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Bloodborne II

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Thread replies: 393
Thread images: 93

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False and bisexual
nice try faggot
They should use that logo though.
Peke at bading
That logo is sick

if this is real and not a prequel fromsoft can suck a dick
Bloooorne II

Most likely fag and gay, but I remember when Project Beast got the same response here.
I fucking wish.
Cool logo, but unlikely
"A New Year gift card campaign lottery winning numbers of the gift was published. Please check against the your existing lottery number. Thank you for your application."
fake and gay
fuck off faggot
You mean when everyone said it wasn't real, there's no way it wouldn't be coming to PC, that FROM is only multiplat now, etc. etc.?

Good times man. We had the Persona 5 mess not long after that too when it was guaranteed to be a Wii U exclusive.

Great shitposting years.
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>tfw from pays the guy who made this fake logo to use it officially
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What was project beast?
>TFW people thought project beast was going to be on PC
Not going to happen, From themselves said ages ago they dont want to do anymore Souls or Souls-like games after DS3
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gay, fake and lazy bait

fuck off
bloodborne's development title
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Bloodborne before it was called Bloodborne.
Pfft, as if. The Dark Souls series has a huge fucking meme surrounding it, you think they'd give that up?
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/v/ never fails to make me smile
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>That logo
Bloodborne was shit, please no. The only mildly decent Souls games are the non-numbered ones.
is this the most A E S T H E T I C fake logo of all time
I fucking wish.
I'm kinda burned out in Soul games but I will probably play it after price reduction
bloodborne more like badborne
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How will sonyggers ever recover?
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pc wins again baby!
For the last fucking time, Miyazaki said HE won't be doing DARK SOULS games anymore. He said absolutely nothing about "Souls-likes".
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One fucking job.
Bloodborne is one of /v/'s most overrated games and i'm convinced its all just sonyggers circlerjerking over their 1 somewhat worthwhile exclusive
badborne more like badboring
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N..nno idiot
Much like CEMU and Zelda, eventually all your shitty games will be emulatable.

Nah it's actually a pretty good game you should try it someday famicom
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Souls games are good (fuck you if you disagree, they're objectively well over par)

bloodborne is a souls game which is restricted to one group of people

people not in that group would like to play it but cannot

therefore to exacerbate the situation, the group that can play it bullies the group that cannot play it about being able to play it.

it has nothing to do with the quality of the game and everything to do with the fact that a group of people can lord something over another group of people that desperately want it. This is basic human nature, see also; richfags.
i bought it day one dude
Where they would even put a Bloodborne sequel? On a hunt after BB's hunt? Prequel? Shitton of years later?

What ending would be canon? I feel like the first and third could be done without even telling the protagonist, but the second one wouldn't work with a sequel
>blootwoborne: The more blood
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>tfw selling my PS4 as we speak
Why did we let him get away with this, bros?
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>twice the tears
Seriously anon i really think you should try it. It's awesome.
It's a more interesting spin on the souls-style gameplay compared to the dark souls sequels, but lacks a lot of variety due to the sharp change in combat style.

If you like any of the other souls games, I'd highly recommend it if you get the chance, but I doubt it'd be a religious experience or anything, it's about on par with the other souls games in terms of quality.

what did they mean by this
Japan Studio could potentially do a new one by themselves, Sony own the IP afterall.

That said, I don't really see that much more that could be done with a BB sequel.
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>remember those threads
>retards still replied to them by the dozens
d-delet this

basically these

anyone who wants a bloodborne sequel is actually retarded, what you should be hoping for instead is a new IP set somewhere else

it's statistically proven that the best souls games Fromsoft makes are new IPs

Bloodborne 2
Bloodborne: Pathogens
Bloodborne 3: BloodSoul
>No bloodborne 2.

Its like they hate money or something.
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Idort here,

you're a fag.
From doesnt want to make any more Souls games you retardos why do you keep falling for these "leaks"?
I mean, I wouldn't mind a BB sequel. The universe is great and I love the gameplay and the weapons, but I don't know where would they fit it and if they are going to botch it like DaS2, I would rather have the franchise dead
thats just a marketing tactic
by convincing the fanbase you're not going to make any more games, it makes them that much more excited when you announce that you are in fact making more games
We don't even have original Xbox emulators, Pii U hardware so pathetic it can be emulated easily
Still not as bad as sickdark
I bet the only tears that fag enjoyed were his own

The problem isn't souls games, the problem is DARK souls games

Miyazaki is fine with the "genre" of the games but is bored with the setting of dark souls, which is absolutely fine
Can you guys not use google translate? I know it's shit but this has nothing to do w/ BB.

New year card gift campaign The anniversary number of the new year gift is released. Please check with your lottery number. Thank you for many applications"
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Although 2 and 3 were pretty good but those you listed were the best
It's mostly because the Xbox's GPU is a complete random piece of hardware with absolutely zero documentation so there's no basis for an emulator

Meanwhile the Wii U's hardware is still very similar to the GC and the Wii

I dunno. DaS2 was pretty botched and is by far the worst Souls game, but by itself, compared to other modern games, it's decent. I could go for a decent, non-stellar BB game
There are other games now though, especially if you don't own a vita, which you don't.
oh boy now i might have 2 games for my PS4
more like bloodBORE

plays exactly like dark souls aka the most boring game ever
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>this level of autism

yep its a nintendo fanboy alright
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Fuck i had totally forgotten about that
You made me remember
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>blooq porne
>block porn

no thanks.
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How many years left for a PS4 emulator that works properly? So far even PS2 games can't be fully emulated, as you're still missing a good portion of games that are just buggy or unplayable, keep dreaming.
Am I right in thinking that its is supposed to say December 12th 2018? No one fucking has exact release dates that far out. Fuck that's almost two years from now.
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>It just so happens only Nintendo released an actual console this gen.
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>thread dying and about to get pruned with less than 20 posts
>one pcuck saw the thread and decided to call his butt buddies to shit here
don't fucking ruin it with a sequel
I can't tell if this is some heavy falseflagging or heavy autism
Post any exclusive and PCucks come out of the woodwork
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I-Is it true?
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Really makes you homosexual..
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Miss me yet?
Here we fucking go again.
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Not sure, from what I remember he immediately went on and on about how Persona Q is going to be the actual Persona game and Persona 5 doesn't even exist yet and will probably get canned like Deep Down. He stayed on for a few HOURS after the presentation arguing with people in the chat, so I don't know.
I don't even want to play anymore Souls games, they used up all their ideas and the series has gotten stale. I barely even care about dark 3's second DLC. This series just needs a 5 year hiatus, then it needs to have a game in a new setting, not Dark Souls 4, Demons Souls 2 or Bloodborne2, something new.
Even if you can't read it, fucking machine translate it.
No, you gullible dickhead
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Cyberbullying is real
i'm selling my ps4 now
>posting kraut Kojima
>has nothing to do with Bloodrayne games
Rampage was alright though.
>He stayed on for a few HOURS after the presentation arguing with people in the chat, so I don't know.
That's fuckin hilarious, what a champ
Didn't this logo appear like a year ago or something? When it was actually uncertain whether or not Form is going for a sequel?
Great taste btw
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Put me in da screencap
Man to be fair though this logo is fucking awesome. Like they should really use this if they ever make one.
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>rehashing the same setting instead of moving on to a new one
Goddammit, this is gonna be DaS2 all over again
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It's good, but it's not "250 bucks" good.
that is a sick logo
Dark Souls sequels were like they were because of Bandai Namco being retarded. If Sony published a BB sequel it would be good
That's what 2018/12/12 would mean, yes.
What's so savage about this?

I bet it's the same guy replying to his post over and over again in order to screencap
You put too much faith in FromSoft
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I think Bloodborne is pretty good and a sequel would be hot garbage.
The strengths of Demon's and Blood is that they are self-contained with no chance of a sequel. Even if they're both mechanically inferior to the games that came after them they still get looked upon fondly.
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All numbered From games are shit
did you mean to post that picture dude?
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>mfw patiently waiting for Bloodborne 2
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with resident evil 7 confirmed for being horseshit and having no zombies, was Zombi the last true good zombie game?
yeah no, it had the right idea but you could literally beat the game using nothing but the cricket bat
So much this. I remember that thread it all seemed so far fetched and it turned out to be completely accurate.
I swear i have seen that logo posted here before, but google doesn't find anything
and? its fucking zombies your not breaking into pentagon fucking amerfats
Even more retarded than thiaf or sesevenen
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What are you saying? How does that fact that you can beat the game with one super unbreakable weapon that you can't remove from your limited inventory show he's a burger?
Actually this is not a fake. Wait till we release the second DLC for DS3
>an exact date for release almost two years out
yeah nah
Oh sorry I also forgot to mention that the sequel will be coming to PC also!
>DS3 on PC has more sales than Bloodborne did in it's 1st year

>FROM are going to fall for the exclusivity deal again

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I legit wouldn't be mad if they did this for the logo, it's actually neat
And on Switch, with the first game as a bonus, like Bayonetta 1-2 on Wii U. But no first game on PC, sorry, legal issues
I'm glad you posted that picture dude
But let's not meme here, DS2 and 3 are pretty good games, they are simply bad compared to the not-numbered games
the framerate in this game is criminal, such a perfect game marred by shitty hardware and they still refuse to update it.
but SOTFS is my fav.

tfw unpopular opinion
But Dark Souls 3 is better than the first.
They're equal
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Yay, let's ruin Bloodborne with sequels just like DaS
Kek, those were good times.
Yeah, they should have stopped at Demons Souls.
Anyone have more screencaps how Persona 5 being Nintendo exclusive?

That shit was great.
Damn nigga, 1 whole year but it'll be worth it for the memes. Yes, I can't wait for more fucking "Give us eyes, give us eyes".
about never fucking ever pcuck
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bloodborne more like bloodbrap
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Ya got me there.
why tho
>not liking every souls game individually

What a pleb
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>mfw nintendo/sonyfag
>mfw bayonetta 2 and bloodborne
kek good old sickdark shitposter, I miss that guy's autism
Hidetaka Miyazaki already said there won't be any new soulsborne games. He said if his colleagues want to do one in 5 years he will let them but he won't be involved.
>all these (you)s
Have another.
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Nice try faggot. I was in that thread a year ago when some anon posted this fake picture. Here it is.
If a game made on an exclusivity contract sells like shit, that's Sony paying for it rather than From. They get paid up front, and any sales after the fact are just icing on the cake.
He said long time ago that there won't be any Dark Souls sequels. He just, like, loves to talk.
Was you posting that supposed to prve anything?

You could have just saved it now.
I think that's the same guy with the superior limb based combat and rain in cyberpunk games.
Jimmy Status:
[x] rustled
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This desu
thats still really cool though
>meanwhile Switch has NO GAMES FOR 2 YEARS
>Xenoblade 2
Yeah people went nuts in that thread. They thought it was real but unfortunately it's fake.
he said there would be no dark souls DLC or sequels

he's a lying gook
Are you stupid? Demon souls is in the same universe as Dark souls. Darks souls is a sequel to Demon Souls.
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Actually Dark Souls is a prequel, and Bloodborne is the alternate universe where the Old One rules the world
post yfw bloodborne II
by B team
Aldrich is the Old One, aeons passes and he wakes up in Boletaria, it's basically confirmed. They even look almost the same
while ps4 gets its second game, and it's a fucking rehash
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Spazborne 2 - The rolling simulator 2.0

It may be fake, but the next Fromsoft game's logo better look AT LEAST this good...
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>a character you kill and take his skull as a trophy/ritual is the Old One
>basically confirmed my ass
You don't actually believe this and I don't know why I replied to the bait.
Fucking Lela star. She ruined herself with all the surgery
Killing him is simply not canon. The flame fades completelly and there is no Ashen One to rekindle the flame.
Well I didn't play 3, just watched a full LP so I cannot say about gameplay, but that bullshit about 1v4 invasions and the setting which seemed a mix of souls and bloodborne turned me off the game completely
Btw the tweet is about a random new year event, nothing to do with Bloodborne 2.
Dude lmao it's a gwyndolin's skull, you just killed off his breakfast and he ran away lol
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TotalBiscuit please go.
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still day one buy
Naotoshi Jin working on BB2? I will buy the shit out of this game
>the game is not cannon
You do realize he's the third Lord of Cinder you're intended to kill. Meaning by your logic Ludleth, Yorhm, and Soul of Cinder are all still alive in DeS.
>also Aldrich went to sleep and now he's a tree monster who is the source of all magic with a relation to demons even though that was an Izalith thing.
Seriously III even tells you like 25% you kill the last demon.
>They're made by Aldrich now because I said so and refuse to provide a source.
WTF I hate Sony now!
I don't even watch that guys' shit
Want to know something else though? The LP was Matt Pat and Woolie. Now you know true disgust

Did B team only work on ds2? Why do they get so much shit, ds2 was alright just not finished
He only said there won't be Dark Souls games after 3's DLC is done. They'll 100% be making more games like Bloodborne (new IP's/worlds with a Soulslike gameplay).

>The flame fades completelly and there is no Ashen One to rekindle the flame

It's not rocket science, man
what's funnier about this image is that like the 2-3 latest leaks I remember happening regarding video games always originated on NeoGaf yet /v/ somehow thinks the leaks happen on /v/
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>the LP TotalBiscuit watched due to refusing to play a non-60FPS game and used to base his video on it of was Matt, Pat, and Woolies
It all makes sense now.
mfw pc fags will never ever get to play bloodborne
They still want to make similar games most likely.

Hell Miyazaki insisted that Bloodborne was completely different, but aside from weapons and movement it still had the same core framework that souls games have.
>I was in that thread a year ago when some anon posted this fake picture
Be honest. Where did you get that picture?
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It doesn't exist in the internet according to all these image searches. It was manufactured in space.
Source :)
Seriously if you don't even bother to refute anything then what's the point of responding? DaS and Des are completely different universes and it only takes a look at demons (among other things) to see that.
>DaS demons were made by the Witch of Izalith and are finite
>People can just turn into demons with souls in Des
Not to mention Aldrich is a goo monster and the Old One is a fucking tree.
Dead Rising remains the only perfect zombie game.

4chan is dead.
wow your mad
>u mad XD
He was right.
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Saved it from /v/ and uploaded it to my Twitter account months ago
Saw this thread now and didn't find the pic on my PC, so I downloaded it from my Twitter.
Eww fuck off back there
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looks like there's teh eleven in bloodborne

>Wanting a sequel at all
By now you should know that only From's original games are okay, the sequels are terrible.
So it'll have more than one build and every weapon will be viable?
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>confirmed release date, just under 2 years prior to launch
>liking bloodborne
I'm almost certain most of the people who like bloodborne bought a ps4 reluctantly
Sonyggers are either weebs or cawadoody fags
Being the retard I am I was merely shitposting, my dude-man. Of course it's different worlds. The very idea of the games being the same world are created by young tumbler users who think that crossovers and shit like that are good.
I was hoping that dude who kept replying to you was merely pretending.
I guess he was shitposting too. Waiting for their next action RPG is unbearable, we can as well just kill some time via shitposting.
Crossovers can be cool if they make sense in the world though, because it expands the setting and lore.
Most self-contained things are usually less detailed than several series set in the same universe.
It's a shame this is fake because that logo is pretty great.
Armored Souls
I don't need a broad setting and lore. I want deep setting and lore, and crossovers are all shallow as a puddle
Not true, that fully depends on the writer.
I have an example of a good vn with deep lore set in the same universe, but since it's not a video games i don't think it's relevant.
I guess we can agree that all souls games being in one world makes no sense - each series (DeS, DaS, BB) has its own unique takes on a fantasy world, with its own unique themes, and mashing them in one world just lessens the impact of these individual themes.
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bloodborne the movie.webm
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Where will the story go from here? Exterminate the beasts? Is that even possible?

dozens? Try hundreds.

He still spams shit on /v/, albeit less frequently.
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You know the butthurt is strong when /v/ creates a new nickname out of spite
A new dream...
Or, dare I say...
New nightmare.......................................Hehehehehehee......................

Seriously, the structure of every souls game is easily expandable
How would you feel if they announced a Souls/Bloodborne fighting game?
I'm not a nintendodrone so it will infuriate me. What's next, souls carting? Souls visual novel? Fuck this shit.
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My favorite one.

I would love to see this sad cuck`s face everytime he had to see his retardation in bold display on /v/`s catalog for months on end.
can anyone translate this: http://www.fromsoftware.jp/pc/news/pressrelease/20170106_darksouls_steam_migration.html

if you follow the link from twitter you can come across this article. something to do with steam migration

There is only so much they can do with a sequel to BB because one of the things that made this game great was going in for a werewolf hunt and then finding out it were ayy lmaos all along.

There is absolutely NOTHING that needs to be added to this story, just like there was absolutely nothing that needed to be added to Dark Souls. DaS 2 just ruined a great setting by implementing the lamest excuse I have ever seen to keep pumping out endless low effort sequels (lol, infinite cycles!). Just look at DaS 3, it doesn`t even have an identity of its own.

Regardless, Japan Studio > From. Just look at the Old Hunters, which was almost entirely developed by Japan Studio. They are the real A team.
On Nintendo Switch (Bundled with Bloodborne 1)
they just announced dark souls is moving from gfwl to steam
I thought that happened years ago?
the flow of time is convoluted
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BloocI Icorne?
ah thats a shame

How dare you leave out Gender Fluidity.

Love this meme.

Do people not realize that the 2 million sales is from August, you know, merely 5 months after the game came out, 3 months before it`s gotten an outstanding expansion, which happened 1 month before christmas?
From Soft didn't make The Old Hunters?

What even is Japan Studio? I thought they were just a division of Sony that works directly with developers or something
It was mostly made by Studio Japan. Of course From had a part, but miyazaki was busy with dark souls 3 and SJ took on most of the job.

It's a Sony studio from Japan that makes games and also codevelops them, i.e. Demon's Souls, Bloodborne and Knack.
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Super fake and super gay. This isn't the first time this image has been posted on the board you keks
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Wait a minute... You are me? Then who am I?
I don't even want a Bloodborne sequel.
Bloodborne is a completely experience.

So was Dark Souls 1 until they churned out two middling sequels.
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>we will never get a sequel to Knack
living is suffering
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>people actually falling for this
>Bloodborne is a completely experience.
I knew you were retarded but you didn't have ti make it so funny.
>anime reaction image
You are even super faker and super gayer.
From actually elaborated on the article you're quoting and clarified that the departure from the way the souls series was going didn't include bloodborne and that they intend to capitalize on it's popularity.
If SIE Japan made most of The Old Hunters then they can make all of Bloodborne 2 as far as I'm concerned. TOH is the best package in the whole Soulsborne series
/v/ is full of EOPs
Emu authors seem to agree emulating Xbone and PS4 will be very easy because of the hardware they use once the copy protection is broken (and it is now) so I guess we'll see if they're right.
>all your shitty games will be emulatable.

lmao they still haven't got a proper emulator for the PS3 and that console is more than a decade old.

Enjoy Bloodborne on PC in 2030

Fucking tell me how it isn't complete.
Why does it need a sequel?
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He was capitalizing on your gaff, lad.
Don't you mean "completely"?
that's some base logic anon.
try having some perspective.
most people are here defending a game they enjoy from people who make a meme out of it being poor because it wasn't multiplat.
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>S-sonyggers are the worst fanbase!
>P-people only shitpost about sony because sonyggers started it!
>Anti-sony shitposters are just sonyggers falseflagging!
Bl0odborn3 when
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Wasn't Knack 2 confirmed?
Sonygger HUGE GUTS status

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isn't fake news punishable by law by now? making it as bad as posting CP. So OP basically posted CP and the thread is still up. I hope every mod/janitor who has confirmed online status gets into legal trouble for this as well because they let it happen
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>It just so happens only Nintendo released an actual console this gen.



I just can't believe they think people wanted this...
>isn't fake news punishable by law by now?
Wait, so Trump is breaking even more laws now?
>Dark souls 3 wil be our last souls gaem
>lolbloodborn is totes different bru here have another one.
What movie is this from?
Filename, faggot.
BB hovers at ~2.5m sales on a console with a 40m+ install base. Fucking nobody plays it in the grand scheme of things. Everyone's into call of duty/battlefield/FIFA/Madden.

It really makes me wonder how many of those 2.5m literally bought a BBmachine

Why hello there.
Bram Stoker's Dracula.1992.BRRip.XviD-VLiS
I wish. Bloodborne is the only souls game I ever liked. I really prefer the setting and story over DaS and DeS.
Are you implying 2.5 million is bad for a new IP in a niche genre on a console with a fanbase that doesn't generally like anything other than dudebro shooters and story games?
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>the armored core website hasn't been updated since february 2014
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What the fuck is wrong with their mouths?!
>dudebro shooters
I want to go back to the days where the new Box console was the dudebro shooter home. God damn it, we had a system!
missing a dick to service
Dudebros were on sony consoles since PS1. Racing, sport games, shooters - this shit makes Sony lotsa money, and they spend these money to make great games, like Bloodborne or The Last Guardian, these type of games that filthy plebs don't like.
What have you done?
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its habbening!!
sony always wins bby
I don't remember the boss on the very bottom of the pile. With the tentacles for a face from the nose up. Unless there was a second DLC it isn't from one of those.
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that's Kos. You don't fight her because she's dead on the beach
Oh yeah. I was wondering if I missed something all this time and dared to hope.
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talking about Mother Kos? she is the corpse in the Oprhan of Kos boss room.
What was the smaller one that falls from the sky early in the DLC.
a snail fisherwomen devoted to kos
that was just a snail woman. She falls from the sky because the Fishing Hamlet is above the sky. It's to foreshadow you going up there and looking down and seeing you are above the city and there is an ocean between the two. That's why all the patients in the research hall tell you they hear dripping. Because you are right underneath the sea.
I'm still waiting for it and I will probably wait 20 more years for a ps4 emulator. I would have bought the console and the game on release if there were any way to get it up to atleast 60 fps.
There is actually working ps3 emulators that are able to run game intros and some smaller games. It is a start..
Why would anyone even want Bloodborne 2?

Bloodborne was so great because it was a unique new direction that took chances and wasn't satisfied to just be another game set in the same world with the same enemies with the exact same gameplay. It gave us a totally new setting, changed up the fundamentals of the gameplay, and gave us one of the most unique games of the generation.

The last thing I'd want to see is it run into the ground just like Demon's Souls was. Rehash after rehash with no new ideas over and over until you're sick of it. Fuck that.
>So it'll have more than one build and every weapon will be viable?
Yes, just like Bloodborne.
has FROM SOFT done anything feudal japan theme related
may be their new ip should be based around that

This raises a unique question. How much MORE blood does Bloodborne II need in order to be a successful sequel?
PLaystation 4 is getting a second game baby!
ahh m8
time for another replay
gud luck
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>they STILL haven't revealed this figure
What's taking so fucking long?
>No Xbox emulators
>Ninja Gaiden will forever be stuck on it and 360 without good rereleases(Fuck Sigma)
>No Metal Wolf Chaos easily played
>Old Xboxes are rickety as shit but easy to mod
>Can't just conveniently play Xbox games
Fuck it all
Literally who the fucks types out "keks" instead of cucks
Except DS1 and DS2 were way better than Demon's, only DS3 sucked.
there was a filter? I just thought that's how everyone typed it around here
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why do they all have the same mouth shape
what the fuck thats not a normal mouth shape
they all are like so focused on their lower lip

what the fuck am i going crazy or is there some correlation
It sounds more fun this way you keks.

fuck weaboo themes
its called the feminism syndrome
then how about Norse mythology
does that satisfy your penis
I wish the Bloodborne anal ravagery was still a thing. Lasted 2 solid years lol. Its still here like a faint smell in the background that never leaves but it's not the same as it was. Literally engulfed the board for 2 years straight lmao. Poor pcucks.
>what is Nioh
Are you retarded, you dumb idiot??
yeah it does

even egypt or african plains with pyramids and fucking marble walls with the only useful currency being gold and salt would satisfy me more than chink plank cities with roofs folded over a 1000 times
>Bloodborne 2
>not cyberpunk souls

they did all they could with the Victorian Gothic setting. time for a new one
Where's the new Miyazaki from soft game man? We haven't had anything since shitty das3 in March of last year. This blows.
>cyberpunk souls
like a non cuhrazee, but stealth revengeance?

that would be very cool
I am not too hyped either. What made BB so great was the right balance between action-game, horror, lovecraft, ayylmaos, etc. Sequels usually try to one-up their predecessors so I am seriously fucking afraid that we end up on some ayyyylmaoo planet or UFO. Also, pretty much all important characters died in BB, are they going to pull a Dark Souls and just go "hahaha it's a cycle, it's actually 2354234 years after BB and this is a new place called Dharnam :^)", no thanks.
And finally, the transition from dark souls with furries to lovecraftian nightmare was amazing and there is absolutely no way they can repeat that.
>we waz souls n shieet

Probably Sony's conference this year because MS got DS3.
They don't realise it but they're longing to suck a fat dick desu.
now with a cumulated 60 fps dispatched over 2 games
You mean 48 fps
E3 is a gorillian years away.
>It's a people think setting alone makes the game episode
Unless you've got a crazy new idea or direction for the game to go along with your setting like Bloodborne did with it's mostly no shields and transform weapons your ideas are all shit.
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that stage comes easy to get creative around
setting is the most crucial element
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Can't wait.
>no plans at least right now
>8th July 2016
>not realising thats just a way to not spoil people of a surpise
Are those all the "Great Ones" in Bloodborne?
>not spoiling things
Ashes of Ariandel would like a word.
Bloodborne's lovecraft twist was completely hidden in pre-release material.

Any DS3 spoilers come from Namco being retarded.
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It's not FromS call whenever we get a BB2 or not.
>setting is the most crucial element
No it's not. Setting means just shit if you don't have anything substantial from a gameplay perspective to go along with it.

Mayan Souls is a terrible idea, Cyber Souls is a terrible idea, Egypt Souls is a terrible idea. Unless your setting comes bundled in with some major new gameplay changes that don't fucking suck themselves and work with your setting it fucking sucks. Setting comes after you've figured out how you're going to change the game, not before.
Bloodborne has hit 2.55 million sales at retail alone. Wouldn't be surprised if with digital it's at 3 mill. That's great for a game like this. We did it bros.
yeah and why would sony ever milk a literal cashcow. They just appreciate the artistry, im sure!
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>tfw when I have an OG Xbox but it turns off in thirty minute intervals for some reason
what's wrong with sigma besides the music changes?
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I remember when it was first "leaked" and the namefag who posted those webms samefagged reaction faces, and when he got called out on it he said "Shit lol just doing my job"
so much for "leaks"
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I dont know anymore
It appears like Sony actually does like having highly reviewed arty games. Just look at how much freedom they gave team Ico. And how much they propped up The Last of Us after it reviewed so well.

I think they think any revenue lost on the occasional flopped arty game is worth the prestige it bring to their brand when they have an exclusive arty game that sells shitloads and gets near universal acclaim from critics.

kill yourself
which has ever more reason to push for another bloodborne and make bank
If Sony decides to do it but FromSofware doesn't want to then it's not going to happen.
Why would From not want to make a sequel, they're a company before a developer
then they better have something better up their sleeves or no $$$ to eat shrimp noodles and buy another love pillow
I doubt bb2 would sell that well anyway. Besides, Sony respect Miyazaki and would rather allow him to work on what he'd really like to make. Wouldn't be surprising to me if we get another Miyazaki Sony exclusive at some point.

At least we're getting Nioh soon niggas.
Miazaki Loves Freedom, if he has the choice of making a new IP over a sequel to souls / BB, I'm pretty sure he will chose the new IP over any sequel.

As long as he has the choice he's probably going for something different. But I do assume he would rather work under Sony again then Namco.
just like uncharteds track record, they going to milk bloodborne up to IV or they will make an offer they cant refuse
No you see they get the prestige by letting the developers do what they want and being hands off. In that way they can tell all those wayward souls with talent things are better at Sony. That's how they got Kojima and that's how they'll try to get anyone else.

They don't do that by demanding a team work on a sequel for X game against that developers will. They can't just tell team ICO to make SOTC 2 and that market research shows more people are interested in giant monster killing than puzzle solving, ect ect. That would ruin the perception that Sony is the place for the creative elite to go and have the freedom to make what they want without an executive telling you to put gorillas in the sci-fi game you're making because market research shows gorillas are popular with the kids these days. Which is the reputation they want to build.
Lmao. This shit ain't godfather nigga. Smh
dont underestimate yakuza owned sony
According to a recent miyazaki interview they are already working on 3 games. That's quite a lot for a rather small dev like From Software, adding a AAA title to that list would probably be too much.
It's completely fake but even if it was true it wouldn't come to PC. I play on pc more than my ps4 and I would love to play it on pc instead but the bloodborne title belongs to sony, any sequels also belong to them

It's the same reason we got dark souls eventually, he wanted to do a multiplat but couldn't do a sequel to demons souls and still have it multiplat due to legal issues.

And now the obligatory truth, bloodborne was a fun game but it was not so good to start all this console flaming shit. grow up.
Then why are there 2 Dark Souls sequels and a million Armored Core games?
>High ranked in numerous "esport" titles and competitive games
>I cant even get past bloodborne first pass

Is there such thing as a single player gene?
Dark souls is under Namco Bandai, which had FromS contracted for such. Maybe Miyazaki Loves mecha more then Souls-esque games?
kek sonyfags clicked that shit so fast lmfao
Same thing happened with my Dreamcast..... It's over anon
Aren't they leaving money on the table by not making it Bloodborne multiplat now? I mean, it has surely ran its course on PS4 as far as sales go, right?
i was shaking as i was clicking it
>not realising the strategy of console exlusivity means people buying a whole $250 range console and the game to play it
they dont care much about the game as they do more about the console sales

You're not wrong but it's just this whole legal shit tying it down, it's not really avoidable. When you sign a contract that shit is binding and in terms of vidya it very likely includes the entirety of the IP
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>some good pvp finally
Trust me, I do get it. I'm not arguing against exclusivity. What I'm saying is that surely it being exclusive has done all it can by now. Can it really still sell that much more hardware and copies?
No. I bought it recently.
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fuck you
It's a weird one considering it's all in Sony's hands and everyone could stand to make decent money from it.
Fair enough.
because it's easier to switch things up for armored core. gen 4 and 5 are almost completely different beasts from the other games, a much bigger departure than souls to bloodborne.
So did pcucks
>tfw the new armored core will be a switch exclusive.
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bloodborne petition was funnier
>Personalized Computing platform
>From betrayed us
because it was made by a sonybro
So it matches the original chant you stupid fuck
the first Uncharted game was shitty but Sony still supported them to make a second game, which was actually good.

Sony didn't force them to make Uncharted 4; the devs chose to do it on their own because they were unhappy with the way Uncharted 3 turned out
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