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dude it's all fiction lmao

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dude it's all fiction lmao
>sold over 100K with the combination of both platforms in Japan
Japan with their shit taste strikes again.
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dude it's all fiction lmao
Aceman is a little bitch.
They also didn't know the game took a massive shit at the end. 1st week numbers mean nothing. Wait for the 2nd week drop once people find out it's not worth a purchase.
This is why you don't purchase games day 1.
Inform yourself before blindly buying a game.
You mean 『All Fiction』, right OP?
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>V3 was a big fuck you
>VLR was trash
>Steins Gate 0 was a joke
>Prof Layton is dead to me

what the fuck is going on with VNs lately? At least Spirit of Justice was OK (not great) but AA needs a serious rehaul or should just out right stop
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>>VLR was trash
You mean ZTD. VLR was the best thing to come out from ZE.
>inb4 triggered "muh atsmophere" 999fags
I'm gonna buy this game and play it anyway, because I'm a big fucking idiot
It actually isn't all fiction and you're told how to confirm that
though that in itself raises a bunch of questions about what this game's story was
Steins Gate 0 was alright, it's ending was more "wait, that's it?" instead of "fuck you" really.
>characters you grew attached to were all fake
>all the motives were fake
>all their personalities were fake

That's a big fuck you to anyone who immersed themselves into the game. To be told everything was fake and rendering the entire game null.
yes it was fuck off,
well it's already on discount, that must be indicative of something
That's just DR1 & 2. Which I'm actually fine with nuking to hell, fuck DR3. I know that there are people complaining about what might be the case for those games now but who gives a shit about them.

V3 was a chance for something new and they absolutely squandered with what was a potentially interesting cast.
but he's right you troglodyte
>stupid filler parts
>kagari existing at all
>the future part entirely skips over okabe founding valkyrie
>D-RINE that goes through worldlines breaks rules already set up by the game
>RINE isn't even fucking acknowledged, you just get a pop-up CG and the story proceeds on exactly the same
Gehenna's Stigma was the only good route.
I like what it did with some of the characters like Daru and Mayuri, but overall it was sorta disappointing

Daily reminder that dangayronpa always was a garbage series and overrated, v3 is the best thing that happened to the series, the creator admits its shit and tells the autistic fans to fuck off.

Daily reminder that zero escape series is the only good vn that has a good story + good puzzle gameplay.

Daily reminder that ZTD is a fucking good game and everything is explained, if you dislike it you have a low IQ, doesn't matter how many times you shit post complex motives or aliens, get cancer and die a painful death.
> good puzzle gameplay
Come on now. They're better than Hotel Dusk's semi-unresponsive non-puzzles but that's about it.
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Not even gonna give it to (you)
Why does every thread need to be a pissing contest between ZTD and DR? Go defend your shit game elsewhere.
can you guys pleas stop arguing and just post anime tits?
ey fags
post best kiibo
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He did what all of us want to do after seeing the ending
Nah. Let's argue about ZTD and DR some more.
m i n d h a c c
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>stop arguing.
Where do you think you are?
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Geez, yet another thread.

I agree.
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Mahiru is sexy.
Posting best girl
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>"everything is fiction."
>"OR IS IT?"
>"LOL fuck you buy the sequel for answers."
Was killing your franchise part of you plan?
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She really is.
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>Kiibo is literally us
>he destroys Danganronpa

I would have too. I'm still so fucking pissed about that bullshit ending. That "execution" was the only redeeming part of that trainwreck chapter.
God, and you're still the biggest manchild I know.

Is there any hope for you?
Kodaka's already working on the next spin-off novel, titled V1. Probably a Rantaro story.

Wtfvare you dangayronpa fags doing with your life? Do something productive instead if waifu posting, sad faggots, so glad v3 ending raped you subhumans.
F i c t i o n
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Nope. But I'm okay with it.


Read the Prologue again its hiding something
What a rare Mikan. Thank my man
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You can't even take care of yourself.

I bet you need a woman to do that for you, huh?
>v3 ending raped you subhumans
What V3 did to the previous games (if it did anything at all) isn't even the issue with the game
it's what it does to it's own story for the sake of the tweest that sucks
This. Danganronpa was literally created for autists.
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>cosplayer was bullshitting about them being willing participants.
>may have been bullshitting about DR/DR2 being fiction.
Yeah that just creates even more problems.
Namely, the fact that V3 may be in the same world as DR/DR2 when it should have been its own thing.
>implying the end wasn't a coverup
fuck off with your tumblr shit you retard.
>so glad v3 ending raped you subhumans
Watching both /dgr/ and nips melt down have been the most pleasent experience in a long time here
It's your fault.
Danganronpa isn't a masterpiece, never will be
You guys expected too much from Kodaka
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V3 should have been its own thing. A fresh start.
Not this fucking bullshit we got.
It would have easily beat DR2 if it had been its own self-contained story.

But no, it had to have that fucking grotesque ending.
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Ha! Loser.
And the fact it still doesn't change the mindhac of the characters, they're literal who innocent normies with transplanted "talents", memories and personalities who are still on a tv show, its shit.
Fans were expecting a fun murder mystery game that doesn't take a massive shit on itself and its fans at the end.
DR and DR2 did it. Why couldn't V3 do it?
There's a new 'when they cry' coming out, so I have an optimistic outlook at the moment.
I know.
>TFW you were just a massive waifufag that was expecting a massive drop of shit in v3 but you didn't care because it didn't involve your waifu

I dont even care about all "Is all fiction stuff" im more than glad than she is happy in the universe she is living
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>Daily reminder that ZTD is a fucking good game and everything is explained
Uchi go home
I was mostly skimming this thread. Was the ending or whatever conclusion they used that bad?
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the entire game was a reality tv show

It killed the series and makes dr1 and dr2 pointless.
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Everything you've followed so far is All Fiction
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>it's not about the destination, it's about the journey

Talk about sugar-coating games with shit endings.
Yes and its even worse is that is truly does the whole, "Or is it?!" due to the writer having to tell people on twitter that he Mastermind may or may have not been telling the full truth because muh lies theme.
>makes dr1 and dr2 pointless
Dangancucks are hilarious.
Hell, the game itself basically tells you to reread the prologue for your answer.
So, basically, the entire plot is an utter mess of truth and lies that requires more material to make sense of it.
It's shit like the rest of the series.
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Could be worse.
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>Tsumugi says red and black characters are precious
>everyone who survives are red and black
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Nothing's worse than you, Ace.
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Apologize to the whole thread.
The MC says the same thing at the end of the game, so it's just the writer repeating on twitter what the MC said.
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>SC just killed it biggest cash cow.
What are they gonna do now? Double down on Mystery Dungeon games or more crappy RPGs like Conception?
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My boy is doin it
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I'm sorry.
>even in the love hotels they don't really love you
>they're just made to love you
Can this game get any worse?
>Daily reminder that ZTD

nice meme you faggots are pathetic no one give a shit about your shitty franchise same for japanese fans now fuck off

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Good boy~
Yeah, if lazy hamster survived somehow.
Oh, wait.
People were talking about this in a previous thread but I can't find an actual source, or anyone else through google even mentioning this
Which thread?
At least give us that.
Would they consider releasing a DLC that's the "true" 6th chapter and epilogue to give a better conclusion to the story?
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the best
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Aha thats a nice joke
Probably continue being third party developers developing games for other companies.
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Your waifu's a nice girl.

I think she and my sister would be great friends, don't you?
>Ripping off MGS2 again
Having a boring cuck detective as MC should have told you this much.
>killed the fake meme girl
>killed the fake man hating girl
I would applaud him if it wasn't all based off a lie, including his motive.
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Miu or Junko ?
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>finally have a Dangan waifu
>first victim
>be shinguji
>seduce the girls and get them pregnant with your daughters
>murder them to get two for the price of one
why didn't he do this? it's the perfect plan
Complex lies
Miu. She seems much sluttier.
*first killer
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>her Love Hotel scene.
Because he doesn't cheat on his waifu.
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Too bad.
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It was completely worth the wait.
Sorry, son. She's for BBC (Big Bot Cock) only.
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Hush, Ace.
she was being brainwashed though.
Miu,Junko is shit.
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>Can a lie change the world?

>Can you be lied to?
Kiibo is too beta to satisfy such a semen demon.
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I find these two cute together, honestly.
But in general, Miu wants to satisfy her Miubros!
I knew it, she is a whore! Thank you Ouma for removing her.
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Miu is for Kiibo. Saihara is for his right hand.
>implying whores aren't best girls
I like her already.
>best boy tricked into killing her by baby hitler
>he tricks momota into killing him before he can get his comeuppance

fuck baby hitler, like seriously. he's the worst part of hopeman and togami fused together
Kokichi getting her killed is what made me love him even more.
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This is now a Miu thread.

And yet Kiibo is in love with Saihara. Not complaining, more Miu for us!

Good taste.
I told you guys that bringing witches into this would be nothing but trouble.
Himiko is the red witch and Shuichi is Battler.
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Cry harder Gontafag. Be happy best boy made use of that retard and cleaned out the trash.
Eh, Ouma's okay. It's annoying how he's actively trying to fuck everyone over and gets a pass because of yaoi and his looks.

At least us Miubros recognize her faults.
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The worst part is, is that even when she was a normie she still dressed like a slut. She was doomed from the start.
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>could've caught the mastermind in 1-3
>Kaede is the first fucking killer to top it all off
What a shitshow, after 2-4 I thought I was completely invincible to the level of retardation both the cast and the writers had, but nope, I'm honestly flabbergasted.
why is she crying
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>inplying this game would be half as fun without him
maybe her butt hurts
That's what makes him lovable. Getting two of the worst characters killed cemented him as permanent best boy.
That's my fault. Sorry guys.

What would you do if you were Saihara?
I mean, I knew from the start that the best characters were all going to die and I expected baby hitler to live, but even when he didn't I felt no satisfaction from his death. he didn't even have an absolute madman motive like nagito, he was just programmed to be an asshole

And of course shitters flock to him because he's a fuccboi
You mean 3-1? And yeah I agree. The cast were morons. Should have listened to Korekiyo.
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Woah jesus, this actually seems like a legit issue judging by the reviews and discount

What happened?
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>VLR was trash
That game a is a god damn masterpiece
>wah wah it's not fair the meanie got my faves killed
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Yeah, but that's to be expected of this fandom. Full of fujos obsessed with dudes sucking each others' cocks among other things. It's whatever, really.

The game would've been much more satisfying if they listened to Tulpaman, but nope, they decided to be retarded instead.

Most Japanese fans are angry about Chapter 6, and rightfully so.
Get out of here Ouma.

He's a memespouter. He probably meant Zero Time Dilemma
>dude this character makes everything worse by his mere presence
>EVERY other character even despises him so much they inmediately peg him as the mastermind
>lol let's let him get away with everything xD

i mean, i'm not really butthurt at Gonta dying because the big dudes (even if Gonta's not a powerhouse like Sakura and Nidai) never survive but that was an absolute dick move
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Seriously. Something about pic related annoys me. I'm going like "really Saihara it tool you 6 chapters to figure it out"
Well he got the wrong person executed over a mistake the SDR2 cast would never make
You could've at least CONSIDERED Shinguuji's statement.

Ugh, this is DR3 levels of retarded. And the cast in that were absolutely moronic.
Did you figure it out when you got chapter 1 spoilers only?
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Actually some people in the streams were saying "Wait Shirogane was in the restroom? That's fucking weird..." during Case 1
They would have made the same mistake in chapter 1 of DR1 if it was not for Mikan's autopsy and they would need more than a simple autopsy this time around
I love how already we have the majority saying it's shit and the heavily dug in defenders

With these meta games it's like clockwork
Yeah the SDR2 cast would have been fucked if they were retarded. Good thing they're not though
>SDR2 had the first half of the fourth trial
>V3 had the entire game but also the Shinguuji thing in the first trial
What was DR1's big moment of unbelievably idiocy?
Well, that's the third time I've had Danganronpa spoiled for me. Maybe I should just stop coming to /v/. :(
Celes's entire plan
>What was DR1's big moment of unbelievably idiocy?
Case 3.

Mostly EOPs being unable to grasp all the facts

Shirogane's alibi was rock solid because they had no knowledge of the secret passage linking the MM room and the bathroom and this passage can only be identified in the MM room
The Ultimate Gambler's retarded ride

Cmon now, we all know DR has the "Pull the ending out of its ass, Deduction LMAO" type of story.
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Oh here we go, it's the fucking EOP guy again.
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>SDR2 cast
>Not retarded

Your nostalgia is blinding you

Since when were the likes of Souda, Akane, Nidai, Teruteru and Saionji not retarded?

They would have made the same mistake the DRV3 cast did, Shirogane's alibi could only be broken with evidence that was found in ch6
That's the gayest heterosexual thing I've ever seen.
personally i think ZTD is actually the most daring of the games
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Saihara is an even bigger fuck up than Naegi. Kaede wouldn't have died had the retarded "detective" took Shinguji's statement into consideration and check the fucking bathroom.
The ratings are like that because of the japs not liking the meta twist. Nothing to do with each case logic.
I can't fucking wait until this game comes out in English and it's still getting shit on, so that faggots like you have no room for denial anymore
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I miss these two, bros.
Definitely Celeste.

I thought Korekiyo's statement on Tsumugi was weird but found it weirder that everybody brushed it off. Even some nips were talking about the bathroom comment.
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Are you the delusional shitposter from /drg/?
Keep trying to defend your detective's autism with your own.
I've read the reviews, there's no need to lie. Kaede Akamatsu is mentioned many times as a waste and the logic used to off her not making sense - which is case 1
I seriously don't know why you guys think you have all the facts just by reading through spoilers.
Yeah, I'm sure Delta's plan won't be as complex in the translation
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dude it's all fiction lmao
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I like the way you guys think
Tsumugi is so jealous.
Kaede isn't even the killer, she was framed.
Case 3 and having to convince Hagakure that Kirigiri wasn't a ghost.
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Oh, that's a good one.
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How would a Medaka Box killing game go?

As much as I love him, I bet Kumagawa would be either Chapter 1 or Chapter 5 victim
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The Vita had sound issues until the patch just came out and had other bugs too. It was much worse than the PS4 version at launch.
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>fuck danganronpa :)))))))) everythings fictional now :)))))) ahahahahah look, you the audience is talking about how you want more hope and despair :)))))))) fuck you :)))))
>btw make sure to buy my next game
Genius, Kodaka is absolutely genius. The writing is clever and post-modern, with the subtle metacommentary expertly complementing the deconstruction of not only Danganronpa as a game, but Danganronpa as concept. My favorite part was the part when the audience are criticized for enjoying the story in a story-based game and wanting sequels when the game sets up clear sequel hooks. When we SAY we want a resolution to the series, Kodaka says we are ACTUALLY saying "i want infinite danganronpas, the danganronpa must never end lest you be put to death, kazutaka" Truly we, the viewer are nothing more than animals who enjoy Danganronpa for the death we see, which we revel in. The lord (Kodakaa) giveth and he taketh away, in this case taking away the reality of the Danganronpa series, a game within a game, a punishment, a purgatory for the sins of giving Kodaka money for his video games. Spike Chunsoft aka REICH kim jong UNsoft, lead by none other than Satan himself, have ordered the pure and holy writer Kodaka to milk Danganronpa for all it's worth as they count their money. Team Danganronpa represents this. I stand in solidarity with Kodaka's plight, and in his support will never again buy a game that he writes.
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Kumagawa attempts some kind of incredibly convoluted twist to kill Medaka and get away with it just to prove a point but something stupid goes wrong with it (because he can NEVER win and Medaka can NEVER lose) and ends up killing himself
zenkichi or whoever the MC is ends up being implicated by pure chance
Already checked this, only a few reviews mention Kaede and all of those are about killing her off, nothing to do with the bathroom logic EOPs like to use


It was weird but since there is no actual evidence to link her to the crime, she got away.


EOP, you are talking as if I need english to play the game.

Fact: Saihara calls for a retrial of the first trial because new evidence is discovered after they enter the MM room in ch6

Anyone who checked the bathroom wouldn't have discovered anything because the secret was in the MM room
so from all this im getting a solid "umineko episode 8" vibe

did the creator have a mental breakdown and call the fans goats?
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this is LITERALLY this thread right now

R07 was right

Never try to please your disgusting smelly permavirgin buta readers. They're idiotic, and want everything served to them on a silver platter. And if they don't get exactly what they want, they will bitch and moan forever.
>Going this far
Saihara is that you?
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Why did VNs all go to shit
I'm merely relaying what happened in the game for you poor EOP cucks
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Ahhhhh my dick
where are you getting theeeese
The based Japanese Masterrace agrees the game is trash. Go fetch your ceremony knife so you can make like Keebo and suicide
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>comes back in chapter 6 as mastermind because pic related
>The final game put its players into despair

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wew lad
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Oops, wrong Kumagawa pic

No joke, I have a whole folder for /ourguy/
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I've been getting a lot of these pics from Twitter, too, but I bless you for posting more that I haven't seen yet.
Just someone who played the game and didn't news to rely on badly translated spoilers, EOP.

Salty weeb
I'm pretty indifferent to be honest,
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Saihara is cute! CUTE!
The discussion here isn't if the game is trash or not, though? It's about EOPs misinterpreting things because they didn't play the game.
If he had remained a side fuccboi for Kaede to manhandle he would've been perfect.
Playing as him is just painful.
I knew the Japs couldn't go with a female protagonist with blonde hair

Too... different. What surprised me is that the Japs are disappointed instead of estatic that the unique looking MC got replaced by a terrible bland one
Go stroke your ego somewhere else, child. No one's interested in feeding into your superiority complex.

Is this lame insult your answer?
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Looking forward to the Miu art that will come in the near future.

Thanks again for posting some I haven't seen, aceman.
Is this how you behave after being BTFO?
Game written by R07, Kodaka and Uchikoshi when?
I think they're more disappointed they didn't get what was advertised and that the twist could be seen coming a mile away. She only has 2 FTEs per character, so try to FTE someone a third time and it's obvious something isn't right.
You're welcome. I hope there's new art later on.
No they would have been able to check for the passageway if they actually checked the bathroom but again those excuses.
>Japanese: Played the game, the ending is trash, Shuuichi is trash, fuck this game, fuck Kohacka
>Westerners: Japanese already played the game, they say the ending is trash, Shuuichi is trash, fuck this game, fuck Kohacka
Enjoy your (You). You won't get anymore of them from me.
When I join them in hell and have to play their game for all eternity
As far as I've seen, only a few japs were actively bothered by the protagoinst change. Most of them are hating the ending though.

Fujos are a big part of the DR fanbase and they're obviously happier with playing as Saihara, for example.
I guarantee, after a few more shitty sequels, people will look back at this game as ingenious and "deep"

This will be the MGS2 of it's time, mark my words.
Me? We're talking about you and your obsession with stroking your e-peen. Find somewhere else to be an insufferable twat.

Kaede only has 2 FTE time available though. You can't FTE someone with her for a third time.
Nah, this won't even be remembered for having potential like Umineko did
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Kojima was playing the hack game long before Uchikoshi and Kodaka were.
Somehow, people still suck his dick though.
Literally what is wrong with this game?

>oh it makes DR1 and 2 fiction!
I don't see the problem. Within the context of the V3 world, DR1 and 2 are fiction, just like in our world. How does that devalue the first two games?

>all the characters were fake, that makes me upset/angry/etc.
That's the point.
Why should I believe in what you're saying when you don't provide any source? Also should I believe the entre fanbase is one single hivemind?

I repeat: japanese are complaining about the game, yes, however it's mostly about the ending. They enjoyed the cases themselves.

Here's Amami's school mode ending.
So from what I've been reading it's not even the killing of Kaede, but rather the killing solely for shock value followed by a bizarre and condescending meta plot
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Pretty much.
One is unable to indentify the passage without knowing how the MM room works, EOP-kun.
I think you might be right. It's unfortunate that it did a reverse MGS2 in terms of protagonist though

>It's a female protagonist with an actual talent!
>Just kidding it's a dude detective, which is almost as generic a protagonist as an everyman like Naegi

It's like if the MGS2 trailers had Raiden and then you played as Snake for the rest of the game.
>trivializes not only its own character development, player attachment factor, and legitimacy, but takes the other two games down with it
>remember all those struggles from DR1 and SDR2? They're not even real!
Huh, I don't even really care about Jap Games and I'm salty by proxy. Spec Ops the line meets Dead Waifus is a bad combo
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Her death was completely unnecessary, it's pretty sad.

VLR is weeaboo trash.
>the change doesn't devalue the other games
>the point of the change was to upset you over how the other games were devalued
Why should I? I have nothing to do with your butthurt, it's not my fault if you keep getting BTFO by what I've been saying.
It's also the death of Keebo and how before his limbs even hit the ground the two other survivors start fighting over Saihara's cock(one of whom was in love with another guy)
It was especially weird considering how Peko had the same "taking a shit" alibi in and the cast immediately called her out on it.
Keep them excuses coming.
Oh wow the madman did the twist everyone expected him to.
>shock value

She died because she tried to kill the mastermind and failed, she took a risk and it didn't pay off.
I haven't argued with you, mongoloid. I was interested in what you had to say initially, however your condescending attitude and incessant indignant whining is fucking unbearable.
>>remember all those struggles from DR1 and SDR2? They're not even real!
They were never real. Just because V3 takes place in a world like ours where DR1 and SDR2 were fiction doesn't make DR1 and SDR2 more or less fake. It just means that within the context of V3, they're fake. Does D.Va in Overwatch playing Starcraft devalue Starcraft as a fictional world? Does the Flash reading comics about the original Flash devalue those older stories? I'm sure there are better examples, but I cannot understand how this is a problem.

No, I'm saying that the fact that the characters all had implanted personalities was a deliberately frustrating move intended to cause "despair" as DR likes to call it. That the people you spent the whole game with were never the people you thought, it puts you in a somewhat similar mindset as the characters who are having to deal with this revelation themselves. Like the DR2 twist cranked up to 11.
>Amami playing the teacher/big brother role to Saihara


Yeah I'm pretty sure the DR2 cast would have solved the case in chapter 1 simply because they were smart enough to not excuse any possibilities.
As DR will remind you, fiction isn't real. Kaede died to "shock" the audience
>They're not even real!
This meme is getting REALLY tiring. Play the game and pay extra attention to the prologue.
How did Komahina fujos react to this?
And that other guy left her to Saihara to take care of.
>they were never real
But that's not the point you autist.

What's the point of character development if within the universe it doesn't matter?

>lol all of DR was faker than the SDR2 digital reality fake world
>character struggles don't even matter because they're all fake personalities that we gave them and not real characters within the context of everything
This bothers me. Have you played the game? Do you know enough of Saihara's personality to call him bland?
Your autistic headcanons don't count.
My attitude doesn't erases the relevance of what I've been saying.
>this meme again

Stop doing this every time someone rightfully calls out the detective as bland and generic.
>Literal text in the game
>Autistic headcanons
What's with the hostility? Did you and mommy fight again?
The only one who seem to like him are land whales from dumbler and fujos.
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I do as well, he's just to great.
Is it an excuse when it's literally there in the game?
I didn't call that into question.
Why are weebs the worst when it comes to posting spoilers? I'm going to spoil the fuck out of Zelda.
they died even though its not even technically nagito's hand holding hinata its Junko hand and Robo hand
V3 deserves to be spoiled
People need to be aware of the turd it is
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I'm too lazy to look up the plot
Spoil the game for me
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In your head sure.
Peko's case is different. They called her out on it because she was nota supposed to be in the bathroom at the time.

With Tsumugi, literally nothing could have put her on the suspect list except for someone managing to enter the MM room


They wouldn't have. The cast would have declared Nagito guilty if it Washington not for Mikan's autopsy. If Mikan didn't had that evidence (like DRV3 chapter 1) Nagito would have gotten his way.
>shuichi (thinking): with that being said, amami gently patted my head.
>shuichi: amami-kun... pl- please dont... treat me like a child...

Hahaha Rantarou treating Shuichi like a bitch.
>T-this isn't real
>trusting Tsumugi

She was lying about the tapes, we can't be sure about which part of what she said can be believed in.
How can you call me the autist when you're the one that can't accept the concept of having a fictional work also be fictional within the context of another work? DR1 and SDR2 are exactly as real as they ever were.

>>character struggles don't even matter because they're all fake personalities that we gave them and not real characters within the context of everything
if that's the conclusion you've come to about it, fine. But that's an incredibly reductive way to tackle the topic of false identity.

I'm not necessarily saying Saihara is bland, rather that when you advertise a female protagonist that is a musician and then switch to a more generic archetype, you're going to piss off everyone and not even win points for being ballsy, as Saihara is such a safe protagonist in any other context.
>it's this retard again

Nah they'd solve the case better than Saihara.
Because Rantarou thinks he's Shuichi's private tutor. Love hotel is roleplaying.
Killing game again! Except it isn't and they're actually part of tv reality show. There are talented kids lives at stake again, but not actually talented kids as they are innocent normies that got brainwashed, had their personalities altered and given new back grounds and memories to replicate DR 1 & 2 that they try to pass off as fiction but probably isn't anyways but who gives a shit at this point.

Theme is about lies and the game tries to set itself of as another standard DR title to the point they rehash and recycle ideas from the original games, the game almost plays out exactly like them except more dead kids by the end. They killed each other over nothing and their motives are based off a lie, all fake.
How is "It's always been fictional" any less reductionist of a response?
And why would they even audition?
Shuuichi literally says in the last trial that it mattered to him even though it was all a lie.
They didn't, all lies, they were forced to make them. Kidnapped and all, they aren't even evil children who had some disturbing motives to join the game, just victims of greedy evil producers.

Just bland boring children I'm afraid.
Chapter 1: Amami dies, Kaede is the killer
Chapter 2: Hoshi dies, Kirumi is the killer
Chapter 3: Angie and Tenko die, Shinguuji is the killer
Chapter 4: Miu (best girl) dies, Gonta is the killer (though it was orchestrated by Ouma)
Chapter 5: Ouma dies, Kaito is the killer
Chapter 6: Kaede actually didn't kill Amami, but Shirogane did!
I reject hope!
I reject despair!
I reject Danganronpa!
Kiibo blows up the place, Shirogane gets crushed under a giant rock, Kiibo explodes and saves Saihara, Maki, and Himiko.
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Well he isn't wrong...
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this is the only thing your VN """"""""game""""""" series is good for, weebfucks
Have you played the game? He is a better protag compared to Naegi and Hajime

Nah, only /u/ faggots actively hate him from what I've seen
Look mom, I posted it again! Get the camera!
Wait so Kaede gets executed but didn't do it? If I remember the rules if you pick the wrong person everyone who isn't guilty dies
>He is a better protag compared to Naegi and Hajime

Naegi yeah but not Hinata.
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So basically the plot is entirely pointless and unconnected to anything else plot wise? Sounds great...
>better protag
Ah we've reached that stage already huh
Its okay when the mastermind does it now :^)
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Fanfic tier fixes based on a spotty collection of all spoiler knowledge
>Angie survives case 3 to be killed in 4 instead of Miu
>Miu makes it to the final trial and turns out to be Kaede the whole time, using memory shenanigans or whatever
>Kicks Shuuichi in the nuts, mocks Cosplayer, but Kibo still goes overdrive
good end
Shirogane is the mastermind, so she bent the rules. At the time, Kaede actually did think she killed Amami.
>Have you played the game? He is a better protag compared to Naegi and Hajime

4/10, got me to respond
Ok then.

Why do you act so autistic when confronted by irrefutable evidence?
>spotted the saiharafag

he's literally mitarai 2.0.
>being this mad because you didn't get sauce in the last thread
V3 = 53, it's the 53rd season of a TV Show based on the HPA saga which is fictional in this universe.

Rantarou was given the title SHSL Survivor as he had survived previous rounds and as a reward recorded a video for himself and got a map of the entire school, including the mastermind's room. However, he is killed by a trap set by Kaede to kill the mastermind (we later learn that she was framed and the mastermind actually did the killing). She's executed and the MC role switches to Saihara.

The other trials are as follows
>Kirumi kills Ryoma as her fake backstory was a government agent and Ryoma's was an escaped convict
>Korekiyo (who is a crazy incestfag with a tulpa sister) kills Angie and Tenko
>The cast go into a VR world, where Gonta's headset bugs out and turns him into a raging maniac who's avatar kills Miu, rendering her braindead in the real world
>Maki, who is actually the SHSL Assassin, shoots Ouma with a poison dart gun, and later Kaito by accident. Ouma allows Kaito to drink the antidote and convinces Kaito to kill him so Maki won't be the blackened

At the end, Shirogane is revealed to be the mastermind. Kiibo is revealed to have been programmed as the SHSL Hopebot, as the whole point of the game was to end with him vs Shirogane as a manufactured hope vs despair thing. Saihara rejects hope and despair and refuses to play by the game's rules to put an end to it. The audience, angry that Saihara is trying to end Danganronpa, take direct control of Kiibo, who Saihara must defeat in a PTA. Kiibo then transforms into battle mode and destroys the entire academy, crushing Shirogane in the process, and sacrifices himself to blow up the barrier surrounding the academy. The remaining survivors, Saihara, Maki, and Himiko swear vengeance against Team Danganronpa, the producers of the show.

Wow that sounds pretty bullshit
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the same thing happened in dr1
>implying I'm not fucking Junko right now
>"Irrefutable evidence"
>autistic headcanonot

Kaede is literally more generic than Saihara though. She is Naegi with some sort of backbone.
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Is that so?
There was no evidence to implicate anybody other than Kaede. It's like what Junko pulled on Naegi and Kirigiri in DR1.
>Kodaka cancelled his radio interview
That bad, huh?
Already showed you that they wouldn't. Get on my level
You'll note that

1. You play as Naegi for four cases before that


2. Naegi survives
The interview was a lie all along, they never had any intention of doing one, clearly!
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As in yeah, I'm fucking Junko, nice to meet you.
When I say "it's always been fictional" all I mean is that it is exactly as fictional as it always was. I'm not saying that fictional stories can't have meaning or be engaging, just that it's not any more or less fictional than it was before, just because it was fictional within the context of another setting apart from our own.

What I see is that, in the world of V3, DR1 and SDR2 are fictional, just like in our world. That doesn't mean that DR1 and SDR2 were only ever stories produced within the world of V3.

The Big Bang Theory is fictional. Superheroes are fictional. In the Big Bang Theory, superheroes are also fictional. But you don't see superhero fans losing their shit because their heroes have been devalued by being fictional within the context of another work of fiction. I am sure there is a much better example of what I'm trying to get at, but it just isn't coming to me right now.

Yeah you sure showed me.
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Just making sure.

How is it a headcanon If it is in the game?
DR fans are literally autistic and incapable of grasping the concept of a "multiverse".
>astronaut dies mid execution due to disease
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Too bad we'll never get to see her again. Her sprite leaks got my hopes up.

>t.retards who didn't play the game
>I am sure there is a much better example of what I'm trying to get at
Star Ocean 3 if you want a video game example.
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>t.buttblasted saiharafag
Saihara is a cuck lol
Yeah well, that's not the real deal. Oh well.
I guess that's what I was trying to get at. Maybe it comes from reading DC comics, wherein there are old stories (and some new ones) where the heroes read a comic about another hero, and then find that in another world that hero does actually exist. So I have no problem accepting that in our world, both V3 and the Hope's Peak saga are fictional. And in the V3 world, Hope's Peak is fictional. And obviously in the world of SDR2, DR1 is real and V3 doesn't even exist. I think I'm kind of straying from the point now, and there's not much reason in trying to carry on because I think
>DR fans are literally autistic and incapable of grasping the concept of a "multiverse".
sums it up pretty well.
I recognize you, fuck off back to plebbit NPultra.
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But there's a difference in how superheroes are treated to DR1/SDR2

Even though the twist at the end of SDR2 is along the lines of V3's overarching ending, both games impose what happen as real events to the characters that change them. DR1 is played straight as completely real the whole time, not even the ending that 2 had.

BBT isn't the same, it's a bunch of quote unquote nerds talking about superheroes, not the "Hurley was dreaming" theory that was both valid and big for a while.

BBT does not play it up at any point that the superheroes are real or serious at any point, they're sometimes mocked for how much they like "nerd" shit. The LOST ending sucks because there was no fucking point to the series if it was all just a fever dream by ONE person.
If it DR 1 and DR 2 are part of the tv show was DR Another also a tv show?
He is actually the only protag to get laid.
Who does he fug?
she's an ok copycat though
Maybe he doesn't know what to say, or PR thinks it's a bad idea.
>implying Naegi didn't flood Kirigiri with hope
Honestly it just makes me want to play it more, none of what you guys have described seems bad by itself, just think of it as being set in a fictional universe and move on.
Miu rapes him and he and Kaede have sex.
I suppose it's the best I'm gonna get, so I'm not complaining.
Lies and brainwashing he didn't do it from merit but because they were made to love him.
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Literally the only thing that pisses me off about the ending is that so many people died. There should have been at least 2 more survivors
He didn't get laid.

Not canon and they were being brainwashed
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All that is left to discuss is that Junko is hot as fuck, I love her tits.
If you fuckers aren't memeing on me, you might have changed my life
>implying Naegi would fuck anybody
Fine, Ouma and Miu can come back if you want them that much.
>anybody who doesn't like the boring detective must be from plebbit

saiharafag(s?) everyone.
He's gotta get lucky sometime
thank you thank you, I'm here all week
You're ok with a cuck possibly getting "laid" in a non canon mode by brainwashed girls? Are you Saiharafags this desperate now?
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>junko's true talent is to be retarded
sounds about right.
Thanks, senpai.
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they are. they will take anything at this point even the witch. having none of the girls except maybe the loli canonically show no interest in him is driving them mad.
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>implying Kyoko didn't "Naegi-kun." him until he had no option but to give in
Literally have this in my tabs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYOXZ-FJ4vw

Enjoy senpai
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Kaede should have been the love interest instead of the MC
Who gives a fuck about Shuichi, I just want that titty monster to sit right on my fucking face
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Well hot damn.
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kyoko loves to service faceless black men!
mad that we'll never get Ryoko doing this
>implying Kirigiri would fuck anything besides corpses
But Naegi isn't a corpse.
im not either
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So you're a self inserting virgin. Guess that answers my question why you guys are so obsessed with Saihara getting laid.
I'm surprised he didn't spill all his spaghetti right there
she gets jelly when Lico tries to kiss Yui so she might have wanted to fuck Yui
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And that's he's not getting any until he becomes one.
It's cute when you get flustered over people liking characters. Keep up the good work.
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Why is everyone so mean to Saihara? What did he ever do to you?
Saiharafags are just as bad as Naegifags in that they're filled with self inserting faggots. Almost wish Kaede wasn't a decoy just to see these guys continue whining.
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WTF is wrong with his eyes in this pic
Just some anon buttblasted because he's the MC instead of Kaede.
I'm not mean. But I can't judge him either.
Did you think you could hide from me, Elliot? The law sees all.
Unless she thought Lico was cute.
You got most of the details wrong but I can't be bothered to correct you.
I'm not making any calls on Saihara until I actually play the game.
Everybody forgets how terrible Makoto actually is.

Only Komaru and Hajime were good protagonists.
Buttblasted Kaedefags and Kibofags he took the protagonist role.
You can give up the act. The evidence is clear. Are you going to confess?
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>Kaito was never going to survive because of his illness either way
That's pretty bullshit. I just feel bad for him.
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I don't have much of an opinion on Saihara since I haven't a clue what he says, so waiting for translations/when I play the game.

This goddess here has been keeping me and my bros entertained throughout this wild ride, too.
Can someone explain this to me? Dang gang ron paul was all a reality show based on some events in the universe?
Naegi was boring compared to Komaru and Hajime but he was kind of okay in DR1.

He was fucking terrible in DR3 though
But they were both better than Cuckhara.
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Naegi is garbage but what does he have to do with Saihara being garbage?
Both Makoto and Kyoko were terrible in DR3.

It really lowered my opinion of both of them.

Why did she ignore the fucking power room?
>The guy that just ends up crying hard enough that he got what he wanted
This bitch tried to murder Ouma just because he was a meanie
fuck her
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You mean like every game ever made?
And DR3 managed to ruin Hajime too.
>whiny bitch that doesn't even put in any effort to try and succeed in life gets everything handed to him on a silver platter.
she had to autistically confess to makoto before dying
DR3 ruined everything
Ouma's a crazy motherfucker and everyone was starting to get tired of his bullshit regardless.
I'm in the exact same boat you are. I do lament Kaede though, I was enjoying the prospect of playing the fat Piano Baka.
Nah AA6 was great. Giant step up from AA4 and AA5.
Some things point to him trying and being exceptional just not having super powers.

I mean, he landed a hit on Juzo and if we're using Gala Omega as a measuring stick, he's half as good at video games as Chiaki.
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well He is a pretty cute Boy (Girl)
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The greatest.

Yeah, Kaede a cute.
Yeah they both are terrible.

This. Miu deserved to die.
Just finished the game.
Ask me for anything.
As much as he liked to fuck with people, he never tried to murder anyone until Miu stepped in, and chapter 5 is basically Ouma's witch hunt when he told everyone he wasn't the mastermind
Ouma's no saint but the others were fucking assholes.
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What is Yui ?
What is Ryoko ?
What is Takumi ?
I hate Ouma but she did try to kill him so I can't fault him for defending himself. He played 5d chess with her while she was stuck at 4d chess, of course she was going to lose.
Ishimaru was a normie too, and he worked hard for his talent. Guy didn't even care that he got it, he wanted to prove that ordinary people were just as good as good as talented people.

Hajime just cared too much about about wanting to be seen as exceptional instead of working for it.
This. Ouma didn't even do anything. The others were the ones who took it too far.
No one cares
Should I get this or ZTD?
>he wanted to prove that ordinary people were just as good as good as talented people.

And now he's dead while Hajime is a good.

I think we know who the real winner here is.
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Yeah Ishimaru didn't whine about having no talent like Hajime did and worked to develop his own while Hajime just whined and whined and then got the cheat device.
You pirate both of them.
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you get std instead
Because Hajime became a Gary Stu nobody likes. At least Ishimaru wasn't a whiny bitch and is likable.
Let's not forget that Ishimaru was a rapist and biker slut.
Hajime wasn't a gary stu, he needed his dead fake waifu to bail him out in Ch 6.

Nah. I'm glad Celeste took that rapist scum out.
Get ZTD but go in without expectations, you'll find some fun memes
I don't get why people are freaking out about this, it's obviously in another universe seeing as their DR media line goes beyond ours with shit like UDG2.
>better than AA4 and AA5
That's... really not saying much

Ishimaru, Hajime got the world fucked and did the opposite of what his waifu asked.

All Hajime had to do was to say no and stay with Chiaki or Natsumi, Chiaki was interested on him, she even waited for the guy, but nope, I gotta impress a woman who likes me for who I am even tho she said it was okay.
How was Miu's character?
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>Inb4 we actually do get it here as well.
>spotted the retard

>what is Hajizuru

Have you watched the love hotel scene? The delusion from the love hotel amplifies feelings and they end up there because the girls bring Shuuichi there
This. DR3 showed Hajime being pathetic to the highest degree.
Kanon goes Nuclear and Komaru and Toko have to stop her with the WOH's help they almost die until A SPACE NEET RETURNS
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He literally did nothing to deserve his fate. Hajime literally is hajimeme.
But Maki liked Kaito and she still has a romance scene with Shuichi.
Not him but her personality makes her a ego inflated as she truly believes she a genius inventor the world needs, similar to the maid, she was willing to commit murder because she feels she needs to get out of this alive as the world needs her for her inventions.
It's brainwashing. Get over it. Even Kiibo noticed it. That's the only reason why they mess with Shuichi.
Female Teruteru + Mikan with a huge ego but actually pure

She have a crush on you in her FTE and become a yandere stalker
Interesting. Does she have any meaningful interactions with the rest of the cast? How do she and Shuichi interact?
Also blunt and kinda of an asshole.
Assuming DR still has a future after V3 what do you think will come next? The next main sequel, spinoff or prequel?
What? I know she made an apple pie for Saihara (mixed with her genital hair), but does she really develop a crush on Saihara?
Pure people don't carry around giant dildos.
A game where we could make our own custom killing game and watch it unfold would be nice.

She treats Shuichi and the cast like dirt.
>She have a crush on you in her FTE and become a yandere stalker
What does she do?
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Even DR3 had a better ending
None of that is true and she doesn't have any romantic interest in him.
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So what is the importance of Kiibo losing his Ahoge. Why are the executions so fucking boring and not creative. Why does V3 suck in general?

This reaches DR3: Future levels of shit, I'm serious. I wonder if the creator is even capable of making anything DR-related good anymore.
Nagito's going to rape Mikan.
I'm going to wait for translations. So far we don't know shit.

My Japanese friend said he enjoyed V3 and implied I'd like Miu's stuff since I'm a fan of her, but I'll just have to see for myself.
Then what happens in her FTEs?
Probably a prequel. Something like DR0 but with Amami. Two part story concerning his previous killing games and expanding on this new concept.
She thought Saihara was confessing to her.
Most cast just ignore her (except Kibo) because she is an ass-hole to anyone..
Prequels in Danganronpa about always end up as novels or manga.
That means she feels something for Shuuichi in Prision mode

It only amplifies feelings that already exist.
>She thought Saihara was confessing to her.
That awkward moment where you think your friend just confessed and you have to play off you taking it serious as a joke? How cliche.
Is your Japanese friend a Japanese troll?
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I took a couple screenshots of when an anon was telling me about Miu's FTEs, and I'm pretty curious to see how this goes down. He's the one that also told me about the apple pie.
This. Saiharafags are becoming more delusional than Junkofags.

Because he's cute, cute, cute!

Cute boys deserve to be bullied into a crying mess!
Where did I say it wouldn't be a novel?
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Other pic.

I hope he's not bullshitting me!
Kaedefags, let it go.

lets see how long we can get this train going
>retarded delusions

Keep them coming.

>listening to a random anon
In terms of cases maybe but I feel like the atmosphere and character development kinda got fucked in between AA4 and AA6.
They've been doing this all day. They adamantly deny what went on in Miu's love hotel scene, were asked to provide their own translation since the others were 'false', and ignored every request while calling everyone else a Saiharafag.

Now they're doing the same thing here, and they're certainly not going to tell us what they think happened in Miu's FTEs.
i guess when your boy is a cuck you'll do anything to make him look cool like this
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>However, she mixed her genital hair in pie.
Even if this isn't true, it sounds like something she'd do.
But I didn't mention Saihara anywhere in that post.
The apple pie thing was from an episode of Family Guy where Meg stalks Brian.
Ahoge is the symbol of a protagonist.
By losing the ahoge it symbolises that he is no longer in control of the players (the reality tv show viewers).
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Well seeing as he canonically gets no pussy...
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Oh shit, you're right. Damn, that was so long ago.

>Japan ripping off Family Guy now

How the mighty have fallen
Doesn't that little witch girl suck his dick at the end of the game?

I heard that happens.
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You're wrong! Himiko might have a crush on him because she blushed like twice around him! So that means she wants to jump him!
I thought she was a carpetmuncher.
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So did BN say "hey fuck it, you know what, let's just do everything wrong. Remember that really boring cosplayer character that looked like she was going to die in case 1? Let's make her the mastermind. You know that detective character that nobody found interesting? Let's make him the protagonist. Remember that robot everyone thought was cool? Let's not use him. Remember that mysterious blonde haired kid who could have been a cool figure within the story? Let's kill him first chapter."

V3 makes me fucking fume
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>tfw the only girl who canonically wants you without mindhaccs is some ugly loli witch
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She shows more interest in Tenko than she does Saihara.
Saihara cucked by a dead girl
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No that was just retards from tumbler projecting, she has no romantic feelings for any female.
Do not believe /u/fag lies.
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Bros let him have at least one girl who likes him.... I'm legit desperate. I need this for him please.
I just want this game to come out in english already so everyone can stop being "experts" on the game.
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Now I REALLY hope that's not the case. Please let something else happen.
His mother likes him if it makes you feel better anon.
Maybe he's into boys?
>an ugly hamster girl
>has the shitiest voice imaginable
>all the other girls are dead besides mika but she loved Kaito too much
What a terrible fate.

>Saihara pulls an Elliot
Welcome to /v/. If anything, the game will become even more derisive on release due to an influx of waifufags.
It's called "playing with expectations", cuck.
Nobody seriously argues that Himiko likes him tho
This isn't enough for me.

He's the only boy left from his class.

I just need something for my boy. I'm at the end of my wits and seriously considering suicide at this point.

More like the boys are into him, if you know what I mean.
It can always be worse.

Nice falseflagging
Anon, calm yourself. They're just going to mock you.
Fuck off.

I don't care. I just want Saihara to have a girl. It's not fucking fair.
Why are the lolis always the absolute worst characters in Danganronpa?
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>there are people who wanted to play as a female
>Miu will never rape you the ever living Christ out of you until your balls are shriveled and dry
Put me down
Go away falseflag king, we had you executed.
>implying Hiyoko was bad
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Why has she been getting so much hate these days, bro?
Himiko was jealous of Miu flirting with Shuichi in chapter 4 and of Shuichi calling Maki by her pet name in the epilogue.
Playing hide and seek with ku ku ku on nee-san's vagoo would be the hypest shit

Godspeed Anon-kun, you can use this for ideas if you care

It's the one guy that exists to hate Shuichi for whatever reason. He's funny though.
I don't care about playing as Kaede. But I wish she was alive or showed interest in Saihara before she died. It's just not fair. I want a girl for Saihara and all I have is fucking Himiko.
Hiyoko was the best
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He can cuck Maki and have best bro to himself.
Still waiting for his translations of Miu's FTEs and love hotel scene. Really looking forward to them. I heard he's the best translator on the internet.
She does?

What does Shuichi have to do with anything?
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Probably because the people who miubro post where constantly saying how pure she was, then it came out she tried to kill someone and try to deny it.

Then change tunes when it wasn't a fake spoiler and that it was absolutely true. Then the excuses came. That's just my two cents.
Miu wasn't really flirting with him but either way I'll take some confirmation from Himiko. But still it's not fair.

Actually I always thought Himiko crushed on Ouma.
Nothing really, it's just that guy is obsessed with Shuichi having no romance and he's buttblasted about the Miu love hotel thing.
But best bro's dead.
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Yeah, it hurts my heart.

I'm a Miubro and I never denied that, I just accepted that she planned to do something scummy and moved on. I don't think any of us tried to deny that she planned to have Ouma killed, I think some of the others tried to deny that she was a slut.
>Actually I always thought Himiko crushed on Ouma.
She noticed that he looked handsome early on but that was a phase that quickly faded.
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>it's that delusional saiharafag again
Himiko was actually good.
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Not in the pandering everybody lives mode.
>Miu wasn't really flirting with him but either way
She said his avatar was so cute she could just eat him.
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I think the delusional one is you, friendo.
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This is for you
>She noticed that he looked handsome early on but that was a phase that quickly faded.

Well shit if Ouma wasn't such a twat he'd have gotten some witch girl. But then again she's not much of a catch.

Didn't she also say something similar about Ryoma?

She was messing with him...
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I see anons talking about saihara harems, but wasn't he implied to be a girl?
Why is she making that face?
No. That was just /drg/ being idiots.
She wasn't completely useless, she is funny and likable
Annoyed, jealous, playing along. Who knows, we don't know if everything that came out of her mouth was a lie.
Looks boyish to me anon.
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