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"You STILL haven't hacked your 3ds anon? What are you,

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"You STILL haven't hacked your 3ds anon? What are you, a moral fag?"

Installing CFW on your 3ds is easier than it ever has been. As long as you follow the guide and don't do anything stupid, you'll have free access to any game on the 3ds library. What's stopping you?

dont need freeshop, i have a gateway
don't need freeshop, i have CIAngel and FBI
don't need freeshop I have a job
I'm good OP. I hacked my 3ds.

The only thing I'll have to do is to make a 3DS game back-up onto my PC and figure out how to back them up.
Has the github for luma been fixed yet?
there's nothing on the 3DS I want to play that I don't already own
I'm not a poorfag and I don't play weeb trash.
don't need freeshop, I'm not a degenerate
Why does the freeshop look so shitty of an app?
I meant more for lumaupdater, or is that still unsafe
i need help. I succ-sesfuly installed arm9loaderhax using -- 3ds.guide-- but somewhere along the line, I corrupted my SD card (I still have my otp.bin file). So now, I have a system that can boot Luma3DS and Hourglass9 through the Luma3ds chainloader, but I don't have any way to launch the homebrew channel or FBI installer.. When I try to inject the "helth and safty" application, I get:
"error copying to hs.enc Heal&safety inject: failed!"

It says that I am successfully running arm9loaderhax, but I cant run any homebrew or installers.. What should I do?
I would say transfer everything over to another sd card and continue the guide, anon.
you can backup everything to a folder on your computer and run a sd card fixer program, google it
I originally completed the guide, and I had HBC and FBI installed in my system.. But when I corrupted my sd data, the system applications disappeared.
I already hacked it.
I literally only purchased a 3DS because it was super cheap on Black Friday and I knew about the 3DS hacking scene for free games.
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Already did OP
My N3DS came last night but I still need a bigger micro sd and a reader. Went to Best Buy today and they were like $30 each. Now I have to wait for Amazon to ship them so I can start.

Also, 32GB or 64GB sd card? I already own many 3ds games physically on my old 3ds so I don't think I will be downloading the whole library or anything.
Nintendo is so lucky. They got unlimited piracy only at the very end of the 3DS' life span. Meaning that their game sales end up the same, but they manage to sell thousands of 3DSs they would have never sold otherwise.
this shit happened last night.. I formatted my card after it was corrupted and then put my backed up files into it.. But the system still doesn't recognize my installed apps..
I had to hack my 3DS with a corrupted SD card and formated it several times in the proccess, formating it won't make the corruptness go away
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What are some hidden gems on the 3DS worth downloading? I heard the Ace Combat game is pretty gud, there's a neat 3DS Ghost Recon game but what else are people missing out on?
>my 4gb micro card that came with my N3ds is too small
b-besides hacking is wrong!
people work hard to make these games!
The 3DS Ace Combat is garbage compared to the PS2 and PSP ones
Get Picross
oh boy this thread again
I'm on 11.1, it's too late for me
>needing freeshop

The same people too stupid to not use an Apple OS.
Kinda out of the loop aren't ya
Where can I buy a 3DS online that ships to Spain?

It's fucking 200€ on retail and online stores here.
Why not buy a bigger one? It's just a matter of converting to fat32 and copypasting the contents.
All firmwares are hackable right now
>Already filled up my 32gb card

Delete Hyrule Warriors, it's too heavy and you're not playing it
Pocket Card Jockey
a mix of being lazy, not enough space to download games at the moment and already having all the games I want to play besides 1 or 2
You serious?
My 3ds is saying it's ready to update though I'm afraid to let it.
>What's stopping you?

Already did. Eh... After updating StreetPass it takes so fucking long to get everything done I don't have time to play anything before StreetPass comes up again. Then again, I also went ahead and hacked my Wii U and filled it with games and don't have any desire to play it now either. After this shit happened with my PS3, I just assumed I was bored with the PS3's library, but apparently I have acquired so many games I'm burned out.

question 1
Go to 3DS Guide and see for yourself
just let it, 11.2 is still the latest firmware. then you can start hacking it
i did and im trying to make a theme. anyone have experience with this kind of thing? i try to add sound affects and a bgm and it seems to go fine at first. i dont pass the bytes limit with my cwav and my bgm is under 3.33 mb, but sometimes when i save my theme and boot up my system it just hangs on a black screen on boot.
I have a 64gb in mine
CIAngel is better.
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Arigato anon Senpai

I believe Amazon was selling 64g micro SD cards on Amazon for 20 bucks. Hell, 40 bucks you can literally download the whole 3DS' library onto a 128g SD card.

You would only need a program to format said 64g/128g SD cards into Fat32 so the 3ds can read it.



If you don't want to bother buying a new SD card you could just delete the games you aren't playing, especially via freeshop's menu.

It's even easier since they tell you upfront how big the games are before you download them.

You can format bigger SD cards into Fat32 and the 3DS will read them just fine. The guide handholds you through the process and tells you where to get the program to do this.
I'm using a 128gb right now. Just format to FAT32
What's the largest side sd card the old 3ds takes?

I'd assume 256gb and higher, but there's a lot of assholes selling fake 256 SD cards, so 128gb is what you should go with to be safe. 128gb should be more than enough for the 3ds and this is coming from a guy who filled up a 64gb SD card fast as fuck.
My favorite games hardly get localized. If I want to keep playing them, I should support the developers.
update to 11.2 firmware, proceed through the guide

it's that simple
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Does pic related support pic related. I can't get my n3ds to recognize the sd card.
Has anyone ever gotten their Nintendo account banned due to this shit? I'm wary because I heard something about people downloading pokemon sun and/or moon off the freeshop and getting banned. Also I have digital games on the Wii U using the same Nintendo account, can something happen to those games if I were to get caught using this?
>b-but i'm not a poorfag
>b-but i don't want to brick my console
>b-but not worth the effort

a couple of hours of effort to enable yourself to download the entire 3ds game library for free.
The bans were highly intelligent people that went online on Pokemon Moon when the game leaked 10 days before releasing
You didn't format it in your pc to fat32 with EaseUS partition manager, which you can torrent or some livecd crap.
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ok im in the homebrew menu now

is there a super nintendo emulator? i want to play mega man x2
Funny, cause this one worked when I formatted it with FAT32.

Format it to FAT32, then it will be recognized
XC isn't supported?
I have done this as directed by 3ds.guide but still doesn't recognize
It wasn't at launch, but an update later on made sdxc supported.
>not with EaseUS partition manager
Sheeeiiittt.. I still cant figure out a way to get to the homebrew launcher .. Should I just try to update and try it again?
So strange then. I literally just updated to 11.2 but no luck.
I tried using that program first. I will try it one more time.
use gparted or whatever to verify that it's FAT32/MBR and only 1 partition
I already hacked mine, but why are people on this board so obsessed with other people hacking their 3DS? Does this shit need a thread every fucking day?
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>tfw my computer broke and I lack the funds to replace it at the moment, so I can't
Fix your sd card first, obviously.

Because humans want to share knowledge and talk. Great that you hacked yours, so did I, but two weeks ago I didn't have mine hacked. Your problem is you only consider your own viewpoint on this world. It will be your undoing.

I did, sold it a month later after finishing the games that mildly sparked my interest with a profit.
The guide is too long and requires too many different installs. Once it's boiled down to "drop this on your SD card and click this, then wait for it to be done" I'll do it.
It is. SDXC didn't exist when the 3DS originally came out, so old support documents don't include it. You just have to format as FAT32.
What are some of the most reliable places for CIA files?

Just picked up a 3ds on ebay.
I think most people here found out about the 3ds hacking scene through /v/. It's only fair to help spread the goodwill once we've received it.

also thanks for the thread bump faggot
Maybe if you become my cumdump you'd get the money in no time.
>Fix your sd card first, obviously
I did when I reformatted it... Now I just cant launch any homebrew or install CIAs.
>"drop this on your SD card and click this, then wait for it to be done"
The guide is literally this, you tard.
3dsiso i guess. i just use freeshop because its so easy
fucking kill yourself you inept retard. hacking your 3ds is easier than getting your mum to suck a fat one. anyone can do it.
Seriously though, no one knows a way I can launch the Homebrewlauncher from a arm9haxed 3ds? I cant get my system to inject the file
No it's not. It's three long ass pages of different hacks you have to download and fuck with in order. Then you need to have a NAND backup and do a bunch of bullshit and hope you don't brick.

When it's rolled into "put this on the SD, click this, it's done" then I'll do it.
you probably skipped a step somewhere
>tfw accidentally opened luma updater yesterday

am i fucked?
Okay, then keep paying for games...lol
>When it's rolled into "put this on the SD, click this, it's done" then I'll do it.
Lol, you are magic. I literally laughed out loud.
stay deluded/retarded and keep posting so I can chuckle.
I did hack it. I literally only use it to use N3DS speeds and play virtual console games I already own. Does this really need a daily thread?

>being this mad because some random guy wont hack his 3ds

this is autism
so basically you're admitting you're too fucking dumb to follow simple directions?
Hi, random guy. Lol. thank you again.
we're making the world a better place
>What are you, a moral fag?
Yes. Maybe I can be convinced if there is anything interesting from CFW other than Freeshop.
Oh I didn't know you hacked yours. You should have said earlier. Now that we know you have hacked your 3ds and this information is no longer useful to you we shall stop making these threads.
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IMMA just gonna leave OP's picture right here.

>if i type lol enough nobody will realize how angry i am
My desire to download a bunch of free games I have no investment in and will forget about is just lower than the effort it takes to get it set up.

I waited to hack my PSP until it was literally drop in and start fastrecovery as well.

I haven't paid for a 3DS game in years, and I probably never will again, hacked or not.
>implying it takes effort
its a long and complicated process and even if you do everything perfectly there is still a chance of bricking. not worth it to me
Then why are you even in the topic?
just tried with EaseUS. guess i'm just fucked then.
4gb till i buy another one that isn't XC
I'll stick around in this topic for awhile and help anons as best I can
It's so simple anon! Just look at how simple it is!

Anyone that's interesting in hacking their 3DS can just fucking use google, these threads aren't necessary
To see if it's reached the point where I'd be willing to go through the process.
>wahhhh I can't read for longer than 3 paragraphs
>i've never read a book before
>t's so hard for meeee
It is. How is following a set of procedural instructions difficult or complicated unless you have brain problems?
This is probably as good as it's going to get.
With the 3ds having two cpus, it's never going to be as simple as dragging one file to the sd card and calling it done.

>long and complicated process

if you're literally retarded, sure.

Most of those directions are literally just pressing buttons or dragging and dropping files. Is that so difficult for you?
No, I completed all the steps, but afterwards my linux system corrupted the SD card, so my installed homebrew apps disappeared. Now i have the luma launcher installed, but no system utilities like FBI installer and Homebrewlauncher.
not everyone has a degree in computer programming, neckbeard.
I think im going to try updating.. Hopefuly that will allow me to re-inject my homebrew launcher.
>dragging and dropping files
>pressing buttons on your 3ds
>>>>computer programming
wew lad
What's your deal?
Every single day you aggressively remind me I haven't done it yet and put me up to questioning as for why.
Why do you care what I do? Why are you so invested in me doing this? Who are you? Why am I so important in your life?
is there an easy way to hack a wii u?
You are this guy aren't you
he's you anon
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because i want you to enjoy free games anon. why wont you accept my gift?
Fuck the moral fags and shitposters that inevitably show up in these threads. /v/ is the place most of us discovered CFW for the 3ds and the plethora of free shit it brings. Yesterday I finally hopped on the train and have since downloaded over $300 of free shit. All you do is follow the guide and you have access to the entire 3ds library for free, it really is that easy.
no one cares about you. we care about the ones willing to take the righteous path towards free games.
I did this today, it might look complicated but the instructions are in fact really simple to follow, although I admit that it's really tedious and it might take you more than 3 hours to set up everything.

That said, I'm still trying to figure out how to restore my save files from the original SD card, since I used a different one to do it.
This fuckin nigga Jesus Christ.
use a save file editor to inject your save files into the games stored on your 3ds
I wish you would make a webm or something of what you are doing, because obviously you are making some major errors.
>not clicking the ssd checkmark,,,,topkek
What are some must have games?
either a troll or a literal nigger.
Is there one in particular that you might suggest me? I googled a bit for a 3DS save file editor but there seem to be too many of them around.
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Can I still go online with MH:Gen or does the console need to be kept offline?
Normal person reaction to piracy:
>Wow, look at all these free games and movies and music I can get! This is so cool.

Fag reaction to piracy:
You can go online
all the fire emblem games are good if you're into turn based strategy

Thanks for showing the class how stupid you are anon.

The only part of the guide where you can really fuck up is during 2.1.0 ctrtransfer, but even then they give you warnings and explain shit thoroughly enough.

>is there an easy way to hack a wii u?



Just skip the stuff with redNand and coldBOOT and using the Brazilian to download all of your Wii U games/DLC/Updates directly to your External USB Hard drive, via Haxchi-->Homebrew Launcher-->Mocha-->WUP Installer (a special note: WUP Installer can install everything, but make sure there are NO special characters in the folders that uTikDownloadHelper creates, before you transfer the games back to your Wii U, via SD card. A perfect example is Pokkén Tournament, which won't install through WUP, unless you rename it Pokken Tournament. It's the same with hypens, trademarks and other special characters. Just rename it and it should install with no problems).

Personally, I followed the whole guide and went as far as getting does DS games just to run HaxchiFW from my Wii U's menu. The only things I didn't do is was coldBoot and vWii modding since I had a Wii with games on it already.

The fuck? Why not 4?
You design one better one.
id really like to hack mine but im waiting until someone writes a guide thats a little more user friendly
It's better than the regular eshop
Do you just keep posting these threads to get mad at people who don't want to hack theirs? I don't see why this needs to be a daily meme. There's even a general about it on /vg/, we really don't need it here every goddamn day.
I finally did it yesterday, thank you shitposting anons who manage to make a thread like this every day. VVVVVV and Rhythm Heaven Megamix is pretty fun.
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>People can now steal games at will
>MFW this collection has more games than you have, even when you steal all your games.
The fact that at least some of you are now going to count how many games there are in this image just so you can steal more than are in it to say you have more games is pathetic.

Yep. You can go online. After playing for a while the online experience really soured on me, so I only bothered playing with people I know, since everyone acts like faggots and just takes everything from the chest and run off, without discussing strategy or even making an effort to help each other.

But then, that's how online gaming generally works with randoms.
I couldn't get it to work. I feel like an idiot. I was looking forward to downloading Mario kart aswell.

I couldn't get the music file working properly. It kept crashing. I'm willing to try again if anyone is willing to tell me what I'm doing wrong.
I wanted to get upset but this is actually impressive. I don't see many shitty games, either. I guess the 3DS does have gaems.
Have you tried copying the CONTENTS of the starter.zip file to the root of the SD card? Not the whole folder inside it, just the contents.

Bless you anon, hope this works.
Just modded my 3DS (completed the guide everyone uses). I think I want to just download 3DS games on my PC, convert them to .cia and then put them on my SD card manually. Not sure why but eshop downloads are slow for me.
Nothing wrong with collecting. But you should still hack your 3ds for all the other features
I'm at the part where you goto FBI via Health and Safety app but my menu isnt loading at all, it's just a dimly light black screen and the blue power button is on. Anyone have any ideas to get around this?
Yeah I did that. Didn't work. Using a new3dsxl.

I'll try it again when I'm on the PC next.
I only have a galaxy s7 and the new 3ds XL, no PC. is there anyway to still hack my 3ds?

i followed the tutorial and now i have the homebrew launcher

now how can install more emulators and games
Not him but what other features?
don't need a job, I have freeshop
At what step did you get stuck and what exactly happened?
Read the pastebin
OC, VC injects,Homebrew, Custom themes and badges, etc.
>backups of your saves and firmware in case your 3ds breaks
>screenshots without miiverse
>region free
>custom themes, badges

If you own a n3ds:
>overclocking every game
>streaming without capture card or hardmods
>screenshot homebrew runs more stable and works with more games
Why is epeen intimidating you. Congrats, on your collection.
custom themes, streamin, screenshots, savestates, etc
>First gets posted about a paragraph long on GBATEMP
>Gets added to the guide
>Now somehow 3 pages long

nobody gives a fuck about your collection bro.
My excuse is that I'm lazy.
Won't bother until I just slap one thing on the SD and do everything like the Wii or Wii U.
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Why do people keep making these stupid threads? If people want to hack their shit they can. What do you gain by posting this constantly?
To help others anon.
pls respond, ive been at this all day and im desperately trying to fix this

There's so much cool shit you can do with homebrew and that's ignoring getting free games. The peace of mind of being able to backup all of my saves alone is reason enough to do it, outside of being able to play out-of-region games for those times when your country get especially buttfucked by censorship.
was gonna shit post but there's some solid stuff in there.
OP is legitimately autistic (repetitive behavior, obsessive interest)
Though a lot of people got the N3DS while it was on sale and might want to hack it
>mfw this is a wonderful reference for games to download.

Thank you.
>XL hacked
>white wood 3ds unhacked

Is there /any/ reason, at all, not to? I'd actually care if something bad happened to this one.
Where do you all download your games?
>Is there /any/ reason, at all, not to?

Nope. Once you get it going everything is seamless. And a hell of a lot faster than Wii U or PS3 homebrew.

All signs point to the 3ds being dead within the year, so Nintendo is less likely to release a new update.

>Where do you all download your games?

While you can just download everything from Freeshop app, if you have a torrent site like Gazelle or whatever people use now, you could just download the CIA file to the root of your SD card and install games via FBI.

I sure there's more than a couple of sites with DDL to games like 3dsIso, but I honestly didn't see anything that wasn't on freeshop that I wanted, except Zero Time Dilemma.
is anyone else having problems and is ready to give up on this shit?
holy fuck ive done everything this shitty fucking guide tells me to do and its still not working
>free games dude :dd
>only an hour or two of work :)
what the fuck are all of you on
So where are you stuck
my screen was black on reboot after i installed and deleted all of the tickets that arent 00-. all the tickets failed to install.
after that i tried restarting the process and forgot where i was in the first place.
fbi is installed and ive tried to reinstall the tickets but i cant get to fbi if my menu never loads
I get the red screen hang up when trying to launch fasthax
followed instructions to the letter
seems like its not that easy after all op
why would you lie to me this way ?
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>"You STILL haven't hacked your 3ds anon? What are you, a moral fag?"
Actually, yes. Eat shit, poorfags. I'll be over here enjoying my PHYSICAL import games
redscreen usually means you're missing a file, double check everything
I hacked my american 2ds and im trying to install the fire emblem 4 japanese vc game and fbi is giving me an error. How do I install japanese vc games?
OK, heres my deal.. I have a arm9hax and Luma 3DS and its chainloader installed, BUT i dont have any access to homebrew launcher, or FBI installer..

Is there a way I can use the Luma3DS chainloader to install homebrewlauncher or FBI?
I HAVE hacked my 3DS. Stop asking me why I haven't.

I am impressed by your collection, I only have 10 3DS games.
So, I tried using that tool, however it seems that the only way to extract save files is to do a backup using the old sd card in the 3DS? Isn't there a way to extract these files from PC and inject them into the new SD card?
I just bought a brand new new 3ds XL, firmware version 11.1.0-34U

I want to hack but don't know how or if I can.

In the meantime I'm trying to get the homebrew launcher running, via the guide on https://3ds.guide

I've gotten up to https://3ds.guide/homebrew-launcher-(soundhax), but whenever I launch the soundhax .m4a, I just get a red touch screen and a mostly black top screen with 3 or 4 strange artifacted pixels on the left.

does anyone know what do
nah redid the whole thing
getting the same red screen hang up
try rereading the instructions. Do you have the otherapp.bin payload on the root of the sd?
i'm really interested in lookin at that paragraph.
I hacked it this morning so when can I expect DQVIII to go up?
is poke bank already compatible with sun/moon? they said january
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yeah, and it's not named "otherapp.bin.bin" or something like that

I tried downloading ropbin.bin too and using that, but then 3ds sound just crashed.
oh I think I see what I did.
I just copied the started folder rather than the contents.
> need a program to format sd card
too many casual kids on /v those days
bingo we have liftoff
>posts in this thread to show off his collection
>calls us pathetic

solid collection though
pick all the games you want, leave it on overnight or while you're at work, etc etc

wake up/come home to your dream library of games
I'm posting on /v/ what do you expect
got to the step where it is supposed to downgrade. It made a Nand backup but on step six it gave an error. I think it ran out of space on the SD card? Now I only get a blue power light when i try to turn it on and the screens stay black
not a shitpost

have you tried powering off and back on again? have you consulted the q&a in the quide?
Anyone who has a 128 GB SD card: How fast or slow does the home menu load? How much memory would it take to get all the recommended games?
A 32 or even 64 GB is fine unless you want to hoard digital copies.
so what are the chances of nintendo figuring out I hacked my 3ds and remote bricking/banning it
I'm on this step but FBI injectable.app isn't appearing for me to inject it into?
But we're enjoying the same games without spending any additional money? Hell I can stay comfy all day while my 3ds downloads everything I want,
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forgot pic.
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Pls help guise
>replying to a frogposter that posted nearly half an hour ago
nintendo has no way of knowing, unless you play some kind of unreleased game online
so i'm trying to install the starter.zip but my 3ds screen goes black up top and red on bottom. what do I do now?
>replying to an anon that replied to a frogposter
me again, I've also tried booting the recovery by hold L R A Up, so that it can just get me back to 11.2 but the update gets to about 70% and then stops progressing. No error or anything it just stays stuck. Anything I can do to fix this?
so should I system transfer before or after I install CFW?
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sooo did it work?
dont brick
congrats on completing step 2
you're not even halfway there
keep going
press up or down on the d-pad
nvm fix'd it
the goal is to install custom firmware, you haven't installed anything, you've just started homebrew which allows you to install the cfw

follow the fucking guide to the end ffs
So everyone keeps saying not to use Luma Updater. I want to do the 2.1.0 ctr transfer, but I know that the Luma Updater is an important part later down. The 3DS guide says to install it. Do I just install it but never open it? I've done all of the soundhax and fasthax just fine I'm just now afraid since everyone is saying "don't use Luma Updater".
I have a 32 GB card and I already ran out of space. I still plan on getting the Bravely games, Dragon Quest, Layton, Pokemon X, SMT and most of them are from 1.5 to 3 GB each. And that is without counting NES and SNES emulators. That is why I'm considering the 128 GB card.
I'll do it when it becomes as idiot proof and easy as hacking your PSP
right, i didn't see the extra steps.

can i remove my SD Card from the 3ds for these next steps?

I should turn my 3ds off i assume.
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>That bulge
Nice filename, faggot.

How many times have you tickled someone's tonsils with that monster ?
I figured it out. I was using o3ds and thank god that shit wasn't appearing.

got the right one for n3ds.

So do I need to clear my SD card before I start the process?
G-Go on..
If you can't follow simple directions then you just better off sucking your mom's hairy ball bag you little pum pum
format would be best yes
I want themes. I want lewd themes.
all systems nominal
its injecting CTRNAND transfer image
the whole thing is still pretty stressfull pham

Is it safe to exit the homebrew launcher?
what does the guide tell you to do dude. just follow the guide/
if you are at the end of the page and its not specified i think so
thats what i did anyway
not done with the thing yet
guide is shittily written tho
>pum pum
Too far anon... too far
Yes i am at the end of the first page.

I'll just turn my 3DS off i guess.
Is the pokemon bank basically a free service if you download it from the freeshop?

I'm i'm trading between alpha sapphire/x/y/and moon/sun

is it really needed?
will this require a hardmod to fix?
im very new to hacking the 3ds

i got the soundhax homebrew menu working

now i need a cia installer right?

if i get that i can install freeshop right?

what's the name of the cia installer?
But I already did. RxTools -with Pasta-
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Just finished installing cfw on my n3ds. If I close the lid will it resume later?
the freeshop version is the same one as the eshop version. youd still need to have a sub to use it. look into PKSM its a homebrew with cloning and bank support and a bunch of other cool shit for free
Yes, heard about this. thank you, anon.
once I'm done and everything is installed, is it safe to update? Does this persist through updates? Is there any chance of bricking after an update?
Is the 4gb card that came with the N3DS big enough to get started? I've got a bigger one coming later.
Freeshop games? They stop downloading when you close the lid.
i'm doing it right now.

seems like it's ok.

delete some demos from your SD.
yes its safe no you wont brick

yup. hacked my friends system with the default 4gig card. had about 2ish gigs left by the time i was done.
Yes, always safe to update.
yes, just finished with mine
and it had the stock 4gb card that came with it.
What are the chances of nintendo fixing an in-warranty bricked console if you play dumb?

Just wondering if anyone's tried.
just so we're clear: it's safe to update the system firmware via nintendo's channels (for example: so I can do a system transfer) after going through with all of this?
>in-warranty bricked console
It's no longer 'in-warranty' by that point.
if it's bricked then it's not in warranty :^)
Oh, wait, anon. I'd recommend you do the system transfer first! Definitely do that first.
yes, for now at least

you know you're a fucking retard right?
but that requires me to update to the newest version. Can I update as of now and still be able to CFW my new 3ds xl?
what? no. do the tranfer first you dummy. but why do one in the first place when you can just pirate all the games you already own legitimately? makes no sense.
Yes, anon. All firmwares are hackable now.
>implying you'd have to -play- dumb after bricking a 3DS
What are the risks.

Wew, scene really went up didn´t it. Years ago i had to buy a Gateway, but it still works quite well.
to keep my progress

alright, thank you.
Next thread let's post photos of our cfw 3DS's to encourage the community.
jesus fucking christ, dude
- update now
- transfer systems if you must (which you don't)
- hack the planet
- safe to update after that again (for now)
>when you can screencap
Dumb newfag pirate.
What systems can 3DS home brew emulate?
You can still keep your progress. Not sure which program but you will be able to transfer your save data either way. Without Nintendo.

I think its JKSM- the program to use to transfer save data
Not screencaps. Photos.
Stupid newfag pirate.
What's the difference? They're both children.
Are there any good emulators in that thing or should I stick with VC injection?

Does VC have restore points on whatever?
>n3DS XL has been sitting on my desk for 18 months going unplayed
>went through the guide and hacked my n3DS XL
>installed Freeshop, holy shit, everything's free
>ordered a 64GB card
>downloaded ALL the fucking games
>still no motivation to play my 3DS

Is there a similar piracy scene going for the Wii U? That thing's been sitting in my closet for 2 goddamn years.
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>encourage the community
Anyone too scared to go through with a simple step by step tutorial is too stupid to encourage. If you want to show off you were capable of reading, go ahead.
stfu i think the girl in that image is cute.
recommend me some anime now please.
this shit is so needlessly complicated.

I installed the soundhax and got that working, so now I gotta install another 50 files or some shit?
wii u hacking is even easier than this. check the pastebin in /hbg/
desu I have the same problem.
I think let's plays have honestly killed my desire to play video games because I still get the feeling of accomplishment without ever having to put in an ounce of effort myself
I'm contemplating hacking it now, but would I still be able to go online? Using StreetPass, SpotPass, etc?

Yes, those things are dealbreakers for me.
I downloaded the themes from freeshop, and it was working until I logged into eShop: when I exited all the themes were gone. What happened?
fuck you you gay nigger
fuck you you gay nigger for not doing this earlier!*

Fixed that for you bub.
moralfag detected
I don't even watch let's plays on 3DS games. I barely know what's been going on with the 3DS this whole time, other than being vaguely aware that a new Pokemon is out, which I don't care for at all.

I transferred all my saves from the cartridges I own to the digital titles, so I'm thinking of selling most of my games to get a nice quick wad of cash.
thanks for the bump newfag
yes to everything. literally no excuses now https://3ds.guide/
going in the eshop deletes dlc.
Gonna buy a n3ds, hack it and install a bunch of games on it then sell it on Craigslist to some soccer mom for profit.
Oh, I had no idea. Is there any method to bypass this? It's really annoying.
>yes to everything.

I guess I literally have no excuse now. Fuck it, let's do this.
don't go into the eshop
But I like to browse it every once in a while, also I don't just pirate everything.
How to remove themes installed by CHMM2?
Hacked my 2DS a couple weeks ago. Feels pretty nice, my dude.
Switch to any different theme.
there isnt.
I haven't hacked it. I haven't even touched the damn thing in months.
What are some good 3DS games NOT on the eShop?
Well, that sucks.
Alright so i'm near the end and i'm encountering some shit.
I'm supposed to inject FBI in the health and safety menu. But when i'm suppose to select a .app to inject (corresponding to my region) i don't even get a chance to, it doesnt prompt me with anything and just inject (seemingly nothing) directly.
Any help ?.
it IS simple, it just takes time
i'm kinda dumb and probably have add and/or dyslexia, but i managed it on my first time
it just takes time, just follow the guide and there's barely any thinking involved
You copied all the contents of the fbi injectable.zip to the files9 folder correct?
>I couldn't get the music file working properly. It kept crashing.
there's a file you drop into the sd card that you're supposed to rename to otherapp.bin, right?
did you name it otherapp.bin.bin, since you have invisible file extensions?
don't be ashamed, i did that exact thing and some other anon in another thread did it too kek
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it doesnt even lt you cycle left/right to change the names after you enter the button prompts?
this seems common, yes. people, set windows to show all file extension by default. it is KIND of important.

people never see the extensions but still sort of know about them, so when they see them once in a while as part of the actual file NAME they think nothing of it. and usually it's not an issue. but here it is.
it was up and down, guide said left and right
i'm up and running again
will update
>Download Little Battlers Experience
>Have a hard time getting into it because mechs are (unsurprisingly) clunky

I'm too used to MH, and that's saying something about the clunkyness. Does it get better when I unlock more combat options? If this is how the mech is moving at "B" rank speed, I'm not feeling very optimistic.
I was looking to purchase a flashcard to play NDS games on my 3DS, but in my country there's only one website selling either the R4i SDHC or the R4i 3DS RTS, at a higher price.
Is the latter the best/only choice or is it just a meme card where the former works just as fine?
I went to http://dukesrg.github.io/2xrsa.html?arm11.bin on my 3DS and the browser is blank

what should happen?
Once you finish the guide let me know, I'll post how to get freeshop and the title keys.
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What happens when Nintendo patches Freeshop? How will I be able to download free games then?

>mfw nintendo patches freeshop downloads
i think i'm done, i got the luma launcher, the homebrew launcher and the fbi launcher all unlocked on my main menu and i finished the guide
appreciate the help anon
in order for them to do anything about it they'd have to redo the entire infrastructure again. its not happening.
They can't patch free shop
Freeshop just shows what games you can download based on the titlekeys you have installed. As far as Nintendo servers are concerned, when you download using freeshop, it looks as though it's a legitimate download request.
update: it's frozen
Woah that is simply insane. I bet someone is getting their ass beat by their boss right?
I don't use it enough, and I'm too lazy regardless. I even bought the binding of issac soundtrack for a buck on bandcamp because I literally couldn't be assed to fucking look for it in a torrent.
Just go to the 3ds title key database website and scan the qr codes in fbi
I installed CHMM and GYTB, followed the directions on their sites, but the custom themes and badges won't work. (I think it may be because I never actually updated my 3DS until today, after installing CFW.) Anyone know how I can get them working?
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Alright here we go then:
Start FBI
Scroll down and select Remote Install
Select Scan QR Code
Scan pic related
This will install Freeshop

Now once you have Freeshop installed, boot that up.
Ignore the error about missing title keys.
Go to https://3ds.titlekeys.com/
Click on the qr button underneath Download encTitleKeys.bin
In freeshop, click on the little gear icon on the lower screen
Click on the update tab
Check Auto Update title keys from URL
Click the qr button right underneath that checkbox
Scan the qr code from 3ds.titlekeys, it should populate the box with a url
Close and restart freeshop
You should have a list of games available now.
how many chances are there for me to brick?
i'm about to do it
Not everything is on Freeshop, the excellent Dragon Ball Fusions being one.
If you have a n3ds, when you are in the 2.1.0 firmware, you can brick if you close the lid. However you won't be in 2.1 that long.
That's really the only spot
that is on freeshop
It's there.
Scan the QR code again, it's there now
og 3dsXL
and should I update to 11.2 first (since it works) or stay at 11.0.0-33U?
Not the English version
You can stay on 11.0
thank you anon, I'ma take the dive now
God speed
Just follow the guide, read ahead to make sure you have everything and understand everything, pay attention to the items surrounded in red, and if you are worried about your sd being bad, you can check it with a link in the first part of the guide
If it appears frozen, try pressing select anyway, wait 10 seconds and press select again, sometimes it can appear frozen but will still respond to button inputs.
yes it is im looking at it right now.
Is there anything lost in doing this? Not sure if I'll lose progress or all my friend codes or anything.
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All of the 3DS games are shit.

As I've posted here >>364045346, I barely have the motivation to play all of this pirated shit.

It kinda balances out, I suppose. I'm not hacking multiplayer games and generally causing the legitimate Nintendo community any harm, so I'm just a fly on the wall as far as anybody can tell. A stealthy masturbator.
I did. Has DQ8 been leaked yet
the 3ds.guide guide, right?
all the links in there are good, right? I read in a thread a few days ago a lot of them got compromised
Well anon, yesterday it wasn't.
It's been frozen for about 15 minutes now.
The links in the guide are good.
When you get to it, don't use the lumaupdater app since that still references the compromised github
It's also worth noting that you should stockpile the fuck up on games on a jumbo memory card just in case Nintendo does pull a 180 and put an end to the piracy scene.
Eh. 3DS Emulation is right around the corner so I'm gonna wait for that.
- stay connected to wifi the whole time
- keep it charging
- don't do ANYTHING while on 2.1.0 other than what the guide tells you to
- only use the guide as a resource (no otp files from other handhelds and such shenanigans)

do this and you'll be fine, and save us all the hassle and don't rename it otherapp.bin.bin

goddam i need a new keyboard
I just did it today, and I didn't lose anything. It tells you in the guide when you should make a backup and what you should make a backup of, just in case. But the guide itself has a section for restoring your data.
do I need to update manually then or can I leave it be?
you can leave it be
did you not update your keys since then? its been up in english for a long time now
Does it? But they said it was fixed. I ran it today and nothing suspicious happened.
I update them every time I haven't launched it in a while, such as yesterday.
no luma3ds update needed
the luma updater is the little blue teardrop looking dude on your home menu after you're done. just don't use that atm.
i have the list
any restrictions on what comes next ? region or whatever
recommandations ?
i wanted to get smt4a
thanks again
go nuts. i tend to not get stuff from different regions in one go on one ip but that's just my paranoia. your 3ds is region free now.
kill yourself
try again
when you start the browser, go into the settings for it and initialize save data.
then attempt it again
>muh special snowflake pirate club
They did?
Excellent, I've been saying not to until I heard otherwise
should i turn off my 3DS?
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hugs and kisses
Yeah, press and hold the power button until it shuts off
Can you get CFW/Freeshop equivalents on the Wii U?
Literally the only games I own are Smash and MK8 and I wanna try some other games
>stop helping people
No fuck you
Nice neo/v/ meme. +1
Can I hack my Japanese 3DS or is this stuff region specific?
any region
once you're done downloading the game, click on the controller icon in the lower screen of the freeshop. triangular icons signify addition download options such as updates and dlc. smt has that for example.

also, don't boot eshop anymore. shove that shit into a folder off to the far right home bruh.
You can hack the Japanese ds, some items will be region specific but that's it
doesn't work on taiwanese units on one other that i can't remember but the guide tells you.
ok thank you.

I'll initialize save data.
There's a whole general made for this shit. Fuck off there cucks >>>/vg/
Safehax wont work unless i have a cart in the system. I dont have any carts on hand...
Read the guide.
No. Keep the help questions here so we can discuss other consoles in /hbg/
So how would I go about getting the other routes for Fire Emblem Fates? Or most DLCs, for that matter?
No, i prefer this since it's 3ds specific
You want me to buy a shittendo device? Nope. Fuck shittendo and their shitty kids games. PC master race till the day I die.
If I wanted to hack my Wii U what size should mys SD card be?
they patched that, no cart required anymore
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just did it today since your sperg ass tempts me literally every single fucking time i look at this board

now, what should i do with it? i already got my piracy shit going but idk what else to do

is that pokehex thing worth it
how do i install multiple games at once? what is this?

i only have ciangel
honestly I have just spent 3 hours trying to get this thing working but on every step I go wrong. it's just not worth it.
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Did it right before thanksgiving last year. Feels good senpai
same thing happened again.

system froze.

What should it look like if it's successful?
its freeshop.
If it was successful your system will reboot.
I had a similar issue.
I redownloaded the files that contained arm11.bin amd i think arm9.bin and overwrote the existing ones on my sd card
you're a retard, then. the setup is so straight forward and if you have the ability to fucking read then you should be able to do it

neck yourself
ok thank you, i will try that.
that's helpful.
I got to the section where I need to create the "cias" folder and delete the other folders, my sd card broke and its telling me to format now I cant access it, help.
you didn't even ask a specific question though. how could anyone help you beside saying do it better?
what the fuck do you want, then? the guide lays it out for you so simply its almost comical how easy it is.

not a single person in this thread can help you if you lack common sense. that is your problem. either learn how to read or move on
you deleted too many folders

start over from step 1 after you reformat your SD
I got to the step where you install safehax but at the end of the process i got a red error and havent been able to turn it on anymore. Any way to fix that?
Is there a comprehensive (retard friendly) guide for people who are still on emunand and don't want to lose their shit?
I barely made it through the guide back in the RxTools days. I did switch to Luma at some point but I think I'm ready to take it to the next level now.
i got the same problem as you so please update me if you figured it out
Fuck, shouldn't take as long now, thanks anon
so the files from Luma Update are compromised, right?
what exactly did they do?
if holding the power button for 20s doesnt turn it off it might be bad anon
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When the fuck is this gonna get dump, its been almost one month
Who is he artist for this cover? Its oddly familiar
The original pokemon art guy.

Ken Sugimori hes a pretty big sega fan
I was in the same position as you, and I followed this guide. But the thing is in spanish, try to use something to translate the thing.

OK, i pirated my shit. Now how do I play an english version of the Great Ace Attorney, and Persona I?
there is no credible evidence that any malicicous files have been uploaded as far as i have seen. in fact i haven't seen anyone claim that at all.

it's just the devs shit got hacked on multiple accounts because his opsec is even worse than nintendos and any person with a brain would recommend you stay away unitl they get their stuff sorted.

think people said the updater just errors out atm. but anything COULD happen so stay clear.
nope, replaced the arm 9 file and it still freezes.

i don't have an arm11 file on my SD or computer. is that normal?

I assume you're supposed to get it from the URL with the 3DS browser.
Try holding L,R,A, up on the d pad while pressing the power button. Itll safeboot and try to do the official update from nintendo. Mine errored out but it could be my connection. If you try and it works let me know please
You'll have to get a job and contribute to society instead of being a parasitic waste.

Scary, I know!
how the fuck do i take screenshots

also recommend be some top tier games to pirate and other cool shit to get for cfw
It turns it off and I can safeboot but it gets stuck trying to get the official patch
lining up Shitendo's pockets is not contributing to society.
Bootntr selector for screenshot. works on n3ds for all games but on old the more intensive memory games like monster hunter and smash bros it wont work. steamworld dig and heist have been pretty incredible for me.
>do system transfer
>for whatever reason, choose "wireless transfer"
>two hours later
>not even 25% complete
just FUCK me up
By the way while we are here, does anybody know how to use the streetpass/wifi for game out of region games that always ask to accept the term of services?
when go to load the homebrew menu (playing soundhax through the 3DS sound which reads as "<3 nedwill 2016) it goes to a black screen, says the homebrew menu is ready, but then it kicks me back to the homescreen saying there's an error
i can't believe I'm stuck on the first step
>H-Heh, N-Nintendo sure is shit
>I-I'm only playing their games because they're free! I-It's not that I like them or anything!
you must have the wrong firmware
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They're not worth their asking price.

I pirate movies because they aren't worth their ticket price.

Also fucking the business side of Nintendo, those greedy jews can fuck off.

Their devs are different story.
Guize I just installed HBC on my Wii... now what? Do I even need to continue? What do I stand to gain by hacking it more? I can get emulators now and from what I heard play backups, which is enough for me. Am I missing something or am I fine with using just Homebrew Channel?
I did, I dl'd E instead of U, I'm stupid, thank you
>$70 for that god awful controller

fucking why?

between all this scummy accessory bullshit and the absolute mind-numbing incompetence with online-related features, i dont know what makes me want the switch less

is it too early to call a flop?
get USB Loader GX, lets you load right from a flash drive (faster load times, convenience, etc)
any answer to the red screen?
just happened to me, followed the instrustions to a T
it said to just copy one bin file from decrypt9.zip to the root. do I leave the rest of the zip alone?
is there anything interesting or worth my time that I can do with my hacked 3DS now? y'know, other than pirating.
and I put the two .3dsx files in /starter/3ds
or do they go in /starter/ ?
any luck anon?

I'm still stuck.
This lol
I had the same problem.
you don't copy the starter folder to your 3ds root folder.

you copy what's /inside/ the starter folder to your 3ds' root folder.
ah shit, thank you anon
Gyro and (((Nintendo))) tax.
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I finally fixed it and it turns out when i extract files from the safeA9LHInstaller.7z to the 3ds using winrar the files in the 3ds arent the same size or are missing a few files so i downloaded another unzipper called 7zip and it copied all the files with no problem and all have their real sizes so yeah just extract the files using 7zip instead of winrar and hopefully it'll work for you too

Is Freeshop worth getting? The guy that released it said you can only use it to download eShop games you own.
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Wait a second. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't downgrading the only step that could brick your console if done incorrectly? Or is there still some risk left if I fuck up?
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maybe I spoke too soon
now it's stuck on a yellow screen
ya there are other risks if you cant follow a simple guide. none if you can read though. guide tells you when you can really fuck up
I am guessing that people spoof the titlekeys to show that they "own" every game out there?
I've been using 7zip and still have the same issue.

My 3DS refuses to be hacked.
alright so these free games are okay to play I guess but how do I unhack my 3ds when it's time to sell it for a switch?
Hacked 3ds increases its value
so... it worked the third time
okay, I guess
Restore an unhacked backup using decrypt9. Hope you made one.
I did this in a little under two hours. I know this is bait, but there are seriously retards who can't follow simple instructions.
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>tfw stuck on one step for 3 hours and it's out of my control
after I'm all done, if I want to use a larger SD card, can I just copy all the files from the original?
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I'm sorry, bro. Guess it just wasn't your day. You at least have a hacked 3DS now, right?
are you the red screen anon?
i saved it, the 3ds.guide tells you to not delete the folder
>slap it on to SD card, run with HBC
Is it really this fuckin' simple? Damn.
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nope, i'm the faggot stuck on the browser part.

Do i have everything right so far?
today I pirated Super Mario Maker 3DS. Does this game even have the 100 mario challenge mode from the Wii U version?
Yeap. Upgraded myself to a 64gb, oh yeah!
what brand of card would you recommend for when I upgrade?
Are there any interesting homebrew games I can download through FBI?
The only options are sandisk or sandicks...
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My 32gb sd card and card reader are coming in the mail tomorrow. Im pretty stoked guys

Anything I have to do with the SD before I get started or is it already good to go?

link related is the card i bought

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I mean I could install freeshop, but I would rather off downloading them from my PC since the internet gets shitty sometimes
Yeah, that's not a mini so you fucked up.
is this good or should I go for the Extreme?
Except it works with both you idiot
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my freeshop stopped working, it doesn't show any games anymore, what do?
Me here, oh fuck do I regret not doing my research. The New 3DS doesn't use this type of SD card
thanks for mentioning that, turns out the 3dsXL can only handle up to 32gig cards
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Do someone made a functional gba emulator for old 3ds? I'm just curious because maybe I'll hack mine later but having a gba emulator would be nice
nintendo took down the official(?) database through a DMCA, you gotta go here:

(click on the QR code button under "Download encTitleKeys.bin")
mine just got updated with Hit Ninja, Geki Yaba Runner Deluxe, Galaxy Blaster and Hyperlight EX
Thank you to all of /v/ that helped me and kept telling me to hack my 3DS. Just finished doing it to my N3DS XL. Now I just have to get the free shop.
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Jesus fucking Christ it's been 3 and a half hours and it's not even 3/4th done out of 6 games

Is there any way to abort a wireless system transfer or am I committed at this point

What are you downloading? The Entire 3DS Libary, SNES Libary & NES Libary?
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Post your custom themes
remove boot.3dsx
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>only 10 Custome Themes on Shuffle

W H Y ?
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What happens if you stop downloading a game through CIAngel? I started downloading pokemon mystery dungeon but it's taking forever. I might have to just do it some other time. Is it ok to just shut my 3DS off, or should I allow it to continue?
Because there are literally no games worth playing on the piece of shit. Why go through the effort to pirate games that aren't worth playing in the first place.
no more hacks will
Where's the Va11-Ha11a Theme?

Some anon here the other day had one that was much better than the shit on 3DSThemes
would you share?
I uploaded it here:
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bj face.jpg
118KB, 768x1024px
where do i get the lewd themes?
You make them yourself.
did you delete your original 3ds folder and replace it fresh?
my boot.3dsx was still on there and worked just fine
t. anon restoring NAND backup
What do you people gain from posting this every day?
You don't have tekken. Haha
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149KB, 624x900px
If i do this will i be able to play online?

If i do this will i be able to play locally with other, non hacked systems?

If yes to both ill do it tonight. These are my only hang ups rn.
Ah nothing remotely interesting or worth bothering with then. Thanks for clearing that up.
Yes. Yes.
Yes to both. Just don't be stupid and play games online before they're supposed to be released, and you'll be fine.
Yes, yes. You can also have a Papi theme.
Anyone have a tekken EUR cia?
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209KB, 1080x899px
Thanks. Ill see how it goes.
It helped me finally get it done. I got to hear other peoples issues and help out.
Yep, you're done! Enjoy
I haven't touched my cfw since a9lh was released months ago. Is there any reason to update? I think I'm running Luma3DS still.

I keep hearing about new exploits and I was wondering if anything new was brought to the table.
dear anon who makes these threads:
can you let us know when LumaUpdater is safe to use?
I don't know why people create topics like these incentivising people to hack and pirate, but I'm thankful anyway. I had been waiting for 11.0 to receive a hack and got to know one was released through here.

Just completed Pokemon X a few days ago, loved it. Same stuff as ever. I don't even know what to do with so many games. Should I play Mario 3D Land or Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies next? I'm currently on Project Mirai DX
Mods deleted it already because 2lewd. You can get it here instead: https://a.pomf.cat/cscyxf.zip
I wish 3DS anon would start making these threads for WiiU too. It's just as easy to softmod and pirate on and I have nobody to talk to it about.
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