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3 DAYS D A Y S Are you ready /v/? Fuck this, can someone data

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Are you ready /v/?

Fuck this, can someone data mine the full game. The fucking pastebin is lacking so much shit I want to know REEEEEE
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How the fuck did Nintendo manage to prevent any major leaks? Some seriously impressive stuff.
Behold, the switch's capture tool.
>compressed to fuck

Hope they give an option to have a bigger file size
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We've done it lads
Well I'm out. This is all what I needed, I'll buy the game even if it turns out to be a piece of shit.
What does this mean?
Probably because everyone signed NDAs not to show anything they weren't supposed to, but you know there's always some doofus looking for attention and they leak everything. Maybe it will still happen before the embargo ends on the 2nd.

I'm reposting some finds from the other thread. Pastebin (spoiler) info, read at your own risk.
Well I won't be able to play it anyway because apparently Nintendo hand makes Switch consoles in their basement.

>Malon (マロン, Maron?) is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series. In a majority of her appearances, she and her father Talon are the owners of Lon Lon Ranch, where they raise cows, Cuccos, and horses. Malon also frequently appears in conjunction with the mare Epona as well as "Epona's Song".
Where do you live? If you are in the US or Japland then prepare to queue

There's barely any WiiU copies out in the wild, everyone that got Zelda is currently making mad clicks from the Switch coverage so they're not going to shit all over that.
Juding from some of the leaked assets and from that list it seems to be the ultimate fanservice Zelda game.
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Pastebin has everything OP. Except character dialogue and proper names. Its code stuff, but everything can fit in it. Its not missing anything - the game itself is just missing what we were all expecting. More enemies, more shiekah magic, more reason to be hype instead of gettin swindled.

BotW is basically the result of what if MGS5 and Dark Souls 2 had a baby.
Fuck, link is down

Whatever, I'm going to summarize



>King is dead
>The four champions (pilots of the mechs) are dead
>Ganon corrupted the guardians and the divine beasts
>divine beasts came about from a prophecy that only they can defeat Ganon or sth
>Zelda apparently fought Ganon alone, her fate is unknown?
>You are zeldas knight, and in protecting her was seriously injured
>you are then placed in the shrine of resurrection, to be woken 100 years later
>cinematography is great, voice acting is eh, King sounds too young. His tone is good though.
>happens very very early in the game
Can this really be considered "spoiler" if it's the cutscene you get before leaving the starting area "Plateu"?
What. The magic runes aren't even in the pastebin. And how do you know what is in the encrypted code. It's not the full leak, as said by an anon yesterday. He proved it by giving the tik, which is for the update only. It only contains stuff that will be updated in the day 1 patch.

Nice shitpost. And there is more Sheikah Magic, as proven by the edge reveal. Each defeated beat gives you an ability (one lets you breeze through the game, apparently)
>Pastebin has everything OP

The guy who gave us the pastebin said the opposite.
Its everything, ans the runes are in the pastebin


thats them.
Yes, some people want to experience it themselves

Damn, maybe you can go check out the nearest toys r us
He was a retard. Hinox are Giants, which are in the code. Dinofols are Lizalfos_senior, in the code. Stalfos are any variety of _bone subtype for certain monsters.

Its all there man. Just gotta know how to look for it.
>its everything

Why do you lie?

>Anonymous !t.3fxzeyWo

Search him up
>Mifa is dead.

Preorder fucking cancelled
Can you repair gear or is constant scavenging a necessity?
Oh, so there are dinoflos. Why did they group it under lizalfos then? That means there actually might be more than we imagined, given the many tags of senior and junior whatever. I expect wolfos to be under wolves as well, there are types A,B and C
Will this game get straight near perfect scores?
You can repair. Multiple flags in the datamine corroborate it. Its a feature in the game.
I think there is a repair bench in the leaks

But I guess scavenging is the main gameplay loop
Cause dinolfos have always just been resinned lizalfos i'd imagine.
They behave pretty differently though
>hookshot is in the game
>multiple flags for diving
>fishing holes confirmed
>multiple dungeons other than the main 5

We don't know what the upgrades do besides decreasing cooldown for bombs. We might get to freeze multiple objects with Stasis, or maybe the final upgrade just has the whole world freeze.

Also, Cryonis, how the heck would this get upgraded? Bigger pillars? A long pillar so you don't have to cast it multiple times?
And it seems that enemy variants even within the same 'group' behave very differently.
Then why are some people complaining about enemy variety. As long as they behave differently it shouldn't be a problem? Unless you are worried about aesthetics or something. Even the Giant has large, medium small iirc

And funny thing is not one of the previews complained about enemy variety.
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Ok, this is the last time I'll take the bait

Here you go. Happy now?

Bruv, read this.


Pastebin obviously not complete/fully decrypted.
Because they like to see the series staples and getting pretty much a majority humanoid enemies feels bad. All these cool abilities, but we don't get things like Dodongos to blow up with our cool magic bombs.

I'm sure the things that are there will be great, but it always sucks to think that the games system held it back from being even better.
How do I get green tunic, dark link skin, and fierce deity tunic?

I've heard they're tied to Amiibos; which ones?
They're not tied to Amiibos, that's just the easy way to get them.
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>30 fps with frequent dips to 15-20
Call me an autist but I've been spoiled by perfect framerate for a while and expected at least stable 30. I can't play with that.

Everything else about the game seems alright, but that kind of makes it unplayable for me to be honest.
Some humanoid enemies behave like animals, right?

For example lizalfos jump around like crazy and charge at you horns lowered. I think Lynels should also be quite different, given that they can breathe fire and are faster than horses.

I think so far for non humanoid we have
>Chu chu

The main funny thing is that there are no spiders. I guess Guardians are their replacement. I would love to see the dragons (?) from TP return, but I guess that is for another day

What? You playing the Wii U version or something bruv. Most impressions say they are infrequent, and almost never happen in combat. Even DF only found 2 dips lasting about 2 seconds each in 40 minutes, and the lowest was to 20fps, and that was the non-retail version
>You playing the Wii U version or something
>implying I'd spend 360 dollars on one game for the Switch version
Also the Switch version still dips semi-frequently unless you play on the small screen.
This. It's not just that we lost enemy's that aren't humanoid, but that most enemies are humanoids that carry weapons for the sake of the lose-a-weapon-gain-a-weapon mechanics with equipment degradation. Like, Re-Deads are humanoids but they aren't in the game cause they don't carry swords and shields. It seems like the non-weapon enemies are in merely for the items they can drop for crafting shit, and they probably couldn't think of unique shit to craft over all the other enemy items for those extra various enemies.

Considering there are about 30 weapons per each weapon type, 40 armor pieces per head/upper/lower, and a gorillion head accessories then i dunno it kinda feels retarded that they couldn't figure more and different item drops for extra enemies if even half of equipment is craftable, so it comes back to the idea that they didn't bring them over simply because the monsters didn't carry weapons.

We lost a lot of traditional classic zelda enemies. But we got Lynels which could be pretty cool - we've never seen one in a 3D zelda.
>tfw I know deep down it won't work on cemu on release
>tfw still hopeful
>tfw I know deep down it'll be a sub-par game
>tfw still hopeful
>tfw no face
I'm guessing they haven't sent game shipments to stores yet? There's always a store that sells a game earlier or some employee gets their hand on a copy and eventually leaks it, so I guess they wanted to avoid that considering how desired this game is. I remember quite a few people got Pokémon X and Y early because some stores broke the street date.
Can you sit in this game like in Bloodborne or in Hyper Light Drifter?
You can sit at camp fires to accelerate time
>want to come to hype threads and just discuss what I want to do gameplay-wise and watch cool webms
>spoilers fucking everywhere
I don't care about people wanting to discuss spoilers, but I feel like we almost need another thread for it. There's gonna be some asshole who's just too lazy to use spoiler tags.
the game is only desired cause Nintendo refused to let on how little content was in the game.

Bill Trennen did an interview with IGN a week or two ago and on the show he was asked "did you feel like you showed too much at E3" and he kinda went a little sad looking and went "ye-" then tried to change the topic.

they showed every single shiekah slate rune magic at E3 - like that was it man, it was those 5. And thanks to the datamine of code flags we can see there isn't a huge variety of monsters and no apparent "traditional items" to speak of, not that anyone shouldn't have missed it by the straight-up lack of any assignable item button on the actual controller.

I'm glad this datamine came out cause I don't plan on getting the game anymore, at least not until it's dirt cheap or second-hand discounted.
They were really going out of their way to hype this up to be some huge zelda game but in reality the only things huge about it are the amount of armor and weapons and the size of hyrule - nothing else really fit the bill.
You're better off just going dark for a few weeks, honestly.
Since there seems to be a lot of confusion: It is *impossible to know* whether "everything" is in there, and that also requires you to have a consistent definition of "everything" etc...

That list was just "the strings in the code binary for the update". Stuff could, or could not be missing from it. No way to know.

Or, for example, here's the complete FST (filesystem) dump for the update: http://pasteguru.com/149654 -- and that's *definitely* not complete, though there's no way to know exactly what's missing.
I have my Switch and BOTW as I mentioned in another thread the other day, someone else I know also got theirs early

So some people definitely have theirs already
I know, but 3 days is just too much time to completely avoid things about this game. I think this is the first time I've been this hyped in at least ten years.

I've already had a few things spoiled for me, but thankfully they seem to be pretty early on. Definitely not endgame twist material.
I can only hope that Nintendo makes up for it with weapons, sidequests and clothes/armor.

The lack of enemy variety and traditional items really has me bummed out to the point where I'm witholding my purchase until a few weeks from now. On the other hand, I'm fine with the amount of Sheikah Slate runes, since they're pretty much the game's equivalent of spells.
you can beat the game in three hours, there is very little content
The WiiU version is in short supply and while it's easy to leak a game early, an entire console is a bit more difficult
This was the only thing that I wanted, now I need this game even more
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First poster in the thread is a shill. Impressive.
Have you actually played it?
Really? I've heard previews saying that they went to the first dungeon after 25 hours
I saw that interview, and he didn't try to change the topic at all. He said "Initially we thought we might have shown too much of the variety and that people would prefer to discover these features on their own, but we decided that we left enough out for it to still be intriguing, especially since the demo was only in such a small portion of the world."

Stop telling lies.
yes, I'm a reviewer
I'm ready for the hype train to crash
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You had one job op
>And thanks to the datamine of code flags we can see there isn't a huge variety of monsters
where is that datamine?
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Crash right into my penis.

I sure am, I'm ready to climb some Ubisoft Towers™ to reveal my map, and play Grass Cutting and Tree Chopping Simulator™ 2017.

Who else Hyped for Zelda: Open World Ubisoft Meme Mechanics and 1,2, Switch where I can
>feel the ice cubes
>1, 2, runway
>Shake the soda

How much were you paid to give it a 9.5-10?

Mad as fuck
I wasn't paid anything. I have to return everything before March 5th
>And thanks to the datamine of code flags we can see there isn't a huge variety of monsters and no apparent "traditional items" to speak of, not that anyone shouldn't have missed it by the straight-up lack of any assignable item button on the actual controller
well, we know the master sword is there, so at least that. You also have the glider, the kokoro leaf, etc. We are missing quite a few, but how can you be sure they are not there? Other items such as power gloves, heavy boots etc, can be there.
you can speedrun the game
You really seem mad for some reason
Do you feel pressured to give it a 9.5-10?

Also, what's the ending and are the dungeons decent? Do shrines get repetitive quickly?
You can do that with any game, numb nuts.

I know you can run straight to the final boss, but your chances of defeating it are slim to none.

Mad hyped to cut grass and enjoy unlimited™ environmental™ interaction™.

I bet you can even cut trees down and push them around! What glorious madman dreamed of this level of pure undiluted gameplay?

>But that's not all
Climb one of the countless Ubisoft™ towers to reveal your map and expose even more activities™!

You'll be bashing literally retarded Bokoblins on your way to the next Ubisoft meme in no time!


You do realize you are likely replying to a fanfic right
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Gameplay kino.

I'm a Sonyfag and I couldn't care less about HZD. I just hope the wiiu version runs well cause I ain't buying no fucking switch.
Those PS2 graphics

My God
Yes, but let me have my fun. You never know.
Really though, who hurt you? This seems just excessive for a normal shitposter
if I ever want a chance at receiving things from Nintendo again, it's best to leave a good review
>ugly graphics, massieve downgrade (ubisoft tier even)
>no plot that deserves to be called plot
>open world meme, collectatlon, ubisoft towers, ...
>confirmed crap AI (zeldai.webm)
>bad frame rate
>not even full HD
>pop-in everywhere
>ugly and bland enemy design
>day 1 DLC
>difficulty mode locked behind said DLC
>amibo bullshit
>need a DOA overpriced and understocked console to play it at a resolution above 720p in the year 2017.
>no reviews before release, the biggest red flag of them all. All good games have early embargo liftings and "leaks".
This game will get paid reviews, game-starved nintentoddlers' praise but will not attract any new Players.
Not worth a (you) DESU
I think he knew in the back of his mind that they blew their load on the shiekah magic when it was all but described as being the virtual replacement for traditional zelda items aside from the Bow and whatever magic fire rod they showed off.

As we know, magic rods are just swords that can be swung but also shoot magic when swung, and a boomerang is just a curved blade that comes back to you when thrown unlike other weapons that fly one direction when thrown.

It's hard to imagine what other "items" they could have fudged into the weapon layout. Clearly there are hammers in the game, but they're in the Lsword weapon-type and begs the question whether theres any further significant differences built into each individual weapon in a weapontype to say one thing is better at doing a certain action than another thing, or if there will be puzzles that require a hammer.

idk. seems like they did show too much. I was expecting more shiekah magic to be in the final game and got a little down when i saw only the 5 we recognized in the code dump. I'm sure combing every inch of Hyrule will be interesting in itself but, like as far as a "Zelda" game goes i don't feel like its hitting the marks that previous games have.
So apparently you can parry with your shield now by doing a shield bash just at the right moment of an attack. That's pretty awesome.

I heard you can only knock back octorok rocks with a parry. They'll be trickier than usual, then.

Really though I'm just overwhelmed with energy and excitement for this year's most cel-shaded grass cutting simulator.

I wonder if you can see the grass you cut from the top of the Ubisoft™ towers; can you draw a gigantic, interactive penis in the fields of Hyrule only to gaze majestically down from your Creative™ Ubisoft™ meme design upon it and revel in the glory?

Wew lad, Sonyponies out in force tonight.

Sounds like someone's butt is battered over the inevitable future of HZD being curbstomped by Zelda.
watch videos for hammer footage
>boomerang is just a curved sword that comes back to you
Wut. I mean if you put it that way, a bow is just something that shoots tiny swords

>Ubisoft towers
They don't reveal points of interest though
hey now. I didn't say anything about being a *>>PAID<<* shill, did I?
This was literally in skyward sword. It probably was in TP too. ever since they got away from directionally angling your shield starting with TP they had to add extra functions to it and ever since TP there's been a shield bash parry thing.

I got news for you, two equally garbage Ubisoft™-meme games don't curbstomp each other.

They're both just garbage.

Not everyone's a sony-pony, you shameless shilling retard.
The Zelda Leak General on /vg/ is on some /b/ shit, they tracked down the facebook of someone who got the game early and are harassing him and his family until he leaks the .tik

I mean like the literal boomerang in the game is a sword - a metal sword, with a sharp blade edge, but its curved in the shape of a boomerang and it has a sword hilt. There are probably multiple curved blades that are also "boomerangs" like that one wacky 3 pronged one from the weapon icon leak.
>open world's are suddenly invented by Ubisoft
>I literally didn't read any previews stating how different BotW's world is different from ubisofts
So report them. What are we gonna do?

I understand what you are saying, but from what Ive gathered it seems that BOTW does more with less. What whas the use of the hammer in OOT? Pretty much all the things you mentioned...

also you use it as a sword. So its a sword, first and foremost, like any other sword, but the thing that makes it special is when you throw it, it comes back to you.
Ah, I see.
Those exist in real life. And boomerangs were hunting weapons used by Australians that more often than not double as melee weapons.

What's your point?
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This game is making autists sperg out
I just want to pirate the game. Where is the leak?

>Day 1 DLC


There is no Day 1 DLC for Zelda.

Unless you count 3 fucking chests, 1 of which contains a Switch brand t-shirt for Link.


Amiibos totally optional and not necessary for the game at all.

>overpriced console

Console is way cheaper than PS4 on release, and is cheaper than PS4Pro.

It's the 2nd cheapest Nintendo console ever after Gamecube.

>DOA, understocked

Console has sold more preorders than PS4.

Understocked means they can't keep up with demand. So which is it - DOA or crazy popular?

>no reviews before release

The review embargo is the day before release. Stop lying you cunt.

>bad frame rate

30fps on a handheld console for a huge open world game.

>open world meme

Yes clearly all games should be corridor shooters. Fuck off.

>sonyggers this fucking desperate

Lmao keep posting pls.
26 bows
41 left-handed swords
33 shields
38 spears
39 right-handed swords
111 pieces of lower armor
107 pieces of upper armor
140 pieces of head armor
Thanks, my man.
>how little content was in the game.

How is that possible when everyone who has played the game for hours and hours says the game is nothing but amazing? Even if they weren't allowed to say anything negative in their previews, they still wouldn't be gushing about the game like they are if it was short on content. The "datamine" is probably a load of bullshit.

Hello, fellow consumer! I am also not a Nintendo™ employee and/or paid contractor product promoter.

I appreciate your thoughtful and informative posting, you sure showed those sonyggers and microshills, right Bro™?

Who else cannot wait to partake in Completely Not Ubisoft™ Towers in three days? I sure enjoy this anonymous image board, friends!

I am glad we are all going to make many purchases of the upcoming GOAT GOTY BLOCKBUSTER OF ALL TIME CENTURIES MILENNIA, Zelda: Breath of the Wild™!!!!

There's also boomerangs if I'm not mistaken.

Also what about double handed swords/axes/hammers?
>Waterfall dungeon

my point is of the few traditional zelda items we've seen in "boomerang", "fire rod", "ice rod", and the new electricity rod, they're just swords first and foremost - all the way down to having a sword hilt. They took traditional items and tried to fit them into their "Sword/LSword/Spear/Bow" labels and animation sets. Someone mentioned the Deku Leaf - and that uses the LSword animation set like longswords and hammers.

Because basically everything is part of the degrading weapons mechanic, there probably wont be "hammer" puzzles, or "boomerang" puzzles, or magic puzzles - it's all just fluff and filler and flavor with the real puzzles behind the 5 sole shiekah magics which i'm not even really sure how "cube bombs" are supposed to be so drastically different compared to round bombs - so possibly just 4 types of puzzles built around bombs/timestop/ice/magnet.

it seems lazy or poorly planned or whatever ultimately materializes itself as less opportunity to do things that zelda games are known for.
Deku leaf has wind mechanics
Paraglider is in
We don't know shit for the boomerang
The hookshot is in
Each divine beast will give you a speical ability after defeat
I don't see why hammers can't smash rocks

It sounds okay

>Anyone who posts facts to counter outright lies is a paid shill

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill

Lmao ok mate.
>left handed swords
>right handed swords
its Sword and Lsword. the L stands for Long (two handed)
Oh, yeah, that dump actually wasn't complete. I posted a fixed full dump in /zlg/: https://www.diffchecker.com/TCxjIUj9

NOTE: That's the FST for the update, not for the full game. It is missing shit. Don't take it to be complete.
Something like
>If you leak this shit your career are over, and don't expect any other company in Japan to hire you. Also you can't get into Sony because contract already prevent you from joining competing company for 10 years.
hookshot is likely not in. unless you got a photo to prove otherwise.
Search the pastebin for hookshot, it's there

Boomerangs are in. They come back but you have to press a button to catch them or else they fall and you have to find and pick it up again.

Don't know how many varieties there is though. You pick them up from Lizalfos.
I'm not ready. I've already seen too much of the game and I'm really scared somebody is gonna start spoiling story shit any time.

You misunderstand, fellow consumer!

There are no 'shills' on this Mongolian basket-weaving discussion forum. We are all just very hyped for the upcoming blockbuster mega-hit legendary title of the millennia, Zelda: Breath of the Wild!

Let us all make many purchases and blatantly disregard any comparisons to massively similar products such as Ubisoft™ and Horizon™, as these are obviously shills and liars, while we are ourselves innocent and innocuous consumers who are eagerly awaiting the next Nintendo™ Masterpiece™.

I can not wait to climb our brand new invention of map-revealing towers; we like to consider these vertical mini-dungeons™; utilizing the brand new Stamina bar™ and climbing mechanics™.

Did i mention you can cut the grass?

And do you see the mountain in the background?
>You can climb that
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>we won't have any more of the same "throw your boomerang around this room to hit crystal switches" puzzles that have appeared a thousand times throughout every 3D Zelda game
Oh no, now how is the game going to be fun?
There's also apparently a device that can float bombs depending on wind direction
It might count as a sword.
I had to go through the document sifting and organizing through all the equipment names to get these numbers, and they're probably not even all accurate. There's a Sword_500, but there's no IsGet for it, which means it might be unobtainable through normal gameplay along with the few other items in the 500 range.

Also trying to spread around the news that there are three more 30th anniversary amiibos confirmed in the pastebin.
>Majora's Mask Link
>Twilight Princess Link
>Skyward Sword Link
And Mifaa = Mifur, Riibaru = Rival, Darukeru's the same, and the Gerudo seems to be Uruboza.
Boomerangs can be used as melee weapons. In fact thats not even the first game to do this.
Oh, thanks. I was guessing left because of those dual scimitar-looking sword icons from a few days ago, so I assumed there were left-handed swords, but longswords make more sense.
the pastebin has a lot of errant shit. There is 1 single flag that mentions Hookshot and thats it. For everything else that we know is in the game seen from footage, there are multiple references - almost a redundant amount.

The pastebin refers to Magnesis as MagnetGlove, Stasis as TimeStop, and Cryonis as IceMaker. The naming convention is all over the place, but there is also the presence of a 6th shiekah magic called RemoteBoomerangBomb but isn't referenced again like the others are.

There seems to be deprecated code flags in there. Like I want to believe there is a hookshot, but from the pattern and naming convention and redundancy of everything else, it seems like there is deprecated code and the hookshot might be part of it, like the RemoteBoomerangBomb
There are tons of puzzle possibles, just scroll through this


There are ancient balls, lifts, balloons, switches, generators, sea saw, cannons etc
They've already shown puzzles which simply have a convenient weapon next to them like the shrine for Stasis
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>PS4 had Knack
>Switch has Breath of the Wild
Has there ever been a console been so BTFO?
Nah, I think it's in. Same with the remote bomb thing. As that anon said above, it's not complete
Fire Beast gives you a cannon.
Maybe they want you to prepare yourself before going into a shrine? You can always leave and come back

story cutscene spoilers
Can someone explain to me how it's 3 days? Doesn't the game come out on the 4th of March?
Which means all the update data is likely incomplete.

What's it like being an autistic, retarded mongoloid? Is it hard going through life?
From browsing the files I can see a water flow puzzle already

There are also dungeon entrance moss and dungeon entrance snow, and dungeon entrance lava
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awwwww shit
What the fuck kind of reply is that? Calm the fuck down piece of shit
What's the fun in spoiling yourself? How can you fully enjoy the game for the first time if you already know everything?
Sure, but still give me the explanation?

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Wow. Do you need a safe space there, pal?
Great. More enemies confirmed
hope you nintendo bros enjoy the game it looks awesome. I won't be able to play it because I don't have a WiiU and I'm not buying a Switch but I'm still happy for you

Game releases on March 03 (lots of places are doing Midnight releases on the 2nd as well).
Gondolas confirmed lmao
oh god the princess sounds awful

Cheers bruz. I hope you enjoy whatever games you are excited for / playing currently.

Can't wait to watch them all choke on Ubisoft's dick while pretending even to themselves that this game is going to be an incredible masterpiece.

Gag on it, Nintendrones. Ubisoft now owns the design reality for even Zelda. What a world we are becoming.

All glory to Ubisoft, i guess. Let's all keep pretending it isn't a steaming pile of shit!
>left handed swords
I wish
No excuse for making Link right handed here, but they went ahead and did it anyway
I'm happy but god fucking damn those laser shooting dicks
boomerang bomb doesn't seem to make any sense like i don't see a situation where a bomb arrow wouldn't do what a "boomerang bomb" would, nor do I understand why the bomb would come back to you.

but less about how I think it would work, more about the pastebin itself -
we know the other 5 are in because there are various strings for them

RemoteBombBoomerang and RemoteBombBoomerang2 are the only references for this specific "remote bomb", but the cube and ball versions have extended strings like "isGet_obj_" with a whole slew of other "isGet_obj_" strings for various key items or materials.

I want a hookshot to be there but i dont think there will be and i wont hold my hopes up until theres a screenshot of it in game.
She sounds really good in Japanese

>caring about Link's handedness

Maybe a boomerang bomb is magical, and can bomb many objects at once?

Yeah, I get your caution though
Beamos Static is literally referencing the guardians that can't move, or Guardian_A_Fixed in the pastebin.

Guardians are literally beamos you nigger.
It's something unique and one of his few defining features

I mean the game already has Guardians which are like a bigger Beamos that can chase you down even when you are on a horse, and shoot you from like 200 meters away.
i dont into zelda games

does she just not age?
You should definitely look into getting one for the holiday season. At the very least watch their E3 direct. Chances are it's gonna be amazing.
Zelda canonically (and unexplained) has the ability to manipulate time. She sends Link back in time at the end of OoT, for example. She had that whole time-stint in Skyward Sword too. shes a godamn time wizard.
>At the very least watch their E3 direct. Chances are it's gonna be amazing.
I think they already blew their load
Except there are literally enemy files in that same dump for stationary guardians

>Enemy_Guardian_A_Fixed_Moss.sbactorpac >Enemy_Guardian_A_Fixed_Sand.sbactorpac >Enemy_Guardian_A_Fixed_Snow.sbactorpack

Regular guardians:


Double nigger
>time manipulation

Automatically shit series.
I'm currently playing Tales of Berseria while I wait for Nier Automata. Berseria is awesome but I'm a little worried about Automata since a lot of people are saying it's mediocre at best. Still getting it though
>Pikmin 4

Sorry what?

Link is the player character, he is a male.

Zelda is an important NPC in most (but not all) of the games. She is a female.

Canonically speaking, Zelda and Link keep getting reincarnated. Also the main villain Ganon keeps getting reborn or reincarnated or whatever.

There's also like a triple timeline split with games taking place in 4 different timelines.

But really the canon is all bullshit and was all made up after the fact when fans began asking for a consistent story instead of random changes from game to game. The early games had no canon.

Welcome to Zelda, where the canon is made up and consistency of lore between games doesn't matter all that much.
It looks good but I'm saving up for a PS4 Pro since I PS2 was my first console and I don't want to buy 2 consoles
| | MiniGame_Bowling.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_Crosscountry.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_GambleTreasureBox.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_HillTower_BirdMan.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_HorsebackArchery.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_HorseRace.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_KitakkareBF.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_ParasailArchery.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_ParasailRide.sbeventpack
| | MiniGame_ShieldSurfing.sbeventpack

Minigames, that's a bunch
Voice acting was a mistake
>showing more about the games we already know are coming
If the Hero's Shade in TP is supposed to OoT Link, then it proves there is no actual reincarnation going on and that every link is his own entirely separate entity with his own life and afterlife.

god i fucking hate everything about twilight princess. this single fucking game, which isn't even very good mind you, implies way too much shit beyond its scope. No reincarnation, ganondorf is saved by the goddesses and favored instead of just being a villain for sake of having a villain, it's just a mess.
>| | MiniGame_ShieldSurfing.sbeventpack

My nigger.

>Also the main villain Ganon keeps getting reborn or reincarnated or whatever.
Pretty sure it's the same Ganon in every game. Link and Zelda age and reincarnate, but Ganondorf doesn't die.
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>tfw there is actually a "BeamosBeam" in the pastebin
That voice acting is horrible. How hard can it be to get an old man to voice an old man?
Most of the Links and Zeldas are different characters.
Link = Spirit of the Hero
Zelda = Spirit of the Goddess Hylia in mortal form
Ganon = Spirit of Demise, the root of evil
They reincarnate whenever Demise reincarnates so as to stop him.

The Link in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask is the same Link
The Link in The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass is the same Link
The Link in A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, and Link's Awakening is the same Link
The Link in A Link Between Worlds and Tri Force Heroes is the same Link
The Link in The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link is the same Link

The Links in Skyward Sword, The Minish Cap, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Twilight Princess, and Spirit Tracks are all different incarnations of Link.

The Ganon(dorf) in Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and A Link to the Past/Oracle of Seasons/Ages/A Link Between Worlds/The Legend of Zelda/The Adventure of Link are all the same Ganon(dorf), but Ocarian of Time splits the timeline three ways.
The Ganon(dorf) in Four Swords Adventures is a reincarnation after Ganon(dorf) is killed in Twilight Princess.
Which one is an assumption? Platinum and retro and Pokemon have all said they will be making games on the switch
Madoka is good you retard
>no word from Hal
>no word from Retro
>no word from Sora
>no word from any of the other many studios they have
Nope, it's far from over.
>/v/ two days ago
>5 threads about BotW
>/v/ today
>1 thread

Nintoddlers btfo
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the hype is real

Wow... that looks pretty bad
What. There has been at least 4 today
I think if they had anything to announce to sell the switch, they would've done so already
If they do announce new games at e3, they probably won't be coming out for another year or two.
>4 falseflag threads two days ago
>no falseflag thread today
Did the falseflaggers commit sudoku?
It's obviously made from a shitty video, not from the actual game.
And leave nothing for E3? Even if they are coming a year later, it still generates hype. See: Everything sony
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You never show your whole hand right away, dude.
No, I think they'll focus on the 3DS. Maybe hint at a successor. But anything regarding the switch will likely just be more details on games we've already seen.
that shadow view distance tho
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My waifu! Say it's true!
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what's up with the purple spot on the bottom right?
>Zelda Just Cause edition

Sure it might have lots of cool physic based mechanics but that doesn't mean anything if the base game isn't good.

Also people screaming about OMG 10/10 REVIEW /v/ btfo!!!! Shut up you only care about reviews when they help your argument
You do when you're trying to hype a new system with a paltry launch lineup.
Wonder if it's only like that on Wii U. That's the one I'm getting.
>focus on 3DS
>thinking there will be a successor when Koizumi said he hopes for 3DS users to move to switch
Why would they ever do that? They're not gonna be selling many more 3DSs, they want to sell Switches, especially to current 3DS owners. And a successor would defeat the whole purpose of the Switch.
Noise gauge for stealth.
So zero gameplay, zero content, just a big empty open world with bland, shallow combat and awful graphics?
>paltry launch lineup
Launch never matters. And the lineup is not paltry to many people who don't own a Wii U, and those who do are hardcore Nintendo fans who would buy the switch anyway
Has it been confirmed that the game is playable in japanese with japanese system language? Don't wanna have to buy a japanese edition of the game.
I want pictures of lynels already.

Get me pictures of lynel, parker.
Pot, meet kettle
They have to make a 3DS successor, the 3DS could barely handle sun/moon and Game Freak/TPC don't want mainline Pokemon on the switch because of it being marketed as a home console, while nips want to develop for low budget handhelds because it's cheaper.
You should look up info on the game instead of just looking at random dicking around webms. There are dungeons, minigames, outdoor puzzles that are still under embargo.

I think you mesed up the thread, look in the catalogue for the horizon thread
inb4 they look retarded like every other monster.

they're probably gonna have big goofy goobly eyes and not even have lion heads.
Fast RMX Racing
Human Resource Machine
I Am Setsuna
Just Dance
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Little Inferno
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Skylanders: Imaginators
Super Bomberman R
World of Goo
Has-Been Heroes
How do you make engaging puzzles and dungeons with no items and 3 spells?
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They already did make a 3DS successor.
Nintendo says a lot of things they go back on. They consider the switch to be a console, not a handheld. Their handhelds do far better than their consoles. Also, a lot of developers, such as gamefreak, are unwilling to make games for consoles compared to how cheap and easy it is to create games for handhelds. They're not just going to suddenly pump out a console version of pokemon.
Ready for what? To not buy it? Yes.

There are at least six spells, three things that would be considered items acquired in a dungeon are now standard weapons, and someone datamined a hookshot. If I had to take a guess though the hookshot might be more like a grappling hook this time.
Just switch regions on your account. It's region free

Make them physics based and less linear, and focus on experimentation. And there are items, like boomerangs, Korok leaves and such. Switches and levers can also remain
No they didn't, the 3DS was appealing as an inexpensive platform for lower budget games (all of the RPGs the system has) or games primarily surviving on recycled assets (Monster Hunter), the Switch isn't.
Did you miss the part where they announced how ridiculously cheap the Switch devkits are? Or how they're getting support from every indie ever? Or how every dev ever has stated that programming for the thing is piss easy?
Making games for the Switch is already cheap and easy, dude.
And source?

The FE guys already moved over. Many 3DS games also have models way better than they should.
>There are at least six spells
>Mini-game game
>Wipeout rip-off
>Android Game
>Old game
>just dance
>Wii U Game
>Android game
>Old game
>DLC the game
>More minigames
>Android game
>Indie game

So you have one actual game
Switch Mini.
If you don't go full meme, you have a lot more. But whatever, enjoy your you.
Why is it not? The devkits are cheap as hell, and many 3DS games look passable upscaled, given that they ported a shitty looking version of dragon quest heroes this proves they don't care about graphics. And I don't even know why apparently you can't recycle models on consoles
magic bomb
magic cube bomb

and then the deprecated magic boomerang bomb which by any reason actually probably isn't an acquirable spell.

there are 5
They won't do a Switch mini, but they'll certainly make a handheld only Switch, without the straps, the grip, the dock nor the cables for like 50 bucks less. It's only a matter of time.
I guess he counted the two bombs and bomb boomerang thing. Does fire, ice and thunder rods count? I don't see why they shouldn't

So mad that your bullshit got called.
That's the thing, it matters to people who aren't fans of the company developing that hardware. Nobody buys a system just to have it, they buy it for the games. Announcing a new system with only a handful of games would only hype the diehard fans while falling flat with everyone else.
Think about why they showed off Mario already, even though it's coming out at the very end of the year. They could've easily held that back for E3, but they wanted to build up as much momentum into the launch as possible.
draugr is all I need to sum this game up
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>They won't do a Switch mini
The Switch has vita ports and the Wii U had 3DS ports, they could continue making MH on the Switch at 1080p/60fps and better environment textures but overall roughly the same level of graphical fidelity and it'd sell just fine.
Aside from the price of the devkit, they said the exact same things for the Wii U iirc
Honestly people going "there's no item variety!" or "there won't be any puzzles using x!" are still stuck on the idea that the game needs to fit into the old conventions. This isn't a case where Special Item is the only thing that can hit X obstacle or flip X switch. You're give an arsenal with a lot of unique uses and applications that can use the game's physics in different ways, and an arsenal that forces you to change things up almost constantly. That's far more interesting than Boomerang Dungeon and Hookshot Dungeon.

You're mistaking the existence of familiar things for worthwhile content. The old fucking Boomerang was never useful outside of situations where were specially designed to use the boomerang. Then you put it away forever.

People also overlook how much shit the old games reused across different enemy types. A Gerudo in OoT is just a Stalfos. A Deku Scrub is just an Octorok as a plant. Guays are keese outside of caves. Gibdos and Redeads are basically the same fucking thing.
Is the enemy variety as bad as it seems?
You clearly don't. The Wii U was using obsolete architecture and it wasn't compatible with any engines at the time.

Sony forgot to pay them today.
Looks like most of the staple minigames are back, that's nice
No the didn't. The Wii U was incredibly difficult to develop for, with a custom build for chips and other hardware, and a system architecture that only Nintendo seemed to fully understands. Indies only has a easy time with it cuz Nintendo made it support stuff like Unity; for everyone else it was very difficult to implement.
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But does that let me play the game with japanese voices and such, by having the account or system or whatever be in japanese?
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So has it ever been stated whether the desyncing issue with switch is a hardware or software issue?

I really don't want to buy some old shitty version of the switch that's basically the "alpha" prototype product
>It was at that moment, Boko knew - he fucked up
Yes. The text will also be in Japanese, though.
you're mistaking zelda games for who knows what.

when you got an item, you used in the dungeon, but then you also used it in the overworld to get to new places to get access to other stuff.

And you really are being some type of fucking nintendroneforce nigger to defend the lack of enemy types and I don't think you deserve a kind response for that particular facetious paragraph.
They haven't said anything yet, AFAIK. There's a day one patch for the system, and none of the units they had on display anywhere had that problem, so it's likely a problem with the OS or the firmware on the retail version.
>The WiiU version is in short supply
fuck, I never thought I'd say this about a WiiU game but I'm afraid it will sell out if it don't get it as soon as possible.
I was planning on getting it the week after because I've got important shit I can't afford to slack on next week but it looks like I'll just have to buy it release day and lock it away until the week is over.

Nintendo hasn't said anything. However, this isn't something like the the RROD wher eMicrosoft got greedy with the manufacturing which caused problems months/years down the line. The bluetooth issue is immediately visible, which means Nintendo 100% caught it in their stress tests.

Either they got greedy with the battery, or there's a glitch that's causing it to stay in low-power mode even after disconnecting from the tablet. In any case, a quick firmware update will fix it.

The Switch already is mini. Have you seen the size of it?

They will probably do a handheld-only version minus the dock though.
why doesn't he have the hat
Cheaper and easier to develop for handhelds than consoles. Why put in the time, effort, and resources when you can churn out simpler games that print money?


Not an outright refusal, but there is a wait and see approach.
If Nintendo does continue their handheld line, which I'm sure they will, that's where pokemon will be. If they were to make a console version of pokemon, that'll be the standard moving forward and what fans will come to expect. I think they fear that endeavor would endanger all that money they roll around in churning out the handheld games.
Because the hat is dumb. You can get it later on anyway.
Who says you have to waste money like that? Look at Octopath Traveller. People are excited for that and it's basically an indie game.
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It's weird that they haven't said anything about it yet because i assume there's quite a few people like me who are hesitating to buy because of this.
Why do you faggots want to be spoiled so desperately? It's like reading an walkthrough before your first run.

Nothing I said about enemies is incorrect though.

You'd use items in the overworld maybe but they weren't what I'd call intuitive. It was basically "obstacle can only be overcome with X". It's not about the challenge then, it's about find the one "key item" that's arbitrarily gatekeeping you.

In BOTW you can solve puzzles with creativity which is more rewarding. Do you use the sail cloth to glide across a chasm and then climb? Do you make a tree bridge? Do you find a nearby river and use Cryonis to make stepping stones? Or maybe you can rig a see saw to catapult you up over it.

That's a hell of a lot more rewarding than "use the key item here cuz nothing else will work."
>handheld line is totes coming,trust me!
Okay anon

We still don't know about the fully enemy variety, as all the lists we have are incomplete
Switch Minier.
Maybe they're trying to sweep it under the rug. Launch day is pretty damn close anyway, so if the update fixes it, they don't even have any reason to acknowledge there was ever any problem at all.
there are 4 weapon types in BotW shitter, and /most/ enemies carry one of them as armed mooks.

it's literally Dark Souls 2 creatively bankrupt enemy design.

maybe if Nintendo employees actually played non-nintendo games they'd be able to keep up with fads if not see which ideas don't work.
So for people who have read the pastebins and such, how big is the enemy variety? I think if there was only Goblins and Skeletons in the overworld besides world bosses that would completely kill the game for me.
There's 3-4 enemy types besides bosses, that's it.
You can easily find a slew of these types of articles if you look for them. They hated the wii, loved the wii u. It doesn't matter in the end if the system doesn't sell.
>tfw when talking to gf on phone
>i get my switch earlier because AU day ahead
>she is willing to let me take nudes with the switch on her body
>huge tiddies, JOY-cons covering those small nips
>getting head on my couch while i play switch
i will be posting them here most likely on the weekend

>but anon, why didn't you get a ps4 we're so much better blah blah blah
because i'm not 15 years old, i don't stick to the console my parents buy for me with GBPs, I want to spend it on something fun, and I can fuck my girl, take a shit, lay in bed, or take a car ride playing a AAA title where I want.
>my phone has more resolution kek Nintendo shill
well enjoy your 4k angry birds in a 4 inch screen
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fucking dropped
Fuck off fanboy, stop cluttering the board with these cancerous marketing threads.
>compared to the Wii
Well, that's the thing. Nowadays they're comparing it with everything else.
sword, axe, hammer, spear, bow, boomerang
In fact, I can't actually think of any games at the moment with more weapon variety. I'm sure they exist though.

Nintendo co-owns Pokemon with Gamefreak. So all Pokemon games have to be on Nintendo hardware (or phones with Nintendo's approval).

The last Pokemon games struggled to run on the 3DS, which is now outdated 6 years old.

If Nintendo doesn't release a new dedicated handheld (let's be real, the Switch is just a powerful handheld with HDMI-out) then it basically forces GameFreak to develop main series Pokemon games for Switch.
The patch file dump is incomplete fyi
You got trolled, son.

Those are all indie devs. I explained why that was met with better acceptance by devs. It's bigger titles and more ambitious games that made development or ports more difficult
yes but beamos can only be stop with bombs. and their laser is a 24/7 hunt you down. not shot on intervals.
Nintendo just needs to approve of the game being made because Nintendo is a major share holde of the IP since they also own the Pokemon company. Nintendo as a company owns 1/3rd of it, Gamefreak owns 1/3rd of it and Pokemon company owns 1/3rd of it. However Nintendo basically owns the Pokemon Company. They created it to handle the IP so they indirectly own 2/3rd of the IP.

Nothing gets done without Nintendo's approval.

Don't worry, he's lying. We've literally seen more than that just in preview videos.

Just off the top of my head:

Bokoblins. Moblins. Stalfos. Lizalfos. Chu chus. Guardians. Keese.
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>you were alive when being excited has become an act of shilling
Someone fucking tell me:

Is fishing 100% confirmed? I know there are fish to collect, but can I chill out with a rod by the river and fish all day for max comfy?
the most overhyped 6/10 in gaming history
You got trolled, idiot
And you forgot the bows, with all their different arrows, the rods and the bombs.
>pretending to be retarded
And you think there will be any new enemies outside of the previews?
The previews are what sells the game, anything past that point is going to be half assed as hell.
goblins, lizalfos, giants, rock golems, keese, assassins, chuchus, guardians, miniguardians, wizzrobes, dragons, sandworm, and then like 30 background animals that aren't really enemies but you can kill them i guess.

all of these have reskin variations with mayber stronger attacks/better weapons/different abilities, but there is an overall pretty small amount of separate types of enemies that doesn't really compare to previous zelda games.

like, for the "biggest zelda we've ever made" you'd think it'd have as many canonically sensible enemies as possible from virtually ever zelda game in history, but really its only got like 10 old ones and a couple new ones.
You can also use sticks and stones, and literally bones.
True that. And even motherfucking tree leaves too.
Fishing holes confirmed
They've said they're acknowledging the reported issues and are investigating.


>>We reached out to comment to a Nintendo rep, who said they are looking into the issue.
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>people not realizing the difference between a Guardian and a Beamos

Shitposter-kun s are on maximun damage control
hammers, claymore, club, axe use the Lsword animation set

swords, sythe, boomerangs, magic rods use the Sword animation set

spear and various sticks use the spear animation set

and then there are bows

there are only 4 weapon types mang.
>believing PR speak
With bigger studios it won't matter how easy it is to develop for if the sales aren't there. A year is a long investment to make if the returns aren't guaranteed.
oh and Lynels. Lynels have never been in a 3D zelda game so that might be cool.
Not gonna get it but atleast it's better than Horizon.

Might pirate it if the Wii U version is good.
Who /cancelledpreorder/ here?
Thanks for saving me a bunch of money
You missed some


Apparently there are wolfos and dinolfos, but they are under variants, so who knows what else might be under variants

As I pointed out earlier older Zelda games would take general types of enemies and recycle their patterns and attacks to similar creatures. Look at an Octorok and a Deku Scrub - they're basically the same thing.

The 2D games are absolutely rife with this. How many humanoid soldier enemies are in Link to the Past? It's ridiculous

You think there won't?

Everything we know indicates this game is quality. Even the shittest Zelda games had lots of enemies and were decent games. This game looks great.

Fuck the marketing for the game claims enemy variety as a selling point.

Oh here's some more I forgot that we've seen: Swiss Army Knife Guardian, Mini-Guardian, Evil Sheika guy with giant Sword, Steppe Talus, Giant cyclops bokoblin.

Not to mention all the animals in the open world that you can hunt, ride etc.
Literally what. Their animations are different. Hammers have a sense of weight to their blows, as do claymores.

I feel like I'm getting trolled
>believing in marketing material
good goy

Oh and Octoroks.
That is wrong. The official translation says less than a year, and there are no specifics on manpower and time per day
And you can mount them apparently
Weapon speeds differ between the type so they're not just different models doing the same job. Also axes can also chop wood and boomerangs return when thrown.

Never said I believed they were going to do anything about it, just that they're not compltely ignoring the issue. It's been acknowledged.
wolves bears and hawks aren't enemies, they're animals.

I'll be fucked the day that the Zelda franchise has to consider normal-ass-fucking-wildlife as "enemies". This series has always been about mean or scary creatures as enemies, not a literal goat eating some grass minding his own business.
nigger the standards of a game that came out in 1994 are not fucking okay in a game for 2017.

>it's like AlttP
is not an argument.

That doesn't mean they have the same properties. Hammers will not only shake the ground when you do a drop attack from above, they'll stun enemies. A sword drop will just do damage. A club and a stick can both catch fire. Fire property weapons can light grass on fire and create an updraft.

They have broadly similar concepts and share animations but how they play gives way to diverse options.
Fair enough, I can't comment on the validity of that.
>reviews come out ONE DAY before release

always a bad sign

its NMS all over again

>Believing things with no evidence

Stupid girl.
>not an enemy in TP
>they're not two legged also it doesn't count

They also said bears attack you btw. Hawks also attacked you in TP
you're not getting trolled. There are 4 animation sets and the various weapons are under them.


thats it.

Hammers have the same animation set as axes, is the same animation set as longswords.
I'm hoping a bear or wolf could be formidable enemies regardless and not just something Link slaughters to cook
What. That's quite some stretching here
blame Horizon and that the game is huge
NMS looked like shit for a long time though. Everyone was saying "wide as an ocean with the depth of a puddle" all the way until release. The same was said about Zelda at first until it was revealed there are actual dungens, puzzles, towns, minigames, etc. No redeeming factors showed up as the release of NMS approached and feature guaranteed by that shitty developer were not in the game at all, while more features than Nintendo has ever mentioned keep showing up for Zelda.
That's wrong, you fucking retard. The animation on hitting the enemy is different. Even if you use that retarded metric you still have boomerangs and bows.
boomerangs are swords.

they're literally a metal blade sword that uses the normal sword animation set for attacks, but the blade is curved, and when you throw it it comes back instead of continuing to travel in the thrown direction like every other thrown weapon.

and Bows are a weapon type i dunno can you just not read or something?

That's not what I'm saying. You're the one who basing them on a standard that "the old games had variety", when... there really isn't. Tell me, what the hell is a difference between a keese and a guay that isn't purely visual?

BOTW focuses on quality over quantity. Bokoblins have diverse behavior that can vary both on location, time of day, the weapons they're carrying, and environment. They're more alive and individualized, and you won't encounter them fighting you the same way each time. Keese can attack as individuals or in swarms. That's a fundamentally better approach than cramming in a bunch of enemies for the sake of having them.
Not them, but boomerangs are literally swords that simply fly back to you once thrown
what about bombs? Bombs are your shiekah slate magic. Or bomb arrows for your bow - thats it. there aren't other bombs.
The boomerang's ability to come back is the main fucking point of it, it instantly puts it in a different weapon type.
The current pokemon models are already HD, the only thing that is keeping gamefreak from doing a mainline pokemon game is simply the tradition of pokemon games, the tradition being that you need to be able to physically trade your pokemons with other people. GF already stated in an interview they are waiting to see how the switch handles portability and if its decent enough to fit into their physical trading tradition.
>curves back
It spins too

How is it not a different animation?

Also read again, I said bombs. Scythe and sword also have different lengths and reaches, as do claymore and hammer
They're talking about animation sets bro. You could also bring up rods and it still wouldn't invalidate what they're saying.
Yep? Are bombs not a weapon type now?

the animation isn't the bee all end all of weapon diversity you idjut. That hammer has different properties from a zweihander. It hits harder but also slower. The drop attack has a stun. This stuff is important and you're ignoring it.
Positive reviews are the number 1 indicator that a game is shit.
Since when does new animation=new class? Rods have the same animation a sword, but it is obviosuly different to those who have eyes. Since when are weapon types classified with animation?
10/10 reviews before the game is out is always an ominous sign
oky man, i'll bite

>Keese, Fire Keese, Ice Keese, Guay,
>Keese, Fire Keese, Ice Keese, Electric keese

coulda just been a guay and felt like a different enemy, no? instead we had to have another keese? k? whatever.

you're just going out of your way to try to defend the lack of variety and, like i said, i think that makes you a nigger an i don't really fuckin care for treating you normally.

you also seem to be more caught up in comparing enemies between both games instead of the enemies that are clearly absent, like Redeads, Like Likes, Peahats, Leevers, Ropes, Wallmasters, Floormasters, and so on and so forth.
if it were important then nintendo would have not been fucking so lazy to stick everything in 4 categories of weapon animations.

no. fuck you.

It's fine with being keese because you have added literally nothing worthwhile by using the bird instead

Remember when Twilight a Princess changed the Gibdos in the Japanese version to ReDeads in the US version? And no one cared? Because the two species are really just the same exact fucking thing.

Economizing all the skins and recolors and focusing on which ones are most iconic is a smart decision.
What? You're not disproving his point at all. Animations are only a minimal part of weapon types, only mattering in light/heavy weapons. Find something else to shit on
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Its almost like another game got a lot of 10/10 reviews recently, even when its not out yet.... Hmmm.

You care more about animations than whether these things have different properties and thus tactics. The rod may use a similar animation to a sword but it plays completely differently. Why can't you get that through your fat head?
Great argument bro, care to elaborate? It's the effect of the weapon caused on enemies that matters

>like likes
>in a game about managing inventory and resources and where you need to hold onto whatever you can find

Yeah there's a reason they're not in here and it's not that they don't care
Hmmm indeed.
BOTW hasn't gotten any real reviews yet, has it?
>mfw Shitposters have started pouring in

You literally do not understand anything you are saying.

you're literally, not figuratively, and not even unironically - no, literally you are saying meaningless shit. You are putting words next to each other and hitting "Post" and thinking you're making any sort of point or argument or sense.

fuck off. You don't know shit.



god. SOME of the most retarded shit I've read in the past couple days - not THE most, but certainly high up there. You're literally making up reasons to be mad and try to start an argument.
>>you are then placed in the shrine of resurrection, to be woken 100 years later
Aw, there goes my "Link is actually a fake clone created by the Sheikah" theory.
EDGE Magazine reviewed it and gave it a 10/10
Would've been nice if they had unique animations.
2. 94 and 100

Also what's the problem with reviews releasing earlier than the game?
Yes, they would have been nice, but in the end, even if their animations are the same, they still behave very differently when you hit an enemy with them, and that is what should differentiate a weapon class
Not saying that has to be the case here, but generally it kind of stinks of them being paid off. To get people to buy the game before they realize it sucks.

Who gave it a 94? How dare they.
I also did a great job avoiding spoilers myself. I watched tons of preview videos but haven't seen a single village or dungeon yet. I hovered over a spoiler which told me something I didn't know, but I stopped reading immediately and don't even know if it can be considered a spoiler.
>a Nintendo game is shit
So you say reviews should only come out after the game releases, what kind of logic is this ?
Remote bomb is probably just a reference to the bomb. Unlike previous Zelda games they can be detonated at will.
>before they realize it sucks.
fuck, I'm always the one guy on /v/ that never get's a copy of a game before it comes out
>paying off
Edge magazine only release cause someone snatched a printed copy
Why does the game look so washed out? The first reveal was so colorful
No content, no story, shit gameplay, empty world, 20 fps
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Capture problems, time of day, etc.
Any new waifus revealed?
>doing frame rate analysis of a fucking stream
Jesus Shitposters are going all out
Negative opinions are the only ones worth listening to.
how can one person be wrong about literally everything they say
>Posting facts and analysis is now "shitposting"
That's all wrong, but nevermind. You're still going to call it shit no matter what anyway
vocal minority of sonyggers are out in full force today
>facts and analysis
I mean yeah, if you're going to call a stream shit then go ahead, but if you are claiming that that is how the game performs it's just idiotic
Dont forget, if someone disagrees with you or says something you don't like, say they are from Reddit or a fanboy for a different company. This will deflect all criticism from yourself, even if their complaints are legitimate.
Who are you talking to
It wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the 10/10 perfect score, perfect game meme. Every game has flaws, a 10/10 should be impossible to get, but high scores are handed out like they're nothing for big releases out of fear anything less would offend their viewers.

Ideally though, they would come out on the same day so you can also hear and see how it looks and plays from people who aren't a part of the industry, instead of those who may be under the thumb of the developer.
Again, not saying that has to be the case here. Just my thoughts on this in general. Nintendo has been above this tactic in the past, so I doubt it's the case here.
>ctrl + f "reddit"
>1 result
>it's from you
>ctrl + f "fanboy"
>2 results
>one is from you and the other is an anon calling out OP for being a nintendo fanboy

congratulations anon, you've managed to make the most contradicting argument in the entire thread
From a hype perspective it makes the most sense and we had a few (you can count them on the finger of one hand) that did basically the same but ended up being great/good games.

I'm not pre-ordering anyways, but I believe Zelda will be a good games, just form the stuff that was already shown.
Depends on the scale the reviewer uses. Edge's ten is just titled revoluntionary, not perfect
For reviewer 10 isn't perfect but excellent.
10/10 can be perfect only if the points that can be given are finite and you can get them all. You can't make a system like that for reviewing basically anything that isn't a test of knowledge.

That's why also 2 completely different games in 2 completely different time frames can share the same score. If reviewed now, many of the old games wouldn't be able to get the score they got before. Because the criteria change with time so you can't have anything "perfect".
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>muh traditions
GameFreak have already ruined the franchise, who the fuck cares about traditions at this point
>horizon zero-
I could care less about Zelda shitposting, but can we stop giving this wop faggot attention?
If that was a real post, the guy is the Editor-in-Chief at Dual Shockers anyway. So, you know, extremely biased.
Someone post the horizon water animation please.
The N64 managed to do it better.
>literally name your site after a fucking sony controller
>expects you to take his opinion on anything gaming related seriously
>BTFO'd so hard that he can only resurt to meme posting

Stay mad my dude.
>Someone insulted my favorite game!
>Better shitpost a different game to lower standards
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Quality Dutch craftsmanship totally not outsourced to China
I have the game pre-ordered and am going to try to snag a Switch Thursday night. Wish me luck.
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>Literally cannot say anything negative about BotW without getting attacked, even though I'm buying it
>Everyone calls me a Sonygger or Redditor just because I'm not willing to say it is perfect
? The guys in the fb post was the one comparing it to HZD in the first place.
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Boy I sure hope the Wii U version runs better than the Switch!
>brings up the comparison between the two games
>gets butthurt when he gets told by by the same comparison

He literally praised Horizon looking better than Zelda and saying it's better because of that. So I think that comparison is pretty fucking on point.
On top of that, he didn't say anything about the gameplay or the world. Nope, just graphics, hadrware, graphics, AI, which he didn't even explain.
What other part of his post could I actually address when he didn't make any other point besides Horizon looking better than Zelda.
Wait, there are no ReDeads? Or is it just misinformation?
>I’m pleased to report that I have spent, to date, over 20 hours (close to 25) with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild—and it truly feels as though I have only barely scratched the surface.

And this guys gave HZD 8.00


Literally a Sony fanboy forum.

Not to mention the post itself mentions a bunch of subjective opinions and then says they are facts. Lmao.
I understand what you're going through, but you can't discuss flaws at these hype levels. It's futile to try. Wait for a bit after release.
>and it truly feels as though I have only barely scratched the surface
He's going to be really disappointed when he learns the rest of the game is just more of the same filler.
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I have seen Minecraft with shaders look better than HZD.

Have you played more than 25 hours of BotW then anon, or are you talking out of your ass?
Have you ever played a single one of these open world AAA shitpiles?
Someone datamined a day 1 update which contains ton of names, thus revealing things that are going to be in the game

But of course the update will only list what's affected by it, so no, we ultimately don't know what's not gonna be in the game
Welcome to every Zelda discussion and the reason why people believe that the "Zelda cycle" exists.

I see several flaws just by looking a the videos, but there is really no point at bringing them up before release unless it's some game breaking shit. /v/ loves to shitpost far too much about everything before release so people get defensive and start dismissing valid criticism before even reading it.
>But of course the update will only list what's affected by it, so no, we ultimately don't know what's not gonna be in the game
Your optimism is legitimately adorable.
Is he wrong?

>all open world games are shit

Lmao riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighto mate.
So what problems do you have. Previews have already erased my fears of an empty world.
No, but all open world games are full of repetition and copy pasted enemies and obstacles to pad out a large world with limited actual content.
You got me excited. You mean 4 days, retard.
Towns and dungeons. I like the openworld aspect, but for me a Zelda game is about towns and dungeons... And I havent seen a single thing about them...
Not all, RDR and TW3 has amazing worlds
What. Check the latest trailer for towns, and the Gameinformer interview for dungeons

My biggest problem is that the attack pattern of the basic enemies looks like a copy out of the fucking Batman games. It looks like they are more or less waiting for their turns to attack.
You get surrounded, but at most you have 1-2 mobs attacking you. I had the same problem with Skyward Sword. I honestly don't remember how it was in TP or WW, kinda forgettable games fro me, but it was clearly not the case in MM and OoT, not in any of the 2D games.

The AI looks to be really detailed in every other aspect. Enemies will try to get the best possible weapons to attack you, use stones, bones and light sticks on fire. But it still looks like they are waiting for their turns to attack.
Nice argument
>You get surrounded, but at most you have 1-2 mobs attacking you.
That's just a matter of fairness, if they didn't do this then a group of enemies could just infinitely stunlock you, or attack you too frequently to have any openings.

There's 100 mini-dungeons and 7 main dungeons.

There's at least 2 major towns we've seen footage of with shops, NPCs etc as you would expect. Probably more as you would expect the Ritos, Gorons and Zoras to have settlements too.
Wow, that actually looks really good ... What about dungeons though?
Okay, thanks for cleaing that up. Pretty hyped now !
I know, but I don't like that. As I said, other Zelda games didn't have this sort of "fairness" to them. If you fuck yourself up and let the enemy get around you, it's your fault.

I genuinely hope the hard mode actually changes that to get the enemies to attack more at the same time or faster.
I heard there was like five total or something.
>and 7 main dungeons

There are 5.
^ Villages that is
That would just mean guaranteed instant death because the game doesn't give you the tools to defend yourself against 5 enemies attacking you from every direction. Older Zeldas didn't have that "fairness" because they had invincibility after hits and Link moved really fast.
Both are wrong, multiple reports in previews about enemies no longer waiting their turn

Wrong. 5 story related main ones, 120 shrines, two mazes, a naked island dungeon and some other ones in the leaks but I'm not sure of
I remember a waterfall one in the filenames
Spin attack is still in the game.
It tires you out so you can't do anything after though. You also need to charge
There Are also 3 castles

Wait for Cemu to support it.
Halberd in
>That would just mean guaranteed instant death
You sound like DSP.
And that's not a bad thing. Don't let yourself get surrounded.
weapon durability should really be displayed in an easier to see format.
3ds successor, double price foa 3ds. yeea, imma pass on that price for a handheld. Hope they make a seperate switch in the future, where I can skip on the homeconsole part of it.

Trying to get to the castle
>double price
Hurr durr what is maths?
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I like that it's a better action RPG than most other action RPGs and it's arguable if it's even an RPG. You don't level up, but there are areas where you're obviously going to need more health and better equipment to venture into instead of shitty level scaling. I hope it doesn't just become a cakewalk like what happens with TW3 though even on death march. Hard as balls at the start, but then you just start one shotting everything. Maybe the fact that Zelda isn't really an RPG and all you're getting is health and weapon upgrades means you aren't going to be one shotting enemies encountered in an area suited to your "level".
>38 weapons
>that all have the same move set

3DS started being successful at 170 dollars.
Switch launches at 300.
It's almost double.

Because of course literally no other game has lots of different swords to find and gear yourself up.
>Not waiting for the New Nintendo Pro coming out next year

Oh yeah. Well in that case gotyay
>not waiting for the Nintendo SwiitchU coming out in 3 years
>buying anything ever when there's something better coming out afterwards
Not really, he slams the hammer down at the end of a combo, he stabs with spear. Longer weapons have more reach, weapons have different, speed, etc. They're not just reskins.
They all have a different one. Animations, the charge up attacks etc.
are there black people in this game?
Also Game PRo gave Zelda BotW 94/!0 the second highest score they ever gave( GTA IV 95/100),
Leak of the review?
>For a new game
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>that dump actually wasn't complete
How much is Nintendoodoo paying you? How does it feel to know you fags are the only ones hyping Golf Course of the Wild?

/v/ highly anticipates your removal from this board.
>dude embargos until release, it must be bad!
DOOM held embargo until release and it was fucking god tier
That's their argument fag.
Pokemon started by the creator desire for bug catching but since he started living at a more urban place he decided to create something to emulate that, one aspect of bug collecting is trading and thats why trading is pokemon schtick.
Ever thought why they always keep shitting two games with some exclusives to each?
The backstory for this game is shaping up to be a real disappointment. Hopefully they don't go the way of SS and there's more offered in the game for all the ancient artifacts other than "we dug them up and Ganon took them over"
>pee pee poo poo!!!
Back to 9gag, small child.
I love this threads, buy would you people please STOP replying to shitposters, it just derrails the thread.

Also, do you guys think the switch will support 5.1 audio?
Play in handheld mode or wait for cemu
Zelda has turned into a spirit, and Link destroying Ganon saves her.

After the final credits sequence, Link in his sadness decides to take the Master Sword to the Temple of Time, instead of returning it to it's rightful place. The game ends as he tries togo back in time. My guess is that that's the preise for the DLC, with him saving the Champions and saving Zelda
You first nintenyearold
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