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How's your game going?

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Thread replies: 520
Thread images: 111

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How's your game going?
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This is a humble reminder that learning how to develop your game from scratch (that is, not relaying in game engines such as unity and GMS) will take you closer to deploying a game and beat your competitors.

Because games and game development are so popular, and you are competing against other games for attention, it is in your interest to use more performant tools that allow you to program your game without cutting any feature or depending on closed software.

If you are interested in defeating your main oponents (those using game engines, like the ones listed in the op poster), here are some tips:

- Use efficient and performant programming languages, such as c++, rust or nim.
* cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
* doc.rust-lang.org/book/
* nim-by-example.github.io

- Learn algorithms:
* coursera.org/specializations/algorithms

- Learn maths and physics:
* khanacademy.org/math
* khanacademy.org/science/physics

- Learn how to get the most out of your cpu:
* dataorienteddesign.com/dodmain/
* learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/79-the-stack-and-the-heap
* fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/08/07/why-do-cpus-have-multiple-cache-levels/

- Learn how to do graphics:
* opengl-tutorial.org/beginners-tutorials/

Good luck.
shit, nobody told me making games is actually for people with lots of capital to invest or people who know marketing. making an indie game is stupid as fuck. i am gonna go find a normal job so i can live a more decent life
Oh look it's this thread again
FUCK YOU to try to keep reminding me. I want to forget about it, but you needed to make your thread again, FUCK YOU!
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months away from release


check it out on greenlight if you want
>super monkey ball ripoff
i'm sure you'll hit the big time this time, timmy
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It's OK
That's not an SMB clone. The ball moves on its own instead of tilting the whole level to move. It just looks like an intertia based 3d platformer to me.
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working on zelda 1 styled mmo HTML5 game

really basic right now but i've only been working on it for a very short period of time
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>hurr durr meyk ur oan ngin feggit
Stop pasting this shit you absolute cock womble.

Time To Market is one of the top driving factors in any line of business. Rolling your engine (even for a 2D side scroller) is likely going to cost you 100+ man hours. And that's if you already familiar with programming. If not multiply that by 10 minimum.
If your game can be made in GMS with the end result being identical to making it in your own engine then why make it from scratch
For any new devs in here please be aware that this is shitposting/bait
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steam today
I'll start when godot includes support for C# instead of some useless lang.
You're in luck, Godot 3 will support C#. Release is still a 2-3 months away though.
>not making 3D games
What are you some kind of dumb pleb?
I feel like dicking around and making a text adventure a la homestarrunner's Quest for Ye Flask (ie text commands plus simple graphical interface). What would you recommend?
Because making it from scratch will add at least 2 years to production!
I need more motivation
also failure today
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decently enough
added message box system
GameMaker, Godot, Ren'Py
Ah, I remember this from months ago. Congrats anon! Good luck with sales.
Will Godot 3 outclass Unity's 3D support?
Cool! Looks like it'll be fun
Where's your game?
Godot 3 has a completely rewritten 3D renderer, with modern PBR rendering and other fancy 3D stuff. So it's definitely on par with engines like Unity and UE4. It might not have as many built in materials as those engines though. But I'm sure some people will make some and release them on Godot's asset library.
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on greenlight.


what do you think of it?
It's a shitpost. Probably, anyway, it could be sincere, but still. A lot of people don't believe in using existing engines because it promotes laziness and deprives you of an incredible programming challenge. Some hardcore developers can be pretty passionate about that too, and won't trust any Unity/GM game to ever be good unless it goes above and beyond... which might also go for your made-from-scratch game as well. These people can have extreme standards. I mean it's understandable, video games are massive undertakings in all but the smallest forms.

It's good advice for the person or team who are not only dedicated, but experienced. Having your own engine means you can have fine control over literally everything; if you have an error or some kind of other mistake, you'll probably always know almost immediately what to do because you know the insides like the back of your hand. However, or a shmuck with a day job and basic coding knowledge,I say please don't be crazy and just stick to Unity or GM. Fuck, if you know how to break the mold, use RPG Maker for all I care if you have to. The biggest obstacle in game dev next to unwittingly developing something not fun is the danger of overwhelming yourself. Don't make things harder than you have to. Cut corners when it doesn't hamper creativity, do whatever you can to make things as easy as possible without compromise. Minimize the coding focus so you can go all out on other facets if you're also doing art or music and the like.

Remember, the end user gives no fucks whether you programmed the whole thing in c++ or not. Don't think you have to please hardcore programmers when they try to rag on you for doing things the easy way.
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>gold nigga
>The spinning ball doesn't have a spinning dick to go along with it

I'm sorry, but that combat looks fucking terrible and I wouldn't play the game because of it.
Combat looks like those shitty meet and fuck games I jerk it to
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Fucking awful that's what.

Trying to make a simple point and click adventure game but blueprints is beating me hard.

Anyone know why this isn't this working? And if not, how do I actually make something like it work?

Basically, I have a "Generic Object" blueprint with a variable for the mesh and one for the text that will appear when you examine it. And I want to feed that text into a widget so when the object is clicked it will use the objects text and make the widget visible.

Why is it so damn hard to edit variables from another blueprint, damn. I feel like a moron.
Thanks. Out of curiosity, does Ren'py allow for clicking on images to "search" for objects, or is it totally menu-based? This is not for a text adv. obviously, but still curious.
You have both of those things on input.
This looks really great, man.
I'm downloading it now, I'll toss some sheckels your way when I get paid on friday.
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Eh, doing alright, been working on cutscenes and all.
They haven't been proofread though so the english isn't that good at the moment. ( I'm not a native speaker )

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it is going okay. made a simple level to introduce a new obstacle
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Also this https://aww.moe/ed2noz.mp4
Not really a fan of the in-game graphics. They don't look consistent at all. the world is all blurry, the characters have sharp outlines, but blurry shadows, it's weird looking.
The sprites for the characters talking look good though.
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Well that spoiler got fucked up.

You mean I have two exec branches?
Even only using one it's not anything.

I think it can't find the reference or it can't assign something to something.
I thought it was gonna be early 2017?
Nice I've been waiting for one of these threads all day

So I actually started some shit today, downloaded godot and did tutorials for a few hours and tried to make my own thing but it is way more programming heavy than I thought. Should I keep trying? Try a different engine? Construct 2 was my next move
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it's blackadin you shitlord

why did everyone find it fun before but not now? did I fuck up the trailer or something?

1 retarded asian, 1 thicc, 1 'girl' and 1 nigger, to be exact
As a non-programmer Constuct 2 is the thing that has made me be able to do the most things the easiest.

But it being HTML5 only makes it kinda awful.
>You mean I have two exec branches?
I have no idea what that is, i only used UE4 blueprints for a day. You mean you want one of those things to influence the other, right? It seems to me like they're both on the "in" parth of the "SET" function, so basically they're both thrying to set something, but there isn't anything on the right side to be set.

Just my idea though, i don't know shit about blueprints.
>why did everyone find it fun before but not now? did I fuck up the trailer or something?
I've always thought it looked like compelte trash, but saw no point in commenting on it.
A tranny a (white) Asian and a retarded looking thicc girl but why the golden negro I don't get it
Last time I even touched gamemaker was early December. I remember trying to learn dialogue and it was the most confusing shit on mars. Feeling like getting back into deving but trying out unity this time. I'm assuming there's actual tutorials and up to date books this time around.
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Yeah I noticed it too, that's mostly because when I work on assets for the overworld I do it by drawing on photoshop with brushes and stuff, but when it comes to sprites I just make it via pixel art.
There were some delays from what I've read, and since compatibility is breaking with 2.x they're taking the time to add some other new compatibility breaking features, like a new and improved audio server.

From what I understand the new features are nearly complete now, alpha could be released in a month or so, and then it's bug fixing and polishing.
It'll probably have a useful error in your output log/message log
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oh, right, that makes sense.

the nigra is to parody crazy black evangelists, basically.
I was going to make a few small browser style games first anyway, so this seems like the best move... would things I learn using construct translate to other engines like gamemaker? Obviously I'd like to eventually make steam and console games
Thank you for reminding me how collosal failure am I because I haven't touched UE4 since before christmas.
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>want to work on games
>have no energy because I know it's impossible for me to actually finish something solo, it's not a valid means of personal income, and once I stop being a worthless neet I won't have any time to work on it anyways
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I write music. Working on a project with another anon right now; before I post those, some of my latest tracks:


I also write Sega Genesis music as a hobby:
(^from a soundtrack I worked on last year)

I've been commissioned by somebody to write a Shining Force-esque track, which I am pretty excited about, since it's been a while since i flexed my orchestral muscles with the Genesis soundchip.

You can always try Construct Classic aka Construct 1, though it's fairly old, no mac support (lol) and can be buggy. But it has .exe support, which C2 never had, ha. It's a nice little program.
You and me both buddy
Well fuck I wanted to start on spring break.
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like dogshit
i upgraded my pc and came back to find a bunch of dumb bugs that I have no idea what's causing them, pic related

i ended up being able to fix this one but there are things about gamepad detection that completely fuck over some things I've done

plus I really need a GDD because I'm sitting on a pile of notes and I have no fucking idea what I wanted to achieve in the first place, i'm just sitting here fiddling with code with no game, no direction, and no gameplay
Animating butts.
Link? Can't find it.
The exec is the white lines/arrows. I.E, on event make X happen, so for me, on click, set text to this variable.

I'm not really sure what the right variable output does actually. But I can't find much that seem to help me if I drag a node off from it.

It does but due to my inexperience and general stupidity it's like reading moonrunes.

From what I've been able to comprehend it mostly just says "assigned to none", but I'm not sure how to assign it properly.
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Also here's a battle track recently finished.
Composed by this fella https://soundcloud.com/ultigonio

>would things I learn using construct translate to other engines like gamemaker?
Not too in my experience. I've never really bothered to properly learn GM though since I find the UI and workflow a bit annoying.

But I will teach you a bit of visual scripting that can be helpful I guess.

>You can always try Construct Classic aka Construct 1

There's also Clickteam Fusion, which is what Construct spun off from an angry developer. I have only used it a bit but I hear it has better performance than Construct 2. And native exe support.
Wrestling with a mesh for 2 months because I don't know anatomy or topology
The worst thing about that is that I have spend like 30 bucks on UE store for that Fist Person horror template (I had certain plans with it). Shitty impulse buy, I could have bought a new game with it instead.
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What do you think of this title screen?
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Maybe you should post the error message so people who are more experienced can interpret said moonrunes
GDScript is going to be mostly unchanged, just some new features, better performance, and a few name changes. Also the whole game structure, using nodes to make scenes in a scene tree is unchanged. So you could start learning the engine with Godot 2 and move to 3 once it's released.
Unless you specifically wanted C# or PBR 3D. In those cases I guess you'd need to wait.
It's fine, though the font for the selections should obviously not be arial.

It's hard to say anything else since it's not like we see anything other than some sky + menu options.
Is this a Binding of Isaac mod?
What is set to none? Hud examine text reference?

What are you currently doing to acquire the reference to it?
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At this point you might think that nothing of this applies to you. Please, reconsider it:

- Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP)

- Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming

- common OOP game engine development pitfalls

- Three Big Lies

Think about it in this way: understanding how your computer work might not secure you success, yet it gives you a huge advantage in this race.

You might say that the latest famous indie game done in unity didn't put any effort into engineering at all, but this is only illusory. You cannot see how many hours, days and months the developers behind successful unity (and GMS) games had to put to work around its inherent limitations.

You can say to yourself "I don't need anything else, i'll relay in my luck" or think wisely and increase the likelihood of being success by expending some time learning more about computers.
Everything depends on you.
It's not Arial, it's probably worse than that. But I'm very confused by fonts licensing so I won't touch that for now.
Just wondering if there's something about it that particularly stands out as crappy.

Nope, it's a standalone game
I think these are good ideas for continued learning. However, for those who have making a game as their main objective, instead of piling on all the things you don't know and spending ungodly amounts of time to "learn and understand it all just right" you should go at your own pace and find a nice spot to start off. Whether that be one of the engines or learning to script.

Don't worry about "learning the wrong way" or anything like that. Quite a bit of things will relate to one another.
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Working on a pixel art visual novel. Got the wife (male) doing the background graphics for it, coming out pretty well.
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Oh. Sorry 'bout that.

Hud examine text reference?
I think so.

I created a variable called "Hud_ExamineText Reference" in the Generic Object blueprint that points to the widget I want to edit.

Now that you say it the Default Value of it is None(and it seems to not have any valid values'). Never really noticed that.

Is there another better way to do it?
I don't want to learn GDscript it's a pain to learn another language, and this one is useless outside godot.
I guess I'll check how the engine works to start programming when they release the 3.0 version.
>It's not Arial, it's probably worse than that. But I'm very confused by fonts licensing so I won't touch that for now.

Just use one of the many free open sauce fonts like the Liberation fonts for example.
>furry game

honestly you should team up with the furry punchout dev here
looks comfy as fuck, anon
keep it up
Not bad. Not bad at all.

Remember to add an option for instant/near instant text scrolling. Fucking hate it when games force me to use a slow as fuck scrolling text forcing me to double click every single line of dialog.
>that points to the widget

Just making a widget reference variable doesn't automatically set it to point at the widget, you gotta actually set it.

Where is the widget? Did another object create it?
>shill unique looking game, pique interest
>don't provide a name
what did he mean by this?
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how do i know the system requirements for my game?

i-it's not finished i just want to know.
Fuck off, making your own engine doesn't help you become successful.
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haven't posted there in ages but the tactical rpg is still in progress
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>Just making a widget reference variable doesn't automatically set it to point at the widget, you gotta actually set it.
Oh. Then I read that document wrong. How do I set it? Using the SET blueprint gives me nothing to work with.

>Where is the widget? Did another object create it?
The player character creates with widget with an Event BeginPlay. The actual widget works fine and displays the text from it's internal text variable(which is the one I want to edit from the other blueprint)

I really appreciate all the help anon. Sorry if I sound so uninformed.

The yellow coin and pillar are two generic object blueprints.
maybe have the options larger and side by side
You know who made their own game engien from scratch?
The 2 guys working on overgrowth.
And you can see how well it is working out for them.
Try it with this font if you've got the time.

I've made some buttons with it and I've at least liked the look of it. It's free of use in commercial projects.
Is unity a good engine to make a max payne like game? or should I use Unreal engine?

I want projectiles and not hitscan
Fairly certain they even abandoned it and gave it to some other people to finish.
So the player is firing traces at objects?

Surely it'd be easier to just obtain the text from the object you hit, and then let the player deal with the widget itself.
Going ok, making some NPC
Thanks that looks great, and the variations are pretty cool too.
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Anyone like to work on reviving dead MMOs? This is a game i've been working on for a few years now. The game is called RaiderZ and it was considered as a "TERA clone" for a while, the main development company behind it (MAIET Entertainment) went under about a year ago, and I enjoyed the game so I decided to pick up development of it where they left off. Pic is ingame, I'll post a pic of the servers running in a moment.
Unity is a bloated mess. UE4 is better.
Why aren't you learning 3D anon?

Do you really think you even have a remote chance of success making 8bit pixelshit like every other visionless programmer?
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Finally finished adding in Patches and Books akin to Paper Mario and M&L
Here you go, faggot. Protip: learn to use reverse image search.

Getting back into unity at the moment.
I suck ass at programming on my own but, then again I'm still practicing.
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Here's some enemy designs :) Hopefully I can make more as I make more levels.
>Surely it'd be easier to just obtain the text from the object you hit, and then let the player deal with the widget itself.

I think I tried that but I couldn't figure out how to make the player blueprint know what object has been clicked. Can you just use the Actor Hit as a reference?

I would be open to try anything as long as works.
I think UE4 is substantially better than Unity, but bloat amount is hardly it's strong suit.
Because 3D models are hard to make. And 3D programming is harder than 2D programming. I want to make a 3D game though.

Maybe you could post some helpful resources for 3D modeling, 3D math, etc, instead of shitposting.
>And 3D programming is harder than 2D programming.
If you're using an engine, it's hardly and different
>tfw been working on a VR game for months
>literally just My Little Inferno but in a tiny kitchen with a microwave
>called MicroDave
>weird shit happens in your kitchen
>gotta microwave shit to proceed to the need day
>want to make a visual novel
>in the process of the writing story
>cute light hearted romantic comedy
>reached a nice stopping point in the story where female protagonist achieves her goals and wins over her love interest
>only feasible way to continue the story is to destroy the relationship I spent so much time building up
>too attached to the characters and I feel really bad for even thinking about making them suffer
>Can you just use the Actor Hit as a reference

You can take it, and Cast it to your generic object class, then Get the text variable from it, and set the information in your widget from your player.

IDEALLY you'd use an interface, but that's not particularly important for you at this stage.
They look pretty good but I feel like some sprites have too bright shadowing. Makes them look pretty flat.
Ita going fine motivation comes and goes. Im working on a small phone app just to finally make myself finish something before starting on any of the bigger project ideas i have
>Because 3D models are hard to make.
No they aren't. Difficulty correlates with quality in any dimension.

Creating a shitty 8bit sprite is no less difficult than modeling a minecraft or lego character. Drawing an amazing looking character is no less difficult than modeling one, and it's actually way easier to animate 3D.
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>you unlock dual wielding guns by upgrading your PC
1) is that legal?
2) i'd love to help but I don't know shit about coding/programming
It's nice bait, so I'll bite.

We have been living in the age of script kiddies for more than a decade. It's also a time where an artist with a modicum of programming knowledge can be quite competent without being an expert coder. So none of this is really relevant to them. What you're suggesting is good, but it's like trying to learn how to drive by understanding the internal combustion engine. It's nice to know, but there's just no need for it.

I think the expert coders need to work harder to contribute positively to the industry. For example, make a more optimized AI package and sell it as an asset. Make a more performant engine that other can use, etc.
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I want to make mecha that look sort of like this.
How do I get good at 3D models to make this?
dat calm ragequit
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I like making 8bit pixelshit
You practice a lot and get good art art design or else even if you learn how to make low poly 3d models you 'll find yourself making bad looking stuff.
there's some filters that boost the contrast, but thanks for the critique, that's something I could improve
I want this pixel art to do naughty things to me.
What's the current status? Do you have the source and assets?
Maybe I can help here and there, but I can't commit to anything big.
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I get a Super Metroid feel from a bunch of these

You're in luck, it just grew two more vines
That's a low res model without normalmapping. It's not nearly as difficult as you might think.

Start with the basics: watch Blender Guru and BornCG's beginner tutorials for Blender:



After that, move onto the more advanced guys like Darren Lile, CG Geek and Oliver Villar.

It should only take you a month at most to develop your skills to the required level. Once you understand how to use all the modeling and rigging tools, your workflow will get much faster and it will become more practical than 2D.
that's a good comparison, I'll take it
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The trademark is abandoned so I would say its legal
Yeah, I have full source code and model/animation exporters for the game
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workin on some more bosses making some concepts
Where can I access it? And what are you planning to do?
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>not recognizing the top part of a gen1 Pokémon sprite
Fucking retards
I get a real Euro-PC vibe from the enemies, especially the large ones. I think they look quite nice. Though you might want to consider this anon's suggestion >>372097748 in using *slightly* different or more contrasting shades for the shading on some of the smaller enemies (like the guard or gargoyle).
>you made this?
>I made this
Quick question: If our studio releases a game that is essentially "Smuggler Tycoon", would we be able to recuperate from controversy/backlash afterwards and make different content, or will we get stuck in perpetual edgydev territory?
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Well you can run it and see how much memory it takes up and go from there.
Alternatively you can test it at different resolutions and rates to see what happens. Same goes for other computers.
Thanks anon, I'll start watching and learning.
the animal inside the ball needs to stay right side up, as it runs inside the ball, otherwise what drives the ball? physics need to make sense in the 'lore', m8.
Vileplume has five parts, not four

Also this doesn't actually line up with any of the existing Vileplume sprites that I can see, although that guy clearly used the Vileplume sprite as a VERY heavy reference (bordering on distastefully)

Try again mein neger
I sort of feel like I'm falling into the same problem as I had before. How do I get my widget to read the variable from my first person character?

I have the variable bound but now it's just blank.
>The trademark is abandoned so I would say its legal
Doesn't make it legal since someone out there owns it. Quick google says
>In 2015 they closed their doors after selling all of their game rights to Masangsoft Inc
Probably doesn't matter since they don't even list it on their mainsite. They just wanted gunz
Why would it be controversial?
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Here's a rousing stage theme:


And my hard-rockin' boss theme:


I still need to iron out the loop point on the boss track, but it sounds nice to me otherwise (minus a few changes dev asked for).
>muh racism
>profiting off exploits of poor victims of drugrunners
Can I just check, have you made a widget with the Create Widget node?

You should be able to grab your widget reference and set the value of the variable you have bound.
Why are you making a game like that if you're worried about it?
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This doesn't show the trademark being transfered to masangsoft so I don't think they purchased the rights to RaiderZ, just GunZ and GunZ2

Here is a github with the source. I am going to first fix up the vanilla version, then continue work on my own personal custom version of the game.
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>have you made a widget with the Create Widget node?
To my knowledge I have.
But I can't seem to get a reference of it.
I got a name for it
Jetpack Jerry.
return value is the pointer
I might make a dedicated engine one day but not before making prototypes in a game making framework.

You gotta know what your end goal is gonna be when you start designing the engine.
I think the game looks like trash but I'll still buy it to support a fellow anon.
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It's just based off the same type of flower.
Vileplume looks totally different though
Yeah, now grab the return value, and use it to Set your reference variable.

Then get it, and set the value of your widget's text.
>although that guy clearly used the Vileplume sprite as a VERY heavy reference (bordering on distastefully)
I wasn't even thinking of Vileplume when I made it.
I have a jungle area in the game and I thought Rafflesia flowers were cool.
It's merely a coincidence they're based off the same thing.
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I'm burnt out, but I've gone too far with the game I'm making to stop. My game is on steam, but it is missing one of the core features that it needs to be called 'finished'. It needs a multiplayer mode, but I'm really bad at network programming.
If I could hire someone to work on the multiplayer, I could continue fixing bugs and improve the other parts of the game, but I don't have that much money. Finding someone who knows network programming is proving to be impossible.

Does it ever, well, go slow?

That was always the best part of monkey ball.
Oh. The return value. That works now. Thanks. That's progress! More progress than ever before.

But I can't seem to actually get the damn text from the Generic Object. Actor Hit only gives me cast to Generic Object and from there nothing.

Sorry for being so stupid anons.
cast the obj to the class you want
Maybe try finding/hiring someone on contingency?
From the cast value you should be able to find your text variable.
>it needs a multiplayer mode
if its a functioning, selling singleplayer game why do you need online multiplayer?
explain yourself.
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Very early prototype. Started working a week and a half ago. I'm not even sure if I should keep going with this concept.
I made it because a game dev out in Cali wanted to test my mettle, but now that I've submitted it I still have a lot of fun dicking around in it after the fact. Would /v/ play a VR game like this?
good points, thanks
Post webm? I wanna see what it looks like.
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Just finding people who can network program is hard enough, but what do you mean by hiring on contingency?
My game is a team based game where players fight each other with spaceships. Right now I'm using AI bots, but a multiplayer mode would add a lot more depth to the game than what an AI would be capable of.
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are you ready for the return of fun FPS games?
Woah that's fuckin dope! I want a VR headset now.
> what do you mean by hiring on contingency
Sorry man, i spend too much time on /legaladvice/, it's a lawyer term, means someone agreeds to represent you and get a cut of the money if they win the case.

In your case it would be your network programmer getting a cut of the money from your profits.
Looks a bit cluttered from this screenshot. Now, if some of this were destructible, that'd be a different story! Please tell me I can 'splode some of this environment.
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Looks cool. Like DBZ in VR.

Would you mind adding voice control so that screaming makes the energy ball charge?
That looks like a mobile graphics engine showcase.
Thanks, man. My idea is to make the player feel as powerful as possible while still giving them an equally powerful foe to fight.
I love this anon
What software do you use? I use FL studio and I wish my songs sounded nice like that
squirrel billboard is cute
>Thanks, man. My idea is to make the player feel as powerful as possible while still giving them an equally powerful foe to fight.
Thank god there other people in the world that realize this. You can have power fantasies without trivializing enemies.
as someone who has an online multiplayer (only) game on steam... it's not worth your trouble to expand a working singleplayer game, especially if you're expecting more than 2 players.
making the game work online might be hard if you havent prepared for it throughout development but thats not even the hardest part, community management is the cuntiest thing in existence.
that is to say even if you make it the vast majority of your players are never going to touch it since they have a singleplayer alternative.

how about just making the AI better?
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Wait, you mean, cast to generic, and from that, cast to generic object class?

Am I on the right track or way off, because this ain't doing much and I'm not really sure what to do with the execs to make it not give me an error.
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Bringing back food levels, the most underrated trope of the 90s. Not much going on apart from that because I haven't put any enemies in it yet

btw what webm converter/recorder do you guys use?
Which engines are the best for 2D action games?
I would play if it it was non-VR.
I did consider it, but I'm unsure of how to make it reliable. What voice recognition script would you write such that it would recognize "screaming" such that it would be able to differentiate between the desired "scream" and the player whooping and hollering just because they're having fun? Ya know?

I hear ya. Lookin' at'chu, every Kirby game ever.
Speaking off, is there any really really really simple music making programs that us retarded people can use(and you know, still make fairly unique songs)?

I'm not looking to make symphonies or anything just some simple bleeps and bloops and what have you.
Yes exactly, but the exec needs to run through the the cast
Nice sprites.
what engine you using?
Ha, I use FL Studio as well!

The two biggest things are:

1) what instruments you use
2) filter effects through the mixer

And of course, experience; I've been using FL since 2007, and while I still don't know how to do a lot with the program, I've come quite a ways.

As for #1, I've purchased for myself lots of virtual instruments and sample libraries over the years: typically I keep an eye out for the holiday/summer sales on Native Instruments. Kontakt's libraries are essential... for me, anyhow (Kontakt 5, Retro Machines, Drum Lab, FM8, EVOLVE, etc. - all purchased usually at a rate of 1 or 2 per year). Plus other NI-compatible instrument-software. While there is plenty of good free stuff, you will have to spend a bit of money to get the higher quality.

There's also good cheap stuff. I recently bought Korg M1's VST for $50.00, because I had heard a whole bunch of sample sounds from demos and they sounded really good. I used some of them in the tracks above.

As for filters, it stemmed from experimentation. Typically you want reverb as a base minimum for sample sounds, and then you start experimenting with FL's effects, like delays, phasers, flangers, and so on until you get sounds that sound rich, full, or unique.

Also, if you want to learn more about mixing/EQ, check out these free tutorials, they are very helpful!

When I do that it gives me this.

Even tried making the actor hit a variable and plugging it into the object but that didn't help.
Quixel Suite or Substance Painter?
That is an awful name, anon. You should really beta test these names. Also the combat looks like a flash game.
I'm not an expert on voice recognition but you could try something simple like just measuring the power of the human voice band of frequencies in the spectrum while the attack is charging.

If the player wants he can make fart noises what's important is being loud at the right moment.

You could also record the player at the time and play back his voice with added reverb so he doesn't realize how pathetic his yelling sounds.
it's quite formidable at first, but I'd probably recommend learning a tracker program.

There is stuff for specifically chiptune (Deflemask is now pretty robust and popular, plus being donationware - but there are also Famitracker and VGM Music Maker among others), with Renoise being on the higher end of professional tracker software. It will take you some time before music sounds good with trackers though. At least for me it was difficult to understand the interface: its benefits though are that it is very logical to see where each note and sound fits into the larger song, and you have a very precise control over instrument effects that you don't get in normal DAWs.

I'd recommend looking into Deflemask, Famitracker, or something like that. Protracker has some nice tutorials on youtube, and Deflemask has a fairly active forum.
Unity is good for beginners.
Lots off support lots of tutorials and easy to use especially for 2d projects.
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The game is complex enough that I don't think I could make an AI that's good enough to match a player.
thank you for your kind advice. I'll check that website soon enough.

here's something by me https://vyello.tumblr.com/post/158940579056

I am a too poor for the high quality vsts so I'll stick to soundfonts and bleep bloops.
Ignore the last one

The issue is the order, you want to cast the object, then call the functions.
meant >>for 372105779
choose one.
players are stupid, stop posting magas and lemme see your game.
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Unity (inb4 laughing homers), it felt like overkill to go full enginedev on my first game but at the same time I just can't learn to love Game Maker no matter how many times I've tried.
Wait. I though that was what I was doing?

Raycast > Generic Object > Set Text
gorgeous, i'm a sucker for 32-bit style effects
any twitter/tumblr?
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Stop lying on the internet
In that image you're using the result of the cast, before it has actually been cast
I dunno. I think having VR in the first place gives the player enough presence in the world without having to blow out their vocal chords. I think the ability to fight human-sized enemies and especially the ability to plain old punch them would add a lot. Also, the ability to choose your beam color would be a neat, eh?
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A dude showed me a copy of this book he got, and I skimmed it. Honestly isn't a bad read. The school of video game design is basically comprised of concepts that seem obvious and make perfect sense when read or discussed, but one may not think of on the spot of the need be, specifically regarding the dos and don'ts. That said, I would recommend this at least as a light pleasure read. Wouldn't buy it (I think it goes for around 40-80 depending on where you get it) but I'd say it's worth a torrent.
I want to make a free game, but not sure what I want to make.

I'm not sure if I want to do a Dungeon Crawler RPG, a sidescroller, a 2d fighter, a Lite Harvest Moon, or a typical RPG.

I was wanting for whatever reason to do something either about 4chan, or Chris Chan.
Yeah, all of those are much more important than voice control since it's just a gimmick and those are big gameplay enhancements.
it doesn't matter, a moron like you has no hope of making it
a CWC knockoff of 2d Sonic style would be funny
i have no idea what im looking at so already any AI would be better than me.
what's so complex about shooting?
nice, but the middle of the player ship explosion is not matching the rest of the style. clashing very bad
>gogem shitposting on /v/ threads too
Please just leave.
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>MFW I recognize that sleeper
honestly, looking at everything posted here, it's clear you're all shitdevs with no talent
Some would argue that the VR platform itself is a gimmick, so yeah. Keeping the mechanics and balance as technical as possible while still being VR would be the best course of action, methinks.

Gotta have a level where he meets the bear.

Thanks for the feedback! May we see your game?
Holy shit, I used to like your game but the fact that you kept posting stupid wolf girl maga shit now I hate you.
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How do I "delay" the results?

I feel like I've tried plugging it into anything and everything an every order.
Make pong. I'll see you in a couple of weeks.
No problem. I've heard your work before in these threads. It's a nice blend of chip+midi instruments with some nice composition in several pieces. Keep at it!

As for the money sentiment, I was there for many years myself. I still might recommend the Korg VST as an eventual purchase, since it's 50 bucks and has hundreds of instruments on it:
The exec wire is the order it happens.

So fire trace > cast the result > plug cast result into Examine > Set text value
And make sure the Hit Actor is plugged into Cast
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I'll fire up the ol' RPG Maker this weekend and give it a go.

Should it be "The adventures of Sonichu the comic tm" or "The life and times of Christian Weston Chandler" the game.

If I go with TAOSTC tm, it would pretty much be the comic in RPG format.

If I go with TLATOCWC, it would pretty much be CWCiki; the game. I could also do a CWC art styled Love Quest Visual Novel, since I have Tyrano.
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Some basic problems I'll need to solve include:
>having AI move in groups to defend against massed missile attacks and be able to maintain formations
>preventing the AI from crashing into objects - particularly ship debris as they never despawn
>making sure the AI can make FTL jumps without hitting anything, while staying in formation
>having the AI use the gas/energy fields to their advantage somehow; this would require higher level thinking
>adapting the targeting algorithm to hit more often and when projectiles are under the influence of black holes, see webm related
>having the AI dock with space stations to refuel; right now they have unlimited fuel/ammo because this problem isn't solved
it's still in development, it's still far better than any trash you will ever make
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>gorgeous, i'm a sucker for 32-bit style effects
Thanks! That's exactly what I'm going for, every level is going to have a different 16/32-bit style rotation/parallax/BG gimmick. For the food level it has the tunnel background, water level has the mode 7-esque water and other levels will have things in a similar vein. I'm not quite ready to make the leap to full 3D yet but I think plain old NES and early SNES style 2D has been done to death so I'm trying as hard as possible to avoid standard flat graphics where possible

>any twitter/tumblr?
Watch this space

I'll probably be making social media accounts for this stuff later in the week, game is only just coming along far enough for it to actually feel worthwhile. It still doesn't have a name and I haven't found a recording software that I'm happy with (and that will run on my toaster) so those are my priorities before setting up some kind of real internet preference. I'll definitely post it in this thread when I make it though

When you say the middle, do you mean the white part of the explosion or the fire/smoke part? I'm not actually a huge fan of either part at the moment, I haven't really settled on how it should look because honestly I'm not entirely sure, explosions and general visual FX aren't really my strong suit
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Still in development, you say? Well guess what? All of these games are still in development. That's what this thread is about. So either post your progress, or fuck off.
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That's kind of sad...
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>TFW all you know about python is assigning values
>TFW R3ddit only has shitty game sites and deadlinks to books

How to python for programming newfies?
Post screenshots
There really isn't any good engine that uses Python. But you could try Godot, it has its own language GDScript, which is pretty similar to Python.
I also only knew basic Python before I started gamedev, Godot has been easy to get into.
I've been contemplating something about environment design with games. So say you have a game where the backgrounds/environs change between world to world. How do you create interesting and memorable worlds? Is it conceptual, and making a complex multi dimensional world takes more than the "desert/beach/jungle level" kind of schtick? An example I can think of is Twilight Town from Paper Mario tTYD. It's coloring style and npc designs made it more than just some creepy forest village level.
Or is it more dependant on the way the environment comes across as a whole; map, music, enemies, etc all coming together? Can something as basic as a "jungle level" for example be great from an environmental perspective if all its components were well designed and sort of clicked with the player? An example I can think of is Gloomy Galleon in Dk64, an ocean grotto/pirate theme is by no means rare, but the music and colors used in the level really gave it life.
I'm sure both are viable, but does one approach seem better than the other, or are there any other approaches that are worth noting?
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final boss cutscene fail 2.jpg
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Here's a screenshot from the final boss QTE.
yes, fast and slow, depending on the level/obstacle/precision
>if you can do flocking you can do this easy
>literally a raycast
>pathfinding and a basic needs state machine
>see the > above math
Why don't you consider Godot a good engine? The only reason I'm learning Python is to be able to do all I can in it. I dont want to waste my time ha
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The thing that makes it harder though is that I'm using unity's physics engine, so things don't always work perfectly.
a lot of that glass, and those cubes are destructible. but, im not sure what ill add / keep destructible

>Or is it more dependant on the way the environment comes across as a whole; map, music, enemies, etc all coming together?

I'd say it's this to be honest. You can take the general cliches and make them fantastic with impressive visual design, music, and layout. Personally I'd say landmarks are what player's are most likely to remember so having one defining landmark within each area would go a long way with making them memorable.
Trees. Make the trees catch fire.
Sorry if I confused you. There's no good engine that uses Python. Godot doesn't use Python, it uses GDScript. Godot is a good engine. If you know nothing about programming learning Python can be a good way to get a basic idea of how programming works. Then you can start playing around with Godot.
the orange fire part
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Making a generic cover based shooter, with some suppression/shield mechanic that slows the game down.
off the rack physics is definitely bullshit but its the same for players right so what's it matter if the AI fucks up sometimes?
What should my GDD look like?
Looks very tight. I imagine in high-level play there will be no room for error whatsoever. In other words, it looks like the Melee of shooters. Nice.

What game is this?
I'm not really sure what you mean by cast result.
H-oly shit. Some anon a few threads ago told me to learn Python for Godot. This fucking place, I swear.
Oh okay then, the orange fire part won't be sticking around for very long anyway. It's a placeholder particle effect explosion from very early on in the project, I did the Megaman-style "white pop" animations later on once I had a clearer idea of what the game should look like but wasn't sure which one to keep. The whole animation will probably be changed anyway but that part in particular was definitely never intended to make it into the final project

I'm talking like I actually know what the final project should look/play like but actually I'm just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, nodev limbo here we come
Everyone should go Settings > Filters & Post Hiding and add gogem.pro to your filters.

He's by far the biggest shitposter on agdg, and he starts shitting up these threads when he finds them. He's a nodev, a shit artist and a shit critic.
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I'd like the AI to be good enough to not fuck up at elementary things.
If he told you the engine used Python, then yeah, he was wrong. But like I said, it doesn't hurt to learn Python, it can be useful to know basic programming before you move into any game engine.

Here's a page on GDScript, you can give it a read to learn it. http://docs.godotengine.org/en/2.1/reference/gdscript.html


I'm not a dev or anything but people don't seem to like your game
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This is gogem.pro's "loli sim" art.
It really depends on the game.

And I think the other anon nailed it, what you want to do is to create something memorable.
Everything has already been made so the only real choice you have is to make it stand out through other means.

Take metroidvania games for example, landmarks help the player to orientate himself without having to look at the map and make the world seem more real. Statues, posters, sign and what have you. Take a look at Hollow Knights level design. Aside from making each area feel very distinct, it has a bunch of landmarks.
I suppose you're right. I mean people enjoy beautiful sceneries and all, but I just can't help but notice how the ones memorable to me have a good amount of effort in them to have each element synergized with each other.
>I'd like the AI to be good enough to not fuck up at elementary thing
well then get to work.
Nice "game"
Not making a game, but whenever I frequent these threads I think that there are too many shitters trying to make a game. If 10 of you shitters formed a team to make one game, you might actually make something I'd want to play. You guys should consider it, seriously.
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>this is the person that constantly critiques peoples art
You can't make this shit up
How is that a loli?
ahahah oh wow
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I've started working on core animations for the second class of melee weapons (swords) and I'm really enjoying how easy it is to slot melee attacks into the existing combo system and have it Just Werk... compared to the clusterfuck of set-up that it took to add weapons/animations in Mayhem League, at least. I worked really hard to make the Dixie system more modular and I'm happy that it's working the way I wanted it to; it's a good feeling when you plan something and then it pans out exactly how you expected.

Also, added a belly-slide as the new double-dodge function, since the old one (a little dash) was just boring to use. If you haven't unlocked double-dodge, dodging during a dodge auto-triggers the cooldown animation AND prevents activating Zen, so the belly slide (despite having some movement restrictions and potentially messing up melee flow if you're a dodge-masher) should be a straight upgrade, rather than a Crow-Within-tier monkey's paw of an unlock. Granted, I did that in a sort of bullshit way (by gimping you if you dodge-mash anyway, so that having the dive doesn't gimp you more than not having it) but still. You shouldn't be mashing dodge anyway.

Also Dixie's gotten a slight recolor/redesign based on /agdg/ feedback. She looks a little more Mario-esque color wise but overall I think the reduction in texture complexity makes her read better and suit the N64 aesthetic more appropriately.
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I really don't like this forced snowflake style

Damn that looks like fun. Throw in some Kaiju or some heros.
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You assume that working as a team increases productivity. That's rarely the case. Two people working together does not double production. Ten people working together does not make production 10 times faster.

In some cases, depending on the people, working as a team will slow them down.
>want to make video game
>work consumes most of my time, all of my sanity
>ass-backwards at coding
I did a thing in RPGmaker a while back while studying at university but it never even got half-finished and it was still a generic RPGmaker game. Now that I have a full time job I have no time to do anything even remotely enjoyable with my life except play videogames for a couple hours a night and browse 4chan when I should be sleeping
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Remember to eat dinner to fuel your yesdev!
I assumed his whole shtick was that he intentionally made bad art, bad games and then went around shit-talking everyone else's stuff. You know, as like some kind of post-modern critique of how petty the indie dev community can be, and how all publicity is good publicity in the current Steamshit economy.

Or something. I was probably giving him way too much credit.
Cry about it, why don't you! I work 50 hours a week and I have time to work on my game every single day.

Unless you mean working full time AND studying at uni, in which case I get it.
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Any racing games being made here?
he seems to be one of those literally who's who somehow manage to think that what they have to say is important, well judging anyway by how he keeps telling people here how they should do things
I could be into putting in Kaiju, yeah. Thanks.

>Dixie Anon
Good to see you again. Looks like combat has gotten a lot more refined since last I saw it. Back then combat was entirely reliant on that black goop and hitboxes were huge. Looks like now things are a lot more technical! I like it a lot. Can't wait to start beating down baddies.
none of you can do any better
thats the shit, i need some shitty browser based games to fuck around with.

die2nite and mush were good, but not good enough.
>posting my art is supposed to be trolling me
if you guys werent nodevs you would be better at trolling me
How come a self-made engine by a novice will compete with shit? Also if the game is shit no matter the engine, it'll be shit. Stop shitposting this form the thread on /vg/.
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Tree Thing.png
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Even this crappy sprite I shat out in 5 mins for someone in these threads is better than anything you can do
How does it feel having the worst art than Shad?

You are the most trash artist I've ever seen here.
I have a feeling that there's no point in fueling him with replies
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"Black goop" is still around, anon. Her hands are covered in those obsidian shards, which is also the material from which she summons OTHER hands; her "Wicked Weaves" are all made of this stuff, so every weapon will eventually have them in the strings in some capacity, on finishers and Combo+ attacks.

They don't appear in that webm because I don't use any finishers (except the Ground Pound)

The game's about as technical as it's ever been; I've added in some high-level tech stuff since last I posted on /v/ in the form of Block-Stocking, but I'm not really showing that off here.

I don't know what to tell you about the hitboxes, they haven't changed a bit.
Two people working together does double production if you two get along and share a vision. Obviously that is what I meant. And don't tell me there are no two people in these threads that could do this if they tried.
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probably not. I just like posting sprites
You're not being trolled. You're comic relief. You're a laughing stock. Your art is what we look at to remind ourselves to laugh a little.
Please do not reply to bad anons.
Post games.
Is it wrong if I kind of find it cool?

complete delusion
Jesus H. Christ that looks fun.
hahaha you have to remember we got a lot of hillary loving tumblr fags on /v/ now.

i mean we always had furries here, but now we got reddit and basically a lot of big fucking babies.

dont be surprised that expressing a small opinion will make a faggot do his little dance.


cute whaledog

that's a normal reaction, 100% of these shitpost (including the ones with my website on it) is just one butthurt AGDG shitposter who will shitpost for eternity
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>book on level design
>picture of a procedurally generated game without levels on the cover
>the game wasn't even a success
>someone took the time to type this
Bro, relax, go make a video game.
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It's going alright. skeletal animation is hard

Tight corridors before the boss area.
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sorry but this is the opposite of 4chan our guy material
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>mfw i just noticed the cat
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>what ca-
What the fuck
I have never seen it before
>liking my art is a normal reaction
>everyone who doesn't like my art is just one boogeyman shitposter
I just saw your comment elevating yourself to some snowflake pedestal and then I just checked out your game and turns out people didn't like it
There is nothing new under the sun, can't argue with that. The effort people put into environments that we remember fondly today is very exceptional, so instead of making an overly complex image, putting in detail and effort sounds like a good idea on principal alone, but also sounds like it's a good way to go.
Though at the same time, doesn't the same old setting kind of take away from it?
The guy is an actual idiot.
>a butthurt shitposter samefagging on 4chan is a conspiracy
you actin like i said some Alex Jones shit.
I want to make games in GameMaker. What's some good material for beginners? Youtube tutorials? Some ebooks or written tutorials on internet? I don't want to halfass things.
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Thanks so much! The combat is only like 50% of the game, though. It's really structured like an N64 collectathon, so I'm spending a lot of time developing movement mechanics and building levels around platforming challenges, exploration, and NPC conversation. A lot of the combat is just filler, which I fluffed up to be more interesting; enemies can be juggled more or less indefinitely post-death, so a lot of fights when I show off in webms stretch out much longer than they reasonably need to. You could run-and-gun your way through and never stop to punch for the most part.

Except when you get to the Showdown Zones, which are segments of the level that wall you off and force you to fight waves of enemies in more traditional Bayo/DMC style to earn a Power Core (think Jiggies), which is where the combat mechanics are hopefully more worth engaging in.
>procedurally generated game
But you're wrong, that game had hand made levels. And the levels affected how you played the game, and how difficult it was.
>the game wasn't even a success
But it was successful. ~300,000 owners
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yeah man, when I see art like this, it just makes me go wow, you know? just wow
You know there's more than one person that doesn't like your art, right? And not everyone that doesn't like your art is a shitposter.
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did a bunch of interface improvements and painful fucking TATE mode implementation recently.
>But you're wrong, that game had hand made levels. And the levels affected how you played the game, and how difficult it was
To be honest, I only played the first free version of the game. I thought it was pretty shit.
It's just an insanely basic RTS, where the """"levels"""" and """"level design"""" consists of flat circles placed haphazardly in a void.
>those nose proportions
Fucking hell
>implying the shitposter doesnt love my art
then why cant he stop posting it?
You'll never be able to please everyone, and settings are just as subjective as everything else. Like, what if I can't stand fantasy at all? Dragons and fairies? Gay as fuck. Now, no matter how exceptional your game is, I won't like it and probably not even play it.
What if I used to like fantasy games but I'm burned out? Maybe your game gives me renewed interest?

The bottom line is: you can't really plan that stuff ahead and people will always find reasons to dislike it. What you should worry about is what you want to do and what it is you want to show.
yeah it's fucking amazing, truly something different, it's just wow you know
Get this on kickstarter. Really wtf are you doing. This is magnitudes better than yukalaylee.
>tfw I have to make a Unity game for class and its due in one week

help me /v/

what kind of game should i make that's both engaging and easy to make?
Triple Triad
I only posted your loli pic, which goes to show you have no understanding of what a loli is.

You embarrassed yourself on agdg enough, are you going to dig yourself deeper here?
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Good. Finished the inventory section of the interface, which knocks out the hardest part.
I agree that it's a super basic game, but the planets aren't placed haphazardly. It still has level design. And the fact that the game is super basic probably makes it a great game to look at to learn basic level design, because there's nothing complex that anyone needs to know.
This is actually something I'm sort of faced with in my game, and I think there's nothing wrong with going back to the old "biome" staples. I mean, the world we live in is partitioned into jungles, grasslands, icy tundras, lava fields, caves, deciduous forests, deserts, and metropolitan areas. It's not a weird thing at all to design the "regions" of the game in a similar way.
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>That momentum
Some Bayonetta, some Banjo and a sprinkle of Sonic. I can 100% get behind this. I think one thing that stands out to me isn't your webms, though those don't hurt, but your descriptions of things!

You've given everything a name:
>Showdown Zone
>Power Core
>Obsidian Shards

This shows that you've clearly put a lot of thought into the world and how it's put together. Well fucking done, bud.
>Unity game for class
Good lord, please tell me you're not paying for this class.
aw I like it
My point is just that I don't think it's possible that that book is any good if that game is used as a main example on what good level design is.
It's a college course, so yeah. The college is expensive as fuck too.
You could do a tiny AR game. Using AR as a platform makes for an easy way to impress teachers. Trust me.
I'm still in pre-planning and trying to decide if it's a good enough concept or not.
how the hell do I do AR I barely even know how to import 3D models into the project
>0 all-time peak
How do you feel about it?
do tell
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Then you're fucked. You also apparently lack basic research skills.
>He doesn't know how to click and drag a thing into another thing
Sounds like you need more than just Unity help, my friend. Have you at least done the Rolling Ball tutorial?
But it's just the cover. The game is pretty and has basic level design. You're judging the book by its cover.

I don't have the book, but I looked at a few pages and it discusses much more than that game.
>male corset
Kickstarter is useless to me. What would I do with the money? It's not like time machines exist but I can't afford one; all I need is time to get work done.

I have a loose design doc (and a rough script) but ironically all of the things you mentioned were writing-by-the-seat-of-my-pants asspulls I came up with as I built the assets/mechanics. Maybe I'm just pretty good at naming stuff.

I appreciate the positive remarks, though! I hope to have a demo ready FAIRLY soon (within 6 months) since the first level is nearing completion and once I have two weapons implemented and some more enemy mechanics in place, I can probably do a one-level demo that's fairly fun.
I opened Unity for the first time 10 minutes ago
However you want.
I just write a Google Doc for my design doc, kinda just jot down my ideas. This way I can write things down in the document on my phone while I'm away from home.

I keep one document that's just for several quick ideas. And I have a couple separate documents to flesh on the ideas I think have potential.

By the way, don't try to write a whole detailed design doc before even starting the game. A lot of the game design can arise from coding it. For me the design docs are more of a basic outline of things I think will be good in the game.
>What would I do with the money?
You could quit your day job? Or if you're a neet you could finally impress you mother.
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That's true, but often times people play games to have adventures they couldn't be able to irl, so why make the world around them pertain to our world's ecosystems?
Damn nice so far, but the animations look a bit stiff.

Simple 2d graphics, top down action RPG game. You have a party with AI companions who you can swap between and leave different whole areas of the game world to solve some puzzles. The combat is pretty simple, and you can equip any combination of two melee weapons, ranged weapons, or magic (healing, buff, debuff, minor damage) weapons.

There's no level scaling; the point of the game is you go defeat enemies and they drop diablo style loot generation. Sometimes you'll get a weapon with a unique power, but instead of just stat boosts it will be like 'charge attack with this weapon creates flaming orbs' or 'blocking with this weapon reflects ranged bullets' or something, giving more unique weapons to the randomized game.

You blend up a bunch of weapons into a giant blender so you can bake them in an oven to get new weapons, sometimes good ones. Sacrifice a black (enemy) weapon you've made like this to create a more powerful boss in a random dungeon creator thing.

I kind of wanted to make it Disgaea-esque where you keep growing and grinding and do huge dungeons just to barely get a little stronger and just keep going up and up. That's kind of the idea. I'm just not sure such a simple (attack, power attack, block) combat system would be interesting enough to carry it.
I need that demo inside my asshole ASAP, anon. Keep up the good work.

Also, have you thought about voice actors for Dixie?

Get on the Roll A Ball tutorial right the fuck now. You have no time to waste on here unless you need help with something that you can't find on Google. Get to work.
I make in the neighborhood of $50k/year and I'm actually on a fast career track right now; even if I thought I could do substantially better than that on Kickstarter/Patreon AND sustain it for a decent period of time, the reality is I probably wouldn't get any more work done. I'd burn out and wind up doing less, probably.
Shit. My internet died.

Also. My shriveled mongoloid brain forgot about the create widget event being fired before the raycaster. So I moved it and it worked perfectly. Exactly as I wanted it.

Thank so fucking much anon, and anyone who helped me. I can't thank you enough. I've been wrestling with this issue for a damn long time.
>tfw you inspired me to pick up and learn UE4
It's been hard as balls anon. But thank you.
Should I be looking up C# console window tutorials before starting with Unity?
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Glad to help
On greenlight right now. The game is at its core, a 3D and first person version of pong. Check it out.
Tumblr or Wordpress for a simple no hassle dev blog?
Or some other easy free alternative.
Ow. My ears. Other than that, looks fun.
You using Blueprint? That's what I use for Dixie. I've been devving this in some capacity for like 3 years and still can't write a single line of actual code.
What do you mean what would you do with the money? You could contract some sound design and some artists to alleviate some of the work load. N'pump this baby out in 4 months.
I understand this is your hobby but it could run its self while you're at your day job.
What's the x1.0 for? Also what's TATE mode?
TATE mode = vertical monitor
>You could contract some sound design and some artists to alleviate some of the work load.
I'm actually an audio engineer "by trade" (I went to school for it; it's not my day job) so I don't need help there. I could probably do with an artist but I want to do this myself, and even if I DIDN'T, I can't fucking work with artists. It's part of the reason I'm not actually working in audio engineering.
>Only game you want to make is an Morrowind clone

yes woud buy. would be fun pvp too
Whatever happened to that dude? All memes aside I probably actually would pay a buck or two for a Steam release of Platform Masters just for the novelty of actually playing it after like a decade of Ullillia's autism
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Go work on OpenMW then. They always need help.

I always carry around a lot of disappointment with me.
never is a good idea if your ambition tops out at making a clone.
Yep. I'm >>372115334
You not being able to code and still make one of the most interesting looking games on /v/ made me give it ago.

Been wrestling trying to figure out a fairly simple thing in this thread since it started.
Still can't believe it took like 5 hours before I finally figured it out(with all the help of course).
Guess it goes to show that firstly, I have A LOT to learn, and secondly, that I still enjoy it despite spending 5+ hours feeling like a massive idiot.
I'll try the tutorial out. thx for the help anon
Why not make a Morrowind total conversion?

I've been doing a lot of Morrowind modding lately and it's a lot of fun.
Especially since it's so old and creating assets and levels isn't as time consuming as in Skyrim.
True, imagine if someone were to clone rock paper scissors and sell it as a game.
your days of being a sad bitter poorfag will be gone soon http://steamcommunity.com/games/364960/announcements/detail/525073659670853356

I didn't mean direct 1 to 1 clone.

I mean keeping the same basic idea of the game by modernizing some of the controls, combat, maybe add a physics engine, different factions and worldspace of course, different weapon armor types, etc.

I basically just want to make a Morrowind/Oblivion clone with Dark Messiah of Might and Magic's combat system, but dreams can stay dreams.
I would play a h-game in this style. Like MGQ, Robf, Parade buster.
So go work on OpenMW.
debris multiplier. nets you more dosh and rises when you kill enemies, falls when you take damage.
Well good luck, I wish you the best.

you really expecting someone who says dumb shit like
>dreams can stay dreams.
to have work ethic?
they just need to stick around long enough to code some of the combat, I'm not expecting scrawl level dedication.
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>messaged an artist
>asked if he want to work with me on a free game
>he agrees
>middle in the development he suddenly stopped working
>I messaged him multiple times
>after some research I found out he cucked me for an other project

Why are artists usually bad people?
needs a more fitting font
>Free project with a stranger
>Expecting loyalty
You are the perfect candidate for cucking desu
1MA are the only good people
I've seen you post this too many times now
either try and make it or stop fucking whining about it
>Why are artists usually bad people?
switch places with the artist and you'd probably do the same thing
there is absolutely no motivation to work on someone elses game idea you barely care about for free
This. It looks almost bit stretched and kinda "cheap".

Also, don't you usually do New Game and not New game?
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Yeah, it's an outdated version, I switched over to TextMesh Pro after that and it's a world of difference
fucking kill yourself, jonathan blow. we know it's you
He designed as much as I did if not even more. I also do music/sounds and programming. Even then it doesn't justify it. I was as friendly as possible and worked my ass off.
shelfed until i start feeling normal again like i should work on it again and I'm over feeling sick so hopefully soon, started on a plaformer and still have some stuff for that but at least i got some stuff to pick up working on it again solo when i start feeling not sick.
it has nothing to do with your behaviour, people just lose interest in amateur projects very quickly, especially if they're not their own creation. Amateurs usually commit to projects out of fleeting interest rather than commitment to getting something done
You're talking to a thread full of game devs.
Of course we could do better.
How do you get the hologram effect?
When I was working on Mayhem League, I had to learn what an array WAS.

Don't feel bad. Learning by immersion is the oldest kind of education.
You get what you pay for.
I hate that indie game dev is all about compromising your vision, well feels like that anyway
It's a special shader.
>I hate that indie game dev is all about compromising your vision
you think real game dev is any better? You're stuck as an employee making someone elses game. Indie game dev is the only place you DONT have to compromise your vision
Strangers don't owe you anything. You need to work with people that respect you.
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That moment when things work though. Fucking amazing feeling.
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And not telling me that he quit is also a part of that? Even when I'm an artist I wouldn't do this shit. Maybe I just got the worst.
That he quits isn't the actual problem. It's that he doesn't respond while working for an other one. It reminds me on S-Purple.
>go to agdg thread, Steam chat, etc.
>someone asks what games everyone is playing
>consensus is that no one plays games and they pretty much hate every game coming out
Why is that thread and its people so fucking shitty? Why do people who don't even care about games try to make games?
They're bitter neckbeards.
Are you enjoying your first week on /v/?

Looks fun.
Yeah fuck game dev as a whole
Anon stop it your game is way too good for these threads, it makes us shitdevs look even worse
For the record, I love BOTW and am very excited for Sonic Mania, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey.
Unfortunately I've been here for 10 years.
>And not telling me that he quit is also a part of that? Even when I'm an artist I wouldn't do this shit. Maybe I just got the worst.
You would. You'd commit to a project, it would feel fun to start with, then in a few weeks when the intial hype wears off you'd get bored and sick of it, maybe forcing yourself to work on it or putting it off. Eventually you have to call it quits because you have zero motivation to work on it. 99% of amateur collaborations end that way. People just aren't sure of what they like and want they want to do, so they go around trying out peoples projects. It sucks that he didn't have the integrity to tell you, but most of the time things just fizzle out and you have to learn to expect it.
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Starting to learn Unreal. It's my first dive into game development and I'm having a lot of fun learning this shit.
And you haven't come across the 'every game is shit and I don't play anything' meme before?

>all dat juice

God damn, that's how you make a game look good. I must plunder your secrets.
Why make your own games if you're satisfied with what already exists? The only devs who routinely get excited for new games are low-level AAA studio shitters who still have no creative control over their project
/agdg/ seems to be the hangout area for faggots who enjoyed gaming as a kid but are now too depressed/jaded to either enjoy playing or making games. Largely NEETs or college students and they're only pursuing gamedev because they literally don't think they can do anything else worthwhile or turn a profit from a hard days work in any other field
agdg is not /v/ though. But I guess it might as well be.
It's fucking amazing how much shit there is in the engine. Like damn. Everything you can think of is more or less there it feels like, hell things that would be paid plugins on Unity just comes with the engine.

How come so many people go for Unity anyways?
Not enjoying video games isn't being jaded or depressed, it's called growing up
Weren't you using something insane like Game Maker?
why are you on /v/ i don't get this meme
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Keep it up. Just wait until the first time you run into an error that takes you 4 hours to fix, only to find that it was the simplest fix in the world. If you're still having fun after a couple of those, Anon, then you've got the makings of someone who can go the distance.
Don't let that kind of shit break you and you'll make it.

It's because he didn't grow up.
It's free and there is a lot of documentation.
Because I make video games for a living
realtalk, if you make games you will learn to hate playing games
A) ruins the "magic" once you know how the sausage is made
B) if you like games for the challenge (aka masochism) gamedev is a 100x more potent drug
C) your freetime is better spent making games anyways
>come into gamedev thread
>shitpost about how only kids enjoy games
>say you're a game developer for a living
Gonna need to see some credentials sir

To be fair, amateur artists should be aware that they're potentially ruining someone's progress if they abandon their project, so they should think twice about joining one

And in the case they still end up abandoning someone in the middle, they should at least leave a message to not give them false hopes, it's not a matter of "lol they owe you nuffin", it's a matter of simple empathy

i love you
Such is the case with UE too right?

I guess Unity might be easier for simpler games and 2D stuff though.

Because the /v/ tier opinion of hating everything that comes out is an unrealistic and childish viewpoint.

Most games are not 'shit'. Most games are 'average'.
Boy, have I got a game to shill in your direction then!

You have excellent taste in games. I say that because I share it.
Becoming jaded / depressed is the exact opposite of growing up. A grouchy old man is one who failed to live his life properly, while a sweet old man is one who actually matured.
Why would using GM be insane? As long as you are sticking to 2D or very basic 3D it does literally everything.
>shitpost about how only kids enjoy games
I didn't say that
Yeah? Wuzzat?
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thank you
yeah i use gm:s
>I didn't say that
>Not enjoying video games isn't being jaded or depressed, it's called growing up
It was certainly implied in your shitpost that gaming is only for younguns

Now post your credentials. What company are you with?
As someone who has extensive experience in both, the amount of documentation is pretty equal between them, but Unity has so many fucking tutorials, help threads, assets etc that you can pretty much make a game without understanding anything.

And both are "free".

I'm never going back to Unity though
Check the 3 posts I linked; I'm gonna shill Dixie at you, because it's a combination shooter-melee-platformer-collectathon in N64 visual style.
How do you clinch down your project's scope if scope is what you really care about?
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I was planning on learning Unity after Unreal anyway, but if that's true, then good thing I started with Unreal to really get me hooked. I'll use the Unity thing as an excuse to learn C# in the process.

I've somewhat already had that shit with regular programming already, so yeah, I'm all set. I know this is what I love to do. Not even joking, only a real orgasm beats the feeling of finding where a bug in my program was, or finding better, more optimized ways to do something in code. I know games always benefit a lot from that, so I'm sure I'll get my fix along the way.

Thanks for the encouragement words, Anon.
growing out of something doesnt make you jaded and depressed, it makes you a normal human being
Except key rebinding. EVERYONE using UE4 needs to get Rama's plugin
I just mean that it's amazing what he's done considering it's Game Maker. Since it's not at all what I am used to seeing from it.

Looks more like a home made engine. It looks so smooth.
lol what

It's very easy to rebind, you just need to make some simple C++ nodes.
So how good is Godot really? Is it shit or what?

What's their licensing policy?
>to be normal means to grow out of having fun
Interesting concept you have there.
>And in the case they still end up abandoning someone in the middle, they should at least leave a message to not give them false hopes, it's not a matter of "lol they owe you nuffin", it's a matter of simple empathy
yeah they should, but most people don't have the integrity or maturity to do so, you have to expect it coming in and probably learn to understand how mature a person is before working with them
Artists are the worst for this though. Programmers are always happy to work for free on something that has good art just so they don't have to look at shitty programmer art whilst they work, and musicians know there are in the most overpopulated area so they'll do anything for exposure. Only artists have this shitty special snowflake attitude, the reason is that everything they do is immediately noticeable.
Artist drew a nice character design, awesome! 5000 retweets on twitter!
Programmer spent days making an expandable and dynamic save/load system with efficient file management? Nobody even notices.
No wonder every artist has an enormous fucking ego and think they can treat "lesser beings" like dirt.
>playing video games is the only thing you can do to have fun
Fair enough.

>I was planning on learning Unity after Unreal anyway, but if that's true, then good thing I started with Unreal to really get me hooked. I'll use the Unity thing as an excuse to learn C# in the process.
Well I'll admit my knowledge of Unity is fairly limited, so don't take my word for it.

You mean rebinding engine controls or game controls?
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good i guess

been playing fighting games a lot lately and wish i didn't suck so much
43% of your profits away right off the bat if you both want to sell your game on steam and use unreal.
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Oh. Yeah. I'm hyped for Dixie.

You're gonna be fine, kid. Just make sure that you've got an actual sense of design as well! Being a good programmer is great, but having some game design sense to go along with it is even better. Post some screenshots when you've got something to show, eh? Someone with your wide-eyed excitement surely has an idea of what they'd like to do, right?
you sound like a cuck, every artist I've worked with has been grateful for the chance to work on the game I programmed
Implying implications.

I understand deciding/being forced to abandon a project, but at least have the fucking testicles to shoot out an "anon, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to cease all work on Game right now. I have personal issues to tend to and I can't focus the time on it that you need. I wish you the best" email. Goddamn.
>and musicians know there are in the most overpopulated area so they'll do anything for exposure

Speaking off. Why are you guys doing for music in your games?

I'm a 1 man NEET.neckbeard with no money making a shitty game, and I ain't got a shred of musicality in me. So music worries me.
how do you say "sorry I lost interest in your project and im going to work on something else" without getting a bad reaction?
Forgot that Unity doesn't take royalties. That's a good point.
can't publish it, need 25$ for google
>t. lives in a brown country
If you have even a halfway decent game near completion you'll find a ton of people willing to do music for it, dont worry about it, unless your game sucks in which case it doesnt matter seeing its not worth finishing anyway
Where did you get 43% from
It's the magic of JUICE. Most people who post here are very new to dev and for them just getting a system to work at a most basic level is an achievement. That's why you see people posting basic progress across many months as they are struggling through learning.
>finally got A* pathfinding to work!
>made a checkpoint!
On the other hand if someone already knows how to make games and how to structure their program, they can focus on polish from the very beginning of development. The engine isn't really the issue, the guy making it is just good at what he does and has probably been devving for a few years so he knows how to make stuff work well and feel good, instead of just functionally working.
Both types of people are good IMO, it's nice to see people go through the learning experience as well as see some polished games.
Do they do it for free?

I mean, that feels kinda wrong. Just providing some exposure in exchange for original music seems kinda shitty of me as a developer, who's reaping all the rewards.
>having few resources means you can't do a lot
That's some deep insight there, friend. It's about picking the right projects, doing something you can do with what you have. If you're stripping things away rather than adding stuff, you started to broadly.
you can either pay them upfront or offer royalties after sale. many musics will work for free up front for royalties
"Free" almost always means profit share once the game is released.
~33% from steam's cut if you want to sell there you absolutely do and 10% from unreal.

Admittedly I'm massively oversimplifying to the point of being wrong as it probably takes to from the number after steam's cut. But the point somewhat stands of 10% after 33% being a pretty big fucking chunk, especially for somebody small time.
>Being a good programmer is great, but having some game design sense to go along with it is even better. Post some screenshots when you've got something to show, eh?
Oh, I definitely will in due time. First I want to make sure I am comfortable enough with an engine before I get to working on a game. Art design and assets for a game is definitely going to be my Achilles' heel though. I've never been much for the purely visual aspect of things, but I'll see how that develops over time. I'm trying to take it one step at a time.

>Someone with your wide-eyed excitement surely has an idea of what they'd like to do, right?
Ever since I started learning, I've definitely had a few ideas cooking up in my head about what I could get started on in the future. At some point I'm gonna have to earth some of those ideas and really get to a defined idea.
That's what worries me. I don't like that obligation.

Guess there is always royalty free music and pressing three chords on a bad virtual keyboard.
30% is the Steam figure I most commonly see

UE4 ranges from 0% to <5%
you should add some speed lines or motion blurs or streaks when the ball is going super fast
Oh my mistake. I have no idea where I got 10% from then. Thank you for clarifying.
You will always get a bad reaction if you abandon a project in the middle no matter what you do, which is understandable if you put yourself in the developer's shoes

However, there are different ways to abandon a project and some of them will minimize the emotional damage / wasting the developer's time as he tries to contact you
its not an obligation, if you offer them x% if you dont earn any money they dont either
Making a better product is worth the 10% royalties or whatever, nobody wants to play a game with stock music or a shitty attempt at it.
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I'm finally coming close to finishing my first game. It's a android app called Bricktionary where it's similar to Pictionary where one user is the artist and other players have to guess the word they are representing but rather than being able to draw, the artist has to manipulate randomly-chosen shapes as a fun challenging twist. How's it sound?

Pic is a demo of the game screen (though the UI isn't finalized and obviously the word will be hidden from non-artists)
Do you not get sick playing this? Most VR games with basic locomotion make me want to die. does the act of flying alleviate that or make it worse?

the character designs look fun but I don't like the inconsistent art style at all. Also the girl is qt as fuck
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When I start working in a new engine, the first thing I do is try to recreate my favorite games within it. For me, that's Sonic. Making Sonic physics in a new engine is a great way for me to get a handle on how the Vector Math works in the engine and how Raycasts work in it as well so I can align the character to the sloped terrain.

Not really, no. I think it's a lot to do with the fact that the flight has a lot of inertia to it. It's all done with Rigidbody physics, so you feel like your in-game self has appropriate weight to it. Basic, analog movement in VR can make me feel ill if it's a static speed. That's not natural, so your brain goes "This shit ain't how things move. You must be poisoned. Time to barf."

Plus, as a dev, I've played many, many VR games by now. I'm pretty much immune to any kind of VR sickness unless there's lag.
I mean the constantly having to pay someone royalties is an obligation.

How does tax and shit work in the EU when you sell games on steam?

Also. Do they mean 5% of your earnings post store fee or 5% for the total sales price before the fee?
>Generally, you are obligated to pay to Epic 5% of all gross revenue after the first $3,000 per game or application per calendar quarter, regardless of what company collects the revenue. For example, if your product earns $10 from sales on the App Store, the royalty due is $0.50 (5% of $10), even though you would receive roughly $7 from Apple after they deduct their distribution fee of roughly $3 (30% of $10).
Motion sickness is due to your vestibular system, not the game. If you get car sick, or sea sick, then you'll get motion sickness.

That's just how your body works. Maybe try dramamine next time you play.
5% of gross earnings (before store fee)

Though it's not quite 5% because of that first bit, you only pay 5% on the amount over $3000/quarter.
That's not a bad deal.
demo'd at pax east. then out of stress/tiredness put little effort into the advertizing side and fucked up pretty hard on that.

overall making progress. fanbase slowly growing. was mentioned in a kotaku article at least.

the majority of my advertizing and outreach will come once i start showing off gameplay.
What are good starting points for learning Unity coding?
I have the fundamentals of programming and C# down, but I don't know how to apply it to Unity/game programming.
I hear of people who are incredibly car sick that has no problem with VR and vice versa.
Good point, got a VR headset a few days back and have been working with unreal for a while now. Was going to start dabbling into the VR dev stuff. Seems like the consensus is that you just get use to the "motion sickness" after a good amount of use. thanks anon
is that guy even alive?
Could be people not using the VR at optimal settings for themselves or just rare case scenarios in general.

Motion sickness happens when there's a disconnect between what you see and what your inner-ear feels. Your brain determines that there must be something wrong with you, thus you must be poisoned, so it makes you want to barf. Therefore, just like getting your sea-legs, you've gotta get your VR-legs!

Start with experiences that are purely room-scale, like Job Simulator.
Then move onto games that use Teleportation as the main method of locomotion like Rec Room, or the Budget Cuts demo.
THEN move on to games that make you move without you actually moving.
start working on a game is really the best way.

as you move along you find yourself needed to learn unity specifically.

start with just moving a character, then making them jump, then applying friction and air friction/movement speed capping. then work on different aspects of ui.

If you have the core programmingi fundamentals you should be fine with unity, just start trying to make a game there really isn't a "best" way to go about it
>You microwave shit
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eh... :/
The problem is I don't know shit about the Unity framework. I'm ideally looking for a good source/resource to learn how it works and how to use it.
what do you mean. like how to make physics? how to actually start in general from a black project to writing coode?
What this guy said.

Though I am fortunate to have an iron gut myself. Maybe it's my German blood. Not only is it very hard for me to get drunk, but my first VR game was Resident Evil 7 which I played at night and no HUD on so it was a tense as fuck experience. Played about 3 hours straight my first session. Didn't feel sick at all.
are you really incapable of doing a google search?
Like the class library and general methods/functions to use to get shit going.
>my first VR game was Resident Evil 7
See, this is what I call "Going in dry" when it comes to VR. The fact that you went into RE7 which, in my opinion is the WORST VR experience for first-timers and still didn't manage to yarl is very fortunate on your part.

Wait'a tough it out, Anon. Now you're ready to tackle just about any other VR experience without issue.
Literally on their site wth. They have both video tutorials and scripting api, so you can search up a key word like raycast or mathf and get an example along with all related definitions.
>making 2d in unity
Unity's MonoDevelop editor comes with the software and it actually does a lot of filling in for you. For example, say you've got a script attached to an object and you wanna get a reference to a light that's also attached to it.

You write GetComponent and it'll do an auto-fill that asks if you want to GetComponentInParent, GetComponentInChild, etc. Then you do GetComponent<Light>() and bam. You've got the light.

After that you can do shit like GetComponent<Light>().Intensity = 5, or whatever.

It's really simple when you get into it.
so fucking load up the default project and try to make the character move. this.transform.position += new Vector3(1, 0, 0); in the void Update() that is created when you make a new script. figure out what you want to make and start making it.

also use visual studio
Mono Develop is unstable don't tell him to use that.
Use Visual Studio instead.
C++ is legitamately impossible. That YT tutorial you linked the other anon is not for beginners
Learn a babby OOP language like Java/C# before C++.
Fair enough. I don't mind Mono, but VS is very good.
Right. Discussion time.
Do you think the average modern developer/development team has become too desperate?
What do I mean by desperate? Heres a metaphor to explain.
So you have a nice theme park with attractions all over to entice and entertain your guests. You want them to ride as much as possible and spread the word to attract more guests.
Now what is better? Leave them to their own devices to discover these attractions giving minimal signposting, give them a recommended path with some deviations they can choose to branch off from, or do you have a guiding force (NPC or AI level director) that tours them around constantly and puts up hidden walls everywhere?

There are advantages and disadvantages to all three. And either approach can work, depending on the game. Though more and more the latter approach is being enforced. This is where the desperation occurs.
Developers know a visitors time is limited, so they push all the best stuff to the front so they dont need to waste time exploring at all. (In their opinion at least)
This can be a big problem because, one, its kind of overwhelming, two, it feels desperate and kind of insulting to some players who actually want to take some time exploring and getting to know their environment. (lore seekers and puzzle solvers for example). But the big issue is that it makes a total mess of the game, both in its structure and pacing. Once you break through that tight wall theres nothing left. The game then feels shallow, the player cheated. No endgame. Of course sometimes this is intentional, they want that initial good word to spread right? But often i feel that development cycles are so rushed that games which could clearly be better designed just arent. Especially in the level design. No secrets, no alternate paths, just open maps and a few bots to headshot or bullet sponge while scripted explosions are all over the show and QTEs are flying in and out everywhere to show off the fancy canned animation.
But I want to like make gaem
>discussion time
>when the thread is last in the catalog while post bump limit
ok let's do this
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