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Unskippable cutscenes

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Unskippable cutscenes
Huge empty open world.
The currency has a weight value
with no fast travel
Slow animations with no exit once started.
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With rogue-lite elements
Tapping the jump button makes you do a full jump anyway.
That's fucked up dude.
You can only hold two weapons
Link is the playable character
A car that you have to drive constantly, but only on roads and with no racing mechanics and a very low top speed.
You can't fully appreciate a game if you don't appreciate the hardwork the devs put into their cutscenes.
The jump button is also the pick up items button.
Procedurally generated world.
Procedurally generated equipment.
Equipment only obtainable through crafting.
Can't run, character can only jog for a while before they are exhausted.
menu designed for controllers
It's an escort game
The escort moves slower than your run but faster than your walk.
If you get too far away you game over.
All game overs are go back to last save and you can't save anywhere.
We're making the worst game, not Just Cause 2
manual breathing
Diverse cast.
menu designed for mouse and keyboard, but only when a controller is detected
The main cast is a boy band
dialogue is meme-ridden
Quest markers make up the entire game
Just Cause 2 had fast travel with that black market helicopter guy.
Prominent use of guns but no auto aim and no first person mode
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Realistic Breathing, Blinking, and swallowing mechanics
Everytime player open menu, game will take 3 seconds to load it, opening submenu will do the same.
you need to meditate to drink a potion
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cant jump
Developed by Bethesda.
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forced unskippable tutorials
even after you restart from a checkpoint
Female main character.
The whole game is a timed escort mission.
That's why I added no fast travel you idiot.
pushes a political agenda
The """""game""""" is only cutscenes and QTEs.
Can only sprint for five seconds at a time, where it takes a minute for the meter to fill up again.
Chromatic abberation is turned on by default with no way to disable it.
Enemies that take forever to kill but you can get killed in 2 hits
with recharging energy shields
There are only specific spells for removing specific debuffs and no spell that removes all or even multiple debuffs.
Your main attack has incredibly generous autoaim but doesn't differentiate between friend and foe.
Did you get what I said?


Do you want me to repeat that again?

game also continues during this load time and inside the menu, so every enemy would still be hitting you
Uses the IP of a franchise you used to love
farming rare enemies for a 1.4% drop rate
Artificial difficulty and tons of 1 hit 1 kill bullshit enemies with RNG spawnrate.
Dozens of sub menus to do basic tasks. Trying to back up one exits
the whole menu.
You can enter every building, but 99% of them are copy-pasted assets and are plagued by >>364246625 forcing you to have to load every time you enter/exit them.
Man, this thread feels like Monster Hunter to be honest.
Soundtrack by the team behind Fallout 4
MGS4 with unskippable cutscenes
Wayyyyyyyyyy too much bloom
hunger system. lose 50% hp if starving
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Game not letting you save at any time/Uses save points

- Also cannot skip unread text
That's not a mechanic
menu designated for console button prompts, which don't change when ported to different consoles and PC
dodge button is also the jump button but it's also the run button, and only the dodge provides invincibility
you can't jump
>Procedurally generated equipment.
>Equipment only obtainable through crafting.

So is it just a recipe to craft something, and what you get is procedurally generated? Or is the items needed to craft things procedurally generated?
Pressing ESC will close the game without any prompt nor autosaving your progress.
Season pass for content that comes out a week after release
can't rebind keys or buttons at all
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If your companion dies, it's game over.
Forced waifu.
You can still take damage while performing them.
boss wipes your party if you don't kill him in 3 turns and he has a fuck ton of health
Motion blur can't be turned off
Showing a treasure chest in high ledge where you can't jump/reach.
The only way to open them is to purchase DLC/season pass for additional hidden passage.
when you lose it causes a power surge
Too videogamey. Not enough story
opening the map puts your gpu fan at 100%
I think you mean half A press
There is 10 minute uskippable cutscene before him
The shoot weapon button is also the interact wirh npcs button.
Too far....
that's where i got my ideas from
No volume mixing in the options, music is loud as hell and low quality.
>recipe: X + Y = Z
>you get Z with random stats and bonuses
A two handed sword that lowers your strength, but raises wisdom for example.
But monster hunter isn't open world though.
Enemies have omnipresent contact damage
crafting has a chance to fail
You have to wait to craft items, and the wait is measured in real time
It kinda is.
enchanting has a chance to destroy your item
barebones rpg battle system with noting unique about the gameplay (think earthbound)
Put up shit weapon with shit stat, set the vendor price to very high.
But make that weapon required for legendary weapon in late game without actually telling them.
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Save points is always before long cutscenes instead of after.
Failure in crafting destroys all of the components involved
Failures take away double XP from crafting skill
Success rate has a sub 80% cap
This remind me of early day korean MMO, fucking evil gook.
Incredibly complex and tedious crafting system, the game doesnt explain how to craft or give any recipes whatsoever.
Actual fun mechanic is introduced but then shortly taken away never to be seen again.
game autosaves when you're at 1% health and about to get hit
Random encounters every fucking 5-10 steps. I love RPGs but i really fucking hate to put up with this shit.
cant run also
Make save orb before boss/cutscene, but make the orb guarded by strong foes and player have to defeat them first before able to actually save their progress.
can delete or sell quest essential items

even items for the main story quests
>You can recruit several characters, in fact, the game has over 200 different characters who only have an algorithm to "randomize text" as in alter/modify word suffixes and prefixes
>If you recruit one character you miss on several story aspects by not choosing to recruit the other one
>If you recruit the awesome characters you miss on the good parts of the story
>You only get the actually useful weapons, cool spells and w/e a little bit before ending the game
>The game has no game+ mode so you don't get to enjoy all the stuff you gathered
>The game has only one type of instrument and all songs are done with it
>The game has only one setting, snow, and all maps are snowy forcing you to look at almost white screens for 10 hours or so
Enemies in those encounters have a chance to randomly oneshot you
With no subtitles and dull to atrocious voice acting, coupled with in-cinematic QTE's you're forced to go trough over and over again as the game checkpoints before boss fights and certain QTE sections.
Someone is compiling this shit, right?
Later generations must learn about the monstrosity we're creating, lest they repeat the mistake.
can't walk either, your character is confined to a wheelchair
L2 jumps, triangle attacks, R1 blocks, L3+L2 dodges, L3 uses attack spells, R3 opens the menu that doesn't pause the game, L3+L2+R3 uses healing items.
Escort mission where you're slightly faster than the NPC.
Bonus points: Game engine gets frame drops because of the awful filters and motion blur
Everytime game switch to battle mode, game will need 5 seconds to load and another 5 seconds for cutscene.
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>unskippable cutscenes when the story is really shit

>too little cinematics when the quality is actually good

why the fuck you do this, just stop and give me what we wants
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not only that but
>would you like to quit without saving
>the way they show which one you highlighted is to have a different color and there are only two options
Unskippable company logos on startup
The game has lots of enemy units and doesn't use Flyweight
Make the player run faster and walk slower than NPC's and add missions where you need to follow somebody.
Unskipable openinc cinematic after unskipable cimpany logos.
Skill/stat point allocation: skill/stat points required to a linear increase a stat/skill grows at an obnoxious exponential rate.
Holding the right button activates a special vision where you see important items in neon red glow and it's necessary 100% of the time.
you impale someone in the face
>you missed
Game has some NVdia tech which make makes game drop 20 fps. It can't be turned off
Make game with multiple classes, but make the most fun to play one the weakest.
You have to press 'up' on the keyboard/dpad to jump.
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Escorted NPCs who move faster than your walking speed, but slower than your running speed.
They have no sense of self preservation and attack everything on sight.
Noticeable input delay even when game run at smooth 120fps
Instead of Yes or No all the menus use Maybe
Your choice is then randomly selected and you are locked out of making another choice for an hour, this happens for all functions including saving, loading, and quitting.
Items can only be crafted one at a time. Unskipable cut scene on each attempt.
and after that they have a mini amnesia episode until they decide to move again
Your escort can get random status effects at anytime
The selections are also done in the form of an option wheel and you have to drag the cursor to them to work correctly
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>You have to choice of crafting one item or the max amount of items
>No inbetween

That's not necessarily a bad thing. It's good for some games to have "showoff-y" classes or characters for skilled players.
Party members often leave without warning, taking your best gear with them
"Stealth" segment where if one guard vaguely sees a glimpse of you for half a second every single enemy now knows your exact location.
If you get status effects you can't heal out of them unless it is done with consumable items which are expensive to buy
you are a killing machine, you are punished for killing
>you can change the amount, but only in increments of one at time
one button input
Yeah, let's make the game filled with tanky enemies where even the strongest class need time to kill them, and make every enemies need to be killed in order to advance to next room.
>You can only heal status effects in town at church after donating a specific amount of money
Atari paddle controller is the only supported controller and not included
There are many collectibles in the game, and the game rewards you to get all of them
However, a bug prevents you from getting 100â„… completion. It is never patched
>in addition, you have to watch sermons about whatever religion the church is dedicated to. You cannot skip past them, and you will be quizzed afterwards. Failure means your time was wasted.
The battle theme doesn't loop properly
>the dungeon/overworld music starts from the beginning every time you win a battle
In order to buy and sell items at a store, you have to go through a confirmation window for every item.
tons of "..." in the dialog and it's unskippable
You can piss townsman by just bump into them randomly, after that everyone in that town (including the guard) will try to attack you and it'll be impossible to continue main quest in there.
>Game is made for PC
>It does not support other pads that are not Xinput based
>Even then it has issues with buttons misplaced or delay on them

Fuck you SFV
Fuck you Telltale games
It costs in-game currency to save your game, like in GTA 2
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Compulsory racing segments.
>You have to pay a hefty fine to de-aggro everyone
the better weapons look like shit
>Sometimes the music becomes bugged and it's just a series of beeps and loud static sounds
game is hooked up to a pacemaker, if you stop playing for long enough or get sent to the desktop you die.
Also if you die in game it crashes and you die irl
The worst games don't have mechanics, that's why they're THE WORST GAMES.
Trying to buy an item while not having enough money opens a web browser link to let you buy currency.
Third person
>4 weeks after release said site has been bought out by a soap company and is defunct
quick save does not make a proper save file you can load from at a later time
80+ hour RPG with five voice lines that play at random while opening the menu, attacking or winning any battle
Dropped items and money despawn after a few seconds.

You have to constantly walk up them, press a button and watch your character pick them up.
In order to open the world map, the game has to pause for a minute to render the entire world with the camera locked way up in the air pointing down at it and text superimposed over locations. It's super accurate and high detailed though!
Said quick saves also stack and take up several gigs of HDD space.
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this is the only texture in the game
Party member suddenly dies mid-game and all gear they were equipped with is lost forever
Menu noises are just gunshots
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Guards/Police seek you out like homing missiles if a horse sees you steal a potato.
Dialogue and VA contains the latest pop culture trends, phrases and memes
>Game has rare items that give permanent stat boosts
>You can use them on that character
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80+ hour of Sasuke's english dub voice
Checkpoints before unskippable cutscenes.
/v/ would still consider it GOAT because it means normies would hate it

It would be the new dark souls and nobody would get it except the "real gamers"
They are always significantly louder than the rest of the game audio
why did this one actually make me laugh
There are subtitles but they're basically microscopic.
There are no subtitles
40+ hour RPG with multiple classes to pick at the start of the game. Each class has a different story that you'll have to play through the whole game again for.
A common enemy gives a status effect that inverts your controls.
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there is not such thing

if you pressed you pressed
Subtitles only sometimes appear. When they do it's barely readable
item crafting with increasingly higher chances to fail, with later items needed multiple components that must be crafted, each with their own high chance to fail.
Dead Rising
>Failure means the items are lost forever
There is untranslated text left in the game because of no playtesting
you cant add waypoints on your map
Need to walk to a destination with an npc. Getting behind them or walking in front of them causes them to stop and yell at you. Bumping into them causes them to stop and yell at you. Your walk speed is too slow to keep up and your run speed is too fast.
Fallout 3's dialogue system where your speech skill doesn't matter because if you fail a dialogue you can just reload a quicksave.
>You CAN add waypoints but you can't label them.
you just need to sprint in a Z pattern behind them

They bug out and stand still couple of seconds while traveling.
>movement is only possible on the dpad
wouldn't it be funny if someone reading this thread made a game with most of these ideas just to piss people off

that would be hilarious
Instead of allowing the player to select dialog options, the game will take 5 seconds for a die roll animation to randomly select one
>Game has a reference to 4chan
Witcher 1 had this problem. You'd have to add in
>can't be modded
to make this even worse.
Elevators with keys.
I'm looking at you, Outlast.
>Picking the wrong dialogue choice is an instant game over
projectiles bend towards the target

>movement is only possible by tapping the screen with the stylus in the direction you want to go
Lineage 2 was a great game at one point.
>Save files cannot be deleted or overwritten
>every save creates a new file
>every file is only named after the part you were at with no timestamp
Zooming in on weapons is triggered by pressing L1 & R2 twice. The zoom in lasts for 3 seconds and cannot be canceled.
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>Anime graphics.
Dev never puts the game on the Steam Summer or Winter sales and never lowers the price of it after release.
after which they don't calculate a new path or go to the closest point on the path.
They go back to the point where they decided to attack something.
I will tell you why you are wrong ''Anonymous'' but first i have to explain parallel universes.
that's a jewchanic though
Multiplayer only
Early-game bosses drop weapons/items that are effective against them, but useless on the next higher tier bosses after them
Full price.
Boss fight-specific items that you can't remove from your inventory after they stopped being useful, taking up valuable space.
And the stamina meter doesn't regenerate if you don't stay still
Autosaves only.
No different profile for different playthroughs.
there is a respawn timer with a countdown of at least 1 real life hour upon death
you can reduce the remaining time by paying gamercoins

you can only get them at the in-game store
deviantArt-tier anime graphics AND it's all just static images with no animations
>Multiplayer game where once you die you can't ever play again

I swear there was something like this a while back but I can't remember what it was called.
>You control the character with kb+m
>Pad icons are displayed even though you use kb+m
>Mouse is inactive in the menus
>Inventore divided into 50 categories you have to mash through every single time
>Unskippable cutscenes
Guess the game.
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oh shit
Soundtrack is entirely Kevin McLeod Incompetech.
That's dad from Fallout 3

>ok guys let's go to the purifier
>walk next to dad
>he stops
>hello my son
>walks ahead a few steps
>hello my son
>single player game
>save data only contains your stats and progress status in your current objective
>everything else is reset between loads
Your character cannot run or climb
Entire map is comprised out of serpentine paths with waste-high changes in elevation and edges that you can fall off.
You are constantly escorting an NPC that walks faster than you walk but slower than you run
If NPC is killed, you you have to start from the beginning of the area
Maps are massive
If you get too far from NPC they will stop walking
Enemies will target NPC first, literally walking past you so no matter what you do each enemy will get at least one hit in on the NPC
You can only heal once per battle
Heal is target-based rather than AOE so you have to pick if you heal NPC or yourself
There is no regen between battles
You only have 15 inventory slots
weapon, shield, helmet, gauntlets, chest piece, pants, and boots all take up inventory slots even when equipped
None of the items stack, so multiple identical consumables will take up multiple slots
Equipment degrades
It degrates fast enough that you need a durability recovery consumable in your inventory every time you head out
If you die you have to pay money to resurrect your character or else you have to start a new one
The further you are from the city the more expensive the recovery becomes
money is incredibly hard to come by
You have to pay a fee to leave/enter the safe area, city, or a hub.
Every area ends with a boss fight
The save point is located after the boss fight
Each boss fight has a ridiculously long cutscene before it begins, during which timers on buffs and other timed effects are still ticking down on
Each enemy attack has stun and interrupt property
None of your attacks have stun or interrupt property
Nothing is buffered, so even the tiniest of transitions take minutes of loading screens (like leaving a city, remembering you forgot something then going back in right away)

This game is looking pretty affordable to produce
>Metal soundtrack
people you met randomly call you on the phone to tell you about their day.
can't be disabled.
Are there any games that actually have this?
Mimic save points that delete your most recent save.
Main attack is on R1/Rb Dodge is R2 /RT
Food is the only healing item. Every time your character eats it plays an overly loud clip of biting and slurping noises before he grunts with pleasure from eating his beans he dug out of the trash.
Every boss fight is just a helicopter
Oh, and money takes up an inventory slot and regardless of the amount owned sells for 1 currency if you accidentally sell it.

Also there is a bank, but depositing and withdrawing costs money that cannot be taken from the bank or the currency being transferred so you need to have money in another inventory slot used purely for paying money transfer fees.
>When you uncraft the item, it gets broken down into less parts than you used to craft it.
Stealth section where walking or even crouchwalking alerts the guards. You have to crawl at extremely low speeds while they patroll their rounds at a sprint
The people you sell them to have them showing on their possession from them on out, but don't have them for sale.
people randomly call you to do pointless repetitive minigames with them and they guilt trip you if you decline
also you're locked out of the best ending if you don't do those minigames every time
how is that a bad mechanic?
granted, i think that save from a few examples, crafting is shitty and pointless as a whole, but it's stupid to make every crafting component recyclable
My Caterpie just defeated a really tough Skarmory. It was easy because I had a type advantage!
game forces me to do some gimmick which i'll never use in the tutorial and can't even do it but i can't skip that tutorial part and i have look it up on youtube
Enemies can steal quest essential items before you get the part where you need them. Enemy steal rates also have a priority on the best items so they're guaranteed to steal that new sword you just bought.
moving the mouse causes you to skip the cutscene you're watching

also can't pause during cutscenes
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>Genre is "Metroidvania"
Underwater escort level.
moving the volume wheel on a keyboard skips the cutscene,
I don't remember the game but god damn was it annoying
alt tabbing back in the game locks the pc requiring a reboot
Lots of boss fights where you're expected to lose to drive the story forward with no indication that's the case
Final boss is collection of all fight bosses at DOUBLE HP then you fight final boss
characters will stop dialogue when attacked and will not start saying it again ever

Hello Seiken Densetsu 3.
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You can use disguises but anyone wearing the same clothes as you will see through your disguise instantly even if the disguise includes a full face-covering mask.
characters will not stop dialogue when attacked and they die
Alone in the Dark 2008 (my goty) had blinking mechanics that were actually pretty good
If an enemy steals an item from you they steal the whole stack. Even if you have 999 Phoenix downs they're all gone in one swoop
With no chance to save between the bosses. If you die you gotta start from boss 1 again.
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>Each boss fight has a ridiculously long cutscene before it begins, during which timers on buffs and other timed effects are still ticking down on


Always online
Enemies can steal from you.

You do not recover your stolen items after defeating them.
Instand death quicktime events...

...with randomized controls that don't correspond to randomized actions...

...with a failure state if you use the incorrect inputs before the correct ones...

...in the middle of cutscenes.
a platformer or a moba
level scaling that only affects stats
dragons dogma.jpg
tw2 did this
initially they had a plan for tw3 where you had to ingest potions before battle and then ypu could activate their effects at will but they scrapped it
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Why stop there?
>enemies can steal key items
whatever you call what you do in dotagames
The map will only tell you the name of a room if you are currently in it. There are puzzles that rely on room names as clues.
Dragon's dogma has fast travel.

You can use the forgery shop to dupe port crystals, and there's an infinite use ferry stone you get for going to bitterblack.
Is this how you design a good game? just think of all the shitty things everybody hates, and dont do them?
>You can use the forgery shop to dupe port crystals
you can dupe them, but the forgeries dont work
They're bad mechanics, not necessarily ones people dislike.
You can buy unlimited portcrystals from fournival in ng+
lots and lots of named npc's but potential quest givers aren't marked
maybe instead of looking at good things games did, its better to look at the shit parts of games and say "game sux i could design it better than these fucking hacks"
>characters have very similar sounding, confusing names
There's a segment in Indigo Prophecy like that.
You can buy them from a merchant in the chamber of hope I think or somewhere around there.

Whatever, point remains, there is fast travel.
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You can equip an accessory that prevents theft.

You can only equip a SINGLE accessory, preventing you from using better things like X-attacks.
>Several voice actors for NPCs but characters with different voices still say the exact same lines
Pre rendered cut scenes
>you have to finish the game once so you can buy single use fast travel items in a game with a huge empty open world and endlessly respawning low level enemies
Game takes place in the Battleborn universe
It's not. At all.
i'm getting mad just thinking about it
Newgame+ is the only option, doesn't change based on difficulty setting, have to delete savegame files to start from the beginning

>There's a loading before each and every pre rendered cutscene.
The game is just Fallout 3.
No no, you buy the waypoints you can place. There's an unlimited use item that lets you hop between waypoints. Waypoints are there forever once they're placed.
enemy health scales with your level
Weapon durability.
>racing segment
>the game rubberbands you instead of your opponents
game has a crucial mechanic that it never tells you about
Dual audio but the Japanese audio is still the English actor just trying to recite the original Japanese lines.
Final boss can only be defeated using a mechanic that's almost completely useless otherwise and never used throughout the whole game.
I up you one

>limited weapon repairs
-Vehicles with turrets
-Enemies chase you with vehicles with turrets
-Driver can't shoot with turret while driving
-Enemies driving the same type of vehicles as you can always catch up to you
-Turrets can be Mark19s and a single grenade can destroy your vehicle instantly
you must restart the game to apply setting changes
endless instantly respawning helicopter enemy
I'm upping your up
>weapon breaks faster after every repair
>game has a crucial mechanic that it never tells you about

Game does tell you that mechanic, but only in random hints during loading screens, which fly by really fast if you have an SSD
you need to restart the game to change aspect ratios so you can access the resolutions in that aspect ratio

then restart the game again after you select the resolution you want
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>you repair weapons by combining 2 of the same
>unique one of a kind weapons can't be repaired
>you can lose or miss critical items
>boss can only be harmed or beaten by a gimmick with no real mention
can't skip dialogue you've already seen
just moving toward a npc triggers dialogue
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>Loading zones replaced by animation sequences with button mash QTEs

I could probably list every design aspect of Thi4f here because of how irredeemably shit it is.
>game starts in a ridiculously high resolution
>you can't even reach the box to adjust it in the settings because it's a mile offscreen
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Some cutscenes are a visibly compressed video file of in-engine graphics running at 30fps, usually when the cutscene depicts something that's cant be rendered in real time on the hardware, or it's masking a loading screen, while the other cutscenes are in-engine with an uncapped framerate. There are also prerendered high quality CG cutscenes on occasions so rare that it's incredibly jarring when they do happen. Some cutscenes can be paused and some can't, and those that can be paused have differently formatted "paused" screens depending on the type of cutscene it is
You have the option to pay real money to get extreme stat-boosting cosmetics that work in both pve and pvp.
3d vr + waggle
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>console port
>only graphical options is to change resolution and brightness
Wii Fit's yoga

Hello each and every private Ragnarok Online servers.
>too little cinematics
No such thing
Throw a grenade and melee are on the same button
[Spoiler]and you can't split it [/spoiler]
like timing attacks in Risen
the game has pretty decent melee but it never explicitly tells you that you're not supposed to be mashing the attack button like a retard
FarCry 2?
i fucking loved vehicle-mounted mk19s in Far Cry 2
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>press SPACE to pick up items
Thrown grenades (normal) don't bounce and stop wherever they first hit.

Vehicles must be completely stopped before you can get out of them. Vehicles must be turned off before you can get out of them. You must be fully stopped before you can turn off your vehicle.
fugg, beat me to it
Escort mission where the escorted is slightly slower than your walking speed, excluding combat when it has priority movement, 1hp, and suicidal tendency to rush at enemies. Of course it also slowly returns back to precombat position after the fight before starting to move forward again.
>a none stealth game
>has stealth level

>stealth game
>you can just run around and shoot people without needing to use stealth once

Every fucking time.
Yes it was Far Cry 2. I still love the game though.

Endless contextual actions mapped into the same key. Can't map different actions to separate keys. Can totally map a single key to many different actions. This was in Thi4f too
>a none stealth game
>has stealth level

I only like this when the game accommodates stealth to some degree, but usually this means there are multiple levels that can be cleared at least in part with "stealth" and not just one, so the mechanics that are there don't go to waste. When it's one level with cheap half-baked stealth then fuck that
Map has civilians you can save to get extra bonuses.
They do not fight against enemies, but attempt to surround your strongest frontline character for whatever reason and get oneshotted by enemies.
Fucking fire emblem fates.
Bosses can only be killed in a certain way, using regular attacks will cause them to recharge all their health.
When you die there's a long, unskippable death animation.
You also have a very limited inventory, with key items taking up just as much room as any other.
>All this RPG shit

FPS game, where viewing down the ironsights doesn't actually mean that bullets go directly to the centre of the ironsight
>boss absorbs status effects to full hp
>your attacks automatically inflict status effects
Fucking thanks DFO
That ledge isnt very high, it is around waist high
Your character should be able to easly climb it, but for some reason he cant.
You have to tap W repeatedly instead of holding it down to move forward
Mouse sensitivity is forced to be extremely low no matter what you change
Tank controls in an shooter
Ironsight is a few pixels off from the very center of your screen
...and it's different for each weapon

Oh that reminds me:

>crosshair points to the lower section of the screen instead of the center so you're constantly looking up when aiming forward
>ten second leading time between areas
>when you enter a new screen the camera is flipped so pressing forward takes you back to the previous area
This is why tank controls are the only way to do changing camera angles.
>weapon sheathing / equipping is automatic with a lengthy ass animation
>the PC manually cocks firearms every time he switches
>PC switches to the starter weapon after loading and cutscenes
>limited inventory space
>get strongest weapon with 1 use midway through
>make the final boss only beatable by destroying props/generators/whatever and not shooting him
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>The 'Yes' and 'No' options when you're selecting shit are switched to 'No' and 'Yes'
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>30 fps
>game mechanic
then again half the things mentioned ITT aren't mechanics
>Everything just turns green
Want to quit game
Click 'quit'
Coursor is already set up at 'no'
Guess which game has this:

-Press "pick up object" to open door
-Press "open door" to click a switch
-Press "click switch" to jump through a window
-Press "jump through window" to mantle up a wall
-Press "mantle" to vault over obstacle
-Press "vault" to pick up object

-Press "useless mechanic" to use useless mechanic
-No other contextual actions for the key for "useless mechanic"
Damn you dark messiah
Drop rates of relevant items lower if the game notices you're aiming for a specific type of crafted equipment.
I'll never forgive Monster Hunter Tri.
Press 'jump ' button to jump.
But in dark messiah, everything turn blue
In S.T.A.L.K.E.R the screen turns green and it's harder to see because at first you had darkness in color, now you have that same darkness in monochrome.
>curved swords..
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On top of that, 20 - 40min cutscenes before extremely difficult bosses
Some games are better off without the ability to savescum
No manual saves, arbitrary checkpoint autosave only.
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>Bosses have instant kill moves
>Characters perma-die
>You just have to hope they don't use them, or reset when they do
30 seconds "Game Over" screen.
> tap F
> double tap F
> hold F
> repeatedly press F

> 104 keys
Used to be excessive QTEs, now its open world.
No, in dark messiah everything turns into the colour fuck you.

It's pure bullshit here too.
There are 2 night visions, the green one where it looks like someone smeared cum on your mask, and a blue one where it looks like someone smeared a little less cum on your mask
Nevermind, found it
Don't know, sorry.
limited inventory, no cache or chest.
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>Don't know, sorry.
Now you do
>Every x type enemy has a body part that is part of a fetch quest but you can only get it from 5% of them.
Battles use poorly-made shooting game mechanics.
battlefield 2
god damn
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>Loading screens have a set pixel width of a loading bar that will fill up at a set maximum rate regardless of how fast your PC is

Running wasn't the only slow thing in Unreal 2 The Awakening.
>Main character kills himself at the end
if you pick up an item there will be an animation showing you did
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>weapons and armour have durability
>they cannot be repaired
>10 minute cooldown on buying the same weapon
>accept quests from a hub
>maximum of 5 quests at any one time
>one of the quest mechanics is bugged so you can never complete it
>can't get rid of quests
>once you complete a quest you have to go back to the hub, and can only redeem one quest each visit
>limited inventory size, and each duplicate takes up its own slot
>you can perform takedowns on enemies that do a bunch of damage, but the positioning is crazy specific and failing to hit the prompt leaves you open for a critical attack
>the tracking doesn't follow the lock-on, so you have to be moving towards the enemy otherwise you just attack in front of you
There already exists a game built entirely out of shitty features https://youtu.be/GrO0LOSs9Qo?list=PLmqYHnLFUbaIZBNfY4prU7P1npPzA201x
slow text speed
>one Item chest model looks rare, flashy and unique to all the others

>visible, but with seemingly no way to get to it

>game trailer has a 2 second clip in it of the main character opening said chest
All music is replaced with the Pokeride music
the worth of the item inside is based on how many scripts you triggered in a specific order
its still randomized
Exclusive on Nintendo Switch
is digital only
Localized by Nintendo of America and dub only in western releases
>Your character cannot run or climb
>You are constantly escorting an NPC that walks faster than you walk but slower than you run
This makes no sense.

Also how is
>Every area ends with a boss fight
a bad thing?
Small inventory and no storage
Multiple npcs with the same easily recogniseable voice actor
Multiple npcs with the exact same face
"Never should of come here"
The music is just a five-second clip with really obvious looping.
All the characters constantly make fun of your waifu.
Skill points that upgrade your stats by 1-2%
Head developer, Brian Wu
Director, zoe quinn
>playing the game over again
>dying to a boss
Two very, very, VERY good reasons for skippable cutscenes to which there is no counter.
I'm not even lying when I say that one of the biggest reasons I never played 3D Zelda is because you can't jump.
Game auto saves when a character dies. Only 1 save slot.
Lives are microtransactions.
99 cents for 1 extra life.
game is full of oc donut steel furry characters
>Start game
>It's just a sad panda
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>Brian Wu

It's actually John Walker Flynt
Savescummer detected
No highlights in menus and the option selected is based on the previous choice. So if you picked the 2nd option in a dialogue then next one will have 2nd option by default unless you used some other menu and if it has more options than the current selection then it's random.
All bosses are damage sponges - no tactics required, attacks are telegraphed minutes before, etc.
Additionally each boss has one or two instakill attacks that are much faster than all of their other attacks and that will be used only once or twice per each 90+ minutes fight.
When vehicles bring reinforcements to the enemy, you can't destroy them and they clip through your units.
fucking let it die
huge open world full of invisible walls
Physics tied to framerate
loading times tied to framerate
Has in-game cutscenes but your character is shown equipped with the starting gear even though you tossed them out long ago.
If you die in game your cat dies irl
The DLC's make the game crash and cannot be uninstalled.
Didn't read the thread so don't know if posted yet
>Early Access
>Survival with crafting
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>loading times tied to framerate
True ending in DLC that is only available as preorder bonus and cannot be purchased otherwise
Font color isn't different when it's the same color as the background
>Button input locked to framerate
>game is framelocked at buttery smooth 25fps
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Everything even remotely fun is hidden behind a pay wall
Enemy AI cheats, friendly AI is suicidally stupid
graphical glitches and missing textures are never patched
glitched achievements, getting the achievements unlocks something in the game
achievements for doing really badly, so that everyone can know how bad you are forever
heavy handed political statements
censored and region locked to hell
DRM and Anti-piracy software that's got a hair trigger and can lock you out of the game
glitches that can only be solved by deleting your save
online goes down in a year, achievements for playing online
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>camera bounces off of walls and has a randomly generated center reset timer regardless of if you're moving it or not
>hitboxes do not match up with character model
>even NPCs have lootboxes to customize them
>unlockable dialogue options via microtransactions
>always online
>get strongest gear/weapon at the very endgame but game ends 5 seconds later
>no NG+
open world is divided to sectors, traveling between sectors requires loading

each quest, even the most simple fetch ones, requires the player to travel through at least 10 sectors
some the longer quests require player to move back and forth between two distant locations (at least 10+ sectors in distance)
why does it lie?
Each party member and enemy has a 5 second animation that plays individually at the beginning of each battle.
you can only hold one weapon

once you change it the previous one is lost

there are hundreds of weapons but some are basically just a color variation of previous ones, while others are far stronger.
There's no way to know whether a weapon you see is stronger than the one you have until you pick it up at which point you lose your original weapon.
very short time limit after which you get a bad ending and the only way to beat it inside the time limit is to speedrun it, after finishing it 3 or 4 times at least

It's incredible that several games had this shit for real
That's like a more extreme version of Jak 2
the hl2 style of cutscenes where you have to wait a character do something
Multiplayer requires you to buy a cable to link up an 200$+handheld to be used as controller.
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The entire 2nd half is the first half again with slight differences in the levels and also one giant escort mission
that's why I implied, yes
really badly leveled audio, so that an audio cue that's important and subtle is really quiet but something useless and repetitive is really loud
achievement that requires you to play with a developer
locked items behind nigh impossible achievements
game rewards you for linking your account or signing up for the newsletter - the website goes down in a few years
timed missions
lose money or items every time you die
RNG, but the game cheats so it's not really random
tons of fucking containers and chests, most of them have pathetic amounts of random low level loot
no fast travel
killable characters essential to quests
each tier of weapon has several weapons that are difficult to tell which is better than the other
hidden mechanics mean that stats displayed aren't always accurate and can be very misleading
Status effects never work on bosses, only on low level enemies - that have a high chance to resist them anyways
well you didn't say there was no way of knowing which weapon is stronger.
You can get your stuff back from them, though.
backtrack all the way once you reach halfway through the game
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That's for the player to find out
ooo, my biggest personal pet peeve
Have to choose between ugly but top tier weapon/armor, or aesthetic but not quite as good version.
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You forgot
Enemies in all sectors respawn immediately after you move to another sector

I've got a new one: Enemy that has a paralysis attack and no damaging attacks. Their attack is so fast that you can never kill them before they hit you. They attack in groups. All they ever do to you is waste your time. They're so weak that you could kill them with one hit. You can't because you're paralyzed.
Why do so few fucking games have fashion slots? I get it for something like Dark Souls where multiplayer is always integrated with singleplayer but anything totally singleplayer has no excuse
Halo, fucking 5.
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You need the save file from the previous game to achieve the best endings for certain side quests in the sequel.
okay, okay, I get it. s-sorry

oh, yeah

also, you can't leave sector if you're in combat, so running through won't work
>10 second animation to rappel through a window that you cant cancel

whoever thought that that needs to be lobotomised
there's one special kind of rare enemies that are invisible and won't attack you. Instead they will follow you everywhere and sometimes whisper that you suck and you're worthless, you should just kill yourself, etc. They never leave and cannot be killed.

Over the course of the entire game you attract 10+ of such enemies, so by the end you're constantly verbally abused.
>10 second animation to rappel through a window that you cant cancel

I'll spice up your design a bit...

-The window was one of two places you could explore
-You didn't explore the other place yet
-It's a point of no return with an overwriting autosave at the bottom of the rappel
You move your character with the action buttons. The D-Pad is used for actions instead.
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>finally got past the sad panda
>It's a platformer
>You have to double tap the jump button to do a single jump.
Viewmodel/character model is weird or ugly as fuck
Armor and weapon upgrades have no visual change
game never gives you enough ammo/consumables
characters constantly quip and make the same five jokes during gameplay
If a stat gets buffed too high it can somehow go into the negatives (No idea why this is a thing but I've seen it in a few games)
paid product placement for products that are outdated or off the market within just a few years
fuck you, Yuri Lowenthal is a jewel.
>it's a platformer
>you have to hold a button 24/7 to move faster than a snails pace
quick time events with the time tied to frame rate

>playing a game where loading into the game has a period where it's done loading and gameplay is in realtime
>but you can't see/do anything until the screen fades from full black to normal
>enemies can attack/detect you during this brief period

Unending asshurt
>it's a platformer
>you have to start each level with A already pressed, you can only release A once and can't press it again (restarts level)

If the main character gets knocked out / killed at any point during the fight it's game over.
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>QTE's during cinematics
>tied to framerate
>cinematics are prone to frame drops
>Game has cheat codes
>Entering a cheat code places a red X next to your game file
>All optional content such as super tough bosses and companions are locked out.
In a stealth game
Truly only the worst of people do this.
>sad panda
The weirdest thing about this boss is that sometimes very rarely you just randomly can't beat him and you have to look up the solution again.
menus are gussied up, so that they make your GPU work moreso than the actual game does and stutter even on top shelf gaming rigs
always online, have to redownload parts of the game every time you want to play them
reminders to take a break from gaming every fifteen minutes or so
an item that solves any puzzle for you
a rare consumable item that has interesting mechanics, but is required for the main quest and can only be used once
have to pay to keep one of a kind top tier gear fully repaired, if you go too long it breaks
tutorials, tool tips, and handholding never goes away
have to log in every time to play, it won't remember your username or password. If you forgot your password it locks you out of the game for five days after you recover it
>try every walkthrough I can find
>still can't beat him
>come back a week later and he's randomly gone
shit taste
>main menu runs at a different resolution than the main game
>game only has 640x480, no fan-made patch exists
You bones break just as easily as real life. When you break a bone you have to spend months of real time in a hospital recovering.

I must have been drunk to play that.
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hello newfriends
>remastered version doesn't remaster the cutscenes
>no save points
>real time hunger/thirst mechanics
>realistic HP (1-2 bullets will kill you >buying guns requires real time background checks
>core gameplay mechanics as paid DLC
>$60 game but charges microtransactions
>crafting system exists, and is critical to the main story rather than an optional extra

a role playing game with only one save slot
Game is difficult
almost every game has realistic breathing and swallowing mechanics in that you don't think about them and several games have realistic blinking mechanics where you have to manually NOT blink and otherwise it's done automatically.

do you mean MANUAL breathing, blinking and swallowing mechanics?
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I'm not your friend, buddy.
No waifus or husbandos.
>Graphics settings:
>Anti-aliasing: On/Off
>That's the only option
>it doesn't work
>locked to 800x600
>can't force anything through drivers
>Alt-tabbing makes the game crash
>Crashes 2/3 times on start-up after a lengthy load-up
>You must be logged in to play singleplayer
RNG, lots of it.
The game asks you if you want to save when you hit "Exit Game" regardless of whether or not you actually saved.
written by tumblr and /pol/
No quest markers
one at a time asshole.
>the game always brings you back to the main menu
>there is no option to exit to desktop from in-game
>Enemies can spray bullets at you without pause
>They drop 2/3 rounds each time
>Trader won't buy equipment if it's anything less than in perfect condition

Fuck you Misery
Everything else gets a marker tho.
Enemies, NPCs, buildings, collectibles, ...

So many markers that it's literally impossible to read map.
Are you going to do something, bitch?
And you have to watch the company logos every time you exit to the main menu.
>Esc closes the game
Each time you die there is a long death animation, followed by a long 6 second fade into a 'game over' screen. Finally, after an additional 4 seconds of waiting, it says 'continue?'. You hit yes, and it takes around 20-30 seconds to load back to your last save.

There is a lot of bullshit artificial difficulty, so the above point happens frequently.

The game is scattered with somewhat low FPS during combat, some cutscenes, high poly areas, etc, but not enough to make the game unplayable.

The game bombards you with a bunch of shitty loot that's fucking everywhere, but you have a low carry weight, so you constantly have to manage your inventory and get rid of shit. But at the same time there are a bunch quests where that shitty loot might come in handy, so you might want to keep it.

Of course, every NPC in the game runs slower than you run, but walks faster than you walk.

Animations like sitting down, mounting a horse, drinking potions, etc, take way longer than they should, and you can't cancel or skip them.

The game constantly mocks you for making the "wrong" decision, even though there is no possible way to know that the decision you made was bad. Each quest has a "right" path that ultimately has better loot and more overall benefits, making any other play-style seem lame and shitty in comparison.

Many perks and abilities in the game have secret benefits and/or weaknesses that aren't listed in their descriptions, or they have badly worded descriptions. So you naturally skip or use certain skills because you perceive them to be a certain way, but they really aren't.
You move with the arrow keys and only with the arrows keys.
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