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AO thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 411
Thread images: 115

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The /v/ server is up and two cases are already taking place. Join us to solve crimes, prosecute defendants, be witnesses, judge trials, play some minigames like Whose Line or Mafia, and others.

For newbies who want download and newbie guides:
Downloading now, seems fun
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A classic.
There's a case going on in the third area with a MOE defence attorney and Larry Butz witness. Shenanigans.
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I was waiting for this it's been ages.

Lads, post your favorite moments.
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Attorney Online thread? Fuck yeah.
Post memes.
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ESLs are the joy of this game

So, what witnesses are the best?

>simple witness
>gimmick witness
>railroading mastermind witness
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How do cases work exactly?
Well, every case is a simple case.
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Similarly to actual AA, cept they're generally just the trial itself.

proper AA format is called "Hell format" because it takes multiple sessions, generally.

>someone goes in an empty /v/ server area
>sets the area status to BUILDING
>people interested in playing start joining
>they build the premise and evidence
>wait for the necessary roles to fill

Then they start. It's all ad lib, there is no scripted answer to the mysteries.
Basically, 12 anons get together, get a google doc, and use the client to make improv cases out of pre-agreed evidence and roles.
If someone joins and there's a spot open, you're free to hop in.

So let's say you got five dudes that wanna case. You got the Defense, the Prosecution, the Judge, a couple witnesses, and a detective. (A stenographer is also useful for recording questions so that you can look back on testimony)
As defense, you cross examine the witnesses, try to spot lies, contradictions, inconsistancies, or straight up forgeries to try and prove your client, the Defendant, innocent, and find the true culprit!
The prosecution is the exact opposite; You must convince the judge and the court there is no doubt to the guilt of the defendant, no matter what!
>be detective
>ruin it by giving bad findings after witness 1

>be judge
>ruin it by not doing anything at all

>be DA
>ruin it by not finding contradictions

>be prosecutor
>ruin it by walling the defense

>be witness
>ruin it by railroading

I always ruin it no matter what ;-;
Be co-defense and just engage in bantz, then.
never forget
Reminder that Larry witnesses were a mistake.
In that order, if you're a watcher, and that's at their best.
Gimmicks can be great to see when pulled off well, or even decently.
Simple makes for a nice read, but is much better experienced, and is safe from the lows of the other two.
Masterminds, railroaders especially, are real hit and miss. To watch and play. If they hit well, it's great. If not, it's frustrating no matter the actual ending.
Gimmick witness used to be great. Nowadays people have an anti-meme rule that just rules out the gimmicks. Ironically, the memes stay alive in cases.
I love you too, anon.
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Since OP is a faggot

Server name is Attorney Online Vidya, IP already comes pre-installed in the gdrive client.

There's over 40 online right now.
Hi Verin.
The doc says as much, nerd.
This >>361194512 is pretty much how they all work overall. There are many formats, this game is pretty free to however you like to case.
>>361194549 & >>361194647 both mention the most popular format, which is improvisation.
That being said, it's not the only one. It is much more accessible and more easily hits highs compared to "scripted" cases many refer to as prewrites, where the maker in question writes out at the very least, the entire backbone of the case. Likely includes fully written out testimonies as well.
But those are just the two major methods of casing, and trying out the game gives you an idea of what you'll prefer anyway.
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Remember, the DLC comes out next month for only 5 bucks
>oh, hey, this looks fun! let's t-
>3.9GB download + 5 ~100MB downloads

What the fuck. Do you all really expect me to put up with all this.
So what would be the best way to start after reading the Newcomer Guide?
How shitty is your computer that you don't have 4GB?
Video games are normally that large mate. What are you on about.

Not everything can be early access pixel indie.

Wait for a case to be building and hop on as a support. There are guides on the wiki for how to into doing your role properly.
Just jump into a case

If you want to be safe, pick a minor role like co-pro or co-def, but any role is fine here if you played Ace Attorney previously

If you are way too nervous and/or insecure, spectate a case first

What can I say? We have over 250 playable characters, over 500 music tracks and over 100 backgrounds.
i would pay 5 bucks to play as hitler
Who is the prosecutor?
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It's edgeworth but he gets killed by the illuminati early on. He was only there for pandering.
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So, ao. Who is best girl?

Obviously Trucy.
Maya. Not for lewd, but for a long-lasting romantic partnership.
She can't take anything seriously though, you'd get angry at her so constantly.
We just see her in one case. How can you waifu that?
But I like silliness and playful anger.

This is my fetish.
She took Leifa's shit pretty seriously. Even so, I love that energetic laughable nature.
Trucy is just superior on both these aspects though.

I bet you also like Ema.
reminder that she's legal now
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Reminder for newbies, this is how you Final boss, or make yourself the TRUE KILLER
Nah those two are both shit.

Trucy's too into magic and panties. I bet you like Athena.


P U R E .
I don't like Athena, my heart belongs to Trucy.

Magic and panties are better than LMAO BURGERS.
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There's little to no r34 of her though.
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You piece of shit atmey
>not liking burgs

N O .
Anyone who hasn't said Lana is not a true AA fan, and doesn't respect family values.
Burgers make you fat.
so do we play this online?

who is the mod? (judge?) and do you roll to play as phoenix wright?
Burgers are delicious and you need to not buy shitty ones from macdonalds. Make your own you fatty.
The judge is whoever signs up to be judge. It could even be YOU!
What people do is doc race. First come to a role and character, first served.
How do you do fellow kids?
>so do we play this online?
Yeah, there is a /v/ server up, usually 24/7, and it has over 40 anons online right now.

>who is the mod? (judge?)
The games does have mods to kick/ban rulebreakers but the judges are just normal players really. Anyone can be a judge. Mods are should be at least anonymous.

>do you roll to play as phoenix wright?
You can be literally anyone from the Ace Attorney series, we also have a few characters from other games like Zero Escape characters, Ghost Trick characters, even Danganronpa characters. There are over 200 playable characters.
No, everyone plays as different characters. The judge is another player, not a mod.

It's online with other players. You can be prosecution, witnesses, defense, judge, detective, etc.

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When is Grossberg getting a buff? Tired of getting stomped by von Karmas all the time.
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Larry Butz testimonies general.

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Never, as it should be.
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Pearls is an adult! ADULT!
Does anyone have that diagram of Komaeda escaping through the window while hanging the victim?
Man that's a weirdly defined ass.
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It's a real shame.
Too bad, I already married her!
>multiple sessions
Nah, it's called Hell Format because it takes a stupidly long time to finish. Generally about 9 hours or so.
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>used to have a blog where I RPed as Edgeworth, ran it for a few years with a decent following before deleting it
>hear about Ace Attorney Online
>oh this sounds neat
>everybody is out of character, shitposting, and memes
>9 hours
Maybe 1 year ago it'd take that much, now it's like 3 - 6 hours
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Apollo knows what's up

Case where the murder weapon was a beyblade when
Yes, and do you really think people can hang on that long? It usually rolls along into <==TO BE CONTINUED== territory.
Did you join right now? If you did you are looking at area 0/basement where there are no cases. Say something there and they will direct you to an actual area.
you should probably go back to live journal and roleplay under noe of those communities
>Case where the murder weapon was a beyblade when
We had one, that's what the screenshot is from.
Unfortunately it's mostly lost to time.
Nothing stopping people making another one.
I try my best to role play it's just that you can't force it on everyone.
he needs to make more AA art, his Aces set is great
>do you really think people can hang on that long?

Because I've done it. The one case that has that problem is the latest one, and that's because the person whom the case was relying on had to go, as well as a witness. It's an exception, not the rule.

For normal cases, yeah, but for Hell Format, no.
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It's a 4chan community, come on now.
Most people attempt to RP a bit as whatever character they're playing though.

There is a case right now in A3 with everyone acting in character.

It's just hit or miss sometimes.
Rhoda's a better flight attendant than Cammy because Cammy acts retarded to divert suspicion off of her, which includes her being bad at her job
>>everybody is out of character
Sometimes people make their own characters.
What out for Greg's theories.
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That's not so nice...
is Greg still a meme character?
Reminder if you are new say so in the chat, people will welcome you and teach you the ropes.
Got the "do you think I'm incompetent?" pic?
How's it going boys
Haven't taken part in this shit for about 6 months now
Yes. He is only played ironically now.
Oh shit senpai, it's going alright. Thanks for asking!
Shouldn't this have died a year ago.
Not as much now; I've actually seen people play him seriously.
how do I actually talk? I joined the /v/ server and I see people actually talking about bumpin the thread

I picked a character but I can't find an area to type any messages? i'm confused
Still going strong, over 50 people online right NOW. One case happening, another one starting, many people chatting at area 0.
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fuck off, Kayposter
I thought this dead 4 years ago
Guess there's always people to obsess over obscure bullshit around
Is it true that Godot did nothing wrong?
We have been reborn. The Christmas cheer has rejuvenated many people.
incompetent mind
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check out this handy guide
It's the grey bar under the screen and above the square buttons
I mean SS13 is still alive.
Just below the play window on the left, above the emote buttons.
Click there, type and enter.
>says the tripfag
Except SS13 is an actual game...
AO isn't?
So is D&D.
It's an RP chatroom...
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I actually did it on tumblr, from about 2011 to 2014 or 2015 while I was still in school. No time for it now because I graduated and work full time now, plus all of the friends I made doing it stopped ages ago.

It was fun while it lasted though, not gonna lie.
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And that's not a game somehow?
Fair point
m8 you don't know shit
this is the 3rd thread I use this trip in, the first 2 threads were about 9 months ago

Aside from the faggotry, did anything ever come about with the shitty mess sources that I posted way back then?
I expect that nothing happened
AO 2.0 was an attempt for a while
Some anons got together and upgraded the client
The sources were from what?

We already ripped practically all DD characters, almost all DGS characters and many SoJ characters.


bit of overlap though
this is great, and you guys are friendly despite me being new to ace attorney online. i'm going to enjoy this
Wait, you mean AO 2.0?

a team was assembled to make AO 2.0, it is still active and they have a discord group, I can put you there if you are interested in working on it

it's gotten fairly inactive though, maybe you joining is what is needed for them to start working on the new client again, it is like 80% complete but full of bugs, needs some cleaning up
It's like playing pretend anon.
Welcome aboard

we're used to 70+ players online at the same time, so dropping to 40 is worrying us, we're desperate for new blood
Have fun, new players are welcomed no matter the time in this server.
It's the old ones that are considered trouble.
Don't try to start shit please
To everyone waiting on the download, or unable to play at the moment, check out this stream of the tutorial case being made in Area 1. I'll be there answering any questions you have

twitch tv/lawfuldickish
the original aao client source code from back when fanat and "his" ""team"" """worked""" on it

Nah I'm close to finishing a second bachelor's so I don't have much free time to work on this
I wish you best of luck though
Maybe next year lmao
Oh shit it's the sourceanon.

I have a question regarding inis in AO. I was messing around with the type of emotes a while back because I was curious to see if there was anything else that we'd missed. One of them (#7#, I believe) showed "So Zetta Slow!" as a bubble, among others for changing the type of bubble (I got Hold It, Objection, and Take That to work, along with Zetta Slow). What was the use for this? Seemed buggy as shit, considering it didn't use any sound-clips or anything.
I play this game it's been over 3 years and didn't know that. Woah.
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I mean I'm pretty shit desu.
How can I become a killer in this game?
I think it was the remnants of fucking around and memery from when we were throwing around ideas of stuff to include at the very start
There's a whole lot of that type of shit left all over the place
That's from twewy, right? It's been a while

Have a testimony that would seem suspicious and get the Defense Attorney to indict you.
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Which area is the best area?

>Courtroom 1
>Courtroom 2
>Courtroom 3
>Courtroom 4

(Others need not apply)
If you mean the witness who happens to be the true killer, first you have to be a witness, the later the better. If you're NOT the last witness, try to give something in your testimony to warrant returning to you
Ah, thought it was something like that. Seemed interesting enough, but I wasn't sure if it was a bug or a feature that was planned but never finished, or what. I'm annoyed that we can't put in other custom bubbles because Blackquill's, Leiufa's Ga'ran's, and Nahyuta's characters would benefit from it.

What else was left in there?

And yeah, it's Sho's custom Objection bubble.
Basement is "nobody uses this it's just where you show up and test things"

1-4 are just casing rooms.

Arcade is ded.
Basement and Courtroom 3
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>60 people online
Is this really a /v/ only server?
We're on a recruitment drive, son.
>a /v/ only server?
I mean, anyone can play on it since it's not locked or anything but it's primarily /v/, yes.
What rules are necessary to keep the game afloat?
>want to do game
>prevented from having fun from other people watchin

This server started on /v/ yes. I've been around almost the entire time, and I can say the majority of players even up to now have gotten in through /v/ threads, or recs from friends who know the server. /vg/ is almost entirely disconnect.
Apart from the mess of ponies and broken Yanni Yogi?

Just a lot of temporary fixes and hardcoded folder/filename referrals that I'm sure lol you've caught already
Nothing very eventful or super-awesome was hidden in the code really, afaik
I wish I had the skype convo logs from back then though, there was gold in there for sure
What do you mean?
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The honor system, mostly. We have a general trial flow that works well, everything else is up to the people playing.
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To all newbies, don't worry about fucking up. Fucking up is all part of the fun. Usually people will forget about it and move on. Worst case scenario your fuck up just becomes a fun joke for you to laugh at as you look back.

The majority of people on the server are either from the original threads on /v/ about a year ago, or the various /v/kend threads that have been posted throughout the year. There's a few people that came from /vg/, but the ratio's like 3 /v/ people to 1 non-/v/ person
"Don't spam"
"Don't crash the case for no reason"
"Don't bomb the doc"
"Listen to the judge"

There are actual server rules but generally that'll keep things going smoothly.
It makes me play differently knowing that other people are expecting of you.
>prevented from having fun from other people watchin

Here's a protip.
It doesn't matter how new you are, even the oldest players fuck up. No one's judging you. Except the Judge.
Everyone is going to fuck up sometime. Don't worry and just go with it. Even if you stroke, we'll just laugh it off.
Very few, since the populace has been pretty sensible -overall-, and the mute function exists, so you don't have to always rely on a mod to fix a shitposter.
Really, biggest thing is just not hopping into the case randomly. If signing up in an open case where there are slots: Sign up in the doc first, and let someone in case know so they expect someone there.
And there are plenty of areas, so even if you don't get in a particular case, there's a good shot you can be in one still with enough people.
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doc races soon
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He has a cosy beard.
Area 3 is clearly the best one
>broken Yanni Yogi
How so? I don't remember that, but I haven't played it for too long. May have been fixed since then.

The hardcoded filename referrals fucked me over when trying to see if I could make a character dedicated towards shitposting. However I did figure out how to play other pre-animations from one ini, which was fun to figure out.
That's not how you spell Are-

Wait, did you say 3?

Why 3 is the best indeed!
It is. Fuck the meme area that is Area 2, and the shitty pre-written cases that Area 1 does.

I missed this type of shitposting.

>all these Area 3 fags
>in MY thread


who has the Trump sprites
Thanks anon. I worked hard on setting up the groundwork for this case.

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Why did you post the worst girl?
F*ck you
Maggey is okay/10 but not best. Too ditzy.
Why is everyone slamming? Just joined.
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Area 0 is a free-for all, Anon.
Kay, obviously.
That said, Edgeworth is the top waifu magnet, Franziska is pretty good as well
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In case you're confused about where to type!
Why are you still tripfagging?
Edgeworth is okay but I'd rather have Hobo Wright.
Area 0 is shitpost central.
Join in.

Double click Area 1 for a casing area, Area 0 is for shitposting and occassionally helping out newfriends
Basement is shitposts, if you come for cases, go to other areas, and ask. Anyone will answer what they can if they're not busy in case themselves.
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Happy attorneyversary
It's just a bit of fun. The first area, the basement, is used for testing, and fooling around.
Thanks, mate.
To express my superior tastes and have them acknowledged by all and associated with my name for ages to come in this niche community
Stop being a booboo, anon, I don't get to do this often
So it is a game about slamming?
If you have any questions about the game and nobody can give you an answer, there are moderators on duty willing to help out. After all, WE DO IT FOR FREE
In Area 0, yes.
Other areas have cases.
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That's a deep question

Yes and no
Area 0 is for shitposting. The other areas are for roleplaying user made cases.
This is confusing I only see some freaks slamming
Area 0, the landing area, is for shitposting.

You can double click an area in the music list or type /area # in the right hand chat box to move.
What's with all the shitposting?
You are landing on the shitposting area (area 0)

Areas 1, 2 and 3 are playing seriously

Area 0 is just an area where you can cool down

Ask in-game or here if you need more info
Is this Lupa?
Drop names harder anon, I haven't cum yet.
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How do I install this game? There's so much to download apparently, I don't know what exactly I have to download
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Follow the instructions on the download page, my guy.
If you want everything, you'll want to download Full Game. After that, download and apply the updates that have purple backgrounds in the order they were released.
If you have any other questions please ask!

Download the full game and any updates with the purple background, then merge the update folders with the game folders.
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What is best role and why is it lead defense
This wasn't planned, so sorry for the hard download times. But god damn is it all worth it. This is fun as shit.
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Post maps.
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Because they run the show.
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How big is the full download? I'm at ~3 GB and it isn't done yet.
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AO Map.png
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I will pay money if someone can guess what this map is of.

Remember to also download the 4 purple downloads. Apply them from the first released to the last released (left to right, up to down)

Sorry, we usually have unifiied full downloads.
fishing lvl?
Just under 4 GB. Slow download because lol google.
Can you present evidence from your inventory like in the games?
About 4GB.

Yes, but the server doesn't use that feature at all.
It's broken.
You just have to say which evidence, unfortunately.
The feature is there but it's not used because of technical limitations.

However, we use google documents as a replacement for that, and it works just the same. Hard to explain, get there to see, basically you can present evidence, yes.
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Shit's been broken for years.
Glad to see nothing changed.
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How are the cases made? is it beforehand or 100% on the spot?
We set up the premise and some evidence beforehand

Then it is done 100% on the spot

It works much better than it soudns
Evidence and scenario is generally set up beforehand. The actual testimonies tend to be improv.
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Casebuilding takes place before the trial begins. We set up all the evidence and such before then.
After that, it's all improv.
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This is the worst map I've had the pleasure to case with.
It always makes me smile.
I made that map
You don't need client update with the full download right>?
Holy fucking shit.

It's so good.
You shouldn't. As long as your download includes 1.8, you're good.
No, you only need the purple ones.
Get the full download and the downloads in purple.
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Jesus fucking christ.
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I absolutely love it.
Thank you, anon.
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>imagining someone using that map on an Ace Attorney case

Oh I get it, it's Rogue One

with the AT-ACT's gunning down rebels.
Somebody post the "Nice Ace Attorney Online thread, OP" Payne.
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Visual version of the client overview from the getting started doc. Hope this helps a few people.
That meme needs an update
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Who's the meme character now? It's not the motherfucking Payne Train anymore?
There's 5 versions of the Payne Train now.
The Payne Train got added, but it went ever further.

He can become Maximum Payne.
It's probably Evil Manfred.

A Manfred with super powers and shit
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19KB, 738x271px

I haven't seen that shit in months.
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You convinced me to redownload this.
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Definitely Evil Manfred. His sprites don't do him justice at all, his sound effects are what push him over the top. He's incredible.
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supports trying to help the lead.png
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Read the filename.
Anyone got the turkey testimony as an example of what not to do
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Of course.

Newfriends, try to make your testimonies short and punchy. Not long, meandering... whatever this is.

I did speak to the person who was responsible for this. They were very sorry, but they've improved a lot! I'm very happy for them!
A favorite of mine.

Fuck you clown
the google doc main download keeps failing, and the Christmas Update is down.
Anyone have mirrors?
There are plans to upload a new full download (with all downloads that are missing) tomorrow, what mirror do you suggest?

MEGA and Mediafire have failed
>51 lines

>Ace Attorney: Revengeance Final Boss.png
I played a bit during the first threads and holy shit did things change a lot, lots of updates.

Post some more screen caps while i'm downloading.Preferably with Grossberg but everything's fine really.
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Don't fail me, make AOV great again.

I'll be back, lads.
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Here's an artist interpetation of a witness admitting to using the victim's body to rappel down the building
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I don't have a lot of Grossberg. He's not played very much, honestly. Were you planning on trying him out?
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Part one to that.
I was thinking MEGA is usually best, maybe just make a torrent?
Damn, thanks.

Among other things yeah, why not.
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The case being streamed is going a tad slow. Is the judge asleep?
That's how things usually are.
Some judges can get pretty passive.
Bear in mind this is a newbie case for newbies. Santa's being pretty lenient because of that.
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Posting classic shenan's. Good times back in the day.
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not playing in this case
but I need to go sleep

someone post in this thread what happened in the Area 1 case after it ends
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The ultimate stroke.
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>tfw all your best Butz and Judge performances were recorded and uploaded but you can't find them anymore.

Man I loved that Pomeranian Turnabout where Polly was defending and Missile testifying.

>What the fuck is wrong with this country's school system? Nobody can speak Pomeranian!
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Lest we forget
Sounds good, I'll definitely try later this week
Gotta brush up on my AA as well
Where's the stream?
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>mfw I remember being a part of that case, but I don't remember who I was

I wasn't Wright, that's for sure. He went full reatrd on that last statement, and I was sure he had the cat in the bag.
I still can't believe I missed that case. Goddamn...
lawfuldickish on twitch
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I was that Atmey, I'd never guessed my prank premise would turn into that, bless that Apollo, whoever wrote the evidence and frankly everyone involved.
So, thread.

Do you like closed-room mysteries?
>first witness is the town drunk
>witnessed something while banging his wife
I like this guy
I have never seen a closed-room case that didn't end up crashing and burning.
Sounds like the title of an Aniki video.

Oh shit, the turnabout where the judge waited the end of a whole testimony to say he couldn't fucking understand what the dog and the bird were saying for the last 20 minutes?
[The Court Record button! Remember to use it when you are in a pinch.]
>wife moves from the bushes to their house during the murder
guilty, calling it
[The Dakimakura has been added to the court record.]

Aw yiss my nigga

I was the judge

Fuck now I want to play again. I'll probably be around tonight.
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Its there a spanish server out there?
Nope, sorry friendo. You can always roleplay as some immigrant who can't speak for shit, though
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big boy pants.png
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close enough
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If you speak passable enough English, you'll be welcomed here.
This looks like roleplaying shit. I'm Interested.

Is there a stream where i can watch you faggots duke it out?
Earlier in the thread some guy said he was streaming.
This looks like role playing shit? I thought it would be an actual game akin to mafia.
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3MB, 1280x1532px
Reminder that your Princess' birthday is coming up, what did you get her?

By the way it's been a while, is Trick still being a dick?
It's more like D&D, really. It's got mechanics, but it relies on the role playing to make the game work.

there're some recordings on youtube.

search for Ace Attorney online
It's mostly role playing shit. We do have a mafia template that we use sometimes to just to AO mafia.

lawfuldickish on twitch
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Post ebidanse.
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I understand english, and i can speak it a little also i really like Ace attorney so i gonna try this
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Don't worry, my man. An ESL player gave one of our most legendary cases ever. Looking forward to seeing you in game!
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All this does is remind me of the Cookie server

And how I helped ruin it

God this game is old, I remember shitposting with Woolwine or whatever the fuck his name is
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>still have my old case files
>mfw seeing how people have started doing them over the years and how archaic they are nowadays
>each one was a whole improv show
>old ones are basically impossible for newcomers because of how much of it was homegrown case making
>no one wants to do your awesome old case because it wasn't made in current year
If everyone in the server is good like you i gonna have a great time
Fuck you I'll do whatever case if it sounds cool
Anon, I'll do your case even if it's just me and you.
Always remember. Someone cares.

I feel you.

Somehow most of the old cases google docs got deleted too.

I blame that one Hakari french player. He was the owner of most of them
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>ywn do The Pictured Turnabout ever again
>I can't even find it on google docs
I've had enough

I miss that one turnabout about the guy who was killed by stepping on a LEGO.

Also Turnabout Lazarus and Turnabout Who killed the pope.

I got this

>that one where Gramarye cut April in half with a katana
>Turnabout Terror
>Turnabout Ablaze with that insane fucking cutscene somebody pulled up for it
>Turnabout Cruise


Always been interested in this but never tried. Tell me, is it really as fun as you all these images convey it to be? Because I hope so.
Typo on the 'you' there.
>That one turnabout that was about Trump's assassination
>The 3rd witness came in and turned out to be a Islamic terrorist
>She says she'll blow up the whole court if there wasn't a guilty verdict right there and then
>The Apollo on defense asspulls some theory about how she's an alien
>The court blows up
>But plot twist, the court just gets shot up into space
>She really was an alien
>Turns out one of the witnesses was related to trump
>That witness and Trump are actually aliens
>Apollo indicts them
>Court comes crashing down to earth
>Witness threatens to kill everyone in the court again
>Apollo is about to win the case
>Apollo wakes up
>Turns out Apollo was asleep and dreaming the entire time
>Right as a trial is about to end
>Turns out he was defending some girl for stealing some bread
>He gets a guilty, because the court is anxious and doesn't want to miss the Trump rally

Hit or miss.

Depends all on the partecipants, if they're not shitters and have at least the creativity of a fag it's gonna be amazing.
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[A Wretched Turnabout].jpg
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How the fuck do you even get these kind of cases? I'm more than interested now.
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They are made in the heat of the moment. You can never predict them.
With people that asspull crazy theories and go along with things.

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Warning: Disturbing image. Those faint of heart should not look
Too soon.
I made this map. This is my sin. I feel nothing when I remember their suffering.

Let's see if I mess up these spoilers.
Post takes of your best Turnabouts

>Turnabout Who killed the Pope?
>Pope was visiting Los Tokyoangeles cathedral
>It's next to a nun monastery
>Pope found dead and crucifixed in the church next to a bloody bible with a pendant in it
>Mother-Superior of the nuns found the body
>Bible was of a young priest, gets accused of the homicide
>Polly the Attorney
>Sebastian the Prosecutor
>Judge the Judge
>Sometimes Polly speaks bird language
>Holy shit please stick to English
>First testimony, young nun
>All sexy and shit
>Judge sweating bullets at them boobs
>Apparently she had a romantic relationship with the young priest
>Pope also wanted dem tits according to young nun
>Mother-Superior seems jealous

is there a spectate mode?

>Second testimony
>Missile, the pope's Pomeranian
>Can speak only Pomeranian
>Both Polly and Sebastian are fluent in it
>Missile hasn't seen shit, talking about dog food
>Long ass testimony about nothing
>But he smell the Mouther-Superior around in the church before the pope was killed
>Also says the blood in the bible hasn't his master's smell
>Polly asks the Judge to accept the testimony as evidence
>Judge goes "what"
>Says he literally listened for 20 minutes to a bird and a dog barking at each other while Sebastian was nodding.
>Didn't understand shit
>Whole testimony is useless
>"Holy shit what's wrong with this country's judges, they can't even speak basic Pomeranian"

Yeah, you just join as a random character and don't say anything ever.

Or just whisper during dead moments as the public. Not often, or people will lynch you for interrupting the trial.
You join and simply don't post as a character, you can use the side chat, keep in mind the default area is for shitposting mostly and cases take place in area 1-3(4?)
How do you get in on a case? I've been spectating a few and this seems hella interesting. When and where does pre-case planning start? I know the guide says in room 4, but it seems to always empty.
You wait for one to be over then sign up on google doc that will be posted.
pre-case starts in area1-4.
As long as theres not a case goin on in em Anyone can start planning a new one
It starts whenever. A room will be set to BUILDING-OPEN and you can check the doc to claim a spot.

Then you wait for all of the important roles to assemble and go at it.
I'm not home right now, traveling with my mac book. Is this on mac, or am I SOL?
Should work with WINE.
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Oh cool I'll watch a few cases to get a feel for the game.

>First video is 6 hour


Expect a case to be a minimum of 4 hours.
6 hours is about average for a complete case.

Also nice trips.
They told you it was like the games, didn't they?
Did stream guy made the abridged version of Crazy Noisy Bizarre Turnabout in the end?
Sure did but fuck I thought it might have been exaggerated a bit.

Good to know. I'm still excited to get on this. Are there cases going frequently or is it more of a per thread basis when everyone get on?
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Are shortish cases still possible?

Is this still Murrican hours only?

Do I have hope for New Year Eve /v/ threads so I don't have to play with 20 or so /vg/fags?

As much shit I had in this fucking game, the actually good moments were the tightest shit, so I hope I can still have fun with this after I deal with uni.
Around 2/3 EST is when cases start to go, normally. But with this injection of people who knows.

Possible but unlikely.
It's probably not going to be completed for a while, but there is this clip from it
Hot damn; I hope he actually does the entire thing.
A jew just got indicted for murder by using Larry Butz as an unwitting accessory.

All because the Jew tried to gas Gregory Edgeworth to steal his banking firm.
I'm going to work on it in bits and pieces. I'm planning on doing the Kira introduction scene once the OST volume 2 comes out
Area 2 doing a case soon? Doc if so?
Chat's empty so far but status is idle.
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Sorry mate but I don't think anything is gonna be starting up this time of the night.
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Also A2 just finished a case so highly unlikely

There will be comfy posting in A2 for the next 6 hours though probably
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Cultural Enrichment.png
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>when she wants the D
Is anyone streaming?
Doc or you still deciding?
still deciding

Fucking post the doc when ready, I'll suggest some ideas.
Today has been pretty good. Hope more happens tomorrow and so on.
Currently making it a fighting game tourney murder. Underdog beats champ figuratively, champ beats underdog physically

The Tiger's Den representative clearly is the culprit.
Alright you niggers, get in area 4. We got a fighting game case all built and ready for everyone
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Can you watch this shit somewhere?
Better yet go join. Area 4 FGC Super Fight Round Extreme Arcade Deluxe Edition 3.05
It looks fucking amazing, but I assume I have to finish all the games first for the best experience.

By the way, are ESL welcome here?
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Testify about your taste in men.png
34KB, 253x171px
ESL are welcome.

Also no you dont have to finish all of the games for the best experience, you really only need to have played one.
Everyone plays the characters however they want. Almost always they make up new personalities for the,
You will likely get spoiled on whatever games you havent played though, namely what characters transform and have breakdowns and such.
>download game
>4 GB
Will Gregory ever leave meme status
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Are there good cases archived somewhere?
Witches Exist
Link to case
Thread posts: 411
Thread images: 115

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