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Why can't Nintendo do this for Metroid? They don't

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Why can't Nintendo do this for Metroid? They don't have to show anything, all they need to do is just definitively say "Metroid for Switch is in development, stay tuned." No more of these coy Reggie answers that neither confirm nor deny, like "we understand what our consumers want." Just give us something concrete already.
The tears of metroidfags for their mediocre C-list series is so delicious so so very delicious.
Because Metroid lacks the potential appeal that Fire Emblem has.

Because literally no one gives a fuck about metroid except for butthurt nostalgiafags and underage who play Smashbros

Meanwhile, Fire Emblem actually sells.
One Fire Emblem game sold well (Awakening) because there were no other RPGs on the 3DS besides a port Tales of the Abyss. Then they actually marketed Fates and holy shit marketing actually works to their surprise! Now if only they would try marketing their other IPs just as much.
I think Nintendo wants to announce Metroid and Pokemon Stars at E3.
Fire Emblem has gotten a huge increase in popularity lately and doesn't need footage to sell itself.

Metroid's popularity is in the shitter right now, so if Nintendo actually is working on something they're probably working to make it look appealing as possible and revealing it more traditionally, with a trailer.
No one gives a fuck about Metroid except autists.

>commercial flop

It would be the same story with Metroid.
How mad would metroid fans be if they announce a mobile game instead?
An actual answer is that FE has been getting a bunch of games lately, and announcing a 3DS game without a Switch one may cause people to think the series has no future on Switch. This is especially true for Wii U owners who only saw FE through smash and TMS.
In the case of Metroid, the last two games had huge negative backlash to them, so people won't be happy with just a new game happening.

They really need to nail its reveal if they actually want it to be a big hitter on Switch.
metroid hasn't had a breakout game like awakening, they wouldn't be shilling fe so hard if awakening wasn't popular

>people want a new SF game
>rehash 64 on a dead console

gee i wonder why it flopped
Fates barely sold more than Awakening, it did underperform
Or maybe, just maybe, Star Fox Zero flopped because it wasn't that good of a game, not because of the brand.
>please make another game that is abandoned and hated by it's creator
>the same game fans barely like except for that single game 5 consoles and 20 years ago
Literally every game in the Metroid Franchise outsold most of the Fire Emblem games
Metroid fans have shown their true colors when FF was announced. I hope we never get a metroid game again. Nit only do they not deserve it. No matter what they'll show they'll complain it's too similar...or too different to previous entries in the series and then demand it be canceled.
Yeah no one liked AM2R
Beggars can't be choosers.
If you're going to be ungrateful then you deserve nothing.
Nintendo probably won't be at E3 this year. They already showed their plans for the Switch in its entirety for this year, no other games to announce.
Fire Emblem's popularity is rising

Metroid's popularity has been waning since Metroid Prime 3 and hit rock bottom with Federation Force.

What you said doesn't matter.
it cost more to design a good metroid than a decent Fire emblem. the formula is more static and less deep. Once you got enough characters teh game is 90% done, since the story doesn't matter.
In metroid, you need to carefully design the game, so it's not trivial
Waifus? Isn't Samus popular?
Is this Fire Emblem Warriors or something else?
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back when Metroid was still relevant, you stupid sack of shit.
Not today. People today don't give the slightest fuck about your dead franchise.

You're almost as bad as F-Zero fags.
don't get salty now OP. There's another direct to come for animal crossing on mobile
because people are assholes

also everyone took a shit on their last metroid games so kiss the franchse goodbye
Nintendo would be stupid to not have some sort of presence at E3 or at least a Direct around the same time of it.

They were ok with skipping last year because the Wii U was fucking dead already, but this year they have a new system already.
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it's a matter of popularity, fe's one of nintendo's bigger franchises right now while they haven't done anything substantial with metroid in a while.

>nintendo makes a shit game
>don't complain about it just be happy they made something at all goy be grateful
The Japanese don't care about Sci-Fi and slightly hard science like Metroid.
The Japanese like fantasy genres with war and swords.
Fire Emblem appeals directly to the Japanese market with it's wide array of colorful characters, warfare and swords.
>Fire Emblem announcement
>tons of strategy fans, weeaboos, waifufags and fujoshits rejoice

>Metroid announcement
>three bald manlets cry tears of joy, promise to pirate the game as soon as possible
>angry fat basement dwellers scream that it isn't good enough and make petitions to cancel the game
>banwagon hoppers and shitposters jump on to fan the flames
>in total maybe fifty people give a shit either way

Metroid fans think way too highly of themselves. They are an extreme minority.

no one in Japan even likes Metroid
they announced warrior again, but it was bait for a new 3ds game, a new Switch game, and the long awaited mobile game.
But super metroid is hands down the best game ever made. Topping many people's top 10 lists or in the mind of most people's favorite games. Metroid prime as well. Also given how AM2R had over 1 million downloads says that metroid is a very popular franchise and has a lot of untapped potential that Nintendo won't capitalize on.
>>don't complain about it just be happy they made something at all goy be grateful
Okay complain all you want about it don't buy see if that gets you another star fox
real smart
>previous game was another remake of 64
>didn't even sell a quarter of the original
If it's not Mario or Zelda or some promising normie pandering gimmick title, Nintendo doesn't give a single fuck.

Doesn't help that Sakamoto hates Metroid now too.
It's popular but it's not good and Nintendo wants to deal only in quality franchises now. Good on them.
Metroid is a dead franchise, along with F-Zero.

But if they are happy with Fire Emblem's sales and not Metroid's outside of like Super and Prime, maybe that's telling you something.

Like that Fire Emblem is cheaper to make than Metroid, because it only took Awakening like 2 million sales or whatever to make Nintendo see it as such a "big hitter" and Metroid games usually sell around the same amount, then that means Metroid is simply not making enough for it's production costs.
>strategy fans
the series isn't a srpg anymore
>Implying anyone gives a fuck about faggot emblem

>Nintendo wants to deal only in quality franchises now.

Then why is FE still around?
It made more money because:
>game was split up
>buying the the collection cost twice as much
>Nintendo never releases digital sales which includes anyone who bought the other parts
This is also taking into consideration that piracy was a thing when Fates came out.
Because it's fun.
You can pet girls.
Because the fans can make a better Metroid game than Nintendo
>Fire Emblem Gaiden remake
>Fire Emblem Warriors within the same year
>Switch installment releasing next year
It's a good time to be a Fire Emblem fan. I hope Metroid fans can experience this same joy sometime in the future, that franchise needs more love.
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You sound like an angry millennia kid that will be forever upset that halo 5 is on no one top 10 vydia of all time.
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You shouldn't want this, though.

If Nintendo isn't stupid they know that their last two Metroid games did very poorly and were not received well. So just dropping a "hey we're working on something" doesn't really help here, they might set up people for disappointment. If they're working on a Metroid title it should be accompanied with a trailer, some art and some gameplay.
Reggie directly commented that people wanted to see the next installment in games like Metroid, so, I guess they're aware.
Quick cashgrab weeb pander title that you can literally shit out in a year. All FE games are the exact same, and Intelligent Systems are hacks now.

I don't agree with the guy that said Nintendo only deals with "quality".
FPS games are shit.
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What happened to Metroid, man?

In a good portion of the 2000s, Metroid was on cloud nine. It saw the most games the series had ever had, and most of them ranged from great to god tier. People were even willing to call Metroid part of Nintendo's "big three" next to Mario and Zelda. Then the 2010s happened and the series took a giant shit on itself.
>super metroid
>not good
>not a quality franchise
sorry you were too young to enjoy them
fire emblem was on its death bed before awakening, that's perfectly reasonable for them to celebrate it making a return

metroid really shouldn't cost that much to make, at least the 2d ones. metroid's just had a rocky few years and its last few games weren't so well received. personally i think they're just taking their time with the series so they don't fracture the fanbase any more than they already did.
>Metroid's popularity has been waning since Metroid Prime 3 and hit rock bottom with Federation Force.
Ya, because they stopped releasing good metroid games a decade ago. Prime 3 came out in 2007
It was taken out of Sakamoto's hands and was given to devs that gave a fuck during the FPS renaissance era.

Now that FPS's are less of a staple genre and Metroid Prime ran its course and was finally ruined by Sakamoto, Metroid isn't coming back. Ever.
The entire purpose of this Direct was to advertise the smartphone game, Metroid wouldn't work on smartphones.
>still pushing the Stars meme
>when GF themselves said Pokemon on Switch will happen, but not for some years as usual
They don't want to release simple 2D sprite games anymore, and Metroid games tend to require a lot of assets because of a large variety of enemies. Best thing to hope for is Sakurai wanting to work on Metroid like he did Kid Icarus because he can actually get a budget.
>y cant metroid crawl
>People were even willing to call Metroid part of Nintendo's "big three" next to Mario and Zelda

Holy fucking shit, metroidfags are fucking delusional. Nobody has ever thought this. Japan doesn't give a shit for metroid. It's only somewhat more relevant in the US, and even then it comes nowhere close to the REAL big three of Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon. Metroid fags really are retarded
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Donkey Kong Direct when?

Fuck this weeb trash, gimme Diddy Kong Racing 2 and a DKC2 remake.
>Best thing to hope for is Sakurai wanting to work on Metroid like he did Kid Icarus because he can actually get a budget.
Damn that might actually make metroid games good.
Because that would require having a Metroid game in development
sakurai doesn't like making sequels to stuff though, kid icarus uprising was amazing but he said he doesn't want to continue with the series
>Because it's fun.

One really good game is still better than only spinoffs.
They were there last year. They had Treehouse and Zelda.
Iwata dropped the Smash for Wii U and 3DS bomb before development even started.

No reason why Reggie can't do the same for Metroid.
But anon, their new system is fucking dead too.
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>people were even willing to call Metroid part of Nintendo's "big three" next to Mario and Zelda.
pic related are Nintendo's big 4 delusional metroidfag
I know they technically had a precence but it was only one game, and last year that was really all they needed. Switch wasn't ready to show and that was all the Wii U had.

This year they absolutely need to show more.


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The big 3 are Mario, Zelda and Pokemon. If you try to say anything else, you're a genuine retard.
Reggie doesn't have that much authority.
Pokemon is about as Nintendo as Banjo-Kazooie was in the '90s. It's exclusive to Nintendo platforms but it's not a Nintendo series.
Why not? Not saying you are wrong just wondering
They opened a fucking Kirby store and release a game yearly.

The series goes
Mario > Pokemon > Zelda > Kirby
There's not being happy with a game. But they took it too far. Sending threatening messages spamming, making petitions, they were being self entitled brats.
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It goes like Mario > Pokemon > Zelda > Donkey Kong > Smash Bros

Kirby is 6th if you're generous.
because they're saving it for E3 anon, you can't play all your cards at once
>having a big E3 presence anymore

Can't wait for the 1 game E3 like last year.
donkey kong, wii, and smash if you count that are bigger than kirby

>Sending threatening messages spamming, making petitions, they were being self entitled brats.

do you think that shit only applies to metroid fans? people make petitions for fucking everything. do you see the amount of people getting angry and spamming over the new zelda and the direction it's taking? or fire emblem?
you are an idiot
You're leaving out the part that that one game single-handedly won E3 and was almost unanimously considered best of show.
nintendo's attempt to convert the series into shitty waifupandering was successful.

their attempt to do the same for metroid wasn't
>vocal nintentards is now "unanimous" suddenly
Who was narrating the direct?
Yeah but that's because they actually planned to make another Smash game
That's because they botched the voice acting.
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It goes actually
Mario>Pokemon>Zelda>Donkey Kong

Triple Deluxe couldn't even outsell Returns 3D, a Wii port. Really, DK should be getting more games and spin-offs now but Retro has moved on.
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You mean the one at which they had just as much floor space as anyone else and the most popular game at the show?

Zelda was the only playable game, they announced and showed others.
literally who gives a shit about metroid
You need to divide casuals and gamers now retard.

Casuals will think Mario, Zelda and Pokemon are Nintendo big three.

Gamers, in general, will say is Mario, Zelda, and (Insert Metroid, Star Fox, etc) usually because one, Pokemon is not developed by Nintendo at all and even entry level gamers know this you shit face, at least Nintendo fans portion.
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>there will never be a Jungle Beat 2
>Nintendo probably won't be at E3 this year.
>bad conjecture
They have no reason to do so. The console will sell well with the fans during the first three months, before E3.

If they announce a new Metroid now, there would be no hype anymore after three months excepted for the fans.

I guess the idea is to maintain a flow of game announcements to make people buy the console. Announcing a new Metroid for 2017 will be far easier to handle from E3 than now.
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>Doesn't like Metroid
>Doesn't like FPS
Jeeeeeeesus, end yourself tonight, weeb.
>The Japanese don't care about Sci-Fi and slightly hard science like Metroid.
What? That isn't true at all.
And the story, which matters because they forced it like crazy. And the gameplay.
I was also counting how much nintendo cares about the series, which is why I mentioned the store opening thing. They probably see it as more iconic than Donkey Kong at this point.

As for Smash and Wii, Wii is dead now for obvious reasons, and yeah Smash is bigger. I wasn't really counting it, but I guess it does count as a franchise.
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>Japan will never fork over the other two Donkey Kongas
>Literally the same game with new assets and barelly anything new
>Better game

Waifu games don't need story or gameplay, anon.
Look man if Nintendo can't think of a good direction for the series to go in currently just leave it alone, forcing the issue will just make them pump out another Star Fox Zero. There was an 8 year gap between Super Metroid and Prime, 20 years between Kid Icarus and Uprising etc

Out of Nintendo's franchises only Mario, Zelda, Smash, Pokemon and Kirby always get a game each generation, fans of other series just need to be patient.
Because it's already expected for FE to have a shitload of games coming due to being shilled to the max while announcing a Metroid game (a main one, that is) would be unexpected as fuck and they would rather save that for something like a reveal/announcement to make it a actual surprise.

IF they had such in mind.
If we're lucky we'll get something at e3. Anyways, metroid tends to sell like garbage, and prime style games probably have fairly significant development costs.
A new 2D Metroid would be neat, but they don't seem very interested.
What about Donkey Kong?
Fire Emblem almost fits that too except for the N64.
Be that as it may, it still sucked as a game. It could've been good despite trying to pander to waifufags.
Sure, if you scrapped pretty much everything besides character and enemy models.
Metroid is dead time to accept that fact.
I think Donkey Kong is another one

What did he mean by this?
Which is why I said that they fucked up the gameplay.
Fates and Awakening definitely proved that.

Why does everything have to be reimagined or go in a new direction? All people want is a new 2D one or something like prime. The success of the souls series and countless metroidvania inspired games shows that the prime and 2d metroid formula is still very popular.
Map layouts aren't gameplay though. They would have had to have been redone too.
Because if they announce the game and then it ends up being cancelled like a lot of projects in early development do, they'll just have even more endless whining about the series than they already have. It's pretty common sense, you don't announce something unless you're fairly certain its going to happen.
Gameplay encompassing everything from controls, mechanics, combat, level design, and so on.
Because there is no Metroid in the works or even planned, but they don't wanna face the shitstorm and backlash that would cause. So they'll remain coy and unclear and the possibility will always remain.

Valve pulled this shit for years with HL3, only recently were the nails definitively hammered into the coffin.
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I can only remember one time they completely skipped out on E3 and that was last year with Zelda.
>But they do livestreams instead
We still get video game announcements we would get at an E3 presentation, still counts.
>slightly hard science like Metroid.
Metroid isn't remotely hard scifi. It's as fantastical as star wars.
Metroid isn't a big seller and only good for blonde tits in smash, I'm sorry white ppls.
Ninty must cater to nips, no.1 always, nips couldn't give a fuck.
The most you can hope for is western 3rd party like prime.
>Why can't a company randomly just start making a game in a specific series without a proper premise or half-decent idea to work with?!
>Why can't this company pander to my entitlement because I want to buy more of the same thing again?!
Fuck off, idiot.
Intelligent Systems makes Fire Emblem and it's a clean War story tropes game so there's nothing stopping them from shitting them out.
Metroid is a lot more complicated to develop a pitch for. Maybe as difficult as it is for you to use your brain OP you retard.
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This will soon be the best official Metroid game in 10 years.
Did you know there is LITERALLY only 1 Zelda game to have sold more than a million copies in Japan?
Just got Konga 2 and some Bongos the other day. Really fun stuff.
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Saving this.

I mean, you can find idiots everywhere, but with the Switch hate going on around here, it can definitely rough up some Nintendo feathers in the threads.
I want a DKC Maker!
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>Why can't Nintendo do this for Metroid? They don't have to show anything, all they need to do is just definitively say "Metroid for Switch is in development, stay tuned."
Because a Metroid game isn't development.
There's no reason for Nintendo to make a game for a franchise that doesn't sell well on a console that isn't guaranteed to succeed.

In case you haven't realized it yet, Fire Emblem has quickly jumped up from being a franchise few care about, to being one of Nintendo's biggest thanks to waifus, Awakening and waifus. There's a reason its getting games, because it actually sells.
There will be a new Metroid game, but it will be created by western devs and lead by sjw cuck with heavy Anita influence.

Yay or nay?
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No. You'll have Donkey Kong '94 creator and like it.
for whatever reason they're not interested or don't think they can please the fans or get it to sell well

my point is pressuring devs to work on a game they don't really care for never works out well, always ends up being an underwhelming fanservice type game
What year is it again?
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This game is long overdue for a sequel.
anita's cute desu
>you can feel his punches with HD Rumble
Metroid is an E3 tier announcement I would at least wait til then to start bitching

The current series director kinda confirmed a new metroid is in the works for Nintendo's next console ie Switch

I don't expect to hear anything about it until 2018 E3
1. No they don't the fans will say it's too similar or something else stupid they always find ways to complain now

2. Making a game with absolutely nothing new is boring and not really nintendo's style unless they know it will sell like hotcakes. And metroid is too up in the air about that.
DOn't get me wrong, nintendo rehashes, but if they don't want to do something they won't and it seems like they are just not interested in Metroid. This on top of it probably not selling well is why.
The year hatred, sexism, homophobia and islamaphobia won +1 ;^)
Nintendo doesnt even own the series ffs.
Nintendo owns 33% of the series
So they dont own the series.
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>You can Fist of the North Star anytime, anywhere
>Metroid game in the style of XCOM
would /v/ play it?
Would you play as Federation troopers or what?
Nah it's a nintendo series pretty much everywhere but on paper. Nintendo considers it one of their series, no games are getting released on PS or Xbox soon, the general public sees it as a nintendo series.

They own an equal amount as Creatures and Game Freak.
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The only thing more pathetic than an Xbox fanboy on /v/ is a Metroid fanboy on /v/
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QUICK: Nintendo puts you in charge of Metroid on Switch, and the first thing you decide is what kind of game it is (2D, 2.5D, 3D first-person, 3D third-person, etc).

What do you choose?
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Top down
3rd person, no armor, samus ass hanging out all day.

3rd person. Over the shoulder, specifically.
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I've been waiting every E3 for a true Metroid announcement for five years.

You'd better be right this time.
I'd make it into a Halo game but with a big titted blonde.
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2D, delicious sprites

and well aware that won't happen
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metroid used to be nintendo's half life

now the only compelling shooter they have is a squid loli simulator
Switch will last ~5 years, it'll come out on the 5th, 2022.
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Because there is no Metroid in development you morons
The IP has been dropped like the dogshit it is. You realize that Metroid Prime 3, a game that was well reviewed and critically acclaimed and a sequel to one of the "best games of all time" sold less copies than shovelware?
Thats what nintendo accomplishes with a GOOD metroid game

When they flopped other M, it flopped hard. When federation force flopped, it sold less copies than E.T. the atari game lmao. Federation force sold less than 4000 copies in japan.

Why the FUCK would a video games company thats already hurting use its development time on such a zero return franchise? They can make 10000x more profit by creating super mario run than creating another failed metroid
>Why can't Nintendo do this for Metroid?
Because you don't need to spend half an hour to say they are not planning on releasing any new Metroid games.
>Competitive Shooter
Shitters don't even know the series and come here to talk shit

I said COMPELLING not competitive, you blind fuck.
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Post lewd Samus please.
Das Lily, ya digus.
Metroid was more of an adventure game than a shooter anyways.
But why Metroid is good tho, Sammy make my peepee hard.

>let me just move my goalposts so I'll look less like a retard

fuck your shit bitch you still went pew pew with samus and the peak of the series was prime
Because you can shit out an FE game easily and FEfags eat up any garbage

Metroid is harder to make and Metroid fans have principles
The last METROIDvania style Metroid was released on November 15, 2004, the series is dead lads.
I'm not even the guy you were talking to but to call Metroid a shooter is missing the point of the game entirely and yes Prime was the prime of the series, I agree.
Because exploration takes precedence over combat, Nintendo classifies the game as a first-person adventure rather than a first-person shooter.[4]
I know Nintendo like to try and only reintroduce these franchises when they have a "unique" direction for it to go in.

I bet if they released a new Metroid Prime game, with no stupid gimmicks, or weird controls, I bet it would sell well right now. I don't think Metroid has the genuine fan base to support several of these games, but due to the constant requests for Metroid, most people, even some normies I know, were talking about hopes for a new Metroid on the Switch.

The 30th anniversary of the original came and went without much happening, and that was as good a time as any to reveal something like that. They're either really shit with their timing (can never rule that out with Nintendo) or they're just not bothering with Metroid for the forseeable future.
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>I bet it would sell well right now.
It wouldn't, Nintendo tried to treat Metroid as an A lister with the Prime games and they sold poorly compared to their other titles.

Stop being delusional.
they released several hardcore metroid games that flopped in a row
why the FUCK would the next attempt not flop?
why would they gamble on such a losing bet?

nintendo isn't running a charity for hardcore gamers, only 1 million people would buy their new metroid while 5 million might be "Arms" even though it takes them 1/20th the resources to produce
Awakening & Fates both sold more in the USA, lel!
They still sold pretty good in Japan but USA alone sold almost 80k-90k units for both Awakening & Fates.
He's shitposting. Awakening truly didn't have any strategy at all but Conquest was actually good.
Not to mention Prime 2 and 3 were more streamlined compared to the first one presumably to get a larger audience and they both flopped in terms of sales.
They'll probably see sales of Federation Force and say Fuck Metroid.

zelda is pretty much nintendos only hardcore gamer franchise left with wide appeal. Metroid, golden sun, fire emblem, star fox all have niche appeal (and some real shit flops)
>They'll probably see sales of Federation Force and say Fuck Metroid.
how can you see the nonexistent?
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Star Fox Adventures was even an attempt to make a Zelda-esque game with a Star Fox skin and not only did it flop in sales it just wasn't a very good game.

As much as I'd love to see another Metroid game, I am almost certain we won't.

Also they still have Mario - Odyssey looks great.
Are you not applying the same logic to fire emblem or what? Every FE prior to Awakening performed worse than the bulk of the metroid franchise. And stop comparing the potential required resources of an imaginary metroid game to the potential required resources for Arms, you're basing that comparison on nothing.
mario isn't a hardcore gamer franchise though, its a casual bridge, even if the game itself is aimed more at hardcore its an obvious case of normie appeal

>e. And stop comparing the potential required resources of an imaginary metroid game to the potential required resources for Arms, you're basing that comparison on nothing.
nintendo KNOWS it can release low effort shovelware games with small budgets and sell 10x the copies of a hardcore gamer IP with 5 year development time and a huge staff. You don't need to know exact numbers to know that Arms took less resources to make than Metroid Prime 3, but metroid prime 3 sold poorly, other M sold poorly and was critically panned, federation force didn't even sell, it went straight to dumpsters
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>No more metroid games
>No fufilling conclusion game like Mother
>Metroid enters F-Zero tier
>Metroid falls out of relevance aside from cameos
>Samus becomes a smash bros character
>Rundas[/spoiler] and Ridleywill NEVER EVER be playable in any game
I wanna fucking die.
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>Star Fox Adventures was even an attempt to make a Zelda-esque game with a Star Fox skin and not only did it flop in sales it just wasn't a very good game.

Furries will beg to differ.
Do furries count as people though?
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>Starfox Adventures

Source: your ass.

fuck off wikipedia
Prime 3 didn't sell poorly. It sold 1.3 million copies it's first year compared to the 1.9 million of Awakening in 2 years. Corruption also had far less marketing than Awakening and even the first Prime game. It's development costs were low for it because no marketing push and most of the assets and engine related groundwork were already made and built for near identical hardware compared to Awakening requiring entirely new assets and a new engine for completely different hardware. Do you understand how this reasoning is based on actual facts and not specualtion on an game that may not exist and a game that has not even been released yet? People called Splatoon shovelware but it was clearly an game with a decent budget and resources devoted to it. Federation Force is low-effort shovelware with a small budget and you know it actually sold like garbage.
Always nice to see Metroid fags BTFO.
The same reason they can't randomly announce a new Mach Rider or Codename STEAM game. Because it's a franchise they have no intent on revisiting anytime in the future.
Reggie literally brought up Metroid and said he's a huge fan of the series a few days ago.
Fire Emblem is cheap to make, you just need to come up with new character designs and write a convoluted story each time.
Because Metroid is a dead series in Japan
Miyamoto also brought up his hamster.

nobody cares about metroidvanias
why do you think its only indies amd kickstarters
If Metroid was a successful series,it would have done well back in the GCN days.
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>. It sold 1.3 million copies it's first year compared to the 1.9 million of Awakening in 2 years.
you're comparing a game on a console with 101 million shipped units to a console with 21 million shipped units
and prime 3 sold just BARELY better than prime 2, and BOTH of them sold awful compared to a real system seller killer app, both of them sold at the rate of shovelware

>People called Splatoon shovelware but it was clearly an game with a decent budget and resources devoted to it. Federation Force is low-effort shovelware with a small budget and you know it actually sold like garbage.
yeah and splatoon sold well and federation force didn't
what does that say about nintendos reasoning for making another metroid game?

metroid is just pouring money down a hole, they will never recoup development costs let alone earn a profit on this series
its also a dead series outside of japan
Splatoon is also fucking legit.
>nintendo considers fire emblem, splatoon, and xenoblade to be its top three main franchises
>shitty games like metroid, fzero, and star fox are finally dead

This is the good universe after all!
Because they're not making a new Metroid, duh.
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>Metroid isn't remotely hard scifi. It's as fantastical as star wars.
lolwut. Its far from hard scifi but it was never fantastical until we got shit like Prime and Zero Mission
Maybe its just best that Sammy lies in peace.
and metroid is objectively a better game/series
Because Metroid-fags ruined it when they threw the monster of all tantrums for FF. I mean, holy shit, if you didn't like it, you just simply had to not buy it, not whatever the shit you guys did. Now they will avoid Metroid because they realize the fanbase is not worth making games for.
Super and Prime are the only Metroid games better than Splatoon desu.
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Is Metroid really that niche?
Are people who enjoy metroid games really a minority? When pre-Other M metroid is brought into a conversation I hear nothing but praise.
I replayed Super Metroid for AGDQ and I still had fun with it.
This thread makes me feel kind of depressed like, I'm some sort of sham or something.
super metroid
metroid fusion
metroid prime
metroid prime 2
metroid prime 3

thats a majority of the metroid games ever made, theres only a couple stinkers and couple mediocre ones
>Being grateful
We are a shit generation.
>Is Metroid really that niche?

>When pre-Other M metroid is brought into a conversation I hear nothing but praise.
Because they're some of the best games ever made, especially Prime and Super.

>I replayed Super Metroid for AGDQ and I still had fun with it.
Me too actually, great game that still holds up.

>This thread makes me feel kind of depressed like, I'm some sort of sham or something.
Depresses me too and we are shams.
Yeah but only two of those are better than Splatoon which are Super and Prime and one was a fan made project that got canned by Nintendo themselves.
candy crush has 100 million daily players and 700 million total installs
super metroid, one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time, sold 1.4 million units
I'm sure they will for some franchise this gen. Not Metroid tho LOL
all of those are better than splatoon you inkfag
zero mission and metroid 2 were worse, but prime 2/3 and fusion and metroid 1 are all better
bump so more tears may spill
Fuck metroidfags
no fucking shit retard one is going to be more searched today than the other when one franchise keeps on getting games yearly and the other hasn't seen a real game since 2007. Jesus Christ this board is so retarded sometimes.
It's a multi million seller franchise, it's not exactly niche but when you put it up against Nintendo's other stuff then yeah it gets overshadowed. Most of it is just shitposting (people do the same shit with megaman fans after MML3), it's a good series when Nintendo can put their effort into it
Because Nintendo is controlled by shareholders and suits that not only don't give a shit about videogames, but also only care about the Japanese market despite it making Nintendo less money than the American market.

Metroid has never been more popular that fire emblem in Japan. The opposite is true in the West.
>not worth making games for
It's funny that you think a company like Nintendo, who is very clearly only concerned with profit, would do something because it makes fans happy or because they're going to be grateful. Fire Emblem games get made repeatedly because they're easy, extremely popular with weeaboos and actual Japanese, and sells tons of accessories and figures.

Metroid isn't popular in Japan. It has never been popular in Japan. People don't buy metroid accessories and figures. Only the West really gives a shit about Metroid.

Nintendo doesn't and has never cared about the West. They market to the Japanese and the Westerners either buy the shit or they don't.
Who's to say a new Metroid would even be a good game? Nintendo doesn't know how to handle the series anymore.
You fags got your chance with Federation Force and from the beginning just went 'NOT WHAT WE WANT! BOYCOTT!'

And when it bombed, Nintendo rightfully went 'Fuck you too buddy' and decided to lock the IP away for another generation.

You deserve nothing.
I stayed with it long enough to see my favorite franchise become huge.

Most of you will never know that feel, on the other hand you won't have to deal with the shitposting like I do.
"we" deserve nothing for not wanting to play an unrelated (Shit) game that then got the metroid IP slapped on it.

Ok, faggot
Metroid: Samus
FE: Huge majority of Waifu's and waifu potential

As if Nintendo would pander do an audience of Samus fags when you could capture a huge diverse population
>Wasn't a good game
They took the time to take all the complaints from the demo gameplay, and delayed the game so they could give it a coat of polish and upgrades.

The only thing people got butthurt about was the gamepad controls WHICH YOU DIDN'T NEED TO USE.
Miyamoto tried to give you a second chance, and you spit in his face.
>Le fire emblem sold because of Waifus meme
Maybe you should have been civil about not wanting it instead of being a whiny bitch that completely destroyed the image of Metroid with your senseless rampaging.
The came sells well for the gameplay, but it sells even better when you add girls in it. Metroid simply cannot sell more with 1 character and it's gameplay.
Well, waifu's were always an integral part of Fire Emblem. You just couldn't SI into making them your personal waifu until Awakening.
>make girl character
>end up marrying Chrom
It felt pretty gay, especially since you were a mom
>Senseless rampaging

what did anyone do other than dislike the reveal trailer video and not buy the game?
If it's been done with Fire emblem of all things, then a metroid re-imagining could be successful also
>implying it didn't
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but millennials are the ones who like metroid

Why did Xseed have such a big booth?
Both are true desu senpai.
fuck off retard
>Every FE prior to Awakening performed worse than the bulk of the metroid franchise.
And they were going to stop making Fire Emblem with Awakening, even though that's half of Intsys' entire output.
Cause no one bought Fed Force.
With how autsitic you fucks are, if 2001 was today, you'd rip apart Metroid Prime and declare it a travesty.
Oh shit this thread just reminded me. I never actually finished Prime 3. I remeber I bought the Trilogy collection a few years back and when I got to Prime 3 I got near to the very end but then I got worn out planet hopping for 100%. I should probably try and finish it soon.
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