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Thread replies: 510
Thread images: 153

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>roll for roy boy
fuck this game
You can have all my roys
As long as you give me chrom's daughter
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This bitch useless
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Heroes Roy is cute, CUTE!
>Wants Roy

melee baby spotted, anyone who has actually played his game knows he is probably the shittiest Lord in the franchise.
Post your (5 star) Heroes

>reroll 3-4 times
>get 5 star roy

Ill take it.
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>tfw finally got my two waifus in one roll

It's been a long day of rerolling, lads.

Marth (female)
Lucina (male)
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I really wish I had a healer. Azuras ankles are broken or some shit and she can never be where she needs to.
People add me 9731805084
Fuck you. Sakura is my cute wife.
>tfw all that rolling was the best part of the game
>Roll for Roy
>Get 5 star Chrom instead
Not even mad desu

>wife doesnt even play vidya
>loads up the game
>5 star Ryoma first character

Fuck this shit.
>everyone talk how great takumi is
>he's gotten like 5 single stat level ups

I mean, that bow of his does give him ridiculous power, but mine is so frail.

That fixed stat up thing was also debuked, right?
>Fed 4* Matthew to my 3* just because his stats were shittier

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robot baby.jpg
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Is kagerou any good? I just rolled a 5* on my 4th summon. She gets an anti infantry weapon and has pretty decent attack. Got Lucina and robin and literally 0 greens.
40 gems 5 star marth, lucina, 3 star robin i do good?
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Wanna be friends, anons?

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what do I do with these things? do I buy everything?
No you did bad.
>been rerolling for Hector for the whole day
>give up and settle with 5* Minerva and 5* Tiki since I like them both
>friend starts the game
>first roll is Hector

I just really want him. Is it so hard? Rate up when?
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>tfw entire team is 5
I rolled Hector like 3 times last night while looking for Ryouma for a friend. I think I might have ended with a hector if you havent linked yet.
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Nigga how
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Is that a 5* Peri? She was obnoxious in fates but damn if she isn't a beast here.
Fuck Roy, that cuck wasn't even good in his own game and he was the fucking Lord. Pulled him as a 4 star with my second crack at the Gacha, now he's warming the bench because i have a surplus of Red Sword guys from trying to pull best girl.

Still waiting for her, though. Even if she's 3 stars, I'll grind her to the top. So glad she's back for Fire Emblem Round 3. Here's hoping she's here for FE Warriors, too.
It's not that hard, I rolled for a bit and ended with Tiki and Azura, and then my first roll after earning 20 orbs was Camilla and Peri.
You just gotta be patient with your first roll and lucky with the next
I really wish I pulled Sakura though
or buy orbs.
>5* Nowi
Fuck. That means I have the discount version.
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Yeah I love her Art in this game, she's pretty good but Azura out damages her sometimes just because of the weapon buff. If I roll a good healer she might have to be the he one I cycle out.
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>first roll ever
>5 star marth
>his first two level ups are ALL skills

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Just keep going anon. She's been fairly common for me, so she shouldn't be too hard to grab
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I could use some more friends
>fail 8-3
>have 2 units killed against Intermediate Arena 6 rounds in
I need a healer or tank. 5* Roy and Camilla aren't carrying me as much anymore.

Yeah, it's entirely random level ups and stat totals.
>checks for fire emblem heroes thread and didn't see this one before I made one
Kill me
>First roll
>Lyn, just as I was telling my friend I wanted Lyn
Then 3001 happened.
>Roll for anything but Roy
>Don't get Roy
>Proceed to wreck Roy scrubs in the arena with my superior blue units
Feels good.

I also played Roy's game for the first time yesterday. He really does suck as a unit, fuck.
My Takumi never misses a level that doesn't increase Atk and Spd.
All he needs.
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Rate my team /v/
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>Almost up to the last chapter on normal and almost there on hard.
>Soon I will do lunatic and have no way to get orbs.
Any reason to use Roy over Lynn?
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Be jealous
I wish that wasn't true

Add me silly boys ;)
Got him earlier today, wanted to see how he stacks against her.

She's way better.
>No way
Oh anon, you know what must happen next.
I have a coworker who wants a Roy, but only because he's redhead. He's never even played a Fire Emblem and doesn't care about Smash.
I will move to Canada?
Tell him to get Eliwood instead.
Wait why the fuck is your coworker playing this game?
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>his castle isn't maxed out yet
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Post your 5*'s and compare stats with other anons for e-peen.
>people unironicaly want Roy instead of his based dad

What went so fucking wrong?
You get 2 orbs per day atleast.
>Based Eli "mangled arm" Wood.
>Not Roy "The Slayer of Hectors' Daughter"
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Never gonna roll a 5 star ever again. I know it.
On a side not how the fuck is it nintendo hasnt released Roy's game on vc yet, the stupid fucks.
Pretty sure you can get her as a 4 star too.
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>Been rolling for Hector
>Suddenly get a five star Camilla
On one hand I'm so goddamn tired of rerolling that I'm tempted to settle, but on the other hand I've already wasted this much time rolling for him, I may as well commit.
Just wait for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Elibe
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What a coincidence. Our bow boys are at the same level and everything.
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>Not Takumi

Fuck that man, I've only spent $8 on this and I already feel guilty about it
>Get a great roll last night with tittysister
>Get 3001'd
>Spend six hours off and on rolling today
>See no 5*s at all until I finally get another Camilla
>She's with three 3*s

I gave in and accepted it, I feel bad not holding out for a Lynmilla combo though.
How do you get that page?
Quick question, is there any bonus to adding friends? Like in Pokemon Shuffle you can get a free hearts from friends.
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How do I unlock more levels of the training tower?

I can only reach the fourth stratum right now.
You get 5x feathers per friend, you can use greet once per day. Basically you can get 180 feathers per day.
play the story
Lol no. I wish, but you only get 5 regardless of how many friends you added.
Tier list?

Poll results?

How often does it force close on your device?

my fucking greet button is always unclicklable, am I doing something wrong? my friend list is maxed and I am not getting any feathers
Do it. I got him, and he's carried my team through normal and half of hard so far, just haven't finished the other half due to stamina. He's fucking bonkers.
Orbs for sure once you've rolled the shit you want. They're free, nigga!
>5 feathers per day
>takes like 20000 to upgrade a 4 star to a 5 star
Keep rerolling boys
When. I had one friend yesterday and got 5 feathers, and today I had around thirty and still only got 5 feathers.
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Not fucking fair

but what about the rest of the stuff on the page?
Just gotta win that PvP for 1000 feathers every unknown time requirement :^)
>two waifus
Kill yourself
lucina doesnt wanna appear in my rolls only a bunch of marth and roy ;_;
>Tier list?

>Poll results?
When they finish rigging it.

>How often does it force close on your device?
While playing? Never.
When I have it minimized and browse the internet? Occasionally. Usually only after quite a bit of time.
>Chapter 9-2
>All those fucking knights
>All my units are physical damage dealers
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Should I replace Cordelia with someone or am I all good?
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Should I just keep or reroll forever
Same, but I just pulled a 5*Tiki. Pumping her up some levels and gonna give it another shot.
I ended up just cheating and dropping an orb to rez everyone and get it over with. I would level up a mage so this doesn't become an issue, but I have no good mages.
I'm saving my orbs for Cynthia.
I don't know what having friends does in this game but I'll post my ID anyways 2699685613
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What the fuck I've been playing it for hours.
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somebody that doesnt have a shitty speed
Replace her with what? Just keep her until you get a 5 star blue.
If you only end up with one 5 star hero, you may as well make it one you like. So if you like Marth, sure. If not, continue the ride.
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I've had so many shit level ups with him
Reroll for at least two 5 stars.
Mainly I'd try to get either that or maybe one really good 5 star with some good 4 stars.
Enough to have a flexible team and not need to use the shitty starting units.
According to nip twitters every same character will normalize at lvl 40 with the same stat totals but they will be distributed slightly differently.
So if you're getting shit levels ups now then don't worry cause it's guaranteed to make up the points sooner or later.
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>Rolling with Marth and Abel
>Anna and Sharena aren't pulling their weight
I seriously need an axe user and someone ranged. Should I save orbs for the next event? Already upgraded my castle
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This is all I've got
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I have none. Haven't hit the brick wall yet but I know it's soon.
Holy shit, I didn't even know Merric was a part of the pulls.
I did not spend a single dime on this game, yet i fucking grinded like a motherfucker

In all my hours of rolling I only saw him this one time, he's a bulldozer too.
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heres my second gold
Lissa and Olivia are nice, I agree, but you should reroll since those 5stars are fucking trash.
>mobile trash
so this is the power of /v/... woah..
>playing mobile shit

I have a 4* kagero and she puts in more work than my 5*.
So I just looked up what the gameplay is like.
Is the only draw that it's new and let's you collect old units you liked? It looks too basic.
>got 5 star roy and 4 star selena in 1 summon round

I have a 4* Sheena and despite the lack of movement she is an absolute monster. Good pull.

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been there done that.
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>Roll for Camilla
>Get Lyn
I wonder how a titjob from her would feel.
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No stamina so just waiting for the daily 2 orbs so i can 5 roll.
>No stamina

Did you already spend the 10 free stamina they gave out today?
Reminder that it only takes 4000 days for you to make 20000 feather off of daily greetings.
They made her pretty decently stacked in the art for this game, so pretty good
You silly goose
>Haven't played much because of work
>Have only summoned twice (I got a 5 star Lyn and 5 star Effie out of it though)
>Just want another axe user
>No green orbs either time

I rolled for 5 hours till I got 5 star Lyn
Do I really have to wait 2 days to get these feathers from the Arena? Because it feels like my team is suddenly struggling with everything.
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Who /havent got to play yet because still rerolling/ here?

Feels bad man
Wait, I haven't been following

Is Heroes a proper Fire Emblem or is it yet another shitty korean gachapon mobile game?
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I really need Hector or Nowi to make this team work. Also preferably swap Sakura for Elise or even run no healer.

Catina is relatively tanky, but she really needs a 5* upgrade to get her best skills. Also if the enemy team has Takumi she eats shit super hard.

Catria, fucking auto correct.

You got multiple Lucina? Lucky bastard.
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I got 3 of her, it's dumb. She's a cheap whore, I only got duplicates for 2 other units and they're 3*s.
>The two daily orbs are app-release bonus and not permenant 2-per day
Well fuck me, doesn't look like we'll get any more next month unless they do events that give'em out.
Mobage are always generous at the start, they don't start to dig into you for money until you're invested in your account.

Also, the +2 orbs is every weekend, so you get +4 every week.
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>get so tired of rerolling I settle for 4* Camilla, Chrom, and Jagen
Don't even care if its gonna bite me in the ass I just want to actually play.

Chrom is frightfully strong considering how malnourished he looks
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Is it just me or does it feel like people with these types of mousepads develop/have masochist or dominant fetishes? Resting the wrist on the tits and driving your mouse all over the waifu's face seems like you're trampling all over her 24/7 disregarding her feelings as you continuously do whatever you want on the computer with vigorous mouse movements no matter how painful it may seem to the mouse-fu.
Had fun for about 2 hours,

Made me rethink about FE series, and mobile/console games and all.
Both of the Fates onee-sans suck, they're the worst base 5*s.

They have terrible SPD because of Brave weapons so they always get doubled on defense, only 2 movement and 1 range so they rarely get the first hit, low ATK so even when they get their double it doesn't hit very hard, and their AoE skill takes way too long to charge.

Camilla is slightly less awful than Hinoka in stats and skills, but she's green and the most common color on teams right now is Red. Also everyone who rolled Takumi is using him because he's god tier and he will always 1 shot them.
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I really like Marth lookalike and his cool frosted tips.
He should be in smash bros.
Camilla isn't a base 5*, but yeah they're pretty underwhelming.
It condenses the essence of fire emblem into the tastiest most bite size pieces.
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am I the only one who doesn't really like Heroes? I tried it like everyone else but it just so watered down the gameplay. What really kills me is that you can only take 4 units with you. Rerolled only once and basically had 5 star Camilla and Jacob rekt the entire game for me while Sharena was buffing and Cecilla got a few stranglers.
What I am saying is that I am not sure if I am missing something because I still see people rerolling and such. Did they never really play further in the game?
Who really cares what you get as long as you can upgrade their potential.
You don't play this for the gameplay. This is mostly just being able to see your waifus in FE: Lite. It preys on people who like gambling and nothing of worth is really coming out of it except for 4 new characters basically boiling down to "we're good and you're bad."
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When you don't really think about the weapon triangle and just bring one of everything hoping it works out.
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can i play yet, or do i need to reroll
>just finally got the babe of the plains, Lyn
>now have 5* Camilla, Lucina, and Lyn

Now just please fucking give me Hinoka.



>2 5 stars

1 5 star is enough
lyn pls
Is there anything I should be saving my orbs for, or can I just gacha away?
there will undoubtedly be new characters and focuses coming but who knows when.
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toothy pup.jpg
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>want my boy Chrom
>get robin and tiki instead
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ID 7310514029
add me
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>fire off a round
>5 bronzes including a dupe
I don't know what I was expecting.
I need opinions.
>still havent got to play the game because I'm still rerolling
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Dragon-Lolis everywhere!
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Get a better Takumi
How do you get feathers?
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>he doesn't own at least 2 SS+ units

Might as well re-make the account before it's too late
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>he didn't treat his free Sophia well
I have a Takumi and 4*Camilla on one account and a 5* Ryoma on another. What should I pick?
>already to 4 stars
Literally how?
>lilina in A
I thought she felt good, but maybe that's because I don't have a damn thing for a range attacker other than this shitty ass viroin.
Trading units I don't want for feathers and spamming the training levels for the smaller red badges. The levelling part is really easy.
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>his Lyn doesn't have Galeforce
>his party doesn't have healer
Can I link two different nintendo accounts to two different FEH setups on two individual bluestacks instances on separate machines if both bluestacks are linked to the same google account?

I've never used bluestacks for anything serious before, no idea what's going on now that it requires a google account.
Feather costs less the more you upgrade them, so nice try.
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victims of the 803 scouring.png
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RIP my waifu team. You will be sorely missed.
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Please add me. I need companionship to ease my suffering with these rolls.

thats for merging units
>tfw connection error for the past 48 hours
Her skill is literally a horizontal carpet bomb.
That means you're fucked and need to reinstall.
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I don't know what to do.
who /solodandinstantlyregrettedit/ here?

Merge them, you'll need 10x +1 bonuses to fully max a character. When this game starts getting hard, it'll get fairly ridiculous

Solo'd what?
Should I? Because I figured that they would both just be able to murder another that hit's the other one.

Also, I have a Tamuki and 4* Camilla on another account so I don't know if I should keep this one or use the other.
Copying from /vg/

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Racist Sakura.jpg
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in the gacha. Soloing is only spending five orbs to get one character. don't do this
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Best MAN
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Keep or what?
2 5 stars is quite rare already, although Im not sure if any of those two are top tier.
5 star Roy and Takumi in the same role.
Feeling pretty lucky.
>the dreading feeling of despair that I should have kept rerolling the start for a second 5 star
>too far into the grind at this point to want to bother with doing it all over again

Fug Prime.
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Should I reroll? I really wanted tharja and Camille but heard good things about fae and tiki
Only 1 5 star is worth the work anon, from there it's just RNG. Don't worry the game isn't going anywhere and you don't need to compete.

Just enjoy what it gives you
Tiki is ok, would be the best if it wasn't for everyone running Falchions

Reroll for who you want, the best will be obsolete in a month anyway

I have Tiki and yeah, she's pretty powerful. Keep it
Don't sweat it
I felt the same in FFBE when I only rolled 1 good unit. Good units will come just keep playing.
>Daily Hana
I'm unironically going to use a 2*
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>get two 5*
>one is male corrin
I refuse to take this
>get Lyn from my 4th reroll after getting Henry and Fae
I'm not gonna spend any more orbs. I'm done. I'm just gonna level up my girl and maybe Matthew + Fae.

...until they release Swimsuit Lyn, of course.
It seems to me like the game (in arenas at least) is heavily skewed against flyers and dragons due to how strong all the anti-dragon/anti-air weapons and the characters that have them are.

Hopefully it evens out, but considering I've run into some archers that can do over 40 damage in a turn when buffed by Serena or w/e her name is at like level 20, its somewhat concerning.
What's the difference between the tow Tikis aside from rarity and the obvious body type?
>daily hana
I'm getting both she's cute as fuck
So wait, do I wait for the game to make roll my heroes or do I do it myself?
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You are going to make your Anna a 5 star one day right /v/?
How do I reroll?
How many characters are in this game?
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Post your highest ATK.
No, neither of those are actually that great or 5 star only.
Try to get 2+ with someone like Hector or Tiki
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Is googling really that hard you brainless fucks? Do I have to spoonfeed you? Wipe your ass?

fuck off back to lebbit, learn how to use a search engine or lurk more. Jesus fuck.
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>third day of rerolling
so this is what suffering feels like
Should I do another pull if I have 5* Takuni, 4*Camilla, and 4* Tharja, or just hold by orbs for another deal that comes around?
Is there a solution for 803-3001 yet? It's been two days and my rooted device has never once been able to get past it, no matter how many times I re-installed.
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Delete the deviceaccount:.xlm file
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Just Lucina.
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My only 5 Star currently. She's generally been one of my strongest units and my only green unit aside from Anna.

On that note what the hell is with the unit distribution colors-wise? I've got red characters coming out of my friggin ears but not even a handful of anything else.
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I feel Roy is underwhelming maybe I'm crazy
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Is this good enough to keep going? Did 9 rolls with this account and it seems alright. I wanna save up for FE 8/9 characters so this team is gonna stay for a while.
he is

he hits like a truck and that's it, kinda boring
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i dont like cordelias artwork here
the one out of the original is superior

Yeah there's a few different characters that have absolutely terrible art.

Whoever the fucker is with the really flat cartoony style that looks half finished, anyone by him especially.
add me pls
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Just think. We could have ended up with this art on more characters.

Which characters did the code name s.t.e.a.m artist do in FE:H?
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>Finally got Marth
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jesus thats some shit
Im really tired of rerolling. Just got a 5* Roy and a 4* Chrom. I think that's the best I've got so far... I had another 5* Roy before. I honestly can't remember my very first few rolls.... I feel like I had a 5* or two on the first try.

Anyway, been rolling for Hector so I forgot but I'm starting to regret it because I feel like I might've had some decent tier people that I threw away.

Should I just stop here with my 5* Roy?
Is there a way to check base/max stats of units?
Nah Roy is pretty mediocre where as Hector is a God and pretty rare at that.
My phone isnt rooted. Is there a better fucking way to reroll than downloading 500mb worth of shit every fucking time?

How do I save my XML/save file? Or just take someone elses?
whats wrong with it? its a great non anime style. personally I think its really charming and one of the reasons I want Arthur
Nice meme Hectorfag
I would keep rolling tbqh
I didn't see Hector once in 12 hours though if you see 2 5* take it and run
you can't do anything with XMLs without rooting
Which ends up the better unit- 5 star Lyn or 5 star child Tiki?
what are some other decent english gachas
ok thank you.
It sticks out to much compared to the other characters. It's kind of jarring when Arthur is the ONLY one drawn by that artist.
I'd say Lyn for arena, Tiki for in game

I like to play love live every now and then. but its a super weeb rhythm game
alright I guess Ill keep rolling. thanks!
I have him I fucking love it
Then again I bought Codename Steam
Got Tiki and Cordelia together, so far Tiki is burning everything and Cordelia is destroying everything when there aren't fucking archers
Of course, I need those feathers
No meme, he is legit the best tank currently in the game.
He's the only other SS tier green unit besides Camilla, is absurdly tanky, can counterattack from any range, and can buff his defences even further.
If you get a healer with physic paired with him then he's immortal.
2bh imo Daisuke Izuka's art is much more jarring if only because its completely stiff and unexpressive. Cordelia and Eliwood are also pretty bad. besides I think the same artist did hector too? I know they wouldn't just hire one artist for one character.

Wada's the best. perfect blend of anime, realism, effort, and expressiveness.
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I'm used to rerolling in gacha games but never played one at launch before. And jesus christ this is infuriating

I don't mind pulling shit units, but the small character pool atm means I keep getting the same garbage over and over. If I see another azama I'm gonna kill a puppy
send trashy 3 stars home or arena
Party setup is Takumi,Camilla,Lyn 5*s

add Merrick 5* or Caeda 5* for 4th?
I'm going off this list.


It says that Mendako only did Arthur.
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Eliwood is the only truly bad art I've seen in the game, the rest is at least excusable

they need to replace eliwood because it looks like a middle school student "trying to draw manga style".
>somebody lost to my team in the arena
Are healers worth using?
It's done by the artist of Chrome Shelled Regios.
gwendolyn looks like trash
I tried to google on how to do that, I tried with Root Browser, SD Maid, File Expert, but all of them tell me that the Data folder is empty. Any suggestion?
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>Marth and Camilla 5*
>3* Robin

I'm pretty happy with this
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>Eliwood is the only truly bad art I've seen in the game
Also Selena and Gwendolyn.
Christ that's disgusting
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Almost forgot Florina and her down syndrome.
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How are these guys? Should I just re do everything?
Why is this allowed?
I have a 3 Star Clarine thats pulling weight. Every other heal gives a party-wide speed buff for a turn, her attack debuffs the target's Atk by 6 and she's fast enough to never get doubled by anything should the situation by necessary.

If passive heals are hard to come by then you should probably do it, especially if the other 3 can compensate for a lack of 4th dedicated offense. I have loli Tiki and 4* Fae so those 2 alone are generally enough to beat maps with a RallyAtk user and Clarine in tow
Depends. I've been running Clarine and she's been fairly useful for even just a 3 star. It'll probably be worse the higher I go though.

This one is pretty bad, Selena and Gwen didn't bother me. Those actually came out good imo.

I hate just Eliwood and also Chrom- who approved that?
They're great for training levels.
I'd kill for a lineup like that
i hate u so much
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Got these fagots right here.

I'm really satisfied about Minerva and Tiki. Caeda is kinda squishy at this moment
Why? I really don't mean to seem like an ass showing off something.
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Leveling from 30 to 40 is such a major pain in the ass. Even killing level 38-40 enemies gives me less than 10% of a level at 33.

I don't know how the Japs managed to already have level 40 units yesterday.
I hate anyone who rolls Takumi on principle.
Did you upgrade your castle?
>Have alredy 48 friends
>Still getting 10 other friend requests

Guys... I don't want to be rude, I just can't have more friends.

Also doesn't matter how many friends, you only get a max of 10 feathers (5 for greetings, 5 from friends). fuck.
I'm still rerolling for Tharja since release and i havnt even thought about how its possible to get my 2nd fav, Peri
To carpeted. A 11.5% effective increase (160 to 180) isn't worth 8 orbs.
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>tfw waiting to play
Nintendo fucked up not making level ups a thing on the stamina
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>Not FE11/12 Linde
>Tfw Camilla's new dub voice

Can we just have a re-release of Fates with a new localisation and dub?
>playing the story
>get 803-3001 error

What the fuck when are they gonna fix this shit.
Yes it fucking is. Are you insane? It's far more beneficial to fully upgrade the castle than pull a couple of 3* shitters.

Used Sakura for a bit a looks like is pretty good, she basically gets EXP from nowhere while the exp from the enemies gets divided by 3 instead of 4 heroes.
>Getting 11xp instead of 10xp is worth wasting a potential good character on
Do you work for Nintendo and are trying to get people to run out of free orbs or something
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>hector getting all the kills because he's the only one dealing damage
>just got shiida
>sullys last 4 level ups were SP
>virion still shit
this is getting difficult to play
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Knowing we'll never have 8-4 back makes me so upset my heart hurts.
Which banner should I roll on for better units?
A guaranteed, permanent boon that will pay off more and more over time the longer you play is better than a couple of character pulls.
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this is fine
It's very simple, anon.

>Sell your soul and wallet to Anna and roll some 5* units
While looking for Lucina I rolled Leo.
Should I keep this roll or continue to look for Lucina?
Yeah, I will really miss that 2 star virion pull that I can also get for free on a 12 day rotation.
the chances of getting one 5* is pretty decent, so if you really like Lucina you should reroll (Leo is very strong too tho)

ofc it depends on how tolerant you are to rerolling boredom
>Draw chibi character with long hair
>call it a boy

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I kinda want Arthur SOLELY because he's going all Codename STEAM on us. Never played any of the 3DS FEs but STEAM was my god damn jam.
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>Roll for Lyn
>5 star Roy
>5 star Lillina
>5 star Peri

Worst part is that my Lillina and Peri have had amazing levelups and are probably better than my Marth, who I also go trying to roll for Lyn GODFUCKINGDAMMIT
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>Gosh I sure hope 8-4 don't localize future games in the series
i take it back. i take it all back.
I would sell my sould and wallet to have Annas thighs around my head but not for some shitty mobile game
>reroll 12 times
>get first 5* being a healslut with little combat strength
>settle on her because it's either her or another ten rerolls

>buddy feasts on my salty tears, brings out his old-ass phone
>barely able to play it with massive delays due to underpowered phone
>get only one 4*
>rerolls one more time out of pure boredom before deleting the app and calling it a day
>gets 5* Roy and 5* Lyn in the very first two summons
>shows me his feat with a grin before deleting the app from his phone
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>love Anna
>"boy I hope I get her!"
>game just gives her to you
>2 star
I;m gonna do it, guys...I'm gonna take her all the way to 5 stars
What are the microtransactions like ? I've just started and I'm finishing the download. Hope this game isn't too disgusting because the tutorial hinted that it might be fun.
>lvl 20 missions are at least a 9 stamina
>Is funnier to start again with a new team and play missions with 3-4 stamina again

Fuck I'm gonna do this with my next reroll of characters.
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that sweater.jpg
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>doing 3 story missions when rerolling
you get 17 orbs from the tutorial + gift, which is enough for 4 rolls.
getting this done takes around 1 minute 40 seconds.
currently doing the same

>Anna doesn't mention money for the entirety of the game
feels weird but nice
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>Get 2 5* tikis
Should I just run two of them instead of 1 + Lissa?
If I see another faggot 3 star Eliwood one more time...

Good luck, she's behind +20,000 feathers from 5 stars
Orbs | Price | Orbs/$
3 | $1.99 | 1.5
10 | $5.99 | 1.6667
23 | $12.99 | 1.7692
35 | $19.99 | 1.75
48 | $26.99 | 1.7777
75 | $39.99 | 1.875
140 |$74.99 | 1.8667

As far as I know, this is as many Orbs you can get F2P so far.
15 Orbs @ Start
45 Orbs via Normal Story Maps
45 Orbs via Hard Story Maps
45 Orbs via Lunatic Story Maps
10 Orbs via linking to My Nintendo
= 160 Orbs
+3 Orbs via February 2017 Quests (Hard Difficulty)
+5 Orbs via February 2017 Quests (Lunatic Difficulty)
[2/1 - 2/14] +26 Orbs via 2 Orbs Log In Bonus
[Future] +15 Orbs via New Stories (Normal, Hard, Lunatic; Two a month, one every two weeks.)
It takes 20 Orbs for 4+1 characters, and because of the scarcity, people have been rerolling.
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Don't save your stones
Does the arena score bonus stack if I have multiple of the listed characters? Got a Marth and Roy and Camila
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>Treehouse isn't going to do the DLC because Camilla triggers them and they'd have to rewrite her scenes from the ground up to ruin them like they did with her vanilla game supports
That's a lot, should be enough to get a full 5* team without paying.
You get double points if you have at least 1 character listed.
>That's a lot
>a lot
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>spend 18 orbs to fully upgrade the castle
>or wait 2 more obs and do another roll

Which one?
fully upgrade so you don't have to worry about it in the future
>That's a lot
>should be enough to get a full 5* team without paying
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Who should I swap to fix this group up a bit? Currently Cordelia is worse than Camilla in every way but I feel like the loss of a free brave spear is going to come back on me once I run into serious sword users.

you can grind for exp. You can't grind for orbs
As someone who got exactly the same, I would recommend. They're pretty stronk and if you can double up on their passive heals, when played right, can really carry a team.
>reroll for days
>finally find a double 5* account with characters I like to settle for
>start playing and gather enough crystals to do 2 more 5 rolls
>want to reroll again because I didn't get any any more 5*s

I have a feeling this game isn't going to work too well for someone who has most fun just obtaining new characters.
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i'm relly happy with my guys
add me 6452601190
Plenty of people have been posting their full 5* teams without paying a single cent.
soooo basically the only characters are 1,3, 6,7,Awakening, and Fates? Cause that's all I'm seeing.
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Guys what's better way?

20 orbs = 1 reroll of 5 characters
200 orbs = 10 rerolls of 5 characters = 50 characters

17 orbs = 1 reroll of 4 characters
204 orbs = 12 rerolls of 4 = 48

It's better rerolling more because muh bronze characters, or go with 5 evertime for extra characters? Have a wounded Hana in return
Yes. We're getting new Summoning Focus on 2/15.
You are the dumbest fucker in the thread.
do know someone know if there is a fix for the arena points blocking?
I was thinking it'll stop blocking at 2101 after a day, but wins still don't add the points
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>tfw this is the best session I had so far
I have two 4-star Tharjas. Stats are almost identical

Do I send one home, or do I level them both up and merge them?
yeah, because they've rerolled dozens of times. without rerolling, you'll get a single 5* out of ~100+ orbs or so
>That's a lot
Enjoy your 3* literally who ensemble lead by 4* Virion.
>do all of the missions
>no more orbs

>do training tower over and over
>keep getting EXP

Whatever you say
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I just want Hinata
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Rerolling it's part of the game, so yeah it's enough.
try >>366357995

Will we have to wait 1 fucking year to get that?
is better to level up everyone in balanced way or just let my 5*s (Camilla and Lyn) hog all the exp?
what's so funny? its just scrapped Xmas event since heroes got delayed too hard
Is there any reason to level a unit past 20 before increasing their star level?
All or you get fucked in the special missions.
Big difference between wiping data and wasting more orbs

He's attacking with a christmas tree. That's the funny
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My team.png
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Rate me

Give it all to your 5* until they start getting reduced gains
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She has a line where she mentions making merchandise for The Order of Heroes, but yeah. I'm glad, there's more to her than just the Secret Shop and being a jew.
I actually liked adding Azama to my setup, I I didn't think I'd like having a healer.

so my setup is Takumi/Camilla/Lyn/Azama, are there any other healer units that would be better than Az?


They look like shit but I do like the idea of limited edition unit costumes.
If your team isn't even it will bite you in the ass later
SP carries over and you likely won't have the Hero Feathers to promote now.

Merging isn't worth at all for F2P, especially for 4* units or lower. Keep it or convert one into 300 Hero Feathers.
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Think Heroes will have a valentines event?
I have no idea what your trying to say but I think what you want to be told is that yes, always roll 5 unless are trying for a specific character, but that's a big risk anyway so you should think carefully before doing it and not drop the game because you ended up with 10 sword fighters but no Lyn
Also you are using reroll wrong, it only refers to starting over to do your initial roll
oh the spastic caps lead me to believe he thought it was stupid or something as opposed to legitimately comical
>Io is a tsundere

I mean in the long run. If I recall someone said you can only get few than 130 orbs in total without buying.
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Are archers supposed to be able to tank a million damage? My Setsuna just shrugs off pretty much everything they throw at her.
Do you get enough SP to unlock every skills or not?
Even on pvp?
yes you just have to keep using the unit
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>finally out of reroll hell
for some reason I feel kinda empty on the inside
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Thanks you for carrying my ass Lucina
I have a shitload of 3 star duplicates. Do I keep them or merge them or send them away or what?
SP is not finite
I think it says somewhere you can get it just by killing enemies
This mobile shit is the very definition of trash. This has no strategy, you can't use any fucking unit unless it's a high ranked one as all high ranked ones are correlated directly with their popularity, art is shit, and this whole thing just stinks

Im still surprised people here play this despite being garbage. /feg/ says they only play for waifus and husbandos knowing it's a shit game. What about you /v/?
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should i reroll? she looks smelly
I'm keeping them. There is little benefit to doing the other things, they might have a better use in the future, and apparently growths really are random so you might want to retrain the same character.
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Of course she's smelly she's a filthy gypsy
But you get it when you lvl up, once you reach max level how do you get it?
What's the quickest way to reroll my starting pull?
Deleting the game and doing those first two chapters takes forever.
you should have plenty from killing enemies. its a long ways from 30 to 40 and even then merging increases the cap. or so I've been told anyways
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>level up a 3* axe dude five times
>zero stat gains every time
>tfw 0 stamina but you still wanna play
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>what now?
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You think that's bad? Check out my Saizo and his level 3 stats.
>not muting the entire game
Even two seconds of FIIIIIREEEE EMMMBLEMMMMMMMM is too many.
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You know what to do, goyim
>enemies just march to their deaths instead of trying to preserve themselves
cool """""strategy""""" game
That's every Fire Emblem
>go to My Nintendo
>redeem that mountain of worthless platinum coins you have lying around
Wow, that was hard.
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>double Tiki's
>passive 7hp Heal when initiating attack
>use double range/def buff supports
>Tiki's back to back blocking path
Anyone else having trouble with chapter 9 maps? I have a Lyn, Ryouma, Robin (4*) and Felicia (4*) and I cant beat these maps.
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>can't beat chapter 9 part 3
What to do? Should I start training a healer? Which one if so?

Why not just go play any of the FE games on an emulator or something?
I've got 3 5 stars and a 4 star and was roughed up pretty badly on 9-5. I had to cheese my wy through 9-4
except conquest. tried 6 after fates was jarring because I was too babbied by the better AI in CQ that I didn't expect half a map to suicide on my good units
>Not letting that shit rock at max volume.
You're a disgusting pig and I want your friend code so I can never add it.
Hard or Normal?
If you're losing on normal with that you need to git gud
>except conquest
Because in Conquest every enemy unit comes baked in with unique anti-Nohr skills.
Does fire emblem coins have a time limit after you redeem them?
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pls be my friend
do level 1 5* characters have fixed stats? just rolled a camilla but her stats are absolute trash tier
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literally perfect.png
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>no reason to ever roll again unless it's for a waifu I really want

now it's just playing the waiting game for Rinkah and Reina
why not make quality posts in threads relevant to your interests?
is thjis shit like brave exvius, playing that now and tryina awaken my bartz. haven't got any 5-6 stars yet been summoning like crazy
Normal. Idk senpai, the knights really fuck up my swordsmasters since they have such high def and atk, esp if its a lance knight. My Robin does alright with fighting the knghts, but his atk is kinda low and cant 1shot those 36hp fkers. Felicias been kinda dead weight since she can barely damage anyone. I think I'll replace her with like a 3* healer or something.
Whoa whoa whoa, hold the presses. Actually bothered to read the event info and see this is active during the launch event:

>The amount of stamina required to equip skills will be reduced to 0.

Dah fuck is this nonsense?
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>play for a few minutes
>urge to play real FE
>only ones I haven't touched are the 3DS ones
>heard mostly negative things about them, even outside of /v/
they all have bad story

Conquest has good maps

That's it.
>Conquest has some good maps
Fixed that for you.
it normally costs 5 stamina to swap out your skills for versions you bought previously. Sometimes characters like Camilla dont actually want to use Brave Axe so they swap to their other axe.

But for almost every character it's useless because they almost always get straight upgrades
>needing people to make opinions for you
try one. if you don't like it you can return it. there's a reason the 3ds games saved the series from dying and made it a major Nintendo IP
Awakening is bad a now retards are shitting on Fates without even playing it, try it especially conquest.
Can you hack orbs yet?
He wants to play this non-game so instead of waiting like a fucking moron why doesn't he just play an actual FE game. If you enjoy heroes then you'll enjoy one of the main games.

Doesn't that make sense?
How the fuck does everyone have such good heroes already? Best I have is two 4*.

Though I might drop this pretty quick, the story quests are boring as fuck

Real FE requires too much effort to play, in this one you just move units around and win lmao.
no FE game has only good maps. every single one has shit maps you contrarian fuck
>Sometimes characters like Camilla dont actually want to use Brave Axe so they swap to their other axe.

Why ? With her other skill she negates the speed malus, no need to take out her brave axe.
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Made some progress
this is a brave exvius rip off
if he wanted to play the mainline games I'm pretty sure he'd be doing that without an anonymous strangers insistence. stop getting so buttblasted about people liking things you apparently don't. go make a thread about your favorite video game
The game gives a ludicrous amount of stamina for an early-game mobage, it's likely going to cost 20-30 stamina in order to change skills. I'll guess that stamina's going to be used for agreat number of things like that - Most Mobage would start you off with 10 or 20 stamina tops, to keep you from getting through content so quickly.
how many feathers from 2 to 3? Still 20 000?
Inching towards 4 star. Wanted her before I even knew the game handed her out. Voted for her twice in the polls. I am very dedicated to maiwaifu
if you're referring to her speed, it's low because of her brave axe
Never ever
20,000 is from 4 to 5. Not him, but the feathers to upgrade Anna to 3 weren't that bad.
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sometimes you end up in level ranges where if you take off brave axe you will still always get double attack anyways from the extra speed but you also won't be vulnerable to being double attacked when it's their turn.

if the +6 from moving first isn't enough to get up to quad attack against most targets then there's no reason to use brave axe.
So it's all rng right? So even if I reroll all day, this could still happen?
>get a 5 star waifu
>she gets single stat level ups all the time
>ends up worthlessly weak
Get ranged characters
No, I'm unsure if they're randomized or have presets, but as someone that rolled double 5* Tiki's, I can confirm stat's can very even on the exact same character.
all around actually
and she has 16 strength compared to ryoma's 24
was just wondering if they're always the same
Swift-Winds Balm or Hone Attack 2?
2 to 3 = 200. 3 to 4 = 2000
While I can't check how much 4 to 5 star is , it's likely 20k like the other 4 stars.
No, in the end you will always have a good character.
What's the best way to grind?
I assumed that the training tower would be good for it
but I was mistaken as it doesn't seem to give any more experience than story missions
>they all have bad story

My Camilla is a lvl 24 and have 32 attack... She'll only get 2 more attack points in 7 levels? fuck.
stuck with error 3001. How do I recover my linked account?

can I just delete the XML or do I need to uninstall/reinstall everything?
Delete the .xml, relink account.
whats the best way to get 5*?
I think I've wasted a lot of orbs by opening 3 characters at a time, what's this shit I hear about rerolling?

What the fuck do feathers and transparent badges do?
what does the story have to do with maps
I wanted to get 5 star Nowi, but I got 4. Is it worth leveling her up to 20 and praying to get 20k feathers? So far I got 2,5k and I'll get 1,1k from arena. This looks like grind for weeks
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Rolled the Roy and effie, in my next 20 pulled the Elise and finally the Takumi on a Yolo single summon. First gacha game to give me insane luck.

Id 2358653018
Add me
Should you roll legendary heroes or deep devotion?
What's the difference?
give me ooooooooooooooooooooooooooorbs nintendie
6% rate at Robin/Lucina/Tiki/Marth or Lyn/Camilla/Roy/Takumi, or whoever's featured on the Focus.
Deep Devotion has more worthwhile units.

Characters, didn't you read the chart list or at least the info?

You are getting +2 every day for a week

That's all, buy orbs
Go for your fav. characters

you're either going to

1. use them to clear up to chap 5 and realize you don't like the game and quit


2. want every single character eventually and the first pull doesn't really matter that much compared to the long haul
asking again today since i didn't get a proper answer yesterday
if i want to reroll on an emulator until i get something nice, i have to make a nintendo account and link it to transfer the save to my phone.
does that mean i have to use the same email account on the emulator as i have on my phone?
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>roll 5
>no 5*
>get 4* Raven
>can already tell he's top tier
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I've played a couple of days, but my team (expect 5 star Lucina) sucks.
But i'm in chapter 9... Should i re roll?
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What a cutie!

Add me: 2548552848
>No Charlotte
Game is incompatible with my phone. What do?
What do you mean with the same email account? If you're using the same nintendo account, I'd assume that means that you have the same email as well, since you registrated the account with that email after all.
If you're talking about the email that is connected with your android device, I don't think it matters, since I made my nintendo account with a throwaway email
I finished chapter nine in 1 hours, you can reroll without losing much
don't forget to get the 100p stamina pots on the nintendo reward shit
>summon a warrior
>gets his own intro
>4 fucking stars

Reeeeeeee why is this allowed?!
You're not missing out on much. Go play literally any other gatcha game, it's all the same shit.

If you really want to play it just get an android emulator on PC.
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Well, thanks for advice!
You'll also need green badges as well but I don't remember the amount needed. 2 to 3 =10? 3 to 4 =20?
Nox or git new phone.
Download the apk
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>select green stone
>resume game
>five star Camilla
Well, I did it. I beat the game.
Because they can be uncapped to 5*
i've got
>phone with actual legit google account
>emulator with throwaway google account
>empty nintendo account with trash mail
i was just wondering if the phone and emulator google account had to be the same for it to work.
Fuck you. I only got a 4* Carmilla with trash 3* in the same roll.
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>Wary Fighter
I think I've hit my limit in the story. Turns out Lucina is pretty fucking shit too so that ain't helping
Fuck you she is good. She carried my ass the whole story and pretty much soloed everything.
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I got 5* Abel, 5* Azura, 5* Tiki, and 3* Gauis with the rest of my orbs.
So as I understand it you can upgrade a character once he reaches level 20, right? Is it better to level it to 40 before doing that because stats carry over or is that completely irrelevant? I know other games do that, which is why I'm asking.

Try to get 20,000 feathers first, when you reach 40 I bet you'll have them.
Post his artworks.
Devotion or legendary for my 5th roll?
Stats reset each rank up but you keep sp iirc. Unless you need the extra sp for skills you haven't gotten yet, I think you should be fine upgrading from 20.
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Love you bro
Ellie is broken as fuck
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why can't I fuse them?
you can't merge favorites
The favorite is a lock to not send/home merge by mistake
Favorited, remove the little heart.

Remove hearts.

You can change the option in "Settings - Auto-favorite", it's 4* by default, change it to 5* or to Off directly.
>all these redditors rerolling
>just go with the flow having whoever
>get nothing but 3* and some 4*
>still easily beat normal and hard

You don't even need your husbando or waifu or a 5*. It's easy to get by with anything.
What's the max castle upgrade?

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Is there a max level or something? If there is, should I be raising star levels before training them?
Max is 40, but you don't need to max it if you want to upgrade them since stats reset.
I want Carmilla.
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Thanks anon. I'm guessing that taking a 4 star to 5 is also extremely costly in resources.

Hit me up: 7587221830
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>roll for Hinoka
>Get Est
Good enough. Not a tomboy but adorable instead, she cool.
I fear that I will end up with just blue /lancers team since all my waifus are lancers.
Oh well, Lucina fags will get BTFO by my team
I've got a quick question about something I'm unsure about.

I have a lvl 8, 3-star hero, and a lvl 1, 4-star hero who are the same character and I want to merge them? Should I do this? It seems my 4-star will only get a tiny bit of SP from it and wastes all the gains on my 3-star.

Is it worth it, or should I just keep my 3-star but start levelling up my 4-star independently?

I don't really understand merging all that well.
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1793952464 , you know what this code is used for

Image is just to grab your attention, sorry.
post units and hard mode progress I wanna see what your set up is
That second roll went as ugly as it could. Got 4 red orbs, and got 2 4* reds, one being a dupe Roy. Rest 3* trash. And having a 5* Roy I could use improvement in everything but red urgently.
Would be nice if English Millenium War Aigis had its android version out. Or better support. Still might be worth a try.
Does it give any at all? My units don't seem to keep the level they gained
Is one hero set better than the other? Are more likely to get different color heroes in one?
>3001 error strikes again

Everytime at the same hour... I think you got 24 hours until the error happens in NOX.
When people level up is the stat assignment completely random? I ha leveling and only getting +1 to one stat
>Camilla's VA is Paul Dini's wife

top kek wtf
It'll even out in the end apparantly
Welcome to the family, son.
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>roll for Hinoka
I've honestly never seen anyone say this before since Cordelia fits the exact same roll and is better at it, to boot.
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This cute little girl wants to stop being useless. Please add 4848632007 to help her achieve her noble goal.
Thanks doc.
You roll for the characters you like. Game isn't that hard.
>Not running with a 3* in your party just because they're cute
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