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Final Fantasy XV

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FINALLY Tabata gives us more backstory

lmao, no amount of backstory can save the mess that is the '''plot'' of ffxv
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>Took them a year
>Everybody forgot about the mediocre shitfest that was FFXV and moved onto better games
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This is literally Naruto for girls.
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Wow why wasn't this in the game from the start
This is pretty interesting and shows one advantage video games give writers, they can always modify and improve the game's story even after it has been released.

With movies and TV shows, you're pretty much stuck with the final cut.
the funny thing about this is that sasuke would be a better protag than noctis.

he was actually screwed up since birth
What is 13 chapter 2 and why does it matter?
Yes but that's because videogames have no good writers. That's why they write videogames.
>what are director's cuts
The only thing that will get me to replay the game is fixing how the main story was told. And even then I know it wouldnt be free. I'm punished essentially for having bought their game early supporting their lack of content.

Don't see me buying an FF game going forward. Definitely not the first release.
That's an alternate cut using pre-existing footage from before shooting wrapped and the release of the film.

What Square-Enix has done is produce completely new content after the original release, content that didn't exist from the main production process, and insert it into the game.
/v/ will love FFXV when this launches on PC. Because the game will be finally complete and packed with all the DLC (also 4K + 60fps)

Prove me wrong
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>still have to wait atleast another year for ff15 complete edition to come out
>mfw ff15 still isnt finished
Chapter 13 Verse 2 featured in the trailer is an addition to the main story.
Did they add a chapter select option or do they not want anyone to see this new content?
Oh shit it comes out tomorrow
You are right. I bought it for the PS4 but after seeing it playing on a 1080Ti I decided to wait for the PC version to play the definitive edition
I also want answers to this. I'm not replaying the whole game just to see new chapter 13.

Wonderful, why wasn't that shit in the game in the first place?
It was rushed. They only had ten years.
More like three
Didn't they scrap production for Versus XIII and start over from scratch for the current generation of consoles?
There's already a thread about this, shill.
So are you saying Resident Evil Directors Cut and Star Ocean Directors Cut were developed under the same principle?

Because you'd be wrong.

A directors cut works different for video games


The plot is also crap.

I will play it when its finished, not this shitty mess that it is now
Weren't those released before DLC became a big success? There were still a significant amount of players without broadband internet access, so the games had to be re-released to deliver the new content to the majority their customers.

If you're an uncultured cretin who just watches anime, maybe.
Pretty much all of the changes in those director's cut releases can be done through DLC now.
If movie and tv viewers accepted unfinished products and were fine with paying now and getting the rest at a later date then you can bet hollywood would be all over that.

Explain why it's good.
Actually looks interesting.
I'll give the game another go next year, interested to see how much it changes by then.

Still sad they won't bring moves and Armiger from 2014 back tho
>Good characters that feel human

Stopped reading. You're already fucking wrong.

The characters felt robotic as fuck, and if you didn't watch the anime you knew fucking nothing about them.
>what are extended cuts exclusive to blu-ray versions
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>Final Fantasy XV had a bad stor-

This scene was so fucking hammed up and forced.
None of that is plot
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George Lucas had to re-release Star Wars movies over and over again to make changes to the source material. Even while writing the original trilogy and whilst writing TESB, he had altered the canon to make Darth Vader into Luke's father when in ROTJ Obi-wan Kenobi tells Luke that Darth Vader was his father's killer.

If Lucas, who seems to have the tendency to be unsatisfied with various parts of his work and has the desire to alter it even after it has already been released, had the revision potential that video games and DLC delivered, he would have a ball.
So will this update actually "completE" the game? Should I buy it yet?
>People think this is good writing

It's not horrible, but the voice acting and delivery is stilted at best, even out of context.

In context, it's worse, because it's difficult to even care what happens to these dudes.
I only want it for mods.
If noone will make the UI not trash and allow for individual hud elements to be turned off, I swear I'll learn how to do it myself
he's right though
The 4 protagonists and their bromance is one of the few things FF15 did well
Nah it will be completed only by the end of the year when all the dlcs roll out
Have any of the devs made it clear or not that with all the DLC the game will finally be a "complete" experience?
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XV-kun in 3..2..1
Kek now console bros know what early access feels like except for $60 plus tip
Like magic.
Like clockwork
If you release a shoddy unfinished game that's all it's going to be remembered for forever no matter how many times you patch it. Very few people are going to take the time to play through the game again to give it another chance if their first attempt gave them a bad impression.
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>Final Fantasy XV had bad comba-
>Final Fantasy XV had bad sidequest-
>Final Fantasy XV had a bad villai-
Pic related.
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There is still more to come. Episode Prompto and Episode Ignis. There is also the rumoured "World of Versus" which is supposed to be an "alternate reality" that more closely resembles the darker atmosphere of Versus XIII and the Omen Trailer.
Do my eyes deceive me or did they make the combat a little faster?
I liked XV despite its flaws but I'm not gonna play through it again just to see an extra hour of content near the end of the game. Maybe I'll give it a chance a few years from now after all of the DLC is out and they finally finish the game. Square Enix can suck my dick.
>All of it is directly integrated into it, and the actual sequence of events is good.
No it's not. Do you know what a plot is? A plot is the sequence of events that make up the game's story.


See definition 2.

>Good characters that feel human
Those are "Characters" not plot
>interesting lore and narrative
That's "Setting" not plot
>and well done villain who the player can feel empathetic towards but still feel hatred for
Characters again
>the brotherhood of the main four is presented with a better dynamic and believability of humanity than any other FF party
>I really don't have to justify anything to you since you're just going to deny it and say the exact opposite anyway while fitting in some memes.
Maybe you shouldn't try to justify anything since it's just making you look silly
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I want to see all the deleted posts.
I don't have a PS4 or Xbox anyway so I'm fine waiting for the PC version, it seems like it'll actually be pretty good by that time.

neato... to bad I'm playing a bunch of other stuff and already beat FFXV and have no desire to return to that world.
fucking twelvies...
Best ff since 10.
I can't tell if being sarcastic or not...
Not an argument, XV excels at combat that requires spatial awareness as well as optimization of all the tools you and your party has at your disposal in order to succeed.

The side quests do a great job at world building the land of Eos and the people around it.

I shouldn't have to tell you why Arydn is the best villain in the series either.
It's a pretty damning advantage considering that you reveal yourself as tremendous fuck up when you have to make use of it.
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The first FF villain to actually get what he wanted.
Finished XV a while ago, really don't see any reason to go back to it.

I'll probably be bothered to check it out if I'm bored but it'll probably have to wait after BotW, Automata, Persona 5.

1. There are multiple features that will be added for free the day the season pass episodes becomes available, and those are huge.
2. There is a secret DLC but it may take a while, I don't know much about this one, I just know that it may add Insomnia before the events of the game, but this would be a different DLC so they are thinking about releasing second Season Pass (2018) or just releasing this DLC alone and priced apart from the main Season Pass. If they decide to go for the second Season Pass then that's gonna give us another year of working in XV (almost till August/September 2018). If they decide to only release the Insomnia DLC alone then that will take us until April 2018.


Update 1.06: Chapter 13 adds Gladio as a playable character to this chapter, [you go with Ignis the whole time and he needs to be protected. Some new cutscenes are added with Ravus and Iedolas Aldercapt.]

DLC Free Booster Pack: Adds the magitek suit for the 4 buds. Coming next week, seems like there are negotiations for making some cross publicity with the power rangers in order to promote the movie. If not then they will put the Magitek Suit 1 month after the release of that movie with the new design.

DLC Episode Gladio: Adds a full 2-3h Gladiolus experience (time depends on the player) with a new dungeon along with Cor Leonis to make Gladio stronger, [by the end you encounter Gilgamesh. There will be some backstory about Clarus, Regis, Cor, Iris and Gladio. This dungeon won't be accesible unless you have the Gladiolus Episode. More dialog than cutscenes and a lot of challenging enemy battles.]
Give it to me straight, /v/.
Will we ever get a FFXV "Definitive Edition" with all the DLC, or is it a good time to get FFXV if I find it at bargain bin prices?

Update 1.07: Some point in May, this one will add a bestiary feature, in order to complete this journal you need to take pics with promptos' ability Snapshot and the enemy needs to use every single move (even special ones) in order to complete each profile, if the enemy didn't use a move against you it won't appear in the list, the overall bestiary has a % of completion and the team is working on expansion trophies/achievements (for bestiary, fishing, recipes and completion of the side quests)

Update 1.08: This one comes in June, will add the ability of going out of the tracks with the regalia using an update with a new mission from Cindy. [This mission feature Prompto alone. Also adds Prompto playable to chapter 13 by the moment Noctis is with the crystal. This sequence will be alternated between Noctis gameplay and Prompto gameplay.]

DLC Episode Prompto: Adds full 5h narrative experience [with long distance persecution in the snow with a motorcycle while one of Ardyns peasants, The Worm, will chase Prompto, you can shoot from the motorcycle and use special hits with mechanic guns. It begins in a little village in a snowy area, this is where Prompto was born. You'll get to know his terrible story and how his father became the right hand of Iedolas and Ardyn. This one is already in full production, once in Niflheim you fight against Versatel and reveal an important connection between Prompto and Regis, also why he is in the kingdom of Noctis as a child (this feature way more cutscenes than episode Gladiolus). Also expect a confrontation between Iedolas and Ardyn. Prompto’s brothers will be unveiled.]
Please let World of Versus happen.
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>overly dramatic scene where romantic interest who was in one or two scenes is killed off
>game ends shortly after a 10 year time skip and doesn't let you explore the world of ruin
>two major villains die off screen
>two major villains aren't/barely are present
>a major event involving one of your only party members(ignis)happens off screen
>a major reveal about another party member(promto)is glossed over

Update 1.09: Coming in July, this update adds a new dungeon with all of the monsters from the game with higher level, this dungeon works as an elevator, each floor is harder than the last one.
Update 1.10: Coming in September, this update adds 2 new playable sequences with Noctis as a child, one is dream state and the other is with Regis. The dream one will give you Carbuncle in case you missed it from the Platinum Demo. [The Regis sequence was already planed but never included, it's a deep conversation between him and another entity about the future of the young prince, Noctis hears all about it by mistake and writes to Luna about that.]

Update 1.11: Coming in October, adds Halloween themed city but there is not much info about this one. This may no happen since they are more focused on the Episode Ignis. [Regardless, this one will add Bahamut summon on "New Game +" (not a word on Ifrit summon but seems like it won't because of the story) and a new Summon System so you can choose the astral you want if certain conditions are fulfilled. This one also adds Ignis playable after Noctis enters the Crystal in chapter 13, there is a little gameplay escaping from Niflheim, vision will be limited to light strikes and running. It will feature more voice acting than controlable sequences and QTE. More scenes will be added. Also the ability to change the controlable character will be added for the entire game (except the 5th party member).]
The game is already $35, it was an absolute blunder on all fronts. As for a definitive edition of course there will be, this is the case for just about every high budget game now a days.
DLC Episode Ignis: Coming October, this one adds [an entire strategic battle against the empire in the Leviathan chapter, it's like a board game where Ignis chooses how to attack with some long shaped explosives, as he allied with Altissia soldiers. After the mini game, Ignis, Gladio and Prompto will pass through a lot of waves of soldiers while the structures are moving. After that you get to a battle against Ravus and Caligo. By the end expect Ultros to appear. After the battle they see Titan summon and go save Noctis and Luna. Luna speaks to the boys while Noctis is asleep. Ignis takes the ring from Luna and wears it, the Lucii makes a deal with Ignis making him blind but he can only save one, Luna or Noctis, he saves Noctis.]

[*Ultros was meant to be added on the journey with Cid from Cape Caem to Altissia, but due to time this must not happen, since the battle will be too hard to develop in a tiny boat and without swimming mechanics for the party.]

Update 1.12: Coming in December, this update adds the feature to customize characters, you'll be part of the kingsglaive soldiers and you can go with Noctis on the entire game as a 5th party member except at some points. Also a new magic will be added (like the ring one)
Nope, all the stuff that's been confirmed from those leaks which were made towards the end of February were already announced in an interview from the beginning of February, I think with Gematsu. There's nothing that the leaks confirm which haven't already been officially stated so far. We don't know.

Update 1.13/DLC Expansion: Coming in January/2018: Adds multiplayer function and online server, makes the continent of Niflheim playable as a parallel story with Kingsglaives (the ones you can customize). [This journey happens in one of the old model cars. Also expect a lot of outfits by this update applicable to Noctis and friends. There will be plenty of quests and hunts here, but not as deep with cinematics (more like FF14 quests). The playable parts of the map are quite vast and also you can use Chocobos. The main mission (this one will feature cutscenes) is to get in Tenebrae and help them from the invasion, but before that you can explore and make missions with your friends. Also, Ravus will join as a 5th party member during some points. More info about Shiva will be addressed. The final boss will be huge. Locations are: Sandy desert area, chocobo forest, snowy vast area and Tenebrae.]

Update 1.14: Coming in February 2018, [Lestallum will be added to chapter 14 in a apocalyptic setup and will feature older versions of Iris, Cor, Monica, Aranea, Cid and Cindy. Also will feature a new weather added to the multiplayer system: dark world, with green/purple and black sky and a new dungeon you can go after crossing the entrance to the city, it's near a very long bridge, this weather will also be applied for the Niflheim region.]

Update 1.15: Finishes the update in March 2018, [after you leave Hammerhead in chapter 14 you go to Insomnia by foot, this update makes available Lestallum part also. Once in Insomnia there will be a new menu to use chapter select and repeat some train parts at any moment. This menu is only usable at campsites. This one adds high level monsters to the continent, and they will try to make more hunts and sidequest for this part. At this point you'll decide if you want Aranea, Iris Gentiana, Cindy or Cor to go with you.]
Then I guess I'll keep waiting for a Scorpio enhanced FFXV definitive edition
It it doesn't happen then I'll just get the regular version, which will probably be $20 by then
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I want versus xiii back.

>you live in the timeline where stellafags were right

What the fuck even
Just wait for the PC version, by the time it comes out all the major DLC and most of the big patches will probably be out, plus graphical upgrades and other PC exclusive content.
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This guy is Prompto's father. Why don't we hear from more of him?
I am I the only one that found Ardyn's motivation compelling? IEasily one of the best motivations for being evil than most of the other FF villains
I don't want to see old Aranea and Cindy.
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>off screening events like major character deaths,blinding and the protagonist hometown getting destroyed aren't negatives
Don't go into screen writing
Don't tell me the ring can oneshot Adamantoise now.
That's what the DLC is for, you are buying the DLC I hope.
Most people point out Ardyn as one of the best FF villains and a strong point of the game even if they didn't like other parts of it. So stop pretending you're some kind of special snowflake.
I honestly was asking I had no idea what the general consensus was, geez

I was assumin intypical /v/ fashion hed be hated
Why make the ring stronger, though? It already gets you through the chapter without suffering a single hit and you don't even have to be good at vidya to achieve this.
He had a good motivation but was an awfully executed villain.
Your mom was lying when she said you are special.
No it doesn't excel, it does the bare minimum of those things. Just finished up with the menace dungeons, and besides one or two heavily telegraphed attacks you physically need to move out of the way of, the game is not taxing on your spatial awareness.

The side quests do a job at world building, I wouldn't say great. And deadeye was cheese, the little stealth segment wasn't exactly mindblowing either.

Ardyn was completely weak tier villain shit. Arbitrary sad backstory doesn't make him complex and his personality sure as hell didn't carry him. They should have gone the route of further exploring the gods conflict and actually giving Ifrit some meaningful characterisation.
I loved Ardyn's personality honestly. Darin De Paul did a great job in the VA department and really makes the character work.
I enjoy how Ardyn forces a situation on Noctis that forces the line of kings to end as well as his immortality. Both the villain and the hero win.

The other way to see it is that it's ok to release unfinished games because they can always sell you the rest of it later.

I don't get how people defend this or episodic games as consumers thinking "yay, more content" instead of "wow, they sold me half a game and are charging me extra for every missing chunk, this game is not 60... it's actually 180"
if you give them two years I don't see why not
Because they hyped the fuck out of it but when you finally get it it's pretty meh
>I shouldn't have to tell you why Arydn is the best villain in the series either.
I don't know, man. Ardyn is a bit of a salty prick. Yes, he helped people in the past and yes, those people then refused to venerate him as their king and saviour, but is that really a compelling reason to end the entire fucking world?
>Because they hyped the fuck out of it but when you finally get it it's pretty meh
Just like xv itself
It's less that they didn't just venerate him and moe that they flat out tortured him and punished him as a heretic for it. Also he couldn't just die and let it end.
He didnt want to end the world. He wanted to end the line of kings that condemned him and his own immortality and to do that he had to wait until the chosen king was born.
>but is that really a compelling reason to end the entire fucking world?
I advise you actually play the game.
He just wanted to kill the Lucis Caelums. The ending the world part was just him being a bit of a dick but if it gives Noctis more of a reason to actually go and do it.
...and he got both of those in one blow.
Then why did he unleash demons everywhere?
So Noctis would ultimately have to die by sacrificing his life to end the daemons.

The daemons werent his goal but merely a way to achieve it
I'll give you the pseudo jesusgirl not getting enough screen time but
>Not being able to explore World of Ruin
How is this plot related?
>two major villains die off screen
Who? I remember killing all the villains
>two major villains barely present
Since this suppose to be more modern, this makes sense. Though I barely recall any Final Fantasy with major villains having as much screen time, Ardyn, since most if not all major antagonist appear as the final boss.
>Ignis blind off-screen is bad writing
It would be bad writing if it was shown before the reveal. It has a much greater impact on the player/viewer for seeing during that scene.
>Prompto being a war child is glossed over
Okay, and the world is going to shit. It getting glossed over only helps build the guys relationship with each other

The real problems with the story is if youre not Noctis, Gladios, Promto, Ignis, or Ardyn your personality and story are shit.
>Lunafreya "Nox Giving the Ring to Noctis" Fleuret
Her Jesus Powers and backstory that was presented was utter retarded shit that just gave a reason for Noctis to go from A to B. Magic teleporting dog? Better HOLD ON TO THIS RING THAT CAN SAVE THE WORLD 10/10
>Fuckboy of the Empire Flueret
Hes entire backstory is FUCK NOTCTIS. Thats it, thats his motive for being a dick and wanting to protect is sister.... by joining the bad guys...
>Iedolas Aldercuck
His is worse than fuckboys and its FUCK THE CRYSTAL
>Ifirit "Demons Rule" Shitlord
FUCK HUMANS AND FUCK YOU. Why is Ifirit the final boss? Im surprised they didnt go to with Chaos who was a summon at one point, and him not being the final boss despite being the shitlord to start everything is pretty Not Final Fantasy move to do.
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>There will never be a boss as good as Ifrit ever again in a Final Fantasy
>finally give the ring the op powers its supposed to have
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>That's what the DLC is for
>defending the developers cutting out major plot points and selling them as DLC

This would be one of the worst examples of DLC in any mainstream game I've ever seen.Not even Bioware or Capcom goes this far with butchering their games for a little extra profit.

Also I highly doubt the DLC will ad the world of ruin or actually give the player a reason to give a shit about Lunas death.
So they are ARR-ing XV but at a piece meal pace?
Nothing was cut out of the story though.
Capcom sold an ending as dlc so they are pretty even.
What game was this?

Oh boy I can't wait to hold X for hours again
That's all very awesome and what not but I'm still waiting for that Latin America dub.
Dead rising 4
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playing it for the first time

im about 25 hours into it and i havent progressed the story much, been having fun driving around doing sidequests

but the last thing i did was the mission where you get the regalia back and you come back and jared or whoever the fuck died

it was so shitty, they spent 5 minutes crying about it, but why would anyone care about someone who had barely any screen time?

imagine Oaka from FFX, now imagine someone with less screentime than him suddenly died and the entire party mourned their death and yuna started crying for somereason

anyway, the gameplay and the roadtrip with bros aspect and the setting itself is making it enjoyable so far. i like driving and listening to the old FF tracks,its comfy and nostalgic. the story seems like it has potential with characters like ravus/ardyn/luna but ive barely heard from any of them (besides ardyn who's been great)

those are my thoughts on it so far.

also, anyone wanna tell me exactly how the archaeons work?
Wasn't that game universally panned by fans anyways?
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Oaka went through a lot in order to always be there for Yuna and her guardians though, he even gets arrested for his troubles.

What I'm trying to say is Oaka >>>>>>>>> heat death of the universe >>>>>>>>>>>>> Jared
thats what im saying, why did they put so much importance on this random guy, i dont get it, and fuck that kid who was crying too, he tells you how he heard a local legend about a sword being there behind the waterfall, thats all he did
Asura's Wrath
Titan is the Archaean, they're called the Astrals. They show up when battles run on for too long or you get low on health, it's not really clear what gets a particular one to show up.
ah i see, so i guess the ramuh one was a scripted one

This works both ways though. Developers can change stories in negative ways post release. In fact, one of the biggest weakness of modern gaming is how much games can change post-release. Sometimes the game you bought can be completely different a couple years later and there's no way to play it in its original form anymore.
you play as Gladio protecting Ignis
Who is we?
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Hooray. Escort mission. Those make everything better.
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Will this mean more lovely tracks from Shimomura-san?
Mostly explains what happened to the Emperor and Ravus in a little more detail. Nothing people didn't already know, but it's neat that Ardyn is able to arm the two with Noctis's weapons.
Cause they rush the game out.
You don't actually have to protect him during fights or anything. He's just with you for plot reasons while going MUH NOCTIS the whole time.
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I just started replaying FFXV because Nier, Nioh, and Horrizon felt like mediocre shit fests compared to FFXV. Yakuza 0 is the only game I've actually managed to care enough to beat since FFXV
Those games are all better by virtue of being finished though.
Automata is what FFXV should have been. I wouldn't give a fuck about any of it's shortcomings if the combat was fun, but it isn't.
I want to play as NYX ULRIC.
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>waiting patiently for the patch that scraps the grenades and introduces proper fire/ice/lightning magic
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No amount of polish can fix a turd.
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>Tabata did a good job with Crisis Core
>Crisis Core
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>Tonberry is reduced to a QTE simuator
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The best was right when the game came out. XV-kun was in full on crying mode.
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>Episode Duscae is canon.
>Not in the game.
I guess but all those games I mentioned got real boring for me at the 25ish hour mark. Im almost at a 90 with FFXV. I just like the gameplay flow so much better in this. The plot is clearly a fucking mess but the ending was great. I feel like being finished was never an issue for me.
>I'm not spastic
What did Barry mean by this?
I wish Stefanie were in the game. :(
>Im almost at a 90 with FFXV.
Honest question, what the fuck have you been doing for 90 hours? After I did some of the optional dungeons I was around 40 hours and then I sold that piece of trash right back.
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>there are people out there that actually enjoyed XV's combat
As someone who LOVES Platnium games and plays a fucking ton of Bullethell shooters, Niers combat feels mashy and shitty by comparison. I really never liked it that much. FFXV at least feels like its own thing somewhere between Xenoblade Chronicles and Monster Hunter.
Holy fuck that looks bad.
It's good that they're fixing stuff (that should've been at launch) but I have no interest in the game after plat-ing it.
Will maybe replay in a year when it's actually a final product.
And that's with only one enemy. Imagine it with a fucking mob of monsters; it becomes an incomprehendable shitshow
Name 3 RPGs with better combat.

Not that guy, but I was at around 40 hours while still on chapter, I did pretty much all the side shit I could during chapter 3 and had everything I could possible do before chapter 9. I was at well over 100 hours when I got my platinum.
Defend the game without comparing it to others you insufferable, insecure faggot
I think the game is fucking awful though, why would I defend it? I'm just asking for RPGs with better combat, no need to get triggered over an honest question.
Any other FF.
Also this>>371924291

You fight like 4 at a time, they can pretty much one shot you so unless you spam healing, you got guard a tone.
ur rite worse gayme of my lyf xD
>there are people who didn't understand how combat works and never changed weapons for making combos which are more fucking satisfying than any shit combat from platinum games
>You will never be this delusional
Those are menu selecting simulators anon.
and still fun in their own right
>Mash attack and heal
>Better than XV
I didn't realize how fucked up combat was until I fought the final campsite training battle.
Sorry, I always forget about bayonetta
But that's the only exception, everything else is literally more buttonmashing tier than XV
>Mash attack and heal
Sounds like XV, except you just hold instead of mash
So does XV's combat to some people. Let them have their fun. Sheeesh.
And you have infinite amount of heals and it's more or less impossible to die.
This makes Way of the Samurai look good.
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It makes DMC2 look good.
Fucking hell, it's out on the 28th? I'm suppose to grind my skillseeds damn it.
Fishing must have taken up at least 15 to 20 hours. The main quest I guess was 25ish? The rest was just monster hunting, and wandering around trying to find the royal arms. Maybe 5 of that is doing the post game dungeons, but they kinda suck if your not in the mood for an endless gauntlet in a featureless cave.

I guess you never found a way to make the combat fun?
>Fishing must have taken up at least 15 to 20 hours
literal autism
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And then I rebought a dreamcast with a fishing reel to play Sega Bass fishing when I was at a con.
Kinda glad I'm just waiting for the PC version after the game is actually finished.
>I guess you never found a way to make the combat fun?
Nope everything felt so formulaic and then the camera was awful, plus the entire game is heavily weighted in favor of the player removing any motivation for me to attempt learning any of the nuances that might be found.

It's not the worst combat system, far from it actually, but the times where I was genuinely having fun with it were few and far between which is how I felt about the game as a whole.

Also >>371925941 this, what the fuck.
So is Ignis gay for Noctis or something?
>A-list(?) anon
Any other autists than exsist on this board?
ACfag is the worst.
Action RPGs
Dark messiah of might and magic
Dark Souls
Dragons dogma
Wheel of time
Kingdoms of Amalur
Mountain Blade

Menu/Turn Based
Final Fantasy Tactics
Darkest Dungeon
Shin megami tensei(3/4/SJ)
Well, Lightning and Karin do share the same english VA so I guess it works.
THAT'S his name. I keep thinking it's A-list anon for some reason. But yeah holy shit he's probably the most autistic person I've seen post here when it comes to vidya in general.
I hope they get to release power ranger suits as an ad for the movie
Reminder that according to him Vanquish is a cinematic experience.
>XV combat is bad

No because Saban are a bunch of suehappy assholes jealous that literally any sentai based design looks better than the garbage they came up with.
>each clip is against one enemy

Further proving that XV's combat shows it's worst colors during mob fights.
Wtf I love XV now.

XV-kun again with his samefagging and edited webms.
has the 60 fps pass come out yet?
Yes around the end of February or so.
too late! i already platinumed it and i dont wanna go back again since i have too much shit to finish
fuck this and fuck tabata! i will never fall for a ff hype again!
Friendly reminder that they gutted story content to be later sold as paid DLC.
When's the season pass going to go on sale? I kind of want it but I'm not dropping 33 leafbucks on it.
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Nice try XV-kun. Samefagging and edited webms only work to show how pathetic the game really is.
Why not show the game for what it really is? You wouldn't want to deceive people would you?
Can you stop samefagging with yourself? It's pathetic.
>xv combat is bad

Wtf I love XV now.

I've never really been exposed to ACfag but I refuse to believe anyone can possibly be more obnoxious and delusional than XV-kun.
dat horrible music
While true, games with a established fanbase have more leisure with this. Gothic 3 was a steaming pile of shit at release but after the community fixed it the reception turned around to be pretty well receive - albeit not as well as the other 2.
What about the "gameplay enhancements" in the patch?
What are they? Why isn't it specified?
Get to play Gladio in Chapter 13
ACfag argues that games like Bayonetta, Vanquish, Wonderful 101, God Hand (i.e incredibly gameplay focused games) are cinematic experiences because they have cutscenes in them and if you tell him that they are skippable he says that he shouldn't have to do that for a product he paid $60 for. Also any sort of fun fan service character makes a game bad as well.

He is objectively worse than XV-kun.
Cause they now have an excuse to make you play the game again and get media attention for patching it back in after they removed it.
>Automata is what FFXV should have been. I wouldn't give a fuck about any of it's shortcomings if the combat was fun, but it isn't.

Playable females is also a plus
That is mentioned seperately.
1) Does anyone know if the Ch 13 Gladio segment has been injected into the story naturally too? i.e. new players would get to see that in their playthrough without doing the whole SPECIAL shtick.

2) Can I download the Gladio DLC separately? I don't see it on the PS store, or will it be available the 28th?
This. A lot of features that were promised for FFXV were in automata. However, it is not perfect. Similar to FFXV you cannot manually aim attacks in any direction with the left stick, making reverse use of attacks, or using the pod swing away from an enemy for example impossible.
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Why wasn't this in FFXV?
Why did a game with the budget of one half of Tabata's sandwiches build Noctis' relationship with his father better than the entirety of FFXV?
Why was FFXV so bad?
>Why was FFXV so bad?
Because every FF project under SE has been through development hell which is reflected in the products.
A complete and satisfying game with a solid vision that was followed through.
Kefka exists.
Here, it was pretty short tho
>Action RPGs
>Dark messiah of might and magic (skill ceiling as low as your mom's tits)
>Dark Souls (not enough attacks)
>Dragons dogma (only 6 skill slots, and it's basically dmc4 freeroam edition with the moveset split between classes)
>Wheel of time (dunno lol)
>Kingdoms of Amalur (oh come on)
>Mountain Blade (maybe)

>Menu/Turn Based
>Final Fantasy Tactics (fuck yes)
>Darkest Dungeon (dunno lol)
>Shin megami tensei (generic as fuck jrpg combat)

I do agree with most of these but they aren't perfect either. Similarly FFXV has a lot of huge flaws in the combat that make it absolutely dogshit compared to what it could have been if just one sane person told them to not be retarded.
>posts picture of dialogue from a demo that won't even be available anymore
>he thinks a line of text is enough to capture a father's relationship with his son
>Walking around while talking to people

I dunno I forgot the rest, but I think there was more.

XV-kun stop. You're so fucking pathetic, honestly.
So, the patch apparently includes references to the Empire promoting "alternative facts" and "fake news"

I expect some heavy duty shitposting about this on /v/ very soon.
It feels bad, too.
I can't remember the last Action RPG I played where combat just never felt good at any point.
XV is blatantly unfinished and was not satisfying for 70% of the game.

How exactly does this prove it isn't trash?
The whole video is basically mashing one button, hell, I doubt he needed to let off attack.
>make combat with manual attack aim
>players too retarded to aim attacks with the stick
>implement auto aim and auto distancing function
>it still misses

Their fate has been decided
Explain to me how XV isn't unfinished.
When are they going to patch in a half decent story?
I won't even bother to pirate it, I don't have the patience for this kind of crap anymore.
>XV was complete and satisfying
>Tabata has to go back in and add scenes to Chapter 13 to shed further light upon character absences, character motivations, and character reappearances.

Fan outcry of their dissatisfaction with the game called Tabata back to make ammends

>further increase the gameplay satisfaction level of Chapter 13
>significantly enhancing the power of ring magic and so on
>We will enhance the presentation of the second half of the game, and further enhance the satsifaction level of the story experience.
This directly implies that the game was in fact not satisfying to a lot of players, so much so that Tabata had to go back and address it.
It's good at being a shit story, if that's what you meant
so the game is padded with a lot of repetitive side quests that will clock your play time up to 100 hours.

The question is why would you ever want to?
>Asking questions = XV-kun
>Not uncinditionally shitting on every aspect of the game = XV-kun

The only pathetic one here is you.
And then you realize that a lot of story is contained in a movie and anime and that a lot of important events in the game never happen for the player to see.

Plus what >>371931548 said Tabata is going back to add and change stuff.
If it was, it wouldn't be a shit story
The problem is not that FFXV went real time, the problem is that it missed many easy opportunities that could have been implemented by one guy within a day for a much better game.
Well I'm excited to play this again. Gonna try a level 1 run.
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>Generic JRPG combat
No, you should never have a fucking line of text to flesh out character relationships. But XV did and Nier Auto did as well. Nier Auot also did it better and didn't even need to.
Nothing in that clip is different from every other good player. That's why it failed as an action game. The skill ceiling looks the same for everyone.
Main problem of the story is the poor execution imo. It had the right parts but failed at bringing them together to a fleshed out, cohesive experience.
>You can talk to people, as well as overhear conversation by standing next to people with a speechbubble
I mean actual story events. Most of those in Nier are interactive, like a videogame should be. FFXV promised the same back when nomura was in charge. He didn't like having to wait, and wanted to solve that by having almost always control left in the player's hands.
how many more updates before it's not a piece of shit

i'm not buying it until it's fixed, no point playing a half finished game
I want playable Ravus.
It's the best Final Fantasy ever and it is finished.
Tell that to George Lucas
>XV was complete and satisfying
What a laugh.
XV is a hackjob that pads time between cutscenes with an irrelevant open world and the only way they know how to finish the story with patches is by adding more and more cutscenes. Cutscenes are the WORST way you can express a story in a game because you have zero interaction, it's just a movie you're shown.

Somebody mentioned Automata in this thread, and that game excels at telling you a story through environment and details and using all possible time to make you feel a certain way. If you put the two games side by side and compare, you'll easily see that while they're both action RPGs with an open world and fetch sidequests, one likes to waste your time and the other likes to make you feel a certain way.

For example, in Automata you're told to go to a certain place, and the enemies there do not attack you unless you provoke them. There is a story point to that. FFXV would just put an area there with enemies that you have to clear out to fill a meter, and then show you a cutscene where you're only informed that characters feel a certain way.

Automata is built from the ground up for the ideas the developers had for it, XV is a high budget piece of shit that is snapping under the weight of having to turn visuals Nomura has been creating over the years into a game that you can play from start to finish even when they're ill fitted for the end product.

I'm not saying Automata is some kind of perfect game, far from it, but comparing the two really reveals the critical difference in approach between the two dev teams.
>"It's not that users have an incomplete version of the game and that we're filling in the gaps now. Rather, we've already released the complete version of the game, and what we're doing is simply enhancing that experience for people, or providing different styles of play for characters....I really believe that XV is Noctis's game, though. It's his experience, his life, his story. The DLC is really about his friends.""

Based Tabata.
Based Tabata, spin that marketing
It does no such thing, the open world stuff is entirely seperate to the main story and narrative stuff and there is multiple optional dungeons you can go do, that has nothing to do with padding any more than the world map and optional dungons are "padding" in any other FF.

The story is finished, it has a start middle and ending with a good conclusion. Fucking retards like you are literalyl complaining that the game doesn't have enough cutscenes, and now you are complaining that they are adding in more cutscenes, make up your fucking mind. You already learn things through the world, through NPCs, through radios, through newspaper, you get exposition through that and it all has to do with the main story in some capacity, either directly or non directly. The environments also all tell a story, Pitioss a prime example too, so are the warzones around Keykatrich with the rusted Niflheim tanks and busted airships destroyed on the ground, and the Solheim ruins like Steyliff, Costlemark and also again Pitioss. Places like Taelpar crag, Cauthess Disc, Ravatogh vocano all places to do with the old astral war with large landmarks signifying the impact it had on the world, even later on in Niflheim around Shiva's dead body with the entire area frozen over emanating from her corpse that completely changed the climate of the area.

You havn't even fucking played XV so who are you even kidding? Even after putting in around 10 hours or so into Automata it isn't doing anything different with story telling that XV doesn't do.

You can stop gushing over Automata because the robots don't attack you which is a part of the story of automata being about fucking ROBOTs, which is not what XV is about. You learn in XV that the daemons and shit you've been killing all throughout the game were humans all along that were corrupted and turned, and that is through regular dialog while you are running around in Niflheim , not a cutscene

You are beyond stupid.
Calm down, kids.
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Holy fuck the new cutscene with Ravus and the Emperor Iedolas is awesome.

Go play Chapter 13 Verse 2 right NOW! It lasts 30 min at max
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>enhance satisfaction level, not that satisfaction level wasn't there
Are you retarded? That's exactly what it means. The satisfaction wasn't there. If it were already presented at a satisfying level, there would be no outcry and no need to go back to make it actually satisfying. Like you said, learning important shit from papers and radios isn't satisfying and Tabata realized this.
>we plan to add event scenes that depict things like, “Why does the character Ravus follow that fate?”
Just because you knew about from some radio chatter doesn't mean it's as satisfying as seeing it unfold with your own eyes.

>we will further increase the gameplay satisfaction level of Chapter 13
Which means it clearly wasn't satisfying, not that it was satisfying and they're choosing to make it even more satisfying. No one would waste precious resources to make something more satisfying when it already was suffiecntly satisfying. An overwhleming amount of people did not like the linear section as it dragged and was not fun to play, so Tabata is enhancing it to make it more satisfying.

By Tabata's words alone, XV was not satisfying to players and needs to be reworked and adjusted to find that satisfaction level. Stop being in denial. if the games was satisfying, people would acknowledge for being satisfying.

pic related and Tabata's words regarding player dissatisfaction line up perfectly
What? THey're actually discussing things. Not enough shitty memes for you?
Do I have to go through the game again to play it?
II is by far the worst and I hate XV.
You can get to it from a menu according to twitter.
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Seems as though FFXV is going to dominate 2017 as well.


How will FFVII: Remake even compete?

They added a special menu specifically for you to play this new part of Chapter 13
Not that guy but you really should complete Automata in full if you want to make a fair comparison. I don't really get the cutscene argument of the other guy though, to transport a story and key events they are totally fine, it's only when it comes to fleshing out the lore or characters that they may become too abundant.
>How will FFVII: Remake even compete?
By being released.
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kek shutdown instantly
No, it means it's enhancing player satisfaction. They are only making it better so it is more satisfying now than it was before, again which was only because retards like you rushed the game and were underleveled so it took ages to kill things with the ring. You are literally fucking all over the place, first you complain about cutscenes now you complain about learning things through normal means like radios or NPCs which is who a normal person in the world would find out about those things.

Just because you don't see something happen doesn't mean it didn't happen, that's what you don't seem to get.

All it says is they are making it better, not that it was bad before. They have literally no reason to even do any of these updates, they are only doing it from the goodness of their hearts, they already have the money from the game yet they are doing free updates to improve things because they want to, because they care about fans, something you also don't seem to get.

Tabata said no such thing about XV not being satisfying, also why are you posting a fucking gamefaqs poll with less than 300 votes while ignoring that XV was voted GOTY at Gamefaqs with tens of thousands of votes? Fuck off retard.
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FFXv didn't even dominate the year it was released, XV-kun. We already went over this. Plus, with games like Nioh, Nier, BoTW, Persona, Red Dead Redemption 2, XV would be lucky to even get a nod at the VGAs this year.
>GOTYs of 2016

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - 163
>The Critics' Picks - 88
>The Readers' Picks - 75

Overwatch - 101
>The Critics' Picks - 89
>The Readers' Picks - 12

DOOM - 29
>The Critics' Picks - 26
>The Readers' Picks - 3

Battlefield 1 - 16
>The Critics' Picks - 6
>The Readers' Picks - 10

Final Fantasy XV

>XII that low

Feels good to see this after the game has been universally praised around here for last half year.
Nice. Thanks, homies.
It can't, especially since 7r will not be out until the PS9 and will look like a 8th gen game coming out in gen 13.
not even the same anon but by your logic Uncharted 4 is the best game of 2016 just because critics liked it?

kek, marvel films are always received well but they are blockbuster trash tier and not good films, just a comparision
Anyone got the bayo post?
How can 7R compete when it'll never be released? It's been 3 years and they're still only working on the opening scene.

Drink bleach you lackwit child. I feel sad for your parents for having to put up with an imbecile such as you each and every day. Btw, anyone who loves FFXV is not XV-Kun.
Look again
>The Readers' Picks - 75

75 outlets that did reader votings agree that Uncharted 4 was the best of the year.

FFXV with a meager 8.
>the open world stuff is entirely seperate to the main story
That's exactly my point you retard
When most of the game's world has nothing to do with its story or nothing to tell it's fucking bad
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This is a lot of fucking info to just be fake..
You implied that XV dominated 2016, and I clearly proved to you that it did not. Not even close.
He posted that in response to the supposed XV domination of 2016. Do you lack reading comprehension?
Hey look Anti kun literally going around cherry picking comments from fucking novacrystallis comment section full of nomuracucks and nostalgiadtones because he knows he's BTFO.

XV has more GOTY awards than any other FF so what's your excuse for that?

FF13 didn't even win a single GOTY award, FF14 didn't win any either, FF12 only won 2. XV won 8.

But you're going to act like that doesn't count while you cling to "muh reviews" and some other shit because you're retarded.
>Just because you don't see something happen doesn't mean it didn't happen, that's what you don't seem to get.
LOL i never said it didn;'t mean it didn't happen. I said that it's less satisfying as a result of you not seeing and that's something Tabata is going to address and make more satisfying for players—by letting them actually SEE it.

>All it says is they are making it better, not that it was bad before.
No what they are saying is that they are making it more satisfying because it was not before.

Kek FFXV is on a whole new level compared to those flavor of the month meme games that mongoloid listed.
>posts regular gameplay of bayo compared to an irregular section nothing like regular gameplay for XV
At least you tried. Are you saying Bayonetta doesn't have QTEs?
Honestly, Final Fantasy XV will be one of the best FF games to date.

Tabata is holding back the PC version because he wants to release the DLCs first and launch the game "complete" with all the extra package that is being released now on consoles.

Feels good, bros
And them being able to see it will only increase satisfaction levels. Stop being ass blasted.
Whole new level of shit you mean.
Nice moving of goal posts, faggot.

>"FFXV dominated 2016 and is going to dominated 2017 as well!!!! I swear I'm not lying!!!!"

Uncharted 4 - 163
>The Critics' Picks - 88
>The Readers' Picks - 75

FFXV was only able to rack up a meager 8

Pathetic. Honestly. You and your shit game are both patheti and perfect for each other
Of excellence actually.

Stay pleb.
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Nope, it's great.
Not in regular combat, whereas they are plentiful in XV.
Nope it clearly implies it wasn't satisfying before and Tabata has to go back and make it satisfying for dissatisfied players.

Stop being in denial.
But XV has more GOTY awards than any other FF, why are you crying?

By your own argument uncharted 4 is better than all FF games.
Nope but Uncharted 4 dominated 2016 wheras XV did not, which is what I'm arguing. Stop moving goalposts because your shit argument collapsed on you faggot.
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>You will never delude yourself into thinking XV is anything above a 6/10
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>Uncharted 4
>Better than FFXV

Sometimes I wonder whether people who spout such inane nonsense are truly mentally handicapped. As in... perhaps they're sitting in an asylum or institution somewhere but managed to get their hands on a computer somehow.
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There is though, parries aren't QTEs and you can turn the HUD off which doesn't show the initiation prompt, you have to use your own timing.

It implies no such thing and the increased satisfaction is specifically about chapter 13 you idiot.
Do you really think XV is on par with ME Andromeda?

XV is easily an 8/10
Lol, 2018.
But by your own argument uncharted is better than all FF since it has more awards than all FFs. Are you dense?
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Write the following on a piece of wood then beat yourself over the head with it:-

Paid Reviews and Normie Hype =/= Good Game
FFXV writers on pair with Bioware animators.
I wonder the same thing about people who actually think XV dominated 2016 and will dominate 2017 with some filler dlc and small updates.
Not even him but holy flying fuck, how are you even able to breathe with this much lack of a brain?!
Yeah because XV is an 8/10 minimum.
So you're literally in denial.

How are you?
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Seeing as though nothing has been able to touch FFXV from a graphical/gameplay/narrative point of view... I think it's a safe bet to assert that it will.

Most likely 2018 too if a PC version gets announced. Stay booty-blasted retardo.
don't compare "plot" to "writing" per se
>XV is easily an 8/10
8/10 means amazing which XV is a far cry from.

Unfinished games can't get above a 7/10.
At least you tried.
What the hell are you even talking about? Uncharted 4 dominated 2016 unlike XV, that's the only argument I'm trying to make. I'm not sure why you're comparing the success of Uncharted 4 in it's own right to the success of other Final Fantasies in their own right? What kind of argument even is that? Do you have down-syndrome? I can't even believe I argue with an autist like you, who's constantly in denial even when his arguments absolutely implode on him.
Not an argument.
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This game is probably my literally worst open world experience I've ever had.

I'm not even kidding, it has everything an open world game can do wrong, with the added on-rails car to make the open world even more stupid since you spend more time not playing the game then playing it.

I gave up on doing sidequests because they are literally the same. Someone did the laziest shittiest job possible in coding them.

The hole game can be described like this:

>talk to random object near "quest giver"
>watch your car drive for literally 5 real world minutes to the quest location
>walk/ride a chobobo for a few yards in a sterile empty world
>IMPERIALS ABOVE US for the 100th time, just ignore it again
>find a special mob walking in circles around an item on the floor, this is the quest itself
>kill the mob
>spend the next minute jumping around while trying to grab the object with X
>walk/ride a chobobo back to the car
>IMPERIALS ABOVE US for the 101st time, just ignore it again again
>spend an other literal real world 5 minutes watching the car going back
>deliver the quest
>the quest giver gives you an exactly copy-pasted quest but in a different location

This is probably one of the worst games I've ever played. It truly is a massive waste of your time. You spend at least 50% of your whole play time watching the car drive itself.
is all of this real??
Try harder nu-male cuck.
Because by your logic it dominated all FF since none of the FF have more awards. You were the one who brought up awards when no one said anything about it before you in this chain of posts. Stay retarded.
Confirmed for never having even played the game.

Watching twitch streams doesn't count friendo.
you know for a facf the leaks are fake? all of that shit
Not an argument.

Nice copy pasta anti kun.
Not an argument.
Dude where's your argument?
Ravus now acted not like 2, but 3 different characters.

Based XV-Kun doing some fine detective work once again.
Not an argument.
>no more updates on the FFXV models by the dude who ripped them

Horizon if you talk about graphic fidelity, design and variation
Only thing XV tops is facial design.
Barry is /ourguy/.
>A year with games like Nier, Nioh, Persona 5, Red Dead Redeption, Mass Effect Andromeda, Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Stormblood, Horizon Zero Dawn, FFXII Zodiac Age, Elder scrolls on Switch, Ace Combt 7, Ni No Kuni II—and that's without counting all the games to be revealed at E3
>Not to mention a brand New Nintendo Console Launch

I would be surprised anyone even remembers XV by December. And if they do it's to shit on it, and rightfully so.
It's literally 13 all over again. But must of /v/ isn't old enough to remember the kind of shit 13 got back then.
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>he got banned too
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Someone posted this here a few days ago but no link and it's not on that guys twitter either.
You literally implied XV dominated 2016. How can a game dominate a year? Well by having a majority of the reader's chouice awards as well as critics choice awards. And I proved to you that Uncharted 4 had all of that and XV did not, and by definition did not dominate 2016. I think it would have been more appropriate to say that XV dominated the year in your thick-skulled head.
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Don't listen to them. XV-kun is literally the worst, he surpassed even rugarel.
>more appropriate to say that XV dominated the year in your thick-skulled head.
>I can't understand timely context

If internet and reviews would've been as prevalent in 1996+ the the other FF would've gotten a lot more of them. All the other guy is doing is comparing the game to its competition of the same year - which shows that XV is clearly lacking and far from being as well received as the others. Your argument is so empty I can't wrap my head around how you would think it could even be remotely solid.
First of all you're responding to different people, I never said any such thing. Second of all you're the one who brought up GOTY awards instead of wanting to discuss the actual game. What other game in XVs genre dominated? Why are you ignoring that XV has more awards than any other FF?
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ACfag goes back further than the archive archives.

Why does FF12 only have 2? FF13 has 0? FF14 has 0? FF15 has 8 which is more than FF7 got too.
>FF15 has 8 which is more than FF7 got too.
I read wikipedia too
Who was ACfag?
FFXV blows Horizon out of the stratosphere in terms of gameplay variety and combat. Nice try Guerrilla Games shill.
So does XV-kun.
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Why must we be denied the full glory of the goddess?
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>Mass Effect Andromeda

XV-kun as a name only started around late 2014/ early 2015
>There are people that are literally dumb enough to believe that /v/ is one person

Damn... learn something new everyday.
XV has the best story of any Final Fantasy, with Noctis being the strongest and most fleshed out protagonist to date and Ardyn's tragic backstory make him not only a compelling villain but a tragic one as well.

The fact that they're adding to the already fantastic base story only means good things.
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You were still a person years before that, xv-kun.
Don't forget. It's going to wipe the floor in 2017/18 too.
Neat. Too bad experiencing the changes to Chapter 13 would involve playing the entire game over again, which isn't happening for a very long time. They should put it in a chapter select.
>I'm retarded: the post.
You can directly access chapter 13 from the menu.
>he said thundering cunt so he's you!
Can you? It's been a few months. Have you always been able to do that?

Regardless, that's nice.
>only one person on /v/ has ever come up with such stupid insults
>only one person defends them
So what changes did they actually make to the free-roaming? Did they remove the invisible walls around stuff?

Does this mean the airship won't control like complete ass anymore?
I can wait that long to pirate it.
>jaggies with hair
>most of the world is shit plains
>can't get Italy looking good when PS3 games did it better
>need to wait for definitive PC version for shit engine
People will remember a train wreck more than a meh game from last year.
It's specifically for this to my knowledge.
You can search thunder cunt, thundering cunt, thundercunt and variations on google, guess they're all the same person
Why would you pirate GOTY 2016? Support the developers for making a great product.

>the video is clearly rectangular
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Not all but some less, you can go up the arches now going by the trailer
>GOTY 2016
If they're posted in a FFXV thread they are. "Cunt" is enough to identify you.
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Altissia looks good, not sure why you need to lie.
Consoles already did enough to support it. Thanks for paying and beta testing the game.
>can't even render water well without looking like a blue mess in daylight
It's ok to be mad
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Try during daytime without any festival lights.
jesus christ how horrifying
>How is this plot related?
The plot skips 10 years and resumes the story as if nothing happened immediately. What the hell were the characters doing those ten years? How has the world gone to shit and in what state are the cities you visited now? Those are important factors to set the MC's motivations and get the player pumped to kill the final boss.
>Who? I remember killing all the villains
Ravus and The Emperor. You kill the demons they have become, but it's barely set up better than a random encounter. no buildup, no story no nothing.
>Since this suppose to be more modern, this makes sense. Though I barely recall any Final Fantasy with major villains having as much screen time, Ardyn, since most if not all major antagonist appear as the final boss.
Again, with motivations barely set up, and explanations barely present. Why the fuck is he helping us? Why would the empire let him do so? Why would we accept his help. Why doesn't anyone in the party recognize him, he's the Imperial Chancelor. Why does he take the Regalia and not Noctis after the Archaean business? Why doesn't he kill Noctis and gets on with it?
>Hes entire backstory is FUCK NOTCTIS. Thats it, thats his motive for being a dick and wanting to protect is sister.... by joining the bad guys...
That's not his backstory, but whatever. His motivations, even if they are somewhat explained in the Kingsglaive movie, are barely present and confusing as fuck in the game. It doesn't make sense if you haven't seen the shitty movie, and the cut screen time doesn't help either.
loving every laugh
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read. By this logic because you just said it then they are you.
>Fell for the Kingsglaive movie meme
>Made me more hype for the game
>Realize that nothing in the movie is in the game
>Game ends up being one of the biggest disappointments of all time
If they want to add DLC it should Nyx during the invasion.
>xv combat is bad

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Try not posting outdated pics.

It does now.

Not an argument.
Another way to spot you is needless paranoia.
Wtf I love XV now.
Will these updates give the option to play as characters other than Noctis during the main game?
>you can turn the HUD off
It sucks that I need to turn off the whole hud just to remove the obnoxious button prompt.
is ff15 the phantom menace of the series?
God XV was so bad.

>bad setting (Lucis is tiny and bland, not a war torn powerful kingdom)
>supporting characters are so bad (dino, fat fuck, toad girl have the same shitty fetch quests)
>the empire is the shittiest villain in FF history, not once did they feel competent or threatening
>music is phoned in, unmemorable
>gameplay is too easy/no strategy
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>Altissia looks ba-
You can stop samefagging already Matt.
what PS2 game is that?
He has no shadow
God Altissia was bad

>all that build up
>tiny area
>shitty clinton dialogue
>Napoleonic france is "Fantasy in realism"?
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>b-but PS3 games look bet-
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>b-but it looks ba-
Kind of amazing that Nier looks better despite having a 10 times lower budget.
Man that looks terrible
I said it was tiny, pointless, and worth going to.

Not that it looked bad.
because episode Prompto.
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>p-pls belieb me it looks ba-
*not worth
>playing in english
The game looks almost as bad as your ability to spell
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What did Tabata mean by this?
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>b-but the game looks ba-
>low res textures
>no shadows
>building models from a PS2 game
I don't get it, why are you pretending this looks good?

Did you actually pay for this shit? Why does he have a sand nigger hat?
did you check all the NPCs? :^)
Stuttering and posting terrible looking screenshots does not make the game look good barry
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>b-but its ps2 tie-
Mmm, I agree but there were some good songs

There were some interesting gameplay elements, they just did not come together. I hope to see some of them again.

>Techniques were cool, but you can only have 1
>summons are cool but fuck if you can get them to show up at any useful time
He really wanted Clinton to win
Other mediums can do it. In fact quite a few books were altered during their publication history. The Hobbit had some story details changed to match the LotR. You just generally don't see it as much as video games since it's harder to update a film or a book for everyone, and also due to the fact that games are viewed more as "platforms" rather than finalized products.
The lack in variety in battle themes REALLY killed it for me, I felt so disappointed when they patched the mp3 in and it didn't work in battle
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It's about on par with Yusnaan from LR. Nothing special.
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>it looks b-bad like ps3 game see loo-
Since the sky is better looking I'd argue this has better graphics.
Oh come on, the game is hot garbage but this song is awesome.

Oh yeah, fuck, that was a huge missed opportunity
Yes it does look like a bad ps3 game
Thanks for proving the point
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>pls belieb me this ps3 game is bet-
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>it looks ps3 level see loo-
Bazzteks autism grows by the day.
This thread is paradise for his shilling.

All he does with his life is defend ffxv, people shitting on the game fuels him and gives meaning to every day of his shitty life.

We are doing a good thing.
>g_fullbright = 1
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You really don't know what fulbright is
>This thread is paradise for his shilling.
And weirdly his personal blog
It's amazing how much personal info the dumb abo has shared here
The game does look good, I'll give it that but unfortunately it's bottom 3 in the series.
He has literally no outside life.
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XV is the best looking FF.
Nice, graphics are pretty low when it comes to what makes a game good though. XV is an aberration on accounts of narrative telling, creating a satisfying world to explore and combat.
>worst game
>best looking
So graphics are killing games confirmed?
Sure showed him barry
>great soundtrack wasted on a bad game

it hurts
Not him, but you are some serious shitposter if you think that FFXV looks "bad".
>low res texture
>No shadows
Find me one open world which casts dynamic shadows on every light sources. Tw3, FH3, etc. don't do that.
>building models from a PS2 game

FFXV is one of the best looking open world, with lot of "next gen" tech. The big issue is the performance though.
Oh god, why?
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>Not him
people who shit on the combat are bad at video games. magic was completely broken, it was poorly explained and the camera made some fights literally unplayable but at the core it was a good idea and somewhat well done.
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Holy kek that file name.
>using goldenface. What a shitposter.
Same people who will suddenly suck FFXV graphics when it will come to PC.
t. hasn't played a good action game
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No, graphics has always been a high point for FF. And XV has good characters, story, world and gameplay.

It's the best FF though.
not an argument
Could be because they've already drastically upgraded the graphics for PC.

Why do all of the games look like shit then?

Why is XV pure shit too? They had 10 years to make it.
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>it may be one of the empire's "alternative facts".
>graphics has always been a high point for FF
Yeah and the good ones also had good characters, story, world and gameplay.

The only consistent areas for the series are music and graphical fidelity.
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XV is 1080p on PS4 and 1800p on PS4pro, you can stop responding to yourself though.

I feel bad for anyone who bought a ps4pro
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>Altissia barely looks better than Yusnaan from LR from 2014
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XV has good characters, story, world and gameplay.

So you're retarded.
>Altissia is made out to be one of the grandest places in Eos
>Yusnaan is better on all accounts
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>Could be because they've already drastically upgraded the graphics for PC.
So using Nvidia gimmick will turn this from a ps3 looking game to the most beautiful open world?
You are a true shitposter who doesn't know anything about graphics isn't that right?
This unironically looks better.
Injecting "naturally" would be a shitshow and damn near impossible to implement on a disk release. One way to do it would be to save all methods and classes as game data, then load assets from the disk. That way you can make large content and functionality expansions with less effort and save new assets as additional game data on the HDD.
No it will go from shit to less shit lol. Why are you putting words in my mouth you beeta tester?
Barring Prompto the main cast is great, one of the few aspects I liked about it but all other secondary characters like Cor, Aranea and the Emperor get so little development its embarrassing.
If you mean world to explore then absolutely not, outside of the optional dungeons there is nothing fun about exploring the world. It's even worse when compared to Breath of the Wild.
Combat was fun occasionally but they could've done a lot better.
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XV looks a million times better you retard. Also nice PC screenshot with AA cranked up, LR runs native 720p on PS3.

No it isn't.

No it doesn't.
I don't even own the game, i play on PC, you shitposter.
>they've already drastically upgraded the graphics for PC.
Nvidia gimmicks = drastically upgraded the graphics for PC.

What the fuck happened to Square? Why does 13 look better?
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See >>371939323

It doesn't at all.
You haven't even played LR Barry, the palace invasion sequence in Yusnaan is better than anything in Altissia.

Altissia marks the point from where the game goes from a 7/10 to a 5/10, the Leviathan fight is one if not the worst boss in an FF ever.
You have some serious issue if you think that FF13 can compete in any way with FF15's graphics.
I think you're just a weeb (you've bought FF13 on PC) whos mad at FF15 for some reason.

Woah, compelling motivation right there
It is not canon, Regis' sword is about as old as he is, it's his engine blade nowhere in the game does Noctis game gain such an ancient and symbolic weapon.
There are as many royal arms as there have been kings, remember that. But Noctis only sought out the glaives of those kings who stayed behind as the Old Wall. There's also Mors' blade, which Regis is seen with in a trailer.
Yes I have, LR looks like shit compared to XV and you're a lying faggot if you act like it looks better than XV.
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>good characters
The supporting cast is the weakest in FF history

It starts ok as a buddy roadtrip then goes downhill really quickly and downright bad from Altissia to the end

Lucis is empty tiny and boring.

>a faggot proud of FF13's graphics.
/v/ and its shitposters.
Can we get some Luxerion screenshots too?
Don't care. I've moved on, and after the Carnival update, I'm just ready to leave the game behind.
Thats LR
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I want to live in Yusnaan.
>XIII was better than XV all along
I'm sorry Eclair, I didn't know the worse was to come
I just finished Chapter 13, Verse 2.

It's short as FUCK, and it's basically a demo for Gladio's episode. It has a couple new scenes that do the bare minimum to fill plot holes in that chapter, like Ravus being loldead and the Emperor going full Gollum for the crystal.

Gladio is even MORE button mashy than Noct, and his playstyle is just Attack to fill up bar then release special attack. Parry to topple foes. That's about it.

It can be accessed from the main menu too! You don't even have to play the game again. It's THAT detached!

The one thing it did though is get me interested in playing his episode tomorrow.
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You're only proving my point that XV shits over 13 and LR even with you posting PC screenshots.

Ravus was in character, he was only opposed to Noctis because he didn't think he had it in him to defeat the Hydrean.
Did you not see the flashback in Tennebrae where he literally tells his sister to go fuck Noctis while they still have time before the summoning?
Was the Moogle Carnival or whatever it was any fun? What did you even do in it?
The flashback Noctis had no means of seeing? Yeah, that was jarring and helped ruin Ravus even more.
You could chocobo race, fish, do a QTE dance, and trade in your rewards for this and get some rare items.

I played it for about 2 hours right when it dropped, and then quit the game, and never went back. It was honestly a really neat concept, but it just wasn't fun.
>It was honestly a really neat concept, but it just wasn't fun.
So XV as a whole then?
Imagine the Gold Saucer but it's actually Junon with christmas lights and no games
Honestly, XV has everything it needs to be fun. Like, if you were an investor at SE, and they gave the entirety of that game with about 2 years left in development, you would be satisfied, expecting them to take the remaining 2 years and make it even better.

If this is what happens when SE rushes something, they should never rush anything. Of course, they took their time on XII, and that game was absolute ass.
Ravus had already accepted that he wasn't going to take Noctis' role after the Lucians rejected him. His remaining bitterness melts over the course of the game as Noctis accomplishes his objectives. Ravus is ultimately "Blood of the Oracle", even though he is male he will still do his part to fullfill the duties of the oracle. He also acknowledges and respects Luna, although he did everything in his power to save her. After her death he is resolute in not letting her sacrifice be in vain. All this is perfectly consistent with his character.
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Luxerin is max comf
>Ravus had already accepted
And there was no way for Noctis to see that cutscene, so...
>they didn't put it in between Novtis falling down and finding Ravus
Fucking SE.
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>touched up Webms
What's the point?
This looks so much better than XV it's not even funny.
Too bad both games suck.
LR was alright
>TFW LR actually had better side quests than XV even though most of them were fetch quests
What is the likelihood of Tabata directing another mainline?
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I go back to LR once in a while. There's just something really endearing and warm about the game.
He was told, but he never saw it in person no.
He never saw Ravus' change of heart, just like how he never saw the battle in Lucis.
No matter how good any game is, if you have to play two shitty games in order to understand and appreciate it, then that game is lumped in with the rest of the series.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Top kek
Post Luna
Not him, but that game sucked. Even presuming you are right, however, and it actually was a good game (it wasn't), that still doesn't excuse part 1, and, as he said, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
>He was told
>he never saw it in person
>people will defend this
XIII-2 is the best FF released under SE.
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There is no Luna as of yet. i'm willing to bet there;s a nude model for every female character in the game. I mean why in the everloving fuck would Tabata model a nude version of Hillary.

Also the guy that ripped the models has gone completely silent since late February ever since teasing a nude Gentiana.What a cuck.
That new cutscene with Ravus is actually pretty cool, but its adds nothing to his character, just flashy action scene.
The story is Noctis' story and limiting the POV to just him adds to mystique and tension that unfolds throughout the story. Sorry you need to be spoonfed everything because you're too stupid to understand the director's intentions.
>literally nothing to do in the world of ruin segment

also what was the big bad reason to destroy the world?
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Go tweet this fag to start posting the nude models already and stop hogging it for himself. I bet he's gone to town on those nude Cindy models.

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LR looks like shit conpared to XV, stop kidding yourself. Just this staircase alone looks better than LR.
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I love Yusnaan!
I want to have sex with Lightning in Yusnaan.
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Stay retarded.
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I imagine you are as autistic as the guy in pic related.
Ardyn wanted to stick it to the astrals for throwing him under a bus after absorbing the daemons to save the people of Lucis instead.
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and then in Luxerion
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I can hear Peasant rubbing his hands over this reveal.
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I wont rest until I've shot a nice sticky load to a nude Gentiana Model. It's been my dream ever since her inception.
Can't wait until the PC version comes out and modders go to town making SFM porn and costumes.
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Nice shitpost.

Pales in comparison to XV
>a game released in 2016 has better models than a game made reusing assets from previous games and on the cheap
>this is somehow a victory for the FF 15 fanbase
Where are you getting those pics from? They aren't posted on his Twitter.
XV pales in comparison to used toilet paper. If you think that FFXV does anything "best," let alone well, you're a god damned fool.
Just one guy
>Having to show the same "city" (which is about the size of 2 city blocks) twice in order to compete with a different game.

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LR had assets made entirely from scratch including lightnings model, only a few monsters were reused from 13/13-2.

You're fucking retarded if you think 13 or any other JRPG looks even close to as good as XV.
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Except that guy is only showing pics of three different areas which is what I've been posting too of Altissia, Lestallum and Caem.
I was horny and did some digging. It's not hard to find.
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Is that supposed to look good or even half as good as XV?
>You're fucking retarded if you think 13 or any other JRPG looks even close to as good as XV.

Fine. I think that it looks worse than the cutscenes in XII (which is also a shit game), but lets pretend that I let you have that one.

It's still not the best looking game ever. So it's the best looking FF ever. Which will only be true until the next FF comes out. It's a shit story. It has shit gameplay. The world is empty. The world is small, despite its emptyness. It is a shitty game with a coat of polish on it.
and yet LR felt more alive than FFXV's world
and that was a world after the apocalypse and in its last days
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> I think that it looks worse than the cutscenes in XII
So you're an even bigger retard than I thought.

It has a great story, great gameplay, the world is more full than any other FF world map. It's a great game that you're BTFO over.

No it didn't.
Not in the pictures I've tagged. You just used the same "City," twice in a row. And it's a shit city. My tiny town of 2000 people is larger, and that's the biggest city you can access on the continent, unless you count the endgame (I don't, because it never behaves like a city).

If I had to guess, your little town is about the size of Seafront in NieR.
>LR had assets made entirely from scratch including lightnings model, only a few monsters were reused from 13/13-2.
AHAHAHAHAAA is this what people think these days? Does no one on here seriously remember what a shitfest the 13 trilogy has been, here on /v/? Are all the remaining 13 posters Lightning fanboys who want to smell her farts? 13-2 and 13-3 were MADE TO RECYCLE ASSETS and resell them to profit and lift the company from the abyss that was 14's launch. SE hadn't managed to recover until recently with ARR and 15.
The vast majority of 13-3's assets are palette swaps, touched up remnants from 13-2 and cut content from the previous 2 entries.
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So you're only proving that LR looks worse in every aspect.
>entire world composed of small little outposts with barely people at all
>the only city with some life was Not-Venice

yeah, it did
Is that the game with HDR turned on? The colors look awful.
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Not trolling. Legitimately curious. How many buildings can you enter in that town?
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ugh tell me about it
>pic related is XV-kun

Not even kidding, this is Bazztek. Lmao.
Is she wearing the same skirt as the blonde guy?
He's older than I would have thought he would be. Looks just as autistic as I imagined, though.
I don't think so, but the prospect of a nude Iris model makes me very happy.
>literally noone even talks about the video
Just as expected
I bet even xv-kun won't play it after the update
He is from Melbourne, Victoria.
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I've posted Lestallum, Altissia and Caem you dumb fuck, and Lestallum is bigger than most FF cities.

13-2 was, 13-3 was not, they even showed behind the scenes footage of it, you can even rip the models yourself and see they aren't even the same, 13 is shit and so is LR you fuck.

No it didn't, there's more life in the party in XV than anything in all three FF13 games.

And again more proof that LR looks like shit compared to XV.
All the shops are outside vendors, otherwise the hotel.

LOL nope. Those are Melbourne trains though.
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