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What does /v/ feel

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 464
Thread images: 175

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When they see this image?
she is cute on this
She looks retarded
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Despite how shit the game is/will be the laughs it has granted me the last 3 days have made me feel fantastic. It's been a great mood lifter
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Ok, good.

What about this .gif? What do you feel?

This is an actual obligatory mainstory-cutscene that made into the final release of a 40 million dollars AAA game.
It makes my face tired
Of that weren't lazy they could have incorporated your squad mades to interact the cutscenes and maybe bother to animate her face to be even more cocky or smug.

I feel that I have the obligation to take care of her.
a little tingle in my dinkle
Makes me feel like I want to buy Bionicles for her.
Feel that I have to protect her smile at all costs.
Not posting the real life (but actually hot) Sara Ryder:
How is it that unemployed wasters can create more realistic qt cock puppets on their home desktops in a few hours than an entire team of paid 'talented' designers?
At first hate, then love.
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Affirmative action.

All the effort went into assembling quality empowering dialogues of all creeds and gender identities.
Oh my god, I just want to protect her from this mean ugly world
Autists hired to design a "girl next door" look and instead creating a "that girl was homeschooled" look.
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The realisation that i want an autistic sister sitting sim game.
>ywn headpat sara after she did something slightly dumb, but cute and wellmeaning.
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I myself would buy this game just to watch confused autist Sara Ryder trying to make sense out of things happening around her.
Like I'm about to watch a sitcom on CW
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fuck you.jpg
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>I would love to be covered in peanut butter when I die

I can arrange that
>desire to play with lego intensifies
Like I'm glad that I stopped playing modern games.
same way you feel when you look in the mirror and know that you've never had a real job in your life and will never get hired outside of viral marketing. better get a gun before you get on the list that way you can actually pull the trigger on your sad life when you get fired from shilling on 4chan dot org
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I feel like grabing the gun, putting it down and give the poor thing a hug.
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Anyone have the picture of Ryder being autistic and not understanding why she isn't supposed to "love" her brother?
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This one?
That's the one, thanks famalamborghini
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>you will never marry her and spend your life feeding her peanut butter and jelly from a bottle
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Don't talk to my sister!
that alcoholic beverage of the future is THICC

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>drinking jello
And then she fucking kills herself. This is the gift that keeps on giving.
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>he doesn't want a romantic glass of jelly slime with her followed by a peanut butter bath
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Don't make fun of her.

Man we've come so far since this original gif. I'm legit amazed at how many terrible animations and scenes are in one game. I fucking love it
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Looks like Sara's favourite show is going to give her a new best friend.
>When they see this image?
Is it possible to play her a complete idiot and a pussy that needs her hand holding all the time?
>Mom said it's my turn to use the gun!
Thinking about her fat ass.
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You can actually be autistic.
fuck off, seriously?
>unidentified special needs child
Boners and guilt
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>"No I mean, I think you're cute and I like seeing you up here."
>"Also, the accent, the accent is...it's not the only thing but uh, okay I should just go over there to the piloting thing."

That's her trying to flirt.
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High quality OC coming through

It is all yours to save friends :)
Someone post Ryder's fat ass pls
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SFM soon.
/v/ must really like/love this game

they TALK/POST about it ALL THE TIME
Vindication. We are as right now as we were two years ago. /v/ is always right.
>Body of an 18 year old
>Mind of a 9 year old
Is sex with Sara illegal?
>Mass Effect 4
>Still no Krogan snu snu

Tell me, why should I bother again?
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Low Quality OC coming threw

It is all yours to save friends :)
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Notice how puny Peebee's butt is in comparison
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>Is sex with Sara illegal?

There are no laws in Andromeda.
>tfw you've seen better animation in sfm fan-movies
>tfw you've seen better animation in fucking gmod stop motion films
that's from one youtube vid. I thought you might have meant there would be an option to select like sheperds background and personality quirks. Basically a "you're autistic, you try your best but is mostly remembered about your brutal efficiency"
I really, really, really like these images.
it's like ME2 all over again
You have about 5 different kind of replies based on the tone.
Just go for the most inapropriate one all the time.

>Scream not because you failed something important, or lost a comrade
>Scream because you are pushing a button on a console

The Ryders are autistic as fuck.
this games never ceases to amaze me
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*autistic screeching*
Could ya’all maybe? CHILL THE FUCK OUT?! Mass Effect is a hugely popular game, and technically Andromeda hasn’t been released yet? These problems and bugs and glitches and shit, are going to be fixed IF YOU WOULD JUST FUCKING BE PATIENT FOR LIKE 2 SECONDS.
How can a soldier that spends 90% of her time running or walking have such a fat butt?

I'd say its an ingrained character trait given all the bizarre facial expressions, or lack of them.
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She's getting a bit too chunky.
>low quality bait and all that
it look like they just took the black guy from mafia 3 and gave him long hair and a fucked up nose
And yet some autismo will bite it unironically instead of just ignoring it.
Her feet kick up moon dust on the bed.
goddamn them some fat tits

It makes me smile with the same retarded grin when it reminds me of how ME:A is the video game equivalent of the female Ghostbusters film.
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It depends on the angle, she looks cute sometimes.
based off of the general QUALITY of this game, it's almost certain that both of their bodies are the exact same model.
This is straight up a Loss reference
you can tell by the typing style with the question mark interruptions that it's not actually bait
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>yfw someone mixed mega bloks with your lego
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Does anyone know if Ryder can still be a dick this game?

All I've seen so far is really dull dialogue choices that I think Eurogamer summed up well as bored Ryder, soppy Ryder, flip Ryder and parent Ryder. Nowhere did it seem like you could actually stand up for yourself like Shepard did and just play as someone who gives everyone shit and has a chip on his shoulder
No, what you can tell is that he copied it from the Mass Effect subreddit.
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sweet tender loving.png
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I feel bad for her.
Vote for /ourgirl/ here lads
from what i've seen, it seems that's not the case.
kinda feels like the fallout 4 protagonist.
with sound
I see it
the face of someone who wants to be with her brother forever.
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They are made for each other.
Can someone post some scott pics. I need them for a thing.
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the boss.png
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HAHAHA /v/ is being rused SO HARD by BIOWARE

I thought you were LE MASTERS of shitposting?
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I want to fuck her like a savage while she plays with space legos
Yes, there's one "logical" choice in almost all dialogues that makes you sound very autistic.
Renegade and Paragon has been removed.

ME:A uses the Dragon Age personality-based dialogue that doesn't have any consequence. Any decisions made are completely untied to any morality system, if there are any decisions to be made at all.
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How do you go from this?
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fug this.gif
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>Blue Shrek gets her tits out
>QT Turian never removes any of her armour
ffs, what's the point of Mass Effect if you can't shove a shit talking batarian off of a 25 storey building
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How the fuck is the "rick roll" now just a synonym for any sort of trolling/gaffing/pranking/goofing

what the fuck
Feel free to share them too!
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>Romance no one for the entire game/trilogy

How progressive is Bioware willing to go?
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Scott always looks like he's been doped on Xanax or something and Sarah has an extra chromosome

Jesus Christ
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I feel like this guy is crop dusting every room that he enters.
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To this.
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full attention.png
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ah the purest form of love
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oops wrong picture
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Fucking stop it, /v/, stop making me fall in love with a space autist
can I make Sara BLACKED in the game?
She sounds adorable

>someone makes a mock video of this
>Ryders desperately trying to hit the button but keeps missing
>see's her friends losing ground and her brother getting succ'd to death
>mom's spaghetti
>Scott trying to cheer her on
>after 15 failed QTE attempts she does her autistic screeching
>"OH NO SHE HIT THE BUTTON!" (boss dies after)
>I-I did it! I hit the button!
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Well it's been semi-confirmed now. People are and have been asking the BioWare team if Sarah Ryder has autism and it looks like they're considering saying that she possibly is.

At first on the tweets it was "Shes quirky and cute" then after yesterday it turned into "Please don't define her as Autistic but as Quirky" now it's gone "You'll just have to wait and see what she is in a few days when we release some great news"

I'm using this image to gain attention to this post because I feel this is important to the ongoing shit storm that is ME:A

My copy of the game comes tomorrow, I was planning on going with my /u/ playthrough of ME:A with Sarah but is she really this autistic, "Quirky" cringe worthy all the time here for the people who've been watching playthroughs and videos of the game or is it once in a blue moon she acts autistic?

How bad are the romance options, can I answer romance options and come on to girls without sounding like a "cute and quirky xD girl"?
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>tfw shitty Drakengard 3 has better character designs, faces, and facial animations than this heaping pile of garbage
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Is it bad I wish Cora was gay only because her and Sara have the only good asses in the game. That would have been a nice scene.
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The romance options for male are shit. You can only fuck the manly dyke and the turian.
The best girls (Suvi and Sara) are not available.
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Ryder 2.png
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Would you build legos with her?
link to the tweets for proof my man
so female ryder has autism but male doesnt?
i wonder if she'd look good with non retarded hair.
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The dude is a psychopath, stealth farter.
No, but he has a Xanax addiction
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Apathetic Ryder.webm
3MB, 900x506px
Male Ryder is either chronically depressed...
>spend millions of dollars making a game
>wine is jelly but at least there is advanced surface-boot-air dust transfer simulations
damage control
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... Or a fucking deranged psychopath.
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>''Awww, poor thing tripped. Are you okay, barky-bark?''

>We want for the snarky one-liner Marvel audience.
I don't get it
Why does she look so fucking awful?
What are they doing
Holy shit this is too good
Vote for Sara! She may not be very bright, but she has a fine ass!
top kek
>alex delarge, jack torrance and private pyle on the wall
This picture grows richer every time I look at it.
>sara has the best ass
>against tooby

Wow I don't think you've actually seen Tooby's ass
Renegade Shepard would have shot that little twerp
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>male ryder looks like he's coming down from a high
>female ryder looks like she doesn't want to be the first to laugh at the retarded kid

how did they spend $40 million on a game about character interactions and the faces are completely fucked up?
I think 2B has the best figure and proportions, but Sara has the fattest ass.
Female Ryder IS the retarded kid
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But it is a masterpiece, the ''The Room'' of videogames.
Tooby has the best ass period. Cora's ass is even fatter than Sara's
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It's not just that they're bad, it's not just that they utterly fail at conveying simple expressions and emotions that other games have nailed since the mid 2000's, it's not just that they forgot to give eyes proper simple reflection of light and eyebrow movement, it's that the animations are so terrible and distracting that they completely negate any potentially good aspects of the rest of the game. Literally anonymous SFM porn makers and highschool aged CG artists are making character and facial animations in games that are leagues better than this trite AAA Biocuck dogshit.
>the ''The Room'' of videogames.
Anyway, how's your sex life?

They hired based on diversity, not skill. That's why the lead facial animator is some cosplaying woman with a crappy student level portfolio and no experience.
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quick galaxy rundown.jpg
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>lol u a virgin
Redditor or Tumblrina?
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A weird mixture of disgust, hopelessness and amusement.
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So what, old BioWare hired based on skill and they sucked dick too, not to mention they've always had some of the worst animations ever.
Pic related was made by BioWare Edmonton, the BioWare that made ME1-3 and Baldur's Gate.
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>this entire thread

holy shit, I'm almost glad that this game is such a fuckin shitshow

the hilarity

>So what, old BioWare hired based on skill and they sucked dick too

Still better than this shit in ME:A
Sara, does Scott know you're using the internet?
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Can I get a quick rundown of this asari?
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You forget the fact that at least Andromeda has a functional third person shooter element.
DA:I has literally zero redeemable features, it's, by far, the worst videogame BioWare has made and one of the worst RPGs ever made.
It's literally a singleplayer MMO, it has a combat system worse than fucking Skyrim.
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Yo, did anyone get that screencap of the BioWare post about to share something SPECIAL about Sarah Ryder this coming weekend? The tweet was just taken down
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Am I pretty yet ?
the Andromeda shitstorm is almost as fun as TORtanic was, Bioware just doesn't stop delivering.
>dragon age inquisition
>old bioware
you wouldn't happen to be part of the ryder family by any chance?

the citadel council bows to him
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>this is the future that progressives want

hand me the cyanide
That's an epic as fuck meme, but Inquisition was made by BioWare Edmonton, the same BioWare Edmonton that's finishing some sci-fi game set to launch next year.
Were you being ironic? I have autism
Truely dark times we live in
so how many people that worked on mass effect 1 also worked on inquisition in your opinion?

just because it's the same "studio" doesn't mean it's the same team.
Did someone say peanut butter?
haha we were only pretending to be retarded and waste tens of millions of dollars on an actual game release
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I'm sure some of them left after BioWare got bought by EA, but the BioWare that made Inquisition is the same one that made ME2 and 3, and DA:I was pure shit.
why is this scene bad? (besides her face)
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You guys might like this: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=03100613848941579483
>Password: LEGOs
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Wait, hold the fucking phone...

Are those two sex scenes the only sex scenes in the game? Because if that's the case... then this shit has no redeemable qualities.
im allergic to peanut butter but i'd still rub myself against her.

if ryder doesn't get an anaphylactic shock from fucking a turian, i should be ok, right?
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Nice shopped to death pic.
wait up guys, i'm downloading it.
i ain't scared of viruses or dolphin porn.
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I already did.
It's an autistic girl humping a pillow.

This better not be virus dolphin porn, I'm downloading it too
How could they fuck up on the animations that bad
>Number of downloads: 4
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I-Is it worth it ?
What time does it release???
Is Sara's face photoshopped on her?
9pm in caliburger time
Has a cute butt.

Use this guide.

Connect to a Korean IP and restart Origin.
Don't worry, they don't ban for this, the tech support explicitely said so.
Any Vetra 34 yet?

please someone edit a "REEEE" in there
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i enjoyed it
Fukin saved m8
put on your headphones my man
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Oh lord jesus
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bioware will never allow it
>you can fuck the turian
>romance options are shit

Vetra is literally the only redeeming part of this game, and she doesn't even get a sex scene
Patch that in and I'll buy this shit game when it goes on sale
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pls son



Aw shit. That's just crazy carrie. You can find all her videos on MommyLess.
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>he unironically thinks this looks good
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You were right guys

Welp, time to fap
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muh penis.jpg
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happy anime girl.jpg
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>tfw you called Andromeda being shit when it was announced 2 years ago

When you hypebeasts fucking learn?
Fucking saved lmao
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foto_no_exif (4).png
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you're saying they did a good job ?

they uglied her
What the fuck?
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Why can't girls in vidya ever be as cute as that one?
>21 mb
>What the fuck?
what did he mean by this?
are you surprised is that small?
it's a 2 minutes video.
or did you expect a 8 gb bluray rip?
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No bully pls.
>Why is this scene bad? (besides the bad thing)
You just went full retard.
She looks comfy actually
Why are her feet so red?
lack of interest
I actually thought they were images. I haven't downloaded it yet.
Cyberpunk and star citizen are almost here.
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a typical Fanfiction.net author, probably imagining how Harry Potter would get Thomas the tank engine Mpreg without hurting the feelings of optimus prime or bowser.
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>''Uhh... Scott, why, why am I heavier? What happened in the cryothing?''
did you not notice her slowly take away some guy's gun without him even trying to stop herit's like it was meant to look like she snatched it but the animator is retarded
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>thread grinds to a halt as all posters fap to an autistic girl attempting to hump a pillow

dammit /v/
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I'm done myself, tbqh.
Should suffice until Sara SFM porn starts coming.
fix eyebrows and jaw and yes
>Colonel! We've managed to avoid drowning
>autistic girl with giant tits
Would have made the game 10/10 imo
I still think it's shit but these threads have actually managed to make a cute character out of it.
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This is why I'll never leave this place.
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Incest could save the game too, tbqh.
>fanfic of how Harry Potter would get Thomas the tank engine Mpreg without hurting the feelings of optimus prime or bowser
to be honest, I'd read it.
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>Sociopath Scott taking advantage of his busty but retarded sister
>the BioWare that made ME1-3 and Baldur's Gate.
Just because its the same name doesn't mean its the same people.
Almost none of the people that were at Bioware during the Baldurs Gate era were still there after DA:O and ME, they all quit because they hated working for EA
>implying these threads arenn't made by EA in an attempt to save the game
Making her autistic will save them for the backslap of such a shitty animation job AND will pander to SJW.
it's genius.
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aku bleh.png
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>that fucking raptor walk
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actual good ms4 character.jpg
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It probably exists.
It's what happen when autistic girls end up on the internet.

O-optimus no...
Ayy lmao
made succable 4 u
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I want to protect her autistic smile from the meanies on the Internet. Shame she's in such a shit game.
>the gun

top kek
>Why can't girls in vidya ever be as cute as that one?
Because its not a girl
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SFM will save her.
I hope that they play up her retarded side
I know this is bait. But it's a quote from The Room
She's autistic, not retarded. Be respectful and kind.
>tfw Sara is technically giving /v/ a mental AR/ageplay fetish as well.
Fuck whoever drew this.
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>''Bro is gone doing planet stuff, can you be my bed buddy tonight, Anon?''
>"Bro is gone doing planet stuff, can you be my lego partner tonight, Anon?"
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You are not about to let her sleep alone now, are you?
That creepy itchy feeling you get when you stare at something squarely at the bottom of the uncanny valley.
She never sleeps alone.
She has Mr. Tenty, her stuffed hanar
I want to play Legos with Sara and build a space ship with her

I'd make like a stand for her ship so she can display it too, we'll call it "Sara's Spaceship"
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Do not take advantage of autistic people pls.
im more turned on now that i think she's got the downs
If anybody paid money for this shit, YOU are part of the problem.
>Scott always used to break my spaceships and call me stupid. Y-you're not like Scott. I mean, more than just not being my brother, ha ha.
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And there it is.
I have a new waifu.

Well I have a new fetish
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Embrace it.
Looks like Joosten here
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this crop >>371212013 is bigger than this whole image >>371207552
anyone got the full size version of the full pic?
This is the source.
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>tfw every time I see her dumb face I remember the faggot who created her calls himself "CurryThunder"
Its all fun and giggles until bioware goes along with the muh autismo angle and people give it a pass.
>that make her more autistic next game
This is good
PooInLoo was only the gameplay designer. Also, he got sacked because people were inundating EA with complaints that a company under their jurisdiction was so openly racist. At least that's what I think
My last number will determine her next game autism level. 0 being low, 9 being /v/.
It also literally forces the player to complete it's shitty pointless sidequests in order to complete the main quest
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Still, "currythunder"
Oh my fucking God those facial animations aren't even "uncanny valley"

They're "unpaid intern"
>he got sacked

No, they just didn't renew his contract. Bioware would never fire a PoC standing up to white supremacy.
Oh yeah, no, he's cringe as shit, just wanted to no spread misinformation is all. Fuck that guy in particular.

He didn't discuss it and there's been no comment on his "leaving" so I think he's got to keep his mouth shut or he won't get that sweet sweet severance.
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She does sometimes.
See, right there, having a bit of reflection in her eyes makes her look less like a lifeless corpse. It's still no great, but whatever, she's autistic and this thread is making me feel things I didn't want to feel
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Why not, Anon?
Happily part of the problem. I won't rest until video games are dead forever.
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Her smile > your needs.
Remember that.
Slow down there bro, buy her a Lego set to start and then see where it goes from there.
So is the character actually autistic, or is it a joke that her face model looks so uncanny and unnerving.
She kinda acts autistic.
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Nope, only protecting.
Too bad though, she has a cute, bouncy butt.
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I think that's just a case of some pretty shit voice acting, but I see how people are picking up on the autism.
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>"No I mean, I think you're cute and I like seeing you up here. Also, the accent, the accent is...it's not the only thing but uh... Okay I should just go over there to the piloting thing..."
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>Enter thread to join in on the Andromeda shitfest
>Leave, wanting to fuck and protect the autistic girl

Fuck you, /v/
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>''Hey Sara, don't know what that was about, but we heard your brother moan your name in the bathroom.''
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>"Oh, thats um.. I think my brother is a little weird, ha ha!"
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>10 minutes into Lego and chill and she gives you this look
>making eye contact, ever

Not how this works
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This look then.
What do you think Sara's favorite lego sets are?
Rock Raiders or Super Miners?
thats better
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Bionicle, of course.
*autistic screeching*
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>rock raiders
Shit was tight, yo.
She looks immature. Like, not more than 14 years old.


0.01$ has been deposited into your bioware shill account

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>cant handle SJW ridden unbearable college campus
>phew new ME release, finally can tune out and enjoy relaxing vitural world
>SJW glares at you from the within the screen
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Well, she's 22.
She likes regular Legos more than Lego Technic like Bionicle. The mini figures are cute and the sets are easier to build with.
I feel like gettin' ugly

Image how hilarious it would be seeing her get fucked by the krogan while she is sperging out
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She's pure, not for sexual.
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Just embrace it, Anon.
There is only Sara now.
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that's pretty common on very pale women

T. Footfag
>tfw someone makes a mod where sarah is naked and covered in peanut butter
ill cover her in my nut butter
autistic girls got to get laid too

He looks like a manlet because they used the same fucking rig on a male and female asset.... jesus.
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So are you guys going to play as her?
Or as Scott and protect her autism?
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He's taller, actually.

I'm going to pirate it, leave PB in the cold, fuck Vetra, and protect Sara's autistic self
>"Dennis and Dee Kill Millions"
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Someone will have to explain her what sex is.
"She really puts the 'nut' in peanut butter"
"She really puts the 'butt' in peanut butter"
It triggers my protective instincts.
holy shit
not gna read that wall of text buddy
I'm actually real proud of /v/ for how tolerant you all turned out to be. Initially, before it was known that she had autism, everyone shat all over her and insults rained down like autistic fits on a carpet.

Once her condition came to light, people started describing her as cute and misunderstood instead. It's very reassuring.
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Well, she's cute.
It's established, we all want to protect someone weaker than us but also use our dicks on her
She's having another fit. Wrestle her to the ground and apply pressure, and she'll calm down.
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Or just nibble her a bit behind her ear.
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This gives me a boner
I want to change Sara's diaper.
autistic people literally cannot consent to sex, so if she has any romance options it will be statutory rape. What a delightful shitshow.
Report to the ship as soon as possible. We'll bang, okay?
>awkward mannerisms are the only sign of autism.
Bad news for /v/ then, huh?
>mfw /v/ has posted this retarded face so much that they've become sexually imprinted on it and started liking it.
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There's also no aparent fear of danger, like in OP's pic, smiling and giggling for no reason, something that she does all the time, avoiding eye contact and difficulty when speaking.
she's done more for the cause of female autism than symmetra ever could

i honestly can say i've never seen an autistic girl irl
inb4 they're all autistic

reddit is going to love this game
Because Symmetra is just one random character that got the autism label slapped onto her for no reason at all.

Autistic Sara is an improvement
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>that one time everybody actually downloaded and played a video game because someone said it was dolphin porn
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I haven't been here in a few days. Is this game going to suck?
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Probably, but it could be worth a pirate, or the GOTY edition for $10.
Is it going to be a sjw shit-show? Because if so I think I'll avoid it all together.
Not much considering there's just not too much story.
You get to a new galaxy, there's bad aliens, you find some good ones, you help defeat those bad aliens.
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>this thread
Nah. ME was the series they kept relatively free of that bullshit. This one is just bland and forgettable.
You know your dick also wants to protect her and fuck the tism out of her
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No, keep her pure, she's better like this.
That's cute.
>textures pop in so hard they make cahracters lose balance
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I made some OC. Dunno where to post it.
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These keep getting better.
Post those in the Mass Effect general if you make more.
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take 2 every 6 hours.jpg
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nothing, like always
I'm pretty sure that's not true. It's a spectrum, guy.
>tfw you're a girl and you cackle maniacally for no reason whatsoever sometimes
Oh no. I Am Sara
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Who exactly is the lead animator?
>haha Bioware are trolling us all
>the real game will be so much better than the early access
Why are Biodrones so in denial? It's as bad as that faggot who believes Death Stranding is an MGS game.
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Real talk, I expected Bioware to actually try for Mass Effect 4 since the last game was so shit. Like you'd assume they'd really give it their all to make a good game since they were rebooting their biggest franchise.

What the fuck happened? Is Bioware literally incapable of making a good game now for real?
Edmonton was busy working on another project. ME:A was nothing more than a side project mostly worked on by Montreal.
one of the best pastas i've ever seen
This makes sense. I was gonna say it's like no one on the original trilogy worked on this new game.
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I don't know what you spergs are going on about, the animation is beautiful.

She actually looks this autist.
looks like the lead animator's prolapsed anus after the job interview
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Only Mac Walters and a couple of creatives, but Mac Walters is the one who wrote starchild.
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That's not fucking real!
from all the clips I've seen it looks like Andromeda has way more romance in it than the previous games. It almost seems like its half dating sim now, and with half of that being cringey LGBT shit
Nothing wrong with lesbians, and fortunately, gay shit is ignored.
[its a conker bad fur day texture lol]
>and with half of that being cringey LGBT shit
Except for the fact that the LGBT community is pissed at this game. The only trans character is literally just someone you talk to, and all they do is say "I'm trans" and "deadname" themselves immediately. Also, gay characters can't platinum/100% the game since they only have 2 romance options, and 100% requires you to do 3.

The animations in this look fucking better
Which character is that?
>when someone takes down your lego tower
That was pretty great though

>"Hi I fled to the opposite end of the galaxy to escape my old name which was STEVEN by the way"


Even trans people are laughing at bad pandering
I want to dress up in a lego costume and cuddle with sara
It's satisfying and hilarious to learn it was only the first sign of a much bigger problem like many of us guessed
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Then she would try to use you as a block into one of her ships. Forcefully.
Holy shit, these are great. I feel like such a cock for being nice.

>I'll pay you a lot for it
>huh, alright
Crack where?
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If ME3 killed the series ME:A is the corpse starting to rot

It's sad, but for me the series might aswell have ended after 1 so it's barely a change

I just enjoy seeing both the press and the fans openly talking shit about Bioware for once
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>"I've got nothing more to say to you!"
>Shepard just shoves him out a window
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>It's a "Sarah keeps cracking up at alien names and causes an intergalactic incident" episode.
>It's a "Sarah turned off the shields because alien pirates said they were allergic to them and she made them pinky-swear to not shoot" episode
>It's a "Scott has to be called in again to get Sarah to stop hyperventilating in the utility closet because everyone makes mistakes" episode.
>It's a "Sarah must get every collectible geode and alien flower in the game even though no one asked her to" episode
>It's a "Sarah's room is packed with 400 collectibles so she starts filling up the crew's quarters" episode
Rock raiders definitely
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I want to take care of autismfu.
I want to cum on her face
>All those fucking great one liners
>it'll go better this time
>"I hope so. I died"

God dammit this is just making me more sad about the current state of the franchise.

I want smartass, professional, military Shepard back. Not these fucking college art majors that make up 80% of Andromeda.
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yeah, le epic as fuck Marvel quips, so badass xdd
This franchise is worthless and it deserves what has happened to it.
Just another example of the embodiment of incompetence that BioWare has been since 1996.
>It's time for your protein snack, sara
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I want to give her dinner and then carry her to bed.

Suprising few autistic porns
Downs syndrome
I'm sick of the fucking memes. What is up with this lego and xanax shit
This Ryder looks like she's clinically autistic.
The other Ryder looks like a psychopath who's half-asleep all the time.
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What does that have to do with xanax and lego
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Legos are asociated with autism.
I want to breed her with autismo babies.

You mean for* autism babies right?
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The reason to live.png
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Why do i need to see these stupid fucking pics every single fucking day?
>tfw Sara is technically giving /v/ a mental AR/ageplay fetish as well.

autismplay is the most patrician fetish
>come on /v/ to talk about vidya
>end up fapping to autistic girls
every god damn day
I want to bite her nipples.
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I don't think it would work without her dumb face and those blue eyes.
Was going to give you a
But I think you know what you're doing.
Meme Effect Andromeda
What the fuck have you written? Do you even speak English? This is the most illegible thing I have ever read.
>It's a "Scott has to be called in again to get Sarah to stop hyperventilating in the utility closet because everyone makes mistakes" episode.
oh my heart
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Makes me wish I had an autistic twin sister.


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What the fuck is that face at the end? LMAO.
I fucking hate it already
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I feel autistic love.
But immediately after huge regret and failure and shame because we allowed this to happen. We allowed this kind of behaviour and attitudes high up in the command chain at Bioware towards employers and the public alike. We allowed those fucking incompetents do as they like because we didn't influence enough the market and the public opinion.
We allowed this to happen, and we did nothing to prevent
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dancing fedora boy levels of cringe

I honestly think those people encouraging the autism kid to do this are assholes. I'm all for sticking your neck out and going for what you want but God damn don't be delusional about it.

On the bright side it was hilarious
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He looks like Robbie Rotten.
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>autism Ryder invokes more "discussion" than if Andromeda was a mediocre game

Is this an advanced shilling technique
How fitting that this game is released on Down Syndrome Awareness Day
Rock Raiders
Shit was cool
im wondering also
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Thread posts: 464
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