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How do we make japanese video games industry less problematic?

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Thread replies: 214
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How do we make japanese video games industry less problematic?
Ban women
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we don't
We need to make them more problematic.
>two piece swimsuits
These need to be banned. One piece for world domination!
>How do we make japanese video games industry less problematic?
don't play them

oh look I fixed the problem.
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Ship all problematic practices to China and the mini-Chinas.
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How old are they? Because they look fairly young to have grey hair.
>that hover hand
lol, what a loser
15 and 14
What the fuck?
>do this
>less editing and censorship when it comes to localization
>ignore SJW, Progressive, and Politically Correct people who whine about them
>eventually they fuck off and target another medium
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fifth post best post
Not that anon but I don't remember my kin being cute at this age.

Also what game this is?
*anime slavs
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Idoru m@steru
This guy gets it.

Thanks then.

Didn't recognize it.
This just looks retarded, not problematic.
>played Deresute since launch
>only have 7 SSRs

Life isn't fair
more black people
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>play since may last year
>8 SSRs
>2 of them limited
Feels good.
Move them out of Japan. Japan is a problematic country as a rule. It would really be best if the UN just stopped recognizing Japan as a country.
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Why do fat ugly women hate this? Look how nice she looks
>all those hoverhands

Yes, Rin. Look at me like I'm walking garbage. Step on me. Call me trash. Kick me. Hurt me. Nothing turns me on more.
Well, Anya only lets Minami touch her in more affectionate ways. Ranko understands because she's really an understanding person despite being chunni goth
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Make the yuri explicit.
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We simply need more diversity. It's shameful and highly cringe-worthy that the Japanese still avoid writing characters of Muslim and African backgrounds into their games.

I mean it's 2017 already, come on!
stop making oppai loli garbage it is fucking SHIT

Pro idols my ass.
>the bad guy is a nigger
>the most gallant knight
>literally cucked his king
Do Japanese super nerds really like their women acting like if they had brain problems like that?
Which will happen first, Japan genetically engineering real anime girls, or Japan creating virtual/robot anime girls with perfect AI? Either way, it will be humanity's salvation.
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I love Rin so much.
more /u/

this real?
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it's fine
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How about we don't
>anime and video games are problematic

Why? Because of sexualised and underaged anime schoolgirls? Uhhhh, maybe people play Japanese video games for enriching storylines, developed and complex characters, and thought-provoking narrative themes? It's people like you that completely set the Japanese video games back as an entertainment medium.
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I have some images of Mika-nee molesting the other idols.
link that quiet card/mod
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>Playing a poser that have less than 40 sexual positions
It's only good if you have the toggle first person mod installed.
Man, Ranko is the best. She meant to be so much more than just an idol
be a man worth submitting to
Convince CERO to let developers put nipples in their games. Seriously, like 99% of this teasing bullshit exists because they're not allowed to have actual nudity in video games.
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Not even top20 anymore
Yeah but be realistic though.
Who the fuck doesn't get cucked in this culture we live in? Women can be handed everything they want on a silver platter and they'll still ask themselves if they can do better.
It's an endless amount of work without any guarantee for success, i'd rather masturbate T B H.
This is the world we live in
Well, she's also a Dark Lord in Granblue.
Make a new country without feminism. Fascism is the only way.
All idols deserve love
Except Kirari
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>It's an endless amount of work without any guarantee for success, i'd rather masturbate T B H.
This is why I hate kids who were born in the 90s+
Truly a cancer of society
What the fuck happened?
The Japanese would make less problematic games if they developed for PC, like westerners do. However, Japan has been untainted by the PC gaming virus, and their games remaining pure is proof of how cancerous PC gaming really is.

Fuck PC gaming, I wish it dies for good. Based Japan is making 10/10s, and they're only for consoles. The PS4Pro is already making PCs redundant, so 2017 will be the year it dies. Screencap this post.
Namco decided to openly rig elections to promote girls no one cares about
Rin election was the last more or less "fair" one
Being the best available man she has access to isn't a reasonable goal at all.
And even less when every other guy is doing it.
there are genuinely shit women just like there are genuinely shit men, yes
The videos game indusrty needs them. If you dont like what they do cool but every body is not in the same boat as you.
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this tbh fam.gif
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>The massive grind to get her
>She sucks
>This is why I hate kids who were born in the 90s+
Women in the 1960s-1980s were easy. Your parents didn't put any effort into mating.
It just "happened".
So why should kids born in the 90s become superman?
Waifushit and otaku pandering killed anime, manga, and has almost killed videogames in Japan.
This has nothing to do with respecting women or SJWs, and has everything to do with telling weeb faggots to shut the fuck up and get a fucking grip. To anyone who says they won't buy a game because of fapbait removal: Good. Fuck off. More companies need to see you pathetic shits for what you are, fickle crybabies. The less the industry has to lean on pandering to these drydicked virgins the more they can focus on what matters: making actually good fucking videogames.

Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras. Dogshit games that get their dicks hard. These people need to go back to their hentai games and leave mainstream vidya alone.
People only interested in a videogame for a waifu, and willing to drop it because of a threat to the waifu content? Why the fuck should these people be catered to when they don't give a shit about the actual GAME? How is this any different to some idiot SJW who will only consider buying a game if it features a gay romance, and will then abandon it the moment it doesn't fall completely in line with what they needed to get their approval? Both waifufags and feminists don't give a shit about anything beyond being pandered to and they both need to fuck off.
Remove dimensions.
Fuck off normalfag scum.
Are they going to make a G4U using the Platinum Stars models?
They also need to be encouraged to be home makers again. Children would turn out better
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this poster is a saint

this poster is a problem. terminate yourself
>samefagging this hard
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You'll get CG4U and you'll like it.
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Yeah, fuck japan and their recent waifupandering for killing manime and videogames for mature gamers.

I think they absurdity is funny and they make good games (most of the time). At least they are not trying to appeal to niggers and faggots only to make a facade for a bad game, with bad gameplay and shit story.

At least they make it look good.
>So why should kids born in the 90s become superman?
Compare world populations between now and the 60s, also compare the flow of information and easy travel. We are a people sexually competing with millions of men and women around the world, unlike anything in human history.
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Is this a copy pasta?
Either way Mobile games are huge in Japan because it's so accessible. It has nothing to do with otaku, what you consider normalfags play those anime mobile games and companies are making a ton of money from it. Why make a console game for gamers when you can make a mobile game and actually make a profit?
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your opinion is shit, deal w/ it
that's why everyone has to accept that women are obsolete
>dat hoverhand
Most of the companies that make the games you talk about made those games from the start and never demanded anything of the developers that don't.

The problem is people like you who demand that the developers who cater to us change to suit your wants and needs because you see our fapbait games and realize they're far more fun and have way more solid gameplay and depth despite the fact that they're intended as fapbait.

People like you enjoy actively sucking any fun, variety and creativity out of the games developers create. There is room for fapbait games just as there is room for generic corridor shooter #92374
>dont even deny samefagging
>posts frog
like pottery
2017 is the white man's year. We run this shit now.
Get cancer tool.
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Just look at the top grossing games in Japan and they're all games like MonStrike, Granblue and Deresute.

Take a trip on the subway and you're near guaranteed to see at least one normal productive member of society playing one of the games.

Just this week I saw a group of 3 probably high school ages girls flipping the fuck out because they rolled the new fuccboi Lucio in Granblue.
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>deny it
>"whatever samefag"
>dont deny it
>"didn't deny it samefag!"

and yet your opinion is still shit...
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why is there no tall girls in jap games? only lolis
>no points made
>just edgy one-liners
reddit misses you
I'm a lolicon, man. 3D was never part of my plan and I've been questioned over the years if I'm gay for not pursuing relationships or throwing my life away with the ball and chain.
People worship 3DPD pussy, unfortunately. Normalfags are always going to be the majority so it's going to change, really. Just the way things are- thank fuck I was born in the 80s and not the 60s because life would have been a lot worse without Comic LO and friends.

Start by checking your privilege and recognizing that you're engaged in Western cultural imperialism by imposing our standards of what is moral onto a different country which has their own ideas about that.
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came in to say best girl right here
To be honest, I'd flip out if I rolled Lucio too.
Wish in tall girl stuff they didn't make the guy look like a damn 10 year old. Keep him short if you want, but fuck he should be in the lower fives not below five.
Not an argument.
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I wish. It does seem like those faggots are getting tired of shitting up this website though.
Why is it problematic having sexualized women in games when they're clearly full of sexualized men like this too?
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closest ive found to an irl rin, I want Rin in my life so bad
That's because that is a 10 year old, and tall girl is 7 feet tall
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Not to mention those mobile games gets as much if not more publicity than console/handheld games nowadays.
Not gonna lie. I'd impregnate her right away.
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>not even asian

see >>362570356
that's a man
>We run this shit now.
You're not running anything while the Goldberg has you on a copper leash, goy
Asians just don't look that good with green eye'd contacts.

fuck, that's not an issue for me

see >>362570518
everything is great until the face.
Couldn't they at least give them some meat?
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Send two more nukes and observe results
>Be sjw
>get triggered by sexist Japanese video games
>ignore all the rape, murder, and lack of human and women's rights in the Middle East and other Islamic countries
That's what Kanako is for.
wtf dude thats their culture youre not allowed to mess with that
see anime has fat girls in it, why are they complaining/
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Damn right
All quintessential british slags

Except for the qt on the right
>be on /v/
>unironically believe that sjws are real
I'm not sure if i should be more unsettled about that slight bulge or the fact that she's wearing nothing down there.
I thought the same thing. Right one has bangs, cute flowers in her hair, and doesn't have excessive makeup.
Not an argument
Every fucking time
>almost entire seasons of anime is SoL moeshit today

>BUT THE TWO DECADES OF 70S-90S HAD LUM AND CUTIE HONEY AND (a handful of other I can cherrypick) SO IT'S OKAY
>SJWs not real

What did xer mean by this?
They changed it so he's actually the good guy, put down by the man.
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are u mad
The 70s-90s also only had a maximum of 3-5 anime airing in a single season dumbshit.
see >>362570518
And yet your still a fag. Amazing, we've reached A breaking point.
Easy by simply changing what is "problematic." Instead we should make prudishness problematic so all the people that dont approve of things are the wrong ones.
Moe has been around since like the 60s though
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Fuck you man, the loli microbikini is one of the great pinnacles of human achievement.
Isn't this the show some guy on Reddit found out was about his grandma or something?
why does loli cry?
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>google "xer"
>not a single mention of sjws in the first 5 pages
if u feel like flicking further, feel free
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>anon with objectively shit opinions thinks i'm a fag
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And what exactly is the problem here? Do you have an issue with completely innocent little girls posing for photos?
How do they prevent people from humping the pillars?
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>Google xer
>One of the first results is some land whales blog

Maybe move your dragon dildo out of your way so you can see, maybe? Lmao faggot.
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Best idol
Well you're not supposed to be doing it for her, you do it for yourself and a good woman notices and makes herself available in accordance. Though modern society has skewed things a great deal now that men are no longer forged in a sink or swim world where the ones too weak and stupid to hunt, build and survive are allowed to be fathers and providers it's no huge surprise things have gotten a tad bit cucked up.
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>TFW not even the same anon
>TFW when I only replied to see your retarded ass response
>TFW you didn't disappoint.
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gonna need to see that screencap
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>i'm not the same anon!
>i just have objectively shit opinions too!
you're the same to me
>not loving every piece of clothing to lewd it up
You're no clothed sex fetishist.
its an old Canadian fictional book from 1965, so its likely.
that overacted mocap is way more offensive than sexy underage anime girls desu
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>Didn't even share any opinions

Kekoroni, you're fucking retarded haha holy shit.
who is this qt
Make real women not shit.
>that caption

I love being alive in 2017.
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Anya is literally the perfect waifu.
Everyone needs to shit at least once in a while, even women.
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>Oi m8, you wana 'ave a shag?
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The games aren't localized, that's what's fucking problematic.
Say no to old hags.
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>i-i dont share his opinions!
>we just both think you're a faggot and are objectively wrong!
kekkity kek my kek, you're retarded and also gay and this is the best post in this thread
The vegetable men are the ones who buy figmas, drama cds, go to the themed cafes, etc. It's more profitable to target old perverted hikkis who obssesively spend money on their waifu than any other group really.
>vegetable men
don't you mean vegetarian
>Australian translated doujins
I had never before had such a hard time falling. I was laughing too much.
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Jesus...you're trying so hard kid...it's not even funny to laugh at you anymore...it feels like laughing at a retard (Which is most certainly the case)
Stop reheating this pasta.
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>vegetabe men
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You don't.

Diversity demands it because if all the West is doing the exact same thing constantly then you need someone Foreign to be doing something different for diversity sake.
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i already posted the best post in the thread, you're done my man, it's time for you to leave

Anime characters having wild, unnatural hair and eye colors is a form of escapism for Japs, who all have boring black hair and soulless black eyes unless they dye it, which is seen as socially unacceptable in their culture.
Ah...the joys of being twelve again...they bring back such memories. Kid, instead of embarrassing yourself in front of us why don't you go outside and play with your friends...okay...okay.
tch... *teleports behind you*... your opinions suck... kid........
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>that scene where Monet tries to hug Luffy to sleep
By banning retards like you from the internet so they'd shut the fuck up about it already.
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It really is kinda cute watching you try to fit in...but you really should go outside.
Make the mosaic censor punishable by death
The landwhales are breaching the surface.
Why do you guys hate women so much?
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You can't. Man wants to put it's dick in everything. From pure energy beings on high, to the lowest subatomic lifeform. The dick can't be stopped. The dick won't be stopped. The dick will always permeate the works of man because they are all born of the dick.
through dick, unity
Oh boy here we go.
Make more games with oversexualized little girls.
does everyone hate women?
women hate other women
chads think women are shit
betas hate women
numales are just betas lying to themselves and secretly hate women
I was memeing before, but shit..I guess you really are underage.
I dont get these PS3 games Cinderella games
What are they supposed to be about?
I don't want to put my dick in everything. Just some things.
why are we even posting this garbage
what point are we even making anymore
Why not?
No, men/males love women. Unfortunately the vast majority of females don't behave like women anymore and act like men at worst and stuck up little girls at best.
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Mang I dunno, we could be doing something productive, instead of trying to out shitpost each other. I haven't even had my morning coffee for God's sake and I've already shat up a thread.
>there are things I don't know I want to put my dick in
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Anime and normal hair color has never mixed well.
just another day on 4chan i guess
i'm going to bed, nice meeting you
Most of them are idol rising simulators, some are rhythm games, and I think the one in the op is a spinoff where you just take photos of the girls.
I don't really understand the attraction of this sort of thing. The faces are best but merely okay and tend to be samesee. The personalities are cliche. The "cuteness" is rarely that, it mostly just evokes confusion and embarrassment. The gameplay is never anything great.

I say this as someone who enjoyed (the first episode of) K-On!!! and plays game series like SMT, FF, FE, and Metal Gear.
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You too anon..may our paths cross again
Bikinis are awful, swimsuits are way more sexy.
have fun in prison
There's always been a mix between normal and ridiculous hair colors in anime, and I just see the later as way of adding variation, like giving someone blue hair to not make it black or green instead of blonde. Don't get why some people get bothered by that.
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how new are you?
i thought the reddit shitters were just a meme
i got here in 2007
i want to leave but my soul is trapped here
sauce? love mommy tier bods
Its actually so they can draw sameface and still have recognizable characters
tinkin on hambugars
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You just have to genocide all japs but not before genociding all whites because they protect japan militarily. This guy here can help you. Now there's two of you.

Goodluck anon.
Thread posts: 214
Thread images: 69

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