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>It's been 10 years since it came out If Sega made

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>It's been 10 years since it came out

If Sega made a port that fixed all the glitches, would it be well received or people would forgive it after all these years?
It wouldn't fix the retarded story
No, the story and loading times are dogshit
The story is still an exercise in teeth-grinding, so no.
I think that running fast is bad gameplay in a platformer like sonic
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If you want to see what 06 without the glitches would be like, give the Generations 2006 pack a try.

It actually plays pretty well. The only issue is that the story still would have been as terrible as ever. No bug-testing in the world is going to fix a story.
Nobody would care because fans are already doing a fanport for free. Plus the story is retarded.
>muh story

You fags need to die

No. The load times would still be atrocious, the gameplay would still have been boring, and the story and voice acting would still make me want to mute the TV.
Ah, but what if the environment was built around gaining downhill momentum and then launching yourself through the air in order to get around quickly? That's platforming which is built around speed, isn't it?
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Do i need to add more?
>He thinks Sega isn't going to take it down
Even if you fixed all the glitches the gameplay would still suck because the level design is terrible, especially the hub worlds. Fixing the game would involve redoing the controls, physics and level design from scratch, and that's not getting into the story.
A port of Unleashed's levels into Generations is not only still available for free, but available on the official Steam Workshop page for Generations. Sega doesn't give a shit.
Where have you been? SEGA loves fan devs of all kinds. We've got Sonic Mania, of course, but then the official YouTube channel gave their blessing to that Green Hill Paradise game. Not to mention Big's Big Fishing Adventure 3 which is as official of a fangame as you can get.
I still remember seeing the previews for this game and being extremely impressed and hype due to how good it looked. Being a Sonic fan is truly suffering since 1999.
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Only if you only play the official releases. I've long-since lost faith in Sonic Team. Mania is going to be good, not because of Sonic Team's influence, but because of Whitehead's.
I know, Mania might be the best one since Generations, I preordered that collector's edition with the statue.
Sega is actually pretty OK with fangames. The taking down of SORV5 was the last instance of such a thing, and they haven't done anything like that since then.
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Generations is good, but it's the modding community that made it even better.
Honestly, that's what I think Sonic should be: not a one-sided creator to consumer franchise, but a community. If Mania is as wildly successful as I hope it will be then I hope to god that SEGA sees this as a sign that they should work closely with fans on all of their projects, both 2D and 3D.

Hell, if Sonic Team would eventually work closely with fans like Taxman, Stealth, SuperSonic68 and Mr. Lange, imagine what Sonic Adventure 3 could be like.
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Well it sure embodied the next gen feel of the time and as a result came off a bit too edgy and gritty. If they shortened the loading times, reworked the physics, and made Sonic a tad faster I'd buy a remake.

It'd still be a Sonic game (a Sonic Adventure game, no less), so it'd still be garbage
>Spreading the "06 is SA3 meme"
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What constitutes a "glitch?"

Knuckles and Amy's retarded movement and abilities?
Having to replay the exact same levels over and over with the same characters?
Silver and Shadow getting little to no worthwhile upgrades?
Sonic LOSING his infinite Gem exploits?

No, people would not forgive it.

The gameplay is a mix of SA1 and SA2.
Just because it's not literally named SA3 doesn't stop it from being the same thing.
Is bad game design a glitch?
Remove the glitches, load times, and story.

It's still a woefully mediocre game at absolute best.
So is Heros and Shadow, yet neither of those are Sa3.

As a comparsion: Nor is ODST or Halo Reach Halo 4, despite them sharing the core gameplay (though i'd argue reach IS a maineline Halo game, wheras ODST is not)

Yeah I totally remember the part where I played as Tails and Knuckles in Shadow the Hedgehog
Well you actually COULD play as them if you plugged in a second controller and had them as your CPU follower
You can also play as tails and knuckles in the advance games, heros, sonic 3, and plenty of other sonic games. Does that make them Sa3?

Depends on how they play desu
If they called it "Sonic '06: Good Edition" or something along the lines I would buy it.
The idea would be that the loading times would be fixed along with the physics and other issues.
I'm hoping not like Utopia. I don't really like how the camera is behind you all the time. That kind of perspective works better in moderation, I think.
Do you really play sonic for the story?
Sonic fans are happy with virtually anything, the fact that 06 and Boom are the only games in the franchise that are universally reviled when games like Heroes exist shows how low the bar is.

Of course it would be well received
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You're in pretty deep denial there aren't you? Let's take it from the top:

>So is Heros

It's completely different than the Adventure formula. The only similarity is that it A) references SA2 and B) the big bad is a giant monster thing. The gameplay is much more like a standard Sonic game.

>but the teams have different play styles

Not in the same way SA1 and 2 had though. In both Adventure games, Sonic had his own "get to the end" style, and everyone else had different ways to approach a level. Just because you can switch between Knuckles and Tails and they play differently than Sonic does not change the fact that the goal is still the same: get to the fuck end of the stage. Not hunt for emeralds, not shooting things in a mech/or as a robot. You can not in good faith tell me Heroes has gameplay that could be construed as "Adventure-esque". The fact that it's so different than the two Adventure games is why some people still defend Heroes to this day, warts and all.

>and Shadow

Shadow is also much like Heroes. The goal (usually) is to the get to the end of the stage. There's no drastically different gameplay styles and there's literally only one playable character. And no, plugging in a second controller to play as the AI character does not count since there's basically nothing you can do as them that impacts the gameplay enough to warrant a mention. Even if Shadow directly references SA2's plot and builds off of it to some capacity, because it's so laser-focused onto one character you simply can't call it Sonic Adventure 3. It's Sonic Adventure 2.5, at best.

I'm not even going to get into Sonic '06 being SA3 because if anyone with half a brain cell has played the first two Adventure games they can immediately see why people call it SA3.
it's a 3d game, where else should the camera be?
I shit you not, a fan port of the demo of Sonic 2006 came out yesterday woth the first part of kongdom valley fully playable. Gistix and his team plan to port the rest of it later on.
I've played both Adventure games and I don't think 06 has in common enough with both for it to be SA3. It's an adventure STYLE game the same way heros and shadow is but that's it.

Alternately, you could say it's more like Sa1 2, because it DOES have enough in common with Sa1 specifically tobe a sequel to that, but it doesn't have that much in common with Sa2, superficially.
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If glitches are the ONLY things that are fixed, then fuck no. You would still have your terrible controls, camera, physics, gimmicks, load-times, town missions, story, writing, graphics, voice-acting, and "Sonic in the real world" bullshit.
>if Sonic Team would eventually work closely with fans like Taxman, Stealth, SuperSonic68 and Mr. Lange, imagine what Sonic Adventure 3 could be like
I don't think any of those people are remotely interested in the possibility of developing a potential Adventure 3. They'd likely rather do they're own thing with Sonic than try to please the Adventure fanbase. And for good reason.
There's nothing with the graphics. They were good for the time.
Even without bugs and glitches it'd still be a shitass game unless you also plan to revamp the gameplay.
And even then you'd still have that cringefest of a story.
Did anyone else play the official demo for Sonic 06? It was actually a lot more stable than the real game.
Outside of the FMV cutscenes, the graphics were basically Dreamcast-tier.
>those fucking cardboard box physics
Pack your bags Valve
So much work would be required to make this game worthwhile, that any resources would be better spent making a new, potentially good game instead of trying to salvage an old, shitty one that nobody liked.
It's not like there's anything worth saving in it anyways, the best parts are just generic 3D platformer levels that have automated boost pad sections peppered in.
fun sonic fan projects
For an early 7th gen game, I'd say they're pretty good. Just my opinion.
You thundering dumasses, Unleashed is Sonic Adventure 3 because the Japanese name is Sonic World Adventure.
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>Unleashed is Sonic Adventure 3 because the Japanese name is Sonic World Adventure.

And that isn't Sonic Adventure 3, is it?
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don't start this shit
Does it really need a 3 to be the third? Super Mario World is also SMB4 but it didn't need the 4 because gamers were smarter back then and could understand such things.

It was always SMW.

Looks like you're wrong about a lot of things.
>fourth Mario side-scrolling platform game
>not SMB4

Keep being an idiot.
>not SMB4
Yeah, because it was always SMW.

How are you not understanding this?
>Would it be well received or will it be well received

Clever thread OP
It'd make a decent $20-$30 remake. With the original game, Silver's levels still ended up ok, and fan projects for Generations show that Sonic's levels play decently when in a functional environment. There's still a small slice of people that consider Shadow's 6th Gen game ok, so maybe his parts would work with a bit of polish. I'd imagine the Adventure-esque attempt to allow players to go through levels as the rest of the cast would still be shoddy, but it probably wouldn't be so bad if their segments were actually playable.

Given that the initial disgust towards the story has wavered and people are willing to enjoy Colors' gameplay despite some of the cringiest dialogue and story for the franchise, I wouldn't think people would forgive the game, but there'd be a decent amount of those who would enjoy it.
Can we stop arguing over absolutely nothing and focus on how the fucking sonic fanbase of all things has been getting its shit together better than many others?

>authors ready to lend a hand with others' projects
>projects like SRB2, Generations ports and assorted free roam 3D games constantly one-upping each other to improve themselves
>SEGA being complete 10/10s with the community
>people who know what they're doing like Ian Flynn in charge of non-game content

There's a lot of autism to be found but god damn it's such a closely tied community
>such things
Again with this shit? Every time some pretentious faggot on the internet wants to sound "intellectually superior", they use big boy words like "such" in order to reach their goal. In your case, something along the lines of, "these kinds of," just wouldn't make you sound 1890s enough, so you had to settle for fucking "such" instead.
>throwing a temper tantrum because somebody wanted to use a single four letter word instead of writing something three times as long
wew lad
>such is a big boy word now
>people today cannot understand a si9mple four-letter word

Fucking Americans, can't wait until your country self-destructs because of Trump and stops poisoning the world with your stupidity.
Outside of the select few areas in the game that they actually completed the graphics for, it all just looks like drab, bleak horseshit with a fuckload of repeating textures.
Post 10/10 Sonic tracks, bonus points if its from 06.

Best theme in 2006.

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Post YFW the first time you heard this.
Yes, and a single four-letter word that looks jarringly-formal and completely out of place when compared to the rest of the post. He doesn't include proper punctuation, and actually misspells a word in his previous, but then decides to use the phrase, "such things," which you would never hear coming from someone's mouth in real life, in order to show off and sound more intelligent than the other guy.
You sure are mad about such things
My favorite 06 songs are


>Aquatic base
high quality taste my friend
yeah the first level is great too.
No. It would still play like shit and the story would still be fanfic garbage. Eggman's design would still be dogshit, too.
Do those accept and promote donations for the project?

That's apparently something that might cause the 06 port people some trouble.
fanfic insults are retarded. if it's officially made, it's not a fanfic you dumb fucking nigger.

Personally, I hope more stuff like Sonic World & Green Hill Paradise gets more love, because while we may never get an actual SA3, a full 3D Sonic game, with multiple playable characters would be awesome.
Honestly, I'd only donate to the 06 port project if they're planning on eventually making the Unity packages opensource. There aren't very many good platformer engines in the Asset Store right now and It'd be neat to see a version of the engine on there (with all of the Sonic assets removed, o'course)

Always found wave oceans track to be 10/10s


>dumb nigger calling anyone a dumb nigger
If you don't think 06's story is fanfic levels of garbage then your opinions on video games as a whole is null and void.
Even if 06's gameplay was similar to the Adventure games, it was never confirmed to be SA3 at all.
none of that matters at all when i am addressing the way you insult. it's fucking retarded and saying it is "fanfic levels tier garbage" makes no fucking sense.
It doesn't make sense to you because you're a bumbling retard. Fuck outta here, dipshit.
No, Adventure-styled Sonics suck shit. How about giving us a proper Unleashed port?
no it doesn't make sense to me because you're clearly fucking stupid and i'm smarter than you.
Not even that anon but you're seriously fucking retarded if you dont understand.
Why don't you fuck off someplace else?
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I agree. Using "fan fiction" as an insult seems kind of silly. If you're an official writer for a Sonic game's story, then you're (hopefully) already a fan of Sonic, therefore anything you write is technically "fiction" written by a "fan," right?

The only you could write a Sonic game's story and have it NOT be "fan fiction" is if you hate Sonic.

Man, what a great discussion you two are having.
Not to mention it's still irrelevant if it's supposed to indicate quality because video games in general have always had "fan fiction" levels of writing, let alone Sonic games. If they were good writers, they'd be writing books, or movies, or television shows where the writing actually matters.
I like this guy
i do understand what fanfiction means, you fucking idiot. you're backing him up because you also say stupid fucking shit like him. so you're fucking stupid.
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If you were smarter than me then you wouldn't be having trouble comprehending what I mean. Kill yourself and soon.
There's no way you're over 18.
you're having trouble comprehending anything. it's not me. i'm telling you calling it a fanfic is fucking retarded. you think i don't understand your asinine 4chan criticisms? i do, and that's why i'm calling you a fucking braindead piece of fucking shit.
I honestly don't see how it doesn't.

It has an overworld, characters with different playstyles, more story (quality aside, there was more of it) than Sonic usually has, and character upgrades. All it's missing is a Chao Garden.
I'm just sitting here waiting for an Unleashed port.

I know about the Gens mod, I've played the whole thing. It's just the day stages, which only took up less than half of the game. I want the rest of it, too.
shadow dying at the end of SA2 made me cry desu
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Fuck unleashed and the 2.5D level cancer it created...
You mean fuck the devs and their terrible ideas, right?
Over stepping your boundaries with this hot opinion, nigger.
>no u
Stay fucked, bitch retard.
Man, what a compelling debate you're having with the other anon.
>muh "no u" comeback
Just jump off a bridge already you fucking faggot.
The game is broken on a fundamental level. Everything, from level design to basic controls to the story, is a mess.
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Sonic 06 is fundamentally bad.

Like, I personally think Heroes is a worse game (because it's not able to reach the "so bad it's good" threshold like 06 does) but I can generally see why people might like it. It has a fun story and some interesting character dynamics, nevermind a unique playstyle. 06 has a horrifically bland story, horrifically bland graphics, and horrifically bland gameplay. And that's just assuming it's all functioning at 100%.

If 06 was perfectly polished and exactly the game it had originally wanted to be, it'd only ever get mentioned as that boring one that came out between the other boring one and the slightly less boring one. In a way, it's excellence in failure is a blessing since it means people are still talking about it today.
>I want the rest of it, too.
You want to experience all of the parts of Unleashed that don't even resemble a Sonic game? Because the daytime stages are as good as it gets.

If you want to wander around small hubs and talk to people or play a watered down beat-em-up with shallow puzzles and platforming I'm sure there are way better options than Unleashed.
Ladies first. Sorry about your inactive frontal lobe.
06 is not "so bad it's good", there's nothing enjoyable about suffering through the game at all. It really is something that is so poorly made it has to be experienced firsthand to be believed.
Same to you, asswipe
>In a way, it's excellence in failure is a blessing since it means people are still talking about it today.

Well it was also the game that made Sonic Team get restructured and told them they had to step it up for future releases.
Can the game's failure be blamed on Sega's publishing practice, or was it doomed from the start?
>Being this edgy
>Story in games has never mattered at all.

Nah, you're the edgy one here, man.
A little of both.
The game obviously wasn't ready on release (the final game isn't even latest build, they had to go with an earlier build that wasn't as buggy), and developing a game around the concept of "what if Sonic was real" doomed the project from the start. No wonder Yuji Naka jumped ship.

I think the sonic part is at least. Shadow and Silver weren't but by the time I got to them I was in too deep. That and at least Silver had some Blaze segments which were oddly a slightly better Sonic.


That too. If 06 wasn't so bad we'd probably still be getting lazily bad sonic games instead of arguably good (I think they're good at least but I know I'm in the minority on that opinion, at least with Lost World for example.) games that at least fucking try.

>You want to experience all of the parts of Unleashed that don't even resemble a Sonic game?

Yes. Like it or not those night time stages are a part of Unleashed. Not him but while I think Unleashed has a lot of good and a lot of bad, you can't just ignore the half you don't like. It's still there. If all you play is the day stages of Unleashed, you're not playing Unleashed you're just playing some of it. Nevermind the fact that Unleashed and Generations, while using the same basic gameplay, are not 1:1 or anything.
>the final game isn't even latest build, they had to go with an earlier build that wasn't as buggy
Jesus, I didn't know that.
Why do you care anyway?
>Flame Core (Volcano)
my nigga

that sweet bass break makes my dick hard
Bingle Stribgle Fingle Kingle.
I apologize if this is going off topic, but I'm curious: does Sonic attract more autists than the average fandom, or are the numbers the same and they're just more vocal?
This so much, really.
>Bingle Stribgle Fingle Kingle
wew lad
No but if your game shoves a story down my throat it better be good.
They're just more vocal. Outside of Chris Chan, Sonic fans act no different than your average fandom.
A little of both, I think. The attraction is a combination of factors: bright colors, easy characters to identify with that you can place a self insert with. Another interesting side effect is the edginess you sometimes see: my theory is that for kids in strict households, the character Shadow was about as close as they got to edgy "badass" characters, and that locked them in the mindset.

Don't pretend the story isn't relevant just because it isn't the main reason you're there. If we're talking Sonic Generations or something like that, where the story is a loose framework that isn't really focused on at all and pretty much exists just to justify levels, then fine. But 06 (and the Adventure games as well for that matter) makes a huge fucking deal about its story and it gets a lot, and I mean a lot of focus.
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>you can't just ignore the half you don't like
Yes you can. It's called the Unleashed Project.

>If all you play is the day stages of Unleashed, you're not playing Unleashed you're just playing some of it.
And? What the fuck does that matter? Who honestly is going to give a shit?

I feel sorry for those who like Unleashed. Moronic posters like this really give you a bad name.
I mean it had a 4 in japan.
I was a nintendo kid growing up. Where should I start with the Sonic series?
1, duh. Dump it when you get tired of being stuck and hop to 2 and 3&K.
depends what you like

Sonic 1 and 3 if you like 2d platformers

SA2 and Heroes if you like 3d platformers

Unleashed and Generations if you want a mix of both

2006 if you like memes

Play 1 and 2 in whatever manner
Play Sonic 3 Complete
Play Sonic CD (2011 port)
Play Sonic Adventure
If you liked that, play Sonic Adventure 2
If you didn't (or didn't like SA2), skip to Unleashed
If you liked that play Colors then Generations
If you didn't, then stop
If you liked those two then maybe try out Lost World but maybe don't
The rest are either spinoffs or they suck ass
Lost World is the closest to a Mario game.
So does Sonic Unleashed, Shadow, Sonic Battle, Sonic Storybooks, etc.
Play the Genesis games, then the Adventures, Heroes, then Unleashed, Colors, & Generations.

Also, play the Rush & Advance games.
Ever seen a fandom, they're all like that doesn't matter the medium they all act like that. It's just that Sonic had Chris Chan who was huge on the internet for his antics and webcomic, even though people gloss over his pokemon and nintendo fetish. Now it's more people saying sonic attracts autists than actual autists since most of them moved on at this point and all that's left are the average amount a fanbase has
that shit is still buggy as hell
No. The only thing of note to come out of the game was the mach speed sections which Sonic Unleashed took and perfected. 06 has been buried and has no reason to exist, the in game story even deletes itself at the end.
Here's a way better question, how do we fix the story of this game?
The only Sonic games I would recommend to people not familiar with the franchise are:
>Sonic 1, 2, and 3&K
>Sonic Advance 1 and 2
>Sonic Rush
>Sonic Colors and Generations

All of those are pretty straightforward entries that provide decently solid experiences with close to no pointless filler. Other games (like Adventure, Heroes, Unleashed, etc.) I would only look into if you're interested since as a whole package those games feature some good parts and a lot of mediocre parts that hold each game back.

I'd also look into the Sega All-Stars Racing games. Pretty good kart racers that almost rival Mario Kart, in my opinion.
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I just played it. I don't understand. It really is a nearly perfect recreation of the original. There were a couple very small changes, like Sonic retaining a little bit of momentum after a jump dash, but... Why the fuck was this made? Why was so much effort put into recreating a shitty game so well? This was made in Unity, right? Why not make Sonic faster? Why not make his jumps less sticky? Why not FIX the problems the original game had??

They'd better make this shit open source so I can fix it myself, or I'm gonna be mad as hell.
Don't have the love story, for one. Or if you keep it, for the love of God don't make it between a human and a hedgehog.
>Who honestly is going to give a shit?

Believe it or not, the whole world doesn't revolve around you.
I mean sure but why
Sonic colors and lost world are basically mario games. Slow shitty games with powerups and kiddy stories and graphics. Ninetndo fans love them
I may not be a fan of Pontaff's writing, but Sonic Colors' story is decent at least. It just met with crappy jokes like Baldy McNosehair
Wouldn't the fan port get taken down since it's a 1:1 recreation of a paid product.

>inb4 AM2R!!
It was basically an even lighter version of unleasheds story which wasnt necessary since it struck the right tone to begin with. Orbot calling eggman self aggrandizing and then eggman slapping him or dark gaias spirit blowing him away was better humor than anything in colors
a paid product whose digital distribution has been discontinued for quite some time, and that everyone on sega knows that it was a mistake
>sonic team rushes out sonic 06 for 15th anniversary
>everybody becomes angry and continues to make fun of sonic series
>gamefreak rushes out pokemon SM for 20th anniversary
>everybody becomes happy and pokemon SM becomes one of the best selling nintendo games
it's okay when nintendo does it!
A simple removal of bugs wouldn't be enough. In addition to that, the game would need:
-A completely revamped story in order to 1) fix up all of the plot holes, specifically all of the time travel bullshit, and 2) Completely rework/remove the Sonic/Elise relationship to remove the undertones that have made it the butt of so many jokes over the years.
-Revamp Silver's gameplay. Give him some more speed so that he doesn't feel like a slog to move around with and give some more creative usages of his powers. Make his gameplay based around area manipulation, being able to freely make platforms and easily deal with enemies. Give him much more control of interactable objects and go (hedge)hog wild with the potential his psychic abilities give.
-Increase every characters’ speed as. Each character should have a decent amount of speed. Maybe not as fast as Sonic (who also needs a speed boost in this game), but enough to make it feel like a Sonic Game.
-Destroy the End of The World level. It fucking sucks. Start from scratch and make it actually interesting instead of a tedious slog where those succ portals are everywhere ruining an ALMOST PERFECT RUN AUGH
-Either make the hub world actually interesting or cut it out entirely.
-Revamp how the Mission system works so you don’t have to sit through 3 excessively long loading screens just to play one mission. You don’t need to load a new environment just to explain what the hell is going on.
-Make the side-characters play well, making them play more like their Sonic Adventure counterparts.
-Either cut out Mach Speed Sections or make it possible to actually control Sonic without running into walls and the like, and for that matter cut down the amount of objects that can damage you by a huge amount.
There is still a large amount of things to be fixed, especially level design, but this would be a good start. Tell me what else should be fixed in order to salvage this piece of garbage.
>06 is a bad game
>S&M are good games
People who are asking what? What the hell are you talking about? Did you even read the reply thread before posting?

Jesus Christ.
>pokemon games

good joke
>your opinions
The real comedy gold here.
>hold forward to enter [slow dialogue] or [slowly animated battle where you mash a because basic attacks kill everything and pretend its so depthful]

youre a bigger joke than sonic 06
You are the joke here lad.

lmao rekt
>if i continue shitposting maybe i'll be right
>plz pay attention 2 me
Here's you (You), buddy.
not an argument, not that an underage pikachu fucking autist would be capable of that
>doesn't present argument
>expects argument
No because even without all the bugs and shit the story and many other aspects are still terrible.
What if the story focus on just Shadow's?
Glitches are the least of Sonic 06's problems.
>Not posting these gems for this thread.
C'mon, step it up.
I love robo blast so much
Open world hub sucked, story sucked, playing as Silver sucked.

The reason it's hailed as one of the absolute worst is because the finished product would've still been bad but what we got wasn't even that but an beta for an already shitty game.
Not terribly much, it's also one of the better written games
and nobody defends the plot in those.
I'd call it a loose framework, the entire plot is just giving characters reasons to fight. You know, as fighting game plots tend to.
But black knight and secret rings have good stories :(
For whatever reason I decided to replay this game again a year ago and I realized Sonic barely does anything. Shadow is the one that moves the plot along.
And Sonic Chronicles?
The game is filled with ideas that are simply BAD both on paper and in practice.
9 playable characters and over 12 total playstyles had to be programmed in if you account for vehicles and alternate forms
iirc only ~9 levels total that get reused between characters (can work, but didn't in this game)
Said levels are often excessive in length, I'd rather four acts of Crisis City Zone than one ginormous level
hubworlds, grinding, and sidequests
Sections where you have to kill every enemy in the room to proceed
Havok Physics Engine the Hedgehog, AKA Silver (fine on paper, bad execution)
Nearly every character that isn't Sonic or Blaze (some are fine on paper, some could be scrapped and no one would care)
The End Of The World (fine on paper, see Cannon's Core)

Even the things that CAN work would still suck if all they did was bugfixing. Knuckles would be saved by a bugfix, sure, but Silver and his levels need an entire overhaul to work.

>Sonic spends the game saving elise from eggman repeatedly until the credits decide to roll. Tails and Knuckles do NOTHING
>Silver/Blaze end up stopping Iblis and you also play as Amy in that story who saves Elise and Sonic once each
>Shadow creates mephiles, seals mephiles, destroys mephiles, saves Sonic once, roundhouse kicks Silver, and easily has the most complicated plot due to all of the time travel fuckery he deals with compared to Sonic and Silver.
Never played to completion
Since it's an RPG, I can safely assume any and all complaints about the plot are warranted
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