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Wait... You guys did kill Dwayne, right?

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You guys did kill Dwayne, right?
attention whore who keeps crying just because the gangster nigger sterotype is dissappearing, obviously I kill the bitch, in a way it was like killing a SJW
i honestly don't remember if i did it the first time.
I wanted the clyde outfit, so no
Nah. Money is worthless in this game because there are no extra activities, and by that point, you already have a penthouse in Manhattan.
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I did and i felt like shit. I had to go back to a 5 hour savegame.
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>niko emails to his mom
>Kill Dwayne
>playboy randomly changes character and stops all contact with you despite being cool with you before and being the one who paid you to do the hit

It was so obvious Rockstar put in that choice just to give the illusion of consequence.
what a loser, i told him to fuck off after this email
yo /v/ did you just call me?
Nah, playboy tells you that you are a cold motherfucker for killing a friend. He is kind of afraid of Niko and thats why he cuts all contact with him.
^ so much this, this is basically attention whoring, glad there isnt tumblr in gat iv
Is this satire? Its hard to tell here. I mean, you only receive that email after you kill him.
so you are telling me is justified then?
do you speak english?
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>Given the option to spare a few people you're supposed to kill in certain missions
>They come back in the stranger missions only to try to kill you

What's the fucking point
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I didn't how the characters went "Okay you have to kill him" and Niko went along with it every time. Sure, you get the option to kill them instead, but he could point out how fucking stupid that is.
Nah, I had empathy for Dwayne and he reminded me of a guy I once knew. Playboy X was just another asshole thinking he's better than everyone else.
Killing Playboy gets you his apartment and a cool outfit. Why would you ever kill Dwayne? It's like choosing to kill Derrick over Francis.
Playboy paid you to do it and knew Dwayne for far longer than Niko. It makes no sense for Playboy to then act like Niko so evil he can't work with him anymore.
kill a lone gangbanger with a baseball bat in some shitty rundown apartment and get some money


kill some rich asshole and take his penthouse for yourself, get Claude's outfit from GTA III, and gain a friend.

big fucking decision there, Rockstar.
Except for Dwayne's girlfriend. She just comes back and asks you to kill some guys that were bothering her.
Dwayne was my fucking bro. Of course I didn't kill him.
here's the thing anon, these kind of people loves the victim role, they love the pity everybody feel for them and they use it to manipulate people around them, to make things go their way, they basically throw tantrums, just look at how he manipulate niko to kill the guy who cucked him, or to stage a mass shooting on the club, he wasnt man enough to do his own damn dirty job, he just cry and acted angsty, playboy on the other side actually did something by himself, granted he paid nikko for the last hit, but before knowing him he was already doing money by himself. Dwayne wasnt a mate nor a friend in need, he was a manipulative attention whore and you were his bitch
Playboy's reaction was like "I told him to kill Dwayme and he did it the absolute madman". It was more of a surprise that scalated into fear. Also, remember that dwayne was in jail for some time and his frienship with playboy was pretty dire at that point.
I understand that, but you were responding to an email you only get after you kill him. Otherwise I agree.
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>Dwayne sends a message complaining that he's lonely and wants to hang out
>Call him immediately
>"The fuck Neekoh, I was sleepin'"
well yeah he sent you that mail because he probably want another "favor", he isnt alone because everybody is "fake", he is alone because everybody was tired of his emo act
He knew full well Niko would do it beforehand though. It's just so dumb.
>You killed the guy I paid you to kill? We're never talking again!
I mean, thats standard when you hire a hitman
It is but i still think playboy expected Niko to just ignore his petition since he was friends with dwayne and all. He wasnt expecting Niko to be that cold.
Playboy had no problem continuing contact after getting you to kill other people.
so he was expecting backstabbing
I remember that hanging with dwayne was depressing as fuck
Yusuf Amir is the best GTA character ever.
even when you kill the nigga who cucked him he is still emo as fuck, no wonder his bitch dumped him
yup better keep that druggie alive instead of a cop who owes you favors
>when he showed up at the end of tbogt to blow up the russian mob hitmen with his gold attack chopper
i swear to god that dude had the best missions
I wish I could kill them both
Not like it matters if you get caught. GTA cops either shoot your ass or you send you to the hospital, where you're pushed out onto the street yet again.
Not exactly, Niko was on his right to refuse killing Dwayne because he was friends with him. Following that logic, he was in his right to be mad at playboy for trying to kill someone who was like a mentor and friend to him before he went to jail.
yeah, if derrick was an cuck manipulative emo attention whore
yeah ha ha! I killed him! what a...

then i told my mom to SHUT THE H UP! was totally epic
The missions and characters of TBOGT were amazing.
Thats diversity done right, we had homosexuals and a latino MC but it was still godlike.
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>dwayne calls you up
'yo its dwayne, did you call or sumthin i was in the shower?'
its almost like if you don't draw attention to details that have no impact on the story only someone's obsession with identity politics and instead write good characters who just so happen to be one of those arbitrary bullet points you have a great experience
I told it to roman and Im telling it to you, NO I DONT WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU, YOU SAD EXCUSE OF A HUMAN
that because those characters are more than the stereotypes they are
thats what makes a good character after all
fucking tumblr tards gtfo my board
Nobody will fall for this my friend.
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>gay tony
>character development
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>be niko
>hunting down some guy who kills for money
>while killing for money
Not exactly, she got into an abusive relationship and Niko helps her out.
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>eventually admits he's an old queen who's living in the past and is sick of the nu-gay culture
>not development
bad taste

I chased "Playboy" and gunned that nigger down on the street like he deserved. Another dindu face down with his brains leaking into a gutter.
man fuck dwayne, stupid manbaby

Awful taste.
First black Tsundere.
Dwayne was a bro in need of help
Playboy X was a fucking nigger and needed to get killed, plus his pad is fucking sweet.
>kill PBX
>get sweet safehouse, claude's outfit, the ability to call up bodyguards
>kill Dwayne
>get money that you have nothing to spend anything on

>on top of that, playboy tells you to fuck off because you killed his boy

fuck that bitch
bruh, dwayne was a cuck and a manbaby who cried everytime he wanted you to kill someone, fuck him
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Yeah he had the best crib so why the fuck not

.after you've gone on a couple date-things with Dwayne, Niko tells him off for being a mopey bitch
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Who /geneticallysuperior/ here?
I killed Playboy, but dwayne is worst friend in this game.

just found this while lurking old gta iv videos, have been laughing my ass for solid 10 minutes
Classic meme, exquisite.
ive been replaying this game im so pissed that V doiesnt have the physics IV has
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Are you even trying to become the strongest organism in the universe?
Of course not. Playboy is a piece of shit, there's no choice on matter. Dwayne's cool.
Why the fuck did we have to kill either? Why don't those niggas settle their own shit? Jesus Christ. Dwayne was just an /r9k/ version of a nigger, so I felt bad for him.
seems like Dwayne wanted to be a big part of Playboy's organisation, while Playboy wanted him to stay away, like Sonny from Vice City, so he asked you to kill him.
decent map size tho
Saint's Row 2 > GTA IV
gta 4 was still a good game and i had a lot of fun with it though
Why do GTA threads alway attract the reddit shits
I forgot how shitty all the "consequences" in GTA IV were, it felt like everything was just an illusion of choice.
just like real life
I regret not killing that black guy that McReary wanted dead.
No. Killed Playboy.

How could you kill Dwayne?

Guy was a fucking bitch, called Niko a snake just for doing his job.
Niko needed money. You can kill whichever the one you want but at the end of the day it's just Niko doing a job and getting paid either in money or property.
You can completely ignore both of them afterwards.
Dwayne wanted everything to be old school like when he was in charge and everybody else were poorfags, Playboy had more ambition and wanted to be bigger and better... and apparently we have to sympatize with dwayne, fuck that nigger
disappointed they didn't put in the seinfeld bassline when mikhail walked into the basement
Niko was being a snake
Willing to kill someone who thought you were his friend just for some money.

That's cold man.

Brucie was the best character in the whole damned franchise, it was like hanging out with /fitpol/.
Wasn't Brucie jewish?
Who /thejourney/ here?
i loved that robot, shame, they took it out for dlc.
best channel because it had Aphex Twin.

It's not the day of the rope YET. Also, don't tell the other guys but I race mixed with a delicious Hispanic girl. Condoms were used

best ones in franchise were Lamar and Lil Jacob imo.
I remember going drinking with him and he started yelling shit like "KILL ME NIKO!" And Niko telling him he's drunk and to shut the fuck up.

But you get a nice apartment if you don't kill him, plus Claude's outfit, so after I got his special ability I never talked to him again.

>not even close

I couldn't understand most of Lil' Jacob, I know that's the joke and he was pretty bro in that helicopter mission at the end, but it's still Brucie for me.
>blah blah niko its so hard being gangsta blah blah
>In my village, we didn't get electricity until I was 10

Shut him right up
just realized this is who joe rogaine based character off of
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Of course I did. Dwayne was a punk, and I'd rather have money than a depressed middle-aged convict in my entourage.
>come out of jail whining that people either left crime or became better at crime than you
>giving money to your ex-girlfriend from jail and being surprised she dumped you for someone younger and free
>acting like you have meaning to your life when you're sharing a trashed apartment with a crazed hobo
Playboy was right. Fuck Dwayne.
This guy gets it, lets be honest /v/, if you could shoot a robot, wouldnt you do it?
fuck no
I've killed that snitching, mudslime loving nigger playboy

I loved how there was a subtle homo-erotic element to every scene he was in.
Playboy's house was the best, rap music aside
no playboy is everything I hate
>stupid(doesn't even know that saudi arabia isn't part of africa)
>big mouth
>dressed like a clown
>literally the definition of nigger

fuck that shit atleast dwayne was honest
Luis was pretty shit but his race didn't have much to do with it
Johnny was cool I don't know why r* killed him so easily for le edge chacarter
>kill Dwayne
>get more money, with nothing to buy it with

>kill Playboy
>get his apartment
>get GTA3 outfit
>get 2 negroes to call for back up
Underage spotted
i did the first time and i was mad because the rewards for killing dwayne and the rewards for killing playboy are so stupidly unbalanced that nobody would ever kill dwayne unless they didn't know ahead of time
shut the fuck up clyde, you faggot
thats the point
johnny was a biker, bikers die all the time and no one cares
>inb4 2deep4me
>Have to hang out with Dwayne or he kills himself
by the time you finish TLAD johnny has almost nothing left in his life and nowhere to go from there
the whole thing is meant to be as depressing as possible and him dying in a stupid way for no reason fits with his character and storyline
it's also a convenient way to do the whole "drugs are bad and will ruin your life" thing for the sake of drama/teaching kids life lessons

At least there's the chance that Trevor will meet a similar fate in the next game. I sincerely hope.
>money and greed
>humanity, even if it is flawed

Man I just realized that's like most of the big choices in the game. Even the choice in final mission is choosing revenge like a respectable man or money like the bitch who sold out Niko's buddies in Old Country
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>or he kills himself

Niko doesn't kill children for money
To be fair though, the Darko choice breaks the mold in that regard.

People actually let him live?
>putting him out of his misery
>not pummelling him half to death and then walking away
>Implying leaving him to his demons and stranded alone in Liberty City isn't a worse fate
>knowing the results beforehand

i swear u guys are so fucking retarded. do you read a synopsis of a movie before you watch it too?
whats the point of playing a game if u read guides and shit beforehand?

i killed dwayne because his missions sucked and he was no fun. the email broke my heart.
yup. first playthrough. I thought me and playboy were going to be bff's
I always killed playboy. Real recognize real
Well no, I just killed Playboy because he was an arrogant little shit.
>by that point, you already have a penthouse in Manhattan.
Not necessarily. The call from Roman triggers pretty much randomly. If the Dwayne/Playboy X mission chain is the first one you do after reaching Algonquin, it's highly probable that you don't have the other apartment yet, which means you have to drive to Algonquin from Bohan every time you start the game.
or you know... just take a taxi
>making the poo-in-loo cab driver mad
The best part about the game is how it split people into two. It's rather interesting from a psychological point of view actually.
In short though, ironically, the game rewards the option that would hinder you 'career'.
X might treat you and everyone else like shit, but he's well connected and was far more likely to hook you up with some big dogs.

as miserable as he was I killed Gayboy because I hate niggers like him - dwayne can take himself out
>not self actualization

that girls voice if pure bliss
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perfect for /pol/
>first option is to get rid of yet another annoying """""friend""""" who keeps calling you to go get a burger
>other option is to get loadsamoney

its kind of a self explanatory question
radio broker ftw

loved indie shit around that time..
his name is not clyde you underage retard
>self actualization
how does it feel to have shit taste
fuck off,the dj's voice makes is most relaxing and go forward and moonbathing are god tier songs
>Not using Dwaynes /b/lackup every chance you got

Man i fucking love when you can get npc fighters in games, i called them in nearly every mission i could and sometimes just went on killing sprees with those dudes

I just wish you could have given the pistol guy a better gun
who cares

dont hang out with him
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