. It can't be more obvious.

Tabata changed the themes of the game along with its story, He kept the roen costume of Regis because SE had a contract, but hid it under a magical cloak. 90% of the guards in the peace treaty started wearing cloaks when in the 2011 and 2013 trailers were all wearing black suits.

Making Regis older and weak from the crystals magic was just an excuse to kill him off, because the original Regis would be too strong and too young to die so easily (and he did not as proven by the 2013 trailer, he survived). He just needed an excuse to write him off and make the story with fewer relevant characters as much as possible to make it more streamlined and push the whole open world aspect of the game.

My point is, the Yakuza theme did not fit with the new direction the game was heading under Tabata and that's the only true reason for the redesigns.

Also isn't it weird that in Versus Clarus and Regis looked unique as hell while their redesigns are generic as f***? they just became filler characters that were meant to die, they didn't want people focusing on them because the story was not about them anymore. It was only about the bros and it shows. Same exact story with Luna.

The Yakuza theme being toned down and almost completely removed was also confirmed by the first leaker who we now know he was telling the truth since all of his leaks were pretty much confirmed. This was also what he said about Regis, that his design changed because his role was not the same anymore and that they used a design more appropriate for his new role.
>Maybe you can just not be a fucking retard in the future.
I offer this same advice to you, my friend.
>I take what I can get, you know?
Same. This is better than YouTube.
here is an accurate description of what happened in order

Well, they are trip fagging, like me, to try and show XV kun that he's a coward for not tripfagging, and is using anonymity to hide his buffoonish claims whenever he gets BTFO, and he's still refusing to tripfag to clear up the confusion that somebody else, other than him, might actually think FFXV is anything resembling acceptable.
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E3 2013 Trailer,

"I can't stay any longer" said Nomura through Stella, "My heart won't let go" said Noctis who represents the player, us. "Don't worry about me (Versus XIII, Nomura). Live your own life".
"The world we purport to know is ever changing ending as we speak. So it is and must be for all existence." (Versus XIII is ending) And at the end : "you want the truth ? it's complicated".

E3 2013 Trailer has been a goodbye from Nomura you fucking faggots, we didn't deserve his Final Fantasy. Fuck.
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>While Tabata and Square jew the fuck out of Final Fantasy XV fanboys, Nomura gives a Christmas message to Kingdom Hearts fans

This is why Nomura will always be based

He's so fucking likable and once he finally leaves Square, that company can truly die
Imagine having literally no argument like you.

Who is everyone? You and your tripfag faggot dogpiling friends that are just being contrarian because it's me?

I pray that you keep try trip on like you claim you will, if I don't see any of these exact trips in future threads then I know all you faggots are full of shit.

And I know that a few of you will post maybe in the next thread and the thread after that, but what about in a few months? Are you posting in every thread with a trip? You are all trip fags now.

Putting a trip on now doesn't retroactively change the posts.

I've already proven it wasn't me, and also putting on a trip wouldn't even do anything because it doesn't retroactively change the posts, nor does it prove anything in your favor you utter fucking cunt.

Not only that but you being the hysterical shiteating fuck you are you can't even admit that you fucked up and assumed some random person was me just because you wanted to "prove a point" so you could shitpost more, even by your own fucking logic it makes no sense why you would think I made this thread, you are a complete fucking retard in every way.
I can't say whether I deserved Versus, but I sure as shit didn't deserve the log of shit that was XV.
Thanks for the quick rundown guys. I'll probably keep coming to these threads to see the outcome.

This game is a complete turd with a horribly uninteresting homo cast, a shit tier story, garbage DLC and an unfinished second half of the game, trash warping around combat that's like wannabe DMC

Everyone who worked on this game deserves the pox
>I pray that you keep try trip on like you claim you will, if I don't see any of these exact trips in future threads then I know all you faggots are full of shit.
If you think I have ever given a shit about your opinion about games, much less me, then I assure you that you are mistaken. And with each nontripped post, you only cement that further. You're an intellectually dishonest coward who needs to hide behind anonymity and pretend that there are other posters that speak just like you and believe that XV is anything other than a massive disappointment, whether you consider the story, the characters, the combat, or even the music.
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>cut/rewrite everything, spit in the face of everyone waiting since the Versus days
>have no direction ability, have to overhaul game system based on fan feedback several times like a clueless suit
>have no thematic vision, XV trailers are all empty mishmashes with no clear theme, in total contrast to the masterfully constructed Versus trailers
>start all sorts of stupid side projects from anime to a movie to phone games
>frame the title as Japanese console gaming's last stand
>completely shit the bed at the last E3 before release
>a month away from release, the game is so horrendous on the technical level that they have to delay it, despite holding a giant event celebrating the release date

Thanks to this shit video I now have cancer, hope you're happy.
>proven it wasn't me
>my microsoft paint jpeg proves it wasnt me goys
I mean i could take 2 minutes in paint and do the same thing but it doesnt change reality.

XV Kun i want you tak a step back. We all know that wasnt you who i was talking to after when the new thread was made. I even said i knewit wasnt you at the beginng of the thread. Its the fact you never once said no thats not me i dont agree when we all know you very clearly saw my posts to you and very clearly knewi was going to post my tits.

We call this intellectual dishonesty and extreme emotional immaturity
This guy gets it.
Really? More vocab??

Everyone, Pronoun, EVERY PERSON
That's who everyone is.
For good reason, you're acting buffoonish and objectively were wrong many times. You deserve any hardship this brings into your life and then some.
>What went wrong?

the story was rushed at the end
important shit happening of screen
"Hold O to win" sums up the combat against 95% of all enemies
Hardly anyone outside of the main 4 got development (I didn't even feel any sort of sadness when Luna died)
Can only accept one hunt at a time
Can only have one quest active on the map at a time
>Putting a trip on now doesn't retroactively change the posts.
In the future, you idiot.
And all you're going to do is ignore anything I say because you won't ever admit that you fucked up and even if I did put on a trip you would just try and filter it anyway because you are too scared to fucking answer what I'm saying and you know I'm right, yet you don't want to side with me because then you will get dogpiled on, you are trying desperately to fit on /v/ yet here you are with a fucking trip like a faggot because some other faggots put on trips just to shitpost against the person that it BTFO them all.

Fuck off faggot.

But here you are being wrong and being too fucking scared to own up to the fact that you fucked up just like with you assuming some random person was me just because they said "i'm xv-kun" and then linked to a thread made specifically to shitpost against XV, which by your own fucking logic should have already tipped you off that I didn't make the thread or post a link to this thread claiming to have made this thread. You are a fucking hypocrite, a lying cunt and you were already completely destroyed on your bullshit earlier in the thread.

See >>372901627
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Reminder that Nomura never even had the chance to develop Versus XIII as he intended to.
Reminder that Versus was NOT in development for 10 years and that for the first few years the dev team consisted of Nomura, some CG artists and some guys fucking around on a computer.
Reminder that this continued until 2011/2012 as SE could not spare any manpower as they were trying to put out the raging dumpster fire created by XIII and XIV.
Reminder that when Nomura could finally be given a proper team, SE forced him to make it a mainline title because they had nothing left.
Reminder that Tabata weaseled his way to director by taking advantage of Nomura's kindness in letting him on the team.
Reminder that SE then demanded that the story themes be changed to meet ratings board criteria (this was outright confirmed by Tabata himself) and Tabata, being the visionless yes man he is, went along with all of it, and took it as a chance to prove himself as a director while throwing Nomura under the bus.
Reminder that Tabata gets super passive aggressive whenever the topic of Versus comes up because he knows he made a piece of shit and that people were only interested in XV because they fell in love with Versus and believe that XV retains the same themes and gameplay.
Reminder that Nomura refuses to talk about Versus or XV.
Reminder that Nomura didn't even show up to the big release date event.

Nomura's baby was stolen from him and butchered before his eyes before it ever got the chance to live. It was never in "development hell". That's a myth perpetuated by clueless XVfags who only hopped on after the renaming. Tabata is a fucking snake who will be relegated to mobile games now that his piece of shit bombed.
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>"Hold O to win"
reminds me of this
>And all you're going to do is ignore anything I say because you won't ever admit that you fucked up
What did I fuck up? Remember, I'm tripped, so be specific. Tag the posts that I "fucked up," in.

>even if I did put on a trip you would just try and filter it anyway
No point. If I did that, you would just take off the trip and continue shitposting all over every thread that has anything to do with FFXV.
>Also, I doubt I'll even remember this trip past another 10 minutes
Oh how fucking convenient. Just enough bullshit for you to squirm out of having ever posted in this thread when you decide in a future thread to go back to posting anonymously.

Fuck off faggot.

Fuck off NeithOF, nice trip.
>completely destroyed on your bullshit
Like i said, you changing things in MS paint to take out the you's doesnt change the fact you very clearly saw my replies to you because we were talking back and forth and you replied to people after me. You HAD to have seen me. Its literally not possible that you didnt unless you closed your eyes and magcally scrolled down the page to the other people talking to you.
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Fuck off Bazztek. If you think Tabata isn't the one that's guilty for constantly changing everything you obviously didn't follow the game until a couple of months before release. The only accurate trailers are stuff from Uncovered and on (aka everything that's boring). Everything else is completely useless. Not only is it evident in the final product as the story is very short and lazy and makes no sense, but it is also evident in the game's marketing as the game does not resemble any promotional material that was released before March 31, 2016. Or the Omen trailer. In comparison, the only noticeable change in the game's direction under Nomura's lead from 2006 to E3 2013 was Stella's face.
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this thread is so good, holy shit
Man i never realized how much they butchered that game. It showed a lot of promise didnt it.
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>continuously destroyed
>XVkun getting relentlessly BTFO
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Yes. I remember how ballistic the Internet went over the Versus trailer. And the more Nomura showed, the more passionate did people get about the project.

E3 2013 happens and they promised it's the same game made for new consoles. But slowly, as time goes on you realize something is off. And then Nomura is mysteriously dropped from the project and Tabata who had been there just a few months is now in full command of the project. Still he insists it's the same game.

2014 happens, 2015 happens and now people really suspect something is off. Tabata goes to the public for feedback because he has no idea what the kids want these days. This gives people the impression that FFXV is really just yet another AAA open-world amongst many. And then Stella got cut and now finally, Tabata admits that FFXV and Versus are nothing alike. Despite attempting to keep up the mask a few months earlier. And now it becomes apparent that the Luminous engine is a nightmare to work with as both FFVII:R and KH3 switch engines to UE4 instead.

2016 comes and people feel like the game has a completely different tone than the Versus trailers. The original fanbase feel more and more alienated in favor of what seems to be fujoshi and westernbro gamers. They released Platinum which was completely awful and it cemented the doubt people had of FFXV. And from then till now, it has been a constant string of failures and disappointments from SE, ranging from Kingsglaive to failed E3 demos to failed release dates. And now this shit is finally about to release and all we have to show for is a half-finished western-wannabe game.

Great job, SE! This game should be studied by future devs and publishers as a guide how not to fuck up your ten-year game. It's been a journey and at journey's end all I feel is indifference.
>you would just try and filter it anyway because you are too scared to fucking answer what I'm saying and you know I'm right, yet you don't want to side with me because then you will get dogpiled on
It's unreal how delusional you are.
No, this thread is you and three other people who are dogpiling and being as contrarian as possible because XV is legitimately the best FF yet and you can't accept that which is why you are sperging out so fucking hard that you think putting on a trip somehow would prove anything in your favour. And it's likely that you " XV-kun is a tard !HV.YTQfJE" is in fact one of the IPs you are using while you are also using " Antikun !!vs0fq7o+1TX" from your other IP so you can effectively samefag while also posting under two completely different trips, this is what you always fucking do, and you think now you can hide behind trips despite it being well obvious enough that you can use two different trips from two different IPs and still post within the same minute from those two IPs.

Still shitposting the same shit over and over I see.
Is the game really this bad? I saw the game at my local game fuck for 40 bucks. But people have so much negativity towards it im wondering If it is really that bad
XV isn't the best FF yet. And that's what is so disappointing about it.
He was wrong, and literally nobody siding with him means that nobody thinks he was right. Literally he is all of his own hype, and I don't think he's ever admitted to being wrong.
Pc port when square what the fuck
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Reminder that the only reason Tabata got hired is because he basically told the suits he would make the game they wanted him to make, with westernized gameplay and very approachable story and setting. That's it. The guy is just an extention of the SE suits. A far cry from the likes of Nomura, Matsuno and Sakaguchi.

He's basically changing the story and gameplay around after every public showing promising new DLC because he's so insecure about not pleasing absolutely everyone. So the result is a Japanese western game.
>XV is legitimately the best FF yet
It's garbage. Universally regarded as a blunder that gets a pass because Final Fantasy in the title.
>xv kun is so booty blasted that hes accusing people of samefagging when he literally refuses to tripfag just so he can samefag

These threads are my new favorite anime
>this thread
Damn it's sorta sad seeing the poor bastard get played around like this
Don't give him pity, he thinks you're saying he's right.
>Is the game really this bad?

It's okay. Not bad but not great.

They keep alienating fans
Why'd you take off your trip, reset your IP and post again? You aren't fooling anyone.

Fuck off anti kun. https://boards.fireden.net/v/search/image/wipmBo4PgcoWmRP0Pih-Aw/

Hey still posting under two different IPs using two differnet trips so you can samefag while with trips?

The only lying cunt here is you, you are literally the biggest fucking hypocrite and lying fuck I've ever seen on /v/ and you've been doing this for fucking years now, you think you can even hide behind two differnet trips by you using them on your two different IPs that you've been posting with for ages, the sad thing is you think because 1 or 2 people dogpile on and agree with you that you are somehow in the right even though those fucks are all getting BTFO along with you.
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>that pic
yeah its pretty mediocre. Its not nearly as bad as ME andromeda and it IS a bit better than the horrible XIII trilogy, but from what anti kun has been posting the game had a lot of potentonal that was squandered by really shitty management and production choices.

Why do you refuse to use a tripcode? You arnt fooling anyone
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Versus probably would've been interconnected zones rather than wide open world. The combat would've been command menu based, which, despite not being the end all be all of ARPG combat, would still be miles better than what XV ended up having. And the OST would probably be full Shimomura rather then her just doing part of the OST and supervising the rest. It probably would've been a more directed

People think it's a situation where it was a simple director switch from Nomura to Tabata that ruined the game, but the reality is, Nomura's games are as tight as they are due to him having incredible people who would follow him wherever he goes. Mitsunori Takahashi, Tatsuya Kando, Takayuki Ohdachi, Shimomura, and Noijma to name a few.
You have no credibility because you refuse to take accountability. Crying about others tripfagging just makes you look worse. You really should have stopped while you were ahead.
Tell me the truth, XV-kun. Did you make this post?
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>Turned big event bosses into borefests
>QTE guards and autododging
>hold-button combat with little variation (the occasional pause-combo move, and some generally awful d-lefts).
>Made magic less a tool and more a "skip boring fights" button.
>First FF since FF9 to use boring cutscene summons, and managed to make them even worse with them activating in dumb ways.
>The main mixup is teamattacks which are more basic than KH2's Limits, and also lack the resource management, so are just spammable iframes.
>Item usage is straight dumb, when they not only got this right back in KH1, but also in 13 LR.
At the end of the day, Im sure XV fans are just sad that our favorite series turned to such shit after X. Thats why they post that way.
Honestly, when I look at Versus, it looks like a proper Square-Enix RPG and something I probably would've had more fun with. Probably would still be unrefined, but it at least seemed like it had focus.
>you were ahead.
he was never ahead. Hes dug himself so far into a hole that he could spend the rest of his life climbin and never get out
Look at his twitter, that image is literally on his page.
My image proves it wasn't me because I just took the fucking screencaps and it couldn't have been me, I even posted links to the fucking posts themselves showing it couldn't have been me that posted to you after I said "sure thing matt" and you are still in fucking denial.

Why the fuck would I ever need to respond to you before you posted when you didn't even fucking address anything more than 1 post towards me where you said shit about "durr i'll post tits if you stop posting" As soon as I scrollled past that post which I didn't even bother reading I never once looked back. I didn't even fucking see that post and once scrolling past it because I was scrolling down to see other posts it no longer occured to me to even check posts from a few responses back, the world doesn't revolve around you you fucking cunt.
You simply cannot make this shit up.
No trip code? Still don't believe you. How do I know it's you even now?

You've proven nothing, fuck off and die.
I'm starting to wonder if XV-kun actually likes the game or just exploits people's dissatisfaction by pretending he absolutely loves everything about XV to cause ultimate reverse psychology shitposting.
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Nomura's vision was so consistent if you compare the 2006-2007 cgi trailers to the 2013 rereveal trailer and gameplay trailer.

The 2013 trailer was like a message to the fans, something like "rest assured, this is still Versus XIII but now everything you saw back then is playable instead of CGI"

From Noctis walking down the stairs and blocking the bullets with his phantom swords, to him fighting vertically on the walls of the citadel in a playable form exactly like he did in the CGI.

From bashing a soldiers head into a car and grabbing him which was the closest thing he could do to emulate the scene where Noctis breaks a soldiers neck with his legs to soldiers bleeding blood (blue colored blood but at least they were human and they bled, in A MAINLINE FF GAME).

Showing all his swords having engines on them (unlike now) just like in the CGI trailer.

Generally every time Nomura shows a CGI trailer he then tries to replicate it as closely as possible in a playable form. Kingdom Hearts fans know what i am talking about. (KH1 secret ending - > Sora vs Xemnas boss fight on skyscraper is just an example, he has done it numerous times).

I also find it hilarious how he showed KH3 is more open and that you can explore the maps vertically now by showing Sora jumping off a cliff, and he did the exact same thing in 2009 by showing Noctis jumping off a cliff and noted it both times in a interview after.

It's just sad looking back at those Versus trailers and thinking how many of that CGI stuff would have made it into the game, because most of the stuff he showed in those CGI trailers were present in the 2013 playable prototype and this is why i am excited about FF7R, because Nomura has proven to me that if he shows something it most definitely WILL be in the game, because he is THAT passionate about his vision
I have never been wrong at all in this thread and have proven that multiple times.

Fuck off NeithOF

Except the game was made better than it ever was before.

Only one being BTFO here is you faggots.
No, he's not premeditating it, he's recoiling from the biggest BTFO he's ever experienced on the internet.
>My image proves it wasn't me
>failing reading comprehension this poorly
I already said i knew it wasnt you. Look at my first posts in this thread you inbred


Its the fact you never said anything until after and just "magically showed up" right after i posted them that lets every single person in this thread know that you knew i was posting and chose not to do anything because you honestly were retarded and thught i was matt. Thats why you called me matt in the first place (according to your own screen cap). So you just didnt say anything and wanted to see what i would do. And what do you know, you're COMPLETELY btfo. Now every time you call someone matt we can all laugh at you
Can someone please explain why people are trying to save face on an anonymous image board?
It's unreal how fucking insecure you are and still unwilling to admit you fucked up.

It's the best FF game, only people who have never played it try to shitpost against it.
Still no credibility, and your "proof" is you stating you think you're right. You've proven nothing and have been proven wrong at every point in the thread.

Get BTFO yet again nerd
It's alright. I got like 15 hours into it and I'm enjoying it.
because no one here is anonymous if you have a phone that you use for longer than three months or a pc even
One person can't play by his own rules and is being supremely immature. We're putting the kid in his place.
What did I fuck up? What are you trying to argue about now?
I complain about Resident Evil 7 shitposters that hate the game for having a first-person perspective, and got countered by someone who legitimately loathed the game but at least made it 50% through the product before dropping it.

You need to grow up and accept that people can criticize and shitpost about things, and that you don't need to pretend to be some magical defender and savior of FFXV against the evils of anons. There will always be critics, and there will always be fans, but you're insanely radical.
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Is Tabata the biggest liar in the gaming industry?

>I will keep Nomura's vision intact
>Literally scraps majority of what Nomura established

>The game's story will be 40 hours long to complete and that's not counting the side content. With the side content it will be over 100 hours of playtime
>The game story is only 20 - 25 hours long and you can finish all the content in 50 - 60 hours

>Luna will be a guest party member
>Guess what, she's not

>You do not need to watch Kingsglaive and Brotherhood to understand the game's story and characters
>But you actually do because the game does a piss poor job of explaining character's backstory and motivations

>I delayed the game so there won't be a huge day one patch for those without good internet support
>Game still releases with a huge day one patch

>All that cut fucking content we seen in the trailers. 90% of it wasn't even in the game

Tabata is nothing more than a lying con man and told you all everything what you wanted to hear to rope you into buying this mediocre unfinished turd
>Item usage is straight dumb, when they not only got this right back in KH1, but also in 13 LR.
Considering FFXV's "difficulty" is basically MMO-style bloated stats, I'm really glad I have all 99 of my Elixirs ready at all times.

The combat just isn't robust or skill-based enough to make limited items a user-friendly decision.
Don't play through to the ending, the open world bit is kinda fun I suppose; just easy and simplistic.
Except it is, and you can't accept that which is why you are sperging out like a retard.

Only person wrong here is you and you have been proven wrong countless times.

Fuck off NeithOF.

No it's universally regarded as one of hte best FFs, the highest selling opening FF in the US ever, the fastest selling FF, it has more GOTY awards than any other FF and fans loved it so much they are literally begging for more from SE and SE is giving it to them even though they have no reason to do anything more for the game since it already broke even. You are literally in denial because XV is a fantastic game and it hurts you because you spend so many years shitposting against the game while shilling XCX or whatever the fuck else.

Anti kun is a known multiple IP samefagging faggot, the same exact fucking images and copy pasta and same exact shitposts being spouted against the game are not a coincidence. He has been proven to be using multiple IPs in the past before and then for months he tried to pretend there was no anti kun, and now he's using two different IPs two use two different trips so he can do his usual samefagging shitposts from.
DESU i think hes so upset that hes just parrotting back what we are saying. He does that a lot and i think it might have to do with the fact hes clearly underage and has no real ability to argue or use logic. So he just parrots.
>known multiple IP samefagging faggot
No XV kun thats you.

Anti kun has no reason to same fag, he has people that agrees with him already. You are the one who feels the need to samefag because no one has ever agreed ith you and it really bothers you. So you like to pretend once in a while that someone is agreing with you.

Its just that the way you samefag is so painfully obvious and cringy its hard not to just laugh at you.
>No it's universally regarded as one of hte best FFs, the highest selling opening FF in the US ever, the fastest selling FF, it has more GOTY awards than any other FF and fans loved it so much they are literally begging for more from SE and SE is giving it to them even though they have no reason to do anything more for the game since it already broke even. You are literally in denial because XV is a fantastic game and it hurts you because you spend so many years shitposting against the game while shilling XCX or whatever the fuck else.
Not even half of the overall fanbase would compare this to the PS1 games in terms of overall quality, much less the SNES games.
Fuck off NeithOF. Your autistic copy pasta is never going to be true no matter how many times you post it.
Find one instance I was proven wrong. With real proof.

Can't? Yeah, the no u thing doesn't work when you can't prove anything.
Get proven wrong again faggot.
So do we know when the PC port is going to be relased? I really want to shit on this game because I'm pretty certain I'm going to hate it but I'd like to play it first to make sure.
Going to bed. Good night faggots.

Stay butthurt XV kun
No, that wasn't me.

Fuck off NeithOF.

Still using two IPs to samefag and shitpost with by using two different trips I see.
Good night cutie ^_^
I actually like the game, but I can still see the flaws and admit that it's an embarrassing mess that should not have been released for another entire year. I just think you are mentally deranged and need to get your head out of Tabata's ass. You keep insisting that this is a 10/10 game with no flaws when that is clearly not the case, and an overwhelming number of reviews that say otherwise.
>I complain about Resident Evil 7 shitposters that hate the game for having a first-person perspective

to be fair that first person perspective was just a gimmick to help push the VR in that jumpscare simulator
>this delusion
The only one ITT autistic enough to use multiple IPs is you.
It sure was fun walking out of the second of the plot tombs only to get ambushed by those fucking whisker cat things that would one-shot my party members into downed. When you're overpowered, it's boring as hell, but when you're underpowered the enemies are just so fucking frustrating with how every strong hit Noctis takes sends him on his ass and limits your control even further.

The fact that I got by through most of the game by consistently having a stock of 20 potions says a lot about its balance.

>jump scare simulator
Only a handful of legitimate jumpscares in the game, the rest of the time I was stabbing or shooting Molded in the face.
>No, wasn't me
>photo is literally from his twitter
Now we know for a fact he's full of shit.
XV-kun's brain is short-circuiting.
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No it isn't NeithOF. Entire visual direction has changed from the early trailers to 2011, chara designs changed, atmosphere changed. Even dialog and scene layout in the 2009 - 2011 trailer was changed. Not to mention Stella now knowing Noctis as a kid in 2013 when he only met her as an adult for the first time in Versus, not consistent at all.

2013 announcement trailer didn't look like anything we had seen in the Versus trailers before, while the 2013 gameplay trailer was literally a prototype that just used that intro sequence of the stairs to frame that prototype demo, but it was already different since now Noctis was with his friends while in the versus trailer he was all alone. Not to mention anyway the things like warping, weapon switching, attacking, dodging whatever are still in the final game anyway so that has nothing to do with anything.

Noctis never bashed a soldiers head into a car in any Versus trailer, that was only ever shown in 2013 and nowhere else. In the 2006 Versus trailer the soldiers bleed red blood, in the 2011 Versus trailer the soldiers had no blood and Magitek was confirmed to be in the game, meaning they were already magitektroops by then, in 2013 they had blue/purple "blood/oil" and in the 2014 trailer too after Nomura had left they had blue/purple "blood/oil", similar to the MT walkers have when you break their legs in the final game, then the MTs from 2015 onwards had no blood just like they didn't in the 2011 Versus trailer.

Multiple swords have engines on them in the final game which you'd fucking know if you played it, there is engine blade, drainlance, force stealer plus the machines and the sword of the tall also has an engine chainsaw on the blade.

The "verticality" shown in Versus is exactly what ended up going into the final game.

2013 XV has more in common with what's in the final game than what was in 2011 or prior, and even then stuff Noctis does in 2011 was mostly still in the game too. Fuck off you retard.
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Nomura's XV

>the land is split between two mob factions warring over the magic crystal, Lucis, who worship the pantheon of death, and the Nilfgaard who worship the pantheon of life

>Noctis is the hotheaded playboy son of a ruthless mob boss who dislikes the idea of having to run it and deal with all the bullshit politics, and Stella is the daughter of the rival gang leader

>because Noctis suffered a near death experience together with Stella as children, they can use magic, and see & communicate with the dead

>because Noctis has the hots for Stella, her father proposes a treaty sealed by the marriage, but it's merely a ruse to kill Regis and steal the crystal

>betrayed and enraged, Noctis and his party of Lucis' top killers slaughter their way out of the city to take revenge and to get the crystal back, recruiting world class mercenaries/assassins on the way
Tabata's XV;

>it's two kingdoms at war now, they all worship "the six"

>Noctis is a whiny emo bitch

>Stella is now called Lunafreya and "the oracle". Noctis got sick as a child and she rear him a book and said he's "the chosen one", so we're supposed to feel bad when she dies with literally no other back story and Noctis becomes an even worse whiny emo bitch

>Noctis eventually stops being a whiny bitch when the rest of his boyband tells him to stop being a fucking faggot and suck it up

>Noctis goes to retrieve the crystal because something something eternal darkness something something demons unless he gets it


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No friends-kun why are you back here when you could be out making friends?
Would certainly explain the autism
So not only did you spend the better half of the thread pretending it was me but now you are literally moving your goalposts. Jesus fucking Christ could you be any more of a fucking cunt?

Why the fuck would I have even needed to say anything when I was busy responding to someone else and you were responding to someone else who was pretending to be me, which is a chain of posts I didn't even bother following up on because I didn't give a fuck about you or even read your post after I said "sure thing matt" and was busy responding to other people, you fucking think the world revolves around you and yet here you are being completely BTFO while proof posted that you fucking lied about shit while got proven to be a retard, and now you're moving your goalposts like a little cunt.
No, my proof was the posts themselves which I already linked to and posted visual proof of earlier in the thread. You have not only been BTFO but you still can't even fucking admit that you fucked up too.

You can't even follow the chain of posts properly and got BTFO.

Except if you weren't new to XV threads you'd know it's ilterlaly a bunch of samefags in these threads posting the same fucking shit each time while I BTFO them every thread.
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Okay, I have my problems with the pacing, the fuckery of missing stuff and the lack of exploration in the second half of the plot, but you did legitimately dumb down the Tabata side of things to shitposting levels.

Yes, it's still pretty generic, but when you demean one side like that, it kinda makes the whole post come off as childish. Even though I get the feeling i'm giving a (You) to a copypasta.
>so easy to troll we can predict it a thread in advance
>successfully triggered after pretending it was you
>reduced to this level

Deliver the final blow!
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DESU XV kun if you still dont understand what she was trying to say you might just actually be the least intelligent person on 4chan.

Fuck off NeithOF.

What's sad is that not only have you been BTFO and you have proven to not even read things said to you but you are in fucking denial about it while acting like you weren't and making up bullshit on the fly too. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Nah, not seein em. Looks like you proved nothing but you're still a fucking raving lunatic.
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>Anti kun has no reason to same fag
Except he does, to create the illusion that multiple people agree with the bullshit he's saying and copypasting from gamefaqs from a known Nomuracuck. He only agrees with himself and samefags endlessly, when have I samefagged at all here? I'm posting this whole thread and yet you, anti kun and his samefag IP and some other faggot are the only ones resonding to me, and you're only going to say you agree with anti kun now because it's convenient to your shitpost, just like how you pretended it was me who was reponding to you in the previous thread about it really being me and you posting your faggot tits. fuck off you faggot.

The majority would and already does. XV has more GOTY awards than any other FF so you're objectively wrong.
Nothing, we're discussing how objectively bad your favorite game is. Why are you still in denial? Why can't you admit you were wrong? We all know it, and would only react positively if you did.
There are multiple antikuns I am not both. What the fuck is wrong with you. XV is garbage and you're the only defender. Find one person agreeing.
They should look at FFtactics and implement some mechanics from that to bolster the RPG aspect. Shit like terrain bonuses and drawbacks, attacks with special effects like pushing enemies backwards, stunning them, jump ability like in the duscae demo, drain attack like in the duscae demo, etc. freeze water, burn trees. Stuff that makes it an rpg combat system and that would work with current day tech.

Then they should also boost the action game aspect with proper action game mechanics. However, casuals love this shit so they're most likely not going to.
And once again you the utter cunt fail to read anything said to you because you see anything that isn't shitting on the game as if people are giving it 10/10, even though I've never said it was a 10/10 and have repeatedly said it has flaws and have pointed out the flaws, which I've fucking pointed out to you stupid fucking retrards countless fucking times yet you dumb cunts fail to read this or even acknowledge it because you want to keep forcing your little narrative while you sperg out and dogpile on my posts that wreck all of you. I've already said in previous threads it's a 9/10 and is a 8/10 at the absolute lowest, and the majority of the reviews for the game are 8s and 9s too so there goes your entire fucking shitpost.
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I know right! I keep telling him to go make friends, but no friends-kun just won't come out of his shell.
Oh looks like you've been found out.

Hey look you posted more of your old as fuck copy pasta that has already been BTFO in threads before.
Calling your bullshit. You've never said one negative thing about the game.
>lowest is a 8/10
>low effort search yields comprehensive 7/10 review

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>looks like you've been found out.
What're you talking about
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Hey faggot still sad you have no friends and can't read?

>i-iwas just pretending to be r-retarded
Sure you were faggot.
>taking this long to make a jpeg trying to when he admitted he didnt have any freinds.
Just sad desu

Explain yourself
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Can I like the game and still think it's the worst 3D Final Fantasy (tied with XIII, slightly below VIII) and think XV-kun is fucking retarded?
So you're fucking blind, see >>372901627 >>372902762

Stay fucking retarded.

Who is we? I'm talking about the faggot using the trip, you are just some other faggot and it's also just as likely you keep taking off your trip just so you can post with just a name too. What's sad is you need to fabricate "identities" in order to agree with yourself.
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Great thread /v/.
other than a bit rushed it was great
Everyone has opinions. I don't think the game's as godawful as everyone makes it out to be, but i'd play anything besides XIII again first.
>10,000 hrs in mspa to edit jpg to attempt to frame a troll

Ya got me.
Wait, no it was painfully obvious that trolling you was my goal since thread 1. Have fun with no friends, loser.
No friends-kun! How you been have you made any friends yet. If not I keep telling you this site isn't good for you. Go out and socialize!
>the day XV kun was bamboozled by a trap shitposter
Oh damn an MSpaint comic

You've literally posted that same exact image multiple times in the three FF threads, stop making it so obvious.

See >>372906870

That's from a previous thread you fucking idiot. Can you not read?
No. I'll post it in every thread I see from now on, at your expense.
Is this the most autistic daily thread on /v/?
Honestly i think the battle system is the biggest one especially the focus on flash and float, Episode Gladio was more fun despite being slower and more clunky because you didn't spasm all over the place, and even then it was only B-Grade at best.

>Advanced Combat
>Isn't just equipping Bow of the Clever and using Overwhelm over and over.

just read this thread

why is xvkun actually winning? no ones actually disproving him
Its up there
So you're going to be a fucking retarded just as you've always been?
You really have no room calling anyone a fucking idiot, since you're the shining example of one.
Still enjoying being in denial bout being wrong?
>new XVkun ip detected

If you read anything you'd have realized he hasn't proven anything in the first place.
>more than 1 minute apart
>obvious xvkun samefagging is obvious
Now this is irony, seeing as you were BTFO this entire thread and still in denial about it and now you're trying to pretend you weren't.

What's also funny is this faggot here >>372904780 got banned and then just reset his IP and kept posting.
Oooh the fucking retard one. Haven't heard that insult before. You're so creative and original, senpai
I like how you try to reverse the roles and assume it to be true. You haven't been on the winning side of a single BTFO.

Your denial still rings true.
>deleted link
There isn't a new ip on my post though

nah look again
Yeah but we don't believe you because you still haven't tripped, and can't prove it wasn't you.
>xv-kun has been shitposting for the past 12 hours
>since 10 am his time, until 10 pm
>he literally spent all day shitposting on /v/
ha ha ha ha ha
it's literally all been damage control because he can't prove anything beyond his own opinion
And once again you faggots accuse me of being some random person just because he isn't shitting on the game. You faggots are so fucking predictable.

Says the passive aggressive dipshit thinking he's being clever by using "anti-kun" as a name, you know I have the trips you faggots used in this thread written down so if you don't keep using them in future threads you will have proven to be all full of shit.

And more irony, all you've done is get BTFO, that maddie cunt got BTFO and proven to be a lying bitch, and now you are in full denial mode.
>Except it is, and you can't accept that which is why you are sperging out like a retard.
Not by any measurable metric, nor by my own opinion.
check it
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Hey look who reset his IP and after getting banned.
Hahahaha I don't have a tripcode because I've never used one in your shitty threads, and you can't even prove it!

I dare you to prove a single successful BTFO. I know for a fact you can't because I'll just re-dismantle what you link. I did it before but you probably ignored it because you can't handle being wrong.
I didn't get banned. I got off work, went and picked up the wife some Midol, drove home, had a smoke with the wife, gave my dog an anti-siezure pill, and then got on here while the wife watches Tokyo Ghoul.

I did nothing bannable.
>hey, meaningless fact to take attention off of me being wrong!
you're still wrong!
All you've been doing is damage control for your shitposts this entire time.

I never said you had a tripcode you fucking namefag, I was calling the other faggot out on his trip. Literally everything you faggots have tried to do in this thread has been BTFO see>>372901627 and >>372902762

Stay fucking retarded.
speaking of new ips
Already addressed. Believe it or not, I don't care. 3rd shift allows me a lot of options at work.

>i-didn't get banned I just have a new IP after getting banned
Sure thing.

First you cry about new IPs then when it's proven you faggots are ban evading you try to distance yourself.

This faggots are so butt devastated they will try and pretend he wasn't banned now.
>didn't get banned
>ban evading
i believe you
>gets banned
>comes back to the thread minutes later with a new IP
>I w-wasn't banned

My fucking sides.
>First you cry about new IPs then when it's proven you faggots are ban evading you try to distance yourself.
I wasn't IP banned. All that happened was that I got off my 3rd shift job and went home. Believe it or not, I wouldn't even know how to change my IP address. It's never been a concern.
Prove it.

>links 2 posts of himself getting BTFO savagely
Nice. Less work for me, it's all in the thread.
Didn't we have this thread 3 hurs ago? And then another thread right before that?
Does this guy even sleep? every thread with xv-kun turns into a thread not even remotely about videogames
Where's my IP? When was I banned? You can prove none of it, and it's all you're grasping right now.

Sides leaving orbit.
It was more interesting when we were having conversations that ignored XV kun. All this "Yuh-huh," "Nuh-uh," stuff is boring.

What are you playing right now? I'm currently doing Automata, then planning on Persona 5, and then gonna go back to BotW. Might try Horizon Zero Dawn when the price lowers to about 30 bucks.

FFXV got game of the year awards in a time where that title is meaningless. Fantastic.

Overwatch got GOTY the same year and its more shit than FFXV. Also it got more goty awards than FFXV.

FFXV is shit dude im really sorry that you havent been with the series very long but trust us your opinion is bad.
I just linked to two posts where you and everyone else involved was BTFO, and you're still in denial.

Why are you responding to a post talking about the tripfag that was banned and reset his IP? Fuck man you really can't read.
Don't you have Persona 5 to play xv-kun? And Nier?
But then again i thought you said Persona 5 was shit because you saw a playthrough of it, so why would you even buy it, especialy when you just spend your time shitposting on /v/ instead
Been doing an in-depth playthrough of witcher 3. Hoping it takes up enough time to feel like I get paid early.
Finally getting a PS4 soon, and with it I'll finally try BB and Horizon Zero Dawn.

I can accept that, although XIII is quite a lot worse IMO. XV is deeply flawed but not terrible, XIII is just a turd.
>b-but those don't count
My sides

I've been playing P5, enjoying pressing option button to win most of the time, also why does it have more invisible walls than XV despite P5 being a corridor simulator?
I understand holding off on the PS4. Only got mine last fall. Since then, minus XV, its been totally worth it. Bloodborne is fun as fuck, and it's not really new anymore, so spoilers aren't constantly getting posted (not that the story really matters in that game).
Do you even enjoy videogames anymore? If you dislike anything that isn't ffxv so much you should just save your money
Nah, that's where you're wrong, mostly. I could never have a more overflowing feeling of acceptance to know you made a fool of yourself. All you did was autistically bounce back and forth and then deny the dumb stuff.

Guy wasn't banned, obviously your reading comprehension is below the 3rd grade level.
So because I point out things I don't like that means I hate it right?
another thread another display that no one ever engages in actual discussion. just try to shitpost about the game
If he actually enjoyed FFXV half as much as he claimed, he wouldn't spend 8+ hours per day, every single day, defending it.
By your logic? Yes, cause that's why you call other people haters and shitposters all the time
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>he would be playing it instead
>if it were really as good as he claims

Why would they count?

The critics that awarded the game probably havent been with the series as long as I have. Why should I value their opinions?

Final Fantasy isnt Final Fantasy anymore anon and goty awards dont make a game good.
What's hilarious is that you've not only made a fool of yourself this entire thread but you've been BTFO this entire thread while thinking you were part of a group going against the grain, yet all those faggots including you all got BTFO and you are still in denial about that.

How would you know he wasn't banned unless you were him samefagging? The tripfag reset his IP because he was banned.

Hey look it's the "if you enjoyed it you'd be doing that instead of this" fallacy, you know people are capable of doing more than one thing and being able to go online to defend and talk about the thing they like, right? They don't need to be doing the thing they are defending or discussing while discussing or defending it. Sound to me like you're just a whiny little bitch butthurt that you got BTFO and were banned and now you're ban evading.
>Hey look it's the "if you enjoyed it you'd be doing that instead of this" fallacy
It's literally not a fallacy when you spend 40+ hours per week defending a game that you could be playing.

The only reason I'm ever on here is when I'm at work or the TV is on something I'm not interested in or have already seen.
>objectively wrong observations
LOL? BTFO again?
now you're just giving them away.

Because I read.
Why do the old ones count but the new ones don't? They are all literally whos. You're being contrarian just for the sake of it. Why would critics from years ago be any different than now? By your logic it has to be the same exact people or publications for every game, but not only are you a fucking retard and incapable of realizing that isn't viable but also you seem to actually think that being older somehow makes it more valid than being newer. Final Fantasy is still Final Fantasy and XV is a perfect example of a good FF game. If GOTY awards don't make something good then why are you saying that only older awards count? Stop the double standard there faggot.
Is the whole FFXV community like this or just him?
You seriously expect me to believe that you're actively doing both at once?

Nigga you're too mad to get off the board for 2 posts, that's some fucking straight bullshit.
I would laugh at anyone defending this turd

At least 13 had great music and Sazh
Retarded but not as much as him
Just him. most of us are sane enough to reasonably accept the games' plethora of flaws.
Yes it is a fallacy when you fail to realize that someone can do more than one thing in their spare time and doesn't have to be playing the thing they are talking about just so you can act like your little shitpost is valid.

And that was damage control after this >>372907779

He was banned.

You seriously think people aren't capable of talking about something they like instead of playing something they like? This is the weakest fuckign argument anyone can make "well if you like it so much why don't you marry it!?", that's literally what you sound like.
that's argumentatively fallacious but you don't need me
nigga just close your eyes, just walk away from the screen

I didnt even bother to read the bulk of your post of the contrarian accusation.

That accusation doesn have any basis anon. I dont like anything about the game and feel like critics were paid off.

What XV offers and what I want from Final Fantasy are completely different so of course I hate it and when i say I enjoyed 13 more it isnt to be a hipster. I am weeping over the death of a legendary game franchise as the new shit just plain sucks. 17 years of mediocrity.
XV has great music, characters, combat, story, world, monsters, graphics, variety, dungeons etc.

13 has nothing great.
>Yes it is a fallacy when you fail to realize that someone can do more than one thing in their spare time and doesn't have to be playing the thing they are talking about just so you can act like your little shitpost is valid.

But this isn't just a "oh, I have a spare couple of hours, I'll just get on 4chan and see what's up." You are literally on here full time defending this game. Every time the game gets mentioned, you appear.
>tfw i wake up and three threads later he's still going
That's not healthy for you buddy. Why do you care so much what people say about a game on an anonymous board, do you also freak out when people buy the wrong apples in the supermarket
dramaturgy is ur strong point
That doesn't prove he was banned. He said he changed computers. That changes the IP, if you knew anything about that. Otherwise, I'll have to ask you for more solid proof he was banned. His heartfelt words are more believable than your always BTFO shills.

No, you claim to be playing it full-time while you're in this thread. I call bullshit, and all you're doing is calling me a baby. Not disproving it.

TL;DR Not an argument.
Not an argument
You are literally being contrarian and your entire post proved it. You flat out said "old thing counts new thing doesn't" if that's not contrarian then you are just plain old retarded.

By your logic critics were payed off in the past. Just because you don't like it doesn't change the fact that it has more GOTY awards than other FFs and those are valid aawards just as the older FFs with GOTY awards are valid, stop trying to desperately discredit it just because it's better than older FFs. XV is the revival of the franchise and the best FF in well over 15 years.
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