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Have you ever played vidya with /v/ before?

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Have you ever played vidya with /v/ before?
no and I don't plan to
Yes, but it wasn't Cash Shop:Go
joined the /vg/ battlerite discord for about a week

Played a couple games with some serb at 3 in the morning

was a pleasant enough experience.
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>playing with memesters who don't how to 'turn it off' outside of 4chan
Link very related

Played Haven and Hearth with /v/.
It was pretty enjoyable, but it ended pretty quickly.
Played TF2 on the Weeabootique and Party Van back in the day.

Was as you could expect.
I played eve online and freelancer for a bit. It was ok until people started getting serious business in eve.
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I played Dota with /v/. It's only fun in a private lobby.
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>literally /v/ has joined the room
old screenshot failed, but I recall was a tall black wimmin with an afro
Played Guild Wars 1 with /v/. It was pretty fucking awesome.
Played Overwatch with a few /v/irgins.


I played in a WoW guild with /v/. Guild chat was mostly meme spam and gorilla warfare copypasta, so just like regular /v/, I guess.
GTA V I think. Dudes I was playing with were bros but their Discord ended up being shit.
Yeah. Played SFV with some anons. Some were even pretty good.
was okay, I remember having some pretty fun games. no real trolls.
>vanilla wow private server
memes but fun.
grinding fun.
same as a normal lobby or kill the one shitlord acting like a pansy

Playing with /v/ is a gamble, you either get meme spouting tards or stone cold killing machines, I've had experiences with both.
You guys are all annoying losers who suck at video games.
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>playing MH with /v/
>no meme spewing faggots
>no shitters
>have fun
I got lucky, I guess.
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Yup! One of the most happiest moments of my life and I wish we would play together more often, /v/.
The Tera beta days with /v/ and /a/ were the best

i bodied everyone. One guy beat me then blocked me when i sent him an invite for runbacks. Then i bodied him 4 times straight when we got match up
I played Dead by Daylight with a few guys from the general thats about it.
Any PS4 anon here could join The Vidya community. We have like 900 members but not much talk or play games with each other.
Yep played Titanfall 2 and 100% OJ. Both were pleasant
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>playing with a guy from /v/
>he keeps making "hilarious" references to /v/ memes
>keeps making le laughing merchant jokes
>keeps saying goy, goyim, triggered, and cuck
>makes Trump jokes
>does an """"""incredibly funny"""""" Jew voice
Probably, could never tell.

I could tell when neo-/v/ is there though. Fuckin faggots.
Who wants to play Halo 3? I'll post GT if you guys are up
Never played with /v/. Was in the /vg/ trove club and played pokken with /vp/ though. Also ran into showderp on pokemonshowdown twice but obviously that wasn't intentional.
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Why are you people such embarrassing losers?

People who unironically use words like "cuck" and greentext and throw around board memes on other sites and in video games are hopeless.
>People who greentext outside of 4chan
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just 900? I recall it reached like 700 members within the first week it was created

so after over a year, only ~200 more
lets make the sequel

someone host
played rocket league with some of you
it was actually nice and nobody was spamming annoying chat shit
some were good some sucked ass but everyone was having a good time and didnt take it seriously
should do that more
back in 08 - 09 played a lot of garrys mod with /v/

basically nothing since then, you abandoned me
played some dota 2 in the old client
the inhouses were extremely autistic memefests
>gifted a random guy Red Orchestra 2
>says thank you and asks if I want to play with him
Uh uh uh Igottagodosomethingbye!!!
played star trek online with a couple people a year ago
some are even still my friends to this day
What is worse?

A.People from /v/ being cancerous in online games
B.People getting into arguments on youtube and using greentext
if it is text chat expect pure shit, voice chat works well enough as a restraint.
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I'd consider it if my pc wasn't dead and didn't have to pay for online. I wish I could have played Mercs 3D online but only picked it up recently.

Feels bad man, I just want to play d&d with my friends.
I played TF2 with /v/ and /a/ and had a blast.
>hilarious micspam
>kicking talkfags
>the best maps on rotation
>those Halloween events
>Weegee blocking the entire goddamn screen
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>Join warbros (/vg/ warframe clan)
>most people are chill
>but then there are a few bad apples
>sadly these are also the most active in the chat
>the most active people are the following:
>The_Great_Collapse is a huge SUFag who always tries to randomly ERP people and will join missions just to fuck them up and leave
>SkeletonJehova is a massive shitter who constantly begs for shit
>there's this group of like 6 people who circlejerk about SU, they are the sworn enemies of The_Great_Collapse
>SkeletonJehova is bearable at least, and unlike the others, actually plays the game and can contribute a lot to a mission, he's just retarded (self described himself today as "not the sharpest crayon in the lightbulb shed") and constantly asks for free shit
>aside from his slew of retardation its just SUfags circlejerking in chat when its not people irregularly posting riven mods and asking dumb questions
Thanks for the screenshot, now I know it's /pol/ shit and I don't need to bother even checking it out.
to be fair they dropped that style like 1 hour after
I block youtube comments, but I'll still play vidya with /v/
Monster Hunter with /v/ is the best.

It's like they take all the shitty memes from playing with randoms and just do none of them, I've played with about 100+ different anons at least throughout 3U/4U/Gen and there's only been a couple of shitters.
I wish the 3ds version of 3U had co-op capabilities without the wiiu. I'm not that far honestly so I'd probably suck ass anyway.
Bow ia literally the worst weapon, like it's at the bottom.
Played on a /v/erraria server for a while. They got me gud at expert mode
Yes and you're always a bunch of faggots/underage b&
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>play Terraria with /v/ for a couple of hours
>minimal meme spouting, just general work and discussion going on
>had a great time
It really depends on the kind of fanbase a game has here on this wonderful board.
Once, I added someone from a TF2 thread on /vg/ a few years back, he became insanely clingy and then told me he would kill me if I ever stopped coming online

Would also spam me with "SEN LOVE ME!" every 5 seconds, I would wake up with thousands of these messages from him and he would say "sorry I didn't mean it" whatever the fuck that means

Never again.
everyone here sucks at games
Did he end up killing you?

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A few Minecraft servers.
They were all awful.
Except for one.
I'll never have that much fun ever again.
Used to play Bad Company 2 with /v/
Minimal amount of meme spouting, and even then it was "in situation", minimal amount of greentexting, and just in general pretty cool people.
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Yeah a few times
Yeah and they were all completely insufferable. Except the Sonic Racing guys, somehow they turned out to be the coolest which shocked me.
I played on a Maplestory private server after what seemed like weeks of constant shilling. Nostalgia got the better of me, and I joined up with the /v/ guild.

It was terrible
I can never make it past the implying implications guy.
Greentext only because there's always that one asshole who tries to claim that's the same exact thing as quoting someone when called out.
All the goddamn time in Mount and Blade Warband and in the Napoleonic multiplayer expansion, mostly /pol/.
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Once. DotA2.

They're all a bunch of ironic funposting memelords
>tfw playing viscera cleanup detail with /v/
>tfw baneposting while crashing the elevator with no survivors
>tfw being a janitor and doing it for free
>tfw starting a riot in the main lobby after getting a poor rating on the job
I played Anarchy Online with /v/ for a little bit. It was alright.
Yeah, when the most recent SSX came out I played with a steady group of guys from /v/, they were pretty cool actually. A few of them were into fightan and we played a lot of MvC3

Also played easily dozens of hours of mk7 with /v/ people when it first came out and we always had an irc going, shit was cash

My experience has been only positive, I'd probably play more if I had as much free time as I did back then
played killing floor 1 during the first christmas event on a 100 man server, it was pretty fun

>100 people and we couldn't find the last zed
>finally we give up and everyone just throws all their grenades to find him in case he spawned in a wall or something
>the lag on my toaster brings me to 3 fps but we got the bastard
I just remembered too, I played a lot of epic mafia with /v/, probably the best games of EM I'd played, everyone played surprisingly smart
I've been playing with and managing a group since 2011 from v & vg (later on). Have a good group of people, anyone who acts like a fucktard or general idiot is banned or relegated to the discord. Systems work well.
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Sven Coop was pretty fun. Mostly just shitposting in the chat but at least there weren't people meme spouting with their mic. Chat was funny to read when the map sucked or had shitty cutscenes.
Always some wild shit.
I play vidya with several people I've met from /vg/ and /a/, but I made sure that none of them are cancerous memespouters.

Playing with newfags who think they're funny yelling "cuck", "kys", or whatever buzzword is in at the moment is never fun.
Risk of Rain with /v/ was the bomb, even when things fucked up horribly.
Used to run a stream on Mogulus/Livestream.

Played a variety of Vidya with an earlier /v/. Made some friends. Was a good time.

I can't play games with modern /v/ most of the time. Y'all just a bunch of meme spouting fags nowadays.
there was a /v/ server on cs source back in the day. that was pretty dank
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played s/ven few times was kinda fun

played some custom TF2 server and everyone was running around shouting "JUST"
when the dolphin emulator online was a thing
Played in /v/ vs Reddit Battlefield 3 match
Used to host Killing Floor servers when it was popular years ago
Some Civ 5 games.
Ace of Spades when it was good
Demon's souls with /v/
Dark Souls with /v/ too
Team Fortress 2 Dodgeball
That one game with the mouse and the cheese and shamans and shit
Watched lots of Mario Party retardy and Dragon Ball
I went fast with /v/

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something but I can't remember.
oh yeah I forgot I played the mouse game too
Half Life 2: Jaykin Bacon Source was legit one of the best MP experiences ever.
server full

someone alt+f4
Me too. Was pretty cool.
that game with the mouse cursors
another one with the jumping squares or something
>played overwatch with a gang from /owg/
>am absolute shit at the game
>having fun
>one guy is just saying "wow dude ur so cancer kill yourself" every time anyone dies other than him
>he is silver
DSP should have stayed dead.
Playing Smash with them now. Cool group of players but there's a few autists who shit up the thread every now and then.
I played Dota with a couple of guys and a girl from /d2g/

They were actually pretty level headed and nice
I briefly played with a group quite some time ago for ARMA 3. Was actually legitimately fun and a decent group of people. Sadly, way too much outer drama involved instead of purely focusing on the game.
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was in /bfg/ for a few months
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yep, tibia on some private server
>Playing with a bunch of retards who spend more time making faggy anime emblems than actually getting good
The /v/ Doodleordie room could use a little love, about a month ago we'd get hundreds of doodles a day, now it's down to 1 or 2


Apparently what happened was that new threads on /v/ increased the sites traffic by like ten times what it normally was and since most of the team has moved on and it's maintained by one guy the site crashed and didn't get fixed for like a week, by which stage the fad had passed

But yeah, it's tons of fun, you guys should check it out

I played Second Life with /v/ once. It took a whole four minutes before we proceeded to suck each other's big fat futa dicks.
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I played TERA with /a/ and /v/ during the closed beta and game launch.
It was some of the most fun I've had in a video game.
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>decide to play FFXIV with a few people from /v/ awhile ago
>"So whats on the menu? Sephirot and Nidhogg EX? Some savage Alexander?"
>"Umm, why are you wearing unglamored armor? How big is your characters futa cock? We're gonna stalk you!"
years and years ago when FOTM mmo's were still a thing a couple of the /v/ guilds were really fun

digimon online and dawntide were two of the most fun ones
I played some Smash, Mario Kart, and Fightcade games with /v/.

it was ok
>lurk vitagen and ps4gen for months
>see them getting together for game nights
>too shy to play with any of them because I'm afraid of being bullied for being shit at video games
I've played through a couple of games with /v/irgins.

The entirety of RE5 and 6 included.

It's okay when you vet them so you're not playing with children or anyone TOO autistic.
>m-m-m-my m-m-m-mic is b-b-b-bro-
Just talk, faggot, nobody cares that you sound like a bitch and are silent 90% of the time, it's just quicker.
Yes. It's 1000x more pathetic when people say cuck and REEEEE over the mic than it is in print. Really hammers home how terrible a disease autism is.
I'll play with /vg/ since there are a couple good groups that'll spring from generals for older/niche games. I've tried playing with /v/ but they were kinda just boring people who couldn't calm the fuck down.
When the mh4u demo was released, I played a lot of games with /v/. It was fun and everyone was a good sport.
Yes. They were lovely boys.

Risk of Rain and 100% Orange Juice
2009 or w/e I played on that mario kart map on tf2 on that /v/ server a lot and that that sky scraper map
This. I really miss those times.
>someone keeps picking the shitty music and not the FZERO music
played some mgs with /v/
OP's video is evidence enough that it sure as hell doesn't.

i joined a TF2 server advertised on /v/ once several years ago. was just like a pub server, but more memes
Tf2, and it was fun
Yeah, lots.
Old LoL
Mario Kart
Star Wars JKA
That Mega Man DOOM mod.
I met my gay online bf on /tosg/
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>run into a guy who spews "nigger" and "cuck" every time they all chat
>get him so riled up he ends up teamkilling his team and ragequitting to give an easy victory

Thanks 4chin
What about the apaches?
Played with a few people about a month back on an abandoned TF2 Fort Wars server. Don't really remember much meme spam going on.

You are the cancer

Outside of 4chan encounters with 4channers are some of the worst and most sperg things I've ever been through.
The only good one were watching a Hackers stream with /g/.
i played the same server
If TERA is one of your fondest memories I feel bad for you.
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With Halo 4 pissing people off, this Squally D guy or whatever his XBL name was put together a Reach lobby with goofy ass obstacle courses and puzzles and shit. It was a genuine blast. Link related.


Used to play a lot of Destiny and a couple games of Overwatch with /vg/. This gets me wondering. How many anons I've played video games with throughout my life and not even known it?
I've played blazblue and TF2ware with /v/ before. Neither was really that bad of an experience, only the people using mics in tf2 were fags
anyone here want to play minecraft?

it's been a few years. would be neat to see how the game has progressed
if I can even remember my username
I guy I took a art class with a couple of years ago constantly spouted shit like "pol is always right" and went on about "social justice workers".
I never mentioned that I actually knew what he was talking about, and AFAIK no one else did.

And he was 30.
Albin, you fucking retard.
Wish people would jump back on it even if its just 6v6. Stuff was pretty fun.
/owg/ is shit
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seven co-op

it was amazing
You feel bad for someone for having fun in a video game?
A fuck load of times.

Back in the Halo MCC days I used to add new like 10 new people every day and play with them. Shit was fucking great. /v/ halo bros are chill as fuck.
>it aint me starts playing
>thicc NPC's
Yeah, Drawful 2. It makes the game hundreds of times funnier, but people rarely join when I host :(
Mh is a pleb filter
Add like 10 new*
Me too. I notice something different about the people who play SFV on /v/.
>1. Shitposters don't play it
>2. Cancerous faggots listened to the shitposters, so they think it's horrible and don't play it
>3. Most bad players are too scared to play against other people on /v/, because they're afraid of bants from the big bad FGC. The ones that aren't scared are asking for help, and hoping that we aren't as bad as /v/ pretends we are. (Protip: Most people who play fighting games seriously are chill people as long as you don't pretend you know better than them without actually being good at the game)
>4. The good players on /v/ tend to be older and more mature. Most don't really talk shit, and are totally willing to give out advice to other players.
>5. SFV still has no voice chat, and it's hard to text chat in mid game, so no memes or cringy shit.
>6. Most people who play in /v/ rooms in fighting games actually enjoy playing games.
I just remember the admin managed to open everyone's cd-drive nonstop and turn on everyone's mic to hear their heavy breathing
Yes. I'm still waiting on the next board game online thread.
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It wasn't on Balmung so no, I'm not.
>notice they've got WoT on PS4
>download it to see what it's like
>start on Mines, classic tier 1 map
>didn't realize it defaults with voice chat audio on
>match timer hasn't even counted down yet
>"OMG god I'm going to get raped on this fucking map this map is cancer fucking russian devs"

I was never able to navigate to a menu and mute that shit faster than I did that day.
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>tfw will never play vidya again with /v/ and sidu-sama
I once played in a /v/ WOW guild on some private server. It was bearable for the first couple of hours, but then the americans came home from school with their funposting.

Funnily enough the only person that I met outside of that specific guild who confessed to 4chins was your typical autist, when chatting with him I could almost smell the cumstains on his sweatpants. He was pretty bro though.

General rule of thumb, never play anything with /v/ that features some kind of character customization, permanent progression or any sort of power in community/guild management, attention whores and other sort of cretins can't help themselves to not ruin things.
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>he thinks /v/ plays game
>at a vidya cosplay thread
>mention I'm going to a certain convention later that week
>some anon says he's going to be there too
>asks me if I want to meet up
>sure why not what's the worst that could happen
>find him at our meeting spot
>start shooting the shit and walking around for a bit
>every time he sees a big tiddied cosplayer he walks up to them points his fingers and yells check out these dubs
>he does this the whole time I'm with him
>eventually con staff warns him to stop because one of the girls reported him
>he turns to me with a fake frown and says feels bad man
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Dota 2: Memelords who are bad but think they are good, don't know how to turn it off and post memes in allchat. 3/10

Nostalrius/Vanilla WoW: A simultaneously tight-knit and contentious community, I was playing with them right when "cuck" was becoming popular so you can imagine what chat was like. They were nice and helpful though, so it evened out. 6/10

DoW 2 Beta: 3v3s against randoms while we went for gimmicky FUN strats, lots of fisting Wraithlords. 10/10

Monster Hunter 4U/X: Skill levels varying from hilarious scrub to godlike speedrunner, one time an Apex Rajang stunned this one dude and proceeded to whiff his Blanka Ball attack on him three times. Everybody saw and started spamming the chat, it was great. 10/10
Do you want to play on an /int/ server, that became /rus/ server? You don't
Shitposting aside, did you atleast have fun with him? Which one of you had a bigger neckbeard
You couldn't even escape because that would hurt his feelings
yes, TF 2 and Battlefront 2
you guys are alright
>all those sheev spins
I used to be a regular at the LoL EU west chatroom.

I noticed that older anons often didn't care too much about the chat and all the weird fucking drama going on and mostly just wanted to play.
Younger generations were really dramatic though. I remember this one guy who was completely terrible at the game, even worse than the random braindead bronze shitters, yet he always blamed everyone else. He was a walking dunning-kruger example.
I play/ed space Station 13 with /v/ and /vg/. Pretty neat, Ace of spades was fun too and board game online
Oh, and driftin.io, back when it was flavor of the month. Lots of Initial D and Redline posting, quality stuff.
Every server is bad

you are the actual guy most of the people in this thread are calling a retard.
>admin caps everyones FPS to like 10
I frequently see people go >implying implications
Anyone on /v/ who owns an Xbone is chill as fuck.

In general, best case scenario:
>High end PC: Mature adult with a good job
>Low end PC: Foreigner who can't afford better
>PS4: Idort who also owns a high end PC
>Xbone: Borderline normalfag who has more interests than vidya
>Wii U: Bought it to play Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101

Worst case scenario:
>High End PC: Doesn't play anything but MMOs and Esports shit. Likely still in HS/College.
>Low End PC: Steam Friends Thread
>PS4: Total Weeaboo
>Wii U: Autistic and underaged.
I found him mildly annoying, but it still beats walking around at a convention for hours by myself like some kind of friendless loser. Also, he had the bigger neckbeard only by virtue of me being asian and unable to grow proper facial hair.
I played Worms Armageddon and Age of Mythology with some anons a few years ago which was fun, since those games didn't really attract under-age memesters in our group.
I wish we could get some of those games going again, that was some fun shit.
Monster Hunter with /vg/ is rather enjoyable.

A couple of memers but nothing overboard.
>Caring about hurting his feelings
You should have told the guy to stop being a memeing faggot, and keep that shit on /v/. I have friends with Autism, and as long as I tell them to cut it out when they act retarded, shit's normally ok. You just have to grow a pair and tell them to knock it off when they get out of line. Most of them will, because they're desperate for friends.
>I went fast with /v/
I miss this
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I was there too but on TFT. That was definitely the most fun I've had in an mmo.

Use to with vgdn. Playlist has vids of shit we would play all the time. V isnt that bad when you get rid of everything v is ;)
Can anyone make UT99 server?
>playing random rocket league match
>guy in the game has some meme game
>pepe avatar
>constant writing "KEK KEK KEK" and greentexting
>hilarious micspam
for what, the micspammer and the one person that found it funny?
I was in NFA for the betas, it was a fun time.

i have a private one that is used by about 70 people.

not sure how I will get you in it though, because I'm sure as fuck not posting it here

you will also need to go through an interview
how is this different to any other CS match?
Once. Somebody had a Halo CE thread up, and posted a link to a download and a server IP, as well as a Teamspeak. Fairly entertaining, although I'm shit at Halo. I don't remember that many memes, but it's been a while.
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I tried playing FFXIV and WoW with /v/ and /vg/.

I don't even know where to start. Never again.
Those are probably the worst two MMOs to play with /v/. FFXIV is waifu idiots and WoW is just regular idiots.
/v/ can make waifus out of the ugly-ass models in WoW too, rest assured.
>Join a 4chan server
>Everybody knows me and what I do on the internet and targets me exclusively
>Change my name and log back in
>Everything's all normal now
risk of rain and smash
I have fun every time
>tfw ausfag
>could never be online when the guild wars were happening because i was a wage cuck
made some good friends from TFT tho, that skype group was fun
I tried to play Arma with A3G (I think it is?) before because I rarely play MP games but wanted to give it a try. It was incredibly cringey. Most were silent but 4-6 thought they were the funniest comedians on the planet making ironic "le" humor.
>thought they were the funniest comedians on the planet
those are among the worst /v/ people to play with
which nost guild? i was in both Bokus on nost and Bastion on retail with /vg/
>every time he sees a big tiddied cosplayer he walks up to them points his fingers and yells check out these dubs
>he does this the whole time I'm with him
>eventually con staff warns him to stop because one of the girls reported him

This is so retarded I actually chuckled. You should've told him to knock that shit off the second time he did it.
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Running the trains to meet NFA in battle was the best part.
Oh I've learned. I met a couple super chill people there too. We'd just set radios to proximity and fuck off on another part of the mission. Way more fun doing shit in a 2-4 man squad than 20-30 idiots.

But yeah, I rather talk to awkward semi-quiet people than arrogant dipshits spouting /pol/ memes constantly.
I always rekt /vg/ guild in AA and BDO with my normie hardcore guild
Salty Dogs. Never played retail past vanilla.
I played on the short-lived DDO clan from /ddg/, and I play Attorney Online, although that's now a general that's complete shit because it was kicked off of /v/.
It's always the /pol/ memes, can't ever be any of the good ones like /fit/ and /mu/.
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I play usually play risk of rain and ace of spades when there are servers going. Honestly, /v/ is not totally awful, its just the mentality that you have to be a meme loving fuck to be funny or relevant to discussion in game.
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It's fucking horrifying how big a circlejerk anything with /vg/ becomes. It's always the anime avatars. ALWAYS.
I used to play Heroes of the storm with some people from /v/. Everyone was ok except for this one guy who wouldn't stop yelling at the team for every little mistake. He was one of the best on the team, about even with my skill level, so it didn't bother me too much.
It's mostly the shallow games, some generals are too full of tryhards to have RPing attention whores.
Some games have been great to play with /v/ in the past.

Most games are awful to play with /v/.

There's a cutoff point in any game /v/ plays together where it goes from fun to "please kill yourselves" and it's usually about 10 people or 3 days in. Sometimes <10 people is great, but player 11 just makes people go full retard.

Then you have the people who join a game right away who were very interested in playing from the start, and it's incredibly fun, but then you get those stragglers who don't really care about the game and are just looking to piss people off and it ruins it for everybody.

Source: Haven and Hearth, Wurm, Subrosa, SWAT 4, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, etc.

The list goes on of games that have been ruined by /v/ that were fun to play with /v/ for a while.
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Sadly I have.
Any of you fags interested in playing Worms Armageddon again?
We used to get a few games going a while back which always used to be comfy and fun.
I once had a three hour long conversation with this guy who started oversharing his life details, talking about how he was on all these meds, and just got a huge inheritance, and all sorts of outlandish shit, and then at the end he went "JUST KIDDING I'm a pathological liar hehe" and I just went "ok". Then every time he IMed me after that he'd try to pick fights and get in arguments for some reason. Bear in mind this was all over the course of like... three days or something. Deleted him because I can't be doing with that.

I just want somebody to pubstomp with, god damn.
i play rct2 with /v/ when theres a server up its alright. i do miss playing swat 4/Raven Shield
>TERA is only good for being a waifu creator and ERPing now
and I still play it
Freelancer with /v/ was pretty good
Never play with /v/ in an open server

You will come to the painful realization of who your peers are

Of course, there are some cool ass people on here
I played Arma 3 with /a3g/. Some of the best gaming experiences come from there. The mod pack was pretty good and for a while there was steady influx of new ops. It died though which sucks because Arma 3 is useless without a group to play with.
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>Any General on /vg/ that was around on /v/ back in the day is 100% meme free and good to play with
>/v/ is ALWAYS terrible to play with
>so is /k/
>/b/ is fun because they are all children so ez kills
>>Any General on /vg/ that was around on /v/ back in the day is 100% meme free and good to play with

Wew lad. Don't visit those generals today bub.
Way back when CS:S was still a thing I played and eventually moderated the partyvan.

It was amazing, and I fondly remember having an argument with another admin on the server which would result in us kicking each other back and forth. Not to mention the constant but organized mic and soundspam along with banning everyone that complained about it.

Too bad Mike went full jew and sold us out to the normies so he could bleed them for cash. Fuck you Mike you fucking jew asshole.
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>Playing COD: BLACK COCKS 3 on PC
>wrecking motherfuckers left, right, and center with my pump action shotgun. (gold-diamond camo nigga)
>FUCKING SCRUB GIT GUD, only fags use shotguns! etc
>Gather enough salt to put the Dead Sea to shame
>Except for this one guy. I keep carrying my team in TDM (usually 30+kills and single digit deaths)
>He keeps carrying his team with a similar score.
>5 matches in a row we're both fighting for dominance and the scores always end 98 to 100, 99 to 100, etc.
>He's destroying people with his sniper rifle, I with my shotgun.
>Compliments me after I pull off a difficult shot after narrowly dodging under his bullet with a boosted slide
>Recommends us dropping, regrouping in lobby as a pre-made so we're always on the same team
>Proceed to completely BTFO all teams. The 2 of us alone accounting for 50+ kills on our team.

Only knew he was /v/ because of his smug PePe picture. When I asked, said he was a "vermin" and nothing else. Commented I too liked to post on a Tibetan Throat Singing Forum. We laughed, kept playing. he hasn't been online since then :(
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anyone wants to play anything?

That sounds lame as fuck, anon

Yeah, i played Sven Coop with /v/ too. Was fun. I made a video, but i never made it public.
Been playing with /v/ groups since that BF3 times. Never had an issue like in OP's video but expecting for people to drop the "/v/ act" in a group fromed on /v/ itself is pretty dum.
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>Play with /tfg/
>They don't talk much, but have a few good laughs every once in awhile
>Everyone plays well or is actively trying to git gud
>Consistently kick ass as a group
You guys are alright
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wrong pic
S/v/en coop
Minecraft, Microvolts, Mabinogi, several others.


it was a mistake

too many meme-spewing retards and too many evil little antisocial pricks
I've played with normal /v/ users and it was fun

if the guy spouts memes in steam then he's underage and you should block delete him.

it's your problems that you play with underage or cancerfaggots
>/v/ is massively underaged
no surprise there
>play online game with some people from /v/
>first guy is an American wehraboo
>second one is an animefag
>third one keeps spamming memes and greentext
>fourth one is unironically autistic
Never again.

what are you trying to play anon?
Yeah and it was fun because I was playing a game that doesn't produce shitters (Battlefront 2)
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>play shit meme game
>be surprised when the players are retards
I played TF2 and Dolphin once here

It was fun
90% of my monster hunter online was with /v/, and it was fine.
I played a lot of red orchestra 1 and 2 with /v/, and it was fine.

Honestly I just play games that don't have autistic fanbase to begin with
I did, and I had a good time, I've met many great people here.
Many years ago I did and I had a blast.
I think I played with the same people. Things were... okay, until I entered their discord to find a few insufferable, meme-spouting kids. Every second word was some sort of indecipherable, high-pitched utterance of a meme. 100% Cancer.
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>the last time /v/ and /a/ got along
with /v/ I've played garry's mod, tf2, csgo, dota2, dawn of war 2, tribes, unreal tournament 99 and 04, arma 3 and many other games. I've always had a good time. most of my time in tf2 was in /v/ servers filled with micspam
i'd rather play with you faggots than with ether randumbs or leddit trash. hell I actually prefer playing with than with my irl friends. at least you fucks don't have toasters
Yeah, 8-9 years ago /v/ used to have Halo CE servers. Ragnarok Online, Wurm, etc.

You really have to be careful to only play games that filter retards nowadays if you play with /v/. This place is infested by literal children and autists now.
Press F to pay respects, he prob got cancer and died long time ago.
played dota2 with /vg/ shitters
Risk of Rain with /v/ is top tier.
I've played TF2 and CS with /v/. It was surprisingly pleasant and meme-free.
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Just stay out of the Discord, it's admin is an 18 year old autist who banned me because he think I'm part of some drama with a tranny he's pissy over who I don't even know.
I played nostalrius with /nosg/ for a few months when the server originally launched and god damn there were some bros but most of them were absolutely fucking vile people. I wont be joining any of those fuckers for round 2.
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>found the giant enemy crab video
>feels surge through me
>spent the entire time looking for myself
>found myself
>even happier
I play in the dark souls 3 fightclubs with /vg/ when they're up. I usually get my shit kicked in because of my shitty australian internet, but I usually have a good time.
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I played Besiege """with""" /v/ and was the first to mechanically harness the power of the chaos engine. That was a load of fun.

I played both Rust and Ark with /v/ and/or /b/ entirely based on the mass of sekrit club memery and edginess. Which was not a load of fun.
Does anyone want to play CIV 5?
The people in op's video sound underage
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Sometimes by chance
I once played with /v/ in Serious Sam 2. What a blast. If I was on my PC I'd also upload a screenshot
/vg/ to be precise, /dsg/ to be even more precise

but also played a ton of other random shit like sf4 and maybe some nwn but i can't remember
Play WoW private server with /vg/, betty fun for a while. Don't overplay the game and it will be gud.
No, because /v/ does not play vidya.

In all seriousness tho - yes, I've played several times, some anon set up a lobby in SK:SV in one of the older SK threads and we've played for some times (there were two more people), then there were Town of Salem sessions, the .io games, and that one time I've met /v/irgin in WoW party for one of the WoTLK dungeons, we've talked a bit and then parted our ways.
I don't have anyone from /v/ on my friendlists on Steam / PSN / XBL / etc. And I would not want that.
>14 year olds in the video are old enough to post on /v/ now
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played AoS with /v/

it was fckn nice
Yeah. I like memespouters better than redditurds and normalfags. Unfortunately many /v/ users are reddit anyway.
I played dota 2 with /vg/ before. I raped them and they all went mental at me for being a "tryhard"

How do u even get raped by a crystal maiden
Quite a lot of 4chan play RO2. Not just /v/, but /k/, /pol/ and /a/.
It's all fun until retards maining both /v/ and /pol/ comes over. These are the worst, not just in specific game.
Please stop using "cuck" outside of this place, especially stop using it in the nicknames. It doesn't make you any cooler, just makes other anons know you're a faggot, retard and memester. Being associated with /v/ and /pol/ is not good thing.

Weebs are pretty cool though and fun to play. They have more of /a/ and /jp/ mindset, even after all this time. teek and Touhou Fortress were my most fun times playing online games.
/k/ is amusing as well.
>added a random guy from /v/
he is a very cool guy

>played Neotokyo, SF4 with /v/
it was alright

>played R6 Siege with /r6g/
it was pretty good

4 years ago
rip doom parties
I'm still going to call people cucks. It's funny.
How so? Lots of anons consider this word with the lowest tryhard faggots from /v/ or /pol/
not really
I think I might have played Mario Kart 7 with some people here years and years ago at Christmas time.

This board can be horrible, but I always love playing games with other people here. I seem to miss most of the games that are set up, though.
I don't know. It's just amusing to me when people take basically anything they dislike and attach -cuck to it. It's also amusing how anally annihilated people get over something they claim is only said by retards. I don't care about how /pol/ uses it.

Maybe I'm just retarded since I still find old internet macros and blowjob exploitables funny.
payday 2. was boring, didn't have good convos. unfriended him.
Ace Of Spades, E.Y.E, Doom, few other things.
>just makes other anons know you're a faggot, retard and memester.
They can keep doing it for all I care. Helps me to identify which faggots to avoid.
Yes. My can even see my mice in this vid.
>6 years ago
Damn, just damn.
Yeah, back in like 2006-2012. In 2012 it started to go downhill, too many new faces to keep up with.

Didn't help that they felt the need to spout memes every time they opened their mouth. There was meme spouting even back in 06, it just wasn't frequent and it wasn't random. It broke the ice in stale conversations and reset the mood.
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If you mean people I've added from /v/ then yes, pretty much regularly.
Thankfully, I've never experienced such a meme shitfest as others are remembering. Its really just regular playing games stuff.
Some of them are quite "bad" players though. Maybe not bad per se, but they are kinda behind sometimes. So I kinda avoid two of them, because its more of a drag to play with 'em.

Other than that. The only time I've played with /v/ directly, was when Ace of Spades made its first appereance in, what was it? 2009? 2010? That and the related threads were quite a lot of fun actually.
But these days there are too many underage faggots around I guess.
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>not matsumoto
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I play GTA Online with /vg/
It's comfy, no one attacks it's each other, plus we bully griefers until they leave so you can do missions easily.
I genuinely lift.
Moonbase Alpha
It was funny as fuck

also Zombie Master, since it was packed full with early chan memes
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Where can I download all of the episodes (with subs)?
Tfw Tanaka master-race
i used to, shit was cash
Yep, a few monster hunter games. It's always great when it happens, because the average /v/irgin is way better than some underage random.
A pretty good way to tell if a community on /vg/ has gone to shit or not is to look at the OP image for the general. If it's just some lazy photoshop of a famous image but with the face of one of the characters or someone related to the game slapped on then you know without a doubt it's complete circlejerky shit at that point.
Just Cause 2 multiplayer, was a blast.
big races and just fun. Starting point? Spaghetti island
yes, it was horrible
playing with people from /k/ was much more fun
I've played Skullgirls with someone on /v/. It was fun.
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Played TF2 once, we had one round of control points and then everybody just kind of left. It was pretty disappointing.
>It's all fun until retards maining both /v/ and /pol/ comes over.

Dunno about /v/ but like 90% of the matches I've had in RO2 the last two or three years have been nothing but /pol/ and Aussies which is odd considering I'm playing on servers with a low ping near Seattle.
no one thinks your pleasant zika, stop talking about yourself
fuck no why would i subject myself to that level of autism?!
Tried Dota2 a few times, too much cancer and retards bad at the game.
I'll play with people from /v/, anybody except Americans or Canadians though. 99% of the Americans are tards and about 99% of Canadians are literal pussies. Britfags tend to be chill, Ausfags are funny. Although I've noticed the German ones tend to be furry or autistic.

those goblin tranny voices
bump because video games

Insurgency with /k/ is a fun affair
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>try playing Mario Kart with /v/
>leave because everyone is fucking garbage at the game compared to any of my friends
Played with a bunch of /v/ guys in the hype days of DayZ mod. Was fun.
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Not counting browser based games, I played classic Doom with some mods on a /v/ server setup, before the days of /vr/. It was surprisingly civil.
I played Phantasy Star Online 2 with the /vg/ group,
helpful bunch and chill, but it gets weird when you just stay in the red room, everyone having a loli character
We've already had this thread but ofcourse faggots on CS:GO are going to sound like faggots whether they browse 4chan or not.
I've played with people from /v/ in Diablo 1 and 2 as well as Serious Saturdays and those all went find and dandy. But of course when you play trash that's what you're going to group with.
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>It's a "everyone from v must be an underage memester" episode

I've found plenty of normal people from /v/, I remember having fun playing some Dawn of War online matches with them and a few other games. They didn't greentext or did le ebin meme references you guys speak of, maybe you just play games that draw in a certain crowd of people.
You obviously never played those wacky custom maps on TF2 or Source with /v/ then.
Mute is a thing if you don't enjoy what's getting micspammed.
tfw in a milsim clan for arma 3.
Sometimes it's OK because you get huge missions with a lot of people, but other times it's not fun.
I played in the ff14 /vg/ guild. It was no raiding and a lot of ERP.
I want to play fug. Sven Co-op was my shit back in the day
>Grinding Heiracon for relics
>Some Frost joins
>Notice his name is "TheHolocaustIsALie"
>Chuckle, congratulate him on the name
>He says he triggers shit tons of people with his name
>Say a few jew jokes
>Mission was fast, efficient, and pretty fun
Surprised he hasn't been banned by DE yet. Normally they'd go apeshit at names like NuckFiggers, or KasGikes
Really about it for me, great times
/a/ and /jp/ users are the most fun and skilled to play with, /v/ is cancer, 9/10 are newfags who can't stop memeing.
You can only do that stuff if you're good looking anon. You should've told him that.

I-i-i would play with you
/sg/ is still pretty bro though.
It was FAST actually most people were llamas. You guys need to git gud
Long wait until it's your turn, but probably the most fun I've ever had with /v/. Also, someone gifted me a head skin, so I could wear pantsu on my head. Thanks
>Ace of Spades
Robotic nipples
>Guild Wars 2
Get raped by huge women with cocks, enjoy it
Get raped by little girls with cocks, enjoy it
Drama and conspiracy
Squads actually working together
>Browser games (driftin.io, thatCubeBuildingGame.io...)
Pretty good. Some memorable stories, like the "pls-no-bully impostor" one
>/v/ servers literally fell out of style because of a jewtubrle video
It is a damn shame, they were fun most of the time
That game was really fun. I kicked ass and only ever used the beginner car.
literally me
Fuck I miss those days.
Yes. It was awful.
/jp/ was actuallu good though.
Yes, just once. E.Y.E., nobody spoke, everyone did their thing and there was zero communication. I left after half an hour, felt like playing with bots.

I've encountered tons of people from 4chan though, pretty much everyone was cool and either knowledgable of the game in question or just likeable. I've never seen the dreaded memelords everyone keeps claiming this site spawns, reddit on the other hand... Christ they're obnoxious. I've never visited that website but fuck me I have no interest of checking it out and run into them again.
/v/ has a guild in a Ragnarok server right now. WoE just started today but we don't have enough guys or the gear to really participate.

played csgo and tf2 with /v/ and theyre fucking awful players

im 3750 in overwatch and i know enumbre loves posting his shitty webms here
yea when i played league with redditfags i just got meme spouting mom fucking 10 year old trannies
>admin managed to open everyone's cd-drive nonstop
I remember that was a thing now. What's the command for it?
It's a hit or miss.

There is the occasional annoying idiot memelord but everyone ignores him and quits

My main issue with reddit is not only they're obnoxious but they're super fucking tryhards at everything and think they're hot shit yet they play worse than your avarage /v/irgin
>play dota
>join the /vg/ channel
>play with a guy
>14 years old
>spams /pol/ memes
It's not even that, it's the manner these people spoke. I'm used to people being blunt and clear, reddit guilds and parties I joined had this air of awkwardness around them. People were overly nice and sweet but incredibly judgmental at the same time, basically don't exert any negativity just lock it inside of you and let it seep from time to time. Like fuck just call me a faggot and tell me to get good and be done with it.
My current circle of online friends started with a /v/ trading thread. I also ran into a bunch of /v/ during KF2's free beta period.
I remember playing Haven and Hearth with /v/ a few years back
Camwhore detected
>Zombie Master
Damn, I remember that.
Great game. Still remember the noises the zombies made
The little village we made in Wurm was fantastic.
>Kakos "Literally Hitler" Kolos
Must have been a good game.
yeah, it was dumb fun
It was mad decent.

It was a ton of fun

Wish we could still do it

>what happens when you play with /v/
>win tribes tourney against a bunch of reddit try hards

That was a glorious day.
i have played street fighter 3rd strike on fightcade and maybe other games too and there was a guy on steam who gifted me skullgirls and we talked for hours all were cool as fuck,i have yet to meet someone who is a sperg and shit, outside /v/ i think everyone would be cool if they get the right company.
Same here, good times
I've played EYE
I didn't know you could even get to game over in EYE, yet we did almost every mission
there are a lot of retards on garrysmod(yes im gay) and they all spout memes non-stop, usually they're in their late/mid teens.

TTT best gamemode
I played E.Y.E. as well, missions were going fast as fuck and everyone was just hacking eachother constantly and/or trying to overdose eachother on meds
>you will never play Vietcong with /v/ ever again
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Why don't you fucking idiots understand? The shit you face has nothing to do with playing with /v/ or fucking anyone else.

You find fucking autists who behave autistically because of the fucking games you play. If you play games that attract underage fucksticks you are going to find underage fucksticks regardless of what site they browse in their free time. I have almost never played a game with people from /v/ that acted like that because I don't play garbage that this kind of people are attracted to like flies to shit.
I got banned too and I literally didnu nuffin.
I played a bit with the /v/ squad in Battlefield 3. It was fun, the meme shit was kept to acceptory level
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Fun times
This. Coolest dude i met was a /v/ermin but he hated /pol/ so i told him to go fucken hang himself like the nigger he is.
Sounds like my kind of guy.
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That was your first mistake, anon.
I used to play on the /v/ cs 1.6 server, it was fun in short bursts because you could spam sound clips and it had some good maps. Haf of those who played were awful and the rest got typekilled.
Put more effort next time
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what kind of le mature video games do you play?
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>/v/eegees mansion will be forever dead
The server was likely randoms if not set up in a thread or pass protected. Those randoms are like the zombies doing the same things they would in solo.
Why would it be a bad thing? Does coming from /v/ makes you automatically an awful person? You tell me.
Many times, and the only games that weren't filled with meme spewing autists was Ace of Spades, Runescape, and CSGO Gro/v/e Street server surprisingly
XIV's playerbase, especially the fucking waifu/ERPfags, are bad enough. I don't even want to think how utterly cancerous a /v/ group would be on there.
It wasn't v exactly, but I did ask for help on a Bloodborne chalice boss in the vg general.
played emerald dream feenix wow server with /v/, the /v/idya, ended up being one of the best guilds on the realm

and i've played wurm online with /v/ many times, always fun
There was a frequent 1.6 server hosted that was really fun.

Especially when everyone would just use Tactical shields
Yes plenty of times.
It's been a lot of fun.

Terraria, Warcraft 3 and Minecraft.

No voice chat though.
its not about being an "awful" person, people from /v/ are just generally obnoxious and insufferable
le leddit upboat culture
here have my +1 upboat and +1 internetz :DDDD
pls include me in the screencap trololololol XDd
Sins of a solar empire, dawn of war 2, stuff like that. Also sometimes fun shit like EDF. I'm not saying stuff I play is "le mature" but they most definitely don't attract drooling retards like pleb shit like CS, TF2 and your average moba.
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>join Nostalrius /v/ guild
>chat is spammed with ebin greentext, "cuck" "cuck" "cuck", JUST and some faggot attention whoring all day about how he is a passable "trap"
Played Battlefront 2 with /v/ at Christmas a few years back. It was good fun.
with /vg/ generals yes but not /v/

Mixed bag. Some people were normal and good at the game, others ERP and shit at the game.
i see your point, guess you're right
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Oh yeah I used to play fallout online with /v/. Most of the server population in open beta 3 or whatever was "The Bros" from /v/ and everyone hated us except one admin that just wanted to watch us do shit
Cuck's honour, friend.
is this shit still alive? i tried to get into it but i got bored.
This. Played CS with /v/, was fun as fuck!
I think that particular server died years ago, that screenshot is from like 2009
Never with /v/.
Sometimes played with War Thunder with /wtg/, it's pretty much banter central.
/ss13g/ is full of waifu-fags and attention whores.
>giant fucking guild v guilds with Touch Fluffy Tail and No Fun Allowed where hundreds of people at a time wouldn't even load on my screen

god fucking times, shame it went to shit after release
I used to play Reach, MK, Destiny, and GTAV with /v/. Only in Reach did I run in to a meme-obsessed retard.
Yeah, a lot of Street Fighter. Beat the fuck out of that super good Zangief player once, but he styled on me every time after the once. Even got the team battle achievement because of that.
I also still have a dude on my Steam friends list because we played the FFXIV beta together. He's a good dude.
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I played Diablo II and Warcraft III with /v/.
Diablo II guys were tryharding skipping shitload of places, just rushing through the first act, no time to enjoy the game. Besides meme names they were your usual dudes though, that including me. No spaghetti or pointless rage.
I left without a word somewhere around barracks and the smith because they were too fast for me. Sorry guys.
In Warcraft III we played 1 round of murder at the mansion and it was autism. Everyone was shy and silent, the host seemed pretty stressed out. Everyone left the game without finishing it after ~5 minutes. Host tried to play some God's Land but no one joined and then he raged at people in thread for discussing the game instead of joining his room.
So far I didn;t had much pleasant experiences with /v/, playing minecraft with /mlp/ was much better.
Steven's Universal
Never play MMOs with /v/.
Maybe. If I did then I didn't notice and am happier for it.
I tend to not talk about the imageboards I visit while playing online games and dont particularly care about people that do.
that's how you play diablo 2 , the first difficulties are far too easy to bother spending any time there

if you want to enjoy the scenery like everyone else did 20 years ago, play solo
oh sick
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4craft with the /v/ guild
I really had a lots of fun and even joined the raidcall, we played rules of nature while raiding /tg/
It was really fun
I played neverwinter, sto, and allods with /v/ and everyone was pretty chill.
The three times I've added people from /v/ stream threads they either ended up typing in geentext arrows or using mfw before every sentence. Or the guy who kept acting really submissive typing like 'n-no, w-what' etc, which I later found out he was trying to start some gay roleplay bullshit.

Never again. Rather play with reddit.
The problem was that everyone was all over the place and my minimap for some reason refused to show them on the map, so I got lost constantly. There was no time for anything, we skipped so many minions that as a barb I died from few hits because I was so under leveled and with shit equipment. I guess I was just too out of place. Those guys were probably multiplayer veterans while I only played singleplayer and lan multi with friends.
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>played Blade & Soul with /vg/
>they couldn't go 1 day without starting a erp circlejerk
I just wanted to play an mmo with someone god damn it
You don't have to wonder. /Xivg/ is IMO the most cancerous thing on /vg/. I've seen whole threads go by without discussion. Just a big stalker ERP bonanza.
>not expectinga a circlejerk
c'mon anon
This happens to every general there except stalker general
what's a cd-drive
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I played System Shock 2 co-op with a bunch of fags from here once.
It was incredible.
To the guys who mentioned playing TF2 with /v/: Did you play on Funhouse of plebs (or something like that, can't even remember the actual name for the sever anymore)?

Most fun I ever had playing an online FPS. Sure, sometimes some people memed to much but most of the time it was hell of a fun. Sad that the community and the server died down after a while.
nice vid anon
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Did you crash often?
Playing WoW with /vg/ was honestly the best gaming experience I've had. The MoP era community was so tightly knit and fun to be around, I still talk with some of the friends I made back then and even met some in real life.
A few times. We actually got to the recreation deck before shit hit the fan and we had to restart.
not /v/ but
>play soul calibur v online
>it's 100% tryhards being faggots over mics and playing as CaS animu succubi
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Not sure if they are actually from /v/ or /pol/ but the people from the RO2 server I usually play on meme like true /v/irgins.

One of the reasons why I still play RO2 and it being the only good "realistic" FPS that is not an autism simulator like Arma or that now standalone BF2 mod.

If the people from 40-1 are here, I love you guys.
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>join battlefield general /bfg/
>jump into a squad filled with bros
>no one talks but chat is fun and we're well coordinated
>dominate entire game without even trying, we're just fucking around the map
I want to get BF1 just to play with these glorious assholes.

>Junku shitposting
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What are some games that are easy to get into that I can pay with 4chan dudes? I'm getting tired of playing alone.

You can play pretend____
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It's all 14 year olds. It's the worst. Don't ever do it, please.
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thanks anon

Yep, the map rotations on those servers were great.
Yeah. You're either massive faggots or really nice guys. Not much in between.

Most of you suck at games.
I did when sven coop released 5.0, it was terrible, full of kids I swear. Memespouting, le edgy nazi /pol/ shit and worst of all, mlp loving fags. ruined sven coop for me, not even the 3.0 memories could save the thought of what /v/ did to that game. Also fuck this boards opinion on any game. if it ain't anime loli it aint good here.
>Playing video games with /v/ ever

have fun with you're overused jew jokes and /v/ memes such as "REALLY MAKES U THINK HUH" and "WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS"

This place is cancer and yet every day i'm drawn back into this cesspool of shit by myself
what did he mean by this?
I've played a little bit of LoL, Nostalrius (the old one) and did some fight clubs in all three dark souls games with /v/

wasn't that bad but just too many memes
Only Risk of Rain with /v/. I'd probably play more games with /v/ if /v/ wasn't so illergic to fun.
>play Ragnarok 2 with friends
>a /vg/ guild pops on the game and rekts a lot
>they have a dressing code
>imitate dressing code
>notice they accept me
>I git gud really fast
>my friends treat me like some kind of demi-godd for playing with the "palm tree cool kids club"
>game dies
>everything dies

Good times, I learnt a lot from those guys.
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>Played TTT with /v/ once
>All the deceiving that was going on
>Very little memeing
TTT seems like it would be a fuck-ton of fun if you weren't playing with autists and trigger happy admins.
It's really fun when you have T's who are actively trying to turn people against each other or pin murders on people
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its fun desu
You usually just need one good detective to make the game actually fun.
>the president is /pol/ shit

I mean I guess. But It's going to be hard talking to 63 million people if your response to everything they say is.

>back to /pol/
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>people you meet on 4chan are cancer autists
>people you meet elsewhere but also happen to use 4chan tend to be pretty based

Has anyone else noticed this trend or am I just lucky?
i love TTT even with randoms, americans talk so fucking much though lol, gets pretty rowdy on a 36/36 server
I've played numerous games with /v/, and nearly every single person was spamming music down voice comms, or copy pasting shit memes into text chat.

I'm sure there were some nice guys there, but hearing them amongst the barrage of underage fucks was nigh impossible.
People on /v/ don't play videogames you dumbass
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Epic Mafia was pretty fun before /vg/ happened.
Minecraft with /v/ was the shit.
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