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Wow... These were... uh, these were bad. And I don't mean

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These were... uh, these were bad. And I don't mean bad in the sense that they were poorly programmed and poorly programmed games, most of the mainline Pokemon games are, but they manage to still be extremely entertaining all the same. I mean that these were BAAAD, they were tedious, boring.

The cutscenes are a pain to get through. They wouldn't be so bad if the characters were likable, but... they're not. Hau is a non-character, he's boring, he doesn't do much and just gets in your way when you're trying to explore the region. The same with Lillie, she's annoying and I could not care less about what her problems are. I thought that after ORAS Gamefreak learned how to write decent characters, since they revisited an old game and improved characters such as Wally, the evil team leaders and your rival. But guess not, because all the characters in SM are just otaku bait or terrible (I guess Zinnia was a sign). Gladion is alright, I guess, he wasn't a rehash of Silver, which is what I was expecting, so that's good enough. I mean, I appreciate the effort. Game also continues the trend of Pokemon games that started somewhere around Gen 5 of you being the chosen one and some super special kid, instead of just some random talented trainer that got caught up int he middle of things.

Game was piss easy. I played with the Exp Share off and on Set and managed to finish the game with my party a good 5 to 10 levels above Kukui's. The supposed Hau battle with his A-Raichu that swept a lot of people? Yeah, I didn't see how it was hard. Menus and movement all seem slow compared to Gen 6. Don't get me started on EV training and breeding. Post-game is almost non-existent, even ORAS and XY had more of it.

One step forward, two steps back once again. My fault for having high expectations.
>retarded GF shill apologists ignore this
>finish the game with my party a good 5 to 10 levels above Kukui's
>the game is too easy guys lolo
Read the OP, shill.
I did
Guess what?
All RPGS are easy when you are over leveled. I know pokemon games have been made easier now but saying the game is piss easy and then proceeding to say that you were overleved is retarded.
Go ahead call me a shill though game sold well enough that it doesn't need more shilling anyway
>unskippable cutscenes

This cinematic experience could barely be considered a game if you ask me. such a sin is unforgivable in this day and age.
ITT: Vent thread

please, more autistic writings of how something sucked or a franchise was ruined

like this one https://www.change.org/p/all-pikmin-fans-around-the-globe-petition-for-nintendo-to-cancel-pikmin-3ds

this should save this shit thread
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Gen 4 > Gen 3 > Gen 5 > Gen 7 > Gen 2 > Shit > Gen 1 > Gen 6
Great minds think alike. Glad to see the world finally turning against this abomination.

Sorry OP, but that was a pretty shitty post even though I tend to agree with you on most points.
I had fun, but the cutscenes were kinda bad and cringy. The MC smiling with wide eyes in every situation is also plain terrible.

Use it, please.
>I played with the Exp Share off and on Set and managed to finish the game with my party a good 5 to 10 levels above Kukui's

You would need to do a truly ridiculous amount of grinding to accomplish this. Impossible without directly attempting to do so.

I don't know why you'd taint an otherwise reasonable rant with such an obvious lie.
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why do people always start SM shitposting threads with the same fucking image?
I wish I was being payed by gamefreak in my spare time retard, I don't even own this game you're autistically going about
How the fuck could you have finished the game ten levels above kukui without grinding? don't Bullshit us OP. I played with the game the same way as you did and by the time I fought him his Pokémon were 10 levels higher than mine.
>posting cringeshit
Reminder that there is literally not a single good character, new Pokemon, or piece of music in this cinematic experience.

t. hasn't (((played))) the cinematic experience

The only autists here are SuMo shills.
please don't post using ellipses, not for my sake, but for your sake
Not only does it poorly reflect on you and your writing talent, it also makes people less likely to take you seriously in a written format

The problem with the game is that you have to go out of your way to not grind. Thanks to them ONCE AGAIN relying on RNG-based encounters, you have to run away from every single fight and purposely avoid trainers everywhere just so you're not overleveled. A casual playthrough will see you at least 20 levels above the hardest trainers, because apparently Game freak refuses to make Repels a permanent addition to your inventory, instead of just making them temporary consumables.

And am I wrong here? Shouldn't Nintendo have the hardware to get rid of RNG garbage? I'm sick of running in the grass and having an encounter every 5 seconds, or having to spend all my money on repels, which don't even work half the time if there are pokemon above your level there.

At the very least they could implement what FFXII and Earthbound did, and have enemies be visible in the overworld. So I can run into an encounter, or run away from it, at my discretion. What's wrong with that?
Seriously though, why the lie? It seems like you have some legitimate qualms with the game, so what's the point of tossing in some ridiculous claim like that?

Look at this:
>I wasn't a big fan of FF XV
>I thought the combat was simplistic
>I would have liked more story to the hunts
>also, the game started deleting the saves on my PS4 and sent cp to everyone on my firends list

You see how one of those claims is different? And it turns the post from criticism into overblown parody? That's what the OP looks like.

I'm just curious as to why.
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oh I get it, you're that shitposter that made threads before the game even came out.
>play sun/moon
>use exp share
>go out of my way to catch a lot of pokemon (which means lots of encounters)
>flee very little
>fight every trainer, including those optional trainers who require you to beat every trainer then double back to fight
>my pokemon are just barely 4-5 levels above the totems/grand trial fights.

How do you hit 10 levels above with the exp share off my man?
You literally just made this thread on /vp/ you autistic pokebarneyfag
>make dumb bait thread on /vp/ filled with very obvious language like "otaku bait" and tumblrspeak
>get told to fuck off
>make exact same thread on /v/

And this is a big fucking technically.

But technically, if you keep losing against a trainer, while beating a few of their pokemon each time, you'll be getting an extra source of exp.

Which means it's theoretically possible to get beat so much that you inadvertently grind.
I thought Pokemon games are for children, the character design shouldn't have the right to make her this sexy
Well it seems like 90% of people online disagree with you entirely, so take that into account.

Most reviews mentioned being pleasantly surprised with "more than usual" innovations, and the game received roughly the same score as previous entries.
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Theres the problem
I personally really enjoyed the game
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>the game was popular with game journalists

That means it's a bad game. Game journalists fear and hate good games like its their personal kryptonite.

pic related. A fine example of game """journalism""" at work.
You already posted this /vp/, kill yourself immediately you fucking autist.
How the fuck do you get 5-10 levels ahead of Kukui without XP Share? I was level 45 going into the elite 4. That was at an incredibly slow pace where I caught and battled practically everything that moved. It took me another solid 10-15 hours to get to his level.
I'd like to point out that this exact thread was posted on /vp/ earlier today. Take that as you will.
Imo 2>5>3>7>1>6=4
r/b/y is a great game, but it's a bit bare bones compared to any incarnation of Pokémon after. 2 I felt like had it down that one of the biggest aspects of it was the exploration, and the 2 region sized map was perfect. While 6 had a good ost, everything else about it was kind of bland, and it's when the hand holding got way too big. 4 had a good story, but the region was unpleasant to play in, which socks because it has one of the best legend huntings in the series.
Unironically this.

Sad to see that people like you are persecuted for disliking games that the sheeple eat up like dog food.
First thing on google images. Would you ever expect anything besides minimum effort from someone shitposting about why a popular game is bad?
Because how are you gonna catch more mons if all there are like 2 in the overworld for you. Which don't come back after you killed them?

I know you're either just a troll or an autist since you posted this on /vp/ a few hours ago and they even seem to recognize your shitty thread.

But whatever, I'm having fun and just play, maybe because I don't try to make the game what it is not.
Too many cutscenes but it's still fun. Pokemon designs are miles and fucking miles ahead of the absolute shitfest that was XY, which produced a total of maybe 3 actual good-looking monsters. No more mega-cancers is great, revisiting old designs to give them new stuff is great. Bottom line: at least it's not as bad as fucking XY.

>Because how are you gonna catch more mons if all there are like 2 in the overworld for you. Which don't come back after you killed them?
Who said they don't come back? Just have them be reasonably paced and more optional in terms of whether you want to fight them or not. It would make low level runs so much less frustrating, since once again the game doesn't even offer any kind of difficulty modes.

>I know you're either just a troll or an autist since you posted this on /vp/ a few hours ago and they even seem to recognize your shitty thread.
I'm not even the OP. I'm just venting frustrations that I've long had with the series, and how people blatantly defend bad game design out of a sense of brand loyalty and nostalgia.
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> 5 to 10 levels above Kukui's

I just got to the elite four and I'm a good 5-10 levels below their teams.

Why are you lying?
Say what you will about the games, but I actually like a lot of the gen 6 mons.
>I played with the Exp Share off and on Set and managed to finish the game with my party a good 5 to 10 levels above Kukui's.
I'll call bullshit. I had exp on and mine were just at Kukui's level and I fought every trainer available.
People didn't like your thread on /vp/ so you copied it onto /v/? Why?
It's about BW1-tier bad, so bottom tier

It's really not a surprise at all from the pre-release material though
>My opinion is fact

shut up retard
Well, still doesn't sound to be more enjoyable desu. the game would boil down to: oh you want a rare mon, just go to x,y. It's somewhat the same now, but think this is better.

Next to that, I don't defend the brand or nothing. I haven't played since gen 3. Can't understand that some complain about it being hard, in my experience they never have been.
He said the EXP share was turned off. Obviously he means that a player should not end up over-leveled by default, even when playing on the mode with less EXP.

If the player doesn't go out of their way to grind yet still ends up with high level Pokemon, they aren't over-leveled. Its the trainers that are under-leveled, showing how piss easy the game is.
being not hard*
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>hidden abilities still exist
God damn just make the ability pool 3 without having to tack on some retarded hoop for the player to jump through. Trying to chain SOS until a hidden ability pops up, let alone having a solid way to SEE the ability is fucking gay.
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hes lying tho.

you can't do what he says he did.

that's called lying.

>Well, still doesn't sound to be more enjoyable desu.
A game with more challenge and less random, filler encounters doesn't sound enjoyable? You'd rather the game shove constant low level mons at you that you can't avoid and you have to hope that you escape from on the first turn, lest you be subject to them using the same weak tackle attacks for 10+ turns?

>Can't understand that some complain about it being hard, in my experience they never have been.
No, they never have been hard, but that's a flaw they should've been fixing, not repeating.

Consider this: sony's been making nothing but casual movie games their entire career. By your logic, they shouldn't even try to improve them because "people buy it anyway". Do you know how uncomfortable that logic is to hear, especially as a person who thinks game freak can do better?
We should expect this cinematic experience to reach Sonic 06 status pretty soon now that the honeymoon phase is over.

Finally someone who fucking understands

>sucking corporate cock
Your post made me projectile vomit. You are literally the embodiment of the cancer infecting /v/.
How the fuck do you even type out that shit with a straight face?
>uh.. dur hut these were BAAAD look at me I'm a sheep
Like what the fuck?
Killed the series? It sold the most since the original red and blue. And it's the most challenging game since BW2.
Then you go on to cement your position as a colossal faggot with this post right here.

Boy I sure did enjoy DiPe and BlWh. Fuck off please. So not only are you a lie spewing retard, but you shit out Reddit tier bullshit. Get the fuck off my board. I don't want to see your underage ass here again kid.
how is this even possible

there are like 6 trainers in the game with more than 2 pokemon in their party before the elite four, if even that
But normally you would be on par or below the enemy trainers, especially the E4 and Champion.
Have you played the games? Actual question, not trying to be a dick
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>most of the mainline pokemon games are poorly programmed
>a majority
>the first two gens
>a majority
Stopped reading there. If you are going to shitpost about games you've never played at least try to sound like you know what you are talking about.
>sony's been making nothing but casual movie games their entire career.

So you're just a retarded, platform warring shitposter then? Christ get some better arguments you idiot
> post autistic rant on /v/
> no one replies

How much of a loser can you be?
>Consider this: sony's been making nothing but casual movie games their entire career.

Dumb shitposter thinks one generation is their entire career
Dude it's difficult NOT to be over leveled in pokemon. You have to really try to avoid it and even then the game doesn't suddenly become difficult.

At least if we're talking about the past 3 generations.
How can you call people a "shill" when the game has 1. already been out for months, 2. has already sold more than any other Pokemon game, 3. is from a Japanese company who don't fucking hire shills on some shitty American imageboard

Some peoples idiocy boggles the mind
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I see the sun and moon shills are on full damage control tonight.
>Poorly programmed
I don't even like Pokemon but this sounds like bullshit.

Do I need to list the games they've pumped out in the name of ''artistic endeavors" as opposed to solid gameplay? Sure, maybe WAY back in the day they used to make some actual videogamey products, but that time is past, and the time of Uncharted and Beyond 2 Souls is upon us. And let me tell you, when it comes to describing those products, I don't have enough quotation marks to put around the term "games" so I won't try.

Honestly, it's not even a console warring issue. I used to enjoy sony products so much. I say this as a former fan who feels downtrodden that they've taken the easy way out and resorted to making casual cinematic hallway simulators.

But back on point; it hurts me even more seeing Nintendo of all people succumbing to these same problems. I just want to see them improve. That's all. I don't know what agenda OP is pushing, but I'm not here to insult people or call others names.
Holy kek

There's anti-overleveling mechanics now where you get diminishing returns on pokemon lower level than you.

You must deliberately try in order to be overleveled in this game.
"shill" is meme for "post that doesn't fit to my argument/shitpost"

>anti-overleveling mechanics

Oh cool. Does that mean you no longer run into Pokemon lower level than you? Or does it mean that you can choose not to run into them period?

What's that? No such provision exists? I have to rely on repels still? Gee, that sounds like poor game design, especially when it comes to a company needing to rely on RNG in 2016.

That's been in the game forever.

Doesn't fucking work though, you're full of shit.

Like, seriously, you're actually trying to say pokemon isn't too easy AFTER they've scaled it back more and more for casuals 4 games in a row now. Openly.
He's got that part right at least
You got fights pushed onto you that makes you fight 1v2 or 2v2 and the framerate just takes a massive shit to like 10FPS
>what? i have to use items in a video game? come ON guys its CURRENT YEAR
0/10 consider suicide
No you fuck, it's the Black and White exp system. You have no idea what you are talking about
Not optimized for outdated hardware does not equal poorly programmed. I don't even like this game but holy shit everyone in this thread is certifiably retarded.
I dunno man, first totem pokemon killed 2 of my mons. now completing the route 3 and then I go to the 2nd isle I think?

The random encounters and trainers can't be insanly difficult since you would be running up and down to heal your mons every 5 mins.

next to that it seems they have quite a few sidequests now, so that looks good.

im gonna leave this thread before I get spoiled, but up to now I had fun.

>game is casual
>want to try and make it harder via things like nuzlocke and low level runs
>game actively prevents this and I have to work around it until its too late, and I'm already over-leveled

That's the problem here. Repels are super expensive especially in the early game, and it's a problem that i have to pay just to have a more challenging experience. It's as if the game is punishing me for NOT wanting to take the easy way out. Might as well watch a movie if the game is encouraging me to fly by on easy street.
Still better than Gen 1 and Gen 4 (The worst games in the series programming wise)
Optimization is part of programming you dumb fuck
Anything lower level than you gives exponentially less exp and anything over your level gives exponentially more exp. The game has been programmed that you'll always be the level (or close to) what you need to be.
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>Being overleveled in S/M
>Being overleveled in S/M with the EXP. Share off
>In order to be overleveled in S/M, you need to go out of your way to grind, especially now with the diminishing returns on EXP
>Meaning that if OP is telling the truth he spent hours upon hours grinding to end up 5, let alone 10 levels over Kukui
>people are honestly believing this
run from battle you dribbling retard
way to many cut scenes.now way the apologists can defend this one. take a step in a new city. fades to black with a shitty cut scene and Lillie showing you around. waste of time fuck off Lillie
>the witcher 3 doesn't run on my prebuilt computer from 2011
wow what a poorly programmed game
I would say something but you pretty much covered it. Everyone pretty much thinks it's the best Pokémon ever so I'm giving up
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> I played with the Exp Share off and on Set and managed to finish the game with my party a good 5 to 10 levels above Kukui's.

>doesn't play with a least 2 different to avoid the overleving
>The supposed Hau battle with his A-Raichu that swept a lot of people?
A Raichu has 110 base speed so if your mons are underleved you get sweeped
>My fault for having high expectations
Pokemon is know for not having great stories what did you except?

>The random encounters and trainers can't be insanly difficult since you would be running up and down to heal your mons every 5 mins.
That wouldn't be a problem if the random encounters weren't just glorified filler. That's the problem with most RPGs; they fail to make 99% of battles have any weight to them. instead they just make you want to skip past them faster. And when a video game encourages you to NOT play it, there's a serious problem.


>run from battle

Yes, I love having to do the exact same thing 500 times per route for no gain, instead of the game just not having the battles period, or letting me just skip them, so I can focus on the battles that require me to think and use strategy.
all me

God I hope you're serious. It would be refreshing to know that some people on this site are genuinely autistic faggots, not just pretending in order to farm (you)s.
>no 3D
>a problem
You are actually killing video games
I can catch more pokemon after finishing the story. What does it mean by not being able to catch more pokemon after becoming the champion?
>take image listing objective flaws in a game's programming and design showing how an old kid's game is a broken mess
>remake it as a list of subjective complaints and "game feel" problems showing how a new kid's game is too shallow for adults

good for you, I guess
I assume it means that no new out of region pokemon. You know how like Emerald had that expanded safari zone after you became champion that had different pokemon?
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>i dont want to get experience
>Here is how you don't get experience
>that doesn't count because i say so

>i dont want to do the exact same thing 500 times
>in a jrpg

>why can't i skip battling
>in a game where the whole point is to find things to battle

You are a special kind of stupid.
Don't put it past any pokefag
Most of them are autists, one step into /vp/ proves that
You should play something like Battlefield or Uncharted. I'm sure the brain dead gameplay of Pokémon is too much for someone as stupid as you.
All me
You just dodges the point about the exp system you idiot
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>all these bullshit claims
>no one coming forward with legitimate valid complaints like an extremely limited selection of decent special attackers.
Someone please tell me why people always expect new pokemon games to suddenly be challenging.

If they gave you trouble when you were younger, it's because you're a retard and you were a child. Pokemon games have gotten harder simply because the AI is smarter and actually shifts and uses super effective or neutral moves now.

The level of difficulty as far as opposing pokemon levels continues to be the same, though. Meaning even if you gimp yourself by not using the multitude of quality of life improvements, you'll still breeze through.

I'm also not sure why people expect deep or moving stories.

These remain games for children, you should stop acting like one and accept that not all games are aimed at pathetic braindead manchildren like yourselves.
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>game has no difficulty
>"b-but it has difficulty if you avoid battles"
>can't avoid battles unless I have repels or wait 5 minutes per battle to run away
>"b-but the grinding is fun and comfy"

Yes, and you're calling other people retarded.
Pokemon XD had difficulty, why can't the others? Oh rifght, because Gamefreak are lazy.
>can't avoid battles unless you do one of the two things that allow you to avoid battles
who would have thought

Slut lizard and fairy bee were the only ones I came across. They're good, but man does this game really want you to use old pokemon as your special sweeper.

Really is a shame. Rail gun bug looked pretty fucking cool, but it's slow as balls. Pretty much everything is slow as balls.
You are on the shitposting board. I'll give you a hint: no one posting "complaints" has actually played it at all.

Like I said before, repeating a flaw doesn't make you immune to criticism about it. It just means that you're refusing to improve your product out of a sense of nostalgia.

>b-but the little children

You know what game devs used to do to alleviate the desires of casuals and older people alike? It was a little thing called difficulty modes. Little Timmy played on Easy, Adult Timothy played on hard. it was this revolutionary concept that made games accessible for everyone, without sacrificing quality.

It's too bad Nintendo isnt' a 100 year old company, or they'd likely know about this kind of system and probably implement it in some way.


>can't avoid battles unless you do one of the two things that allow you to avoid battles
Which again takes 5 minutes per battle, and can happen a minimum of 50 times per route. So dare I ask why Nintendo didn't implement a more efficient system?
>takes 5 minutes per battle
Exactly 27 seconds, unless it fails.

>minimum of 50 times per route
Average about 10 if you are walking to where you are going and not fucking around in the grass in a desperate attempt to prove your point.
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>introduce a cool system where you can catch Pokémon not in the region (qr/island scan)
>remove the national Dex

This one step forward two steps back bullshit needs to stop, I actually wanted to finish a national Dex this time
>I actually wanted to finish a national Dex this time
Why the fuck did you wait until there are 800 pokemon.
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Pokemon Prism is better than SuMo. Why do you think Nintendo shut it down? Cant let the investors know that fans make better games than the big guys. NuPokemon just plain sucks, but ofc will get a free pass from the apologists and paid shills.

>Turn on Prism
>barely a few minutes in already get your first Pokemon and ready for an adventure
>no cutscenes or bullshit just playing

>Turn on Sun
>lengthy useless cut scene
>Run over here, another shitty cutscene
>Finally get your pokemon and its ANOTHER shitty cutscene
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Gotta catch em all XD
dude you're legit just fucking wrong lol
Same game for almost 30 years

>Exactly 27 seconds, unless it fails.
And guess what mechanic ALSO relies on RNG? Also, in previous gens no less than 30 pokemon had a special little ability that prevented escaping, and many more had special moves that prevented escape. Does "Mean look" ring a bell? How about Wobbuffet?

>Average about 10 if you are walking to where you are going and not fucking around in the grass in a desperate attempt to prove your point.
So the route punishes me for exploring it with RNG filler battles, and rewards me for ignoring everything in it? Sounds like bad game design. Like Final Fantasy 13, which treated everything like a corridor, but even that had less RNG battles, which is sad since it actually makes it slightly better than Pokemon.


Okay then sonny jim. Tell me how I can have a challenging, worthwhile experience in Pokemon SuMo, without being forced into constant filler battles that I have to run away from, AND without wasting all my money on repels.

Also, if possible, please point me to the button on the 3DS that skips the cutscenes. As someone who dislikes cinematic experiences, I prefer to skip the story, especially in a pokemon game. I'm not exactly witnessing a theatrical remake of Hamlet here.
Absolutely this. I'm willing to believe the exact reason Prism got DMCAd was because Shitendo was mad that SuMo turned out to be a shitty ass fuck (((game))) by a majority of people after the honeymoon phase ended.

Don't reply to them, these are the same (((people))) that will defend shit like Other M and Xenoshit for being "omg so muh artistic nongame"
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>And guess what mechanic ALSO relies on RNG?
Its a speed comparison. You will always succeed at running from a pokemon slower than you.
I swear I saw this same post on here yesterday...
I had most of them, but not all versions of them/as a living dex, so I figured I would just take all the ones and throw them into the new Gen and start the breeding. It's pointless now though

>Its a speed comparison. You will always succeed at running from a pokemon slower than you.
Good luck trying that against a pokemon who's faster than you, higher leveled, or as I said earlier has special abilities designed to prevent escapes. All of which rely on RNG.

Please do tell me why I should be forced to fight filler battles that will actually make the game easier. Or tell me why there isn't a better method of escaping these battles, or avoiding them altogether? Shouldn't Nintendo at least provide me with an item like a repel, but it's permanent, can be turned off and on at will, and doesn't run out?

Gee, that would be super swell, and maybe the game wouldn't be as easy as a speedrun of gone home for once.
Holy Kek, saved.
My only complain is that Alolan Marowak and all the new mons are TOO SLOW.
They did the same with another fangame this year that was even more snoozfest than this one.
>comparing 2d graphic game with a 3d game
They would had custscene if it was possible, don't fool yourself.
>running away from something faster than you is hard
>Please do tell me why I should be forced to fight filler battles
You aren't. The game gives you two ways to not fight things. Crying about them doesn't make them not options.
1/10 I replied
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>Okay then sonny jim. Tell me how I can have a challenging, worthwhile experience in Pokemon SuMo, without being forced into constant filler battles that I have to run away from, AND without wasting all my money on repels.
Anon, random encounters if you're going from point A to point B won't end up with your pokemon over leveled, especially if you have exp. share off. The only POSSIBLE way you end up overleveled is if you run around in circles in wild grass for hours on end fighting everything.
How can you be this fucking delusional, jesus tapdancing christ?
Isn't EV training done through Poképelago now? That seems way better than fucking around with swarms or whatever.

>You aren't. The game gives you two ways to not fight things.
Both of which are terribly implemented and repetitious.


>Anon, random encounters if you're going from point A to point B won't end up with your pokemon over leveled, especially if you have exp. share off.
Haha, that's funny. Point A to B is rife with nothing but random encounters, each of them giving out WAY too much Exp even if you're overleveled. The diminishing returns is not enough. You shouldn't get ANY exp from them, that's the only way it would make the game even slightly challenging. It's even made worse considering how braindead trainers are in this game, I could swear they no longer use super effective moves against you, so your level could be even lower and it still won't affect you.

t. someone who owns Pokemon Moon.

This is probably my major complaint. I like stuff like Vitavolt and Mudsdale but their speed stats are awful and it seems every new 'mon has worse speed than what came before.
>cries about fights giving to much xp
>cries about having options to not fight

>I could swear they no longer use super effective moves against you
With the exception of totem battles, the AI is specifically programmed to avoid using not very effective moves, and use super effective moves when possible. You would know this if you actually play the game. I won't be responding to you anymore, I can't fix a stupid person.
I don't know how people can get overleveled with EXP Share off. I'm at the Elite 4, and they're Pokemon are all level 54+, while mine were mid 40s when I first got here. Now they're all like 52 or so, and I still need to grind some more.
>pokemon was never really that difficult in the first place
>it's getting even easier
I'm like 10 hours in and I don't remember ever seeing any trainers with 3 or more pokemon. What the fuck.
>Point A to B is rife with nothing but random encounters
You are objectively wrong. Routes have so many drypatches without grass or avoidable grass it's obscene.

Not only that, but your entire argument baffles me. You're saying that there should be a way to 100 percent avoid wild pokemon, but that in itself would make the game easier. This is going to be the last (you) from me friendo.
They can't, he is just shitposting.

>cries about having options to not fight
I don't have options to not fight. That's the problem. I have to either pay for repels, or run away, both of which drag the game to an unceremonious halt. Nevermind that you don't even have access to repels for the first bit of the game.

I shouldn't have to run away from battles. As mandatory fights, THEY SHOULDN'T EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE. They should be optional at best. The hell is wrong with that concept?

>the AI is specifically programmed to avoid using not very effective moves,
Well, the AI did a terrible job then, since they're as braindead as the average wild pokemon. This is what nugamers consider challenging?

>You're saying that there should be a way to 100 percent avoid wild pokemon, but that in itself would make the game easier.
How would that make it easier? If anything, it would allow you to get to the meat and bones of the game which shoud be the trainer battles and the totem battles.

>b-but you never owned the game! you' just hate fun!

Hmm, an interesting claim for you two to make. I'll be right back.
Can't wait for you to btfo these shillfaggots

I wish I could make a compelling argument, but these guys will just say I've never experienced the game, or I'm just a hater, or so on. And as long as I don't have evidence to the contrary, I can't say much to that. If I only had a timestamp.

Oh wait.
But shill implies they're getting paid.
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>I don't have options to not fight. Especially not these two I'm about to list
Subjective and autistic nitpicking: the image
>Gen 4 (The worst games in the series programming wise)
Here's your (You)
>cinematic experience
You got that right. We true gamers ain't got time for that shit.
>so I'm giving up
If you think it's the worst or anywhere near the worst, then you should.

Where's the option to avoid the fight entirely that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg in items?

Back in the day a good dev would implement something called a difficulty system. It might ruin your "comfy" "cinematic" game, but it would make it more challenging and reward players for doing something besides brute forcing their way through the game.

But hey, I guess that kind of crazy videogamey thing just isn't welcome in this modern age of hollywood B movie games.
I love how shills are pretty much ignoring this post, which already confirms they lost the argument.

Fuck your cinematic experiences Japan.
This game has a difficulty system; the exp share.
Maybe they could add a difficulty higher than "Piss Easy"

That only toggles between super easy and easy, though.

It's like asking me to play Gone Home with one hand.

try legit catching a hidden ability Mareanie
Literally losing the argument.

Face it, we fucking hate your (((game))). Back to r*ddit please.
Why doesn't this point out that trainers never hold more than 5 pokemon until the champion, and only a handful have more than 3 pokemon
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I hate that the PSS got removed for that festival plaza. It was just so clean and organized and I could be just doing my own thing hatching, eggs or just playing through the story while still keeping an eye on friends online, Opower users and other things.

>tfw no more comfy "NICE" or birthday wishes flying across my screen after I wonder trade someone a decent poke or breed reject.
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Holy shit this so fucking much, why would you remove such a wonderful system?
You would think GF's famous "Generation exclusive content" would be clothing (especially after that interview with Masuda on why it wasn't in ORAS) but it's the fucking upgraded online player interaction system.

GameFreak is so fucking incompetent it's honestly amazing.
And here we have more proof that the world is turning against SuMo.

Pokemon is never recovering from this.
>Make game meant to run only on 2 possible hardware configurations
>It can barely do that
How does nip cock taste?
I'm in the second town and I find myself wondering did they have this much forced dialogue in Pokemon Red?
No they didn't, video games have become shit.
>legitimately believing that a couple of manchildren on /v/ and /vp/ represents the fanbase at large

Kek, stay mad, cucks.
This. Thank fuck actually intelligent people have arrived in this thread and can see SuMo for the trash it is.

>Grinding in Sun/Moon
>The game with Gen 5 leveling system

You need to bait better.
Enjoy your souless cash grab that is a far cry from the cultural icon that RBY was
See >>362049576
You already lost the argument, fuck off.
So that explains everything, I've been arguing with a genwunner this entire time. How does it feel to know that you are no longer relevant? Nigger.
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I will!
Lillie is a shit character
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it's incredible
the games manage to remove more and more incredible concepts but the sales go higher and higher

it makes ZERO SENSE. the casuals and literal 8 year olds certainly didn't give a shit about it. this mentality is fucking absurd
It's from the Pokemon GO normalshit hype
Not an argument

None of the characters in SuMo were good.

Count another person who sees the light.

We need to fucking gas the normies and burn every copy of SuMo. It fucking hurts that a game this godawful even has fans.
>encounter rates
Neck yourselves you slobbering retards
There is absolutely positively nothing fucking good about these (((games))). Every time you think it doesn't get worse, it proves you wrong in the most spectacular ways possible. Itbwould be a miracle to find even one positive thing to say about this trash.
>There is absolutely positively nothing fucking good about these (((games))).
The OST isn't that bad. Not as good as the other games though.
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Were your parents related? Like, before they were married?
Some of the OST is absolutely horrible though. Shit like the battle theme for Guzma made me mute the game after it'd gone through one loop because it was that bad.
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Prism has fucking inflation fetishes in it.
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>Get a Lurantis
>It's slower than my Golem
Fuck off squirrel
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>ripping off a joke from Conker with none of the delivery

How very Carlos Mencia of you.
All of the OST is horrible. Just like everything else in SuMo.

Again, see >>362049576
You. Fucking. Lost. The. Argument. Fuck. Off. Shill.
If I'm Carlos Mencia then you're fucking Dane Cook with your dumb ass.
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Pokemon is almost 30 years old
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He's incredibly easy though so it's not like you'll be hearing it for that long, especially on the first encounter
>golisopod with 3 moves and the fucking supreme shitmon known as ariados
Pokemon never had a difficulty system. The first route in Pokemon Red and Green has so much tall grass that forces you to fight Pidgey and Rattata, you fucking cunt cloud queef curtain.
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>Not an argument
Who says I was arguing? I'm just accepting your statement.
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>gen 1
>difficulty system

>you're fucking Dane Cook with your dumb ass.
You can't "fuck" something with an ass. That action requires something phallic. Now ontop of not understanding game design, you seem to have a misunderstanding of basic human anatomy.

Your points are right but
How Reddit of oyu
does it really?
You can fuck something with an ass though.

>Pokemon never had a difficulty
And why did they never fix this? The games just keep getting more and more casual, so they couldn't at least rectify a mistake that has long plagued the series? You'll notice that I never once claimed that the original pokemon was hard, but at least they didn't throw blatantly broken items at you like the EXP share.

What a miserable mess of an item that is, making an already OP similar item from previous gens just become 6 times more broken.
Yes, your starter eats stuff and gets fat like a Dobsin fan art.
>blatantly broken items
>when the fucking Missingno glitch was around
Also there's EXP share in Gen 1, you cock clog.

You mean an unintentional glitch that required you to know about it, set it up, and then risk having your game be corrupted? That definitely didn't make the game better, but gen 7 is essentially full of intentional Missingno's.

>Also there's EXP share in Gen 1, you cock clog
>What a miserable mess of an item that is, making an already OP similar item from previous gens just become 6 times more broken.
Is there some sort of shit posting alliance against this game? Because I keep on reading a lot of falseflagging and polarizing opinions on here.

I have yet to play it but it looks far from a terrible game. Not to mention every latest game in the series will always get crowned as the worst one.
pokemon glazed, a gen 3 hack, has cutscenes
literal retard
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You're still a cunt. Fuck you. Shill.
you probably did
Yup, it's been this way since launch. Sun & Moon are some of the best in the entire series.

What does it get on /v/? Relentless shitposting.
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I bet you liked Rogue One Star Wars too, didn't you, you cuck shill

>guy arguing that pokemon SuMo is bad
>a shill

What am I shilling?
I don't know about you but the first three generations had a badge stat system where the badges you attain give your pokemon hidden stats, a 12.5% (10% in Gen 3) Gen 4 got rid of this system.
paid shill
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Sun and Moon.

That in itself was bugged, since the hidden stat bonuses didn't work right and would randomly stop applying after level-ups and certain battles, and had no effect in online play.

Shoot, the first gen games were a mess, code-wise. And yet gen 7 still makes them look like highly optimized masterpieces.
No, it's just people finally seeing the light after the honeymoon phase ended.
Online play not only does not exist in Gens 1-3 it doesn't apply to any game's difficulty.
If you think Gen 7 is coded bad then I have bad news for you anon, 1, 2 and Diamond and Pearl are much much worse than Gen 7 will ever be.
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Another shill cuck? God damn. How much is Nintendo paying you?
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I think the shitposters are cannibalizing each other
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>Online play not only does not exist in Gens 1-3 it doesn't apply to any game's difficulty.
What are you talking about, Pokemon red excelled in online play. Though back in my day, we called it a cable line, a purple springy like cable that you had to manually connect to another gameboy. But you young-ins probably don't know much of that.
We're all shills here, including you
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See what you made me do? You made me post the worst fucking stooge. I hate you.
The game is fine. Not the best, but a good time. It has some cool designs, interesting areas and has a nice handful of quality of life improvements.

There's only a few things that a new Pokemon game needs. Those that I mentioned along with not removing good past features. Unfortunately it didn't get that last one, so the game is just fine rather than glorious.
Quit shilling
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I hope you all enjoyed my Shilling of the Three Stooges.
>Pokemon is boring and easy as fuck
Water is wet.
>Complain that there is no way to escape battles
>Thinks the options given are too repetitive when they are in every rpg
>Complaining that a pokemon game is easy
>Thinking pokemon was ever hard
I think you just don't like RPGs

I wish I could agree, but I cannot consider a game good if it has hours of unskippable cutscenes. Either have none, or make them skippable at least. The VIDEOGAME company game freak should understand how important this cocnept is.
Pretty sure there's one autistic shitposter who rants about how bad it is and calls everyone who remotely disagrees shills.

He probably got chased off /vp/ or something

>Thinks the options given are too repetitive when they are in every rpg
That speaks volumes about how trash the genre is if you think about it. It's like saying that your average shooter shouldn't ever be challenging, since Call of Duty and Battlefield are super popular and they don't do it.
>no Vernon Dent
>complains that pokemon is too easy
Try using underleveled shitmons throughout the game. You'll get your shit pushed in.
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But...The thing you replied to was Vernon Dent...
> they don't want you to use the bottom screen
let us just think why they would not fully use the second screen. Maybe, but just maybe, because they are going back to one screen again?

>getting overleveld without exp share off
How much did you grind you lying fuck? I was always undereleved, I activated it before the Gymn and only that I was in the same level as them.
No, that was Bud Jamison.
Fucking this. Too bad nu-gamers are so fucking blind to the fact that games with cutscenes are almost always shit and instead reply with adhominem.

>use level 5 pokemon you find on the first route
>spend 20 hours running away from filler pokemon fights just so I'm not overleveled
>have to avoid every trainer so I don't overlevel with them either
>have to turn off exp share
>have to buy as much repels as possible
>can't skip the 50 hours of cutscenes
>10 hours later, my pokemon finally might faint

Thank goodness for your suggestion. I just had to completely gut the game inside and out, but I found a tiny bit of difficulty at the very end of the game. What a totally well designed game that wasn't just an obvious cash grab like most pokemon titles.
>How much did you grind you lying fuck
The game literally forces you to grind.

See >>362042291
God you're autistic
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Oh, shit. You're right. Uh...
Just running away from random encounters or using repels should do, I don't know how you had the patience to sit through that many random encounters in the first place to be that overleveled, this is honestly quite baffling.
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>When best poke-girl is in the game
There's Level 2 pokemon on the first route

The idea is to battle every trainer with underleveled pokemon who are decent at best for a modicum of difficulty. if they become overleveled, ditch them for wild pokemon on current or past routes.

That way you're still getting your hard single player campaign.
Look at all of these Game Freak apologists who just let Game Freak release shit after shit. I'm a hardcore Pokemon fan, I own every game in the mainline and most of the spin-offs in physical format but I need to say that there hasn't been a good game since Pokemon Emerald.
I played with the Exp Share off and on Set and managed to finish the game with my party a good 5 to 10 levels above Kukui's

I was doing the same and I was consistently underleveled and 5 levels below the elite four and I did some light grinding here and there, which means you must have done some insane fucking grinding.
>I need to say that there hasn't been a good game since Pokemon Emerald
Then you really just have shit taste. Sorry. Platinum is better in every way.
Platinum was boring and repetitive.
Because number of Pokemon mean fuck all.
That one guy with the Red Card Stealth Rock Rockruff has only 2 Pokemon and is harder than many gym leaders in other games.
NEWS FLASH: Pokemon is a franchise aimed for casuals and kids. None of the games were ever hard.
He's wrong, though. You might have to run from some encounters but I fought every trainer I found with XP share off and refresh bonus XP/one traded and still didn't out level trainers. The worst it got was being on par around the weird area of fighting the aether base and heading for the last island where the level curve jumps up and sorta corrects itself.

Fully out levelling shit like the E4 requires the XP share to be on or some autistic grinding, because it doesn't fucking happen on it's own.
>I'm a hardcore Pokemon fan,
Sorry, but shills will still shitpost you into oblivion despite your credentials. Sad but true. I too have played every Pokemon game and I think SuMo is one of the worst games of all time.
Emerald was even more boring and repetitive.
Pokemon XD was hard
>Or tell me why there isn't a better method of escaping these battles
You mean like the Smoke Ball which makes you run away 100% of the time

>Just running away from random encounters or using repels should do,
How about letting me avoid the fights in the first place, from the beginning, without repels?

> I don't know how you had the patience to sit through that many random encounters in the first place to be that overleveled,
When it came to Pokemon Y, I just hoped that it would get better. I was giving GF and Nintendo the benefit of the doubt. Same with most Pokemon games. But it doesn't get better.


>The idea is to battle every trainer with underleveled pokemon who are decent at best for a modicum of difficulty. if they become overleveled, ditch them for wild pokemon on current or past routes.
So again I have to gimp my experience just so the game will feel like it's still trying. And all the work I put into my previous pokemon meant nothing (not grinding levels, but rather choosing moves, devising strategies, etc). That just makes the game feel soulless.

And mind you, this is ontop of ten other things I'm doing to increase the game's difficulty. How much farther should I have to go?


>He's wrong, though. You might have to run from some encounters but I fought every trainer I found with XP share off and refresh bonus XP/one traded and still didn't out level trainers.
Try saying that when you run into a pokemon every 5 steps because of crappy RNG, and because you don't want to overlevel, repel doesn't work on pokemon over your level.
t. GenWunner

Grow up you fucking faggot. I've been playing Pokemon since before you were born and I think SuMo are good games despite their flaws
He's lying. Even if you fought all the trainers, without exp share you wouldn't come close to the level of the elite four let alone Kukui so he would have had to farm. He would have had to farm a ridiculous amount too, because the pokemon right outside the Elite Four are pretty fucking low level and usually unevolved so they give fuck all exp. Unless there is an area I don't know about.

Unless he kept switching to all of his pokemon during trainer battles, for some reason the exp gained penalty the pokemon get is tiny so you'd get 4-5x as much exp from every fight.

Another item I have to buy? Joy, it's just like the swift sail in wind Waker HD. You're just putting a bandaid on the problem, you're not fixing it.

I shouldn't want to run away from the battles. They shouldn't be so heavily shoved in your face because of RNG. That's the problem that needs a remedy.
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Better than XY
Didn't play ORAS
Inferior to BW and BW2
I won't try and rate it against anything from gen 1-4 since it's been years
You don't have to do most of that shit. I played through the game with exp share off, fought every trainer I met, fought almost all of the wild pokemon I met, grinded wild pokemon when my pokemon were a lower level than them and I was still underleveled against trainers most of the time. My pokemon were 7-9 levels under Kukui's when I got to the Elite Four.
>How much farther should I have to go?
Why do you care so much about difficulty in Pokemon's story mode? Pokemon story mode is for exploring and experiencing the new region and pokemon. It's designed for literal retarded babies. I aced Red/Blue when I was 8 years old.

If you want real tough competition, take your absolute best team and play on Rated Battle Spot where you'll face real human opponents determined to win, not AI designed so little Timmy won't cry and pout. Why do you care about difficulty so much? I love curbstomping opponents in pokemon. Life is difficult. Games don't have to be either.
>Try saying that when you run into a pokemon every 5 steps because of crappy RNG

You're retarded if you think you're going to meet 10% more pokemon than the average through the course of an entire game because of crappy RNG. You're full of shit. Either you didn't turn of exp share, got stuck at a trainer and grinded that or you grinded the fuck out of wild pokemon.
Just get a mon with Intimidate or Keen Eye then if you hate wild encounters so much.
It's strange that people think Sun and Moon holds your hand when XYORAS was the epitome of handholding and autopilot

There were definitely points where it didn't feel like it was a cake walk
There is no point at which you'd be below the level for wild encounters but ahead of trainer levels, ever. So repel is pretty much always an option unless you always walk around with a level 2 bird up front.

And the other part of your post, you don't have to try that hard to make the game at least sorta challenging if you've already got XP share turned off and set battles. That's all it takes, because you get less XP for beating lower level opponents like in Gen 5.

This whole outlevelling the E4 nonsense is bullshit unless you've kept XP share on and are using traded/refresh XP boosted pokemon.

Any more then that? no they won't make the children's game challenging or add a difficulty, because it didn't make the gen 5 sequel sell bajillions of copies.

>My pokemon were 7-9 levels under Kukui's when I got to the Elite Four.
And considering how piss easy they are, that's way too overleveled.


>You're retarded if you think you're going to meet 10% more pokemon than the average through the course of an entire game because of crappy RNG.
You have no idea the extent of how bad RNG is. And your defense of it is nothing less than sad.


>games shouldn't be videogamey, they should be theme parks and tourist attractions that play themselves
>you should rely on the underage kids online that do nothing but spam legendaries unless you rely on specific online rules made by communities that make DOTA 2 look sensible in comparison

How about no? A game should be able to hold up on its own without the crutch of online multiplayer.
>Game also continues the trend of Pokemon games that started somewhere around Gen 5 of you being the chosen one and some super special kid, instead of just some random talented trainer that got caught up int he middle of things.
But this is false

>Any more then that? no they won't make the children's game challenging or add a difficulty, because it didn't make the gen 5 sequel sell bajillions of copies.
So the game is objectively perfect because it's popular? Nobody is allowed to offer even a small suggestion to make it better?

Boy, I hope you bought a PS4 then, since by your logic Sony is incapable of doing anything wrong, and their games are objectively perfect. After all, quoting your post, "popularity = quality" Right?
>difficulty determines whether something is a video game or not
Retard detected

You are not the intended demographic of Sun/Moon. You know how to play the game and knows which moves and pokemon to use. Congrats. You can impose limits to up the challenge. That's really all you can for a game like pokemon. So either do it or stop bitching.
No. At no point did I say popularity had anything to do with quality you autistic idiot. Stop being retarded.

I said the game that had a difficulty setting didn't make gamefreak tons of $$$$, so they aren't likely to copy features.

Furthermore, if you wanna make suggestions, send an email to Nintendo/gamefreak, don't shitpost about random battles in a children's jrpg.

>You are not the intended demographic of Sun/Moon
Not an argument. If Sun and Moon were as good as you declared, then it would be fun for all audiences young and old, AND I wouldn't have to gimp myself in a thousand different ways just to enjoy it. A competent developer would've ensured that.


>I said the game that had a difficulty setting didn't make gamefreak tons of $$$$, so they aren't likely to copy features.
If anything, them making tons of money should give them incentive to improve the game, but because they know it'll sell anyway, they've just become lazy. Sad too, since cinematic experiences like Pokemon could've been much better.

That's all I'll say on the matter. Ciao.
Jesus you bitch a lot.
>If Sun and Moon were as good as you declared, then it would be fun for all audiences young and old,
I guess all M rated and challenging games like the Souls series suck because they don't appeal to all audiences!
Hit the nail right on the head.

Just gonna wait for all the non-arguments appointed by shills who are mad that actual gamers like you and me don't like their (((game))).
OP why even bother baiting when they've already removed (You)s?
He's on his period. The stale vaginal discharge is making him irritable and cranky. He bitches on a Vietnamese sock puppet forum about how a children's jRPG isn't tailored specifically to his princess needs.
>Complaining about having to go out of your way to avoid random encounters
Welcome to every RPG ever dumbass.
I honestly cannot understand how you can think a game that sold so well and is rated so high is generally bad.
It is a level of denial that I have never seen. You just don't seem to enjoy video games and go out of your way to hate something. Hate on SM all you want, but you honestly can't believe that anyone with a brain will side with you when you lie and say every argument against you is shilling.
Us gamers,right? xD
You know your samefagging would be less obvious if you didn't type the same way in every post. Your style of shitposting is pretty obvious.
>You have no idea the extent of how bad RNG is.

You have no idea how odds work. You didn't have "bad" RNG you just didn't like the rate at which you find pokemon in grass.
T. Someone who didn't play the game/retarded gen 3 Hoennbabby
>that high
I get it was your first game but come on kiddo.

Objective list coming through:
BW = BW2 > Pt > HG/SS = Su/Mo > Emerald > Crystal = Yellow > DP = GS = RBG > XY = FR/LG >>> ORAS >>>>>>> RS

Been playing these fucking games since gen goddamn 1, and I can confirm this list is 90% accurate.
So then OP was a scrub who kept losing to the E4 and Trial captains/totems until he had enough EXP to be over leveled?
Sounds about right, scrubs who get constantly destroyed by "easy" games tend to be really assmad later on down the line. 10-1 the stupid fuck was stuck on the grass trial for like 6 times in a row.
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>BW1 tier bad
>BW1 is considered by everyone with a brain to be among, if not the, best entry in the franchise.
Not a bad list, but
>RS that low
>Crystal that high
>Yellow better than FRLG

I'd rank it by gens, like this:
Gen 5 > Gen 4 > Gen 3 > Gen 7 > Gen 2 > Gen 1 > Gen 6
Not an argument

Sure is a lot of samefagging in this thread.
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Ruby and Sapphire were garbage mate, The only game in 3 worth playing, and the only reason people rank it high, is Emerald.
FR/LG are extremely forgettable, even to people who didn't start in Gen 1. Crystal revolutionized pokemon with both moving sprites and the FeMC. Ranking the games by Gen is a bad idea, because then 3, 2 and 1 would always be bottom tier.
I get a lot of you started in Gen 3, but RS were fucking garbage even by the standards of yesteryear. The only good things to come out of Gen 3 was the GCN tie in games and the pokedex itself.
>Complaining about RNG as a concept and a whole
>In a Pokemon game

Just don't play it? There's way better arguments against RNG in every Pokemon game than the encounter rates. And even then, just buy fucking Repels, or better yet, take the shortest path through grass? Only encountering Pokemon visible on screen would just increase the number of battles you experience. See: Earthbound.

>inb4: but you can just walk on/off screen for 2 minutes!
How is it's framerate. I played the demo and it tanked pretty badly and regularly.
I also started with gen 1 brah. Yellow was my first game but after replaying it I can see that it has aged horribly, I'd take FR/LG anyday of the week now.
Liking Emerald over RS makes sense, sure, but IMO Diamond and Pearl were still way more disappointing (not only was it slow as fuck, needing the Nat. Dex to get all Sinnoh mons was bullshit). If it wasn't for Platinum, DP would be fighting for last place in my list.
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>saw it on special today
>passed it up because I wasn't sure if it was any good
You lot aren't helping here. I'm not mad, just disappointed.
What did you think of
>X and Y
>Mega evolutions
>Fairy type
>Alolan forms [if you've seen any]
>Z-moves [as a concept]
I can make a decent guess what you'll think of Sun and Moon based on these
Create the perfect Pokemon game using already existing mechanics from previous gens.
It's not RNG running away, if you have a strong Pokemon, you're getting away. No RNG about it, I never had a problem running. You're making this up. Also mean look doesn't have priority over choosing to run. Wobbuffet isn't in the game either.

As for the route punishing you, that is a vast hyperbole that is inherently dishonest. It's called a random encounter, as in you can't predict it. Sometimes you have a lot. That's how it goes, it has never bothered me, if I don't want to battle I run. If the run button of failing you, you aren't over leveled like you say if you are even one level higher your escape chance it's 100℅

I don't think you've played the game, I think you're making it all up. I can't believe I typed this whole reply to this thread.

Chugs badly on double battles. Rest is alright.
If the exp share was turned off, he should have been 5 lvls below the league.

He is lying, anon. His exp share was turned on.
And so am I.
Gen 3 was poorly designed as fuck. I'll take slow but good over fast but shit any day.
See >>362048974
Ya got pwnt, deal widdit :^P
The Last of Us isn't even BAD game you faglord. It's not the next coming of Christ in vidya form either. But it's not the shite /v/ makes it out to be.

It's an enjoyable game, with an ok story.
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You faggots say this about every single new game in the series, every single time, without fail.
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> /v/ being objective and coming to the defense of a video game
> A pokemon game at that

w-what's going on?
Even if it was turned on he would still be either 2 levels behind or on par with Kukui.
I agree with everything, but 10 levels ahead of Kukui? I did the same and was almost 10 levels below. Still was piss easy tho.
I've played exactly 1 hour of Sun, and 1 hour of Prism.

Just in that small sample time, I saw how a little romhack did a lot more for the Pokemon series that what GF has done in decades.

That first hour alone was so engaging and unique, I really do wish it hadn't been shut down. And the best part in, you jump right in and get going.

Meanwhile in Sun, the first hour is full of tutorials, and boring cutscenes, and I couldn't be bothered to keep going.

Why people praise that shit game is beyond me.

Prism is a good example of how to properly break conventions in Pokemon, not SuMo.
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even /vp/ is laughing at the moronic OP

>caring about what that autistic shithole has to say
There's a reason Poketards got a containment board
Too bad you just get slow and shit in DPPt.
whopps, forgot to link properly

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>OP btfo on two boards
It really wasn't though. Gen 4 was excellent from a design standpoint.

This was the only Pokemon generation that I didn't bother purchasing, and had zero regrets doing so.

Literally bought every single iteration of Pokemon through to Black/White 2, and didn't even bother with Sun/Moon, and had absolutely ZERO regrets.

I'm done with Pokemon.
I also prefer BW1, but I'm pretty sure most people like BW2 more
BW2 is like the GSC to RBY
Technically different games but really just an expansion. They really ought to be considered 1 gen in the case of RBY/GSC like how BW and BW2 are considered 1 gen.
>302 replies
I don't get why people are mad about this. I don't agree with everything he said and I liked the games but they were definitely flawed.

Good list. Here's mine

Platinum > HGSS > BW > FRLG > SM = XY > ORAS > BW2 > DP > Emerald > GSC > RBY > RS
Op is full of shit. You think you're overlevelled then either a totem or major fight goes to about your level. Through normal play youd be about on par with the Elite 4 by the end of it.

The fishing nerf though I'll never forgive.
Gen 2 added Special Attack and Defense, Dark and Steel types, holding items, genders and breeding, shinies, Pokerus, friendship, and the clock system. I'd say that makes it different enough to be a new generation. BW2 didn't add that many features.
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My first game was Gold (which I now find the shittiest) which I had 600+ hours in when I was a kid.
Then I played Red, Ruby, Fire Red, Platinum, Black, Black 2, HeartGold, Y, Omega Ruby and now I'm close to finishing Sun.

Sun is by far the best game in the series. It's rather close to Black in terms of story, engagement and overall interest, but the gameplay has never been better.
It's completely out of the fucking proportions how much they improved from XY/ORAS.
Totem fights are all more interesting than ANY gym leader fights ever in the franchise.
Even fucking random wild pokemon are better fights usually due to them being way higher levels than before.
Level design is six steps forward from XY, game length is just right. New pokemons are all interesting and not shit. New moves are great.
The only complains I have are on framerate (fucking Fire totem fight was slow as shit) and pokemon variety (Fuck trump ferret and pelipper)
You people just love to complain, they even removed HMs!
>Turns off EXP share
>Grinds like a absolute madman anyway
>Complains about difficulty

Anon has issues.

Also this is the best gen period, if you didn't like it then I think it's safe to say you've officially outgrown pokemon which is fine, just don't think it makes your statements true.
So I became champion. I need like ten more Zygarde pieces but don't really care to check them all to find which ones I missed. Is there anything else other than the battle tree? I figured that I need to get some bottle caps before I take that on. Also, can you use the EV training island to reset EVs? I don't really want to breed my team to start over with a clean EV slate.
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Go bait your autism elsewhere
>These were... uh, these were bad
what did you expect?

gf removes gyms, cornerstone of pokemon. It's no surprise the games are shit
>Entirely new storyline
>More areas to explore
>New pokemon not in the original
>New things to do
>New Postgame
BW2 also added Medals and the Join Avenue
It's not just about mechanics.
What's the easiest method of catching all alolan pokes for the shiny charm?
I also forgot to mention that Gold/Silver added a bunch of new Pokemon and moves, like every new generation does. BW2 just added new forms IIRC. New Pokemon/moves and mechanics are basically what defines each new generation. Remakes are also in the same generation as their previous games despite having a completely different plot and setting.
>Cutscenes are a pain to get through
Not really. They're a little on the heavy side in the beginning, but nothing too unbearable.
>Characters aren't likable
Absolutely not true. You just don't have a heart. You don't have to fall in love with them but if you truly don't find anything charming about Lillie or Hau you have something wrong with you.
>You're the chosen one
Again, not really. The legendary pokemon just sense you're a good trainer. It never suggests that you were predestined by birth or some shit.
>Game was piss easy.
Then you grinded, which you shouldn't have done, because I and many others played with Exp Share off and finished 10 levels below Kukui, 10 levels below Hau at the Raichu part.
>Menus and movement all seem slow
A very minor nitpick. It wasn't noticeable at all, and things still run fairly fast.
>EV training and breeding
Maybe legitimate, I haven't them out yet this gen
>Post-game is almost non-existent
Wow, an actual good point.

So, as you can see, the problem isn't the game, but your abysmally poor taste and autism. These are at least the fourth best games in the series. Deal with it.
how are lillie and hau good? completely
forgettable characters that kept shitting up screen time.

duuuudeee brb malasada
hmpppf nebby get in the bag!!

>as if any of the Pokemon games before SuMo were better

SuMo is the best Pokemon game so far, and it is the most difficult.
Because they aren't nearly as static and one-dimensional as you're suggesting. Maybe the bag memes have gotten in your head, but she really only says that a few times. They have much more personality than your friends in X and Y and even show development as the game goes on, making them more likeable.

>cionamatic experience
>like, 3 cutscenes that don't cut into playtime at all

I'd buy that its a cinimatic experience if they cut down on the playtime for cutscenes, but they don't, they're additional. I can't even remember what the cutscenes were, so fuck off.
Yikes, you are awful.

>And why did they never fix this?

BECAUSE ITS FOR CHILDREN!!! Its for 10 year olds. The target audience is Smogonfag autists who know everything about stats and use OU pokemon and switching. They do pander to you slightly with things like the Battle Tree, which someone who isn't a competitive player would never hope to complete, but the main game is targeted at people SammyClassicSonicFan and the like. Its always been this way.

Then go catch some shitty Pokemon at the end of the game to use or rotate Pokemon. You do know you don't have to use the same team?
My exp was off 100% of the time and I battled every trainer and I ended up 7 levels behind Kukuis team with a team of 6, I guarantee you he was lying.
Are people seriously arguing with OP? Why? There's absolutely no point. He has either autism or is just baiting, probably both. He's immediately recognizable, calling everyone a shill, using ((())), quoting a bunch of people at the same time, lying, calling people that have actual issues with the game his "men" and that they're proof that EVERYONE absolutely HATES it, SuMo, etc. Surprised he's not permabanned for breaking a couple global rules every single time
My biggest gripes with the game were.

They are loooooooooooooooooong, and that wouldnt be so bad if they werent so fucking boooooooring. When they are not babbling about game rules that anyone who played a pokemon game already knows, they are repeating themselves, over, and over and over AND OVER.

Those are still straight up broken, the thing drops to 10fps, it becomes such a fucking hag to play and yet they still keep having you do it through the game, if it was broken, fix it GF.

I know it's a game for toddlers, but even so, 90% of the trainers have 1 pokemon, one, when the only fucking challenge left for veterans of the series was managing PP up to the next pokemon center so you dont have to drag your ass back to the previous town, and they take this out.

Story was just as dumb as any mainline pokemon, pokemon were mostly hit in terms of designs (if we forget UB are a thing), it looks okay, better than XY but i still miss sprites, kahunas and trial captains were more charismatic than your typical gym leader/E4, i will give them props for that.

Overall, it's a "meh" base game, better than XY at least, there better be a 3rd actually good version this time though, when the 3rd versions set such a high standard it hard to like base games anymore.
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BW2 is much better SuMo apologist

>literally just BW rehashed

Yeah, I'm going to ignore you now.
They all look the fucking same these days.
It is, but it's unfair to compare a "3rd version", which has almost all the assets already done so they can fill the game with cool shit, to a base game that has to be built from the ground up so it look barebones in comparison.

A fairer comparison is BW with SM that i prefer BW, but i can see why people would like SM more.

I like BW2, I just had to use a buzzword to counter his image macro.
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>no one has posted this image yet
>gamefreak apologists CANNOT refute this
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>Mrw someone says that TF2 ia better than Overwatch
>blatant lies (postgame offers more than UBs and Battle Tree; you can battle more than once in SM's restaurant; there are additional Pokemon after you become the champion)
>repeating points (framerate is mentioned twice; multiple points about game being linear and handholdy)
>objectively shitty opinions (RotomDex is the best registration machine we EVER had, which instantly gives you info of acquired Pokemon; brief cameos are not always a bad thing)
>subjective nitpicks (specific clothing on Ride Pokemon; not every single Z Crystal needs a boss)
>lack of examples
>ignorance (Schooling is the opposite of useless ability, Water Compaction and Corrosion are not bad at all)
>general autism (talking about breeding loop)
If you put on sunglasses, you basically have a shit eating grin the entire time all the shit happens
>tfw two Brazilians can create a better Pokemon game than GF
makes you think
>go to region 2
>suffers from the same level scaling problem that the original gen 2 games do
I'm so fucking mad
>blatant lies (postgame offers more than UBs and Battle Tree; you can battle more than once in SM's restaurant; there are additional Pokemon after you become the champion)
What pokemon?
>repeating points (framerate is mentioned twice; multiple points about game being linear and handholdy)
Its thats fucking bad
>objectively shitty opinions (RotomDex is the best registration machine we EVER had, which instantly gives you info of acquired Pokemon; brief cameos are not always a bad thing)
It has the best dex descriptions but the removal of a national dex is straight poverty, its not the best we've ever had.
>subjective nitpicks (specific clothing on Ride Pokemon; not every single Z Crystal needs a boss)
Dont care much for th clothes but the Z crysals that didnt have bosses should at the very least have puzzles you apologist fuck
>lack of examples
play the game
>ignorance (Schooling is the opposite of useless ability, Water Compaction and Corrosion are not bad at all)
Doesnt negate the fact they rehashed abilities
>general autism (talking about breeding loop)
Not that autistic buddy, play some of the other games.

I know you just copied those points from the vp thread but at least try and make your own opinion you fuck.
SM were not the worst games but they should not be praised for all the shit they do wrong.
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>5 to 10 levels above Kukui

I played on the same rules, along with minimal grinding, and I was 5-8 levels under the Elite 4, and I was actually challenged quite a bit. Its your fault for grinding like a paranoid Nuzlocker.
Just curious, I've only played Y and thought it was okay, what other Pokémon game (s) should I get. The tedium in Y annoyed me a bit
ON is a shit posting faggot. I saw you post this twice in vp last night,off yourself
X/Y are the most boring ones together with Diamond/Pearl, any other is fine, you can get the new ones Sun/Moon if you want an active online or Black/White and Heart Gold/Soul Silver if you want to see what most consider the series' best single player.
>no good breeding loop
literally walk up and down the straight path on the route below paniola ranch
what a garbage fucking image in general but this is especially offensive
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>Reggie Betray-Aime
Any of the games excepting RS and ORAS were decent, but by far the best ones in the series are the BW saga, HG/SS, Pt, S/M and Emerald. All the other games just don't even come close to the level these 6 do.
>just some random talented trainer that got caught up in the middle of things.
You must've been playing a different game because that's exactly what you are, some random kid. The story is about lillie
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