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Pre-AGDQ hype thread #2

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Thread replies: 516
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What runs are you guys all looking forward to?


>prevent cancer
>end up supporting it more than anything else
Fuck, was just typing that.
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Is Miles really a "woman" now? Jesus Christ, this shit is going too far.
It starts in a couple of hours, right?
>undertale is the finale
Why? It should go in the indie game block, not the finale.
I'm only going to watch Borderlands 2 and only because my husbando Bisnaps will be there to watch it.
I think Narcissa is beginning to look slightly attractive. Kill me.
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He is a (((woman))).
If by a couple you mean 14, then yeah.

Nobody cares about the fucking runs. The only reason I watch GDQs is to observe the cringe.
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It better all be a big fucking joke

He's still listed as "Miles" in the schedule, a decisively male given name. Surely it's all an act.
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Is Mirrored still alive?
I sure love /v/ GDQ threads.
Do people still make cringe compilations? I can't find any longer than 3 minutes.
The lineup is extremely bad this year. I mean they're playing fucking Grief Syndrome at one point.
Probably won't watch. There is a Hitman Blood Money run, but that Finnish guy already did a fun run of it a few years back that is very unlikely to be topped.
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>"Miles" in the schedule, a decisively male given name
Got kicked out of the community by Cosmo, then Cosmo got kicked out of manhood by John Numbers. I hope Mirrored makes a return.
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y-yeah bro, it's just an act...
Is there going to be an awful games done quick segment?
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The entire marathon is a cringe compilation.
I hope he does too.
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>You will never watch UltraJMan speedrun Pole's Big Adventure at AGDQ 2012 for the first time ever again

I know the guy is infamous, but it was my first time seeing that game, and to be honest, I feel like he did a good job of showing it off.

Fuck, the early GDQs were so fucking good. The last time I felt any amount of excitement for a GDQ was AGDQ14, and that lasted right until it actually started. I remember waiting for AGDQ15 to start hoping they would've learned, but it only got worse.

Now I only care about moments like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WotPzG2nys
Why are all Americans fat ?
Her name is Tails you big dummy
Is that the OP girl? I'd dick that thick t b h. She just needs some flattering glasses.
Will she be getting done quick?
Yeah? Tails is a boy anon what are you on about?
>waiting for female prez
>next show
>no election talk

Sore fucking looser got booty blasted.
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>while waiting for the election of the US's first female president
>please no election talk
fucking kek
Yeah, but I don't want to watch the whole thing or give them viewership.

The wagecucks that donate to the event will pour in to leave donation comments expressing their love for this shit
>he's streaming metroid prime 2 at agdq this year
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>Waiting for first female US president
>Please no election talk

Which one's Miles? I-it isn't the fat dude........ right???

we live it up
that guy's clutch metroid run a few years back was the peak moment of these marathons. been downhill ever since
I don't even hate Cosmo or trannies, they don't know what they could be doing though. The last thing you should do when you're starting to feel depressed is to start taking pills that fuck with your hormones. There are going to be a lot of suicides over this shit.

it is, it's this guy. Sounds like Gabe Newell with a lisp.

>Is that the OP girl?
No. Narcissa is Cosmo.
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MilesSMB, he's notable for running Prime and Prime 2. He's been at it for a LONG time too, I'll be upset if he really did go nuts.
You're becoming a tranny. Good job faggot.
here already have been. Most trans people kill themselves pretty young. Their life expectancy is like 30.
Are you retarded? How is it even related to discussion, you illiterate fucking mong?
Hitler was a literal who before he became a next anti-Christ, so you don't even know what defines a "powerful" person either. So I guess in your libshit view a culture exist whenever and changes chaotically, but some "powerful" people (attaining that status is also a magical rite) can change it somehow.
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I didn't think speedrunning could disgust me any more than it already has
>9:59 PM Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura: Eternal Heart KevinDDR, EnchantressOfNumbers

I'm in
Not just the Prime games, but Super Monkey Ball as well (hence SMB)
>someone this fucking ugly is now a transwoman

holy fuck, this is gonna be a trainwreck
>"xe" fell for the tranny meme
>xe ruined xer life and pretended to adopt a faux-sexuality, just for faux-attention and faux-prestige
>implying that trend will last beyond a couple more years anyway
Please stop parroting this misinformation, it comes from a study that just listed everyone who failed to reply to a follow up survey 5 years later as a suicide without actually checking to see if they were really dead, just to make their numbers more dramatic
captcha: nursing rections
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Post your favorite old GDQ pictures.
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I always assumed it was for Super Mario Bros.

I seem to recall him doing Pikmin too.
You meant John Goldberg?

Do you think we are past the peak of the trend?
I kind of feel like this is about it.

Its going to be extremely amusing in the coming years to watch these lives end themselves in some form or another.
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>just a desperate bid for attention and validation by people who never gotten it, mostly because why would they, they haven't done shit to deserve it

well yeah exactly. Just like many women, that's the reason they try to emulate them.

Think about it like this. Imagine if a good chunk of the population is on welfare. They don't have any outstanding skills and don't have any particular achievements under their belt. They just exist and get paid for existing. And then the other half has to work their asses off to be at a decent enough level to live comfortably. So what's going to happen? More and more people just tap out and go on welfare because it's more comfortable than working your ass off. And at some point it reaches a tipping point and all those poor sods that work their ass off get angry and realize that they are getting fucked over. They have hard work-morale, they do their part in keeping the economy stable and more and more people out there don't just go on welfare, they get actively fucking praised for it. They get praised for being "brave" about it and all those people who are "normal" and work day in day out get told to just shut up about it and keep working.

If we are really concerned about stopping the tranny epidemic then women have to be held to a higher standard and not be allowed to be leeches.

Did you know that women benefit the most from all forms of government funds while paying into it the least? Healthcare, education, affirmative action are all funded mostly through the money that was earned by men.

Of course there are going to be people who just tap out and become part of a group that shoulders the least responsibility in society with the largest benefits. We saw the reverse happen in mostly patriarchal societies in the past and right now in middle-eastern shitholes where there are women who are not transgender but pretend to be men to get some of the societal freedoms and benefits of being men.
That's what sucks about it. They aren't pretty or too pleasant to look at at, but I would still watch Cosmo run a game even as a chick at GDQ. But nope, now he doesn't come any more, right when he decides to become a woman.

I'll still watch Miles too. Well, at least I'll watch the game and try not to look at his poor excuse for a woman, but this is a dude who's been at the even pretty much every time speedrunning Metroid Prime, gets to talk to the Retro devs that Skype in, and does a pretty good job at running it. Now I guarantee this will be his last because he'll be too depressed or some shit next event.
Can someone post that video where the guy announces his boyfriend becoming a girl
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>That's what sucks about it
>finding a tranny attractive

Lmao nigga you need to go outside.
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This would make sense if transwomen significantly benefited from welfare.
I don't know if what he posted is true, but there's no way fucking around with your hormones can be good if you're already depressed, which is the majority of trannies.
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Reminder that the glory days are gone.
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Not the person you replied to, f am. I think trannies are disgusting, too.
Going on estrogen actually typically calms mood swings. Women going on testosterone are horrible to be around though.
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2013 was the best GDQ ever.
not welfare, I used welfare as an example. Healthcare is not part of welfare but it's effectively similar if certain groups of society benefit the most from it while other groups that benefit the least contribute the most to the existence of it.
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>this must be the way it is because it's common sense! The human mind and body always work according to common sense
>Do you think we are past the peak of the trend?
>I kind of feel like this is about it.
Same here, it's dying out.

Imagine - people had their dick removed just so people would respect them and give them attention for a few months. And just think of all the people who are late to the party and just started "transitioning". Imagine their shock when nobody cares or respects them for it anymore.
keep a full time job an sell drugs with the money. fuck the police dudelmao.

Pay bills with legit money and everything else is free.

only stupid people are poor, not just women. swn
Compare this:
>no one takes a dumb memegame seriously and just have fun
to this
>corporate event where two big twitch sellouts commentate the run super seriously

What went wrong?
It hasn't already been a year since tranniversary has it
I miss blueglass
I know he was annoying but for a while he seemed like the mascot of GDQ
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2013, behind the scenes.
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of why someone would undergo surgery that costs tens of thousands of dollars, but go off.
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Will Mia and Mia be there?
Based Mirrored protecting the Triforce. I miss him. I used to be on Cosmo's side, but in the end, I don't think he did that much wrong. He wasn't Chibi-tier, and didn't end up being a cheating faggot later on.

Cosomo was a total fucking dick afterwards too behind the scenes. He demoted Mirrored or something on SRL over it. He made absolutely no attempt to smooth things over even though Mirrored apologized right on the spot.

Never even heard of Mirrored since, but I still feel sorry for him after four years.
blueglass was the endearing kind of annoying
banning him was just reprehensible. It's like when bullying the youngest child in the family gets taken too far one day and the whole family is ruined.
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>no darkspine sonic this year
i miss him, i really do
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When is Trump going to remove trannies from speedrunning?
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Will Cuckster ever run at a GDQ again?
Will he bring his wifes son?

I completely understand the allure of it, I admit to be even attracted by it before.
I don't even mind if they do it - I mind if they lack the self-awareness about it though, a lot, they want the station of women - but you WILL NOT get it by being an uncanny/ugly tranny and telling everyone you are trans.

If you have the goods, have the money, have the actual mental fortitude and have a realistic chance at not looking like a freak, go do it, its no skin off my teeth. If they succeed they may even get what they wanted or something close to it.
But most of them seem to have been convinced, and I don't think by themselves but by shapeless, formless, faceless support groups on the internet, that as long as you claim to be trans/female, you will get that station and treatment you always wanted.

And on the internet - and only there, they do, from these faceless people - who really just want to make themselves look/feel better through "supporting choice" and whatnot.
Its that gigantic lack of self awareness, coupled with the same sized need for attention in all forms is what makes these people worse than trash.
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Why did they ban him?
also this the retarded autists at GDQ seem to usually be in the category of "couldn't get girls and mistook their fetishes for what actual trans people go through, because they are autistic and can't understand their own emotions"

Usually they think of themselves as ""transbians"" and they aren't getting their dicks cut off, they fetishize being a girl with a penis.
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left or right?
>Werster's fiance has her own son
>She's from Germany

Will werster be raising a MENA boy?
Are you denying that there is an unnatural rise in "transgender" people lately? Most of them are fakers, just jumping on board with the trend, because they're histrionic as fuck and just need attention.
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There are still some decent ones.

He was getting more positive attention than the hate filled SJW shrews who took over the show and claimed all the autistic speedrunners as their beta orbiters
my test is fairly high so left for me
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Never forget.
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>Werster returns to GDQ
>His wife and his wife's son on the couch
>He announces that his wife is transitioning to a man

Yeah, people get bored of this shit, even those who like to pretend to be supportive, one thing to pretend to be progressive and fawn over the first few "brave heroes who dared", and another to give a shit about the 50000 fucks who are tagging on because it seems to be working, like most of these speedrunning trannies.

Miles especially shamelessly tries to use it for actual monetary gain lol.


You are underestimating their delusions I fear.
i think he's just banned fro mth emain room
probably because of his laugh and people calling him annoying
you can occasionally hear him in some new runs and its kind of depressing
Whichever was born female, I guess.
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Gonna have to go with left.
GDQ was so much funner when it was gay. Now all the gay ones changed genders so it's straight again.
yeah, the point is that most of them would never be accepted as women by men. There is a small sub-set of tranies that have extremely feminine facial features and bone structure to begin with and after they gotten some surgery and took hormones people can't tell that they aren't born women. But those people are the minority. They are usually already attractive to begin with and turn themselves into what appears to be an attractive woman.

Dats pretty cute
Nice hypothesis bro. Mine is that due to more media coverage, the same number of people who have always felt that they weren't born right or whatever have an identity to cling to, and due to the relative success of the gay marriage movement, they feel that they can openly declare themselves trans.
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When fun was still a thing.
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He is still with tolki.
>banning YSG

Yeah fuck GDQ
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how do people feel about dram? i always found him to be both very talented and also very normal.
>even the guy who literally turned it into a NO FUN ALLOWED event is having fun in this GIF

Why not both?
He knew about the dangers of speedrunning and jumped ship before it was too late.

Why didn't we listen.

burgers forgot how to cook themselves

also forgot how to exercise
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Quitting a run, literally storming off with his ass exposed.
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RIP Controllerhead.
He died trying to save speedgaming.
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can't wait for all the degeneracy
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Is there a list of the tranny runners?
I admire fatman's cutting form at least.

My mate in uni tried that soylent shit (well it wasn't soylent but a very, very similar brand.) It's very nutritious but holy shit does it get bland to chuck that shit every fucking day. Even with the flavors it's still bland as shit.
>check list
>nothing interesting

Oh well, maybe SDGQ will be better this year.
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Aaaahh, but here comes another downfall of our current society, we men are soooooooo fucking thirsty, and men can REALLY fucking lower their standards when thirsty.
The FO3 dude with the tranny gf?
Really? REALLY?
And the tranny is fully fucking validated because this bald guy IS giving him the attention he wanted.

99% of trannies are not passing, but I'm sure a good amount of them could get banged by a dude once they have all the smoke and mirrors of being female down.

In the end - you had to have good features to start with to end up looking good, which would've also meant that you would've been a handsome/cute guy at worst (which as a gay guy is my main problem here anyway) and these people will not be in the situation most of these trend-trannies are, girls would've fawned over them at some point already - they would've gotten the attention that the others lacked.
So when this happens, I credit it to actualy gender dysphoria.
Rare like a fucking unicorn.
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What ironic hats
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Please do not fucking do that ever again.
Not bad
whichever has two X chromosomes
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Well, keep telling yourself that. Everybody who isn't in denial and has a shred of emotional intelligence can already see the clear truth. And it's becoming more and more acceptable to not deny the simple truth for the sake of political correctness. The transgender spring is running dry. People don't feel any more sympathy for some "dragon-kin" who wants to be called "xer".
Wasn't when he left that things started to go down the shitter and turn into absolute PG-13?
Isaac is a shitty speedrun game. He was complaining about the computer being too good since it didn't have slowdowns like his toaster to make it easier.

Then years later they tried Rebirth at the event and it ended up being an unseeded race, so two people were basically just playing two completely different games. They said it's because one could see the other and know what's ahead but nigga, just have them face different directions or something.
his profile picture looks like a gayer justin trudeau there

He got cosmetic dental surgery so now he doesn't look like that anymore. He looks like a passable female nowadays. He still gots a dingle donger though

He actually looked pretty cute as a guy with that hair.
This blonde shit with black roots clamped over his face is like the worst thing he could possibly to to himself.
What happened to Sig? He'd make a much better tranny than Cosmo.

also Jiano
He never "left", he just hides from the public eye so that he doesn't have to answer for all the money he collects from GDQ events.

He even attended a recent GDQ, although he of course kept a low profile. He's the reason that the event is still no fun allowed.

Sig is a tranny.
I forget who posted it, but someone made the same tweet but with a Nyquil, and the reply said
>Congrats on your transition from awake to asleep!
>Aaaahh, but here comes another downfall of our current society, we men are soooooooo fucking thirsty, and men can REALLY fucking lower their standards when thirsty.

probably because we are biologically wired to be that way or the species wouldn't survive.

Well not all men of course. But enough men act like that so women don't have to deal with those people that don't validate them for being golddigging whores. For every guy that has standards (and isn't a fat neckbeard that pretends to have standards) there are 10 guys that don't have any standards and don't give a shit about personality and sometimes even looks. Like there are some people who literally don't even fucking care if it has a hole and a pair of tits. And sometimes even the tits are optional.
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>I'm so messed up I take pills XD
So in 13 hours right?
Why are they banning fun? Why were there so many trannies that could barely run their games last year? Will they just keep shoving more SJW shit in their until it becomes some kind of let's plays?
I thought romscout and someone else were in charge now.
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>feasel doing three runs
At least something good is coming from AGDQ this year.
No, but there is a list of tranny nutters:

Emily Brooks


Add to this, if someone is missing!
He had been painting his nails and shit for years before this. I wanted to believe that he was just a freak. He even had a girlfriend. Fuck man this shit has me so fucked up
twitch narcissawright

bullshit it's streaming now and hasn't changed

Is that the guy who called Chibi's mom because he showed his dick to a minor?
tfw i know cygher irl
Because they have to maintain a clean, sterile, family friendly image. It has gotten too big now and they want to be respectable in the eyes of other people, ie no fun allowed.

The vagina is optional too these days, this is a bit beyond just "wired for sex". I'll not say that I even begin to understand all the complex parts of our lives that contributed to this, but it is definitely our society and our lovely lovely new internet that is changing us in these ways.

Pussy on the pedestal, and now the men who used to put it their want to climb up next to it.
Pretty fucking weird world to live in.
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something to keep you occupied for the next eleven hours


Jesus fucking christ thats a gigantic fucking list.
>He even had a girlfriend
It's Adrians fault he's the way he is now.
She filled his head with so much tumbler bullshit that he actually started to believe it, and become a mess.

I don't know, but I wanna know this story.
Hey, don't put Withelde with the nutters, she was a girl before it was a trend. She's just a tranny who happens to be an autistic speedrunner, not an autistic speedrunner who become convinced he was a tranny, like the rest of them.
what did this guy supposedly do to piss off the tranny?

as if you needed any more proof that speedrunners are mentally ill
>Because they have to maintain a clean, sterile, family friendly image.

>Tranny degeneracy everywhere
MOTHERFUCKER THERE ISNT A GODDAMN MARIO MAKER RELAY RACE?! What the fuck are these stupid tranny fucks doing
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Now I haven't been following runs for a year or so now, but what?
People joke about autism but like wtf is up with that and agdq? Like it's a disporponate number of people with various disabilities.

Like God damn I mean it makes sense autistic ocd people would be good at this, but that many and like there really aren't normal people at these things. It's fucking weird....

You would think if your mad autistic you might play like other games where you can at least win money like shooters or mobas.

I dunno thank God for these guys entertaining me but wtf.
I'm a compulsive liar that does nothing better to do with my time and lie about things I don't know anything about because I have nothing to do with my time and my irl friends are too busy doing things that doesn't include me so I'm sitting here in the middle of a satturday night bored out of my mind shitposting online on 4chan when I could be doing something productive with my time like actually playing a video game or any other hobby of mine of my choosing.

How so?
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I'm thinking I'm going to make a non-cancer thread sort of like the "comfy" threads for E3.
90% of what you faggots do is talk about gossip like teenaged girls while you ignore the games.
people who obsess over them are just as bad ya know
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>all this talk of the speedrunners whose lives went to shit
>no mention of funkdoc
Beating a game as fast as possible is a really clear and measurable optimization problem which appeals deeply to the autistic mind.
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How long til start?

>when that one announcer called him "fuck dog"
He stopped pretending to be a female. He was sane enough to understand you can't fool people with that stache.

brb hrt

I get it, but why not apply that to a game where you can make money? Play a moba or counterstrike. If you're gonna autisticly waste your time why not put it towards something you might be able to make some coin?
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>games done quick
>the first few runs last hours

>twitter full of selfies dressed as female
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Name one (1) better speedrunner.
Pro tip: you can't
all the normal people have been banned for making jokes during their runs
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>Just ignore the trainwreck of human madness and political madness and watch this person run a game in the exact same predetermined way they always do and see if they can do it a tenth of a percent faster than they usually do also my entire family died of cancer lets kick cancer's butt and kill the animals!
If you care about speedruns go to twitch. No one here runs anything themselves so discussion on any game is impossible. Gossip is all there is to this shit community.
So he was only crossdressing and never lopped it off? That doesn't sound right. I don't think there's a turning point once you lop it off.
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What I see is a person who is completely, 100% normal and definitely does not have a mental illness.
He stopped labeling himself as trans and said he's just a dude now.

So he's just a crossdressing faggot boy now which at least isn't as bad.
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Why is everybody's favorite negro not on the schedule?
When Cosomo was still a dude in 2013, he was speedrunning Wind Waker at the event. Mirrored would sometimes chime in with the commenting, saying what just happened and how Cosmo fucked up. Cosmo eventually got irritated and said something like "This run is going very well, it's hard to comment with other people commenting and the donations being read" and such. Which wasn't that bad, but thinking back on it and how everyone had their torches and pitchforks out for Mirrored and Cosmo did nothing to ease it makes him look like a dickhead.

It was not like the Caveman/Chibi incident. Caveman is a nobody who speedruns shitty games at the event while everyone is sleeping. It was just two no name autists getting in a fight.

In the Cosmo/Mirrored incident, Mirroted was pretty much completely exiled from the community as Cosmo is the almighty king of speedrunning.
Did something bad happen to funkdoc? I remember enjoying his Castlevania runs
13 hours or 37?
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Maybe because these events for most part stopped being a showcase of skill and rigorous training so 90% of the time you are seeing a tranny or a literally who doing a let's play. There's nothing to talk about that.
Funkdoc was still more of an FGC guy who just kinda shoehorned himself in to speedrunning, to me at least. But regardless, yeah, Withelde destroyed his living situation. He's probably alright now.
You can get dosh from speedrunning if you run certain games and are good + consistent. Cosmo could be rolling in money deep enough to begin investing if he had kept playing Zelda and not gone crazy.

>why not compete against 9999999 people at being good and winning
>when you can stream yourself autistically playing the same game against yourself and get less but sure money
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Bout thirteen hours I believe.
He said he realized he didn't want to be a biological female, he just wanted to be cute and get attention
So when he commits Sudoku there's gonna be a million articles posted about how he was bullied into it and gamers are transphobic, right? And completely disregarded the fact he was being pumped full of hormones?
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I guess admitting to being an attention whore is a step forward.
I want some publix chicken
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He became an SJW and hooked up with a transsexual who ruined his living arrangements and it took him forever to recover.

He's still an SJW.

Might as well say Hello to Kotaco right now.

Because he can't speedrun for shit anymore and there's no Mario Maker block this year.

Also probably a deliberate decision to reduce Trihard emote spam.
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>Publix Pepe
He became a huge SJW, drug addict, and just a faggot overall.
Real shame too, I used to get matches with him from time to time back in the day in old poverty fighters.
Where's the fun in that?
>triggered by jokes about fried chicken
So, only two of these will be in this marathon:

EnchantressofNumbers and Miles

Then, only two trannies this time?
Winn-Dixie is better
Publix does have better fried chicken and subs though
Bonesaw was the highlight, his removal is indication of the downward trend
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Narcissa replying to youtube comments on his twitch as we speak
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I wouldn't say it's full, but the list wasn't made by me.
I vaguely recall he became a twink instead, which is still degenerate but isn't relevant to the Official Tranny Nutter list.
Who watches that?
Finally Undertale

And it's the finally aswell this year will be one of the better years just for it being ran
/r/ing the drawn image of cosmo (pretend female) that he acknowledged
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>post yfw we see Miles for the first time as he is mid-transition
I don't even understand how that emote is still in twitch. All it's used for is to make racist comments.
He's pretty much left speedrunning at this point. He sold out and went the personality/variety streamer route. He's sponsored by some eSports team. All he does is stream Mario Maker and have #RealTalkYa'll sessions with his predominantly white tween fanbase.
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Not that it'll have much effect, /v/ keeps posting ugly trannies in all the threads I'm in.
I respectfully disagree, but WD does have some ballin' roast chickens for dirt cheap.

Did we ever find out what happened to the girl? Is he still with her?
wait wait wait
these are all speedrunners at agdq this year??
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>All it's used for is to make racist comments.
>tfw BigNig emote is gone forever unless you sub to him

He would still be like 300 pounds

I'm still in denial
all the people who beat his times after he gave up.
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Yes, they're Mormon so they're not allowed to get a divorce

She also put on weight

This is actually really creepy. There's nothing more off putting than watching someone slowly go nuts.
I hope its comfy, should have started this teusday or something though, now my university is starting up again.
because twitch only removes global emotes upon request, and TriHex probably thinks its fucking hilarious
thats not actually an option though since you people go there to
what video i want to shitpost on strema
what is zfg
>2 hour borderlands 2 run
Would have watched if it was 15 minutes
Tell him to reply here instead.
wait miles is a trans now? He was based, I hate him now.

And you know theres literally nothing you can say to them that'll make them introspective about it, instead of butthurt.
>after he gave up.
Had he not gave up, he'd still be on top.
A washed up has-been running a category he made up himself so he can have his world rekky back.
why would they drop the mario maker block, that was literally the best part of last years marathon
I'm certain he does. I remember he used to make racist jokes on his stream and called out people who got offended. Pretty based outside being a huge sellout.
It's just a generic list of tranny nutters tangibly related to speedrunning.
It's mostly the Winn-Dixie brand products. Their frozen pizza, cheddar cheese, popcorn, you name it, blows Publix name brand products out of the water.
>Had he not gave up, he'd still be on top.
Maybe, maybe not. He still only ran no-skill bullshit meme games, so it's not like being good at them is impressive anyway.
>white tween fanbase
I always assumed most of his viewers were nigglets.
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This is my first time seeing one of these events

Is this shit always this cringy?
>washed up
>easily the most consistent OOT speedrunner
Over the past few months, I have realized how easy it is to manipulate people, and how easy it would be to start a cult. Funkdoc, to me, seemed like a cool guy, sort of nerdy, but someone who probably is quite opinionated in private, and is probably pretty strong-minded.

But no, most people are so hysterically delusional, you could just go up to them and start telling the most blatant lies, and they'd believe it. You don't even need any elaborate "tricks", to trick people into having certain feelings or thoughts. Just go up to them and bullshit them in the most flagrant way possible, and they will believe you.
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games have gotten kinda stale. I'm actually going there in person for the free 4/10 pussy. For a non-beta this event is a great place to get your dick wet.
it reached an all time cringepeak last agdq
this one may top it
When will Fakku sponsor GDQs?
It wasn't really bad until AGDQ14.
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i wanna smash all their faces apart with a hammer
Wait so was he always just a crossdresser to begin with? So how many "trans" closeted faggots actually go through the procedure?
I unironically love GDQ twitch chat. It's the only reason I watch this no fun allowed shit.
in fact its not very cringy at all
its just a few people who obsess over the worst parts
in fact if you go look up "cringe compilations" you'll see that half the clips are just people sitting on a couch playing games

this year is definitely gonna be bad though
Is there even anything worth watching?
I'm looking through the schedule and nothing is looking too interesting
How did he get a cute foreign girl like her in the first place?
Kind of. It used to be more tolerable because it was just some faggots on a couch. Theeeeen it became a tryhard corporation to make money and fun was banned.

Kind of like natural cringe vs forced cringe
for the autism anon, like all of us
Every year it gets worse. Most people if not everyone worthwhile has already stopped attending the event. We only still watch it to see how it will manage to beat last year's cringe.
>Had he not gave up, he'd still be on top.
He's a half retarded alcoholic, why do you think he'd be on top?

The only reason he was ever good was because noone else ran the games he ran, and then when people slightly less mediocre than him got a shot at them they got too optimized for him to handle.
It's not hard to get cute girls if you're Mormon

But the catch is you have to be Mormon

I'm surprised they never flat out banned Trihex for this.
>not watching in the event that some run goes to complete shit like the """pacifist""" Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, the MY TRANS GIRLFRIEND Fallout 3, or that genderfluid faggot running NSMB2 where his 3DS shut off
Metroid Prime 2 gonna be pretty good.
>4/10 pussy
>not a beta
don't kid yourself. even betas can get a 5/10 without much effort
too much fun
This. Gonna play EU4 with no music and just have AGDQ on my second monitor. I'm not glued to the event any more like in years past.
The events are streamed pretty much nonstop and there are a ton of runs so there's bound to be cringe and drama and shit. I remember one time the fire alarm went off during the event
>even betas can get a 5/10 without much effort

>betas getting laid
>betas getting laid without much effort

dis bizarro /v/?
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>I remember one time the fire alarm went off during the event
Good times.
I miss the fun. Sure it's autistic, but at least it was fun.

Now there's just so much unfunny, untalented cringe.
I'm not going to watch it just for autism, I can check that later from a video that will undoubtly be posted all over /v/

So far the only ones that seem interesting are the TASbot runs followed by DS3 after it and the CCS tetris because I'm a filthy weeb
>that one guy that tried to become an "epic meme" for going back to get that cat plush

what does it mean?

We need more instrument playing while running.
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I usually go for the chicken tender sub
I still think nothing will ever beat CGN's runs in terms of pure skill and clutching. That dude is a machine and it's a damn shame he hasn't been back in years.
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It's great.
>set-up lengths are confidently shown as 5 and 10 minutes
How about half an hour for a 10 minutes memegame?
>tfw there's a Publix and a Winn-Dixie across from each other a few minutes from my house
I want narcissa to squat over my face just so their taint slime gets on my nose
Please, this isn't ESA.
Narcissaposting needs to stop.

absolutely sickening
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>it will never be as comfy as it used to be
These days it's all memes and e-celeb degeneracy and shekels
That's what was cool about that place. There was a piano there all the time, I think, so why the fuck not use it for fun? I remember AGDQ2013 during the bonus stream (another fun thing axed) when you could hear a bunch of people in the background out in the hall playing A Whole New World on the piano and singing along. I think Trihex, AdamAK, Peaches, and Werster were involved, but don't quote me on that.

Don't get me wrong, they could afford to have a piano brought to this new event. Hell, there might even be one there. But if anyone was playing it, the place would have been too big anyway. I loved that this comparatively tiny place allowed you to know everything going on. We got all kinds of behind the scenes shit, people streaming in the practice rooms or just walking down the halls and shit. I miss it.
be sure to go after speedrunners' gfs and cuck an autist in the name of 4chan
Same here. Where do you live?
I miss werster
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fucking lol
Daily reminder that the ((Prevent Cancer Foundation)) is a horrible money scam and questioning anything about it will get you banned immediately.
Jacksonville with our shitty football team...

>memetale is the finale game


Werster is a cuck, though...
>no more comfy events
>no more understreams showing the other rooms and runners when they're practicing
Real shame.
Yeah. The smaller venue was definitely better, you could really get a feel for everyone there, and they really seemed to be enjoying themselves.
I guess it's for the best that they got bigger, but I'll never not miss the old events.
Too bad he doesn't miss you, because he has his wife's son to take care of.
Outside of Daytona. Guess it's not too weird to have them near each other, competition and all.
>witwix will never run boshy again
it still hurts
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Do we know what Miles looks like now? I want to see the trainwreck.
manatee here
you faggots are making me crave a roast beef sub
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>carrying about GDQ after fat chinks and trannies ruined it forever

Why even bother?
>Why is this allowed on twitch?
Because Twitch has went full circle, and become JustinTV again.
i tuned into his stream a few days ago and i guess him a jen broke up. feelsbadman. his stream is pure cancer now though.
So what do these faggots gain from doing charity?
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thats pretty cringy bro
I'm from a beachside town in central FL, and there's a WD, Publix and Walmart all on the same street.

Shit's awesome.
I'm just waiting for him to play Mario galaxy. He said he would this year.
Pussy, money and fame.

kek, its entirely true

anything for profits
He was banned 3 times already, but his acc got reinstated after twitch introduced "IRL" category.
>ending not on LTTP or Super Metroid or even FF6, but on fucking Undertale
they might as well just have a seal of kike approval in the upper right corner of the stream at all times at this point.
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That's not a game
the octodad one is actually super comfy
unlike all the forced-interaction, super serious runs i've seen
should i watch the older gdq's? i've only been aware of its existence since like a year ago
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What was the name of the one autist who sits for every single playthrough?

When I saw him getting kicked out I knew AGDQ was dead
I'm really looking forward to fortified zone by my main man @cruelfancybaron
That game was a childhood classic, can't wait to see how much he destroys it
Damn, I'm trying to figure out where that is. I know the entire coast of central Florida but can only think of the Port Orange and New Smyrna Wal-Mart. Though I know there are more.
>cosmo desperately trying to be funny with youtube comments

Someone end this man's pain
Well maybe I should have been more specific, I know all of Volusia County's coastline since I've been here my entire life.
Neither is 'social eating', but that's still a category on Twitch.

I wish I was joking.
does cosmo still have a dick or did he get it chopped yet?
sadly the only charities that aren't scams are the ones that are going to causes that won't help anyone in the long run, like doctor's without borders or all the other ones that "help" starving africans. And by help them, I mean help maintain their population at a level far beyond their lands' ability to support, at outrageous cost, and which results in mass starvation and anarchy and death the moment the hand me outs stop coming. This doesn't help any more than helping a strung out junkie by giving them their fix.
A charity that actually wanted to help with education, equipment, and hardy GMO seeds to get some fucking agriculture going on that damn continent. that wouldn't work though because nigs are violent savage incomplete humans with no pride or empathy or moral compass who genuinely prefer hand outs and banditry to being taught how to provide for themselves
No but it is a way for Twitch to get money by just letting camwhores go full whore without the pretense of "playing games"

That stupid eating shit was just a test run
They're definitely competing with each other. The Winn Dixie went through some renovations and opened back up as a Super Winn Dixie with pizza stations and buffets and such even had that chef Curtis Stone come in.

A few weeks later Publix completely redid its deli creating its own buffet line, offering like premium meats and toasted subs. Its pretty nice.

>boars head roast beef and provolone with publix horseradish and mayo

so damn good
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I'd rather watch Bob Ross' channel.
It's fucking comfy
>super mario paint
>Mighty No. 9
>the legend of korra
Have they just run out of games to run?
They're good, as are older ESAs. 2016 sucked but 2015 especially was great.

>channel chat is in super safe space mode with follower-only 30 minute delay
Is Cyberdemon531 really a tranny?
With how he acts in general I assumed all of that shit was ironic. Besides they make no attempt to sound female or anything, last I heard.
>someone actually spent time learning to speedrun Mighty Blunder 9
That's blueglass, not grass, but when did he get kicked out?
Greetings from germany. Let's fuck cancer in the ass. Save the animals.
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I say this without irony that Bluegrass is a diamond and should shine for eternity
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>cosmo's street
>wow I really have to take a shit (like we want to hear that)
>"please be aware that cosmo is a mtf transsexual"
hes still there
he still supports the runners
you can actually hear him in the distance
he just isnt allowed in the main room
Greetings from Germany!

I don't think he was, there seems to be a lot of apocryphal storytelling surrounding his situation at GDQ.
nothing can top the pikmen 3 disaster
this shit is the most amazing thing anytime youre stressed out. ill sit back and watch for hours
Based Bob, another great Floridafag.
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Maybe Mike will cuck him again, as we watch Werster go into a downward spiral.
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I remember one of the security dudes pulling him aside and escorting him out, it looks like


This makes me sadder than anything
its ok sasha
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what is it about speedrunning that makes people want to change their gender?
Why did Werster get banned, anyway? I've actually been hearing this for about four years now and yet I never bothered looking it up. Was it the "Fucking niggers" thing?
>Is Cyberdemon531 really a tranny?
It depends on if you consider "pretending to be retarded for several years" a mental disability or not.
Holy shit, I played with AzuraSarah 8 years ago on a roleplay server for a Half Life mod called The Specialists. Despite them having a female character, I knew it was a guy like every other person who had a female model. They told me they were female but transitioning to male.

Honestly not surprised at all to see them doing something as autistic as speedrunning. I'm glad I got away from roleplaying in general otherwise I fear I might have been poisoned by these types of people it attracts.
I thought trihex was gonna do a Yoshi ROM hack speed run this year? What happened?
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>boars head roast beef and provolone with publix horseradish and mayo

Sit back and watch motherfucker

>Boars head Roast beef
>Italian 5-grain roll
>Mayo on both sides of the bread
>Black wax cheddar
>Baby swiss
>Oil and Vinegar
>All spices, no salt
>EXTRA garlic and Parmesan
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>Narcissa bent over the bed squeezing out farts

wtf am I watching?
Are fart streams the new twitch trend? I could use some side money
I mean if you're going to spend copious hours playing a game over and over to play it a few seconds faster you're already fucked in the head
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Internet, please. It's okay to want to feel girly sometimes, but just because you get the urge to dress up in cute clothes doesn't mean that you are a misguided soul placed in the wrong body. It just means that you want to look fucking girly sometimes. You can dress up and do whatever you want at home. Find a partner who's also into it; there are plenty. You don't have to take pills and get unalterable surgeries and ruin your life.

I'm not some right-wing extremist who only wants to see straight relationships within the same race: I believe that there are rare cases where something resembling being transgender truly exists, but the amount of people who are "transgender" now is astonishing. On a personal level, one of my childhood friends came out as "transgender" a few years ago. The 20-some years I knew him he never once made any mention or gave any hints at feeling that way. He was your typical mega-hairy kid who liked video games. It was only after he got into college and made friends with a bunch of LGBTQ people that he suddenly came out as wanting to be a girl and started taking pills and shit.

I'm guilty of wanting to look cute sometimes, too, but people seriously need to come to the realization that having a kink or being attracted to certain things, be it psychically or emotionally isn't the same thing as wanting to actually change your gender.

Why the hell am I even making this post.

It wasn't accepted.
The Romhack Stigma
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>TFW he saves every run after almost ruining it.
Best speedrunner ever.
It was deemed too fun

He was banned for crossing the line with "Can you stop?" girl.
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>yfw 20 second cabin
>people that are interested in serial killers are just as bad as one

*Interrupts runner mid speech* W-we have an anonymous $50 donation f-from... uh... talesratchet... *cough* saying... 'H-Hails from Germany... uh... I'm... I'm staying up all night with my g-grandmother's tumor ridden corpse to uh... w-watch these cool cats save these... uh f-frames! *cough* A-Also uh... kill the animals.'

If there's one thing that's good about recent AGDQ's, they get people who know how to speak in front of a crowd.
I take it you dont live in cali or NYC. that's simply the culture of urban areas. Trans is trendy.

I do agree with everything you're saying tho.
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>amorphous blotches of titanium white
>it was setup for clouds later
Don't you mean "puh-weez" do not fucking do that ever again?
you kidding me?
you obsess over people to the point that your basically a stalker
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>not allowed in the main room

but why
Be careful there, Anon. Logic and critical thinking won't do you much good round these parts.
guys who can't get girls tend to develop complexes where they can't even fantasize about girls liking them because the idea of it breaks their suspension of disbelief. These guys tend to become interested in feminized males, or even fetishize the idea of feminization itself and apply it to themselves. Your typical 4chan poster, basically. But then ENTER THE AUTISTS. People who literally can not understand their own emotions. These people - who are the majority in the speedrunning community, mind you - confuse their fetish for the condition known as gender dysphoria. They can't tell the difference between a person whose brain structure insists that they should be female, and their own sexually motivated desire to be more feminine. Add the internet to expose these people to leading questions, echo chambers of encouragement, and outright propaganda and you have the modern day autistic tranny explosion explained.
are you a cute crossdresser
post boipussi
2013 was a fantastic one. SGDQ's are good too.
he was probably "distracting"
like anything else thats fun
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>Ross was born in Daytona Beach, Florida, and raised in Orlando, Florida.

No fucking way. My Mom's from there.
any video?
Most of the time no, but it does have its cringe moments just about every GDQ. Last year we got
>two girls show up to enjoy AGDQ
>neckbeards swarm them and bother them
>don't see them again past the first day
>guy stands up after his run and announces his girlfriends tranniversary
>house of the dead on keyboard got "man in a dress" and the runner looked so uncomfortable
>Get the I Wanna Be the Boshy creator to skype call during run
>runner badmouths the game, interrupts the creator when he's talking, even forgets he's still on the call after the run and doesn't thank him
I believe someone also deadnamed Cosmowright who transitioned into a woman

also see: the calls with Grant Kirkhope during BK runs
Lookin forward to RDD's La-Mulana run, Lets see if he can take the WR again.
hi mr. narcissus

I lived there for a great many years and I can tell you that there's nothing good to come from that accursed state
His laugh and positive attitude were """"""""""distracting the runners""""""""" according to GDQ staff.
The left has set it up where, you either fully accept someone, or you hate them. Like if someone is 300 pounds and they're eating some big ass hamburger dripping with grease, and you go "hey man I think you need to eat a little less", you're "fat-shaming" that person, and you hate them.

There is no such thing as "helping" these people, or "caring" about them, because that means you "hate" them, apparently. Oh well, that's their problem, not ours.
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same thing happened with my brother

This is going to turn into the whole shit with ADD where it was over-diagnosed
>>house of the dead on keyboard got "man in a dress" and the runner looked so uncomfortable
>house of the living bants
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My fucking dick I gotta try this
Didn't Siglemic quit for having a diaper fetish or something?
right is qt but i could work with left if i had to
check his twitter. everyone here is a liar...

i pick the anime girl
>implying he's going to admit to it
Anon, you don't scream "fucking niggers" on a live stream, and not get banned at an event like GDQs.

>his laugh

whoever made that complaint ought to be dragged into the alleyways and shot
well she already had all the dicks she wants now she has no reason to stay in shape
He wasn't screaming.
Most people read about it for like 5 minutes then close the thread, not really an obsession.
>GDQ still pretending these runs are serious business
He quit because his ~WR~ in a 10 years old children game was bopped and he couldn't reclaim it back.
At least he didn't transition I guess.
You used to back when he did it. He even showed up to other events after he said it. If he was banned, it was for the room keys.
seeing the chibi and the cosmo threads I have to say you are full of shit
And that's why I didn't donate even though he did it.

what happened?

Room keys?
>before doing gay shit just for shits and giggles
>now doing gay stuff leads to chop your dick and take hormone pills
Now he just grinds in Runescape all day while wearing diapers.
He stole room keys and then all cartridges to resell them on amazon.
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>(please no election talk)
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what the fuck

am I on a ruse cruise
He pretty much quit due to boredom and decided to play smash instead

I doubt Werster would want to go to a GDQ every year. He usually has to raise the money since he lives in Australia
Sig is playing Mario 64 right now.
A guy who said FUCKING NIGGERS on stream at GDQ is now a cuck who's raising his wife's son. I can't believe it.
Speedrunning is a hell of a drug.
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>mfw she becomes Mikes wife, and Werster STILL raises the kid alone
>It's THAT easy
>leaving the worst for last
sounds about right
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man, speedruns sure are a main source of turning wimp manchilds into women
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>TAS block is less than an hour
It's already dead
what makes speedrunning a fever dream hell hole? you don't get these types of people in other communities
how do I get banned from chat this year? What should I spam?
BCWarrior TwitchRPG WutFace
something about trannies
Just a friendly reminder be yourself and above it all: https://u.pomf.is/mfmmcr.webm
yes you do
look at any popular /v/ game or /a/ anime
you get the AAA retards and jojofags
>twitch dot tv/narcissawright
it's literally a stream of her watching youtube videos of himself and replying to every single comment on every video
I would bet money that the majority of people in this thread still believe that Caveman is banned.

Or that medibot was a repeat of the chibi incident.
"Gook" by bypassing word filter.
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Why do none of them even try to sound like girls

Why do I keep looking them up
which video is he watching right now?
I'm still digging through old runs for some good ones, anyone got a decent list?
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why the fuck are there so many trannies holy fucking shit
So is his viewership dying? How long is he able to live like this?
is Cosmo the chris-chan of speedrunning/twitch?
With this logic, explain trannies in Saudi Arabia or Taiwan.
Until his parents stop supporting him and he's forced to get a real job. You'll see him drop this tranny shit real fast once that happens.
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That boy aint right.
I thought he was living off his streaming gig?
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Same thing here. Best friend joined a theater group. Well, cult. 6 months later, tells me he's started taking estrogen pills.

I won't say I don't have an irrational dislike of transgenderism as a result of it. But I just wish it'd go away more than anything else, and I fully acknowledge that bitching about it isn't going to make it stop. You just have the rely on other people making the right decisions.

We're fucked, basically.
>tranny sits on couch
>good 5 minutes of <message deleted> in chat
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>look at how cute i look there
Also the tanny runner with the Barry White deep voice who sucked at pikmin and finished "her" run about 40 minutes after the mark.
Please explain how somebody could live off twitch subscriber revenue when they average about 300 viewers tops.
>those twitch chat archives that are probably deleted by now

Best part of tranny runs
Did werster actually get marreid
So is Cosmo gay or what?
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As a tranny, all this idiocy with GDQ shames me. Generally I don't want attention brought to it - and most don't - we just wanna blend in. Idk why these unpassing fucking weirdos would want attention brought to themselves. It just worsens the image for trans girls in general.
no his mother fucked up his relationship with his girlfriend by asking his brother to fuck her
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>It just worsens the image for trans girls in general.
what are view bots
post boipussy
I have a theory about this. I think what happens is, people are ugly, or they're fat, or they're socially inept, and basically they can't get laid. They realize this sometime in their teens.

So from here, you can do 2 things. You can improve yourself, so that you will be more desirable. But what most people do, is they become a SJW. That's the more attractive option for most people, because the SJWs and the feminists tell you that you can be as ugly and as fat as you want, and people still have to accept you. That's what they want to hear - They don't want to hear that they're going to have to do a bunch of push-ups, and they're going to have to run 3 miles every day, and they're going to have to start eating less.

So this cult basically lies to them and gets them to become even fatter, and uglier, and stupider, and bitchier, and more annoying, and more miserable, and it basically puts them into a spiral, or a cycle, where all of these bad qualities synchronize with each other, and keep the person on the downward spiral. Then one day they wonder why they're 37 years old, 476 pounds, covered in catshit and cheeto dust in their mom's basement.

By the way, the opposite of all of this is also true. Ever notice how people who are competent have it all? They always have nice hair, nice teeth, a good looking face, an equally attractive partner, they're well off monetarily, they're nice people with good attitudes, they're successful, etc.

We're told not to be superficial and not to judge people by their appearance. But I say, go with your gut reaction. Don't deny your natural instinct. If you're naturally repulsed with someone who has an ugly face and is really fat, it's for a reason. They're also really bitter and angry because nobody will fuck them. They're not nice people. Attractive people are nice people, and they have a monopoly on all of the other good qualities too.
Its true though. If they didn't do this stupid attention grabbing shit you'd forget about them.
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SpikeVegeta actually. The guy has a lot of charisma and energy.
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traps are severe perverts
tranny's are when those perverts become mentally ill and delusional
It's not a cause of it, rather, it's a something that a person like that would be attracted to, and it would facilitate them slipping further down the rabbit hole.
fuck off tranny
twitch doesnt give money for viewbots. theyve announced as much before.
>They're also really bitter and angry because nobody will fuck them.
Guess that's why /v/ is so fucking angry and horny all the time.
There are three things: improving yourself, becoming a sjw, or going on 4chan.
t. conservacuck
dont go anywhere ima make this better
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Not an argument.
It would be nice if you at least show an example of a "competent" person.
SpikeVegeta is trans now

He's called SpikeVidel
Let's spank cancer in the butt!

im gonna need more my niggas
People from 4chan seem to embrace their failure, and laugh about it, or just be miserable about it. Where SJWs make up excuses for their failure, and try to force people to accept them anyway.
you're not gonna blend in. Also everyone is getting clowned here, trans people are just easier targets
>unpassing fucking weirdos
you're also no better than them. Embrace your degeneracy
>let's anally rape cancer's mother!

It was a different time.
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None of you "pass", you're all disgusting mentally ill freaks.
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>Several years
how many of these have been cured? I don't see many if any go back to being men
Why is that? I'm not sure if I should, because I'd have to mention someone we both know, which would limit my choices to famous people or something (which might not be the best examples). Also, I don't want people to assume that I'm citing that person as "the" person to be like or something.

Jesus, look at him. He EXUDES the stern conservative dad persona.
it was 5 minutes after its estimate. im not defending some faggot tranny but come on man.
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What's the appeal of this shit? Speedrunning seems like it'd be interesting to watch for some games, but every time I tune in it's just a bunch of people sitting around in a room watching a guy play while some twat sits on the microphone reading really stupid donation messages about beating cancer.
The estimate was hilariously way off WR wasn't it?
The entire premise behind your post is that you can guess a loser and a winner just by looking at them. Not providing an image of "competent" person ruins your point.
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>spongebob squarepants: battle for bikini bottom
AT LAST the time HAS COME for Spongebob... at AGQD
That was fucking weird.
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>less than 12 hours until the shitshow begins
You stopped reading where the post ended?
Good job?
No matter who I name, people would just say they're not a good example. And I like I said, I don't think celebrities are a good example.

Can't you think of someone you know personally who fits the description at the end of my post? I know a lot of people like that. On the other end of the spectrum, I know a few fat girls, who became feminists, and they ended up in rehab and just all this crazy shit happened to them. Why doesn't that kind of stuff happen to competent, successful, good-looking people?
I'm looking forward to a bunch of really boring panels, since the leader of the AGDQ has slowly strangled all the fun out of the event, and alienated all the fun/good runners

Fun fact about the BFBB run, its most enthusiastic runner, current WR holder, and GDQ representative this week just smashed his previous record.

Also BFBB is one of the best licensed games and collectathons of all time.
Kinda upset its not coel, but shift is a fucking god.

who else is watching coop cup on the mean time?
>And I like I said, I don't think celebrities are a good example.
Some celebs are more competent than others.
In-between Michael Bay and Peter Jackson, who has the competent look?

That's fucked up.

That annoying fucker probably enjoys GDQ more than anyone else.

At this rate, GDQ isn't sustainable in the long run. The SJWs and the moneygrabbers are eroding the base, and when it all collapses they'll just go start sucking blood from their next victim and not give it a second thought. I give it two years tops before viewership and donations start to decline.
>this is still not a twitch emote
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