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This is garbage. Worse than Rome 2, fuck all you faggots that

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This is garbage. Worse than Rome 2, fuck all you faggots that shilled this shit to me, thank God for refunds.
shogun 2 is the last good total war
It's better than Rome 2 but still pales in comparison to the first couple games of the series.I at least managed to finish a campaign in it unlike Rome 2. This thread reminds me that I need to start a new campaign in Medieval.
I haven't played Warhammer yet but I'm starting to think this as well.
Warhammer is like Attila with all the interesting parts stripped out and $20 DLC. You can't even control basic things like taxation or formations.

Warhammer is very arcade, but I guess this is to be expected from a non-historical total war based on a tabletop game with monsters and magic.
>all the interesting parts
>food and squalor are interesting
Kill yourself
>cant control taxes
So you havent played it? Good to know.

It's the best part of it. Also, I'm sure the first Rome had it.
>playing Medieval 2

His first and last mistake
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You don't need any arguments when a game is so obviously a broken turd that only the biggest retard could possibly defend it.

>b-b-b-b-b-b-but mods will fix it

>>362752005 (You)
I honestly don't understand how anyone could believe this. Have you actually played any of the older total war games or are you just angry that so many people sperg out about the new ones.
Looks like the wheel of contrarianism has once again turned

Can't wait for when it happens again!
people shilling Shogun and Medieval has me interested. Is it possible to buy those games still?
If I tell a unit to attack an enemy they actually go do it

Really makes you think huh
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You faggots tricked me into wasting time with it and I honestly think Medieval 2 is a fucking turd.

There is nothing there, you have absolutely nothing to do on the campaign map.
I literally had to turn on the option to let me build buildings in my towns instead of the AI doing that on it's own

The battles are absolutely terrible, even if you manage to ignore all the broken stuff they are still terrible, incredibly clunky, janky out the ass and not fun or entertaining in any way whatsoever

Mods don't help at all

Why do people like this shit? Is it just "muh knights"?
I either play Europa Barbarorum or Fourth Age Total War mods for RTW/BI. I've heard M2 has some great mods but I never felt the desire to stop playing Rome.
I just checked. They're there but a lot of people are saying that the steam release of Medieval is fucked.
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Yeah but the game crashes if you don't set the campaign map resolution to your desktop resolution. Enjoy it, Medieval is unironically the best game in the series and is only overshadowed by its sequel because M2TW has full 3D graphics.
I've never played the first Medieval. What's better about it vs 2?
I have found that a lot of games went to shit for the 3d meme. I recently started the first Tropico and I think it's the strongest.
>Worse than Rome 2
Literally how?
Dinosaurfags are always right. x-com was better as an isometric game and any fps game not made on the Quake Engine that isn't Unreal can fuck off.
Remember when people were hyped by Rome 2? These were happier times...
>Total wars
>Not all being arcady

>Taxation or formation

The thing is that both of those "features" were always barebones, taxation was just something you'd adjust if the province's happiness allowed for it. There was zero thought to it. Warhammer made made the campaign map side run much faster and had much more focus on fun and interesting battles and in the end everybody plays total war for the battles, nobody ever has played a total war for the empire management
Dinofags are deluded.
Retro is pretty good, especially with mods.
Nu is actually great (excepting R2), but people don't want to admit it.
Empire and NapoopaN are the best, though.
original shogun > all
S1 and M1 had he best campaigns. Total war needs to go back to the 2D boardgame style campaign map as it is painly obvious that the AI can't handle 3D world and never will be.
Better AI, campaign map, soundtrack, and overall mechanics. It's hard to list all the little things it does differently than the rest of the series like named officers for every unit with their own traits and stats, titles you assign to governors (which can be any unit from your knights to peasants), fleshed out civil war mechanics even better than Attila where you can pick between both sides of the civil war, three way battles between rebels and the opposing army along with the ability to betray allies in battle. The ability to swap out reserve troops with your first army before reinforcements enter the battle, the ability to dismount cavalry on offensive battles, and three different formations + three different forms of engagement for every single unit. The battles are well paced unlike Rome 1 and units don't bug out like Medieval 2. Soldiers behave in a more believable manner instead of being glued to eachother while chasing routing units/routing and the game has clear push/pull mechanics to the point where you can tell which unit is winning in a battle just based off of the lines. There's a bunch of stuff I'm probably glossing over but you get the picture.
>Worse than Rome 2
>>cant control taxes
>So you havent played it? Good to know.
all the control you have is turning them on or off, in literally every previous game you could set different tax levels
With Medieval and Shogun is the idea that they're the same and you just pick your preferred setting, is one better than the other or what?
Also the game is still being modded to this day and one of the big mods got updated this December.

Medieval has a more refined campaign map and more mechanics. Shogun is still fun but simpler.
>taxation was just something you'd adjust if the province's happiness allowed for it. There was zero thought to it.
There was only 0 thought in it after they took population out.
nice strawman
it's better than what it is in warhammer
No it isn't, removing meaningless micro is a good thing in any strategy game.
There was a time before Rome 2 when you couldn't game taxes by waiting until it hit 99 then lowering taxes/untaxing. You can still game it in Warhammer which means the problem hasn't been fixed.
Can't remember how it is in Rome 2, but doing that in Attila can supremely fuck your economy. You have to build wisely to fix it or garrison a lot of troops (economy hit).
And I'm not even joking

There is a reason people call the guy Legend of Autism, he is full on fucked in the head and has somehow deluded himself into thinking Medieval 2 is a good game
this is ture
>worse than rome 2
that is false, but the climate change thing is fucking stupid
>Vanilla medieval 2

for what reason, why would anyone play that broken piece of shit. Mods are what made it good.
Medieval 2 is a good game, but damn is that guy autistic as fuck.
It's still a better game than Warhammer.
Can anyone respond to this post?

I'm in the same boat as that guy, I just don't get what people see in M2
Is there something I'm missing?

I conquered all of Britain as the Scottish, then starting to make my way through Norway and got bored enough to never want to touch the thing again
Campaign is lame and battles are lame

Played Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel is a terrible mod and I cannot comprehend why people recommend it. It destroys the building tree with shitty percentile bonuses everywhere and destroys balance with heavy cavalry/general's units dominating the map moreso than vanilla.
Stainless steel is perfection and you are a fucking Mongoloid. Heavy cavalry dominated without equal in medieval Europe.
Tell me about that time in history where a general got surrounded by hundreds of spearmen and fended them off for 40 minutes. SS is the Radious Mod of M2TW.
RP a Crusading nation, smaller the comfier, esp trying to keep your gains in the East
Is Stainless Steel the Europa Barbarorum of M2?
Bellum Crucis is. It's also much better balanced.
No he's autistic because he sounds like he literally has autism. I agree with the guy, but he spends like 5 minutes talking about how W:TW has replenishing troops when that's been the standard in all TW games for almost 8 years.
In W:TW your troops replenish fully from being decimated in about 2 turns.
Rome 2 is great with DEI
Attila is garbage , the Charlie DLC is decent
The part the annoys the hell out of me more then anything is the battle advisors who sounds like fucking Cookie Monster and you can't turn him off, even if you turn off thr advice setting
I'm an unapologetic casual and even I think Medi 2 is the best TW. You have to be a fucking idiot to not realise how excellent it is.
You have to be an idiot to not see what a broken turd it is.
>annoying Cookie Monster advisor
Glad I'm not the only one
Not even entertaining like the S2 advisor and his engrish, just annoying as fuck
Any evidence for this, aside from the pikemen bug (which is the only really awful bug I'm aware of)?
Please explain because you seem to be close to the only person in the world who can see what should be so readily obvious to everyone.
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>pikes don't work at all
>guns don't work at all
>two handed swords don't work as intended
>unit collision gets units stuck and vibrating
>units don't listen to your orders
>units will charge, then stop in front of the enemy and send in five or so guys while the rest patiently wait
>sieges are a complete shitshow in every way
>the campaign map
>the agents

the list goes on
out of the newer ones id say shogun 2 and atilla have the best sieges

i cant understand how they went from atilla's to warhammer's though, its ridiculous
It is
You can silence mark and he's not that annoying to being with
You can't silence barbarian Cookie Monster , he will keep talking even when the advisor is turned off and he has even fewer lines then rome advisor
>>the agents
yeah because agents from rome 2 on are so much better?

I only played little of Attila, but are you sure you turned him off?

I don't remember hearing that guy anywhere outside of the faction intros and when he says "aaah Rome" when you launch the game

Sounds like you have a chronic case of shitty taste.

Attila and Warhammer are the best vanilla TW games yet.

I love Shogun 2 as well as Medieval 2, but honestly the AI is too fucking dumb for me to play them anymore. I'd keep playing Shogun 2 despite this if the campaign didn't have Realm Divide fucking it up every time.

>Reach 15 territories
>Stop expanding
>Stack armies on all fronts
>Invade everything in one direction to clear all territories
>Guard front from invading forces in the other direction
>Move armies back to vulnerable front
>Steamroll everything

Politics in that game are pointless and retarded
Your whataboutisms don't make Medieval 2 any less of a turd.
>fanbois IRL
Oh if it's better than your Rome 2 strawman than it surely is amazing!
Turning off the advisor will turn off advice and such, but he still talks when important stuff happens , such as routing allies and if your winning or losing
Combat in Attila is faster so he talks often

Sorry you just are caught in nostalgia and can't handle that not everybody is a fedora tipping hipster faggot like you.

Not even /twg/ would disagree.
Warhammer is the most fun I've had since M:TW. Not M2:TW. M:TW.
Warhammer is trash. It honestly shouldn't even be called a strategy game because there is no strategy involved you just go through the motions and steamroll the map.
It's not the intro voice, it's a deeper more barbarian sounding VA , but he sounds ridiculous ,
hm I guess I at least didn't think he was incredibly annoying because I can't remember him at all for what that's worth

Thinking about it I like the intro guy
>not playing mp
Why can't we hace a CA/Paradox colab. Paradox can handle the campaign, economy and politics while CA takes care of the battles. Best of both worlds.
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>he fell for the total war meme

>he fell for the Liquor 2 meme

Anybody have a mirror for Darthmod Medieval 2? TWC has been down for fucking ages and I can't find it anywhere else.

If you're too retarded to realize that Vic 2 and Total War do 2 totally different things and have NOTHING at all in common aside from both having an economy then I don't know what to tell you.

>being such a massive retard he flaunts his autism to prove just how mentally deficient he really is

I play Paradox games as well as TW games, Paradox games don't offer tactical real time combat with formations.
>try to into total war
'>game is just slamming your pile of dudes into the other guys until they route, repeat

should I be playing on hard?

The game fucks you financially while giving more money to the AI on higher difficulties.

So yeah.

Getting by economically and winning with as little as possible against as much as possible forces you into some pretty tight situations.

At least for about 50-75 turns before you start balling out of control.
higher difficulties dont actually make the AI smarter it just gives them cheats and shit

this has been the case in pretty much every total war because CA cant into non retarded AI
It's the case for pretty much every game ever. How can you be so naive to believe any different?
i never said i believed any different nor did i imply that

There really isn't any AI out there that is better. Alien Isolation and the latest TW games have great AI

Paradox games seem like this because there are so many layers to the game, the sheer number of AI running, the conditions they start in, the alliances they are scripted to choose from, the rules restricting expansion; through the course of a game you could see a nation locked to one city then suddenly become an empire again. But tactically the AI is nothing special, and it's not above average in terms of the ways it wages war even without considering the fact that battles themselves are just calculations based on statistics and not actual battles.
Then why bother pointing it out, like it is anything but the norm?
It's a 10 year old game. It's really basic compared to the latest TW games but it was groundbreaking in 2006.
Can you provide some sort of argument as to how M2 is more complex than the newer titles?

There is nothing on the campaign map and the battles are a broken mess with horrible controls and camera
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Dinosaurfag here.

I believe Rome 1 was when the campaign mode went to shit and stayed that way.

The 3D map causes the campaign AI to be easily exploitable and even mods can't seem to fix this.

The vanilla experience is totally fucked because 70% of your battles are now castle stormings which are notoriously unfun and the battle AI can't deal with attacking or defending.

Mods that remove castle and city battles can fix this problem though.

Some of the newer TW games had OK pitched battles and multiplayer though. Shogun 2 for example. I guess those can be fine if you avoid the campaign mode.
>settlement management

Are you fucking kidding?
How are any of those more complex? And your point on taxation is only true for Warhammer.
One of the pro's of Shogun 2; the narrow nature of the map forces the AI to not be completely retarded in how it moves around the map. It's still majority castle sieges though
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>mfw legendary Western Roman Empire campaign
Warhammer is a shit game. Rather play Shogun 2.
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>AI auto manages buildings and taxes
>taxes are either fixed if it's a castle or either low or high if it's a city
>if you enable the option to allow yourself to actually build things you can just build whatever, no management required
>this is somehow considered more complex than what is going on in Attila

I understand that you like Medieval 2 but can you please elaborate how that makes any sense whatsoever?

"The only Total War I played is M2, I'm sorry", would be sufficient.
You'd think that but it still leaves settlements completely unguarded and can be cucked out of all it's provinces early on using just a couple of Yari Ashigaru and by fighting no major battles.
I literally does that unless you go turn it off and as I said even if you do there is no management involved

But you have to remember whether to spend or save, otherwise it fucks you over.

Things like the AI actually trying to flank, using elevation intelligently, and knowing when to withdraw and fight in better conditions to prod at weaknesses in your attack don't actually mean anything because I hate new games.

Warhammer is about the battles and not management, that's why there is no family triees or emphasis on taxation/public order.

Using Warhammer as an example of the direction for the entire franchise and especially retroactively applying this generalization to Attila is a bit ridiculous and you're acting hysterical.
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it's actually really not. shogun was basic, but it was also the first game. medieval was greatly improved in comparison in pretty much every aspect.
>low/medium/high/very high
Not true for M2, it has less options.
True for newer games.

>checking a box to have taxes be collected
Only true for Warhammer, as you have been told countless times.

>less management is somehow more complex

So M2 fans are actually brain damaged huh
That explains a lot i guess
Dinosaurfag is a meme. Being old enough to play a game from the early 2000s is not an impressive feat.
Wouldn't the old system be more streamlined? You can just build whatever and there is really no wrong way to build that will have major negative impact on your campaign. It offers little resistance, which is literally the definition of streamline.
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>M2 city management is more complex

what the fuck am i even reading
Not as horrendously, irredeemably shit as Warhammer.
Come here I'll cut your throat bitch
Don't try to argue with M2 fags they are too far gone
>one of the big mods got updated this December.

Do share. It occurred to me I never really modded Medieval.

Warhammer is obviously an exception considering its a fantasy series and not based on history. They used a different approach with it, as would probably be expected.

If this is above your head then obviously you're a god damn retard.


They really should, not even /twg/ can deal with their fucking autism. They don't even play TW games, they just bitch and wait for a Medieval 3.
Dinosaurfag was supposed to be and insult implying that these people only like S1 and M1 because they are old and not because their campaign gameplay was fundamentally different and better.
t. assblasted M2 tard

The only reason you people hate Attila because that game released around the time where people finally had enough of your bullshit

M2 is a fucking turd, it was a turd 10 years ago and it has aged like fucking garbage.

Stop shoving it down everyone's throat and take off your nostalgia googles
Bullshit. Warhammer shills are the worst. That trash isn't even Total War and they are cancer.
>wait for a Medieval 3.
as if

the only reason CA could ever appease those faggots is if they 1:1 re-released M2 without changing a single fucking thing

they would even complain if they fixed any of the broken shit, PIKES ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO WORK DUDE WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY UNITS LISTEN TO ORDERS NOW
>calling Medieval 2 a turd
>forget it still has the best expansion ever made
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M2Fags at it again

Warhammer is a fucking great game and doesn't need management to be so.

Attila had DLC come out after Warhammer had even been released and its management mechanics are indicative of what future historical entries will be like.

Sorry you are autistic and dumb.
way :^)
MTW Redux
FotS, Charlemagne, Viking Conquest are all far superior.

I wouldn't play Kingdoms if you put a gun to my head.

>how dare they criticize muh favorite childhood game it's the best thing ever!!
No you retarded inbred. It requires you to have a general to manage the settlement, you went easy mode and are complaining on how simple the game is.

Fuck off.
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>med2fags greentexting to tell themselves that they aren't pure cancer
You don't get to dictate what is and isn't Total War histfag.
>the AI auto managing settlements is part of the complexity now

Am I supposed to laugh?
Is that the infamous Pavlov J Bogdanoff, supposed mastermind behind the migration crisis?
No, I absolutely do. That casualized DLC platform is barely even half a game. Fucking kill yourself.
It prevents you from managing the city yourself you brain damaged faggot, it's a penalty.

The series isn't for you, go play MOBA games or some shit.
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>M2fag so buttblasted he resorts to samefagging
Oh so when the AI auto manages the settlement and I don't get to mange anything, that's complexity?

That makes a whole lot of sense thanks for explaining it
Such is life. I think their battle map gameplay was better too.
Why don't you try playing the games first before trying to have discussion with people who HAVE played it.

Fuck off.
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Wait alright so let me get this straight.

The AI manages my settlement.
It does all the managing.

I don't mange the settlement.
I don't manage anything.

And when I send a guy there THEN I am allowed to actually manage the settlement instead of having the AI do everything.

That's complex.
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Rome2 is literally the worse TW game from a mechanical stand point, even worse than warhammer
Just go play shogun 2 and shut the fuck up
Shogun 2 is all style over substance, pretty visuals, art and music made to distract you from basic as fuck battles that a 5 year old could win, basically no real sieges, iPad tier campaign management (still better than M2 though) and pants on the head retarded fun stoppers like realm divide

prove me wrong :^)
>/v/ hates Medieval 2 now

This place has really taken a dive.

No the AI in the latest games is as smooth as butter. Have you played Warhammer yet? It's on Steam right now, so if you wanted to play it right now you could.

So how about that Radious Mod guys. Pretty fun eh?

I just like mentioning it since it triggers people so much.

Drowning out everyone else with your "lalala i can't hear you this trash sure is great" shitposting is far from being right or in the majority

>This place has really taken a dive.

Most of us have a fond place for M2 in our hearts.

But M2 faggots are seriously the cancer that ruin any discussion of TW.
The battle mode gameplay was pretty much the same but you might remember having more fun with it because the campaign mode allowed for actually interesting battles to occur.
>med2fags are so autistic that they don't realize when someone is blatantly mocking them

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>he didn't make a Warhammer mod because the different unit skeletons between the races remove the option of just bashing together random assets to create "new" units
The bad thing with the games from R2 onwards is their focus on talent trees and retarded absolute-identical-besides-one-little-stat cards for generals/agents/buildings.

You even get a multitude of options on the same kind of buildings which however rarely have any utility differences, it's just less food/more money here instead of more food/less public order there.

This is made worse without color-coding mods which help things out by color-categorizing traits, skills, buildings, agents etc.

It's just an added layer of complexity, which however isn't at all fun, intuitive or rewarding. By the end game, you spend 70% of your time trying to memorize and pick a trait out of a pool of almost identical options. It's just shit gameplay and it gives a false sense of depth when in reality, the actual important choices you got to make in order to have an efficient empire is limited to a handful of picks, there on out it's just mindless time wasting on shit that doesn't matter.
The AI seemed to use more of the preset formations and move more cohesively than Rome where the general liked to impale itself on your pikes and blobbed up. You're right that it set up more interesting battles due to campaign but the AI is just generally more competent and willing to retreat to higher ground when overwhelmed or even off the map or hide in/scout out forests
There is a Radious mod for Warhammer.

What are you on about?
Seems like someone cant handle Western Roman Empire on legendary Difficulty.
The best part is the AI doesn't get access to any of that shit.
You're a pedo and that's wildly off topic.
This post

Not only is the AI managing the settlement unless you prevent it from doing that complex, no, it's also MORE complex than if you turn that shit off and manage everything yourself


I only recently found out Sia was a 40 year old woman and not that girl

weird huh
He did make it, and he made some amazing new units like armoured slayers and black orc arrer boyz. But he abandoned it I think.

>You even get a multitude of options on the same kind of buildings which however rarely have any utility differences, it's just less food/more money here instead of more food/less public order there.

The games before R2 also had all of this, and in greater quantity. It was bulky and unintuitive.

This here is the stuff that doesn't matter. In Attila you essentially get used to the template of money/food/public order for each settlement with specialties for certain regions and you're good. It's simple and effective and allows you to get to the stuff that really matters.

The previous games were much the same, but they over-complicated something that doesn't have much bearing on gameplay and is generally not very fun.

>there on out it's just mindless time wasting on shit that doesn't matter.

You mean the part where you are entering field battles and conquering land? THAT is 70% of the game right there, and that's what Total War is all about.
He was going to abandon it because of life reasons, but was convinced to come back somehow.

Not that I really blame him since apparently modding the game is a pain in the ass since each new DLC fucks over everything.
No, you have a good taste.
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That's quite funny in yet another 'I haven't enjoyed these games since 2006 but I'm going to come in and let everyone know anyway instead of just moving on' thread derailment
I think they just might be shills trying to get more Warhammer and Attila sales. Jokes on them I already pirated and all CA games are shit to some extent anyway.
He will propably drop it

I play(ed) all of the TW games though, I also enjoy Paradox games.

I'm not a fartsniffing little neckbeard looking for e-props and feigned internet superiority by pretending like old games are better because they are more obscure.

That's you my autistic faggot friend.
And you wonder why nobody in the TW community likes M2fags
To think I bashed Shogun back then. Little would I know how good it actually was.
>The games before R2 also had all of this, and in greater quantity. It was bulky and unintuitive.

I actually disagree completely.

For example, you could specialize an agent on assassinations by doing the obvious: assassinating.

This was seamless and actually intuitive (compared to now that you can amass experience on an agent by sabotaging but you can actually make him an expert on assassinations).

And it wasn't bulky at all, it couldn't get any simpler (which I actually think was a negative when all's said and done). They tried to make it more deep in the following games but all they did was make it more complex and tedious for no particular reason. It's just poor design.

>You mean the part where you are entering field battles and conquering land? THAT is 70% of the game right there

I agree but looking at cards and autistically playing "spot the difference" is what total war SHOULDN'T be about.
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>this makes perfect sense in the M2shitters mind

I think this might be where I realize that M2 fans are just completely deluded beyond repair
I can legitimetly tell you that Legendary WRE campaign is the most fun ive had in years on Attila.

Took me two weeks of careful gaming night after night, slowly crawling back up from the collapse of everything, holding mother Italia and rebuilding The Pantheon of Roman gods. Jupiter gave me the patience, and soon the barbarians faced a rome with teeth again. led by strong men from strong houses, brought up by strong traditions and teachings of Great venerable men like Ceasar, with strenght from the Three great houses of Roma.

Even attila and his never ending hordes perished in the cold unforgiving alps, battered bloody against greatshields and crossbows.
So who is looking forward to the next Warhammer? Apparently we will be getting Lizardmen.

And since that likely means we are getting Lustria, we will probably get Tomb Kings and Skaven as DLC.

>For example, you could specialize an agent on assassinations by doing the obvious: assassinating.

M2 had buildings for upgrades just like later games, the main difference being that there were a dozen more buildings that were all just public order combinations which is where I say it was encumbered. Those things were generally useless.

Some things are randomized in later games, you might not get a spy who is particularly great at assassinating. One thing is for sure though, that can't be said of previous games - you absolutely have to use your spies and level them early game or else you are going to get buttfucked by special units endlessly. Not really that big of an effect in previous games.
I'm a bit lukewarm on Warhammer, I have a soft spot for the setting but the game itself seems eh

It's basically just a thing for me to toy around with all the Warhammer guys and have them fight each other

I'll probably wait til it's all cheaper
>a dozen more buildings that were all just public order combinations which is where I say

You had like, 3 different religion buildings, that was all.

This right here killed M2 for me. How they manage to have a glitch like this hard coded into the game is completely beyond me (literally, I have no idea about programing).
They patched this shit out in the kingdoms update, didn't they
Sorry friend, it seems someone has failed to teach you what fun means, try leaving this board for a week or so.

it works wonders.
I've bought every Total War up to Warhammer with the exception of Atilla which I skipped after the disappointment of Rome 2. In retrospect I think I've come to realise they've never been that good and they've consistently failed to make meaningful improvements without fucking everything else up in the process. I love the idea of the TW games but they never really failed to disappointment me. The first Rome is the only exception to that but again, playing it now you realise how flawed it actually was.

Their current engine is also garbage and needs to die.
Don't blame you on waiting for a sale. Sega is really assfucking us on the prices. I wouldn't mind if the base game was cheaper with the current DLC prices, or current base price with cheaper DLCs, but they are being extremely jewish.

It was planned as 3 games from the start. So this will be the second. Set around the Elf island of Uthulan, or whatever the knife ears call it. But they have apparently said Lizardmen too, so it sounds like it will be the elf island, and some of the southern continent to get the Lizardmen in. If it does have that southern area then it would also mean they can feasibly put in Tomb Kings as DLC, and chuck in Skaven since they give Lizardmen grief.

Also this will hopefully put in some naval combat since Dark Elves are big on that, and I can't see the setting for this one working without it.
>Also this will hopefully put in some naval combat
Auto-resolve only.
When they didn't put the DLC on sale at all I basically decided to wait for this thing til the next Total War is out

oy vey Sega

>Nostalgiafags always claim how much more depth the older games possess
>Don't even level their agents

It is amazing how consistently they manage to fuck up. And just when they finally seem to have the hang of an engine, they go and change it for the next one.

I mean yeah I'm having fun, but you can see the cracks.
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What is it that makes medieval 2 fags so autistic and determined?

I almost want CA to make medieval 3 and give it the Rome 2 treatment, just to see the asspain shockwave
That is better than nothing. Though really a wasted opportunity. However I can also see GW being finicky about letting them have any proper naval stuff since Man'O'War is a separate license. Even though the ships technically exist in the Warhammer setting anyway. Really depends on what they originally negotiated.

No guarentee that waiting will net you that much of a saving. As we have seen Sega is opposed to putting out complete bundles. Even the upcoming Old World Edition of Warhammer is just the base game plus the free DLC they are releasing. Doesn't include any of the non-free DLC by the looks of things. Which is fucking retarded.

At best we will only see 10% off for pre-ordering DLC. We might see actual sales on the DLC once it is all released, or the 2nd game is coming out. They really seem to be milking this hard. And even though GW licensing is usually just a fixed fee, I wouldn't put it past GW to have some finger in the decision about not having sales. I mean that was literally in their company charter, and possibly still is.
>AI super jews destroy your poor goy merchants ruthlessly every time
Fuck that shit
it's not like they are going to breed either way
Charlemagne DLC is the second best expansion of the entire Total War series after Kingdoms expansion of M2.

Have you ever tasted the joy of conquering the entire Europe as Andulusia, desecrating Charles Martel's tomb and forcing Charlemagne's wife to your harem?
I got sick of the hordes of agents everywhere in Warhammer and gave up. It's just a nuisance. Did they do anything about it?
>49 poster
2 guys really hate MedievalTW another 2 hate everything after it.
I came here from /twg/ wink wink. You are just a pleb. You probably are butthurt about losing to Attila.
So are there any other mods as good as Radious mod for Warhammer?
Age of Charlamagne was great. The Asturian Campaign was legitimately awesome.
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I've never finished a game of Rome 2 or Attila. I've played almost every TW game since the first Shogun and these two are the only games that I couldn't bear playing for more than 100 turns. They're just really boring and tedious.
Someone saying they enjoyed a game is really nothing to get so triggered over.
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I recently tried the first Rome and felt overwhelmed since it's like Civilization and Age of Empires put together... that's a lot of pressure for somebody like me who couldn't even finish the Starcraft 1 campaigns.
I honestly think it's just one person who insults anyone who says anything positive about Medieval 2 because he posts like this and posts the same webms in every single Total War thread.
Medieval 2 definitely has its flaws, but it honestly isn't that bad.
I'm not sure why would anyone say that Medieval 2 is bad considering people still play it and mod for it.
that looks perfectly historical to me
Name pretty much any game and I guarantee you that there will still be some people playing it. That is not a measurement for quality.
Because some people are just assholes and like to talk shit.

>horses start breakdancing in a moshpit
>perfectly fine
I doubt people still play Empire as much as Medieval 2 or Rome.
Well you would be horribly mistaken. More people play Empire than even Shogun 2.
>Leave one gate open so as your enemy attempts to cram all his units through it at once screwing up the AI and physics to create an exploitable bottleneck - Sun Tzu
Attila is such a strange game to me regarding performance. I can max out Rome 2 and play battles with over 10k men on screen and still maintain 40-60+ frames with no stuttering. Attila? Two full stack armies fighting in an open field lags me. The graphics are hardly different(how could it be when they've been using the same shit engine since Empire), my rig is fairly strong; GTX 970 SC, i7 4770 4.0 ghz, 16gb ram. What the fuck did CA do to this game???
So much incest was happening...
>What the fuck did CA do to this game???
Optimize for 'future hardware'.

You can try running it through the Rome 2 launcher. Some people have claimed a significant boost in performance when doing so.
Sun tzu did not write tactics.
>Optimize for future hardware
I know you don't but the saddest part is that there are actually people still unironically believing in this shit meme.

Running through Rome 2 launcher? Never heard of doing that before. Is that just launching Rome 2 then when the launcher comes up, launch Attila instead?
remind of mount and blade napoleon, where everything would look pretty historical apart from the fact that all the players are jumping around everywhere like gaping retards.
Age of the Elector Counts DLC
It was a joke anon. Contain your autism.
I didn't even play medieval 2, only played Shogun 2 and Warhammer, (and rome 1 but I was like 10) but fuck me they crumpled the mechanics pretty good between those two games.

The problem is, in the older games you were ALWAYS given more control. This makes the games learning curve somewhat harder, but once you get there you have the relief of being able to what exactly what you want.

The newer games in comparison have the ai retardly guessing what you want, or systems that are simplified to shit so less player input is needed.

If you think about it, it's fucking disgraceful because all they actually do is strip content away from the games.

How is it that there's plague and famine in atilla, but in the warhammer universe all humans are free of anything like that, despite the fact that they're just as impoverished in the lore?

Would CA should've done is just add in options for AI to control player inputs for you and make this a feature of difficulty itself rather than stripping the game of interesting mechanics for the sake of simplicity.

It's like the sleek simplicity Apple design philosophy is invading a space where the entire preexisting audience is autists who like shit to be as complicated as it needs for realism's sake.

Hmm, maybe because Black Death was an actual thing that happened in fucking history and Warhammer isn't meant to be "Total War 10"

It's literally just Total War combat with Warhammer.
yes let them togther handle the dlc
they just need to metion that paradox did the dlc and people will easly pay up to 20 $ for minor text changeds
Thing is, the tiniest fucking things can mess up a total war game for someone.

Like for me, Shogun 2 should be fucking great.

But there's one small hiccup.

In a Shogun 2 siege battle the attackers can always see inside the castle, and so archers with no line of sight whatsoever, can shoot whatever's inside with pin-point accuracy.


I usually play Co-op campaigns and every fucking siege becomes a contest between who has the most archers despite the fact that the attackers shouldn't even be able to see over fucking walls.
>It's literally just Total War combat with Warhammer.
No shit. You've just described battles in Total War Warhammer. Total War battles, but with Warhammer.

There's also the campaign? Are you pretending they just shoved that in there last minute, despite the fact that they plan to create the biggest total war campaign to-date encompassing the entire Warhammer world?

When did Warhammer have politics, family trees, or economy management?

The TW Campaign is hardly about any of the things mentioned above even in historical settings.
As >>362775171
said WTW isn't really supposed to be a proper TW like the older ones. A lot of the changes they made work for the game, and for the setting.

We might see an expansion of the mechanics once the next 2 Warhammer games come out. Like I imagine that if it is going to be anywhere Naval stuff will be in the 2nd. And if you want plague and similar that might be in the 3rd given Nurgle should have an actual faction in it since Chaos is the focus. Might also have some Skaven stuff somewhere along the line that deals with that.
>thank God for refunds.
>he thinks he's experienced a TW game after playing only 2 hours
>When did Warhammer have politics

This really summons my elector counts.

But yeah I am actually surprised we got as much diplomacy stuff as we did given that Orcs would straight up just not have diplomacy with anyone but Orcs, etc.
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Diseases are an important part of the Warhammer Fantasy world.
>When did Warhammer have politics, family trees, or economy management?
Do you mean in the game or in the setting?

Because it has all of those in the setting for at least 3 factions, if under slightly different names. And the settings rich enough that the other factions could find pretty easy substitutes.

My whole argument is that all of those things should be in TWW.

>We might see an expansion of the mechanics once the next 2 Warhammer games come out.
Can only hope. I heard they were gonna do away with whole faction-locked control concept once the map expands.
No. Its extremely evident in the Americas campaign when you use conquistadors.

Not for whats currently in the game.


If you break Warhammer Fantasy down into the way you play it, it has none of those things.

It's not like I'm against adding them, I simply don't think they are entirely necessary or that the game is worse off without them.

Frankly having Franz have a child and die after 10 turns would be pretty fucking gay. So I disagree wholeheartedly on the inclusion of trees.
So the game is inferior to previous ones AND not faithful to the source material then.

I would say look at Warhammer Fantasy models and in game models and it would be obvious that not only do you not know what you're talking about but you should stop posting forever.
>I heard they were gonna do away with whole faction-locked control concept once the map expands.

Whilst I can understand to some degree, that actually made things interesting to me. I mean once they have the complete map sure it would make things nearly impossible otherwise, but I honestly like the concept.

Things like family trees wouldn't even work for the majority of factions. Pretty much anything non-human, or proper Chaos aligned, just has issues with the concept.

I wouldn't mind some sort of deal with non-Legendary Lords and succession. That could be fun if done right. But really it would only work as we currently know it for human factions.
>not faithful to the source material then

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So I only really played Shogun 2 so farm loved that btw. tried some M2 mostly Third Age TW to be honest, but couldn't really get into it due to the clunky map who though having to manually move every agent after meeting another faction unit was a good idea? clunky as fuckand annoying features such as squalor.

Would I enjoy Attila? I like the period
If you don't like squalor, then Attila might not be for you, since it has - on the strategic map - quite a bit of focus on food and squalor management.

Judging from your screenshot yeah, you probably will. Villages are very detailed.

Although you have to be careful about your squalor more since plagues will literally assfuck you to oblivion and people carrying it will accidentally your whole village.

Next 2 games? Could you elaborate?
I don't mind squalor as a gameplay element itself, I just hated how it inevitably appeared in M2 without any real way around it.
from what I gathered there was no bathhouse type of building to reduce it, is that right?
In M2, when you'd buildt all the buildings that reduce squalor (walls and town hall and architecture) then it would only keep increasing and increasing until the populace revolts, or until population growth stagnates.

Personally I liked going all out pop-growth early in the game, building the largest walls quickly. After that it was Very High Taxes from then on out and whenever the city rebelled I would genocide the populace because I'm already filthy rich.
>Frankly having Franz have a child and die after 10 turns would be pretty fucking gay. So I disagree wholeheartedly on the inclusion of trees.
What if you started off as SIGMAR and had to battle for 3,000 years before Franz was even born?

Jokes aside, they could've easily thought up something with a bit more effort to please the older TW fans.

I don't really understand what your other point is though. We already know Warhammer Fantasy is a war game that is just battles...

Whilst I can understand to some degree, that actually made things interesting to me. I mean once they have the complete map sure it would make things nearly impossible otherwise, but I honestly like the concept.
nah, it's the laziest shit ever and doesn't reflect the element of realism in the setting.

There's no in-setting reason that a pressured human faction or a eccentric vampire lord might not find themselves settling in a mountainous place where dwarves used to live.

The whole point of the Warhammer is the setting. The setting where you make your own stories which work within the fluff. This is actually really similar to Total War games, where you are just plonked into a historical period as the setting but don't have to follow historical canon by any means.

But why don't we see the ability to settle anywhere in TWW, with maybe faction-specific regions having a penalty for a foreign settler?

Because they can't be fucked to make modifications to siege maps to represent different factions ocupying the settlment. The same reason building a stage 3 fort magically morphs your fort into a capital city into an actual fort.
They planned Warhammer TW out as 3 games. The one we have now is the first. The next two deal with different areas in the setting. And there is talk that once all 3 are done, and if you own all them, you can play the full map all as one game.

I thought it sounded like some bullshit to jew us over 3 times, but the way the game will be split up honestly works after seeing the map in this first one. As well as keeps it lore friendly.

2nd game will be focused around the Elf island to the west, and apparently have Lizardmen too so I guess the southlands like Lustria as well.

3rd game will be Chaos focused, so that should mean the northlands. And I would hope means we get an actual Chaos faction for each God, along with an undivided faction and a daemons faction. As well as give us the Ogre Kingdoms.
>Jokes aside, they could've easily thought up something with a bit more effort to please the older TW fans.

Would only be relevant to humans. Every other faction either lives too long for it to be a thing, or doesn't reproduce, or reproduces by means that makes it irrelevant.

>nah, it's the laziest shit ever and doesn't reflect the element of realism in the setting.

They have definitely made it a lot more polar than it should be, I don't argue that. But there is definitely some degree of correctness in the intent, even if it is likely due to a laziness factor.

I mean Orcs should really be able to inhabit anywhere. But you wouldn't really find Dwarves making a proper settlement above ground, or out in some of the areas where there Empire habitats. They could remedy it somewhat by at least letting factions build like a Watchpost or some equivalent on non-habitable enemy territory. And have it bring in a certain amount of gold as tolls or something. But most importantly allow the territory to be considered controlled for the purposes of trade routes.

Once all the DLC is rolled out for the first game we will probably see some stuff like that once modders know they can finally put work in without having to worry about it all breaking as soon as another DLC hits.
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Fuuuuck. They were planning this from the start?

They're already kinda diming us for the races they didn't bother creating, this feels like another blizzard.

Maybe i'm just cynical, but...fuck, 3 games at 60$ does not feel amazing, especially when it's 15$ a race on top.
Meanwhile, those of us who prefer the superior historical setting gets the full game for 60 bucks, three factions for 15 bucks and a whole new campaign for 30 bucks.
Look I felt like you do. I honestly did. But after seeing how the map works in this one I am actually sold on the idea. Mechanically and lore-wise at least.

They are definitely nickel and diming us though. It will still cost less than an actual WHFB in the end though.

The DLC content itself is fine, and I like that the races appear in game regardless so you can fight them. But their price combined with the base game price is bullshit. If the base was cheap and the DLC priced as is, or vice versa, I would have no issue though.

I honestly can't tell if it is just more of Sega seeing what they can get away with, or if the fact it is a GW license and they are notorious jews might have played a part as well.

The hilarious part is that it is literally a dead IP now. So even if the game does well and brings them potential fans it doesn't matter.
Is it just me or is every total war since rome total war mediocre at best?
I've played them all. Everything after Rome 1 is absolute garbage.

Shogun 1: the first. Kind of simple and a set the bar for the franchise.
Medieval 1: Best fucking game of the series. The depth they went into.. holy fuck... Every single faction is unique in how they play or have a special unit to make them unique (Gothic Knights, Spanish Lancers, Egyptian Bowmen, Byzantine footmen being unbreakable from the front, etc).

Rome 1: I didnt like this game as much as Medieval, despite the 3d. Still, it had enough depth and faction differences that i still put it in my top 3. I will say it is one of the best.

Empire: Lets.... lets just take out every single unique feature between factions and make every unit an archer unit. Also, 1v1 model battles. ugh.. horrible. Small bump, but thats okay.

Medieval 2: Literally empire. No faction has unique units, at all, and there are 5 factions at the start when medieval 1 had like 20. WANT MORE? THANKS FOR THAT DLC $$$$

Shogun 2: Ehhh... wasn't a bad game, but still kept the same non-unique units (literally every faction is interchangeable). Arguably more polished than most other titles, but my god it's generic as fuck. Also, the food system was retarded.

Rome 2: Never bought or continued the franchise. The constant dumbing down of mechanics, paid DLC for factions that should already be in the game, and the continuation of retarded battle systems made me quit. I am glad I didnt buy this piece of shit.

Attila - wont buy.

Warhammer - wont buy.

I used to love real-time combat (not RTS) because i love feeling like a commander on the battle field. The franchise has been nothing but a fucking compounding landslide of shit and I refuse to support that practice.
I agree, but I take it one further and say they are fucking aweful.

I am also the guy who posted: >>362780257
>I've played them all
>Hasn't played Rome 2, Attila or Warhammer
You're not too smart anon. I agree that "Arr rook same" is a bit annoying, one of Warhammer's strong points is that it doesn't have that.
I played them all. The rest arn't really a part of the franchise, because it died with shogun 2 :)
I don't think you understand what the word all means anon.
>shit on TW games because the battles are shit against the AI and grand campaign is slow

>too coward to go in multiplayer because they get shred to pieces by every average player there and can't make their fantasy of being a great commander self-insert happen

really makes you think

you are as worse as fighting gamers who shit on the AI while they just could go into MP and have the fun they want

>inb4 b-but i want to win

git gud
You assume I havent played them.
>torrents dont exist
>i specifically said I wouldnt buy, not wouldn't play
>next you'll say "I was only pretending to be retarded"
>I found a loophole in my wording that makes me not-wrong earlier in my post
It obvious that you didn't play the newest games.
You are right, I misread buy as play. My bad.

But are there actually torrents up for Warhammer?
There we go. I knew you would pretend you were retarded! *rubs your head* Whose a predictable neck beard? You! Its yous! Yes it is!!
But >>362781236
isn't >>362780862
I'm >>362781349

But you are kind of being a bit pretentious there mate. Dial it back a notch.
I'm not pretending to be retarded, but it's obvious that you love writing your opinion about the games, and there's no way you wouldn't write something for Attila and Warhammer if you had played them.
Not that I know of. A friend of mine bought Warhammer on steam and I used his account temporarily. I played all of 30 minutes before I stopped. So, yea, I dont have the right to speak to the 400+ hours I have in the other games, but I still tried them.

I just believe in driving development with my wallet. I dont buy DLC that should be original with the game (the missing 15 factions from Medieval 2), I dont buy RNG tokens/crystals/currency bullshit in mobile games. I pirate shit to try it out (I fucking miss demo's) and more often than not just delete it and never buy it because, surprise, modern gaming is shit.

I did get suckered into buying Dark Souls 2, but to be honest their DLC is exactly what I mean by things that are worth purchasing. A whole new area, new bosses, new items, and it has a whole different feel than the game itself.

I just need total war to fucking step up its game and get back to Medieval 2 quality.
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The only bad thing about Attila is the ridiculous amounts of siege battles that are exactly the same since the only cities that had walls were the provincial capitals (before Level IV towns). The amount of pitched battles in a grand campaign is pretty awful.

If there was some way to fix them, I'd get back to my ERE reconquest campaign in a heart beat.
>buy any of Total War games after Rome 2 garbage launch
Are you by any chance blind, anon?
>the missing 15 factions from Medieval 2
Explain. Kingdoms is it's own four campaigns, very different from the grand campaign.
>Be a pretentious asshole "lol wurds n u said dis!"
>Gets treated like a pretentious asshole
>Complains he was treated like a pretentious asshole

You... you probably shouldn't have acted like a pretentious asshole...
Warhammer had the best and smoothest launch out of any of them and basically gets no credit for it
I don't fault your decision not to support it. I would be hypocritical if I did as I have done so for other things.

But 30mins is way too short to properly experience WTW. Each faction plays differently. It is very different from your usual TW. Though there has definitely be a lot of streamlining for various reasons which doesn't tickle everyone's fancy. But you have definitely written it off too quickly.

Might I ask which faction you tried?

He may have been pretending to be retarded, but you genuinely are. Neck yourself.
If you have never played Medieval 1 then sure.

Every faction had a general unit type. Spearmen, archers, etc.

However, every single faction had a completely different play style based on either (1) Their faction general unit type, or (2) their unique units.

For example:
Spanish Lancers. The Spanish have moderatly low armored units when compared to say.. the Goths. However, they are the ONLY faction in the game with Lancers. What do lancers do? Fuck up cavalry.

Playing the spanish, you can't keep your front-line units in the grinder for long. However, you can use your lancers to bust up the enemy cavalry with ease, then get constant routes as you attack from behind.

Gothic Knights - German cavalry that has literally no qualms with walking into spearmen, the front lines, or anything. They can also dismount and become powerful front-line fights. They get rekt by lancers

Byzantine empire - their foot units will never EVER route unless they are flanked. That means so long as you control your flanks and do not let the enemy behind you, you are almost guarenteed to win. Playing this faction is all about positioning rather than brute power.

The list goes on, but every faction has a play-style and a uniqueness. Find that in Shogun 2. Go on, i'll wait.
Aww, it's cute you think your opinion matters on the internet. At least I know mine doesn't :)
Did you respond to the wrong post by accident? I just asked for an explaination about "15 missing factions in medieval 2".
I'm not him. I was pointing out I wasn't you. I think you meant to quote him.

This shit is getting confusing. We need poster IDs on /v/.

This. It was amazing just how well it actually worked at launch.
How is that better than Shogun 2. It's just taking the same core concept of Rock,Paper,Scissors but then just splitting it by faction

Attila literally has shit like that for every single faction.
But it isn't.

If you are good at the game, have a well balanced army, the game is quite surprisingly balanced. I played nothing but the Germans and barely lost.

I also played against really good players. It's not rock-paper-scissors when you're a good general. Thats why I love this game.

You get idiots who go ALL cavalry and then complain when I put my 4 units of spearmen in a triangle and they cant just win by swarming me. It's not just about the units you have, its about how you use them.

A friend of mine did a 2v2 in medieval that lasted almost 2 hours (best fucking fight of my life) because all of us knew how to retreat, regroup, re-supply, and re-attack.

By the end of the game, i had only 10 people left. Everyone else in my army was dead with almost no routes at all.
All this total war talk has got me in the mood for total war.
Should I play Medieval 1 or Stainless Steel?
I am running a medieval 1 campaign right now.

Someone has to make those heathen middle-easterners pay!
Call them Saracens like a good crusader you double heretic.
Congrats on your shit taste. Go back to Shogun 2 or war hams.
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Forgive my transgressions.
Where is this from?
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What is the matter with you? How can you not hyave fun playing the Vandals wandering across the Roman Empire and maybe even picking up some coins on the way, or invade the British isles as the Saxons, or revert back to the Roman pantheon as the WRE, or play the Sassanids to restore the empire of Cyrus the Great?
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I want to get a total war game for multiplayer battles, but not willing to pay full price for warhammer. Should i get rome 2, attila or shogun 2? (Is the standalone fall of the samurai, or vanilla shogun 2 more active in multi?)
These are all lovely. They are like Skyrim scenery, but good.
Rome is a direct downgrade from Medieval.
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