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bravo edmund

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bravo edmund
What am I looking at?
Buddy, April's Fools is one of the easy challenges. Coins give soul hearts and gold hearts which give coins. You're basically invincible.

Backasswards though...
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Could it have possibly in any way been worse?
Just exit and continue the run to skip the Mega Stan fight. Makes it much easier.
Also, just exit and re-choose from challenge list to get new items, since it starts you with 7-8 random items.
what the fuck is that green thing on my steak?
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Once the fight starts, exit to menu and continue.
Suddenly, it's a helluvah lot easier.
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>Final floor is just every other floor combined
>Final boss is literally Hush bullet hell with the same health and cum colored transformations
see >>362751916
Truly the mod of our time

Thank you afterbirth modding tools
New Afterbirth+ item

It halves your attack stat everytime you pick up a rare power item
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a-at least we have workshop support now
but Hush was already a shitty bullet hell, what happened?
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More like mi-steak
He doesn't have Hush/Greed inflated health. In fact I found the boss very enjoyable.
Yea I've been making mods for it since the day rick's unpacker came out. mostly graphical stuff though that's mostly what you could do anyway.
And someone already uploaded Antibirth to it
>you can actually upload random .exe's to the workshop

Wew laddy, they just keep on amazing me with their idiocy.
Dont upload Antibirth to the workshop you dorks, the devs may get in trouble for it
>literally recycled every attack and bullet pattern from previous bosses

They cant have spend more than ten minutes on this steak
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Big Miss Steak.jpg
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pic related is AB+

I believe you're looking for this image.
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jesus tiblets chill out
a size comparison of current Afterbirth+(steak) with the future Afterbirth++
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You'd be surprised how many games have security issues like that on the steam workshop, which straight up allow execution of binary code.
What is this shitter mod with the stats on the side is that a mod or a setting
All I wanted was a relatively way to make some items not shit.

I don't care about achievements, or lazy bosses, or the ridiculous hoops you have to jump through for rewards that aren't even remotely worth it because I have cheat engine for that, but was the ability to just touch things up a little too much to ask?
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>Shitposting on reddit about how fucking awful the game is for some fun
>Some dude starts replying to all my shit defending it and subtly insulting me like it's his job
>Mods ban him and delete all his comments

If you get any of the free use space bar items like remote detonator than you can cheese April fools. The space bar uses every single available space bar item when used. With a free one you can keep spawning coins and digging deeper to skip all the way down to the last level.

Backasswards is one that I cheesed because the randomized items fucks you over. You can get decent attack power but no tears or speed.
What I did was kept resetting (sorry edmund I will take my half a soul heart like a bad goy I am) until I got a build with decent damage and a teleport card. After that you can teleport out of the fight and then use the light to travel to the satan fight. I ended up getting a few fool cards and a shop card and managed to avoid fighting either of the womb bosses.
How does one even download shit from the workshop? I don't see a download button.
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how badly can someone fuck up
because I think nicalis found a new low
>too lazy to finish the FINAL BOSS
>lets you upload random exe's as mods
>inb4 lostboy.exe mod
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>only have original BoI and Wrath of the Lamb
>haven't played too terribly much of them
>concept seems right up my alley but I can't make myself play something older
>hear nothing but bad things recently about this new BoI deal
Tyrone is in Vinesauce's chat right now. You wanna give him a piece of your mind or some shit, go ahead.
someone upload some hentai doujin games
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I feel bad for Isaac, lil nigga doesnt deserve this fate
Vinny sucked tyrones cock real hard tonight famalam
you have to go back
play rebirth + antibirth mod, skip the shit dlc

Make this happen
Cool. I'd tell you to keep up the good work but I wouldn't be blame you if this shit has made you less than enthusiastic.
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Not modded. F6 brings it up as far as I'm aware.

Scroll all the way down in the options
Light is from top left not top
wew I'm not buying this
Too much potential

somebody do this
It's the subscribe button
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>he got auto-timed out for posting a link to the workshop
>hear AB+ has buffs to Samson, Maggie and Lazarus
>"Oh cool, the latter two really needed something given to them especially! It'll be like how they made the Lost and Eve more useful in vanilla Afterbirth
>Samson gets Child's Heart, mostly useless
>Lazarus just starts with ANEMIC

Truly astounding DLC.
This just amazes me. The fact that a mod made by fans of the game can be so god tier. But a DLC that costs money made by the actual developer is so god awful. Just goes to show what actual effort and caring about your product can do versus shilling for money and half assing things.
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You wouldn't torrent a steak, would you anon?
>update for binding of isaac
>I don't have afterbirth installed
what is it
whats happening
is edmund fucking my game
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still not getting what your saying senpai
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i dont know how to feel right now, part of me wants to feel optimistic that they fix stuff in later updates but another part of me feels robbed and cheated
I haven't been in Isaac threads for a while, what is this steak meme about?
>not making it to him on your first Appolyian run
Somebody mod in a Steak Item

> Steak
> "Enjoy it Slowly"
> Lowers all stats by 2
Oh fuck its time to teach these kids what limewire was all about.
Sexygirls.exe here we go.
>didn't install afterbirth
don't worry friend, he can't touch you
>Maggie is on the pill

you don't see the animations without going through the files, you mong
W-what is poopingmonstro on the workshop?
Also Isaac isn't the only one whose fcking pissed
Me and a friend are making an item while they try to figure out how to use the apparently awful tools. Pretty much made the sprite and the effect is from a mistake they made figuring it out and edited a bit.
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Right here fampai

>he hasn't made his isaac green yet
lmaoing @ ur life
Is it worth a pirate? Fuck I have so much pirated shit I need to play.
The idea presented in a previous thread was that the steak would slowly cook as you went down floors, and then when it was finished cooking on the last floor you would get hp +1
Pooping Monstro is just an example mod from one of the blog updates that causes Monstro to spawn Poop when he jumps.

Lower all stats by 2 but increase tear rate.
Vinny doesn't know shit about video games
he's simply a le wacky personality
The Lost was supposed to be a super secret but was found by datamining. Edmund wasn't happy, wanted people to enjoy their steak at a slower pace.
the lighting on the sprite is coming from the top of the sprite in that steak one but the lighting of sprites in the game is coming from the top left.
Multiplies the tears or just adds the stat?
I'm betting money on the multiplier.
will antibirth being ported end up fixing afterbirth+?
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my fucking sides
It's a long time since I played and to be fair I'm just playing on my shitty travel laptop and not my pc.

But does it seem to anyone else that your hitbox is bigger? I'm looking close at my screen and I seem to be getting hit by things I really feel I shouldn't.
haha that's pretty funny
does it make the fart sound haha
i just think it's funny
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Just get a refund before it's too late. Problems seem to run pretty deep and things probably won't be fixed until much later.
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Yeah I beat 3 of the 5 challenges and I was expecting decent items since they were difficult. Or at least some cool new pickups. Instead all I got was Maggie starting with a pill (pic releated) and Lazarus bleeding some more.
Oh boy.
real question
are his tears purple?
No. The devs have been bashing it all day and are refusing to port.
I just want Lilith in Antibirth
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perfectly cooked steak.png
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I'm just glad that I never got Afterbirth.
top kek
The Antibirth devs are openly bashing AB+ and have said they're gonna just backport the good from AB and AB+ back into Antibirth instead.
Why refund the dlc, just refund the entire shitty game?
holy shit my sides
so this...
is the power...
of mods...
lol @ afterbirth+ shitting all over antibirth

poorfags btfo
The narrator from antibirth truly encompasses all my feelings about those pills.
>now you can't play the game okay it's over
Now this is modding!
>being so salty you make a shitty item to bash your community more than a year later
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>antibirth shitters can't afford a good steak so they leave bad reviews
do refunds only go to my steam wallet or do they go back to my bank account?
>AB+ shitting on anti
well youre not wrong edmund....
>All these plebs who bought Rebirth to begin with
Lmaoing at your life kids, BoI was doomed after Wrath of the Lamb.
Go to bed, Edmund.
the funny thing is that this mod is objectively better than Afterbirth+
lmao how is he still this butthurt about that

They go to however you purchased it.
you can choose senpai
they go into steam wallet
Not that guy but refunds can go to either your steam wallet or your payment method. It takes a LOT longer for a refund to get to your original payment method than it will to get it put in your wallet.
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Honestly, with all the bomb and explosion items, I'm surprised there's no oil spill item
>he bought BoI
>he didn't just play the first level on newgrounds
all went downhill from there
so do people even actually like the base game or just here to bash the dlc?
Edmund could be autistic.
let that fact sink in as he somehow has a kid to raise with his Meat Boy money. Note that his baby is just as big as a gourd.

i know you hate edman but antibirth seriously isnt that great
it's just a joke

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No and it doesn't look like it applies to items yet

Someone contact modman so we can perfect green isaac
Not a single piece of bad content there.
Doesn't dilute the item pool.
Doesn't punish me for resetting the game.
Has animations.

So, yeah, better than AB+, objectively.
>fireminds fire damages you now

this item is now worthless
I loved Rebirth which is why I bash shit like this.
Just a reminder to everyone that bought it.
If you haven't already make sure that you leave your review on the product page.

The positive reviews are so fucking cringeworthy. They are fucking gobbling on edmunds cock.
We liked the base game, most of us even liked Rebirth to an extent.
But then Edmund and his MUH STEAK and his manbaby rage at less than a dozen dataminers, so he ruined literally everything for everyone.
The demo is broken, I keep getting the same item (which is the first item) every time after getting the first item
I love the base game, the expansions are fine but afterbirth+ isn't all that meaningful of an addition until there are any good mods out.
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Is that the first floor? Did he make him spawnable on the first fucking floor?
just a prank bro
fuck off autist shill
shitting is all this dlc is
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>tweaking items on an rng based single player game
>Antivirus devs add in unique floors with unique themed enemies and bosses with unique mechanics
>Special effects are top tier
>Edmund can only reuse all his existing floors and recolors bosses white

It's fuckin pottery
Why are you retarded?
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Reminder: This expansion adds literally nothing of worth
but yes this is making it a bit less exciting.
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holy shit greedier mode is FUCKING HARD
It's a new challenge where you fight him on every floor until you fight mega satan
>fireminds fire damages you now
I'm torn between what this would be.
Either a spacebar item that is near useless until you get to the last floor, or a trinket that does nothing until the last floor. Either way there would be a chance for it to wig out the faster you get to the end, spamming bombs or some shit.
Yeah, something seemed a little off but might have also been just me getting frustrated and rushing the runs because they felt so tedious.
It is part of the "April Fools" challenge.

All the bosses in the challenge are replaced with Bloat.
>makes game harder and less fun for all of the characters except for the new guy who is pretty much guaranteed to break every run
>isn't guaranteed to run
>costs money
Green Isaac
>kinda funny to look at
>overall a neutral or net positive impact on the experience

>its a different colour!!
Pill called "Something's wrong..." has an oil spill-like effect.
Found that out on the backasswords challange.

I just let myself die in the fires.
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>check mod page
>read comments
How pathetic does someone have to be.
Can you provide other examples? I'd like to have some schadenfreude in my life
Rebirth was good, Afterbirth introduced a lot of issues and the content wasn't great but some of the new mechanics made the game much nicer to play, and had some nice items and new synergies. Afterbirth+ doesn't add much in the way of new content, and the mod tools are lackluster as shit, and it's priced the same as Afterbirth despite having much less included.
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Rebirth was handled well and positively received.

Afterbirth starting indulging in bad design decisions, sometimes knowingly, which compromised any actual improvements that were made.

Afterbirth+ further exemplifies good concepts being hampered by bad execution.
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Tasty sauce senpai
>Tyrone banning people who complain in CobaltStreak's chat

Tyrone is in cobaltstreak's twitch hat now
so are mods usable without buying this shit DLC, or do I need to pay money for something that every other game does for free?
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You know what upsets me the most?

>Rebirth comes out
>Holy heck Mega fucking Satan
>The Lamb holy shit Dark Room awesome
>Blue face bullet hell
>Afterbirth +
>White face boss rush bullet hell

fuck off Edmund you creatively bankrupt hack
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>It's a different color

That's weird. I wasn't describing afterbirth or the new final boss in that part of the comment.
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>Sam hyde pic
>Greentext outside of 4chan
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>Tyrone shows up on Colbalts stream.

>People voice honest opinions without any shitflinging saying DLC doesnt seem that good

>all getting timed out

Holy fuck, how insecure can faggots be. You sold a mediocre product and a lot of people dislike it, yet you cant accept it?

This is the biggest flaws of indiedevs, they cant accept any fucking criticism.

At least they got no more money from me.
What's so strange about it? It's natural that the players know better what players want than the dev.
Welp, I now have cancer. At least the mod is good.
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> an entire third of the review are negative
> mostly positive overall
How to get C&D 101.
If it's any consolation, the bloat has a blind spot above him where he never fires brimstone lasers.

I want something like a space bar item you hold that can draw oil on the ground until it depletes, then an explosion, fire tear or any fire of some kind can set it ablaze making rings of fire or whatever you choose.

How does this not exist

i know, you were describing shittibirth
>Greentexting is a 4chan thing anymore.
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>mfw sagittarius is a tranny and got put on blast by based fucking tyrone
you need the DLC to use mods made with the mod tools
Mods made that are made for AB+ but will also work on the other ones will still work but those are not gonna be as popular.
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>big horn boss fight
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hello bois
Is GreenIsaac /ourguy/?
it's already out, if they send out a C&D it'll just get spread by third parties. no putting cats back in bags.
yeah, instead he just jumps behind you so you have to hide in a corner to bait out another jump
Which works fine right up until he jumps to your location above him and then bleeds creep on the floor so you can't keep standing there and then fires at you as you reposition yourself.
ignore him, we have redditors ITT damage controlling
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Here you go

Yeah, afterbirth. Aka blue enemies and poop reskinned versions of existing enemies. Oh and don't forget all the new colored versions of existing enemies!
>his hand attack can spawn right on you and hit you instantly before his hands even come out of the ground

AB+ is one of the first mods
so the only way to play workshop content is to pay $7 for DLC?

thanks edmund.
if i post on this mongolian knife sharpening forum no one will know i go on reddit
honestly this last boss gives me the creeps
Looks like Isaac got a Vis item.

Bretty gud
The accessibility of game devs in the last few years has given players a massive cold realization.

That many of them are just a bunch of cunts who outright lucked into something people liked, don't really understand what it is that led to their success, and their insecurity proceeds to destroy them as they fuck their game up via updates and making a public ass of themselves.
>the major players that currently have the power to fix this shit are not going to because waaaaah

The.. actual fire?
Not the explosion?
You must be joking.
Shitty people can be good devs. Hell, I even kind of enjoyed Fez.

The animations for those hands make me anxious/uncomfortable. Can't tell why.
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why not use the regular sized sprites?

youre pretty bad at spelling
yes, the fire left on the ground hurts you now as well
>you can make a ring out of a diamond in a pile of shit
>you can hunt a diamond out a pile of shit and put it in the ring
They are backporting shit dumbasses, they dont want there mod to be locked into AB+ because its shit, but will keep updating it for AB and take stuff from AB+
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Suck my dick edmund
>because waaaaah
>Not because "The developers care so little about their own creation that they are willing to dump the equivalent of an aborted baby on their fan's doorstep"
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Edmund hates Antibirth.png
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>Installed Antibirth just now.
>This music (especially secret area)
>These new enemies and items
>This new narrator (?)

Holy fuck.
Edward eat your fucking heart out. Literally.
And then eat shit.
>over 2 hours
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>the holes that tell you were hands are gonna spawn hurt you

fuck this stupid expansion
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>mfw stillbirth+
I'd rather have them to take the good things in Afterbirth than fixing it altogether
I guess I should redo, Give me a quick sec
Oh I'm sorry, are the drowned enemies aka blue versions of existing ones not real? Or the turdlings? Or corn flavored single? Or how about skeleton versions of existing enemies like haunt? Or poly-whatever. Afterbirth is two new bosses, huh, and then reskinned enemies everywhere.
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all challenges complete.jpg
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You have 2 seconds to explain why you haven't completed all of the new challenges yet.

You aren't bad at video games, are you /v/?
They have no reason to make their product worse by forcing it to work with this steaming pile of shit
Valves does refunds for things generally up to 2 hours and 59 minutes, if its a well known sproadically shittly optimized game(Arkham Knight) they give an hour or so plus leeway.
New colors have new effects. Like the foes that split when they turn to mush. granted that's antibirth
Arcades, Planetariums, and Sheol have the absolute best music in Antibirth. (in that order too)

Edmund just comes up with item ideas. Tyrone is in charge of balance
Go to the ini and enable narration or voice or whatever it is.
>I'm here to chew ass
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>good music
>unique items
>actual new mechanics
>unique fun bosses
>final boss isn't drenched in semen
>Only five new challenges
>not cathedral


because I refunded that hot garbage.
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The middle 3 are boring as fuck. I don't play games to grind them down over the course of an hour.
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Haven't payed any attention to this game for a few months, can anyone tell me what happened?
People are overdramatic as fuck. Regular runs are barely changed as long as you don't go after the new floor, how would that shit on antibirth? Especially since Hush would be incompatible with corpse.
Hematemesis is actually really fucking good

>Gives you hearts no matter how many you have before or after using it
>Using it in any super secret room that offers anything but red hearts gives you multiple of those hearts instead, including eternal hearts
>If correlated with a Health Down pill, you can even get a full HP pill as well
Is no one going to talk about this?
>Didnt list cathedral

>having fun
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How about instead of making an intentionally shit item out of spite (which screams hypocrisy), we actually try to salvage it.

>12-charge like mega-blast
>starts empty
>upon use, disappears but provides a permanent boost equal to The Halo
>batteries and other alternative charge sources don't work on it
Modders make a 10x better free mod.

Actual devs release a terrible DLC for money that actually makes the game WORSE.
It went to total shit, to put it bluntly.
Edmund is also an asshole now, or at least moreso than ever.
Nicalis kinda fucked this game up.
Some dudes from a basement decided 'Fuck this new DLC' and decided to make their own community-made FREE, albeit unofficial, DLC for Isaac.

Everyone with a brain operating at 1/4th capacity knew it was going to happen, what's there to talk about?
So what items do you guys actually like in Afterbirth +?
It's not actually Antibirth on the workshop, it's just a broken file some moron uploaded, probably on accident.
Okay, so I haven't played Isaac in ages

What's all this meming about steak for?
Everything is literally worse except the items hackmund added are actually pretty good
How do
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>antibirth devs publicly shit all over nicalis and their game

>get C&D'd

wait for it to happen
Anything that changes tears, there's like 6 new ones
afterbirth has been out for a while
New alpha mod comes out that has lots of new/cool shit
Not long after new official expansion comes out and is terrible
Tyrone made a comment about how games are like steak and must be enjoyed, even if it's rubbery dry shit that adds nothing to your body as it's well-done.
the electric tesla coil tears
Is that a fucking first floor Bloat? Glad I uninstalled afterbirth and played antibirth instead
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>greentexting outside of 4chan
Having an item that isn't intentionally shit just isn't in the spirit of the game.
Batteries don't work anymore anyways
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this fire
I.. What.
Glowing Hourglass isn't even THAT good.
The finger is pretty good.
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I made my version of it before seeing you say that
what would have afterbirth+ release looked like if there was no antibirth released before it?
Just like AM2R right?
>are the drowned enemies aka blue versions of existing ones not real


youre a joke my man
Looks like we know what's getting nerfed next
Hey PCfriends what's going on? Isn't binding of Isaac a super old game? What happened?
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/v/ is overreacting like it often does. >>362754285
for example is lying because the free mod released before the new DLC and a dev reached out to Edmund on Twitter to port the mod to the DLC (also before release).

It doesn't add much, which is the issue. For 10$ at full price, you'd expect more than 5 challenges, a new floor with no new graphics, a handful of items and a more difficult version of an existing mode.
Are you secretly shilling for Edmund?
fire mind is an item you don't always take because the explosion could screw you
>They make it worse
What is this about edmund and dataminers
Jacob's Ladder is good
there are like 15 new "on hit random chance luck influenced tear effect" items, kind of boring overall

Void is the only really nice new item, can't wait for it to be nerfed into a 60 room charge
I feel like if Afterbirth+ has done one thing right, it's bring together a lot of communities in a single blazing glory of rage. Rage at Steakmund and Shitcalis.
it can be used to fill up the donation machine all the way and I think that's all its used for
it's a challenge. One of the easy ones too. Read the thread.
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Wherever your games are
BoI rebirth
Change EnableAnnouncer=0 to =1
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>tfw Northernlion can never admit that the new expansion isn't very good because it's his livelihood
Base BoI is fun. WotL is god tier. Rebirth wasn't as good as WotL, but better than base BoI. Afterbirth at launch, while buggy, had some neat and fun idea's, items, Lilith wasn't dogshit bad, and even help the Lost not be unplayable. It's after launch that AB got to be as bad as it is now, with nerfs to items, making greed mode harder, and the Keeper.
I don't think AB is gonna get ported over to the dlc.
>Rebirth wasn't as good as WotL


vanilla rebirth was almost perfect
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>reach out

Oh fuck off, Ed was trying to hop onto their success train because anti fucking SHITS all over +

Ignoring the "game" modding tools were supposed to be THE selling point, but look at this shit, what can anyone even do?
>that inhuman pile of garbage
rebirth was a remake of the original with a non-shot engine
afterbirth was an expansion to rebirth which had a mixed reception
antibirth was a fan-made expansion that came out 2 or so weeks ago and is generally liked here
afterbirth+ just came out today and nobody seems to like it, not even the antibirth devs themselves
>/v/ is overreacting like it often
How do you explain even that reddit and antib devs are shitting on it then?
The only items worth talking about are copied straight from antibirth. See ghost pepper and jacobs ladder for example
Oh right. I forgot, you HAVE to grind, it's the decree of Edmund and Nicalis.
Stay mad, faggot.
he seems like he isn't holding back but isn't quick to judge yet.
he didn't like Greedier mode much.
Thanks senpai, if its the announcer from the new opening video then I'm down. Stanley Parable's announcer is GOAT

Vanilla Rebirth essentially combined Isaac and WotL into the perfectly blended combination.
>kills himself 30 or so hours into ab+ because he realizes his livelihood is coming to a miserable end
He can't. He does it for free.
Chew the fucking steak.
nico nico ni
Remember when Ed said you could basically make an entirely new game with the tools?
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I guess you could say it would be career suicide
his streams are probably a bigger source of income at this point
someone explain the steak meme
tfw nonstop railed tyrone on vinnys stream and he couldn't do shit about it because he wasn't a mod
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When Afterbirth came out everything got datamined in like 30 seconds and he got shitty about it.
Vanilla Rebirth is Isaac, WotL, and a new expansion combined.
>What can anyone even do?
Spend a full calendar year making a mod better than Afterbirth+.
Hell, a team of 4 with enough disposable income to no-life dev could probably churn something better than AB+ out in 3 months using its own tools.
It'd be half that time if the tools themselves weren't a total chore to work with.
>what can anyone even do?
Make hp ups and Isaac recolors
>No access to existing characters
So wait, does that mean you can't add in any extra characters now through mods?
Nah, I think it's one of the devs.
He's really good though and actually pretty funny.
>wow full health, go buy a lottery ticket

>Change the colors of everything
>New gaem!

This is probably what he meant. Like how 400 babies are new items.
google it lazy nigger
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>When The Lost's unlock requirements were discovered through the use of data mining, Edmund McMillen and Tyrone Rodriguez both expressed their disappointment, considering it impatient and "like swallowing a hundred dollar steak in one bite". [3]
So wait, you can actually upload random EXEs as mods and if you download one it will just run it on your system?
That's pretty lame. You'd think they would consult with modders *before* release.

I wouldn't know, I don't go on reddit.
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>2017 starts off with a disappointment

please no

>what do you mean i have to play the game!?
No, the fuck are you even talking about?
Steam is pushing an update right now.
Welp, at least I already cheated the Backasswards challenge.
Dataminers found how to unlock The Lost when players were already only a few hours away from figuring it out themselves and were just doing the tedious bullshit of dying in a sacrifice room for puzzle piece pictures. Ed boy forever salty and made a food analogy that "it's like eating a $1000 steak in one bite"
>game punishes you for playing by filling the item pool with garbage that hinders you and nerfed to shit items that have become useless
>tons of bullshit enemies and bosses just make it harder and tedious
>mod tools are trash
Bravo Smegmund
Prepare your butthole for 2027
Yes, you can.
How do you know is only /v/ overreacting then?

>To this day Ed still stamping his feet, banging his keyboard and RRREEEE'ing
>Community was a few days from discovering shit naturally anyway

He genuinely *GENUINELY* thought it'd take months or even a year.
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Reminder to ignore any shilling ITT due to reddit invading
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>game punishes you for modding by disabling game progress and achievements if you have one installed
Not just any 400 babies. 400 co-op babies.
I haven't said that though.
>a dev reached out to Edmund on Twitter to port the mod to the DLC
You actually are fucking lying while pretending the other is. Edmund was the one trying to reach out to the Antibirth devs.

This is advanced shilling
Because that fucking moron's a damage controller and you're taking his bait.

Be careful next time.
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He could always pimp his wife to people with an ayy lmao fetish
>what do you mean this unique trick I figured out on my own is an exploit?
It's funny, really.
>Anything a developer deems an Exploit simply is because it's their game, when it could have just been a mechanical oversight or they were too lazy to make it work the way they wanted it to, but want to needlessly control their players

Nah, even Shiddit is up in flames
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Post yfw you didn't buy this garbage
Eagerly awaiting for someone to make a mod undoing that bit of retardation. Wish I was good enough to do it myself.
>People blaming Ed when he was barely involved with Afterbirth+
If there's anyone to bash on it's Tyrone. Most of the design choices were made by Nicalis, which is known to be among the shittest indie companies out there. Heck, the steak line was said by Tyrone, not Ed.
god damn this fuckin man is a high T slayer, he's hitting below his league
>People actually bother to do ARGS.
Why not just wait for people to datamine the game instead of wasting years of your life for something that will be accomplished in a matter of days?
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Too soon?
Antibirth has already been removed from the Workshop.
Edmund didn't quote anyone. Nobody in the team had a notification, and yet the antibirth dev replied with proof of his identity.
They're fun? Things other than video games can be enjoyable occasionally.
As it turns out, you do not need either Afterbirth or Afterbirth+ to use Mods. Mod Creators set what game version you need to use a Mod.
>he doesn't like solving puzzles and exploring the internet with your detective buddies for fun and schwag
I put in for a refund, no idea if I'll get it though

it didn't say how many hours I've played of AB+

100% chance that's an oversight.
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>post yfw Edmund sends a C&D to antibirth devs.
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>This isn't Edmund calling out to the Antibirth Developers
Yep, seems Edmund is pissy about the AB devs not liking his shit dlc.

Quit lying
thanks doc
>fool, because you're a fool! Heh..

Bretty gud.
Fucking hell. I can honestly see what they were trying to go for but jesus christ they put absolutely zero effort into the execution.
A hallucinating isaac, slowly losing his breath and memories mixing together could have made for some half decent theming if the level actually fit. If the borders were static-y and the screen went blank or randomly swapped room palettes. If the boss started fucking with the room more as his health lowered giving an actual feeling of panic. If he actually played with your mind more by spawning clones/illusions or traps/bullets that don't hurt mixed in with ones that do or just generally broke the rules more but as it stand this is flaccid as shit.
Old Binding of Isaac Sheol was more frightening than this shit.
>gets banned for posting a link to the workshop
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>tears down, hey listen to this MMMMMMM
Inb4 anyone can make fake Twitter posts
that post was from december
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You aren't contradicting me. You're posting exactly what I was talking about. They weren't quoted, the dev replied of his own will.

In all honesty, this is a pretty retarded thing to be arguing about anon.
And they said mod Tools are shit. It'd actually be easier to implement the entirety of Afterbirth and + into Antibirth.
Their reaction to the release tonight made it really seem like they want absolutely fuckall to do with AB+ and are seriously disgusted by the lack of care that went into it, to the point that they want to refuse ever porting it just so that their product isn't associated with that garbage and so that people don't give Edmund money to play it.
>resorting to this
this was before the dlc came out
>shitter item pool
>half spirit hearts

bullshit eat your steak senpai

>December 17th 2016

That's SOOOOOOOO far away, fuck off retard.
this is good news

I can actually play the games I bought in the steam sale now instead of continuing to nolife isaac
>>362755353 isn't me, >>362755384 is me

He flat out admitted he was trying to get the Antibirth devs to port the mod to their shit game, and we've seen plenty of screencaps from actual Antibirth devs being absolutely disgusted by the game

>b-but my narrative says otherwise!
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yo retard it makes a fucking difference, you implied he made that post because he was getting grilled for AB+'s bad reception but the game hadn't even fucking come out yet
Well, the thing is, the Developers didn't reach out to him.
He reached out, Reddit echoed it to PENIS and they responded.
In addition,
>Anti team makes a labor of love and would love for it to be a part of AB+
>When they hear this, form a quick response
>And then it just spirals downhill because they get an inside look into the lie that is Afterbirth +
>And more or less now want nothing to do with Edmund and company
He hated the new greedier mode, was complaining about the ridiculous spawn rate with portals + champion enemies. Died a bunch of times on the first floor as issac because of no damage upgrades/shitty items and then cheesed it as azazel. All on todays stream btw
Are you talking about Vinesauce Vinny?
Lets not talk about the new garbage rooms, god forbid if we talk about the other issues the dlc has

Nope. I was calling out what I thought was stupid, but I didn't read the whole conversation, my bad.
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yeah, your bad

ya dang donut
When did Edmund become a cunt

He was pretty cool last I remember
So what did the last update change? It added proper Workshop support?
>You aren't contradicting me.

>a dev reached out to Edmund on Twitter to port the mod to the DLC

When in reality, >>362755353 shows it was Edmund reaching out.

>b-but I moved the goalposts! That doesn't count! BUY AFTERBIRTH+ ENJOY MY STEAK REEEEEEE
he's always been pretty stubborn and abrasive

not phil fish tier obviously but idk
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where the fuck do mods install to

how do I make a pill

these mod tools have literally zero documentation

I miss warcraft 3 modding
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NL go to bed
I paid $89
Fun fact: Mods are essentially enough exe files when installed through the workshop. You could have a virus on your hands and not even know it.
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>tfw antibirth artists are into lewds of their OC
This fight would actually be kinda cool if they had less health
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Yet people love Joel who's the same thing but worse
I've been part of Fallout modding projects less fucking absurd than this

I've done fixes for Brutal Doom which is literally written in its own unique coding language made of mostly spaghetti code and Brazilian mudspeak, understood only by its psychotic creator

I legitimately do not fucking understand Afterbirth+'s modding tools
yeah I've read that already

if it's a legit mod though where do I go to see it in the game's folder
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>'mods will fix it'

No ones has idea how much makes me happy yet another "master race" exclusive has turned into shit as they deserve
i don't even hate either of them
was just saying i don't think Vinny is someone i would look at for video game opinions at all
Vinny is at least pretty relaxed, relatively speaking. Joel is just WUH DE FACK HUHUH GRAND DAD
I pinpointed the exact moment. It was a couple months before LostGate occured, when MewGenics wasn't in permahiatus yet and when Meat Boy was somewhat relevant.

When LostGate occured, he went full cunt. This stuck with him throughout the remainder of development, as with Tyrone. They both now have attitude towards their once loyal fans now because of LostGate.
>Especially since Hush would be incompatible with corpse.

>If you clear womb 2 within 30 minutes you fight hush
>Killing hush opens the way to Corpse 1 AND Cumblob

Wow it was so hard to make them compatible.
Nice trips man.
Binding of Isaac is a multiplat you helpless retard
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>First discovered isaac from it's demo on newgrounds
>Fucking loved it
>Bought it on release pretty much
>Nolifed it
>Nolifed it more after the hell update
>Nolifed it MORE after wrath of the lamb
>All of it was fucking fantastic
>New game
>Overall an improvement
>New floors were really neat and mega satan was a cool and rare to do boss fight
>Made the finalest boss seem really dire to have it be so hard to reach and so hard to kill
>Afterbirth kinda fucks up the balance but not too bad
>Greed mode is kind of shit
>Hush is boring
>Overall not as strong but hey it's a bunch of new items
>Decide to only do hush once per character and continue doing runs for mega satan and lamb/???
>New expansion
>Fucks the balance entirely with enemies who are way too harsh for the floors they appear on
>New bosses are just lazy
>Another new final boss with hush armor
>Is just reskinned other bosses in a literal lolsorandumb floor
What went wrong with this game? I used to hold it as an example of post-release content and overall bang for it's buck.
As an upgrade, hell yes Rebirth is better than WotL in every way (except music), but in the fun department, Rebirth wasn't that good.

>Challenges like cat got your tongue needed full run rerolls to not be a pain in the ass.
>Nerf to Cain, making him worse than Laz without anemic suicide.
>Nerf to Dr. Fetus because it's too stronk, but leave mom's knife and brim alone.
>Rewards for hardmode is just babies
>Release day spiders.
>Started to flood the item pools with gimmick items that no one every could want.
>More curses, most are annoying, others are forgettable.
It started around the time he made AVGM.
>A Clicker game made to ruin your mouse entirely
>With no other value
>The higher difficulties take cosmic amounts of clicks for 2 extra items each
>Then Rebirth sees the creative bankrupt start to take root
>The Donation Machine, which while a good mechanic after you finish the grind, isn't that great
>Co-op Babies instead of Co-op for real
>So many meh/bad Trinkets
Then he gets angry over the Lost datamine.
Then Afterbirth's entire debacle.
Now AB+.
>After he wakes up, he'll probably start backpedaling like mad to try and make things right
>He already deleted the big news post on the Isaac blog to hide what exactly was gonna be in it
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This is what I mean
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>when you make your own game intentionally unbalanced and shitty to spite your playerbase for not playing your game correctly
what the hell is LostGate
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I want to fucking die

I had a whole list of ideas I wanted to implement and now they've boned me
What is LostGate? Google comes up with nothing.
Hello, me.
Here's a good challenge for you all.

Name one good thing about AB+.
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oh thats much better
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>When you balance your game around the 1% of spergs who play for difficulty
>Even they don't like it
Butter. Bean.
>Impossible to not unlock
>Does no damage, just pushes enemies away
>Fart's small
Green Isaac
If it makes you feel better, the Antibirth team might put out their own modding API once they finish the mod
Players datamining how to unlock the lost instead of playing millions of times to unlock a picture of how to do it, and edmunds resulting whinging
it has 2 whole good items

also, has My Reflection always ruined Brimstone? makes it hard as shit to aim while moving now
Monster Ball is now useful?
In short, dataminers discovered how to unlock the lost, the steak quote happened, then Real Life Puzzle happened, we got the update involving the Keeper...and now we come full circle here in +.
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>yfw the binding of isaac reddit discord is in this very thread right now joining the shitposting against Steakmund
Hush and Corpse have entirely different requirements though.

Hush: Clear Womb 2 in 30 minutes.
Corpse: Kill Mom's Heart at the end of Mausoleum 2 by collecting all Knife parts throughout the alternate path.

Green Isaac
to be fair, insane difficulty has always been his MO

remember super meat boy and the fuckin cotton alley?
The new character is pretty fun (for now)
It's when dataminers figured out how to unlock The Lost a few days before ARG players figured out how to unlock him. Since Edmund wanted people to solve the ARG to uncover The Lost, he got seriously fucking upset about it.
I only own the original flash version. Why the fuck isn't the Rebirth free for those who bought it? That's a spit in the eye towards those who bought the original.
Edmund had a whole ARG going for hidden content in Afterbirth and right when it was about to be figured out dataminers released all the information, which really, REALLY pissed him off.
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Question: If use a Void that has Blank Card, and you have the "? Card", what happens?
Cotton Alley was difficult.
Bullet sponges and making runs take for-fucking-ever unless you get amazing setups is just tedium.
Pong is a fun challenge, steamrolling the Void floor is a treat, the new character is fun if a bit slow to start up.

Still doesn't excuse how little content there is of course.
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How many times will this fat autist con you retards into buying the same shitty flash game?
I don't even really understand how people were supposed to figure out how to unlock the Lost to begin with.
I've unpacked the game's files and looked at the graphics. There's no overall picture with those puzzle pieces, just a couple jigsaws.
Edmund blows up in Bites The Dust fashion.
Meat Boy and Original BoI were difficult but fair

Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ aren't
good post

just kidding desu
yes and no

I was hoping that these tools would be robust and allow me to edit most aspects of the game without having to go crazy deep into scripting

instead I'm stuck with a room painter and an sprite importer/animation editor (even though I have LITERALLY NO IDEA how to go from a sprite into a usable enemy/entity in the game)
SMB has fast respawns and short levels, even the longest aren't more than a minute. So having difficult parts don't fuck over a 30 minute+ run.
Crashes game.
The Void is hilariously fun
I want ayyy lmao Issac.
It was the previously mentioned fiasco involving the lost.
>Edmund desperately wanted to create a 'totally super secret mega mystery' in his game
>his idea was that it would be like his super retro games and no one would find it for months or maybe years.
>the method for unlocking The Lost was so obtuse that it could only be found by accident by maybe one person ever.
>dataminers find it in 109 hours after the game released.
>its now no secret at all how to get The Lost.
>this ruined his dream and killed his hopes and raped his mother or something.
I refuse to believe that this is true
I think the thing was that he was meant to be revealed over time, like edmund would drop hints.
But then data miners just kind of figured it out.
Now he is super salty and made unlocking him kind of a bitch too. Having to wait for a specific trinket and then killing yourself is kind of shit.
itll probably consume your void and take you to i am error
>I used to hold it as an example of post-release content and overall bang for it's buck.

This and not Terraria?
It should do that, but it actually crashes the game.
I had the same thought. Would anyone have even realized there was a puzzle unless there was an achievement for unlocking the lost?
Void is fun but it won't be for long since they seem hellbent on removing all fun from the game.
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Considering this is the last expansion.. twice?
If it was around WotL, then it was most likely around the time Terraria wasn't making post-game content, just content. That or the time one of the devs was revealed to be a pedophile.

Terraria is the fucking gold standard of post-game content though
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also can I point out that the "room editor" doesn't even let you create different layouts for rooms, and instead you're stuck dropping shit inside of existing layouts

what the FUCK
I never really got into Terarria.
Crafting survival games aint my thing, but I support how they continue to update the game with content. Seriously great stuff. Just not my thing.

I think shovel knight takes the place Isaac used to have.
>Expansions of high quality
>Upcoming one is just a new game reusing some assets
>All of it fucking free
>They take a long time but are of high quality and the dev team are super friendly
Fucking christ Red puts Edmund and Tyrone to shame. A true god among men.
D12 is Afterbirth, not +.
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Antibirth items that have similar effects to Afterbirth+

Eventually someone would have died with the conditions to pop a puzzle piece and it would've exploded from there.
>those proportions are trash
We're entering levels of juice purity never thought possible
See, this is why I don't get how giving the Antibirth team the mod "tools" would help any.
D12 hasn't become AB+ since the last time that image was posted.
Terraria isn't really survival crafting in the traditional sense.
It's more like a 2D MMO with emphasis on combat, you can get by with commieblocks and a giant crafting-pit and storage and do 99% of the game's content, skimping out solely on building anything except arenas for efficient combat.
d12 came out in afterbirth not antibirth


Reminder that Edmund can't even beat fans when it comes to recolors
Keep in mind at the time, Edmund was claiming the mod tools were just a very basic and straightforward LUA scripting program

You should have seen his ex girlfriend from before he met K8.

She left him when he decided to teach English in Korea. She was a 9/10 french canadian girl that literally looked like a $2,000 per night escort.
>Don't you just hate it when you spill ALL YOUR BLOOD
what does that even mean
I need a pic to get a better idea, tbqh.
he wants poppo items
what the fuck is a poppo item

Tyrone tweeted awhile ago that the tools are unfinished and they are pushing out an update before the end of the week.
what does that mean though
i cant fiiiind it
100% Orange Juice.
>ever leaving egg daddy
What a grave mistake
>delay DLC by 4 hours because it isn't done
>it releases still unfinished
This steak takes a week to eat?
Tyrone BTFO
maybe we'll get another 1/20th of the API then

No pics. I knew them both from when he still lived in his hometown.
>the method for unlocking The Lost was so obtuse that it could only be found by accident by maybe one person ever.

When it was datamined people were already on the cusp of solving it anyway.
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You know, Poppo
I hope the antibirth folk gank apollyon out of rebirth+, he looks like a fun 'snowball out of control" character but I sure as shit am not paying ~7 bucks for this trainwreck
do you mean 100% OJ poppo? dude what are you talking about gimme some aru items.
>implying people are going to re-buy it after refunding it
get that ass raped
>The Tools are Unfinished
Antibirth developer here. We're currently trying to see how we can port Afterbirth to antibirth. Ask me anything
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Steam really needs to add a neutral option for reviews. All these people listing a ton of flaws on their reviews but still marking it positive are make me sick.

Edmund actually complained about how fast people were doing it legitimately, too.

He even actively tried to get the subreddit half shut down.

He pretty much browbeat the guy who moderated the sub into giving him admin rights so he could pick and choose what threads got to stay.

We had to move to a teamspeak chat to keep him from fucking up our communications.
Proof? Make a cryptic tweet or something.
Give justice to the Void chapter.
>100% OJ Items
We have to enjoy it slowly.
For the next 12 months, a single line of code will be released a day.
After said months, we will have the ability to reskin at least 10 of the game's items.
By the time we are on windows 22 the full mod tools will be released.
Have you considered adding an option to zoom out the camera on big rooms, like The Witness has in his room?
Uploading the Achievements.

Also, what have they been doing for the past-fucking-year.
These look like modding tools if they were in Early Access and only a week after starting.
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it's not fair, it's not right

The antibirth guys all had trips when they posted on /v/ until they got run off.

So you're not anybody important.

kilburn is alseep and he's the only real dev
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Kate should really grow her hair long.
It pisses me off that she likes to look like a tranny.
Welcome back.
>They're still not cards
God he is an autistic fuck.

>I want muh game to be like those old vidya where people don't find out about muh secrets for 12 years!
One time use space bar item. moves you to another dimension - alternate chapter on the same depth. Basement I => Cellar I, The Depths II => Necropolis II and so on

Give me an oilspill item so I can play with fire and not tears.
Watching streams on Twitch and banning people that say even an ounce of negativity about the expansion.

So yeah, basically jerking each other off.
Wonder how leathericecream feels.

I just asked every single Antibirth dev if they were shitposting right now and none of them are.

Fuck off.
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So I just heard one of the items in AB+ is a carbon copy from antibirth
Anybody has a fix for antibirth crashing on startup?
Probably like actually leather ice cream.
>Melty from being wrapped in hot leather you can't lick through in addition to all eyes on him


She's such a bitch. I can't stand her. She acts like nothing is her fault.
I feel bad for NL
oh wow nice
That would be pretty cool. It would be like forget me now or the 5 pip dice room. Let you clear out a floor and get all the items and then do a similar floor for more goodies at the cost of time.
No. D12 (left) is an item from Afterbirth.
Antibirth Devs put it in with same name, different sprite.
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It's perfect.
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I'm still permanently banned from all of the main subreddits (Including the NLSS circle jerk) because I was one of the people piecing together the poster image and I uploaded a 95% complete version of it.

essentially what happened is Ed asked the mod of the main sub to ban me, and that guy sent out a literal PSA about me.

He claimed I posted images with exif information leading to Edmund's house, which was total bullshit.
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all I can disclose is that we're officially implementing the Green Isaac mod. I have to leave, goodnight
Pooping Monstro is just one of the Platinum God example mods, same with Hothead.
did they explain why of all things to bring from afterbirth they chose this one? i always thought this item sucked
>officially implementing the Green Isaac mod

I take back what I said you are a hero.
guns that straight festive
Hanekawa is one of the worst Monogatari girls, barely above Nadeko.
>no blue isaac mod yet
I never cared about kate, but I thought Princess Maker 2 would be really cute when I saw it in the recommended videos. NL starts it trying to be cute, imagining what their daughter would be named, wondering what she might be when she grows up. But Kate decides they're going to speedrun that shit with one route and doesn't listen to a single thing he says for the rest of the game.
NL is such a cool guy and his wife walks all over him.
is it better than i think it is?
How about Helloween Judas?

what if the blue baby

was not blue?
guns that sign breasts
You mean a pink baby?
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stop baiting you little shit
HE WAS...GRAY!!!?!?!?!?11elevenfuckingmyself!!!?forwardslash!?

if the blue baby was green he would not be blue anymore
Green baby mod when?
if it was green it wouldn't be blue
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>green isaac is now a meme
chee saa
peecha do wa-ba
WHERE is my afterbirth + i cant even find in on steam, i have afterbirth tho, what is going on
new thread when?
if someone mods it in I'll make the walking animation too
If it's the one that rolls all the terrain in the room I like it a lot. It's not particularly useful but most active items aren't. You get some free consumables, instant kills against enemies, and synergy with the poop/rock trinkets and massive synergies with dirty mind. Getting red and rainbow poop soldiers every couple rooms is an absurdly huge buff to that item.
You have to buy it?
how mad are you?
It's fun to play around with, nothing exemplary though. It works best on the caves so can grind out mushrooms.

>be watching northernlion playin isaac
>NL suddenly notices Kate watching his playthrough
>NL: you know, you can watch these on youtube later
>Kate: yeah but then I'd have to wait
>NL: but you watching it on youtube makes me 0.8 cents, think of the household

I think NL is tired of Kate.
He was clearly making a joke
Allegedly they came up with the idea independently from afterbirth.
At minimum it works a lot better in antibirth seeing as it works on all terrain and generates a far wider variety of terrain like spike floors and purple fires.
That sounds like banter, dude
they act really weirdly together on camera
like they hardly know eachother
>twf no asian wife to watch you while you work.
Subscriber stream LP NL > NLSS NL > Isaac NL > Random LP NL
what are the 4 new bosses
She's always bringing him food and shit though.

Joke or not it sounded weird.
From experience I can tell you that you don't just tell your partner to go away like that, even as a joke.
I really like Afterbirth desu
Man, my aunt tells my uncle to fuck-off all the time and begs me to take him from her. They've been married for over 30+ years and love each other to death. If anyone's entitled to such an attitude, it's married couples.
You should try listening one of Pat and Paige streams
>From experience I can tell you that you don't just tell your partner to go away like that, even as a joke.
You can always tell when two people love eachother, because when they do they sound like they hate each other's guts.
Pooping Monstro
Green Isaac
Bukkake Bossrush
The Steak
Here is how the Antibirth devs feel about AB+
>look through all the Afterbirth+ items on platinumgod
>mostly garbage, but see a couple standout cool new items
>go back and look through all the Antibirth items since platinumgod finally added them and I've only seen a handful of them
>realize that several of the standout items from AB+ are actually just ripped off from antibirth
>if antibirth hadn't come out then AB+ would have next to no cool items
What a fucking coincidence anon. I hate your guts.
>saving the thumbnail
So are you two gonna fuck now?
didn't meant to reply oops
Platinumgod doesn't even show the AB+ items yet m8
I agree I've rated Pixel Piracy up when I wanted to rate it neutral.
oh my bad, it's just broken on chrome
so my parents are actually deeper in love then ever have been before?
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Yes it does.
>Bukkake Bossrush
>my aunt tells my uncle to fuck-off all the time and begs me to take him from her
>love each other to death


Everyone here love's each other then, good to know
Mimics are so fucking stupid holy shit
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NotYourSaggitarius in the Binding of Isaac Discord.
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heh... nothin personnel, kiddo.png
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You Are A Fag. heard it was modeled after you, L M A O
Thanks Full Dish.
it does not have all item info yet
I refunded it, that counts right?
The Steak

Active Item - 6 room recharge

The Steak heals you for half a heart automatically when it recharges. Activating The Steak will consume it and heal your character for one heart plus one for every time The Steak recharged.
link to the discord?
This is an advanced kind of autism.
I've found one new item I like so far, the potato peeler
It's only missing a handful of items and then 90% of the trinkets. AB+'s new items are still mostly fucking trash.

>all those "tears fired have a random chance to x" items
do we know what the 2 new transformations are?
the only unknown ones are most of the trinkets
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>mfw i haven't played a single minute of BoI
>mfw i've watched hundreds of hours of other people playing
>mfw i criticize them and the game itself regularly
Why did I buy this dlc, just end my fucking life I'm so goddamn retarded
try to get a refund
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No regrets
Green Isaac
Steak Isaac

At least I'm not stupid ;)
Steak isaac

You have to go AFK in game for 5 weeks to get this transformation

It gives you a half of a soul heart every 10 rooms

Yeah, someone new would think they just met or were friends
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So, Antibirth players...
Which of the new bosses in Antibirth is the best?
Hardmode: Nothing from the Corpse
You post on /v/, you are so retarded it circles itself and you're almost high-functioning

something...fell, the minecart dude.
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This would work better if you made the image bigger mate.
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Imagine being Edmund right now. There are fans who can now:
>Draw your own style better than you
>Design game mechanics for your game better than you
>Design levels for your game better than you
>Design items for your game better than you
>Design bosses and enemies for your game better than you
What do you even do?
IS this a jo jo referenc?
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Void's a pretty cool item I guess.
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shut the fuck up god damn
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