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How's your game development going, /v/?

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How's your game development going, /v/?
It's going good. I'm on the look for a musician right now, but other than that I've added in the basic concepts to the unique idea I had in mind that I'm not posting so I'm not associated with you people.
I need help thinking of ideas for levels. So far, I have:
>Sky Islands
>Magic School
>Retro Space
Shit, I already have that. Gonna be Iron Maiden themed.
Something snowy? Maybe Soviet?
Actually, I could probably do a snowy mountain for the antler rapier... good shit, anon.
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Just hire me already
>tiny and/or giant
>gameshow or tv in general
Where did you steal spine from?
Black neighborhood
I kinda have a level like this. It's based on the cover art of the Ayreon album with the song "River of Time" on it.
How do you design a vaporware sword?
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It's not spine senpai. It's Dragon Bones

Pretty much Open source chink spine with less documentation and less compatibility with video game engines
Like that
>Make game
>Realize I don't know how to make something
>Decide to make a smaller game to try said thing
>Realize I don't know how to make something in that new game
>Decide to make a smaller game to try said thing
I'm probably just gonna go back to the real game and try not to break everything in the process.
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what's the one that requires the least amount of coding to make a 2d arpg, like my own moves, skills etc?

>tfw you can into art and music but coding is harder than winning a Nobel prize for you
Music levels are (almost) always good
I'm already trying to think of making a level involving slaughtering a convention of furries. As much as I like the idea, I don't want to overdo it on the edge.
that sounds like torture
I made stuff in Game Maker when I was in an age 9 fourth grader. A literal child can use game maker, it is the game development tool for people who aren't really game developers.
Just make them armed and dangerous furries
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Game has a general setting with a variety of levels that can work within it.
Got no clue how to make a game, so haven't bothered, despite having an idea for one.
Yeah, I'm really considering having a music or disco themed level with the final boss being a cross between Miror B. And Michael Jackson. You can beat him without fighting if you beat him at DDR and there will be an achievement for doing this on the hardest difficulty

My biggest problem is making a sword that shows that it's from the music level.

Post art then
No, they're gonna be the easiest enemies to kill in the game, and I'm gonna make the player ENJOY killing them.

but having certain animations and calculations on damage and crits with action combat is different than making the trash you made in high school.


what art? i draw on canvas.

I can use game maker and I'm an actual genuine retard
Does the level will contain a ball pit usable as a weapon?
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it's actually pretty easy considering the workflow is pretty much 1:1 with spine and the program is in english

I just watch spine's tutorials and apply them here
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I'm learning pico-8
Breaking my ties with this cuck who would rather listen to his kawaii internet girlfriend. I'll figure out how to make a game on my own, perhaps on a real engine this time.
You had my curiosity

now you have my attention.
It's not so much of a singular setting, really. Each level ends when you get the sword from that level, and you tear open a portal to the next world using that sword. You can't go back once you step through the portal though.
Wasted the whole day on a memory leak.
Friendly reminder to use source control
>but having certain animations and calculations on damage and crits with action combat is different than making the trash you made in high school.
I made a 2D earthbound ripoff when I was a freshman for some game development competition and I won. Having a dice roll to calculate crits isn't rocket science.
This is a humble reminder that learning how to develop your game from scratch (that is, not relaying in game engines such as unity and GMS) will take you closer to deploying a game and beat your competitors.

Because games and game development are so popular, and you are competing against other games for attention, it is in your interest to use more performant tools that allow you to program your game without cutting any feature or depending on closed software.

If you are interested in defeating your main oponents (those using game engines, like the ones listed in the op poster), here are some tips:

- Use efficient and performant programming languages, such as c++, rust or nim.
* cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
* doc.rust-lang.org/book/
* nim-by-example.github.io

- Learn algorithms:
* coursera.org/specializations/algorithms

- Learn maths and physics:
* khanacademy.org/math
* khanacademy.org/science/physics

- Learn how to get the most out of your cpu:
* dataorienteddesign.com/dodmain/
* learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/79-the-stack-and-the-heap
* fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/08/07/why-do-cpus-have-multiple-cache-levels/

- Learn how to do graphics:
* opengl-tutorial.org/beginners-tutorials/

Good luck.
Any notable features it lacks compared to spine? What's the data output like?
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I added deck building/collection managing
I might include a furfag that pisses in the ball pit and jumps in. The idea is that they all have you doing one big fetch quest doing the most stupid shit like "Get me a bunch of bottles of water from that vending machine" (This is the guy that pisses in the pit after the quest) until the player snaps and kills them all.
At this point you might think that nothing of this applies to you. Please, reconsider it:

- Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP)

- Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming

- common OOP game engine development pitfalls

- Three Big Lies

Think about it in this way: understanding how your computer work might not secure you success, yet it gives you a huge advantage in this race.

You might say that the latest famous indie game done in unity didn't put any effort into engineering at all, but this is only illusory. You cannot see how many hours, days and months the developers behind successful unity (and GMS) games had to put to work around its inherent limitations.

You can say to yourself "I don't need anything else, i'll relay in my luck" or think wisely and increase the likelihood of being success by expending some time learning more about computers.
Everything depends on you.
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Animation is fun
Looks amazing, but is that the Game Maker default font?
>Copypasta every thread
Making your own game engine take so long it will lead you to botch the development of your actual game.

We don't need an indie Mass Effect: Androgenous
I don't know a single person that reloads a bolt-action rifle overhand like that. Everyone does it underhand because it just feels more satisfying.
If you want to get into 3D, hook yourself up with:

Marmoset Toolbag 3

and you will have an advantage over 90% of the indie competition.
>Marmoset Toolbag 3
why tho
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Probably yeah. Most everything there is placeholder, but it's a rough "proof of concept" and it's functional for now.
>reloading bolt action underhand
Do what now?
currently learning opengl/glsl at uni, along with C++. Feel like I'm hitting a ceiling with my C++ knowledge and I'm struggling to progress. Logically I'm sound and I'd like to think my problem solving is good, it's getting the most out of the nuances in the language I'm missing.

1st year we were taught python (scripting in maya) moved to a paint program written in C. Any advice on tackling the wall of complexity which is C++ - or is just reading through the documentation the best way to go?
Would be pretty funny if the quests would get weirder and weirder as you complete them, like simply getting a bottle of water up to go get diapers in a trashcan for them
teach me your gamedev ways
Rotate that hand 90 degrees so the palm is underneath the ball part of the handle of the bolt.
A vaporwave sword is a slightly outdated sword from another context that has been slowed down, painted hot pink with a chessboard pattern blade and the handguard is one of those curly wires landline phones have.
Best bakes.
That's the idea. Not sure what the sword at the end of the level would look like though.
so far I've seen it has the same features including mesh deformation, image slots and other things. I don't know if it has inverse kinematics yet because I haven't delved that far into it.

I'm not a developer just an artfag so I really can't answer the technical questions you want to know, but for making art this has been as good as spine for me so far
>Risk of Rain was made in a year by 1 and a half guys
>Made over a million dollars
>Helped them to keep working and release Deadbolt like a year later
>Game engines are bad meme

enjoy your no game you no dev.
Something similar to fluffy handcuffs
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Oh. Yeah nah, if you've ever actually shot a firearm you'd now how uncomfortable that shit is.


Step 1: Practice
Step 2: Practice
Step 3: Practice
You recently got a Pocket CHIP huh?
Sweet advice anon, thanks!

What games did you make? You must be rolling in it!
how did you learn to do that 3d modeling and animation tho?
>using anything other than UE4, Unity, or your own engine
Wasting your fucking time.

Well, I mean, you could always just export them as spritesheets and use them pure instead of trying to export and render them in-game
Sort of like a big foam dog dick?
I don't do the modelling, team members model/texture I just rig and animate.

I watched part one of Hyper's tutorial on YouTube and the rest was just self teaching.
>Oh. Yeah nah, if you've ever actually shot a firearm you'd now how uncomfortable that shit is.
I have. Nothing military, but I've shot my old man's nugget like that a few times and that's how I always reload my rifles, be it at the range or hunting.
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I made a game over the weekend (72h jam) and I'm pretty happy with the result

it's only like 15 min long but cute and I can almost call it finished


if you play it please tell me if you got motion sickness somehow
What if Im 2poor? Honestly the type of person using Blender probably cant afford photoshop
Thanks a bunch!
Despite the fact that the game will have you slaughtering people, I'm not using blood because I'd like to keep some semblance of kid friendliness to the game. If I could figure out how to make a pixel blur on an object in GM, I'd totally do that though.
Crack photoshop, use the free CS2 version or use smaller programs like GIMP
I grew up shooting rifles/hunting and I've never seen anyone in real life actually charge a bolt action like that, only in video games. It's extremely uncomfortable and unnatural to me.

But whatever works for ya man,
>It has a spine import feature

Well hot damn, thanks for telling me about this. I was considering just buying Spine since I guy I worked with in the past used it, but this version seems to be just as good and free.
Don't listen to this retard >>372249632 if you're ambitious and want to make money.

If you're too poor, then you have to make do with Blender and Gimp/Krita.

Photoshop is absolutely viable if you're working with Blender, especially with Quixel, because even though Blender is free, it's still an excellent piece of software with more than enough flexibility you will need. You don't need a $1500 Maya subscription just because you're working with Photoshop.
>cant afford photoshop
Seriously? $10 a month, dude.
>playing 10 bucks a month for something you could pirate for free
1800's British harbor
And get audited and sued if you achieve success (never).
Do you have a picture for reference?
>playing 10 bucks a month
>playing 10 bucks
Every months I put 10 bucks in casinos and try to make it big so I can afford Photoshop and a handjob.
they'll never know
You can watch Flapjack and get the gist.
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>added a few new uses for my core mechanic
>reworked my save/load system
>early drafts of opening maps
Most importantly:
>stripped out a bunch of unnecessary fluff so my game won't get unmanageably complex down the line
I really need to think about chiselling out an artstyle too, although I'll still be working with blockouts for a while. Think I'll stick within GBC-style palette/sprite limits with a few stylistic exceptions. Can anyone think of GB/GBC games that had a really distinctive style in their characters and environments?

I wish these threads weren't always made when/just before I sleep.
>not putting in the investment as a self-motivator
>not having a personal code of honor which tells you to give compensation where due
Not a great way to make it through life, but I suppose you can still manage in your delinquent ways.
>not putting in the investment as a self-motivator
this is the dumbest thing I've ever read
>Just reinvent the wheel lol!
I wonder if there are any people who have taken this seriously.
Pirate a $10/mo program here, another one there, eventually you're pirating $100s of dollars of shit on a regular basis. Imagine if you did the right thing, and you paid all that, and needed a regular / higher income to support it?
I programmed the engine for my game but it's clear from all the data-orientated memes in this post that the author never has and just thinks its a cool idea
reminder that people stuck in shitholes earn 4-5 times less money than you do and they have to pay the same prices for these things
50 dollars a month for photoshop doesn't sound so appetizing for an amateur, does it
I've probably pirated hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of music and games, am I supposed to feel guilty?
Are you arguing for piracy or against it?
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daily reminder to hire an artist or else

>Pirate software because you can't afford ten(10) whole American dollars
>Release product using pirated software
>Get sued to shit by adobe

Just start a patreon. If you're not complete trash and thus wasting your time with something as powerful as photoshop then you can at least get 5 random people to pay you $2/month.
Is panda 3d any good? just discovered that it existed today.
>50 dollars a month for photoshop
It's $10 though. I get it if you're in a very bad situation though.

Who cares about or is talking about guilt? It's more about having a motivator and putting you in a certain frame of mind to give you incentive. Doesn't apply to everyone, I understand.

Not really either, more like arguing for a life style that energizes you in the right ways.
How the fuck is Adobe gonna know your shitty jpegs were made in PS?
Adobe will never know. Do you think they audit everyone who's ever made a game who hasn't purchased a copy of Photoshop?
only americans pay MONTHY to use a SOFTWARE
If you need to pay someone money to get yourself into a certain frame of mind, well a fool and their money are easily parted I guess
>Using Photoshop instead of Illustrator or Flash
Lmaoing at your lives, faggots

>use a software
*Use software.
>Shading using Illustrator
Enjoy your flat shit
But it's more than that. It's a matter of

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Anything saved out by photoshop is watermarked, even moreso with newer versions

If they decide to investigate they can easily see that any of your assets were authored using an unlicensed copy.

this goes for most commercial art software like 3DS Max, Maya, etc.
is there a source on the original picture?
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Vectors won't give me that shitty MSpaint look though.
I am fucking nothing without my shitty MSpaint looking bitmaps.
Okay but if you download the official CS6 trial version from Adobe's website and crack that one .dll file, wouldn't that solve that?
if we all collab together we can make Half Life 3
I love me some vectors but that is the definition if 'flat shit'.
Shitty. Back to brainstorming stage. Didn't like the direction my game was going, just didn't feel like it would be something I would want to play in the end. Which is kinda my main goal since I just do this shit as a hobby.
Also I played Dragon's Crown and realized I would never live up to my ideal.
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I made a set of free weapons. Feel free to use them in your game.
They actually will, but continue being an idiot at your leisure. You won't achieve success, therefore you won't have a problem.
I think it's the outines. If you take those away, it has a lot more depth. That's the EBF style for you, I guess.
Why do half of them look like dildos?
You really want to see all this work in some shovelware shit?
Trial/student versions are non-commercial use so you'd still be fucked

forensic marking that PS does would identify that it was authored with a trial/student version, just like it would identify anything authored with the full copy (which would show them that your serial/license is fake)

Generally they don't even bother checking but if they did you would immediately be found out
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of course
It's very good, but requires a bit of getting used to. Open source makes it extremely versatile, along with scripting in both python and C++.
>Vectors won't give me that shitty MSpaint look though.
No, it'll give you that shitty 2005 Newgrounds Flash cartoon look instead.
is this on mobile as well?

thanks anon, I want to try and 3d model that sucker.
>implying anyone on /v/ will ever make an actual game, even a shovelware one
Would you rather pick up women or gamedev

Why for either answer?
If you want to use them as that, you can.

I just want to help out fellow devs. Give back to the community that helped me.
pc only
It's not very good. It's just a joke that gets posted regularly.

I'm a controlling narcissist. I fair better creating things than I do trying to maintain relationships. Better for both myself and others this way.
But does swapping out that .dll trick Adobe programs into thinking that they're licensed? Like, does cracking that file solve the issue?
I'm drunk dude.

Been wandering around the EA corral after swiping a whiskey bottle. Did that game he wanted... RIGHT ON TIME... hrmll grumble... dude, fuck facial animation, fuck writing, I made another bestseller.

....Fucking EA, buying me outta MAH OWN BIZZINUSSsssssssssssssssss.... wha~?

Who dug all deez studio shaped holes?
Game dev of course. It's something that could have a potential return on investment, while with women you are guaranteed to lose your money.
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Not so good, starting a patreon since i blew my kickstarter funds on hair transplants and my high school motivation speeches arent paying the bills.

At least i have a new composer though:
The song at 1:44 really showcases the stress of being an independent game developer
If you want to make 3D games but you're too poor, get:


If you have the money, get:

Houdini FX
Substance or Quixel Suite
Marmoset Toolbag 3
Have you considered it? Would it be extremely hard?
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The latter.

I have a better chance at actually making money from it, instead of having my wallet empty constantly.
You keep saying they put digital watermarks on images but I can't find a single source.
>make image in photoshop
>open and save as new in paint.net
fuck off with these /agdg/ memes
thanks I downloaded em anon
the game wouldn't fit mobile platforms, despite appearances

a spin-off though, maybe
Fuck... I tell you, if ever I want to sacrifice my dignity, reputation, and honor in exchange for a handful of wooden nickels, I'll become that guy.
>Substance or Quixel Suite
They can actually be useful in different instances. Both would be useful to have.
after reading these posts I agree women have 0 value

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.Utility{

class NeckMovements : MonoBehaviour{
public Transform target;
void Update(){
void TrackToys(){
float NeckRotations = 0;
float BoneMovement1;
float BoneMovement2;
float BoneMovement3;
float BoneMovement4;

NeckRotations += transform.Rotation(target);
Dalmatian_Neck_01SHJnt.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,NeckRotations,0);
Dalmatian_Neck_02SHJnt.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,NeckRotations,0);
Dalmatian_Neck_TopSHJnt.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,NeckRotations,0);
Dalmatian_Neck_JawSHJnt.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,NeckRotations,0);

BoneMovement1 = Dalmatian_Neck_01SHJnt.rotation = transform.rotation * Dalmatian_Neck_01SHJnt.rotation;
BoneMovement2 = Dalmatian_Neck_02SHJnt.rotation = transform.rotation * Dalmatian_Neck_02SHJnt.rotation;
BoneMovement3 = Dalmatian_Neck_TopSHJnt.rotation = transform.rotation * Dalmatian_Neck_TopSHJnt.rotation;
BoneMovement4 = Dalmatian_Neck_JawSHJnt.rotation = transform.rotation * Dalmatian_Neck_JawSHJnt.rotation;


>Elysian Shadows
God, why the fuck would someone back that trash anyway? You practically deserve it.
Pretty much correct, although it's not necessary to go too overboard.
how do you watermark an image/3d model thats been exported and converted to an internal format without damaging the composition of the data
If you want to get into 3D as a beginner, don't fucking buy a Udemy tutorial.

Start with BornCG and Blender Guru:



Then move onto others for more advanced stuff like Darren Lile, Oliver Villar and CG Geek.
You don't. He's just a 12 year old making up shit he has no understating of to sound intelligent on the internet.
But why Dreamcast and OUYA?
>le donutman
Stop posting this pasta please
What's the Marmoset Toolbag of the poor side?
I bet his doughnut is better than anything you've made.
>I want to make games so I'll spent half my life doing something completely unrelated!
Shut up
What kind of limitations does Sculptris have compared to ZBrush? It looks like they're made by the same company?
Great gamedevs are paranoid of what others think of their game
What is this faggotry? Someone hoping their post gets screencapped and made into a famous quote from an anonymous source?
Blender Baker.
One's a toy, the other's a tool.

Sculptris is a very nifty program but also very limited and trying to fit it into a studio pipeline would be cumbersome because of its lack of features. Before Zbrush introduced Dynamesh, Sculptris was used by few to sketch out quick creature concepts which were then taken into a more powerful program (Zbrush or Mudbox or even 3D Coat) and finalized there.

Now with the introduction of Dynamesh in ZBrush , sculptris isn't used anymore except by hobbyists if that.

ZBrush is a "proper" sculpting program. It can be a bit of a headache navigating through it to begin with (which sculptris isn´t), but it's power and capabilities are immense. There's a reason ZBrush and Mudbox are industry standars while Sculptris isn't.

Honestly you don't even really need Sculptris at this point. After the latest update, even Blender's sculpting is probably better.
Delete that screenshot. This kid will feel accomplished that his quote got documented and spread. Even if it's a meme.
I'm currently thinking about reinventing a cutscene scripting language sort of thing for UE4. You'd basically be able to create a list of objects that are executed in order (when one finishes, the next one starts). So there'd be SwitchCameraScript, ShowTextScript, PlayAudioScript, AskYesNoScript, etc. and you combine them together to zoom in on an item, display a description, then ask the user if they want to pick it up and play a sound.

I'm not really sure if anything like this already exists or what exactly you can do in Unreal's cutscene editor (there would probably be a CutsceneScript too). But the big thing is I need interactivity in the middle of the scripts so I don't think the default cutscene stuff will work for that.
Alright, thanks, good to know. To be honest I don't even know what sculpting is useful for in gamedev. Is it to add details that are baked onto a normal map for a lower poly model?
No. It'll come out worse than it originally was knowing the worth of the people of 4chan. I don't even know why any of us are putting ourselves through development hell for something we will probably end up canceling or abandoning.
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Since I now have a basic understanding of c++ what other coding language should I learn to make the viday?
C# is the closest to C++
You should start making vidya, choose an engine that uses C++, or choose something else and learn while you make game.
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>why bother trying you're shit anyway
Any good GMS tutorials out there? I'm an absolute beginner, want to try my hand at this.
No. C++ is better than C#, it would be a wasted education considering he knows C++ (even if it's a basic understanding).

Probably JavaScript. It is best for details that you just are too damn lazy to accomplish in C++. Like, say you need subtitles for your game, make the strings in JavaScript and just reference them in your C++ code. I get a weird feeling when I make strings in C++ because of how most programming editors don't highlight it with a color. It makes me feel like I didn't do it right.

Asking someone who knows a language that does EVERYTHING Python does, but better, PLUS WAAAAY MORE, to learn Python. This is probably the most retarded post i've ever seen coming from AGDG.
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>why bother trying to make yourself useful when you know on the inside you won't get it done or you won't do it right
>tfw you realize that you will never get anything useful done or won't get anything useful done right

No, he doesn't want that.
>Asking someone who knows a language that does EVERYTHING Python does, but better, PLUS WAAAAY MORE, to learn Python. This is probably the most retarded post i've ever seen coming from AGDG.
First of all, this isn't /agdg/, so kindly go there and stay gone if you come from that place. Second, Python is a. the prototyping language of choice of most programmers, and b. an extremely useful tool for writing plugins and scripts for most 3d packages.
So fuck off sweetie
You can create better models, especially with the right retopology. Also your handwork will have a much greater influence in the end result.

Check this out:

You won't get anywhere if you think you can't get anywhere you crybaby bitch. Paradigm shift your ass into a higher gear and get on with it.
This is technically AGDG, we are all amateurs and we are developing games. Amateur Game Development General. I will proceed to call this thread AGDG - We spread on to /v/ edition. First of all, it doesn't matter if retards choose Python, it's smarter to choose JavaScript, JavaScript is also better than Python. Second, you need to learn what programming languages are actually useful and what programming languages are just packages of shit for lazy people.

You won't get anywhere in general. You live in your mom's basement, admit it.
oh god no these threads were started precisely to avoid having to deal with general cancer, why do you faggots have to ruin everythin
Well, get fucked, I linked the current AGDG thread on /vg/ to this thread. The people of AGDG will either tear down this genre of thread on /v/ or turn it in AGDG - We spread to /v/ edition. Seriously, get fucked, all of you.
no fuck you for being cancerous faggots, isn't it enough with your containment thread?
absolute cancer
top autism
>He hates agdg
>This thread is a complete lateral move in quality
Oh boy
Here's your (You) faggot use it to blow yourself
C++ and Python are the best choices for anyone who wants to use the best engine, UE4.
>You won't get anywhere in general
Not with that attitude
>nothing is the best choices for anyone who wants to use the best blueprints set, UE4.
Blueprints are great but there's a chance you'll want to manipulate the code occasionally / eventually.
why would i use UE4 and get raped by their loyalty fees?
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made this level today. It is really hard.
>5% on the off chance you make over 1000/month
Because it's a great engine.
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some new enemies
one day I'll have art in the game that is not unfinished
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Panda3D uses Python and C++ too, and it's 100% free and open source.
where can i find more images like this
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Open an episode of Serial Experiments Lain, pause.
I'm currently between Semester 1 and Semester 2 of my final year of software systems development. I had gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed, so had to defer Semester 2 until Jan 2018. So I have until then basically to sink my time into a project. Some of the webm's posted look really cool and it looks like a rewarding endeavor! Is their a sticky type deal I can read through to start learning how to develop games? Any top recommended books I should read on Games Design?
good looking out mother fuckin anon.
How do you feel about this? How do you feel about Alexander Bruce?

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taught myself the basics of LOVE, been considering picking up an old text game project to revive and write some for.
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Just pixelin right now. Games mocked just need a little of the rest of the game here. :c
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How is your waifu simulator going, /v/?
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I made my title screen last week. This week I'm putting some work into my AI.
No clickteam love it seems.
I don't know how code or animate but I have money. How do I get creative control over a game?
Head over to your local IT college/university and start asking around for programmers and artists.
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Working on a some 3D modeling
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Working on art from another area so old gif
You can afford Max?
Exactly how well does being good at drawing translate to doing 3D? I know it translates well to 2D stuff, but is it any use getting good at art if you're going to be making primarily 3D games?
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Student Version.png
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I am using a student version of max
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I'm making an RPG about skeletons. Say hello to Protag.

I'm also struggling to make enemies show their elemental weakness in a more obvious manner. How many elements is too much? I'm going with 5 right now and I think I went too far.
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What kind of software do I need to be able toanimate like gifrelated?
Seems like they just distort proportions to me
Hi Skelly, I hope your game is good!
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Looks like tweenshit, something you could easily do with Live2D and Unity or Flash.


Download the Live2D SDK at their website and use it with the engine of your choice.
teach me your gamedev ways please
Why not Maya?
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Wasted my time with sculpting because it is way more fun and easy than making lowpoly assets for my game
anyone have any tips for someone who already programs professionally, but has never done game dev? Like where to get started? I'm experienced with javascript, ruby, python, done a little bit of C# and C++
Got a basic engine and some placeholders going, but how do I balance a platformer with multiple playable characters with unique weapons+elemental mechanics? I really like the characters that can modify attack behaviors via their mechanic, but the other ones just seem so plain otherwise, but I don't want to just do the same thing for everyone.
I have maya but i just prefer max for some reason
what is the best Blender tutorial for modeling?
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If you're just starting out:

Thank you so much this is greatly appreciated
No problem, man!
Good luck
>javascript, ruby, python
Webdev spotted

Try doing Unity's tutorials with C#
that's pretty cool although i don't get it
ha nailed it. Thanks
Not well, I just have ideas and meager artistic abilities so I am abandoning my more interesting idea I'm favour of making an RPG maker game
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zelda ripoff.png
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It's hard to get out of just being an idea guy but that's because I haven't been putting time into learning coding and whatnot.

Anyway I'm starting to mockup one idea that I think should be relatively simple for me to make in GMS.
Do console window tutorials first.

After you've made a clock, a calculator and a rock/paper/scissors game, you'll be ready for Unity.
oh wow that looks great anon. Though having this bubble around him makes it look like he got tiny, and we're have a zoom in on him. Maybe I just looked at it in a bad way, but keep that in mind
How are you animating your models?
With a normal bone rig (in Blender)
What do you mean?
Tell us about it?
I thought you were using some other method, vertex animation I think its called
I think I see what you mean, with the arrow pointing where he is, like in Minish Cap or something
it's the first time I heard this comment, and I think it wouldn't feel like that when playing since your movement control the arrow where the arrow is pointing, so it's easier to tell what's happening
I'll keep that in mind though, thanks for the feedback
Ah, yeah, I tried that, but Blender was being a dick about it, and I couldn't export more than one single vertex animation with every model.
Generally very little support for it anywhere now, but you can do very cool things with it.

Pic related is a vertex animation I made a long time ago. It's not very good, but transformations like this are very hard to do with bones.
Is there an engine for tactical turn-based RPGs?
How are you achieving that dithered ps1 look?
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In these images it's just a Gimp filter, but we have an in-game Unity filter for it too.
>shitty ps1 low res graphics
Like a true shitter. No hope.

I made this too, Anon:

I love the PS1/Quake look and I'm currently making graphics in that style to fit on the 3DS.
may your game have good lighting effects to compensate, and may it not fuck up the looks of the models
what sculpting tutorial do you recommend
looks like a drunken dwarf that put a broken fertility statue on his head
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We won't be using lights at all.
I draw in fake light and shadows with vertex colours.
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I take that as a compliment, Anon-chan

are those pixel shaders?
Good to see these threads becoming more /3/.

There are enough 8bit 2D shooters out there.
Realized I was a shit musician composer so I made a script to make music for me, however it only makes super eerie songs
Dude thank you so much i didn't know this shit could happen. Just in time before i started doing anything serious.
Oh yeah, forgot to describe it.

It's basically meant to be a zelda rip-off. Although it's inspired more by the first game where you're given almost no info and you can basically explore on your own.

The idea is to just survive at first, by being resourceful. You can pick up rocks from the ground and tear off branches from trees to use as makeshift weapons, and they break after some use. (basically a 2D BotW but with none of the physics stuff)

The plan is to have a story that players "discover" as they play through the game. I want to make it so you can come across towns and do quests to help people out. And eventually you end up on a more major quest to beat the big villain, it's just that you wouldn't know about that from the very start.
Cool, that sounds rad! Keep us updated, please.
When you say it's "meant to be a zelda rip-off," do you mean it's a parody/pastiche, or you intend to make it Zelda-like?
It's a zelda-like. You start as a nameless character who has to adventure. The gameplay would very likely involve zelda dungeons and enemies/bosses and everything. The differences would be in some of the play-style of it, and hopefully to have some character work/story in it.

Again this is really just an idea right now, but I plan to have it be more on the "real adventure" and slightly-serious at points side of things than any kind of send-up.
Any yuse cunts know how to create a butterfly style npc movement in Fusion? I want fluttery butterflies.
What's the point of making something with exactly zero original ideas?
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Working on titlescreen
It looks like the woman is pegging the guy from behind
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I think I broke something
looks nice
what are you working with?
Oh ok
Well you can apparently do very nice stuff with this now, haven't looked at it in like 5 years
Decent, been collaborating with a designer and two coders. It's been fun building the levels my map designer sketches out in 3D and importing them into Unity to playtest and revise. Just gotta figure out what would make for a enjoyable linear story arc and if/how to implement branching paths within it.
It works super well. I would look into GMS1 instead of 2 since its still kinda in beta.

Look up tutorials and the rest will be history.
Nothing is original. But this is something that I'm hoping has a unique set-up of mechanics that makes it different enough than its sources. Kinda like how Shovel Knight "steals" gameplay aspects from different games, but it's unique because no other game does all those things at the same time.

That said, this is also meant to be more simplistic for me so that I can actually have something smaller to work towards. I'm trying not to idea-guy it into oblivion, for once. I have other bigger ideas on the back-burner anyway.
where do you find people to collab on your game? Do I have to post progress of my game making here religiously?
Anyone got any resources for making skeletal animations for Unreal? I need to make some dev graphics for a beatemup and want some poses.
A 9 year old child could also wrap his head around the basics of most streamlined computer mechanics, so what's your fucking point?

>hurr durr I could apply filters in photoshop when I was 9 so it's a program for kids
your stuff has come a long way since i first saw it. hope you can get it finished man, looks fun
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Well, you know, just another color shading could make the difference.

I feel bad about that. This anon posted his progress for years and only now realized his game looked terrible. Did we not make it clear to him earlier? What could have been done?
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Good. Stuff can be equipped now so inventory is basically done.
I had my luck IRL. I personally feel like advertising yourself online is gonna get a scattershot result. Been burned in the past for that. That, and I think the only other people here are also working solo, so they might not wanna jump ship.

Honestly, it was the high-end concept pitch I gave them all that convinced them. I think they were otherwise all looking to do solo projects, but my game had enough meat for everyone to chip in and work on. The key was also making sure everyone knew it wasn't THEM making MY GAME it was all of us completely building it together and figuring out what we wanted. I'm more than happy to compromise, and I think that attracted them to it.

The designer was a guy I'd sent a message to a few years ago after originally finding his music work online and then got to know since and found out he was a beast with RPGMaker. We both hit an impasse recently on other projects and decided to work together, using his map making skills to provide a quick and easy design tool for me to build levels off of.

The coders are two university students about to graduate that I know through friends. They can't actually commit to any work for another few weeks until their dissertations are done, but you can tell they're desperate to do something non-university related. Not too difficult to find these sorts of people to work with as long as you look around the right circles. DnD clubs are pretty good for finding people who're good at committing to the long haul.

Not the best advice, but it's how it's worked for me. Gotta put yourself out there in person more than online. Plus actually working together IRL is super productive. Less distractions.

If you're looking to attract people to collab here, I wouldn't bother showing much off unless you've got unique functions at least designed in spreadsheets if not in-engine (beyond kit stuff). I think people are mainly looking for competency. Prove you can handle your own and people will take notice.
There would be so many ways around this I don't know where to begin.
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