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Is PCSX2 the worst emulator of all time? literally 14 years

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Is PCSX2 the worst emulator of all time?

literally 14 years in development but
>major glitches in games that never got fixed
>slow as shit unless you own an overclocked i7
>still uses 32bit architecture
>refuses to implement Vulkan or DX12 with an excuse that it won't improve performance (see Dolphin)
Stop using a shit PC.
Epic, I like it!
Still better than Zsnes
I have a regular I5 manged to finish Suikoden III and i even used Turbo to fast forward most easier battles.
And general travel thru revisited areas much faster.

Id say the emulator while not perfect is decent.

But it is still the most hardware requiring emulator so far.
epsxe is
i can run most games on my toaster of a computer. your results may vary, but i've personally had no issues as long as i take the 2 minutes to tweak the settings.
I have a shit PC and I finished a good chunk of games on PCSX2 without any issues. OP must be one of those "muh accuracy" faggots.
I dunno about you but I played through all of Persona 3 in 2009 on an E8500 dual core. Just use some of the speed hacks dude.
It's the best PS2 emulator available, expecting it to perform perfectly in every single game is also a bit of a stretch

granted you download and use the proper plug-ins and not just mounting ISO's left and right and then complaining about glitches
Zsnes is what its made to be, a DOS based emulator. The only issue with it is who the fuck uses dos.
I love you pcsx2 hating bait-kun
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you're an idiot. try out some n64 emulators and come back and tell me with a straight face that pcsx2 isn't endlessly better made. is it perfect? no, but it isn't finished either
Higan on accuracy mode is much more demanding.
PCSX2 is open source so you can contribute and help make it better or you could just continue whining like a little bitch.

N64 emulation isn't bad anymore. Certainly better than PS2.
pcsx2 really only has problems if you use an AMD cpu, although those turds are probably fast enough these days to do alright with it
Well, it works on my shitty laptop. Exception being SotC.
Comparing any emulator to Dolphin will make it look like garbage really.
>N64 emulation isn't bad anymore

you have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you're talking about
Even Desmume is much more demanding. You can run and get decent results on a toaster with PCSX2.
N64 emulation is awful, even big games like Mario 64 and Zelda aren't emulated properly.

PCSX2 is shit because the devs 10 years ago were more concerned about making it work on contemporary hardware with speedhack after speedhack than making it work properly.

Now you have mountains of legacy code that are impossible to fix because it'd require the whole rest of the emulator built around it to be rebuilt. Mipmap glitches that killed key games like Ace Combat and Ratchet are only now being fixed, that should tell you enough.

I wonder what the odds are of a new group starting a better emulator.
>N64 emulation isn't bad
>going so far as to call it better than PS2 emulation

Really grasping for those (You)'s aren't you?
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what's up with these anti emulator posts lately?

it's not everyone fault you're so incompetent to set it up yourself

fucking faggot
Were the skyboxes and motion blur for Burnout 3 ever fixed/improved? I know going from software to hardware and back fixes the sky, but motion blur adds a ton to that game.

I wonder why DeSmuMe runs so bad. Probably because they use LLE for the ARM7 block when it really isn't necessary
Unless you can find another group of computer science fags with free time on their hands, not likely.
So technically someone could make their own branch that supports Vulkan?
Yep, that's what open source is like. Heck, check out their github page and see how many forks they have.
If they have a highly specialized and valuable skillset, thousands of free hours and the motivation to do so, sure.
I'm not a programmer, just curious. What's the process of implementing support for a new API?
wish someone would unfuck and even possibly document the emulator core instead...
maybe consolefags are salty that pcfags get to enjoy their old console libraries long after they can't anymore since their old consoles died, and new ones don't have backwards compatibility.

or corporate shills trying to brainwash easily impressionable faggots into unconditionally hating emulation the same way they do with piracy and other shit, to control the market even more.
>What's the process of implementing support for a new API?

Implement the emulating cycle's "draw" phase by using the desired graphics API.
This. I'm still baffled how good it is.

most possibly, this shit should be a bannable offense imo

Why are you surprised?
The PSP is a simple platform based on a simple and well-understood MIPS architecture with the biggest homebrew scene in console history. Frankly, I'm surprised it took PPSSPP so long to show up.
Console peasants hate to realize their meme """""machines""" are absolutely redundant and unnecessary waste of money.
>can emulate megaten games at 1080p 60fps on my i3
Works for me.
While PCSX2 runs fine as long as you use a relatively recent machine (my 2006 lappy can't run shit at more than 15-20 FPS on that emulator), the architecture is using far more resources than it should.
I'm able to emulate Fate/Extra and P3P at full speed on this piece of shit (using PPSSPP), I just don't see why PCSX2 is so bad at resource management.
Sucks, because I want to replay P3 FES and P4. There are old ass issues with Persona games, for example, when an enemy with certain texture shows up, creating a huge slowdown.

no one bothered because how dirt cheap a psp has become, I mean I have three just because one was like 20 bucks
PC specs won't fix graphical bugs
>gee whiz why is it that a psp game emulates faster than a ps2 game?

a real noggin scratcher huh
Some games will work but a lot of them will just be a mess
The reason it got so good so fast is because there was a leak of the official development documentation for the CPU and GPU, laying out what and how all registers work.
Same thing happened with the Wii leading to a hyper jump in development. People in the emulation community don't like to talk about that though because it starts to get a bit shady.

This has not happened with the PS2 though, there are still unknown aspects of the hardware with no documentation. PCSX2 has been deved purely on reverse engineering. But most on /v/ are to fucking stupid to know what that even en-tales.
>>slow as shit unless you own an overclocked i7
you are attempting to emulate a ps2, have you never heard the 10x power rule? you need -at least- ten times the power of the original system to expect no lag / other issues.
That's not what I'm mean. Fate/Extra is certainly more demanding than P3P due to having an overworld, but the Tartarus part in P3P is the same as in P3 FES.
Still, trying to do Tartarus in FES would be impossible on this thing, while P3P presents no problems.
Nintendo wants to scare people off Cemu so that they'll buy BOTW instead of emulating it
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There's only 1 question that needs a definite answer here:

Can it run Ace Combat 4,5 and Zero 100% accurately yet? If not I'll just resign myself to setting up my slim one of these days and play it on 480p on a fucking 1080p monitor.
>Is PCSX2 the worst emulator of all time?
No, there is much worse out there.
>Forbidden Siren 2 STILL unplayable in HW mode

I mean fuck ppl were complaining about it like 6 years ago.

Its been working for a good while. There are known issues that DO have workarounds. Just follow what the wiki says for your settings and you're good to go.
Just played through all of them in December, shit works perfectly.
Now that they run flawlessly I finally put my PS2 to rest after 15+ years.

it won't be really playable for at least like one more year, even bayo 2 has still some way to go before it becomes playable
>always used PCSX2 without issues because I always check the wiki, which has a fix, or I just fucking google my issues

Devs will exclusively focus on it because muh Zelda.
I'll be surprised if it isn't playable within 5 months.
anyone emulating on a surface?
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Guess I'll give them a try sometime soon then, thanks.
>>refuses to implement Vulkan or DX12 with an excuse that it won't improve performance (see Dolphin)
Well that's fucking stupid.
not that i would claim it's impossible using dx12 could improve performance, but can you give me any reasons why you personally assume that it WILL improve performance? through what mechanisms?
Piece of shit needs to be completely re-written, but no one will ever commit to doing it. We'll be stuck with this garbage for years. Probably a decade+.

did they not state explicitly that they won't use hacks or anything in the sorts to make some games more playable than other, but instead just focus on overall stability
who knows, maybe a PPSSPP-like miracle will happen in the future

>tfw played FF Type-0 with English language and 1080p resolution years before the HD port got released
DX12 isn't some magical thing that automatically ramps up performance. Neither is Vulkan. You have to use them where it's appropriate, if at all.

Not all projects will show any benefits.
CEMU isn't open source, what makes specialized builds very unlikely.
Less time used in the graphics pipeline equals a faster emulation cycle.
PCSX2 is fine if you're playing games that people have heard of, but if you decide to venture past the typical ps2 staples into the vast library of random shit the console has, you will run into constant issues that no one is ever going to bother fixing.
Surely if Dolphin's DX12 backend can provide the performance boost it provides, there has to be a way to get something out of it on PCSX2.
The limiting factor might be the devs' (in)competence since DX12 is also much harder to implement than DX11/OGL
What is retroarch and why does a lot of people have started talking about it recently? Is it the best way to emulate games now?
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>Went through the hassle of trying to enable a new controller plugin (SCP)
>It still doesn't work.
I'm just ready to buy an old PS2 console and deal with that, then this shit.
>play P4 for the first time
>enemy with sliver textures
good times
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So what's the actual issue that people are taking offense over here?
Hate to use the word but you sound like spoiled little shits whining

"Playable" means exactly what it says there. Not accounting for hideous visual glitches, slowdown, or anything. Playable means that and only that.
Probably MUH ACCURACY consolefags shitting it up
RetroArch is a frontend for Libretro.
Libretro is a collection of emulator cores spanning from the Commodore 64 to the PS1.
RetroArch has been around for years. People talk about it because it alleviates the need to manage many different emulator and because it just werks.
I personally don't use it much because I'd rather have full control over the various emulators I use, but I do use it because its Beetle PSX core doesn not exist as a standalone.
>wanting working sound and stable framerates is MUH ACCURACY
Playable can include anything from 15fps or "doesn't crash all the time"
>slow as shit unless you own an overclocked i7
Does PCSX2 even support multiple cores?

It's more about the shader support than anything else.
PS3 and Vita emulators fucking when
Yes it will. Run the game in software mode.
Might as well play on actual PS2 then.
Also, software rendering at 5fps without crashes after the start menu is "playable".
You shouldn't mention it on the pcsx2 forums, however. Guys are worse and more autistic fanboys than neogaf.
PCSX2 plays a ton of games for me
Playing God Hand on it is the best way to play the game.
N64 emulation is far worse, it's looking up a bit now but it's been stagnant and poor for years
>not just playing injected vc wads on dolphin
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Pic related without any issues or slowdowns on an old 2012 i5, sounds like OP is full of shit.
Plenty of people ITT saying they can run lots of games just fine.
Are people trying to emulate every single obscure game out there just for the sake of complaining about it or what's up?
Dolphin dev here.
Look, this triggers me by a lot.
If you're "oh so competent programmer" then implement the fucking thing yourself.
You CAN do everything DX12 can with OpenGL, because that shit is just videocard calls.
Restricting your core dev base is stupid too (Serious people who use a decent SO for programming, AKA Linux or Mac)
But noo, some sperg thinks they can do better by implementing AN ENTIRE FUCKING API instead of focusing on an API that
a) already works well
b) runs on everything
c) isnt some propietary bullshit.
Fuck off.
this game runs on any potato you retard, now try SoTC, Gran Turismo 4, MGS3, Ratcher and Clank
Are you actually crying over 4 games? If it bothers you so much why don't you go do something about it yourself instead of complaining on chinese cartoon imageboards?
toaster gaming is dead
there's a lot more than 4 games u faggot
PCSX2 was pretty much designed from the start with the sole intent to play FFX and XII.
>Dolphin dev here.
>a) already works well
OGL runs bad on Nvidia and worse on AMD.
>b) runs on everything
So does Vulkan, which you could implement instead of DX12 and have the same benefits.
>c) isnt some propietary bullshit.
Neither is Vulkan.
I only played SoTC and MGS3 and they work perfectly fine. If your PC is not a toaster, that is.
PCSX2 is pretty solid in software mode but then
>no IR upscaling
that goes to any saturn emulator. the only problem i ran into using pcsx2 is bad lightning effects in games like kunoichi/nightshade but i got to resolve it with a quick google search. and that i can't use hardware configuration to emulate 2d fighters because the sprites and scenery get black lines all of over them.
I looked at the source code once, when I tried to help. Gave up because it's full of hacks, everywhere.
Shit basically requires an entire rewrite to do anything you greentexted.
I heard that Mednafen's saturn emulator released late last year is fantastic, but requires a beefy cpu. Most people were completely unaware of its existence (just like the Saturn itself).
If you need to buy a turbo powered autism machine just to play anything worthwhile, you may as well just buy a ps2.
Make sure you disable Advanced Bus-Level Timing and use the dynamic recomplier.

I get full speed in every DS game on an ancient Core 2 Duo with 2.4 GHz.

PS2 games run unplayable slow on this PC.
>OGL runs bad
On some benchmarks, by like 10 fps. Maybe its time to abandon OGl, but for now it's good enough.
That's an entire different point, but learning to use a different API when you were wired to write in OpenGL/DX9 is hard enough.
Give it a few years, because devs aren't mature enough to bring all the benefits implementing Vulkan would give.
I've seen software mode bugs in that game too, there's a shadow one. Basically it doesn't work exactly right in any mode
>I only played SoTC and MGS3 and they work perfectly fine

No you didn't. MGS3 has no post-processing on PCSX2.
>Maybe its time to abandon OGl

get the fuck out MS shill
He doesn't notice the PP isn't there ;^)
I agree fellow Microsoft(TM) employee, Windows 10(R) is the latest and greatest from Microsoft(TM) and over 500 million users, there's no reason not to require it!
Thanks for confirming that you haven't played in last builds.
Vulkan is not MS.
Learn to read, my fellow shitposters.
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And actually, is by the same group that controls OGL
you're a literal retard
>Most people were completely unaware of its existence
well you are right. I never heard about it. maybe i will finally be able to play burning rangers
How beefy are we talking here?

>tfw still have i5 6600
>it's not a shitty hackfest just enable the speed hacks and it runs great!

Another high quality thread brought to you by the same people who never heard of jcpsp and think ppsspp appeared miraculously over night.
PCSX2 is a mess.
You were criticizing both Vulkan and OGL. Which leaves only DX12
Not the anon you were typing at, but
>applies changes to Desmume settings
Whoa, they work! That really helped, anon; thanks for the suggestion!
i remember you could always tell when someone was emulating Banjo Kazooie because of how buggy the loading screen with all the puzzle pieces was.
Quoting my own words:
Vulkan: Give it a few years, OGL: runs bad
on some benchmarks, MAYBE its time to abandon it
Basically, use OGl until Vulkan is a thing?

I'm literally running PCSX2 on a dual core, 2GB ram and 9500GT with 512MB of memory at 60fps on literally any game I play. And I play a TON.

What the fuck are you talking about?
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>60fps on literally any game I play
Most known games run well because the emulator is filled with game specific hacks.
That doesnt mean games the devs didn't care about run well.
Most PS2 games don't even run at 60 fps, so you don't really know the diff between vps and fps
>it's not everyone fault you're so incompetent
That's not how it works. Emulators are pretty lofty by nature, few of them are worthwhile. pc master race just has it's own dimension of delusion because they think they can play "any game ever"
>Mario 64
No issue
No issue
Conkers eyes are bit glitchy
>007 Goldeneye
Better than native
>Mario Kart 64
No issue

Raiden has no hair
>MGS 3
Doors will not spawn, or spawn in places where they don't belong, sometimes crashes at the Mountains but only some times.
>Gran Turismo 4
No hud
>Sly Cooper
Textures glitch all over the place
I can't fit all of the issues into this reply.
>Ratchet and Clank
Glitchy textures, enemies glitch through floor
>Kingdom Hearts
Keep running in circle even when i dont press anything.
>Shadow of the Colossus
Wont even load

Avg. FPS in PCSX2 (at native resolution): 15
Specs: Overclocked GTX 1060, Intel i7-6900K, 16GB RAM, Windows 10.
Still using ver 0.9.9?
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>Ratchet & Clank
Here you go anon.
Don't use the current stable release, it's old as fuck.
Obviously not proof of every game working alright, but I was able to play SRW Z on my midline laptop like five years ago using this

The only game it didn't run that I tried was romancing frontier. Compared to ePSXe it's a pretty civilized experience.
Try Paper Mario, Kirby 64 or Pokeyman Stadium
Paper Mario 64 had invisible sprites. Restarting the emulator fixed it. Kirby 64 and Poke Stadium work flawlessly.
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1.4.0 as of now
Only problems I've had recently are slowdown on Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1/2, and SSX3.
>not even 60FPS
>JoJo ain't demanding at all

>Still can't play Ace Combat
It's fucking garbage alright.
The worst is when some games have fucked up game logic.
I had crashes last time I tried and slowdowns on dolphin as well.
Not sure why I even bothered though, it really was better when I played it with my bro as kids.
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Do yourself a favor and grab the latest dev build, 1.4.0 is like a year out of date now.
>implying 99% of games are more demanding than JoJo's
>what is rapid framerate scanning

>1.4.0 as of now
What the fuck are you doing, negro?
I just downloaded this build a week ago, isn't it the latest?
>last thread of this an actual dev for the system appeared and btfo everyone talking shit about it and proved they knew literally nothing about it or coding in general
>better make a new one so I can look cool
Fuck off OP. It works amazingly well considering the development process and the original hardware.
do you even understand what you are you talking about? are you actually retarded?
It's a latest "Stable". Latest build is 1.5.0-dev-1832-g5c7c945
Then tell me, how come CEMU, emulator for Wii U, a system which outperforms PS2 by a mile, which is still in Alpha (or maybe Beta i didnt pay attention lately) works so much better than PCSX2? PCSX2 has had two decades to fix it's shit. CEMU exists for few months and it completely BTFO's PCSX2.
no 64-bit versions?
>oh no I got told, better appeal to insults now
They stopped supporting x64 a long time ago.
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Alot of stuff has been fixed since then, most notably the ratchet and clank games.
The Jak titles still dont work though.
oh, cool
thanks for the heads up
>Is PCSX2 the worst emulator of all time?
The original xbox emulator has been in development since 2003 and can play one game at 25 fps.

Fuck off.
Xbox had encoding in its infrastructure like PS3 and X360. It's difficult to get around that with good FPS. PS2 had nothing like that. There is no excuse for PCSX2 to run worse than Dolphin or CEMU.
The WiiU basically has a GPU, a CPU and an audio chip.
Not the dozen of chips the PS2 had. Every single chip has to be emulated separately and sync'd.
Part of the problem N64 has too, actually.
>Then tell me, how come CEMU, emulator for Wii U, a system which outperforms PS2 by a mile, which is still in Alpha (or maybe Beta i didnt pay attention lately) works so much better than PCSX2?

1) Cemu does not work better than PCSX2
2) Cemu/the wiiu is building upon well known and documented architecture
3) Cemu is a closed source emulator, the people working on Cemu are treating it like their actual jobs and are being paid a salary. Where as PCSX2 is open source. IE, way more incentive to work on Cemu than PCSX2
4) Current theory is that Cemu devs have a wii u sdk and potential prior knowledge of the system (See: optimization tricks that have taken years to figure out on prior emulations discovered relatively quickly on cemu and even promised beforehand)

Basically you have no idea what you're talking about, just like you had no idea what you were talking about in the last thread.
Romancing SaGa works just fine now. Really, the only game I played that ran like shit was the original Raidou for some reason.
Would the 32-bit version work on my 64-bit laptop? It has a GTX 950

Not really. The N64 has a CPU, GPU, shared RAM and that's it. It doesn't even have a dedicated audio device, it just comes out of the CPU.
Sync isn't a problem for the N64.
PCSX2 is basically dead. Nobody who works on the emulator actually cares about improving it. There is a grand total of 1 (one) single major contributor, and most of his work has been in service of getting it running properly on Linux. (The OpenGL renderer fixes are just a bonus.) The emulator's internals are a mess and nobody realises how much of the emulator's good performance, when it achieves any, is through hacks and bypasses.

PS2 emulation is dead. Unless someone starts seriously working on Purei or another new emulator, we're not going to see any advances short of a miracle.
N64 has been at a dead end for a decade or more.
I didn't want to reply in case this was bait but then I reconsidered so here's a food analogy to explain.

>Cemu Chef wants to bake a delicious lasagne
>Has the recipe to make it so he knows how to do it fairly quickly.
>PCSX2 Chef wants to make a delicious lasagne as well.
>Hasn't got the recipe for it, so he has to reverse engineer it and figure it out from scratch.
>Takes much more time as a result.
I was only unable to play baldurs gate 1 and 2, twp years ago, the patch number is twice as big as the last time i used it. Works great on my 5 year old amd build, perhaps you are too retarded to know how to change the settings around OP?
Holy shit there are still issues with VP2?
Why is n64 emulation so broken I know that the hardware was some strange shit that is poorly documented but I would think with how much more powerful modern hardware is you could approximate everything with bruteforce

legacy code and microcode
5 and 0 yes. 4 no.
I could never get MGS 3 to run at a decent frame rate even though any game I've played on CEMU runs fullspeed. Enabling hacks just fucks up the picture and induces glitches. Vulkan would help AMD users a lot by using every core, but they're never going to do it because the devs are okay with being just good enough.
I'm talking about hardware mode. They all work in software.
What do you think?
>People saying PCSX2 doesn't work
Just emulate worthwhile games.

i.e Burnout 3, Ace Combat Trilogy, BF2MC, Gradius V.
>Ace Combat Trilogy
Doesn't work right
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I'm seriously starting to think everyone on /v/ just has a shit PC
not sure what you mean by microcode but what language is the legacy code in? something like pascal or did they write it in a proprietary code? which if that's the case its a miracle they got it working this much

why do they always have to name them retardedly
>The limiting factor might be the devs' (in)competence since DX12 is also much harder to implement than DX11/OGL
DX12 is factually a shit. It's not worth the trouble for anyone.

AC5 and Zero work perfectly on version 1.5.0. I played through both in December. 4 probably also works too, but with a few graphical glitches.

Version 1.5.0 also fixed Ghosting on most games.
overclocked i7's master race

As in "We care more about getting this shit to work on a PC from 2001 then making it work right".
When your goal is to run games on contemporary machines, you're always going to get a ZSNES-esque hackfest.
speaking of emulators
is emulating a 360/PS3 reliable at this point?
Are you being serious right now? VP2 is the very definition of what I mentioned in my post.

>DX12 is factually a shit.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
When is the network adapter plugin going to be fixed so i can play on xlink?
>Emulator written by paid MS devs to shit on Nintendo
Of course its good
You're obviously doing something wrong and you're also a literal retard.

Or you're lying.

I haven't had an issue with PCSX2 at 3x resolution in -years-, and I haven't upgraded in years.
No. PS3 emulator got a patreon now, maybe it'll get gut faster.
Whats wrong with ZNES?
Will it?
It's just phoneposters.
PS3 won't happen anywhere near in the future.

People have managed to get 360 BIOSes to boot but that's about it for now as far as I know.
>But most on /v/ are to fucking stupid to know what that even en-tales.
Ironic how you're the one to talk about stupidity.
Depends on how you look at it.

Most 2D games play at 60fps reliably.
Most 3D games play at 3 fps reliably.
There's only one way to find out.
You can't be this retarded anon.
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Here's the proof by the way.

Recorded this while playing 1.5.0. All on an i7 + HD7850, hardware mode.

>Do you have a single fact to back that up?
It's literally so taxing to work on current hardware, it's not worth it. It's the main reason why trailers look so much better than the actual game, the dreaded downgrades.

It also performs worse than its predecessors even though it's marketed as something better.
Every other line is like

/*hack to make yoshis spawn good on SMRPG */
shitty code
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there are some emulators that can literally just emulate arcade games

RPCS3 can only run pic related games, + Angry Birds Trliogy (not pictured)

Playstation 3 ™ and Xbox 360 © cannot be emulated that well, either. These games run sub 15 fps and are glithchy as fuck
I don't suppose you've got a link or k own what I should Google to find those documents? I wouldn't mind looking a few pages in before realising how outta my depth I am
Some simple indie games work on both RPCS3 and Xenia. Some 3D games start. Except for Ice Age and game about specops hamsters - they are perfect on both of them.
>pointing up grammar mistakes
Hello, /pol/
Please just answer the question.

the PS3 one made a breakthrough recently where they got like 2 games to run fully and an app not to crash so maybe in 10 years it might be possible
>correcting grammar mistakes
Get out you mongoloid
It uses a lot of game specific hacks. If the emulator detects that you're trying to run, say Super Mario World, it loads up a bunch of specific fixes to make the game run better. If you were to strip the header out the SMW rom and try again, it would probably run much worse without those fixes.

This isn't terrible, but it means game compatibility is at the mercy of the developers and whatever games they want to ensure works.
Jesus fucking christ, downloading it and trying to run it takes 2 minutes.

Yes it will run on your 64-bit system like any other 32-bit application, now don't ask anything again until you stop being retarded.
That's not even a grammar mistake. He just used the wrong 'too.' Fuck outta here, faggot.
The fuck are you talking about? I played p3 on pcsx2 5 years ago with my old computer and i only had some slowdown
Thanks dude, but why so buttmad? What, did someone fuck your older sister you secretly had a crush on but never told her?

But thanks for answering the question.
I'm sick of retards like you who won't try out things and expect answers to simple questions that take less time to get answered that even to use google on.
That's your fucking problem. You're choosing to be mad.

But thanks for answering the question, I really appreciate it.
Yes I choose to be mad because for each person you give a fish, 3 more will beg for more fish. Why not learn the basic computer knowledge instead of needing to ask the simplest questions everytime they come up? Is it too nerdy or something?
I asked for facts, not conjecture. Looking at benchmarks of specific games and projecting that as an indication of the performance of an ENTIRE API is a ridiculous way to reason, and can only come from someone with little understanding of what these things actually do and mean.

When new technologies come out, they're always underutilised. When DirectX9 came out, people claimed it was a gimmick and stayed on DirectX8. When DirectX11 came out, people claimed it was a gimmick and stayed on DirectX9. Yet most games coming out today use DX11, and a few years ago DX9.

These are not simple technologies.
No? I'm just concerned because 32-bit programs tend to have viruses. You should've answer the question in the first place to avoid this conversation entirely.
>major glitches in games that never get fixed
Welcome to Emulation!
>slow as shit unless you own an overclocked i7
See above
>still uses 32 bit architecture
You do know that x64 doesn't magically make things better, right?
>refuses to implement Vulkan or DX12 with an excuse that it won't improve performance (see Dolphin)
Even the Dolphin devs have said that Vulkan or DX12 won't provide much in terms of performance benefits. They're only implementing it because it will theoretically provide a bit less overhead in developing the emulator

That all being said, the reason why PCSX2 sucks ass is because the PS2 doesn't exactly have a traditional hardware layout. You essentially have to emulate 2 CPUs, and documentation for its hardware is quite sparse when compared to Nintendo's consoles.

It's also the same reason why PSX emulation is still quite ass.

The reason why Dolphin is making such large leaps and bounds is because of its larger open source developer community, and the Gamecube/Wii's hardware being well documented.
>32-bit programs tend to have viruses
64-bit programs can be viruses just like 32-bit programs can.
is streaming with steam even possible with this my friend keeps telling me all he sees is a black screen
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>32-bit programs tend to have viruses.
>Looking at benchmarks of specific games and projecting that as an indication of the performance of an ENTIRE API is a ridiculous way to reason
Performance tests are all that matter for an API aimed for videogames, because it's all people care about.

Who gives a fuck about what the technology does new? It's a videogame, not my college education. I want it to run well.
Yeah, right.
>32-bit programs tend to have viruses
>Even the Dolphin devs have said that Vulkan or DX12 won't provide much in terms of performance benefits.

yeah and they were utterly fucking wrong about that. their dx12 and vulkan backends outperform dx11 and opengl massively. your information is way out of date.

>restarting the emulator fixes it.
dude what? both project 64 and mupen make the game unplayable. i remember there were some parts that make it impossible to progress
i ended up finishing the game on my wii
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it's true. /v/ is brimming with phoneposters and laptop poorfags
Actually, no.

I've tried the latest development builds, and OpenGL still runs a lot better for me than DX12 and Vulkan. It's also a lot more stable.

It's making progress, and I'm excited for its future, but it's no where near as stable and fast as straight OpenGL.
So, what is the objectively best ps2 emulator right now? I have been using PCSX2 since I've started emulating(about 3 years ago) and I have no real issues with it, but I've never really checked out the alternatives.
>32-bit programs tend to have viruses
I want in on the screenshot.

PCSX2 is the only one. Use real hardware.
Dude, think about it. 64-bit is twice the number of 32-bit. Therefore, 64 means it is encrypted with more code or whatever, and is not prone to viruses.

If you passed elementary school, you'd know that 32 * 2 = 64.
DDS1/2 and Nocturne ran fine on my laptop outside of a couple of frame dips in really enemy-dense encounters. In fact I had to bump the speed up to 150% to stop the fucking ghosting effect from making me sick.
I play most games at full speed 1080p off of the disk on my laptop. It is your problem not theirs
>lot of game specific hacks
That myth again...
It's 31 games with hacks from a library with over thousand games.

Accele Brid
Addams Family Values
Bahamut Lagoon
Battle Grand Prix
Bubsy II
Clay Fighter
Cyber Knight II - Tikyu Teikoku no Yabou
Dead Dance
Deae Tonosama Appare Ichiban
Dragon Quest 5
Earthworm Jim 2
Emerald Dragon
Final Fantasy 3u/6j
Front Mission
Home Alone
Human Grand Prix
Human Grand Prix II
Human Grand Prix III - F1 Triple Battle
Kamen Rider
Lamborghini - American Challenge
Mortal Kombat
Rendering Ranger R2
Super Famista
Super Famista 2
Super Final Match Tennis
Super Mario - Yossy Island
Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island
Super Punch-Out
Tuff E Nuff
PCSX2 is really the only PS2 emulator right now. Or at least, the only one that sort of works.

PS2 emulation is just stagnant, mostly due to the system's unconvential hardware and lack of documentation for it.
Windows theme name?
14 years and nobody has succeeded or even attempted at making a better emulator than PCSX2. Is PS2 hard to emulate, which makes the PCSX2 devs good at what they do to even get this far, or is everyone else just lazy which makes the PCSX2 devs exceptionally productive and generous for making the emulator when no one else would?
windows 10 default theme
man i really want to play persona 4 but i am really afraid and don't want to download something i am not sure if it will play, i only have a core 2 duo and dolphin is really good i was able to play all the gamecube games i downloaded it was amazing even some wii games like tatsunoko vs capcom on very playable performance, but i tried kof maximum impact 2 on my bro's laptop which is core i7, while i know laptops are less powerful that pc but and i7 laptop should be really better than a core 2 duo but nope it was not able to play it, it was really really slow, since than i haven't tried pcsx2 again,
i have tried cvs2 but those black lines were annoying as fuck,
dunno how your machine works on development builds. 5.0's d12 renderer is far superior though.

That's vanilla windows 10...
It's not that the technology does new things, it's that it does things in a new way. It's like if you went from a kettle to a coffee machine and you complained that your tea comes out tasting like coffee.
Here I was hoping you had just put on a custom W7 theme instead of making such a mistake...
I noticed this too, maybe they fell for the laptop meme

Phoneposters are mostly trash
>if it's not cycle accurate it's shit
PCSX2 is fantastic. Fuck off back to your homepage, byuu. No one likes you or bsnes.
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my laptop runs FFXII at 60 fps though
>listening to /g/'s tinfoil botnet schemes

install shutup10 if you really care about MS spying on your chinese cartoon torrents
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if only they fixed that glitch for light effects. at any resolution above 1:1 the effects look like pure ass.

bsnes is great and it's good that we have it
Actually I don't like it because it sucks shit and can't run any good games without crashing.
Basically every successful emulator had access to leaked bits of information, the entire design doc, or is based on a preciously reverse engineered/relatively simple machine.

PS2 has none of that, which is why PCSX2 is basically the only one. The devs for it are damn good.
poorfag on toaster detected
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Desmume runs perfectly on smartphones
Works fine to me
I'd be fine with this if it was accurate at all.

It's not, and it runs like shit regardless of not being cycle accurate.
>runs like shit
But I played SOTC and MGS3 at a few times native resolution on a 2500k and 560ti 5 years ago.

That's Drastic.

Drastic is a desmume skin
>calling people who want less hacky emulation poorfags

this logic is all ass backwards.

It's from scratch, anon. That's why it's so efficient.

PS2 games are barely worth emulating anyways. Half the worthwhile games got ported a long time ago, the rest got franchise updates like sports and racing games making PS2 versions redundant. Who gives a shit about rhythm and Chinese cartoon games anyways.
Only 60?
>Avg. FPS in PCSX2 (at native resolution): 15
>Specs: Overclocked GTX 1060, Intel i7-6900K, 16GB RAM, Windows 10.
How is that possible

I get average 60 fps with no dips at 1080p on my laptop + turbo works flawlessly. It's a fairly good laptop but it has nothing on your set-up.
What specs?
This ol lappy has:
Intel Celeron M 1.73 GHz
ATI Radeon Xpress 200 (embedded graphics...)

Bet ya at least had a dual core.

>from scratch

Yeah sure, so are all those video players that are just slightly optimised VLC skins.
This sounds likethe old jaguar commercial.
I can't even... You are just stupid. Please stay away from /g/.
Are you literally retarded? Is Desmume just a No$GBA skin?
How about you look it up? Or just ask the guy who made it.
I have a stock i7 930 and it runs shit just fine. OP is clearly a purveyor of fine gay blowjobs
look above the butterfly

We'd be nowhere without NO$GBA. GBATEK is like the fucking Rosetta Stone and the debugger is great for homebrewers.
maybe he didn't disable the built in intel hd gpu and it's what the emu uses for rendering.

Ok ok tough guy drastic is an optimised desmume skin. Whatever makes you feel better.
>I know fuck all
Just admit it and move on. It's better.
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>tfw never had a ps2 and thinking about downloading this

What are some must-plays?

PS2 is one of the msot complex systems eve.r
Just shows you how a well documented system gets good emulators
We need to pay an autist to work reverse-engineering PS2 too.
I'm trying to run Odin's sphere on my old i5 5200u.Have someone tried doing the same?
There are too many to list. Just look at a list of top PS2 games and most will be worth playing.
Apparently 6900k doesn't even have integrated graphics
Will do, I guess. What about hidden gems?

DS emulation is kind of shit though. Not the worst, but not the best.
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>you fell for the amd cpu meme
>every game runs like dogshit
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project 64.png
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>Is PCSX2 the worst emulator of all time?
Not in a world that Project 64 exists
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>shadow/texture glitches out the ass on hardware mode
>check compatibility
>"Run in software mode"
It might not be great but it's the best PS2 emulator we have.
>10+ years
>they still haven't fixed this monstrosity

Not in a world where ZSNES exists.
>We need to pay an autist to RE the PS2
That's not how reverse engineering works. You can't just throw money at someone and have them shit out emulators.
Yes you can http://problemkaputt.de/
why do people hate ZSNES?

Seems to work the same as any other SNES emulator
>how is that possible
It's not. He's lying.
it's entails
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>worst emulator
>not being picture related

the creator fucked the code for local and online multiplayer that was being created and also completely ignores glitches that happen on pokemon games because he hates them
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what the fuck did i do
i bet yhwh is responsible for this.
Not in an world where ePSXe exists. What a shitpost of an emulator.

It's less accurate than snes9x and way less accurate than bsnes or nestopia. This admittedly does only matter in a few games.

You'll be waiting a very long time.

>regurgitating reddit lies
the code that the guy wanted to be mainlined was broken.
It's less accurate, but it's still pretty great on shit hardware cuz it's fast.
it's huehue-tier
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